#william j. richardson
cozyaliensuperstar7 · 2 months
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Beautiful People 👑
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justalittlesolarpunk · 4 months
I’ve teased it. You’ve waited. I’ve procrastinated. You’ve probably forgotten all about it.
But now, finally, I’m here with my solarpunk resources masterpost!
YouTube Channels:
The Solarpunk Scene
Solarpunk Life
Solarpunk Station
Our Changing Climate
The Joy Report
How To Save A Planet
Demand Utopia
Solarpunk Presents
Outrage and Optimisim
From What If To What Next
Solarpunk Now
The Extinction Rebellion Podcast
The Landworkers' Radio
What Could Possibly Go Right?
Frontiers of Commoning
The War on Cars
The Rewild Podcast
Imagining Tomorrow
Books (Fiction):
Ursula K. Le Guin: The Left Hand of Darkness The Dispossessed The Word for World is Forest
Becky Chambers: A Psalm for the Wild-Built A Prayer for the Crown-Shy
Phoebe Wagner: When We Hold Each Other Up
Phoebe Wagner, Bronte Christopher Wieland: Sunvault: Stories of Solarpunk and Eco-Speculation
Brenda J. Pierson: Wings of Renewal: A Solarpunk Dragon Anthology
Gerson Lodi-Ribeiro: Solarpunk: Ecological and Fantastical Stories in a Sustainable World
Justine Norton-Kertson: Bioluminescent: A Lunarpunk Anthology
Sim Kern: The Free People’s Village
Ruthanna Emrys: A Half-Built Garden
Sarina Ulibarri: Glass & Gardens
Books (Non-fiction):
Murray Bookchin: The Ecology of Freedom
George Monbiot: Feral
Miles Olson: Unlearn, Rewild
Mark Shepard: Restoration Agriculture
Kristin Ohlson: The Soil Will Save Us
Rowan Hooper: How To Spend A Trillion Dollars
Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing: The Mushroom At The End of The World
Kimberly Nicholas: Under The Sky We Make
Robin Wall Kimmerer: Braiding Sweetgrass
David Miller: Solved
Ayana Johnson, Katharine Wilkinson: All We Can Save
Jonathan Safran Foer: We Are The Weather
Colin Tudge: Six Steps Back To The Land
Edward Wilson: Half-Earth
Natalie Fee: How To Save The World For Free
Kaden Hogan: Humans of Climate Change
Rebecca Huntley: How To Talk About Climate Change In A Way That Makes A Difference
Christiana Figueres, Tom Rivett-Carnac: The Future We Choose
Jonathon Porritt: Hope In Hell
Paul Hawken: Regeneration
Mark Maslin: How To Save Our Planet
Katherine Hayhoe: Saving Us
Jimmy Dunson: Building Power While The Lights Are Out
Paul Raekstad, Sofa Saio Gradin: Prefigurative Politics
Andreas Malm: How To Blow Up A Pipeline
Phoebe Wagner, Bronte Christopher Wieland: Almanac For The Anthropocene
Chris Turner: How To Be A Climate Optimist
William MacAskill: What We Owe To The Future
Mikaela Loach: It's Not That Radical
Miles Richardson: Reconnection
David Harvey: Spaces of Hope Rebel Cities
Eric Holthaus: The Future Earth
Zahra Biabani: Climate Optimism
David Ehrenfeld: Becoming Good Ancestors
Stephen Gliessman: Agroecology
Chris Carlsson: Nowtopia
Jon Alexander: Citizens
Leah Thomas: The Intersectional Environmentalist
Greta Thunberg: The Climate Book
Jen Bendell, Rupert Read: Deep Adaptation
Seth Godin: The Carbon Almanac
Jane Goodall: The Book of Hope
Vandana Shiva: Agroecology and Regenerative Agriculture
Amitav Ghosh: The Great Derangement
Minouche Shafik: What We Owe To Each Other
Dieter Helm: Net Zero
Chris Goodall: What We Need To Do Now
Aldo Leopold: A Sand County Almanac
Jeffrey Jerome Cohen, Stephanie Foote: The Cambridge Companion To The Environmental Humanities
Bella Lack: The Children of The Anthropocene
Hannah Ritchie: Not The End of The World
Chris Turner: How To Be A Climate Optimist
Kim Stanley Robinson: Ministry For The Future
Fiona Mathews, Tim Kendall: Black Ops & Beaver Bombing
Jeff Goodell: The Water Will Come
Lynne Jones: Sorry For The Inconvenience But This Is An Emergency
Helen Crist: Abundant Earth
Sam Bentley: Good News, Planet Earth!
Timothy Beal: When Time Is Short
Andrew Boyd: I Want A Better Catastrophe
Kristen R. Ghodsee: Everyday Utopia
Elizabeth Cripps: What Climate Justice Means & Why We Should Care
Kylie Flanagan: Climate Resilience
Chris Johnstone, Joanna Macy: Active Hope
Mark Engler: This is an Uprising
Anne Therese Gennari: The Climate Optimist Handbook
Solarpunk Magazine
Positive News
Resurgence & Ecologist
Ethical Consumer
Films (Fiction):
How To Blow Up A Pipeline
The End We Start From
Woman At War
Black Panther
Star Trek
Films (Documentary):
2040: How We Can Save The Planet
The People vs Big Oil
Wild Isles
The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind
Generation Green New Deal
Planet Earth III
Video Games:
Terra Nil
Animal Crossing
Gilded Shadows
Anno 2070
Stardew Valley
Solarpunk Futures
Perfect Storm
Advocacy Groups:
A22 Network
Extinction Rebellion
Friends of The Earth
Green New Deal Rising
Buy Nothing
Too Good To Go
European Co-housing
UK Co-housing
US Co-housing
Brought By Bike (connects you with zero-carbon delivery goods)
ClimateBase (find a sustainable career)
Environmentjob (ditto)
Businesses (🤢):
Ethical Superstore
Fairtransport/Sail Cargo Alliance
Let me know if you think there’s anything I’ve missed!
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legallybrunettedotcom · 8 months
As promised @possession1981 and I have compiled a list of Buffy the Vampire Slayer (and Angel) related academic text and books. I think this is a good starting point for both a long time fan and for someone just getting into the show, or just someone interested in vampire lore. I have included several books about the vampire lore and myth in general as well. Most of these are available online.
Fighting the Forces: What's at Stake in Buffy the Vampire Slayer; edited by Rhonda V. Wilcox & David Lavery
Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Philosophy - Fear and Trembling in Sunnydale by James B. South
Buffy Goes Dark: Essays on the Final Two Seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer on Television, edited by Lynne Y. Edwards, Elizabeth L. Rambo & James B. South
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Myth, Metaphor and Morality by Mark Field
Televised Morality: The Case of Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Gregory Stevenson
Undead TV: Essays on Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Elana Levine
The Aesthetics of Culture in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Matthew Pateman
Girls Who Bite Back: Witches, Mutants, Slayers and Freaks by Emily Pohl-Weary
Why Buffy Matters: The Art of Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Ronda Wilcox
Into Every Generation a Slayer Is Born: How Buffy Staked Our Hearts by Evan Ross Katz
The Lure of the Vampire: Gender, Fiction, and Fandom from Bram Stoker to Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Milly Williamson
Blood Relations: Chosen Families in Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel by Jes Battis
Sex and the Slayer: A Gender Studies Primer for the Buffy Fan by Lorna Jowett
Diseases of the Head: Essays on the Horrors of Speculative Philosophy; edited by Matt Rosen (chapter 2 Death of Horror)
Public Privates: Feminist Geographies of Mediated Spaces by Marcia R. England (chapter 1 Welcome to the Hellmouth: Paradoxical Spaces in Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Open Graves, Open Minds: Representations of Vampires and the Undead From the Enlightenment to the Present Day; edited by Sam George and Bill Hughes (chapter 8 ‘I feel strong. I feel different’: transformations, vampires and language in Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
The Contemporary Television Series; edited by Michael Hammond and Lucy Mazdon (chapter 9 Television, Horror and Everyday Life in Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Joss Whedon and Race: Critical Essays; edited by Mary Ellen Iatropoulos and Lowery A. Woodall III
Buffy and the Heroine's Journey: Vampire Slayer as Feminine Chosen One by Valerie Estelle Frankel
The Existential Joss Whedon: Evil and Human Freedom in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Firefly and Serenity by J. Michael Richardson and J. Douglas Rabb
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 20 Years of Slaying: The Watcher's Guide Authorized by Christopher Golden
Reading the Vampire Slayer: The Complete, Unofficial Guide to 'Buffy' and 'Angel' by Roz Kaveney
Hollywood Vampire: The Unnoficial Guide to Angel by Keith Topping
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Monster Book by Christopher Golden
Slayer Slang: A Buffy the Vampire Slayer Lexicon by Michael Adams
What Would Buffy Do? The Vampire Slayer as Spiritual Guide by Jana Riess
Bibliographic Good vs. Evil in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by GraceAnne A. DeCandido
Undead Letters: Searches and Researches in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by William Wandless
Weaponised information: The role of information and metaphor in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Jacob Ericson
Buffy, Dark Romance and Female Horror Fans by Lorna Jowett
My Vampire Boyfriend: Postfeminism, "Perfect" Masculinity, and the Contemporary Appeal of Paranormal Romance by Ananya Mukherjea
Buffy, The Vampire Slayer as Spectacular Allegory: A Diagnostic Critique by Douglas Kellner
"Buffy the Vampire Slayer": Technology, Mysticism, and the Constructed Body by Sara Raffel
When Horror Becomes Human: Living Conditions in "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" by Jeroen Gerrits
Post-Vampire: The Politics of Drinking Humans and Animals in "Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Twilight", and "True Blood" by Laura Wright
Cops, Teachers, and Vampire Slayers: Buffy as Street-Level Bureaucrat by Andrea E. Mayo
"Not Like Other Men"?: The Vampire Body in Joss Whedon's "Angel" by Lorna Jowett
Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the Domestic Church: Revisioning Family and the Common Good by Reid B. Locklin
“Buffy vs. Dracula”’s Use of Count Famous (Not drawing “crazy conclusions about the unholy prince”) by Tara Elliott
A Little Less Ritual and a Little More Fun: The Modern Vampire in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Stacey Abbott
Undressing the Vampire: An Investigation of the Fashion of Sunnydale’s Vampires by Robbie Dale
"And Yet": The Limits of Buffy Feminism by Renee St. Louis & Miriam Riggs
Meet the Cullens: Family, Romance and Female Agency in Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Twilight by Kirsten Stevens
Bliss and Time: Death, Drugs, and Posthumanism in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Rob Cover
That Girl: Bella, Buffy, and the Feminist Ethics of Choice in Twilight and Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Catherine Coker
A Slayer Comes to Town: An Essay on Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Scott Westerfeld 
Undead Objects of a “Queer Gaze” : A Visual Approach to Buffy’s Vampires Using Lacan’s Extended RSI Model by Marcus Recht
When You Kiss Me, I Want to Die: Gothic Relationships and Identity on Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Ananya Mukherjeea
Necrophilia and SM: The Deviant Side of Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Terry L. Spaise
Queering the Bitch: Spike, Transgression and Erotic Empowerment by Dee Amy-Chinn
“I Want To Be A Macho Man”: Examining Rape Culture, Adolescent Female Sexuality, and the Destabilization of Gender Binaries in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Angelica De Vido
Staking Her Claim: Buffy the Vampire Slayer as Transgressive Woman Warrior by Frances H. Early
Actualizing Abjection: Drusilla, the Whedonversees’ Queen of Queerness by Anthony Stepniak
“Life Isn’t A Story”: Xander, Andrew and Queer Disavowal in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Steven Greenwood
S/He’s a Rebel: The James Dean Trope in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Kathryn Hill
“Once More, with Feeling”: Emotional Self-Discipline in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Gwynnee Kennedy and Jennifer Dworshack-Kinter
“The Hardest Thing in This World Is To Live In It”: Identity and Mental Health in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Alex Fixler
"Love's Bitch But Man Enough to Admit It": Spikes Hybridized Gender by Arwen Spicer
Negotiations After Hegemony: Buffy and Gender by Franklin D. Worrell
Double Trouble: Gothic Shadows and Self-Discovery in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Elizabeth Gilliland
'What If I'm Still There? What If I Never Left That Clinic?': Faërian Drama in Buffy's "Normal Again" by Janet Brennan Croft
Not Gay Enough So You’d Notice: Poaching Fuffy by Jennifer DeRoss
Throwing Like A Slayer: A Phenomenology of Gender Hybridity and Female Resilience in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Debra Jackson
“You Can’t Charge Innocent People for Saving Their Lives!” Work in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Matt Davies
Ambiguity and Sexuality in Buffy the Vampire Slayer: A Sartrean Analysis by Vivien Burr
Imagining the Family: Representations of Alternative Lifestyles in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Vivien Burr and Christine Jarvis
Working-Class Hero? Fighting Neoliberal Precarity in Buffy’s Sixth Season by Michelle Maloney-Mangold
A Corpse by Any Other Name: Romancing the Language of the Body in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein for the Adam Storyline in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Amber P. Hodge
Sensibility Gone Mad: Or, Drusilla, Buffy and the (D)evolution of the Heroine of Sensibility by Claire Knowles
"It's good to be me": Buffy's Resistance to Renaming by Janet Brennan Croft
Death as a Gift in J.R.R. Tolkien’s Work and Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Gaelle Abalea
“All Torment, Trouble, Wonder, and Amazement Inhabits Here": The Vicissitudes of Technology in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by James B. South
Staking Her Colonial Claim: Colonial Discourses, Assimilation, Soul-making, and Ass-kicking in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Jessica Hautsch
“I Run To Death”: Renaissance Sensibilities in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Christine Jarvis
Dressed To Kill: Fashion and Leadership in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Christine Jarvis and Don Adams
Queer Eye Of That Vampire Guy: Spike and the Aesthetics of Camp by Cynthea Masson and Marni Stanley
“Sounds Like Kinky Business To Me”: Subtextual and Textual Representations of Erotic Power in Buffyverse by Lewis Call
“Did Anyone Ever Explain to You What ‘Secret Identity’ Means?”: Race and Displacement in Buffy and Dark Angel  by Cynthia Fuchs
“It’s About Power”: Buffy, Foucault, and the Quest for Self by Julie Sloan Brannon
Why We Love the Monsters: How Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer Wound Up Dating the Enemy by Hilary M. Leon
Why We Can’t Spike Spike?: Moral Themes in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Richard Greene and Wayne Yuen
Buffy, the Scooby Gang, and Monstrous Authority: BtVS and the Subversion of Authority by Daniel A. Clark & P. Andrew Miller
Are Vampires Evil?: Categorizations of Vampires, and Angelus and Spike as the Immoral and the Amoral by Gert Magnusson
The Vampire Lectures by Laurence A. Rickels 
Our Vampires, Ourselves by Nina Auerbach
Vampires, Burial, and Death: Folklore and Reality by Paul Barber
The Secret History of Vampires: Their Multiple Forms and Hidden Purposes by Claude Lecouteux
The Vampire Cinema by David Pirie
The Living and the Undead: Slaying Vampires, Exterminating Zombies by Gregory A. Waller
Vampire Forensics: Uncovering the Origins of an Enduring Legend by Mark Jenkins
Slayers and Their Vampires: A Cultural History of Killing the Dead by Bruce A. McClelland
The History and Folklore of Vampires: The Stories and Legends Behind the Mythical Beings by Charles River Editors
Encyclopedia of Vampire Mythology by Theresa Bane
Vampires of Lore: Traits and Modern Misconceptions by A. P. Sylvia
The Vampire: A New History by Nick Groom
Vampyres: Genesis and Resurrection: from Count Dracula to Vampirella by Christopher Frayling
Race in the Vampire Narrative by U. Melissa Anyiwo
Vampires, Race, and Transnational Hollywoods by Dale Hudson
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wonder-worker · 2 months
are there any books you'd recommend for Isabelle of Angouleme?
Hi! I’m really not an expert on Isabella of Angouleme so I'm probably not the best person to ask for recommendations for her. Here are some I've heard of, though I haven't read all of them:
"Isabella of Angouleme: John's Jezebel" by Nicholas Vincent (King John: New Interpretations). I haven't read it myself but I've heard good things!
“Maternal Abandonment and Surrogate Caregivers: Isabella of Angoulême and Her Children by King John” by Louise J. Wilkinson (Virtuous or Villainess? The Image of the Royal Mother from the Early Medieval to the Early Modern Era). It focuses more-so on Isabella's tenure as queen, the period shortly after John's death, and her decision to leave England. Despite what the title may imply, it's sympathetic to Isabella and analyzes her situation in detail.
“Co-Operation, Co-Rulership and Competition: Queenship in the Angevin Domains 1135-1230” by Gabrielle Storey, her PHD thesis which collectively focuses on Isabella of Angouleme along with Empress Matilda, Eleanor of Aquitaine, and Berengaria of Navarre. You can read/download it here, it's an excellent piece for all four women.
Sally Spong has written/is writing:
Isabella of Angouleme: The Vanished Queen (Norman to Early Plantagenet Consorts). You can see her conclusion here. It's nuanced and sympathetic, though not without its issues and pre-conceived notions.
Isabella of Gloucester and Isabella of Angouleme: Female Lordship, Queenship, Power, and Authority 1189-1220 (PHD thesis University of East Anglia).
“Isabelle d’Angouleme, By the Grace of God, Queen” by William Chester Jordan. You can read it online here, though I will say that it's ... very very questionable, accepting the sensational claims of lot of unreliable sources (including the idea of John abducting Isabella in a fit of uncontrollable infatuation) entirely at face-value.
“The Marriage and Coronation of Isabelle of Angouleme” by H.G. Richardson, available here on JSTOR.
Isabella has also been the subject of two complete French biographies till date:
"Isabelle d’Angoulême, reine d’Angleterre" (Aquitaine: 1998) by Sophie Fougere.
"Isabelle d’Angoulême, comtesse-reine et son temps (1186-1246)" [Actes du colloque tenu à Lusignan, 8 au 10 novembre 1996] by Gabriel Biancotto, Robert Favreau and Piotr Skubiszewski.
There are also a few blog posts about her (here and here) which may help if you want a brief overview of her life, though they can get a little sensationalistic sometimes.
Hope this helps! If anyone knows any others, please feel free to add on!
#I'm so sorry it took so long to answer! I'll add more if I find them#ask#Isabella of Angouleme#angevins#Sally Spong's chapter on Isabella is...complicated#It's detailed and sympathetic and I think it highlights some interesting aspects of Isabella's life#But it's also dependent on her own very fixed pre-conceived notions re Isabella's role as queen#Spong takes issue with other historians' observations about Isabella but...doesn't actually try to debunk the views herself?#It ends up seeming as though she's deliberately missing the point#And I think by reading things in the best possible light she ends up downplaying what may have been complicated experiences for Isabella#For example she disagrees with the idea that John was constraining Isabella's role by highlighting her ceremonial presence at court#But historians like Wilkinson HAVE highlighted this as well and emphasized how the 'ceremonial importance of Isabella's position as queen#consort and the dynastic significance of her maternity' were recognized and honored#But that does not discount or nullify the way Isabella's role does seem to have been constrained elsewhere by John#Namely her lack of control over her lands (many of which were granted away by John) and probable lack of access to queen's gold#Along with her absence from charters and the notable lack of prayers for her welfare save a single exception in 1204#Spong also disagrees with the idea that Isabella was excluded from her son's governance after John's death by highlighting her#presence at his coronation and (months later) at the peace talks between England and France#Which is - again - sort of missing the point??#*Yes* - Isabella's presence in both those occasions is certainly interesting and important when talking about her life#But that does not change the fact that Isabella seems to have been either remote or excluded from central government#She was not directing or working with the council in terms of governance but seems to have been at a distance from power#Which is made even more clear when we look at her charters: her witness lists were comprised of more or less politically insignificant#figures and included no men associated with her son's regency council#It's a striking contrast to the former roles that Empress Matilda and Eleanor of Aquitaine had for their sons#With those very dynamic precedents in place I do think Isabella's remoteness from her son's government is very notable#And I feel like that's...very important when discussing her decision to return to Angouleme?#But because Spong is keen to view Isabella's circumstances in the best light possible she sort of dismisses these discussions#& potential difficulties#It got rather frustrating to read
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 The real choice isn’t “pragmatism” or “idealism.” It’s either allowing these trends to worsen – destroying what’s left of our democracy and turning our economy into even more of a playground for big corporations, Wall Street, and billionaires – or reversing them. And the only pragmatic way of reversing them is through a “political revolution” that mobilizes millions of Americans. 
Robert Reich (via azspot)
MAR 2, 2024
On February 25, 1901, financier J. P. Morgan’s men filed the paperwork to incorporate a new iron and steel trust, and over the weekend, businessmen waited to see what was coming. Five days later, on March 2, the announcement came: J. P. Morgan was overseeing the combination of companies that produced two thirds of the nation’s steel into the United States Steel Corporation. It was capitalized at $1.4 billion, which at the time was almost three times more than the federal government’s annual budget.  
While the stock market was abuzz with news of the nation’s first billion-dollar corporation, Vice President–elect Theodore Roosevelt was on his way from New York to Washington, D.C., where he and his family arrived at 5:00 in the evening. The train was an hour behind schedule because the crowds coming to see the upcoming inauguration, scheduled for Monday, March 4, 1901, had slowed travel into Washington. 
Two days later, President William McKinley took the oath of office for the second time, and Roosevelt became vice president.
McKinley was a champion of big business and believed the role of government was to support industry, dismissing growing demands from workers, farmers, and entrepreneurs for the government to level the economic playing field that had tilted so extraordinarily toward a few industry leaders. McKinley had won the hard-fought election of 1896 handily, but by 1900, Republicans were so concerned about the growing demand for reform that party leaders put Roosevelt, who had won a reputation for standing up to business interests, on the ticket, at least in part because they hoped to silence him there.
Roosevelt hoped he could promote reform from the vice presidency, but he quickly discovered that he couldn’t accomplish much of anything. His only official duty was to preside over the Senate, which would not convene until December. He was so bored he asked the chief justice of the Supreme Court if it would be unseemly for him to enroll in law school to finish his degree. (Horrified, the justice offered to supervise Roosevelt’s studies himself.)
But then, in September, an unemployed steelworker assassinated McKinley, and Roosevelt became president. “I told McKinley it was a mistake to nominate that wild man at Philadelphia,” one of McKinley’s aides said. “I told him what would happen if he should die. Now look. That damned cowboy is president of the United States.” 
Two months later, on November 13, J. P. Morgan and railroad magnates brought together the nation’s main railroad interests, which had been warring with each other, into a new conglomerate called the Northern Securities Company. Even the staunchly big business Chicago Tribune was taken aback: “Never have interests so enormous been brought under one management,” its editor wrote. 
Midwestern governors, whose constituents depended on the railroads to get their crops to market, suggested that their legislatures would find a way to prohibit such a powerful combination. Northern Securities Company officials retorted that they would simply keep all business transactions and operations secret. When Roosevelt gave his first message to Congress in December, industrialists watched to see what the “damned cowboy” would say about their power over the government. 
They were relieved. Roosevelt said the government should start cleaning up factories and limiting the working hours of women and children, and that it should reserve natural resources for everyone rather than allow them to be exploited by greedy businessmen. 
But Roosevelt did not oppose the new huge combinations. He simply wanted the government to supervise and control corporate combinations, preventing criminality in the business world as it did in the streets. He asked businessmen only for transparency. Once the government actually knew what businesses were up to, he said, it could consider regulation or taxation to protect the public interest. 
Senators and businessmen who had worried that the cowboy president would slash at the trusts breathed a sigh of relief that all he wanted was “transparency.” According to the Chicago Tribune, the “grave and reverend and somewhat plutocratic Senators immediately admitted in the most delighted fashion that the young and supposedly impetuous President had discussed the trust question with rare discrimination.” 
But they were wrong to think Roosevelt did not intend to reduce the power of big business. In early January 1902, Minnesota sued to stop the Northern Securities Company from organizing on the grounds that such a combination violated Minnesota law. While the Supreme Court dithered over whether or not it could rule on the case, the Roosevelt administration put the federal government out in front of the issue. In February, Roosevelt’s attorney general told newspapers that the administration believed the formation of the Northern Securities Company violated the 1890 Sherman Antitrust Act and that he would be filing a suit to keep it from organizing.
Businessmen were aghast, not only because Roosevelt was going after a business combination but also because he had acted without consulting Wall Street. When J. P. Morgan complained that he had not been informed, Roosevelt coolly told him that that was the whole point. “If we have done anything wrong,” said the astonished Morgan, “send your man [the attorney general] to my man [one of his lawyers] and they can fix it up.” The president declined. “We don’t want to fix it up,” explained the attorney general. “We want to stop it.” 
“Criticism of President Roosevelt’s action was heard on every side,” reported the Boston Globe. “Some of the principal financiers said he had dealt a serious blow to the financial securities of the country.” For his part, Roosevelt was unconcerned by the criticism. “If the law has not been violated,” he announced, “no harm can come from the proposed legal action.”  
In late February, the Supreme Court decided it would not hear the Minnesota case; on March 10, the United States sued to stop the organization of the Northern Securities Company.
In August 1902, Roosevelt toured New England and the Midwest to rally support for his attack on the Northern Securities Company. He told audiences that he was not trying to destroy corporations but rather wanted to make them act in the public interest. He demanded a “square deal” for everyone. As the Boston Globe put it: “‘Justice for all alike—a square deal for every man, great or small, rich or poor,’ is the Roosevelt ideal to be attained by the framing and the administration of the law. And he would tell you that that means Mr Morgan and Mr Rockefeller [sic] as well as the poor fellow who cannot pay his rent.” 
In 1904 the Supreme Court ruled that the Northern Securities Company was an illegal monopoly and that it must be dissolved, and by 1912, Roosevelt had come to believe that a strong federal government was the only way for citizens to maintain control over corporations, which he saw as the inevitable outcome of the industrial economy. He had no patience for those who hoped to stop such combinations by passing laws against them. Instead, he believed the American people must create a strong federal government that could exert public control over corporations.
In a famous speech at Osawatomie, Kansas, in 1912, he called for a “new nationalism.”
“The citizens of the United States must effectively control the mighty commercial forces which they have called into being,” he said. He warned that “[t]here can be no effective control of corporations while their political activity remains…. We must have complete and effective publicity of corporate affairs, so that the people may know…whether the corporations obey the law and whether their management entitles them to the confidence of the public.”
Roosevelt had come to believe that a strong government must regulate business. “The absence of effective State, and, especially, national, restraint upon unfair money-getting has tended to create a small class of enormously wealthy and economically powerful men, whose chief object is to hold and increase their power,” he said. 
After all, he said, “[t]he object of government is the welfare of the people.”
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hot-boyband-tourney · 6 months
Welcome to the Tournament of the hottest boy band members of the 80s/90s
It was inspired by all the tournaments pitting famous beautiful people versus famous beautiful people of specific eras and specific jobs. The polls should start on the 8th of April, leaving around two weeks for submissions. I’ve compiled a list already but you can submit other boys that aren’t on the list through a google form. Feel free to submit non english speaking boy bands.
The only pictures accepted will be pictures from the 80s/90s and very early 2000s. To submit propaganda either use the same google form as for submissions (even if the guy in question is already on the list) or through the submission box or tag me on posts.
The List
Backstreet Boys
Nick Carter
Kevin Richardson
Brian Littrell
AJ Mclean
Howie Dorough
Take That
Robbie Williams
Mark Owen
Jason Orange
Gary Barlow
Howard Donald
JC Chasez
Lance Bass
Justin Timberlake
Joey Fatone
Chris Kirkpatrick
New Kids On The Block
Jon Knight
Jordan Knight
Joey McIntyre
Donnie Walberg
Danny Wood
Joel "Jo-Jo" Hailey
Donald "DeVante Swing" DeGrate
Dalvin "Mr. Dalvin" DeGrate
Cedric "K-Ci" Hailey
Chris Keller
Gérald Jean-Laurent
Andrew Mac Carthy
Seo Taiji & boys
Seo Taiji
Lee Juno
YG (Yang Hyun-suk)
Moon Hee-jun
Jang Woo-hyuk
Tony An
Lee Jae-won
Eun Jiwon
Ko Jiyong
Kim Jaeduck
Lee Jaijin
Jang Suwon
Kang Sunghoon
Filip Nikolic
Frank Delay
Adel Kachermi
Shane Filan
Mark Feehily
Kian Egan
Nicky Byrne
Brian McFadden
Boyz II men
Shawn Stockman
Wanya Morris
Nathan Morris
Marc Nelson
Michael McCary 
Scott Robinson
Ritchie Neville
Sean Conlon
Abz Love
J Brown
Ronan Keating
Keith Duffy
Michael Graham
Shane Lynch
Stephen Gately
98 degrees
Nick Lachey
Jeff Timmons
Drew Lachey
Justin Jeffre
Jonathan Lippman
Dream street
Matt Ballinger
Frankie Galasso
Greg Raposo
Jesse McCartney
Chris Trousdale
Omari Grandberry
Jarell Houston
Dreux Frédéric
De'Mario Thorton
Mark Barry
Christian Burns
Stephen McNally
Rich Cronin
Brian Gillis
Devin Lima
The Moffatts
Scott Moffatt
Clint Moffatt
Bob Moffatt
Dave Moffatt
New edition
Ralph Tresvant
Bobby Brown
Ricky Bell
Michael Bivins
Ronnie DeVoe
Johnny Gill
East 17
Terry Coldwell
Brian Harvey
John Hendy
Tony Mortimer
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bookquest2024 · 1 year
100 Books to Read Before I Die: Quest Order
The Lord Of The Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien
In Search of Lost Time by Marcel Proust
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
The Good Soldier by Ford Madox Ford
Under The Net by Iris Murdoch
American Pastoral by Philip Roth
The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera
Animal Farm by George Orwell
Housekeeping by Marilynne Robinson
Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy
Atonement by Ian McEwan
Crime And Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
The Grapes Of Wrath by John Steinbeck
Midnight’s Children by Salman Rushdie
Lucky Jim by Kingsley Amis
Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut
The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway
Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison
A Passage to India by EM Forster
Of Human Bondage by W. Somerset Maugham
The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie by Muriel Spark
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay by Michael Chabon
If on a Winter’s Night a Traveller by Italo Calvino
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
1984 by George Orwell
White Noise by Don DeLillo
The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas
The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner
The Stranger by Albert Camus
Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov
Oscar And Lucinda by Peter Carey
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami
Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner
To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Lord of the Flies by William Golding
The Portrait of a Lady by Henry James
The Call of the Wild by Jack London
Pale Fire by Vladimir Nabokov
Beloved by Toni Morrison
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy by John Le Carré
Austerlitz by W. G. Sebald
The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne
Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh
Tropic of Cancer by Henry Miller
The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton
Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf
The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter by Carson McCullers
The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster
Ulysses by James Joyce
Scoop by Evelyn Waugh
Haroun and the Sea of Stories by Salman Rushdie
Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe
Middlemarch by George Eliot
Are You There, God? It’s me, Margaret by Judy Blume
Clarissa by Samuel Richardson
Moby-Dick by Herman Melville
The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood
Herzog by Saul Bellow
The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz
Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë
Don Quixote by Miguel De Cervantes
A Bend in the River by V. S. Naipaul
A Dance to The Music of Time by Anthony Powell
The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson
Go Tell It On The Mountain by James Baldwin
Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys
Catch-22 by Joseph Heller
The Rainbow by D. H. Lawrence
Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison
I, Claudius by Robert Graves
Nostromo by Joseph Conrad
The Tin Drum by Gunter Grass
Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert
The Catcher in the Rye by JD Salinger
Charlotte’s Web by E. B. White
Tom Jones by Henry Fielding
His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman
Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
Little Women by Louisa M Alcott
Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
Portnoy’s Complaint by Philip Roth
Watchmen by Alan Moore
One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez
Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe
Tristram Shandy by Laurence Sterne
On the Road by Jack Kerouac
The Big Sleep by Raymond Chandler
The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame
To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf
The Corrections by Jonathan Franzen
The Trial by Franz Kafka
Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston
Money by Martin Amis
David Copperfield by Charles Dickens
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Xover Possibility: Scooby-Universal-Doo
This is a limited crossover series I'm now considering.
Scooby and the gang have teamed up with several celebrities and a few famous characters in taking down ghosts and solving mysteries under WB's commission, but let's see what happens if they end up in the Universal Pictures cyber universe and end up doing…well, pretty much the same formula, except with versions of the Universal animated characters.
Here are some possibilities I thought up.
Franchise: Despicable Me Characters teamed up with: Felonious Gru, Lucy Wilde, and three of the Minions Type of monster/ghost: Chronology: before Despicable Me 3 or Despicable Me 4 Guest Voices: Steve Carell, Kristen Wiig, Steve Coogan, and Pierre Coffin Chase scene song: "Chuck Berry" by Pharrell Williams (from Despicable Me 3)
Franchise: the Lorax Characters teamed up with: Ted Wiggins, Audrey, and the Lorax (whom Mystery Inc believes is a mascot) Type of monster/ghost: Guest Voices: Michael Cera, Ashleigh Ball, Danny DeVito and Chris Renaud Chase scene song: n/a
Franchise: the Secret Life of Pets Characters teamed up with: Katie, Max, Duke, Gidget, and Snowball Type of monster/ghost: Note: The pets will be able to communicate thanks to a translation device Gru briefly lets the gang borrow Guest Voices: Patton Oswalt, Eric Stonestreet, a Kevin Hart soundalike, Jenny Slate, Ellie Kemper, and Lori Alan Chase scene song:
Franchise: the Road to El Dorado Characters teamed up with: Modern-day lookalike descendants of Miguel, Tulio and Chel with the same names Type of monster/ghost: Stone Jaguar Guest Voices: Kevin Kline, a Kenneth Branagh soundalike, and Rosie Perez Chase scene song: n/a
Franchise: Shrek/Puss in Boots Characters teamed up with: Type of monster/ghost: Guest Voices: ??? Chase scene song: ?
Franchise: Wallace & Gromit Characters teamed up with: Wallace & Gromit Type of monster/ghost: Guest Voices: ??? Chase scene song: a UK rock band song
Franchise: Kung Fu Panda Characters teamed up with: "furry cosplayers" Po and the Furious Five (minus Mantis) Type of monster/ghost: Guest Voices: Jack Black, Kari Wahlgren, David Cross, Lucy Liu, and a Jackie Chan soundalike Chase scene song: Dumpling Warrior Remix (instrumental) from Kung Fu Panda 2
Franchise: Megamind Characters teamed up with: Megamind, Minion, and Roxanne Ritchi Type of monster/ghost: Note: Megamind vs. the Doom Syndicate and its TV series would be ignored Guest Voices: Keith Ferguson, David Cross, and Tina Fey Chase scene song: "Crazy Train" by Ozzy Osborne
Franchise: Mr. Peabody & Sherman Characters teamed up with: Who else? Mr. Peabody and Sherman Type of monster/ghost: Guest Voices: Chris Parnell and a male child actor Chase scene song: "Way Back When" by Grizzfolk
Franchise: Rocky & Bullwinkle Characters teamed up with: Rocket J. Squirrel and Bullwinkle J. Moose Type of monster/ghost: Guest Voices: Kath Soucie, Tom Kenny, and any voice from the 2018 cartoon Chase scene song: ?
Franchise: Captain Underpants Characters teamed up with: George Beard, Harold Hutchins, and a reluctant Benjamin Krupp/Captain Underpants Type of monster/ghost: Guest Voices: Jay Gragnani, Ramone Hamilton, Jorge Diaz, and either Nat Faxon or Ed Helms Chase scene song: "Captain Underpants" by Weird Al Yankovic
Franchise: the Bad Guys Characters teamed up with: the Bad Guys Type of monster/ghost: Guest Voices: Sam Rockwell, Awkwafina, Marc Maron, Craig Robinson, Anthony Ramos, Alex Borstein, and Lily Singh Chase scene song: ?
Franchise: Ruby Gillman Characters teamed up with: Ruby and Agatha Gillman Type of monster/ghost: Guest Voices: Lana Condor, Toni Collette, Colman Domingo, Sam Richardson, Blue Chapman, Jaboukie White-Young, and Will Forte Chase scene song: n/a
Franchise: Mario Characters teamed up with: Mario and Luigi Type of monster/ghost: Bowser Koopa Guest Voices: Chris Pratt, Charlie Day, Jack Black, Jessica Diciccio, and Sebastian Maniscalo Chase scene song: Mario video game music
Franchise: Curious George Characters teamed up with: Curious George and Ted the Man in the Yellow Hat Type of monster/ghost: Guest Voices: Jeff Bennett, Bill Chott, and Rolonda Watts Chase scene song: n/a
I'm not absolutely certain I'll do this, as I'm already committed to other things. In fact, I might give this series idea to someone more qualified to write crossover mysteries. But still, if anyone would like to suggest types of monsters or ghosts Mystery Inc and their new co-detectives would be facing, I could try to think of the episode plots for them. Also, don't suggest the villains' identities unless through private note, otherwise it would kill the mystery.
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News of Cabaret: It's official Cabaret goes to Broadway! We still have to wait to know if Eddie will reprise his role there.
"Award-Winning ‘Cabaret’ Revival Plans Spring Broadway Bow"
The production opened in London with Eddie Redmayne in a starring role; the New York cast has not yet been announced but he is expected to join it.
By Michael Pauson, New York Times, July 11, 2023
Willkommen, bienvenue, Broadway!
“Cabaret,” the ever-popular (and portentous) musical set in a Berlin nightclub on the eve of the Nazis’ rise to power, will return to Broadway in the spring in a new production that has already won raves in London.
The producing team on Tuesday morning announced a plan to transfer the show to Broadway, and said it would open at the August Wilson Theater, where a revival of “Funny Girl” is scheduled to close Sept. 3.
The “Cabaret” producers did not announce any other details, but it is widely expected that Eddie Redmayne, the film star who played the nightclub’s Master of Ceremonies when this revival opened in London, will reprise the role on Broadway. The show’s other big role, Sally Bowles, the nightclub’s star singer, was initially played in London by Jessie Buckley; that role has not yet been cast in New York.
“Cabaret,” with music by John Kander, lyrics by Fred Ebb, and a book by Joe Masteroff, originally opened on Broadway in 1966, and that production, directed by Hal Prince and starring Joel Grey, won eight Tony Awards, including for best musical, and ran for three years. Grey went on to star in a 1972 film adaptation that won eight Academy Awards, including one for Grey and one for his co-star, Liza Minnelli.
The musical was revived on Broadway in 1987, again with Prince directing and Grey as the Emcee. Then in 1998, a new production directed by Sam Mendes and starring Alan Cumming and Natasha Richardson, came to Broadway; that production closed in 2004 and then returned in 2014 for another year, opening with Michelle Williams opposite Cumming.
This latest revival, directed by Rebecca Frecknall, opened in London in 2021, and won seven Olivier Awards, including one for best musical revival. Its run is continuing. The critic Matt Wolf, writing in The New York Times, called the production “nerve-shredding,” and said, “Frecknall pulls us into a hedonistic milieu, only to send us out nearly three hours later reminded of life’s horrors.”
The lead producers are Ambassador Theater Group, a British company that owns and operates theaters around Europe and the United States and has become increasingly active in producing on Broadway, and Underbelly, a British company closely associated with the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.
“Cabaret” will join multiple shows on Broadway this season that deal with antisemitism, among them “Just for Us,” a one-man show from the comedian Alex Edelman, which is now running, as well as “Harmony,” a musical by Barry Manilow and Bruce Sussman that is opening in the fall and “Prayer for the French Republic,” a play by Joshua Harmon, which is to open in the winter. Last season’s Tony-winning best play, “Leopoldstadt,” which closed earlier this month, and the winner of the Tony for best musical revival, “Parade,” which runs until Aug. 6, are also about antisemitism.
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exhibitionsvisited · 7 months
This year I visited the following exhibitions
10th Jan, Zara Sands and Olly Centres, General Practice, Lincoln
12 Jan, Bodies for Practice, Project Space Plus, Lincoln
2nd Feb, Seasonal Strokes, General Practice, Lincoln
Chris Ofilli and William Blake, Tate Britain, London
9 Feb, Chris Ofilli, Tate Britain, London
9 Feb, Woman in Protest, Tate Britain, London
9 Feb, Richard Hamilton, Tate Britain, London
9 Feb, Yuri Pattison and J M W Turner, Tate Britain, London
9 Feb, Zineb Saleh Tate Britain, London
9 Feb, Cat Flap Blink, Terrace Gallery, London
9 Feb, Victor Bengtsson, Public, London
9 Feb, Martin Aagaard Hansen, Tanja Nis-Hansen & Kazuyuki Takezaki , Union Pacific, London
9 Feb, Mao Yan, Pace Gallery, London
9 Feb, ,Ziping Wang, Unit, London
9 Feb, Zach lieberman, Unit, London
9 Feb, Conversation Galante, Pillar Corris, London
9 Feb, Frank Bowling ,Hauser and Wirth, London
9 Feb, Uman ,Hauser and Wirth, London
9 Feb, Willem Sasnal, Sadie Coles ,London
9 Feb, Anna Barriball, Frith St,London
9 Feb, Emi Otaguro, Masanori Tomita, Nobuya Hitsuda & Yutaka Nozawa , Sadie Coles,London
9 Feb, Come Home, Sadie Coles ,London
9 Feb, Zineb Sedira, Goodman Gallery,London
9 Feb, Marc Chagall, Alon Zakaim, London
9 Feb, Polymythologies, Tiwani Contemporary,London
9 Feb, Jeffrey Gibson, Stephen Friedman,London
9 Feb, Claire Gavronsky, Goodman Gallery ,London
9 Feb, Rose Shakinovsky, Goodman Gallery ,London
9 Feb, Olivia Flax, Holtermann ,London
9 Feb,Burri, Miró , Ermnst, Nahmad Projects,London
9 Feb, Gerhard Richter, David Zwirner ,London
9 Feb, Drawn into the Present, Thaddeus Ropac ,London
9 Feb, Andy Warhol, Thaddeus Ropac ,London
9 Feb, Pauline Boty, Gazelli, ,London
9 Feb, Karel Appel, Max Hetzler, ,London
9 Feb, Alexis Hunter, Richard Saltoun, ,London
9 Feb, Premiums 1, Royal Academy ,London
9 Feb, Entangled Pasts, Royal Academy ,London
16 Feb, Punk: Rage and Revolution, Northampton Museum & Art Gallery
16 Feb, Material Matters, Northampton Museum & Art Gallery
16 Feb, Elke Pollard, Northampton Museum & Art Gallery
21 Feb, Practice Research, Project Space Plus, Lincoln
22 Feb,  Paul Mpagi Sepuya, Nottingham Contemporary
22 Feb, Dora Budor, Nottingham Contemporary
22 Feb, Danica Maier, Beam, Nottingham
1 March, Andrew Bracey, General Practice, Lincoln
8 March, Darren Diss and Brian Voce, The Hub, Sleaford
8 March, Jo Cope, The Hub, Sleaford
20 March, Mirrors Windows Portals, project space plus, Lincoln
23 March, Feng-Ru Lee, Weston Gallery, Nottingham
23 March, Dan Rapley, Angear Visitor Centre, Nottingham
23 March, Saad Qureshi, Djanogly Gallery, Nottingham
23 March, Fascinating Finds from Nottingham's Caves, University of Nottingham Museum
23 March,Peep Show, Bennington Gallery, Nottingham
23 March, Shahnawaz Hussain, Bennington Gallery, Nottingham
23 March, Osheen Siva, Bennington Gallery, Nottingham
23 March, Debsyo Bolaji, New Art Exchange, Nottingham
24 March, Jason Wilsher-Mills, Lincoln Museum
12 April, When Forms Come Alive,  Hayward Gallery, London
12 April, Virginia Verran, Michael Richardson Contemporary Art, London
12 April, Secundino Hernández , Victoria Miro Gallery, London
12 April, Neal Rock, New Art Projects, London
12 April, Salvador Dali, Clarendon Fine Art, London
12 April, Unravel, Barbican, London
12 April, Soufiane Ababri, Barbican, London
12 April, Ibrahim Mahama, Barbican, London
12 April, Lobert Zandvilet, Grimm, London
12 April, Reina Sugihara, Arcadia Misa, London
12 April, Marria Pratts Carl Kostyal, London
12 April, Richard Serra,David Zwirner, London 
12 April, Marcelina Akpojotor, Rele, London
12 April, Fathi Hassan,Richard Saltoun, London 
12 April, Erwin Wurm,Thaddaeus Ropac, London 
12 April, Harold Cohen, Gazelli Art House, London 
12 April, Adam Pendleton, Galerie Max Hetzler, London 
12 April, Nancy Haynes,  Marlborough, London 
12 April, Shizuko Yoshikawa, Marlborough, London
12 April, Shizuko Yoshikawa and Bridget Riley, Marlborough, London
12 April, Betty Parsons,Alison Jacques, London 
12 April, Woody De Othello, Stephen Friedman Gallery, London 
12 April, Peter Blake,  Waddington Custot Galleries, London
12 April, Standing in the Gap, Goodman Gallery, London 
12 April, Ulla von Brandenburg, Pilar Corrias, London 
12 April, Lindokuhle Sobekwa, Goodman Gallery, London
12 April, The Leisure Centre, The Brown Collection, London 
12 April, Shine On,Sadie Coles HQ Davies St, London
12 April, Albert Oehlen, Gagosian, London 
12 April, Gavin Turk, Ben Brown Fine Arts, London 
12 April, François Morellet,Annely Juda Fine Art, London 
12 April, Thomas Allen, Ronchini Gallery, London 
12 April, Darya Diamond, Pippy Houldsworth, London
12 April, Li Hei Di, Pippy Houldsworth, London
12 April, Florence Hutchings, Redfern Gallery, London
12 April, Marilyn Lerner, Spruth Magers, London
12 April, Barabara Kruger, Spruth Magers, London
12 April, Edward Burtynsky, Flowers, London
12 April, Terry Frost, Flowers, London
12 April, Cinthia Marcelle,Sprovieri, London 
12 April, Matthias Groebel,Gathering, London 
12 April, Raqs Media Collective, Frith Street Gallery, London 
12 April, Kati Heck, Sadie Coles, London
17 April, Trim, Project Space Plus, Lincoln
26 April, Marking Time, General Practice, Lincoln
8 May, Cache 05, Anglia Storage, Lincoln
8 May, Sacred Spaces, St Peter and Gowt, Lincoln
8 May, Parting of the Minds, Project Space Plus, Lincoln
8 May, Paul Letchworth, Gallery St. Martin's, Lincoln
11 May, Anna Reading, Uffington Notice Board
12 May, Common Ground, Uffington Village Hall
15 Ma, Groundings, Project Space Plus, Lincoln
29 May, Caravaggio, St Johns Cathedral, Valletta
31 May, Durer, Mdina Cathedral Museum
31 May, Joe Pellegrini Petit Collection, Wignacourt Museum, Rabat
31 May, Anton Agius, Wignacourt Museum, Rabat
4 June, Now I'm Here, Later I'll be There, Cadman studios, Stoke on Trent
7 June, Come to Fruition, Peter de Wint Building, Lincoln
18 June, Meet the Future, Grosvenor Building, Manchester
18 June, A to Z and Back Again, Holden Gallery, Manchester
19 June, Counter Culture, Djnogoly Gallery, Nottingham
19 June, John Newling, Lakeside Gallery, Nottingham
2 July, Oliver Ventress, General Practice, Lincoln
10 July, Sense of Belonging, Project Space Plus, Lincoln
12 July, Donald G. Rodney, Spike Island, Bristol
12 July, Aperiodic, Kit Form Gallery, Bristol
20th July, Text and Texture, General Practice, Lincoln
24th July, Resonating Museum Walls, Lincoln Museum
6 August, The Time is Always Now, The Box, Plymouth
16 August, Al Held White Cube Bermondsey, London
16 August, Joe Bloom, Kristin Hjellegjerde Gallery, London
16 August, Muhammad Zeeshan, Kristin Hjellegjerde Gallery, London
16 August, Rahima Gambo, Gasworks, London
16 August, Steve Klee, WIP Space, London
16 August, Nudge it, Terrace Gallery, London
16 August, Guild, Fillet space, London
16 August, Francis Alÿs, Barbican, London
16 August, Meera Shakti Osborne, Peer, London
16 August, Steph Huang, Tate Britain, London
16 August, Alvaro Barrington, Tate Britain, London
16 August, Keith Piper and Rex, Tate Britain, London
16 August, Franciska Themerson, Tate Britain, London
16 August, Balraj Khanna, Tate Britain, London
16 August, Henry Moore and Francis Bacon, Tate Britain, London
17 August, Songs of the Open Road, Halycon, London
17 August, London Pictures, Gilbert and George Centre, London
17 August, Damien Hirst, Phillips, London
17 August, Supernova, Flowers, London
17 August, Asi Joy Samuel and Claudia Yu, Frieze no. 9, London
17 August, Yinka Shonibare, Serpentine Gallery, London
17 August, Judy Chicago, Serpentine Gallery, London
17 August, Minsuk Cho, Serpentine Gallery, London
17 August, Gerhard Richter, Serpentine Gallery, London
17 August, Agnes Scherer,  Sadie Coles, London
17 August, Matthew Barney,  Sadie Coles, London
17 August, Isabella Ducrot, Sadie Coles HQ, London
17 August, Bertolt Brecht, Raven Row, London
17 August, Phantom Hymn, Modern Art, London
17 August, Awaken Metamagical Hand, Gazelli Art House, London
7 August, Roe Ethridge Gagosian, Davies St, London
17 August, Minoru Nomata, White Cube Mason’s Yard, London
17 August, Dominique White, Whitechapel Gallery, London
17 August, Archipelago: Winds in Orbit, Whitechapel Gallery, London
17 August, Peter Kennard, Whitechapel Gallery, London
18 August, Yoko Ono, Tate Modern, London
18 August, Jannis Kounnelius, Tate Modern, London
18 August, Inside Job (the Tate Staff Biennale), Tate Modern, London
18 August, Art and Text, Tate Modern, London
18 August, Gillie and Marc, St. Pauls, London
18 August, Lina Iris Viktor, Sir John Soane Museum, London
23 August, Nick Simpson, General Practice, Lincoln
23 August, What? Now, Project Space Plus, Lincoln
31st August, The Kola Nut Cannot be Contained, Welcome Collection, London
31st August, Being Human, Welcome Collection, London
31st August, Jason Wilsher-Mills, Welcome Collection, London
31st August, Penny Slinger, Richard Saltourn, London
31st August, Grace Weaver, Max Hetzler, London
31st August, Rheim Alkadhi, ICA, London
31st August, Vanessa Bell, Courtauld Institute, London
31st August, Henry Moore, Courtauld Institute, London
31st August, Tavares Strachan, Hayward Gallery, London
31st August, Graham Crowley, Domobaal, London
31st August, Contemporary collecting David Hockney to Cornelia Parker, British Museum, London
31st August, Rembrandt and his Children, British Museum, London
31st August, Liorah Tchiprout, Pippy Houldsworth, London
31st August, Hockney and Piereo: A Longer Look, National Gallery, London
31st August, Discover Degas and Miss La La, National Gallery, London
31st August, Don Brown, Sadie Coles, London
1st September, Ed Clark, Turner Contemporary, Margate
1st September, Lynda Benglis, Turner Contemporary, Margate
1st September, Portfolio X Windmill Community Gardens, Turner Contemporary, Margate
9th September, MA Fine Art show, University of Northampton
11th September, MA Fine Art show, Staffordshire University
13 September, Take one A Day, Usher Gallery, Lincoln
14 September, Erica Eyres, Turntable Gallery, Grimsby
14 September, Dale Alcock, Unseen Arts, Grimsby
16 September, MA Design Degree Show, Project Space Plus, Lincoln
20 September, Lubna Chowdhary, Graves Gallery, Sheffield
20 September, PostNatures, Graves Gallery, Sheffield
20 September, Colour, Form and Line, Graves Gallery, Sheffield
20 September, A Passion for Prints, Graves Gallery, Sheffield
20 September, Odilon Redon, Graves Gallery, Sheffield
20 September, Art and Identity, Graves Gallery, Sheffield
20 September, We Are The Monument, Graves Gallery, Sheffield
20 September, Show Your Metal, Millennium Gallery, Sheffield
20 September, Tess Jaray, Millennium Gallery, Sheffield
20 September, Festival of the MindMillennium Gallery, Sheffield
20 September, Festival of the Mind, Persistence Works, Sheffield
20 September, Jack Grinno, Gloam, Sheffield
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An 1837 view of San Francisco (formerly called Yerba Buena) from across the bay. At left is a trading schooner of Jacob P. Leese. The houses of William Richardson and Leese, the only two structures in Yerba Buena at the time, are directly above the prow of the ship's boat. Five men are in a rowboat at left; two large three-masted sailing ships are in the bay at right; other ships in the distance. Text below the print (left): “Lith of Britton & Rey, S.F.; (right) From a drawing by John J. Vioget.” Text below the title: “Entered according to Act of Congress, on the 31st of July, 1867, by J.J. DuPrat, in the Clerk's Office of the district Court of the United States, for the District of California.” From our online catalog.
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entrelac · 4 years
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indiejones · 1 year
1. .Elizabeth Taylor 2. .Vivien Leigh 3. .Julie Andrews 4. .Marilyn Monroe 5. .Grace Kelly 6. .Audrey Hepburn 7. .Olivia de Havilland 8. .Norma Shearer 9. .Greer Garson 10. .Lindsay Lohan 11. .Faye Dunaway 12. .Natalie Portman 13. .Diane Keaton 14. .Jessica Lange 15. .Barbra Streisand 16. .Anne Bancroft 17. .Uma Thurman 18. .Ingrid Bergman 19. .Catherine Zeta Jones 20. .Joan Fontaine 21. .Natasha Richardson 22. .Emily Blunt 23. .Doris Day 24. .Winona Ryder 25. .Salma Hayek 26. .Ashley Judd 27. .Laura Linney 28. .Barbara Stanwyck 29. .Julianne Moore 30. .Shirley Temple 31. .Shirley Maclaine 32. .Sandra Bullock 33. .Meg Ryan 34. .Susan Sarandon 35. .Sophia Loren 36. .Gwyneth Paltrow 37. .Lauren Bacall 38. .Emma Thompson 39. .Helen Hunt 40. .Goldie Hawn 41. .Holly Hunter 42. .Sharon Stone 43. .Helen Mirren 44. .Audrey Tautou 45. .Greta Garbo 46. .Lillian Gish 47. .Claudette Colbert 48. .Carole Lombard 49. .Mary Pickford 50. .Gene Tierney 51. .Kristen Stewart 52. .Drew Barrymore 53. .Hilary Swank 54. .Agnes Moorehead 55. .Ava Gardner 56. .Jean Harlow 57. .Catherine Deneuve 58. .Katharine Hepburn 59. .Jean Simmons 60. .Helena Bonham Carter 61. .Susan Hayward 62. .Judy Garland 63. .Emma Roberts 64. .Greta Gerwig 65. .Jane Wyman 66. .Cameron Diaz 67. .Rita Hayworth 68. .Michelle Williams 69. .Julia Roberts 70. .Rachel McAdams 71. .Joan Crawford 72. .Carrie Fisher 73. .Deborah Kerr 74. .Geena Davis 75. .Laura Dern 76. .Maggie Smith 77. .Mary J. Blige 78. .Ginger Rogers 79. .Bette Davis 80. .Annette Bening 81. .Kate Winslet 82. .Cate Blanchett 83. .Ellen Burstyn 84. .Zoe Saldana 85. .Geraldine Page 86. .Marlene Dietrich 87. .Jane Fonda 88. .Joan Cusack 89. .Kathy Bates 90. .Carey Mulligan 91. .Sissy Spacek 92. .Renee Zellweger 93. .Marisa Tomei 94. .Penelope Cruz 95. .Liv Tyler 96. .Angela Lansbury 97. .Vera Farmiga 98. .Jessica Chastain 99. .Jennifer Aniston 100. .Jullianne Hough
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industrial-horror · 1 year
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Ernest Thesiger
(15 January 1879 – 14 January 1961) as Dr. Septimus Pretorious.
Thesiger was a British stage and film actor. His early ambition was to be a painter, but after serving and being wounded in World War I, increasingly traveled in literary and theatrical circles. George Bernard Shaw wrote the role of The Dauphine for him in the play “Saint Joan”.
Thesiger made his film debut in 1916, and appeared in several silent films. He befriended director James Whale, who was hired to direct the screen adaptation of J. B. Priestley's novel Benighted as “The Old Dark House” (1932), starring Charles Laughton in his first American film, together with top-billed Boris Karloff, Melvyn Douglas, Gloria Stuart, Raymond Massey and Lillian Bond. Whale immediately cast Thesiger in the film as Horace Femm, launching his Hollywood career. The following year Thesiger appeared (as a Scottish butler) with Karloff in a British film, “The Ghoul”.
When Whale agreed to direct Bride of Frankenstein in 1935, he insisted on casting Thesiger as Dr. Septimus Pretorius, instead of the studio's choice of Claude Rains.
Thesiger made several appearances on Broadway, notably as Jacques to Katharine Hepburn's Rosalind in the longest-running production of “As You Like It” ever produced on Broadway. Later films included “The Horse's Mouth” (1958) with Alec Guinness, “Sons and Lovers” (1960), and “The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone”, with Vivien Leigh and Warren Beatty (1961). That same year he made his final stage appearance—a mere week before his death—in “The Last Joke” with John Gielgud and Ralph Richardson.
In 1960, Thesiger was appointed a Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE). His last film appearance was a small role in “The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone” (1961). Shortly after completing it, Thesiger died in his sleep from natural causes on the eve of his 82nd birthday. He is buried in Brompton Cemetery in London.
BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN opened wider in the United States on 20 April 1935, after premiering 19 April, 1935 in San Francisco and in Seattle.
Universal Pictures. Starring Boris Karloff, Colin Clive, Valerie Hobson, Elsa Lanchester, Ernest Thesiger, E. E. Clive, O.P. Heggie, and Una O’Connor.
Directed by James Whale. Screen story by William Hurlbut and John L. Balderson. Screenplay by William Hurlbut. Inspired by the novel “Frankenstein” by Mary Shelly.
Music by Franz Waxman.
Black and White. 75 minutes.
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brookstonalmanac · 2 years
Birthdays 3.3
Beer Birthdays
Jay R. Brooks (1959)
James Ottolini (1969)
Jeff Cioletti (1972)
Five Favorite Birthdays
Julie Bowen; actor (1970)
James Doohan; actor (1920)
Jean Harlow; actor (1911)
Miranda Richardson; actor (1958)
Ronald Searle; illustrator (1920)
Famous Birthdays
Diana Barrymore; actress (1921)
Alexander Graham Bell; inventor (1847)
Edna Best; British stage and film actress (1900)
Jessica Biel; actor (1982)
William James Blacklock; English-Scottish painter (1816)
Margaret Bonds; pianist and composer (1913)
Larry Burkett; author and radio host (1939)
Cyril Burt; English psychologist and geneticist (1883)
Georg Cantor; Russian-German mathematician and philosopher (1845)
Emile-Auguste Chartier; French writer and philosopher (1868)
Paul Clayton; folk singer (1931)
Brian Cox; English keyboard player and physicist (1968)
Ruby Dandridge; African-American film and radio actress (1902)
Gustave de Molinari; Dutch-Belgian economist and theorist (1819)
Bonnie J. Dunbar; engineer and astronaut (1949)
Perry Ellis; fashion designer (1940)
David Faustino; actor (1974)
Tyler Florence; chef and author (1971)
Ragnar Frisch; Norwegian economist (1895)
Ira Glass; radio host (1959)
William Godwin; English writer (1756)
Laura Harring; Mexican-American model and actress (1964)
Robyn Hitchcock; pop singer (1953)
Thom Hoffman; Dutch actor and photographer (1957)
Asger Jorn; Danish painter and sculptor (1914)
Jackie Joyner-Kersee; track athlete (1962)
Tim Kazurinsky; actor, comedian (1950)
Ronan Keating; Irish singer-songwriter and actor (1977)
Arthur Kornberg; biochemist (1918)
Artur Lundkvist; Swedish poet (1906)
James Merrill; poet and playwright (1926)
George Miller; Australian film director (1945)
Sameera Moussa; Egyptian physicist (1917)
John Murray; Canadian scientist (1841)
Thomas Otway; English writer (1652)
Mike Pender; English singer-songwriter and guitarist (1941)
Charles Ponzi; Italian criminal, "Ponzi scheme" (1882)
George Pullman; train car inventor (1831)
Anri Sakaguchi; Japanese actress (1991)
Clifton Snider; author and poet (1947)
Harold J. Stone; actor (1913)
Tone-Loc; rapper (1966)
Buddy Valastro; chef and tv host (1977)
Herschel Walker; football RB (1962)
Edmund Waller; English poet, writer (1606)
Michael Walzer; philosopher (1935)
Jennifer Warnes; singer-songwriter (1947)
Doc Watson; bluegrass singer-songwriter and musician (1923)
Snowy White; English guitarist (1948)
Darnell Williams; English-American actor (1955)
Hattie Winston; actress (1945)
Beatrice Wood; illustrator and potter (1893)
Victoria Zdrok; model (1973)
Ona Zee; porn actor (1954)
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njadastonearm · 2 years
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2022 in books! All in all my best year for reading in a while -- I beat last year by 22 books and ~6500 pages. Thank you, audiobooks!
Full list below the cut. Favorites are bolded and marked with an asterisk.
Conjure Women by Afia Atakora
The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway
King Richard by Michael Dobbs
When Women Invented Television by Jennifer Keishin Armstrong
Destiny of the Republic by Candice Millard *
Uncommon Sense Teaching by Barbara Oakley, Beth Rogowsky, and Terrence J. Sejnowski
The Lost Founding Father by William J. Cooper
The Fossil Hunter by Shelley Emling
Velvet Was the Night by Silvia Moreno Garcia
If I Understood You, Would I Have This Look On My Face? by Alan Alda *
Coolidge by Amity Shlaes
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen *
My Heart Is a Chainsaw by Stephen Graham Jones *
The Quartet by Joseph J. Ellis
The Woman They Could Not Silence by Kate Moore *
The Bully Pulpit by Doris Kearns Goodwin
The Man From the Train by Bill James
How the Multiverse Got Its Revenge by K. Eason
I'll Be Gone In the Dark by Michelle McNamara
The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson
How to Write a Lot by Paul J. Silvia
The Truffle Underground by Ryan Jacobs
The Awakening by Kate Chopin *
Lovecraft Country by Matt Ruff *
Entangled Life by Merlin Sheldrake
The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein by Kiersten White
While Justice Sleeps by Stacey Abrams
What Lives in the Woods by Lindsay Currie
Time Is a Mother by Ocean Vuong *
Why Fish Don't Exist by Lulu Miller *
Arsenic and Adobo by Mia P. Manansala
The Chalk Man by C. J. Tudor
His Hideous Heart edited by Dahlia Adler
The Woman In the Library by Sulari Gentill
Persuasion by Jane Austen *
Misery by Stephen King *
The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek by Kim Michele Richardson
The Book Woman's Daughter by Kim Michele Richardson
Grant by Ron Chernow *
The Disappearing Spoon by Sam Kean
American Moonshot by Douglas Brinkley
The Axeman of New Orleans by Miriam C. Davis
Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson *
Sisters by Daisy Johnson *
A Woman Is No Man by Etaf Rum *
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore by Robin Sloane
Gilead by Marilynne Robinson
The Motion of Puppets by Keith Donohue
Sherlock Holmes (Audiobook collection: The Adventure of the Empty House/The Adventure of the Devil's Foot/The Adventure of the Abbey Grange) by Arthur Conan Doyle
The Chocolate War by Robert Cormier
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum *
Catch-22 by Joseph Heller *
The Marvelous Land of Oz by L. Frank Baum
Sea of Tranquility by Emily St. John Mandel
Three Pianos by Andrew McMahon
Call Us What We Carry by Amanda Gorman
Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen
Ozma of Oz by L. Frank Baum
Dorothy and the Wizard In Oz by L. Frank Baum
I Hope This Finds You Well by Kate Baer
The Zealot and the Emancipator by H. W. Brands
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