#Which is made even more clear when we look at her charters: her witness lists were comprised of more or less politically insignificant
wonder-worker · 2 months
are there any books you'd recommend for Isabelle of Angouleme?
Hi! I’m really not an expert on Isabella of Angouleme so I'm probably not the best person to ask for recommendations for her. Here are some I've heard of, though I haven't read all of them:
"Isabella of Angouleme: John's Jezebel" by Nicholas Vincent (King John: New Interpretations). I haven't read it myself but I've heard good things!
“Maternal Abandonment and Surrogate Caregivers: Isabella of Angoulême and Her Children by King John” by Louise J. Wilkinson (Virtuous or Villainess? The Image of the Royal Mother from the Early Medieval to the Early Modern Era). It focuses more-so on Isabella's tenure as queen, the period shortly after John's death, and her decision to leave England. Despite what the title may imply, it's sympathetic to Isabella and analyzes her situation in detail.
“Co-Operation, Co-Rulership and Competition: Queenship in the Angevin Domains 1135-1230” by Gabrielle Storey, her PHD thesis which collectively focuses on Isabella of Angouleme along with Empress Matilda, Eleanor of Aquitaine, and Berengaria of Navarre. You can read/download it here, it's an excellent piece for all four women.
Sally Spong has written/is writing:
Isabella of Angouleme: The Vanished Queen (Norman to Early Plantagenet Consorts). You can see her conclusion here. It's nuanced and sympathetic, though not without its issues and pre-conceived notions.
Isabella of Gloucester and Isabella of Angouleme: Female Lordship, Queenship, Power, and Authority 1189-1220 (PHD thesis University of East Anglia).
“Isabelle d’Angouleme, By the Grace of God, Queen” by William Chester Jordan. You can read it online here, though I will say that it's ... very very questionable, accepting the sensational claims of lot of unreliable sources (including the idea of John abducting Isabella in a fit of uncontrollable infatuation) entirely at face-value.
“The Marriage and Coronation of Isabelle of Angouleme” by H.G. Richardson, available here on JSTOR.
Isabella has also been the subject of two complete French biographies till date:
"Isabelle d’Angoulême, reine d’Angleterre" (Aquitaine: 1998) by Sophie Fougere.
"Isabelle d’Angoulême, comtesse-reine et son temps (1186-1246)" [Actes du colloque tenu à Lusignan, 8 au 10 novembre 1996] by Gabriel Biancotto, Robert Favreau and Piotr Skubiszewski.
There are also a few blog posts about her (here and here) which may help if you want a brief overview of her life, though they can get a little sensationalistic sometimes.
Hope this helps! If anyone knows any others, please feel free to add on!
#I'm so sorry it took so long to answer! I'll add more if I find them#ask#Isabella of Angouleme#angevins#Sally Spong's chapter on Isabella is...complicated#It's detailed and sympathetic and I think it highlights some interesting aspects of Isabella's life#But it's also dependent on her own very fixed pre-conceived notions re Isabella's role as queen#Spong takes issue with other historians' observations about Isabella but...doesn't actually try to debunk the views herself?#It ends up seeming as though she's deliberately missing the point#And I think by reading things in the best possible light she ends up downplaying what may have been complicated experiences for Isabella#For example she disagrees with the idea that John was constraining Isabella's role by highlighting her ceremonial presence at court#But historians like Wilkinson HAVE highlighted this as well and emphasized how the 'ceremonial importance of Isabella's position as queen#consort and the dynastic significance of her maternity' were recognized and honored#But that does not discount or nullify the way Isabella's role does seem to have been constrained elsewhere by John#Namely her lack of control over her lands (many of which were granted away by John) and probable lack of access to queen's gold#Along with her absence from charters and the notable lack of prayers for her welfare save a single exception in 1204#Spong also disagrees with the idea that Isabella was excluded from her son's governance after John's death by highlighting her#presence at his coronation and (months later) at the peace talks between England and France#Which is - again - sort of missing the point??#*Yes* - Isabella's presence in both those occasions is certainly interesting and important when talking about her life#But that does not change the fact that Isabella seems to have been either remote or excluded from central government#She was not directing or working with the council in terms of governance but seems to have been at a distance from power#Which is made even more clear when we look at her charters: her witness lists were comprised of more or less politically insignificant#figures and included no men associated with her son's regency council#It's a striking contrast to the former roles that Empress Matilda and Eleanor of Aquitaine had for their sons#With those very dynamic precedents in place I do think Isabella's remoteness from her son's government is very notable#And I feel like that's...very important when discussing her decision to return to Angouleme?#But because Spong is keen to view Isabella's circumstances in the best light possible she sort of dismisses these discussions#& potential difficulties#It got rather frustrating to read
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96thdayofrage · 4 years
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Lewis rose to prominence in 2012, when she led the first teachers strike in Chicago in 25 years — a walkout many say inspired a wave of teacher activism and the beginning of the Red for Ed, the national movement in which teachers went on strike to demand better pay and working conditions.
The 2012 Chicago Teachers Strike showed teachers they could take on the powerful and win.
Lewis served as president of the Chicago Teachers Union from 2010 to 2018, when she resigned due to health issues. She was diagnosed with brain cancer several years ago. She was 67 years old. Her death was announced by her former spokeswoman and confirmed by sources close to the CTU.
Lewis was born on July 26, 1953. A proud daughter of Chicago Public School teachers, she went to Kenwood Academy in Hyde Park on the South Side. She left her junior year to go to Mount Holyoke College and then transferred to Dartmouth College. She said she was the only African American woman in Dartmouth’s graduating class of 1974.
Before becoming president of the teachers union, she was a chemistry teacher in Chicago Public Schools for more than 20 years.
Lewis is remembered as being passionate and outspoken, but also highly intelligent, wildly funny and warm, and someone who always recalled details about people’s lives and asked about them.
“She had a boisterous love of life and she made people feel seen,” said Jackson Potter, a friend and one of the founders of Lewis’ union caucus, called CORE. “Though she was childless, she felt like all the babies in the world were her children.”
He said Lewis’ ability to make people laugh helped her be a good leader. It allowed her to bridge divides and gave people a way to relate to her.
Potter said Lewis’ humor and warmth also allowed her to get away with espousing what were considered radical ideas at the time.
She attacked the rich and the powerful, who she saw as trying to insert themselves into public education through charter schools and other corporate-inspired education reforms. At a rally in Union Park in October 2012, Lewis held up a blank sheet of paper. She said it listed the qualifications of the people making education policy.
“What’s on it?” she asked. “Nothing, nothing, nothing.” The crowd that packed the park then started chanting, “nothing, nothing, nothing.”
She went on to make the argument that teachers want to be collaborative, but once competition is introduced, it takes away the desire to work together for the common good of children. She also saw the introduction of market approaches into public education as devaluing the work of teachers and siphoning money away from regular public schools, a process she said hurt children.
“I don’t care what they say, ‘We will not harm our children’” she said. “You are asking us to do harm to children. I don’t think people understand that.”
Lewis also moved the union away from bread and butter issues, like pay and benefits, to broader issues of social justice. Under her tenure, the union put forth a manifesto called The Schools Chicago’s Students Deserve that laid bare the wide distance between what CPS said it should provide students and what it does.
The Schools Chicago’s Students Deserve called for teachers to be treated as professionals, for fully staffed schools with nurses and social workers and for lower class sizes.
“We needed someone to swing” Lewis’ message resonated because she was willing to stand up for teachers at a time when teachers were under attack and somewhat downtrodden. She unapologetically labeled people as villains and enemies if she thought they disrespected public school teachers and public education.
Chief among them was former Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel.
Early on in her tenure as union president, she emerged from a meeting with Emanuel and revealed he had sworn at her. This came after she called the longer school day he was pushing a “babysitting” initiative.
“He jumped out of his chair and said, F-you Lewis,” she recalled. “And I jumped out of my chair and said, who the F do you think you are talking to? I don’t work for you.”
Lewis said she went on to use “infinitely more colorful South Side language,” as did the mayor.
Nora Flanagan, who taught with Lewis at Lane Tech High School on the North Side, said she thinks teachers were inspired by that moment.
“That was when Karen made it clear that this was going to be a fight and we all were like, ‘Okay, let’s do this,’ and we took off our earrings and had someone hold our shoes and got ready for a big fight with a new, very powerful mayor,” Flanagan said. “We needed someone to swing, to make it obvious this might get ugly, but she was ready and we should be ready too.”
Lewis was known for throwing verbal bombs. She called Emanuel the “murder mayor” when the union was on the front lines in the fight against the historic closing of 50 schools in 2013.
“Look at the murder rate in this city. He’s murdering schools. He’s murdering jobs. He’s murdering housing. I don’t know what else to call him. He’s the murder mayor,” she said during the school closing fight.
And she once told a group of community and business leaders that then-Gov. Bruce Rauner, who for years held up the passage of a state budget until his agenda was approved, was a new “ISIS recruit … because the things he’s doing look like acts of terror on poor and working-class people,” she said.
Potter said it took courage for Lewis to speak that way and it was a risk. He said even some members of the union would tell him that “Karen was too much.” He saw that as a euphemism for her being “too black.”
Potter said, though she didn’t like it, she would often have Potter or one of the other white officers go to member meetings in the white strongholds on the far Northwest and Southwest sides.
“In some ways, Karen was a consummate diplomat because she could span all these different environments, but in other ways she was the most smash-mouthed person I have ever known because she would not be afraid to say it like it was,” he said.
James Franczek, the chief labor attorney for the school district, said Lewis used rhetoric that people were not used to and that made some uncomfortable.
“My first impression was, ‘Wow, this woman is sort of off the rails,’” he said. “Karen has many positive traits but subtlety is not one of them.”
While Franczek said he disagreed with Lewis on most issues, he said he wound up liking her personally. In the years after the arduous 2012 negotiations, he would have dinner or coffee with her and they would talk about some of the things she loved — opera, classical music and what books she was reading.
“She disagrees with you on almost everything, but she does it with a sense of humor that makes those disagreements enjoyable,” Franczek said.
Franczek called Lewis a “force of nature” and someone who is so “unique he doesn’t think there will ever be another leader like her.”
Her intelligence and wit earned the respect of even her staunchest adversaries. When she retired, Mayor Emanuel sent her matzah ball soup, a traditional Jewish food. Emanuel called her a friend and said he respected her advocacy for the children of Chicago.
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“A fearless truth teller” Current Chicago Teacher Union Vice President Jesse Sharkey, like Potter, was part of the group of young, upstart high school teachers who founded the CORE union caucus to take on the union leadership they ultimately replaced. They criticized former leaders for letting the school district increase privatization without a fight and for being unwilling to take on the broader social justice issues in public education.
Sharkey said he relished watching Lewis become “like a folk icon in the city.”
“Her ability to speak to the mass media and working-class people in the city really caught hold of the imagination of people broadly in Chicago,” he said. “It was amazing to see unfold.”
But he said it would be wrong to make Lewis out to be a cuddly figure who was friends with Emanuel. As with many black leaders, he said the tendency is to try to remove their sharp edge.
“This is the person who called Rahm Emanuel the murder mayor and was willing to take on the powerful and the establishment,” Sharkey said. “She has been a voice for black workers, she has been a voice for the underdog.”
Sharkey said Lewis was a “fearless truth teller” who was a “lightning rod of criticism.”
“She bore it with incredible grace and a tremendous amount of patience and really helped to give people confidence to create a movement,” he said.
Stacy Davis Gates, the current union vice president, said on the day the Chicago Board of Education voted to close 50 schools, Lewis declared she was going to shift the political landscape of the city. Lewis was gearing up to run for mayor against Emanuel when she was diagnosed with brain cancer.
While Lewis didn’t get to challenge Emanuel, her vision played out, said Davis Gates. For one, Emanuel is no longer mayor, having decided not to run for a third term in 2019.
And in 2019, Sharkey and Davis Gates led the teachers out on an 11-day strike, demanding many of the supports and resources called for in that 2012 document, The Schools Chicago’s Students Deserve.
The contract they negotiated includes commitments for hundreds more nurses and social workers, as well as class size caps, for the first time.
Davis Gates said it was Lewis that gave union leaders and teachers in Chicago the conviction to take on the fight.
“You see all of the threads and the fruits of her labor manifesting in a way where you don’t have just the one, you have the mightier, you have the more stable, you have a chorus of voices shaking their hand and demanding the justice she embodied as the leader of this union,” she said.
Sharkey also gave Lewis a powerful nod on the eve of the October 2019 strike. As he stood before throngs of members in their red shirts, Sharkey declared, “This is the house that Karen built.”
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How To Outsmart Your Boss On New Hampshire Maps
With much less than 5 weeks until the nominating contests start out, just about every city frequented, each word spoken is actually a strategic campaign option to reel in the however wholesome chunk of undecided voters. Political reporter Alison King has more:
We now have no record of this, but we do recognize that the title clung right until 1853 in the event the town was chartered since the “Metropolis of Concord.”
There's no clear front-runner, and you'll find seven candidates possibly in the direct or inside sixteen factors of your direct. It’s the kind of poll consequence which makes you believe that New Hampshire’s Democratic primary is much from identified at this stage.
He was a genial host along with a wit, and described himself inside the terms of Falstaff as “A portly gentleman, i’ faith, an a corpulent, of the cheerful appear, a lovely eye, and many noble carriage.” He spoke of his hotel fare as getting so good that it gave him the gout.
This place has a small amount of every thing. They may have slides for the kids (even noticed some adults check out it), They may have a capturing h2o fountain, and several hidden alcoves that are ideal for photographs. Previously from the working day you will Commonly see far more people and larger crowds, having said that…
For over forty years Election Working day Sermons have been delivered from the Outdated North Church by clergymen appointed through the legislature. To become requested to preach among the list of sermons was thought of a large honor, but lastly the tailor made turned a great deal of associated with politics that it absolutely was abolished. Following the new governor experienced taken his seat and experienced addressed both equally houses, a procession was formed and marched to your meetinghouse to the sermon. Election Day, on Thursday of the primary week in June, was the great celebration in the year and even took precedence more than Independence Working day and Musters. The people today of Concord started in May perhaps to arrange for it by getting needed exercise of how and by Placing their homes and places of business enterprise in order. From ten o’clock in the morning right up until late in the evening crowds of people took possession of the streets.
The filing is far over a clerical function. The larger sized campaigns will hold rallies outside the house the State Dwelling and pack the second-ground corridor leading to the secretary of point out’s southwest corner offices with supporters.
” Its very first inmate, convicted of horse thieving, was devoted to the jail in November. From time to time the buildings were being enlarged to meet the desires of existing conditions. It stands upon the west facet of your Daniel Webster Highway about one particular and two-thirds miles north from the Condition House.
With just six months until finally the presidential nominating contests commence, Joe Biden is fine-tuning what is going to before long be his final pitch to voters: that he's uniquely capable to unite.
While a plurality from the 53% of voters by using a higher education degree backed Trump, he managed a 42-13 routing about Cruz between voters without a higher education degree. Trump swept all voters' loved ones economical cases, but confirmed appreciable power amongst those people who are "Keeping continual" or "slipping guiding.
The Increase that candidates may perhaps get within an election as a result of the recognition of candidates over them about the ballot, Specially the president.
A 2010 selection by The us Supreme Courtroom Keeping that independent expenses are no cost speech safeguarded via the 1st Modification and so can't be minimal by federal regulation.
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But correlation is not causation. Koczela states many aspects could reveal Warren's slump while in the polls, such as the undeniable fact that as a front-runner she drew fire from her opponents and even more scrutiny from voters.
The 2020 presidential primary plan voting calendar is listed beneath Along with the day of every primary and caucus for Democrats and Republicans. From your Iowa caucuses to Election Working day on November three, 2020, here is a take a look at which states vote when, and in which the most important quantity of delegates are awarded.
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yachtingboat · 6 years
Part 2: 2018 Market Round Up with IYC
Part 2: 2018 Market Round Up with IYC
From the listing of the 67m Hot Lab explorer project in March, to the sale of 56.65m Kinta during the summer, to their representation of 84m colossus Icon 280 at the end of the year, it's been a great year for IYC. As we close the door on 2018, brokers Mark Elliott and Katya Grzeszczak give us an insight into the continued success of the world-renowned brokerage house, as well as an idea of the industry trends witnessed during the last quarter.
(Continued from part 1)
Getting into more specific demographics, Mark notes an uptick in young clientele: “The intergenerational youth have been chartering more, there is an emerging demographic of young yacht owners,” he says. Katya also sees a new generation of yacht owners pouring into the market, but contests that the demographic constitutes an equal split of self made and intergenerational wealth. She also identifies the number of female yacht owners increasing with the changing times.
Katya and Mark agree that a shift in figures for first time buyers can be observed - IYC seem to be cracking this market. “First time yacht owners are buying bigger than ever before,” says Mark, with Katya adding that “this is quite a new trend, compared to the more traditional pattern of starting small and moving up in size over the years.” This having been said, the ‘Generation X’ of Ultra High Net Worth Individuals continue to be a reliable customer base.
Another major influence on the 2018 market has been regulations and politics. Mark comments on an issue that has been at the forefront of the minds of brokers and buyers for some time now, namely the presidency of Donald Trump and his prospective flag laws. “I expect that some yachts over 500 tons may choose to be US pending the outcome of the trade war,” Mark says, “US yachts are currently nervous about the proposed 25% tax for going into the EU.”
Another matter of increasing prominence is ocean conservation and green yachting; 2019 will be a year where philanthropy must be at the forefront of leading brokerages and builders. “IYC is actively involved with Prince Albert II Foundation for the Global Ocean,” Katya tells us, “We educate our owners to donate to the Foundation as one of the means to offset carbon footprint by helping multiple environmental programs.” IYC is also partnered with Marine Protected Areas, a foundation which fights against plastic pollution, mitigating ocean acidification, conservation of endangered species and management of water resources.
“There is no doubt that yachting generates a carbon footprint,” Katya continues, “But most of our fleet are as ‘green’ as possible - reusable and refillable water bottles for guests and crew, economical fuel consumption, safe garbage disposal and water treatment practices, etc.”
When asked about the next chapter of brokerage, Mark forecasts the rising prominence of digital methods and a potential shift towards fractional ownership, as well as deviation from traditional brokerage in the forms of yacht auctions and the use of bitcoin. Continuing to look towards the future, he asserts that another large US yacht builder entering the market would be unendingly beneficial: “There is a huge void left with the absence of Trinity and other US manufacturers who are no longer in business.”
Katya, meanwhile, prefaces her predictions by commenting that the ultra-luxury designation of the yachting industry means that it is highly reflective of the economic climate. “Due to American stable economy, US buyers and owners are a driving force in the industry. I would certainly expect this trend to continue into 2019,” she says.
After a hugely successful and busy 2018, it is clear that 2019 will be an even bigger one for IYC, with plenty of exciting prospects for growth in the pipeline. We continue to bring all the updates from the shipyard as we cruise into a new year.
Icon 280
Hot Lab 67M EXP
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