#willem seems like the kind of guy who's always there for people who are willing to learn and like spending time with him
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wits-half · 3 years ago
okay, alright, listen. i don't want to be a creep that takes apart every single interview piece by piece, but i gotta know right now
IF willem is saying to jamie "okay, sweetie, sweetie, don't get embarrassed. sounds good to me!"
because if he is, correct me if i'm wrong for the love of everything, i will actually combust bc of how wholesome he is
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atopearth · 6 years ago
Shall We Date? Ninja Shadow Part 10 - Nakagawa Toru Route
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Yayyy! Excited for Toru! Seems like things are sped up now, since Makoto has already said that they’ve gotten permission to assassinate Suetsugu and the heroine has realised who he is after his description and how he had burnt a village down recently. Her first mission was to pretend to be a prostitute to gather info and even though she succeeded in her mission, right when she wanted to run away, Toru chose her to accompany him, poor her lol. Kinda cute how he finds her so fascinating because she’s a bit feisty and she talks about her opinions on his behaviour without fear unlike the other prostitutes. Loll at the heroine ditching him and sneaking away the moment she was able to leave the room though.
Not surprised that he can instantly recognise her in her guy clothes. And it’s kinda cute how infatuated he is with her. Omggg when he took the chance to kiss her when she accepted his umbrella after him insisting on her taking it, he is smooth! Doesn’t care about personal space or consent but dang, I like how he’s just going for it. I also like that in this route, the heroine is finding it hard to digest that she had actually killed someone, even if he’s a heinous criminal, she’s never killed anyone before, so the fact that she took someone’s life would still affect her and I’m glad that this route is exploring that since it never really did in the other ones. LOL, I knew Tsubaki knew who she was but I didn’t think he’d be such a bro to bring her to Toru lmao, how kind of him🤣 Loll at Toru giving her a random courtesan makeover, it was pretty cool though.
So cool when Toru saved her when Willem noticed her having tailed Suetsugu to their meeting place. Whenever Toru talks about Makoto and his dream of making Nagasaki a better place for him that is much more free and not as bound to the rules that are currently restricting Makoto, he always feels like a great brother and although I don’t want Nagasaki to be destroyed, I do agree with Toru’s sentiments to an extent. Lmao that she thanked him for always saving her when she needs help and he says that she’s always causing trouble whenever he passes by🤣 So cute when she immediately thought of Toru when Haru and Ritsu asked who she considers the most attractive in Nagasaki, I have to admit that Toru is definitely a top option! But omg, when Ukyo nominated himself and said that he admires himself the most because he only does things he himself admires to do, I honestly thought he was really cool even though everyone else thought he was silly for not answering the question properly haha. This is why Ukyo will always be a favourite of mine🤣
Must have been such a shock to the heroine to find out at the same time that Makoto’s brother is smuggling stuff with Suetsugu and starting a rebellion, as well as this brother actually being the samurai with a fox mask that she’s started falling for… Seriously though, that uncle of Makoto’s just shouting all this crap publicly in the shop, like dude😑😑 Now that everything is out in the open including her gender, it’s time to wonder how they can come to terms with each other. Maybe the heroine spoke outside her boundaries about Toru since it’s true that his ideas can be dangerous considering the consequences and repercussions of destroying the shogunate right now when they’re like the authorities, but I was kinda annoyed that Makoto dismissed that she was kinda siding with Toru just because she had fallen in love with him and so she’s softer towards his ideas. Can’t she just have her own opinion after listening to Toru’s side of things?
It’s good that the heroine followed Makoto who had arranged to meet up with Toru, since they were so heated up about their own battle that they didn’t realise there were these evil merchants trying to kill them, so the heroine had to call out to them and save them from getting injured. It was so saddening to see Toru so concerned about Makoto and yet have irreconcilable differences since Toru’s stance has been shown with his swift kill of the merchant that tried to kill them. Toru will show no mercy to destroying every bit of corruption in Nagasaki regardless of the balance that may fall in result of that. It’s good that Asagi helped the heroine realise how different and kind Toru is with her, and how much he smiles and is willing to share his thoughts and dreams with her, also nice that it’s helped her realise her feelings for him too. Not surprised that Makoto didn’t want to tell her or bring her on the mission to capture Toru, but it was nice that Asagi did, hoping that she could be with him when he gets captured. Too bad she gets captured by Toru instead haha. And then he gets hurt by some random guy that wanted to burn the place they were hiding at! Thankfully Tsubaki came and rescued them!
Really glad that they finally got the time to tell each other their true thoughts and feelings. It’s impossible for the heroine to go along with Toru’s ways and abandon her village and the vigilantes, but she can’t help but be attracted to Toru, so all they can really do is ignore all that just for tonight so they can dwell in their love together as they prepare to fight against each other the next day😫 My heart broke so much when they arrested Toru and the heroine was crying. Why does it have to be so heartbreaking?😭😭 There was no other way they could have a happy ending aside from the vigilantes working together to make it seem like Toru died in his cell, so then he and the heroine can leave Nagasaki and Japan together to go to another country. It was really sweet of them to prepare that and care for the heroine so much. Makoto was so considerate to even prepare connections so that Toru could be a merchant in this country. I can imagine how hard the heroine is working to understand the language to help Toru out, and omggg when he kissed her ring finger saying that people here propose with rings but since he doesn’t have one, he kissed her to show that he hopes for her to be his wife☺️☺️☺️
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Overall, I really enjoyed this route and I really liked Toru! He was fun, seductive, flirty and had strong convictions that really made him very admirable. Although his ideas conflicted with the heroine’s, I think the story showed really well how even though they had differing views, they could still fall in love with the person that the other was, yet still remain faithful to their own values and be unwavering towards it, even though the one they love doesn’t agree with them. I think it was portrayed nicely and was pretty heartwrenching when they both inevitably separated due to it. The happy ending was rather cliche and expected since there’s not much you can do to make it happy after Toru gets arrested, but it was still very cute😊 Definitely one of my most favourite routes just because I love Toru’s looks and personality🤣
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letterboxd · 7 years ago
Sean Baker Q&A.
“Don’t ever fall in love on set. It totally ruins everything. It’s so distracting and stupid.”
The Florida Project director Sean Baker, an esteemed member of Letterboxd, agreed to answer some of your questions. We didn’t get through all those you asked, because he’s a bit busy with ongoing publicity for the film, but we reckon we did you proud. Here, Baker discusses the male gaze, finding his incredible cast, the privilege of being a storyteller, and the ending everyone seems obsessed with (includes mild spoiler). Baker also gave us three film lists to accompany this article.
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Moonee (Brooklynn Prince) and Halley (Bria Vinaite) in The Florida Project (2017)
Hi Sean, we’re so happy to talk to you. We had around 200 questions submitted via our Q&A, but you’ll be relieved to hear we’ve whittled these down to some central themes. First, some adorable concern from Joseph: How’s life?
Really?! Aw. It’s all good. You know. It’s just … this has been an exhausting press tour with this film, but at the same time I’m happy to be doing it and getting the word out there about the movie so I can’t complain. I’m very happy with the response that the film is getting, so I’m in good spirits.
A follow-up from Berry: How are you, really?
If anything, the one bad thing about this is you can’t keep up your health, you know what I mean? When you’re on the road, you start eating garbage and you can’t work out as much. That’s the only drawback. This is the one time when you’re actually asked to go in front of cameras and you look and feel the worst!
It also is the one time where they ask you to actually be articulate and to talk, and this is the time that you can’t because of the fact that you’re so tired. So it’s kinda weird. It’s the only chance for you to try to make an impression, but it’s the one time in your life that you’re not equipped to.
Besides that, everything is fine!
We had many, many questions about your casting of The Florida Project, so we chose Jacko’s: How did you manage to find such talent with Bria and Brooklynn, and were there certain moments in their auditions that made you go with them?
Well, Bria, I discovered her on Instagram. We had [Stranger Things casting director] Carmen Cuba on board for our casting, so we were considering a Hollywood name for that role. And we were thinking about all of the young women who could possibly play that role. But I came across her Instagram page one hundred percent by accident.
I wasn’t looking through Instagram or even any social media to cast that role. I was keeping an open mind to it because I had luck with it in the past; with Tangerine I cast some of our supporting roles on Vine and YouTube. And when I saw her Instagram page I was just really intrigued. I thought that she had that youthful, rebellious energy I was looking for and she didn’t take herself too seriously. I knew she wouldn’t have any problems with confidence because she was already putting herself out there and her physicality worked for us. And then talking with her on the phone—I made contact with her—I realised that she had the motivation and the enthusiasm.
[Sean is now talking to his dog] Hey stop it Bunsen, stop it! It’s Bunsen, like bunsen burner. I didn’t name him!
So she came down and she auditioned with the kids and I saw the potential. She had a long ways to go because she was green, and I knew that she would need to be going through intensive workshops to get her to the place where she would be ready—and she was willing to do that, so everything was great.
And when I saw her with Brooklynn, it did feel like they were related, they had a real close connection.
Brooklynn, she came through the local casting company called CROWDshot. She had some previous experience. She had more experience than Bria, she had done some commercials. Within seconds of seeing her in the room, she won me over because she had all of that everything I was looking for, you know, the cuteness and the wit and the energy.
We could also tell that she had a lot of heart, meaning that she wore her emotions on her sleeve. The way she answered questions, we kind of knew that she had a sensitive side and that we would be able to work with her and her parents to get her to a place where she would be able to have that emotional scene at the end of the movie.
She was also just real. Even though she had experience and her mother was an actor, she didn’t feel like one of those hollywood kids that are all dolled up. She had a very casual feel about it, and just wise beyond her years. Without being too much like an adult, it also felt like she was six going on forty! Very intelligent.
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Sean Baker with The Florida Project’s Brooklynn Prince and Willem Dafoe (Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP)
We had several great questions—from Dante, Darren, Marisa and MangeyMaggie—all curious about the places and people you choose to film, who are outside of the so-called mainstream, often marginalized. We really like their questions, actually, for how they speak to privilege: both your privilege (white, male) and your position as someone who gets to tell stories. So tell us how you manage to find the balance between an empathetic representation of these specific demographics, and a universally relatable story.
It’s just a response to what I’m not seeing enough of. It’s very simple. It’s just that the reason that there are marginalized communities and subcultures and groups of people is because they’re ignored, and so the antidote to that is in just stop ignoring. That’s how I see it. It’s as simple as starting to look outside of the groups that normally have stories told about them and for them. It’s really that simple.
The balance is really just approaching the way you would approach any other story. I mean, this is the way that I would tell a story about anybody. Basically humanizing them, trying to find empathy in our characters. This is just the way I would normally do this to anybody, so I guess that’s how you strike a difference.
It’s weird because I’m bad at self-analyzing, but I think what it comes down to is if you’re telling a story about a group of people that you’re not really a part of, I guess the question is why would you approach it in any sort of a different way? If you do do that, you’re basically saying that you consider them different from you. You know what I mean? It’s just as simple as, it feels to me the only ethical way of doing something like this is all about equality, so you approach it the same exact way.
If you’re telling a story about two transgender women of color who happen to be sex workers but the ultimate story, the universal theme in this is friendship, why would you tackle it in any different way?
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Alexandra (Mya Taylor) and Sin-Dee (Kitana Kiki Rodriguez) in Tangerine (2015)
On the ‘male gaze’ and how you work with female characters, Melissa asked: “Whenever I talk about works that avoid the male gaze, I like to point out yours. I think you handle perfectly these ‘unconventional’ women and themes that could be hard to represent (like sex workers, transgender women [of color], etc). I wonder if you’re always conscious of how important it is to do it right or if it just comes naturally. How much do you let your actresses take over?”
I have to say I am conscious of it. I mean, we’re living in an age of the think-piece, we’re living in an age where people are really looking out for this, in a good way. It’s a good thing.
You know, Hollywood for a long time has been blind to this, so when I go into any of these films I have to make sure that in a way I am very conscious of the fact that I’m a guy, I’m a straight guy making these movies, but if I’m focusing on a female protagonist, I have to make sure the representation is correct. And also just in general.
The gaze is an important thing. I look at the gaze, I really do respect when a director, like a Larry Clark, has his gaze just plastered all over the film. This is his perspective, this is what he wants to see. That’s great. That’s one thing. But with my films, because they’re sometimes tackling issues and it’s something that has to appeal to an audience that spans, you know, race, gender, creed etc, I have to be a little more middle of the road. And when I’m middle of the road, I have to determine whether I’m falling into too much of the male gaze. My own gaze.
So what I try to do is I try to balance it out. And so for example I have to make sure that the camera stays objective, or is equally balanced. So if I’m gonna show female nudity, I’m gonna show male nudity, and that was very important for me, especially with Starlet. Because Starlet is focusing on an industry that is all male gaze, when I went about showing that industry I wanted to make sure that it wasn’t falling into that. We’re an outside view of that industry and therefore it should be so much more objective. So I made sure my male nudity was more explicit than female nudity in that film.
It’s also important because a lot of my characters are female characters, and so the great thing about that is I usually work with actresses who I have a very good relationship with in terms of our communication. I turn to my actresses and ask them their opinions and ask them whether representation is correct here and how they would do it and what they would like to see. Or how the scene is being played out and is this reaction accurate? Is this line believable? So I think there’s a lot of collaboration and a lot of turning to my female actors to help me figure out whether the male gaze is appropriate.
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Sadie (Besedka Johnson) and Jane (Dree Hemingway) in Starlet (2012)
There were so many questions about the ending of The Florida Project that it’s safe to say we should ask a question about the ending of The Florida Project. A lot has already been written about why you chose to film the final scene the way you did, but what do you make of all this obsession with the ending?
I did not know it was going to be as polarizing as it is. It was one of our first visions that Chris [Bergoch, Sean’s co-writer] and I had, so we’ve been tied to this ending to a certain degree since 2012 or 2011 when we first thought of the idea.
It’s something that we never wavered from, but at the same time I was a little surprised at how polarizing it has become because if you think of the alternative, what is the alternative? Little Moonee in the back of an ACS car crying and being taken away? Because if that’s what people want they can watch CSI or Law and Order or something!
It’s obvious what we’re saying. It’s the first time in the movie where there is an actual score. So we’re obviously saying that it might not be real, what they’re watching, but at the same time we really do want to leave it up to interpretation, because the whole movie has been about little Moonee using her sense of imagination and wonderment to make the best of the situation she’s in.
How does your process with Chris work?
Chris and I have written the last three films together, and our sensibilities are the same, yet not. He comes heavily influenced by mainstream cinema—meaning Hollywood—Spielberg, Disney, etc. I don’t. I mean I do, but that was when I was seven years old! I think that that is actually a good thing, the fact that we come from opposite sides in terms of how structured sometimes we wanna keep a screenplay. We come to it with different thoughts and we meet somewhere in the middle.
Chris and I, we have our initial talks on the phone where we do a lot of our initial brainstorming, and then we slowly break it down into a treatment, and then a “scriptment”—which is like half a script, half a treatment—and then the final screenplay.
There is that research period in which we usually take trips together, if we can, to wherever we have to go in order to do this, but most of the writing actually is done separately. You know, we will choose the scenes that we feel that we have the best hold on—meaning the ones that we feel that we’re confident that we can do on our own—and then we share them. We do a lot of writing online, like Google documents where we just share. It’s very simple.
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Sean Baker (second from left) directing on the set of The Florida Project (Marc Schmidt/A24)
Finally, many Letterboxd folk wanted advice on how to become a filmmaker, how to get experience, how to network, should they make an iPhone feature, can they work for you, and so on.
Here’s one question from Leonardo that perhaps might focus you in: What was the most important lesson you had to learn that has had a positive effect on your filmmaking?
Well, I guess it’s a very “big picture” sort of thing. I think that it has to do with just perseverance. Just continuing to make the film, until eventually it got attention. So I guess the biggest lesson has been just to continue working.
What I keep telling people is that there’s not going to be anybody who just comes and dumps money in your lap. It doesn’t work that way. You have to prove yourself. You can prove yourself these days with all the tools that are out there. You can use your iPhone. You can use so many platforms now to put films up on.
I found Mela Murder, who plays Ashley in the movie, because I was going through Vimeo and watching Staff Picks, and there was that wonderful film called Gang. Now I talk about that movie, and Mela, she’s got a great opportunity out of this just because that film was put out there on that platform.
I just tell people: don’t wait, just do it. You can make films for so little money these days that if for some reason it unfortunately doesn’t go the way you want, it’s not that big of a money loss, it’s not that big of a disaster.
And then, I guess if there was another lesson… Oh oh oh!
Don’t ever fall in love on set. It totally ruins everything. It’s so distracting and stupid.
I learned that on my first film, ’cause I kind of semi fell in love with my assistant director and it really is distracting. You’re only thinking about your movie 50% of the time and you’re thinking of this person the other 50% of the time.
If you’re about to make a movie, just be a celibate, get it off your mind, and go into those 30 days without any sort of… don’t be tempted! Or go in there already in a relationship, but do not form a new relationship while you’re shooting a film!
Noted! Thanks, Sean. We would do our best not to fall in love, but it’s too late: Letterboxd loves you.
I love Letterboxd! I actually didn’t start using it until earlier this year and up till this point I’ve always been writing my films down in a journal, and I stress out because I might lose that journal. So I have to say it’s been wonderful! I get a lot of followers now who seem to be intrigued with what I’m watching. It’s very cool.
Our thanks to Sean. Check out his five favorite neo-realist directors, some of his most influential films, and the five filmmakers he thinks you should watch next.
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rhymelawliet · 8 years ago
I watched Netflix’s DEATH NOTE Adaptation. Here are my thoughts.
Let me begin by saying that I didn’t HATE it. For someone who has considered ‘Death Note’ my favorite manga/anime for nearly a decade, that’s saying something.
It’s difficult to compare Netflix’s version to the original due to the complete change in characterization and plotline. They are two entirely different species of animal, but it’s safe to say the original is superior in nearly every aspect (which is to be expected).
Let’s begin with Light “Turner”. He begins as an emotionally troubled teen still grieving the murder of his mother and the unjust treatment of her killer. He is already hurt and jaded, unlike Light Yagami who was from an upper middle-class family, earned good grades in school, had a loving relationship with his parents, and was all-around intelligent and well-respected by his peers and adults. Light Turner didn’t have any concept of what he was getting into when he started being Kira. His desire for justice comes from pain, whereas Yagami’s comes from a place of love for the people he cares about (i.e. his family). Turner is far less cunning, methodical, or ingenious. He’s not intellectually average, but he also doesn’t have Yagami’s symptoms of sociopathy or narcissism at the beginning.
Misa (Mia Sutton) gets a pretty great opportunity when compared to the unfair rep the original Misa gets. Mia is far more cunning than Light. She KNOWS what she wants and is determined to get it no matter the cost. She’s no puppet. Her blatant betrayal of Light is the opposite of who Misa is (even if Mia says it’s for the better). Misa trusted completely in Light because he was worthy of her trust. Turner is far more weak-willed, so Mia takes over when she thinks he’s making serious oversights. She has the same ruthless qualities as Misa (Misa once threatened to kill any girl who showed interest in Light...) but uses them to cheat Light out of his vision to make (in her opinion) superior choices on how to use the Death Note.
I think Ryuk’s character was the most surprising. As far as I know, most adaptations haven’t messed with his character at all. This Ryuk, played PERFECTLY by Willem Dafoe, had AN AGENDA. This kind of blew my mind. Original Ryuk was only doing this to prevent his own boredom (which was NEVER touched upon here...) and plays the role of the Trickster, tricking humans into using the Death Note and wreaking havoc upon themselves and the world around them. Not as many funny moments for Ryuk, probably to keep the spooky factor. I once had an English teacher read the first volume of DN (which he liked) but his only complaint was that Ryuk was his favorite character but he didn’t DO enough. This Ryuk with a motive would have suited him.
My favorite character is L, which held up in this version as well. I love the actor who played him (anyone seen ‘Get Out’?? CHILLING PERFORMANCE FROM HIM THERE, HOLY SHIT). I thought Keith Stanfield got L’s quirks down perfectly, and played L as much more outwardly emotional (which I liked, as a different take). I was shocked when L chased after Light with a GUN. I was sort of laughing maniacally as he stole a police car and hunted him down. L? Hunt down Light WITH A GUN? L has never been about revenge. He wouldn’t grieve Watari’s death this way. I was very relieved when he didn’t shoot Light, and no, I don’t believe he wrote Light’s name in the book. That’s the difference between L and Light-- L would not kill out of revenge. Revenge is not justice. I also think (as an American) that they missed an opportunity to make social commentary for L (as an African American male) as someone who truly understands justice (due to the horrific way African American men in our society are treated by law enforcement and the justice system). Would have loved to see his race become a relevant part of his character. 
I was shocked by the events of the film. Partly due to the sudden graphic nature (not because it was graphic, but unexpected). I watched in horror and delight as someone got decapitated. It was wicked. If they’re not dying of heart attacks (AGAIN, NOT EVEN MENTIONED???) then I guess it should be pretty fantastical.
Interesting and beautiful usage of neon lights here. I’m a sucker for darkness and neon, the colors they make, the shadows they cast, the moods they evoke. A cool modern touch. Also, the excellent usage of slow motion made the film aesthetically beautiful. The notebook falling, the couple falling from the ferris wheel-- dramatic. Mia’s explosion into the flowers. Misa would have LOVED the dark drama of that. Stunning images and cinematography. I found it fitting, especially for a modern adaptation (LOOSE adaptation, that is).
Little touches made this Death Note adaptation special, which made me happy. Watari singing to L (YES, MORE OF THIS) (but also, was his name really just WATARI? Lazy writing, folks), funny one-liners (”rest your glutes,” Light’s comments about Ryuk, his fingers, having a pen, etc. which made Light more relatable to a general audience), Mia’s in CALCULUS, L being a trashlord and throwing his candy shit everywhere, his old-fashioned phone, bursting into the Yagami household like it’s nothing... some great moments here. L having his face covered was, in my opinion, a stroke of genius. Also, his wardrobe is already my aesthetic (hoodies, dark clothing, looking mysterious) so I was pleased. HIS BARE FEET. ADORABLE. Thanks.
The lack of a Task Force is nigh unforgivable. It’s probably in the Ten Commandments or something. Light’s dad (JAMES? REALLY? The fuck...) is a different man and not enough help to fully flesh out the task force. It brought some warmth to the cast, humanity, love, humor, and plenty of complex and emotional characters. The inclusion of Kira’s supporters like the guy who saved Light by hitting L over the head to let Kira escape was neat. Kira’s followers WOULD do anything, spur-of-the-moment, to help their “savior” if they thought he was in need. 
There were weird rule changes and plot devices that didn’t work. Watari’s betrayal via Death Note seemed highly unlikely for many reasons. Why the hell does Light panic when the police are after him? He made a huge scene running away, whereas our cunning Yagami would have allowed them to capture him because running is always more suspicious and you can rarely talk your way out of fleeing from authorities. It was intended to mirror the ending of the manga (maybe) but Light had no real reason for a full blown collapse, since there was no loss of sanity. He even said he loved Mia before they fell from the ferris wheel. That’s cool for nice emo boy White Yagami (SERIOUSLY, HOW MANY ASIAN ACTORS WERE SECONDARY CHARACTERS IN THIS MOVIE?!?! SO MANY. But NO, Light had to be WHITE Yagami. There was NO reason for that AT ALL besides them wanting him to be white. Thanks, Hollywood standards. Netflix, thought you were better than that). 
As a reimagining of Death Note, it was watchable, memorable, with many twists and turns. As a film adaptation of an already stellar work with an impressive Japanese adaptation... somewhat pathetic. But Willem Dafoe was an amazing Ryuk, so I guess I’ll take the knowledge of what Willem + Ryuk equals, which is the answer to a question I never asked (but I’m glad to know the answer). Let me know what you think-- message me or leave a comment on this post. I’d love to talk Death Note with anyone because not enough people want discourse on Death Note. I sure as hell do. Thanks for reading, if you’ve made it this far.
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partyatmyhaus · 8 years ago
Wouldn’t It By Easy To Believe?
The soulmate AU where your bruises/scratches/scars show up on your soulmates skin in different colors. - Matt Peake has never lead an easy life- but it lead to him meeting his Soul Mates.
AO3 Mirror
On his 8th birthday the marks show up. Perfect thin rings of various colors on his upper left leg. Right under the red swirl of a font- where his name is written. When he asks his mother, she gets wide eyes and tells him never to show his father. Matt doesn’t understand why it’s such a big deal but promises her anyways.
[It’s about this time colors appear on his skin, patches of gold around his elbows and lilac on his wrists. Matt wants to ask his mother- but he remembers how she reacted about his colors, and keeps his mouth shut.]
It’s when Matt turns 10, he learns what the marks on his legs are. Matt learns about what soulmates are, and learns about why he gets splotches of other colors on his skin. His teacher explains it to him, about how when your soulmate (or soulmates in Matt’s case) get hurt- their color would appear on his skin- wherever the bruise was forming for them. And that if there was a scar, it would appear on the other- lighter than a bruise would, but it would stay.
And so his teacher explains that the lilac on his nose, comes most likely from his soulmate getting a broken nose.
Matt goes home and when he accidently makes his dad mad that night- he ends up worried he’ll be too broken for his soulmates later on.
When Matt turns 12 his dad finds out about how many bands he has. The colors, the fact his son is an abnormality and spends an hour banging on the bathroom door- screaming at him for being a mistake.
Screaming loud enough Matt hear him loud and clear, even with his hands over his ears and his loud sobs.
He hears his father’s voice loud and clear.
By the time he’s in the 8th grade, everyone knows him as the freak with 7 other soulmates. Soulmates that must hate having him because he’s always coloring their bodies in bright red- bright noticeable, questionable red.
It’s also about this time, his dad seems to be angry every night. Angry and drunk, everything becoming his mother’s fault somehow. Everything being blamed on her, on one occasion the fact it was raining being blamed on her.
Matt spends most night- falling asleep to the sounds of glass shattering, yelling  and the noise of his own thoughts repeating his apologies to his soulmates.
High school starts, and he’s the only one causing colors. The scrapped white knees, and bruised grey palms have stopped. And he tries, he tries to stop the colors- the fighting, the one sided brawls. But his mom left, and Matt is still known as the freak with 7 other soulmates and he’s a small kid versus big football players and a cruel father.
Matt always tries to protect his own face, not for himself but for the 7 others. He tries, but he doesn’t always succeed.
10th grade is when he starts to self harm, he’s lost the will to care anymore. He’s heard of platonic soulmates and he knows at this point that’s what the bands have to mean. He’s not good enough to have a romantic soulmate- he knows that.
So he burns, tears, scratches and picks at his own skin. He yearns for some form of control- he hates his father but hates his mother more. He just wants something to be in his control for the next two years that he’s a dependant of his father. For the next two years he’s stuck in this household that makes his freshly washed clothes reek of alcohol and blood.
His arms become a mess, but he carefully destroys the area of his leg where the lines are.
The one night in particular where everything fell apart, and he came to the conclusion that: it was all his fucking solemates faults. If he had one soulmate he wouldn’t have this fucking problem. All these fucking problems. So, he spends an hour or two crying in the bathroom- tearing his leg and sobbing. He just wants it to stop.
He just wants everything to stop.
In Grade 11 the his knuckles are turning green and purple- without him doing anything. His solemates fight, meanwhile he lays and takes it. Under his hoodie is worse than ever- his ribs causing him pain at the smallest breath, nothing being able to heal before something new happened.
It’s also in Grade 11, he gets jumped. He goes to a football game on a whim, with a couple of kids from his Spanish class. He ends up getting cornered by a group of kids while he walked home in the dark.
They end up tackling him, ripping his shorts down and one of them crudely cutting into his leg while he cried and screamed and begged.
For the first time in years, Matt silently apologizes to his soulmates for the word that will scar into their skin under the already damaged area of the bands.
Highschool ends in a blur, grandparents and aunts he didn’t know he had pay for him to go to college and that’s when it starts to get better.
There’s no more marks coming from him, in fact the only colors on his skin come in the form of green, purple and gold. He wonders if green and purple are okay- they seem to fight a lot.
College is when he starts to figure out who he is as a person. Away from the fighting and the constant noise. College is when Matt spends the time to figure out that men and women are attractive- and he also figures out that he doesn’t seem to have a type. Too many variations of what ‘attractive’ is, too many shapes and sizes. Too many tones and quirks for him to narrow down.
In the middle of college he gets admitted to the hospital. He wakes up with thick bandages around his wrists and up his arms. He spends hours daydreaming about someone, anyone coming to visit him- to worry over him.
No one comes.
He’s discharged a week later on the empty promise of calling a therapist and enough fake smiles for no one to worry.
By the time college ends, he’s got depression. Massively so. It coming back in a tidal wave of antidepressants, and trying to motivate himself to go to job interviews. He somehow ends up with one, a nice job actually, for a pretty big tv show- but he hates it. Like something about it makes him sit just slightly to the left- like everything about it is just a tiny bit off.
[He gets trashed one night and relapses, after 2 years of being clean he relapses and ends up with a new phrase under the still ever present ‘Monster’.
‘I’m sorry’]
He gets a job with them, by chance.
Their ad looking for a new editor gets sent to him by a colleague- a friend who knows he’s miserable and on a whim he submits his resume and forgets all about it.
Until a few days later when his phone rings right after he gets home, and it’s some guy named Bruce- asking to set up an interview.
He gets hired a week later.
[Bruce is very kind when Matt explains he doesn’t want to shake hands on the deal- that he doesn’t want to touch in general].
When he joins he starts to hear about their relationship, learn more about them as people- and the gnawing feeling in his stomach grows everyday. He learns about how Bruce and Adam used to fight in high-school. How Elyse loved to roller blade as a kid- and never wore knee pads. Matt laughs endlessly over how Lawrence loved dodgeball as kid, but did not love how everyone threw harder than him.
[The gnawing feeling explodes one day over lunch when Joel talks about how he broke his nose in the 4th grade- Matt has to leave so he can stop shaking].
They all go out for drinks one night, and Matt spends the entire evening making sure his hands are covered by his hoodie- making sure no skin to skin contact can happen.
And outside of him being unable to enjoy his buzz- he does find himself laughing and enjoying the company of his friends.
He’s delighted when Elyse shows up and he leaves the bar that night with a new number in his phone under the contact name ‘Funniest Willems’.
It’s after a drunk stream, at the end of their day- that the gnawing feeling becomes just a lump of pain and dread at the bottom of his stomach.
He doesn’t remember who starts the conversation, all he knows is everyone is talking about sole marks (everyone but him of course). And eventually someone outside of their little squad is talking about the worst marks from a solemate and Adam looks ready to wilt away and Adam rambles out,
“Whoever they are- they really hate themselves. And I just wanna help.” He gives a shrug and Matt feels his heart start to beat faster, “They tried to kill themselves a few years back- and I mean technically they did. I’ve never been as scared as I was when their mark went black. It was awful. You remember that night, James?”
Matt feels ready to throw up at the nod James gives- and even drunk James looks so sad. Matt wants to make their pain stop but instead he wills himself to stay still and faced towards his computer, mimicking editing the video in front of him- even as Joel speaks up.
“They don’t want us.” And it’s the way he says it, the defeat and tiredness that should make Matt guilty but all it does is bubble up something he has never felt before in its full form.
Matt feels angry. He feels hot bitter rage, and years of pent of animosity. His hands clench so tight around his mouse that it actually pops the plastic on one side and he’s shaking when he stands up.
It catches Lawrence’s attention and it must be his face or his movements but the other doesn’t say a word as Matt packs up to leave. He does however follow Matt out of the office, and it’s only once they reach the parking garage does he call out for Matt.
“We’re sorry for bringing that up in front of you, man.” And something about the tone Lawrence is using- doesn’t calm him down, it in facts just pisses him off more. Matt throws his laptop bag into the back seat of his car and slams the door,
“Yeah, why is that?” And he huffs out a sarcastic laugh and turns to look at Lawrence. The anger ebbs away when he sees the look on Lawrence’s face.
“Because you don’t have a solemate.”
Matt doesn’t say anything before he turns and gets into his car.
The next morning, Matt wakes up and makes the decision. The decision that today he would touch one of them, to see if this was real or just a cruel joke played on him but the universe.
It takes too long for all of them to get into work, but the second the last person is through the door (Sean), Matt has ditched his hoodie and is starting to sweat lightly. This was stupid- there was no possible way these people were his soulmates. But he hoped.
Matt hadn’t hoped for something in a very long time.
So he manages to swallow his nerves somehow and walk over to where Adam and Bruce are standing around Joel’s desk.
“What’s up, Peake?” Bruce asks and Matt suddenly doesn’t have words.
“Uh, I forgot.” And he ends up sitting at his desk berating himself for the next hour for being such a coward.
[Matt cries the next morning when he gets into the shower and finds various hand print shaped bruises on his hips and thighs].
It’s when his birthday rolls around that their in the office, it is the middle of a Tuesday and they’re all dicking around (Elyse visiting her boys during her lunch hour), and suddenly everyone is planning what to do for his birthday- that he just is overwhelmed by this urge to cry a little bit.
“What do you want for your birthday?” Elyse is giggy as she asks, bouncing on her toes and has her phone already open and Matt just answers the first thing on his mind.
“A hug.” He feels stupid the second he says it, but it’s true.
“A hug? What you’ve never been hugged or something?” James says, elbowing his double hoodie hidden- midsection and Matt sees no reason to lie to them. They’re his friends- his best friends. (His only friends).
“Never had one.” He shrugs as he says it, and instantly looks to the ground afterward. The silence that follows is awful, it makes Matt want to scream.
“Uh, I have a lot of editing to do. Anything you get me will be fine- and you know you don’t, uh, have to get me anything. Birthdays have never been a big deal.” He says it to them, still looking at the ground- before shuffling away and back to his desk.
His birthday comes and everyone ends up having a mini-party at the Willems’. Lawrence and Sean get him a support for his work chair- to help with the back pain that comes from editing. Elyse, James and Bruce get him various gag gifts (including but not limited to: a neon blue ball gag, flavored lube, and a 6 foot poster for the movie North), but actually buy him 10 various games, including one he had wanted as a kid but never got.
Joel gets him a Sega Genesis and a refurbished GameCube. And Matt has to blink away a small misting in his eyes.
Adam is the one who breaks the dam. All the other gifts having built up his want to cry- but Adam shatters it. Just breaks his resolve and causes it all to crash around him.
“It’s a lame gift.” Adam hands him the wrapped box with an awkward smile and rubs the back of his neck. And Matt mumbles some comment about how he sure its fine, and once he gets the paper off- he finds out it’s not a box but it is in all actuality a picture frame. A nice black simple frame, with a certificate inside of it.
Matt has to read the words about 10 times before he cognitively understands it, and when he does he just can’t help the tears. He tries to blink them away, but he just can’t.
“Oh God. I didn’t mean to make you cry!” Adam is freaking out, going to place a hand on his shoulder- but pulls it back. They all know how Matt is with touch. He hovers awkwardly, as Matt begins to sob.
Matt feels ridiculous as he sobs on the Willems’ couch, clutching the picture frame to his chest- but he can’t stop.
“This is,” He has to take a breath, “The nicest thing anyone ha-has ever done for me.”
And it takes a few minutes for him to calm down, and after he’s settled- James asks what Adam got him.
“He wouldn’t tell us.” And Matt just smiles and finally pulls the frame from his chest,
“A star.” Matt sniffles, “Adam bought me a star.”
And Adam, God bless him, looks so out of place and is blushing for God’s sake that Matt can’t seem to help himself.
Matt ends up chest to chest with Adam, the bulk of Matt’s 3 hoodies pressing gently against Adam’s t-shirt. And everyone is just dead silent as they watch the two of them. Matt’s still got tears drying on his eyelashes, and his nose is bright red- but Adam is looking at him like Matt is the most wonderful thing in the room- and it takes a moment for Matt to eventually raise a hand- and bring it just millimeters from Adam’s skin.
And they’re so close, they’re breathing each other’s air and it’s been 2 years and they’ve never touched. Matt has never showed any sign of wanting to touch them.
And then, much like Matt is- gent but firm, Matt presses his hand onto Adam’s face. And the smile that comes from the heat on their marks, is nothing short of magnificent.
“Is Matt-?” It’s Lawernce that whispers it, and Matt and Adam are still just staring at each other, Matt’s hand still on his face- even as Adam nods.
It takes no time at all for them to allow Matt to gently touch them- and by the end of the night all of their marks are a little darker.
“This is the best birthday I’ve ever had.” Matt mumbles, right before he falls asleep that night- tucked into the guest bed, and he feels someone pet his hair.
“This the best your birthday I’ve ever had, too.” And Matt gives a huff of a laugh and drifts off to the sound of Elyse berating James for being an idiot.
The next morning, Matt is officially a year older and he wakes up to the smell of he doesn’t know what, but it’s good.
He ends up stumbling downstairs, with bed tousled hair and sleepy eyes. And it earns him a coo from James- who he waves away instantly.
By the time he’s eaten and woken up- he notices that everyone’s stuff is still by the front door. And when he voices that to Elyse, who’s working at the dishes she gives him a sad sort of smile.
“We tried to get them to leave, but after last night they said they weren’t going anywhere without you.” And she’s nodding over the breakfast counter into the living room- the same living room Matt stumbled through half awake.
And he peaks his head over and wants to...He doesn’t know what he wants to do, but his heart does a little jump at the sight of his boys. His idiots.
Adam is on the couch, face pressed into the cushions and snoring ever so slightly, and right next to him, Lawrence is asleep in the arm chair.
It’s seeing Lawrence in the armchair that makes Matt frown and somehow he ends up gently nugging Lawrence awake and leading him upstairs to the bed that is now unoccupied.
Sean wanders down somewhere in the time Matt takes Lawrence’s glasses off and get him under the blankets.
It’s a nice morning. Very domestic and warm.
[Matt decides that he loves sleepy Adam, he also decides he does not like sleepy Lawrence as much].
They spend the entire day dicking around, and it’s only when Matt stands to help with the dishes that Sean lets out a little noise.
And Matt is stretching- arms reached out over him, and it’s too perfect not too. So sean quickly moves and wraps his arms around Matt. Smashing their chests together, and tucking his head into the space available by Matt’s neck.
And Sean feels Matt go still- and they’re the closest they’ve ever been- physically and emotionally. Sean can feel how fast Matt’s heart is beating. And just when Sean goes to move away and apologize, Matt is wrapping his arms around Sean in a grip that makes it seem like he’ll never let go of him.
They end up sitting on the floor- never once breaking the embrace. Sean ends up sitting in Matt’s lap while Matt hides his face in Sean’s shoulder. Sean’s sure he can feel wetness, but he doesn’t say anything.
No one else says anything about it, they just let it happen. Photos are taken- granted, but they all remember what Matt had told them.
“Never had one.”  
They all remember that up until this point Matt Peake had never had a hug.
They all spend the night again together, but this time Adam and Sean end up in bed with Matt- hugging him all through the night.
Matt comes to the boys, a few days later, during lunch- with a solemn expression. He sees them start to panic a little so when he speaks, he addresses it to Joel,
“I never wanted you to think, I didn’t want you. I wanted you very much. But…” Matt lets out a sigh and waves a hand tiredly, “You know. M’a little broken.”
And in a much softer voice adds, “Didn’t think you’d want me.”
And Matt won’t look at him, but he knows when Joel remembers what he’s talking about by the little ‘oh’. Matt is determined to stare at the floor, and anywhere away from their faces.
“Matt…” For once it seems as if Joel has no idea what to say but does what Joel does best:
Offer physical contact.
Matt sees the hand come into his view and tug him forward by the arm, and- oh-  Matt could really get used to this surprise hugging thing.
“We want you, Matt. Trust me. We do.” And Joel is petting the back of his head, and Goddamn Matt could totally get used to this surprise hugging thing.
Matt tells them about everything a few weeks later, over dinner at Lawrences. They all listen, only stopping to interrupt when it was obvious Matt was getting distraught.
“I didn’t put ‘monster’ there.” He’s crying again but he needs them to know that, “Some kids from my high school...They, pushed me down and did it. That wasn’t me.”
“Okay, sweetie. It’s okay. We believe you.” He ends up being curled between Elyse and Lawrence, mumbling out various words of comfort to him.
They move to Roosterteeth, and he follows of course. Matt would follow them where-ever they go.
Matt’s dad dies the next fall, and he kind of hates himself for not caring- but he spends the night curled on the couch watching movies with the people he was told he didn’t deserve and the guilt disappears.
[[The next time he finds bruises of handprints on his body- he smiles as he see’s the versions he has on himself.]]
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courage-a-word-of-justice · 8 years ago
Grimoire of Zero 2 - 3 | SukaSuka 2 | Royal Tutor 3 - 4 | Kado 3 | Tsukigakirei 3 | Boku no Hero Academia 17
Advance warning for Royal Tutor 4′s commentary: I made a lot of bad jokes about sausages.  (Yeah...sometimes I can be too immature for my own good...)
Grimoire of Zero 2
So…dudes are called witches, too? Never seen that before, but who’s “He” exactly? Thirteen?
“I was a mercenary like you once. Then I took an arrow to the knee.” – Intentional meme insertion sub, or actual translation? Or it was in the original, and they’re playing it straight without knowing that’s a meme at all?  
The thing about fantasy shows is…couldn’t they at least have learnt how to make electricity in quite a few of these fantasy shows, if they have magic and whatnot?
Now all that’s left is to see whether SukaSuka can top this, because Grimoire of Zero has certainly made a good case in order to stay on my watchlist.
Grimoire of Zero 3
“I hate getting sweaty,” says the girl only wearing a dress and a cape/jacket thing. (clearly sarcastic)
Did this get pseudo-ecchi? That one statement makes even less sense than the massage/kiss scene in SukaSuka ep 2! Unfortunately for me though, I laughed at how sudden it was…
Seriously, is Albus a girl or a dude?!
This Formicum reminds me of Magical Otoge Ciel. (By the way, if you like slow meandering fantasies with a dash of romance, then you should try that game.)
Albus is a dude…welp, there’s my answer.
Well, I never. The show pulled a Heine on me.
“Throw that old thing away.”
I raise my eyebrow at exactly what that trader was up to with that jacket…
I think “brother” is in a non-blood sense. Like a “brothers in arms” sort of thing.
Technically, a wolf is from the dog family…
Well, even if this has a slow leisurely plot pace, it’s funny and that’s fine with me.
SukaSuka 2
So they’re all girls? Geesh, this setup looks kinda fishy (but I’ve wandered around enough recs that say this is not a lolicon setup, haha).
I went to some spoilers on this episode, thinking that it wouldn’t harm me too much since I was going to have to watch this episode anyway…well, I learnt about Ithea there.
Pudding? Or crème brulee? Not sure what it is exactly, but I’m rather partial to both myself, haha.
The thing about children, even weapons like these, is that the way to their heart is through food. Like most types of people.
Sometimes I forget this is a light novel (and I think it’s either an eroge or a romance game for dudes), but then I see the title…haha.
Which of these girls is Ren again? Redhead cat girl = Ithea, so I take it Ren is the purple one?
SukaSuka finally shows its true colours. It’s a shame it’s the top contender for putting on hold…
There was a Japanese part of the title, but to translate it along with the English would make the episode title seem like a light novel too. Either that, or the subbers were too lazy…haha. I know your feels, guys. Translating’s a hard job.
Even CGI keys are enough to start making me gripe, y’know.
Wait, so the swords have multiple names? Wasn’t one of them called Percival or something?
Willem isn’t much of a character, but Ithea is. I’m really taking a shine to her personality (in this case, personality < charisma, so do be mindful of that).
Is Kutori meant to be a tsundere? She’s shown shades of it before, but she’s not a severe one. The thing with tsunderes is striking the right balance between “obnoxious” and “endearing”.
If Kutori says “go out with me again”, then I’m slamming this thing on to the drop pile because it’s no better than Masamune-kun’s Revenge initially was.
…That’s close enough to count. I know every girl dreams of having a perfect first kiss, but really…even leprechauns do that? After all the fuss about “expendable lives” they just made?
There was a quote I made up once, and it’s the reason Angel’s Soliloquy exists. “Before I go, I want to make a mark on the world.” It mirrors Kutori’s scene perfectly…
Eeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhh, pseudo-ecchi is not quite what I’m in the market for. However, this venenum move is an interesting bait and switch.
Oh right, sometimes I forget “brave” = “hero”, even though it makes sense to think so. Then again, Rokka no Yuusha should’ve gotten me into that headspace. It really hasn’t, has it?
The pseudo-ecchi is what makes this show underperform for me. Even though the show has perfectly logical reasons why it needs to do such things and it has immense potential right now, I think it’s better if I let my feelings about the pseudo-ecchi simmer for a bit.
Heine 3
Ah, the glorious war of sibling rivalry…
These are familiar feelings I’m dwelling in here. As to why…well, what siblings I have, if any, will stay a secret between me, myself and I, okay?
I think that dramatic wind was meant to be…well, dramatic. Unfortunately, it didn’t quite work when there was no wind in the room. I’ll forgive it since it’s highly entertaining otherwise…
Sworn to secrecy? Is that a royal tutor thing, or a teacher thing?
“…running will not change things.” – I am painfully aware of that, as the writer of One Wish They Never Wanted.
How do you even spell “numbskull”? Was that a typo in the subs?
Well, it does seem like Leonhard is falling into a common pattern of “I hate the tutor!”, but at least he’s softening up now. (Update: I mentioned on the Boueibu chat that if he’s not “I hate the tutor!”, he’s all “Sachertorte!”.)
Heine 4
Awwwwwwwww no. They went and did it. They named a town Weiner. They’re going to go to the capital, Weiner!!!!!!! *Insert obligatory “Please excuse the interruption” sign here while the blogger laughs their butt off*
…okay, now that I’ve recovered from my laughter, back to the regular program. Don’t go gratuitously naming things in foreign languages if you don’t want to incur laughter (I once named a town “Mawashi” in one of my stories, only to find out a mawashi is a sumo loincloth…) Plus, I randomly skipped to a shot in the OP where the princes look smug as all get out. It’s kinda scary, actually, seeing them smug.
If Princess and the Pauper taught me anything, it’s that royals need to know what the commoners’ lives are like so they can give the people what they need.
Heine is much more stick than carrot when it comes to Leo, if you get my drift.
Nice hat, Leo. (semi-sarcastic) But mmhm *nods*, I like myself a dude in a suit. That’s probably part of the reason I like Kashuu (Touken Ranbu), eh?
The Ring…? *thinks of stringyhaired ghosts* Nah…
Such Genos, such wow, Bruno…
Weiners strike again…actual ones this time. *snickers*
Kasekrainer - apparently it’s a weiner *snickers* with cheese.
“It’s so…vulgar.” Says the one holding a weiner. *snickers*
Oh. I don’t think any show I’ve seen before has pointed out the Kabuki rule (aside from Boueibu, which coined the term). Plus, Licht is pulling an Akoya (see ch 8 of the Seifukubu manga). I always thought he was more Ryuu than Akoya, but now that I think of it, he’s fairly equal parts of both.
The lesson is that it’s the people you were meant to pay attention to, right?
…I was right on the mark! (Fortunately for this show, it’s been enlisted into the taglist for this season and it’s strong enough that I can disregard this one niggle I have with the show. Predictability has killed a show before, y’know – see my take on Divine Gate.)
Get out, Licht! Out of the carriage! (I get at what you’re hinting at, but I take it to be objectifying women.)
Is it Heine’s birthday soon or something?
Exaggerating Heine’s size seems to work in the show’s favour somewhat by giving it something viewers can remember it by. Also, it means they can make tiny Heine plushes for fangirls.
The sweep of the room and CGI’s kind of obvious, but it works well in this case.
Well, it seems I was somewhat on the money for this guess too. Really, predictability’s not much of a niggle for this show, actually – the predictable and non-predictable parts put together actually are the source of its strength, since the viewer goes in, knowing the brothers are intended to be stereotypes. The predictable parts give it a “path that’s been well-trodden” feel, if you get my drift, but it’s executed well and that’s all that matters.
How did Kai manage to keep a bird without suffocating it?
The show’s hit its stride right now, but you can still tell there’s something brewing under the surface – either political intrigue, Heine exploring his past or even both – so I’m willing to keep this show on until it shows its full potential. If that means keeping it on for its entire run of 12 episodes, I’m fine with that.
Kado 3
Gonno (the reporter): unintentional point of hilarity in this show. Does Gonno or his crew even deserve CGI? I guess we’ll find out.
Another point of unintentional hilarity (for me) is when Shindo explains human concepts to Shunina, but at least those make sense plotwise.
Anisotropy. (…by the way, I admit most physics concepts are beyond me - hence the Wikipedia pages.) Those kanji are apparently pronounced ihou, by the way.
The snarls of translation, showing up in a show like this…y’know what? I keep loving this show more and more.
I bet Saraka’s a tsundere…
“The plan is that all passengers will be released in a month.”
Oh, Shunina. Now you’ve gone and done it…You know the implications of introducing something stronger than nuclear tech to the human world? Absolute warfare.
Ooh, man. The stakes just got raised…!
Tsukigakirei 3
I LOLled so hard at Kadoyama, since I think Kadokawa does stuff like that writing contest…
Kagura? Not the one from Gintama, is it?...Nope, it ain’t. Not this time.
Shiatsu? Wuh?...Okay then.
I was just thinking how it’s odd I chose Tsukigakirei over something like SukaSuka, since I used to reject everything that had romance as a major genre in it. I almost got caught up in a romance myself after I started changing my mind on that front, so maybe that’s why I’m now a fan of otome games now…Then again, if there’s one thing I have horrible tolerance for, it’s ecchi and pseudo-ecchi is almost as bad as the real deal.
Notice Akane is in red, while her name means “madder”, which is a type of red.
This N.book runs Windows…? I think so, at least.
Akane has a koi cover. It’s interesting, because most shows I cover don’t involve phones with covers.
There appears to be something on Azuchi Castle behind Kotaro.
There seems to be one shot of the track where the people all look CGI…
I don’t know about athletics much, but why do people need to record the tailwind? Unless it adversely affects the runners, I don’t see why they have to do that.
It was obvious the staff skimped on the budget with that one still shrine scene.
Panaconic, LOL.
I’ve never seen anyone drum on tyres before. Must be taiko practice.
Did I just see a blue Jibanyan in the Macca’s? Well, well. Wonders never cease…
“I’m starving.”
Ike shoes, LOL.
As soon as I saw the glasses guy (the one that teaches Kotaro drumming) look upon the duo (Kotaro and Akane’s) meeting, I was like, “I bet he ships them.” Then again, not everyone’s a shipper, eh?
People online have stated it’s Souseki, not Dazai. Just a tip.
I just wonder…why is it the dude who asks first, all the time? (That’s just a gripe I have, speaking from experience.)
Boku no Hero Academia 17
It’s fine to have a recap once or twice, but this is the third or fourth time…shonen really does have a problem with this stuff, and it’s sadly pretty much built into the genre…
I actually don’t know how to read that kanji (strategy), LOL.
Oh yeah, you’re not meant to smoke on all types of school grounds.
I thought it was Uraraka and Iida right from the start of team-making time. he knows those guys’ Quirks best, so it’s easy for him to make strategies with them.
Huh? Not Iida? What a twist!
Tokoyami, eh? Just what I wanted. (i.e. I said I wanted to see more Tokoyami in the past – not sure if I said it to the Boueibu Skype chat or here – but here he comes!)
Interesting set of moves they’ve made in this episode. It just goes to show you why I keep this at the top of the list – it’s kinda laggy while it gets itself set up, but once it starts rolling, it never stops! Yah! Yah! Fight, Midoriya! Fight, everyone in the cavalry battle!
0 notes
partyatmyhaus · 8 years ago
From writing prompts: You fall helplessly in love with the most amazing person in the universe. You don’t have the courage to tell them how you feel, so instead, you pledge your life to become a ninja tirelessly making their life better in tiny ways. (Im thinking maybe lar and adam or maybe OT8?)
woops its shorter than i wanted and also OT8
also lil bit of a sick!fic my B
Heaccepts he is in love with them- all of them. He’s in love with James’ eyes andElyse’s quick wit. He loves the way Bruce includes all of them into everything,the way Adam is so caring and gentle. He loves Joel’s hair and his stupidcheeky smile. He’s is in love with Sean, and the way his face flushes when he’sembarrassed. He loves the way Lawrence is so open about what he likes, and whathe doesn’t- something about the way he doesn’t care about what anyone is goingto say, it just makes Matt’s heart sing.
           He knows he is in love with them. All of them.
           He also knows he can never let them know. They can neverbe made aware that he daydreams of them, that he wonders about what their lipsfeel like, and they can never know that sometimes- when he’s home alone, hecurls up and cries. Just enough to relieve the pressure of being in love with 7people, who have no clue.
           Being in love with 7 people who are already datingeach other.
           Matt starts ‘helping out’ about 4 months after he’s cometo terms with his affections. It starts on a rainy, windy, and cold Tuesday. Itwas late in day, and Adam was banging his head against his desk. After hestopped he looked back up and said,
           “Guys. There’s so much shit still sitting in the doc. C’mon.”And the way he says it- Matt knows, justknows, he’s gonna try to stay all night and do the work himself. Andsomething about the way Adam is sitting makes Matt’s heart ache to try to helphim. Adam is hunched in, trying to make himself smaller- his eyes have littlespark to them today and the bags under his eyes make him seem so much olderthan he really was.
           By the time lunch rolls around- Matt has made sure hefinished his video for the day- and he quietly uploads it to their server, fordouble check before final upload. After that he grabs James- who’s coming backinto the office, holding his lunch, and Matt makes sure he’s going to take Adamhome- and not let him stay and work himself into an early grave. James nods athim (and thanks him for being a good friend)and walks off- probably to find Elyse.
           Matt pulls up the doc and starts off by taking one of thebiggest jobs- a 2 hour play through of Don’t Starve, and starts to edit it. Bythe time he’s about half way through, James is pulling Adam away- and everyonesans himself and Bones are gone within the half hour. He finishes the Don’tStarve video, soon after that. And he looks back at the doc- there was still somuch left. He knows it’ll bare down on Adam tomorrow- but legally, he mustleave by 11- so he takes all the files from the Doc and uploads them into hisflash drive. He makes sure to check ‘in progress’ next to all the files andpacks up to head home.
           He doesn’t sleep that night. He sits up and works his waythrough all the files, luckily most of them being photoshops or thumbnails-which don’t take as long as editing a video. There are a couple videos but hesomehow flies through them, and he’s practically finished with the last onewhen he hears Bruce’s alarm clock go off.
           Matt kind of hauls ass after that- making sure to getinto work before anyone else. Which he does, and he silently uploads all thefiles- checks completed next to them, and starts on the video in his personal docket.
           [Adam comes in still looking tired and small- and strungout, and Matt knows when he’s seen the doc because he just sits up and looksaround. Confused, because there has been notime to do that. Matt watches as he goes through every file and by the end ofthe day Adam is much more awake- which makes up for how tired Matt feels].
           After that Matt starts picking up on things he can do tohelp. He takes things off of everyone else’s docket- doing them at home, themjust ending up in their folder the next day completed. Matt never hears anyonebring it up- they must assume it’s something the interns are doing or maybe oneof their lovers.
           His newest contribution is doing the laundry. More specifically,doing laundry for everyone else. On nights he knows someone is going to be at Bruceand his place- Matt leaves and goes to whoever isn’t at home’s apartment. Usuallybeing Adam’s (which is also Sean and Lawrence’s but nonetheless). Matt makessure to take all the clothes scattered everywhere, and spends a couple hourswashing, drying and folding the laundry. Leaving it nice and neat in the basket,sitting on their bed waiting for them to come home.
           (It’s a little weird but it’s nothing he hasn’t done forthem before).
           He starts agreeing to go out to the bar with them. Hesits and laughs and it’s nice but if he’s being honest- Matt only goes so thathe can drive them home. Make sure they all get back safe and sound- without payingan arm and a leg for a Lyft.
           He has keys to all their apartments so it’s not breakingand entering. And Elyse had been complaining about the broken sink all day- andJames talking about how expensive a plumber was. And by the end of the workday- when all of them headed out for dinner, Matt packed up and headed over tothe Willems’.
           Matt had been there enough times to know where everythingwas, and within an hour (with some help from google and E-How) the sink was nolonger backed up and dripping- but fully functional.
           He puts everything back where it was and leaves theapartment door with a quiet ‘click’(and a pat to Benson’s head of course).
           It’s only when Matt gets sick that the whole thing fallsapart- he’d been doing it for about a year now. Laundry, edits, miscellaneous repairs.Sneaking around in their lives like some kind of ninja.
           But Matt wakes up one morning and can feel it in hisbones- that he’s sick. And not cute sniffles sick, he’s got snot running downthe back of his throat and he’s gonna throw up- sick. He honestly
           It’s when Bruce comes into his room, presumably to ask ifhe’s ready to leave for work- that he knows he’s fucked. Matt was just going toemail Bruce that he wanted to work from home, but he knows that’s not gonnahappen now.
           Matt is on the floor, leaning against the side of hisbed- trashcan pulled up in front of him and he knows he must look like shitbecause Bruce drops his bag onto the floor (the bag carrying his laptop), andis instantly at his side, feeling his forehead.
           “Stay here.” Is all Bruce says before he’s standing upand wandering off to wherever- Matt doesn’t may attention, he just balances hishead on the edge of the trash can and wills himself not to retch again.
           Matt is out sick for a week, and that’s when they all putit together. For the first time sense the magic appearing of completed work;any of them bothering to look at whouploaded it- on the 4th day of Matt being out.
           File#2434435 Uploaded by: MatthewNPeake            File#2434438 Uploaded by:MatthewNPeake            File#243435 Uploaded by:MatthewNPeake            File#243498 Uploaded by:MatthewNPeake            File#209215 Uploaded by:MatthewNPeake            File#2490875 Uploaded by:MatthewNPeake            File#2499061 Uploaded by:MatthewNPeake            File#3908762 Uploaded by:MatthewNPeake
“Mother fucker.”
           When Bruce gets home that night, he’s got Adam and Elysetrailing in behind him. Matt is asleep on the couch- wearing a hoodie Bruceknows isn’t his, and there are tissues everywhere, but luckily it doesn’t smelllike bile.
           Matt is snoring- and Bruce winces in sympathy- he could hear how clogged he sounded from thedoorway. Poor guy- always running himself into the ground.
           When Peake wakes up on the 5th day of himbeing sick, he’s got his head in someone’s lap- and someone is running theirhands through his hair.
           “Wass’ the time?” He tries to sit up, and is kind ofhappy when he’s not able too. The hand from his hair, pressing on his chest.
           “It’s around 2 am.” That’s Elyse voice. He liked Elyse’svoice- it’s so smooth and sweet…like candy.
           Matt hears her laugh and he knows he said that outloud-but before he can stress himself out and worry about it, shes dropping a kissto his still sweaty forehead and mumbling a ‘get some rest. We’ll be here whenyou get up’.
           He starts to wonder ‘we’ when he hears Adam give smallsigh- and Matt opens his eyes just enough to see his feet are being rested inAdam’s lap. Adam who is fast asleep and Matt knows his back is gonna kill him tomorrow. But man sleep suresounded like a good idea.
           After he’s better, and at work again- they actually sitdown and have a real adult conversation. Matt (unwillingly) tells them aboutall the things he had started doing, and he spent half an hour rambling onabout why- without actually sayingwhy.
           Eventually it’s Bruce who cuts him off with a ‘What?’ and Matt is frustrated and justblurts, ‘I’m in love with you.’ Andhe drops his head, ‘All of you.’
           That night- when Elyse and Adam make him lie in-betweenthem in bed- Matt quietly berates himself for not telling them sooner. And it’sonly when James’ slips into bed- behind Elyse, and grabbing his hand over herbody that he smiles.
           “You’re still gonna do those edits for us though right?”James whispers it into the quiet bedroom air. And Adam is breathing steadily onthe back of Matt’s neck, and Elyse looks so calmthat Matt never wants to leave this place. So instead he chooses to squeezeJames’ hand back and reply with a soft,
           “Not on your fucking life, Willems”
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