#will ship all FC info to a separate FC post later
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whumblr · 10 months ago
Crossed out - Masterlist
When Lucas heard a former client of his died in prison he starts to look into what happened.
Involuntarily, he gets the opportunity to witness the state of affairs in the prison first-hand, and finds out things are even worse than he could have imagined.
Main characters
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Lucas Varga
Wanting to make a difference in the world and help fight against injustice, Lucas became a defense attorney hoping to help the people who couldn't fight on their own. Continues to fight injustice in prison, but soon learns that fighting and helping others only has an adverse effect.
FC: A younger Esai Morales where he isn't the smug, silver fox he is today yet.
Nero Mathison
Former military and now warden of his own prison. I say 'his own' and mean it; he practically runs it and there is no outside interference. Cold, stoic, and ruthless, he has his own views on justice and doesn't believe criminals deserve mercy.
FC: Nero is still a collection of vibes and I vibe mostly with some fanart of Daud (Dishonored, which I never played... Art by Nashama). FC: this or this without the scar. On another note, when I say he's wearing a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up, it is vital to me that he gives King Bradley vibes.
AO3 (not up yet)
Prologue - Nighttime
1 - They are here for me 2 - Meet the warden 3 - Those who care 4 - Headcount 5 - Eat your words
Office shenanigans 2.0 6 - Nuanced 7 - Tumbling down 8 - Lights out 9 - Stay down 10 - Shattering
Catching on 11 - Dead of night 12 - Losing battles, winning wars 13 - Under the weather
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reyofluke-ocs · 2 years ago
Tell! Me! All about Sigrid!! I am utterly curious!!
Hope you're doing well!!
Hello! I am doing pretty well; I hope you are also doing alright!
SIGRID!!! I love her so much and really want to do more with her, but I know my OCs vary from well-known fandoms to obscure fandoms to purely self-indulgent rewrites of canon so honestly I don't blame people for running away from my blog at the first chance they get, haha. She is a MCU/Moon Knight OC and the daughter of Loki and Sigyn, if her last name (Lokidottir) wasn't enough indicator. She is also in a poly ship with Marc, Steve, and Layla, and possibly maybe Jake later on I'm not 100% sure. She survives the attack on the ship and witnesses Loki's death, which causes her to eventually flee New Asgard to explore Midgard like she'd always wanted to but never got a chance to. Total daddy's girl, especially because I'm imagining Sigyn died quite awhile before the events of Thor 1 (since to my memory she has never shown up or even been mentioned in any MCU film to date though in mythology she was married to Loki), and as a result Loki became very.... protective of her. Others may see Loki as evil and nothing more than a trickster, but she knows there's good in her father.
She ends up taking a position at the British Museum of History as an expert in Norse Mythology where she befriends Steven, as they both don't fit in and really have no other friends. She basically involves herself in the whole Harrow-Amit thing by staying after dark to follow Steven around because she can tell Harrow is more than he seems and has an interest in her friend. Which is how she meets Marc and learns about Moon Knight, Khonshu, etc.
Her and Khonshu do NOT get along for like 95% of the show arc - he doesn't trust her because she's a 'godling', specifically of Loki, and therefore a trickster like her father. They reluctantly start to get along after he realizes she stubbornly refuses to leave Marc, Steven, and Layla.
Layla initially wasn't sure what to make of this Asgardian that is best friends with her husband's alter but can't help but befriend Sigrid because of how curious she is. It also doesn't help that Sigrid is capable of holding her own in a fight, despite how naive she first appears with her fascination with everything Midgard.
She does use magic, which is appears green like her fathers, and also uses twin daggers like her father. Those are her main weapons, but she also inherited Loki's ability to shape-shift. Rather than being able to shape-shift into anyone or anything, Sigrid is primarily only able to shape-shift into a raven and, I'm thinking, a snake and maybe a wolf. She prefers her raven form out of those three though.
Her flat is kind of terrifying at first glance, because she has little religious shrines - one to her Uncle Thor, one to her father, and one to her mother - and while only really Thor's is received, having one for her parents is one of the ways she honors them.
Also I chose Daisy Ridley for her FC because I love her and adored the chemistry between Daisy and Oscar in the sequels-I-pretend-doesn't-exist and love Marc x Layla x Steven as an OT3 from the show (my social work background is telling me my preference for OT3+ is probably something i should examine further but uh that's not happening anytime soon if I can help it) and wanted to connect Moon Knight to the larger MCU so Sigrid was born.
I'll probably reblog this post at a later date with other facts (or might just make a separate post info-dumping on her)
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fabfoxly · 6 years ago
Fharry Tale Birth, part 2: Something dodgy (or two, or three)
In Part 1, we looked at the timeline. Now, it’s time to deep-dive into the dodgy, inconsistent fooleywang surrounding this “blessed event” (or whatever one wishes to call it). 
When was the baby even due? 
 By any calculation, the October announcement, and her own remarks, she was well over 40 weeks, despite caginess around the actual due date. And then this happened: 
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Either that, or the sight of Gayle King triggered it. 
When did she go into labour? Why announce labour hours after the birth?
A now-deleted Operational Note originally said labour started around 1 AM. Sussex IG and the “corrected” note say “in the early morning hours.” The official announcement of labour was released that afternoon, followed by notice of birth 40 minutes later: 
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If the announcements were correct, that’s about a four-hour labour for a geriatric, overdue, first-time mum. Must be all the yoga, because apparently they had time to host friends and watch some telly before she was “whisked away,” according to The Express: 
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If she wasn’t yet in labour (Sunday evening), why would she go to “give birth?” 
Where did the “birth” happen? 
No one knows, because that info is missing from all of the announcements. 
Chris Ship thinks it happened at Fraudswamp: 
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Rebecca English (Daily Mail) insists: 
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Portland, however, won’t confirm, so all we have are guesses and wild speculation. And Richard Palmer, like the rest of us, is upset that the Palace is still hiding the location: 
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If it was a hospital, how did she get there? More fooleywang! 
Rebecca English again: 
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How did the entourage sneak by all those people? 
Apparently, this happened in such secrecy that not even “senior royals” were aware. Also, these lovely folk who’d been camping on the Long Walk and in Windsor for days, on hair-trigger alert for any sign of life at Fraudswamp Cottage, on the road, or in Windsor, ALL missed a squad of vehicles traveling down the one or two roads they’d have taken: 
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(image: USAToday)
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(image: @havendalegirl, Twitter)
These are the same people who went bonkers a couple of days earlier because they sighted a “slow-moving Bentley” with pink blankets in the rear window. 
Yet NONE of them saw Harry and Megs leave, or return with Sproglet Monday afternoon -- even though they were supposedly back at FC before the labour announcement (Daily Mail).
Aren’t the Sussexes just so sneaky and clever to put one over on all these reporters like that? 
Wait... Scotland Yard?
There’s also the minor issue that Scotland Yard would not escort Megs to hospital, just as they have not done for any of the Cambridge births, as Skippy here at Tumblr has shared: 
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Maybe they had one of these? 
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Good thing we cleared that up, because there’s much more to come. 
Who attended the birth? Where’s Meg’s medical team (or at least midwife)? 
Nobody knows, not even the Palace. 
The tot became IG-official just a few hours after being “welcomed” (a Hollywood word used when celebrities acquire children). No location or doctors were mentioned. and then Prince Harry announced the news himself (I’ll do a separate post on that), but did not mention or thank hospital or medical team (he did, however, thank the horses). Twelve to fourteen hours post-arrival, Buckingham Palace placed this upon the easel: 
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That’s the entire thing. The date is pre-printed. There are no doctor signatures. And the RF is delighted at “the news.” Not “the birth.”  It’s “her” child. Compare to the Cambridge children: 
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Princess Eugenie, who was also far down the line of succession, had doctor signatures on her Palace birth announcement as well. There was time to get doctor signatures, whether the arrival happened at FC or a London hospital. Why are the names missing? Here’s Richard Palmer: 
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In case you were wondering, this is not how royal births normally work. They’re usually run smoothly because everyone understands how things should happen. Here’s Richard Palmer again: 
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Why the bungled announcements, secrecy, and conflicting accounts?  Meghan’s sugars will rant about privacy and how expectant parents should be able to dictate what goes on. That’s great for private citizens, which these two are not. UK taxpayers are funding this charade; sharing basic info hours after the event, like where the baby was born and who helped bring it into the world, does not violate family “privacy” any more than telling us how much the baby weighed. It didn’t hurt the privacy of any other RF members, and it won’t hurt these two. They can still relax together at Fraudswamp with a steamy cuppa, a screaming newborn, and a doting grandma. 
Where’s Doria? 
She’s supposed to be at Fraudswamp with Megs, but no one has seen her arrive, leave, buy kale and avocados, or even peek out a window. We have zero evidence that she is actually in the UK at all, much less in this luxurious abode: 
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(Image: Daily Mail, 7 May 2019) 
What with boarded over and wide open windows, no curtains, boxes piled inside, etc., it doesn’t look like anyone’s living here at all. What happened to that £3 million worth of renovations? 
So many questions, so little space. Stay tuned for Part 3!
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yoshi4sushi · 7 years ago
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(purupurupuru) (purupurupuru) (click!) (coo!) (coo!)
 HOWDY-HO, NAKAMAS! Happy Monday! Hope everyone had a good weekend. Before we start off, there’s terrifying news about the 5.2 quake magnitude in Osaka so due to that, all places are closed until further notice so if you’re heading there for visit, please keep yourself updated of travel safety news. W/o further notice, let’s get down to business. We have loads and loads of news to share with you so know the drill. First off, last week’s chapter calmed down a bit. Princess Mansherry was kind enough to heal Shirahoshi’s injuries so all is good. King Neptune thanked Myosgard for saving her life so he’s willing to make peace with this meet. Myosgard assured him that he will support him in any way he can and even allowed Leo and his crew that they’re given permission to beat up anyway celestial dragon with his permission. Well said chum! The paramedics arrived and took Saint Charlos to get his injury treated. His scum dad showed to see him hurt. He got a new slave, and sadly, it was Kuma. He get stabbed and beat up by the scumbag w/o begging for help. There’s an unexpected guest that snuck in Mariejois. It was Bonney in disguised as a royal member. What could she planning to do? Meanwhile in a secret underground tunnel, Sabo and the rest of the revolutionary commanders are lying in wait. Sabo is impatient and wants to rescue Kuma from the scumbag, but Karasu and Betty told him that it’s better to wait until the right time comes. It was revealed that Kuma was once a king of his own country before he gave into the control of the world gov’t. What a shocker! A king? At the end, the five elders were talking about the kingdoms and that Vivi’s family are the only ones that w/drew from being celestial dragons so fears that they could be a threat. They arrived at the empty throne only to see someone is sitting on it. The mysterious figure that had Luffy’s bounty poster. The elders kneel before this figure and called him or her, Im-san. Who is this high royal figure? Is this highest authority person above the elders? Guess we’ll know more next week. No chapter this week so be patient and wait. Next, this past weekend’s episode was SCARY! One after another keeps going after Ceasar and Bege, but Germa are doing their best to keep them away from so they can escape over the wall. Suddenly, Luffy and Sanji appeared and saved Reiju from Big Mom’s attack. As they try to escape, Big Mom provokes Luffy for being a coward of running from the fight so he couldn’t handle her taunting and attacked her in full power with gear 4th, but ran out of steam. At the end, the boys are down and in a tight situation. Next time, Luffy, Sanji, and Germa are down for the county until the castle starts tumbling down from an unknown explosion. What caused it? Guess we’ll see this week. Don’t miss it! Now on with the goods! Look who dropped by for a quick visit! Yup, it’s our fellow tower mascot, Tongari-san! What’s the buzz, my friend? Tongari-san says that lots of awesome stuff is gonna happen next month for the summer pirates festival! First off, they’ll have 3 fun games. Each play is 800 yen. If you succeed to win the games, you’ll be given an official Straw Hat water smartphone pouch that keeps your phone safe. For snack, they’ll be selling a bucket of cotton candy with many flavors such as blue raspberry, yellow lemon, pink peach, green apple, purple grape, white candy, and red strawberry. Loads of yummy flavors. It costs 600 yen. The tower will also be inviting the Straw Hats, Sabo, Law & Bepo, Ann, the clown duo, Buggy and Puggy for a photo greet. At night, they’ll pair Luffy with Sabo or Law as well. You have to be given a ticket if you want get your photo. It’s first come first serve so you have to be at the tower early if you wanna get your ticket before they run out. For July, they’ll have the Straw Hats, Sabo, and Law. Their schedule has been posted on the website. In August, they’ll have Ann, Buggy, and Puggy. Their schedule will be posted later on. Next, shopping goods! They’ll be selling official summer goods such as buttons, acrylic charms/figurines, a candy bag, a ticket holder, and a folder. So much awesome goods! The 3rd floor have also re-stocked more of the character goody bags that comes with a long towel, glow in the dark bracelet, and button set. You have to be inside the tower to purchase them. They have it at the Tongari Island Store. You can’t miss it. Next, prizes! Loads of prizes! The new Ichiban Kuji will be released on OP day which is on July 22nd. Prize A through E are figurines of Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Law, and Ace. Prize are mugs, prize G are picture boards of any characters, the special board prize are Luffy & the boys. Prize H are mini plates. They’ll have it available at Straw Hat Stores, Tokyo Tower, and hobby stores. Next, Gashapon machines will be stocking these figurines of Pudding, Nami, and Hancock in their bikinis. It will be released early August. Next, arcades will stock this new Flag & Diamond Ship of Reiju in her alluring black leather outfit. YOWZA! Get those coins ready to win this diva! Moving on, NEW, MUGI MUGI PLUSHIES! This time, they’ll have Sanji and Pudding in their wedding outfits, and the Germa siblings! They’ll be released in early Aug. I believe. Next, Straw Hat stores will be selling these authentic summer kimonos outfits and wooden sandals that are worn by Luffy, Nami, Zoro, Sanji, & Chopper in the colorspread for boys and girls. Each are sold separately. Next, guess whose b-day is approaching next month? I’ll give you a hint: she’s expensive, gorgeous, and feisty. You got it, it’s none other than cute cat burglar, Nami-swan! Her b-day is on July 3rd. To celebrate her b-day, Straw Hat Stores will be selling her birthday button and bromide frame pic. If you purchase over 1000 yen, you’ll get a free bromide card of her enjoying pampering from the cats. Next, awesome JUMP goods have been released such as this t-shirt of chibi Straw Hats in the front and back, and this colorful shirt of the Straw Hats & other characters in kid versions. Stores are also selling this small pin of Luffy that Bartolomeo was trying to sell to some local from the chapter stories. It’s so small as the size of a one yen coin. Very cute! Next, Straw Hat stores will be selling these fun summer straps of Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, and Nami playing with their water guns. They’re also selling this fan of the gang in their army outfits. Last week, the stores released this stylish hard notebook of Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, and Law. Good for writing notes. Next, stores are also selling this neat tote purse of Lucci as an addition of his birthday merch. Tokyo Tower will also have it as well. Moving on, Hong Kong will be having an OP Summer Park as well. Details will be revealed later but it will start next month until last day of Aug. Next, Shimamura Music Store will be selling Brook’s pricey shark guitar. Everything is exactly the same from the anime. You must live w/in the country to have it shipped. You can also purchase it and have it mailed to a friend or relative that lives in Japan. ROCK ON! Next, FC Tokyo Team will be having an OP event from the upcoming special episode of Skypiea. The team will face off against the Yokohama F Marines. They’ll release a special video message from Luffy at the soccer game. They’ll also have a quiz game for kids and student to enjoy. The game will be held at Ajinomoto stadium at Chofu, Tokyo area. You can check out their official page. It’s also in English and has info on access. Also, Chopper will joining the event & will have a meet and greet event. GAME ON! Ticket reservations will start this Friday. Look into their Japanese page for the info. Next, this Wednesday, Tondoco brand will be having an OP collaboration so they’ll release merch they’ll be selling at the store. You can follow their Twitter page. Next, last week, new LINE stickers have released of the Straw Hats and in-motion with cute phrases. It’s available in English as well so you can purchase it. Last, but not least, here’s the new cover of vol.11 of Whole Cake Island arc that has Brook rocking his soul!!! You can order the DVD on the Japanese site of Amazon. PHEW! I think that’s about everything. Tune in next week for more news and goods. Special thanks to Tongari-san. Come again, nakama. Kikko! Momon! Outstanding job! Let’s call it in.
 Guitar: http://store.shimamura.co.jp/shop/g/gmt0048322/
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keeperofdxrkness · 8 years ago
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Greetings mobile-bound friends and compatriots! Thank you for stopping in, here’s what you need to know (this list is abridged from the main pages for brevity’s sake).
1. No smut. Fade to black will be employed as needed.
2. Sorcha is a terrible person - triggers may exist on this blog but will be tagged using the “____ tw” tag. If you need something specific tagged please come let me know and I will do my level best to comply.
3. This is a multiverse blog! All threads happening in a given verse have the same verse tag but all ships are happening in separate versions of each verse unless discussed beforehand.
4. Mild ‘godmodding’ is permissible as long as you aren’t speaking for my muse or filling in her thoughts - if you aren’t sure, just ask!
5. This is a sideblog, so following back will happen from destructiivity, which is the main blog and RP blog for Sorcha’s brother, Cian. (side note check that blog out too because I love Cian to pieces)
Mun Info
Hi! I’m Sarah, late 20s, she/they, and I’m in the Central time zone in the US. I’ve been RPing since 2010, on various platforms. I’m terrible at picking icons. I love new friends so feel free to come say hello!
Muse Info
Sorcha was born on July 26th, the firstborn and heir to the Darkness Keep. In her mainverse, she has taken power, and now rules as the Darkness Keeper.
Along with the metaphorical power, she also has these abilities: levitation, psychic puppeteering / mental manipulation, teleportation, force field manipulation, and mild telepathy.
She is 25 years old, cis female, pansexual, and single (very much by choice). Her face and voice claim are both Natasha Negovanlis.
Writing Resources
important ooc posts open starters memes plot wishlist desires tag (includes wanted opposite FCs) writing tag (just threads!)
Verse Info                 
Main:    {&straight for the castle}
Sorcha is young royalty with little concern for the opinions of others, and takes the phrase "a new lover every night" perhaps a little too literally - you have to really be something else for her to keep you around. You're welcome to try. She has been ruling since the age of 16, when she came of age according to the laws of her nation.
Familial Royalty:    {&just young gods}
This verse takes place in a version of the universe where Sorcha was not entirely alone at the time she took the throne. Instead, she had both her grandmother and her brother there with her, and later events weren't able to warp her as completely as they did in her main verse. Sorcha and her brother still have many differences, but they manage to work it out. Sorcha has given him an outpost on the edge of their territory to do with as he sees fit. She offers her aid, whether he truly wants it or not, out of a desire to see him happy, and overall things are good.
Victory:    {&watch the queen conquer}
This verse takes place after the events of any threads in the main verse, following a timeline where Sorcha was not killed by the enemy commander. Without anyone else to oppose her, there are many ways this verse can go. Either Sorcha simply resumes her role as the ruler over the world as far as her people are concerned, or she turns her attention to the rest of humanity, the ones who have no idea what's coming to them.
Survival:    {&take me to wonderland}
This verse is a variation on the one above. In this one, Sorcha also survives, but only just barely. The people the war was against believe her to be dead, and with as close as she came to it being true, she's not about to risk it again. She escapes to the world of people who know nothing about the war or about people like her, with such supernatural abilities. She settles herself in a city where she can be well hidden, where she can heal from the outcome of that last fight. Threads can take place at any point after the battle.
Criminal:    {&girl is a goddamn problem}
In this verse, Sorcha is a criminal mastermind, having taken up the mantle that's been passed down through the generations of her family for centuries. Most that know anything about organized crime at all have heard the name Rivera at one point or another, but with that name comes the hope that you never have to put the face to it. Sorcha is a little bit older in this verse than in most of the others, because no level of notoriety comes without some time and effort.
Powerless:    {&let's cause a little trouble}
This verse is very flexible. Sorcha is born to an upper class family in a relatively small town, and when she goes to college she realizes how terribly her mother was treating her and never looks back. Basically this is just the verse tag to catch powerless threads that don't have a verse tag of their own. If you wanna plot something here come give me a shout!
Safety:    {&a night with no moon}
This verse takes the twist of Sorcha's familial royalty verse (see above) to another level by removing almost all of the trauma from both of their histories. With their mother gone so much earlier than in main verse, a lot of her abusive influence was avoided, and thanks to input from advisors that Sorcha was able to rely on, much of the near-genocide that came about as a result of the war in the main verse was avoided. Sorcha is a far less damaged person in this verse.
Grisha:   {&not made to please princes}
In this verse, Sorcha is a Heartrender in the Second Army, eventually joining the ranks of the Nolniki when that happens. A little bit jaded and a whole lot guarded, she leans heavily on the reputation gained by both her own actions and those she calls friends to generally keep outsiders at arm’s length. But you’re welcome to try.
Descendants:    {&wicked always wins}
This verse is based on the Disney Descendants universe, wherein Sorcha's mother was a villain sent to the isle, and Sorcha along with her, at a very young age. She did what she had to do, became exactly what she needed to be to survive in that environment, and built an intense resentment towards the people still in Auradon, fed by her mother's stories of what happened. In the main timeline of the verse, Sorcha's in her late teens, but threads can fall at any point in the verse, whether still on the isle or on the mainland. In this verse Sorcha's FC is Emily Bador.
And I think that about covers it! Thanks for coming to my TED talk to read this info, I really appreciate it! Hope to see you around!
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