#will prob be going through old poems more for a bit bc I tend to write poetry in order to make sense of things
litany-writes · 11 months
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(you can) crash my car tonight
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kendricksendrick · 6 years
im such a bitch heres some fun facts about me
how tall are you?
5 foot 2ish
what is your body type?
ex-gymnist who wakeboards a lot
what is your favorite part about your body?
um my boobs i guess idk
is your current hair color your natural hair color?
currently dirty blonde but once summer/vacation comes around my hair will go black to bleach blonde on its own
are you more outgoing or more shy
im quiet
are you more femme or butch?
are you tol or smol?
smol bean
wine mom or vodka aunt?
vodka aunt
weird habit?
need chapstick 24/7
favorite meme?
bon apetit
do you sing in the shower?
i used to but now i just have therapy with myself
ever used a bow and arrow?
are/were you a theatre kid?
yes haha
have you ever seen a broadway musical?
i want to!!
do you think musicals are cheesy?
no wtf i was just in one yesterday it was amazing
have you ever been a part of a protest or a march?
favorite Cards Against Humanity Card?
all of them also this just reminded me im gonna buy this game 
last movie you watched?
monsters in lol
behind the camera or in front of it?
favorite tv show?
30 rock
meaning behind your url
it came to me randomly
reason you joined tumblr
in 7th grade my friend told me it was cool and here i am 5yrs later with like 4 blogs
who’s your closest tumblr friend?
my irl friend alex
what’s something most people love that you hate?
kim k
have you ever taken narcotics?
have you had sex?
i wish 
have you ever gotten caught sneaking out or doing anything bad?
never caught :)))
worst/funniest lie you’ve ever told?
funniest lie is that im straight lol
describe your passion without mentioning it.
its all with our mouths ;)
describe your best friend.
cute, funny, dumb asf, the best
give us one thing about you that no one knows.
im an open book just ask and i will tell
how do you feel right now?
tired and hungry
what is your biggest fear?
alone forever also sleep paralysis
what’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?
gold mine by colbie calliat idk how to spell it
what is the best decision you’ve made in your life so far?
saying no balls to myself and stalking through instagrams on a 3hr car ride to find my girl and the her snap and then sayying no balls and snapping her :))
have you ever tried your hardest and then been disappointed in the end?
currently putting forth minimum effort i have senioritis
something you fantasize about.
kiss my gorl
last time you cried and why
last night or maybe it was this morning? i was doing the 24hr musical at my school (we have 24hrs to put together an ENTIRE musical and all $ goes to charity!) but i cried from laughing so hard doing yoga
what was the last thing that made you laugh?
the 24 hr musical
do you really, truly miss someone right now?
who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
my church gc bc we the true ho(e)mies
the last time you felt broken?
idk like a week ago
are you starting to realize anything?
ya actually maybe im just a lesbian and not bi who knows
are you more dominant or more submissive?
sub i think
i’ll only date you if _____. (fill in the blank)
you make me smile
do you prefer to date people the same age as you, younger, or older?
same age
describe the person you’re in love with/have a crush on in great detail.
great detail lets go!
shes in my grade bu9t goes to a different school but her hair is short like mine but darker and shes tanner than me and taller but just by a little bit! she has really nice eyes and a good smile and is sososo sweet no matter what stupid thing i say to her and i miss her a lot i wanna cuddle with her and i when we go on our next date catch me cuddling with her no matter what and she is in band too but going to college way far away in the fall so we will both be sad bois then but its okay because we have all summer to  hang out and cuddle and be something did i mention she is pretty af
do you have any kinks?
first thing you notice in a person?
tbh if they smell good and teeth
how can someone win your heart?
call me pretty
been rejected by a crush?
haha yes but its okay guys
have you ever had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back?
no but vice versa so thats super awkward
would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?
is trust a big issue for you?
i just want the truth
did you hang out with the person you like recently?
is november for 2hrs considered recent ;(
is confidence cute?
what would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy?
happy 4 u 
would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?
no lol
does the person you have feelings for right now know you do?
yes she does
ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?
got my car stuck in the mud infront of hher on our first date
do you want to get married
worst thing you’ve ever done?
been a big bitch
three things that turn you on.
being called babe/baby, being teased, and idk
who do you hate?
lowkey one of my super lose friends oops
favorite term of endearment?
who was your celebrity/fictional gay awakening?
intimidating girls or kind girls?
what do you look for in a possible partner?
nice to me
do you tend to like more masculine, feminine, or androgynous girls?
i do not know ive only really ever liked one girl and also my straight best friend bc im a dumb bitch
are you good at flirting?
tbh no
who was the first person you came out to?
my church gc
do you have any friends who are wlw?
is your crush wlw?
last person to make you reconsider your sexuality?
the boy who asked me to prom has me thinking am i bi or lesbooo
write a short love poem to your crush/self?
sweet are your eyes like honey in the sun
you make me smile
do you fall in love easily?
is there something that happened in your past that you hate talking about?
that time i was a big boi bitch to a girl 
are you good at hiding your feelings?
ha no
are you a forgiving person?
what is your “type?”
good question
fall asleep in her arms or rub her back until she falls asleep in yours?
probs fall asleep on her
tall girls or short girls?
taller than mee
hugs or kisses?
twirl her around or get twirled?
tummy kisses or thigh kisses?
ooh both
hairline kisses or neck kisses?
play with her hair or stroke her tummy?
making out or soft kisses?
soft kisses 
hugs around the neck or hugs around the waist?
how confident are you in your sexuality?
haha good one im happy with who i am tho!
when you like someone do you blush or get butterflies in your stomach?
butterflies to the maxx
have you ever liked a friend as more than a friend? did you tell them?
like(d) my straight best friend and will not be telling her that lol
my girl tho i def told her ;))
how old were you when you realized you were into girls?
16ish id say
most embarrassing thing you’ve done in front of a cute girl?
so many things everything i do is embarassing
do you have a favorite lesbian ship? is it canon?
what is the most aggravating thing someone has said to you about your sexuality?
every word about lgbt that comes out of my mothers mouth since i am not out to her and now not planning on it for a very long time bc shes a big ignorant bitch!!
when was the last time a girl made your heart flutter?
haha good question idk
what is love to you?
ALWAYS putting others before you no matter what
ask me anything.
i will answer do it no balls
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Rules - Answer 21 questions and then tag 21 people you want to get to know better.
Tagged by - @voringglennis @globrights @glennjaminhow and @golden-geese  (thank you friends!!)
Nickname - kath
Zodiac - right on the aquarius/pisces cusp
Height - 5′3″
Last movie I saw - oh! it’s actually been a  bit since i’ve watched a full movie.  i think it was the new mary poppins it was so cute
Last thing I googled - the name of one of these people in a crime documentary that i’m watching lol
Favorite musician -  mitski, alex g, king princess, regina spektor, death cab for cutie
Song stuck in my head -  i’ve had a line from 7 rings stuck in my head all day even though i only listened to the song once out of curiosity
Other blogs - im the worst and dont rly have side blogs. @allpaintedsinatrablue is my writing blog but i dont update it v much i just reblog from it occasionally when i think of one of my older poems
Do I get asks? -  sometimes!! i got a lot more when sunny was airing and a) saw eps in advance b) was serving up sunny meta on the reg lol
Following - 672 but sooo many are prob inactive bc i followed a bunch of blogs in like...2012
Followers - 978
Amount of sleep - as much as humanly possible. on work days i sleep from like 2am ish until 10:30 and prob like 2amish to 12 on my days off
Lucky number - 12
What I’m wearing -  soft and light grey sweatpants i sleep in, white striped top
Dream job - honestly like....writing in my free time and working in the sun w people i like helping others i realize thats not a job but i will make it one
Dream trip - paris, amsterdam, new orleans, quebec, switzerland
Favorite food - spaghetti bb
Play any instruments? - i used to play piano in elementary-high school and i sang a lot
Languages - english and french
Favorite songs - right now? i don’t smoke by mitski is prob my favorite. i go through lots of phases with music. woods by bon iver is actually one of my all time favorites for literally a decade now, and hide and seek by imogen heap.
Random facts - i sing  and mispronounce or say words in different accents to amuse myself throughout the work day and have influenced everyone i work with to do the same. if i see an animal who is in trouble or scared i can and will drop everything to tend to it. i was once arrested for being drunk and disorderly. i wrote a 120 page senior thesis on the writings of virginia woolf and gender theory. almost all of my dreams are lucid, i can’t help it 
Describe yourself as aesthetic things -  reading in the sun sitting in the grass on a warm day, sleeping in the car with your friends driving in the middle of nowhere,  waking up and drinking coffee on a patio in the early afternoon, eating at an old fashioned roadside diner in the middle of nowhere at 3 am, drinking wine on the floor and laughing until your ribs hurt
i am so bad at tagging people so if  you want, do this!!
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sunsounds · 7 years
Hello^^ For the writer thingie :1. / 2. / 3. / 5. / 7. / 9. / 10 / 11. / 21. / 23. / 25 - and 18 if you'd like to. I hope it's not too much just do what you feel comfortable with. PS: I love your writing. Have a great day n night
thank you??? so much??? and it’s definitely not too much, this is pretty fun. i’m still shocked that ppl are actually sending me asks.
1. my name that i use here and in writing is Kavi, though it’s not my real one bc i don’t feel comfortable sharing that online?? i do prefer this one actually, it means “poetry” and we all know i have like two interests
2. oooh, i’m not sure if you mean poetry books or prose ones, so i’m going to do both and say bloodsport by yves olade is phenomenal and i’d die for crush by richard siken and also night sky with exit wounds by ocean vuong killed me (i have like a billion amazing and less famous chapbooks that i’d rec too, so anyone who wants that list is free to ask but i felt like i shouldn’t barrage y’all with that unless you ask). i’d say that all of them have fairly influenced my writing in that i aspire to write like that. for prose, which hasn’t really influenced me much in my own writing: at the moment i’d say the aftg series and trc series are my faves, although i suppose that the night circus by erin morgenstern did actually influence my prose writing a bit and it’s one of my all-time faves. i’m sorry, you didn’t sign up for this long paragraph of text abt books, i’ll shut up now.
3. that’s actually a difficult one to answer bc i don’t watch many movies and don’t really feel they’ve affected my writing much??? the dead poet’s society would be one of my favorites, i guess
5. i definitely do not need a certain atmosphere to write, i tend to block out everything while writing. nonetheless, i like being on my bed with my computer and music playing while writing best.
7. i generally begin with a small snippet that keeps floating through my mind and work from there, whether that line becomes the first line or ends up as the ending. speaking of endings: how do i end??? i don’t even know??? i write until it feels like an ending and then i’m done, or something like that
9. probably the night?? i get odd bursts of inspiration then
10. um, this is more what it is ideally and probably not very accurate bc the accurate thing is “horrible” but i’d say my writing is … visceral. an assault of imagery. tugs into your heart and makes it almost bleed, makes it feel bc poetry should be, out of everything else, something that makes ppl feel. 
11. i generally ignore everyone and everything. i listen to music and let it fade into a vague hum in the background and give into the words, don’t care abt really anything except for the fact that writing exists. i twist myself into what the words are casting me into. i zone out a lot and just give into it and actually am really terrible if interrupted bc i can’t tear myself away until i feel like i can’t wrench out anymore out of myself.
21. a self-doubt would probably be that i’m actually really terrible at poetry and fake-deep and everyone saying otherwise is just being nice?? like, of course i’ll always be able to grow and change and be better but what if i can’t?? what if i’m writing terrible poetry and it’s just that other ppl are being nice and i’ll never be able to change my terrible poetry??? one that’s probably pretty common that i don’t really feel is the worry abt what other ppl feel, i’m way too self-absorbed to do that
23. i have no clue how to write soft poetry, HOW DO PPL DO IT??? but yeah, i think i like capturing dangerous ppl best. and i like dysfunctional relationships, by which i mean that what i write is usually just abt ppl who make each other worse and maybe aren’t even terrible (dangerous, though, always dangerous) but are terrible to and for each other and that’s the dynamic i like best???
25. despite me being totally unqualified to give advice, the advice i’d give to any aspiring writer is to write. it doesn’t matter if it’s a stupid, self-indulgent fanfiction that you’re convinced is a failure or if it’s that depressing poem you think you probably shouldn’t write bc it’s so emo and stupid. write it anyways. writing is abt making the readers feel, of course, but first it’s abt you. it’s abt you being a person and growing and not being able to get something out of your head till it’s on a page and it doesn’t matter how terrible it is bc the second draft will be better. or maybe it isn’t, but still?? in an year if you keep writing your stupid poems then your poems will be better, you’ll keep reading and you’ll learn what it takes to make something good and writing is always evolving and just??? i’ve seen so many ppl that are convinced their work is terrible and i sorta want to throw things at them bc it doesn’t matter, as long as you like it then it doesn’t matter. growth comes after the terrible, emo twelve-year-old poetry and not before. this probs isn’t very coherent and i’m still unqualified to give advice and you definitely didn’t sign up for this long paragraph of text, i’m sorry, but just write okay?? regardless of how bad it is or how bad you think it is
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