#will never forget the time a cna came in and after telling them 'hey that guy will get seizures if you give em that' and they replied with
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tony-andonuts · 9 months ago
God I wish I didnt get ostrasised by all but like 4 of my peers because holyfucking shit am I overworked and need a hug
#why cant everyone just be nice like for fucking real!!!!#so sick and tired of looking like Mother Theresa compared to my coworkers bc i do the bare minimum of making the residents feel cared for#like girl we are working with the same cast and crew#will never forget the time a cna came in and after telling them 'hey that guy will get seizures if you give em that' and they replied with#'well they get seizures regardless' AND LEFT#EVIL!!!!!!#andlike#i understand that not everyone has the same memory capacity/ability but oh my motherfucking god#if everyone around me is at baseline then i must be either God or the absolute perfect person#which is saying something bc ive genuinely killed quite a few braincells with my former [redacted] addiction but here i am#knowing the smallest things about everyone that makes em happy#and the thing is is that I WORK IN THE KITCHEN!!!#IM NOT A CNA/RN WHO AT ALL HOURS OF THEIR SHIFT WILL BE INTERACTING WITH THE RESIDENTS!!!#idk man if i were generally mentally n physically well in my 30+s AND gettin outshined by a 21 year old for the past 2 yrs id be embarrasse#cannot fucking wait for my mom to get a job so i can leave mine and take a break#tony speaks#and before anyone says 'the CNAs are overworked and some of the residents can be overwhelming!'#the residents know im nice so they come to me for fucking EVERYTHING!!!!#ESPECIALLY the overbearing ones!!!#AND ON TOP OF THAT I HAVE LITERALLY EVERYONE. STAFF AND RESIDENTS.#ASKING ME WHATS GOING ON WHEN IM BALLS DEEP IN THE AM AIDES BULLSHIT ON TOP OF THE MORNING COOKS#not only do i ghostrun the kitchen but im the guy everyone goes to for everything. regardless of department#im literally a kitchen aide with no further qualifications leave me the fuck alone and ask your superiors/managament FUCK!!!!!!!!
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theridgebeyond · 3 years ago
While I am on my soapbox, might I just add — I had a good day today and the people I work with are wonderful and my clinical instructor really is the best at what she does and I’ve learned a lot, but I’m so tired of being stupid and clueless. Almost everything I’ve learned here* I’ve learned against my will, but I still don’t know half of the things they expect me to. I got in trouble for not putting the alarm tabs on a fall risk patient who escapes her bed a lot — I didn’t know hospital beds had alarms, I genuinely thought those tabs were something she brought from home and were none of my business. My clinical instructor keeps flagging me for forgetting to document discharge recommendations, but I don’t know what a SWING unit is or the different between skilled care and acute rehab. How am I supposed to know what a patient is suitable for if I don’t know what any of it means? And of course my processing speed is at an all-time low, so by the time I think oh hey, maybe I should ask what this is we’ve already seen three more patients and I’m even more lost than I was before. It’s like my brain is trying to download multiple documents on bad wifi — the first one started loading just fine, but halfway though another one came down the pike, and then another, and now none of them are loading, and there’s 50 of them now, and error messages are popping up and oh dear the computer’s crashing.
I want to do OT with kids. I asked to do OT with kids. I know I like to do OT with kids. I signed up to do OT with kids. I will spend my career doing OT with kids. I don’t want to know any of the things I’m learning. I don’t like the things I’m learning. I can’t get myself to remember any of the things I’m learning. I just feel stupid and useless all the time. I have no idea how to tell them they’re going too fast or that I’m struggling, and I’ve been faking confidence for so long (bc that’s the only thing keeping me from breaking down in the middle of the patent’s room) that I don’t know if they’ll believe me. I already tried to explain, but I just got “You’re so bright! I know I can push you! Experience is the best teacher!” Ma’am, with all due respect, it’s Day 9 and I didn’t know how to unfold a brief (bc I’ve never had to unfold a brief, and no one here felt like teaching me bc who doesn’t know how to unfold a brief?) until this morning when a patient couldn’t stand any longer while waiting for me to open her brief so we could strap it to her and nearly crashed to her seat. So yeah. I’m so bright.
Thank goodness tomorrow’s Friday. I also have a progress meeting with my clinical instructor to talk about where I’m at, and I’ve nearly made myself sick scripting I’ll the things I’m struggling with in the desperate hope that she’ll take it down a notch. I’m going to go watch a video about what an OT eval looks like, bc I biffed the first one I did after going in blind. I might even ask if I can just focus on the ROM and manual muscle testing. A full evaluation is too much for my brain to handle right now.
This has been Tumblr talks with Katelyn. Tune in next time to hear how Katelyn plans to run away across the Canadian border smuggled in the back of an Amish buggy.
*The hospital I’m doing my clinical rotation in. I was supposed to be in a nursing home, but if you haven’t noticed, there’s a shortage of healthcare workers and my clinical instructor is picking up the slack in acute care, inpatient rehab, and outpatient. I’m also the only thing keeping her from having to pick up CNA shifts (she was exempt bc she has a student) bc there are literally no CNAs. The nursing home wouldn’t exactly be low-stakes, but it would be something I could have gotten a good handle on, instead of having no choice but to learn 4x the information in the same amount of time. There is no structure or consistency or routine, and there can’t be because healthcare is so unpredictable, and I don’t know how to tell them that I need structure or my mental health plummets. I’m absolutely miserable, and it’s week 2 of 12.
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squishymochisoo · 6 years ago
more than a voice || hwang hyunjin
bulleted scenario 
genre: fluff, teeny weeny angst, college au
pairing: hwang hyunjin x reader
sypnosis: you, a mute piano major, would have never thought that hwang hyunjin, a dance major, would even look your way
~            ~           ~
• you’re a piano major — bUT the one thing that differentiated you and the others in your school was that
• you’re mute
•basicALLY one day after school hyunjin — dance major —was walking down the down the halls
•and just heard this BEAUTIFUL melody of the piano and was like freaking inspired by it
•it was like perfect for an dance assignment he had
• “uh hey” hyunjin voiced behind you as you were deep into playing,, he didn’t know youre name and has never seen you around
• i mean of course you didn’t turn around (cuz you didn’t hear him )
•he tapped your shoulder and you instantly turned
•your eyes widened
• “uh...h”
• honestly hyunjin forgot what he wanted to say when he saw your eyes
•he was like lost in them
• and silence followed right after
•you stood up bowing as if to apologize
• basically you thought that he wanted the piano in the practice room (you are an AWKWARD BEAN!!)
• ,,, grabbing your bag and the hastily clumped the music scores (u were in the middle of writing a piece) together and like walked out the door briskly
• hyunjin stared after you before realizing you left one music sheet behind
• ‘fuck i forgot to get their name??? good going hyunjin??’
• THE NEXT DAY,,, he’d ask his group of friends if they knew you
•of course everyone was like ????
•partly because of hyunjin’s shit description of you
• “of you know that student that plays the piano in practice room 3”
• hyunjin would roll his eyes he knew his friends was gonna be rEALLY unhelpful
• he took out the music sheet you left behind,,, scribbles of notes surrounded the paper
• “oh? isn’t that y/n’s???”
•seungmin recognized your handwriting anywhere
• seungmin and you were friends
• one day you were playing the piano and seungmin complimented you and suddenly
•y’all friends
•he couldn’t speak sign but you could communicate just fine with him
•he always helped you when you were in need of a second opinion when you’re writing a piece
• desperation dripping from hyunjin’s voice
• “uhh they’re always at practice room 3 after class”
• “okAY BYE”
•seungmin didn’t even have time to tell him that youre mute
•this time hyunjin was already waiting in the practice room before you came in
•you’re like wtf??? when you saw him sitting in front of the piano
•hyunjin giggled at your look of shock and waved the music sheet you left behind in front of you
•you took back the sheet of paper and smiling lightly ask if to say thank you
• hyunjin njij thought you were just shy ( and was not comfortable with talking to strangers)
• you put your thing down and sat infront of the piano
•in your head you were still “what IS HE DOING HERE,,, like it was THE HYUNJIN ya know
• hyunjin took a chair and gestured as if asking permission to sit next to you
•you nodded ( just a little freaking shocked but okay)
• (ngl your eyes travelled down to his cute nose and his pouty lips for a little while)
• hyunjin stared at you as you started playing jotting down new notes
• he smiled as you would tilt your head when you were stuck not knowing how to write the next bar
• after 15 minutes he fINALLY tapped your shoulders
•uhhhhh hi i’m hyunjin”
• kay you were like ??? cause it was been almost 20 minutes and he’s just introducing himself
• unbeknownst to you hyunjin’s mind was like a MESS during the past 20mins
• he wanted to talk to you but like hoW?
•plus he didn’t want to interrupt your bEAUTIFUL PLAYING
• you smiled before picking up your pencil and writing your name on the side of music sheet
• y/n
• hyunjin stared at you a little
• “o-oh.. you’re mute?”
• you gave him a tight smile and nodded
• ofc he was just reacting like everyone else uGH
• hyunjin saw yr reaction and was like nO NO NO
• he didn’t mean it that way he was like shocked ya know
• (cause he thought you were just shy)
• silence followed again
• hyunjin was mentaly encouraging himself to continue the conversation
• “uh...u..h would you like to perform with me?”
•your eyes went WIDE like whATT???
• is this kid srs right now?? you??
• “yesterday when i came in — the piece yoh were playing was amazing and i’d be so happy if you’d let me dance to it while you play”
•and well you agreed
• that’s how your friendship started
•it was hard to communicate at first bUT
•you didn’t know that hyunjin was learning sign languGe
•he wanted to mKe sure that you’re comfortable when talking to him
•( since you had to write everythign down,,)
•one day he invited you to eat with his griup of friends
•seungmin pouted 😤😤
•”y/n wont need you anymore when she has me!” hyunjin declared
•your heart sped up a little JUST A LITTLE
•the other laughed and teased hyunjin
•the two of you practiced really hard everyday after school
• you finishing up the last details of the piece and hyunjin choreograhping a dance
• yall spent so much time tgt that he knew your habits
•you’d bit your nails when you’re nervous or anxious
•the hyunjin’s assignment dateline was two weeks away and well yall were prepared and READY
•so instead of practicing everyday
•yall just hanging out tgt in prac room 3
• let’s be real hyunjin wasn’t discreet with his feelings for you but he wasn’t SO open abt it either
•it’s usually a “you look so beautiful today” or “i can’t stop staring at you”
•i mean like HOW BLIND ARE YOU
• you’re not so experienced in the relationship area
• so you’re like is he flirting with me???
• one day hyunjin found you crying in prac rm 3 aft school
•you weren’t bawling just sobbing — as if not to let anybody hear you cry
•it was because of your previous class!
• you were critized that your playing was emotionless almost robotic and that another piece you wrote for an assignment was shIT
•not to mention someone also said as you passed by
• “they’re just a mute,,, why are they here,,, tch not even talented”
• you felt untalented you felt like you didn’t belong here
• but you couldn’t explain it to hyunjin
• were you supposed to stop crying to write it down????
• hyunjin hugged you
• and comforted you “it’s okay you can cry on me”
• “you dont need to tell me “
• you glanced at him as the both of you sat close to each other — tights touching
• you sniffled
• he gave you an encouraging smile before signing
• tell me
•wtf??!!? were you dreaming?? how?? when???
• your stAte of shock subsided and you signed to him — telling him everything that was bothering you
• hyunjin’s smile dropped — his eyes glassy,,, from seeing you almost tear up again
•he NEVER wanted to see you cry ever again!!!
•you are so talented please don’t—
• he stopped
• you could see the gears in his brain working not knowing the word ‘listen’ in sign
• you giggled as your arms went around him
• “you’re so talented. don’t let anybody tell you that you’re not. the nxt time somebody says that i’ll beat them up i promise” 👊👊
•you sniffled in his shirt
• “i also promise to study sign even harder “
• you didn’t manage to tell him but you were fucking TOUCHED
•never has anyone picked up sign for you
•you felt special
• you felt loved
• “and before i forget” hyunjin muttered,, his face pressed on the top of your head as he pecked it
• he let go of you
• and signed
• i love you
my first try @ bulleted scenarios???? i wanted to write then i got lazy but i love and am invested in this plot line so i did a bullet scenario lmaoooo
but let me know if you like it and want more of this kind of writing??? also not beta’d cause i lazy 
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iliketowrite1996 · 6 years ago
Another Kind of Love
Temporary break form my break!
Hello, all! I am still on my tumblr break but I had to write this! I m thinking of making it into a full on story with a Marvel guy, so PLEASE tell me who you think it should be!
Loosely inspired by ‘’I Told you So’’ by Little Mix 
Let’s be honest.
Breakups are hard.
    There are literally whole songs about how hard breaking up is.
    You know that.
    You’ve always known that.
    You've seen the shattered remnants of your friends’ hearts as they worked to pick up the pieces after their own breakups, after this guy or the girl broke their hearts.
    You’ve seen your sister go through a break up that momentarily paused her belief in love, that caused her to be more insecure and angry than you’ve ever known.   
    Then, you met your guy.
    And, okay it’s not as if you’d renounced love. You did not claim that you would never fall in love. You were just on the more reserved side when it came to this topic. You were someone that preferred to be wary of people and their intentions, and school and work and life kept you busy enough anyhow.
    But This guy was sweet and smart and funny and just the right amount of sarcastic. Plus, he was cute.
    But heartache cna come on quickly, especially when you’re seeing the other person through lenses that are tinted rose-colored and don't’ show you who they really are
    Maybe those rose colored lenses are why you missed all of the red signs with him.
    Your friends saw it. You can remember your friend Paula telling you that he’s not the one, your friend Deana telling you to forget that boy.
    So Maybe that’s why you’re texting the group chat now, tears streaming down your face as you wipe at your red, puffy eyes.
    Their replies are very quick- they invite you over, using the promise of wine and makeup wipes to entice you.
    That is enough to make you endure the fifteen minutes you have left of your commute on the subway and trudge your way to one of your best friend’s’ apartments.
    ‘’He’s with another girl,’’ your voice cracks as you explain the reason for the breka up that seme to came out of nowhere.
    Deana signs, pulling out one of her cucumber-scented makeup wipes and cleaning the smudged eyeliner and mascara off of your cheeks.
    ‘’I’ve got the kettle on,’’ Paula says gently as she sits on the other side of you, rubbing your back.
    ‘’I loved him. What do I do know?’’   
    ‘’I’ll tell you what you should do. Take off those rose-colored glasses and start seeing him for who he is.’’
    ‘’More importantly,’’ Deanna cuts in for Paula, ‘’Start seeing him for who he’s not- the one.’’
    You were so sure that he was the one. He was someone that loved you, ro so you thought. Someone that cared for you, or so you thought. Someone that you would spend the rest of your life with.
    Or so you thought.
    ‘’He set the tone when he cheated,’’ Paula scoffs, ‘’You can do better. You deserve better. Besides, his best friend was way better looking.’’
    That makes you laugh, your first genuine chuckles since he broke the devastating news to you nearly two hours ago.,
    ‘’He is,’’ Paula raises an eyebrow, ‘’Why would I lie?’’’   
    ‘’His jokes weren’t even funny,’’ Deanna scoffs, ‘’Boy, bye.’’
    You spend the next few hours with them filling you in on all of the things that this boy is, reminding you that you fell in love with his potential and not the person what he truly is in this moment.
    That maybe there will be hope for you two in the future, but not now.
    ‘’I can’t say I’m not happy,’’ Deanan tells you, ‘’Because now you can move on. Give it some time. You’ll be fine.’’
    ‘’I just… I really wanted love. Someone to love me romantically.’’
    ‘’And, girl,the right guy will come. For now, we’ve got wine and makeup wipes and tea. He’s not the one.’’
    ‘’You guys, I love you. Thank you for all of this. I really should have listed to all of the things that you told me,’’you sniffle as a wave of tears falls over you, filling your eyes.
    ‘’Maybe be. But, hey, you have two people that love you. No one’s ever going to love you like we do.’’
    ‘’Paula is right. And he’s never gonna find a girl like you.’’
    That night, you do face masks and reminisces on old times and drink tea and cry together.
    Love comes in many forms.
    You know that.
    You’ve always known that.
    But it is not until you experience it that it really sinks in, that you really feel it.
    So maybe this isn’t the grand date night that you’ve planned all week. Maybe it’s filled with movies and your best friends and loving the good and learning to live with the bad.
    You’ve got your girls and you’ve got  chance to start over. In time, you’ll be ready to take that chance and move on. You’ll breathe int h new days ahead and breath out the heartache.
    With time, your friends, and junk food.
    Because maybe this won't be easy and maybe it’ll hurt when you see him out with his new girl.
    Maybe you’ll second guess yourself when that happens, yr maybe you'll be so far beyond it that you can wish them the ebs.
    For now, though, you’re with your girls. They love you, and you love them. And maybe he’s not the one and maybe something always felt wrong, but this moment is right and you’re laughing and your girls are here.
    Really, that’s all you need.
    And you’re thankful for these two.
    For two people that really do love you and have your best interest at heart.
    Who are always there for you, with arms to hold your, shoulders to cry on, wine and makeup wipes.
    And who will never say, ‘’I told you so.’’
    Because for you, in that moment,that is real love.
And it’s just the kind you need right now.
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