#will maybe give them radar and better planes idk
aevris · 1 month
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doodle of a bat/myotis sonar operator for a setting i'm rotating in my brain
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divinedecay · 5 years
Kindness Kills Part 2
Prompt: Continuation of part one, idk. I don’t do description well. To quote the one for part one, “Vampires, Werewolves, and other stuff that has yet to show itself” Pairing: Vamp!Kuroo x Werewolf!Reader Word Count: 2,356 Warnings: cursing, kissing, oh and I didn’t edit A/N: This took me waaaay too long to get back to, and there’s still gonna have to be a part 3, oops
Part 1
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    It really had gotten out of hand very quickly, you could see that now as you looked back.
    Four interactions became around ten, and ten became twenty and twenty became a lot more. Before the next summer had hit, you and Tetsurou had become good friends. Really good friends. You allowed him to introduce you to Bokuto and Akaashi, although you'd run into Akaashi before in your dealings with Teru. He even introduced you to his childhood friend, Kenma, as well as a few more people he'd come to be friends with. All were a small part of his clan who didn't mind that you were a Werewolf, and you got along well with.
    You could tell that somewhere along the way you started to develop feelings for Kuroo. You’d started to really notice him, to feel the attraction, to feel the way he affected you, but you had shoved it all down, down, down. You refused to have feelings for Kuroo. You absolutely refused. And then Teru found out you’d made new friends.
    When Terushima found out, he was ecstatic. In fact, he threw a party which you ended up dragged to. You stayed far away from the drink table that time, except to grab something you had known was normal beer.
    You still weren't entirely sure how you and Kuroo had come to do what you did. Looking back, you were still unsure of exactly how you had come to kiss him on Terushima's couch in the middle of a party full of people. No one had paid the two of you any attention, and you were glad of it. Especially once you had pulled away, realized exactly what had happened, and ran right out of the party.
    One minute you had been talking, laughing at each other's bad jokes, and the next he had been flirting, and you found yourself flirting back. Since become friends with Kuroo, you found yourself playfully flirting a lot, actually, but this time was different. This time, it meant more. Felt like more, and before you knew it his hand was cupping your cheek and he was kissing you. And you were kissing him right back.
    You’d kissed plenty of people, sure, but, somehow, kissing Kuroo was different. It set off fireworks in your head, made your mind go blank, made you feel like you and him were the only two people on the planet. You wanted nothing more in that moment than to melt into him, and stars, if you could’ve kissed him forever, you would have.
    When you’d broken away, the reality of what happened had slapped you in the face, and you hadn’t been able to stop the alarms that sounded in your head that screamed Danger!
So you’d bolted.
    You hadn’t gone far, just outside of Teru’s house to get some fresh air. It hadn’t been hard to Kuroo to locate you once he made it out of Teru’s house. He found you leaning against the outside wall, eyes pressed closed, your fingers lightly on your lips. You needed air, you needed to think, to process.
“Did I read that whole thing wrong?” He asked, making sure to stay back from you, give you the space he was sure you needed. “Do you want me to leave?”
“Tetsu, ever the perfect gentleman.” You said the words quietly, almost inaudibly. He heard it, though, and you could see the surprise on his face. You had never called him Tetsu out loud before. Tetsurou sometimes, and Kuroo most of the time, but calling him Tetsu was reserved for just your thoughts. Curse his Vampiric hearing. He didn’t mention it, though, and it made you fall for him even more.
“Do you want me to leave?” He repeated, and you looked over at him. What you did here would determine everything. Everything. You could tell him yes and he would go, and leave it alone, and only come around if you asked. You could avoid a whole entanglement that could lead to disaster.
Or you could tell him no.
    It scared you that you wanted to tell him no, wanted to tell him to hold you. You wanted him to tangle his fingers in your hair, to laugh and joke with you, to stay. You wanted to tell him to kiss you again, and to keep kissing you as though you were his oxygen. Not that he needed oxygen.
    It was terrifying just how badly you wanted him to keep kissing you. It terrified you even more that kissing him had, for even a moment, had you believing in soulmates.
   You had never subscribed to the whole ‘soulmates’ thing, but, if you had to guess, Kuroo felt a whole lot like one. Over those months leading up to that moment, he had begun to feel like home to you. Something you hadn't admitted to yourself until that moment. You hadn't had anything to call home in a few years, not since your pack had been killed, and the fact that a Vampire felt like home now was almost too much.
“What do I smell like? To you?” He merely blinked at you for a moment, startled. It wasn't the response he had expected. It wasn't the response you wanted to give. But to admit you wanted him to stay would be to let go of a part of you that you weren't prepared to part with.
“Well, all ’Wolves smell like dog to Vamps, but each one has their own human scent, if you will. Yours is strawberries.” He paused, just for a moment. “It's really not very you at all.”
“So dog and strawberries. You're right, that's not very me.” But it is appropriate, you thought as you looked back on that moment. Strawberry was Kuroo’s favourite, you knew that now. You wish you didn’t know it. “How do you stand it?” He eyed you, then ran a hand through his hair and making it even messier than it had been before.
“I imagine you could smell like a raging dumpster fire and I'd find a way to stand it.” He shrugged, looking away. “You're different.”
“Hmmm,” you hummed, then closed your eyes and leaned your head back against the wall of the house, “I'm different. Must be why I don't mind smelling burning chocolate and cherry so much.”
“Is that really what I smell like?”
“All Vamps smell like burning chocolate. Sometimes there's cherry, sometimes there isn't. Sometimes it's a hint, sometimes it's a lot. Yours is… just right.” You hadn't known why you were telling him that, why you were admitting it. The two of you had stood in silence for a long moment before, finally, he broke it.
“Y/N.” There it was. The way he had said your name then had you melting, ascending into another plane of existence. The first time, it had been different. Less. But this time, this time was so much more. He said it as if you were the only thing he ever thought about, as if you were the most exquisite creatures on Earth.
“I thought I told you not to say my name like that,” you'd opened your eyes to look at him then, and he'd smirked a bit.
“Like what?” You couldn't exactly hang up this time.
“Like you’re in love with me.” He looked at you for a long moment.
“What if I am in love with you? The part of you that I know, at least. What if I wanted to get to know all of you? Fall even more deeply in love? What if all I'm asking for is a chance?” This had been it. The moment that determined it all.
Don't, you had wanted to say, don't love me. You'll ruin us both, you and your love. Because I think I'm in love with you, too, and I know it won't end well. It never ends well-
“Then kiss me again,” was what you actually said, your heart winning out over your head, over your fears, “and take the chance.”
   He hadn't needed to be told twice. He moved toward you, cupped your cheek with one hand and brushed back your hair with the other. Then his lips pressed to yours and you had forgotten where you were. Nothing had mattered except his lips against yours.
   It really was a wonder that the two of you hadn't been caught sooner. You had kissed twice in a public setting, surrounded by so many people who could have exposed you. Maybe it had something to do with Teru. You had no clue, even now.
   After that night, things had only escalated. Hanging out started to include dates, which had to look like hanging out. If anyone of consequence found out about you and Kuroo, there would be trouble. In fact, it was very likely that you, as the one without a pack, would die. You hadn't dwelled much on that fact, you forced yourself not to. You had no intentions of dying anytime soon.
   You had plans to complete before that could happen.
   Of all the things you could have expected, this was the last of them. Falling head over heels for a Vampire had never been part of the plan, on fact it was so far off your radar that it was laughable. But you supposed the universe had fun making a mockery of the plans of those who lived in it. So here you were. Dating a Vampire. With sincerity.
   Stars above, you were screwed. You were incredibly fucked.
   You really should have known it would come crashing down, hard, but you'd gotten careless. You let yourself be happy. You knew it was destructive to think that way, to think that every time you were happy it would be crushed, but you couldn't help it. Your life had been that way for so long that you expected things to rain on your parade. But you were actually genuinely happy with and around Kuroo.
   The two of you communicated well, worked together well. And damn could he kiss. But he was more, too. Kind and affectionate and teasing didn't even begin to cover the list of adjectives you could conjure to describe him, and he liked several of the same things you did as well. You had several common interests. Beyond that, he paid attention when you spoke, even if it was about something he didn't know about or something he wasn't interested in.
   You really, really should have known better than to get comfortable.
   One day, the two of you were hanging out, watching another ridiculous horror movie - one of your favourite shared passtimes - when he received a call. He'd answered, gotten an odd look on his face, glanced at you, and left. He hadn't come back.
   You knew what that meant. At least, you thought you did. You hadn't waited around to find out if you were right. You had gone immediately to Teru's place, and he'd let you in without question. Well, without much question.
"Y/N? I wasn't expecting you-"
"I need a place to lay low for a bit," you cut across him, put some urgency into your voice. "Is it okay if I stay with you?"
"You know it is, but… what happened?" His eyebrows were drawn together with concern, and you glanced around before answering.
"I'm not totally sure but… well I think I've been found out." He hadn't wasted another second before letting you in and locking his doors and windows.
“Spill. Now.” He turned to look at you, an eyebrow raised. You took a deep breath, closed your eyes, and opened your mouth.
“He left and didn’t come back. Vampire summons.” You had then explained to Teru about the odd look he'd gotten on his face, the way he’d looked at you. By the time you had gotten done explaining it all, and your suspicions, Teru was shaking his head.
“I thought I heard something a day or two ago, but it seemed unimportant at the time.” He turned away from you, crossed his arms. “Hindsight is twenty-twenty, isn’t it?” You’d sat there, numb, as Teru explained to you how he heard a Vampire casually mention ‘cleaning house’ two days earlier, how he’d heard the phrase enough times that it seemed harmless. Only on that day, with the new context you brought him, did he see what it meant.
“Well,” you had said, trying to keep your voice steady, “I’m going home now.” If Teru’s eyebrows could have risen off his face, they would have. You stared him down.
“Listen, I’m not about to cause trouble for you. I don’t want Vampires descending on your house. Besides, this was all my choice.” You turned and put a hand on his doorknob, turning it to walk out. “It’s about time I faced the consequences.”
    What you didn’t know was that, in his own apartment, Kuroo Tetsurou was hatching a plan. He’d been given the ultimatum: Kill you and reclaim his position in the clan, or die. Simple. A simple, easy choice.
    Or, at least, it should have been, if the rest of the Vampires were to be believed.
    To him, though, it was anything but easy.
    He loved you, really, truly loved you, and to have to decide whether to put his clan before his love for you was a harder decision than he cared to admit. It wasn’t simple, not at all. He was immortal, you weren’t. Werewolves lived a long time - much more than a typical human - but it wasn’t eternity. He’d have to watch you die eventually if he stayed, and then what would he do? He would have forfeited his place with Vampires, and he’d be alone.
    So, he had to ask himself: were you worth it?
    It hadn’t taken him long to reach his answer, not really, and as soon as he’d realized what he wanted, he’d started forming a plan. It was dangerous, reckless, and he wasn’t even sure if it would work. But he had to try.
He just hoped you would forgive him when all was said and done.
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