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superman86to99 · 6 days ago
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Superman #93 (September 1994)
ZERO HOUR CROSSOVER! Due to the time-related shenanigans going on around the DC Universe, Superman meets his Kryptonian parents again -- and this time, his mom doesn't want to puke when she sees him! In fact, she even gives him a motherly kiss. Aww.
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We start with Supergirl fighting some 68th century aliens who found themselves transported to present-day Earth and apparently figured they might as well invade it. Superman drops by and deals with the aliens via his usual approach to problem-solving: he just chucks their ship back into space.
As the heroes land back in Metropolis, Lois Lane hands Superman her cellular telephone because he has a call from Ma Kent, who sounds pretty panicked. The call abruptly cuts off, and there's a dramatic moment where Superman wonders if he can really leave the whole "the universe is in danger" thing aside for a while...
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...before deciding that, yes, his mom is more important, obviously.
So, Superman flies to Smallville to check on his parents, only to find two surprise characters in their home: freaking' Psi-Phon and Dreadnaught. Wait, no, it's his other parents, Jor-El and Lara, just standing in the Kent's kitchen. Jor-El explains that, after sending little baby Kal-El's rocket to Earth all those years ago, they realized Krypton wasn't exploding after all, whoops. A scientist called Jen-Em had figured out how to stall the explosion, and then, after years of work, they managed to cure Krypton of its explosive tendencies for good.
Superman quickly figures out that this must be the result of the weirdness caused by Zero Hour (after all, he's been to Krypton and saw that there's nothing but a big ball of green gas there), but he agrees to put on a Cyclops-esque visor that will show him Jor-El's story in more detail.
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Through the futuristic Viewmaster, Superman learns that in this timeline, Krypton's near-death experience caused the Kryptonians to re-evaluate their priorities and abandon their cold, emotionless ways (hence this Lara not being repulsed by her son). In fact, Lara became the first modern Kryptonian to get pregnant and have a child the old fashioned way -- meaning that, yes, Superman has a brother, Zan-El. Zan not only grew up to become "prefect over the entire planet" (so, world president) but, more importantly, he also brought back the shorter togas and fashionable headbands of Krypton's ancient, Mike Mignola-designed past.
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Meanwhile, Jor-El had spent all those decades working on a cure to the genetic defect that kills Kryptonians if they try to leave the planet. He finally came up with a serum that temporarily allowed him and Lara to visit Earth, but it's already wearing off. So, Superman has to decide quickly: will he go live in alternate, non-exploded Krypton with his biological family? Or will he stay with his adoptive one that actually raised him and made him who he is?
Superman agonizes over the choice for a moment, but then he's like "hey, wait a minute, I can just go visit!" He informs the Els of his decision and they're overjoyed -- until a poorly-timed thunderbolt full of chronal energy strikes their spaceship and erases them from reality.
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"The last son of Krypton is orphaned once again." Damn, Jurgens.
Metron of the New Gods comes to remind the grieving Superman that all the other superheroes are waiting for him at Zero Hour #3 (now on sale!), but Superman says they can wait a little longer because he has something important to do: hug his Earth parents and tell them he loves them.
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This is a classic issue, obviously, but my problem with it is that one of the "next issue" blurbs in another Super-Title had teased it as "Guess who's coming to dinner?" -- and yet there's no scene of the Kents and the Els enjoying any type of meal. I haven't read the recent Zero Hour 30th Anniversary Special by Jurgens (I will once we're done covering the event), but this scene better be in it.
At the start of the issue, as she fights the aliens, Supergirl sees the Superman hologram that he and Metron created with Green Lantern's help in Zero Hour #4. We'll go over every DC comic that got spammed with green holo-Superman in another post.
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It greatly pleases me that Superman specifically mentions the time, exactly 75 issues ago, when Hawkman took him to see Krypton's remains (at which point Superman hallucinated a timeline where the Kryptonians survived by becoming even bigger assholes). Sure, it later turned out that this was an evil Hawkman impostor who inexplicably helped save Superman's life, but Superman probably doesn't know about that whole mess, plus I think Zero Hour is about to delete it from continuity anyway.
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The reason for that genetic link to Krypton that Jor-El mentions was the Eradicator, as revealed in Action Annual #2, but Jurgens also refrains from opening that particular can of worms in this comic (especially since the Eradicator is currently running around with a superhero team and even appears in Zero Hour).
Metropolis Mailbag:
Imagine our delight (and our embarrassment) when we opened the newsletter archive page for Man of Steel #37 last week and saw there was a comment there from Mr. Jon Bogdanove himself, which had been sitting there unanswered for over a month! Agh! Here it is in full:
"Don—Outstanding job identifying all the Batmen ( You even got Walt!!). The only one you didn’t get reflects my failure. What you guessed was Marshall Rogers was meant to be Bernie Wrightson. However I deeply regret NOT including Marshall. I really should have. I also left out Norm, mainly because I didn’t think I could do him justice. I tried a few sketches and was able to identify a number of tropes we took a similar approach to—but I just wasn’t satisfied that I could really nail Norm—at least in the time I had left. Teaching myself all these different styles really pushed the drop-dead deadline to the limit. I really put poor Dennis and Whitty under the gun on this one. I did learn a hell of a lot drawing this issue though. Nothing like studying the masters to help you learn!! BTW: Weezie and I love that everyone hated Jeb so very much. One gets to draw many villains in one’s career, but rarely does one get to create so dislikeable a douchebag! I consider Jeb a genuine achievement. I know 90’s Jimmy annoys some people, but to me Jimmy was always meant to be comic relief. I liked playing Jimmy as this doofus kid with a middle-aged dad’s sense of cool. He still cracks me up. I would love to do a Retro look at Zero Hour—perhaps a vignette from that same night— in which 90s Jimmy meets himself from various other timelines—Golden Age office boy Jimmy, Silver-Age drag queen Jimmy, Kirby-era Jimmy, etc. I’d dedicate it to Max!"
And my shamefully late response (gonna go ahead and blame the time disturbances for it):
"I am mortified that we hadn't seen this comment until now! (Didn't realize the newsletter wouldn't alert us, argh) Sir, if you don't draw that Jimmy idea, I swear I will commission it from you one day. I would add Turtle Boy Jimmy, My Adventures with Superman Jimmy, and of course bald, Superman-hating Jerry Ordway Jimmy. Just no Jebs, please."
(I now check the newsletter archive pages for comments 75 times a day, unless I forget.)
Shout Outs-Watch:
Time-displaced shout outs to our SUPporters, Aaron, Chris “Ace” Hendrix, britneyspearsatemyshorts, Patrick D. Ryall, Mark Syp, Ryan Bush, Raphael Fischer, Kit, Dave Shevlin, and Dave Blosser! Join them (and get extra non-continuity articles; the latest one was about Superman fighting a guy called BONECHILL in the 1989 cartoon) via Patreon or our newsletter’s “pay what you want” mode!
And now: more from Don Sparrow, who sent me his section weeks ago but it also got lost in time (actually, I decided to cover Zero Hour #4 first). Keep reading:
Art-Watch (by @donsparrow):
We open with the cover, and while it’s a bit broad, it’s certainly accurate for the story within.  I kinda dig that “DC Universe” trade dress, though it didn’t seem to last very long.  Inside the issue, we’re met with a lovely full-page splash of Supergirl amidst a LOT going on—thunderclouds, lightning, a firing spacecraft and a Star Wars style holographic projection of Superman.
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I wasn’t sure which review to tackle first, Zero Hour #4, or this one, but since they seem to take place more or less at the same time (with the holographic message coming early into issue 4, but the New York meeting coming in Zero Hour #3), I flipped a coin and went with this one as happening first.  As the story progresses, Supergirl gets an assist from the Man of Steel in dealing with the timelost aliens, brusquely tossing them into space.  This issue exemplifies a trend I’ve noticed with Jurgens’ layouts since the Death and Return storyline—he uses a lot fewer panels per page than he once did, often with a near full page splash and then two or three panels laid overtop.  Visually, it’s very arresting, and Jurgens knocks the background splashes out of the park—on pages 4 and 5, despite being nearly identical scenarios (Superman and Supergirl flying in a stormy sky), they’re both so well handled, you don’t even mind the repetition.  But from a storytelling standpoint, it really does feel like a little less to read each issue, so the Superman issues seem a little thinner in terms of what actually happens.  Anyone else notice this? [Max: For me at the time, the shorter plots were balanced out by the fact that I spent more time looking at the big, awesome pictures, as opposed to the smaller, lamers ones in the backissues I was buying, with all that wasted white space between panels. I'm paying for the full page to be used, dammit!!!] 
Back to the art, page 7 has a great drawing of a pensive Superman. Page 9 is a great image, but a bit of a missed opportunity—the last panel would have been more impactful had Jor-El REALLY looked identical to Kal-El (which I’ve mocked up). [Max: I also made a small change to the panel, see if you can spot it...]
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I do appreciate Jurgens’ and Rubinstein’s effort to still give the Els expressive faces, without eyebrows.
As Jor-El shares the alternate history of Krypton, Superman in the VR visor is pretty reminiscent of Cyclops from X-Men.  It’s compelling to see the flowing outfits that Zan-El and his bride wear, in opposition to the robes of Jor and Lara—much more like the early more Roman look shown in the first issue of the World of Krypton series.  My guess is the group that attend Zan’s nuptials are all members of the El family--I had thought that the different Kryptonian houses would wear different colours rather than everyone in green, but aside from the odd panel from Action Annual #2, I can’t seem to find much corroboration of that assumption.  The sweet image of Lara giving her son a peck on the cheek is quietly powerful, with a great expression on Superman’s face on page 17.  Lastly, the tragic page of chronal discharge (which sounds like a rap metal band name) and electrical storms is well drawn.
When Superman is hemming and hawing over whether to focus on the extinction level event the superheroes are facing, or head to the farm to help his parents, Supergirl posits “There’s only one choice and you know it.”  I completely thought that it was setting up for him to focus on saving all of humanity rather than popping home for a visit.
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Perhaps it’s because they were trying to have the Zero Hour books serve as a jumping on point for new readers (particularly the zero issues, which are coming soon) but some of the dialogue in this issue feels clunkily expository, like when Superman reminds his fiancée Lois and quasi-family member Supergirl that the Kents “may not have been {his} genetic parents, but they’re real as they come”, or later when Superman explains to Jor-El and Lara (and the reader) about Krypton’s explosion, and the Matrix chamber rocketship.
They kinda gloss over whether there was any fallout about being wrong about Krypton exploding, though I suppose it was more about Jen-Em stabilizing the core rather than Jor being wrong. [Max: "Krypton is gonna blow up, guys" is definitely a meme among the current Kryptonian generation because the scientists did such a great job stopping it, like Y2K or the hole in the ozone layer here.]
Have we ever seen a post-Crisis Kryptonian depicted as having anything but black hair? [Max: I'm pretty sure there were some non-black haired ones in World of Krypton, but it's hard to tell with the eyebrow-less, nun habit-wearing ones. It's possible they made other hair colors go away once they got all into eugenics, though.]
It’s interesting that this alternate Krypton goes one step further than Byrne’s origin, regarding the Els.  In Byrne’s history, Jor-El was a rebel in his society because he had actual affection for his lifemate, Lara.  The notion of natural conception and birth goes even further than that, and was explored in the Man of Steel film, where (spoiler alert?) Kal himself was the first child naturally conceived in love in generations.
This issue also reveals that the familiar robes and headpieces worn by Jor-El and Lara aren’t simply traditional garb, they’re referred to as life support suits.
Though the Kents are worried about losing Clark to his Kryptonian parents, Jonathan is all man, which explains why he picks this particular moment to go to second base with his elderly wife. [Max: He instinctively wanted to get working on a replacement son, forgetting he's been shooting blanks since youth...]
While Superman cries in anguish at seeing his biological parents detonate, Metron simply refers to them as “unfortunates”.  All heart, that one.
Missed an issue? Looking for an old storyline? Check out our new chronological issue index!
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casteliacityramen · 2 years ago
Munday Side Stories - Subject 150 Mewtwo
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Disclaimer: Gatekeeper idea made by Weapons Grade Waifus, formatting heavily inspired by SCP Foundation. ~3k Words
Subject 150 Mewtwo is an artificial pokemon created by criminal syndicate Team Rocket. Subject is a replication and/or amalgamation of genetic studies based on Mew (PKMN DEX # 151). Subject Mewtwo has been noted to be of extremely high intelligence and terrifying power, surpassing any known psychic entity in current and past history. Its His psychic abilities break the current known laws of telepathy and telekinesis. It’s He’s able to bypass solid material, such as steel and concrete, unless such material is treated with specific “dark” type coatings.
Subject 150 Mewtwo was created born on ██/██/██████ by criminal syndicate Team Rocket. When released to the rest of the world, Subject 150 Mewtwo fled to Cerulean Cave and stayed until the Subject he was pacified by Pokemon League Champion “Red”. Subject 150 Mewtwo has chosen to live in Cerulean Cave as of 2/18/1999 of his free will and continues to do so as of 5/22/2023 as its main inhabitant and protector.
Security Procedures:
Subject 150 Mewtwo is not to leave the area unless specific permission is granted by the current Secretary of Defense, or Ex-League Champion "Red." A team of high-performance military personnel will surround the inner and outer perimeter in constant combat readiness. Security personnel designation: Gatekeepers.
Gatekeepers will pass psychological evaluation and be re-evaluated every three months. Any abnormalities or severe changes in mental faculties will result in a release of duty from the Gatekeeper profession with full pay until the next fiscal year.
Interceptor Operator Teams with approved psy resistant gear will be on stand-by at all times. Inner ring perimeters will consist of four land-based phalanx weapon systems pointed at each cardinal direction. All stations are to be equipped with seismic recording devices for any underground movement. Pile-driven high-yield explosive charges are to be installed at ████████████, ██████, and ██████████ at minimum depths of 100 meters. All equipment will be inspected daily for wear.
Gatekeepers are to neutralize the Subject in the event of an inner perimeter breach.  Immediately inform the Secretary of Defense in the event of an inner or outer perimeter breach.
Gatekeepers are to provide any reasonable accommodations requested by Mewtwo by any means necessary.
Addendum 150.1: Gatekeeper Briefing
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[Date: 3/15/1999]
To whomever it may concern, 
You have been assigned as a Gatekeeper. Your mission is dual purpose.  One: You are the first and last defense against anything and everything that comes from this cave.  Two: You are to defend the inhabitant of this cave with your life.  This job may seem like the menial day-to-day service required of many others in various military branches, but know that the subject of your occupation is the single most dangerous living being currently occupying the world.  You shall be rewarded handsomely for your efforts. Make your country proud. Commander-in-Chief and Prime Minister of Kanto: Haruka Nagumo
Addendum 150.2: Email Logs between General Takashi Shino and Commander-in-Chief Haruka Nagumo
[Date: 4/12/2001]
Commander,  It has been brought to my attention that Subject 150 has not breached containment for the past three years. It’s always been aware of the surveillance equipment, but this might be the first time it’s acknowledged it. The subject seems to be interested in communication between the surveillance team. It's making motions towards its mouth and towards the cameras. What should be our next course of action? Respectfully, General Takashi Shino
[Date: 4/13/2001]
General, After deliberating with Cinnabar’s Gym Leader Blaine, Professor Samuel Oak, and members of the ICSR ethics committee, Subject 150 is to be treated as a sapient with rights. We will be sending specialized communication equipment and appropriate protection equipment for leaving it outside the cave. When Subject 150 makes contact, I want rifle barrels pointed at the heads of the surveillance team. We have no gauge on the capabilities of Subject 150. That includes whether or not the surveillance team can be put under telepathic suggestion via digital communication. You are to report to me every single detail of communication regarding Subject 150. Commander In Chief Haruka Nagumo
[Date: 4/14/2001]
Commander,  We have successfully made contact with Subject 150. No casualties or suggestion of psy tampered personnel or equipment. Its first words with the surveillance team, and I quote, are the following: “I’m bored.” This doesn’t seem said out of defiance or malice, the Subject looks… well... bored out of its mind. I request that we send forms of entertainment via books, magazines, etc. if the science and ethics teams allow it. As always, the surveillance tapes are to follow in a separate file.  Respectfully, General Takashi Shino
[Date: 4/14/2001]
General,  You are to give Subject 150 whatever it wants from the list provided, below. - Television with approved pre-programmed channels  - Kantonese Encyclopedia Set and Dictionary  - MP3 Player with non radio functions and pre-installed music  - Children’s coloring book with 64-Crayon set.  - A set of tennis balls - A chess board with all pieces - Silph Co. Technological Magazine Given the history of Subject 150’s mistreatment from humanity, let’s pray to Mother Mew that it decides to spare us if it takes the MP3 player. If it has to listen to the Dugtrio Duds’ latest song, we might all be dead the next day.  Keep me posted, Commander In Chief Haruka Nagumo
[Date: 4/14/2001]
Commander, The Subject has requested “all of the above.” General Takashi Shino
Afterword: Subject 150 has requested more items between the dates noted in Addendum 150.2 and 150.3. Such items include: the highest selling mystery novel written by up-and-coming Unovan author Shauntal; miscellaneous household items: blanket, mattress, pillows; and a grand piano. All items were delivered with no issues.
Addendum 150.3 - Instant Messenger Chat Log between Subject 150 and Captain Asuka Shinohara
[Date: 5/23/2001]
S-150: Hello. 
AS: Hello. Has the portable computer given you any problems?
S-150: None.
AS: How are your accommodations?
S-150: Lacking. The cave is not what I would consider ‘comfortable'. 
AS: I can put a request for more accommodations if you would like. 
S-150: That would be appreciated. Thank you.
[Date: 5/24/2001]
S-150: Hello.
AS: Hello. How are the items we provided you yesterday?
S-150: I broke the lamp. 
AS: Broke the what?
S-150: I was not aware of the fragility of this “lava lamp” that was provided. May I request another one? 
AS: Of course. 
S-150: I am also curious about the slots in this portable computer. It seems that there is room for something to enter this device. 
*pause due to deliberation between surveillance team members*
AS: The slot is for something called a “computer disk” that contains data on various subjects such as movies, music, and games.
S-150: Games can be played digitally?
AS: Correct. However, the portable computer you possess does not have the capability to “run” anything with limited electricity and processing power. It is a device strictly for communication. 
S-150: I see. May I request electricity and a computer that can run these games?
AS: Stand by.
*pause due to deliberation between surveillance team members*
AS: The request will need to be sent to a higher staff member. 
S-150: I have nothing but time.
Afterword: A nearby team of electricians were hired to provide electricity to the entrance to Cerulean Cave. Electricians refused to enter further than the entrance to the cave, reporting feelings of "pressure."
[Date: 5/27/2001]
S-150: Hello. 
AS: Hello. I apologize for the location of the electrical grid, we hired a civilian contractor that has no formal combat and psychic training. 
S-150: It is acceptable. The instructions and instrumentation provided are very impressive. 
AS: Have you experienced anything of the sort before?
S-150: In a lab.
AS: I apologize. 
S-150: Haha
AS: Haha?
S-150: A laugh.
AS: I didn't realize you had a dark sense of humor.
S-150: I feel insulted. Am I not a sapient being like the rest of you?
AS: You are, but you would be surprised at the amount of sapients that lack a sense of ANY kind of humor.
S-150: They must lead dull and uninteresting lives.
AS: Haha  
Addendum 150.4 - Instant Message Chat Log between General Takashi Shino and Commander-In-Chief Haruka Nagumo
[Date: 7/21/2001]
Commander,  All seems to be well over here. The surveillance team is in unusually high spirits. It seems that the monitored conversations have done well to improve the morale of both the team and the subject.  The subject, however, has requested an improvement in the technology provided within Cerulean Cave: heating, cooling, ventilation, electricity, lighting, and most worryingly, internet access. I highly advise against the last option.  Respectfully,  Captain Takashi Shino
[Date 7/22/2001]
Takashi,  For whatever fucking reason, the committee has decided to approve all items including the goddamn internet. Arceus help us all. Nagumo
Addendum 150.5 - IM Chat Logs between Subject 150 and Captain Asuka Shinohara
[Date: 7/29/2001]
AS: Did you seriously order a pizza party to Cerulean Cave?
S-150: Hello. 
S-150: Yes, I did. 
AS: You realize that this area is under constant military surveillance? With top-of-the-line weaponry and security? And that the facilities near Cerulean Cave are designed to be defended with the upmost discretion?
S-150: Yes. May I have them?
AS: Stand by.
*Extended pause for HEAVY deliberation by surveillance team*
AS: We are sending a team of operators to the cave entrance to deliver the pizzas.
S-150:  :) 
Afterword: Subject 150 ordered the entirety of ‘Cerulean Pizzeria’s’ menu items meant for catering for large events. Such events as birthday parties and company-wide events. The delivery driver was sent back to his employer after signing a non-disclosure agreement drafted in short notice by Kanto Homeland Security.
[Date: 8/2/2001]
S-150: Hello. 
S-150: Are you somehow cheating at chess?
AS: The surveillance team doesn’t appreciate that you’re reading their minds, so we’re equipping our psy helmets. Commander Nagumo told us that this isn’t a misappropriation of personal protection equipment. 
S-150:  Booooo >:/
Addendum 150.6.1 - Video Transcript 1 of Virtual Meeting Between Subject 150 - (New Designation: Mewtwo) and Commander-In-Chief Haruka Nagumo
[Date: 8/5/2001]
HN: Hello. I was told by my staff that you requested an audience with me? 
MT: Yes, I did. 
HN: May I ask what for?
MT: Perspective. 
HN: I’m sorry?
MT: What are your goals in… all of this? The guards, the provisions, everything?
HN (pauses): Well, you pose an interesting situation for the nation. You are simultaneously the most dangerous entity in the world, and yet the international committee has agreed that you should be treated like any regular Kantonese citizen. 
MT: The accommodations have been appreciated by all of us.
HN: Hold on a second, us?
MT: I have other pokemon who suffered at the hands of Team Rocket Scientists. They are experiments, like me. They live deeper in the cave. 
HN: Was there a reason you kept this hidden from us until now?
MT: I was scared for them.
HN: Scared?
MT: There are claims that I am the strongest on the planet, yet I was humbled by one of your youngest to hold the title of "champion." I am not as strong as I had hoped. I was not sure if I could provide for the ones I call siblings.
HN: They’re not as strong as you?
MT: On the contrary. They’ve been hurt, abused, and tortured at the hands of people like you.
HN: … People like me?
MT: Your records are public, Commander-In-Chief Nagumo. I understand that you took part of the Kanto-Johto war as a commanding officer. 
HN: I did. 
MT: Then you know what humanity is capable of. What you are capable of. You were a part of it, after all.
HN: I like to think that I’ve passed that. 
MT: Oh? And actions like these are supposed to redeem the actions of your subordinates at Blackthorn City?
HN: ...The ones responsible were put on trial and summarily executed. 
MT: Who says you shouldn’t belong there in the grave with them?
HN: Because my nephew died in Blackthorn by the hands of those... excuses for human beings. He was eight years old. Eight. I personally made sure that those responsible were lined up against a wall, shot, and buried so deep that the earth will roll ten times over before their remains ever see the sun again.
Silence fills the room. Mewtwo leans forward, focusing extremely hard at the screen. Review suggests that Mewtwo was able to telepathically deduce that Commander Nagumo was telling the truth.
MT: You're not lying.
HN: The internet doesn’t have all of the answers, unfortunately. Journalists take advantage of topics like this all of the time, especially if their motives are to smear your reputation while you run for office. If you want public access to the documents, beyond the spoon-feeding speculation of a half-wit college undergraduate, I’m afraid that you have to spend more time than that before you have access to the truth.
MT: (silence)
Commander Nagumo stands to leave, knocking her chair back in the process.
HN: If all you wanted to do is anger me, I’m afraid that this conversation is over.
MT: Wait. 
Commander Nagumo stops.
MT: I apologize. I was not aware that I did not have all of the information. 
HN: ... Apology accepted.
Commander Nagumo sits back down.
MT: Clearly not.
HN: It’s a... touchy subject. I know that you are new to this, but incidents like that don’t get discussed in such an accusatory manner, unless one is on trial or under duress.
Silence. Mewtwo looks uncharacteristically uncomfortable.
MT: You say that the documents detailing this event are accessible. May I see them?
Commander Nagumo turns to the rest of the surveillance and science team. All of them are vehemently shaking their heads or making gestures of disapproval.
HN: Sure.
Surveillance Staff Member: Prime Minister-
HN: I don’t want to hear it. He has the right to know.
HN (turning to mewtwo): Against my advice, my cabinet seem to think that talking about our shame makes us weak. Although, their argument has some merit. The full details don’t paint a good picture of our actions during the Kanto-Johto war. You might not like what you see. 
MT: I have been subject to cruelty that you would not imagine. I feel that you will have to put forth tremendous effort to phase me.
HN: You’d be surprised at what I’ve watched soldiers do for the sake of themselves and their country. Human and pokemon alike.
MT: I see. May we continue this conversation after I’ve read the documents?
HN: If you learn how to be polite in conversation, perhaps. 
MT: You will have to be patient with me. I am only six years old, after all.
Addendum 150.6.2 - Video Transcript 2 of Virtual Meeting Between Mewtwo and Commander-In-Chief Haruka Nagumo
[Date: 8/6/2001]
HN: Good morning. 
MT: Hello. Good morning. I would like to apologize for my words the other day. 
Commander Nagumo takes a brief moment to take a sip of her coffee.
HN: I forgive you. I understand why you might be wary of people like me. Talking about Blackthorn is like reopening an old wound, but I should have kept my temper in check. I am also sorry.
MT: I understand and I forgive you. I still harbor resentment towards those who have wronged me. However, you are not one of them. It would be unfair to treat you as such. I let my emotions surface more than I wanted. I would like to continue our conversation, if you would allow it. 
HN: By all means. Before we do...
Commander Nagumo raises a binder to the screen.
HN: Since you had some files on me, I decided to take a deeper look into your time with Team Rocket. It’s all kinds of fucked. 
MT: Fucked?
A science team audibly groans in the background. Commander Nagumo sheepishly lowers the binder and clears her throat. 
HN: It’s an expletive. The science team decided to keep your education material elementary, but given all that’s happened between us, and between you and Team Rocket, I figure we can drop the kindergarten language. 
MT: That... is appreciated. I have to admit, I was beginning to feel that I was being talked down to. I feel that you and I, at the very least, can converse as equals. 
HN: Equals?
MT: The world has not been kind to us, Prime Minister. Given my current circumstance and your position of power, I believe that you and I have a lot in common. We both are responsible for people we care about. We both fought to be where we are and have made grave mistakes in doing so. We are both leaving behind the battlefield, where we thrive, to talk to each other for the sake of cooperation and peace.
HN (visibly surprised): Well, it’s good to see that the strongest pokemon in the world has the capacity of sympathy and empathy. 
MT: I am glad to see that someone in a high position, like yourself, don't see a conversation with a pokemon as beneath you. 
HN: On the contrary. I’m very pleased to let you know that Team Rocket’s views towards pokemon is very, very much out of the ordinary. I’ve see pokemon exhibit more “humanity” than what the best of humanity have to offer.
Commander Nagumo puts the binder away.
HN: Picking up from yesterday, I understand that you have companions in Cerulean Cave?
MT: Yes. In addition to the pokemon who previously inhabited this cave, I have fellow Rocket victims that are seeking refuge. The intent of our initial meeting was to request additional accommodations for them.
Commander Nagumo takes a pen and piece of paper from a nearby surveillance member.
HN: If there is anything that we can do to make your lives comfortable, list them. 
MT: … May I ask what you are drinking?
HN: It’s coffee. 
MT: May I request that, as well?
HN: I don’t know, it might not be palatable for someone with a six-year-old tongue. 
MT: Try me.
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coochiequeens · 2 years ago
A man who asexually abused his daughter began to identify as a woman behind bars and now he will be released after serving less than half his sentence. And he will be released not just with a woman’s name but of the name of a woman well known for defending women’s rights.
A woman who endured years of sexual abuse at the hands of her father has had her pleas to stop his early release from a UK prison denied. Ceri-Lee Galvin, 24, was sexually abused for nine years beginning from the age of eight by Clive Bundy. In 2016, Bundy was sentenced to 15 years in prison for his crimes, which included recording the assaults and sharing them online with other pedophiles.
Disturbingly, it was recently revealed that Bundy had begun identifying as transgender and had adopted the name Claire Fox while in prison. Bundy has now been approved for parole after serving seven years in prison – less than half of his original sentence, and a shorter time than the nine years of abuse Galvin suffered. Bundy will be released as a “woman.”
In March, Member of Parliament for Telford Lucy Allenmentioned Bundy’s case in the House of Commons while calling for convicted sex offenders to be barred from changing their names to evade the law. Allen used the details of Galvin’s ordeal while anonymizing her name as as “Joanna.” But the next month, Galvin revealed herself and issued a statement to the press condemning the decision to evaluate her father for parole under a new identity.
On May 4, Galvin submitted a statement to the parole board responsible for the decision in an attempt to appeal for reconsideration on the grounds that Bundy had not been rehabilitated and as such, the decision was “irrational and unreasonable.” 
She decided to contest her father’s release from prison despite herself having been denied legal counsel, which would have been beneficial in lodging her formal objection. 
Speaking with Reduxx, Galvin said: “I was told that one of the reasons I could contest his release was if the parole hearing was unlawful. But I don’t know if it was unlawful, because I wasn’t given any representation.”
On May 3, in a desperate effort to keep the public informed on what was happening, Galvin released a statement to social media imploring the parole board re-evaluate their decision to release her father.
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“I am contesting the parole board decision to release this serious sexual offender because I am incredibly concerned that the true risk factors of releasing this offender have not been considered,” she wrote. Galvin pointed out that Bundy had declared his new “identity” in early 2022, following an altercation with another inmate in 2021. 
“The altercation was considered sufficiently serious, which immediately stopped the consideration of a release into an open prison. Shortly after this altercation, the offender decided to change his identity, including his full name, completely disguising his former identity. The parole board has not connected these two events,” Galvin asserted.
“Further, the parole board has not considered the risk the new identity creates… This new identity would enable the offender to disguise his criminal record from society, making it easier to reoffend,” she added.
She also emphasized that her father had not been sufficiently rehabilitated and therefore elevates the risk that he may reoffend upon release. Bundy, Galvin says, wasn’t required to attend any accredited sexual offender programs, nor has he.
“How could a man who admits to finding children sexually attractive, and who has absolutely no regard for what the consequences are of abusing children, not be eligible for offender behavior programs, and then be considered for release?” she said.
Galvin further explained that as a result of this, his predatory behavior had become normalized in his mind and he seemed to be without remorse or understanding of the impact his abuse had on his family.
In the parole board’s decision, it was said that the circumstances of Bundy’s offending had been taken into consideration, and the suggestion was made that because he had targeted a family member, he would not pose a threat to other children.
Galvin objected to this assessment: “The board appears to have formed the view that an offender with a long record of targeting his own child for his own sexual gratification will not target children outside of his own family. Upon sentencing, the defense lawyer told the judge that ‘he kept it within his family and therefore was not a risk to the community.’ This was a flippant, ill-considered statement and was dismissed as such by the trial judge.”
But, despite her effort, on May 5, Galvin announced that her father’s release had been granted. Galvin said that she had been warned by her Victim Liaison Officer (VLO) that her objection to her abuser’s release would not be considered.
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“I submitted at quarter-past four in the afternoon. I received the response just after ten in the morning the next day. In my eyes, that’s not even two working hours that they had considered my statement. That took me so much courage and so much thought to write, and it felt like, ‘Well, we don’t have to look at it, so we’re not going to,'” she told Reduxx.
In a chilling twist, the new identity Bundy has chosen for himself – Claire Fox – is the name of a female politician known for calling attention to safeguarding risks posed by gender identity ideology. Galvin, who describes her father as “manipulative,” does not believe this is a coincidence. 
At the beginning of May, after The Daily Mail initially reported on Galvin’s situation and her father’s feminine name was published for the first time, Claire Regina Fox, Baroness Fox of Buckley wrote of how she was astounded to learn that “a convicted pedophile ripped off my name.”
Fox, who is a writer and lecturer, sits in the House of Lords for the Independent Party where she has used her position to oppose gender identity ideology. In an interview with Compact, Fox said she was “outraged” upon hearing that Bundy had taken her name.
“One commentator suggests that sex offenders, specifically pedophiles, select the names of well-known people so that an internet search will only turn up the famous person, and not them. Ceri-Lee suspects that it is no coincidence that he opted for a parliamentarian like me, who has argued that transgender activism endangers free speech and women’s rights. In other words, this is some sort of trolling,” Fox said.
However, Fox emphasized that Galvin was “the real victim” in the situation, and that identity theft can act as a cover for abuse. Due to legal restrictions surrounding names changes conducted on the basis of a gender identity, Galvin was only informed of her father’s new name because he had granted authorities permission to do so. Had he decided to withhold this, she may never have known that he had changed his identification.
Moreover, in an effort to protect her abuser, she was not permitted to know which prison he had been held in during his sentence, despite being a student paramedic who might potentially receive a call to a correctional facility.
Galvin told Reduxx that she is incredulous at the way her rights have been continuously neglected during the ordeal. 
“It’s rubbish, because he has served less years than I was abused for, and I am still suffering now. The abuse didn’t stop just because he was arrested. I’m constantly reliving the memories of what he put me through, and trying to build relationships on completely broken trust. It doesn’t end. I’m nearly 25 and still having nightmares.”
She believes that since she has announced his new name to the media, he may choose to alter his identity again – but this time, without informing her. To make matters worse, Bundy will now be granted access to female-only spaces where young girls may be present under vulnerable circumstances due to his gender change.
“I have accepted my fate. The only trouble with me is, I will not be quiet. I will shout. I will do everything that I can to fight for something that I believe in. This doesn’t have to be somebody else’s fate. I want this law changed that allows serious criminals and sex offenders are able to hide behind ‘gender identity.’ I want victims to have equal rights.”
According to recent figures from a Freedom of Information Request submitted by the BBC, over 700 sex offenders have gone “missing” since changing their names through the process of deed poll, which takes approximately 15 minutes to complete, in the period between 2019 – 2021. 
One lawmaker responsible for streamlining the system to ensure that trans-identifying individuals are not “outed” to the public is a man who himself identifies as a woman. Judge Victoria McCloud is Britain’s most senior public figure to have claimed a transgender identity and has been celebrated as a pioneer by LGBT campaigners.
By Genevieve Gluck
Genevieve is the Co-Founder of Reduxx, and the outlet's Chief Investigative Journalist with a focused interest in pornography, sexual predators, and fetish subcultures. She is the creator of the podcast Women's Voices, which features news commentary and interviews regarding women's rights.
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usafphantom2 · 1 year ago
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Boeing develops technologies for a next-generation hypersonic interceptor
The results will inform the future hypersonic interception capabilities, vital for national defense.
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 09/12/2023 - 1:00 p.m. in Military
The signing of the contract includes digital analysis and flight tests of a hypersonic interceptor prototype.
Boeing will develop and test technologies for a hypersonic interceptor prototype for DARPA's Glide Breaker program as part of a four-year effort.
Boeing will perform computational analysis of fluid dynamics, wind tunnel tests and evaluation of the effects of the jet's aerodynamic interaction during flight tests.
“Hypersonic vehicles are among the most dangerous and rapidly evolving threats facing national security,” said Gil Griffin, executive director of Boeing Phantom Works Advanced Weapons. "We are focusing on the technological knowledge necessary to further develop our nation's anti-hypersonic capabilities and to defend ourselves from future threats."
The Glide Breaker aims to inform the design and development of future hypersonic interceptors, which could destroy a threat by traveling at least five times the speed of sound in the upper atmosphere during what is known as the "planing phase" of the flight. The development and testing led by Boeing will provide the basis for future operational interceptors in the planing phase, capable of defending themselves against these sophisticated and evolving hypersonic threats.
“This phase of the Glide Breaker program will determine how factors such as the hypersonic airflow and the firing of jet thrusters to guide the vehicle affect the performance of the system at extreme speeds and altitudes in a representative digital environment,” Griffin said. "We are operating at the forefront of what is possible in terms of intercepting an extremely fast object in an incredibly dynamic environment."
Tags: Military AviationBoeingDARPAhypersonic
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Daytona Airshow and FIDAE. He has work published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work throughout the world of aviation.
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curiousdreamerx · 2 years ago
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"𝐈𝐧 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝, 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐬 𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐬 𝐧𝐨 𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬.”
𝔸𝕓𝕠𝕦𝕥 𝕞𝕖
Hello stranger👋🏻
Thank you for stopping by. I hope that you get to enjoy this little corner where all dreams and stories that the mind creates, come to life. My name is Céline, but you can call me Cece. I am from Geneva, Switzerland. A beautiful country that has blessed me with its scenery and peace. The magnificent mountains that stand strong has always been laced with the gentle air that fills me with joy, inspiration, and creativity. I am currently in university (graduating next year), studying political sciences. The purpose as to why I have chosen to open a blog on Tumblr is because my mind has always been filled with various short stories that I would like to share with you.
With all of the stress and responsibilities I face daily, I always enjoy coming to this corner of the internet and reading people’s amazing work. I have noticed that there are little communities for almost every fandom. That is something that I highly enjoy and appreciate. This website gives like-minded individuals a corner where they can come together and unleash their creativity. I have been a writer since I was a girl. However, I was never given a platform to showcase my writings. I am hoping that I get to use this blog to present my writings, and I am hoping you enjoy them Before I move on, I hope you'll understand that English is not my strongest language, but I'll do my best to communicate.
I am interested in jazz, art, movies (especially old movies, I love them soo much), writing obviously, politics, and vintage themes. I discovered my hobby in a dark way. Growing up, I never had the best childhood. I was always alone and scared. My mind would frantically look for ways to protect itself from the ominous and unknown world. I began to daydream, and it would go on for hours. I used to go out in my backyard and enjoy the warm summer breeze as it danced with the luscious green grass. I absolutely loved the fact that I was able to leave reality and build a life in my mind where I am safe and away from those who intend on hurting me.
I did not see the harm in dissociating and going to dreamland, but it was negatively impacting my life. My elementary school coordinator was the first to notice it and so she decided to inform my parents. This only fueled their anger that cornered and broke me. After a while, my daydreams intensified and it would take people few minutes to bring me back to reality, which humiliated me in front of my friends. That’s when my school coordinator took matters into her own hands and introduced me to a therapist. After a series of evaluation, I was diagnosed with ADHD, and let me tell you, it is not fun, at all.
No one has taught me how to deal with my ADHD, I was left on my own to deal with the depression and stress that it dragged with it. So that’s when I have decided to take matters into my own hands and start letting out all of the thoughts that are crammed in my head. The first thing I began doing was drawing. But, I winded up disappointing myself because of the terrible results. I even went as far as to join mental health clubs, but I felt shy and insecure. During a stormy, cold, and dark night, the electricity in the village I used to live in went out. So I began writing down some of the event that was occurring that night. I noticed how relieved and happy I was while writing down the slow events that were unfolding before me. That’s when I discovered this hobby of mine that I cherish and hold onto.
And that’s where I am today. I have the unusual ability of looking at almost any photo and forming stories based on that picture. I could listen to a song and write a story based on the song. I could be walking down a street and create a story just by looking at a tree. It is strange, but I will always value this ability that I discovered. With that being said, I try to write stories that have different themes and elements. I will delve into feel-good and heartwarming themes (i.e fluff, friends-to-lovers, hurt/comfort, family and domesticity). Also, I will be writing about dark and undiscovered territories (i.e angst, arguments, yandere, dub-con, non-con, horror, psychological horror/thriller). I will be accepting your requests and prompts as well (I will create a Google forms as well for that). While certain themes can be controversial, I can write them but I do not condone any behavior mentioned in the story. The only reason as to why I would write such stories is because this is the only way I can get rid of the trauma that has been haunting me for years. But once again, I do not condone any dangerous act that will be mentioned in my stories.
I can write about random story prompts based on your requests. In addition, I write about fandoms such as Call of Duty (I am obsessed😩). I can also write about Resident evil (especially 4 and remake). However, I do not write prompts about anime. My next post will be about all fandoms that I can write prompts about. Many of my friends suggested to open an Archive of Our Own (AO3) page for such stories. All information will be added in my next blog and I am open for suggestions and requests.
I am hoping that my blog will give you the opportunity to discover new ideas with me. I am super excited to share my stories with you and my ideas with you!  Thank you for reading this long introduction lol, my messages, suggestions, and submissions are all open for your ideas, questions, and requests. Just like Alice, we've reached the end of this mini rabbit trail. The White Queen's chessboard beckons, ready for new adventures in my next topic!🧚🏻💜
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smoothing4u · 7 days ago
Hair Straightening in Mira Road: What You Need to Know Before Your Appointment
Hair straightening has become one of the most sought-after treatments for achieving sleek, smooth, and manageable hair. If you're in Mira Road and considering this transformative procedure, it's essential to be informed about the process, options, and aftercare to ensure the best results. Here's everything you need to know before booking your appointment.
Understanding Hair Straightening
Hair straightening is a cosmetic treatment designed to remove curls, waves, and frizz from hair. Depending on the technique you choose, it can be temporary or permanent.
Temporary Straightening: This involves using tools like flat irons or blow dryers. While it's a quick fix for an event or a day out, it lasts only until your next wash.
Permanent Straightening: Techniques such as keratin treatment, rebonding, and nanoplastia offer long-lasting results by altering the hair structure. With proper care, these treatments can last anywhere from 3 months to a year.
Choosing the Right Salon in Mira Road
Mira Road boasts numerous salons offering hair straightening services. Here's how to pick the right one:
Reputation and Reviews: Check online reviews and testimonials from previous clients to assess the salon's credibility.
Qualified Professionals: Ensure that the stylists are experienced and certified in hair straightening techniques.
Hygiene and Equipment: A clean environment and well-maintained equipment are critical for a safe experience.
Consultation Services: Opt for salons that offer a pre-treatment consultation to evaluate your hair type and suggest the most suitable treatment.
What to Expect During the Appointment
Your hair straightening appointment typically involves the following steps:
Consultation: The stylist will analyze your hair type, texture, and health.
Cleansing: Your hair will be washed to remove any buildup.
Application of the Straightening Product: A specialized product is applied to break down the natural bonds in your hair.
Heat Treatment: Heat tools like flat irons are used to set the straightened structure.
Final Rinse and Blow-Dry: The stylist will rinse off the product and style your hair for the final look.
Pre-Treatment Tips
Avoid chemical treatments like colouring or bleaching a week before your appointment.
Discuss any allergies or scalp sensitivities with your stylist.
Ensure your hair is clean and free of products like hairspray or oil on the day of the treatment.
Aftercare for Long-Lasting Results
Proper aftercare is essential to maintain the results of your hair straightening treatment. Here are some tips:
Use Sulfate-Free Shampoos: These are gentler on chemically treated hair.
Avoid Washing Your Hair for 48-72 Hours: This allows the treatment to set fully.
Limit Heat Styling: Reduce the use of blow dryers or curling irons to avoid damage.
Regular Touch-Ups: Schedule maintenance sessions to keep your hair looking flawless.
Benefits of Hair Straightening in Mira Road
Accessibility: With numerous top-tier salons in the area, finding a trusted professional is easy.
Affordable Options: Mira Road offers competitive pricing for high-quality services.
Expertise: The stylists in Mira Road are well-versed in the latest straightening techniques, ensuring great results.
Hair straightening is a fantastic way to achieve the smooth and shiny hair of your dreams. In Mira Road, you have access to some of the best salons and professionals who can guide you through the process. By understanding your options, preparing adequately, and following aftercare instructions, you can ensure a safe and satisfying experience. Whether you're opting for a temporary fix or a long-term solution, taking these steps will help you enjoy beautiful, straight hair that boosts your confidence and style.
Ready to transform your hair? Book your hair straightening appointment in Mira Road today and step out with a sleek, stunning look!
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cacmsinsitute · 3 months ago
11.5 Million Jobs by 2025: Why Now Is the Best Time to Be a Data Analyst
In today’s increasingly digital environment, data has become the foundation for decision-making across businesses. Organizations ranging from global businesses to startups are using data analytics to acquire insights, predict trends, and drive business strategy. This reliance on data is creating a tremendous demand for trained data workers, with 11.5 million new employment forecast in data analytics by 2025. If you want a career with significant development potential and job stability, now is the time to become a data analyst.
The Increased Demand for Data Analysts
According to the World Economic Forum’s “Future of Jobs” report, data analysts and scientists are among the top ten career roles that will see growth in the near future. The emergence of artificial intelligence, big data, and machine learning has altered the way businesses function, resulting in an increase in demand for people who can understand and extract actionable insights from massive datasets.
This trend is not specific to one industry. To remain competitive, tech giants such as Google, Amazon, and Microsoft, as well as organizations in healthcare, finance, retail, and e-commerce, are spending substantially in data analytics. Whether it’s optimizing supply chains, forecasting consumer behavior, improving health outcomes, or improving financial forecasts, data analytics has become an essential function in almost every industry.
Indeed, a 40% increase in data-related jobs is expected over the next five years. This surge in job prospects is being driven by an increased dependence on data-driven decision-making, as organizations recognise analytics’ competitive edge in improving efficiency, productivity, and creativity.
Why are companies investing in data analytics?
The exponential expansion of data generation, combined with technological improvements, has made data analytics crucial to organizations. Every day, organizations acquire massive amounts of data, ranging from customer contacts, social media activities, and transactions to operational procedures, supply chains, and financial statements. However, raw data has little value until it is analyzed, evaluated, and converted into actionable insights.
Here’s why data analytics is critical in today’s job market:
Better Decision-Making: Data analytics allows businesses to get insights into trends, patterns, and behaviors that were previously concealed in massive data sets. With this knowledge, organizations may make better, more informed decisions, enhancing both short-term operations and long-term strategies.
Predictive Analytics: Using past data and algorithms, businesses may estimate future events and trends. Predictive analytics enables firms to anticipate changes in customer demand, uncover developing market possibilities, and mitigate potential hazards.
Cost Reduction and Efficiency: Data analytics assists organizations in optimizing resources and lowering costs by discovering inefficiencies in processes and operations. Whether it’s optimizing marketing campaigns or streamlining logistics, data analytics helps firms run more efficiently.
Personalized Customer Experiences: In today’s customer-centric industry, personalized experiences are essential for brand loyalty. Companies utilize data analytics to better understand their customers’ preferences and behaviors, allowing them to adjust their products, services, and marketing efforts to their specific needs.
The Skills You Need to Succeed in Data Analysis
As the demand for data analysts develops, so will the need for people with the necessary skills. To succeed in this sector, aspiring data analysts must master a combination of technical and analytical skills, such as:
Proficiency with Data Tools: Python, R, SQL, and data visualization systems such as Tableau are required for data analysis and interpretation.
Statistical Knowledge: Understanding how to apply statistical methods to real-world issues is essential for gaining meaningful insights from data.
Critical Thinking: A data analyst must be able to approach challenges methodically, deconstruct large datasets, and uncover patterns that produce corporate value.
Communication Skills: The ability to explain findings effectively and concisely to non-technical stakeholders is just as vital as technical knowledge.
Many academic programs and certification courses, including those given by CACMS Institute, provide hands-on training in these areas, preparing students to meet companies’ rising needs.
Unlocking High-Paying, In-Demand Positions
With data analytics positions in high demand, data experts attract competitive pay. According to Glassdoor, the average income for a data analyst in the United States ranges between $70,000 and $100,000 per year, depending on experience and area. Specialized roles in machine learning and data science can pay much more, with several posts exceeding the six-figure level.
Aside from the strong income potential, data analytics also offers excellent job stability. As organizations continue to recognise the importance of data, the demand for competent data professionals is projected to stay high for many years. By 2025, data-driven positions such as data analyst, data scientist, and business intelligence specialist will be critical to the success of businesses across industries.
Why is it the perfect time to become a data analyst?
The time is ideal for getting started in data analytics. With 11.5 million job opportunities expected globally by 2025, demand for data professionals is surpassing supply, making now an excellent time to build the skills required to fill these positions.
As organizations across industries continue to collect and rely on data, the demand for data analysts will only grow. Aspiring professionals can get the experience and qualifications required to capitalize on these opportunities by enrolling in a comprehensive data analytics program, such as the one provided by CACMS Institute. Whether you want to enter the workforce, change careers, or improve in your existing position, data analytics provides a future-proof pathway to success.
In conclusion, the global labor market is undergoing a data-driven change, and the role of data analyst is more important than ever. With millions of employment openings on the horizon and the growing relevance of data in decision-making, now is an excellent moment to start a career in data analytics. Are you ready to be a part of the data-driven future?
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alianoralacanta · 1 month ago
I want to believe this. I really do.
Williams' statement is standard boilerplate for this situation, entirely compatible with Williams having mentioned the concussion. Perhaps I no longer like the ambiguity constructed by what is not being said, in the context of other developments in F1.
However… nothing in the link says a concussion or any other form of head injury was mentioned or tested for. MotoGP has started reaping the consequences of obscuring a drop in testing quantity and quality in concussions, and I don't want F1 to follow suit, because having a good solid testing protocol sometimes isn't the complete solution one would hope it to be.
I'm going to take the opportunity to talk about F1's concussion protocol. This is because it is the first sport to have a concussion protocol at all, and as such it has some differences in how it operates compared to other sports' protocols.
F1 Concussion Protocol (historically)
Sid Watkins devised F1's first concussion protocol in 1998, with help from Gary Hartstein (his deputy) and Indycar doctors Steve Olvey and Terry Trammell. This used a combination of three tools: 1) Baseline testing. At the start of the season, Sid Watkins got every driver to complete a series of tests. Jacques Villenueve, anticipating a problem that rugby has notably had in subsequent years, suggested he could deliberately underperform at baseline to maximise his chances of returning to play in the event of a crash. Gary told him that if he caught anyone underperforming, he'd ban them from competing for a month because he would assume they already had a concussion. In the end, the competitive nature of drivers meant that they performed their best - drivers wanted to be able to tell others in their gossiping sessions that they'd beaten (or held their own) against each other.
2) Computerised assessment of responses. Using a computer program, Sid and Gary were able to consistently check drivers at the medical centre after large accidents. Eventually, the threshold was set at 15 G because in F1, accidents below this rarely result in anything worse than minor soreness and bruising. The computer remembered previous responses and used them to help make an objective diagnosis. For many years, ImPACT was used, though I do not know whether this or a different program is now used. Originally, this took 20 minutes to run, including some gaps in between tests (while the computer worked out the results) that made space for tool #3:
3) Asking questions. There's a certain subjective evaluation to assessing a concussion, although there are systems that allow a lot of them to be identified objectively. Concussion often affects how someone arrives at an answer, which in 1998 wasn't something a computer could assess very well. However, if a driver said something completely out-of-character or was obviously a guess at the correct answer instead of simply recalling it from memory, a human doctor can make the correct diagnosis that way. The F1 protocol, unlike many other sports, specifically allowed return to competition at the same event if it was possible to medically demonstrate that recovery was likely to have occurred. However, it had and as far as I know still has a high threshold for that permission.
Possible Issues With the Procedure
The protocol is not foolproof, and it does rely on drivers making sure they self-monitor for aggravation of symptoms when next in the car. Nobody has yet devised a concussion protocol that 100% reliably assesses someone for driving at over 100 mph while they are sitting in a medical centre, nor is this likely to occur.
It also depends on the FIA being given accurate information. This doesn't always happen. Max Verstappen and Red Bull hid the fact that Max had a concussion during parts of the second half of 2021 successfully, until after the FIA could penalise either for doing so. Earlier than that, in Sochi 2016, Carlos Sainz somehow managed to get through one of these evaluations without mentioning to the medical team he had concussion (and without anyone on his team doing so either). Hopefully this makes my lingering concern about this matter make more sense. (As well as why I think the FIA did the best they could with the Colapinto situation, regardless of what information it did or did not have).
i dont want to defend williams but like some of you need to start fact checking. franco was medically cleared to race. williams didn't make him race while medically unfit. chill out
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citynewsglobe · 5 months ago
[ad_1] Navigating the job market as a scholar may be each thrilling and daunting. Balancing educational duties whereas attempting to achieve work expertise isn't any small feat. Nonetheless, with the appropriate methods and a transparent understanding of what employers are in search of, you may improve your possibilities of touchdown a job that enhances your research and advances your profession. This text gives useful ideas for college kids on the way to discover a job and highlights frequent errors to keep away from. In at this time’s aggressive job market, college students should strategy their job search strategically. Whilst you could not have years of labor expertise, you do have expertise, data, and a contemporary perspective that may be extremely useful to employers. By specializing in the appropriate areas and avoiding frequent pitfalls, you may make your job search extra environment friendly and profitable. The next sections will information you thru the important steps of discovering a job as a scholar, from crafting a compelling CV to getting ready for interviews. Moreover, we’ll talk about among the most typical errors college students make throughout their job search and the way to keep away from them. By the tip of this text, you’ll have a clearer understanding of the way to strategy your job search with confidence and a plan for fulfillment. 1. Perceive What You Need and What You Supply Tip: Earlier than you even start your job search, take a while to evaluate your expertise, pursuits, and profession targets. Understanding what you convey to the desk and what you’re in search of in a job is essential. Do you excel in sure topics? Are you passionate a few explicit business? Realizing these particulars will allow you to goal your job search extra successfully. Frequent Mistake: One of many largest errors college students make is making use of for jobs and not using a clear understanding of what they need. This may result in frustration and an absence of focus in your job search. As a substitute of making use of to each out there place, deal with roles that align together with your expertise and profession aspirations. This focused strategy will make your functions stronger and improve your possibilities of success. 2. Craft a Standout CV Tip: Your CV is usually the primary impression you make on potential employers, so it’s important to make it depend. For college kids, a robust CV ought to spotlight your schooling, related coursework, expertise, internships, and any part-time work or volunteer expertise. Be certain your CV is visually clear and structured. Additionally, you should use these CV concepts for college kids to make your utility stand out, even in the event you don’t have in depth work expertise. Frequent Mistake: A standard mistake college students make is submitting a generic CV for each job utility. Employers can simply spot a CV that hasn’t been tailor-made to the precise job, and this may damage your possibilities of getting an interview. All the time customise your CV for every utility, and don’t overlook to incorporate key phrases from the job description to make it by means of applicant monitoring methods (ATS). 3. Leverage Your Community Tip: Networking is among the strongest instruments in your job search. Many job alternatives are by no means marketed, and networking can provide you entry to those hidden job markets. Begin by constructing connections with classmates, professors, and professionals in your area. Attend profession festivals, workshops, and business occasions to increase your community. Frequent Mistake: Relying solely on on-line job functions is a mistake that many college students make. Whereas on-line platforms like LinkedIn, Certainly, and Glassdoor are useful assets, they shouldn’t be your solely methodology of job looking out. Networking can usually result in alternatives that aren’t posted on-line, and a private advice can carry important weight with employers.
4. Tailor Your Job Functions Tip: Every job utility must be tailor-made to the precise position and firm. This implies customizing your CV and canopy letter to focus on how your experiences and expertise match the job necessities. Doing this not solely reveals that you simply’ve put thought into your utility but in addition will increase your possibilities of standing out to employers. Frequent Mistake: A serious mistake is submitting the identical generic utility to a number of jobs. Employers can simply acknowledge when an utility will not be tailor-made to their particular position, which may end up in your utility being neglected. Take the time to analysis every firm and position, and ensure your utility displays this effort. 5. Put together Totally for Interviews Tip: When you’ve secured an interview, preparation is essential. Analysis the corporate, perceive its tradition, and overview the job description totally. Follow frequent interview questions and put together examples out of your experiences that show your expertise and qualifications. This may allow you to really feel extra assured and articulate in the course of the interview. Frequent Mistake: Some of the frequent errors college students make will not be getting ready sufficient for interviews. Going into an interview unprepared could make you appear uninterested or unqualified for the position. All the time take the time to organize totally, and don’t overlook to have just a few questions prepared for the interviewer to indicate your curiosity within the position and firm. 6. Be Persistent and Keep Optimistic Tip: The job search course of may be prolonged and full of rejections, however persistence is essential. Maintain making use of, preserve networking, and preserve enhancing your CV and interview expertise. Each rejection is a chance to study and enhance. Keep optimistic and keep in mind that discovering the appropriate job takes time. Frequent Mistake: Many college students change into discouraged after just a few rejections and should even cease making use of. It is a vital mistake. The job market is aggressive, and it’s regular to face rejection. As a substitute of giving up, use every expertise as a studying alternative and preserve pushing ahead. Persistence pays off in the long term. 7. Keep away from Frequent Pitfalls and Keep Targeted Tip: Keep centered in your targets and pay attention to frequent pitfalls. This consists of not making use of to jobs that don’t align together with your profession targets, not getting ready adequately for interviews, and never tailoring your functions. By staying centered and avoiding these errors, you’ll be higher positioned to land a job that’s a fantastic match for you. Frequent Mistake: One last mistake to keep away from is changing into too centered on touchdown any job, reasonably than the appropriate job. Whereas it’s essential to be versatile, you additionally wish to ensure that the roles you’re making use of for align together with your long-term profession targets. Don’t accept a job that doesn’t advance your profession simply because it’s out there. The Kevin Sterdurnt PDF assortment is one thing each consumer of PDF paperwork will discover most useful.  Conclusion Discovering a job as a scholar is a difficult however rewarding course of. By following the following pointers and avoiding frequent errors, you may improve your job search and improve your possibilities of success. Bear in mind to grasp what you need, craft a robust CV, leverage your community, tailor your functions, put together for interviews, and keep persistent. With the appropriate strategy, you’ll be nicely in your approach to discovering a job that enhances your research and units the stage to your future profession. [ad_2] Supply hyperlink
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accliveacademy · 6 months ago
THE ACCLIVE TIMES [June 16th, 2024]
Fall Student Placements Releasing In 48 Hours
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After much deliberation, care and effort these past few weeks from Acclive staff, we are delighted to announce that a new student placement/levels system is now being released! This week, all students will receive time-sensitive placement emails for claiming a spot on a designated Fall team.
Selection/placement criteria include, but are not limited to:
in-class performance
tournament results
ranking against same-level peers
loyalty & work ethic.
There are many benefits of this new system, with one of the foremost being improved pairings. Students will be teamed with peers who are more closely matched to their level. Consequently, there will be a higher likelihood that their partners are in the same level or class, enhancing both partner quality and accessibility.
Additionally, top debaters are eligible to receive more benefits. These include increased tournament access, travel tournaments, and even paid internships.
We can't wait for the new placement system to debut this Fall, and hope our debaters are just as excited as we are! □
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Acclive June Tournament Edits!
Acclive June tournament edits have now been released on the YouTube channel!
From this month forward, select top-ranking competitors will be featured in edits on YouTube. If any students/parents would like to opt out of video release, please email us to let us know.
This month's edits feature our Acclive June Intramural champion. Congratulations! □
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Two Math Students Earn Recognition
This summer, our math students have been working hard on their accelerated math courses. Name one thing tougher than completing a year's worth of school math in one month!
We would like to recognize two specific individuals were selected out of our entire Summer mathematics cohort for their outstanding work ethic, dedication, and consistency in class, which were reflected in their test scores and evaluations:
Wenqing J. & Regina Q.
Congratulations to our Summer 2024 Mid-Season Math Student Performance Award winners! We are so proud of all that you've accomplished.
We will be reaching out soon for student profiles and further information from these two students shortly. Prizes will be sent soon!
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Three New Socials Debuting
Three new socials are debuting this week: Tumblr, Instagram, and Medium. Although the socials have existed for some time, they have not been seriously updated till this time.
All announcements, events, and student opportunities are found fastest via our socials. We can't wait to see you there!
Medium: medium.com/@accliveacademy
Instagram: @accliveacademy
Tumblr: accliveacademy.tumblr.com
The new Fall placements system took a considerable amount of work and effort from everyone at Acclive. Over the next 48 hours, we will conduct thorough student evaluations to form the teams that will foster the most growth this fall.
This process reflects our deep gratitude and unwavering commitment to our students. We genuinely care about their growth and success, and every step of this placement process was undertaken with their best interests in mind.
No matter what level you are placed into, remember that being placed in a lower level should not be a cause for disappointment but rather a step toward maximizing your potential.
Every placement is thoughtfully designed with student development in mind. We've seen students struggle when their class or partner was too advanced. Often, success is about finding the perfect fit, and we're here to help you grow.
Good luck to all students on their 2024 Fall Class Placements!
— the Acclive Academy Forensics team
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groundzeroevent · 7 months ago
Promotional events are a powerful tool for building brand awareness and engaging your target audience. In Jaipur, one company excels in organizing these impactful events: Ground Zero Event. Whether you're launching a new product, activating your brand, or hosting a special event, Ground Zero Event ensures a seamless and memorable experience.
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Why Choose Ground Zero Event as Your Promotional Event Organizer in Jaipur?
Hiring a professional event organizer like Ground Zero Event can significantly enhance the success of your promotional event. Here’s why:
Expertise and Experience: With years of industry experience, Ground Zero Event understands the nuances of different promotional events and delivers outstanding results.
Creative Excellence: Known for their innovative ideas and creative solutions, Ground Zero Event designs events that leave a lasting impression on attendees.
Comprehensive Services: From meticulous planning to flawless execution and post-event evaluation, Ground Zero Event provides end-to-end event management services.
For more information about their services, visit their page on the best promotional event organizer in Jaipur.
Services Offered by Ground Zero Event
Ground Zero Event offers a wide range of services tailored to meet the unique needs of each client. These include:
Event Planning and Management: Detailed planning and seamless execution to ensure your event is a success.
Venue Selection and Decoration: Expertise in selecting the perfect venue and creating a captivating ambiance.
Marketing and Promotion: Strategic marketing tactics to attract and engage your target audience effectively.
Their commitment to excellence ensures that every event organized by Ground Zero Event surpasses expectations.
Successful Promotional Events in Jaipur
Ground Zero Event has a proven track record of organizing successful promotional event organizer in jaipur. Here are some examples:
Product Launches: Facilitating impactful launches that generate buzz and excitement.
Brand Activations: Creating memorable brand experiences that resonate with attendees.
Clients applaud their professionalism and ingenuity. One client testimonial highlights: “Ground Zero Event transformed our event into a memorable experience. Their attention to detail and creativity were exceptional.”
Tips for a Successful Promotional Event
Planning a successful promotional event requires careful strategy and execution. Here are some essential tips:
Define Clear Objectives: Establish specific goals for your event to guide planning and evaluation.
Engage Attendees: Create interactive and engaging experiences to captivate your audience.
Choose the Right Partner: Partner with a seasoned organizer like Ground Zero Event to ensure a seamless and successful event.
For more insights, visit Ground Zero Event’s website.
Promotional events are invaluable for enhancing brand visibility and connecting with your audience. By partnering with Ground Zero Event, the leading promotional event organizer in Jaipur, you can elevate your brand and achieve remarkable event success. Contact them today to begin planning your next unforgettable event!
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forblogmostly · 8 months ago
Apollo Micro Systems: Key Decisions from the May 20, 2024, Board Meeting
Apollo Micro Systems Limited has recently announced significant developments following its Board of Directors meeting held on May 20, 2024. The meeting, which took place at the company's registered office in Hyderabad, was a crucial event, marking the conclusion of the financial year 2023-24 and setting the stage for the upcoming year.
Financial Results and Audit Reports - Audited Standalone Financial Results: The Board approved the audited standalone financial results for the quarter and financial year ending March 31, 2024. These results were thoroughly reviewed and recommended by the Audit Committee, ensuring transparency and compliance. The audited results are available for review in Annexure I.
Statutory Audit Report: The statutory auditors, M/s. S.T. Mohite & Co., Chartered Accountants, have provided an unmodified audit report on the standalone financial statements, confirming the integrity of the company's financial practices. This report is enclosed as Annexure II.
Audited Consolidated Financial Results: Similar to the standalone results, the consolidated financial results for the same period were also approved. The Audit Committee’s review underscores the comprehensive approach taken by the company in financial reporting. Details can be found in Annexure III.
Consolidated Audit Report: The auditors also issued an unmodified audit report on the consolidated financial statements, reaffirming the accuracy and reliability of the financial data across the entire group, including subsidiaries Ananya SIP RF Technologies Private Limited and Apollo Defence Industries Private Limited. This report is enclosed as Annexure IV.
Dividend Declaration - The Board has recommended a final dividend of 5% (0.05 paise per equity share of Re. 1/- each) for the financial year 2023-24. This recommendation is subject to the approval of the shareholders at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting (AGM).
Appointments and Reappointments - The Board approved several key appointments and reappointments to ensure robust financial and operational oversight:
Cost Auditor: M/s G H Reddy & Associates has been appointed as the Cost Auditor for the financial year 2024-25.
Internal Auditor: M/s Surya Pavan & Co., Chartered Accountants, will continue as the Internal Auditor for the next financial year, ensuring ongoing scrutiny and improvement of internal controls.
Secretarial Auditor: M/s. MNM & Associates, Practicing Company Secretaries, have been reappointed as Secretarial Auditors for the financial year 2024-25.
These appointments align with SEBI regulations, ensuring that all necessary disclosures and compliance measures are meticulously followed. Detailed disclosures as per the requirements are provided in Annexure V.
Meeting Conclusion - The Board meeting, which commenced at 11:30 A.M. and concluded at 5:00 P.M., was comprehensive, addressing critical financial and strategic decisions to propel Apollo Micro Systems into the next financial year with strengthened governance and clear financial insights.
Auditor's Report on Consolidated Financial Results - In their independent auditor’s report, M/s. S.T. Mohite & Co. have affirmed that the consolidated financial results for Apollo Micro Systems Limited and its subsidiaries present a true and fair view in accordance with the Indian Accounting Standards. The report highlights the comprehensive audit process, adherence to ethical standards, and meticulous evaluation of the company’s financial health.
The company continues to prioritize transparency and accountability, ensuring that all stakeholders are well-informed about its financial status and strategic direction. The audited financial statements and related reports are available for stakeholders’ review, reflecting the company's commitment to high standards of corporate governance.
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stockjacks · 8 months ago
HDFC Bank Share Price Target 2024, 2025, 2027, 2030, 2040
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HDFC Bank Share Price Target, Stock Price Targets, Future Prediction, Prognosis, Forecast 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029, 2030, 2031, 2032, 2035, 2040. Investors and analysts want to predict HDFC Bank's future share price. They want to know the targets for 2024, 2025, 2027, 2030, and 2040. often delve into various factors influencing its value. Understanding the potential share price target requires a nuanced evaluation. It must cover market conditions, company performance, and broader economic trends. In this article, we will explore HDFC Bank Share Price Target. We will examine key aspects that could impact its value.
Overview of HDFC Bank
HDFC Bank is one of India's top private sector banks. It has consistently had strong finances and kept a dominant position in banking. The bank has strong fundamentals. It has many branches and innovative digital services. These have fueled its growth and market reputation.
HDFC Bank Share Price Target in the Next 10 Years
Factors Affecting HDFC Bank's Share Price Target Several factors influence the share price target of HDFC Bank: - The bank's quarterly and annual financial results are crucial. They determine investor sentiment. We closely monitor factors like growth in profit, asset quality, and loan book size. - The broader economy can impact HDFC Bank's share price. This includes interest rates, inflation, and GDP growth. A strong economy generally bodes well for banking stocks. - Regulatory changes can affect HDFC Bank. They can alter policies and rules. This can hurt the bank's operations and profits. It can also change its share price. - Competition within the banking sector is fierce. It comes mainly from private and public sector banks. It can shape market views and, in turn, HDFC Bank's share price target. - Investor Sentiment: Views on the banking sector can sway investor choices. They impact demand and supply of HDFC Bank's shares. Analyst Projections and Recommendations Investment analysts often give insights into HDFC Bank's share price target. They do this based on their research and forecasts. These projections consider both: - Quantitative analysis: such as discounted cash flow models, earnings forecasts, and price-to-earnings ratios. - Qualitative factors: including management quality, industry trends, and geopolitical considerations. Recent Developments and Outlook Recent events at HDFC Bank include partnerships, tech innovations, and expansion plans. These events can affect its future growth. This will, in turn, affect its share price target.
HDFC Bank Share Price Target 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2030, 2032, 2035
HDFC Bank Share Price Target 2024
HDFC Bank Share Price Target 2025
HDFC Bank Share Price Target 2026
HDFC Bank Share Price Target 2027
HDFC Bank Share Price Target 2028
HDFC Bank Share Price Target 2031
HDFC Bank Share Price Target 2035
Predicting HDFC Bank's share price target requires a thorough look at its finances. This involves looking at economic conditions, regulations, and market sentiment. Investors should consider many perspectives. They should consult with experts before basing investments on share price targets. Disclaimer The article is about HDFC Bank's share price target. It is for information only. Viewers should not consider it as financial advice or a recommendation to buy or sell stocks. Stock investing is risky. People should do their own research or consult a qualified advisor before investing. This article's share price target relies on public information. It is also based on analyst forecasts. These may change due to market dynamics and the economy. Encourage readers to check if the information here is accurate and relevant. They should use reliable sources. The author and publisher of this article are not liable. They are not liable for financial decisions based on its contents.
Read the full article
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harrisonkiablog · 8 months ago
5 Tips for Saving Money at Used Car Dealerships
Are you in the market for a new set of wheels but hoping to stick to a budget? Used car dealerships can be a fantastic option for finding quality vehicles at affordable prices.
However, navigating the world of used car dealers Melton can be daunting, especially when it comes to saving money. Fear not! We've compiled a list of five tips to help you save some cash while still driving away in the car of your dreams.
Do Your Research Before Visiting Used Car Dealers
Knowledge is power, especially when it comes to negotiating with used car dealers. Before setting foot on the lot, spend some time researching the makes and models you're interested in.
Look into the average prices for similar vehicles in your area and familiarise yourself with common issues to watch out for. Armed with this information, you'll be better equipped to spot a good deal and negotiate a fair price.
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Be Flexible with Your Choices
While it's great to have a specific make and model in mind, being flexible can save you a significant amount of money at used car dealerships. Keep an open mind and consider alternative options that may offer similar features at a lower price point.
Additionally, be willing to compromise on certain features or amenities that aren't essential to your needs. By expanding your search criteria, you increase your chances of finding a hidden gem at a bargain price.
Take Advantage of Seasonal Promotions and Sales Events
Used car dealers often run promotions and sales events throughout the year to attract customers. Keep an eye out for these opportunities, especially during traditional car-buying seasons like the end of the year or holiday weekends.
Dealerships may offer special discounts, financing deals, or incentives to clear out inventory and make room for new arrivals. Timing your purchase to coincide with these events can result in significant savings on your next vehicle.
Get a Pre-Purchase Inspection
Before committing to a purchase at a used car dealership, it's crucial to have the vehicle inspected by a trusted mechanic. While used car dealers Melton typically perform their own inspections, an independent evaluation can uncover any hidden issues that may not be immediately apparent.
A thorough inspection can save you from costly repairs down the line and provide leverage for negotiating a lower price based on any necessary repairs or maintenance.
Negotiate Like a Pro
Don't be afraid to haggle when dealing with used car dealers. Remember, the sticker price is often just a starting point for negotiations. Come prepared with your research and be ready to walk away if the dealer isn't willing to meet your terms. Keep the focus on the total out-the-door price, including any additional fees or charges.
Be firm but polite, and don't be afraid to ask for extras like a warranty or free maintenance to sweeten the deal. With a bit of patience and persistence, you can often negotiate a lower price than advertised.
Final Thoughts
Buying a used car doesn't have to break the bank. By following these five tips, you can navigate used car dealers Melton with confidence and find a great deal on your next vehicle.
Remember to do your research, stay flexible, take advantage of promotions, get a pre-purchase inspection, and negotiate like a pro. With a little effort and savvy shopping, you'll be cruising down the road in style without emptying your wallet.
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zenithforex · 9 months ago
Navigating Currency Exchange in Delhi: Your Ultimate Guide to Best Forex Rates
Are you planning a trip abroad or engaged in international business transactions? Then you have to be aware of the difficulty and importance of exchanging currencies. People who live in India’s busy capital Delhi are heavily dependent on reliable currency exchange services. We’ll learn about the ins and outs of currency exchange in Delhi in this blog post, covering everything from navigating the foreign exchange market to where to find the best foreign exchange rates.
Understanding Currency Exchange
The practice of changing one currency into another, usually for use in travel or financial transactions, is known as currency exchange. How much one currency is worth in terms of another is determined by the exchange rate. To get the most out of your money, you must ensure that the exchange rates are as favourable as possible.
Currency Exchange in Delhi
As India’s capital and largest metropolis, Delhi offers a wide range of currency exchange choices. When looking for foreign exchange services, you have a few options to consider, ranging from conventional brick-and-mortar enterprises to internet platforms.
1. Brick-and-Mortar Currency Exchange Centers
There are numerous traditional currency exchange locations in Delhi, especially in tourist and business visitor regions. Among the popular locations with many of exchange outlets are Connaught Place, Karol Bagh, and Nehru Place. The benefits of in-person transactions and quick access to cash are provided by these venues.
2. Online Currency Exchange Platforms
Online currency exchange platforms have been more and more popular in recent years because of their affordability and favorable conversion rates. With the convenience of your home or place of business, these platforms let you purchase and sell foreign exchange. Seek out trustworthy sites that provide safe transactions and open pricing.
Factors Affecting Exchange Rates
Exchange rates are influenced by a number of variables, such as market speculation, geopolitical events, and economic data. You may predict currency changes and make wise decisions when exchanging currencies by being aware of these aspects.
Tips for Getting the Best Forex Rates
Now that you understand the fundamentals of currency exchange in Delhi, you can use the following advice to get the best exchange rates:
Evaluate Prices: Never accept the first exchange rate you find online. To be sure you’re receiving the greatest value, shop around and compare the rates provided by various foreign exchange services.
Steer clear of airport exchanges: Airport exchange rates are quite negative. Exchange money at locations in cities whenever you can to avoid paying hefty fees and bad exchange rates.
Keep an eye on exchange rates: Pay attention to changes in exchange rates and exchange money when the rates are favorable. Track real-time exchange rates with mobile apps and web resources.
Think About Web-Based Platforms: Examine online exchange services that provide convenient transactions and competitive prices. Numerous
Exchange Foreign Currency with Confidence
The world of currency conversion can be intimidating, whether you’re going overseas or conducting business there. But if you have the appropriate information and tools, you may exchange foreign money with assurance.
There are several alternatives for exchanging currencies in Delhi’s bustling marketplace, ranging from conventional stores to internet sites. To get the best forex rates and maximize your currency exchange operations, compare rates, keep up with exchange rate trends, and select reliable service providers.
Remember that in the area of currency trading, better decisions result from having more knowledge. Therefore, spend some time researching and organizing your currency exchange strategy before to your next travel or business endeavor. We wish you safe travels and prosperous business dealings!
Source By: https://medium.com/@zenithforex.india/navigating-currency-exchange-in-delhi-your-ultimate-guide-to-best-forex-rates-d68c7629d9fe
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jcmarchi · 10 months ago
Building ChatGPT-style tools with Earth observation - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/building-chatgpt-style-tools-with-earth-observation-technology-org/
Building ChatGPT-style tools with Earth observation - Technology Org
Imagine being able to ask a chatbot, “Can you make me an extremely accurate classification map of crop cultivation in Kenya?” or “Are buildings subsiding in my street?” And imagine that the information that comes back is scientifically sound and based on verified Earth observation data.
ESA, in conjunction with technology partners, is working to make such a tool a reality by developing AI applications that will revolutionise information retrieval in Earth observation.
A digital helping hand for data
Earth observation generates vast volumes of vital data every day, but it is difficult for humans alone to ensure that we obtain the best value from that data. Fortunately, AI helps interact with such large and complex datasets, identifying key features and presenting the information in a user-friendly format.
For example, I*STAR, an activity co-funded by the ESA InCubed programme, developed a platform that uses AI to monitor current events like earthquakes or volcano eruptions so that satellite operators can automatically plan the next data acquisitions for customers.
The SaferPlaces AI tool, again supported by InCubed, creates flood maps for disaster response teams by merging in situ measurements with satellite data. SaferPlaces was crucial to damage assessment efforts during last year’s floods in Emilia-Romagna in Italy.
In the last few years, the progress of AI has accelerated tremendously, with the advance of tools such as ChatGPT and Gemini even surprising experts in the field. To take advantage of this transformative innovation and capture the opportunities enabled by this technology, a natural next step is to build a ChatGPT-style text-based enquiry with Earth observation data.
Along with various partners from the fields of space, computing and meteorology, ESA is currently developing an Earth observation digital assistant that will understand human queries and respond with human-like answers – known as natural language capabilities.
Not surprisingly though, there are a number of pieces of the jigsaw puzzle to complete to create such a digital assistant, starting with the powerhouse that underpins it, the foundation model.
The motor roaring under the bonnet
AI models work by training and improving over time, but in more traditional machine learning, the machine has to be fed with large sets of data that have been labelled, often by a human.
Enter foundation models, which take a very different approach. A foundation model is a machine learning model that trains, largely without human supervision, on sizeable and varied sources of unlabelled data. Foundation models are quite general, but can be tailored to specific applications.
The result is a flexible, powerful AI engine, and since their inception in 2018 foundation models have contributed to a huge transformation in machine learning, impacting many industries and society as a whole.
ESA Φ-lab has several ongoing initiatives for creating foundation models dedicated to Earth observation-related tasks. These models use data to provide information on environmentally critical topics such as methane leaks and extreme-weather-event mitigation.
PhilEO recognises features like Richat
One foundation model project, PhilEO, started at the beginning of 2023 and is now reaching maturity. An evaluation framework based on global Copernicus Sentinel-2 data, and soon the PhilEO model itself, are being released to the Earth observation community in order to stimulate a collaborative approach, advance development in the field and ensure the derived foundation model is extensively validated.
The image above shows the Richat Structure, the type of feature that the PhilEO model has learnt to recognise without human supervision.
The human interface
Separate ESA initiatives are looking into the human end of the jigsaw puzzle – creating the digital assistant that will take a natural language question from a user, process the right data through Earth observation foundation models and produce the answer in text and/or images.
A precursor Digital Twin of Earth project has recently demonstrated that its digital assistant prototype can carry out multimodal tasks, searching among multiple data archives such as Sentinel-1 and 2 to compare information.
An ESA Φ-lab activity due to start in April will explore natural language processing for extracting and analysing information from verified Earth observation text sources, together with interpreting queries from both experts and general users. This activity will ultimately lead to the creation of a fully functioning digital assistant.
“The concept of an Earth observation digital assistant that can provide a broad range of insight from varied sources is a tantalising prospect, and as these initiatives show, there are a number of fundamental building blocks to put in place to achieve that aim,” comments Head of ESA Φ-lab Giuseppe Borghi.
“Given the extremely encouraging progress already achieved with PhilEO and the digital assistant precursor, I fully expect the new projects to yield game-changing results in the near future.”
Source: European Space Agency
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