#will do one for zyq next
minsarasarahair · 3 months
Novel Lou Zhu's appearance (You Yao)
Character profile: 180 cm, his current body in main story is 27 years old, disheveled long black hair, has drifting eyes and curling lips, has mix of sinister and hedonist expression, not too thin nor too fat (Average healthy Chinese man in China's standards?), has lazy demeanor, dress with expensive clothing
First appearance (Medicine arc)  ↓ Rich and Smartlooking ass lol
Lou Zhu's surname is Lou and his first name is Zhu. Lou Zhu usually dressed like a rich and idle person, with a face of scholar, but he has drifting eyes and has curling lips, and his whole body exudes a spirit of never sitting down if he can lie down. The people in the capital all knew that this body was originally owned by a low-ranking civil official who later died and came back to life, and changed his name to Lou Zhu. In short, he was a transmigrator who interview fellow transmigrators for the emperor.
Lou Zhu's past life ↓ His original body is more beautiful than his current body? At his late 30s?
Zuo Yunqi said: "You must have been very beautiful in the past." Lou Zhu t said: "Just average. I've only been stopped by talent scouts about 30 times whenever I was walking on the street." Zuo Yunqi said: "Damn you."
Zuo Yunqi's perspective ↓ Just a lonely guy who Zuo Yunqi wish to protect awww~ He might look like a villain to others but for ZYQ he's his "Little meow meow" lol
Zuo Yunqi listened to Lou Zhu's rambling endlessly, and his eyes unconsciously moved from the unique items to Lou Zhu's face. The whole secret room was piled with weird items that were not tolerated by this era and useless in this world. It was covered with rust and dust, and exuded the smell of death. Even the figure standing in it seemed to be immersed in a thick and suffocating loneliness. Zuo Yunqi didn't know if this feeling is called homesickness.
Impostor arc  ↓ The text really said he has average good looks but his lazy gestures made him more attractive lol
Lou Zhu has basis qualifications for seduction: He is good-looking. Jing Huanzhi left him with a decent face, a pale scholar's appearance, but his lazy bones gives off a strange charisma. He is not only handsome, but also rich, very rich. Lou Zhu's extraordinary IQ is all used to have comfortable life. He used to serve the emperor, and later he went to Lin Kai of Wulin Alliance, no one can stop him from making a lot of money. Such a person never tried to pursue a girl.
After 5 years ↓ He's an immortal lol jk That's actually impressive without cultivation. I think he's just good at taking care of himself and he has the money for it so yes, of course he will look youthful at his 30s just like a celebrity. Only Zuo Yunqi has drastic change.
In these past 5 years, the old age was not shown to Lou Zhu's appearance. Although he had drastically cleared the remnants of the Tuo Huang and escaped several brutal assassinations during this period, he also helped Lin Kai consolidate his regime, emptied the national treasury into a small gold mountain of initial scale, and put it in his own warehouse. He had experienced a lot of things, but overall, he lived a good life. Lou Zhu's head doesn't have any single white hair, and his body that always sit and never walk, had not become plump. In a trance, it seemed that nothing had changed except his robes, which had become more expensive.
Reverse Isekai AU (Modern setting) ↓ Hobo Lou Zhu lol Deserve! He later shaved and has decent look. This is Danmei so of course he's still good looking. He's no longer rich but he's planning to exploit Xie Liang's talents...
Lou Zhu was looking at the billboard and was thinking about it, when a strange smell suddenly hit his nose. He lowered his head and sniffed, then stretched out his hand to touch up and down, his pupils trembling. Even though there was no mirror, he could still feel himself. Lou Zhu had a tangled beard and hair, and the clothes on his body had probably not been washed for eight years, giving off a weird smell. It seemed he transmigrated into a homeless man’s body. Lou Zhu looked at the speeding traffic on the road in front of him and began to seriously consider whether to run into it. But he never took a step forward.
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moosekateer13 · 2 years
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For @anyfandomdarkbingo
Square filled: Aliens
Sam Winchester x Dean Winchester x Enna Zyq-To
Warnings: Dark Winchesters, Kryptonite, Drugged, Addiction. Dub Con, Smut, Vandalism, Destruction of Property, Fluff
Summary Sam and Dean become inhibited by a beer laced with red kryptonite while visiting a small town called Smallville. They cause havoc across town, where they run into Enna Zyq-To a Kryptonian. Will she make things better or worse?
Inspired by Remy Zero's Bitter
Just one more day when it’s already been too long. And the sea is forming shackles to deliver. And I came to a resting place
I tried to take just a taste.
Sam's P.O.V
I feel a thrill through my veins as Dean and I cause havoc around the town of Smallville. We were supposed to come here to hunt but we don't seem to care now. I down another bottle of this addictive local brew red as we walk down the street. Dean smirks at me as he vandalizes the car next to us. That's when I spotted a woman in a black dress with the most stunning pair of green eyes. Her red hair blew slightly in the wind.
I motion for Dean to follow me. 
"Do you want to have a drink and have sex with me? No? What about just sex?" I said.
"We aren't in the bar sir but oddly I am turned on by the pickup line. I'm Enna by the way." Enna replied with a smirk.
"Sam," I said curtly"
Enna looks over to Dean and motions for him to follow us as she pulls me towards her truck. We take her truck down to an empty field.
Seems like this woman likes to be in charge. I smirk as she strips her clothes before stripping both Dean's and my clothes off. Before standing in front of the truck bed. Enna finally removes her clothes and I lick my lips in response. 
"Sam in front and emerald eyes in my backdoor," Enna said.
" Bossy, I like it. It's Dean, sweetheart." Dean said with a smirk.
Both of us climbed into the truck bed in our designated positions.
Enna pulled us impossibly closer to her before gripping me tightly as we simultaneously filled her.    
 Enna stifles her moans by pressing her lips into my neck. Which is a good thing. We wouldn't want anyone to hear us.  
 The feeling of her clamping around me is otherworldly. Hours have passed, and all of us are covered in sweat and marks. We are beyond sore when Dean and I finally pull out of her. We collapse from exhaustion. I nearly fell out of the truck bed completely forgetting it was open. I laugh at myself. I am not usually this clumsy.
We all quickly redress, and Enna motions for us to join.
“Come, boys, I can think about other ways we can have fun,” Enna said with a smirk
Enna's P.O.V
I've heard of the Winchesters. Heroes in their own right they’ve saved the world multiple times. The descriptions of them don’t do them justice. They are more like gods wrapped in denim and plaid. Lucky me, I've got them when they’ve been corrupted by red kryptonite from local brew
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(Red) I've always had a thing for heroes going dark.  Most would try to find a cure for them but I am far from good. I may be from the same planet as hometown hero Clark Kent but that's all we have in common. Dark edgy, a Kryptonian without a soul. As soon as I park, the Winchesters get out of the truck.
 Of their own accord, they loot the local stores. I have a hard time keeping up with them even with my speed. They've gained super speed from the beer. Which is far from normal. Red kryptonite is only supposed to remove morals. Well, it's not my problem I think to myself. Sam comes back with a blue ring. He slips it on my right finger without asking. Seems like someone wants to mark me as their property. I feel something is very wrong as he does so. Dammit, it's blue kryptonite. I can feel my powers ebbing away! The Winchesters leave me there on my knees. Not caring that I am no longer following him. I have no choice but to get back into my truck and go to the town hero for help.
Kent Farmhouse
As I make my way up to the Kent farmhouse, I wonder if I'm doing the right thing. Having morals hasn't been a problem till today. I've lived my life without a rulebook. The Kents hate me. This is the last place I want to be. After, a minor mishap with their son in high school nearly destroyed Clark's future. I got Clark hooked on red kryptonite and he nearly destroyed the town. If it wasn't for Lana and Chloe detoxing him. Clark wouldn't be here today. 
 I reluctantly knock on the door of the old yellow farmhouse. Just my luck he's the one to answer the door. My anxiety just being here is set through the roof now at just his mere presence. Clark rolls his eyes at me but still lets me in. He knows I wouldn't be here if it wasn't serious.
Briefly explaining how I came to meet the Winchesters and how I found them he looks at me in utter disgust.
" So nearly destroying my life wasn't enough. You are doing it again to the men that have been to hell in the back for this world! I'll help you with one condition. Enna you have to drink a gold kryptonite laced beer." Clark said.
He looks at me harshly with his blue eyes. Clark is deadly serious.
He's silently saying I don't deserve powers and I completely agree with him.
I simply nod in response.
"I've got these chambers that Lex built for me before our friendship dissolved. It sucks out the kryptonite from the bloodstream from the steam it creates. Text those Winchesters and follow me." Clark said.
So glad they exchanged numbers with me before they ran off. I text them in the guise of another threesome. Clark takes my phone from me and finishes my text with the location. He hands it back to me before they text me back. Clark has always been a bit of a prude. He definitively would not want to see what they said back. I smirk at the response to my text. Sam texted me back with a smirk emoji and two eggplants. The Winchesters’ minds sure are in the gutter.
Clark helps me slip off the ring Sam placed on me temporarily restoring my powers. He refuses to do any more of the dirty work.
He climbs into my truck with me and directs me toward the underground chambers. I look around the red-lit chambers. This place gives me the creeps. This idea better work.
Once Sam and Dean arrive they both try to pin me down to the floor. I'm faster of course and use all of my strength to knock them out and throw them into their respective chambers.
Once Sam and Dean arrive they both try to pin me down to the floor. I'm faster of course and manage to use all of my strength to knock them out and throw them into their respective chambers.
Clark uses the control panel to close the door and start the long detox task. 
I don't know how much time has passed but a strong hand nudges me awake from my position on the floor. 
"Enna wake up dear," Sam said.
Sam tries to help me up but I refuse and get up by myself.
I look around and find Clark gone and a beer with my name on it left in his place.
"I bet you are and Dean want nothing to do with me now. I'll just go." I replied. As I turned to walk away Dean spun me back around.
"Look sweetheart you did the right thing in the end. Sam and I talked before we woke you. We can't deny that we feel this pull towards you and we'd like to give you a second chance." Dean said.
Both of them look at me with hope in their eyes.
"If we are going to do this right. I have to do one thing first." I replied.
I grab the beer Clark left for me. They both stare at me wide-eyed and try to stop me as soon as they realize what I am doing. I know this is for the best. I've caused nothing but destruction with my powers. The gold kryptonite beer tasted horrible on my tongue. I feel my powers ebbing away permanently.
Sam, Dean and I shared sweet kisses before we headed to Dean's impala. It's such a stunning car. I can't wait to see what's next in store for us. First things first though we have to fix the destruction we’ve caused the town before heading back to their place.
Bitter Just one more day when its already been too long
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super1se · 5 years
《十一少年的秋天》 宣传片
《The Youth of R1SE》 Trailer
I’m guessing who says what; sorry if wrong!! also, if you want to use these translations and create subs you can with credit!!
zzn: six types of different
hll: six types of first times
zl: every time there will always be a process of breaking through oneself
yc (to the child): your small legs still can swing
rh: if you really want to understand someone, you must first get close to him
fireman: liuzaiqi is a very handome young man. His father is out team’s vice-leader (sth of the sort). In the end because of one task, nothing is left. When his son was being buried - from that day for a very short time we didn’t see him, his hair became white
zzn: like that kind of despite knowing it’s dangerous, still do these things is really something that makes me feel more admiration
zl: we are absorbing them, they are also accepting us
r1se (to the kids): 5 6 7 pose! yes!
kid (to ly): next Good Harvest Festival, will you still come?
ly (to kid): have other things, not confirmed
kid: ok then
ly: i don’t dare to give them too big a promise. They’re small kids ma, they will really believe. If that day i really miss it, I don’t come, i’m scared they will be sad.
rh: i think of everything, the thing that gives me the most courage, the most strength, is when the eleven of us together put out that bug fire. it’s just that kind of feeling is — everybody’s face is covered, to be honest I don’t even know who’s the one who was (at the front) putting out the fire already, but that split moment let me feel for real the strength of a team. While we were putting out the fire, i realised the floor had a lot of stones. I picked up some stones and carved R1SE’s logo and then carved R1SE’s name. Because we, in this place, left our mark, left our sweat.
hll: us being able to be together, i think, is a kind of fate/affinity
zyq: what’s being limited is only our time as a boygroup, but the friendship between us brothers will forever not be limited
zr: heluoluo let my crab escape! Five dollars eh
zzn: don’t let him — don’t let him come down
zl: everyone through the whole process, gained more understanding. when cooperating with each other we have more tacit understanding, our feelings toward each other are like rope, slowly slowly all tied together
yc(to zyq/zzn): slow ah, here is a little bit narrow
R1SE: R1SE! Fighting!
20191126 十一少年的秋天
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future-self-journey · 7 years
Mount Post-Mortem
Tools Used
First things first, I use pencil and paper to sketch out all of my concepts.
For the modeling part, since I learned to use Maya at school back in 2012, I’ve decided to continue on that way for this project.
Photoshop was a pretty obvious tool choice for me for painting the texture.
During my time working on my project I discovered 3D Coat, and decided to include it in my process since it is super super efficient for uv mapping and texturing.
Finally I used Maya to render some high resolution images of the mount, and then I uploaded the project on Sketchfab.
Complementary tools used :
Huge amount of WoW references : to take inspiration from already existing mounts in the game in order to get closer to Blizzard’s style and to understand how they make textures.
Youtube/CubeBrush : a lot of tutorials about modeling animal anatomy, about painting materials.
ArtStation and Sketchfab 3D-models : to understand better construction of the wire-frame and topology.
Maya plug-in “UV Nightshade” : it could help a lot organizing your uvs in maya.
Concept idea, inspirations and intentions : I have been an avid WoW player for years and am constantly inspired to create artwork based off of the game’s lore. Ever since I started studying game art I’ve always wanted to make assets for World of Warcraft but never took the time or felt ready for it.
This exercise provided me the opportunity to create an asset from concept to final presentation within an art style I have always admired.
In order to create the best concept I could, I took the time to gather images that I could use as references and draw inspiration from. I gathered images of Shadowmoon Valley (vegetation, Draenei and orcs props), about cartoonish fox illustrations and real anatomy sketch of foxes and deers.
After that I made a reference image with my main inspirations :
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Then I started to sketch a bunch of ideas for the mount, trying to not choose the final design too early. The more iteration you make, the stronger your final choice will be.
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After creating several varied conceptual drawings, I created a more detailed sketch of the chosen drawing, keeping in mind that I could let myself change it if I thought of a better idea afterwards.
After creating the initial sketch, I created a basic colored version to test the composition. I didn’t want to waste time getting bogged down on small details that might change later.
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Modeling in 3D : I started by making a block out for the body, and then adding the props on it. I worked on all the pieces a little bit at a time to make sure the proportions matched up well. Watching Youtube tutorials also helped me when creating the body since this was the first time I have modeled something animal related.
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What methodology I will use next time :
Make a block out for the entire project
Check volume/sizing according to your modelsheets or your concept reference,
Add Detail once to every part of the model, but keep an eye on your polycount,
If your polycount allows it, add detail a second time on more important parts of the model.
UVs mapping : UV mapping can often be a long and drawn out process for some people. After some testing, I found that using 3D Coat’s UV unwrap tools was definitely the easiest method to use. I switched between 3D Coat and Maya’s UVs editor while painting the texture. At this time I also decided to add the halo part on the horns and the legs (last minute idea).
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Texturing : The texturing process was a little messy for this project. I spent too much time focusing on the color and details of individual props instead of the harmony of the entire model. After a few missteps I was able to find a process that worked well and completed the texturing. Even after the model completion, I was able to gather the feedback that I had received online so that the next model I create will be even better.
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What methodology I will use next time :
Make a greyscaled base, 
Insert details (still in greyscale) and check the contrasts,
Add the ambient occlusion,
Add color gradient layers for every distinct materials in the texture,
Add details as beams of lights and reflection on metal material.
Rendering and exporting to Sketchfab : Considering the mount is shadeless (because the lighting and shadow information is painted in the texture), it was pretty quick to set the render up in Maya and in Sketchfab . The final model has the following textures : 
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I made a kind of a turn-over thing in Maya in order to have high resolution images of it for my portfolio. Since there were no light and the texture was 2K px, they were quick to do.
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Sketchfab viewer link : 
What went right ?
The final result looks quite well like what I had in mind at the very beginning, even if I changed/added a lot of things along the way.
I was able to get pretty close to the style used in WoW and have high hopes that I will get even closer in future projects.
Since I didn’t give myself a deadline on this project, I can’t say I failed at timing, even if I think this project took me a LOT of time (about few month on it). But regarding the fact that I almost started from scratch (on a knowledge and technique aspect) and that I had to re-learn a lot of thing through the way, it was normal for me to take that much time.
What could have gone better ?
This project was the very first personal work/concept I’ve done after 4 years break, so I forgot a lot about technique, shortcuts and methodology like I said earlier. So in consequence there is a lot of stuff I could have done better/quicker, here are the main stuff that made the journey longer and harder to me :
Time management : at first I was splitting my time between several projects, so I worked only few hours per day on the mount, I think this distract me a little. Sometimes it is better to focus on one thing to be more efficient. I also went back and edited several assets after watching tutorials, which cost me additional time.
Methodology : That is the big black spot in that project, like I said, I forgot a lot about methodology and how to start a project. So it made me lose time on almost every step of the project.
Conclusion and Closing Remarks
This project was a big jump into questioning my skill level, knowledge (or at least what I remembered from school) and capacity to keep going despite the difficulties.
It was a huge learning/re-learning experience and even if there was mixed feelings along the way, and even if at the end there is a lot of aspects about this mount that could be perfected, it was a successful experience for me.
Why ? :
I got back into my habits in Maya. I even learned new shortcuts I didn’t know back at school. Being comfortable with your software is essential.
I learned to use new software which simplified my life so much and will on future projects.
It forced me to search for new techniques of painting and I now understand better how to make textures quicker and more efficiently.
It helped me trust my instincts and taught me that sometimes not all advice is good to follow, and to trust a little more what I’ve learned in school even if this knowledge might be considered old-fashioned now.
It allowed me to meet generous people in the art community, who gave me encouragement, feedback, tips and helped me get through it.
Thanks to all the folks that helped me, followed me, watched my streams along the journey that this project was. I hope this post will encourage some of you to keep going if you encounter difficulties achieving your goal.
The harder, the better the result will be ! Or at least you’ll learn something from it.
Images /Tutorials /Artist I used as references :
Ashleigh Warner’s work on Warlords of Draenor - https://www.artstation.com/artist/ashdoodles
Coloring with gradiant maps by Marc Brunet -  https://youtu.be/wUeQsUJTz8I
Model a dog by Jeff Slominsky - https://youtu.be/j5aFJzn-ZYQ
My Pinterest board : https://fr.pinterest.com/mhagnusgame/p-vall%C3%A9e-dombrelune/
You can follow me on and see more of my work on :
Twitter : https://twitter.com/MhagnusGame
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/mhagnus_pauline/
ArtStation : https://www.artstation.com/artist/paulinep
DeviantArt : http://thegreenchick.deviantart.com/
Sketchfab : https://sketchfab.com/PaulinePouchtajevitch#
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minsarasarahair · 4 months
End of Medicine chapter from AD episode 2/Medicine part 2
Scene: Lou Zhu is already so done with this youth so he's saying his farewell after being betrayed but Zuo Yunqi insisted to stay in Lou Zhu's Best Tower explaining they already have close relationship anyway. Lou Zhu gives in after Zuo Yunqi bribe him with a card game.)
(I made this for myself and a MTL so take it with a grain of salt. I love this scene and made me ship LouZuo hard. I really like how the ad theme song build up in the background.)
Zuo Yunqi voiced by Deng Youxi (Xie Lian from Tian Guan Ci Fu s2 donghua)
Lou Zhu voiced by Zhao Yi (Xiao Se from Shao Nian Ge Xing donghua)
You can listen to the first 4 chapters/arcs (Medicine, Poison, Illness, Tuo Huang HQ infiltration) of the audio drama for free as sample in Missevan which is a good deal because usually AD only have 2 first episodes free. Then pay for the whole story if you enjoyed it or interested. Its a funny but angsty transmigration short story but worth it.
Difference of this scene in AD/novel vs donghua
Zuo Yunqi is the one who persuaded Lou Zhu who already wish to cut their ties with the youth after the betrayal so that Zuo Yunqi can stay as a tenant in Lou Zhu's Best Tower while in the donghua, Lou Zhu and Xiao Xue are the one who persuaded ZYQ to stay as their security guard because they feel bad and its dangerous for him to be out there after Zuo Dao stating he'll kill his own son in the next time he see him.
Zuo Yunqi is a Best Tower's tenant in the AD/book but he tend to volunteer himself to do the investigation like an errand boy to help Lou Zhu while Zuo Yunqi is Lou Zhu's bodyguard in the donghua.
Zuo Yunqi gave Naihe incense as a gift and his pay rent to Lou Zhu in the AD/book while in the donghua, its more like a compensation after what happened in Lou Zhu's Best Tower (Lying to Lou Zhu, Destroying Lou Zhu's office during the chaos).
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minsarasarahair · 8 months
You Yao donghua actually treat the characters more kinder and respect their wishes hence why I do think most characters get their happy ending. If its not happy. Its more hopeful than the novel version. The novel is sadistic and depressing.
Lou Zhu
Novel: Lou Zhu is a scheming two-faced hedonist antihero but secretly has conscience somehow. In the novel, only ZYQ know about Lou Zhu's 8th floor (secret basement). At the end of the main story, he stated that he will meet ZYQ again in the future and it ended with them parting ways. After the mainstory's war. LZ who become more rich focus in sealing singularity and eliminating Tuo Huang remnants but can't fix that transmigrator soul replacing problem. In the extra, he mentioned that he want to visit Pangmen one day to visit ZYQ but the novel equivalent of Pangmen is like Tian Ya Ke's ghost valley so going there is dangerous so he can't do it because of his current situation. ZYQ also don't want to endanger Lou Zhu's life for him so they are stuck in long distance relationship. In that reunion extra, they reunited because LZ asked for a poison's antidote from ZYQ. As the leader of Pangmen, he's knowledgeable with different types of poison.
Donghua: He reunited with ZYQ after years of being separated similar to novel extra but situation are different. He finally visit the peaceful version of Pangmen and probably considering it as his retirement home because of the beautiful mountains and clear water around it that fits his ideal home requirement. LZ will probably consult ZYQ for a medicine because ZYQ became a nutritionist. LZ probably suppress the transmigrator soul replacing problem information from others to avoid chaos but he gave them a choice to try the singularity to return home because in the novel, Long Daxia is the one who tell them about it. In the donghua, the people present when Jiao Jiaoran revealed that are Tuo Huang transmigrators, Lou Zhu, Lin Kai, and Long Daxia.
Zuo Yunqi
Novel: He's more like a tenant of Best Tower and Lou Zhu's errand boy in the novel. He's a prideful stubborn guy who prefer the role to be the one who earn money and protect Lou Zhu. The reason why he's separated from Lou Zhu is he want to be in equal grounds with Lou Zhu. He don't like the idea of Lou Zhu protecting him. Protecting LZ is his way of courting him. If he didn't became a leader of Pangmen sect, he has no way of helping Lou Zhu because not only his body is too weak after almost dying but he can't cultivate his martial arts anymore. He will definitely become useless if he stayed by Lou Zhu's side.
Donghua: ZYQ experienced becoming Lou Zhu's bodyguard as his temporary job while staying in Best Tower and eventually became a successful healthy business man/nutritionist so they are now in equal grounds. The ending gives you a hopeful feeling that they will definitely be together because ZYQ's conditions in the novel are all fulfilled.
Li Ke & Zhou Rongqi (Angst ending)
Novel: Both Li Ke and Zhou Rongqi experienced living their life alone after their loved one died. In the novel, Li Ke killed himself first in their first arc so Zhou Rongqi did experienced surviving alone. In the end, Li Ke travelled around Da Liang while knowing that the Chunfeng ci bi dagger he carried has Prince Yu's soul in it after Tao Zhongchi mentioned it. He wish to meet Prince Yu again in his next life.
Donghua: ZYQ told Li Ke that the dagger possibly has Prince Yu's soul so Li Ke was overjoyed knowing that Prince Yu is not gone gone and tried to find a way to reunite with Prince Yu. He entered a singularity with the dagger to transmigrate together. If you have read the reverse isekai au extra, its really possible that they manage to meet again in 21st century and live happily. Its a hopeful ending. Watch Cheng He Ti Tong (How Dare You) donghua episode 1, they really transmigrated to 21st century!!!
Lin Kai & Tao Zhongchi
Novel: Lin Kai and Tao Zhongchi's connection in work terms was mentioned but didn't dive deeper about it. Lin Kai didn't even tried to save Tao Zhongchi by himself when she was kidnapped. He sent Xie Liang to save her. So Lin Kai suddenly asking Tao Zhongchi if she's fine to be his wife in the ending look like it came out of nowhere. Tao Zhongchi rejected him and then replied to him honestly that she's not interested for now but she might consider it in the future.
Donghua: The donghua build their romance well. It showed Lin Kai being saved by her, falling in love with her, getting rejected by her, respecting the girl's career-oriented mindset, saving her in time of trouble and finally getting the yes from Tao Zhongchi. They are a very cute straight pair.
Tan Qinghuan
Novel: Wulin alliance treat her more harshly. Lou Zhu not only lies he has amnesia and pretend he's the guy Tan Qinghuan looking for. He also don't take seriously his promise to Tan Qinghuan that he will make sure if he ever found her loved one, that person will live in a peaceful world. Novel version of Da Liang is not peaceful at all after the ending lol Its a very twisted world.
Donghua: Everyone in Wulin alliance tried to talk with her and genuinely listen to her sad ABC story. Lou Zhu treated him more kindly like a friend and promised sincerely that he will try his best to make a peaceful place for everyone like Tan Qinghuan's special someone. She's thankful that Lou Zhu is a good person. Then they buried her. Da Liang is more peaceful in the donghua.
Lin Kai's friendship
Novel: Lou Zhu and Lin Kai is an insufferable scheming duo who love playing as neutral bystanders. Lou Zhu and Long Daxia is in bad terms who often see being sarcastic to each other. Lou Zhu mock Long Daxia's recklessness while Long Daxia mock his cowardice. Somehow Lin Kai is more ambitious with hidden agenda and don't like it whenever Lou Zhu show conscience in the novel.
Donghua: Donghua explore more the healthy friendship of Lin Kai with Long Daxia and Lou Zhu. Despite their differences, Long Daxia and Lou Zhu have decent relationship. Lin Kai is a good friend and likable character.
Zhou Jingyi, the emperor
Novel: He's straight up a bad person who blame transmigrators once bad things happened and mistreated Prince Yu's family. His son is a bad child who also want to kill.
Donghua: Still a bad person but his insecurities and anxiety was showed in the beginning. Then gradually lose his trust to transmigrators thanks to Jiao Jiaoran's wrongdoings. He's not downright evil and even entrusted his crown prince to Xiao Xue to teach his son about transmigrators' knowledge. He didn't killed her. It resulted the crown prince developing a good mindset with who don't want to hurt people under Xiao Xue's teachings.
Zuo Dao
Novel: ZYQ threatened his dad Zuo Dao to give him the Liruo so that he can manipulate the transmigrators to not leave and fix Lou Zhu's problem. Leaving him with no choice, ZYQ gave him a poison that killed him resulting ZYQ somehow becoming the next Zuo Dao that can't run away from using poison to survive in Jianghu. Zuo Dao tell ZYQ that ZYQ will never escape his fate to become a bad person similar to his dad in his last breath so ZYQ starts to doubt himself if he can actually became a good person. Sadly, ZYQ really do evil actions in extra and no longer consider himself as good person.
Donghua: ZYQ tried to find a better alternative medicine to cure his dad but failed. ZYQ told him though that he don't want to be like his father sincerely and will definitely show him that genuine goodness exist in this world. Zuo Dao has more peaceful death and gives his son a good luck to whatever he want to achieve.
Xiao Xue
Novel: She barely have a role in the story and disappeared after the first arc. Lou Zhu originally has two main maids in the novel, Xiao Xue and Xiao Yu.
Donghua: Alive and she became a hostage to teach the crown prince about transmigrators' knowledge. Later, she became the new emperor's trusted advisor just like what the former emperor wanted.
Charlie Norman and the Miss who own the pastry shop
Novel: Long Daxia and Qian Zhenduo kinda used Charlie to get info about Jiao Jiaoran and the factory. The Miss was mentioned possibly being interested to the foreigner secretly but when Charlie was asked if he's going to marry. He said no because he's going to leave to find his homeland. In the Fuyang incident, she embraced someone's dead body in the same spot where Charlie lose consciousness and then got hit by explosion. She gave him the armor she's wearing so Charlie can survive. She died and Charlie manage to survive alone but lose his hearing. He didn't know who gave him the armor. Nevertheless, he continue searching for his homeland if it exist in this new world.
Donghua: Charlie is the one interested in her and tried to propose to her many times. They both died together while embracing each other in the middle of Fuyang massacre after the Miss accepted Charlie's Marry Me if she will come to him find his homeland together. At least they are together lol and Charlie returned her feelings? They both like each other! Well, the home concept in You Yao is you can find your home in someone and not a place so Charlie finding his homeland came true as he fall in love with the Miss. In the ending, Long Daxia and Qian Zhenduo formed a genuine friendship with Charlie so they rode a ship to try to find their dead friend's homeland.
Xie Liang & Fan Aiguo
Novel: In the final arc, Fan Aiguo and Xie Liang actually saved Long Daxia before he fell to where Jiao Jiaoran fell into like true noble heroes. Before that, they also tried to save Lou Zhu when emperor tried to kill him but they are used as scapegoats. Lou Zhu also ordered Fan Aiguo to plagiarize a story and Xie Liang is the one who saved Tao Zhongchi. In the ending, Fan Aiguo decided to stay in this world to explore more being a writer so Xie Liang invited him to his Xiaoxiang villa to stay there.
Donghua: Sadly, they didn't saved any important characters but they do help in simple matters like making sure Tuo Huang members will not fall to their death, the delivery men for the weapons and they are the one who breaks free the snake to destroy Lou Zhu's best tower. Xie Liang has confirmation too from Fan Aiguo that he will also not leave their world.
Long Daxia & Qian Zhenduo
Novel: Travelling couple LongQian is already together way before the Fuyang incident. They met earlier. Long Daxia actually love earning money for Xiao Qian as his love language so Xiao Qian will stop swindling anyone to earn and survive. In the novel, they don't have designated places to go while travelling because their home was destroyed already as result of the war. The public misunderstood their relationship as just master-disciple who live in seclusion somewhere.
Donghua: LongQian met later. In the donghua, they travelled together because Long Daxia wish to see the world from ordinary person's perspective through Xiao Qian's eyes and to try their luck searching for Charlie's homeland as tribute for their deceased friends.
Jiao Jiaoran
Novel: Straight up crazy bad person raised in bad environment who's also one of the leaders of a syndicate and interested in studying Singularities. She actually watched when Lou Zhu was hit by a car and died in his first life. She assumed she killed him because she predicted that there's a singularity to where Lou Zhu died.
Donghua: Her origin story is never revealed. Still a bad person but her motive is different. The reason why she's against the natives is because of discrimination and she look down on them because of her advanced modern knowledge unlike Lou Zhu who tried to bridge the gap between natives and transmigrators. She only met Lou Zhu in the donghua but they are aware of each other's existence in the novel.
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minsarasarahair · 4 months
Scenes in the novel where LouZuo are making sure they understand each other. I love a ship without miscommunication. Not exact words but based on what I remember. Its a mix of ad and novel version.
Medicine arc LZ: See you around. Till next time? ZYQ: Wait, are you not going to ask anything to me? LZ: I do have one. ZYQ: Then ask? LZ: Why you must play a game of chess? You can just steal the naihe incense behind your father's back and be done with it. ZYQ: That won't work. My dad is stubborn and don't give up easily if he didn't see it get destroyed in front of his eyes. LZ: Is it Lin Kai's idea? ZYQ: No, its mine. LZ: You can go now. I'm done asking. ZYQ: I want to give you this gift. Smaller Naihe incense. You can sell it and make money from it. LZ: Young man, you're way of doing things is very Pangmen. ZYQ: I'm different from them. I'm a good person. Its also my payment to live here. LZ: Since when I agree you're living here? What if the emperor found out about this? He'll definitely kill me. ZYQ: I'll disguise and work for you. LZ: I don't lack servants. ZYQ: But you lack me? Who will talk to you about your past, present and future? You still haven't tell me about other transmigrators stuff? Who will play card games with you? One game eveyday would be great, right? LZ: Make it 3.
Tuo Huang's hideout arc ZYQ: Lou Zhu, there's something I want to confirm. Prince Yu said you know his failed revolt but the emperor doesn't know. Do you know why? LZ: Why? ZYQ: First, your intelligence network must been more powerful than the emperor's. Second, you decided to supress that information so it won't spread. Third, its because you're still an outsider after all. LZ: Yes, there are natives who treat us equally but there's also people who don't. How can I survive this far if I didn't do it? ZYQ: I stole the banned book. I hope its helpful to you. Will you report it to the emperor? LZ: No, we will keep it to ourselves. ZYQ: So this is your stance? LZ: My stance? My goal is to lie on my money until the day I die. If one day someone will take this pleasure of mine, I'll use the chips I saved and gamble all I got.
Public opnion war arc ZYQ: Let me be clear? What are you fighting for? What the Wulin alliance stands for? LZ: Pacifism. An era where natives and transmigrators live peacefully together. ZYQ: Then why are you not doing anything? LZ: I miss the opportunity. ZYQ: Make anti-war poems? LZ: Is there anyone in Wulin literate enough to write? ZYQ: No. We only have ruffians who barely know few phrases and characters here. LZ: !!! Thank you for the suggestion! *goes to Fan Aiguo and tell him to write a novel*
Stealing the crown prince arc ZYQ: What? You want me to kidnap the prince? LZ: Basically I want you to kidnap the crown prince and then- ZYQ: Shut up. Don't talk. To put it simply, you want the prince so in case Prince Yu or the emperor died you guys will benefit from it? You can turn him into a puppet emperor. LZ: Exactly. ZYQ: Ok. Got it. LZ: Any questions? ZYQ: None. I'll prepare my things. LZ: I have one. ZYQ: Ask? LZ: I-If you don't want to do it, I can just find someone to do it for me. There's possibility you'll meet your father. ZYQ: I'll do it. I can't hide from my father forever. I have to face him.
Interrogation to Tan Qinghuan arc LZ: *realized ZYQ is looking at him* Xiao Yunqi, what are you thinking of? ZYQ: I'm thinking about what I learned from Tan Qinghuan's story. LZ: What did you learn? ZYQ: Protecting someone is the best courtship and true love will make you stronger. LZ: Xiao Yunqi, do you like me? ZYQ: What are you saying? LZ: I'm beautiful, multitalented, and rich. I very much appreciate your protection. ZYQ: This is extorting. LZ: Then I'm wrong? I guess I have to try harder. ZYQ: I'm not strong enough to be your bodyguard. LZ: I can wait. Don't let me wait for long tho.
Last battle against Tuo Huang arc ZYQ: You know right? LZ: Waiting for me? ZYQ: Your plan won't work. Is there no other way? LZ: Xiao Yunqi, I'm not a god. I don't always have the solution to everything. ZYQ: You really can't think of anything? LZ: There is but I'll not say it until I'm sure of it. ZYQ: Just say it. LZ: We can use this snake to destroy the pillar of Best Tower. ZYQ: Use it under the Best Tower and use the airplane for the top as distraction! Then what are we waiting for? LZ: How to say this... I only have one snake. It will take years until its destroyed. You'll probably have a grandson by then. ZYQ: ... *later, figure out Naihe incense can make the snake bigger and so their plan worked*
No medicine. Last scene in main story. ZYQ: Are you sure you want to stay in this world? Its dangerous here. LZ: I know. ZYQ: Maybe I can't protect you. LZ: Don't take what i said seriously back then. ZYQ: i'm serious though. I'm going to take over Pangmen and slowly get stronger. After all, I still have unfulfilled wishes. LZ: You already made your decision so do whatever you think is right. You don't have to worry about me. I can protect myself. But remember, a medicine can hurt others and poison can save others. It just depends on the heart of the person who use it. ZYQ: All these years, there's no poison user who became a noble hero. LZ: You can be the first one. ZYQ: What if I became a villain like my father? LZ: Then, I'll have to kill you. ZYQ: We will meet again right? LZ: One day, we will meet again.
LouZuo after 5 years extra. LZ: Can't you stay with me? ZYQ: Lou Zhu, can you ask again what you asked me back then. I haven't reply properly. LZ: Xiao Yunqi, do you like me? ZYQ: I do. Very much. That's why I can't stay with you. I want to help you as long as I can and I refuse to be a burden. I made a promise and won't break it. LZ: Then just like the Qixi story, we'll wait. Forever loyal to each other and only reunite ocassionally.
Reverse isekai AU extra. (Modern setting/Lou Zhu's OG world) ZYQ: Don't you want to become CEO and avenge your death? I will not surrender to an enemy. I'll just investigate to find evidence and don't kill anyone. LZ: Before, you want to lead the Pangmen and now you want to be an undercover agent? You shouldn't have follow me in the first place! What will it do to you? Benefit? You're just seeking death. Those rich people will just squash you like an insect. Your life means nothing to them. Can we just move on and don't pursue it? Don't make me tie you up. ZYQ: *sighs* I confess. I'm late so I didn't get food poisoning unlike you. Its my choice to follow you. LZ: Why? You still have the Pangmen? ZYQ: First, I'm worried about you. Second, there's no point staying in Da Liang without you. Third, I prefer to be a sword that can unsheathe by you. My years in Pangmen as sect leader is very lonely. When I first arrived here and fought with my martial arts again, I was very happy. This new body is not the best but its better than my original body. Lou Zhu, I don't really care what will benefit me. I only care what's right and wrong because back then all my life I always do evil actions for justice but this time I can finally choose. You understand me, right? LZ: sighhsss <- lose the argument
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minsarasarahair · 8 months
3 quotes from Lou Zhu that Zuo Yunqi always remember whenever he almost take the wrong path in the donghua. 1. "The thing about life is being able to choose. Do as you see fit." / "Everyone has the right to make choices for themselves." 2. "Remember one thing, don't get ahead of yourself."/ "Remember one thing, don't try to be a hero." 3. "Every life is precious."
Donghua ZYQ probably already killed his own father without Lou Zhu's words lmao I guess this is the thing donghua Lou Zhu did better than his book version: Warning ZYQ before ZYQ did something harmful. I'm afraid he will do something stupid next episode ughhh I like that Lou Zhu always give ZYQ the agency to choose for himself. But well, I can't fully blame book Lou Zhu because he also didn't saw through ZYQ's plan and he blame himself for what happened to ZYQ in the extra story. He also took it back and even stated its just a joke but ZYQ is like NOPE IM SERIOUS IN PROTECTING YOU. He literally think his plan that he mentioned to ZYQ will never work too but ZYQ miraculously made it work. There are really people who take words seriously so lesson learned is we should always be careful of what we say to others. Example are Wei Wuxian's promise that became a big deal to Jiang Cheng, Xie Lian's words to Hua Cheng that became his reason to keep living, and Lou Zhu's words that became ZYQ's greatest love language.
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