#will an ai write the rarepair fics i wish i could read?
I’ve appreciated Zee Bashew’s D&D videos for a few years now, but his most recent one about AI art is so poignant and well done for a short little stream-of-thought style video. This is one of the most interesting and realistic takes I’ve seen on this very fraught topic. 
My heart goes out to all the artists out there who are (rightfully) upset about their intellectual property being stolen to feed algorithms, but “trying to punch the sea” is the best analogy I’ve seen about the phenomenon. It’s how I feel whenever I see people suggesting boycotts or other action against an individual AI art company. Hopefully some useful legislation eventually comes out to regulate art theft for AI use, but the AIs aren’t going anywhere. The relentless march of technology will not stop at this the same way it has never stopped for any of the trades and skills it has crushed underfoot. 
The only thing to do is adapt to the new world we find ourselves in, and appreciate the talented people around us who continue to make art and write stories and create because they can. Because they’re here. Because they want to express something unique to them. 
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