#will abduct your princess and try to force her into marriage
hedgee777 · 1 day
CW: yandere themes, obsessive behavior, kidnapping/abduction, death threat, possessiveness, manipulation/gaslighting, force relationship.
Yandere pirate Jade x princess reader
Yandere pirate Jade who kidnaps you and forces you to become her queen
Yandere pirate Jade who spoils you rotten. No matter how much you refused her jewelry or golds, the female pirate won't stop gifting it to you
Yandere pirate Jade who manipulates you into believing that you can't live without her. She's the one who protects you, feeds you, takes care of you, etc. Besides, weren't your royal parents too pushy about marriage with a famous prince?
Yandere pirate Jade who won't force you to get engaged immediately. After all, she is patient. The woman will give you plenty of time to get to know her. She's sure that's soon or later you will fall for her
Yandere pirate Jade who loves dressing you up. From hair brushing, makeup, to putting various dresses on you, the pink haired women can't help but admire you.
Yandere pirate Jade who threatens you to kill your family if you ever try to escape. Trust me, it's better to listen to her. The women is in charge of the ship after all. If she comments to her crew mates to associate her loved ones, then they will listen to her without hesitation. And just like you they are also terrified of her. Because if they disobey, then they will never see a light in their life ever again.
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yanderes-galore · 8 months
I have a question.
Could you do a yandere alphabet for Bowser (from the Mario franchise)?
Of course!
Tagging @montygatorshusband as they also requested this.
Original Bowser Concept
Yandere Alphabet - Bowser
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Kidnapping, Delusional behavior, Possessive behavior, Manipulation, Stockholm syndrome, Anger issues, Stalking implied, Forced marriage/relationship.
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Bowser is a yandere to kidnap you before properly getting to know you. When he likes you, he takes you. It's what he's used to.
He's also rather possessive which would make him an intense yandere.
Bowser comes off rather strong and slowly tries to get used to you resisting him. Most of his obsession happens after abduction. He tries his best to be nice and tries to win you over however he can once he has you in his grasp.
Really... what were you expecting from a villain who kidnaps a princess every game to make her love him?
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Messy. Bowser is willing to fight to keep you with him. He's a very lonely and possessive Koopa when he's fallen for you.
After all, you both have kids to take care of. He can't have them without a secondary parent, can he? He doesn't plan on losing his partner.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
He'd give you all the luxury you could ever want as long as you reciprocate. He wouldn't want to mock you unless you decide to antagonize him.
If you take what he does for granted or fight him... then a cage will do for now until you accept his love.
If you hate him and fight him then he may mock you.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
If he sees you aren't reciprocating right away, which you most likely won't, he'll force some things.
However he tries to be patient when he realizes he's hurting you. Bowser has a tendency to be impatient, though.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
If you let him, he can be pretty vulnerable with you. He really is lonely deep down inside and just wants someone to live with him other than his kids. He has the potential to be very caring.
The issue is courting you... which he has no idea how to do.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
Irritated and very annoyed. He feels he's trying his best to make things work. Yet you keep throwing it back in his face!
If you fought back then he feels he has to isolate more. As a result he only makes it harder for you to love him. It's an endless cycle until you develop Stockholm Syndrome if you fight him.
Not a game but he does take a little pleasure in seeing you attempt escape. He knows you aren't leaving though. The castle he keeps you in is locked tight with many troops.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Bowser is prone to outbursts when frustrated. Your worst experience would most likely be one of these moments. Bowser could get pretty scary in these moments, too.
He'll be roaring, yelling, spitting fire...
When he sees you freak out he tries to relent but he really does struggle with anger.
He'd try to never hurt you but if he does he tries to make things up to you.
So really, three different things.
His outbursts, him harming you (usually by accident due to his strength), and him isolating you.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Rather basic considering who he is. He wants to marry you and have you be a family with his children. He thinks you two can be wonderful parents.
Stockholm Syndrome or not, he really hopes he'll have that future with you.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Yes and he will lash out. Due to his anger issues if he feels someone is trying to take you away he'll make it known. He isn't one to cope.
Yet if you scolded him for it, he'd be taken aback but probably listen.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
He tries to be very caring and affectionate. He'll hold you and nuzzle into you, he'll feed you high quality food, give you a warm bed... you'll be treated as royalty. After all, his little spouse only deserves the best.
If you gave in he can be a bit possessive yet very sweet. If you fought him then he'll be crueler but will relent as you give in. He only has so much patience to be nice if you keep resisting.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
It's already been established but Bowser would jump right into kidnapping. He may watch you for awhile when he first meets you somehow but shortly afterwards he jumps into his decision of just taking you away.
Point is, he's bad at courting.
He's softer with you and aggressive towards others, so I'd say he would be different.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Isolation primarily, or he'd stick you in a small cage hanging from the ceiling to look at you like a prize.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
If he trusts you, you can roam the less dangerous parts of the castle. For the most part he takes just your freedom and social interaction like most yanderes.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
For the most part he tries to be patient, but he's impatient.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
He'd mourn for a long time but maybe he'll move on? Depends how attached he is.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
No and most likely not.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
He's rather isolated and lonely, plus he hates rejection and being feared. So probably a combo of this.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
He wants to hold and comfort you, but if you aren't comfortable he'll try to leave you alone for a short amount of time.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Jumps straight into kidnapping faster than most.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
He won't let you go but giving him affection will make things easier.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
He tries not to, if he did he tries to fix things.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
Not really a worship yandere but he does care a great deal about you. He would go to great lengths to keep you, even if it includes violence.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Not very long, give him a few months or weeks honestly.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Most likely, yes.
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dungeonpuppykai · 1 year
|| Bliss ||
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Description: What happens when a spoiled and disgraced Princess is handed off to an ex-Winter Soldier as a strategy for the royal family to be rid of her and ensure the Soldier's loyalty to them at the same time?
Pairing: Dark Ex-Winter Soldier!Bucky Barnes | Brat Princess!Reader.
Disclaimer: I (unfortunately) do not own Bucky Barnes or the Winter Soldier arc. This story contains dark and mature content so browse at your own discretion, please. Minors do not interact.
Warning(s): Dub-con, Dark!Bucky, arranged marriage, Brat!Reader, Brat Tamer!Bucky.
Note: I wasn't gonna post this so soon but y'all really surprised me with the feedback on the first part. Thank you so much for all the love, muah! As always, I appreciate your thoughts <3 Also, this is my first time doing a tag list so I am very sorry if I messed up or missed anyone! 🩷
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The Queen would have never in a thousand years expected to bear witness to the scene that unfolded before her at the breakfast table of the day after the Princess' wedding with Chief James. The woman that walked out of her chambers was worlds different from the proud girl that had stormed inside them just the preceding night. 
Princess Y/n's wedding that took place the prior day had been nothing but a source of gossip, ridicule and embarrassment for her family and herself. At first, the Queen's step-daughter had refused to show up and delayed her entrance for an hour. Then she refused to walk down the aisle only to argue about her vows when she finally did, refusing to agree (to obey him) at first and then denying her pronounced husband the kiss which would finalize the union, constantly misbehaving at the wedding feast and refusing to sit next to James.
She held very strongly to the swear that he stank of sweat and blood even though the man was obviously clean (who wouldn't be on their wedding day!) and properly dressed in his uniform of the army chief. 
The exhausting struggle to get her to enter her chambers for the night had been another challenge where she demanded a separate place for her husband, refusing him any proximity to herself. It was how the whole ordeal had taken hours until the woman retired herself to her chambers after calling for the King to come and either speak or force some sense into his daughter that she found the sight before her impossible to believe. 
Am I dreaming? 
Just what happened in the few hours that passed after the King had somehow succeeded in getting her to stoop low enough to allow the Chief entry into her chambers?
This was not the Y/n Esther knew. 
Curled up into Chief James' side, Y/n's cheek was pressed against her husband's shoulder due to the close proximity of their bodies as one of her hands held his vibranium one, fingers intertwined. The woman had to blink twice to try and clear her vision. 
The Princess had never left a chance to ridicule his arm or his condition that the technology experts who served the King directly had cured him of his condition where a chant turned him into a brainless killer. Of course, as nothing ever comes without a price, Chief James traded his loyalty and lifetime service to serve the Kingdom as a protector for as long as he'd live. It was obvious how the man was desperate to rid himself of the effects of what he called the Winter Soldier program that he had been forced into after being abducted from his home. 
Though after finally escaping from his cruel masters, when he had tried to return to the place he once called home, he was refused entry and failed to be identified as a native. Whether it was the work of his previous owners or the government simply wanted to avoid any association with the once notorious killer was a mystery. However, it served as a golden opportunity for Esther's husband to offer asylum and cure to the abandoned and beaten down man. Someone with the experience and reputation of Chief James as the Army Head was exactly what the Kingdom had needed to avoid attempts of any possible invasions. And had the former Winter Soldier not taken up the offer, they surely had been plundered by one neighbour or the other long ago. 
The marriage had not changed Y/n's status as the Princess and the Queen had fully expected her to use it as grounds for every ridiculous antic possible as the pompous and ungrateful brat that she was. But the way her step-daughter gingerly disconnected herself from her husband briefly to pull a chair out for him to sit at the table while shyly batting her lashes at him caused the older woman to almost choke on her drink. 
The Princess' voice was inaudible as she whispered something to the man with a smile, giggling quietly by hiding her face in her hands at something he replied with, a smirk on his face and a hold of one of her hips in his hand. The girl started to fill his plate while still standing up beside her now seated husband, avoiding his gaze out of shyness. 
So uncharacteristic. 
For once in all the years she had been alive, Y/n was present at the breakfast table on time today. Her usual complaints and tossing of the food was also nowhere in sight as she happily ate her breakfast, a smile on her face all the while. She even behaved appropriately with her father and half-brothers for once, not really paying any heed to Esther whatsoever. Though usually the girl went out of her way to insult the woman in every way she could. 
The Princess had made it clear for the Queen from the very start that she could never be her mother. 
The feelings though, had always been fairly mutual. 
Though just what had caused the unbelievable shift with respect to Y/n's well known dislike for the man who was currently making her eat everything she usually made a fuss about, had done the impossible of having her sit besides him obediently, had made an unrecognizable person out of the Princess, Esther would trade anything to find out.
Just what had Chief James done to his wife in only a couple hours that she appeared to be a whole another person?
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Tag list <3: @ireneop @princezzjasmine @nd264 @angiestopit
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secretaryunpaid · 3 years
Losing Crown Princess Eleanor...
Word Count:1995
Rating: Mature
Warning(s): Emotional and physical trauma, spontaneous abortion, anxiety, abduction
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~~~~~  Losing Princess Eleanor… ~~~~~
Riley had learned that she was pregnant less than a month after returning from her honeymoon… She already felt it in her heart, but was afraid to test her theory… she didn’t want to take away from the magical memories she had shared with her loving husband…
Sex on the beach, then sex in the villa, to sex on the flight home… She could never have enough of her husband’s body, nor he hers… But she didn’t want to put him on an emotional rollercoaster with all of the scandalous press that had been published of their love escapades in the waters of the beautifully secluded private island he purchased for her as a wedding gift… one of many she would discover over time.
Liam wanted to spoil his Queen, knowing that she wouldn’t agree to his suggestions of her having property outside of his Valtoria estate that he gifted to her … He never spoke of his time there with Alina… it wouldn’t erase their history… it wouldn’t bring her back… When he found Riley, nothing from his past mattered anymore… or so he’d convinced himself. He went on to secretly purchase islands in the Maldives, along the Amalfi Coast, France, and Monterisso. His plans were to have purchased properties throughout the world for her to escape should she ever tire of her Queenly duties.
Little did he know that the Queen of Spies would be drawn to Cordonia for discussions of an alliance simply because he had purchased a lavish estate for his new bride in her country. He had also found the courage to visit property in Auvernal owned by his deceased mother. His father had hidden this from him, never wanting him to have anything to do with any parts of the country… blaming his refusal to form an alliance with them or implement Eleanor’s joint project requests as the cause for her assassination. 
It had been bequeathed to him in her will, but this information had not come to light until Riley uncovered the property deeds and project folder in Eleanor’s secret study. This also drew Queen Isabella and King Bradshaw to Cordonia seeking an alliance as well, especially since their spies had told them Monterisso was approaching for an alliance.
It was shortly after their marriage that the Queen would be abducted and held for the highest ransom Liam would ever have requested of him, his life in return for that of his Queen. He would tell no one of his decision to give his life freely over to his enemy, as he knew that she would probably lose her life in their feeble attempts to prevent his choice.  
He would receive a summons from none other than Anton Severus. The images sent with the request immediately caused Liam to vomit. His worst fears were realized before his eyes. Anton had severely beaten Riley, her clothes tattered … her face, filthy and swollen… Anton wasn’t without his own bruises, signifying that his Queen had put up a valiant effort to free herself from her captor. The dried blood stains throughout her torso were sending daggers through Liam’s heart. The last thing removed from the envelope was a flash drive…He opened his laptop, inserting it into the usb port… 
Clicking on the folder with much apprehension, it opens to show a video file. Fearing what he may see… Liam decided not to watch, unsure if it was cowardice or fearing that he may act irrationally, endangering Riley’s life even more… He arranges an unmarked car, and exits the castle through a secret passage. 
As he makes his way to the destination, Olivia enters his office, having just received word of Riley’s capture. In his haste, Liam failed to lock his desktop which worked to Olivia’s advantage. She saw the peculiar envelope on the desk, her usual curious nature taking control… she removed the contents and her heart wrenched at the sight of the photos… silently vowing to end her unwanted husband’s life.
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Olivia places a quick call to the only person that has been able to keep their identity hidden while assisting her during multiple operations. She immediately recognized the former Nevrakis stronghold, amazed that Anton could be so absentminded… or did he wish to be found? Regrettably, she does something Liam didn’t have the courage to do… watch the video content … She immediately loses her footing, feeling immense empathy for Riley hearing her tormentous wailing and muttered cries for Liam… begging him to just let her die… No woman should have to endure this… friend or foe. She takes the drive and other items … not wanting anyone else to know this happened to their beloved Queen.
As she heads to assist in the rescue, the video plays on repeat in her mind… her temper reaching its maximum… calming only when she realizes that Riley sent a message… if not followed to the letter, she and Liam were sure to be dead by the time of her arrival. She immediately calls her second most trusted ally… the Queen of Monterisso. “Amalas, I need your help…” Her former anxiety turned into a sinister excitement… accelerating at higher speeds to quickly reach her destination.
She knew that Anton would have many forces awaiting the King’s arrival, and half expected them to kill him before ever reaching Riley. But she remembered that the Nevrakis' way was to kill their own target, sending clear messages to anyone who heard of their actions, knowing they’d dare not speak a word. 
In her rush to cover traces of what was occurring with the King and Queen, she’d failed to notice that Drake had been covertly hiding in the shadows, curious as to why Olivia was exiting the King’s study. He’d heard her place a call to Amalas, and upon her walking a far enough distance not to notice, he peered into the open door, noting that Liam wasn’t present. This prompted him to follow Olivia. He immediately knew that something was up that everyone was trying to keep secret, but he wasn’t going to be left out if Liam needed him.
He also placed a call to Hana to let her know where he was headed should he not happen to return. Someone must know of his whereabouts. Sharing his location with her, she decided to play a bit of a spy queen of her own… one of her many talents being hacking advanced satellite systems and much more. The one thing she had not mastered was driving, so she needed help from someone she knew would want to be involved in this rescue effort… Maxwell Beaumont.
When Amalas and Olivia finally reached a safe enough area to proceed on foot, they were stealthily moving towards an entrance known only to Nevrakis. She knew that these things wouldn’t be shared with Anton, because their golden rule was to only entrust a blood born Nevrakis with this information. She truly hated to share this information with the Spy Queen, but now was not the time to keep to family tradition. 
~~~~~ Just before they were to fight off the remaining guards, exhausted but determined, Drake, Hana and Maxwell appear. It wouldn’t take long to rid themselves of their unwanted interference with rescuing the King and Queen. With Maxwell taking the final guard down, the beautiful stroke of his katana ended the last outside threat. 
Once inside, they witness the unfair sword fight ensuing below. Liam outnumbered, but holding his own. Olivia spots Anton Severus, holding a short blade to Riley’s throat, enjoying what looks to be the imminent defeat of Cordonia’s King. Underestimated, Liam stalks toward Anton, sword poised to strike at the moment he reaches him. 
His action was halted as he caught a glimpse of blood trickling along Riley’s neck, his only warning that her life would come to an end should he move closer. This was the first time the King faltered, refusing to allow her death at his urging. Anton motions for him to disarm. 
Tears flowing, Riley insists that he allow her to die… “Cordonia needs its King… Love, let me go… Please !!!!” Crying, he pleads for his life to be taken instead, falling to his knees in surrender. Sweet victory dripping from the demonic smile spreading across his face, Anton never notices the rescuers descending from above. 
Just as he draws his long sword, hoisting it high for a clean slice with the intent to decapitate, Hana sends a blow dart directly into his jugular, the poison immediately having effect… his sword falling away as he clenches his throat. His paralyzed form slumping to the ground. As Hana abhors murder, she only used enough to disarm her enemy, although the effects would take days to wear off.
Liam rushes to Riley, as Olivia frees her from the ropes, careful of any further injury. He kisses her gently, but syncope soon takes over. As he tried to wake her, Olivia noticed the pooling blood. Amalas and Hana do their best to stabilize her as they rush out after Oliva, Drake and Maxwell as Liam carries her protectively… 
Once everyone is in a vehicle, Drake drives full speed until Amalas can give him an ETA on the Life-flight she requested. Once she has coordinates, they arrive minutes later with emergency crew standing at the ready. Liam has to be pulled from her side constantly as they try to assess her. With everyone aboard, they are airlifted to the nearest Lythikos facility. But the Crown Princess would make her untimely arrival prior to landing… Everyone aboard witnessing the despair overtaking the King as he held Riley close, shaking his head no at her pleading looks… preventing her from trying to reach her still born princess, not caring about the treatment they were trying to give her. Her fight would not last long, as she loses consciousness before the King’s terrified eyes.
She would spend weeks in the private wing, Liam by her side.  Amalas, Olivia, Drake, Maxwell and Hana never leaving watch outside the inner room. Anton remained under heavy sedation deep within Olivia’s keep, supervised by her fiercest and loyal guards, awaiting Liam’s orders.
During their time there, the grieving monarchs were like two normal parents who’d suffered this tremendous loss. Liam held Riley as she recounted all of the things they would not get to do with their “Elly”... 
Never getting to sit in the dandelion fields as she loved to do as a child, watching the seeds blow away in the wind… running with the wind flowing through her hair. Never standing over her specialty crib they’d so lovingly selected together as excited as if she would be laying soundly inside as soon as it was assembled in the nursery… Never watching her stare at the paintings Riley spent hours muraling along her wall, with special ordered paints that would shine as the lighted mobile shone upon it as it turned… revealing the hidden treasures within the design. Never watching her fall asleep as her loving father sang the beautiful lullaby his mother sang to him for all of her time with him…
When that dreaded time came, Liam and Riley would have their first moment of time before their little one’s memorial tomb… telling of their love for her still and how much they wanted to watch her grow to be as fierce a leader as they’d become… It would be soon after that Liam would suffer a second tragedy, the fall into postpartum depression he would fight continually to help his wife overcome… feeling the same emotions as his beloved wife, only in a fatherly way…
It would be an announcement like none other… Not the expectation of Cordonia’s first female heir in centuries, but the tragic loss… It would be a Kingdom mourning as one...
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The Queen Returns, Summoned...
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νοσταλγία (Chapter 14)
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νοσταλγία  Masterlist
Pairing: Ivar/Reader
Summary: This is a retelling/romantization of the Greek myth of Persephone’s abduction with Ivar as Hades and you as Persephone. The Reader character is a Byzantine woman, follower of the Greek Pantheon/Religion, and a devoted follower of Persephone. This takes place after 5A, but the universe of this is a little changed in relation with the series, of course. Thank you for giving it a chance, hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 3.8k
Warnings: The usual, tho I should add mentions of polygyny
A/N: Hi!! Hope you like this chapter, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this!! Thank you so much for reading <3
Taglist: @youbloodymadgenius @heavenly1927 @toe-vind-ek-jou @xbellaxcarolinax @pieces-by-me @angelofthorr
You catch up to Ivar near the main hall, waiting for him outside the room Prince Hvitserk told you he’d be in with your hands crossed behind your back.
He eyes you with suspicion when he sees you, but still approaches and starts walking at your side.
“You are not here to apologize.”
Why would I? You want to retort, but instead you just shake your head.
“No, but…” You shrug, “I have trusted my mother more than anyone on this world, I will trust she knew what she was doing. I’ll choose to believe maybe the Goddess she worships has a reason for this to happen.”
“So you have accepted it, you will not fight anymore.” He states, and you raise your eyebrows in response.
“If you expect to see me defeated, King Ivar, I’m afraid you’ll be disappointed.”
“I would never want that.” He replies easily, squaring his shoulders as he returns his gaze ahead, and something tells you he is telling the truth. You do not know what to do with that knowledge.
“What do you want, then?” You ask boldly, surprising even yourself, “You get nothing out of marrying me. You are a smart man; you know you might lose power by making me your wife.”
He knows the answer, he knows. You have an inkling he is testing to see if you do, with how much certainty you can speak of power and its intricacies.
“You could marry a woman with…land here, a princess or an heir.” You explain, but Ivar just shrugs.
“I could still do that, I could find a second wife.”
You stop dead in your tracks at the realization that he could, and sensing you stop walking Ivar turns to you, eyebrows raised and the beginning of a mocking smile on his lips.
But to a child born in the cult of Persephone, promises of unloyalty are not something to be simply accepted. You were told that the Goddess you dedicated your life to was loyal and true to her husband even if she was a victim of him; you saw many new couples at your temple there to bless them with faithfulness and prosperity. You refuse the humiliation of sharing the one you are bound with before the Gods themselves.
So you walk the few steps that separate you, back straight and posture that of a woman with a confidence you do not truly have. What you do have, though, is arrogance, is pride, is relentlessness.
No man has made your nature change before, and certainly no King can, no matter how cruel.
You tilt your head and look into his eyes, unwavering.
“A Hiereia of Despoina does not take lightly to marriage. Your people may do things differently, but my people don’t, my Gods don’t,” Your heart remembers your homeland, your mother’s smiles as your father passed by and left a gentle caress on her face, her empty eyes as she waited for weeks for the ships that never returned, the love that years after their deaths all the way in Laconia -even with the bitterness of having lost their heir to Sparta to an Athenian- your family spoke of how blessed were they to have each other as husband and wife. The bitterness and grief make your resolve falter for a moment, but you still continue, “Before your Gods and my own I will promise loyalty to you, I will promise faithfulness. I ask-…no, I demand the same in return.”
“You demand.” He repeats, clearly a mock, a bait that you choose not to bite this time.
You nod.
“Which brings me back to my question, Viking,” You lift your eyebrows, “What is it you want?”
“I want many things,” He replies vaguely, shrugging before turning eyes like Greek fire to your own. “But I demand nothing more than that.”
With a small sound of exertion, he turns his back to you and continues walking towards the main room of the longhouse, leaving you dumbfounded and partly impressed, leaving you with the realization you played exactly how he wanted you to.
It feels like those times you would run to cross the dangerous and wild stream near the temple, your hair wild and feet bare. It feels like the deafening noise of the current in your ears, the fear and excitement running through your veins, the possibility of failure or success.
You smile.
“Why am I not surprised?” Ivar starts from behind you, and you turn to him without removing your hands from your task.
“Because I am predictable.”
“Stubborn,” He corrects as he steps into your room, eyes on the small sapling you planted on a ceramic vase. “You know it will not grow here, it needs warmer and softer ground than ours.”
You nod before leaving the plant by the window, hoping it will absorb as much sunlight as it needs, as it can.
“I have to try.”
He remains silent for a few moments, before the rustling of him moving where he stands brings your gaze to him. The King extends a hand and motions with his head,
“Come with me.”
You frown, but still stand up and walk slowly to his side. Your eyes travel to his still extended hand, but you cannot bring yourself to take it, choosing instead to ask,
“What is it?”
He doesn’t reply, and his jaw clenches before his hand drops back to his side. Still, he insists with a gesture of his head that you follow him.
The paths through his home are familiar to you by now, and you follow blindly as you try scrubbing off the dirt from your hands. Selene’s chariot is high up in the skies, the people have already retired to their homes, the thralls are making quick work of the mess left behind after tonight’s dinner.
After crossing a doorway, you find yourself in a spacious room with only a hearth in the middle of it, and some chairs and lunges. Chairs where, expectantly, the sons of Ragnar sit.
Prince Hvitserk greets you with your name, and you smile faintly, and he smiles back as he states, “I’m surprised to see you.”
“Prince Hvi-…”
“What is she doing here, Ivar?” The older Prince interrupts, eyes burning on you with a distrust and a vitriol quite alike his brother’s but more contained.
And you know it is not a mere question. Years alongside mercenaries, alongside warriors and leaders, they let you know this is a public defiance, a test of both mettles.
The way Prince Ubbe speaks, with the same tone in his voice, the same carry of his loud words, that has made you fear before; it makes you stay frozen in the doorway for a moment too long.
The King only shrugs, walking ahead and taking a seat, absently using his crutch to move a chair at his side back so you can sit.
Before replying to his brother, he turns to you and motions for you to sit.
“She is my…advisor.”
His gesture may speak of nonchalance, but his words have that slight carry you have noticed before, the pride of authority and the will and strength to carry said authority.
But his brother still takes his words with a dismissive smile, shaking his head, “You take a Greek witch as an advisor?”
You bite your tongue to keep yourself from saying that better men have tried better insults, and that nor your blood or your gifts, and the titles they warrant, call for you to feel offended at their mention, even if he wills it so.
Instead, you grit your teeth and swallow your pride to keep silent as you take your gaze to the King, studying his façade as he lifts purposely falsely innocent eyebrows at his brother, his mouth curved in a small mocking smile.
“I never did things the normal way, did I?” Some silent conversation seems to flow between the two sons of Ragnar, and you catch Hvitserk’s eyes for a moment.
He smiles, an apology, a gesture that says you ought to get used to this; and you offer a small smile in return, one of the first honest ones you’ve given the Prince.
“Why?” Ubbe insists.
Stithulf’s disgust as you are caught in the tent where they discuss war, his demand for answers when he turns to the man that would be your husband, “What is the witch doing here?”
“She is to be my wife, I trust her advice.” Narses replies simply. It irks of too little when the Gods know you are the reason he won against the Saracens, but you are still grateful, because you have to be.
“She is a smart woman,” Ivar replies, leaning back and crossing his arms over his chest, “I trust her judgement when it comes to Stithulf more than yours, brother.”
Before he can taunt his brother into throwing an axe to your face, you decide to intervene, voice low as you lean closer.
“Dublin is being hounded by Stithulf’s forces,” He explains without a second thought. He leans on the table before him, not turning to you as he speaks so you are left studying the way the light draws his profile, “We are leaving in two days.”
“Hvitty will stay here with you.” He reassures, or attempts to at least, yet all he manages is to make you frown.
“Why are you going?” You hiss, and as he turns to you the King furrows his nose in annoyance, the beginning of a snarl starting to curl at his lip.
“Afraid the cripple can’t defend himself?”
“Stithulf couldn’t care less about Dublin. He wants your head, Viking.” You insist instead of replying to the obvious taunt. He opens his mouth to retort, clearly surprised by your revelation, but is interrupted before he can speak.
“Ivar, witch,” Ubbe calls out, startling you out of your conversation. He raises his eyebrows, “Share with the rest of us, will you?”
After a breath, you explain, “Stithulf is after the men that killed his King. He doesn’t care about cities, or land, or…fame. He wants the sons of Ragnar.”
“So you think he is trying to draw us out.”
I know so. You want to say, but you bite your tongue, you swallow your pride, your arrogance, even if you know that if you were a man they’d call it confidence.
“He reached my homeland searching for an edge over your armies, and found it in Arab and Greek forces. I doubt he will waste them destroying buildings, my Prince.” You answer with a nod, not missing the way Ivar’s eyes remain glued to you as you speak. It thrills you when it should make you want to crawl out of your own skin.
They continue talking to each other, discussing what they ought to do, how they are to approach the city. You doubt the reinforcements from Ivar’s army will hold the same element of surprise as they did the last time Stithulf readied his army near Dublin; and it seems they have the same idea for they don’t plan on being subtle about Kattegat’s navy supporting Dublin.
And as the moon travels through the skies, when you should be exhausted and ready to sleep; you are thrilled and beyond interested. The song of war, Athena’s boardgame, it all wraps around you like a familiar cloak.
So you soak in their talks about formations, about ways they can approach, you rejoice in listening to the way Dublin can be defended. With your elbows on the table and your head in your hands, you listen and observe, for once without fear of being told you are out of place.
And before you know it two days have passed. On the last night, when the ships are readied for the journey, the warriors celebrating their last night in Kattegat; you sit with Freydis and other women from the apothecary, exchanging laughs and stories as the feast goes on around you.
More than once during the night, your foolish heart makes your eyes roam the hall in search of the King, and you find yourself smiling like a fool at the sight of him drinking and laughing with his brothers, with his men.
The times where you look for him only to find him already with his eyes on you, those times make your foolish heart beat faster, but you will deny it if anyone asks.
You swirl the mead in your cup as you lay back on your chair, taking in the ongoing celebration and trying to remember the last time you felt this comfortable and safe and…
“You feel at home, witch.” Freydis states quietly, almost by your ear, interrupting your thoughts.
Wide eyes find hers, but she only smiles calmly, with that hint that she knows a secret you don’t.
Before you can ask her to kindly be a bit less cryptic for once, she looks at someone behind you, and a hand gently calling for your attention when it rests on your shoulder stops you.
You turn to meet the warm eyes of Prince Hvitserk, who offers you a silent greeting and a small smile.
“My brother calls for you.” He whispers, eyes on yours and the promise of what is to come written on them. You wonder how much of how you have come to become his brother’s wife is known to him.
Ivar stands before his throne and your heart lurches when you see another seat arranged besides it. You find his eyes, and he extends a hand.
“I will not sit there.” You hiss at him. He grits his teeth, the annoyance at how you are unwilling to follow even the simplest of commands clear in his expression.
“You will be at my side, get up here.”
Your eyes travel to his still extended hand, palm facing upwards, fingers open and vulnerable expecting the touch of your own. Rationally, you know there’s a feast going around you, you know there’s yells and songs and laughs, but you cannot hear anything but the ringing in your own ears.
You cannot see anything but his hand expecting the touch of your own, and his eyes searching yours.
And though you know it is the tug of the invisible binds set upon you what makes you take the steps necessary and hold his hand, the chains don’t feel as heavy as you thought they would.
Calloused but warm fingers close around your hand, and Ivar stands taller.
He calls for the attention of his people, and when the hall quietens and you feel all their eyes on the pair of you, it is you that grips tighter onto his hand on yours.
“My people,” He starts, proud and confident and infuriatingly performative, “Most of you already know of this fine woman I have at my side since our return from Dublin, Greek by birth but a daughter of one Sieghild Vorsdottir,” You hear the mumbled replies, the hushed whispers at the mention of your mother, and you narrow your eyes. Ivar continues, “You will all soon know her as your Queen, for when we return from Dublin again, she will be my wife, and Queen of Kattegat.”
You hold your head high as the Varangians lift their cups and horns and hands and voices in celebration and congratulations. Ivar thanks them with a smile and a gesture of his hand, and aside from a few men that approach to give their congratulations face to face, soon enough the aura of calm -or what calm has come to mean in these strange lands- returns to the room.
You eye the chair they set for you at the side of Ivar’s throne cautiously, but you will not lie to yourself and say it feels constricting to sit up there.
You make a point of letting go of the King’s hand as soon as you sit, though, and based on the way his jaw clenches and his head moves to the side in clear anger, you can tell he’s obviously noticed.
The feast lives on, and a few times -repeatedly, actually, which you will blame on the mead and ale- toasts arise to wish for the Gods’ favor on the incoming battles across the sea, to congratulate the King and his foreign bride, to celebrate the death that is to come and the death that might escape them.
It is all incredibly strange to you, painfully foreign. You have no choice but to remain at your seat, facing the loud and boastful warriors, listening to foreign tongues, trying to understand strange customs.
It makes you think of what Sieghild would make out of this. She always accused you of being too arrogant, too proud, too ambitious for a Greek woman. Boasted about it being her influence what taught you to stand straight and never bite your tongue.
What would she make out of her daughter being fated to become wife of one Ivar the Boneless?
“My mother,” You start, and almost startled the King turns to you. “You brought up her name twice now, as if she is…”
“Famous?” He supplies, beginning of a smirk in place, “She is.”
“Women with hair and eyes like hers are not easily ignored. Doesn’t help she is taller and stronger than many men,” He shrugs, looking ahead, “King Rorik had to fight a bear to get her hand, or so the Danes say.
You have heard that name before, only once in your mother’s lips. It doesn’t cease to make disgust and hate churn at your stomach.
At your silence, Ivar insists,
“You know of him, don’t you? The only madman before my brother Bjorn to take sail to your Mediterranean.”
“He didn’t reach the Mediterranean,” You offer quietly, “His ships docked in a land colder than this one, many died because of cold or hunger. And though he and the warriors that were left founded Aldeigja, it is still a long way from the Mediterranean.”
“Did you ever meet him?” He asks, and your eyebrows raise in surprise. The King only shrugs, “You mentioned travelling a lot.”
You shake your head, “Sieghild…she was betrayed by him. She would never let him close to me.”
“But she told you of him.”
“To warn me of what men in power are capable of.”
“A woman made Anassa,” He retorts, the word still foreign on his lips but you find it oddly endearing that he tries speaking your tongue, using your titles, “wouldn’t have much to fear from men in power, now would she?”
You only raise your eyebrows in response, “You think I had any real power back in Greece?” Before he can answer, you shake your head with a chuckle, “Ivar, my own people didn’t take me as a leader until I died for them. Even that wasn’t enough, Anassa is only a title, it wouldn’t change their hearts. I am a woman that refuses to fight like a man to achieve my goals, I had no place being queen in their eyes.
He stays silent, one of his hands by his mouth and his eyes intent on yours, and you let your lip curl in anger as you lay your back once again on the backrest of your seat, looking ahead.
“Because of me and what I learned they managed to fend off the Saracen raiders, because of me and my blood Laconia came to their support with the finest warriors in the Mediterranean, because of me they had time to escape Eleusis when the Christians came,” You grit your teeth, and if it is bitterness and anger and hunger all that’s left within you once the veil of nostalgia is gone, then so be it. “And yet I had to prove myself more than any man, more than-…
More than Narses.
You stop yourself, stealing a glance at the Viking that still keeps unwavering interest in the words that leave your lips. You shake your head, and reach for the cup a thrall refilled a few moments ago.
“It doesn’t matter. Most of the free Attics are dead somewhere near Aneridge, the rest will perish when winter comes. It doesn’t matter.”
The King touches his own cup with yours, and you eye him carefully, wary of what the outburst might mean for you, but Ivar only smirks.
“If you say so.” He mocks, drinking from his own cup but with his expression still dripping mirth and skepticism.
You roll your eyes, and settling better in the undeserved seat, you let conversation between the two of you go somewhere else.
And so it does, because frustratingly enough the Viking will never cease to be fascinating to you, and no matter what the two of you talk about it always manages to fill you with curiosity and warmth.
The ruckus of the feast eventually dies down, although not that far from the time the sun will rise over the sea, and you shake off your drowsiness as you watch people take their leave from the main hall.
Ivar stands up from his throne and gestures the mock of a bow your way, mumbling his goodnight. You watch him leave, reminded of the ships that are to depart over the horizon soon.
So, stealing a glance at the few remaining people and guards around you, you stand up and follow.
A bit of a cliffhanger, ik, I’m sorry. If I continued the last scene till the end this chapter would be a 10k word beast, so cliffhanger it is.
Also yes Rorik (Rurik) as in Igor’s father, as in the King that sailed East and started the Rus dynasty is in my canon a Danish King and Sieghild’s former husband, whom she followed in that adventure to wherever-the-fuck. Then they parted ways, and she found herself in the Mediterranean. I will probably go in more detail about this in Sieghild’s PoV, which should be the spinoff chapter uploaded next Tuesday.
Anyway, hope you liked this chapter, I hope you don’t completely hate where the story goes after the Sieghild revelation and all that. But yeah, would love to hear back from you, thank you for reading, and have a nice day/night!!
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aegor-bamfsteel · 3 years
I had this fic idea where: Calla, Haegon, their mother and youngest siblings didn't escape and they were taken as hostages in the Red Keep. Calla kind of ends up "playing the game" and trying to forge a better life for her mom and siblings while trying to overcome her trauma of losing her brothers and dead, her anxiety over Daemon II not being around and not having any contact with him and Haegon most likely going to the faith. And she also has survivors guilt. Basically this is a "Calla plays the game while trying to survive" (this includes her glaring at BR and lowkey planning his death, finding Matarys endearing because he's actually fairly nice and so is his brother/dad, she also looks like her mom. OH AND SHE DYES HER HAIR QUITE OFTEN)
Basically my question was: how much would have changed if Calla, Haegon and their mom and younger siblings didn't get to escape?
That’s a really interesting, elaborate fic idea, dearxstorm! If you end up writing it, make sure to link me and I’ll write a comment! Calla has the potential to be an interesting character, and your characterization of her in the prompt sort of lines up with my own (having the Sweetness hiding Steel personality); I like the idea of a psychological story of her dealing with the loss of her family while trapped in a court that hates her at best. I also like your headcanon that she dyes her hair, because it’s a physical identification with her mother’s people; all too often, in asoiaf as in other works of fantasy, the heroes of noble families identify more with their father’s house at the expense of their mother’s (the young Starks identify more with their father’s house to a lesser degree than the others, but even the young Greyjoys are krakens rather than Harlaws, the young Martells don’t consider themselves half-Norvosi, forget about Aegon V + siblings identifying themselves as something other than the blood of the dragon), and it’s the villains that tend to include parts of their mother’s heritage (the Baratheons of king’s landing include a lion in their sigil, the Greens from the Dance of Dragons owed their initial success to their Hightower mother). In addition, Essosi women are almost to a woman treated horribly in Westeros; divorced (Mellario, Larra), exiled (Rohanne), or tortured and killed (Mysaria, Tyanna, Serala, Serenei), so it’s great you decided to single out Rohanne’s Essosi influence on her children as something neutral to positive.
As for your question about what would happen if Calla+family didn’t manage to escape, I asked warsofasoiaf about it years ago; his response that Bl00draven would’ve had them all killed, while certainly in-character (his consistent character trait is harming boys to accomplish his goals), isn’t particularly satisfying for writing a fanfic with these characters. We see Da3ron II took lands and hostages from those who knelt; Lord Bracken’s son died during the Great Spring Sickness, perhaps as a hostage in King’s Landing; Eustace Osgrey’s daughter and only heir Alysanne was sent to the Silent Sisters at age 7, while Standfast went from a prominent lordly house to one of landed knights. Daemon’s lands and titles were likely under attainder, being of fairly recent creation. In Westeros, killing (mostly male heirs) or sending to the Faith (more likely female heirs) the child rivals to one’s lordly power seems to be the norm (most infamously Aegon and Rhaenys Targaryen on Tywin’s orders, but also Cerelle Lannister by her uncle Gerold, Rohanne and Cerelle Tarbeck were sent to the Silent Sisters and Rohanne’s young son was likely murdered during the Reyne Rebellion, the extermination of Houses Darklyn and Hollard bar one after the Defiance of Duskendale). So I tried to look at examples from medieval history to see if I could save the younger Blackfyre boys:
As much grief as I give GRRM for not being historically accurate while claiming he’s true to life, the gendered fate of young male and female rivals who were captured seems to pass muster: with boys usually being killed or “disappeared” (Arthur of Brittany was imprisoned then murdered by his uncle King John of England, the Princes in the Tower mysteriously vanished with the prime suspect as their uncle Richard III) and girls either imprisoned (Arthur’s sister Eleanor was imprisoned for 44 years until her death by her uncle John and cousin Henry), forced into a convent (Gwenllian Princess of Wales by Edward I, Joanna la Beltraneja was given a choice between this or marrying her infant cousin Juan by his mother Isabella of Castile), or married to steal their lands/unite claims (Arthur’s mother Constance was betrothed to his father from age 5 after her brother was forcibly disinherited from the duchy of Brittany, and I’m still not sure what happened to him; Eleanor de Montfort was eventually married to Llewellyn of Wales after she was captured and imprisoned by the English). 
I think the best hope for the Blackfyre boys is for them be rescued and taken to Tyrosh (although Bl00draven would probably try to separate them to prevent all of them taken at once). 
A longer-term option is for Rohanne’s relatives in Tyrosh to try to negotiate their release, probably with a solemn oath never to return to Westeros (happened with the Charles VII’s cousin Charles Duke of Orleans who spent 25 years in various English prisons after his capture by the English at Agincourt until his old rivals the Burgundians negotiated his release; Amaury de Montfort, despite having taken holy vows, was captured along with his sister Eleanor and only by swearing never to return to England and the Pope plus Llewellyn intervening was he released).
Failing that, maybe Baelor Breakspear could try to go ‘the Dontos Hollard route’, asking for clemency out of the boys’ age/birth, and sending them to King’s Landing as squires, and probably make sure they don’t return to their old lands. I doubt they’d be allowed to wed, but I suppose Rohanne could petition for a restoration of Daemon’s old lands to House Blackfyre (as Anne Scott managed to save her lands from her husband Duke James’ attainder after the Monmouth rebellion, and her two surviving sons by him were able to marry and inherit and were loyal to the crown), and they could be wed into a loyal Red house of Da3ron’s choosing; it’d be her grandchildren inheriting these lands (Elizabeth I imprisoned her cousin Katherine Grey for the rest of her life for secretly marrying and had her separated from her two sons, but they were allowed to marry and her grandson became the next Duke of Somerset, despite his family reputation). Not Daemon II if he’s been captured with the others, but possibly Aenys. I’m not saying this is a likely scenario considering the characterization of Bl00draven and the actions of Da3ron II to the other children of rebels, but it’s a kinder solution that maybe Baelor might come up with.
I don’t imagine that these boys will be sent to the Faith, but rather the Night’s Watch seems to be the place for defeated rebels/men sentenced to death; so in all likelihood at least the elder ones could be sent to the Night’s Watch once they’re old enough. Westeros as well as medieval history has shown how easy it could be to take someone from a convent/monastery and use them to take their lands/incite a rebellion (Robar abducting Rhaella from the Faith; Marie of Boulogne was abducted from her convent by Matthew of Alsace to forcibly marry him to steal her lands), plus these vows can be undone (at least in medieval Italy, where sometimes cardinals had to leave the Church to get married to continue their family line; it’s implied in the sentences of Lucinda and Priscella that septas can break their vows) so I think at least the elder ones would not be allowed.
The Blackfyre girls have a higher chance of not being murdered. The worst case-scenario that I could unfortunately see happening is sending them to the Silent Sisters along with poor Alysanne Osgrey, which seems to happen to the most dangerous of noblewomen (rebel queen Marla Sunderland, sasser-of-kings Maris Baratheon, Ellyn Reyne’s daughters Rohanne and Cerelle), all potential heiresses for another rebellion (not likely with so many brothers, but if they manage to escape and another uprising coalesces around them who knows). Another option would be to the Faith to be septas, which happened to more minor noblewomen men wanted out of the way (Rhaella and Megette’s daughters for their “inconvenient birth”, Lucinda Penrose and Priscella Hogg for their roles in the plot to kill Daenaera). 
A particularly painful scenario would be confining them in the Maidenvault until/if a new king decides to release them as their grandmother Daena was. Considering that the next king is Aerys, I doubt they would be released (like Eleanor of Brittany) or marry
It seems not uncommon in Westeros for an ambitious man to marry an heiress of the previous ruler to become suo jure lord of her lands (Tyrek Lannister’s marriage to the infant Lady Ermesande Hayford, Dickon Tarly’s marriage to Eleanor Mooton, Lancel’s marriage to Amerei Frey to steal Darry, and most famously Orys Baratheon’s forcible marriage to Argella Durrandon). The problem with doing this in regards to the Blackfyre girls is that considering their father’s lands are probably under attainder, they don’t have lands to inherit, much less a dowry. Of course, Rohanne could try to petition for a creation of new lands, possibly in exchange for giving up their claim to the throne (Princess Renee of France gave up her claim to the duchy of Brittany in exchange for being made duchess of Chartres by King Francis I, so she could finally be allowed to marry). Another idea would be to send them abroad for matches to Essosi cities the Reds have ties to, such as Lys and Pentos. In a happy scenario, the Blackfyre girls were allowed to marry with permission; to show that Da3ron is serious about healing the realm, he or Baelor could betrothe Calla and Matarys (not expected to inherit the throne; your prompt said they were getting along!). What happens after his death in the Great Spring Sickness is anyone’s guess.
In the edgy scenario, the girls marry without permission, possibly to a Velaryon descendant of Baela’s (just going by my theory of at least some Velaryons as Blackfyre supporters); it seems in medieval England that some potential female claimants to the crown did marry secretly to men with more distant claims (Lady Katherine Grey as mentioned before, but also Lady Arabella Stuart two generations later, to Grey’s own grandson), thus frustrating the desires of their monarchs to marry them abroad. Sometimes they were able to escape their captors and raise their children in exile, eventually allowed to return to their home country; the most famous of these was Margaret Beaufort and her son Henry, who later won the English throne by right of conquest with weak dynastic claim.
A lot of these scenarios ignore the canonical cruelty of Bl00draven and the vindictiveness of Da3ron with regards to the Blackfyres and their supporters; I don’t imagine that they would show mercy to the defeated rebels, and warsofasoiaf’s scenario that they would all be secretly murdered is definitely a possibility. They also ignore Rohanne’s characterization (such that it is) of a take-charge noblewoman who was in my opinion unquestionably a pro-Blackfyre rebel that used her money and influence in Tyrosh to provide a home for the exiles and orchestrated their escape (the idea that Aegor Rivers helped Rohanne escape to her own country seems to diminish her achievements); I don’t think she would be asking the Targaryens for any favors, considering in canon she knew them well enough that she preferred to flee than surrender to the House that gave Bl00draven high office. Barring the “Bl00draven kills them all” scenario, I don’t think she would be executed due to her sex and that she’s from foreign nobility (especially if her male relative was still Archon), but we have no idea if the Faith is an option for her (did she convert? Considering the characterization of GRRM’s other Essosi women as holding to their homeland’s traditions, I doubt it); it’s likely to me she would be separated from her children, who would be governed by Red supporters (maybe if Rhaena is still alive, she could coach the girls?), an emotionally hard punishment for her (considering all of her canonical actions involve her children, it seems she loved them very much). It’s possible she might be sent back to Tyrosh as a gesture of goodwill to her family, after some years of confinement; or she could be sent to a remote location, like Cassandra Baratheon upon a forced marriage to Walter Brownhill.
tl;dr If the Blackfyres and Rohanne aren’t going to be murdered after being captured: the boys would likely go to the Night’s Watch once old enough, or imprisoned in the Red Keep and married under ideal conditions; the girls might go to the Faith, imprisoned in the Maidenvault, married off to non-Tyroshi Essosi, or secretly married; Rohanne would likely be briefly imprisoned, separated from her children, and either sent to the remote countryside or Tyrosh. What happens to them depends on how merciful the Reds are feeling, and how much of a risk they deem them to be. Just expect that if someone leads a rebellion in their name, for the boys to die. 
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steve0discusses · 4 years
Yugioh S4 Ep 11: Rafael’s Lian Yu Experience
Ah, lets tune into Yugioh where Duke has decided to do some off-roading in the worst car and in the worst place.
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Ah yes, the normal interaction you would have with a desert and your expensive vintage car. Duke has been struggling since he became a protagonist to stick to a defining trope. Now that Serenity is gone, and now that they aren’t watching a duel for Duke to be a downer about, I guess his only other tick is that he sucks at driving?
Again there was a perfectly serviceable truck back at the RV but they just really like to put miles on this car (which doesn’t have it’s lights on I believe, which...good job, Duke).
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And he just launches these two inexplicably out of the car. Because Yugi might be losing his whole damn soul on the other end of this desert, but we will have cartoon shenanigans, damn it.
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It really does look like Dukes looking through the wrong side of his binoculars here...that extra level of Duke.
Speaking of extra level, hows that horse thing going? Where Yugi is riding a horse for the first time in his entire life?
Because, apparently the show has decided that Yami should be really good at horses (????????). He can’t read any Egyptian, he doesn’t have any memories of his Pharaoh life, he can barely use magic, but apparently, he can game a horse. Only problem, is that this art team of high octane vehicle enthusiasts seems totally unaware of how horses work---I’ll just show you. This scene GOES places, and I will absolutely record it so you can watch it in it’s entirety in a separate post.
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(see more horse under the cut)
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The horses leg didn’t move the entire slide down the mountain y’all, he just stuck one hoof in front of him and power-slid down a freakin cliff like he was wearing horse Wheelies.
What the Hell?
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Anyway, welcome to our new dueling platform.
You wouldn’t believe it, but it’s on a very tall thing. I know, in this show? They’re dueling on a tall thing? Whaaaaat?
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This is a hilariously weirdly perfectly cylindrical land mass 10/10.
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So Rafael’s whole deal is so freakin weird.
Rafael’s a weirdo. I was ready for Alister, since Alister introduced himself in a Maximilian Pegasus suit, but I just wasn’t expecting Rafael to be the weirdEST youknow? Of the three? Like he’s up there with Arcana and the band-saw ankle-slicing machine. Just a really choice human being who makes really good decisions.
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God bless this artist’s obsession with edgy cargoes.
Anyways, another fun fact about Rafael is he gets more and more jacked with every single frame it feels--his muscles are like the quality to go fight Cell, but all he does is play cards.
Also he’s obsessed with justifying mass murder on a global scale so...he seems a little bit like an X-men villain in that way, except he’s...just a normal ass dude who got really buffed.
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Rafael needs a reason to want to destroy all humanity--that’s really the big dilemma that the writing crew was given, but the way they got there...was a lot.
Lets dive right into it, starts off kind of normal, run of the mill “gotta cleanse the world yada yada” and then just starts somersaulting down a steep hill like in Princess Bride.
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First of all, the show decides to reveal to us the entire story via a Rebecca google search, and then, once we’re like WTF? we get to hear it in it’s entirety and it is way weirder the second time.
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So um...this Titanic cruise ship.
Yeah. I know. That’s a lot of Princess Peach dresses.
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(welcome back, glass of OJ that every child on this show drinks with every meal)
Honestly there is no greater curse in this show than being rich. If you’re a rich dude you are SCREWED. Some force of nature is going to come for you just at any possible moment. You will get abducted....MANY TIMES. You will lose your parents, repeatedly. Your wife will die shortly after marriage. Some asshole will walk up and just remove your eyeball and replace it with a magic golf ball. You will never be the best at cards. Just never be rich in the Yugioh universe. It is better to be dead.
Speaking, of dead--just did a Rebecca-brand google search--do you know how many people fit on an average cruise liner?
It’s more than you think.
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Woooooooooooooooooooooo that’s about 3000 people! Just nonchalantly! (and yo, I went mid-range, some cruise liners carry like 6000)
We passed so many 69′s just now!
Now there is some weird issues with this episode where Rebecca was like “The only survivor was Rafael” and then later, Rafael mentions his family is still alive--kinda sounds like the translation shenanigans are back at it, where the English version is desperately trying to keep people from dying, but like, the Japanese version drew a 600 ft tidal wave that ate up this cruise-liner like it was a bathtub toy made of paper.
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But sure, maybe some escape boats made it out safely from a catastrophe that is 800 times worse than the Titanic. Sure they did.
PS History Channel got into a weird trend in the 00′s where they used to do these series of rogue wave horror stories--do you remember those? Anyways, one of my friends got super spooked by rogue waves and had it as one of her top ten fears. At the time I was like “lol you’re not gonna get rogue waved on a cruise are you kidding?” But then again, maybe she watched Yugioh and this episode scarred her for life?
Especially since this crazy traumatic experience was followed by three years of being stranded on an island and going COMPLETELY insane. Like not just...partial--Rafeal has absolutely no grip on reality anymore. Like, at all. He’s on another plane from most other Yugioh villains.
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It’s like Lord of the Flies but there’s only one person in it. The Lord of the Fly.
This is a kid’s show.
Anyways, on the island, Rafael got hella jacked. So there was that one plus. He did eventually become a very huge person in his adulthood, although he did get a Mokuba haircut for a little while. This honestly says more about Mokuba’s hair routine than anything else.
He also spent some time seeing his lost family members as these three cards that he likes to pray to. Occasionally they fall into the ocean and he has to dry them off. Rafael lived a kind of boring weird life cycling between hallucinations and staring into the ocean.
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The show didn’t bother to tell us what Rafael was eating or explain how that outfit lasted 3 years. But, they did describe that after 3 ENTIRE YEARS, Darts decided to just start harassing him.
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Which...OK...and then there was this next sequence
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I mean this was the only interaction that Rafael had in three years so maybe he forgot that getting drowned by people who harness the power of the ocean isn’t like...good behavior?
Anyways, back in the real world, in the city and wearing his hot topic grunge vest well into his early 30′s, Rafael decided that everyone just...deserves to die. Traffic sucks. Cities sucks. There’s too much crime. Everyone should be dead. It was very strange and sudden twist. You go from having all the money in the world, to no money, and then back to all the money and it’s like “Central heating SUCKS! KILL EVERYONE!”
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Then Rafael made this mention of his family that has to be a translation thing.
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Those guys have got to be dead. I mean this is Yugioh. There were no survivors. I’ll be very surprised if they pop up next episode, I’ll even dock them off the Death Count if they never died, I am that certain they won’t still be dead in this upcoming arc. They have clearly been replaced with paper cards. Like I wouldn’t be surprised if their souls were somehow inside these particular cards he carries.
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I didn’t cap it, but to walk on the island you walk across a glowing oricalchos bridge and it was very goofy.
And then these guys showed up, reminding me again that they are still on this show, because tbh, I completely forgot.
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I kinda miss when they were the weirdest people here and I just thought Rafael was another boring guy in handlebar muttonchops.
Anyway, it’s a short update today. I’m a little behind on things in other places, so that’s fine by me. I keep hoping that soon I’ll be back to doing like 2 of these a week. Especially since I recently decided to start blocking twitter and other places I’ve been wasting a little too much time on, maybe then it’ll funnel my efforts to here? We’ll see. Next episode we’ll find out how long all of these guys wearing jackets in the desert are faring.
And here’s a link to read these from the beginning.
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neonnhoney-rec · 4 years
Kim Taehyung
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Here are a few taehyung recs, most of them I’ve read and love, some are in my TBR. Tbh most of them are smut, but some are fluff and angst mostly angst. I will keep updating this woop woop.
I hope you enjoy tehee!
Buzzed- @junqkook
you spend weeks sulking after having sex with your best friend, but a party changes everything.
863 tokyo centre-  @becomingbts
Not much of one, just Taehyung fingering you on a bus at 2am
Hush, hush- @becomingbts
Taehyung makes sure you don’t focus on your insecurities during your first time. To do this he blindfolds you, leaving you slave to your now heightened senses so you ignore your racing thoughts.
Headcase- @becomingbts
Movie night, blankets and hands. What more could go wrong? Oh right, possibly getting caught and all. Well, too bad Taehyung couldn’t care less about that.
Request: taehyung wants to cuddle but you leave- @minyoongimakesmefeelthings​
Of lace and lust- @hobidreams
friendship rule number one: don’t imagine how amazing your best friend’s cock would feel inside you. except that’s all you can think about after accidentally discovering taehyung’s kink for panties. specifically, the lacy ones you’re so fond of wearing. 
Cheeky- @guksthighs
“Want some vanilla?” Taehyung groaned before he pulled you up by the hand you were offering and took a bite of it, his gaze piercing yours before his hand was on the small of your back and he pulled you into a kiss tasting like vanilla and salt.
Tae gets jealous when you go on a date- @minstrivia
says it on the tin
Let’s marvin gaye- @minstrivia
it’s valentine’s day. and it’s due time he shows you how it feels to make love.
See you- @gimmesumsuga
Taehyung notices you at a concert, and can’t help but want to see you again.
Slowdance on the inside- @floralseokjin
Taehyung has liked you as long as he can remember. He’s unsure when the line blurred from friendship to romantically, but it’s about to get a lot worse when he’s forced to watch you date his friend, Jungkook…
Under the taeble-  @functioningishardforme
getting a little handsy under the table
Four’s a crowd-  @guksthighs
As a birthday present your boyfriends Jimin and Taehyung take you for a special stripping show, little do they know how attracted you’ll be to the officer and the acts you’ll be performing to win this new man’s heart and cock.
Playing to win- @tayegi
Taekook friends-with-benefits threesome/porn without plot nonsense
Sapphire- @writingseoul
playing video games with tae ends up a little differently then you thought
A freindly favour- @baeseoul
you help tae out before his date 
baby,baby- @hobiwonder
When you’ve run out of savings to continue on to the last semester of your Bachelors - you take an unorthodox route. Helping a desperate couple have a child and getting paid for it? Heck yeah. But what do you know - it wasn’t as easy as it sounds.
Talk- @taehyungforreal​
Finals week is kicking your ass, thank goodness you have a friend to help you relieve some stress. It’s a great arrangement, as long as no one finds out… as long as you don’t catch feelings. What could go wrong?
Clair de lune- @taehyungforreal
being rewritten at the moment
Sore loser- @kingsuckjin
It’s game night with the maknae line. You team up as always with Jimin and Jungkook to beat your best friend and crush, Kim Taehyung. It’s all fun and games until this time he gets mad and decides to play a little game with just the two of you alone in his room.
Plan V- @taesbetch
When y/n can’t seem to find love she turns to her playboy best friend to help her find someone to lose her virginity too. However, fate has other plans 
Breath of spring- @cupofteaguk
he works with color all day, but you just might be the brightest thing he’s ever laid his eyes on.
Corruption- @95boysbe
DOM tae takes your virginity 
Laundry day- @hobidreams
taehyung discovers the surprise you left for him.
I belong to you - @jessikahathaway
you have rare blood, a deadly secret in the world that's run by vampires. Your family learns the risk the hard way and when your taken away to the highest ranking vampires in the world, your shocked at the decision you have to make, but its okay as one vampire in particular takes your fancy.
Obsidian- @kpopfanfictrash
The world of magic is divided into dark and light, witches and warlocks, choice and fate. You’re a prodigy of light, a witch who works within the police force. You’ve heard of Taehyung in passing, spoken in whispers as the warlock of dark who has the world holding it’s breath.  All this changes on the night you’re assigned as security for a mysterious singer named V and you come face to face with Taehyung himself. What happens after that might be fate. (so good guys)
Silk and skin- @kpopfanfictrash
You and your boyfriend, Taehyung, are playing a game of truth or dare when a very distinctive kink emerges from the fray.
Drawing darcy- @kpopfanfictrash
Tae loves taking random photos of you secretly, and one day when you’re looking through his phone you find out 
Impatient- @bxebxee
You are honor-bound to do your duty as a princess and marry for the good of the kingdom.  Marriage, like many things in your life, is meant to serve a purpose.  But you know you should be grateful because there are far worse fates than being engaged to marry Prince Taehyung.
Coming home- @taetaesource
Taehyung as a single parent. He was looking for a babysitter to help him raise his kid and then he met you. 
Heart is where home is- @gukyi
somehow, when you woke up this morning, you didn’t really picture yourself falling in love with the attractive, well-read traveller sitting next to you on the plane, but a missed connection and an alarming amount of hand-holding later, you find that you both get a lot more than what you paid for.
Can you see my pulse- @rohobi​
You fell in love with Kim Taehyung during Medical School. Now living totally different lives in completely different hospitals, you’re pulled together again as if by fate during a code black when someone plants a bomb in your hospital. 
when you least expect it- @johobi
You’re in love with your childhood friend, Taehyung. The problem is, you treasure your friendship with him far too much to ever risk losing it. Oh, and he’s quite the Casanova. At your wits’ end with feelings you can no longer hide as diligently as you once did, you ask him to set you up with someone, anyone, in a last ditch attempt to avoid a heartbreaking conversation. 
Electric lovers- @submissive-bangtan
An epidemic breaks out. The world is plunged into chaos. One giant corporation seizes its chance and puts you into quarantine, promising to heal the symptoms you begin to show. Just before you agree to undergo the crucial surgery, an android named Taehyung reveals the truth about the illness to you. A truth that makes you want to escape with him.
Babysitter- @kz-i-co
You were visiting home for the weekend to find out that your parents have hired a new babysitter. (jjk version aswell)
Shy lover- @squishyjiminnie
You’re popular and he’s painfully shy, he acts like he hates you but what if he thinks a lot more of you than you think?
Tempting- @kinktae
Y/N is an angel and a good one at that. She steers clear of the seven deadly sins, especially lust. She is out performing her duties when she runs into a demon. Luckily for her, that demon, Taehyung, doesn’t seem to buy into that whole “Angels and Demons are sworn enemies” idea. But unluckily for her, Taehyung just so happens to be the very embodiment of sin. Especially lust.
Or, “For someone who is meant to be so pure, you sure are dirty, angel.”
Who cares- @floralseokjin
what happens when Taehyung falls for someone who’s already taken? Can he control his feelings or will they take over and render him powerless? In the end is it all her fault or his…? 
Wings- @bangtangurlarmy
He tells to nobody in particular as to why he is on Earth.
Third boy is the charm- @sangsanghaebwa
With Namjoon as your sweetheart roommate and Jimin as your adorable bestfriend, who you openly crush on, things still somehow remained easy, until Taehyung entered your life.
Fifteen minutes- @btssmutgalore
you don’t do dates - all you give guys is fifteen minutes to see if they can impress you, and Taehyung’s fifteen minutes have just started.
The counselor- @dom-joonie
You’ve been feeling a bit…depressed. At your friends recommendation, you go to see a counselor, but…he’s a lot more than you expected.
Enemy- @btssmutgalore
Taehyung may be cocky, but he has every reason to be. After all, he never gets turned down by women – at least not until he meets you.
Pluto- @katobobato
y/n has always had a knack for getting herself into trouble. She is no stranger to danger, what with being a member of one of the biggest gangs in the country. Not only is she a member but she is dating their leader, Jeon Jungkook. Things get heated, however, when she is abducted by a rival gang that hopes to use her as a way to get to Jungkook. Will her kidnapper, the ruthless Kim Taehyung himself, be able to subdue the snarky gangster or will she put up a fight to the end?
Begin again- @writtenyoongi
things had been tough since your divorce from yoongi, you were still heartbroken over losing him whilst trying to balance being a single mother and providing the best you could for your daughter. when kim taehyung enters your life you start to learn how to love again, but the beautiful man is not without his own source of heartbreak.
Curious- @honeymoonjin
Taehyung confides in you and your boyfriend Yoongi that he might be bi, and the two of you offer to let him experiment with you to find out.
Upstream colour- @honeymoonjin
welcome to the first Upstream Colour drabble! please do not read this until after you finish UC, which is available to read here. Word count of this is 426. Mentions of sexual content, non-explicit. Otherwise it’s just fluff. Taehyung x reader
Somebody else- @jamaisjoons​
yoongi doesn’t want you anymore. but he can’t stand watching you with someone else.
Multiverse- @jungkookiebus
what if…what if you found a tear in the universe? in a world where parallel universes seemingly don’t exist, there appears to be an overlap. what you had previously believed to be a haunting has now turned into something else, something tangible. everything you thought you knew about reality is about to be upturned and crumbled like a house of cards. 
Stealing the bite- @wildernessuntothemselves
In a world populated by the supernatural, witches were the most despised and mistrusted of creatures. Everyone desired to make use of their powers but no one was willing to be seen openly conferring with them. And so there came to pass a heinous practice: Small covens of witches were isolated and kept under wraps in every kingdom, to be utilized when needed, and kept under close watch to prevent them from rebelling. Growing up in a kingdom ruled by werewolves, abuse and scorn were a fact of life, but you were determined to put an end to it. You devised a devious plan to gain power, and it involved a certain prince.
Clandestine- @ditzymax​
As a professional assassin, Kim Kinsoo has many shrouded secrets in her life. Some of them she shares openly with her loving boyfriend, but there are other things he must never know…
Insomnia- @hobiwonder​
this is being rewritten
Dirty dishes- @jaysdimples​
when your boyfriend can’t seem to keep his hands to himself so he stirs up a little trouble in the kitchen while everyone else is a few feet away in the next room
Dalliance- @jvnghxope​
The Association sends you to your first mission alone and you encounter a Pureblood ⎯a race you believed were extinct⎯  who is in the mood to play.
Freak- @kissmetae​
your crush on your best friend was obvious and so was his. but as you took the next step together things turned out completely different. an accident caused an unbreakable bond and you found out about the secret he had kept from you for so long. a secret that put you in danger, forcing you to run away from him. 
but the bond brought with it more than you both thought... to put it charmingly, your blood thirsty lover was thirsty for far more than just blood and the world you once knew turned into something completely different
Lavender flowers- @kissmetae​
it all started when your boyfriend starting showing weird and abnormal behaviour...
at first it wasn't anything beyond the ordinary but as it gradually got worse and worse you were getting really worried...he couldn’t sleep and kept waking up in the middle of the night. but one morning was worse than others... and it would be the start of new encounters and a big change for both you... 
Freedom- @tayegi​
fleeing form your wedding you get into a little trouble with a certain vampire
Hung, open the door- @gotmetalkinginmysleep​
You’ve been keeping the boys awake with your moaning for months thanks to Yoongi. Tae and Jungkook want to find out why.
The doms next door- @tatertotthethot​
in which you unknowingly accept the offer to become a tattoo model for the two, sexually-crazed men next door.
Once bitten, twice shy- @pbandjk​
You met Taehyung in college and he convinces you to move to his hometown with him. The town is nice, Taehyung’s friends are great, and you get along with everyone except Jungkook. You can’t seem to figure out what you’ve done to make him not like you, and why did you care so much? Also, why did none of them ever get cold?
Push your buttons- @littlemisskookie​
You return to your childhood home in an attempt to uncover your past, despite the fact it seems as though everyone’s determined to keep it hidden.
Sehebon- @httpjeon​
you find yourself on izo huen, home to the sehebon. luckily for you, you’ve arrived at an interesting time.
Thursday night- @sinsforjeon​
You do a lot of things on a Thursday night but what you were doing right now was something you weren’t used to, not that you were complaining.
Flower arrangements- @iq-biased​
From the moment you met Taehyung, his flourish for life drew you in completely. It wasn’t long before you fell head over heals for the tattoo artist who was so wrong for you, it felt right. But your story hasn’t always been an easy one, and just recently it’s become a whole lot more complicated… 
Overworked and sequel- @iq-biased​ 
A stressful weak teaching has you turning to your colleague for help. 
Wrapped around- @jjkfire​
Freshman year was a mess and sophomore year doesn’t seem to be looking too good either. You know boys like them are no good for you but maybe they’re just your kind of type
Summerboy- @koyamuses​
In the mid-July heat, you find yourself unable to tear your gaze from the pool boy, whose skin glistens beneath rivulets of water as he sets about to clean your pool.
The talk- @kittae​
A drabble series where Taehyung is a successful artistic erotica actor but has to expand his areas of expertise in the rapidly evolving world of adult film. Lost and inexperienced in everything that doesn’t involve classy settings, flattering lighting and romantic scripts, he basically has to start from scratch to make it in the online porn community. As a highly demanded A-lister in that community, you take him under your wings (or better yet, between your legs).
Always together- @kittae​
having a romantic night with your life long lover and friend
New tricks- @geniuslab​
When your newly adopted puppy turns out to be a lot more work than you expected, a cute dog trainer comes to the rescue. You soon become friends, but you begin to realize friendship might not be all you want.
Try my luck- @drquinzelharleen​
When your sister passed away a few years ago you took in her two kids, Yoongi and Jimin. You were happy to do it. Now Jimin was going into kindergarten and you were so worried. But when Jimin comes home talking about his new kindergarten teacher, Taetae everyday. You start to wonder who this man is. Turns out he was just what your little family needed. ​
Slip through the seams- @deerguk​
your locomotion is not that of a normal human being, rather it is to extent of physically being able to transport from one place to another. normally, your seams slip you into locations that you are familiar with, but when you unexpectedly happen upon the apartment of Kim Teahyung in Seoul, south korea- your ability that you have always deemed a curse begins to feel more like a blessing in disguise
Lucy- @gamerguk​
after reading a few more titles of the videos you’ve uploaded, taehyung has come to the conclusion that you’re the hottest fucking dumbass he’s ever seen and so desperately wants to fuck.
The roommate- @jjungkookislife​
y/n is desperate to find a place to live in her city when her best friend, jimin suggests she moves in with his friend Jungkook (poly au)
Addicted to your touch- @jjungkookislife​
spending valentines with your boyfriends
change- @junghelioseok​
a kind, handsome stranger makes you question your deteriorating relationship
Heaven- @pjm-com​
Being an angel who is dating a demon wasn’t easy in your community especially when everyone weighs in. 
​Petals- @katobobato​
Every day the same boy with fluffy brown hair steps foot into y/n’s flower shop. He never buys any of the flowers, no, he just takes his time inspecting them all, taking in the heavenly scents. One day, however, he doesn’t come in. y/n wonders what happened to him until she bumps into him on her way home, surrounded by dying plants.
“The flowers get sad when you don’t look after yourself“.
Dick and go- @jeonggukingdom​
It was all shits and giggles when you and Taehyung were desperate seniors in High School, having no idea what to do with your lives, wondering if you’d ever find a decent job or even graduate in the first place. It is not so funny anymore when you come home from the big city to enjoy your vacation time and you find his sex-shop right in front of the house you grew up in when you were a kid. “If nothing works out I’m just gonna open a sex shop and call it something obnoxious like ‘Dick on the Go’ or something with a stupid zucchini logo flashing on top of the building.” He had said one time. Shit, you had no idea he actually meant it.
All that is gold- @winetae​
As a college student struggling to make ends meet, Taehyung resorts to a less than ethical method to satisfy his appetite for expensive treats. The last thing he wants is for you to find out how he acquires the Gucci in his closet… however this proves to be difficult when you are his roommate.
↳ or : Taehyung is a sugar baby and somehow thinks he can keep this a secret
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worddevdealswithml · 5 years
The Prince’s Bride
Chapter 2:  Pain and Abduction
“When the horse arrives, the insignia will give Gabriel ample reason to say that the very people he’s trying to marry his son off to have abducted his son.  When he catches and supposedly kills the mercenaries stealing him away, in their territory, there’ll be no denying that they were trying to steal him.  All the evidence he needs to start a war, or, well, blackmail them into silence.”
The next two years passed as a living agony for Adrien.
Two of the people he cared for most in the world were gone, and his father…
Father had always been distant, eternally busy with the business of running an entire kingdom, but ever since Mother had died, he’d barely even been seen, always away with Nathalie, or secreted away, working on who knew what.  Even Nathalie, who had previously at least been present, was gone most of the time, running errands that she was never willing to explain.
Adrien only had a few hints regarding the strange fervor in his father’s actions.  The small packages that arrived occasionally, which he recognized as the boxes that Miraculouses were usually stored in; he knew that all but the most lackluster of Miraculouses were incredibly expensive, usually only acquired by inheritance, bloodshed, or the offer of a great deal of money.
His father didn’t have many relatives to inherit from, so Adrien could only hope that he had simply become a collector to keep his mind off of what had happened to his wife, through legitimate means.
Even that wouldn’t explain why the urge had overtaken him with such strength.
Adrien, already half-despairing, was only forced deeper into the state when his father had informed him that he was pursuing a match between Adrien and the princess of The Gilded Kingdom, which was their rather contentious neighbor across the sea.
He should have been glad; The Gilded Kingdom was remarkably rich, and generally considered one of the more powerful in the area.  They were even known for having a Miraculous carried in the royal family; a single cut from the blade of its wielder could freeze even the strongest warrior in their tracks, and it was widely regarded as one of the more powerful Miraculouses.
By all accounts, this marriage would secure their position, financially and politically.
But for Adrien, still bleeding over the loss of Marinette, there was no comfort.  All he knew was that he could promise nothing of his own wellbeing if he was truly to be wed to someone when the only person he could imagine loving was dead.
And, though he knew it was pointless, he couldn’t help wanting to get away from the castle, away from the future that he knew he couldn’t truly avert.
The particularly suspicious observer might have taken notice of the fact that the day Gabriel finally let his son return to the farm he’d kept him away from for so long was the same day he told Nathalie to recruit a few quiet workers to do a bit of work for him.
But… Any such observer either didn’t exist, or didn’t think to tell Adrien.
Adrien had little respite from his own mind, except for riding his horse, which meant that he’d become known for it in the village nearby… That, and purchasing significant supplies of breads and pastries from Marinette’s parents; he’d always associated Marinette with the smell of bread, and every time he walked in, he could imagine, for a second, that she would be in there, waiting for him.  And… Even if she wasn’t, he could at least stay for a time, and talk to her parents.
They’d made it clear that they didn’t blame him for her leaving, and had, in fact, been the closest thing to a proper family that he’d had since the news had arrived.
Still, sometimes he just wished that when he went for a ride, he’d be able to keep riding forever, never having to return to the memories of his life; maybe he’d find something more arresting than the old couple he’d run into once or twice.
But, every time, he ran up against the coast, and little though he wanted to stay, he couldn’t just throw himself into the water.  He owed it to Marinette.
Of course, that didn’t make things any easier, and it certainly didn’t make it any less distressing that the ride was becoming so ingrained in his mind that he was almost free to think on the road.
It was on a day when the issue was weighing particularly hard on his mind that he found the path forward occupied.
Jolted from his thoughts, Adrien reached down, and pulled back on the reins.
On the path in front of him, there were three people.
The first, in the front, was a strikingly pretty woman, wearing a well-tailored outfit with orange accents that must have cost her a great deal.  Her expression was the very picture of innocent uncertainty.
Behind her were two others, wearing what Adrien, from his years spent in rich society, recognized as the strange, unnatural clothes that came from using a Miraculous.  One was a man, quite tall, and strongly built, hooded, and in green.  The other was a woman in orange, gently twirling what looked like a small instrument in one hand.
“Hello,” said the woman in the front.  “We’re itinerant workers, but we seem to have lost our way.  I don’t suppose there’s a town, or a village nearby?”
“No, there’s nobody around.  Not for miles.”
Her expression of confusion shifted slightly, and the smile she was wearing unnerved him a bit more than he’d have expected.
“Probably for the best.  We wouldn’t want anybody having to listen to you scream.”
Adrien blinked, and managed to register the threat as the man in green stepped forward.  Adrien reached up for the reins to try and turn around, but suddenly he was in his face, and Adrien had the peculiarly unpleasant sensation of being neatly pulled off of his horse and having an arm around his neck.
He flailed for only a few seconds, before his vision went dark.
As the other two carried their target into the boat, the one who had been talking stood by the horse, which seemed to know something seemed wrong.
As a sound reached them, the woman looked up.  “Are you tearing… clothes, Lila?”
“Am I tearing clothes,” mimicked the woman, Lila, under her breath.  She held up the piece of cloth in her hand; cream fabric, with the insignia of a bee on it.  “Of course I am.  With the right insignia in the right place you can start a war like it’s nothing.”
She slapped the horse.  “Go.”
“When the horse arrives, the insignia will give Gabriel ample reason to say that the very people he’s trying to marry his son off to have abducted his son.  When he catches and supposedly kills the mercenaries stealing him away, in their territory, there’ll be no denying that they were trying to steal him.  All the evidence he needs to start a war, or, well, blackmail them into silence.”
“Hold up,” said the man who had choked Adrien out, “did you say something about killing these mercenaries?  That’s us, right?”
“Of course it is, but he’s not going to actually kill us, he’s just going to say he has so there’s supposedly nobody around with any information that could let his ruse fall through.”
“I think at that point he’d probably just actually kill us so there really isn’t anybody to let it slip,” said the man, giving her a confused expression.
There was a long second of silence, as he cringed away from the nasty expression that spread across Lila’s face.
“Excuse me, Nino?  You think?  You think that he’d do that?  Did I hire you to think?  Would I have even taken this job if I thought it would get me killed?  Do you doubt my ability to talk my way into getting exactly what I bargained for?”
“No, I’m pretty sure Nino’s right,” said the other woman, pulling the plank up into the boat.
“Ohhh!” said Lila, turning to face her, “our town gossip has spoken.  You remember when I found you, Alya?  Out of money, desperately looking for some kind of lead on your blue woman?  You were so hungry, I could probably have just taken your Miraculous outright in exchange for a few coins, and frankly, it would probably have been more profitable to sell it than it’s been to have you work for me.  I’m the only reason you didn’t die of starvation or have to resort to low forms of work, so which of us do you think knows what they’re talking about?”
“We’re literally here to start a war,” she said, offended but chastened, “I don’t think it gets lower than that.”
“This is a prestigious art, with a long and glorious tradition,” scoffed Lila, rolling her eyes.
She turned to Nino.  “And you!  All that muscle and armor, and you couldn’t avoid almost getting cooked in your shell.  Do you want me to send you back to where I found you?  Roasting on a pyre?  In Greenland?”
She shook her head in annoyance, and walked up to the front of the boat.
They watched her pass behind the sail, which still hadn’t been raised fully.
Nino silently set to work cranking it into position.
Alya watched him, noted the slightly defeated look he wore, and took a step forward.
She paused a second, and thought through her next words.
“I doubt that Lila truly wants us harmed / She really just seems kind of stressed to me.”
Nino looked at her, and let out a short chuckle, then closed his eyes for a second, as if thinking.
“Well, if she did, I’d surely be alarmed / But why’s she got to pass the stress to... we?”  He shrugged, as if admitting a slight defeat on his rhyme.
She laughed.  “I always like how you’re so good at these.”
“I worked for years, at this point, it’s a breeze.”
“Enough of that!” said Lila, from the front of the boat, as the sail rose high enough to get them moving.
“So Nino, tell me, are there rocks ahead!?” called Alya, seemingly oblivious to Lila’s annoyed tone.
“Who says I know? If so, we'll soon be dead!”
“What did I say?  Stop with the rhyming!”
Nino grinned, and made a visible effort to restrain himself, but then laughed.
“I was done anyway, so, perfect timing!”
That seemed to be the last straw for Lila.
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yanderes-galore · 21 days
Can I please request a Yandere Alphabet for Princess Cadence please?
Sure! Again, sorry it took so long. Here it is! I'm sorry it isn't that good, Cadance is really hard to yandere :(
Yandere Alphabet - Princess Cadance
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Clingy behavior, Manipulation, Smothering affection, Kidnapping, Isolation, Condescending behavior, Delusional behavior, Love spell briefly mentioned, Forced/Dubious relationship.
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
I imagine Cadance isn't that intense of a yandere. She's a princess of love and would definitely want to be gentle and affectionate with her obsession. She'd give you the world if she could and her intensity would most likely be from how overwhelming her affection is rather than anything violent.
She can be quite stern at times, however.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Cadance is not a violent pony, so I imagine she isn't going to be very messy even as a yandere..
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Cadance is not normally cruel. She wouldn't dream of hurting her darling (physically). If you were ever "trapped" in her castle then she treats you with care. After all, she loves you. Why wouldn't she shower her beloved in gifts and affection?
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
She tries not to, you have freedom within the Crystal Empire. She knows you'd still like to have that much freedom. Her beloved deserves that much, right? Unless you try to leave.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
Quite a lot. Cadance would want to be very honest with you and can be vulnerable too. She just hopes you will do the same to her at some point....
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Disappointed yet tries her best to be understanding. You'll just need time to get used to her... she'll be patient. Love requires patience, even if it hurts. Although... if you keep this up then she may have to do something about it.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
No and she doesn't like you trying to escape.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
There isn't many when it comes to Cadance, luckily. However, maybe her putting a love spell on you or you realizing she's manipulated you into a relationship this entire time? The betrayal hurts enough. The fact you can't escape is worse.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
The traditional fantasy. Marriage, a family, all by your side. Nothing too complicated in her eyes. She's always dreamed of being married.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Yes but she learns to control herself. She doesn't really lash out but may send a glare towards who she's jealous of. She tries her best to work through it. She might even work on isolating you more, smothering you in affection to make you focus on her.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Obsessive, Affectionate, Clingy, Smothering, Manipulative, Protective, Subtle, Somewhat jealous.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
I'd say maybe you met as childhood friends or you were one of her guards. Similar to how she knows Twilight and Shining Armor essentially. That or maybe you're a Crystal Pony servant. From there she couldn't get you out of her mind, love at first sight.
Although, instead of love, it was most likely obsession at first sight.
She'd make her intentions subtle, carefully manipulating you into her hooves. By the time you realize it, it's too late. As a princess associated with love, you think her intentions are pure.
Oh how wrong you were.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Her obsession makes her persona darker, but for the most part she acts the same with you.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
She seems like she'd be uncharacteristically condescending when you push her nerves. Her punishments are probably things like isolating you in a room. Nothing too intense... yet she's determined to get her message across.
Distance makes the heart grow fonder, no? So surely you'll crawl back to her by the end of your isolation.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Not many as long as you reciprocate her affections just enough.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
She can be really patient as long as you don't push her too far.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
She'd have a really hard time moving on. I actually doubt she would, always having you in her heart even after you're gone.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
A little and maybe.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Childhood seems like the most likely cause.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
She'd feel horrible and try her best to comfort you. She never wanted to hurt you, so seeing her beloved so scared and closed off makes her reflect. Maybe she needs to be easier on you... smother her feelings a bit just to make you smile....
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
Reciprocating her affections, even if you're faking it she'll give you more freedom.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Not intentionally.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
Not really a worship yandere but she would do anything to live and protect you like most yanderes. She's a princess, she's capable of using strong magic or words to keep you by her side because she loves you. Or so she thinks.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Years, since Alicorns live a long time, she's willing to wait.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Not intentionally
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aslaton8-blog · 4 years
Mario Universe
I'm a huge Mario fan. I received my very first Super Nintendo (SNES) when I was just five years old. I was sick and my dad was a fiend for new technology so this was his version of trying to make us both feel better. I loved it! Shortly after that I met my first step brother, Brandon, who was only three years older than me. He introduced himself to me by pointing finger guns up close to him on a mission to find the burglar in the house. So much personality! We bonded immediately. He was in an out of my life for a total of four long years as my father tried to figure out his relationship with his mother. We played video games together, got lost in giant sewer systems in (Kingwood) Houston, TX, chased ice cream trucks, rode bikes together, got in trouble together, played Barbies together and everything! He was like having a real brother. I miss our fun.
I still play video games today. I hate the idea of tossing away your childhood imagination and adorations to become a "mature adult". I just think maturity means handling your responsibilities and learning how to peacefully interact with other people and the environment. It doesn't mean stop imagining there are burglars in the house and using finger guns to stop them.
My two favorite stories in a video game are Twilight Princess and Super Paper Mario Wii. Both from #Nintendo.
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"Ahem! Today I'll tell you the story of the lost book of prophecies."
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"This prophetic book was a mysterious tome full of stories of future events. Of course, many people craved this book, wishing to glimpse their futures. But no person, after obtaining this amazing book, ever found happiness. The reason? The book held frightful secrets not meant for people's eyes. That book came to be called the Dark Prognosticus and was sealed away. This...is the tale of that forgotten book's last owner. It is a tale of love..." - gamefaqs.com
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"Prior to the events of the game, Count Bleck went by the name Blumiere and was a member of the Tribe of Darkness, a group that had broken off from the Ancients after stealing the Dark Prognosticus in an (ultimately misguided) attempt to prevent its powers from being abused. One day, Bleck was found injured at the base of a cliff by a human girl, Timpani, and nursed back to health. Despite his father's warnings to stay away from humans, Blumiere became captured by her kindness toward him, sneaking out of his castle frequently to meet with her, and the pair eventually fell in love.
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After learning his father had threatened Timpani and realizing their love could not survive there, Blumiere proposed to her, but before they could be married, his father abducted and banished the bride from their dimension, wiping her memory and cursing her to wander through worlds until the day she died, out of fear that her marriage to his son would dilute the blood of the tribe. Upon learning of Timpani's disappearance, Blumiere traveled through dimensions searching for her, unaware that she had been found barely alive by Merlon, a descendant of the Ancients living in Flipside, and turned into a Pixl known as Tippi in order to save her. It is implied by one of Carson's stories that he met Nastasia at some point during his search - after freeing a bat from a trap, he witnessed her transform into a woman and swear allegiance to him out of love.
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Blumiere eventually returned home convinced that his love was gone forever. Believing life and existence to be meaningless without her, he stole the Dark Prognosticus against the wishes and pleas of his father, used its prophetic power to destroy his dimension, and decided to do the same to every world." -mariowiki.com
Then There is Twilight Princess
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"The game begins with a youth named Link, who works as a ranch hand in Ordon Village. One day, the village is attacked by Bulblins, who carry off the village's children with Link in pursuit before he encounters a wall of Twilight. A Shadow Beast pulls him beyond the wall into the Twilight-shrouded forest, where he is transformed into a wolf and imprisoned. Link is soon freed by a Twilight creature named Midna, who offers to help him if he obeys her unconditionally. She guides him to Princess Zelda, who explains that Zant, the King of the Twili, invaded Hyrule Castle and forced her to surrender. The kingdom became enveloped in Twilight, rendering all its inhabitants besides Link and Zelda spirits. To save Hyrule, Link must first revive the Light Spirits by entering the Twilight-covered regions and recovering the Spirits' light from the Twilight beings that had stolen it. Once revitalized, each Spirit returns Link to his Hylian form. During this time, the ghost of a departed swordsman also appears to provide swordsmanship training that he had failed to pass on before he died, as well as information regarding Link's destiny in Hyrule.
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Link also helps Midna acquire the Fused Shadows, fragments of a powerful dark relic. In return, she aids Link, and during his journey, he finds Ordon Village's children and assists the monkeys of Faron, the Gorons of Eldin, and the Zoras of Lanayru. After restoring the Light Spirits and obtaining the Fused Shadows, Link and Midna are ambushed by Zant, who takes the fragments. Midna calls him out for abusing his tribe's magic, but Zant reveals his power comes from another source, and uses it to revert Link to his wolf state. Failing to seduce Midna into joining forces with him, Zant leaves her to die by exposing her to the light. Bringing a dying Midna to Zelda, Link learns from her that he needs the Master Sword to lift Zant's curse, and she proceeds to sacrifice herself to heal Midna, vanishing mysteriously. Moved by Zelda's selflessness, Midna begins to care more about Link and the fate of the light world.
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After gaining the Master Sword, Link is cleansed of the curse that kept him in wolf form. Deep within the Gerudo Desert, Link and Midna search for the Mirror of Twilight, the only known gateway between Hyrule and the Twilight Realm, but discover it is broken. The Sages there explain that Zant tried to destroy it, but merely managed to shatter it into fragments; only the true ruler of the Twili can completely destroy the Mirror of Twilight. They also relate that they once used it to banish Ganondorf, the Gerudo leader who attempted to steal the Triforce, to the Twilight Realm when executing him failed. Link and Midna set out to retrieve the missing shards of the Mirror. Once the mirror has been fully restored, the Sages reveal to Link that Midna is actually the true ruler of the Twili, usurped and cursed into her current form by Zant. Confronting Zant, Link and Midna learn that he forged a pact with Ganondorf, who asked for his assistance in subjugating Hyrule. After Link defeats Zant, Midna recovers the Fused Shadows and destroys Zant after learning only Ganondorf's death can release her from her curse.
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Returning to Hyrule, Link and Midna find Ganondorf in Hyrule Castle, with a lifeless Zelda suspended above his head. Ganondorf fights Link by possessing Zelda and then transforming into a massive boar-like beast, but Link defeats him and the power Midna received from Zelda is able to resuscitate her. Ganondorf then revives, and Midna teleports Link and Zelda outside the castle so she can hold him off with the Fused Shadows. However, as Hyrule Castle collapses, it is revealed that Ganondorf was victorious, as he appears before them and crushes Midna's helmet. Ganondorf engages Link on horseback; assisted by Zelda and the Light Spirits, Link eventually knocks Ganondorf off his horse and duels him on foot before plunging the Master Sword into his chest. With Ganondorf dead, the Light Spirits revive Midna and restore her to her true form. After bidding farewell to Link and Zelda, Midna returns home and destroys the Mirror of Twilight with a tear. As Hyrule Castle is rebuilt, Link leaves Ordon Village, heading to parts unknown." - wikipedia.org
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Fate’s Design, Chapter 4
Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5
Summary:  A long time ago, a single drop of sunlight fell from the sky. For several centuries the magic of the sun went undiscovered, until the kingdom of Corona needed a miracle to save their most precious treasure.
When the only son of the King and his Consort is stolen from them, it seems like the magic of the sun is lost to the world once again, until that very same magic brings together two completely different people, changing the course of destiny forever.
AO3: This chapter | From the beggining
General warnings:  Child abduction, manipulative Deceit, villian Deceit, mentions of homophobia and angst. Each chapter will have individual warnings if necessary.
Chapter warnings: Mentions of childbirth
@imtherealjose this is for ya, ily 
Logan had always known he'd be welcoming a child of his into the world sooner or later. Ever since he was a kid himself, his parents and tutors and nannies had told him about the importance for a king to have children that he could crown as heirs, not that he had really cared when he was seven years old. As he grew up, however, the idea of his impending marriage and hypothetical children became a certain thing in his future. 
During his teen years he'd gone on what must have been thousands of dates with princesses and noblewomen, trying to find "his perfect match" as his stepmother often said. Not one of the young and pretty ladies managed to maintain his attention for longer than a few weeks, though not because of any fault of theirs. Logan was often in awe of their intelligence and wit, and he found them charming and kind, but his brief relationships never went anywhere. He tried, of course. He tried as best as he could to be attentive and interested, but his mind just… went anywhere but the ladies he courted.  Always thinking about a new book, a different puzzle, the next lesson- he barely knew how he managed to begin any courtships at all. Those girls must have really wanted the chance to become queens one day, if they were willing to put up with such a distracted buffon, not that Logan had been the one to call himself that in the first place. 
No, that had been his father, after the fifth girl’s parents announced their choice to end the courtship, not that Logan minded; Saphira was too much a friend for him to consider her a potential wife. He wasn’t attracted to her in the slightless, and while they could have made it work, and Saphira would have been an incredible queen, they both decided that it wasn’t worth it. The only reason why they even tried in the first place was because of a prophecy that Saphira’s mother had received upon her birth, that one day her blood would pass unto the throne of Corona. As children, Logan and Saphira often joked about how he should just give up the throne to her, and save them the marriage. Funny how the universe managed to make everything fall into place. 
Logan had not married her, much to the disappointment of the entire court. They had remained friends, even if the years forced them apart when Logan was crowned King right after his twenty-first birthday and Saphira’s family moved to the northern region. She’d been the first person that Logan told about his feelings for Patton when he finally realized he had them, a hurried letter full of exclamation marks and almost unintelligible rambling. She’d also been the first to receive an invitation to their wedding a couple years later, and she’d been the one to deliver the rings in the ceremony, a beaming smile on her face as she stepped to the side. It only made sense that their paths would cross even further, taking them to the night when Logan and Patton sat next to her bedside, each of them holding one of her hands as she screamed in pain and several midwives offered encouraging words. 
Saphira, kind, selfless and wonderful, giving them the most precious gift; a gift that Logan would have never dared ask for, but had been freely offered by her, to him, because she loved him as a friend and as a King, and she said she wanted to give him and Patton the chance at having a family that they wouldn’t have had otherwise.  
When the baby’s cries filled the room, Logan could not believe what was happening. Saphira’s face was full of exhausted relief, and Logan could only watch as Patton cried while holding her, because the child they had longed for was finally there, and the senior midwife was turning to them and announcing the birth of a healthy boy. 
Logan had always known that one day he’d welcome a child of his blood into the world; it was the way nobility worked: a King had children so that the throne could be inherited. Logan had never expected his life to  take him to that night, next to his best friend and the love of his life, holding a child born out of love and happiness. 
“What will the name of the baby be, Your Majesty?” asked one of the midwives, a young woman with clear green eyes. Logan turned to look at Patton, who returned his smile with a nod. 
“I believe Lady Saphira should do the honors”, he answered, gently passing the baby back to his mother. The tired woman gave him a grateful look before smiling down at the fussy baby in her arms. 
“Aren’t you the most precious thing in the entire world?” she muttered, her soft voice interrupting the eager silence of the room. The baby was so small, so fragile, so beautiful; time seemed to stop as Saphira contemplated the child that she had brought to the world for another family to love and raise, and there was no hint of hesitation as she turned to look at Patton and offered him the child.  
“Roman”, she said, and around her the world exploded back into happy giggles and coos from the other people in the room, as her eyes found Logan’s. “His name is Roman”.
Patton was now holding the baby, the tiny human that now held all of Logan’s heart in his tiny hands, unaware that he had lots of people waiting to hear about him, to learn of his name. 
“Oh, Saphira” he said, falling to his knees next to her bed, grabbing one of her hands and holding it, sure that there was nothing as precious as her benevolence, as selfless as her love. “I couldn’t have chosen a better name. I cannot thank you enough, I cannot express the magnitude of what I feel, because what you’ve done for me, for us, goes beyond what can be thanked with mere words. I promise to you that you’ll never find yourself in need of anything, and I extend this promise to every single one of your descendants for as long as my family survives, because without you I wouldn’t have a family to speak of”.
“That is a powerful promise to make, my King” mused Saphira, her voice a bit choked up, which made Logan look up and meet her eyes. She looked like an angel, the light coming from the lamps on the walls framing her face like a halo, and she was crying, too. “All I ask is that you love him well, that you never stop loving your family. That would be enough for me, for I don’t desire riches nor fame. Upon my birth a seer predicted that one day my blood would join yours, and tonight the prophecy has proven true, in the most beautifully unexpected way possible”.
“Unexpected indeed”. Logan smiled, remembering the countless moments of teasing and laughter between them, all the moments that had led them there. Patton was crying silently, the tears falling down his smiling face, the baby in his arms sleeping soundly. The little blanket that covered him had been crafted by Patton’s own hands, months of careful and dedicated work turned into a delicate expression of the purest love. The red and yellow thread that had been transformed into an intricate pattern of crowns and hearts had formed a soft blanket that was finally wrapped around the child, keeping him warm and protected. 
Unexpected was alright, he thought to himself as the midwives asked them to leave the room, so that the exhausted mother could rest. The baby was gently laid in a crib next to Saphira’s bed, the peaceful atmosphere undisturbed by the outside world. Unexpected was good, he thought as he and Patton walked hand in hand through the corridor towards the castle doors, not caring that they were wearing their pajamas or that they looked tired, ready to announce to the kingdom the wonderful news. Unexpected was perfect, he thought as the spokesman’s voice boomed above them in the first rays of sunlight of the most wondrous morning of his life. 
Patton was at his side, and they belonged together, and their love was now welcoming a new person to the world, and Saphira was probably asleep, away from all the noisy merriment that filled the streets as the trumpets announced the birth of Prince Roman on the early hours of the third day of the sixth month. 
“Yes, my love?” 
Patton was resting his head on Logan’s shoulder, his voice barely audible under the cheers of  Long live Prince Roman! that resonated through the courtyard and beyond. 
“I love you” was all he said, and Logan chuckled. 
Unexpected, very unexpected indeed, but he would not change it for anything in the entire world. 
“I love you, too”.
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xthis-rebelle · 7 years
To Love A Galra
Chapter One
Read Chapter Two Here
What was left of the Altean royal family boarded the Galra ship. They were to be taken to Emperor Zarkon’s headquarters, where Prince Lotor would hear the terms of their peace arrangement.
After 10, 000 years of bloody war with the Galra, the near destruction of the known Universe called for an immediate treaty offer from the Alteans, who were far better diplomats than the Galra.
That, together with the rise of a new threat in the form of a secret rebellion called the Blade of Marmora, consisting of the Galra who were completely loyal to Zarkon and who’s only concern was to seek vengeance among Prince Lotor and the Alteans who destroyed their Emperor further fueled the call to peace.
His Royal Highness, Crown Prince Lance, Sovereign Ruler of the kingdom of Altea  strode through the corridors with light feet, his sister Princess Allura at his side. The Altean Guard was in fine form and Prince Lance kept his cool aloofness, despite the sneers and growls from the Galra.
“This way, if you please,  Your Highnesses,” the male drone said as it punched in a code to unlock a giant set of double black and purple doors, “Prince Lotor awaits.”
As they walked through the doors, Prince Lance felt a sudden rush of cold air. It blew back his silvery-white hair and face. He felt refreshed as he realized this was space air, and a large open hole, sealed by glass sat on the ceiling above them.
Atop the throne, with Galra guards surrounding him, a figure decked in tight black armor was sprawled out. His long hair was slicked back from his face, and colored eyes met Lance’s. His jaw was tensed even when it was relaxed and his sharp eyes were trained onto the Alteans, obviously scanning for a threat.
“Welcome,” Prince Lotor said.
His voice was like honey. Silky and sweet but dangerous, all the same.
“Coran,” Prince Lance motioned Lazily.
“Of course, Your Highness,” an Altean with orange hair and the Altean eyes, a mixture of different hues of color and a deep purple pupil-ring, stepped forward, “Prince Lotor, allow me to introduce you to Their Royal Highnesses, Crown Prince Lance, Sovereign Ruler of the Kingdom of Altea and First General of the Altean Military, and this is his sister Princess Allura of Altea.”
Prince Lotor nodded, “I hope the preparations were to your liking. The Galra barely have anything left. Everything was destroyed in the war when our home planet collapsed. On our behalf, I apologize.”
“My sister and I appreciate your efforts towards the instigation of treaty,” Prince Lance said, his cool façade unbreakable, purposefully ignoring Lotor’s jab, “Both sides will need the help when the Blade of Marmora decides to make their first move.”
“I agree,” said Prince Lotor, “Acxa, send for my half-brother. He has an important part to play in these negotiations as well.”
“Yes, Sir,” said a woman in tight black Galra armor, “I shall fetch General Keith immediately.”
“Back to our negotiations,” Prince Lotor continued as the woman left the room, “The Altean forces will each spend one phoeb with the Galra Military for combat training. I expect that in return for this service, Altea will provide essential supplies to the Galra in times of need.”
“Of course,” said Prince Lance, “That is a given. I also expect that the Alteans and the Galra are expected to treat each other with utmost and mutual respect, as well as fight alongside each other as equals. The Galra will stay with the Alteans  for a phoeb in order to properly learn the art of creating and travelling via wormholes, and the scientific arts. The Galra are also expected to aid us in the creation of new weaponry, as well as show the Alteans how to forge weapons and such. Both parties are expected to provide protection to each other should the Blade attack.”
Keith stood outside his brother’s throne room. He heard two voices speaking. His brother and, wait, were those Alteans?? He’d know their accents anywhere.
So, his brother was really doing it. He was trying to create peace.
Keith felt a deep rage inside him. His brother knew how he felt about the Alteans. He’d been in the heart of the battle. He’d been raised a soldier since the day he was born. He was forced to be a soldier. The Galra never made things easier for him.
He was Zarkon’s bastard son, after all.
His mother, he couldn’t even remember her that well, had been a human woman in the wrong place at the wrong time. She’d been abducted by the Galra as a young girl and as she grew, Zarkon became obsessed with her. She eventually gave into Zarkon’s affection and gave birth to Keith not too long after.
He was born a hybrid; a combination of both.
His skin was purple, not as purple as the other Galra. He did have glowing eyes, but he had violet-grey irises and small freckles dusting his nose and cheeks, like his mother before him. He was shorter and smaller than the other Galra but what he lacked in height, he made up for in swiftness, intelligence and self assuredness in battle. He had fangs and black hair too, that he liked covering his eyes, pointed Galra ears and a disturbing lack of fur and claws.
Zarkon’s wife, the Empress Honerva, was not pleased with her husband’s dalliance. She used her dark magic to send Keith’s mother insane, then had her locked up. Keith had never acknowledged his royal status, but Zarkon gave Keith the same training he gave Lotor. How to talk like a Prince, how to act like a Prince, how to negotiate like a leader.
After his father was killed, the Alteans killed his mother shortly after.
It was then that he stormed into Honerva’s throne room and demanded to lead the attack against the Alteans. When it was over and successful, she immediately promoted him to the rank of General, the highest ranking in the Galra Empire under the royal family themselves.
For a while, Keith and Honerva had a common bedfellow: vengeance. Then she was assassinated by the General of the Altean forces. It made Keith’s desire for Altean blood grow stronger. His half-brother, Honerva’s son, Lotor, took over the Galra then, but Keith knew he didn’t want the title, he wanted Keith’s post as General.
His plan was to sweep the carpet from under the Altean’s feet by gaining their trust and then betraying it, but then the new threat had surfaced, and Lotor was quick to change his mind.
That was the tricky thing about Lotor. His loyalties changed pretty quickly.
Bracing himself, Keith entered the throne room.
Two Alteans stood in front of Lotor’s throne, a boy and a girl.
“Brother, so glad you can join us,” Lotor grinned, a shark’s grin.
Keith nodded and took his place at Lotor’s right side, fully facing the Alteans.
The girl was beautiful, no doubt, with dark skin, white hair, gentle pink Altean markings and fine white and blue clothing with gold trimmings, and a blue cloak draped around her shoulders horizontally, pinned by an old fashioned brooch at the top of her dress.
The boy caught his attention. Like the girl, he wore blue, white and gold clothing, but his cloak was pinned by a gold chain that slanted across his shoulders. His ears were delicately pointed, and he had pastel blue markings that were parallel to the girl’s.
He wore a blue and gold ‘v’ shaped circlet, like the girl, proclaiming their status as royalty, but his was semi-covered by bangs. He’d often heard that Altean eyes were the most beautiful in the Galaxy, and he now realized why this was true. The boy’s eyes seemed to light up the room. He also had a regal, upturned nose and fine, full lips. He was way to pretty. Keith hated him immediately.
“Keith, these are Their Royal Highnesses, Prince Lance and Princess Allura of Altea. Our negotiations are almost finished,” Prince Lotor smirked.
“So, why am I here?” Keith demanded. He was willing to bet Lotor was playing another stupid game.
“We haven’t yet worked out the little details. What say you shall be the punishment for the naughty Alteans and Galra who break the treaty?” Lotor continued, still smirking.
Keith knew it. Another game.
“Trial and death, of course. If they are found guilty, immediate execution,” Keith responded, playing along.
“Excellent,” Lotor said, “Your Highness, do you agree to these terms?”
“Yes, I see no problem,” the Altean prince nodded, cautiously.
Keith applauded him silently.
He was not as much of an idiot as Keith first thought.
And the Altean looked as though he was well aware that Lotor was a snake, too.
“Now, you know our people will need assurance. Proof that this treaty is being taken seriously,  if you will,” Lotor said.
“Is my word as Prince of Altea not enough for you?” Prince Lance asked, a scowl forming on his face.
Keith could tell his dimwit brother had upset the Prince’s ego.
“It is, but the Galra need proof—” Lotor started.
“If you were half a good leader as your people said you are,” Prince Lance cut him off, taking a deep breath, “Your words should be enough. However, I understand your concerns. What do you think would rectify this situation?”
“Your Highness, seeing as this is a treaty,  I absolutely cannot see a treaty being sealed by anything other than a marriage,” Lotor said smoothly, “A union from both sides, not only to show that both sides are trying, and that this is serious. Should the treaty break, so should the marriage.”
“I…” Prince Lance furrowed his eyebrows, it was obvious that he hated being put on the spot, “I agree.”
“So therefore it would be wise of me to ask for your sisters’ hand,” Lotor smiled.
Keith’s jaw dropped.
Prince Lance’s poker face broke. A shocked laugh tore its way from his throat.
Allura, who’d been silent till now, squeaked,  “What?”
“Absolutely not,” Prince Lance said with finality, quickly facing his sister.
“Lance,” his sister said, softly, “If this is the only way—”
“Absolutely not,” Prince Lance repeated, and turned to face Prince Lotor,  “I have lost too much at the hands of the Galra. I lost my father, brothers and sister in the war. Allura and I are the last of the royal family. I cannot marry her off to a total stranger just for the sake of this. And even if she agreed, I still am the Crown Prince, so she cannot marry until I have married. That is the way the Altean Empire works. I will not lay this burden onto my baby sister.”
“Well, then,” Lotor smiled, eyes hard, “We must find a work around, wouldn’t you agree?”
“I would prefer an alternative suggestion, yes,” Prince Lance said.
“You and Allura are of the same age. Seventeen, if I recall correctly,” Lotor mused, “In fact, if I recall correctly, which I do, you are twins. So, Prince Lance, the other alternative is that you marry my brother, General Keith.”
Lance’s breath caught in his throat. Marry Keith? Zarkon’s illegimate son? Someone from his own gender? But then, Lance wasn’t really one to discriminate on gender. People in general, according to him, were beautiful and attractive, flaws and all.
“That is my counter offer. Either you marry Keith.. Or I marry Allura.”
“He can’t do that,” Lotor’s brother erupted, “Lotor, I’m not even royalty and you know it!”
“Lance, no,” Allura said, looking like she was about to burst into tears. She grabbed Lance’s hand tightly and squeezed, “Please, no.”
“I have made up my mind already. As I have said, It is my burden to bear, sister,” Prince Lance said, looking like he was about to sign a death warrant, “This is for the greater good of my country and people. Prince Lotor,  I will accept your terms. I will marry your brother, if that is what it takes to bring peace.”
“Excellent,” Prince Lotor smiled, and for the first time, it wasn’t fake. It was terrifying.
Prince Lance felt as though he walked into a trap.
“Now for one final adjustment to our terms. Let it be known that as of today,  I have officially abdicated my title as Prince of the Galra to my brother, Keith.”
“What?” Allura demanded, outraged “How dare you, Prince Lotor. How dare you bring us here with the hopes of peace and then toy with us and crush those hopes beneath your feet! How dare you play us all like this?! You cannot possibly be serious.”
“Your Highness, I would like to think I’m being utterly serious. Prince Lance, These are my conditions. You can either stand by your decision to accept my terms or there will be no peace,” Prince Lotor said smoothly.
“You’re forcing the General into this,” Prince Lance said, quietly, “Do not force your brother into something he does not wish to do.”
“Oh, he will accept this,” Prince Lotor informed Prince Lance, “Otherwise I will see to it that his position, power and authority within the Galra are stripped.”
“Why are you doing this, Lotor?” the General demanded.
“I’ve never had time to spend the amount of time as you have with the army. Now, the Blade of Marmora is rising, and I need to be prepared for anything they can throw at me. Think wisely, you know what will happen should your answer not please me.”
I want your power, little brother.
“No. You can strip me of everything and send me to the ice planet Xylëm if you wish, but I will not be your puppet on a string,” General Keith snarled, fire burning in his eyes.
A lethal stare down broke down between both brothers. If looks could kill, Lotor would be a dead man.
“Please,” the Altean Prince said softly, lowering his eyes to the ground, unwilling to let them see the defeat in his eyes, “I promised my people no more bloodshed and I can’t-“ his voice broke.
The Princess stood beside him, stiff, as if wearing invisible armor, but there was palpable shock and frustration on her face.
Some of Keith’s fire diminished when he heard Prince Lance’s voice break unevenly.
Lance was a leader, a Prince who’d always gotten everything he ever wanted, but was now begging for the sake of his people. A leader who had put his pride aside for his people.
That’s when Keith realized Prince Lance had the one thing he and Lotor lacked: honour.
If he could put aside his own personal feelings to be forced into a loveless marriage to a man who belonged to a species he loathed with every inch of himself, then so could Keith.
But that didn’t mean Lotor would get away with that stunt he pulled.
“Okay,” Keith said, taking a breath, setting aside his own pride and sealing his fate, “Fine, I’ll do it. Our people owe this to each other, they can’t handle anymore war and bloodshed.”
“Then we have a deal, gentlemen,” Prince Lotor grinned, “Might I suggest you start wedding planning and get it over with by the end of the movement? Also Keith, your.. fiancé will update you on the terms of the treaty, what our people are to expect from theirs and vice-versa.”
Prince Lance glared at him, gritting his teeth. Princess Allura looked on with defiance in her eyes, but stood stiffly, quietly, regally. She was going to have words with her brother when they left.
Keith would do this for the betterment of what was now his people, the ungrateful people who refused to accept him for who he was. And, he’d get revenge on Lotor.
You want to play that game big brother? No problem, Keith thought, But you’d better watch your back. Cross me once, I’ll stab you twice.
Hey guys, your local idiot, i.e me, deleted this by accident so here’s a repost of it. Thank God for ao3. Anyways, this isn’t proof read,or beta’d, but enjoy.
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