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Cosmic Concupiscence (feral ZaDr AU)(chapter 3)
Alternate chapter title: Friendship is paramount, despite the differences. Second alternate title: Talk shit, get hit.
Zim crept along the forest floor on all fours, following the strange people. They looked like horribly deformed irkens to him, with no antenna, and no tails either! Oh man, what happened to their tails? Did they get cut off? Yikes! That’s a sad and frightening thought! Something must have mutilated these irkens real bad. It must be the thing they came out of, that shining metal beast. Yes that must be it, that is the reason, Zim decided, that they look so different. They looked around at the forest like they had never been in one. Zim scuttled up a tree and peered around it, glaring at Gaz and Dib in suspicion. He was so focused on them that he didn’t notice himself slipping and sliding down the tree, his claws scraping along the bark. Dib and Gaz looked over towards the sound, and Zim yelped in panic, scrambling back upwards and hiding as best he could. His tail thrashing in agitation, the only thing giving him away.
“Whoa What is that?!” Dib pointed and stared excitedly. “Did you see that Gaz?! Ah man, I have GOT to go get close to it!” Dib made a move towards the tree and Gaz yanked him back by the arm. “I don’t think so dumbass. We’re not getting killed today. I plan on bringing you back to dad in one piece, not fifty.” She grumbled. “But what if it’s not dangerous?! Huh?! What if it’s harmless like a small lizard or something?” Dib protested. “Uh Huh... Well what if it’s a big giant horrible murder beast that can rip you apart?” Gaz countered. “Then I’ll die happy, doing what I love. Going after the unknown.” Dib said in a smug tone of voice. “I don’t think so.” Gaz said, tugging him along. “It’s getting dark anyways, we need to go!” She turned them back around, holding onto her brother’s hand tightly. “But we’ve only been out here for a half hour! Besides I have a flashlight!” Dib complained. “Well you know what, I’d rather not get murdered in the dark tonight ok? So we’re going home now, and we’re coming back tomorrow. We can resume where we left off it’s not that difficult to get out Dib.” Gaz said. Dib just sighed in defeat and walked along with his sister.
Zim crept down from the tree, and continued to follow his subjects of interest. He padded along after them, being much more carful to be quiet this time. He hid around every object he came to, and peered out cautiously. Zim was still not exactly adept at being a perfect and silent stalker, but Dib and Gaz were none the wiser, at least Zim thought so. He froze and tensed up when Gaz stopped to listen. “What’s the matter?” Dib asked in concern. “Sssshhh.” Gaz covered his mouth. “Somethings following us.” She murmured. Zim tiptoed closer, cautiously, on all fours. Inching slowly towards them, curiosity getting the better of him. Gaz and Dib turned around to look, as they heard a twig snap. Zim froze up, his eyes wide in panic as he made eye contact with Dib and Gaz. He simply stayed still as stone, and so did the two. Gaz squeezed Dib’s hand, and murmured to him. “When I say run, run.” Zim perked his antenna at the noise and squinted suspiciously at them, before he stood up, standing on his hind limbs.
“Run!” Gaz whispered urgently. She tugged on her brother’s arm but he stood still as stone, transfixed and focused only on Zim’s enormous ruby-magenta eyes. “Dib let’s go!” Gaz pulled at his arm again, sharply this time, and it pulled him out of his amazed stupor. Dib stumbled backwards before reluctantly letting Gaz lead him away at breakneck speed. Zim skittered back in alarm at their sudden movement, and then watched after them in confusion as they ran away from him. Why were they running? Zim had not made a move to attack them! He paused hesitantly for a moment, before dropping to all fours and bounding after the two, determined to catch up and explain himself. Dib looked behind them and his eyes widened in alarm at the sight of the feral irken, tearing after them like a wild animal on all fours.
“Gaz don’t look now. We have a follower.” Dib gasped. Gaz looked back anyways just in time to see Zim leap up from the ground to make a daring attack, pouncing for her brother. The two tumbled to the ground upon impact and easily broke apart, skidding and sliding in the leaves and the dirt. Dib scrambled back up and distanced himself from the alien. Zim staggered onto all fours and shook himself before turning to face Dib, confused by the expression of fury on his face. Dib stomped forward, and posed threateningly like he was going to attack, bluffing. Zim bought it though, and tore off in the other direction, screeching wildly, before standing off at a distance and continuing to observe them. He was shocked to find that the strange person had not actually came after him, and was instead running away. “HEY!” Zim shouted in anger, before once more giving chase.
Zim tore after them, and began to flank Gaz. Gaz turned and pulled a pepper spray bomb from her backpack and tossed it at Zim, who caught it, confused but interested in the strange object.... that is, until it exploded in a soft red cloud, leaving Zim howling in fear. His eyes and skin began to burn like nothing he’d ever felt before. He screamed in pain and staggered out of the cloud of smoke and pepper spray, clawing at himself and his eyes, thrashing in pain on the ground. Dib looked back at him in pity before Gaz tugged him in the direction of his ship. Zim staggered from the red cloud of pain and despair, and watched them run into the field, his vision blurred by tears of pain.
“Waaaaaiiiit!” Zim howled in irken, his voice raspy and strained from the pain of the pepper spray. “I just wanted to know who you are!” He collapsed to the ground staring helplessly after them, coughing and hacking. Dib looked back at the alien again, at the entrance of the ship now, his eyes wide in amazement. “You can talk...” He murmured quietly. “Dib let’s go! Before the expedition team gets back!” Gaz called impatiently after her brother. Dib raced up the extended platform that Gaz had brought down and through the emergency entrance. The two of them were panting and gasping for air, as they sat down on the floor of the ship, trying to collect their thoughts. “What.. is... wRONG WITH YOU?!” Gaz snapped at her brother. “Wha?” Dib looked at her with confusion and shock. “You could’ve been killed and you just stood there looking at it like a dumbass, you could’ve been lunch! What the hell would I do? What the absolute fuck would I say to dad, if you died?” Gaz glared at him, trembling in rage.
“Gaz... I told you, I was willing to take that risk!” Dib sighed quietly. “Well I’m not!” She shouted. “Whatever, all I know is that you shouldn’t have tossed that bomb.” He said, crossing his arms and finally returning her cold glare. “WhAT?!” Gaz was utterly beside herself, taken completely aback by this idiotic statement. “Didn’t you hear it Gaz? It can talk! That poor alien is a person! You hurt them!” Dib protested. “Oh my god, I don’t care! It was going to kill you!” She hollered. “If they were going to kill me, then they would’ve succeeded! Did you even see their claws?!” Dib snapped back at her. “Fine then! Go out there tomorrow and get killed! See if I care dumbass! That’s the last time I’m saving you from your stupid decisions!” Gaz retaliated in fury, before storming off. Dib glared after her and then made the most stupid (or maybe it was the best) decision of his life.
He got up, glared at Gaz as she turned to throw him one last angry look, and then smashed the emergency airlock button and leapt out of the ship. “DIB NO!” Gaz screamed in rage and shock. The airlock alarms went off, alerting the entire ship as to what was going on. The doors closed, leaving Gaz behind to merely stand there in shocked and disbelieving silence. Dib fell off the platform as it pulled back into the ship, landing on the ground with a heavy thud. He groaned and lay there in the grass for a moment, before struggling onto his feet. He looked up at the closed doors of the ship and wondered how mad his sister was right now. He sighed and shook his head, before racing back into the forest, narrowly avoiding the returning expedition team.
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Zim watched from afar as one of the figures leapt back out of the ginormous metal monstrosity and ran off into the forest. The irken tilted his head in confusion and he watched curiously as Dib ducked behind a tree, peering out at the expedition team in caution. Dib waited behind the tree, watching the team enter the ship, and then watching the doors close and the ramp ascend. Zim’s engrossed curiosity soon turned to horror as he watched Gir creep up behind Dib.
Gir bounded right up to Dib, chirping and clicking curiously, startling the boy. “Whoa what the!-“ Dib stayed perfectly still, inspecting Gir with both caution and interest as the irken child grabbed onto him without hesitation, and climbed up him like he was a tree. Gir stuck his face in Dib’s tilting his head at an angle and asked him a question in irken, frowning when Dib only tensed up and gave him a dumbly confused look. Zim had seen enough, and he charged out of hiding, snarling with wild rage. Dib looked over in alarm and scrambled backwards, throwing himself up against the tree, as Gir leapt off of him. Gir scampered off to watch nearby, with morbid curiosity.
Zim stopped just short of Dib, his face mere centimeters from Dib’s. He bared his dagger-sharp teeth at Dib and growled, his enormous ruby-magenta eyes narrowed down to thin slits. Dib flinched at the growl, but dared not look away from Zim’s eyes. They were too... deep.... and rather... beautiful.... Zim could see the look of fear creep off of Dib’s face, replaced with an expression of pure wonder. Zim backed up, staring in confusion at the stranger, his antenna flicking about wildly. “Wow.” Dib could barley manage to whisper. Zim threw a cautious look at Gir and then back at Dib, before backing up a little more. Dib snapped back to reality and looked on in disappointment as Zim scooped Gir up and raced off, all in one seamless and swift motion. He watched after the irken as he scrambled into a tree and watched Dib cautiously from high up, where he was safe.
Dib sat down, pulled out his notebook and started sketching furiously, tossing quick glances back up at Zim and Gir. What an amazing opportunity to observe without being bothered. “I knew it! I knew you wouldn’t hurt me! Gaz was wrong!” He mumbled smugly, smiling to himself. He stopped looking up and instead just focused on his sketch as dusk rolled in. He began to fill page after page of excited and scratchy-looking doodles. He looked up again expecting to see Zim and Gir still in the tree. Dib gave a startled yelp and scrambled backwards, clutching his chest in alarm, as Zim was mere inches from him and observing him with interest. Zim scuttled back on all fours at the Dib’s sound of alarm, looking around in paranoia, expecting a huge monstrous parent to come aggressively charging out of nowhere.
Dib looked at the alien cautiously and for a third time, their eyes met. Zim tilted his head as he looked at Dib, observing him carefully and taking in all his details that he hadn’t had time to pay attention to until now. Zim blinked slowly as if thinking deeply, before opening his mouth to speak. “Who are you?” He growled softly in irken. Dib stared dumbly for a moment and then shook his head in disbelief. This was really happening. An alien was speaking to him and it was there, and real. “I... I don’t understand you... I’m sorry.” Dib said softly, his voice full of disappointment. Zim frowned, displeased by this obvious problem. The irken crept cautiously forward to inspect Dib a little more closely, only mere inches away now.
Dib tensed up and leaned back a little as Zim leaned in, looking him up and down. “I said, who are you!?” The irken growled again, glaring at Dib as though he were stupid. Dib sighed and looked at the alien before deciding to shrug, attempting to help him see that he didn’t understand irken. “Oh? You don’t know who you are? I understand! You must have hit your head or something!” Zim smiled politely, nodding now that he “understood what the problem was.” Dib only gave him a confused and frustrated look, wondering how he could get around the problem of their obvious language barrier. Zim saw the frustration in his face and tilted his head. “See if you hit your head, that must be why you speak weird. Don’t worry! I think I can help you! You must be stupid from your head damage so that’s why you don’t understand that it’s going to be dark in a few minutes. Cause you know, you should really be hiding! Bad things come out at night! You can just come stay with me!” Zim smiled and held out his hand after he stood up.
Dib stood up and brushed the dirt and leaves off his clothes before tentatively taking the alien’s hand. This was really happening. He was holding hands with an alien person on another planet. Dib felt utterly mind blown and was filled with gratitude, but this person did not understand him and that was going to be a real problem. Zim gently tugged the boy along and led him through the forest, Gir excitedly trailing behind them. Zim smiled cheerfully, all previous caution and sense of danger had disappeared. Yes, this poor deformed irken was stupid, and not dangerous at all! There was nothing to be afraid of! He could help take care of this poor and unfortunate person! He was taking care of Gir after all! Dib only followed silently, wondering where he was being taken. Did this alien person have something cool to show him? Dib hoped he wasn’t willingly walking straight into death, like the dumbass his sister thought he was.
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Gaz was utterly enraged, but even more so, she was very worried for her brother’s safety. The expedition team began to board the ship, and they looked around in confusion at the airlock alarms going off. Gaz ran off to the elevator and frantically smashed the button to go to floor fifty two. She raced off to their room that she shared with Dib to hide from dad. She couldn’t face him, she just couldn’t. The room was strange without her brother’s presence, so foreign and alien. It was a discomforting thing, to not have him there. She felt guilty, like she should be out there looking for him, but it was so dangerous. All Gaz could hope for was that he’d make it through the night and come home, and that the guilt and fear wouldn’t eat her completely alive.
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Dib had a perfect amount of time, in the dying light, to observe the two aliens he walked alongside. Zim looked like a scaleless lizard-bug-person. But that description was crude and inaccurate, because there was so much more to the being before him. His skin was a soft sage green, and what Dib had mistaken for markings were in fact Scars. The alien was covered with scars and even a few bruises, and it made Dib wonder what had hurt him, as concentrated on the huge one between Zim’s shoulders. Zim continued to talk, oblivious of the fact that Dib wasn’t a complete moron. Dib wished he could understand what was being said. The whole time they walked, Zim had 100% refused to let go of Dib’s hand, afraid that if he were to let go he might loose his new friend. Dib watched his antenna twitch and flick at every little sound. Zim was certainly vigilant.
Gir was a more vibrant green than Zim, and he was covered in dark freckles from head to tail. His antenna curled outwards at the ends, and his eyes were a bright and warm cyan blue. Both of them were buck naked, and yet there was nothing between their legs. Not one ounce of anything. Dib didn’t even really feel the need to question it though, especially considering it wouldn’t really be any of his business. Gir appeared to be getting tired of walking, so he grabbed onto Dib and climbed up him, holding onto him easily by his clothes. Dib wrapped his free arm around the kid, smiling softly.
The trees began to thicken and Dib could hear murmurs in the shade of the forest. Zim had gone silent and was looking around, carefully observing that which Dib apparently could not see. The boy looked up and gasped audibly, at the sight before him. The tree canopy was all intertwined and connected with bridges of vines and wood, and further up in those trees, were homes that had been carved deep into them. Dib watched as other irkens slowly appeared and stared curiously at the new and strange sight before them. They began to slowly creep forward and gather in a circle around the three. Dib looked at their cautious and judging stares, and felt his gut twist in anxiety. Gir hopped down out of Dib’s arms and scampered up to Zim, who finally let go of Dib’s hand. The other irkens began to murmur and talk, pondering over Dib, who was unfortunately oblivious to what they were saying.
“What is it?” Tak whispered. “I don’t know but it looks weird.” Skoodge replied. “Can we eat it?” Larb asked. “No dumbass! We don’t eat people! We eat animals.” Tenn growled in response to Larb’s stupidity. “It’s got too many clothes on. What’s it hiding it’s body like that for?” Skutch asked. “I-Is it dangerous?” Floog whined anxiously. “I don’t think it’s dangerous. Don’t you smell that? It reeks of adolescence.” Poki said in disdain. “I don’t think it smells all that bad!” Skoodge piped up. “Oh please Skoodge, you play with the big nasty murder-rats, of course this thing smells good to you.” Tenn snapped. “Hey!” Skoodge cried out indignantly. “Oh back off Tenn, the rats don’t smell bad. Get your head out of your hole and quit acting like your better than everyone else.” Tak snarled. “Oh my gosh fight! Fight fight fight fight!” Larb cackled, clearly entertained. “Guuuuuyyyys don’t fight. Haven’t we all fought enough today???” Floog sighed. “It’s gotta be hiding something! Just look at the big thing it’s got on it’s back!” Flobee hissed suspiciously. “Guys, guys, it’s not dangerous! I swear! I wouldn’t bring something bad home! It’s just stupid and needs a little help!” Zim tried desperately to assure his clan-mates. “All of you be quiet!” Poki snarled. “The Tallests are coming!”
Red and Purple sauntered up to the group, large and intimidating, they glared at the gathered crowd. “What’s going on here?” Red called out loudly, his scathing red eyes glaring deep into those who dared look at him directly. Purple looked more casually inconvenienced and was generally over all, quite disinterested in the goings on of others. “Zim brought a stranger home!” Alexovich finally said, breaking the long moment of awkward silence. “We can see that.” Purple growled, glaring Zim down. “What is it? And why did you bring it here?” Red hissed, his voice seething with venomous hatred. Zim fidgeted uncomfortably under the disgusted gaze of his Tallests, before finally managing to speak up and explain himself. “Um.. well.. it’s strange and new, and kind of stupid... so.. well I just, I thought maybe... since it was alone, that it needed help... it can’t even speak correctly... but I swear it’s NOT dangerous!” He looked up at Red and Purple, giving a nervous but innocent and sweet smile.
“Eeeuuurrgh.. nice try defective. We don’t need another useless idiot in the clan.” Purple hissed in a cruel and intimidating tone. “H-hey!” Zim cried out, making the mistake of showing how much Purple’s words hurt. “Yeah you already adopted one. We really don’t need three of them around here.” Red chimed in, a smug look of satisfaction crossing his face. “Leave Gir out of this!” Zim demanded, growling in anger, his tail thrashing back and forth. “You’d better watch yourself Zim!” Red snarled, getting close and in his face. “Or I’ll have to add another scar to your pretty little face.” He hissed, showing off his sharp teeth and claws. Zim glaring into Red’s eyes, and unable to back down out of pure pride, growled softly. “Oh really?” A terrible grin unfurled upon Red’s face and he flicked his antenna forward. Purple chuckled at Red’s command and raised his hand to bring his claws down on Zim.
Purple’s claws made direct contact with the back of Zim’s neck. “AAAIIIEEEEAAAUUUGH!” The young irken howled in pain, his translucent pink blood flying. Red head-butted the shorter irken to the ground, and was about to pounce upon him.
“HEY!” Dib yelled. The boy had seen enough. He grabbed Purple’s arm in just the nick of time, before he could land another blow. “Back off. Right. Now.” He glared directly into Purple’s eyes before shoving him into Red. The entire clan gasped in shock, having been completely silent up until that point. No one had ever dared face a Tallest in such a manner, let alone be physically aggressive towards one. “Why you little-“ Red raised himself up to his full height and snarled wildly, showing the boy just how much of a mistake he’d made. “I’m not afraid of you!” Dib raised his voice at feral irken, who towered a full head above Dib. “Red! Red back down! It speaks vortatian!” Purple howled in alarm, getting back to his feet. Red took a step back, hissing in agitation. “Vortatian?! I thought we killed them all off!?” He growled.
“Listen here kid! You made a big mistake coming here, and you made an even bigger mistake with that little stunt just now!” Purple recited in perfect english. “What the- how... what....” Dib was shocked that an alien person had just spoken english to him. He could’ve been talking to these people the entire time! “How do you... how do you know english????” He gasped. Red and Purple shared a look of disgust and bared their fangs and claws, posing to attack. “Vortatians are supposed to be extinct! We killed them ALL!” Red snarled in fury, leaping for Dib. Dib ducked down and out of the way, leaving Red sailing straight into the ground. He landed face first, letting out a sharp yelp of pain.
Zim meanwhile, watched this hellish scene unfold before him like a nightmare. “Stop!” The young irken howled, grabbing onto Dib’s arm. “Do you have a death wish?” He cried out in irken. “Your earning yourself an early death! Stop stop stop! Back down!” He pulled Dib’s arm until the boy crouched down to the ground with him. Red and Purple towered over the two, their fiery and enraged eyes meeting with Dib’s. Zim grabbed his alien friend’s head and forced him to look away. “Bad bad bad bad bad bad bad oooooohh bad bad bad!” He mumbled quietly, looking away and shaking in fear. Red and Purple leaned in, getting uncomfortably close to the two. “We’d better not see either of you for a week.” Red hissed quietly. “You should feel grateful that we’re letting you both live.” Purple growled in vortatian/english. “Especially you.” He grabbed Dib’s face and looked directly into his eyes.
“Now get lost. You know where to go.” Red growled with a smug look on his face. “Oh no! Not again! My Tallests please not the badlands! The acid fall is in three days and the hogulus lives down there!” Zim pleaded desperately. “Hey, yeah , your sending them out there to die!” Skoodge spoke up, a look of horror and worry upon his face. “Good! Now shut your mouth or you’ll be joining them!” Purple hissed right in Skoodge’s face. Skoodge backed up and averted his gaze in an act of submission. “Y-yes my Tallests, I’ll be quiet. I’m sorry.” He looked at Zim in pity until their eyes met, at which point Skoodge looked away in discomfort, his squeedilyspooch churning with anxiety.
And it was right then and there that you could pinpoint the exact moment Zim’s heart was shredded into pieces. Zim cowered down for a moment, almost on the verge of tears before he vigorously shook his head and tugged Dib along with him, keeping low to the ground on all fours. Gir clung to Zim’s back and looked back sadly as the Tallests glared after the three with narrowed eyes filled with hate and rage. “It’s okays papa, yous didn’t gets beaten too bad this time!” He chirped in encouragement once they were out of earshot, not quite understanding the full gravity of the situation. Zim barely acknowledged the smeet though, only staring down at the ground as he walked, trying his best not to let fear and sadness consume him. “I didn’t know you spoke vortatian...” Zim mumbled quietly to Dib, feeling stupid for not recognizing the language earlier. “Oh um... it’s ok...??” Dib tried his best to console the young irken.
“Umm... I just wish I understood your language.” Dib said. “It’s fine. I understand vortatian well enough.” Zim said. “Hey... who are you by the way?” The irken asked, his curiosity peaked once more. “My name is Dib.” He said, forcing an awkward smile. “Oh.” The irken said quietly. “I’m Zim.” He said after a moment of thought. Dib stopped walking and smiled much more genuinely this time, and held his hand out to Zim. “Well, I’m glad I met you Zim.” He said sweetly. Zim looked at his hand in confusion, not quite understanding handshakes. “Glad?” He said, tilting his head and looking at the boy like he’d grown two heads. “Seriously? Glad? Your... Your actually happy to be around me?” He asked in a very serious tone. Dib seemed taken aback by this statement. “Of course I am!” He said, in a mildly shocked tone of voice. “I... don’t think that anyone has ever said that to me....” Zim said, looking down at his hands and fidgeting while he thought about it. He looked back up at Dib and had tears in his eyes, which shined in the now waning moonlight. “Well then, I’m glad that I met you too!” He said, genuinely smiling in happiness, something he hadn’t done in a long time.
#hooooooo boy#it’s a long one#invader zim#Cosmic Concupiscence#feral Invader Zim AU#feral zim#feral au#zadr#fanfiction#wildstorm45 writes#my writing#this one took me awhile
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Well guys I had to come back to this post because I just can’t leave well enough alone. I’m a huge nerd and honestly I really had the urge to just... explain. So here have this.. whatever this is.
Anyways lemme try to explain the image in question, just so I can get a good idea wrapped up in my head, just so I know what I’m talking about. Let’s see, Zim is faced away from Dib and appears to be somewhat in a beaten state. He seems more hurt than angry and appears to be the one saying “we. are. not. friends.” Dib in the background appears to have a concerned and rather worryingly upset face, and also appears to be slightly beaten. The background appears to be smoldering or on fire and there’s something broken on the ground. The image quality does appear to be of storyboard quality, but there is nothing to allude to whether or not it actually came from the invader crew and is an official leaked image. No watermark or anything. Although the image does appear to be drawn in the current and last style of the most recent Invader Zim comic (issue 29) considering that the character’s features are more rounded out and are overall more detailed than the original series (this is altogether not a bad thing.)
Now back to Zim and Dib, and the potential likelihood of their being friends! As explained above Zim does not appear to be overly angry and enraged or even condescending like he normally would be if speaking to Dib (also take note that Zim is not the kind of person to willingly avoid eye contact even when faced with a stronger opponent when he speaks) Also taking into account Dib’s hurt expression, we can potentially gather that the two might have previously been getting along quite well, otherwise Dib wouldn’t look so sad here. Not to mention the statement “We. Are. Not. Friends.” Only someone who is feeling incredibly conflicted and is desperately trying cover their emotions up (like Zim would) would say something to someone that they actually might kind of want to be friends with. (Especially with such emphasis like putting the periods between words) Zim (as we know) is ostracized by his own people and is starved for positive attention. He WANTS to be friends with Dib, but the way he’s been raised and dealt with by his own people is conflicting with this want, or rather a need really if we’re totally honest here.
Along with the destruction in the background and their somewhat injured appearance, we can see that this is potentially rocky point of the story where the conflict is further made worse by characters being stubborn or ignorant. Anyways, this all means that Zim and Dib, could actually turn out to be friends by the end of whatever ordeal they’re going through, which would lead to many new and fun adventures and (obviously) a very happy and overjoyed me. I just need them to be friends because it hurts how much they need each other yet push each other away so easily.
TLDR I’m a huge fuckin nerd who wants Zim and Dib to be buddies and I’m excited for the movie but also skeptical of the origin of this particular image.
Leaked invader zim storyboard images.
mmmmmmm smell that angst~~~
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Downpouring Thunder (an IZ fic)
It had been a horrible day at skool. Zim was feeling worse than ever, because several out of control wild things had happened to him today. He had eaten food that made his insides feel like they were on fire, threw up all over his desk, got tripped by the same skool bully twice, stabbed his arm with his pencil when Miss Bitters had startled him by calling on him, not to mention she had asked him a question that he didn’t know the answer to but had insisted on forcing an answer that was obviously going to be wrong out of him, and last but not least Dib had been there at every turn, laughing at Zim.
It was already bad enough that Zim had finally, after months of mental breakdowns and being in denial, accepted that the Tallests hated him for what he was.. A worthless.... haywire.... broken...... defective.......... He hadn’t been the same ever since... he didn’t really have it in him to keep going anymore. Really all that Zim had left was Gir and Minimoose... and Dib... but Dib hated Zim, a-and Zim definitely hated Dib. Definitely.
Zim sighed in relief as the skool bell rang, finally he could go home and lay down and cry. He got up from his desk after everyone else started pushing and shoving out of the door. He stretched and looked outside, his eyes widening with clear shock at the grey clouds rolling in overhead. The filthy weather forecasting man had said there would be no rain! What an awful, lying, wretched little- Zim broke off from his train of thought as Dib came up to him and stuck his tongue out at him before saying “What are you just going to stay here all night?”
Zim glowered at the Dib “Shut up Dibmonkey I’m not in the mood!” He marched past Dib and out of the classroom. Outside, Zim paused to look up at the sky, wondering if he’d make it home before it started raining. He hadn’t bathed in paste today... Say, those clouds looked particularly darker than most rain clouds Zim had ever seen.. It made the irken feel a little more anxious, as he tentatively stepped out off the front steps of the skool. Dib marched past him, chuckling to himself. Zim glared and followed after him, since he had to go the same way to get home anyways.
Zim had only been following Dib for a few minutes when suddenly a clap of thunder boomed out through the clouds. Zim gave a high pitched cry of terror, running straight into Dib, knocking him over while simultaneously tripping over the boy. “Geez Zim what is your problem? Get off me!” He shoved the shaken alien up off him, glared at him, and continued on his way home. Zim shook his head, what did he have to be afraid of? There wasn’t anythi- he yelped again and took off after Dib, hiding behind him as the thunder clapped again. “What the- Zim it’s just thunder! Your not gonna die or anything!” He looked at the irken in confusion and exasperation. Zim only whimpered and lifted the tail end of Dib’s trench coat over his head as to his utter dismay, it began to rain, lightly at first.
“Aren’t you immune to rain Now Zim?” Dib asked curiously. “Wh- Immune? No! I bathe in paste stupid! I just... haven’t today.... I DIDN’T KNOW IT WAS GOING TO RAIN TODAY! FILTHY WEATHER MAN AND HIS FILTHY LIES O-OF FILTH!” His voice shook with fear and agitation. He held his hand out from underneath Dib’s coat only to recoil and hiss in pain as the water burnt his sensitive skin. Just then lightning flashed and thunder roared, as the rain started to worsen. The irken gave a shriek of terror, and without thinking, he clung on to Dib like a small child. Dib was baffled by this behavior. Didn’t Zim hate him? Zim paused and looked Dib in the eyes, it dawned on the alien now exactly what he was doing. He recoiled in disgust only to be met with the burning rain.
The alien howled in pain before clinging back on to Dib, with no choice but to try to take shelter. Dib sighed and pulled his umbrella out of his backpack, opening it up. “There now get off me!” Zim promptly let go of Dib, his face was hot with embarrassment. The thunder clapped again and Zim made a poor attempt at stifling a frightened whimper. “Dib-stink why are you not fearing for your life?! It sounds as though the earth is tearing itself apart!” He looked at the boy in confusion and terror. “Because it’s not. It’s just a thunderstorm Zim” He stated this fact as though it were supposed to be obvious to the irken, while he continued to walk.
“Thunder storm? Wh- what even????... Elaborate please!” Zim growled confused and in a state of mild disbelief. Earth weather sure was FREAKIN CRAZY. Dib looked at Zim and continue to state these facts in a tone of voice that made it sound like Zim should know these things. It was irritating. “It’s just raining but way more intense. Occasionally it gets bad enough that trees will fall over, but that’s rare.” Zim felt uneasy and rather disturbed by this information. “You humans are crazy, with your stupid crazy death weather.” He growled. “Pffffft, death weather?” Dib was amused by this statement. “This isn’t even close to “death weather.” Zim looked at him in abject horror. “There’s worse weather than this?” He started shaking. “No no, I don’t even wanna know.” He said with a grimace on his face.
The two of them walked together in silence as they slowly approached Dib’s house. Zim sighed in relief before remembering that this was not where he was supposed to be. He coughed, covering up the sigh, and stopped at Dib’s doorway. “Ok, if I run really fast, I can make it. This me, without fear. I’m not showing fear..” He tensed, ready to run out into the rain. Dib left the door wide open and stood back, his eyebrows raised, watching the irken in amusement. Zim charged out into the downpouring rain, screaming at the top of his lungs like a war cry. He turned tail and fled back to the safety of Dib’s house, screaming, this time in pain.
He raced inside and cowered behind The couch, shaking and whining in a heated mixture of pain, agitation, and fear. Dib rolled his eyes, chuckling in amusement. “What the- you think this is funny?” Zim growled, glaring at the boy. “Yeah actually, it is. That was pretty stupid. You couldn’t have just came inside immediately?” He asked with a curious and amused look on his face. Zim just glared in angry silence. Dib shook his head and went upstairs, leaving the anxious alien alone for a moment. He threw a clean towel down to Zim. “Are you coming up or not?” He asked the sizzling water-burnt irken.
Zim caught the towel and dried off, before looking around and really taking the time to observe his surroundings. He climbed up the stairs to see the door to Dib’s room left ajar. He hesitated What am I doing? This is Dib territory. I could be completely and utterly at the human’s mercy if he decides to turn on me! In fact why hasn’t he turned on me already? He reluctantly moved forward, though he didn’t understand why he felt so compelled to be around his most dangerous enemy. He wasn’t a friend, an ally, or even someone of neutral trusting background. Zim could not fathom his want or need to be around Dib, nor could he currently accept either of those feelings.
Zim cautiously entered Dib’s room, getting a good and really observant look at it for the first time. He looked at the astounding amount of screens and monitors all grouped together in the corner of Dib’s room. He looked at all the posters and photos plastered on the walls of the room. Then he laid his eyes on the huge corkboard in Dib’s closet. It was filled with pictures of Zim with a bunch of strings and tacs attached. Dib wasn’t paying attention to Zim until the thunder boomed again and the irken shot underneath Dib’s bed. The boy crouched down and looked under the bed at his agitated alien. “You’ve heard louder noises than this before Zim. It’s just thunder. You don’t need to be afraid.”
Zim only glared out from under his hiding place like a cat. “I’m not coming out.” He grumbled. “It’s.... it’s nice down here.” The alien was an unconvincing liar.
“Whatever you say dude. I’ll be right here if you need me.”
“Pfff, Poor stupid Dibstink. I’m irken, I don’t NEED anyone.” He said, as he completely and utterly needed Dib in every friggen way possible.
Dib only rolled his eyes and sat up on his bed, tapping away at the keyboard of his laptop. The wind started to kick up outside, and the storm only worsened. He could hear the irken, squirming around and fidgeting uncomfortably under his bed. He knew something had been bugging Zim lately, he wasn’t his normal overly energetic and highly demanding self. Dib wondered why that could possibly be... He only shrugged and continued to type away on his laptop as the storm outside raged on.
Zim began to calm down a little bit, the darkness of being under Dib’s bed was nice and calming in an odd sort of way. He listened to Dib typing away on his laptop, rather than focus on the raging storm outside. Type type type type type type type.... type type... type..... type...... Zim’s eyelids became heavy and he brought his knees up to his chest, curling up in a tight ball. He blinked slow and soft, his breathing slowing down as well. He wasn’t tired, and he certainly didn’t want to sleep. Instead he felt..... what was this feeling? He thought for a moment.... he wasn’t JUST calm... it was something else as well, mixed in there... peacefulness? Yeah that must be it... Zim felt peaceful... he smiled, honestly rather enjoying the feeling. He closed his eyes, listening to carefully to every little sound but at the same time, not noticing them at all. What a fantastic way to feel.. Zim wondered why he’d never felt this way before.....
Zim paused for a moment, and wondered.... Should I tell Dib the truth? Maybe he already knows. Maybe that’s why he isn’t trying to kill me right now, like he should be... Maybe.... Maybe I’ll stop feeling bad. The Dib HAS to know what some of these feelings are, right? Zim reluctantly broke the near silence, with a soft sigh. He peeked out from under the bed and looked up at Dib. “Hey.” He said quietly, finally getting the Boy’s attention. Dib looked at the irken, who was still surprisingly wrapped up in the towel. “Yeah Zim?” He asked almost as quietly.
“I’m going to tell you something ok? And for once, just once alright? Once! Just once you won’t laugh in my face... ok?” Zim looked Dib right in the eyes, with total seriousness. Dib was somewhat mildly shocked, and just nodded silently, wondering what oh-so serious thing on earth the little space bug was going to tell him.
Zim paused rather dramatically, as if he were still thinking about how to put it all into words...... “I’m not....” he sighed. “I’m not an invader anymore... and I don’t want to be anyways...”
#Downpouring Thunder#Invader Zim#fan fiction#Zim#Dib#ZaDf#ZaDr#my first time posting my writing#please be gentle with me#I finally got over my anxiety about posting my writing#I hope you all enjoy it#oh my god am I still super anxious though#wildstorm45 writes#my writing
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Cosmic Concupiscence (ZaDr feral au) (chapter 1)
Concupiscence- noun- (Con-cue-pes-ense) -a strong sexual desire/lust Origin: Middle English: via Old French from late Latin concupiscentia, from Latin concupiscent- ‘beginning to desire,’ from the verb concupiscere, from con- (expressing intensive force) + cupere ‘to desire.’
Alternate chapter title: In which Dib and Gaz work together (chapter 1)
Today was going to be a fantastic day. Dib Membrane was sure of it. The young boy was excitedly watching the unveiling of the new long distance traveling spaceship that Professor Membrane had built almost completely by himself. Dib and Gaz stood side by side in the crowd, watching their father in amazement, as he finally revealed the enormous blue and silver ship. Dib stared at it in awe, having to lean back to see the top of it. The ship looked so much more amazing than the concept sketches Dib had seen scattered about the lab downstairs at home. “I wonder how fast it can travel and how far it can go.” Dib wondered out loud. “Gaz, we could go out there and find aliens! Real actual space aliens! We could befriend other space faring races! Do you think that maybe... maybe they’re out there waiting for us?” He babbled on in excitement. “If they were out there waiting for us, then the least they could have done was abduct you!” Gaz mumbled in all her apathy.
“Ok I know your saying that to be mean and rude, but I mean, your not wrong.” Dib said, completely un-offended with a dismissive shrug. Gaz rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to Professor Membrane, who was still talking. “This is the beginning of something great! With this ship, we can further explore the cosmos, go into the deepest darkest corners of space, and discover new things! It has a more advanced PEG system, so the ship has perpetual energy! Fuel is a problem of the past! We can come back to earth as heroes! I will be making an experimental expedition out into space! I plan on only being gone for a year at the most! Consider it like a test drive! We’ll be leaving tomorrow evening folks! Unfortunately, I will have to leave my son and daughter behind, just in case things don’t go well. Luckily, I have picked out an excellent guardian for them!” Professor Membrane continued on, but his voice and the rest of his speech, went unheard as Gaz and Dib both glared up at him in shock and indignation.
“Oh I don’t FUCKING think so!” Gaz said, her voice quavering with agitation and rage. “Geez, yeah! What the hell dad!? You can’t just leave us here on earth while you go explore space! That’s unfair!” Dib openly agreed with his sister. The two of them shared a concerned and angry look before quietly leaving the crowd together. Once they were out of earshot of other people, Dib and Gaz shared another look. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Dib asked with a mischievous grin upon his heavily freckled face. “We sneak onboard the ship?” Gaz said questioningly. “Absolutely!” Dib said, with wild excitement. Gaz gave a smug grin and followed her brother home as the two of them concocted a plan together. For once, the two of them were actually getting along and working together.
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Gaz and Dib sat at a Mac Meaties, sharing pork fries and meat shakes, while looking over the ship’s blueprints, which had been easy to acquire. “Ok so, let’s see, there’s the docking bay and the cargo bay. Maybe we can sneak in through one of those? Maybe not the docking bay though, it would have a lot more people supervising there.” Dib trailed off, trying to think of more to say. “Ok, Dib, it’s not that hard. We just go home, pack our shit, and hide away in a storage crate. They open from the inside incase people get trapped in them. Too easy.” Gaz said as she sipped her bacon and cheddar meat-shake. “I mean I guess but... I’m still kinda nervous I suppose. I mean this is space we’re talking about! We’re gonna go to space Gaz! SPACE!” Dib said excitedly, while pushing his glasses back up the bridge of his nose. “Calm down and keep your voice low dumbass. Do you want people to find out?” Gaz grumbled.
“Shit, your right.” Dib took a bite of his bbq chicken double mcmeatie burger, and looked around at the completely oblivious people around them. “Yeah I know.” Gaz said proudly. “Now let’s get out of this greasy joint and go home and start packing. And for chrissakes Dib, don’t let Dad or anyone else catch us packing because they might catch on!” Gaz said in an almost intimidating tone. “Right. Let’s not get caught.” Dib agreed.
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Hours had passed at home, hours of packing and planning and then extra plans incase the original plan failed, and then a plan after that and then another one after that. Gaz rolled up the ship’s blueprints and stuffed them in her backpack, which was full of snacks, games, clothes, and plenty of other interesting things.... Dib had also packed snacks and drinks, and had also packed video cameras, flashlights, a pocket knife, pepper spray, clothes, his phone, and plenty of chargers, and other small and mostly meaningless things. “Do you have your phone Gaz?” Dib asked. “Yeah, but I’m pretty sure you don’t get any sort of service once you go beyond earth, so I think bringing my phone is kinda pointless.” Gaz said. “Yeah but hey, more pictures of space, right?” Dib said, with his beaming, dorky smile. Gaz simply rolled her eyes. “Ok. Well we have everything packed right? Let’s go to bed. Pretend like everything is normal.” She said, with a tone of caution in her voice.
Dib peeked our from around his bedroom door. “Hey yknow I find it funny that dad thinks we need a babysitter or some shit. Like seriously? I’m nineteen. Your seventeen. We’re not twelve year old little shits anymore. We don’t need someone to watch us.” He complained. “Ok, one, does it matter? Two, speak for yourself Mr. I brought a rabid werewolf home and it almost killed me.” Gaz grouched at him. “Ok that was an accident.” Dib sighed in exasperation. “Yes, one that almost destroyed the house. One that also ate the puppy.” Gaz said while squinting angrily at her brother. “Hey... if we’re supposed to have a babysitter then why aren’t they here yet?” Dib asked suspiciously, changing the question. “Don’t jinx it asshole. With our luck it could be someone awful and stupid like an old middle school teacher or some sleaze-bag who does drugs.��� Gaz grumbled. “Now go to bed. Before I strap you to yours and leave you here. We have a lot to go through tomorrow.” She said, before leaving her brother’s room.
Dib closed the door after her and laid on his bed. There was no way he was going to sleep, he was too excited, and his gut was doing all these twists and turns. Space. He might actually be in space tomorrow. Just the thought of it sent chills down his spine. “I better not go out there and there not be any space aliens for me to meet.” He murmured. He was up until around one in the morning, contemplating all the possibilities, before his body gave in to sleep.
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Gaz woke up early at around five. She got dressed, brushed her teeth, and went downstairs, reminding herself to wake Dib up in a little while. She marched into the kitchen to find a note on the table from Professor Membrane. She picked it up and curiously read it.
Dear Son and Daughter,
I love you both very much. I know you might be upset that I’m leaving without the both of you, but I couldn’t live with myself if I were to have risked your lives if something goes wrong. That’s why we’re leaving early this morning instead of later at night like we said, so you two don’t get any ideas about stowing away and being all sneaky. The babysitter will be here sometime at noon.
With Love, ~Your Father
P.S. don’t let your brother raise the dead again Gaz.
Gaz nearly had a brain aneurism, and was filled with sudden rage and panic. She could feel an angry scream, threatening to bubble it’s way out of her throat, like boiling lava from a volcano. “sssshhhHHHHIIIIIIIITT.” She charged up the stairs, and banged her brother’s door open, the doorknob slamming into the wall. “DIB WAKE UP!” She screeched at the top of her lungs, racing over and grabbing her brother, shaking him awake. “Huh? Wha? Gaz? What’s going on?” Dib asked groggily, after struggling to wake up. He grabbed his glasses and put them on, stunned by the agitated look upon his sister’s face.
“We need to go. Right. Now.” Gaz growled, gritting her teeth while trying to keep her cool. She was quivering with anticipation and panic. “What? Right now? But I thought-“ Gaz cut Dib off, growing ever more impatient for her brother to just get up and get going already. “Yeah? Well we were wrong! Here!” She shoved the note into his hands before racing off to her room to grab her stuff. She could hear Dib make an almost animalistic sound of extreme alarm and panic, and then a muffled “OH FUCK.” He grabbed his bag, opened it, and stuffed a bag of batteries and walkie-talkies into it before zipping it up and tossing it over his shoulders. The two of them charged down the stairs and out the door.
The cold November air bit at their faces as they ran out into the dark and lifeless five in the morning world. Gaz frantically called a taxi and demanded that they be extra speedy. Yes against the law speedy. No even faster than that! Yes this was an emergency! Five anxiety inducing minutes later, and a dark green taxi van pulled up. The driver rolled down the window and looked at Gaz and Dib I’m surprise, who were both equally surprised to find that their driver was Keef. “Hey Dib! Hey Gaz!” Keef said excitedly, and with an unnatural amount of cheer. “Where are you guys going?” He asked. Dib and Gaz hurried to get into the van. “Ok Keef, we need you to go as fast as you can! Ok? Like illegally fast. Ok? This is an emergency!” Dib said, his voice cracking with anxiety. “Whoa are you ok? Is one of you sick or something?” Keef asked with worry and concern. “Ok listen, we don’t have time for this! We need to go! Y’know where the giant new spaceship is? Take us there and make it faster than the speed of light! We need to say goodbye to our dad before he leaves!” Gaz looked him dead in the eyes, as she lied straight to his face.
“Oh ok! Gotcha!” Keef shifted the van into gear, and hit the gas. They jerked forward, slowly gaining momentum and speed. The speed gauge’s needle began to pull from 20-45-75 in mere minutes. Gaz eyed it nervously as the van began to shred by the neighborhood, now at 95 miles per hour. “Uh, I think that’s fast enough.” She mumbled nervously. “I feel like I’m going to throw up.” Dib groaned. “There’s a special bucket back there for that.” Keef said.
Surprisingly they went un-pursued and unnoticed by law enforcement, as they tore through the sleepy town and towards the launch feild, just on the outskirts of the city. “Oh my god we’re almost there! We’re gonna make it!” Dib was filled with hope. “Gaz look I can see the ship!” Dib then proceeded to vomit in the bucket, out of sheer stress and overexcitement. “Euuugh.” Gaz made a disgusted face before looking back to the horizon.
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Professor Membrane overlooked the view from the observation dome on the very top of the ship. He could see the entire broad horizon, the rising sun, the outline of the city, all the twisting and winding roads that lead to nature and other towns, and a tiny green van in the distance, speeding down one of those roads. “Ah so the world awakens. This is truly a glorious dawn. I hope the kids won’t be mad that they’re staying home. I will have to make sure to promise to bring them on the next trip, that is if all goes well. I do hope the hyper speed will work.” Professor Membrane thought out loud to himself, as he enjoyed the view and a black coffee. He payed the van no mind as it began to slow down, and turned to go check on the water filtration and waste disposal system.
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Keef pulled the van to a slow and eventual stop. “Ok this is as far as I can go guys.” He said. “Thank you.” Gaz grumbled before shoving two fifties into his hand and getting out of the vehicle. Dib grabbed his stuff and went to go after her. “Hey just call if you guys need a ride home or anything!” Keef said cheerily. “We’ll keep you in mind dude!” Dib said respectfully before racing after his sister.
“Ok. We have at least a little while before they take off. They’re still loading up the ship. We can make it.” Gaz said in complete confidence. “I’m glad I woke up when I did.” She said. “Are you ready? Cause Gaz, were going to fucking space. Space Gaz. SPACE. I almost can’t wrap my head around it. SPACE!” Dib began to get overexcited again. “Calm down before you vomit again!” Gaz said, eyeing her brother in mild disgust as she began jogging off the road and down the hill. “Hey! Wait for me!” He ran to catch up. They weaved through the trees and downed branches and a couple of logs before coming up to the electrified fence. “Shit. How do we get past that?” Dib complained. “Quiet. Let me think.” Gaz growled. “We don’t have time to think!” Dib said nervously. “I said be quiet!” Gaz snapped.
Gaz paced around for a few minutes before pulling her old skull necklace out of the back pocket of her backpack. She held it tight for a moment before tossing into the electric fence. It flashed like a bomb, shining pink rays of energy dancing about in the light, before sucking the energy out of the electric fence. It sat on the ground, sparking, humming with the newly trapped energy. “What. The. Hell.” Dib was shocked and confused. “Is that why... is that why you always wore that thing all the time? Is that why you can just do completely inexplicable shit that normal people can’t do? Gaz, what the hell?!” Dib could barley comprehend that all these years his sister had a supernatural talisman and he hadn’t even noticed. Gaz only smiled smugly at her brother, before picking it up, unharmed. She tossed her bag over the fence and began climbing.
Dib followed after her, clearly still struggling to grasp this newfound information, thus affecting his climbing skills. He attempted to jump down from the other side, but his leg got caught in the barbed wire. He hung there for a moment before falling down, his chest slamming into the hard earth, knocking the wind out of him. Gaz rolled her eyes and helped her brother up. “Now how about we stop dicking around and we get going? See look they’re almost done packing. We gotta go!” She raced off, quietly sneaking around every object. So far they’d gone unseen. Gaz peeked around the side of a cargo loader vehicle. There were some unsecured crates, that weren’t being very well guarded. She opened her bag, as Dib caught up, slightly out of breath, and pulled out a smoke bomb. “What the- why do you have that????” Dib asked in alarm. “Your just full of god damn surprises today aren’t you?” He asked, still clouded with alarm and confusion.
“Oh I have all sorts of things that a seventeen year old shouldn’t have. I have smokebombs, flashbangs, noisemakers, and a couple of spicy ghost bombs.” She said, puffing her chest up in pride. “I made them all myself.” Gaz smiled. “What’s a spicy ghost bomb?” Dib asked with morbid curiosity. “It’s a smoke bomb with pepper spray in it.” Gaz grinned maniacally. “What even...” Dib was too scared to take the conversation any further.
Gaz didn’t answer. Instead she simply tossed the smoke bomb as far as she could. It landed several feet away, down near a different collection of crates. She grabbed her brother’s arm as the smoke bomb went off and guards rushed to investigate. Gaz yanked Dib along, over to the stack of crates that she had her eye on. All the silver crates had “To storage complex 9” printed on them. She opened one and motioned for Dib to get inside it. Without hesitation, he wiggled in amongst the styrofoam packing peanuts and held onto his bag. “Wait... how am I gonna breathe?” He asked worriedly. “Don’t worry about it. They have ventilation in them. Remember the whole “designed just in case someone gets trapped in one” thing? We’ll be fine.” She said before shutting the top, leaving her brother in the suffocating and unbearable darkness.
Gaz hid behind the stack of the crates, peering around the corner again, and cursing in rage as the guards were heading back towards this stack. “Shit.” She swore under her breath, and ducked down as the two guards positioned themselves on either side of the crates. She wiggled in between a gap amongst the crates and hoped to Ultra Pigulon that she wouldn’t be seen. As luck would have it, that exact stack of crates was about to be lifted into the cargo bay. “Oh lucky fucking break, we made it.” She sighed in relief.
The stack was lifted and set down on a moving belt. She peered out from her hiding place and made sure no one was watching, before she hurriedly opened a crate and wriggled in, shutting it after her. The stack went through the belt system and came out in a storage room, with people who were moving everything into place and making sure all storage units were accounted for.
Dib got on his messenger and texted Gaz from his phone.
AgentMothman: ==> Forward to VØX3LRØT
AgentMothman: Did you make it? Are you hidden?
VØX3LRØT: Yes. I’m in a crate. Just make sure to be quiet. We’re not out of the woods yet.
AgentMothman: Right......
AgentMothman: Gaz I have to pee. Help what do I do?
VØX3LRØT: You should have went before we left.
VØX3LRØT: Oh well. Sit tight and hold it in. It’s gonna be awhile before we can get out.
AgentMothman: >:T
VØX3LRØT ==> switched to don’t disturb mode ==>
“Why you little-“ Dib scowled and furiously swiped the messaging app away. He sat in the darkness, curled up tight around his backpack. He grabbed his headphones and listened to music, muttering angrily to himself. It was going to be a long wait. He paused to think, imagining leaving earth behind. He already started to feel slightly homesick, but more excited and nervous than anything, to be in space. “I can’t wait.” His voice cracked into a excited squeak. “Your gonna be in space! Maybe you’ll finally find friends among the stars. I can’t wait to meet a whole bunch of space aliens. They’ve gotta be out there. They just gotta!” He murmured in excitement to himself. He laid back, trying to relax in the cramped space, as he listened to 80’s rock music, and thought about aliens.
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
A entire hour and a half had passed, before suddenly, in their hiding places, Gaz and Dib felt the a great thundering shudder run through the ship. Gaz opened her crate a sliver, and peered through it. The ship shuddered a second time and then, with the ferocity of an earthquake, it began to lift up off the ground. A message sounded blatantly throughout the entire ship “Departure in 10 minutes. Please ensure that you are in a secured area and buckled into a seat. Ensure that all luggage and cargo is properly sealed and buckled down.” The message repeated every minute. Dib could feel his guts twisting in excitement. This was it. He was actually going to space. “No turning back now.” He whispered in excitement. Gaz closed her crate and wiggled back down into the packing peanuts. “Here we go.” She murmured.
The final take off message sounded.
“Ship clear for take off. Ascension in-“
“High speed take off initiated!”
The ship rumbled and quaked and tilted up into the sky. Dib and Gaz were both shocked out of their minds as the ship gave a furious jerk forwards, blasting off into the sky at an unnatural speed. Within mere minutes, the ship had pierced the earth’s atmosphere and entered outer space. Dib could feel himself slamming into the walls of the crate, being knocked around until his head smashed into the top of the crate, knocking him out cold.
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Dib woke sometime later, his crate open, and his sister peering inside, a look of genuine concern upon her face. His eyes fluttered open and he groaned in pain. Why did his head hurt? “Gaz?” He mumbled. “You got knocked out.” She explained quickly. “Come on! Get up. We have to hide.” She carefully helped her brother up, and he winced in pain, touching the top of his head gingerly. “Gaz. I still need to go to the bathroom.” Dib sighed. “Sheesh, I’m surprised you didn’t pee yourself or something.” His sister merely pointed to the end of the entire storage room. “I explored. The bathroom is to the left.” She said. Dib bolted in that direction while Gaz shook her head, sighing in exasperation. She turned and took her brother’s backpack out of the crate, and then closed it up to ensure that no one would be suspicious.
“Well we made it. We’re actually in space.” Gaz said, somewhat in relief. “Now all we gotta do is explore it. And not get caught being here. I’ve only ever been grounded twice, it’s not happening again.” Gaz walked in the general direction of her brother, looking around at the never ending rows of crates. There were bound to be people coming back here soon, it was only a matter of time. After a few minutes she reached the bathroom and waited for her brother. “Uuuugh I threw up in there Gaz... I didn’t think I had anything left in me..” Dib groaned, coming out of the bathroom. “Ok? I didn’t need to know that. We need to find a new place to hide. Let’s get going.” Gaz handed Dib his backpack and started walking towards the nearby exit, that led up to the docking bay.
The Docking bay was just as enormous as the cargo storage room, and the hangar for small ships was filled to the brim with as many as could possibly fit. All of them were small one to four person starships. “We’re not gonna hide in one of these are we?” Dib asked. “Just for now we are. Nobody is coming back here I don’t think.” Gaz opened the hatch to a four person ship and hopped inside, waiting patiently for Dib, who seemed unsure of whether this was a good idea or not. He reluctantly hopped on board the ship and looked around. It was the size of the living room at home and had a singular pilot seat in the front. In the back were two large seats on either side that had a safety bar above it, like one they pull down over your head on a roller coaster ride, along with seatbelts for extra safety. Then further in the back there was an emergency escape hatch on the floor, and a strange computer nearby with a circular pad built into the floor. Gaz went over to the pilot seat and sat down. “Oh man I like the feeling of this, I think I might wanna fly this sometime.” She said, observing the controls with interest.
Dib closed the hatch and then walked over to the computer in the back and stood on the circular pad, after dropping his bag on the floor. The computer fired up without Dib having to touch it and a red light began to scan him up and down. “Whoa what’s going on?” He tensed up, confused and somewhat nervous. “Scan complete! Please customize your suit on the screen.” The computer beeped. Gaz turned to look at her brother. “What are you doing?” She asked. “Whoa. I think this thing makes space suits!” Dib said, leaning in to look at the computer screen with interest. “Space suits!? Well when your done being a cosmic dork, it’s my turn! Might as well be stylish in space, right?” Said Gaz.
Dib started looking at suit options with interest. “How about something that breathes? I don’t wanna be in a suit that’s going to make me sweat to death!” He said. A color wheel popped up after tapping the suit option. “Um obviously I want it to be dark blue. Wait a minute, there are pattern options? Ooooooh I like the jagged side stripes.... what?! You can customize the pattern color too? This is amazing.” Dib continued on until he stopped at something that almost made him cry tears of joy. “Oh my god... Gaz come over here and look at this!” He cried out. Gaz leapt off the pilot seat, concerned that something was wrong, her brother sounded like he was on the verge of tears. “What?! What is it?!” She asked in blatant alarm. “Gaz look!” Dib pointed to the computer screen. “The suits can have built in binders!” He said, obviously trying not to cry, and very much failing to do so. “Wow. That’s pretty inclusive.” Gaz said, letting a genuine smile break across her face.
Dib removed his glasses for a moment to wipe the tears away, and then tapped the option excitedly and completed his suit. “Processing... Processing... PROCESSING....” The computer let out a soft ding and a small tray opened with a fresh and neatly folded up spacesuit. Dib picked it up and looked it over appreciatively, running his hands across the smooth and soft material. A holographic curtain popped up while he changed. “Hey I didn’t notice, but this thing has built in boots too. Fucking sweet.” The curtain came down once he was done, leaving him behind with all his clothes on the floor. He collected his clothes up in a ball and stuffed them into his bag, before hopping off the floorpad and staring at himself in deep appreciation. “This thing is really comfy!” He said, happily.
“Okiedoke, my turn!” Gaz hopped onto the floor pad and the computer scanned her. She customized her suit to be black with magenta and purple stripes slanting up and down either way across the front and back, as well as two dark purple diamond shapes over her shoulders. Both her and Dib’s suits were fingerless and had a sealed zipper down the chest and belly, that stopped just above the lower abdomen. “Wow this IS comfy!” Gaz said, doing a twirl after changing and stepping off the pad. “Right?!” Dib said, while putting his black trench coat back over the top of his suit, because there’s no way he was gonna stop wearing it. No way in hell. It was his favorite thing ever. He still kept his old small one from when he was twelve, in a box underneath his bed. Not even Gaz knew about it.
“This is an adventure. I’m having fun right now.” Dib said, with his big dorky smile. “I think we might have a good time out here!” Gaz said. “I mean we won’t be able to talk to dad for awhile, but we’ll still have fun!” She continued on. “I’ve been ready for space adventures my whole life. I think I’ve just made a fantastic decision, to not go back to earth. Well ok maybe I’ll visit and stuff, but I am definitely going to spend the rest of my life in space, and I haven’t even seen it all yet!” Dib said with excitement and vigor. He felt ready for anything and everything!
#invader zim#fanfiction#Dib#Gaz#trans boy dib#feral AU#my writing#wildstorm45 writes#transphobes don’t interact#I enjoyed writing this chapter#dear god I hope I proof read this enough times#I really hate posting something and then#going back and reading it#and having there be typos#it irritates me to no end#don’t worry yall#feral Zim is on the way#Can I still tag this as ZaDr if Zim isn’t in this chapter?#oh well it’s getting tagged#ZaDr
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Oh my gOD... This fandom is chaotic when it comes to ZADR. Man, y'all don't own the show or the characters. Why the fuck does it matter who's top or bottom? Bitches be pulling out diagrams and evidence just to prove something that will never fucking happen. Even if there was a slither of a chance of this happening, it shouldn't matter who it is. In the end, the only thing I can agree on is the whole thing @wildstorm45 said, and the potential they both are switches.
Fuck why am I responding to this. I don't even ship ZADR or like seeing it sexualized, and yet here I am writing about it. God fucking dammit I can't right now. Stop it guys, like why. FUCKING why.
#zadr#zim#dib#sorry guys but i dont like zadr smut#im sorta ok with zadr#a bit iffy#i just dont trust it i guess
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After the storm (Downpouring Thunder part 5)
Gaz ended the transmission and kicked the ship into overdrive. Shortly after rescue, Tak had passed out from shock, going limp in Gaz’s arms. Gaz had almost panicked, until she heard that Tak was still breathing. Thank fuck, she wasn’t dead. She had dragged her over to the pilot seat, and sat down, pulling the unconscious irken onto her lap. Now it was just a matter of getting home, and getting help. She shot across the solar system at hyperspeed, swearing and cursing that this blasted ship couldn’t go any faster. Tak needed help, and she needed it NOW. Gaz fidgeted uncomfortably, listening to the soft hum of the running engine of the ship, and Tak’s ragged breathing.
Finally after what felt like an eternity served cold, earth came into view, in all it’s blue and green glory. “Come on, we’re almost home. We’re so close.” Gaz held onto Tak as she set the ship to auto pilot it’s way to Zim’s base. It was like midnight by standard earth time, and Gaz felt tired as all hell. She laid back in the pilot seat and sighed, too uneasy and anxious to sleep.
Zim rushed to get a a life support unit in working order, while Skoodge and Dib ran around getting basic equipment like an IV drip, and prepping monitors. Gir watched in the background, interested with what was going on. He liked that Mary and Master were friends now, it was much more fun that way. They didn’t scream and yell and hurt each other no more, and that made Gir happy. Gir’s train of thought trailed off into thinking about playing tennis ball. Tennis balls were tasty. “Gir!” Zim called to the little robot, getting his attention. “Yeeeeesss Master????” Gir asked breezily and with cheer. “Go up to the hangar room and make sure there’s extra room for Tak’s ship!” Zim demanded. Gir’s little face lit up, his warm cyan eyes glowing. “I have no idea what you just said, but I’m happy! Yaaaaayyyy, I get to be useful!” Gir blasted off and crashed into the elevator, speeding upwards at an unnatural speed.
The group of three stopped their work, they’d prepped the best they could, now all they could do was play the waiting game. “Why do you think we needed to do all this?” Skoodge asked curiously. “I bet you anything she found some dying unintelligent animal from another planet.” Zim said from his comfortable spot on Dib’s lap. “Or maybe, she found someone rather than something....” Dib trailed off. He knew how Gaz was feeling. The night Zim had taken shelter from the storm, Dib had gotten up and talked to Gaz that night, doing his best to explain the situation to her. He could feel the envy, sadness, and guilt coming off his sister in waves, as he had told her how bad Zim needed someone, how he was so broken inside, and just needed a friend. He had a pretty good feeling that he knew what was going on, but he stayed silent as Skoodge and Zim began to gently bicker about whether Gaz could be injured or not, or whether Gir was actually being helpful or not, which prompted Skoodge to go and check on the psychotic little robot.
Gaz broke into earth’s atmosphere, holding onto Tak and bracing herself. “God damn, finally.” She growled. She switched auto pilot off and steered it down to Zim’s base, in a slow descent. She spied a new irken, Skoodge. She didn’t know who he was and she didn’t care. She carefully landed the ship down in the hangar, and opened the hatch to the ship. “Hi there. Zim and Dib are down in the medical bay waiting for us! Wait... is that...” Skoodge said with a friendly little wave before trailing off in confusion. “Go tell them I’m coming.” Gaz said gruffly, as she struggled to get up with Tak in her arms.
“Hey, your awfully silent right now.” Zim noted, scooting off Dib’s lap in favor of making eye contact with his friend. “Yeah, I’m just thinking..” He said quietly. The two of them sat in silence, not minding the quiet, enjoying each other’s presence. Skoodge came rushing to the room, ruining the peace. “She’s here!” He panted. “And she has..... *pant* she has... *wheeze*” Skoodge struggled for breath. “Dude just breathe first.” Dib said. “What does she have?” Zim asked in concern. The elevator dinged and opened up again, to reveal Gaz holding Tak’s listless and unconscious form, bridal style. Dib’s face lit up in pride of his sister’s selfless actions, while Zim’s jaw dropped in shock, his eyes wide and his antenna twitching spastically.
“Well don’t just stand there and stare you assholes, let’s get going! She needs help!” Gaz snarled in distress, hopping off the elevator with an excited and curious Gir, trailing behind. “Set her down on the life support bed.” Zim pointed to the aforementioned bed. “Computer scan Tak and give me a bio-readout, what’s her physical state right now?” Zim asked anxiously, pretending not to be affected by the fact that he was in the presence of the irken who, next to the Tallests, hated him the most.
“Physical state of irken Tak, is malnourished, dehydrated, and suffering from sleep deprivation, and darkness fever. Some rest, recourses, UV light exposure would do her good.” The computer droned out in its typically emotionless voice. “That’s all? Huh, well that’s not as bad as I thought.” Zim said. Gaz reluctantly backed out of their way, as Zim rushed over to Tak. He and Skoodge pulled the top half of her uniform off, and then her undershirt. Zim grabbed the iv and glucose drip and inserted it into Tak’s left wrist, while Skoodge, placed Holter monitor pads over the top and sides of Tak’s chest. Four different beeps from the monitor started going off, gentle and soft. Gaz simply watched the two of them work, not taking her eyes off them for a single second. Dib came over and stood next to her. “Hey.” He said quietly. “Hey.” Gaz mumbled even quieter. “You ok?” Dib asked, in concern of his sister. “I will be.” She stated softly.
“I kind of knew you were going out to find her.” Dib said. “I couldn’t take it anymore. I couldn’t just leave her out there anymore. I knew her ship was tracking her life pod for so long, and I just let it get this bad. It just was like a constant reminder every time I saw the ship. I’d see the blinking tracking light and I knew what it meant, and yet I did nothing. It felt like being stabbed in the gut.” She said, her voice riddled with guilt and despair. “You didn’t do nothing. You went out there and you brought her back. She’d be dead if it weren’t for you.” Dib reassured her. “Yeah but I didn’t act sooner. If I’d have waited any longer she WOULD be dead.” Gaz wiped away a single tiny tear. “Don’t beat yourself up Gaz. You did the best. She’s alive right now. Ok? You saved her. Don’t dwell on regret, just revel in the fact that you did a good job. Because the past is the past, and it doesn’t matter anymore, especially because this a past that doesn’t include Tak dying. Ok?” Gaz considered Dibs advice for a moment and then nodded. “Ok.” She said quietly.
Dib was surprised that his sister felt anything at all. This was the most emotional she’d ever been since she was three and her favorite stuffed pig had been ripped up by a dog. “Hey Gaz. Why don’t we go visit Dad in a couple days? Tell him what’s going on? He’s been pretty extra busy lately.” Dib said. “Yeah. I think he’ll be proud of us.” Gaz nodded and sat down on the floor, still watching Zim and Skoodge stand back, having done all they could for Tak.
“Now what?” Skoodge asked. “Well now we just wait. She should be fine in a couple days.” Zim said, his antenna twitching and flicking forward at every little sound. He looked over at Gaz and Dib. “It’s like two in the morning. Shouldn’t you guys be getting sleep?” He asked, tilting his head curiously. “Sleep is for the weak.” Gaz growled, her typical, venomous, apathy returning to her voice. “Alrighty then, you do you dude.” Skoodge said, trotting over to the elevator. Zim and Dib both shared a look before following Skoodge, leaving Gaz be.
Once they were gone, Gaz got up and pulled a small hover chair over to the life support bed, and stayed up for at least another hour, holding Tak’s hand and waiting for her. Eventually though, she succumbed to sleep, her head resting on both her arms, folded over on the edge of the bed.
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Dib eventually passed out on Zim’s couch, while Zim and Skoodge stayed up, quietly talking things over at the kitchen table. “So... you overheard my last conversation with the Tallests?” Zim asked softly, avoiding eye contact with Skoodge. “Yeah. I think they feel the same way about me. Tak too I think, because otherwise they would’ve came and rescued her, right?” Skoodge asked. “Yeah.... right....” Zim whispered, his mind caught up in a twisted, frenetic, fit. He was having a flashback of that night, so horrible in all its gut wrenching despair.
“My Tallests I have a very knew and amazing plan to rid this planet of its stinking, awful life forms. See the planet is covered in a substance called water. It’s a hydrogen oxygen combine and this planet is so polluted that this hydrogen oxygen combine burns upon contact with irken skin. To make this planet more hospitable to us, I am going to suck up all the water on earth with a giant vacuum and then-“
“Yeah look that’s real interesting Zim, but we’re kind of busy right now so...” Purple trailed off, giving a stern look of annoyance.
Zim’s antenna quivered anxiously “O-oh! I understand my Tallests but if I could just-“
“Zim! Take the hint and just shut up already!” Red snarled viciously at him before cutting the transmission. Zim was taken aback by this behavior but quickly righted his hunched posture and shut his mouth, his antenna flicking tentatively.
Red’s left eye twitched and he came closer to the screen, staring Zim down intimidatingly until he finally got the hint for once, and shut up. “You look like you have something important to say my Tallest!” Zim’s voice was still full of innocence and joy, joy that he was being payed attention to.
“Why yes.” Red started in an ominously quiet tone of voice. “Yes I do Zim. Now your going to be quiet, and listen very, very, very carefully to what I am about to say. Do you understand?” Red glared Zim down expectantly. Zim nodded, a little dumbstruck by how dramatic his Tallest was being, although Purple was in the background staring at Red questioningly, also unsure of exactly what was going on, though he had somewhat of an idea. It made him slightly uneasy. “Now Zim” Red continued “Now Zim, We’ve put up with you for a long time.” Zim began to feel incredibly anxious, but he kept his posture all the same, denial was forcing his inability to act or speak upon him. Red’s voice suddenly snarled into a crescendo of anger “I AM SO SICK OF YOU.” Both Zim and Purple cringed at his voice. Purple knew now what was going on, and a twisted smile crossed his face, as he hung back to watch and observe.
Zim’s antenna drooped but that was the only sign he was feeling anything at all. Red continued on now, going into a frenzy “WE’VE PUT UP WITH YOU LONG ENOUGH ZIM. I’VE HAD IT UP TO MY ANTENNA WITH YOU, YOU PATHETIC, DANGEROUS, EMOTIONAL, HAYWIRE DEFECTIVE.”
defective?............ The word hit Zim like a cinderblock, it was like being shot in the guts. He shuddered, forcefully holding his emotions in, ever so desperate to prove his Tallests wrong, that he wasn’t a hot emotional mess.
“d-defective...?” Zim whined, beginning to shudder and shake.
“HAH! LOOK AT ‘IM!” Purple sneered. “HE’S CRYING. HE REALLY IS DEFECTIVE.” Purple cackled maniacally.
Zim wiped at the corner of his right eye and looked at the collected tear on his hand, and he reeled back in disgust. He felt he was going to be sick. What was he hearing?! It felt like a lucid nightmare, so unreal and horribly unforgiving. He looked back up at the Tallests, in terror, panic, confusion, and pain.
Zim tried to protest weakly “n-no I-“
“QUIET DAMN YOU.” Red howled in anger. Zim flinched back, forcibly stifling a whimper. Red went quiet again, looking the emotionally ruined irken up and down with disgust. “I will give you one chance Zim” he growled quietly “One chance to live, and I’ll tell you how you can do that.” Zim simply looked on in abject horror. “If you ever show your face to us or any other irken ever again, we will find you and we will ensure that you are killed. A smug and ugly grin curled up Red’s face as he coldly stated “Staying away from us all would be a collective gift to your own kind. Now for all I care, you can go curl up and die somewhere, in fact it would be a pleasant surprise. Now goodbye, and goodbye forever you pathetic defective mess.” Red hissed in a voice seething still, with utter homicidal rage, before cutting the transmission.
Zim had only felt pain that night. He had cried until he was dry and out of tears, and even then, he still continued to whimper, all curled up in the darkest corner of his base. He would sleep, have nightmares, cry some more, and then cry himself to sleep all over again, even when tears wouldn’t come out, he’d still cry. He had disassociated through all his haphazard mental breakdowns, and finally, he had gathered up enough strength to try an make it through a day of skool. He hadn’t shown up in a week, everyone would be curious as to where he’d disappeared to.
Dib was literal the only thing that had kept Zim from falling off the edge. Zim had even contemplated leaving the earth behind and driving the voot into the sun. But it was Dib, who had pulled him out of this suicidal stupor, and it was Dib he had turned to, in his most darkest time of need. If it weren’t for the earth boy then..... no... Zim didn’t want to think about that...
“Hey. Are you ok Zim? Your pulling some weird faces. You’ve just been staring off at nothing and tearing up for like an hour.” Skoodge noted with a hint of concern. Zim snapped back to reality, wiping the small trickle of tears away. “Yeah... I’m fine. I was just thinking is all..” He said quietly. Skoodge nodded in understanding, but didn’t press Zim for further information, respecting his preferred silence. Zim looked over at Dib, still sleeping on the couch, and smiled softly, before staring back off into space, getting lost in his thoughts again.
#invader zim#fan fiction#WildStorm45 writes#wildstorm45#Downpouring Thunder#zim#dib#gaz#tak#skoodge#gir#the tallests#tallest red#tallest purple#I had to repost this because tumblr was being a shit fuck about it#sorry guys#thanks for your support#thank you for reading my awful writing#I love you nerds#ZaDf#TaGr
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Here’s a little sneak preview of what I’m working on >;)
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Clear Skies (part 6 of Downpouring Thunder) (final)
Tak was lost. Lost in the inky blackness of nothing, caught somewhere between the void and reality. She was so alone... for the longest time she felt nothing, as she disassociated in the darkness of her unconscious mind. The dark blackness started to lighten around her, almost like stars, as she heard whispering... what was being said? She strained to hear, trying to listen, but it was gibberish to her... She felt herself sinking back into the lifelessness of the void when she finally was able to make out her own name in the whispering. “Taaak...” the whisper sounded over and over. The darkness became “full of stars” again, as she listened closely to the familiar voice. “Tak.... wake up... you gotta wake up....” that voice was so familiar and so full of sorrow... who was that??? She knew, but yet it escaped her, every time she tried to put a name to it....
“Come on Tak.... I lost you once.... that’s as many times as I ever plan on losing you... I’m begging you... please wake up...” Was that.... was that Dib’s sister? The “stars” in the void became bubbly and bright and blinded Tak with light, pulling her out of the darkness.
Gaz had been there, by Tak’s side for two days now. She hadn’t eaten, she had barley slept, and she had hardly acknowledged anyone else at all. She had finally started to break down a little, quietly, while no one was around, whispering and begging the unconscious irken to wake up, so she could tell Tak just how much she meant to her. Gaz’s guts twisted and churned uneasily, and her heartbeat sped up as Tak’s right antenna twitched slightly, the first movement she’d made in days. Gir, who had wholeheartedly stayed with Gaz and Tak, almost the whole time, perked up, watching carefully. Tak let out a low and raspy groan, her voice hoarse and shaky from disuse. “Tak?” Gaz whispered softly and stood up, her heart pounding, her blood rushing. Gir lit up with joy, and made for the elevator, off to excitedly tell everyone else that Tak was finally waking up.
Tak’s eyes fluttered open, and she looked around, dazed and groggy. “Eeeuuugh..... w..wheeeerrrr.... where am I....?” She mumbled out. “Tak!” Gaz could barley choke out from excitement. She held onto the irken’s hand tightly. Tak slowly tilted her head to the right, looking at Gaz. Slowly but surely, her face lit up with recognition, as Gaz actually smiled at her. “Heyyyy...” Tak croaked out, tightening her grip with Gaz’s hand. Tears were actually streaming down Gaz’s face now, all her years of pent up emotions, bubbling out of her like a boiling volcano.
Dib, Zim, and Skoodge, all came barreling into the room, all sharing looks of shock and disbelief on their faces. “Whoa... ok guys don’t overwhelm her!” Zim called out like a concerned parent, as they rushed over to Tak and Gaz. Tak turned to look at the three of them, scrutinizing Zim’s casual appearance before deciding not to care that he was there. Slowly, and very gently, everyone began taking turns filling her in on what had happened ever since she’d been gone. Tak could barley process it all, but a couple things stuck out to her. Gaz had rescued her... that much she was sure of... and The Tallests had disowned Zim... Tak felt a sudden pain in her squeedilyspooch and she groaned in agitation.
“Aw Geez your starving! Look at us babbling like a bunch of morons! Come on let’s go get her some food!” Dib dragged Zim and Skoodge away so Tak could have some peace.
Tak sighed, finally some quiet and alone time with Gaz. “Hey” She rasped, looking up at the girl. “If it weren’t for you, I’d be dead.” She said thankfully. “Well what can I say? You didn’t deserve to rot out there in the dark lurch of space Tak.” She said quietly. Tak took hold of Gaz’s hand again. “Thank you. I owe you.” She said softly. “You don’t owe me anything, I’m just happy your alive.” Gaz admitted. Tak struggled to sit up, hissing in pain, as she hadn’t moved a whole lot in the past two weeks, her joints stiff and aching. “Carful!” Gaz quickly held onto her, helping her to sit up. Tak finally noticed that she didn’t have the top half of her uniform on. Her bare, smooth, flat chest was just as pale as the rest of her. “Yeesh, I’m so pale now... I almost look like an albino.” She muttered. “I guess I’m a defective, considering if I wasn’t the armada would’ve came and rescued me. I know my lifepod broadcast had to have reached them....” She sighed in discontent. “Defective or not, I still love you.” Gaz mumbled passionately. Tak’s pink blood rushed to her face in a flaming hot blush. “Love?” She managed to croak out.
The two stared at each other for a beautifully awkward moment, before Dib came down via the elevator. He came over with warm packaged food, and some sort of unidentifiable irken juice. Zim and Skoodge came moments after, trailing behind and keeping an appreciated and respectful distance. Tak looked around appreciatively as she chowed down. “We sure are a ragtag team of misfits.” She stated. “What the hell are we going to do now?” She asked inquisitively.
Zim smiled and his antenna flicked forward. “Its simple!” He said. “We just live.”
#Invader Zim#Downpouring Thunder#fan fiction#WildStorm45 writes#wildstorm45#ZaDf#TaGr#My horrible writing pleases you does it not?#thank you for the support!#thanks for reading#sorry it’s short#zim#dib#tak#gaz
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1. My eyes
2. My ass ;)
3. My writing
4. My cheesy sense of humor
5. My baking skills
And I tag @dib-stink @imagineightion @erstwhilesky @invader-vel @andyyoureastarr @oanimexliveo @za-dr @blackmulticolor @wildstorm45 @hailsdoesart
Tagged by @aromaticlover
Once you get this, you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly. Then you have to send this to ten of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool~)
1.) my figure
2.) my fashion style
3.) my eyes
4.) my hair
5.) my skin color
I tag: @hailsdoesart @gatewaygeek @dib-stink @bellaerede @cate-r-gunn @fanficphoenix @voreys @lame-kid-on-couch ( thats not ten but *shrug emoji* )
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