holyxvi · 5 years
[ ♛ ] – This year’s blizzard had been rather unforgivable, having come earlier than expected and throwing all of Palamecia into a frenzy to gather what supplies they could, in turn causing chaos among the townspeople as fights begun to break out over who was to get what. It was a seemingly never-ending conflict that soon became a migraine for the emperor, having grown tired of being a mediator for every little thing that was being fought about --- within a month, Mateus just sat back and watched brawls break out, letting the guards and Leonhart handle them instead. A king could only have so much patience.
A miracle, however, that today was naught but peaceful thus far.
Laying back against the pillows, a long drag is taken from the hookah sitting beside the emperor, smoke being held in for a moment before being released through his nostrils. Mateus was going to take advantage of this quiet while it lasted, he deserved it, having dealt with his people’s squabbles almost non-stop since the arrival of the blizzard.
Lavenders watch Koda as the translator busied himself pouring tea for both him and the imperial, his quiet humming ceasing once he notices Mateus’ eyes upon his person. “You alright, sire?” He asks, “I know events lately haven’t been quite to your liking, and you’ve been more quiet than usual all morning.”
An eyebrow is raised. “Am I not allowed to enjoy the quiet I was blessed with?”
“I mean, of course you are! It’s just that you tend to be more talkative in my presence, especially when you have the chance to have breaks like this.”
“Perhaps I haven’t a thing to say.” Mateus smirks, taking another hit from his hookah. “Not once during this commotion have I been allowed to be alone with my thoughts enough to have much to discuss.” Repetitive discussions of existence of course, and the emperor’s never ending journey to figure out what his “true identity” was. Koda was finally spared of that for once.
The translator can only muster a weak laugh in response, placing a teacup within Mateus’ reach as he took a seat at the foot of the bed with his own. Perhaps his concerned comment was an outlandish one, but Koda could not help but worry for his master at times, even if he was told not to. Lips part so he could speak once more, but stopped as a guard frantically rushed into the room, his breathing oddly labored.
“Your majesty! T-There’s someone at the front gate t-to see you--!”
“Oh, bother.” Cue pursed lips and a rolling of eyes, “Come now, spit it out, who wishes an audience with me?”
The guard takes a moment to catch his breath before responding. “The Queen of Fynn! S-She’s here, along with some of the rebels!” He exclaims, flinching as the emperor sat up abruptly, clawed hands clenching the sheets beneath him. Hilda and the rebels were here? Strange feelings begun to take over, a part of Mateus wanting to be enraged at the possibility of having to tangle with the likes of Firion again, but the other part was awash in emotions and feelings that were better off sleeping within the depths of the mind --- love was a terrible, terrible lass.
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Heavens, what could Hilda possibly be here for, much less in this kind of horrendous weather? Mayhaps she came to take God’s head, to display it as a trophy for all to see, or she was only to be a distraction while Firion and the others planned to make another attempt on his life. The possibilities felt endless, and Mateus about got lost within them had Koda not shook him out of it.
“Sire! What do you suggest we do?”
“W-Well let them in!” Mateus sputters, “Should push come to shove, we can always subject them to the beasts within the coliseum’s dungeons, or I will deal with them personally.” Try as he might, sudden anxiety was making it difficult for the emperor to put on his signature calm and collected mask, and if the other two took notice, they certainly didn’t mention it. Koda and the guard only nodded, the latter bowing before rushing out, his yelling being heard throughout the halls.
“So much for relaxing.” Mateus sighed, rising up to his feet before glancing at Koda. “Let us get ready then. Come.”
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crystalburdened-aa · 5 years
What Monster From Folklore Protects You?
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Such is the petrifying fate of the Myling children; children who were born by poverty-stricken women who are abandoned or killed, their remains hidden, forgotten by time. Their souls are fated to forever roam this Earth, searching for their bodies, their names, the love they never had the chance to experience. Mylingar cries can be heard, mournfully echoing from deep within the misty woods, luring travellers into to investigate. The deeper they venture into the unforgiving branches, the further from civilisation they strayed, the faster they approached their deaths. The myling would attach themselves to the traveller's back, demanding that they are carried to the graveyard so they can rest in hallowed ground. With every step the ill-fated traveller takes, the heavier the myling becomes until the traveller collapses into the soil from exhaustion. If they cannot regain their footing and make it to the graveyard... the myling will kill them in a fit of rage. You are perceptive and often childish, these are the traits that connects the Myling to you. Your body may mature but your mind remains youthful. Growing up never held any appeal towards you, especially since the adult life seems to complicated. If it were up to you, you could remain a child forever. Free from commitment, constraint and responsibilities, living life to have fun. Just be careful what you wish for.
Wishes have a peculiar way of coming true...
Tagged by: no one, stolen from @rcsetorn​ Tagging: @rakkirrrowch​ @madamhatter​ @wildroseprincess​ @holyxvi​
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holyxvi · 4 years
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// . I have nothing for Sinday except this cropped and ( appropriately? ) censored art I did of Mateus/Hilda sometime ago for @wildroseprincess​
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holyxvi · 5 years
RULES : Choose a meme to describe your muse(s), then tag others to keep it rollin’. Use as many muses as desired. Please repost, don’t reblog.
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Tagged by: @archadespirate
Tagging: @pretty-little-teacup, @wildroseprincess, @sakuraari, @scvagegarden, @itscnlyfcrever, and whoever else idc steal it.
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