#wild rift kayle
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aurelion-solar · 7 months ago
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Immortal Journey Kayle, Zed, Shyvana, Enduring Sword Talon & Prestige Splendid Staff Nami in Wild Rift 🌸
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phalanxus · 1 year ago
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The sisters
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kindredjoy · 9 months ago
the Righteous
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Lahir dari Aspek Targon di puncak Perang Rune, Kayle menghormati warisan ibunya dengan memperjuangkan keadilan di atas sayap api suci. Dia dan saudara kembarnya Morgana adalah pelindung Demacia selama bertahun-tahun—sampai Kayle menjadi kecewa dengan kegagalan manusia yang terjadi berulang kali, dan meninggalkan semua dunia manusia ini. Meski begitu, legenda menceritakan tentang dia yang menghukum orang yang tidak adil dengan pedangnya yang berapi-api, dan banyak yang berharap dia akan kembali suatu hari nanti…
Saat Perang Rune berkecamuk, Gunung Targon berdiri sebagai mercusuar melawan kegelapan yang akan datang—Kayle dan saudara kembarnya Morgana lahir di bawah cahaya itu. Orang tuanya, Mihira dan Kilam, memulai pendakian berbahaya untuk mencari kekuatan untuk menyelamatkan suku mereka dari kehancuran.
Bahkan ketika Mihira mengetahui dirinya sedang mengandung, dia tetap maju. Di puncak gunung, dia terpilih sebagai wadah suci untuk Aspek Keadilan, memegang pedang yang berkobar dengan api yang lebih terang dari matahari.
Tidak lama kemudian, si kembar lahir. Kayle, yang lebih tua, sama terangnya dengan Morgana yang gelap.
Tapi Mihira telah menjadi pejuang yang menakutkan, jauh lebih hebat dari manusia mana pun. Kilam mulai takut akan kekuatan dewa baru istrinya, dan musuh-musuh penyihir yang tertarik pada cahayanya. Dia memutuskan untuk membawa gadis-gadis itu keluar dari bahaya, menjelajah melintasi Laut Penakluk menuju pemukiman di mana negeri itu sendiri dikatakan menawarkan perlindungan terhadap sihir.
Di rumah baru mereka, Kilam membesarkan si kembar, temperamen mereka semakin berbeda dari hari ke hari. Kayle dewasa sebelum waktunya, sering berdebat dengan para pemimpin pemukiman tentang peraturan mereka—dia tidak punya ingatan tentang kekuatan ibunya, tapi tahu hukum dimaksudkan untuk menjaga mereka semua tetap aman. Ayahnya jarang membicarakan hal seperti itu, tapi Kayle yakin Mihira telah menyelamatkan mereka dengan mengakhiri Perang Rune di medan perang yang jauh.
Saat si kembar masih remaja, seberkas api membelah langit. Pedang yang membara dengan api surgawi menghantam tanah di antara Kayle dan saudara perempuannya, patah menjadi dua—Kilam putus asa saat dia mengenali pedang itu milik Mihira.
Kayle dengan semangat mengambil separuh senjatanya, sayap berbulu muncul dari bahunya, dan Morgana dengan hati-hati mengikuti saudarinya. Pada saat itu, Kayle merasa lebih terhubung dengan ibunya, yakin bahwa ini adalah tanda dia masih hidup dan ingin putri-putrinya mengikuti jalan yang sama seperti dirinya.
Penduduk di permukiman tersebut percaya bahwa gadis-gadis tersebut telah diberkati oleh bintang-bintang, ditakdirkan untuk melindungi negara Demacia yang masih baru dari orang luar. Pelindung bersayap ini menjadi simbol cahaya dan kebenaran, dan dihormati oleh semua orang. Kayle bertempur dalam banyak pertempuran, menjadi pemimpin milisi yang semakin berkembang dan mengisi senjata mereka yang layak dengan api sucinya… tapi seiring berjalannya waktu, upayanya untuk mencapai keadilan mulai menyita pikirannya. Melihat adanya ancaman dari luar dan dalam, dia membentuk orde peradilan untuk menegakkan hukum, dan memburu para pemberontak dan perampok dengan semangat yang sama.
Namun ada satu orang yang melunakkan penilaiannya. Yang membuat pengikutnya kecewa, Kayle mengizinkan Morgana merehabilitasi para pelaku kesalahan yang tampak cukup rendah hati untuk mengakui kesalahan mereka. Anak didik Kayle, Ronas, yang paling tidak setuju—dia bersumpah untuk melakukan apa yang tidak akan dilakukan Kayle, dan berusaha memenjarakan Morgana.
Kayle kembali dan menemukan orang-orang melakukan kerusuhan, dan Ronas tewas. Karena marah, dia memandang rendah kota itu, dan memanggil api sucinya untuk membersihkan kota itu dari dosa-dosanya.
Morgana terbang menemuinya, mengangkat pedangnya. Jika Kayle ingin membersihkan kegelapan yang dia lihat di hati manusia, dia harus memulainya dari saudarinya sendiri. Keduanya bertarung melintasi langit, saling menyerang dengan dahsyat satu sama lain dan menghantam bangunan di bawah mereka hingga menjadi puing-puing.
Tiba-tiba, perkelahian itu terhenti karena tangisan sedih ayah mereka.
Kayle menyaksikan Kilam meninggal di pelukan saudarinya, korban kekerasan yang tak berperikemanusiaan yang melanda kota hari itu. Kemudian dia memegang kedua bagian pedang ibu mereka di tangannya, dan bersumpah dia tidak akan pernah lagi membiarkan emosi manusia menguasai dirinya. Saat dia terbang kembali ke langit, membubung tinggi di atas awan, dia merasa hampir bisa melihat Gunung Targon di balik cakrawala, puncaknya yang megah bermandikan merah oleh matahari terbenam.
Di sana dia akan mencari kemurnian surgawi yang sempurna. Di sana dia akan berdiri di sisi ibunya, dan melaksanakan warisannya pada Aspek Keadilan.
Meskipun dia telah absen dari Demacia selama berabad-abad, legenda Kayle telah menginspirasi banyak budaya dan hukum kerajaan. Patung-patung megah dan ikon Pelindung Bersayap memberi kekuatan pada hati setiap pejuang yang berbaris menerangi malam, dan mengusir semua bayangan dari negerinya.
Di masa-masa penuh perselisihan dan kekacauan, ada banyak orang yang berpegang teguh pada harapan Kayle mungkin akhirnya akan kembali… dan ada yang berdoa agar hari seperti itu tidak akan pernah datang.
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league-of-starlight · 2 years ago
With at max four characters per region with a demon, celestial and final boss to round it off. 28 characters in total, which is way too hopeful, but let me cope. Explanations for each one below the cut.
I tried to approached it with a mix of realism, which is why we have characters who have already been shown off, and a dream character list. Even then, I had to cut characters I think would've been interesting.
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Zaun/Piltover: Honestly, this was the easiest one with Zaunites, but I had to pick someone for Piltover and I went with Blitzcrank. Imagine he has his sitting down animation from the Wild Rift trailer. Alternative characters were Warwick for the monstrous side of Zaun and bringing the family together, or Jayce for being the Piltover Poster Boy.
Ionia: For Ionia, I wanted someone for the spiritual aspect and someone to represent the factions spli between the Kinkou, and the order of shadow. So I went Karma and Zed.
Demacia: Sylvanas as a transforming character would be fun. and if we need a character to represent the base demacian, Fiora would be more interesting an Garen. I will admit I have a little soft spot for the guy, but I have to be ruthless. I had ideas for Kayle and Morgana too, but I had to cut them.
Bilgewater: I tossed up between Gangplank and Fortune. And while I like Sarah a lot, I picked Gangplank because I can imagine him biting an orange and he's immune to damage for five seconds. Pyke was added because I think his moves would be cool. Imagine if he sunk under the ground before leaping out to slam the opponent with his blade?
Yordles: I chose Kled for this, because every faction needs a comedy character. I also wondered for Gnar, and I almost did, but I think Kled would be easier for hitboxes since he'd be on Skaarl.
Noxus: Darius and Katarina are already in, so I had only one pick left. And, I felt Swain was the best choice. If Katarina wasn't there, I might have gone for Samira for the flashy gun-work.
Freljord: You do not understand how much I wanted Nunu and Willump there and I almost did. But I had to add some demigod rep and Volibear was easiest. Lissandra might be tricky, but I think she could be a fun ice character with her being an ages old sorceress. And as for Braum? I like him.
Ixtal: This was harder than you think. I narrowed my choices down to Neeko, Quiyana and Nidalee. I also thought of Rengar, but I'd have to add Kha'Zix too and I'll explain why I couldn't do that later. But, despite my good choices, I chose Neeko because shapeshifting is always a fun concept for a fighting game. Maybe the other two can get their chance if I ever do a DLC list.
Shurima: I went with Taliyah here because I played Tremor in MKX and I'd want to see how they'd handle her. Maybe she gets a redesign that shows her in the present day?
Targon: This was harder than you'd think as well. I chose Pantheon because I think he'd be cool. I could have done Leona and Diana, have the exes sword fight under the sun, but if I picked one I'd need to add the other and I didn't have space. To be honest, Soraka is here because of personal bias. Imagine that her victory quotes are just encouraging and wise. Leona was very close, and was almost there.
Shadow Isles: This went between Thresh and Kalista as characters to best represent the darkness of the isles. And while I like Kalista and have interesting ideas for her spears, I feel like Thresh is a perfect pick for the cruelty of the Isles.
Void: I could have done Kha'Zix, but then I'd have to add Rengar and we already have Ixtal sorted. Bel'Veth is too much of a final boss character and we already have a transforming character with Shyvana. I had an idea for Malzahar and Kassadin as the polar opposites of humans in the void, one who embraced it and the other who despises it, but in the end, I picked Vel'Koz because of his alien feel. Ideas for his move-set? Watch Shuma Gorath from MVC3, add some lasers and scientific ramblings.
Demon: Fiddlesticks. He'd be so much fun in motion.
Celestial: Bard would be an excellent joke character.
Final Boss: I was originally going to pick Mordekaiser because... look at him. But then I had an idea. Atrox wants to plunge the world into a chaotic war, right? in the hopes that by destroying reality, it will destroy him too? Well, who better a final boss for a fighting game, that by someone who relies on bloodshed to keep his form?
And that's it, what do you think? Who would you pick? Let me know if you'd want a DLC wish list too.
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league-of-skins · 1 year ago
Season 2024 Look Ahead
A very quick summary of the dev video posted an hour ago. This summary is mostly skin/champion-related with very little regarding gameplay.
Skarner VGU is very close to being released
An Arcane character will be receiving a VGU early next year -> this was specifically called an "Arcane-inspired VGU", aiming to bring "their Arcane version to the rift" featuring updated visuals, voice lines, and gameplay, which leads me to believe that this character is Viktor though Singed and maybe even Heimerdinger also seem possible.
Shyvana VGU will be released in 2025 after the Arcane character VGU -> her VGU will focus more on visuals and expanding her lore rather than overhauling it. from the concept art, they appear to be working on making her buffer, which was, from what I saw, a common grievance about her Immortal Journey splash art.
Dragon ADC Smolder has been revealed. His abilities can be found in a video posted by SkinSpotlights.
Mel's mother, Ambessa Medarda, will be released as a champion and "won't be for the faint of heart in game".
Arcane S2 will bring new gameplay and new skins -> based on the trailer, both Singed and Warwick appear to be contenders for receiving an Arcane skin. Viktor, especially as a fan-favorite, also seems likely, though I'm not sure how that might work if it is released before his supposed VGU.
The following champions will be receiving a prestige skin in the first half of 2024: Rakan, Ezreal, Kindred, Evelynn, Kayle. Rakan's has already been revealed to be Prestige Dragonmancer Rakan. Ezreal's prestige will be for this year's Lunar New Year skinline, Heavenscale, which will focus more on an ancient thematic similar to Lunar Revel.
Other champions receiving a Heavenscale skin include Lee Sin, Kai'Sa, Master Yi, Diana, Janna, and Smolder. -> this makes Kai'Sa's second Lunar New Year skin when counting Wild Rift's Lunar Fairy Kai'Sa (third if you also include her Special Edition/Prestige), Ezreal's second (third, again, if you count his prestige), and Diana's third without any variants (bc she's the moon get it).
New Primal Ambush skinline revolves around tiger thematics and draws heavy inspiration from Southeast Asian cultures. Champions receiving a Primal Ambush skin include Vi, Talon, Sivir, and Riven, each with icons.
Porcelain, Faerie Court, PROJECT, and Blood Moon will be returning in the first half of the year -> this was not included in the video but was posted by BBB: the champions receiving a Porcelain skin include Kindred (prestige), Graves, Darius, Miss Fortune, Morgana, Irelia, and Aurelion Sol.
Old legendary skins will be revisited to receive loading screen borders.
Rammus and Olaf will probably be receiving skins this year.
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lamare1494 · 2 years ago
KAYLE the Righteous - ARAM | League of Legends: Wild Rift ( victory )
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latuarts · 2 years ago
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wild rift icons
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ivanmartinez101 · 3 years ago
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The peach was very interesting...
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explodingquails · 3 years ago
Was bored, made the Targon crew into dragons using Flight Rising Scry
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And two guests who are technically not Targon but still relevant
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aurelion-solar · 9 months ago
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League of Legends: Wild Rift CN Tournament Promo Art
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matcharoon · 3 years ago
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notoriouslydevious · 3 years ago
So Jealous of Wild Rift as a PC-only League Player
If you haven’t watched the newest video,  Patch 2.6, talking about all the new things coming to Wild Rift, you should definitely check it out to be able to understand my anger.  Short rundown if you dont watch:   Kayle & Morgana coming and if you play, you unlock rewards and can get them both for free Mundo coming *Urf is coming (will talk about this more later) some Project skins (Project Jhin, Katarina, Akali, Fiora, & Vayne- all ones that have already been released on PC) Mecha Rengar, Kha’zix, etc etc.  new exclusive crystal rose (basically wedding skins) of Lux, Sona, Ezreal, Jarvan Hexplorer Shyvana (so a whole fucking skin that you dont have to spend 2,000 coins on, if you buy the pass) somethings about items but I didnt really give a shit to pay attention
Now to the parts that REAAAALLY pissed me off: The new ranked rewards system and what they’re doing with ranked in wild rift.  So now when you play ranked games, just for PLAYING ranked games, you get a WHOLE BUNCH of rewards:
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You play more ranked and climb up ranks? Free loot bags and even more rewards.
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They’re also making special ranked weekends, so every weekend (OOOOOOH because in China kids can only play on weekends.. Got it.) where you can earn double lp (or whatever they call it over there) for winning games.
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You reach Gold? You can earn “ranked coins” which you can use at the end of the season to unlock a special backing animation, special load in pose AND UNLOCK WHATEVER GLORIOUS SKIN FROM PREVIOUS SEASONS THAT YOU MISSED. SOMETHING LEAGUE PLAYERS HAVE WANTED FOR YEARS!
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... I’m so angry, like this is so unfair. I keep thinking back to the joke my boyfriend told me during the 10 year anniversary, how Riot making wild rift and all these other games, not updating league, and eventually telling the playerbase, “we’re shutting down pc league, go play wild rift instead.” So back to Urf, you play Urf? You can unlock, as the Rioter explained, “manatee” sized rewards
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.-. would love to unlock free rewards while playing rotating game modes on pc league too, Rito.  What do we get in PC league for playing rotating games or just aram? A box... every six days. 
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coupanfree · 3 years ago
LoL: Wild Rift Kayle Guide: Best build, items, runes
LoL: Wild Rift Kayle Guide: Best build, items, runes
The Righteous, Kayle, is probably the ultimate end-game champion in Wild Rift. She is able to destroy enemies in late-game scenarios since her kit is extremely powerful once she ascends. Of course, that can only happen with time and EXP (and items), so in the early stages of the game she can be rather weak.  For those who don’t follow the lore, Kayle is Morgana‘s sister, another powerful champion…
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aurelion-solar · 1 year ago
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Vi, Caitlyn, Kayle & Galio - Wild Rift Honor System Key Art
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aurelion-solar · 1 year ago
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Psychic Detective Ekko & Dragonslayer Kayle - Wild Pass Icons
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aurelion-solar · 1 year ago
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Sivir, Zyra, Syndra & Kayle - Wild Rift Emotes
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