#wild rice and trout is my comfort food :) (psst. the cheeks are the best part of the fish because they don't use those muscles often!)
dootznbootz Β· 9 months
Local druid is here to ask questions πŸͺ΄
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What kind of tree do you most identify with?
What creature do you most identify with?
What’s your favourite flower?
What landscape makes you feel most at home. Why?
What do you consider to be the best outdoor sensory heaven? (eg fluffy moss, the smell of pine trees, warm sunlight, the sound of the ocean, etc.)
Thank you for the ask!!! :D
Probably Cherry or Birch! There's a lot of both growing around where I live so I have a soft spot for them. When a Birch needed to be cut down for whatever reason, I would take the bark as a kid and then use it as my "paper".
Honestly, Cat or Possom or bats :D Cat kind of for obvious reasons. But with Possoms I just have SUCH a soft spot for them because a lot of people see them as only pests which yeah, they can cause problems but they help with ticks!! and they're big scardy cats!! They have big eyes and silly faces!!! Same with Bats! They CAN be diseased but not all!!! and they're small and cute!!! (I have the Little Brown Bat where I live and while not considered the "cutest" like the flying foxes, I think they're so cute!! they sometimes come in the house (we're fixing that) adn so I have to use the barbie net (long hot pink net, haha) and then towel and just?? they're so little. they're breathing so hard, their eyes are big and then I open the door and kind of let them sit on the flat of the towel, high up so they can get a good lift and then they just...quietly head out. Idk I love practically all critters but I really have a soft spot for ones people deem "pests" or "gross"
Probably Irises, forget-me-nots, and roses! I love Irises as they're around my house the ones we have weirdly smell so sweet!!! I love blue so the blue/purple ones I like a lot! I love pink clover too because you can suck the honey out of them!
FOREST AND RIVERS!!! Preferably near water. Creek, stream, river. I love it! I don't have a river specifically at my house but I've spent a lot of time on them and playing in them. My mom is a wildlife artist and so many of her paintings are woods and rivers and fish! :D I love the toads and all the birds and wildlife, and it's just lovely. My grandparents used to own a fish hatchery up north so that was a lot of fun as well! Used to play with my cousins in the creeks and stuff too! I LOVE climbing trees and just fucking around in the dirt >:D
MOSS!!! I love squishing it so much!! and grass under your feet! I'm a country bumpkin so I'll usually go out barefoot when it's not too cold because I love the grass, moss, and dirt! I love the feeling of tree bark too. Birch is probably my favorite as it's weirdly flatter and I like that!!! I also love the sound when the wind picks up and all the leaves flutter. sounds like their whispering
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