#wil noble x ethan hardy
What Would I Do Without You?
A/N this is a story idea I came up with last year and I’ve just gotten around to writing it
Chapter 1– The Broken Relationship and Old Friends
Ethan didn’t know what to do. His big brother was gone. All he had now was his sister but she wasn’t talking to him. He sighed and walked towards the nurses station where his sister was talking to Rash and glaring at him over his shoulder.
As he approached she rolled her eyes and walked away, he sighed as he walked up to Rash “Why isn’t she talking to me?” The younger male looked at him sympathetically “She won’t tell me but she says you know what you did.” He shook his head “I haven’t the slightest idea what I did.” Rash sighed “Talk to her Ethan that’s all I can say.” Ethan brought s hand to his face and groaned lightly “Thanks Rash” as he walked in the direction his sister had gone.
“Please Mel”
“Ethan you know exactly what you did!”
“No I don’t”
“One word Ethan— Leanna” she spat
“What about her?” Amelia shook her head.
“Her boyfriend tried to kill you! He killed Cal! And you tried to get with her!” She growled “Ethan I can’t believe this. I can’t believe you!” He looked at her “Mel! It wasn’t her who stabbed Cal. You can’t blame her.” She looked at him shocked “Wow! Okay, stick by her, I’m your sister Ethan!” She stormed off
Ethan groaned. He loved his sister, of course he did but what right did she have to tell him eho he could see? No. He didn’t think she did. Yes Leanna had been Scott Ellison’s girlfriend, but she wasn’t to blame for what he did to their brother and he told her as much.
He followed after her. “Look Lia I’m sorry you feel this way but you can’t blame her for what he did.” She looked at him with tears in her eyes “That’s not what I meant! I know it wasn’t her fault Ethan! But I’m upset because you think it’s okay to date her! You know what he did to Cal!” He looked at her “Mel please..”
“No Ethan! Listen, I’m gonna go stay with Rash for a while..”
“Amelia you don’t have to do that”
“Look..Ethan.. I think it might be best if I leave for a while, I’m struggling to even be in the same room as you right now.” And with that she left again.
Amelia’s point of view
Amelia let out a soft groan as she left her only family in the corridor behind her as she went to deal with paitents.
Ethan had taken a break from the hospital after Cal died, Amelia hadn’t. Amelia had needed to carry on working. Connie and Rash had tried to corner her and tried to talk her into taking some time out
Rash had pulled her into Connie’s office gently, despite her protests. Rash I have patients to see I don’t have time for this.” Rash sighed aa he held her hand and squeezed it reassuringly.
Connie looked at her and shot her a sympathetic smile “Doctor Hardy... Amelia... Rash and I feel that it may be best for you to take a break.” Amelia backed off hitting the wall in the process “No I don’t need a break! I need to be here! I NEED TO BE HERE!” Rash walked towards her slowly as she screamed. He pulled hee closer gently “Hey, hey it’s me. Shh, it’s okay you’re safe Amelia I’m here, I’m here you’re not alone I promise.” He whispered in her ear trying to calm her down “Please.. please Rash don’t make me leave” Connie looked at her” Amelia, I feel it’s best that...” “No! I need to be here, because thid is where Cal is! I can’t go! Please!” She had begged dissolving into tears.
*End of Flashback*
Rash walked into the apartment he shared with Amelia. He stood in the doorway and watched her for a second as he moved forward and pushed a peice of hair from her face. She streched and sat up slowly “Oh hey you, how was your day?” He smiled “I had s busy day but it was good. How was your day?” He asked as he sat down and ran s hand though her hair “It was quiet. Connie’s stuck me on admin remember, I spent the day updating people’s notes” she rolled her eyes “Hey, hey it’s okay.” He said softly “I’m just sick of being on admin Rash, I should be seeing patients. People Rash, that’s why I do this job. To help people.” He pulled her close “You do Amy and I promise Connie will pull you from admin as soon as she thinks you’re ready.” She sighed softly “Rash I was always ready, I didn’t need a break, I was.. I was fine.” He sighed “Amy..”
“No Rash.. I was... I was handling it, I okay but then you and Connie saw fit to drag me away from work. She forced me to have a week away from work and now I’m back, I’ve been back for months and I’m still on admin. I have to deal with Ethan fawning over the girl whose boyfriend killed my brother and I’m supposed to just be okay with that? I’m not okay with it! I’m dealing with this on my own Rash! I’m on my own.” She sobbed, he pulled her close abd kissed the top of her head “You Amelia Louise Hardy are not on your own. I’m right here.”
He looked at down her and smiled softly as he noticed she was asleep, he pulled a blanket over her, spotting her phone on the coffee table. He thought for a second and decided that, if he was going to fix things between Ethan and Amelia then he would need help, the help of someone who’d known them a long time. He picked uo her phone and scrolled through her contacts looking for the number. He ran a hand through her hair as he found the number and pressed the call button.
“Hi, this is Rash, I’m a friend of Ethan and Amelia. Yes it’s good to finally ‘meet’ you too, I’ve heard a lot about you. I know it’s a long shot but I’ve got a bit of a problem. -Yes well they aren’t talking to each other- they need each other to deal with what happened but their not, they’ve pushed each other away and I’m really sorry to ask but I think you’re the only one who can help me.” He smiled slightly “I’m sure they’d love to see you— Great thanks Will.” He hung up the phone and ran a hand through her hair “I’m right here Amelia.”
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New story incoming
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I’m Here 3|| Will Noble x Ethan Hardy
I’d like to just say a huge thank you to @goodboybadrep-ooc for allowing me to continue this and for all the help with other ideas, also for allowing me to post on my Wattpad account
He was stressed. He hadn’t slept in over 36 hours. He had just finished a double shift and he was walking towards the staff room his hand scrubbing down his face. He opened his locker and heard “Doctor Noble, can you come and check on Charlotte for me? Just for Robyn’s peace of mind?”
He did owe him a favor but he really needed sleep, he was exhausted and he’d only seen Ethan for a few fleeting moments when the latter had arrived for his shift 4 and a half hours earlier.
Putting his bag back in his locker, he shut the door and looked towards Charlie with a tight smile. “Sure I can Charlie, lead the way.” The elder man gave a sympathetic smile as they walked towards the room.
“I’m sorry Will I know you haven’t slept in hours, but Robyn is really worried and you have a really calming precense.”
Will smiled as he pushed open the door, pulling off his stethoscope and putting on his energetic soothing voice for Robyn and Charlotte. “Hey missy... I hear you had a little bit of an adventure today. Do you mind if I check you over?” He asked making sure to ask both the child and her mother. As Charlotte nodded in affirmation and Robyn took a deep breath and mouthed ‘Thank you Will’ he nodded reassuringly and bent to the child’s size so as not to intimidate her.
He checked her over and once he was happy she had come to no harm he looked at Robyn as he smiled at the girl on the bed. “She’s fine, not as scratch.” He told her softly. “Thank you Will, I was such an idiot”
“Stop Robyn, this is not your fault, what matters is that your little girl is safe and happy” Robyn smiled greatfully “Thank you Will”. “It’s not a problem Robyn, I’ll leave you too it, have fun with your girl” he looked at the little girl still on the bed “bye” he said softly as he walked out of the room he finally got his things, walking out of the hospital.
He was feeling exhausted, he couldn’t remember when he had last slept. Will felt dizzy as the air hit him, his vision became tunnelled he felt himself hit the floor. He heard someone shout “Someone get me a gurney!” He couldn’t place the voice but he thought it might be Archie. “Noel page Doctor Hardy” voices were dimming the last thing he heard was “you’ll be fine Will your going to be fine” and then everything went black.
Ethan sat having his break in the on call room (he liked to come here so he could get time to himself) he sighed as hos phone rang “Hi Noel. To what do I owe this pleasure?”
“Ethan it’s Will”
“He fainted don’t panic Archie’s on it”
Ethan took a deep breath as his hand gravitated towards his pocket and found the black velvet box which was situated there, he liked to do this when he was anxious. “Ethan?”
“Yeah I’m on my way. Where is he? Resus?”
Ethan dropped his phone in his pocket and rushed towards resus so that he could be with his partner. As he ran down the corridor, Charlie grabbed him, “Charlie, I need to get to resus... Will”
“Is fine and in cubicle 2 in fact he sent me to find you” with a deep breath the younger male smiled at him “I’m sorry Charlie” Charlie chuckled softly “its fine Ethan go”
He didn’t need to be told twice as he barrelled towards cubicle 2 “Will...” he ran into the cubicle taking a deep breath and taking in every inch of his partner,checking him over for injuries. Will smiled and held out his hand for Ethan to take as he rushed forward, he chuckled softly “Babe I’m fine.”
Ethan scoffed at this “Will Noble you are not fine.” A new voice joined the conversation then “Actually Ethan, he’s pretty much fine, he’s just overworked himself, if he sleeps he’ll be fine soon.”
Ethan smiled, resolving to ask his big burning question. He took a deep breath and looked Will in the eyes “Look- I was planning to do this tonight but I can’t wait any longer.” He pulled the familar black velvet box from his pocket and moved himself on to one knee. “Will Noble will you marry me?”
Will grinned softly “Of course I will.” Ethan beamed as he stood and placed the ring on Will’s finger, kissing him softly, he whispered “I love you”
Will held his hand tightly “I love you too”
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I’m here- Will Noble x Ethan Hardy II
Thank you to @goodboybadrep-ooc for allowing me to continue this and for all your help and fantastic idea’s ❤️
Ethan Hardy was sat alone in the flat he shared with his partner Will Noble. It was the 2 year anniversary of losing Cal. He could feel the panic rising within him. He needed Will and he needed him now. Ethan felt himself shaking, his breathing became ragged. He didn’t want to disturb Will at work but he was struggling. He took a deep breath & hands shaking he dialled Will’s number. As the phone rang his lungs became restricted. “Ethan, sweetheart are you okay?” Ethan let out a strangled sob “No” he choked out “I need you Will” The line went silent for a minute and he heard a quiet “Charie? Can I ask a favor? Ethan, Cal, Yeah, he really needs me. Thanks Charlie, I’ll owe you one.” Then clearer he heard “Alright babe I’m on my way. I love you I’ll be home soon.” Ethan took a deep breath feeling instantly calmer, knowing Will was on his way to him “Okay Will, hurry up please I love you too” he took the phone from his ear, let it fall from his hand and he slid onto the floor, letting his hands cover his face. A few minutes later the front door opened and Will dropped down on his knees in front of him and gently took his hands from his face and whispered. “Deep breaths honey deep breaths it’s okay I’m here.” Will let out a sigh of relief as he heard Ethan’s breathing begin to regulate. “That’s it my love, just focus on my voice” He sat down next to him against the wall and wrapped his arm around him as his head dropped onto his shoulder. Sobs wracking his body Ethan said “I just miss him so much Will” his hands shaking. “Babe I know, but if I knew Cal, then I know that he would want you to be sad for the shortest amount of time possible and then he’d want you to live your life to the fullest for him as well as you. He spent his entire life trying to protect you from harm and I promise you that he would just want you to be happy” “it’s just... He was the one to help me find out about my Huntingtons. He helped me to come to terms with it. He isn’t going to be here to help me though if and when it gets worse” Will’s heart broke, he knew Ethan was hurting but he didn’t know just how much. “But I will sweetheart, I’m not going anywhere” “I don’t want to be a burden” Will made Ethan look at him “Ethan Hardy, you will never ever be a burden do you hear me?” Ethan smiled softly “Thank you Will” “Sweetheart you don’t need to thank me. I love you, you aren’t getting rid of me, is there anything else you want to talk about?” Ethan sniffed and smiled softly “No, I just need you, a takeaway and a movie” Will grinned “Now that we can do.” He stood up and took Ethan’s hand pulling him up. He walked him to the sofa. “Sit down, pick a film I’ll be back soon. 20 minutes later Will came back with the fish and chips and pit it out plates walking into the living room he saw that Ethan had loaded the start screen of Kingsman: The Secret Service he smiled putting the plates down on the table. Sitting down next to Ethan, he kissed his temple as he pressed play on the film. “I love you” he whispered. Ethan grinned and swatted at him “Watch the film” Will tutted “you just love Taron Egerton” he said with a pout. “Actually its more Colin Firth” he chuckled, at this Will turned away. Ethan smiled and held Will’s face and gave him a chaste kiss “But I love you more”
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