#widget baas
weewidget · 9 months
Thanks to all of you who voted on the poll!
Okay, so, on Twitter and tumblr there was a resounding "yes" for me to make a Discord server for my art. So I'm going to get working on that, hopefully I should have it up and running in January, we'll see! 🤞
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techtired · 14 days
Best Tools and Resources for Mobile App Developers in 2024
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Mobile app development is evolving rapidly, with 2024 becoming another year of significant advancements. Developers need potent tools, platforms, and resources that will help streamline the development process and keep them competitive in an ever-changing industry. Whether you’re part of a mobile app development company Toronto or an emerging mobile app development company in Florida, leveraging the right tools is crucial for success. This blog explores the best tools and resources to shape mobile app development 2024, focusing on cross-platform solutions, efficient design resources, and the latest frameworks to speed up deployment and testing. Best Tools and Resources for Mobile App Developers 1. Cross-Platform Development Tools As businesses prioritize mobile-first strategies, cross-platform development tools are becoming indispensable. These tools allow developers to write code once and deploy it across multiple platforms like iOS and Android, significantly reducing time and costs. a. Flutter Flutter remains one of the most popular tools for cross-platform development in 2024. Its extensive widget library and native performance ensure a smooth user experience across iOS, Android, and web platforms. Flutter’s hot reload feature speeds up development time by allowing developers to view code changes instantly. For developers in leading mobile app development company Toronto or mobile app development company Florida, Flutter offers the flexibility to cater to clients in diverse industries, making it an ideal tool for crafting customized, high-performance apps. b. React Native React Native continues to evolve with better support for web and desktop applications. Developed by Facebook, React Native allows developers to use JavaScript to build applications with a native look and feel. With its large community and array of ready-to-use components, React Native remains an excellent choice for building robust mobile apps in 2024. For both seasoned and up-and-coming developers, especially those in mobile app development company Florida, React Native’s scalability and integration with third-party plugins make it a powerful tool for creating highly dynamic apps.  2. Backend as a Service (BaaS) Platforms Managing servers and databases can be complex and resource-intensive. Backend-as-a-service (BaaS) platforms handle the heavy lifting, allowing developers to focus on building great front-end experiences. - Firebase Firebase, a Google-backed BaaS platform, provides developers with tools that include real-time databases, authentication, and cloud storage. Firebase is mainly known for its real-time data sync across platforms, allowing for seamless integration of live features like chat, notifications, and real-time collaboration. In 2024, Firebase remains a go-to backend service for mobile app development company Toronto and mobile app development company Florida, looking to enhance app scalability, reliability, and performance without having to manage infrastructure. - AWS Amplify AWS Amplify is another major player in the BaaS ecosystem, offering cloud-based services such as hosting, authentication, machine learning integration, and APIs. Amplify supports popular frameworks like React Native, Flutter, and Ionic, providing flexibility and ease of integration. As mobile app developers continue to work on more complex projects, AWS Amplify’s extensive suite of tools can significantly reduce development time and enhance app security. 3. Design and Prototyping Tools The importance of intuitive, visually appealing design cannot be overstated. Mobile app design tools help developers and designers collaborate to create wireframes, mockups, and prototypes before the actual coding begins. - Figma Figma’s cloud-based design platform allows teams to collaborate on real-time design projects. With features like vector editing, prototyping, and design system management, Figma is an indispensable tool for creating visually compelling and user-friendly interfaces. Collaborating in real-time makes it especially useful for teams across different time zones or regions. Whether you’re working with a mobile app development company in Toronto or a mobile app development company in Florida, Figma is a powerful tool for streamlining design workflows and ensuring consistency across projects. - Adobe XD Adobe XD is another robust design tool enabling developers to create prototypes, wireframes, and user interfaces quickly. With its integration with other Adobe Creative Cloud tools like Photoshop and Illustrator, Adobe XD allows for seamless transitions between different stages of the design process. In 2024, Adobe XD continues to be favoured by developers for its rich design capabilities and the ability to create high-fidelity prototypes that closely resemble the final product. 4. Application Performance Monitoring (APM) Tools Performance monitoring tools have become essential in an era where user experience is critical to app success. These tools help developers identify and fix performance issues, ensuring smooth and efficient app operation. - New Relic New Relic provides developers with detailed insights into app performance, tracking metrics such as server response time, CPU usage, and database queries. Its integration with multiple platforms makes it an excellent choice for developers working with large-scale projects. A mobile app development company in Toronto looking to ensure their applications operate smoothly can use New Relic to monitor performance and make real-time adjustments. - Sentry Sentry is another excellent tool for monitoring errors and crashes in mobile applications. It provides real-time insights into code issues, helping developers pinpoint and fix bugs quickly. Sentry integrates with various frameworks, including React Native and Flutter, making it versatile for iOS and Android development. Sentry’s ability to catch errors early is invaluable for mobile app development company Florida developers who must maintain high-quality app performance. 5. Testing and Debugging Tools Testing is a crucial step in the mobile app development process. Automated testing tools save time and improve app reliability by identifying bugs before an app reaches production. - Appium Appium remains a top choice for automating mobile app testing in 2024. It supports multiple platforms and languages as an open-source tool, making it versatile for various mobile applications. Appium enables developers to test native, hybrid, and mobile web apps without requiring code modifications, streamlining the testing process. - TestFairy TestFairy offers developers detailed reports on how apps behave in real-world environments. By providing insights into user behaviour, battery consumption, and network performance, TestFairy ensures that apps are tested under realistic conditions. It integrates with popular project management tools like Jira, making it easy to track bugs and fixes. 6. Project Management and Collaboration Tools Project management and collaboration tools are vital in keeping development teams organized, especially when working with clients across different geographical regions. - Trello Trello is a simple yet effective tool for managing tasks and tracking progress. Teams can visually organize projects and assign tasks using boards, lists, and cards, ensuring meeting deadlines. For teams working across a mobile app development company in Toronto or a mobile app development company in Florida, Trello offers transparency and clarity in project management, keeping everyone aligned. - Jira Jira is another popular tool used for agile project management, allowing developers to track issues, bugs, and project progress. Jira’s customizable workflows make it highly adaptable for different projects, from software development to testing. With integrations into other development tools like GitHub and Bitbucket, Jira is a comprehensive project management tool that can help streamline app development workflows in 2024. 7. Version Control Systems Version control systems are essential for managing code changes, primarily when multiple developers work on the same project. - GitHub GitHub continues to be a cornerstone of version control in 2024, allowing developers to collaborate on projects efficiently. With its extensive open-source code library, GitHub is a valuable resource for developers looking to find solutions, share code, and contribute to community projects. Both a mobile app development company in Toronto and a mobile app development company in Florida can benefit from using GitHub’s vast community resources to streamline their workflows. - GitLab While similar to GitHub, GitLab provides additional functionality for DevOps, enabling continuous integration and deployment. GitLab’s built-in CI/CD pipelines automate much of the deployment process, reducing errors and speeding up time to market. GitLab is perfect for teams looking to integrate development, testing, and deployment under one roof. Conclusion As mobile app development evolves, staying updated with the best tools and resources is crucial for success. Whether you’re part of a mobile app development company in Toronto or a mobile app development company in Florida, using these tools will help you stay competitive and meet the demands of clients across industries. From cross-platform development frameworks like Flutter and React Native to cloud-based backend services like Firebase and AWS Amplify, 2024 offers a range of solutions designed to streamline workflows, enhance app performance, and reduce development time. By leveraging the latest design, performance monitoring, testing, and collaboration tools, mobile app developers can create high-quality, user-friendly apps that meet the growing expectations of users in 2024 and beyond. Make sure to integrate these tools into your development processes and take full advantage of the resources available to ensure the success of your projects. Read the full article
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boxoftechblog · 9 months
Flutter and Firebase: Creating Powerful and Scalable Mobile Apps
In the ever-evolving landscape of mobile app development, the combination of Flutter and Firebase has emerged as a dynamic duo, enabling developers to create not only visually stunning but also highly scalable and robust applications. Flutter, Google's UI toolkit for building natively compiled applications, and Firebase, a comprehensive mobile and web application development platform, seamlessly integrate to provide a powerful toolkit for developers.
Why Flutter and Firebase?
1. Cross-Platform Brilliance:
Flutter, with its single codebase, allows developers to create applications that run natively on both Android and iOS platforms. This cross-platform capability significantly reduces development time and effort, making it an attractive choice for those looking to reach a wider audience.
2. Beautifully Crafted User Interfaces:
One of Flutter's standout features is its ability to create stunning user interfaces. With a rich set of pre-designed widgets and a highly customizable framework, developers can bring their app designs to life with smooth animations and pixel-perfect precision.
3. Real-time Data with Firebase:
Firebase complements Flutter by providing a real-time NoSQL database and a powerful backend-as-a-service (BaaS) solution. This allows developers to store and sync data in real time, providing a seamless user experience across devices.
4. Authentication and Security:
Firebase's authentication services make it a breeze to implement secure user authentication in Flutter apps. Whether it's email and password authentication, social media logins, or third-party authentication providers, Firebase simplifies the process, allowing developers to focus on creating innovative features.
5. Cloud Functions and Serverless Architecture:
Firebase's serverless architecture and cloud functions enable developers to run custom backend code without the need to manage servers. This not only enhances scalability but also ensures that apps remain responsive and reliable, even under heavy loads.
Getting Started: A Step-by-Step Guide
Step 1: Setting Up Your Flutter Project:
Begin by installing Flutter and creating a new project. Flutter's rich documentation and a supportive community make this process straightforward, even for beginners.
Step 2: Integrating Firebase:
Connect your Flutter app to Firebase by adding the necessary dependencies and configurations. Firebase offers a variety of services, including Realtime Database, Cloud Firestore, Authentication, Cloud Functions, and more.
Step 3: Designing Your User Interface:
Leverage Flutter's widget system to design a visually appealing user interface. With the Hot Reload feature, you can instantly see the impact of your changes, streamlining the UI development process.
Step 4: Implementing Real-time Data:
Use Firebase's real-time database or Cloud Firestore to store and sync data across devices. This ensures that your app provides users with up-to-date information in real time.
Step 5: Enhancing Security with Firebase Authentication:
Implement user authentication using Firebase Authentication services. Whether it's email/password, social media logins, or federated identity providers, Firebase simplifies the authentication process, enhancing the security of your app.
Step 6: Scaling with Cloud Functions:
Explore the scalability benefits of Firebase's cloud functions. Run custom backend code in response to events triggered by Firebase features and HTTPS requests, ensuring your app scales effortlessly with demand.
Conclusion: Building Tomorrow's Apps Today
The synergy between Flutter and Firebase opens up a world of possibilities for mobile app developers. Whether you're a solo developer crafting your passion project or part of a team working on enterprise-level applications, the combination of Flutter's expressive UI toolkit and Firebase's powerful backend services provides a solid foundation for creating powerful, scalable, and feature-rich mobile apps.
As you embark on your Flutter and Firebase journey, stay tuned for more insights, tips, and best practices to unlock the full potential of this dynamic duo. The future of mobile app development is here, and it's powered by Flutter and Firebase. Happy coding!
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flutterflowdevs · 1 year
Building Dynamic Apps with Supabase and Flutter: A Powerful Combination
In the world of app development, efficiency, scalability, and real-time data management are paramount. Supabase and Flutter, two innovative technologies, have joined forces to empower developers to create dynamic and responsive applications. In this guide, we'll delve into the synergy between Supabase and Flutter, their respective roles, and how this combination is revolutionizing app development.
Understanding Supabase:
Supabase is an open-source Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS) platform that simplifies backend development. It offers:
1. Real-time Database: supabase flutter  a PostgreSQL database that supports real-time data synchronization, enabling instant updates across clients.
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2. Authentication: It offers authentication solutions, including social media logins and email-based sign-ups.
3. API Generation: Supabase generates RESTful APIs automatically, simplifying backend integration for frontend developers.
4. Storage: Developers can store and retrieve media files effortlessly.
Exploring Flutter:
Flutter, developed by Google, is a versatile UI framework for building natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. Key features include:
1. Widgets: Flutter's rich set of widgets allows for the creation of beautiful, custom user interfaces.
2. Hot Reload: Developers can instantly view code changes without restarting the app, streamlining development.
3. Performance: Flutter apps boast high performance and smooth animations, ensuring a superior user experience.
The Synergy Between Supabase and Flutter:
1. Real-Time Data: Supabase's real-time database seamlessly integrates with Flutter, enabling live updates and real-time collaboration in your apps.
2. Authentication: Flutter apps can easily incorporate Supabase authentication, ensuring secure user management.
3. Synchronization: Supabase's real-time data sync aligns perfectly with Flutter's responsive UI, creating a dynamic user experience.
Use Cases:
1. Collaborative Apps: Build collaborative apps with real-time features like live chat, collaborative document editing, or multiplayer games.
2. E-Commerce: Create e-commerce apps that update product availability and prices in real-time.
3. Social Apps: Develop social networking apps where users receive instant notifications and updates.
Success Stories:
Share stories of successful applications built with Supabase and Flutter, showcasing their real-time capabilities and seamless integration.
Supabase and Flutter together represent a powerful synergy for modern app development. Developers can harness real-time data, effortless backend integration, and dynamic UIs to create responsive and engaging applications across multiple platforms. This collaboration streamlines the development process, reduces time to market, and enhances the overall user experience, making Supabase and Flutter an unbeatable combination in the world of app development.
For more info. visit us:
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xredxrainx · 4 years
Summary: Naruto and Sasuke’s fight lead them both to the future, in which things have gone very, very wrong. Things need to be made right, for both Sakura and her daughter, Sarada, as well as their own futures. Heavily inspired by Twitch & Spaz’s ‘Fast Forward’ series (pretty well a remake with added elements).
Fanfiction.net (Chapter 1)
01. Past Shenanigans
He found himself chained down in a hospital bed. How did he know it was a hospital? Well, there was an IV drip sticking out of him and the scent of disinfectant filled his nose. Also, the room was pure white and sterile. How did he know he was chained? Well, he tried to stretch and move, but no. He couldn’t. Chakra stronger and potent than his own stopped him from moving.
Next to him, was the blond knuckleheaded ninja. Albeit, less chained up. Literally, in no cuffs of any description. He was snoring annoyingly loud with a bubble of snot dripping out his nose. Sasuke’s nose scrunched up in disgust.
The boy closed his eyes and asked for his chakra to flood to the surface, but… nothing. Zilch. Nada. It wasn’t working. This was weird. Even for him. Even in his life.
Opening his eyes again, he looked around once more. Nurses were coming in and out of view of the window on the door, before he saw a familiar blonde – Tsunade – walk in. The woman looked the same as always, young and her face full of make-up, even though she was much older than many would expect. At least, that was what he had heard. The older woman’s hazel eyes flickered onto Sasuke in disgust, before she glance over at Naruto with a deep fondness.
“You’re awake already,” she stated, moving to Naruto to check on his vitals and such, “I’m not even surprised that Naruto is still asleep,” she huffed.
Sasuke stayed silent.
After she tended to Naruto, her expression fell onto Sasuke once more. “I was surprised when you both came in,” she said softly, playing with her hair in almost an anxious way, “When I had heard that you were both apparently here, I didn’t expect this at all.”
“Stop talking in riddles,” Sasuke finally said rudely, “I have my goals, and you won’t stop me from reaching them.”
She almost looked sad as Sasuke said this, “Yes… your goals… I’m not even sure where to begin explaining what’s going on, and even if I should considering how delicate this is. Kakashi doesn’t even have an idea of what to do, and he’s the one running the show.”
‘What did she mean by that?’
The two then heard the tell-tale signs of someone waking up, with a loud yawn and a groan. The blonde ninja sat up and looked around, rubbing his eyes before grinning at Tsunade.
“I knew you’d get things sorted, Tsunade-baa-sama!” he said cheerfully, his grin wide.
The older woman almost looked like she had seen a ghost when Naruto had begun speaking, and the boisterous kid didn’t really realise what was going on. Not that either of them really understood why things were… different. The Uchiha looked down at his chakra bound hands. He couldn’t put them together to make any hand signs, and he also couldn’t move his feet.
Her smile was pained, “Of course, Naruto… I… have some things to tell you, but I think I’ll wait until Sakura and Kakashi get here...”
Sasuke scoffed, “Why do they need to be here? You’re the Hokage, aren’t you?”
“Not anymore,” she said, not looking in Sasuke’s direction.
She didn’t say much more than that.
ANBU arriving in her office was not shocking, but what they said definitely shocked her, “Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke are here...”
‘What? Why?’
Her green eyes flickered in hesitation as she looked away for a moment. Memories of the latter forming in her head like a drum. It hurt to remember that. She bit her lower lip and asked for more information, which the ANBU was not willing to provide.
(“How did this happen!?” she cried out, clutching onto Naruto’s cold arm, as Kakashi rested his hand against hers, “Why…?”
“He was too far gone, Sakura,” referring to the man that Sakura had once loved.
Sighing heavily, she willed herself to meet with her once-teacher, and get to the bottom of this.
The medic-nin found herself at the front of the hospital. She had just come in from home, having been working at home from the moment. It was just easier like that for the time-being. She ruffled her long, pink hair nervously, running her fingers through it and catching any knots. The woman took a heavy breath and made her way inside.
One of the nurses were fiddling with their phones, no doubt using the new social media widgets that had recently been created. It was a phenomenon, and it was so shocking to see how much had changed in fifteen years. It was so different to what she had grown up with. Radios had only just been created back then, and now you could watch interviews and such on the television now. The dark-haired nurse jumped and hastily put away her phone and put on a friendly smile.
“Haruno-sama! I didn’t think you’d be in today,” she said, quite shocked.
“Where is Tsunade-shishou? Sakura asked coolly, wanting to get down to the bottom of what the hell was going on.
She had last seen Naruto thirteen years ago… Sasuke thirteen and a half years ago… Why would they return now? She knew that the latter was causing many issues all around the world with his army, but… he had yet to touch the Leaf, but she was sure their time was coming. He was leaving them till last, probably to savour it, the sick bastard he is. She knew he was alive, but Naruto? She assumed that he had been killed by Sasuke… but… She didn’t want to believe that…
But why wouldn’t the blond, knuckle-headed ninja not return if he was alive? He had so much here that he would not have been willing to give up.
“Oh, um,” the nurse started, “Room 206. In the restricted zone.”
‘Ah,’ Sakura thought, ‘It makes sense that they would be kept away from general populace.’
Sakura swallowed, before making her way to the elevator, “Thanks, Riko-san.”
“No worries, Haruno-sama.”
It was time to face whatever demons that she had held back in the past.
“You fucking idiot, Sasuke-teme!” Naruto snarled, nearly ripping out of his sheets after Sasuke had uttered something rather insulting.
The two boys were glaring at each-other with venom and malice, particularly from Sasuke’s end. Sasuke had had enough of being here. He would have been in Sound already, if it weren’t for these bindings that these stupid shinobi had placed him into. No, he was still here - still weak. He should be getting stronger under Orochimaru’s guide, and getting ready for the fight of his life time. He had goals, dammit.
Naruto had ruined that for him, for the moment.
“What makes you think I can’t get out of this, and come over there and kill you, dobe?” Sasuke drawled, inky eyes flicking dangerously with the crimson of the sharingan. Rage. He felt that at the moment. He shouldn’t be here.
“As if you could!” Naruto shouted back, his own rage storming beneath his bluey depth, “You’re a damn idiot, Sasuke-teme! You know that Kakashi-sensei could train you better than that stupid snake.”
No, he couldn’t. Kakashi could make Sasuke strong, that was for sure. But not quickly enough. Kakashi was the copy-cat shinobi who also carried the fabled sharingan. But… Orochimaru and Kakashi were different in their training styles, no doubt. The young Uchiha wanted to kill Itachi as quickly as possible, then he would figure out what he needed to do after.
Tsunade was watching the two fight in astonishment, she had forgotten how ruthless the two were. The two boys were like chalk and cheese, completely different people, but they were definitely similar in the sense of their strengths now. That was for certain. Tsunade could feel the coolness of the chakra from Sasuke, while Naruto’s was warm with a dark underlying presence. The kyuubi, no doubt.
“Naruto, Sasuke,” the older woman sighed, “Shut up, and wait.”
A gentle knock was heard at the door, and both boys tore their attention to the sound.
And then, the door opened.
Sakura wasn’t sure what to expect, but it definitely wasn’t this. In front of her stood the two younger boys that she remembered fondly from the team seven days. Her eyes fell onto Naruto first - his hair was scraggier than it was when he got older, and blue and orange stood out the most for him. His eyes were the same gentle but confident blue that she remembered. He looked shocked to see her, his mouth agape. She was sure she had the same expression on her own face.
And then her eyes fell on… him.
Sasuke was wearing his blue hooded shirt, with the usual bandages around his arms. His hair was formed in spikes up the back, and he was smaller than what she had remembered. His dark eyes were as smouldering as always, and dangerous… definitely. This was the younger Sasuke who had yet to commit any of the atrocities that she had heard of. And had dealt upon her. This was the younger boy that was wrapped up in revenge, but still gave a damn about his teammates. Sakura had always wondered if he had originally left to protect them too… that she wouldn’t be surprised of.
“What the hell?” Naruto barked, “Why do you look so old? But like hot?”
The two boys were looking at her as if she was an alien, and Sakura understood the feeling well. This was… weird. She knew they were not the same Sasuke and Naruto that she had last seen, no. These were the younger ones. They were weaker, and smaller and just - even their chakra felt different. Even if it was only slight on Naruto’s end, but Sasuke’s… it was dark and cold.
Tsunade sighed and rubbed her brow, “I don’t even know where to begin…” her attention fell onto Sakura, “Kakashi is currently in a meeting, so he won’t be here for a while…”
“They’re not from this time, shishou?” Sakura asked, her eyes not leaving the two, “What…?”
Sasuke seemed to come to this realization too, but Naruto yelled out, “What? How!? All we were doing was fighting in the Valley of the End, and I don’t know how--”
The two women looked at one another, “The clash of rasengan and chidori?” Tsunade said softly, looking at the boys for their agreement.
Naruto nodded, while the younger Uchiha watched on sourly.
“That’s… weird,” Sakura said softly.
Sakura looked completely different. She was older, curvier and her hair was longer, kept back in a loose pony-tail. This woman was… beautiful, even Sasuke had to admit. Her lips painted with a light shade of red. Her eyes did not really meet his… however, and that made him uncomfortable. The boy did not understand what was going on, other than the time travel part. How far ahead were they? Was Itachi dead?
The latter question was ringing in his head. Where was his older self now? Was he powerful? If Itachi was dead, then yes… he was. But he didn’t have the answer for that yet. He made the mental note to ask later on, but for now, he needed information on how to get back. He still had his goals in the past that still needed to be completed, and for that… he needed to go back.
The two women talked to each-other quietly, which annoyed Sasuke. They were doing this on purpose, and the two boys were still very far in the dark. What year was it? How old were they in this timeline?
Naruto had hopped out of bed at this point, “Hey, c’mon! This involves us too! What’s going on?” he whined interrupting the two women.
Within seconds but, Sakura had engulfed the blond in a tight hug which made Naruto squeak. He did hug her back however, but he didn’t understand why she was hugging him so tightly.
Sasuke pursed his lips, watching in irritation, he was sure he was also about to get the same attention. However, when Sakura dropped the hug and kissed Naruto on the cheek, she look his way sadly. But didn’t come close. This… was weird. Sakura was weird in this timeline, Sasuke decided. He was used to being the centre of attention when it came to her, and this was just… weird. He didn’t really know what else to say about it.
“Hey, Sakura-chan! Are you okay?”
She had covered her face with her palm at this point, and the light shake let Sasuke know that the woman was crying. Why was she upset? What could be upsetting her at this time? It was odd.
Tsunade patted her student on the back before her attention fell onto both boys, “Well… we should probably begin explaining some things to you both. First, the Sasuke of this time haven’t been seen in over a decade in this village. Naruto was… killed in the Valley of the End twelve years ago…” Tsunade’s expression became dull and sad, reminiscing on the boy that was killed by the dark avenger.
“What!?” Naruto shouted, obviously surprised by all of this, “You killed me!?”
Sasuke would have covered his ears if he could, instead he just gave the hyperactive boy a feral look. He… wasn’t sure himself, really. Even with the fight with Naruto just now, he wouldn’t have brought himself to end Naruto’s life. Why did his elder self do it? Was it for the power of the mangekyou sharingan? He stayed silent, not wanting to give his feelings away on the matter, just eyeing Naruto wearily.
The roseate hummed softly, “After that… well, one by one the villages have all slowly went down under Sasuke’s rule - and their groups’, by extension. From what our scouts have gathered, their group - Taka - have been pillaging them, and taking all their resources. They’re a powerful group of war criminals… we’re in war at this moment. Uchiha Obito is also apart of that group.”
‘Another Uchiha - what? And war?’ Sasuke was perplexed. This was wrong. All of this. While he normally wouldn’t care what would happen to others, this was bad. The world was being destroyed by his future self at this moment, and his rag-tag group of criminals. The Uchiha avenger swallowed, looking at his hands now, unable to meet anyone’s gaze.
Tsunade spoke now, “There’s many more things that are going on, but for the moment,” she clicked her fingers, and the bounding around Sasuke evaporated, “We should find somewhere else to speak for now,” her attention was on her previous student, “Would your house be okay? She’s not home, right?”
The roseate nodded her head, “Yeah… she should be at the academy, I’m sure it’ll be fine for now. Just for an hour, however.”
The raven-haired boy’s head tilted at this.
Sakura’s home was beautiful. That was the best way to put it. It was decorated in pastel colours, and while it was a bit bright for his liking, it was definitely Sakura. She had prepared everyone a cup of tea, and was finishing up in the kitchen now. Sasuke’s dark eyes focused on his hands, flexing his fingers before stretching his arms. He was happy to be out of his bindings, but he was surprised that they had let him out rather easily… maybe it was because between both Sakura and Tsunade, they would easily be able to stop him. While Sakura had not shown anything, it was clear that she was a lot stronger now.
Like her former teacher, she had a small diamond in the centre of her forehead that, from what Sasuke had been told, assisted in both strength and healing. She was a medical shinobi now, and was surviving. Very well, it seemed. Her house was maybe three bedrooms, with one definite bathroom. It was quite large and just a little outside of the main centre of town. It was actually bordering on the Uchiha district… which did make Sasuke frown when they were headed that way.
He couldn’t find himself to continue to be offended, however.
Taking a sip of the warm, black tea made him feel a little bit better.
Sakura re-entered the room and sat down next to Naruto. Tsunade had left moments ago, saying that she was going to inform Kakashi of what was going on, and that he needed to be here. Kakashi, from what Sakura had explained, was now the Hokage. That had shocked both himself and Naruto.
(“Before you died, Naruto, we were going to announce to you that you would be the next Hokage in a few years. Kakashi would begin training you immediately.”)
Sasuke took a heavy breath. It… was sad.
“I think… what will be going down, is that we will need to figure out what exactly caused your leap in time,” Sakura said, humming as she sipped her green tea, “I don’t know too much about that sort of thing, and I don’t think it’s really been documented… except for that one time that Naruto got sent back in time, but that was different again.”
Naruto blinked, “I - what?”
Sakura laughed dryly, “Yeah, it was funny actually.”
Her expression changed for a moment, before turning into a heavy scowl. She stood up abruptly, and wandered out into the hallway, towards the entrance of the house.
“Sarada! I know you’re in here,” she said harshly.
In seconds, a girl with dark hair and red glasses appeared in front of the table. Her brows forming into a scowl. “Who are these people, mama?”
Sasuke blinked a few times before the girl seemed to realise something, and her eyes bled to… red?
Word: 3200 approx.
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stevejohn354 · 2 years
Top 10 Tools to speed up Flutter App Development
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Wondering what are the Top Tool used in Flutter in 2022? This blog will give you the exact answer to your queries and something at the end. Flutter is one of the Best SDKs (software development kits) preferred by the developers. The benefits of flutter make it stand still among its competitors. So, let’s get into what you are looking for.
Below are a few tools that help speed up your Flutter App development.
The theme is the main factor when it comes to the user interface.
Panache helps makes you a stunning material theme for your Flutter application. And you can customize color components and widgets. It can be easily exported to google drive.
Supernova claimed, that they are the world's first design system as a service platform. They manage the entire design system lifecycle in one place. Supernova provides UI code assistance and can export UI designs into Flutter to create natively compiled mobile applications. It helps you edit design and view code immediately.
Countly is a product analytics solution and innovation enabler that helps organizations track product performance and user journey, and behavior across mobile, web, and desktop applications.
It has web analytics features that are designed to track website visit and converts website visitor into paying customer.
It has a free version that can be used to track essential metrics and KPIs.
It is a powerful IDE for Flutter development. Codemagic is considered one of the best tools for Flutter app development. With its help, you can build, test, and deliver flutter apps easily. You can Directly Test and publish your apps to the google play store or the App store.
Additionally, Codemagic offers up-to-date developer tools and a pre-installed version of Flutter.
Visual studio code
Visual studio code is shortly referred to as vs code. It is a source code editor created by Microsoft for windows, Linux, and macOS. It was released on November 18, 2015, and made available on GitHub.
Visual Studio Code is one of the best code editors. It is employed for version control, task running, and debugging. You have to install an extension to support Flutter. All you need to do is carry out the actions listed below:
Launch the visual studio program.
Click on the extension.
Search for Flutter (Author: Dart code)
Install and reload.
A command-line tool called Sylph allows you to integrate and test actual iOS and Android devices in the cloud. It works in Windows, Linux, Mac, and CI environments.
Using Sylph has the benefit of allowing you to test a variety of devices of the same type.
For example, you can test a pool of iOS or Android applications.
RevenueCat provides a wide range of solutions to help you scale your business. It is utilized to create subscriptions and in-app purchases. There is also specialized cross-platform support for it.
Without using the servers, you can integrate RevenueCat with a few lines of code.
Firebase is a Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS) application development tool. Similar to Flutter, Google builds this platform. You may use it to efficiently design and operate programs.
It is simple to integrate with most Google tools as well as third-party tools such as Jira, Slack, and Pagerduty.
Firebase can be used for crash analytics, reporting, messaging, and other purposes.
Amplitude is an analytics tool for tracking user interactions in your app.
Amplitude can be used to create campaigns that increase retention, predict user behavior, and improve funnel performance.
Square makes it possible to integrate payments into your Flutter apps. They provide two plugins that make it simple to integrate payments into Flutter applications.
There are numerous similar tools available to aid in the efficient development of a Flutter application. These tools are just one of the many reasons why you should use Flutter for app development.
I hope, This blogs act as a great resource for developers. The above-mentioned Tools are life savers for your development process. These are the Tools we use in our daily lives to build our apps. That’s why we are so sure that this will help you to build your app most effectively. Some people still struggle to find out the Best flutter app development company to build their apps.
Who we are? We build on-demand apps like Uber clone using Flutter framework. We have worked on many projects and helped entrepreneurs build their Taxi Booking apps like Uber.
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categorie : reiki en de aura
        De aura
  De aura is de naam van het onzichtbare energieveld rondom het lichaam van een mens, dier of plant. Het veld kan waargenomen worden door paranormaal begaafden en aurareaders. Handopleggers gebruiken het ellipsvormige krachtveld om afwijkingen te corrigeren. Reeds voor de geboorte van een mens krijgt het kind een aura. Bij het overlijden lost de aura op en keert terug naar zijn schepper.
  Wat is de aura
    Een krachtveld
  De aura is een ellipsvormig krachtveld rondom het fysieke lichaam dat tot een meter breed kan worden. Het is een fijnstoffelijke blauwdruk van het lichaam met zijn organen, gevoelens en emoties. Elke afwijking van lichamelijke of geestelijke aard is waarneembaar in de aura. Het krachtveld rond het lichaam bevat zeven lagen die overeenkomen met de zeven grote energiepunten in het lichaam, ook chacra’s genoemd. Des te verder de laag van het lichaam verwijderd, des te fijngevoeliger de energie. Bij een perfect lichamelijk en geestelijk gezonde mens zijn de aura en de chacra’s mooi van kleur en in balans. Dit komt nooit voor want de perfectie bestaat niet.
        Een kleurenpalet
  Onze innerlijke gesteldheid heeft invloed op de kleuren in de aura. Naargelang iemand zich voelt zullen de kleuren en hun helderheid wisselen in de auralagen. Hoe beter de lichamelijke en geestelijke conditie is, hoe beter de aura zal zijn. Een verzwakte aura heeft vermoeidheid en minder weerstand tot gevolg. In dit geval zijn de kleuren minder helder en troebeler dan iemand die een sterke aura heeft. De aura is een open boek. De kleuren geven informatie over ons karakter, lichamelijke conditie, emoties en vorige levens. Daarom is de aura per persoon uniek.
        Een woonplek van de ziel
  Binnen in de aura woont onze onsterfelijke ziel. De ziel is “het zijn” ,wie men echt is. In tegenstelling tot de ziel sterft de geest wel omdat de hersens sterven. De geest is de opgeslagen informatie opgeslagen in het hoofd als gevolg van intelligentie en verworven kennis. Toen Christus op het kruis stierf gaf hij de geest maar niet de ziel. De ziel verlaat de aura als een lichaam sterft en keert terug naar God.
              Een aura voor alles wat leeft
    Voor de mens
  De mens heeft een levendige, bewegende aura, een krachtveld waarin zich emoties en gevoelens bevinden. Als meerdere personen samen zijn kunnen de krachtvelden rond hun lichamen samensmelten. Daardoor wordt een gevoelig iemand de emoties en spanningen in de nabijheid van iemand anders gewaar.
Het is mogelijk om in een groep positieve en negatieve gedachten met elkaar te delen en te versterken. Wordt er iemand op een begrafenis bijvoorbeeld hysterisch, dan is de kans groot dat meerdere personen dat zullen volgen. Buiten helderzienden kan iedereen een aura in min of meerdere mate leren waarnemen mits veel oefenen.
De aura wordt al jaren zichtbaar gemaakt door middel van Kirlianfotografie. Deze coronale ontladingsfotografie is het fotograferen van objecten in een hoog spanningsveld. Het krachtveld rond het lichaam kan door Reiki, meditatie en ademhalingstechnieken bestuurd worden. Hierdoor wordt het gezonder wat een positief effect heeft op het fysieke lichaam. De aura is niet gebonden aan de vorm van een lichaam. Verliest men een arm, dan zal in de aura de arm aanwezig blijven. Het spirituele is niet gebonden aan de materie.
            Voor dieren
  De aura van dieren is minder levendig en kleurrijk dan die van een mens. Dieren hebben gevoelens en emoties maar reageren erg instinctief. Hun reacties op emoties zijn niet controleerbaar.
Dieren hebben geen hogere auralagen zoals de mens wat vrij logisch is. Hun leven is gebaseerd op basisbehoeften zoals eten en drinken, afbakening van een territorium en de voortplanting. Denken en kennisopname zoals een mens hoort er niet bij.
De aura van een dier laat je een hoop te weten komen over zijn karakter en gemoedstoestand, maar ook over zijn lichamelijke klachten. De hond op de Kirlianfoto (zie diashow) heeft veel paars en violet in de aura. Het dier is erg afgestemd op zijn baas en het Goddelijke. De rode kleur in zijn aura is het gevolg van externe prikkels waarop hij intuïtief reageert.
      Voor planten
  Planten hebben een statische aura. Er is geen beweging in hun krachtveld waarneembaar. Hun aura beperkt zich tot enkele lagen. Ook bij dieren en planten is het spirituele niet gebonden aan de materie. Een aurafoto van een afgescheurd blad laat toch het volledige blad zien.
      aura van broccoli
          De aura van een plant
De aura: kirlianfotografie
De aura van een hond
De aura: een krachtveld
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                preview en aankoop boek “De Openbaring “: 
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Wat is de aura? categorie : reiki en de aura De aura De aura is de naam van het onzichtbare energieveld rondom het lichaam van een mens, dier of plant.
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viptravellers · 3 years
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Beach House with Private Pool The Nautilus Beach & Ocean Houses Maldives From holistic family escapes to sophisticated epicurean discoveries and transformative wellbeing, The Nautilus offers liberating moments for every occasion and everyone at any time you please. Within our mindfully curated packages liberation remains at the core, allowing you to be led merely by our suggestion and interpret them however you please. All including daily sunset cocktails, The Nautilus’ renowned ‘anywhere, anytime’ gastronomic experience and much more. For more information, contact our reservations team to begin your Nautilus journey. The Nautilus is your luxury bohemian hideaway in the Maldives. A highly personalised, immensely private luxury resort in Maldives with 26 beach and ocean houses where every experience is tailored to you.
282 m² Private pool Sea view Bath Air conditioning Coffee machine Minibar Free WiFi VIEW FLOOR PLAN Nine elegant Maldives Beach Houses line our silvery shores, each just a few steps from the sea. Each Maldives Beach Villa features an oval bedroom and adjoining living room that opens up to a wide private sundeck, sheltered by manicured gardens, overlooking the beach. Your sundeck extends to your own private pool, where a covered Maldivian-style swing invites a lazy day in the shade. A glass-walled, light-filled, air-conditioned en-suite bathroom provides garden courtyard views, with a deep ceramic free-standing tub, an indoor walk-in rain shower and matching granite vanities. An outdoor garden shower lets you bathe under tropical skies. That most elusive desire: total privacy, unimpeded. At The Nautilus is among the Maldives best resorts, with 26 beach and ocean houses line our shores – each a personal sanctum with its own separate living room, dedicated butler service and private pool, infusing the comforts of home with a bohemian whimsy that invites you into the barefoot life at one of the luxury hotels in Maldives. Whether you want to celebrate a special birthday in the tropics, cheer for a personal achievement or simply unite with family and loved ones just to celebrate life itself, The Nautilus is able to create totally bespoke celebrations to cater to your every whim. .elementor-252052 .elementor-element.elementor-element-487aeab5overflow:visible;.elementor-bc-flex-widget .elementor-252052 .elementor-element.elementor-element-5634cfb7.elementor-column .elementor-column-wrapalign-items:center;.elementor-252052 .elementor-element.elementor-element-5634cfb7.elementor-column.elementor-element > .elementor-column-wrap.elementor-element-populated > .elementor-widget-wrapalign-content:center;align-items:center;.elementor-252052 .elementor-element.elementor-element-77153ce5 imgwidth:52%;.elementor-252052 .elementor-element.elementor-element-675c9f6ftext-align:left;.elementor-252052 .elementor-element.elementor-element-675c9f6f .elementor-heading-titlecolor:#242424;.elementor-252052 .elementor-element.elementor-element-65322131text-align:left;color:#8c8c8c;font-size:18px;font-weight:300;.elementor-252052 .elementor-element.elementor-element-5f7fe40--divider-border-style:solid;--divider-color:#f4c270;--divider-border-width:3px;.elementor-252052 .elementor-element.elementor-element-5f7fe40 .elementor-divider-separatorwidth:20%;.elementor-252052 .elementor-element.elementor-element-5f7fe40 .elementor-dividerpadding-top:15px;padding-bottom:15px;.elementor-252052 .elementor-element.elementor-element-787b380c .ha-accordion__item:not(:first-child)margin-top:-1px;.elementor-252052 .elementor-element.elementor-element-787b380c .ha-accordion__itemborder-style:solid;border-width:0px 0px 1px 0px;border-radius:0px 0px 0px 0px;.elementor-252052 .elementor-element.elementor-element-787b380c .ha-accordion__item-titlepadding:25px 20px 25px 0px;font-weight:bold;.elementor-252052 .elementor-element.elementor-element-787b380c .ha-accordion__item-contentpadding:0px 20px 20px 0px;border-style:solid;border-width:0px 0px 0px 0px;font-weight:300;color:#8c8c8c;@media(min-width:768px).elementor-252052 .elementor-element.elementor-element-5634cfb7width:47.632%;.elementor-252052 .elementor-element.elementor-element-4b4f527cwidth:52.368%;@media(max-width:1024px) and (min-width:768px).elementor-252052 .elementor-element.elementor-element-5634cfb7width:30%;.elementor-252052 .elementor-element.elementor-element-4b4f527cwidth:70%;@media(max-width:1024px).elementor-252052 .elementor-element.elementor-element-487aeab5padding:50px 0px 50px 0px;@media(max-width:767px).elementor-252052 .elementor-element.elementor-element-4b4f527c > .elementor-element-populatedpadding:20px 20px 20px 20px;.elementor-252052 .elementor-element.elementor-element-675c9f6f .elementor-heading-titlefont-size:24px;
Explore our special offers and secure your reservation now to enjoy exclusive benefits FAMILY OFFER All CHILD (0-11.99) free stay and eat Travel dates: 26.02.2021 – 10.01.2022 Combinable with EBO,NAUTILUS GETAWAY, LONG STAY OFFER EARLY BIRD OFFER (EBO) 10% discount (all rooms) Book by: 60 days prior to arrival Travel dates: 11.01.2022 – 22.12.2022 NOT Combinable with other offer Baa Atoll. Transfer: Seaplane (30-minutes) 23.12.2020 – 10.01.2022 Return Manta Seaplane: ADL=1250$, CHILD(2-11.99)=900$, INF(0-1.99)=FREE Return Nautilus Seaplane: ADL=1675$, CHILD(2-11.99)=1100$, INF(0-1.99)=FREE Return Private Manta Seaplane (16 PAX): 13000$ Return Private Nautilus Seaplane (8 PAX): 15000$ 11.01.2022 – 10.01.2023 Return Manta Seaplane: ADL=1250$, CHILD(2-11.99)=900$, INF(0-1.99)=FREE Return Nautilus Seaplane: ADL=1675$, CHILD(2-11.99)=1100$, INF(0-1.99)=FREE Return Private Manta Seaplane (14 PAX): 13000$ Return Private Nautilus Seaplane (9 PAX): 15000$ HONEYMOON/BIRTHDAY/WEDDING ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Stay minimum 4 nights: – Celebratory cake – Decorative evening turn-down once during stay – Complimentary afternoon in-room gourmet platter once during stay Stay minimum 7 nights: – Candlelit dinner on the deck of the House or Residence with a celebratory cake and a bottle of Champagne – Decorative evening turn-down once during stay – Complimentary afternoon in-room gourmet platter once during stay Travel dates: 11.01.2022 – 10.01.2023 Combinable with ALL OFFERS Note: – There is no rebate for benefits not used during stay. Benefits cannot be transferred to other guests. – Honeymoon Benefits will only apply for clients traveling within 6 months from the date of the wedding. A copy of the wedding certificate must be presented to the resort on request. – Anniversary date shall be within 30 days prior or after arrival date – Birthday date shall be within 30 days prior or after arrival date
Early check-in/late check-out whenever possible
Two children under 12 stay free and eat for free when dining with parents
Private butler service
Invitation to daily sunset cocktails
Complimentary deli-style small-bites at Naiboli pool bar daily until sunset
Private infinity swimming pool
Separate living room
Packing and unpacking service
Complimentary teas, coffee and tea/coffee machine
Complimentary laundry service (four items per villa, per day)
Free Wi-Fi
Personalised wine fridge (extra charge)
The Nautilus CIP arrival service: Upon arrival at Velana International Airport, you are picked up directly from your aircraft and individually escorted to the exclusive CIP lounge (Maamehi Executive Lounge), regardless of the house category booked. No queuing is required as all matters regarding immigration, baggage and customs will be handled on your behalf. If you wish to have the same service upon departure, your House Master would be delighted to arrange this for you at an additional cost.
Complimentary daily water and three soft drinks
Complimentary a bottle of champagne on arrival
Complimentary daily fruit
Flat-screen satellite TV in each room with on-demand movies
Spacious air-conditioned bathroom
Luxurious freestanding bathtub
Indoor walk-in rain shower
Full-sized designer bathroom products
Air conditioning and ceiling fan
Personalised mini bar tailored to what you like to eat (extra charge)
Free non-motorised watersports and use of snorkelling equipment provided by The Maldives island resort
Whilst we do not recommend children below 9 staying in any over-water category, if families would like to, we are able to set up fences around the deck and pool to enhance safety. These are available at any time and are offered on a complimentary basis.
The Nautilus experience begins as soon as your flight lands. You’ll be greeted as you disembark and driven by limousine to the comfort of a private VIP lounge, where immigration and other processes will be taken care on your behalf as you relax in the comforts of the Lounge. From the lounge, you’ll be ushered onto a seaplane for a seamless transfer to our corner of the Baa Atoll, where the best luxury resort in the Maldives awaits. The entire process from the VIP lounge to The Nautilus takes a mere 30 minutes. Your personal butler will be there to welcome you. For a truly personal experience, charter your own private seaplane from Malé at one of the finest Baa Atoll resorts.
Find your perfect place to sink in, unwind and enjoy life’s greatest gifts, together. Discover more about the perfect settings that The Nautilus offers to celebrate with those who mean the most to you through the link in bio. #TheNautilusMaldives #AWorldOfYourOwnMaking #Maldives #maldivesislands #maldiveslovers #maldivesbeach #maldivesholiday #maldivesresorts #maldivesresort #vacations #motivation #instamood #travel #Travelgram #traveling #travel #Travelgram #travelling #vacations #beach #romance
Time Stands Still The Nautilus transcends time. There are no clocks, no schedules, no opening or closing times. Here, every moment is fluid. Boundless freedom finds every guest…all in its own good time. Comforts of Home Just steps from pristine sands or perched over turquoise waters, The Nautilus’s houses and residences offer unrivalled space and privacy. Each is a secluded haven with separate living rooms, a freshwater swimming pool and its own private butler. Places to sink in, unwind and enjoy life’s greatest gifts, together. Free Spirited Experiences Days dance to their own rhythm at The Nautilus resort in the Maldives. The guest experience is one of liberation at every turn. Impromptu adventures on crystal-clear waters. Fluid and personal spa journeys. Starlit dinner dates at every turn. Narratives unfold without an itinerary, and without inhibition. Unscripted Dining The Nautilus delights in veering off-script. Eat when you’re hungry. Have breakfast for dinner. Drink Champagne in bed. We want guests to create their own dishes and dine anytime – anywhere. Art of Bohemia A celebration of the individual spirit, The Nautilus offers liberation. Freedom unconditional. Space to share, to meet, to be yourself and shape your own personal journey. And, most of all, to celebrate the people you’re with, in any way you choose. Because in the end, it’s these simple, elemental pleasures – that ability to simply be – that form the greatest luxury of all. The Nautilus offers a vast selection of activities to do in Maldives that can be tailored to your every whim. Dine anywhere, anytime. Take to the seas in a luxury yacht for an impromptu adventure. Dive into turquoise waters, immersed in the liberating embrace of the Baa Atoll, or host a private soiree in your own private beach house, complete with loved ones, live music and seafood grilled to perfection. Or make the most of a private cinema screening on a distant sandbank under starry skies. These shared, intimate moments are the ones you’ll remember forever. Your luxury escape in Maldives awaits. Dine anytime, anywhere At The Nautilus, menus are mere suggestions. We want guests to create their own dishes and dine anytime – anywhere. Let us prepare a table for you at the destination of your choice: a secluded sandbank, aboard a yacht or on your own private deck. Indulge your every whim with impromptu pop-up bars, wine-tasting sunset sessions and more. Exquisite Maldives moments The Nautilus delights in veering off script, and in allowing guests to direct their own excursions. From impromptu adventures on crystal clear waters, to adventures underseas and soaring over atolls. Your experience is one of liberation at every turn. Timeless Romance At The Nautilus, no experience is without the consideration of romance enough to transcend time. Whether you have a budding spark, an eternally burning flame or even a new little islander on the way, allow The Nautilus to inspire you to celebrate love in it’s entirety. From discreet exchanges upon the sandbank to fanciful celebrations on island, you pick the moment and we’ll provide the bliss.
Eat when you’re hungry, have breakfast for dinner, drink Champagne in bed. The Nautilus delights in veering off script, crafting bespoke culinary journeys designed just for you. Explore intriguing infusions of Mediterranean and Arabic cuisine at Zeytoun, celebrate simplicity with Japanese and Latin-American creations at Ocaso, or savour an array of global delicacies at Thyme throughout the day at our Maldives restaurant. No opening or closing times; no dress codes. Come as you are, enjoy great company and indulge in a shared passion for extraordinary cuisine at The Nautilus.
Choise check in and Check out Dates
Choice number pax In total will calculate automatically amount with all discount
Please write all details (Name, Surname, Email, Phone and Press Button ORDER)
In 5 minuts we will contact with you for discuss all details of bookings After agreeing with you all the details of the booking (cancellation dates, payment, penalties, etc.), we will send a booking to the chosen hotel. After we receive confirmation from the hotel booking - we enter it into the system and send you the reservation number, which you can check in a separate application and pay for the service by credit card on the link (secure 3D payment from the credit card)   #TheNautilusBeachOceanHouses https://vip-travellers.ru/en/beach-house-with-private-pool-the-nautilus-beach-ocean-houses-maldives/?feed_id=639&_unique_id=6153263c5b63e #viptravellers #travelwithbest #yourluxurytravelexpert #bookyourholiday #besthotels #bestyachts #luxuryhotels #traveltheworld 👇 For further details and bookings: +90 537 357 34 #TheNautilusMaldives #AWorldOfYourOwnMaking #Maldives #maldivesislands #maldiveslovers #maldivesbeach #maldivesholiday #maldivesresorts #maldivesresort #vacations #motivation #instamood #travel #Travelgram #traveling #travel #Travelgram #travelling #vacations #beach #romance #photooftheday #WorldsLeadingDestination #VisitMaldives #SunnySideOfLife #Snorkel #Snorkelling
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chennaitechupdate · 3 years
11 Reasons Why Flutter is the New Hue in Mobile App Development?
For the past two years, most mobile app development firms are concentrating on the production of mobile apps to experience the right growth and attain more profit. Flutter was developed by Google and launched in the year 2017. As it is an open-source framework, it is the most preferable one by most developers. Multiple industries like BMW, Alibaba, and eBay globally are opting for Flutter as the preferred programming language.
Here lists of reasons are explained in detail, why one should initiate Flutter app development for the upcoming projects.
Unit Code based
Once the code is developed, it can be executed anywhere. This is possible only with the aid of Flutter for developing cross-platform applications efficiently. This one directly means that Flutter supports the compatibility factor for both iOS and Android. The users can have a better experience and possess faster responses too.
By nature Flutter is open-source, hence the developers and quality analysts can bring constant updates then & there. The developers can access the videos, content, events, etc. Thus it results in enhanced productivity and minimal investment is more than enough.
100% Community support
The community support is huge and also it is easier to customize. There are more than thousands of developers where they can access blogs, podcasts, videos, etc. With the aid of the Flutter platform, it is easier to build the applications in an efficient & effective manner.
Hot reload
It is one of the reliable unique features where it cannot be explored in the other framework. By using this feature, the developers can create alluring designs at a faster rate. In case of any updates or new features added, the changes will be shown instantly.
Utilizing widgets
Generally, the Flutter app development makes use of the library function. It is easier to build robust interface designs. In this era, most mobile app development companies have started to use Flutter gadgets for active development. The different zones like wellness, e-commerce, and utility are involved in the building of a seamless user interface.
A complete enhanced approach
The code-builders can view the vial progression of the system, equipment, emulator in real-time. The code can be reloaded within a fraction of seconds while the app is executed and it does not require any restart. The hot reload option is used in the different phases like issue fixing, building the user interface, and also major concerns.
Efficient marketing
Flutter aids in the resurgence of the cycle of development. By using Flutter, the app can be efficiently utilized, offering an upgrade in all the phases. The Flutter applications are assured with 100% quality affirmation. The testing process can be carried over one platform, need not be tested for other typical platforms. Hence, it saves a huge time and contributes to the best marketing of the app.  
Instinctive developing
For the past few years, Flutter app development companies have started to bloom and more technological development is expected to increase in the upcoming years. The major reason is most people have started to use smart apps for different purposes. While speaking about the cost factor, the developers have started to build mobile apps with the aid of Flutter with their designs.
Native App like performance
The Dart programming language is used for the development of native apps. Here, it is easier to execute the apps in terms of native code. The performance is reflected in the different platforms of Android, iOS, and Web apps.
On-time update from Google
For decades, Google has been investing a massive amount in Flutter which is rocking the app development industry. It keeps on updating with the relevant features which help the code-builders in a different phase. Flutter supports different OS like MacOS, Android, iOS, etc.
Firebase as BaaS
To help the code-builders both Firebase and Flutter play a vital role. The Firebase is nothing but the backend as a service where it controls the complications of the Flutter app. The integration of both Flutter & Firebase is the feasible solution for the Android app development.
Summing up!!
From the above-discussed points, it is clear that the Flutter framework has gained a better reputation in the field of mobile app development. No doubt, Flutter is one of the relevant options for app development. Due to its quality factor, this standard framework is growing day by day. By occupying Flutter, one can possess both Android & iOS apps with minimal cost of development.
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concettolabs · 4 years
Kotlin Vs Flutter: Which one to go with For Cross-Platform App Development?
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Many businesses choose to go for cross-platform app development these days. It is a great way to reach more audiences. Though choosing the right development technology is essential. When it comes to cross-platform development Flutter Vs. React Native was the first big battle. But, soon we saw a new frontier and the battle has now come to Kotlin Vs Flutter Vs React Native.
Cross-platform development gained traction. It owed to the fact that Android and iOS together make for 99% of the mobile OS market. So, why not tap into both the markets together? This encouraged more firms to find better options. And we saw the rise of a new battle of platforms in 2019-” Kotlin Vs. Flutter”.
Now, that we are in 2020, the battle of Kotlin Vs. Flutter is getting more aggressive. More companies are wondering what to choose? So, here we are with a comprehensive take on the battle of cross-platform app development.
But, before we go head to head on Kotlin Vs. Flutter, Let’s understand what are they?
What is Kotlin?
Kotlin is a powerful development language designed by JetBrains. Android has rendered complete support to Kotlin. And that is the reason it has been so popular. It has overall 10.02% of apps developed through the language. But, Kotlin is a powerful native development language.
It was recently, that Kotlin had a cross-platform development feature. Kotlin Multiplatform is a cross-platform extension of the language. It thrives on shared code. It is supported by JVM or Java Virtual Machine for development.
The code-sharing expertise of Kotlin extends to Android, iOS, Windows, Linux, and Mac. It can reduce development efforts with reusable codes.
What is Flutter?
Flutter is an efficient cross-platform development framework. It uses the Dart programming language. Dart helps to build excellent apps across, mobile, web, and even desktop. The single codebase that runs across platforms makes it an effective framework.
Flutter has capabilities to develop native UI(User Interface) cross-platform apps. It helps create apps that have the security level equal to a website. It is an open-source technology. So, there are several libraries to explore.
Flutter gained the confidence of brands like Google, Groupon, eBay, and Alibaba Group. As the Flutter development has gained traction and Kotlin is on the rise, the battle is on. Let’s discover Kotlin Vs. Flutter!
Kotlin Vs Flutter: The UX
The most vital part of any business is consumer satisfaction. Consumer satisfaction depends on User Experience or UX of an app. A User Interface or UI creates better UX for companies. Here, both cross-platform development platforms have different ways to create UIs.
Flutter offers a widget-based UI creating. Developers can leverage widget trees to develop excellent UI components. It is not a standard UI design method. But, it is still an effective one for the developers.
While Kotlin offers pure UI design prowess. It allows the developers to create UI like any other native app development platform. It does not need any extensive method like a widget for UI creation.
Kotlin Vs Flutter: The Langauge
When it comes to programming language it is more like JavaScript vs. Java. Flutter is a framework built on Dart programming language. Dart is very easy to understand language.
It has a syntax based on the JavaScript. A firm can hire Flutter developers from India, the US, or anywhere else with JavaScript skills.
Kotlin is a Java-based platform. Kotlin is interoperable with the Java language. So, any developer well-versed in Java can learn Kotlin.
Kotlin Vs Flutter: The Backend
A backend service is essential to any mobile application. All the interactions between users and systems need good backend support. Without it, the system’s efficacy to handle several user requests is low.
Flutter does a great job for the backend. It uses Firebase for effective BaaS(Backend as a Service). Firebase is an excellent backend for real-time data requests.
Most of the backend technologies use HTTP calls for data requests by the user. But, with Flutter, you get Firebase that leverages web sockets for data requests.
Kotlin does not use any such BaaS. it allows the developers to write their backend code. So, Kotlin enables better customizations for the backend.
Kotlin Vs Flutter: Device Support
While they are booth cross-platform frameworks, Kotlin Vs. Flutter differ in support of Android devices. Flutter renders support to mobile, web, and desktop applications. It lacks support for different devices like tvOS, watchOS, carOS, and others.
While Kotlin does not have any such restrictions. It can help you develop applications for different devices beyond mobile or web.
Kotlin Vs Flutter: Performance
We often hear about cross-platform apps being low on performance. One of the biggest challenges in cross-platform development is native access. Companies develop apps that work across platforms. But, that cannot access native features.
Flutter has greater prowess performance. It enables developers to mitigate platform restrictions. It provides excellent native access through Dart.
Kotlin is new to cross-platform development. Yet, it enables developers to write codes in the platform-specific formats. So, access to the platform related elements is not difficult.
The restriction between them lies in syntax and the use of basic language for coding.
So, who is the winner? Well, we explored different aspects of both frameworks. And we concluded that Flutter remains a clear winner as of now. Flutter is easy to understand, higher on performance, and a great UI framework.
Kotlin is new to the domain and has a lot to catch up with. But, there is no denying the fact that Kotlin has the potential to fight it through.
So, if you are looking to scale your business higher. Then choose the best Flutter mobile app development services for your cross-platform app. Do you think that Kotlin is still a better option than Flutter for cross-platform apps?
Then let us know more about your thoughts in the below comments section.
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weewidget · 9 months
I'm much better at posting on Discord than socials, so this would be an easier way to see my art more frequently 😅
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tagamark · 5 years
Magashi – Conserving Rwanda’s Last Protected Savannah Ecosystem
New Post has been published on https://tagasafarisafrica.com/africa-travel-news/extraordinary-places/magashi-conserving-rwandas-last-protected-savannah-ecosystem/
Magashi – Conserving Rwanda’s Last Protected Savannah Ecosystem
Magashi Camp, set to open on 1 May 2019, is strongly rooted in a core purpose: To help contribute towards the conservation and sustainable operation of Rwanda’s last protected savannah ecosystem, and to drive sustainable ecotourism in the wildlife-rich Akagera National Park.
Magashi is situated in one of the most productive savannah ecosystems in East Africa
Launched in partnership with African Parks and the Rwanda Development Board, collectively called the Akagera Management Company (AMC), Magashi forms part of Wilderness Safaris’ objective to build sustainable conservation economies in Rwanda and further entrench its commitment to extending sustainable ecotourism in the region by offering an extended high-end ecotourism circuit that goes ‘beyond gorillas’.
“The launch of our second camp in Rwanda – the first being Bisate Lodge close to Volcanoes National Park – is an exciting venture for us, as it demonstrates the difference that responsible ecotourism can make to rural Rwandan people, and biodiversity conservation in a different ecosystem. Our presence in the park enables us to assist AMC through a number of local initiatives such as the monitoring and study of endangered wildlife, training of future trackers, removal of alien invasive plant species and the support of post-graduate Rwanda conservation students, with the first research project due to begin in a couple of months”, commented Rob Baas, Wilderness Safaris Rwanda Operations Manager.
Magashi’s primary conservation focus will be on threatened species like the rare shoebill stork, listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List. Wilderness Safaris will also provide monitoring support to Akagera’s black rhino reintroduction project, which will see a new supplementary population of the same subspecies being returned to the park from European zoos later this year. We will also continue to support AMC’s lion research through the sponsorship of satellite collars and regular monitoring.
Like all other Wilderness Safaris camps, Magashi will be driven by the company’s 4Cs sustainability ethos of Commerce, Community, Culture and Conservation. With barely any tourism background, one out of three employees of the camp staff were sourced directly from the neighbouring communities. The company intends to hire more local people as it trains and develops its current staff into senior positions, and has also been sourcing local products and handcrafted gifts through community projects.
“In addition to our commitment to conservation and community empowerment, Magashi will celebrate culture through our locally-inspired interior design, traditional food and cultural presentations. The camp also boasts a light footprint, is 100% solar powered and completely single-use plastic free. We have no doubt that by offering a life-changing experience that is strongly rooted in a core purpose, we will inspire positive action. We look forward to sharing the wonders of Akagera with our guests”, Rob concluded.
Post courtesy of Wilderness Safaris
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Looking for OCtober Prompts!
Hello there folks!
I'm looking to do OC-tober, where I draw my OCs throughout the month of pOctober! I had a lot of fun last year with the prompt list I found, so I'm looking for suggestions for this year!
The prompt list I found last year can be found here for reference:
I'll credit you for the suggestions as I choose them, thank you so much for providing suggestions!
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categorie : reiki en de aura
Van zelfgenezing tot Reikimaster
      Het Reikisymbool
De Reiki of de universele liefdesenergie komt van God en blijft altijd dezelfde. Toch zijn er meerdere graden in de Reiki. Er is een evenredigheid tussen het stijgend kosmisch bewustzijn en de hogere fijngevoeligheid van een Reiki-gever bij een handoplegging per Reikigraad. Een ingewijde in de lagere Reikigraden, de eerste en de tweede, heeft nog niet het fijnstoffelijk gevoel ontwikkeld om elk probleem de baas te kunnen. De hogere Reikigraden, de derde- en de mastergraad, benaderen het transcendente. Geloof en kennis smelten als het ware samen.
  De Reikigraden
Naargelang welke Reikistrekking men hanteert zijn er drie of vier graden. In elk systeem worden de eerste en de tweede graad als de lagere graden beschouwd. Het verschil zit in de hogere graden. Sommige strekkingen nemen de derde graad als mastergraad. Anderen bezien de derde graad als een voorbereiding op een latere inwijding in de vierde graad of hun masterniveau.
De eerste graad
Bij de eerste inwijding door een Reikimaster, na het volgen van een Reikicursus, krijgt men de eerste graad. De ingewijde kan voldoende energie ontvangen om zichzelf te behandelen. Na enkele weken van handopleggingen  op zichzelf wordt de persoon bewustzijnsveranderingen gewaar. Hij leert signalen van zijn lichaam begrijpen en weet hoe hij daarop moet anticiperen.
Gedurende die tijd, ongeveer zeven weken, wordt hij lichamelijk en geestelijk gezuiverd. Door veel water te drinken kunnen de vrijgekomen afvalstoffen het lichaam verlaten. Veel rust hoort er in deze periode bij. Alles gebeurt geleidelijk omdat een plotse verandering lichamelijk en geestelijk erg belastend zou zijn. De vers ingewijde staat onder controle van zijn reikimaster die altijd raad kan geven en corrigeren. Na die periode van transformatie mag de persoon reiki toepassen op zichzelf. De universele energie is onuitputbaar.
De tweede graad
Na een cursus en de inwijding in de tweede graad door een reikimaster kan de Reiki-gever beroep doen op hogere energieën. Hij hanteert symbolen die hem met onzichtbare entiteiten in verbinding stellen. Een andere naam voor entiteit is gids of begeleider. Zij geven de nodige universele liefdesenergie via de Reiki-gever aan de ontvanger. De Goddelijke liefdesenergie kan hij vanaf nu versterken door zijn spirituele groei en aangeleerde symbolen. De lichamelijke en geestelijke zuivering duurt ook 7 weken, steeds onder de controle van de reikmaster. Dan mag de persoon reiki geven aan zichzelf en aan anderen.
Hij kan het lichaam van mens of dier terug in balans brengen. Dat kan een ruime tijd duren, omdat een blokkade langzaam komt en langzaam verdwijnt. Met de tweede graad is het mogelijk Reiki te sturen naar het verleden en de toekomst. Wie jaren met een mentaal probleem zit stuurt best Reiki naar het verleden waar de pijn is begonnen om een later trauma te voorkomen. Reiki sturen naar de toekomst is om Goddelijke tussenkomst vragen op een later tijdstip voor bijvoorbeeld een gewenste zwangerschap, een ander werk enz.
    De derde graad
De derde graad is een voorbereiding op het masterniveau, de vierde graad. In de cursus leert men nieuwe symbolen van een hogere orde dan deze in de tweede graad. Ook op dat niveau is er een innerlijke zuiveringsperiode voorzien van zeven weken. Communicatie met zeer hoge entiteiten wordt mogelijk als de Reiki-gever de symbolen van deze graad toepast. Men krijgt informatie die men moet en mag weten, om de Reiki-ontvanger bij te staan.
De Reiki-gever leert zich af te schermen van negatieve entiteiten, kan overledenen overbrengen naar hun voorziene plaats en de violette vlam zetten bij spirituele aanvallen van demonen. Ook kan men banden van karma tussen mensen onderling verbreken, zowel bij levenden als bij doden. Door middel van de symbolen op dat niveau is het mogelijk gebouwen te zuiveren van negatieve energieën. Al het ongoddelijke wat zich samengeklit heeft tot een energetische slijmbal lost hij op door hulp van lichtwezens. Het boze moet bezwijken voor het goede. Wie uitverkoren is om deze graad te behalen stelt grotendeels zijn leven ter beschikking van de Grote Baas.
De vierde graad
De hoogste graad in de Reiki is de mastergraad. Weinigen behalen dit niveau. Wie zich daarvoor uitverkoren voelt is geroepen vanuit de hemel. De master is een instrument tussen de hemel en de aarde nadat hij ingewijd is met het mastersymbool. Door een goede opleiding en zijn ervaringen kent de Reikimaster vele geheimen van het leven en mag hij mensen inwijden in elke Reikigraad. Hij ziet de verbanden tussen ziektes van het lichaam en de geest.
Via spirituele gidsen die hem bijstaan krijgt hij info over het verleden en de toekomst waardoor hij trauma’s op een zachtaardige manier oplost. Hij is paranormaal begaafd. Dit alles is altijd onder toezicht van God. Het Ohm teken kan de master aanwenden om met de hoogste en puurste energieën in contact te komen.
  De universele wet
Het is de bedoeling dat met Reiki een energiewisseling plaatsvindt tussen de Reiki-gever en de Reiki-ontvanger. De Reiki-ontvanger mag iets terug gegeven voor een behandeling zoals een geldbedrag, een geschenk of bloemen. Het is niet de Reiki-energie die betaald wordt maar de erin gestoken tijd.
Wil de Reiki-gever niets ontvangen, dan heeft hij een probleem met accepteren of hij heeft een laag gevoel van eigenwaarde. Een vergoeding mag altijd, al is het bedrag nog zo klein. Wie zich rijkelijk laat betalen heeft niets positief gedaan voor de ander. Er staat in het Nieuwe Testament geschreven dat wie zich rijkelijk laat vergoeden voor diensten aan een ander zijn beloning voor de hemel al gehad heeft. Christus wilde uit liefde voor de mens nooit geld, wel ging hij soms met de genezen personen tafelen. De wijze laat zich belonen door God. Men noemt dit de Universele Wet van geven en ontvangen. Door de geringste uitwisseling van energie wordt de harmonie in het universum hersteld.
Iedereen kan en mag Reiki ontvangen. Wanneer men er beroep op doet ontvangt men wat men nodig heeft op lichamelijk en geestelijk gebied. De energie doet haar werk De Reikibeperkingenin functie van de levensweg die men bewandelt. Daarom is het resultaat nooit hetzelfde bij personen die voor hetzelfde probleem Reiki ontvangen. Terwijl de ene plots veel beter wordt door de energie zal de andere misschien begeleidt worden naar zijn levenseinde.
De Reikibeperkingen
Reiki is dus nooit nutteloos. God weet wat wij nodig hebben zowel lichamelijk als geestelijk. Is een levensdoel bereikt eindigt het leven hier op aarde, jong of oud. Wij leven in een samenstel van dingen waar zonde en dood zegevieren. Bij de terugkomst van Christus, op de laatste dag, bestaan zonde en dood niet meer, net zoals Reiki. Daarom is het belangrijk, voor men Reiki geeft of ontvangt, te denken aan de wijze woorden van Christus dat niet zijn wil maar steeds Gods wil zal geschieden. God heeft altijd het laatste woord.
Bronnen en referenties
De kern van Reiki-werkboek-Diane Stein
Het grote Reikihandboek-de weg van helende liefde-Walter Lübeck
    #gallery-0-7 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-7 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-7 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-7 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Hulp van entiteiten: derde graad
Handoplegging: de tweede graad
Ohm: de vierde graad
Universele liefdesenergie
  preview en aankoop boek “De Openbaring “: 
  De Reikigraden categorie : reiki en de aura Van zelfgenezing tot Reikimaster Het Reikisymbool De Reiki of de universele liefdesenergie komt van God en blijft altijd dezelfde.
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categorie : reiki en de aura
  De aura nader bekeken
De aura
De aura is de naam van het onzichtbare energieveld rondom het lichaam van een mens, dier of plant. Het veld kan waargenomen worden door paranormaal begaafden en aurareaders. Handopleggers gebruiken het ellipsvormige krachtveld om afwijkingen te corrigeren. Reeds voor de geborte van een mens krijgt het kind een aura. Bij het overlijden lost de aura op en keert terug naar zijn schepper.
Wat is de aura
Een krachtveld
De aura is een ellipsvormig krachtveld rondom het fysieke lichaam dat tot een meter breed kan worden. Het is een fijnstoffelijke blauwdruk van het lichaam met zijn organen, gevoelens en emoties. Elke afwijking van lichamelijke of geestelijke aard is waarneembaar in de aura. Het krachtveld rond het lichaam bevat zeven lagen die overeenkomen met de zeven grote energiepunten in het lichaam, ook chacra’s genoemd. Des te verder de laag van het lichaam verwijderd, des te fijngevoeliger de energie. Bij een perfect lichamelijk en geestelijk gezonde mens zijn de aura en de chacra’s mooi van kleur en in balans. Dit komt nooit voor want de perfectie bestaat niet.
 Een kleurenpalet
Onze innerlijke gesteldheid heeft invloed op de kleuren in de aura. Naargelang iemand zich voelt zullen de kleuren en hun helderheid wisselen in de auralagen. Hoe beter de lichamelijke en geestelijke conditie is, hoe beter de aura zal zijn. Een verzwakte aura heeft vermoeidheid en minder weerstand tot gevolg. In dit geval zijn de kleuren minder helder en troebeler dan iemand die een sterke aura heeft. De aura is een open boek. De kleuren geven informatie over ons karakter, lichamelijke conditie, emoties en vorige levens. Daarom is de aura per persoon uniek.
Een woonplek van de ziel
Binnen in de aura woont onze onsterfelijke ziel. De ziel is “het zijn” ,wie men echt is. In tegenstelling tot de ziel sterft de geest wel omdat de hersens sterven. De geest is de opgeslagen informatie opgeslagen in het hoofd als gevolg van intelligentie en verworven kennis. Toen Christus op het kruis stierf gaf hij de geest maar niet de ziel. De ziel verlaat de aura als een lichaam sterft en keert terug naar God.
Een aura voor alles wat leeft
Voor de mens
De mens heeft een levendige, bewegende aura, een krachtveld waarin zich emoties en gevoelens bevinden. Als meerdere personen samen zijn kunnen de krachtvelden rond hun lichamen samensmelten. Daardoor wordt een gevoelig iemand de emoties en spanningen in de nabijheid van iemand anders gewaar.
Het is mogelijk om in een groep positieve en negatieve gedachten met elkaar te delen en te versterken. Wordt er iemand op een begrafenis bijvoorbeeld hysterisch, dan is de kans groot dat meerdere personen dat zullen volgen. Buiten helderzienden kan iedereen een aura in min of meerdere mate leren waarnemen mits veel oefenen.
De aura wordt al jaren zichtbaar gemaakt door middel van Kirlianfotografie. Deze coronale ontladingsfotografie is het fotograferen van objecten in een hoog spanningsveld. Het krachtveld rond het lichaam kan door Reiki, meditatie en ademhalingstechnieken bestuurd worden. Hierdoor wordt het gezonder wat een positief effect heeft op het fysieke lichaam. De aura is niet gebonden aan de vorm van een lichaam. Verliest men een arm, dan zal in de aura de arm aanwezig blijven. Het spirituele is niet gebonden aan de materie.
  Voor dieren
De aura van dieren is minder levendig en kleurrijk dan die van een mens. Dieren hebben gevoelens en emoties maar reageren erg instinctief. Hun reacties op emoties zijn niet controleerbaar.
Dieren hebben geen hogere auralagen zoals de mens wat vrij logisch is. Hun leven is gebaseerd op basisbehoeften zoals eten en drinken, afbakening van een territorium en de voortplanting. Denken en kennisopname zoals een mens hoort er niet bij.
De aura van een dier laat je een hoop te weten komen over zijn karakter en gemoedstoestand, maar ook over zijn lichamelijke klachten. De hond op de Kirlianfoto (zie diashow) heeft veel paars en violet in de aura. Het dier is erg afgestemd op zijn baas en het Goddelijke. De rode kleur in zijn aura is het gevolg van externe prikkels waarop hij intuïtief reageert.
Voor planten
Planten hebben een statische aura. Er is geen beweging in hun krachtveld waarneembaar. Hun aura beperkt zich tot enkele lagen. Ook bij dieren en planten is het spirituele niet gebonden aan de materie. Een aurafoto van een afgescheurd blad laat toch het volledige blad zien.
Bronnen en referenties
*De aura-waarnemen en begrijpen-Joseph Ostrom
*Licht op de aura-Barbara Ann Brennan
* www.reikimaster.123website.be
* www.deauradenkkracht
#gallery-0-7 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-7 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-7 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-7 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
De aura van een plant
De aura: kirlianfotografie
De aura van een hond
De aura: een krachtveld
preview en aankoop boek “De Openbaring “: 
De aura categorie : reiki en de aura De aura nader bekeken De aura De aura is de naam van het onzichtbare energieveld rondom het lichaam van een mens, dier of plant.
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