#widespot makeovers
mysterysimblr · 24 days
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Misty: Morning, hot stuff! Ooh, how’s the lingerie section? Delta: I was just about to suggest they employ a certain alien-eyed model. Misty: Oh, wow.
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ellupelluellu · 1 year
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Thanks to those 2 cabin weeks, I have extra physiotherapy times, and daily playtime when not too tired is limited.
Anyway, done tweaking Takemizu, Twikkikii next, but before that I wish to get back to live-mode (however it is correctly pronounced).
BUT, before that I need to makeover the Makeover Spot (Cliff needs it with Tuuli, and I'm pretty sure Virginia can find a use for it too.. or Woody. Or them together, we'll see.)
Really I lost count how many times I have done this, but at least now I saved the lot to future use :P
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kaylynn-langerak · 1 year
I'm having fun working on CC, but I kinda wanna attempt to actually play the game for the first time in forever? The biggest issue is that my pc is a decade old and on her deathbed gasping for breath, and when I try to play larger hoods (ones with lots of sims/houses, and/or with subhoods/unis/etc. attached) my game is super crashy. So a lot of my larger hood projects are just shelved until I can get a new pc, or (ideally) fix this one.
So for the time being I'm limited to smaller hoods, and of course my brain automatically went to Widespot. I'm torn between two versions though; Old Midwest Widespot that I started years ago, but ran into some technical issues trying to set up a period game, or a new idea where Skip Broke and Darleen Dreamer faked their deaths to run off together and move to Widespot. But if I do that one I kinda wanna give Skip and Darleen "Widespot makeovers" to exaggerate some of their features, because Widespot face geometry brings me joy.
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the specter household ends early because of ophelia going to college, olive is 2 days away from death so i want ophelia to not have to rebuy to house so she keeps the graves
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Ophelia moves into college with Sadie Wilkie from widespot (who i've unofficially decided is daniella lerner's sister), while the driver makes the creepiest face possible at sadie
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Sadie's interest in Crime, Enviroment and Politics means she's a political science major, and Ophelia's Fashion, Culture and Enviroment means Art
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Ophelia also gets an artist makeover!
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anaticula-ana · 2 years
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Uni was all about the Scot/Virginia dram this time. These two cannot decide if they want to be a couple or not. Scot has feelings for both Virginia and Klara. He is rolling wants to get engaged to Virginia and to flirt with Klara. He gets mad when Virginia flirts with her boyfriend William. Virginia wants to fall in love with Scot and keeps turning down William’s advances even though she loves him. I finally had her just break it off with William as she was constantly upsetting him. Poor William is the one suffering the most here. Klara doesn’t seem to care one way or another. 
Dixie and Blossom are getting tired of the DRAMA and have decided to get their own place. 
Virginia is working on her first small business in a manner of speaking. She’s started tattooing people and giving makeovers. She plans to open a shop when she moves back to Widespot.
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widespot · 9 months
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She doesn't feel like throwing a party, but she does feel like Gallagher. She refused to go steady with him, which she knows threw him for a loop given the way she broke up with Ike for him - but she is very fond of him, no matter how little inclined she is to tie herself down again so soon. At least he's not sulking about it.
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"Sorry I didn't make enough, Tilda!" "S'okay, I'd rather make my own anyway."
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"Time to give you that off-to-college hair!"
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"Wow, just like the magazine." "We aim to please. Hey, Gabriella!"
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"How'd you know I was getting tired of it?" "I was a teenager once myself, you know."
Okay, so, I can't make the style chair at Booktique work at all anymore. The owner assigner rock doesn't work in stores with employees (or which used to have employees, as I discovered last time I sent someone to Beech Appliances), and Trisha has a cashier, who she needs on days when she doesn't have a teen to go in with her. (There is an updated rock that I haven't yet experimented with.) So I can't make her be the stylist when visiting with another household. And if I tell her to be the stylist when she goes in herself, she stands there for hours without a nibble. So functionally there is no beauty salon in Widespot right now. The last dozen times I sent anybody to Booktique for a makeover, they bought their clothes normally and wound up having to change appearance with the mirror anyway.
So for now Trisha's giving away free home haircuts, and when Tina graduates she can take the salon chair and set up on her own.
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asimplevampire · 5 years
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Widespot Makeovers- the Harts
Thanks to @nappe-plays-the-sims​ I got inspired to try out @penig​’s Widespot neighbourhood again. I made over the Manns, and now it’s the Harts’ turn. 
Valentine Hart Romance, Aries, Hall of Famer (Retired); LTW: Woohoo With 20 Different Sims Photographer’s Eye, Light Sleeper, Evil, Ambitious, Unstable Valentine loved his wife. But she's dead now, and he has needs. So shut up. (...I really need more clothes for EM sims. This seemed like the best of (a handful of) bad options.) 
Candy Hart Romance/Fortune, Capricorn, Unemployed; LTW: Become Celebrity Chef Gatherer, Born Saleswoman, Vegetarian, Green Thumb, Irresistible Candy is not going to rot in the country forever. And as for getting a job - ! There's easier ways to get control of money. Mama taught her that! (I couldn’t have a sim named Candy Hart and not put her in this dress that @withlovefromsimtown made, could I? As for her LTW: I figure what Candy doesn’t want to go the ‘career chef’ route of ‘slaving away at McBurgers’ for however long until she can be a dishwasher at somewhere fancy in the city and work her way up’. She plans to start her own restaurant. And there’s an easy way of getting ‘venture capital’ if you have a big enough... personality. Unfortunately for her, her Mandatory Widespot Baby (TM) might put a cramp in her plans.)   
Rhett Hart Romance/Pleasure, Gemini, Unemployed; LTW: Become Professional Party Guest Daredevil, Slob, Excitable, Lucky, Frugal Male privilege. Rhett believes in it so thoroughly, he doesn't know he believes in it. (I dressed Rhett before I realized that my version of him wanted to be a professional party guest, NOT a political animal. Since my Rhett is “Lucky”, I figure he thinks he’s gotten everything through his own “hard work” and “merit” and he thinks Candy is a stupid gold digger. the exact reverse is true.) 
Goldie Hart  Popularity, Sagittarius, Unemployed; LTW: Have 20 Simultaneous Best Friends Hydrophobic, Rebellious, Night Owl, Friendly Why did they have to come to live in the back end of nowhere? And why did Mama have to go and die? Goldie's life sucks! (I realize that Goldie was definitely not meant to be a shitty teenage goth. At the same time, I need at least one shitty teenage goff in my game at all times. Since she’s not interested in Paranormal or Culture, I figure she’ll grow out of it.  @withlovefromsimtown and I decided she love-love-LOVES Johnny Cash but has never heard of Depeche Mode or Nine Inch Nails lol.) 
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andrisims · 3 years
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Premade makeovers AKA Catherine Viejo appreciation post
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Thought I’d do some makeovers for the “Widespot/Arkhelios/Sunset Valley/every neighborhood under the sun”-hood to make storytelling pictures easier when I have the energy to take them, but the game had other plans...
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kidsimblr · 4 years
Return to Widespot!
So I decided I want to play Widespot again but I wanted to prettify everything. So far I’ve made over all the sims (Including plastic surgery), and built new houses for everyone but the Mann family.
I’ve attached Land Grant University, and Emerald Heights (Downtown). My plan for Emerald Heights since it has SO MANY sims that I couldn’t be arsed giving them all makeovers at once, or adding 20 families to my rotation all at once, is that I’m going to wait until an Emerald Heights sim makes friends with a Widespot Sim, and then add that sims family to the rotation. That should keep things manageable.
In my fucking around I’ve encountered/created a bug though where some sims (Including Candy Hart) are 185 hours along in their pregnancy and giving birth the moment I load their lot. One of the Emerald Heights pregnancies is suffering the same bug, so that’ll be interesting.
I’m pretty proud of my builds, I’m not much of a builder, but I only went slightly over budget for each house, and I’m happy with the look, feel and layout of each home. They aren’t as quirky as Penig’s houses, but I like them.
So tomorrow I’ll try to build a house for the Mann’s. Tbh they are my least favourite family to play so I’m not looking forward to making over their house as much as I did the others.
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ejsims · 4 years
li’l replies
before I let ‘em pile up like i usually dooo and then i get too shy to answer because it’s been too long xD
Alien birth queen roleplay ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
it makes me laugh every. single. time. like the dork I am
This is seriously the best Penny makeover I have ever seen.
Awww, thank you moocha! I’m rather fond of her myself ^_^
Aaaand this wasn’t a reply but a reblog I wanted to reply to and maybe I  could have just replied to the reblog but oh well i’m here already (Peni I seriously look forward to what you have to say about the goings-on of my Widespot each time, lol. Thank you for giving us Widespot!)
I, on the other hand, want to know much, much more!
I can’t tell whether Penny’s getting revenge or is completely serious here. It’s 50/50 either way.
Oh, she’s serious
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lady-jane-sims · 5 years
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Old (Mid)West Widespot
I’ve been working on collecting cc for a Victorian/Edwardian game, mainly because the idea of playing a Old West/Prairie hood is extremely appealing to me right now. I was poking around in a test hood, but wasn’t feeling so into it (empty terrain, no families but the Travellers because they’re the only sim bin family I can’t seem to get rid of), so I plopped in Widespot and gave everyone Old (Mid)West makeovers! There’s still more cc to track down, I currently have like 5 hairs in the game, and there’s still lots of DRing to do, but I’m having fun with this. I’ll probably work on builds today.
Here’s what I’ve got planned so far:
Homer will be the sheriff. I think I’ll build him a sheriff’s office/jail community lot to own. But I’m not sure yet what he could sell/do to have his “business” actually function.
Beulah will no longer have a career is business, but will instead own a business, the General Store (after it has received a period appropriate makeover, but the name will remain the same since it’s perfect already).
Mary will eventually run the schoolhouse. There will be no university in this version, so the children will need to get a good education without leaving town. I think I can trust Mary with that.
The Harts will run the saloon. I think I’ll do this one as a home business. Home upstairs, business downstairs. Val tends bar, while Rhett plays the piano and Candy sings. 
Rich will own the bank. I definitely want it to be an owned community lot, but again, not sure how to make it actually function as a business.
Skye will be the town doctor. He’ll own a community lot that sells the herbal medicines he and Penny make.
Daytona will be the mayor. I’m not sure what kind of business she could own, perhaps the land office? Town hall?
I don’t plan on doing a ton of writing/storytelling with this hood, just casual gameplay. Expect out-of-period weirdness and not-so-pretty screenshots, since I’m light on cc and still getting things in order.
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katatty · 5 years
Do you see yourself or another simmer who is great at building/making hoods update Widespot so it uses features of all the EPs? Like what Dreadpirate did with the 2nd version of Pleasantview? c:
That’s an interesting idea! I can see the appeal but I think it’d be a project for another simmer rather than me, I have enough on my plate as it is right now!
And this might just my own personal preference really but I wouldn’t want to make something adapted from/based on another creator’s work, I’d kinda feel like I was messing too much with @penig‘s creative vision? Even if she okay-ed the project, I’d want to put a lot of my own little details in there and some would probably match penigs vision totally while others would totally contradict it and reflect my own preferences and tastes…  one of the things I really love about Widespot and the maxis basegame hoods in general is they leave so much to the imagination & there’s a lot of room for players to put their own stamp on the world. I feel like an updated Widespot would kinda rob players of some of those creative choices?
Idk, obviously there’s a market for that kinda thing and not everyone likes making over sims/lots/adding memories/etc but I personally have too many reservations about it, as much as I love Widespot I’m more interested in making my own stuff because I like having that total creative control/freedom I guess!
Though while I feel that way about updating an entire neighbourhood, I’d be totally willing to makeover a couple of Widespot lots if anyone requested it :)
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ellupelluellu · 5 years
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Looks like I forgot post this yesterday.
 She will get a makeover , and as she will be living at same dorm as Nerdists, She and Sara will soon start the “Redhead Girls From Widespot-Club” , RGFW for short (Bigg City readheads are accepted in ,also)..
(Of course she was at first moved to a copy of the White Compound Dorm, to get the cinematics, she was moved to the original lot right after this.)
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anaticula-ana · 5 years
Dixie had moved into her new place and was ready to start working. She couldn't afford to build a place yet, so she decided to work from home for now. She collected a bit of cash from some generous friends and bought her first salon chair. She also put up a tarp overhead to keep off the weather. Eventually shed make something better.
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Once her chair was ready she made a few phone calls letting people know she was open for business. Unfortunately her first customer was...ugh...Lana Mann. How could that lady come here after what she and Junior did to Mary? Seriously. Lana wanted a new style, not a cut, but Dixie 'accidentally' cut off a bit of hair. Oops.
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Lana was not happy.
"Now you listen here young lady. I know you don't like me. And I know why. Yes, I made a bad choice when I told Junior to stop seeing your sister, and now I am dealing with the consequences. But you didn't need to take your irritation out like this. If you want to run a successful business you need to learn to be professional and put grievances aside. There will always be someone you don't like, but a professional works past that." Lana glared then looked back towards the street. "Now. Try again and this time be professional."
Dixie looked down at Lana where she sat rigidly in the chair, chin up, staring straight ahead. She hated to admit it, but Lana had a point. It was a small town and as a business owner if she didn't do things right for each and every customer word would get around and no one would be willing to trust her with their hair.
She picked the scissors back up. "I think that with your bone structure a short haircut would make you look great. Do you mind if I give it a try?"
Lana nodded. As Dixie began cutting the two women slowly began talking. Dixie realized that Lana wasn't really the evil old lady she thought, but a mom who wanted the best for her kids. Just like Beulah.
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In the end the cut came out great. Once Lana left Dixie felt a lot more confident. She worked on a few others who had stopped in. When Skye came over for a cut she decided to try something else. She left him waiting in the chair while she ran inside. She dug through a few boxes and then found it. Her grandfather's hat. "Mr. Skye, I think that this would look great on you with a cut."
"A hat? I've never really worn many hats, but you're the expert. Let's try it." It was great. Skye decided to buy more hats. One for each occasion.
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Dixie was really excited now. She felt great, business was booming. Then Candy showed up. That's right, Ms. Husband Stealing Too Good for Widespot wanted Dixie to cut her hair.
"Rich keeps talking about Lana this and Lana that. And now he thinks she has better hair that me?! Seriously! Dixie, get to work."
"Sure thing. One makeover coming up. Wait, what's this? You're beauty mark came off. OMG. It's a fake."
Candy glared and snatched the mirror from Dixie's hand. "Are you serious! Look what you did to me?! I'll ruin you! Wait till Rich hears about this!"
"Wait until Rich hears about your beauty mark being fake."
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The two glared at each other. Dixie sighed, remembering Lana's words. "I'm sorry Candy. I'll fix it at no charge. I was being childish."
"You better fix it." Candy grumbles. Then paused. "Please don't tell Rich about the beauty mark. It's the one thing I have that Lana doesn't. " Candy looked down. She was used to confessing everything to her hair stylist and found herself telling Dixie how she never really wanted to hurt Mary. She was just jealous that Valentine was paying so much attention to her after moving here.
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Dixie began to understand that being a hair stylist didn't mean just cutting hair. It meant becoming a bit of a therapist too.
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kaylynn-langerak · 5 years
Widespot posts incoming!
I took the screenshots a couple weeks ago, but dumblr was being dumb and wouldn’t let me post photos at that time. Then I got distracted with making cc for CiJ and finally feeling up to working on Strangetown a bit. But now I’ve got everything edited and written, so I can start posting!
I did some minor house makeovers to better fit the era, mainly just removed and replaced modern electronics. Except the Beech house, I went a little crazy with that one. But I’m really happy with it, so expect too many pictures of the Beech’s.
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