#wide low caverns????
osalotte · 2 months
Biological Sleep Aide! (Laios x reader)
aka the sub virgin laios blowjob fic that i have spent an atrocious amount of time on...
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WC: 5.9k
CONTENTS: NSFW, laios being a d1 yapper, blowjobs, sub laios, inexperienced + virgin laios, a few moments of insecure laios, CANON COMPLIANT SOFT TUMMY LAIOS!!!, party member readr with an unspecified class, gn reader with experience, reader's genitalia not described, soft dom reader, sex with so so many feelings, soft intimacy, pining, lots of setup/plot, gratuitous foreplay, nipple play, visceral imagery of giving head, explicit consent, laios is so down bad it’s embarrassing, semi-ambiguous ending
if this gets enough attention i'll publish a sequel <3
You weren’t quite sure what woke you up; perhaps a sound from down the hall, or a change in the temperature of the air, or Senshi’s foghorn snoring. Either way, you fluttered your eyes awake, blinking at the crumbling gray stone of the dungeon’s ceiling.
You pulled yourself up from your bedroll, sighing but being careful to not make any noise. You let your eyes adjust to the low light and the faint glow of the magic fire Marcille had set up before you went to bed. Internally, you did a head count, and it seemed that everyone was deep in slumber. Senshi, Marcille, Chilchuck….
Your breath caught, eyes stopping at the sight of Laois’ empty bedroll. It was mussed, so he had definitely settled in earlier, but the man himself was nowhere in sight.
You cocked your head, leaning against your hand in thought. Should you be worried? No, he was probably just gone to use the bathroom. It’d be kind of weird if you walked in on him mid-piss. And if that did happen, you couldn’t decide whether Laios would be mortified beyond comprehension or concerningly underwhelmed.
The corners of your mouth quirked up as you thought about the group’s sweet—if not a bit odd—leader.
Okay. I’ll wait a few more minutes, and if he isn’t back, I’ll take a walk around, you decided. The last thing you’d want is to have Laios in some sort of trouble with no one to help out.
So, you sat there and waited, growing more awake by the minute. Still no Laios. 
After what seemed like a reasonable amount of time, you pulled yourself up from your bedroll and crept past your sleeping party members, careful to not disturb them. You peeked into a few of the empty rooms near where you’d set up camp—nothing. It wasn’t until you got to the cavern with the underground pond that you found him.
Laios’ back was to you, his form barely illuminated by the blue glow of the water. He was bereft of his heavy plated armor, clothed only in his threadbear linen sleepwear. You couldn’t see his face, but he was eerily still as he sat cross-legged on the edge of the pool, and you just knew he was staring into it with his mind a million miles away. For such a large man, when he was all curled up like that, he looked remarkably small.
“Couldn’t sleep, eh?”
He startled and whipped around at your words, but immediately relaxed upon seeing it was you. His eyes wandered back to the water, but he didn’t turn away from you. 
“Yeah. I guess you could say that,” he murmured.
You took a step forward. “Mind if I join you?”
You eased yourself down to sit down right next to him as you now both faced the pond. Your eyes were on him, and his eyes were still on the water and far, far away. His irises were usually a pretty, soft honey yellow (which you definitely didn’t think about every time you made eye contact), but his pupils were blown wide with the low light, and the only color you could see was tinted turquoise by the underground pond’s light. 
You gently nudged his shoulder with your own, which seemed to pull him back to reality for a second. 
“How long have you been up?” You asked.
He tilted his head in thought. “Probably like… an hour? By now, at least.”
“An hour?” Your eyes widened and you shook your head. “Jeez, if Senshi finds out our fearless leader isn’t getting his proper rest, you’ll be the next meal.”
Laios snorted and cracked a smile, but it didn’t meet his eyes.
You leaned in even further to him. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell. Promise.”
You sat there like that for a moment, in comfortable silence before you spoke up again: “What’s on your mind?”
He shrugged. “I dunno. A lot of stuff, I guess. Falin, mostly. But then there’s, y’know, everything else, what we’re gonna do moving forward….” He shook his head and curled in on himself. “I want to lead us to success, but sometimes it’s just…”
“A lot?” You finished his sentence where he trailed off, and he nodded. 
“Yeah. Pretty much.” 
“Well,” you leaned back, “I, for one, think you’re doing a wonderful job. We didn’t exactly get dealt a winning hand. You’re doing great with what you have.”
He seemed to genuinely smile at your words, and his eyes went soft. “Thanks. That…. Really does mean a lot. Coming from you, especially.”
“Oh, please,” you scoffed. “Any fool could cast a few spells and throw a few knives. I’m nothing special.”
“That’s not true!” He blurted out. He seemed surprised by his own outburst, and reeled himself back in. “I mean, you’re, like, super cool. And powerful! You have all of these different skills combined into one, like… Like a basilisk! But, like, a nice one that doesn’t try to kill us.”
You snorted. “Wow, and here I thought I was at least manticore level.”
“That too! Really, any chimera-type monster could apply…,” he began rambling on about the different types of chimeras and how they mix their various abilities together, and you just sat and listened, smiling softly. After he had winded himself from his monster-talk, the two of you fell back into a comfortable silence.
“Feeling sleepy yet?” You asked.
Laios shrugged, laying his chin on his hands. “No more than I was an hour ago.”
You chewed your bottom lip, furrowing your brows in thought. Should you say this? “Well…,” you started. “Y’know what always helps me get to sleep after a stressful day?”
He perked up, looking at you with wide, innocent eyes. “What?”
“An orgasm.”
Laios blinked at you. Once. Twice. Then his face went beet red and he whipped his head around to avoid eye contact with you, choking on air. You barked out a laugh.
“What? I’m being serious,” you continued between giggles. “Orgasms are clinically proven to help you sleep better.”
You couldn’t see his face from him being turned away, but the tips of his ears were bright red. “Well, yeah, I guess that makes sense, but…”
“C’mon,” you crooned. “We’re both adults here, Laios. There’s no shame. Be honest, when was the last time you masturbated?”
He thought for a moment, scratching his head. He still wouldn’t look at you. “Um… Probably back I was on the surface…?”
“A whole week ago?” 
“No, before that,” he corrected. “The trip from three- no, four weeks ago. Or was it before that….”
Your eyes practically bulged out of your head. “Over a month?”
He shrugged sheepishly. At this point, he had at least turned back around to face you, but he still had trouble meeting your gaze. “Well, with everything going on I’ve been pretty busy. Any time I get a break, I’m just so tired or hungry it doesn’t even cross my mind. And it’s not like I can sneak away or anything.”
“You haven’t even tried?” You pressed. He shook his head. “Wow. You must be pretty pent up, then.”
He simply shrugged again, fidgeting with a pebble he’d picked up somewhere and looking anywhere but you. “I-I mean, it’s not really a big deal…”
“Y’know, masturbation is a form of self care,” you said. “It’s healthy. Helps maintain your hormones, bodily functions, and releases stress. For someone so big on keeping your body healthy, I’m surprised you’ve gone this long.”
“I guess,” he mumbled. He risked a glance at you before quickly dropping his eyes to his hands once more. “It’s…. actually pretty cool how knowledgeable you are about all of this.”
“Oh, trust me, I know my stuff.” You shot him a wink, and you could’ve sworn you heard him gulp. Before you could stop yourself, the words came out; “I could help you if you’d like.”
He froze, looking at you with wide, unblinking eyes. “...Huh?”
Welp, in for a penny, in for a pound. “You know, like, give you a hand,” you explained. “Or mouth. Whichever you’d prefer, really.”
He took a moment to process your words, but when he did, he went back to blushing cherry red. “Y-you mean, like….”
“Give you an orgasm,” you said. “I mean, only if you’d want to. If you don’t, just say the word, and we can forget I even asked.” 
You paused, waiting for him to follow up with a “no,” but he just sat in silence, eyes trained on the pond and ears practically steaming.
“Or,” you continued carefully, “you could say yes, in which case I’d be happy to help. More than, even.”
“Really?” He asked, and you nodded. 
“Once again, it’s all up to you,” you reassured. “Just thought I’d offer.”
Finally, he looked you in the eye, almost like he was searching for something. “Why?”
You opened your mouth to answer, then closed it again. Why were you offering?
“It’s like a favor from a friend,” you decided. “You need to get to sleep, I want to take your pants off… A win-win, really.”
He buried his face in his hands, shrinking in on himself like a hermit crab into its shell. He mumbled something, but you couldn’t understand it, so you asked him to repeat himself.
“....Y-yeah. I, um, want to,” he squeaked. “I-I mean, if you want to-”
“I literally just offered.”
He swallowed. “Right. Um. Yes.” He looked around the room, still determined to not make eye contact with you. It was silent for a moment. “Uh...How should we…?”
“Go into a different room, probably,” you said, standing up. “This one’s pretty echoey. A little too conspicuous.”
He stood up as well, and you could’ve sworn you saw a tremor in his legs. “Oh. Yeah. Probably.”
You tilted your head towards the door. “Here, come with me.”
You took him to one of the side rooms you’d poked in earlier. No windows, one door that locks…. Perfect. You took his hand, gently tugging him into the room and closing the door behind you. You muttered a quick incantation under your breath, and a few dimly glowing orbs of light appeared above you. Not enough to light up the room, but enough so that you could at least see your hand in front of your face.
Laios fidgeted where he stood. “Where should I….?”
“You could sit on that chest over there. Wait, actually I’d prefer you on the ground,”  you said. “Better for my knees. Too bad we don’t have pillows… But, you could probably lean against those burlap sacks in that corner there. ”
He nodded excitedly, but didn’t move. You tilted your head at him. He seemed to realize himself, and hurriedly trotted over to sit in the corner with the burlap sacks. You followed eagerly on his trail, chuckling under your breath.
“Sorry,” he fumbled, clearly trembling as he sat himself down. “I’ve, uh, never done this before.”
You snorted, sitting down in front of him. “What, never gotten a blowjob in a dungeon? I hear it’s all the rage these days.”
He offered a wobbly smile and a chuckle. “No, like, um… I haven’t done…” He gestured vaguely between the two of you, trailing off.
You furrowed your brows. “What do you mean?”
“Like, anything like this.”
You blinked at him, confused by his words, but then froze as it clicked in your head.
“You’re a virgin?” You blurted out, much louder than you intended to and you smacked your hands over your mouth. Laios looked like a deer in headlights, unsure if he should be mortified or not. You quickly recovered. “Sorry. I just wasn’t expecting it. Um, how old are you, again?”
“26,” he said. He tilted his head at you like a puppy, eyes big and innocent. “Why? Is that weird?”
“No, no, of course not,” you reassured. “Just, um… Do you still want to do this? You can back out. I won’t be offended.”
“I-I want to.” He sat up straight and responded so quickly he almost tripped on his words. “I do. If you’re still okay with it.”
You took a deep breath before giving him a soft smile. “Yes. I definitely am.”
“Oh, that’s good… I didn’t want it to be weird if- oomf!” You pushed him against the burlap sacks, caging him in with your body as you moved to straddle his lap. Your face got very close to his face very fast and Laios was not expecting it. Then again, he certainly wasn’t complaining. He looked up at you, eyes wide and cheeks red. 
“You ever kissed anyone before?” You asked, sultry voice just above a murmur, searching in his eyes. 
“Uh… Y-yeah,” he said. He kept making eye contact, then looking away. “Only, like, twice, though.”
Oh, so we were really starting from scratch, you thought to yourself, saying nothing. You saw him grow a little anxious at your lack of immediate response and quickly followed up, “That’s alright. I was just curious.”
“Y-yeah, it was like-” your hands slithered up his neck to tenderly cup his jaw, “-two years ago, or something-” you leaned in, lips just inches away from his, “-and, um….”
He trailed off with a shaky exhale of air that you felt against your lips, and you took that as your cue to go in.
You kissed him, and he immediately froze up, not knowing what to do. When your lips started moving, he was clumsy, painfully out of sync. He really hadn’t done this before. After a few seconds of testing the waters, you pulled away, but not too far. He leaned his head in a bit, as if trying to follow you.
He blinked slowly, eyes so blown out that his iris was little more than a thin ring around black pupils. “What are you doing…?”
“Kissing you,” you stated. “Y’know, like, foreplay.” He tilted his head and gave you a quizzical look, so you elaborated, “It’s kind of like a sex warm-up….? Y’know, to get you going so you don’t have to jump right in.”
“Oh. Yeah. I-I guess that makes sense….”
You grinned at him before diving in to steal another kiss. You made this one sensual, gratuitous, trying to guide his lips into a comfortable rhythm with yours. You felt his large body go slack against yours, melting into the kiss. You had one hand on the back of his head and the other on his big, warm chest, and it was painfully obvious he had no clue what to do with his arms.
“Here,” you giggled against his lips, and guided his hands to a comfortable spot. One on your side, just below your chest, and the other on your ass. “You can touch me.”
“O-okay,” he squeaked. 
You kissed him for a third time, this time with a little more fervor. You slipped your tongue in here and there, experimenting and seeing what he’d do with it. He gave your butt a tentative squeeze, and you grinned against his lips. With every movement, Laios seemed to loosen up; becoming more comfortable, even eager.
He pressed his mouth hard into you—a bit too hard, teeth clanking together—and you had to tug him back with your hands gripping tight at the hair on the back of his neck and he gasped. You didn’t let up, giving a few more soft kisses as an apology before pulling away once more.
“Wow,” he whispered, eyes half open and lips still parted, grinning in a stunned sort of bliss. “You’re really good at this.”
You shrugged. “Call it experience, I guess.”
“Mm….,” he hummed, only half-hearing your words. Laios’ eyes trailed down to your lips, beginning to lean in once more. You obliged and gave him a small peck on the lips before pulling away. He made a sound of confusion before you moved to the corner of his lips, then his cheek, then his jaw, then finally began kissing his neck.
“Oh. Oh wow,” he breathed shakily, big hands floating up to grip into your sides and hips as if to keep himself grounded. You couldn’t see him, but you could imagine his expression to be one of shocked, open-mouthed delight. 
You mouthed your way up to the spot below his ear, sucking what you hoped would end up to be dark purple hickeys the next morning. He tasted like sweat and skin and you relished in every bite.
“Hah….,” he moaned, more breath than actual voice, holding onto you for dear life. You nibbled at his earlobe and he tensed before a full-on shudder wracked his body. He instinctively pulled you in tight against him with his strong arms, like he wanted to be as close to you as physically possible. He was exceptionally sensitive—not necessarily surprising, given his inexperience, but either way it sent a little thrill of anticipation up your spine.
You’d been feeling his growing arousal under you, but at this point it was poking against your inner thigh from your position straddling him. You pressed into it slightly and he yelped, flinching into you.
“That’s-“ he gave a sharp inhale followed by a shaking moan as you bit down into the thick cord of muscle that leads to his shoulder, simultaneously grinding harder against the tent in his pants. He jolted in surprise, but it was followed closely by a shiver of pleasure as he squeezed his legs together. “-that feels—ngh—really good.”
You pulled away. He was panting fully now, just as hot and worked up as he got after an intense bout of combat. But unlike the heat of battle, this scene was softer, more gentle, malleable, intimate. He looked utterly blissed out, huffing and puffing with red cheeks and unfocused eyes, and you hadn’t taken off a single layer of clothing. You could see the twitching bulge in his pants, a small wet spot appearing at its peak. You fought back a grin. So excitable.
Your hands trailed along the collar of his linen shirt, fiddling with the strings. “Can we take this off?”
He blinked at you, taking a moment to process your words, but he snapped to attention once he realized what you meant.
“Oh- Oh! Um, yeah, of course. Let me just….” He reached up to untie his laces, and you scooted back on his legs to allow him room to pull his shirt up and over his head, leaving his upper half completely bare. 
You’d already had a pretty good idea of his physique given that his thin shirt did little to hide it, but he was a glorious sight to behold now. His large frame littered with scars, his huge muscles bulging out but not necessarily chiseled as they lay under a healthy layer of fat, the slight squish of his tummy that spilled a little over his waistband, and golden chest hair trailing all the way down into his pants.
You must’ve been staring a bit too long, because Laios shifted and moved to cross his arms over his chest, self-conscious.
“Uh, am I- Is this okay…?” He gulped. 
“Oh god, sorry, yes,” you rushed to get the words out. “It’s just- you’re, like, gorgeous. Got distracted.”
If he hadn’t been completely red in the face already, you were sure he would have blushed to infinity. He curled in on himself.
“I usually don’t care how I look that much, but…” he murmured. “It’s weird. I don’t know why I feel so…. shy.”
“Hey, it’s alright,” you said, reaching up to tenderly sweep his hair back before sliding down to cup his face. “You can put it back on, if you want. But I am certainly enjoying the view.”
He grinned sheepishly. “Thanks…. You’re- you also look really, um, good…”
“Here, I’ll join you,” you said. You made quick work of pulling your shirt over your head and you heard Laios gasp. 
“Wow,” he whispered as his eyes raked up and down your body in wonder.
“Could I have this?” You tugged at the shirt he still held in his hand, and he willingly gave it to you, still starstruck by your half-naked form. “Lean forward a bit here.”
Obedient as a dog, he followed your instructions and leaned into you, not thinking twice. His skin felt hot and a little damp against yours, his face pressed against your shoulder. You reached around him to fluff the shirt out flat a little bit before tucking it between his back and the burlap sacks as a makeshift blanket.
“Should be a little more comfortable,” you said, tucking in the edges so it wouldn’t slip too much. “Don’t wanna scratch up your back. Yet, at least.”
Completely oblivious to your innuendo, he was looking at you as if you’d hung all the stars in the sky. “You really know what you’re doing, huh?”
You shrugged. “Don’t think too much about it, ‘kay? I just want you to be comfortable.”
You pushed back on his shoulder slightly and, obedient as ever, he laid back down against the now-covered burlap sacks. His arms had slipped down to lay at his sides. He stared at you, eagerly awaiting your next instruction.
You ran your hands down his neck and across his chest, nails raking through the wiry hair and over his nipples, tenderly admiring his build. His muscles twitched with each brush of your fingers, hands creeping up to grip your thighs. 
You leaned forward, diving in to leave open-mouthed kisses on his neck and down his chest. He shivered and gripped your thighs tighter. You paused once you reached his sternum and looked up at him.
“Do you like having your nipples played with?” 
He froze at your question. “Um, I-I’m not really sure.”
Virgin. Right, you reminded yourself internally.
“Well,” you continued, “let me know if this feels good, okay? It’s not for everyone, but they have a lot of nerve endings, and can be big erogenous zones for some people.”
“Oh, yeah, I’ve heard of tha- eep!” He tensed up like he was struck with a live wire as you closed your mouth around his nipple. He bit back a groan as you swirled your tongue around, sucking softly. His cock jumped, and you could feel the wetness from his tip seeping through his pants as it brushed against your bare stomach.
“I—ah—didn’t even know you could do this,” he stuttered, hands having since moved their vice-grips to your upper back as you continued to lavish his chest in attention, moving to the other nipple. “I- I mean biologically it makes s—hah—sense since in mammals, the chest a-and specifically nipples are considered a secondary s—hn—sexual organ…”
“But does it feel good?” you asked, slightly muffled as you switched between speaking and sucking on his chest. 
“I- I think so—!“ His voice cut off with a sharp gasp as you suddenly sank in your teeth around his nipple before sucking hard and rolling the little bud in your mouth. “It’s- it’s kinda weird but—hah—kinda good….?”
You pulled off of his chest with a wet pop and grinned up at him devilishly. “Enjoying yourself, Laios?”
“Yeah,” he panted. His eyes were half-lidded, mouth parted as he caught his breath, flushed all the way to his ears. He somehow looked worked up to the point of combustion but soft and innocent at the same time. “This is….. Wow. I don’t even know what to say.”
“You don’t need to say anything.” You were sure you couldn’t hide how pleased you were with yourself, looking like the cat who got the cream. His eyes were so full of wonder, and you couldn’t help but pull yourself back up to kiss him silly, repositioning yourself so that one of your legs was slotted in between his.
You pressed your body hard into his, and his arms snaked around your waist, a single big hand going down to shyly squeeze your butt. You giggled and brought up your finger to trace tight little circles around his nipples, still slippery with saliva, and he shuddered and gasped against you. 
You pulled your thigh forward to press hard against his cock, twitching and leaky as it begged to be released from its confines. The tortured sound Laios let out against your lips made you want to devour him whole. 
“You’re doing so well, Laios,” you whispered in between kisses. He whined and his cock jumped excitedly. Interesting. “So, so good for me.” You pressed your thigh down harder-
“Wait—ngh!—wait stop-“ he yelped. You immediately halted your actions, pulling away, but Laios pulled you right back into him, refusing to let you move away.
“Are you okay? What’s wrong?” You asked, gently stroking his arms, suddenly very concerned. 
He was shivering violently, and pressed even harder into you. “Nothing,” he gasped, struggling to form words. “I just- I thought I was gonna cum….”
You grinned devilishly, a new light in your eye. You pressed your thigh into his raging hard-on once again and he keened, burying his face into your neck.
“Wait! Be careful, I-I can feel it….,” his words tapered off into a broken cry, open-mouthed against your shoulder. Mercifully, you let up, and Laios let out a shaky sigh of relief. 
“Let’s move on to the main event, shall we?” You cooed, worming your way out of his hold so you could lower yourself onto the ground.
He looked confused for a moment, as if he’d forgotten you’d planned on sucking him off in the first place, but then his eyes widened and he choked on air. “Oh- Yeah. Yes.” He gulped “Please?”
“Well, since you asked so nicely,” you purred. You kissed your way down his torso, his curly chest hair tickling your nose as you went. You reached his pants, pressing a messy kiss on his tummy just above his waistband. He shuddered. He wasn’t sure what to do with his hands—trembling as they were—awkwardly holding them above his lap. 
You looked up at him, his shivering form and nervous expression, droplets of sweat beading at his forehead despite the chill of the dungeon. He was so close already, and honestly, with how pent up he was, you were surprised he managed to hold back from creaming his pants. 
You unfortunately had to look away from his flushed face as you undid the laces of his trousers and pulled out his swollen cock. He was hard and hot and thick in your hands. In terms of penises you’d seen, he was uncut, untrimmed, and exceptionally average, yet you were salivating all the same. The flushed head was shiny smeared with its own precum, and it bobbed up under your gaze. 
Laios’ eyes squeezed shut and he tilted his head back with a choked groan, like just the sight of your face so close to his cock would make him cum. 
You wrapped your hand firm around the middle and gave him an experimental pump. You were mesmerized as you watched the foreskin bunch up over the head, a single bead of white pearling and dribbling out, before pulling and stretching back down to reveal his cock in all of its weeping glory.
You couldn’t help but dive right in.
You closed your warm mouth over the head of his cock, licking the creamy, salty pleasure from his tip and swallowing it hungrily. Laios yelped and his thighs squeezed around your head. You popped your mouth off of him to lick a long stripe from base to tip, flattening your tongue, before suckling on the tip once more.
“So…. warm….,” Laios mumbled. 
You let a fat glob of spit drip down from your mouth, using the tight ring of your hands to deftly spread it down his shaft. You pumped him once, twice, and Laios’ jaw dropped in a silent gasp. 
“Nice, isn’t it?” you murmured before pressing a sloppy kiss to his tip. Laios’ mouth tried to form words, but all that came out was a gasp followed by a throaty groan as he pitched forward. His hands found their way to your hair—not so much pushing you down as it was giving himself something to hold onto. 
You let go of his dick so that, with both hands, you could ease him back down, untense his muscles and loosen his hands from your hair.
“It’s alright, baby, I’ve got you,” you cooed. “It’s okay. Just relax. You’re doing so well.”
He whimpered but nodded, screwing his eyes shut. Once he’d relaxed again, your hand gently found its way back to his cock, soon followed by your mouth.
You were slow, careful not to overwhelm him, swallowing him halfway with a hand wrapped firm around his base before pulling back up, lapping at his tip. 
“Wow. Oh wow,” he whispered, letting out breathy little 'hah's. “This is…. Wow.”
Laios was whimpering, trying his best to stay still, but with every bob of your head his thighs twitched and his body tensed. 
“No wonder succubi—ngh—are so successful in—h-hah—in dungeons- ack—!” His voice broke as you swallowed around him. “This is—hn—really… r-really good. Lonely male adventurers w-would make the perfect prey—!” The last part of his sentence pitched up as you began swirling your tongue around the tip.
You took him deeper. You felt the hot, salty weight of him bump the back of your throat. He cried out, hips jumping up and hands scrambling to hold onto something. You didn’t let up, taking him deeper, swallowing around his length as you blinked and let the tears spill from your eyes. Your throat may have a bruise the next morning, but the sounds that Laios made would be well worth it. 
“Oh god. Oh—oh I’m close,” he moaned, desperate. “‘M gonna—hah—gonna cum…”
You simply sped up, sucking him with a newfound fervor, and he moaned so loud you could hear the echo bounce around the room. One of his hands kept brushing over yours, so you obliged, lacing your fingers with his own. He took it greedily, thankful to be holding your hand and squeezing tight as you swallowed him.
“Oh- oh! It’s— I’m cumming, oh fuck, I’m cumming—ngh—-!” His moans tapered off into a high-pitched whine as he came in your mouth, hot saltiness flooding all of your senses as you swallowed what you could. He was cumming a lot—bursting into your mouth like a broken pipe—so much so that it quickly overflowed and came dribbling out from the corners. You pulled off of him, cum dripping down your chin and spilling onto your hand. 
Meanwhile, Laios was still in the middle of a mind-blowing orgasm, jolts of pleasure shooting through him as he gasped and moaned. You stroked him, languid and slow, through the rest of it, squeezing his hand in assurance. By the time the cum had stopped seeping out of him, he was shaking like a leaf and had a white-knuckle grip on your hand. He began to whimper in pain at the overstimulation, so you let up, watching his softening cock lay itself down, twitching, into a splatter of cum on his thigh.
Laios was breathing hard. Eyes closed, he hadn’t let go of your hand. You just rested your cheek on his clean (as in, the one with less cum on it) thigh, looking up at him as he eased his way out of orgasmic daze. 
“So,” he murmured after a moment of silence, voice trembling. “That’s what I’ve been missing out on all this time.”
“Pretty much,” you hummed, drawing mindless circles on his hips with your thumb, never taking your eyes off of him.
“Wow.” He stared off into space for a second before blinking back into focus. “No wonder lust makes people crazy. It’s almost…. Cathartic?”
“Relaxing, too,” you said, pressing a feather light kiss into the softness of his thigh. “Feel better?”
He nodded. “Very. Honestly, I could fall asleep right now. I don’t even want to get up. Is that a normal post-coital reaction?”
You bit back a giggle. “Yes. But this in particular was pretty intense.” You began the process of slowly separating yourself from Laios, peeling your body off of the ground. “You came a lot. Is it usually this much? It’s not bad or anything, there’s just… so much.”
“Not usually, no,” he shrugged sheepishly, looking down at the mess on his legs. “Probably from being ‘pent-up,’ like you said.” 
“Guess this means you should take better care of your biological urges, hm?” You tenderly cupped his face and he hummed, leaning into your hand to press a kiss to your palm. You subtly wiped your other hand on your discarded shirt so that you could bring it up to run your fingers through his close-cropped hair.
“That was… amazing,” he whispered, eyes fluttering shut under your caress. “It felt so nice.” He swallowed, then hesitantly looked up to you, eyes big and round and adoring. “...Thank you.”
You couldn’t handle the way he was looking at you, so instead you kissed him. He was all but boneless against you, sweet and melting like ice cream on a hot summer’s day. 
You pulled away. It was a second before either of you spoke, eyes closed, foreheads pressed together, breathing in the other’s exhales. 
“We should probably get back,” you said after a moment, pressing one final, fleeting kiss to his lips before standing up.
“Y-yeah. Probably.” He looked down at the mess all over his thighs and stomach. “Um… what should I….?”
You muttered an incantation under your breath and with a flick of your wrist, the mess disappeared from him completely. You did the same for yourself. 
“Thank the gods for prestidigitation,” you chuckled. You began to redress yourself, Laios not far behind. 
Once you were both decent, you made your way to the door, unlocking it and expecting Laios to follow you. You glanced over your shoulder only to see that Laios was standing in the same spot, the laces of his shirt still untied. 
“So, are we lovers now?”
You froze, blood pumping as your heart leapt into your throat. Even for Laios, the question felt like it came out of left field. He had his head tilted at you like a curious dog, unashamed and eager and genuine.
“Like, in the books,” he explained. “This kind of thing is what lovers do, right?”
“Well- I….” You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t dreamt of being his partner—being giggly and enamored with each other. But cold fear gripped your heart when you thought about the possibility of something going wrong, of you messing it up and losing him completely. “...I guess….? Kind of? Do you…. Want to be?”
He walked up to you and grabbed your hand, eyes never leaving yours. “I want to be lovers.”
“How about….. friends…… that are also sometimes lovers?” you suggested, trying to not let your voice shake too badly. You cringed inwardly at your words, since you wanted nothing more than to scream ‘Yes!’ 
“Does that mean we can keep doing stuff like this?” He asked.
“Of course,” you said. You squeezed his hand, and he squeezed back. “How about we discuss this more tomorrow, yeah? You need to get some sleep.”
This answer seemed to satisfy him, as he grinned wide at you, tugging you out the door and towards camp where, hopefully, no one realized you were missing.
Meanwhile, back at camp....
Chilchuck was covering both of his ears with his pillow, silently seething. Bile rose in his throat with every other sound he could hear ever-so-faintly echo through the dungeon corridor. He did not expect to wake up to the sounds of stupid Laios in the thralls of pleasure—with you, no less!—and he was very much not happy about it.
"Fucking kids...," he muttered, grinding his teeth together as he tried to muffle the sounds as best he can. "Fucking half-foot hearing.... I hate it here."
tags: @hohoshiumi @this-gave-pidgeon-further-shock @smokycoco @eggsnasty @justformio234 @rosesandquartzz @zeniiis @childaintit @goddessofpoledancing @dark-space-between-the-stars
please comment + reblog so i have a justification for writing more laios fics instead of actual productive tasks <3
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party-hearses · 11 months
go ahead and cry, little girl
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pairing: joel x f!reader (no use of y/n)
rating: explicit, MDNI 18+
word count: 2.4k
summary: daddy makes everything better.
warnings/tags: explicit smut, pwp, established relationship, softdom!joel, pre/no outbreak (up to you baby), brief mention of alcohol, daddy kink, pet names (baby, baby girl, little one, little girl), dacryphilia, oral (f receiving), fingering, unprotected piv, size kink (big joel is big), overstimulation, creampie. lmk if i’m forgetting anything!
a/n: i said i needed to have the feelings fucked out of me, right?
huge thank you to @bastardmandennis for letting me cry and be dramatic about this, and @nostalxgic for beta-ing, and always being excited about what i’m working on 🖤
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You’re two cocktails deep when Joel’s keys turn in the lock.
Anxious muscles carry you to meet him at the door, the overhead lights in the entryway low, cloaking you in shadow.
It startles him, a sharp hiss spit from between his teeth when he nearly bowls you over.
“Shit, baby. Scared me.”
He snaps the door shut behind him, massive frame silhouetted by the broken rays of light coming through the distorted glass.
“Daddy,” you whine in response, fingers already tugging on the cuff on his jean jacket, coaxing it off him.
It’s all he needs to hear.
Immediately, the jacket is on the floor, forgotten, and his hands are cradling your face tenderly.
“You need daddy?” he soothes, lips ghosting your own. You nod, doe-eyes wide and swimming with tears, bottom lip quivering in a pout.
“Baby…” he presses his mouth to yours hungrily, swallowing your pathetic hiccups, letting the way the tip of his tongue slides along the line of your lip finish his sentence. He opens you up for him, licking into you with a different kind of urgency, his tongue massaging hot against your own.
Open palms follow, slipping over the the sensitive flesh of your throat, thumbs tracing crescent moons into your jugular.
Your blood hums under his touch — blooms hot across the plane of your chest, thickens with anticipation. It would be too much, if it wasn’t exactly enough. If you didn’t need it.
His hands fall further, reassuring and insistent, until he’s scooping you up against him, one hand curved against the swell of your ass, fingertips edged just under the lace trim of your panties, the other splayed flat at the small of your back. You cling to him, arms locked around the heft of his neck, face nuzzled into the slope of his shoulder.
“Did my sweet baby have a bad day?” he mumbles into your hair, footfalls heavy in the narrow emptiness of the hallway leading to your bedroom.
You sniffle in response, tears still pinching at the backs of your eyes. He hums a condolence, a promise to make it better, into the delicate shell of your ear.
His arms tighten around you as he drops his body to the bed, positioning you securely in his lap. Absentmindedly, you grind down against him, desperate for him to have you now. To feel only him.
But you know he’ll take his time, given the way the hand on your back crawls up your spine to cradle the base of your skull in its palm. He laces his fingers in the roots of your hair, tugging just enough to tip your head back and meet your gaze.
Crystalline tears stream down the round of your cheeks, the torrid relief of finally being in Joel’s arms overwhelming. A small smile plays across his features when he sees them, eyes a cavernous, pooling black. He brings your face to his mouth, snaking his tongue out to catch the falling drops.
“You’re so pretty when you cry, baby girl.”
You whimper, writhing against his hold — a feeble attempt to roll your hips against his hard length eliciting a pitiful laugh from him.
“No, little one. You know the rules. Let daddy take care of you.”
Another hiccup, more tears, and a supplicant nod follow his command. He purrs against you, hand roaming around the gentle curve of your thigh to your center, where his thumb strokes soft lines across your throbbing clit. A reward for your capitulation.
You squirm under his ministrations, a dark pool of slick soaked across the material of your panties. His pressure remains consistent; practically feather-light and sumptuously tortuous.
The combination of soft lace and calloused skin drives you wild — makes you cant your hips forward, chasing his touch. Even though you know better.
He clicks his tongue against his teeth, tsk tsk, before skimming his other hand down the span of your arm to capture both your wrists in one massive palm behind your back. The muscles in your thighs quiver, knees dug into the bed on either side of him, overextended from the precarious act of balancing on his lap.
You flex your arms against his grasp, wiggling your ass for some kind of leverage. His grip only tightens — pushes forward to arch your body towards him, to press your chest flush to his.
“Little girl…” it’s a warning, his voice dripping as wet as your tears against the dip of your collarbone.
All you can manage is a broken mewl in the shape of his name, letters italicized and underlined with earnest desire. You know it’s exactly what he wants — to break you open completely, flesh and muscle and bone softened into something perfect and pliant.
“Need you, daddy. Need you,” you plead quietly.
His thumb strokes faster, harder. The zipper of his jeans bites into the place your thigh meets your pelvis, the sting of it sending shivers through you when he raises his hips.
“Say please, baby. Ask me nice.”
You don’t need to be told a second time.
“Please, daddy.”
He hums in pleased approval, pausing to skate the angle of his nose against the cut of your jaw.
“Let me undress you, little one.” He tugs your arms back, cupping your ass to steady you as you straighten your legs to shakily stand.
You watch the pull of his biceps through half-lidded eyes as he hooks his thumbs in the waistband of your panties, laving tender kisses across your belly as he eases them down to your ankles. Your fingers clutch his disheveled curls for balance as he does, every graze of his skin against yours dizzying.
His hands slide back up your calves and thighs, languorous and reverent, beard scratching sinful against your softness. The clench of your cunt is persistent, slick dripping down the flesh of your thighs without your panties to stop it.
Your lashes flutter closed, bitten lips popping open as you let the feel of him consume you. It’s the sweep of his fingers that you focus on as they climb up, up, up, bypassing the place you need his touch most, to delve below your t-shirt.
He cups the fullness of your tits there, swiping his thumbs across your sensitive nipples before rolling them to taut peaks between his deft fingers. Sparks of pleasurepain wind through you when he pinches and pulls at them, soft moans decorating the space between your bodies.
The shirt comes off, then, his need growing to mirror your own, his touch more urgent — more desperate. His mouth finds your nipples immediately, sucking each into his mouth to swirl his tongue around the tight buds one at a time.
You tug at his curls gently, heat curving through your limbs. You’re soaked, cunt walls fluttering around nothing, head tipped back and chest heaving. Am I broken enough yet, daddy?
Pulling off your swollen nipple with a pop, he’s up and shucking his own clothing off as fast as you’ve ever seen him. It’s less than a minute before he’s got his arms wrapped around you, hauling your smaller body up the length of the bed to situate your dripping core directly over his mouth.
Your head swims, hands scrambling for purchase on the lip of the headboard before you’re even able to fully process the shift. He wastes no time in hooking his arms over your thighs, spreading you open above him, big brown eyes alight as they watch you flush and squirm.
He licks a broad stripe through your folds slowly, savoring the taste of you. He repeats the action, your fingernails digging divots into cheap wood with every lap. It’s only when you rock against his face rhythmically that he speeds up, pointed tongue flicking against your aching clit expertly. He circles it once, twice, three times before suctioning his lips around the bundle of nerves. The change in pressure makes you buck against him involuntarily, body trembling as he holds your firmly against his mouth.
It’s inescapable, but it’s everything you asked for.
Fingers pressing bruises into your thighs, he doesn’t let up licking figure eights into your folds, nudging his nose against the blinding ache of your clit.
“Daddy, daddy, daddyyy,” you cry, the tense stretch of your muscles ready to snap.
“I know, baby girl, I know,” he coos in response, words tangled by his tongue’s exploration of your velvet center. He dips it further inside you, collecting your slick on the flat of the muscle to drag it back up to your oversensitive bud.
Every nerve ending in your body lights up iridescent, heat swirling up the column of your spine. It’s the oblivion that you’ve been begging for since Joel walked in the front door, and your limbs tremble with deliverance.
He licks you through the aftershocks, tongue unrelenting against you. You whimper, hypersensitive, dropping one hand to card through his sweat-damp hair, a gentle insistence for him to slow down.
But he’s in control, and he knows he’s in control, so he drives his tongue into you as far as he can before laving short, quick strokes over your clit. You’re helpless to it, only able to push down against him, to let him draw another orgasm out of your quaking cunt.
Your second orgasm approaches too quickly, your body overwrought and writhing, slick flooding Joel’s waiting mouth. The noises he’s making are downright obscene, slurping like it’s the first meal he’s had in weeks, cheeks and beard sticky with you.
Panting brokenly, tears welling up in your eyes again, you try to pull away. He doesn’t let you, eyes blazing when you look down at him desperately.
“Cry for me, little girl.” He draws his mouth back just enough to ensure that you hear him — that you understand him.
“Da—” you choke out a sob, knowing that he won’t let you go until you obey.
“Cry for me, and I’ll fuck you like the good girl you are.”
Your drag your bottom lip between your teeth, throat closing around the pleading moans hanging in the warm air of the bedroom.
The tears finally fall, streaming and stormy, down your burning cheeks. Faster than before, the stress and anxiety of the day finally ripping free from the cavern of your chest.
Like he knew exactly what you needed, more so than even you.
They’re heaving sobs, now, a combination of intense relief and overstimulation, Joel’s heart beating hard and angry beneath you. He moans against your pussy, determined to undo you completely, lapping at your clit with reckless abandon.
And there you are again — your third orgasm ripping through you so overwhelmingly that your entire body goes slack, slick spilling down the corners of Joel’s mouth, matting in the length of his dark curls. You succumb to it completely, to him completely.
“There she is, little one. There’s my sweet baby girl.”
And you are — sweet and pliant, overly-sated in the most erotic of ways, and you know without seeing that Joel’s erect cock is absolutely weeping pre-cum.
He doesn’t need to exert much effort to flip you over, to settle you against the pillows, to pose your supple limbs exactly as he wants them. All you can do is watch him through glassy eyes, tear-stained cheeks flush and glistening, the smallest of watery smiles pulling at the corners of your mouth.
Ghosting a knuckle over your soaking center, he leans forward to pepper your jaw with warm kisses, something akin to adoration glowing in his amber irises.
“Okay, baby girl?”
You meet his scorching gaze, nodding demurely. Yes, daddy. Of course, daddy. Take what you need, daddy.
Slipping two fingers into your tight heat, Joel works you open with little resistance. It doesn’t matter how many years you’ve been together, taking him in his entirety is always a stretch. He crooks his fingers to meet that spongy spot inside you, soft strokes making your eyes roll back in your head. But it’s less urgent, less demanding.
The gentleness with which he touches you makes you feel warm all over, a soft roll of your veins under his hands.
But as gentle as he’s being now, you know he needs just as much as you did, pupils blow-out with lust, breathing shattered.
As soon as he draws his fingers out of you, you lift your hand to his length, running the tips of your fingers along the underside of his twitching cock. He swallows hard, rocking his hips forward, allowing you to grasp him in your palm. A strangled groan follows, always so sensitive to your touch.
“Put it in, daddy.”
He drops his head, curls flopping into his eyes, while he grips the base of his cock in his hand to ease the head, flushed a furious red, into your entrance.
You sigh contentedly, already feeling stretched and stuffed as your warmth swallows him inch by inch. No one has ever filled you like he does, has ever undone you like he does.
His hard length disappears inside of you, your walls gripping him impossibly tightly. This is your favorite part — the part where you adjust to his size, where the hint of a painful sting wanes into something utterly delicious. Something you can’t live without.
The thrusts are slow at first, his speed gradually increasing as your pussy pulses around him. Soon enough he’s pumping into you in an allegro tempo — mirroring the quick, bright pace of your heartbeat. You push into his thrusts, running your fingernails over the sticky flesh of his ribcage above you.
He’s so much — hips snapping against you, cock massaging your walls salaciously.
“F-fuck, baby girl,” he stutters, driving into you harder, licking a hot stripe of the column of your throat. He nestles there, nose pressed just below your ear, soft growls snapping from between his teeth. “Gonna c-cum.”
“Cum for me daddy,” you purr, thighs tightening around him, sucking him in deeper. He grinds down into you, pulling out only enough to slam back inside, the tip of his cock nudging your cervix.
One more buck and he’s done for, spilling thick inside of you, filling you completely. He snarls a string of dark moans and expletives, drawing his hips back just to push inside again, edging his cum deeper into you.
It’s perfect.
He collapses to the side of you, chest rising and falling raggedly. You automatically curl into his side, pleased when he wriggles his arm beneath you to stroke his fingers across the curve of your ass.
“What do you say, little girl?”
“Thank you, daddy.”
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Eldridge/Tentacle Monster x F!Reader
Words: 2.9k Themes: Nsfw, tentacles, fictional oviposition Notes: Hi all! I'm still very sick, hence why this story is a little shorter than the others. Hopefully it's still a good morsel of ovi themes. I may circle around to it again and adjust it, or write a whole other story based on ovi to make up for the lack of words. Feedback as always is welcome!!
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This was definitely the spot from your dream. 
The cave opening matched your memories perfectly. To the circular entrance, draped in vines that dripped with clear water from the waterfall nearby, to the moss that covered every inch of this place. 
The hike had been tortuous, to say the least. But seeing this cave made it all worthwhile. You weren’t going mad, after all. 
You didn’t understand how you knew this was here. Perhaps some past hike through these old woods came to the surface of your subconscious and reminded you of this splendid place.  It was beautiful. How could you have forgotten it? Your steps into the cave felt familiar and comfortable. Your shoes didn’t slip on the uneven path nor did the low hanging ceiling bump against your head as you ventured deeper. 
You could hear the gentle trickling of water somewhere further. A soft echo that seemed to call you forward and away from the light of the beautiful day outside.  You recalled there was more light inside. 
Not that you could remember how there was more light. But the memory of being able to see clearly down here was vivid enough to ease any worries of darkness.  Deeper and deeper you went.  The afterthought of getting lost down here vanished when you found a path, winding down the treacherous tumbling's of rocks and subterranean flora. You found a stream bounding down a slope of dark rocks. Your fingers idly trailed along the smooth cut stone that acted as stairs towards the heart of this cave.  You didn’t slip.  Nor did you feel any nervousness when a sound rose up through the music of running water. A whispering murmur that called to you. 
Almost there. It seemed to say.
A friend. 
Your friend. The one from your dreams that spoke of itself and the sweet home it made for itself down here.  Surrounded by soft moss and cool water. Comforted by the comes and goings of eager hikers that walked these trails. Listening to the world's gossip and excitement while happily residing in the depths of the mountain. Unseen and undisturbed.
But it called to you nonetheless. And you came just as you promised; a friend coming to visit a friend.  The stream brought you to a wide cavern. With a pool in the center and many small plants circling the crystalline water. The lights you were promised dangled from thin, pale vines that spiderwebbed along the sloped ceiling. Giving the wide cave a gentle blue glow as you stepped towards the water. 
You felt parched after such a hike. And the water felt cool against your fingers as you kneeled down beside it and cupped some into your mouth. 
It tasted sweet. Almost like honey. And you sighed as the discomfort of your hike started to ease.  The murmuring echoed through the cave and you sat yourself on a nearby rock. Slipping off your backpack as you looked out over the pool. 
Many eyes watched you, pale and completely pupilless, locked on you from a mound of mossy bark and fern covered limbs. 
It was huge. The presence you have felt for so many nights felt like a crushing weight now as your friend started to move closer. The water barely stirred as thick appendages rose from the calm waters and slithered along the ground towards you. 
You smiled. Reaching for a tentacle as it coiled along your calf and bathed your warm skin with its cool flesh.  You wore shorts today, given the heat of the day, and your friend seemed thrilled with how much skin was currently exposed.  The murmuring turned to whispers. Eager with anticipation. You felt a wordless voice enter your mind as the creature walked out of the pool on thick, muscular legs. They looked like trunks of trees, covered in more of that mossy bark like skin.  You tilted your head up as a tentacle brushed along your chest, circling your neck for but a second before retreating. Wherever your friend touched, a comforting cooling sensation followed. And after your walk up the side of the mountain it was a very welcoming change. 
That presence bloomed in your mind and your smile turned sheepish as a thinner tentacle slipped under your shirt and petted along your bare chest. You felt a curiosity grow through you. Not yours, but theirs. 
You couldn’t hide how warmed the smooth, velvety appendage made you feel. One of the thicker tentacles was resting between your legs. Nestling between your thighs as the others gently greeted and stroked you. 
And the creature breathed an amused sound into the cave as it felt your hips twitch. And you stifled a groan when you felt the muscle tense against you, causing friction. 
Clothes fell to the mossy floor in a messy pile. The tentacles were careful but impatient as they removed each piece of material from your body.  Those many eyes drank in every inch of newly exposed skin and a heated kernal of need rose up within you. 
You gasped as the vision vanished.  A tender tip of the creature’s arms stroked along your cheek, comforting and reassuring. Asking quiet permission as your friend drew back; waiting.  You nodded, smiling.  That’s why you came here after all. Visiting a friend who needed company more intimately than passing gossipers. 
And just like the vision, your clothes fell from your body in fluid, practiced motions. A familiar scene started to open up in front of you as your friend’s arms coiled beneath you and lifted you off the hard stone. They moved you to a more open space in the cave and you were laid down in a nest of soft moss and fern leaves. The glowing vines twisted and knotted between the crags of your bed, illuminating your friend as they settled before you. Their tentacles snaked over the edge of the nest to begin tangling between your limbs. 
The thickest of them all wrapped around your calves and gently spread your legs apart. You moaned as the tip of the appendage curled over your waist and slid between your folds. Clear liquid pooled from the tip and your hips pushed up into the rounded end as they started to fondle you.  How many nights did you and them fool around in your dream? Exactly like this? Pulled to you by their need and your loneliness, your once uneventful nights were soon full of tangled limbs and visions of pleasure. 
You would wake up panting and soaked, both in sweat and with arousal. Lost in the fog of the dream and coming back to reality. 
But here, now with your friend as they loomed over you, your legs spread and pushed up around your head as a tentacle prodded and rimmed your hole, you felt a wave of excitement come over you. 
Tangling with your heated anticipation as the tip against you pushed and your walls gave entry.  It felt like a great relief washed over you as they pushed deeper. The discomfort that has plagued you for days was finally relieved and you went limp against the nest as your body gave an involuntary twitch from the sweetened touch. Your friend must have felt the same because the slow rhythm rubbing along your slit faltered. 
Your mind fogged with a layer of desire and joy as more limbs petted down the back of your thighs and started to grope and fondle you. Twisting and touching along your bare chest as your back arched into the tangle of arms.
You gasped, mouth hanging open as your walls were stretched. Their murmuring was gentle and reassuring. A soothing contrast to the waves upon waves of eager anticipation that radiated from them.  Then the tip pushed deeper and you felt your walls welcome them. And you accepted the intrusion with a heavy moan.
They shivered above you. You felt the heat of your body burn against their cool skin and they enjoyed it. Loved how your hole so eagerly spread for them and how deep they started to go. 
Inch by careful inch, your friend filled you until your eyes squeezed shut and an uncomfortable tension pushed at your stomach. They halted, and a tender touch brushed along your cheek again; reassuring and comforting. 
They didn’t mean to push so hard. But your body felt so good, so soft and warm that they wanted to stay there forever. 
You relaxed after the thick limb began to pull out. But it was so slow it was torture, your moan lowered into a whine. 
They stalled. Those many eyes  watching you as you reached down and ran your fingers along their tentacles. Giving attention to the entanglement of limbs that snaked and petted along your waist and chest. You were almost entirely swallowed by them that you could barely move without them allowing you too. 
You felt small bumps and ridges slide along your palm. Your fingers were left slimy with the substance that oozed from the tip of their appendages.
Curiously, you brought your fingers to your mouth and gave them a small lick.  Just like the pool, the liquid was cool and sweet on your tongue. Like honey. Your friend purred as you stuck two fingers between your lips. And before you could react, a small tentacle wrapped around your wrist and tugged your hand away. 
Your lips were immediately filled with another thick tendril and you felt the tip hit the back of your throat. 
Your eyes bulged and you gagged as a small drop of the liquid slid down your throat.  A worrying whisper tickled your mind. A question, as the limb between your lips started to retreat. You hummed and relaxed your mouth, giving silent permission to continue.
Pleased, your friend pushed further and your eyes watered at the intrusion. But you licked at the velvety underside of the limb. Moaning softly as you tasted that sweet nectar which began to trickle into your mouth.  Your friend then started to continue to pull out of you. You whined again but they slowly slid from your hole, leaving only the tip, before slamming back into you with enough force that your body rocked and your eyes widened in surprise.  Whatever noise of complaint you tried to voice died very quickly as a pace was established. Rough and fast, feverish almost, as your friend purred above you. Your hips were lifted off the ground, angled in a way that folded you in half and your legs were spread wide and near your shoulders. 
Your chest was rubbed and squeezed, your peaked nipples teased by pillowy suction cups on the smallest limbs. Liquid pooling from the coils wrapped around you to ensure there was no restriction to the way they moved. 
Your lips were assaulted by the tentacle in your mouth, which coiled and rubbed along your tongue like a cold version of your own. Your friend shifted closer. Entirely enveloping you with their tentacles as they pulled you against their body. 
You felt yourself being lifted and pressed against their underside as if they wanted to feel you squirm and writhed against them. 
Your eyes closed as you lost yourself to the blinding pleasure. Your walls were stretched and you felt them knock against the deepest part of you, your womb near buckling under the onslaught of thrusts.
The whispering voice transformed into a whining growl that grated your ears. Somehow you knew the harsh sound was your friend’s moaning as they sprawled themselves over the nest. Crushing you against the soft floor as their body started to rut and flood your exposed body with that sweet cooling liquid.  You could feel your climax coming forth. Fighting the cool touch of your friend was a racing wildfire beneath your skin, ready to burst when their tip found something sensitive within you. A bundle of nerves that had you thrashing against your cocoon of petting limbs. 
Your friend cooed softly and your body was suddenly made empty as the tentacle slid out of you.  You cried out. Your frustration was muffled by the thick tongue like limb that you were currently sucking on. 
Amusement flooded your thoughts. And a feeling of patience trickled into your hazy mind.  You pushed against it, harshly sucking on the tentacle in your mouth as if you could coax your friend to reconsider. 
But instead of filling you again, your friend moved so all you could see was their underside. The wrappings of muscled limbs left you. You gasped and licked your lips as the tongue left you as well. 
Above you, your friend’s underside was like a shelled belly. Beautiful with intricate brown lines and plates of green; you would have admired them more if your body wasn’t currently screaming at the lack of touch and stimulation.  Your friend twitched above you and from a slit between the two back legs, something pushed between the thick shell like plating.  As red as candy and thicker than any of the limbs that had previously been buried inside you, your friend’s cock left its protective sheath and started to lower towards your spread thighs. 
The head of the length was flared and rounded nubs circled the wide tip. You licked your lips again. Your body clenching in anticipation and worry as the girth tilted, as if flexible like the tentacles before, and brushed over your sensitive clit. 
You groaned and spread yourself wider. Even going as far as sliding your hands down to your hole and moving your folds so their cock didn’t tug on anything. 
Appreciation melted into your mind and you relaxed against the nest as your friend’s hips dipped lower and the flared head disappeared between your thighs.  You felt the cool soft tip press against your entrance and you tried hard not to tense as they started to push into you. 
You gasped as your walls were stretched to their limit. Comforting murmurs filled your mind as you squeezed your eyes shut against the discomfort. 
But that’s all there was. No pain, just a slight discomfort as your body adjusted to this new girth.  You clung to the body that was inches above you. Holding onto your friend as they tenderly thrusted into you. 
Their clawed hands tore into the nest as they forced themselves to go slow. The images of their cock ravaging you, filling you with every inch of them to claim you; fluttered through your mind before they were snatched away by their self-control. 
Finally, you felt the flared head reach your womb and you were sure you felt the rounded nubs move and press against your walls. Like they were making a barrier against your cervix. 
They then started to move. Your back immediately arched as pleasure burst through your center. You cried out, gasping as your body was rocked again and again by your friend’s eager rutting. They could barely move inside you. The locked position of the flared head felt like a knot deep inside you, keeping you both firmly together. 
But still your friend desperately chased the pleasure they had to previously pause to properly enter you. 
And just as you started to adjust to the heavy sensation in your stomach, your friend shivered above you and the base of their cock bulged as something slid down the long length. 
You gasped, watching the egg roll down the thick length and your walls squeezed tightly around the new intrusion. Your friend thrusted harder than before. Pushing the rounded shaft deeper, forcing your walls to spread around it.
Your head rolled back as it popped inside and you groaned disgustingly loud as it settled deep within you. A heavy, warm bubble of liquid that rounded your stomach and jostled with every thrust from your friend. 
They growled above you as another egg left them and you grabbed the trunk like leg to brace yourself as the bulging intrusion rested against the first.  You reached down and started to rub your untouched clit. Sliding your fingers between your folds, wetting them on the cool liquid that your friend poured from their cock. You felt the hard lump where a third egg was currently flush against your body, begging entrance as your friend purred above you. You circled your clit, rolling your hips in time with your friend’s thrust until pleasure exploded forth. Your climax was what they needed to get the third egg into you. Your spasming walls and jerking hips gave them enough leverage to slide their third egg into your waiting pussy.
The purring increased until it was all you heard. Their cock twitched and you felt some sort of thicker liquid pool from between your legs. 
In your blind chase for pleasure, you didn’t realize the stimulation you were giving your friend. And your fall into bliss dragged them down with you, spilling their pleasure into your swollen hole. 
They didn’t move from their position above you. Still locked together, your friend murmured sweet whispers into your mind as you both caught your breath. 
White hot bliss sparked from your body with every lazy roll of their hips.  You couldn’t recall how much time you laid there beneath them. Writhing and moaning, lost in an overstimulated fog of pleasure and bliss.  Sometime during this hazy moment, your friend finally pulled out of you. You barely felt the shift between your legs, still snugly swollen with eggs.
You fell asleep not long after that. Finally coaxed into rest by your friend’s nuzzling touches. Their limbs massaged along your arms and stomach, as if soothing you into finally sleeping. 
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exhaslo · 4 months
Okay but like...
How about a werewolf!Miguel and reader who like to do role play in bed.
Like he comes home and walks through the bed room door to find reader in like red lingerie and a red hood.
Miguel is using all his inner strength to keep his from showing excitement as he crawls ontop of her like a predator. But his tail wagging aggressively behind him was a dead give away.
I feel like I had an idea for a Werewold!Miguel a while ago, but I can't remember what it was...Hopefully I will remember!!
Warning: MINORS DNI, Smut, roleplay, overstimulation, slight breeding kink
A mythical world where humans coexist with those of what people in other worlds call, 'monsters'. From vampires, to mermaids to even leprechauns, nothing was out of the ordinary in this world.
Not even your Werewolf boyfriend, Miguel O'Hara.
In this world, you were the Spider-Woman who fought crime. Miguel was your loving boyfriend who supported you. Even when you got recruited to the Spider Society; however, there have been times where he would get jealous of another man's scent on you.
You didn't mind because you loved seeing Miguel jealous, that and the sex was over the moon!
Which was why, when you saw a movie from one of the Peter's world, you had a devilish idea. You have told your boyfriend about how other worlds differ from yours greatly. Plus, whenever you could, you would sneak some movies and shows from other worlds too.
Recently, you showed your boyfriend movies about Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf.
While taking offense to some of the topics in the movie, you couldn't notice how Miguel's tail wagged as the character with the red hood appeared.
This sparked an idea.
You had finished work early and had no missions or drama happening for the rest of the day. Well you hoped the later would still remain silent. On your way home, you stopped by the tailor, hoping that your new outfit was ready.
Thank god it was.
Unable to hide your glee, you took your new suit and hurried home. Miguel was still at work, so you had time to make the mood perfect. You were going to have fun tonight.
Everything was set. All you had to do was wait for Miguel to return home. You put on the cute red riding hood dress you bought, double checking to make sure it fit perfectly. This was something new and you hoped Miguel would like it.
"Mhm, what if he doesn't like it?" You muttered to yourself.
"(Y/N), I'm home." Miguel called out.
You jumped from hearing Miguel's voice, a little worried about the idea now. Taking deep breathes, you poked your head out from the bedroom door, spotting your boyfriend sniffing the dinner you made. His tail wagged and ears pointed upwards, which meant that he was in a good mood.
"Hm? (Y/N), why are you hiding?" Miguel asked with a chuckle as he caught your scent.
"I'm not hiding~ I'm waiting~" You cooed.
Miguel sensed your playful tone as he hurried over. You giggled to yourself as you crawled onto the bed, waiting for his reaction. Once Miguel opened the door, his eyes widen as you laid before him in the beautiful red hood.
"Welcome home, my big bad wolf~"
Miguel was at a loss for words as he drank you up with his eyes. His tail uncontrollably wagging as his pupils grew wide. Miguel slowly made his way over to you, climbing over your small frame compared to his.
"This is dangerous, (Y/N). I just wanna eat you up." Miguel said with a low groan, his head buried against your neck.
"I don't have work tomorrow, Miggy. Won't you be a good boy and play along?" You asked with a pout.
Miguel groaned once more before capturing your lips in a deep kiss. His hunger for you was strong as his tongue devoured your mouth with little time for you to fight back. His grip was heavy against you waist, his hands desperate to strip you nude.
As Miguel explored the cavern of your mouth, he broke free from the kiss to adore you. His fangs poking out while his pupils dilated. You had done your job and managed to get your boyfriend horny.
"(Y/N), I won't be able to hold back,"
"Then don't. You know I can handle it," You said, catching your breathe.
Miguel just chuckled as he started to lick and suck against your neck. His hands now massaging and groping your breasts while his bulge rubbed against your clothed cunt. You whimpered a moan as Miguel rutted roughly against you.
Honestly, despite your super powers from being Spider Woman, Miguel still dominated over you in bed. Your stamina was nothing compared to your werewolf boyfriend. You had learned the hard way whenever it was a full moon.
Your body had been sore for days.
Recalling the moon, your eyes widen as you tried to look over to the calendar beside the bed. You had forgotten to check when the full moon was! Gasping, you noticed that it was none other than today.
Of course.
"Mig-Ah~" You moaned as Miguel took your breast within his mouth.
You were starting to feel dazed as Miguel toyed with you with the dress. His fingers had already dipped down to your clit, rubbing harsh circles against your sensitive bud. His tongue roughly licking and sucking against your nipples, desperate to make you cum.
You tried to call out to your boyfriend, wanting to remind him of the moon, but you couldn't focus. Your core was burning up as you felt the urge to give into Miguel's movements. Your body arching from the pleasure.
"Ah~ Mhm~" You moaned as you cam.
"Haaaah, (Y/N), I can't hold back," Miguel groaned as he striped himself.
You wanted to marvel at his body which seemed to sparkle like a god. Your eyes focused downward towards his erect dick, already accepting your fate.
You weren't going to work for the next week.
"M-My, Miguel...what a big dick you have..." You giggled, trying to play along. Miguel just chuckled as he poked his dick against your entrance,
"All the more to breed you with."
And there it was. You gasped and moaned as Miguel thrusted his cock deep inside you. You hadn't even noticed when he ripped the panties off your dress. Tears formed against the corner of your eyes since the full moon affected Miguel differently.
"So tight. Just for me," Miguel whispered as he started to thrust into you, "Perfect for my babies."
You called out to your boyfriend, wanting to remind him to be a little gentle with you. Your walls were stretching with each thrust of his dick, bruising your cervix with every hit. You gasped and moaned with every slap of his hips, falling deeper into his lust filled attack.
"Little Red wants my babies, don't you? Such a naughty girl, my only girl." Miguel growled lowly as he pinned you into mating position.
You cried out as you felt Miguel reach deeper inside you. His words turning your mind into putty as you just agreed to his desires. Your body cumming and giving into his wishes, squeezing and begging for him to fill you.
"Miggy~ Ah~ R-Right there~" You cried out.
Miguel grunted as he slapped himself into you. Your cunt fluttering against his cock as your juices formed a white ring around his dick. All this causing Miguel to lose himself into you. His teeth marking your body as his thrusts became rougher.
"My mate. Mine." He growled, cumming inside you, "Not enough,"
"Hah, hah...M-Mig...F-Full...moo-ah~" You arched your back as Miguel kept thrusting into you.
Your legs were starting to grow weak and your mind was fading fast. Miguel tore your dress by your breasts, taking one with his mouth as he rutted into you.
"S-So....m-much~" You moaned, feeling his thick cock push his cum deeper inside you, "Ah~"
"Mine. Pretty red," Miguel grunted, capturing your lips in a kiss as he felt you cum once more, "Gonna have my babies, (Y/N). Don't waste a drop,"
You laid against the bed, a babbling mess as you let Miguel fuck you stupid. It was safe to say the dress worked...perhaps on a different night you would have enjoyed the roleplay a little more.
"Once more,"
Nights of the full moon were always restless nights if you couldn't give Miguel some sleeping pills. It had been a while since Miguel fucked you as rough as he did, but you never complained. You enjoyed being filled and loved.
"Aye, sorry (Y/N). I went overboard." Miguel apologized the next morning as he whimpered and showered you with kisses.
"It's okay....I should have paid attention," You whispered softly.
Miguel whimpered more as his ears and tail fell. He carried you to the shower to wash you up, wanting to take care of his precious mate. Rubbing his head against yours, Miguel gave you a sad puppy look,
"I didn't transform...did I?" He asked. You giggled softly, kissing his head,
"If you did, I'd be even more exhausted and full,"
"Sorry, (Y/N)," Miguel apologized once more. You pecked his lips as he washed you,
"You can apologize by getting me a new red dress."
"Of course!"
Another great thing about having a werewolf boyfriend....Miguel would always make-up to you after once of his restless nights.
Not that you complained.
Hope you enjoyed!!!
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dollwrites · 1 year
𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 ∣ smut ( minors dni ), fem!reader, noncon, bondage + gagging, cumming untouched, voice kink, degradation but also some praise, male masturbation, all characters featured are aged 18+
𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗻𝘁 ∣ please reblog && leave feedback. not proofread so there’s probably mistakes. thanks for reading < 3
𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗸𝘁𝗼𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟯 ∣ day four [ sampo koski + voice kink ]
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“Oh my, I’ve not even touched you yet and you’re already so twitchy!”
it was embarrassing, to say the least. the way your body reacted to his relentless cooing and crooning. you hated it. in fact, you would’ve told him exactly where he could shove all those sugar-dripping syllables, had your panties not been stuffed in your mouth. you tried to work the fabric out a little at a time, but Sampo’s long digits had ensured that they were secure and deep in your cavern, forcing you to taste your own desire for that loathsome, loathsome man.
“Could it be that you’re imagining all of the not so nice things I can do to you, all tied up like this?” he teases, his emerald eyes sparkling with delight and glued to your exposed core. with your legs spread wide, ankles bound to a long, metal rod that kept them spread wide. there was no shielding your sex from his gaze, as unfortunate as that was. because you knew that he was watching every clench, every drip, every twitch. “You are, after all, completely and utterly at my mercy.” he flashes you a devilish smile.
what you return is a sharp glare, your brows knit together as you chewed incessantly on your own panties, hoping to saw through the lingerie with your teeth and be able to spit it out. because you knew, once you did, not only would you call him every low-down, dirty, rotten thing you could think of, but you knew of a catapult of spit that would have his name on it.
so far, however, no such luck. the cotton dries your mouth out, and what should’ve been sweats, were gurgled groans of faint protest.
“Hm? No?” Sampo asks with a Devil’s smirk, taking a step forward. his right hand juts forward and wraps his large fist around the metal spreader, pushing it upwards just a bit. it pulls your ass off the bed just enough to angle your unwilling yet needy cunt in his direction, and allowed the light to catch your sticky folds, your wetness glimmering against your own skin. “Then, why are you so wet? Because so far, all I’ve done is tied you up, spread you open, and told you…”
Sampo trails off, his eyes flickering with a sudden realization. the realization that makes his grin spread wider.
oh, no.
“Could it be that you enjoy the sound of my voice?” he stares at you, adoringly, with his toothy grin, and when you shake your head, he chortles, and runs his tongue around his lower lip, his gaze dropping back down to your pussy. “Are you certain? Because this pretty little cunt of yours is sparkling—“ your body jolts at his praise, your hole clenching and demanding to be filled. you clench your fists in frustration. Sampo saw the display, and elicited a delighted mewl. “Oho, so she likes praise, does she? To be called a pretty, little cunt? Soft, and warm. And we can’t forget tight, now can we?” he begins to giggle at how easily your body twitched and puckered at every word sang to your core. “A perfect hole like that, already milking like she’s supposed to, is meant to be fucked. But I have something much more fun, before we reach that point.”
you look up at him, hoping the fire in your eyes is enough to get your muffled grunting across.
Sampo seems to ignore your angry sounds, staring into your eyes as if he were a gentle lover, and he swoons. “I’m going to make you cum before I even lay a finger on you,” he says, matter of factly, leaning closer to you. the expanse of his chest was pressed against the bar, hoisting your ass higher into the air. “You’re going to listen to me get off, and you’re going to turn into a needy, dripping mess. Well, more so than you already are. Are you ready?”
it was the best you could do, shaking your head and thrashing wildly against your restraints, but you could tell in an instant that he hadn’t really been asking a serious question. it was another tease. because a moment later, he was fishing around in the open fly of his trousers, retrieving his cock and pulling it through the gap. you didn’t want to stare, but you noticed it was already starting to harden up in his grasp.
“Mm, I can’t help it.” Sampo murmured, breathy, as if he’d read your glance in an instance, spitting in his palm to lather his length in it. “When I see a pussy that pretty and needy start to picket up just for me, I start to get excited.” a low, rumbling sound bubbles in the back of his throat as he starts to stroke himself, his body close to yours, his stance wide. his cock was long and imposing, strong and leaving a subtle shadow on your belly as it hovers inches above you, his fist jacking back and forth. “Uhhh…” Sampo breathes out. the sound coupled with the slick smacking of his sticky fist kissing his base at a rapid-fire pace was almost too vulgar; your eyelids wanted to flutter. “That’s good.” he was stretching out his moans on purpose, teasing you with different variations of his taunting baritone. “Do you want to know what I’m thinking about right now? Hm? What is making my cock so hard?” without waiting for an answer, Sampo leans against the bar, trying to get as close to your face as possible. for a moment, you feel a wave of his breath against the apples of your cheeks, and you turn away, but he whispers, his voice thick with lust. “I’m daydreaming about plowing your little pussy, cutie. Uh-huh, nnn.. I’m going to pound you out so good that you’ll forget your own name. Just thinking about how perfect you’ll look hanging off this big cock like a little fuckdoll…” Sampo moans loudly, and the sound sends need storming straight to your core.
“Just watching you stretch…”
another needy moan, and this time, your cunt trembles, your swollen clit throbbing.
“Feeling you milk me…”
your muscles tighten up. your toes curl.
“Ahh, the way you’ll look so cute with the shape of my cock bulging out of your little tummy!”
your eyes want to cross.
he sounded so needy, and yet so wicked. his moans were all laced with the specter of a whimper, as if he hadn’t gotten off in weeks, and sounded delightfully depraved. not to mention the images he was forcing into your mind, and the visage of him jerking off right above your wanton pussy.
“I bet just listening to me moan and groan has got your tummy all in knots. Hnn, do you feel tight and desperate?”
you didn’t want to, and you tried to stop yourself, but you nodded, letting out a strangled moan.
“Mhm,” Sampo purrs, his grin slightly strained as his pace picks up. his hips had also started moving on their own, matching the rhythm of his wrist, fucking his hand with reckless abandon. “That’s so cute… and so pathetic. Getting all worked up, right on the brink of cumming, just because you hear me moan in pleasure. You must be a truly naughty little thing if the sound of your rival jacking off, explaining how he’s going to turn you inside out, makes you this needy. You’re like a starved animal.”
Sampo seems to really love watching you writhe and whine, seeing your eyes start to roll back as he moans and grunts, because his swollen cock was twitching, too, now, and he was close to his own climax. “Fuck yes.” he hums, gripping the bar tighter with one hand, the other still pumping himself silly. “Close… close…” his pleasured voice now sounds strained, and with a weak gaze, you peer up at him to see his brows furrowed and his jaw tight. the chase for his high taking his toll on his composure. a red tint kisses his cheeks, and his broad chest heaves up and down. “Mmm… you like these sounds, hm? When I’m right on the edge, about to cum for you? About to cum all over you? Yes?” he chuckles, though it sounds as though it gets stuck in his throat with a soft gasp as he bites down on his lip, and allows himself to gargle on a long, euphoric growl. “I can see it all over your face, fuckdoll, that lust… go ahead, erupt for me! Push me over the edge!”
it was as if Sampo had conjured your orgasm out of thin air, and ripped it out of your body with so much force that it left you stunned and twitching. you’d released before you even fully processed that you were peaking, and were trembling and panting, trying to regain your wits when you heard Sampo stutter and moan, splattering his own release across your stomach with a happy sigh.
“Such a pretty sight,” he breathes out, and releases the spreader to allow your butt to hit the mattress again. you bounce slightly, before laying there, defeated, with his throbbing, dribbling cock looming over you. “All trembling and panting, leaking juices all over my bed. If you reacted so deliciously to my voice, I can’t wait to see how you’ll fare when I actually get to play with your greedy, little pussy.”
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 3 months
the treacherous tyrant
the wistful wyvern, chapter three
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a/n: I'm just gonna take this moment as an excuse to say that if you haven't yet checked out the info or maps about this world i've created, then i highly recommend you do, it'll make it much more fun, for example when we hop around from place to place in this one? you can spot on the map where we are.
summary: halting a moment, he turned to tug your horse’s reins out of your grasp and let her stand on her own, “look, just follow my lead,” before he turned with the expectancy of you shadowing him, “I have a plan.” 
warnings: knight!bucky barnes x knight!reader, fantasy AU (monsters, but not much magic), original fantasy world, ex-friends to lovers, coworkers to lovers, former fuckboy!bucky, tattooed!bucky, slow burn, one-sided pinning, forced proximity
word count: 1374
∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
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“What is it?” you asked when Bucky suddenly leapt off his horse and kneeled down to investigate a spot on the dusty path that split the treacherous terrain. 
“…boot marks…” he mumbled, “fairly recent too…” 
It had been a week or so that you’d been stuck trying to navigate through the jagged landscape of The Asadånie Mountains. From climbing rocky hillsides to the crumbly trail you now followed, it had been hard to know if you were making any headway at all or simply walking in circles. 
Straightening back up to his full height, you slid off your horse as well just as a low rustling noise, from further up where the path curved, found both your alert ears. 
Swiftly, you rushed in behind the tall shrubs that grounded the thin pine trees that shot up towards the blue skies above the mountains. 
The bigger of the peaks before you appeared to open up into a dark cave. In the mouth of it, posted just outside, stood three figures that sent a chill down your spine. 
Silently nudging the knight hiding beside you, his eyes too grew wide with recognition of the uniforms they wore. 
“What are Oblén soldiers doing up here in the mountains?” he whispered, sharing a glance with you before you turned your gaze back to the guards. 
A fourth figure then appeared, marching out of the cavern and prompting the other warriors to go rigid at his presence. 
“Commander Abbot,” one of the soldiers addressed the man clad in gilded armour, “did it go as planned?”
“Well, I still have my head, you idiot,” he rolled his eyes, “so yes, it went as well as it could.” 
“So, The Treacherous Tyrant is agreeable to the king’s orders, then?” one of the others asked as their commander began to walk away from the grotto, the guard’s feet slightly shuffling to keep up, “will he strike again before next full moon?” 
“As long as we keep his dearest safe, then he will continue to do as the king commands.” 
You both stood frozen, hidden behind the flora as the soldiers from the southern kingdom passed, scarlessly even breathing at all before they were long gone. 
“The dragon’s in cahoots with them?” you uttered as you guided your horse back up onto the narrow path, “how is that even possible?”
With his gaze low to the ground, Bucky then mumbled, “The Treacherous Tyrant… I’ve heard that before… what was it…” he shut his eyes a moment, “Farrowghol,” his vision blinked open once more as he remembered, “Farrowghol, The Treacherous Tyrant.”
“Holy fuck…” you shuttered, unable to stop the terror that began to rain down upon you as you stared over at Bucky and saw the wheels in his brain still turning. 
“They mentioned something about keeping something dear to him safe?” his features crinkled up in thought before unfurling with clarity, “oh, what if–…” and before he could finish his own sentence, share his brilliant idea with you, his feet began to move. 
“What are you doing?” 
“I have a feeling,” he began to walk towards the cave entrance, “something’s off.”
“You have a feeling? You’re gonna go get flambeed based on a fucking feeling?”
Halting a moment, he turned to tug your horse’s reins out of your grasp and let her stand on her own, “look, just follow my lead,” before he turned with the expectancy of you shadowing him, “I have a plan.” 
“Fuck your plan!” you screeched, standing your ground, “I’m not going in there!”
But as you watched him get swallowed by the darkness of the cave, only a few seconds passed by before a sharp curse burst out of you and you reluctantly followed him inside. 
Catching up to him, the dark tunnel soon unfolded into a vast and echoing grotto. Stalagmites burst up from the rocky floor and surrounded various mountainous boulders that might have crashed from parts of the caved-in ceiling where light now streamed in through the cracks and lit up the dim interior. 
For a moment, you thought perhaps the beast had flown away right before you’d entered the cavern.
But that moment didn’t get to linger for long as one of the enormous silhouettes you’d assumed was just another boulder began to move. 
The deep growl that then rumbled throughout the lair caused the small rubble on the ground to vibrate around your boots. 
Its scales were such a murky brown that it nearly looked pitch black, and as it reflected in the rays of light gushing in from above, an opalescent sheen glistened on its hide at its movements as its head unfurled, towering above you and eclipsing the low light before its wide jaw unhinged and a smouldering glow began to appear in the back of its throat. 
Throwing an arm around your waist, Bucky yanked you with him as he ducked behind a nearby boulder just before the monster began to spew fire at you. 
As flames licked up the sides of the rock, the view of them cresting over the top caused you to curl further into Bucky’s side. 
But when the dragon paused a moment, reeling before another go, the man beside you unexpectedly yelled, “we’re here to help!”
Shooting a glare up at him, “what the fuck, man?” you cursed in a hushed tone, “what are you doing? Shaking its hand and offering it a fucking pint?”
The leviathan’s booming rumble then invaded the entire cavern, “Farrowghol doesn’t need the help of wheezily little insects,” his heavy stride shook the space as he circled you like a large cat ready to pounce on their prey. 
“King Ivan has something you love,” Bucky bellowed, “we can get it back for you!” 
Farrowghol then suddenly halted, the entire cavern growing dead quiet. 
“That’s why you’re doing their bidding, correct?” Bucky went on, “they took something from you?” he then shifted, slowly sliding his crossbow off his back, “you can trust us. See?” he tossed the weapon off to the side for the beast to spot, “you and I, we share the same enemy.”  
Squeezing your eyes tightly shut, you thought for sure the dragon would let you feel his wrath once more, but instead, his deep roar resounded once more. 
“Not something,” he corrected, “someone.”
“A person?” Bucky carefully stepped out, leaving your hidden frame still in his eye line as he faced the beast with his palms raised up high. 
“My kin,” the dragon bellowed, “that’s who he has imprisoned. Ready to crush each and every one of them if I don’t obey. They’re hidden deep within his walls, in a chamber made entirely of hellstone,” he spoke of the rare material, which was the only thing known to be able to withstand the obliterating breath of a dragon, “I could never reach them, even if I tried, and I have.” 
“We can get them back!” Bucky promised, “set you free from the king’s control!” 
You couldn’t help but tremble as the beast's words shook the lair once more, “I lost my mate aeons ago… Those eggs are all I have left,” he shared hesitantly, “if something happens to them,” he warned with a crackle that raised the temperature a significant amount, “I will burn down everything you hold sacred.” 
“Sounds fair enough,” your fellow warden nodded tensely, “and if we do this, you’ll hold out on their commands of attack?”
“You have one lunar cycle,” he slowly settled, “if my kin have not returned to my cave within that time, I will not hesitate to strike.”
When you finally exited the cave and the bright sunlight once more licked at your skin, Bucky’s tense shoulders dropped back down with a long exhale, whereas yours, on the other hand, did not. 
“Alright,” he muttered, passing you as he briskly walked up to where your horses were still waiting, “so we just break into the palace in Ingorn. The chamber, it’s probably like a vault or something? That can’t be too hard, right?” 
Trailing behind him, you breathed, “no, it is…” before halting your step completely as you sighed, “fuck…” staring daggers down at the ground as you then uttered, “I have to go speak to my father.”
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© 2024 thyme-in-a-bubble 
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sigyns-drafts · 8 months
waaa Hades,Buddha, Loki and Poseidon x gn!reader (seperate) who is tired and fell asleep during a meeting and it turned into a cuddle session after they got out of the meeting room.....😭
(I'm sorry I can't be more specific anymore I just want fluff of them :') , also sorry if your request is closed :') but I'm dying for them istg , If you don't write for this many characters you can exclude them! I don't mind! Or even ignore the request, just please stay hydrated and I hope you have a good day <3 )
A/N: Of course anon, I totally get you for wanting more content on your favourite characters, literally the same here!
Apologies it took forever and to everyone requesting! I've been very sick and things kept piling up, but I'm slowly making a return. <3
You described everything I needed to know just right, so please don't be sorry for anything! Thank you for being so caring, I apologise it took me forever. Don't forget to stay hydrated too~♡
Slumber in the Divine Boardroom 💤
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➩ You and your divine boyfriend are attending an important meeting, but for whatever reason you find yourself very tired and eventually doze off.
Your boyfriend noticed and what does he do about this? Once everyone is gone turn this into a cuddle session between the two of you of course~
➩ Reader type: Gn!Reader x Hades, Buddha, Loki, Poseidon
⚠: Wholesome fluff, Romantic fluff, a lot of cuddling and nuzzling, teasing and flirting
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In the dimly lit meeting room located in the underworldly realm of Helheim. 
Hades found himself presiding over yet another gathering together with other formidable figures. 
Y/n, his partner who was only there for moral support like usual, could care less about what they spoke about when the weight of exhaustion and struggle to stay awake hit them like a heavy brick. 
Living with Hades and being his lover, while luxurious, was still a burden to handle at times.
Especially when the god was met with so many constant schedules and tasks he would have to attend and keep up with. 
Much to y/n's dismay, who not only wanted to be there for Hades using their own spare time to follow him around. 
They also wanted to spend time with their beloved king alone, which was a rare occurrence. 
As the talk of afterlife's affairs droned on for hours and the flickering torches cast eerie shadows on the cavernous walls, y/n's sleep deprived state only worsend over time.
Hades, who continued his stern discourse in front of his important guests, took notice in y/n's eyes, closing involuntarily, just across from where he stood. 
He almost felt guilty to have dragged y/n out here when they could have stayed at home resting. But y/n was always so persistent! 
The gentle hum of conversation became a distant murmur as y/n drifted into a peaceful slumber, head resting on the cold, obsidian table.
Eventually the meeting concluded, and the attendees filed out without questioning why Hades's love was asleep, leaving them alone to have their moment of peace. 
Uncharacteristically, a softer expression crossed the lord of the underworld's face as he observed Y/n's serene repose. Hades was pondering if he should wake y/n up but.. Something held him back. 
He gently strokes his hand through y/n's hair, taking it behind their ear before whispering in a low and soft tone to himself, but targeted towards his partner. 
"My precious, already sound asleep when you could have just told me you wanted to stay home today~"
Deciding to not wake up Y/n, Hades carefully summoned a cloak and draped it over them both, creating a makeshift cocoon of warmth to carry his love.
The chilly ambiance of Helheim transformed into a surprisingly cosy haven sometimes, especially when you'd be all cuddled up. 
Hades, normally not the type to do these things, now revealed a gentler side. 
While adjusting Y/n's position to ensure their comfort, the man picks them up with his strong arms. Making sure y/n's head rests nicely and steady on his wide and surprisingly warm shoulder. 
The god allowed himself a rare vulnerability, watching over Y/n with a small grin and a protective gaze.
As the flickering torches cast dancing shadows, the silence enveloped the room, broken only by the tapping of the man's shoes against the stone flooring. 
Hades decided the next best thing to do was to bring y/n back to their chambers and perhaps, even he could take a small rest there to enjoy their solitude a bit more.
Hades gently placed y/n onto their queen sized bed, careful not to disturb their peaceful slumber. Settling beside y/n, he couldn't resist the allure of their presence. 
The shadows seemed to soften as he pulled them into a warm embrace, wrapping his arms around their sleeping lover and relishing in the moment. 
Time passed in the quietude, and as sleep began to claim the god of the dead, y/n stirred. A soft blush tinted their cheeks as they realised the situation.
Nestled in the arms of Hades sent a warm shiver down their spine.
Y/n, not wanting to disturb Hades, who had succumbed to hypnos himself, gently moved closer. A gentle murmur escaped their lips, a tender reminder of the impending responsibilities that awaited the lord of the Underworld. 
With a soft touch, they roused Hades, their fingers tracing over the god's sharp features.
"Hades," y/n whispered, their voice a delicate melody in the quiet chamber. 
"We had another meeting to attend after the first. It's time to wake up darling.."
Hades, stirred from his slumber, opened his eyes to meet the gaze of y/n. 
The vulnerability in that moment was showing itself still, and a rare smile graced the god's lips. 
The weight of his responsibilities momentarily lifted as he thought to himself how lucky he was to wake up to y/n everyday. 
As Hades and y/n shared a lingering gaze, the gravity of their roles in the Underworld momentarily forgotten, Hades pulled y/n close to press his face against y/n's neck and nuzzle them. 
Y/n blushes even more at this and chuckles while combining through the Gods white locks of hair. 
"Oh hades~ you really can be a softie huh?"
With a soft nod, Hades agreed and acknowledged the reminder of his duties, yet he couldn't help but savour the warmth of his partner. 
"I'm only soft for you.. But only you y/n~"
Buddha, who found himself hesitant to attend another divine meeting between the leader gods of their respective pantheons, to discuss important matters regarding humanity, didn't want to go alone. 
So when struck with such a dilemma what does he do? Well he would bring a companion, and decided to bring none other than his most beloved Y/n! 
As they entered the grand hall of the gods, Y/n felt a mix of awe, nervousness and exhaustion. 
After all, they both had travelled far from their home! Also not to mention the fact y/n had been pulled into this extraordinary gathering a little out of nowhere. 
But upon such an offer from their man, how could they possibly refuse such a thing? 
They barely got to travel as much as they would have liked. 
As the meeting unfolded with gods discussing the fate of humanity. Y/n found themselves rather comfortably seated next to Buddha. 
However, soon struggled to stay awake, succumbing to the weariness of the divine environment. 
While the discussions continued, Y/n drifted into a gentle slumber, head resting on Buddha's shoulder.
After the gods concluded their deliberations and departed, Buddha, noticing Y/n's fatigue, chuckled softly to himself. 
He decided to play a light-hearted prank to wake them up. In his hand, he conjured a piece of his favourite chocolate snack, gently placing it near Y/n's nose. 
To his surprise, the sweet aroma stirred Y/n, who slowly opened their eyes.
"Huh, Buddha, what's that delicious smell..?"
Y/n, initially confused, was met with Buddha's playful smile. 
The two shared a moment of laughter, breaking the serious atmosphere that lingered after the gods' departure. 
Buddha, aware of Y/n's love for snacks, much like his own, decided to extend the lightheartedness of their cute moment further. 
"You know, since everyone is gone, we could go find a cosy spot to ourselves and enjoy some more treats~"
Y/n's lit up and they nodded excitedly at Buddha's suggestion! This had been so worth travelling for. 
"Oh yes please! I'd love to explore a little around here and then continue resting somewhere very nice."
While they wandered away from the divine hall, Buddha made sure to show y/n around and explore with them!
While they did they found a serene garden hidden within the world of gods, much to y/n and Buddha's enjoyment for their plan. 
Sitting down under a giant tree, Buddha and Y/n cuddled closely to each other. 
"Oh this is simply divine Buddha, thank you so much for taking me with you~!"
Buddha leaned against the tree while feeding himself and y/n, his partner resting against his chest enjoying the moment and snacks they were fed.
"Me too sweetie, I knew you were the right one to bring with me."
Buddha grins happily, looking down at y/n, his eyes shining with love for them. He leans down and teasingly kisses their cheek. 
"Even though you feel asleep during the meeting, which is my thing!"
The couple burst out laughing at Buddha's joking comment, it was true! 
Y/n blushes slightly, they couldn't help but smile widely at Buddha's words. 
He would usually take the chance to nap during such meetings if it wasn't to his interest. 
With the rustling of leaves, Buddha and Y/n savoured the snacks, bonding over their shared love for their special delights. 
The garden became a space where they could find peace all to themselves.
In the grand halls of Asgard, the gods gathered for a crucial meeting. 
Loki, mischievous as ever, had brought y/n along with him. 
He claimed he couldn't leave y/n alone at home, but his true intention was to find amusement in y/n's company during the important discussions.
As the meeting unfolded, the weight of the gods' discussions combined with y/n's exhaustion from the day took its toll. 
Y/n found it hard to keep their eyes open, succumbing to the lull of drowsiness. 
Unbeknownst to them, Loki couldn't resist the opportunity to toy with y/n while maintaining his composure.
Loki leaned in, whispering in y/n's ear, "Sweet y/n, the godly matters bore you to sleep, I see~"
Y/n mumbled a half-conscious response, "No no! Just... tired."
Loki grinned, plotting mischief as the gods continued their discourse. 
However, his plans were thwarted when y/n's eyelids drooped further, and they drifted into a peaceful slumber.
When the meeting concluded, and as the gods departed, Loki turned his attention back to y/n. 
He marvelled at the serene expression on their peaceful face, finding unexpected adoration replacing his mischievous intentions. 
With a gentle touch, he attempted to wake their lover up, calling their name softly or shaking them gently. 
But no response or reaction came! 
Growing impatient yet oddly fond, Loki decided to resort to a different tactic. 
His fingers danced along y/n's sides, tickling them with ease. 
In an instant, y/n jolted awake, eyes wide open in surprise.
"Loki! What in helheim are you doing?!" Y/n exclaimed, totally flushed and caught off guard.
He chuckled, pulling y/n close to himself.
"I couldn't resist, my dear. You looked so peaceful, but my attempts at a normal awakening failed."
Rolling their eyes, y/n sighed to themselves.
"You could've just shaken me gently."
"I tried! Either way this way is much more entertaining hehe~" 
Loki teased, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he nuzzled himself against y/n's neck.
Despite y/n's initial annoyance, a smile crept onto their face. 
The tension dissipated as Loki wrapped his arms around them even tighter than before, his soft kisses tickling y/n's neck. 
The god of mischief had traded his tricks for a tender moment, and as you cuddled together in the room, leaving only the intimacy of the two of you.
Poseidon and Y/n found themselves in a grand hall, attending a crucial meeting among the sea gods. 
As discussions flowed, Y/n, overwhelmed by the divine chatter, struggled to keep their eyes open. 
Poseidon noticed and chuckled under his breath, finding it entertaining. Though you could barely tell that he was excited, from his serious and unchanging face. 
Poseidon leans close to y/n and starts whispering, almost mockingly.
"Someone's having a bit of trouble staying awake, aren't they?"
Y/n, in a half-dreamy state, mumbled a half-hearted response, "No! Just a little bored from... godly matters."
As the meeting concluded and the other ocean gods dispersed, leaving Poseidon and Y/n alone in the now empty hall. 
Y/n, succumbing to exhaustion, had dozed off in their seat. Poseidon, finding the situation amusing, decided to take advantage of the moment.
The god finally lets his cold stone of a face change and smirks. 
"Well, well, my dear Y/n, it seems the weight of divine matters was a bit too much for you."
Y/n, still half-asleep, groggily responded, "I'm awake, I'm awake... I just closed my eyes for a moment!"
Poseidon raised an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in his ocean blue eyes. 
"A moment? It felt like an eternity. You missed quite an enlightening discussion on ocean currents.."
Y/n, now fully aware of their surroundings, blushed and tried to defend themselves. 
"I'm sorry, Poseidon. It's not that I wasn't interested. I just... the ambiance was so soothing."
Poseidon grinned, his godly aura radiating strongly. 
"Soothing, you say? Well, maybe you just need a less comfortable place to discuss matters then."
"What? No! Please Poseidon, I truly love the beauty of your halls and wouldn't want to change it for the world."
"Not even to make yourself.. Even more comfortable?"
Y/n blinks, now feeling very confused with the mixed signals they were getting. 
"Pardon me love..?"
With a snap of his fingers, the grand hall transformed into a cosy space filled with pillows and soft blankets. Y/n looked around, bewildered.
"What is the meaning of this, are you not going to lecture me?"
"I thought for a change I could be more easy on you, after all you are my lover. Now, let's catch up on the discussion, shall we?"
As they settled into the comfortable space, Poseidon pulled Y/n into a playful embrace. 
The serious tone of the meeting and his was replaced by laughter and gentle teasing. Something Y/n definitely had to get used to! 
"But seriously darling. Clearly, the weight of godly responsibilities is too much for you to bear."
Y/n rolled their eyes, there he went again insisting.
"Oh, please. You're one to talk, Lord of the Sea. Your ocean currents lecture nearly put me to sleep."
Poseidon chuckled, his selden heard laughter echoing through the transformed hall. 
The god, known for his seriousness, was now wrapped in the warmth of his love's presence, turning an important meeting into an unexpected cuddle session.
But of course, still making sure y/n caught up on what they had missed. 
And so, surrounded by the divine comfort of their impromptu sanctuary, Poseidon continued to playfully lecture Y/n.
Both revel in the joy of each other's company amidst their responsibilities.
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starrierknight · 9 months
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𝟎𝟐𝟐. 𝐥𝐢𝐭 𝐟𝐮𝐬𝐞
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“Each of us is born with a box of matches inside us, but we can't strike them all by ourselves.” ― Laura Esquivel, Like Water for Chocolate
KINKTOBER 23' | 𝟏𝐬𝐭 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓* | AO3
*this fic is in media res
wc— 6.3k
pairing— yandere!dom!gn!reader x defected!sub!getou
cws/tags— dead dove: do not eat, yandere/darling dynamic, erotomania, dubcon, mind break, restraints (ropes — shibari), death threats, bodily harm threats, gaslighting/manipulation, heavy sadism/masochism, knife play, manhandling, pain play (scratching + hair pulling), humiliation, dacryphilia + drool, spit as lube, handjob, edging, suguru fantasises about fucking you, frottage, cumming untouched, praise, pet names: “(my) darling” + “good boy”, dialogue-heavy
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You stalked over to Suguru, taking the knife out of the back of your shoe, the embodiment of jealous fervour. Your fingers tightened around the knot of ropes at the centre of his shoulder blades, tugging him upright. He heaved and gasped, his face contorting in a mix of fear and confusion when he spotted the gleaming blade in your hand.
"What?! W-What are you doing?!" Panic laced his voice, evident in the wide-eyed terror that flickered across his expression. 
Who would protect his loved ones? His body tensed, arms and legs twitching, desperate to escape the impending threat. What would happen to them if he couldn't endure whatever ordeal awaited him? Imminent danger materialised with the knife in your hand. Some type of torture? Did that mean you were going to kill him? The room closed in. He had people to save, damn it!
"Where the fuck is it, Suguru?"
“I don’t understand,” he muttered, shaking his head.
Your initial chuckle morphed into a peal of chilling laughter, your head swaying on your shoulders. Your lip trembled as you screeched, "Where the hell is it, my one and only?!" 
Your chest heaved and your blood coursed hotly through your veins like lit gasoline, fueling your temper. The air, hot and suffocating, rushed in and out of your lungs, each exhale a smouldering release.
Where could it be? The words, the tattoo, the declaration? Was the man before you truly your one and only? Was he the illustrious figure you had adored from the shadows all these years? The questions echoed in the caverns of your mind, each reverberation stoking the flames of your incendiary anger.
Inhale. The air, thick and acrid, seared your throat as it surged through you. Your chest expanded with the intensity of a furnace.
No, there had to be a reasonable explanation. Suguru would never willingly choose this. He loved you; he had always loved you. Conviction burned in your thoughts, a desperate attempt to anchor yourself in the belief. The man bound before you was your cherished one. He had to be.
Exhale. A low growl escaped your lips, flames licking at the edges of your composure. Beads formed on your brow and palms, glistening like molten droplets.
It was probably that damned cult of his, wasn’t it? They were jealous, coveting him for themselves. They had stolen him from you, tearing him away from the love and devotion he owed you.
Yet, like fire, jealousy can both illuminate and destroy.
Your fingers trembled uncontrollably as they clutched the knife, the cold steel vibrating. The hilt felt slick in your grasp. The cool reality of the blade danced with the reflected light of the candles in the room, an undulating promise of searing pain.
Kneeling directly in front of Suguru, your armed hand reached around him, the knife a menacing punctuation madness. Your gaze bore into his eyes with a ferocious intensity, a frenzied stare.
His face contorted. Wide eyes were saucers of panic, pupils dilated to the brink as if attempting to swallow the horror of it all. Sweat adorned his furrowed forehead, shining like dew. His complexion drained of colour, leaving behind a pallor that starkly contrasted with the usual warmth of his skin. The lines of his face, once familiar and composed, now distorted into a twisted mask. 
His mouth hung agape, a silent scream frozen on his lips. Tremors shook his body, his jaw clenched, muscles poised to flee—though you both knew he couldn’t. Every nerve was on edge, a single touch could shatter the fragile equilibrium that barely held him together.
As you held the knife, its cold blade a chilling presence, you gently dragged the back of it along his left forearm, tracing a path of distress up to his elbow. The metallic edge left a faint trail against his skin.
"I can't let anyone else have you, Suguru," you murmured.
It sent a chill down Suguru's spine, the sensation racing through his veins, setting his pulse ablaze. The soft touch, though hauntingly gentle, was enough to provoke his Adam’s apple to bob nervously. A cold sweat broke out down his back, beads of anxiety clinging to his skin, as your blade traced a perilous path, a few inches away from the delicate network of his veins.
"Don't..." he managed to whisper, his voice trembling, a plea that hung in the air like a fragile thread. Tears brimmed at the edges, and an involuntary stillness overcame his legs.
His mind raced, an anxious torrent of thoughts attempting to strategise, to find a way to escape the impending threat. The ropes, however, proved an insurmountable obstacle, binding him in cruel proximity.
“I love you.”
"Please..." he begged softly, his voice a desperate entreaty. His eyes remained fixed on the glinting blade.
The flat of the blade dragged along Suguru's bicep, a chilling sensation that sent shivers through his entire being. As you continued, the cool metal skimmed his collarbones, leaving a trail of cold dread in its wake. 
"Ah, ah, hah..." he bit down on his lip at the acute discomfort of the blade. 
Goosebumps erupted across his flesh. With each touch, his body reacted as if the very air around him had turned icy. His trembling and shivering became more pronounced under the merciless blade. Suguru's instincts begged him to scream, to resist, but his body, held captive by the ropes and paralysed by fear, fought against the primal urge. His eyes met yours with an expression of utter helplessness. He felt a desperate yearning for release, a desire to break free from the nightmarish reality that enveloped him.
"You're mine, okay? Maybe I'll make you match with me right... here," you murmured—a haunting promise.
The blade traced a perilous path, inching towards the area where his heart rested beneath his left pec. His heaving chest forced itself to still, a desperate attempt to avoid any accidental harm as the blade hovered over the epicentre of his being—his heart.
A helpless horror painted his features as he stared at your hand, left frozen in shock, a captive audience to the cruel drama. His body remained unnaturally still. He couldn't move. He couldn't say a word. He couldn't do a damn thing. Any motion, even the slightest twitch, threatened to turn this nightmarish ordeal into a self-inflicted tragedy.
"Or maybe..."
As you moved the blade with deliberate intent, dragging it inches from his skin and his pounding heart, Suguru's body betrayed him. The tip traced a sinister path along Suguru's abdomen, the cold steel scratching his skin but not breaking it. Shiny with sweat, his abdominal muscles twitched involuntarily in response to the metal.
A gasp of distress escaped his lips as the blade brushed against his skin, tickling every nerve ending and sending a sharp pang shooting up to his stomach. The heat emanating from the spot where the blade had touched created an acute awareness of the vulnerability of his soft, pale skin. A thin red line marked the path of the shallow scratch, not even enough to bleed. If he bled, would you be satisfied?
Down his hip bone you pressed the entirety of the flat, cold steel against the plushness of his thigh.
"Maybe here."
His body, already fraught with tension, tensed further at the sensation. The flat against his thigh felt like an icy brand. Suguru's hands shook uncontrollably, his entire being trembling in response to the cruel caress. Eyes, fearful and pleading, darted between your face and the blade. He waited for the anticipated moment of pain that never came.
"You... Please..." he whispered, on the precipice of breaking.
You, however, continued to stroke the inside of his thigh with the blade, a cruel tease. "It would look good carved right here.”
A sharp gasp escaped him as he felt the tingle of the blade running across the sensitive skin of his inner thigh. The sensation, a mix of fear and an unexpected wave of arousal, caught him off guard. He pressed his lips together, attempting to stifle any involuntary sounds that might betray the tumult within; but a soft moan escaped Suguru.
"Please…” he begged again, a fragile thread holding on to the remnants of composure, of pride. 
You licked your lips, your gaze fixed on the spot where the blade of the knife pressed against his inner thigh, a visual of the precarious balance between torment and perverse desire.
"You want me to be yours... permanently, right? You want me to be your soulmate, your forever—right?" he began, his voice a delicate balance of persuasion and vulnerability. His mind raced with the urgency of finding a way out of this hell.
He glanced at you out of the corner of his eyes, his gaze anxious as it fixated on the weapon pressed against his thigh.
"What if you can have me in a—in a different way? What if we can have something no other sorcere—no other couple can have?" he whispered, the desperation palpable in his voice. The air seemed charged with the weight of his plea as he attempted to navigate a fragile path between surrender and a desperate attempt at negotiation.
"And that is?" you inquired, a sudden brightness in your eyes catching Suguru off guard. He gave you a wobbly smile, his heart racing in his chest.
"I'll let you have me. In every way possible.” 
"Have you?" a shiver ran down his spine, his eyes on yours, searching for any sign of mercy or understanding. "I wanted to take my time with you, Suguru..." you sighed, your gaze dropping to the knife. 
"Please... I-I want you to have me," Suguru said, an unsettling desire that clouded his thoughts. "Please."
His body, restrained by ropes and paralyzed by fear, yearned to move, to escape the impending danger, but it remained frozen in place. A darker desire rendered him powerless.
"Please! I'll be good for you. I'll be good for you, I swear..." Suguru's desperate entreaty hung in the air.
You hummed contemplatively, your gaze appraising Suguru as he desperately sought a way out of the impending torment. "How?" 
A flicker of realisation brightened Suguru's eyes, a glimmer of hope amidst the encroaching darkness. "There's a way you can keep me without having to—that," he began, his voice shaking but now laced with a newfound confidence. "You can mark me as your own. You can mark me as yours and keep me by your side..." he whispered, his eyes locked onto yours, the intensity of his plea echoing in the room.
He remained silent for a moment, pride warring with desperation. Suguru bit down on his lip, his mind a chaotic whirlwind of words he yearned to say but hesitated to voice. The weight of the unspoken hung in the air, an unrelenting pressure pushing him toward disclosure.
"Touch me.”
For a moment, Suguru was left breathless, his admission hanging in the air like a cloud of uncertainty. He had said anything to make you drop the knife, to replace the impending pain with a different kind of surrender.
"Isn't it too soon? You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for the moment to make you… I wanted it to be perfect.”
In response, Suguru laughed—a genuine sound that echoed in the room, a laughter he hadn't experienced in a long time. A laughter that betrayed the nervous undercurrent beneath the surface, a way to mask uncertainty. The thought of it being a nervous laughter didn't cross your mind, the genuine tone seemingly validating the moment.
That laughter quickly transformed into a smile, the genuine expression playing on his features. Your eyebrows raised inquisitively, observing the way he spoke convincingly about being ready for you.
"Not at all," he whispered, his voice carrying a confidence that contradicted the vulnerability in his eyes. A millionaire smile adorned his face, a façade—the world was, indeed, perfect in that moment.
The handle of the knife in your grip felt unyielding, your knuckles pale from the force with which you held it. Slowly, you leaned your face toward Suguru, your gaze fixated on his lips. A slight tremor ran through you.
Suguru's eyes widened as he observed your approach, the blade pressed against him momentarily slipping from his consciousness. You were so close now, the minimal space between you diminishing further. His eyes fluttered shut, lips parting as his breath caught in his throat.
"Kiss me," he whispered.
The kiss was hesitant and nervous on your end, the palpable tension between you vibrating with adrenaline and a barely suppressed need. As you went to pull away, Suguru deepened the kiss. A quiet moan escaped you into his mouth, and in that moment, the knife slipped from your grip, clattering with relief to the floor. Pleasure swept through him, and any fear he had of the blade was momentarily forgotten. Seizing the opportunity, he took advantage of your distraction, deepening the kiss again with an eager moan.
Your lips met his, tongues finding their place together as the two of you kissed with abandon. Pleasure surged through Suguru as your arms went around his neck, holding him close in a passionate embrace. You cradled his cheeks in your hands instead, even as he stayed tied up. You pushed your tongue greedily into his mouth, and one of your hands laced into his hair, tugging it by the roots gently. 
When your tongue entered his mouth, his eyes rolled to the back of his head in pleasure. His body tensed and flexed against the ropes, instinctively rebelling to try and reach you. He moaned softly into your mouth, his hands shaking against the ropes that keep him restrained.
The kiss left both of you panting and trembling, desire and anticipation thick in the air. You broke the kiss, pressing your forehead against Suguru's, locking eyes with him. His gaze, hungry with longing, met yours.
"You..." you started, and Suguru swallowed thickly.
"You look so... Beautiful..." he murmured, his voice breathless and sincere, even if the sincerity was part of the act.
You chuckled airily. Open-mouthed kisses peppered his skin, and he responded with a breathy groan. Starting near his chin and making your way to the base where his ear met his neck, you bit down lightly, running your tongue over the sensitive skin. Suguru gasped, his head angled by the tug of his hair, your other hand gripping the ropes on his chest.
Straining against the ropes, his back arched like a taut bowstring, the bindings leaving indents that promised to bloom into bruises with the back-and-forth torment. With his hair pulled at a different angle, his gaze turned upward to meet yours, the height difference accentuated in this vulnerable state. Hungry eyes watched your every move, his mouth half-open, each inhale catching in his throat.
Your kisses and marks trailed along his neck, the tugs on his hair and the scratches of your nails against his scalp sending shivers down his spine. The hand on his chest ventured down his abdomen, tracing circles against one of his Adonis lines, a teasing touch that further heightened his arousal.
The familiar ache between his thighs pulsed with intensity, a relentless reminder of the desire that simmered. A yearning plea lingered in the air as he pressed himself closer to you, the heat of his breath mingling with the anticipation of your every exhale. He took a deep breath, his racing thoughts hidden behind closed eyes. A silent prayer echoed in the quiet recesses of his mind, a fervent hope that you would attend to the ever-hardening cock that strained to feel you.  
Shivers ran through his body as your nails scratched against his skin, a hint of pain mingling with the pleasure to keep him hooked. The ropes dug deeper into his skin, leaving red, painful marks across his back, chest, and shoulder blades. He squirmed, his skin begging for more.
"Ah…!" Suguru let out a half-moan, half-gasp. "T-That... That feels good..."
"You're mine," you mumbled against Suguru's throat before lightly biting it. 
A whimper escaped him, his body writhing against the bindings that held him captive. His arms were securely tied, leaving him unable to touch himself or you, but the sensation of your teeth against his skin, against his neck, was enough to elicit a response.
"Fuck... I'm yours..." Suguru mumbled, his eyes closed. There was no room for any other response; he was yours, willingly or not.
"You're safe with me," you reassured, kissing along his collarbones. 
His eyes flickered open briefly, only to close again as he noticed the tight grip of your hand in his hair. The pain, a sharp contrast to the pleasure, mingled in a way that seemed to deepen his surrender. The hand massaging his thighs made him squirm, his back arching to intensify the sensation of the ropes against his skin.
"W-Woah, easy on the hair," he muttered out of breath, a plea laced with both discomfort and a desperate need for your touch. 
You pulled back, narrowing your eyes and arching a brow. "What was that?"
Suguru whimpered softly, the fear rushing back as your fingers remained entwined in his hair, the tightness starting to border on pain. Swallowing thickly, his eyes opened slowly, his heart pounding with the resurgence of apprehension.
"N-Nothing... Nothing at all," he stammered, nervously avoiding your gaze. "I like it when you pull my hair... I like it really—really hard," he added.
A smirk played on your lips as you tugged his hair, bringing his face closer. "Good boy. I know you can take it, because you're strong, aren't you?" you cooed.
"Y-Yes... I'm strong..." Suguru whispered, gritting his teeth, attempting to hide the pain behind those words. He tried to muster a confident smile. Swallowing thickly, he nodded, lying. "I can take it," he whispered, his expression a mosaic of hurt, arousal, fear. "Yeah... I'm a good boy..." he continued, the words laced with a plea for reassurance. "I can take it... I-I can..."
You smiled approvingly and leaned in, kissing Suguru so softly that a moan escaped him, his eyes closing in bliss. The kisses were sweet and tender, carrying an addictive quality that seemed to erase the pain in his hair, replacing it with pure, unbridled pleasure.
In contrast to the softness of your kisses, your hand in his hair maintained its tight grip, a silent assertion of control. The other hand on his thigh sank its nails into the plush flesh, a sensation that brought a sharp intake of breath. The pain, though evident, seemed to intertwine seamlessly with the pleasure of your kisses. Suguru hesitated to voice any discomfort, reluctant to ask you to stop when the pleasure seemed to outweigh the pain.
Suguru was acutely aware of the pre-cum, a testament to the relentless ache that pulsed through his throbbing dick. The warm, wet stickiness coated him, and his fingers twitched to wrap around it just for some relief. His mind painted vivid fantasies where it wasn't his own skin but yours, where the pre-cum painted your skin with the rawness of his desire. The yearning for a deeper physicality clawed at him—your skin flushed against his.
A need that pulsed through him, a need that he found challenging to express: he needed you—needed you desperately, damn it.
A whimper escaped him as your touch lingered on his thigh, the pressure from your fingernails digging deeper. "Oh, God..." he whispered softly, his lips trembling slightly but still yearning for more of your touch. 
You pulled back, allowing your hand to fall from Suguru's hair, and instead, you tucked some of his long, silky black strands behind his ears, your hand lingering around the rope on his shoulder. Both of you were breathing heavily, and as you sat back a little, you admired the sight before you.
"You're gorgeous like this, darling,” you remarked, your voice laced with a mix of satisfaction and admiration.
A shiver rolled down Suguru's spine when you pulled away, his eyes slowly opening. He stared back at you with admiration, his gaze flickering down to your hand around the rope as you tucked your hair behind his ears. His breathing stilled, chest slowly rising and falling as he absorbed the sight of you appreciating him. The moment, however, took a sharp turn when your hand pulled away, and his expression shifted from admiration to fear as you drew close to the rope.
"Please?" you teased, a smile playing on your lips. Your nails dug into his thigh again, and you pulled, leaving deep, raw scratches.
He yelped and whimpered at the sharp sting, his whole body shivering at the feeling of your fingernails digging into his thigh and pulling. He whined and squirmed in his constraints, the ropes biting into his wrists, torso, and legs. Despite the discomfort, he had no choice but to endure.
"Please, I'll do anything!" he begged, his eyes wide and breath catching in his throat.
You raised your eyebrows, a playful smile on your lips. "Oh, I'm sure you will. Because you love me, don't you?" 
Your hand on his thigh gently stroked the fresh scratches, a soothing touch that blurred the lines between pain and pleasure. Suguru's breath hitched, and his mind, clouded by desire, struggled to discern whether he wanted to run away.
"Yeah..." he whispered, closing his eyes once more. "I do... I do." 
A part of him still yearned to break free, but the fear and anxiety of losing your touch overrode that desire. It was less about escaping and more about staying by your side, ensnared.
You lifted your hand off his thigh, wetting your lips before spitting into your palm. The sudden shock of your spit-slicked hand wrapping around his needy dick made Suguru's body stiffen. Despite the initial shock, the sensation felt undeniably good, and the movement of your fingers made him squirm in both fear and pleasure. His eyes darted between your face and your hand, his breath catching in his throat. Each stroke and pull like a drug, addictive and consuming. Biting his lips furiously, Suguru's face flushed crimson. His face twitched with anxiety, yet his entire body trembled with pleasure.
As the pace of your hand quickened, he keened and whimpered, unable to articulate a coherent response. "Is that how you like it, darling?" 
Suguru attempted to form words, but all that escaped were high-pitched whines. His teeth seemed practically glued together as another whimper slipped from his throat, his bound hands pulling on the ropes in a desperate attempt to get closer to you.
"Does that feel good? Yeah?" you teased, chuckling and watching his expressions in awe. “Aw, cute… I can feel it twitching.”
"It's so... M’so… Hah, fuck…"
His words failed him. He couldn't even form a sentence. The touch of your hand between his thigh was pure pleasure, and he was unable to keep himself composed. His hands were still pulling on the ropes against his arms, wanting more—so much more. His hips, driven by his muscles flexing and tensing in fervent and rhythmic thirst, pressed against you insistently. Suguru's breath, once controlled, now grew increasingly irregular, as he whined between gasps.
"Please... S-so good," he groaned in frustration. "Oh, please, fuck, I need to… Need to–"
“Yeah? What is it, darling?”
He nodded frantically, his ability to articulate lost in the whirlwind of moans and whines escaping his lips. The sensations between his thighs, guided expertly by your hand, were undeniably addictive. His hips rocked in response, a desperate rhythm that mirrored the instinctive urgency of his body, pushing into your touch with fervent desire.
As your lips met his, Suguru melted into the kiss, every nerve in his body ablaze by the sensation. The rhythmic movements of his hips intensified, a testament to the depth of his longing. Each kiss drew out desperate whimpers, his body writhing in pleasure. Yet, beneath the surface, a palpable tension hinted at the intense need he harboured.
He could envision it—the way he would fill every inch of you, the intoxicating stretch that would make your body slick with sweat. The sounds—the hitch in your breath, the loud moans escaping your lips as pleasure surged through both of you. Your legs would wrap around his waist, craving him closer, more deeply. He would moan, his cock twitching inside you, a testament to the exquisite torture of the denial. Yet even in fantasy, you would smile at him wickedly, using him all for yourself.
You felt the rhythm of his movements, the desperation evident in how roughly he fucked your hand, and you knew the depth of his arousal. Breaking the kiss, you murmured, "You close?" into his mouth.
A wave of pleasure swept through Suguru's body as your whispered words hung in the air. His attempts to speak were stifled by the overwhelming sensations, reduced to a series of groans and gasps. His eyes remained tightly shut, lips trembling, and his chest heaved with each shallow breath.
His hips, driven by instinctive urgency, pushed into the air, need pulsing through him. His cock stood flushed, dripping, and achingly hard, the anticipation etched into every twitch.
Your actions, guided by a blend of desire and control, only deepened his yearning. The precum drooled from his slit, messy and exactly how you liked it. Your saliva-slicked hand teased and pumped him, each movement accompanied by an embarrassingly loud wet sound that resonated with his whimpers.
Just before he could cum, you withdrew your hand, and his body quivered in response, slipping through his fingers like grains of sand. The abrupt absence of your touch left him gasping for breath, words caught in the throes of long-gone ecstasy. His eyes fluttered open as you pulled away, panic contorting his face. 
"No, no, please…! Please don't..." he whispered, his plea hanging in the air as he longed for the return of the sensation that had brought him so close to release.
As you pressed your lips against his, a surge of warmth radiated through the touch, your fingers coiled around the taut rope of his shoulder, the lit fuses of lust. The conflict made him beautiful—a part of him, a mere whisper amid the cacophony, yearned to resist, to reclaim control. Yet, that struggle was seared away by the overwhelming touch, by the overwhelming you, making resistance a distant and feeble notion. The texture of the rough fibres kept him tethered to the intensity of the kiss, a dance of lips and tongues that became him.
Your teeth sank into his bottom lip; his response was visceral—a loud, involuntary moan—the sound of surrender. His lower lip quivered beneath the sharp pressure, a tangible sign of the white-hot desire surging through his veins. His surrender, the white flag, was taken into your heated hands and scorched to black, to lust. With closed eyes, his world narrowed to the victor, to you.
Breaking the kiss, a glistening strand of saliva lingered, connecting your parted mouths. With a mischievous smile, your hand rose, and your thumb found its place in his parted lips. The wet heat enveloped your digit, his tongue swirling sensuously around it. His eyes, heavy-lidded with arousal, met yours. A groan hung in the air, caught in the rawness of his throat as he eagerly sucked on your offered digit, his tongue curling around it.
"I wanna… Mmmf…! I wanna..." His voice, laced with restrained desire, faltered as he bit down on your thumb, the words teetering on the edge of a plea. "More, more..."
You leaned in, your face tantalisingly close to his, a playful smile dancing on your lips. "More, huh?"
Withdrawing your thumb from his heated mouth, you directed your attention lower, teasingly inching it between his legs once again. The soft pad of your thumb, a gentle torment, caressed the sensitive contours of his length, drawing circles on the leaking head, smearing pre from the slit along the prominent vein of his shaft. He let out a strangled moan, his hips involuntarily frotting into your hand as he gasped for air, unable to respond beyond the primal sounds escaping him. His body shook and his hips bucked desperately.
The hand wrapped around the ropes tugged him nearer, and you rested your forehead against his, the candlelight flickering in the inky black depths of his eyes like a torch in the night.
"You're beautiful," you whispered, “You’re mine.” 
Blushing under the weight of your words, his eyes widened. Your breath, a sweet and intoxicating scent, mingled with his. He shuddered, a soft whimper escaping him. Desperate to contain the rising chorus of pleasure, he bit down on his lower lip, the delicate dance of pleasure and restraint evident in the way his hips instinctively rocked. His body trembled under the tender torment of your touch.
"Please," he begged, soft and needy.
"Tell me that I'm the only one for you, the only one to make you feel this way," you murmured, a sly smile playing on your lips.
His brow furrowed with the exertion of pleasure. Your words, a catalyst of praise and affection, wielded a power that rendered resistance incapable. His attempt to deny, to resist your influence, was a futile battle:
"You're... You're the only one," he whispered, surrendering to the truth. 
His eyes fluttered shut, teeth gritted, and his hips moved with an urgency that betrayed the depth of his craving. Each thrust forward sought the contact that momentarily eluded him, and a plaintive whine escaped when your touch lingered just out of reach.
“Tell me you want me."
"I... Oh, God, I want you. I want you so much right now. Need you so fucking badly right now."
His admission trembled through the charged air, a declaration of desire that hung heavy between you. His body quivered, and he clamped down on his lips, a valiant effort to withhold further vulnerability. Yet, the pull of your tease and touch unfurled the neediest corners of his soul, a rekindled lust that had nearly withered in the grip of isolation.
"Please…! Please touch me... Please, please touch me again..." 
Your question hung in the air, a subtle challenge:
"You feel this?" 
The room echoed with a ravenous moan as your hand reached down, cupping Suguru's balls. If the intensity wasn't overwhelming enough, you chose that precise moment to massage his ballsack between your fingers—swollen and heavy with cum, aching to be released. The sudden, deliberate contact jolted him into a realm of heightened sensations, his eyes snapping open to reveal the surrender etched across his face under the spell of your grip.
No words found refuge on his tongue, eclipsed by a primal symphony of moans and the hungry, needy whispers that escaped his parted lips in response to your touch.
"Please..." A quiet whimper, a plea, an admission of craving.
"This is mine now, alright?" you declared, asserting yourself with a subtle squeeze.
Wide-eyed, breath caught in his throat, he found himself ensnared in a web of possession. Your grip, both firm and tight, elicited a soft whimper, his hips instinctively pushing into the touch, yearning for more. The declaration wrapped around him,the reply spilt from him, a desperate cascade of surrender and longing—a willing captive to the depths of your lust:
"Y-Yeah... Y-Yours, fuck…! Oh, God, yours. Your touch is mine, yours... Just yours... Only yours, I want you, need you..." 
Your words, a melodic coo, dripped with a seductive assurance. "So obedient, you're learning.”
As your touch found a firm rhythm, a seismic shift surged through him. His body, a canvas for the symphony of pleasure, responded with unrestrained fervour. Fingers curled tightly around the ropes, a desperate attempt to anchor himself amidst the rising tide of need. A guttural moan escaped him, his tongue lolling out involuntarily as breath hitched in his throat.
Rocking forward, every movement strained against the constricting bonds, ropes carving into his skin, a painful reminder of desire, control, captivity. Pleasure, a white-hot current, coiled in the pit of his stomach, setting his nerves ablaze with an intensity that bordered on exquisite agony. But your words, a cascade of praise and affection, were the one craving of his you satiated. He needed you now. He needed you.
A cry, raw and hoarse, reverberated through the room. Tears, involuntary witnesses to the overwhelming ecstasy, streamed from his eyes. His legs tensed, a quiver coursing through them, and his whimpers escalated into squeals. But as you withdrew your touch, a pang of longing seized him, a hurt he hadn't anticipated. Fervent pleas spilt from him, his body squirming in your grip. 
"Please…! Oh, fuck… No, no, please…! Please touch me again..." His words, infused with desperation, hung in the air, a plea for the return of the exquisite torment you provided.
"You wanna feel more? Do it yourself," you drawled, a burst of mocking laughter accompanying your words.
Suguru's sob, a raw expression of frustration, mirrored the internal turmoil. Tears blurred his vision, but the silhouette of your smug grin etched itself in his mind. A blend of desire and frustration mingled in his plea, "Please-please-please-please... Please touch me..." The imploring gaze sought your hands for solace.
"Please, darling. For me,” you taunted.
Eyes pleaded, and his body trembled once more as he reluctantly began to move, the tight grip of the ropes emphasising the solitary nature of the act. Sweet, pearlescent tears gathered on his lashes, welling up in those gorgeous eyes, and rolled down his flushed cheeks. They shimmered, streaking his face, as baby hairs stuck to his sweaty forehead. Brows knitted together, frustration etched across his features—what a sight he was for you.
Each thrust into the air was met with a loud whine, but despite the physical effort, it could never replicate you. You were incomparable. Another cascade of tears leaked from his eyes, tracing damp trails down his cheeks. A hot ache coursed through him—that familiar aching bliss.
"It doesn't, ah, feel like you... Like you..." The room hung heavy with the echoes of Suguru's whines.
"Oh, my darling. C'mon, keep going. You're so close now, aren't you?"
His eyes opened, a flush of embarrassment painting his face as he met your gaze. Head shaking in protest, he struggled with the solitary act, his voice trembling, and breaths shallow. The effort, while valiant, felt insufficient, a stark reminder of the absence of your touch.
"I'm... I'm fucking trying…!" he whispered. More whimpers escaped him, the absence of your touch haunting the moment of indulgence.
A groan emerged, lips parting in surrender to pleasure. Your encouragement became his guiding force, pushing him closer. Moans echoed, his eyes rolled back, and his back arched in response to the steady grip of the ropes on his shoulders. Pleasure consumed him, his body wracked with its intoxicating embrace, yet the struggle to contain the sounds persisted.
You seized his jaw, holding his mouth open, a witness to his contorted face—shame, pleasure, fear—those uninvited guests. His body writhed, torn between the desire to escape the situation and the undeniable arousal that tethered him to your command. Feeble protests echoed in the room, his resolve crumbling beneath the weight of your influence..
As his hips accelerated in their erratic movement, a violent shudder seized his entire body. Streams of thanks spilt from his bitten lips, a testament to the overwhelming release that surged through him. Suguru's orgasm, a crescendo of heat and pleasure, shook him violently, the length of his cock now coated in warm, sticky evidence of his climax, thrusting into the air with feverish need.
"There you go, my darling. Good boy, you've done so well," you said affectionately, creating a momentary reprieve, a gentle acknowledgement of his surrender.
The room held the lingering echoes of Suguru's release, his body still trembling as he kneeled there, caught in the aftermath of the fireworks that had set every nerve ablaze. A pyre to pleasure, his chest heaving with each laboured breath—a testament to intensity.
Blissful heat. 
As his eyes stayed closed, fingers wrapping around the ropes that bound him, he grappled with the profound impact of the experience. A spectrum of feelings—humiliation, frustration, repulsion—warred within him. Yet, an undeniable satisfaction lingered, a product of the attention you had lavished upon him.
“How many people will do anything for the one they love?”
The weariness clung to Suguru's teary eyes as he fought against the heaviness, attempting to blink away the exhaustion. The world blurred with each slow blink, his eyelids closing reluctantly, weighed down by the fatigue that permeated his entire being. Your hands released the ropes, the final tethers of his consciousness, and he teetered.
"Honestly, Suguru, you’re lucky to have me," you chirped.
The metallic scrape of the knife being lifted off the floor, a sound that would have sparked alertness in any other circumstance, barely registered in his fading awareness.
"If it were anyone else, I wouldn’t have been so lenient."
Eyelashes, once vibrant, seemed burdened by the weight of exhaustion. Each blink, a futile attempt to stave off sleep, betrayed the struggle.
"Then again, you’re my one and only, and I’ll do anything for you, ‘cause I love you. Anything."
Lines deepened on his forehead as the battle against fatigue intensified. Finally, his eyes fluttered open, meeting your smiling face.
"Even when you don't know what's best for yourself. Don't scream, okay?" you murmured gently.
He felt the cold press of the knife.
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a/n: well. there we are, then. lol. this was a really fun thing to write icl... i should do more yandere stuff in the future :3
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this work belongs to STARRIERKNIGHT . please refrain from plagiarising any of my works and do not repost/translate/modify/copy onto any platforms.
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bones4thecats · 2 months
Tfp Ultra Magnus x pregnant Fembot reader, both are conjux, when the chapter arrives where Predaking breaks Magnus's hand, the reader rescues him, but ends up in a fight with Predaking, but he began to see her as his Queen, and wanted to take her away.
TFP! Ultra Magnus' S/O vs Predaking
Character: Ultra Magnus (Transformers Prime) Requester: @zinnia1506 A/N: There is no mention of the Reader being 'pregnant' (carrying), but you can imagine it being true. I just couldn't link it very well ⚠️ Spoilers/Trigger Warnings for: Mentions of war, fighting, complete body harm (hand being crushed-no gore tho), and maybe some underlying yandere behavior from Predaking ⚠️
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╚═════ Ultra Magnus ═══════════════════════════╝
🎖️ Ultra Magnus did not like to show his emotions. They were in a war for crying out loud! But when it came to you, his longtime friend and current sparkmate, he couldn't help but let you see behind his mask
🎖️ It wasn't much of a change, but you got to see how some things got to him, like the loss of your home planet and you went on your own on his ship before settling with Team Prime on Earth
🎖️ As you spent days and then weeks on the muddy planet, you grew close with the humans your Cybertronian allies were close. Though, you were closest with the human named Miko Nakadai, she reminded you of yourself before the war
🎖️ Speaking of the war, it was hard to know that the Decepticons had boosted up their power with a Predacon, how they got a hold of a fragment of their CNA you have no clue
🎖️ Anyways. Because of how low the energon sources were getting for you all, your team had gone out and begun to hoist them back to your base, and while the others went back to the base, you stayed with Wheeljack and Ultra Magnus inside the mine
🎖️ And that was a big mistake
🎖️ You had seen the Predacon launch himself at your friend and sparkmate, and while Magnus grabbed you and helped you get away from where the Cybertronian-beast landed, you readied your weapon, a long spear, and began to fight alongside them
🎖️ The fear you had as the mechs all clashed and knocked one another aside as, like humans say, dolls, was something immense. And it only got worse when the 'Con managed to get the two of them practically wasted by using the surrounding rocks to his advantage
🎖️ As Predaking landed on Magnus' servo, your face went blank with shock. How dare he.
🎖️ While Predaking scoffed at the pain he caused Ultra Magnus by crushing his servo into pieces, he began his small walk towards the Forge of Solus Prime
"And here I was just beginning to tolerate you." You heard Wheeljack say as he laid down in pain.
"It's been an honor serving alongside you, soldier." Ultra Magnus answered.
🎖️ As Predaking lifted the Forge, you began to stand, lodging your spear's blade into the cave's walls before loosening your rarely-used seeker wings before taking a deep breath to calm yourself down
🎖️ The sound of the Forge being torn into two parts making your anger surge more, especially after Predaking threatened your sparkmate
"Prepare to perish." Lifting his clawed servo, Predaking was launched aside as you threw your spear, a large rock being attached to it.
"Magnus, Wheeljack! Stand and get out of here! I'll hold this guy off." You said, transforming into your alt-mode, a McDonnell Douglas F-15E Strike Eagle, and began to fire your AIM-9M Sidewinders at the larger Cybertronian.
"Y/N. We're not leaving you alone with him!" Wheeljack yelled as he tried to stand.
"Oh for spark's sake! Go!" You growled, flying at the Predacon and de-transforming to kick him in the face, knocking him into more rubble deeper in the cave system.
🎖️ Hearing Optimus' voice ring through the cavern made you relax slightly before turning back to your opponent as he stood from the rocks and looked at you with wide optics and a small smile growing on his face
"What are you smiling about, 'Con?" You asked, an expression of determination and annoyance on your own face.
"You're strong... stronger than the others... you must be... you must be mine." Predaking said, standing up proudly as he said this.
🎖️ Your optics widened as you began to tremble, remembering hearing those words once from a certain Warlord before the war even began, leaving your home as a floating ball of scrap metal
"Y/N, hurry!" Optimus yelled, snapping you out of your trance.
🎖️ Transforming again, you flew after your leader, who was carrying both Ultra Magnus and Wheeljack on his shoulders. And as you exited the cave, you blasted the rocks above the entrance, hopefully slowing the Predacon down more
🎖️ Sitting in front of Optimus while Ultra Magnus' servo was being operated on by Ratchet, you shivered, which made your leader look at you with a saddened expression
"I know..." He started. "You remembered that day with Megatron, Y/N."
"I just- I can't hear those words the same. Him saying it was enough for my spark to bear! But now, now I have that beast's words being mixed with his..." You said, holding your helm in your servos as you cried.
"Y/N, look at me."
🎖️ Looking up from your servos, you felt Optimus wipe your lubricant that fell from your optics with his own servo. He then looked at you and smiled gently, opening his arms in a gesture for a hug
🎖️ You hugged him as he hushed you and allowed you to weep as much as you wished, emotions were normal, so it was only normal for you to express them so openly
"Don't worry, Ultra Magnus will make a fine recovery. I'm sure of it." The Prime said.
"Thank you," you sniffed, "Optimus. Thank you."
"It is no problem. Now, I recommend you take some time to recharge. After all, fighting such an opponent must take some energy out of you. I shall awake you when Ultra Magnus also awakens, alright?"
🎖️ Optimus smiled as you walked off to recharge, most likely in your alt-mode in a nearby bunker. You really were scared though, weren't you? He was going to need to tell the others of the issue sometime. But for you, you needed to let this information finally calm down in your processor
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localsharkcryptid · 4 months
Many foolhardy and self righteous men died to the claws and fangs of dragons in the desperate attempt to claim one - Dream prayed to whatever deities above that he wouldn't end up amongst them today as he clawed his way down into the bowels of the earth, into the depths of a dragon's den.
A decent amount of sun still filtered into the cavern thankfully so the young prince could actually see where he was going, and frankly he was grateful for that visibility. The stone walls of the cave cloaked the depth of the place in shadow, yet still the form of a great beast could be seen if one squinted. The form of the very beast which Dream came here for - a dragon. A wild, unclaimed dragon. The ticket to his freedom.
Though the moment of sheer euphoria he was briefly experiencing at his own plan nearing completion was cut short as a rattle echoed out in the cave. The man glancing down with wide eyes as he noted the bone which he had kicked without noticing - his gaze then slowly trailing up as the dragon before him started to move.
With a low rumbling hiss the dragon slowly moved, lifting it's head slowly and arcing its long serpentine neck - the frills that ran along the length of it flexing while it moved from it's sleeping position. It's eyes slowly opened, scanning it's lair while it took in a deep breath and it's lips curled back slightly to reveal glittering black teeth as it noted the foreign scent in it's domain. The dragon's head then turned after a moment, vibrant blue eyes narrowed as it stared down at the little thing that had disturbed it's sleep.
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Dream felt himself freeze, his body locking up against his will as the wyrm stared him down. This sense of terror was something new and he could say with certainly that he hated it - after all he was in danger and a lot of it for that matter. This wasn't any dragon who dwelled in the roost like that of his brother's or Sapnap's, it wasn't even like that of Punz's dragon who lived away from the likes of dragon keepers to keep it in check but still tolerated the presence of man. This was the Wraith. A wild and vicious thing according to the locals who scorned the land without sense of mercy - he always thought that last part was a bit harsh, but now he could see where they were coming from at the least as the thing stared him down.
Dragon rider au crumbs anyone?? This is all very experimental but hey I'm proud of the silly doodle :)
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9haharharley1 · 4 months
I've been wanting to write big spooky spider-Vlad for @fangdum for ages, but it's not turning out how I want it to so far, so have a tease!
Danny could feel the same choking, nauseating fear he felt then, breathless as the wind was knocked out of him when he hit the ground, fingers digging into the dirt and clawing desperately at the ground as he was dragged back. Sam and Tucker ran to him, barely managing to grab an arm each, pulling with all their might to drag him back, Danny kicking helplessly at the thing with his free leg.
But the creature, the monster, the demon, was stronger than three puny humans, and Danny felt their grip slipping as sweat beaded their skin until he slipped completely from their hands. Terror, all-encompassing, white hot, bone chilling terror consumed him as his vision went black on his friends' pale, horrified faces, and he was consumed by the flames.
"Get away from me!" he shouted at the shadow, pulling at his binds with all his might. The substance trapping him only seemed to cling to his skin even more, Danny accomplishing nothing more than working up a sweat. He couldn't look at the shadow, couldn't watch as it climbed further up the wall, merging with the shadows on the high ceiling, only to drop back into view near his feet. He had the brief, horrifying notion that it was going to eat him feet first, watch the terror and light fade from his eyes as he was slowly devoured whole for the monster's enjoyment. He tried to kick at it, but his jeans and shoes remained firmly trapped in soft steel, limiting his movement severely. "Back off!" he tried again, even as spasms of fear racked his body. "I'm warning you!"
The clicking tapered off, a low rumble starting in its place. The sound had Danny shaking, the monster looming ever nearer, until he could make out what sounded... like laughing?
His brow furrowed, his arms still trying to pull free to no avail, but he squinted his eyes, trying to see past the dim light to the silhouette in front of him.
"How cute," a low, rumbling voice, like gravel and smoke, dark and silky, spoke from the shadow. Danny ceased his struggles, unable to do more than gulp in fear. "You are warning me? My dear boy, I feel that I must remind you that it is you who are caught in my web."
The shadow moved closer, and Danny's breathing failed him as his heart threatened to beat out of his chest.
A face, monstrous and human all at once, was revealed to him in the fractures of pink light glinting off the walls. Danny stared with wide, terrified eyes, as a the creature stared down at him, it's head easily as big as his torso, mouth wide and smirking with a row of sharp teeth glinting in the light, two prominent incisors digging into its lower lip. It's ears were long and pointed, hair falling like a blackened waterfall behind him, loose strands falling over strong human shoulders and a muscular chest. From under it's jaw were two large, long fangs, tapping away at the air as though just waiting to sink their points into soft human flesh. It's eyes were bright and pupil-less, glowing red in the dim dark with three smaller eyes on each side under the two larger human-shaped ones. All eight of them watched Danny with a kind of hunger that made his struggles renew with a vengeance.
The creature moved closer, Danny barely able to make out a skittering in the dark when it moved, until it's monstrously large head hovered over him, smirking. "Poor little fly," it murmured around gravel and smoke. Danny swallowed thickly, unable to look away from its terrifying visage. "Caught in my lovely web and unable to get away. What do you think of my parlour, little fly?"
A big hand swept over the dark space, tipped with deadly black claws. Danny's eyes followed it. Now that his head was clear of the haze, he could make out just enough of his surroundings to see that he was in a cavern of some kind. It was damp with moss and water, shimmering strings of white silk much like what he was wrapped in draped about the walls. There wasn't much to look at in the dark, save for the creature towering over him, and his gaze soon found eight gleaming red eyes.
"C... Could use s-some curtains," Danny muttered weakly.
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shadeysprings · 2 years
Home Sweet Home
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—Joel Miller x F!Reader
Summary: Ellie finds out about your relationship with Joel in the worst way possible.
Warnings: noncon/dubcon, breeding kink, kidnapping undertones, unprotected sex, morning sex & creampie galore. There may be more but thread with caution for this is dark and nasty.
A/N: This is for all my Joel hoes! Seriously cannot get enough of this man. This fic is tied to the On the Lookout Universe.
Your feedback and reblogs are highly appreciated. Support content creators, folks! And as always, I hope y'all enjoy! ❤️
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Digging your nails against the muscle of his shoulders, you gasp when Joel impales you down his cock, tears spilling from your eyes and your back going rigid as your cunt throbs, the soreness from the night before still stinging between your thighs. 
It wasn’t even long when you woke up and he roused when you made to leave his bed. His arm immediately circled around your waist to pull you close, his sleepy voice echoing softly against your ear and his length, feeling it already hard and heavy when he ground his hips against your backside. 
For a man his age, he has an insatiable appetite.
Pressing your hands against his chest, you urge to pull yourself away from him. But he doesn’t give in to your pleas, growling low at your resistance and slapping his hand against your ass, making you recoil and stop all attempts of escaping. 
“You goin’ to be good?” He asks, but it comes out more of a command than a question. 
You acquiesce with a nod, lips trembling in fear.
His hazel eyes grow dark and blow wide with lust, hands framing your hips as he guides you up and feeling the length of his cock slip from your cunt, leaving only the tip. The breath in your lungs is knocked out when he slams you back down and you cry as pain rings through your pelvis, his fingers digging into your skin as he makes you ride him fast, thrusting his hips upward to have himself slide deep within your core. 
You angle your knees against the bed to try pacing yourself, to at least relieve some of the tension curdling around your hips and spine. But Joel is too strong and much persistent with his intent, leaning himself back against the headboard of the bed and bending his knees, pulling you down to keep you still and moaning uncontrollably when he slams his cock against your cunt relentlessly. 
His groans of pleasure fill your ears and you stop the bile from rising in your throat when your body sings the same tune. The fire in your core flickering to life, making your pussy walls flutter around his hard cock that you drop your head against his shoulder and breath heavily, fingers scratching his back as the coil within you tightens further and further, Joel coaxing you higher into your peak. 
He mumbles your name and turns his head to meet your eyes, his lips capturing yours to pull you into a sloppy kiss in which you let him, his mouth devouring your own and his tongue swirling possessively in your warm cavern. But you pull away when a gasp of shock is retched from your throat and an indescribable mix of pleasure and pain washes over you when his hand slides down from your hips, his fingers massaging the tight ring of muscle of your ass before slowly slipping in an inch, the sensation making you throw your head back and squeeze his digit at the sudden intrusion. 
“Relax, baby.” He pants and you try your best to do so, to comply with his wishes. “That’s it,” He coos and you drop your head back down on his shoulder as his finger and his cock fucks you in tandem. 
You hear a ruckus coming from downstairs and you try to tell Joel, but the words never leave your lips when he pushes both his finger and cock deep inside your holes, your body going tense with how full you feel. He groans low and you moan all the same, your mouth hanging open as you try to breathe. 
His pace quickens, turning almost brutal, and you gasp when he pulls his finger out of your ass, his hands back on your waist as he turns the both of you on the bed, your back hitting the mattress with a string of mewls when he pushes your knees to your chest and ruts against your swollen cunt. 
You grab onto his arms and pant heavily as he fucks you relentlessly, your ass lifting into the air and your head burying against the pillow as he lifts himself to his knees, pushing you further into the bed while he pounds into you deep and hard, whining at the way your body is curled and the intense pull you feel at the pit of your stomach. 
The door then flies open, “Joel! You up alread—“ and Ellie’s voice fills the expanse of the room and you move your arm to hide your face as you’re filled with embarrassment for being caught with her surrogate father.
“Get the fuck out, Ellie!” Joel shouts and you think he would stop to face her but he doesn’t, doesn’t even falter or slow down, only keeping up with his rhythm even as the door slams close.
“Gonna put my baby in ya,” Joel growls and you bite your hand to stifle your moan, your back curving against the bed as you feel yourself reaching your limit. “Gonna make you completely mine.” He pulls your hand away from your mouth and plunges himself deep, the coil within your core finally snapping and you gurgle incoherently when you hit your peak and come hard around him.
It doesn’t take long for him to follow, your name leaving his lips and mixing with his groans as he pumps his seed deep. He then goes still and you grunt when he drops his weight on you, his chest heaving as he tries to regain his breath while you lay limp underneath him, eyes closed and feeling both your essence mixing within.
“I’ll be damned if that doesn’t stick.” He says with a labored chuckle, sighing when he pushes your legs from your chest and wraps them around his waist, his lips trailing kisses down your jaw and to your chin before stopping at your lips to give you a slow and languid kiss. 
You turn your head away when he pulls away, closing your eyes as you're drenched with humiliation for feeling good about what you both did, of what he’s done to you. He keeps his cock nestled in your cunt, your walls clenching around him, milking him further despite your protests. 
Joel grins and presses a final kiss on your forehead before wiggling his hips and groaning as he slowly pulls his cock out of you. You curl yourself small and turn to your side, pulling the blanket to cover your shame and cry, feeling angry with yourself for allowing him to use you as he pleases.
“Well, I might as well tell Ellie ‘bout us,” Joel says and you cover your face deep into the sheet when you feel him looming over you, his hand caressing the side of your head before planting a kiss on your temple. “Maybe even tell her that she might soon be a big sister.”
You hear him dress and you sigh in relief when you hear the bedroom door open and close, leaving you alone to wallow in your misery as your tears continue falling down your face. You can’t believe how everything happened so fast, that after the day at the tower, Joel had been constant with his visits at the home you once shared with your father. 
First it was every night, then it became routine for him to drop by every morning, taking you against your will before forcing you to tag along at the mess hall before you start your patrol. You thought working would help keep him at bay, focusing on eliminating the surrounding infected at the checkpoints you were assigned. 
But nothing truly stops Joel from his depravity, ignoring your reasons and the danger surrounding the both of you if only to have his way.
Eventually, the visits weren’t enough to satiate him, and after a week, he forced you to pack up your things and leave the home you once knew to join him in his and further trap you to the hell he’s condemned you into. 
Muffled voices resound throughout from the floor below, one of disbelief and the other calm. You’re unsure of how Ellie would take the news, scared that she would see you differently, and think that all the times you hung out with her and Joel was of you wanting to get closer to the man. When in truth, all you ever wanted was to feel like you belong, a family when your father passed, and you found it in their companionship before Joel twisted it into something vile.
“So, you and Joel?” Ellie says when she meets you by the stable, a look of uncertainty painted on her face. 
“Uhh—yeah,” You nod and look away, your hand gripping tightly on the rifle strapped to your shoulder. “It just sorta happened.” You add. 
She doesn’t say anything and you’re thankful for the lack, not knowing what to tell her if she pries for details. You know she won’t believe you if you told her the truth, if you expose the monster Joel truly is, and that Jackson is no longer the sanctuary you saw it to be, but a prison. 
“Guess it means he won’t be partnered up with anyone but you.” She says out of the blue.
You shrug in response. “Guess so,”
“Well, I’m happy for you.” You blink and look up at Ellie, a small yet serious smile playing on her lips. “Joel, he’s been through a lot and I know you have, too. So, this could be the fresh start you both deserve.”
You only wish you could say the same. 
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I no longer keep a tag list but if you want to be kept updated on my fics, follow my side blog @springlibrary and turn on notifications.
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ayanominitrash · 9 months
ease (Gojo x reader)
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Navigating the in-betweens of you and Satoru - not quite lovers, not quite friends
Satoru tries to ignore the ache in his heart at the way your hands clutches at the front of his uniform. 
He tries to focus, instead, on the way the back of his legs burn as he peddaled his way down the bustling streets with you seated behind him. The sun was dying down low on the horizon ahead, bathing the small town into hues of pinks, purples and oranges.
This was the first time after a long time he’s been this close to you. 
After two weeks, to be exact. 
He's seen you uncomfortable around him for two weeks. No bike rides with him home for two weeks. All of your friends and his spare him worried glances and for two weeks.
Satoru thinks they probably pity him.
They probably pity him with how he’s trying but failing to mend his friendship with you, after he’s told you he liked you - loved you. More than in the way you thought he did. He laid his heart out to you, only for you to hurriedly excuse yourself that night, two weeks ago.
But he doesn’t care if people pity him.
He’d do anything to make you feel at ease around him again.
Even if it meant the two of you staying as friends. Even if the very thoughtof it brings a burning lump stuck in his throught, a prickling sensation at the back of his eyes. He’d go through it all if it meant you two can be friends again.
Tonight, he wants to tell you just that.
Satoru, although it surprised him, didn’t want to ruin the chance to give you a ride home by asking you why. Questions like - what made you finally approach him after just giving him nothing but radio silence?
He finally stops on your street, planting his feet on the ground and rising from his seat, waiting for you to get down. 
You don’t.
Instead, you wrap your arms around him tightly, burying your face into the arc of his shoulder blade. He freezes. 
“I’m sorry.”
Satoru smiles, and starts to relax in your hold.
“No, I’m sorry.” He starts. “It was selfish of me to. . . ruin our friendship like that.”
He feels you lift your head up from his back.
“. . . I just, didn’t know what to tell you. . .I didn’t even know. . . you. . .”
“It’s okay,” As you continue to lean against him, Satoru places a hand on yours. “I get it. I just want everything to be okay again. So please, you can forget about what I said. Please? I just want us to be friends. I promise I’ll be okay.”
You hold him tighter, “But that’s. . .not what I want.”
He feels his heart drop at your words. Satoru thought his heart had already shattered and break these past few weeks from the stinging pain of your rejection, but now, after hearing he’d done too much damage for you to refuse being his friend again, it has his heart painfully writhe in the hollow caverns of his chest. 
"Is this something we can't talk through?" Satoru asks, pulling his hand back from you. “Is it really so horrible that I like you?"
You paused. Then, “No, Satoru, that’s not what I’m saying. . .”
He scrunches his brows together in confusion as he looks over his shoulder to take a peak at you.
He almost topples over his bike with what he saw, if you weren’t still hugging him.
You were looking up at him with wide-glassy eyes, a blush across your cheeks, and your mouth tightly pressed in a line.
He had to look away, or else his new found heart beat might jump out of his chest.
“W-what’s - what’s with that look for? What are you saying? Hah. You’re making me nervous.”
You bury you face back on his back again. He can feel the warmth emanating from your cheeks.
“I’m sorry, Satoru! I didn’t mean to - b-but the next thing I knew, it was two weeks and I-I still couldn’t bring myself to - t-to, to talk to y-you!”
Satoru chuckles. “Easy, anymore tighter and you’ll suffocate me.” 
He keeps your hands in place, indicating that he doesn't want you to release your grip even after you’ve  loosen your embrace around him.
The two of you stay like that for a bit.
He sees how some of the people passing by are giving the two of you odd looks, but he doesn’t care. 
Satoru would stay like this, if it meant that it’ll help you feel at ease. At ease with him. 
“I’m sorry.” You say again, after a few beats of silence.
“It’s okay.”
“. . .I love you.”
He tightens his hands around you. “Do you mean it? You’re not just trying to say that. . .for the sake of things? Right?”
For the first time in two weeks, he hears you chuckle.
“Who do you think I am?” You smile against his shoulder.
Then a kiss on his cheek. 
A gasp slips past Satoru’s lips and he swears the side of his face is on fire, the same way his resurrected heart is burning right now. 
He leans his head back, resting it on top of yours.
“I love you too.” 
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(❀❛ ֊ ❛„)♡ reblogs and comments are appreciated//do not repost my work anywhere
i wrote this instead of studying and doing schoolwork; help, i was trying to write a longer version of this but stopped in the middle [idk why it was so hard to write!] but let me know if anyone wants to see that and if it has enough of response, 'll try my best to complete it - or like, lol just let it die in my drafts like my others fics brrrt//kms // no what im not thirsty for some author and reader interaction here what - did u see that sukuna cover, how we were robbed of yorozu? (he slayed tho i <3 him)
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fhrlclln · 2 years
k’uk’ulkan/namor x fem! reader
just thinking about namor & his hugeee cock— 😘👉👈 i imagine him watching you ride him while your legs shake, feeling so smug how your struggling to get off without his help or anything. he’s also encouraging you to fuck yourself on his cock. <3
also, this is not the fic i posted the preview about, y’all will get that soon. *wink wink*
nsfw/smut under the cut
namor is above all else a fucking tease.
you learned that the moment he started to get comfy with you in the relationship and leading to the amazing sex. you learned that he’s quite a passionate lover, always giving you what you need, making you feel so good with that package he’s hiding underneath those damn green shorts. you always tried to hold yourself back from sucking him off in public when his literal bulge is right before your eyes. how could you not hold back at that?
but as always, as passionate and intimate as a lover, he always loved to tease you when he gets in the mood. and you don’t know if you either hate or love it. he can be a absolute menace on it when you’re extra needy for his dick. but his praises makes up for it. or you thought so.
“ma'alob.” good. he breathes out, sitting on his bed in the sanctuary of the underwater cave as he watches you bounce vigorously on his cock, whining out his name.
“ka beetik jach ma'alob, in yaakunaj.” you’re doing so good, my love. he smirks when you mewl again, gripping his broad tan arms, trying your best to make yourself cum. the lewd slaps of your wet pussy on his dick emitting the quiet cavern. sweat dripping down the expanse of your breast as he greedily wraps his lips around your nipple, other hand kneading your ass, teasing your further in his touch.
“do s-something!” you pleaded, wanting him to fuck you up. but namor only grins, kissing your breasts as he stares into your eyes making you pout how fucking smug he is. you could almost smack him now but your mind was too cock drunk to even consider it. you needed his pounding, you want him so bad to fuck you it was making you tear up in frustration.
“aww.” he cooed, mockingly. “fuck yourself on my cock, in puksi'ik.” my heart. “and i’ll consider.” he winks at you as he leans back, hands only on your hips as you stared at him in disbelief.
“you are a cruel man.” you grumbled which makes him laugh loudly, planting your hands on his massive chest, positioning yourself again as you started another tiring pace of his cock rubbing inside your wet cavern. the width and length deliciously filling you up, hitting deep inside you. stretching you wide, you love it but it wasn’t enough.
you needed him and his godly stamina.
namor watches, focused on the area where your sexes meet, completely in dazed and hungry seeing you work for it. he fucking loves it, loves the way you’re always so needy for his huge prick. always welcoming him with that wet cunt, he considers himself lucky being with you. not in a hundred years he thought of having a lover, but here you are, playing with his games, tolerating him, loving him.
how did you love a man who was once told he had no love?
the overwhelming feeling bloomed in his chest, his heart thumps for you as he grips your hips suddenly, sitting up as he pounds up to your needy pussy. you gasped, squirming as he started brutally fucking you. you wrap your arms around his neck, forehead pressing against each other as you stared into his doe eyes. those dark brown irises that holds a affection and ounce of all love for you. you dove in and kiss him hungrily as he groans against your soft lips.
“k’uk’ulkan—“ you moan out, grinding yourself on him as he lets out a low growl. “in yaakunech.”
he lets out a shuddery breath, feeling your walls clamp tight his balls tightened. he smiles, kissing you again. all other thoughts gone but just you, in his arms and in his home. both of you shuddering as your releases peak. his warm cum shooting inside you as you whimpered at it. his huge cock grinding deep inside you. you two stare at each other before he breathlessly returned the words of love.
“in yaakunech.” i love you.
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tongue-twists · 6 days
龙兔 - Lóng Tù the spirit of sleep and dreams
He's as long as the stretchiest cloud in the sky on an almost clear day - his belly is covered in scales the color of the weather that shimmer in the light and glisten in the rain - his fur is white and thick as cream, softer than any silk - his long rabbit ears hang low below his head and they're big enough for anyone to wrap themselves in - his maw opens wide, wide, then wider still, revealing too much of his pink mouth and tongue - his teeth are that of a dog or a wolf, made to eat bad dreams - his river dug into the earth until his lair was an echoing cavern, where his hoard of pillows and comforters lay waiting for you to find the perfect spot for a nap - his grey eyes seem to get bigger the longer you gaze into them and after a while they make you hear the sound of rain tapping on a tin rooftop - he can wrap his long body around you and squeeze softly to help you fall asleep - he loves you, he loves you, he loves you.
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sirensea14 · 7 months
Do you have any headcanons of Kickinchicken?
i only have a few hc of him lolololololllll
Bigger bodies:
Kickin' breathes Ylang ylang gas like how Catnap does to the Red Smoke
Ylang ylang gas is colored creamy yellow. It can also make anyone within the vicinity to fall asleep. And like Catnap, he can control the dream you are having
His gas can boost confidence (bigger bodies) and his plush is ideal for timid children (toy)
Despite the cramped up spaces,Kickin's bigger bodies can fly, although low range like a real life chicken/rooster
When he roars, he can emit the caw sounds of an aggressive rooster, mixed with deep growling
Like Catnap and Dogday, he can speak. I imagine his voice to be the raspy and a little static version of a young man's voice. His voice is a little high pitched compared to Catnap's and Dogday's voices. Also, before the hour of joy, his voice box was in perfect condition (unlike CatNap's whose voice box is broken before and after the massacre) And now his voice, although has a little static, is still functional and can speak steadily. (If only he was alive in the game😞)
He lurks around the caverns area
His jumpscare would be jumping on you with his talons pointed at you, his wings wide and his caw deafening your ears. Kind of like how birds of prey hunt and pin down their food
He is the only smiling critter who can walk on two. I know Catnap can stand on two legs but he's mostly on four. So KC is the only one who walks and run on two. Tho he can also walk on 4 if he's crawling or crouching
He LOVES to comb his feather crown and owns various shades
Kickin chicken may be shown in the cartoons to eat bugs occasionally, which the others will be weirded out. Pickypiggy smiles and gives him a thumbs up, attempting to support him whilst smiling awkwardly and sweating bullets. Kickin offered her to eat but she immediately shook her head 😆 he eats with pride✨
Other than that, he likes any pastry food and leafy greens, ice cream and wafers
He can sing and play the guitar. He likes to listen to pop music
After doing activities cool kids do, he likes to rest on hammocks, specifically the ones made in rattan and net
He cried watching the Titanic movie or any tragic romance in general
He's a gentleman who can cry because of movies💅
He often takes random selfies and pictures with the smiling critters. He posts it on Playin'stagram (instagram)
He likes to be a model for Craftycorn whenever she's drawing, and for bobby bearhug whenever she needs a fashion assistant
He joins in to the girls' make up sessions, sometimes dragging catnap, bubba and dogday in whenever the girls hunt for make-up models
He's optimistic and refuses to let the negative things keep him down, he can also be stubborn at times and doesnt think about the consequences (which causes him trouble)
He's the loud, supportive type of friend, shouting shit like "You can do it!!" Watch out for aggressive positivity XD (the difference between him and dogday's attitude is that dogday is a more gentler version of his positivity, but can also as get loud and supportive as kickin is) He's also the type to not read the room and sometimes shout supportive words in the wrong time (for comedic purpose lol)
He likes comics, manga, anime and animated shows
Welp, i think thats all i could say lmao
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