fawn-wickenshire Β· 9 months
Hi, I'm still new to your farmers, so I hope I got them right!! ^^'
For Mel!:
(😐) anyone they tend to avoid, but are generally still nice to? (πŸ’) if they get married, who do they marry? why? (🫣) is there a person they’re too shy to talk to, but really want to? (🌢️) how do they feel about becoming a farmer?
For Syndey!:
(🌈) how do they react when they find their first prismatic shard? what do they do with it? (🦜) does your farmer befriend Leo? what do they think of him? (🍻) does your farmer hangout at the saloon? who do they usually go with? (🌟) what is their reaction when they get their first stardrop?
For Adeline!:
(🌎) how does your farmer's first year in the valley go? (πŸ™) what is their favorite food? (🀒) how do they react when they're given one of their hated gifts? what do they do with it? (πŸŽ‰) what is your farmer's favorite festival?
For Fawn!:
(🌢️) how do they feel about becoming a farmer? (β˜€οΈ) do they adjust to living in the valley easily? (πŸ—‘οΈ) does your farmer like adventuring in the mines? (πŸ’™) do they have any blue chickens?
I hope I got everyone's names right! πŸ’– Sorry if it's a lot! I find these questions addicting to ask, hahaha πŸ˜…πŸ™πŸ» Anyways, do take your time!! πŸ’œ
Hi! Yes, you got them right! I really like these asks for them! Thank you!!!
(😐) anyone they tend to avoid, but are generally still nice to?
I was going to say Shane at first, but then I realised she's not exactly "nice" to him back. They sort of just...Glare at each other. So, I'll say Sebastian. She doesn't hate him or anything, but he was a bit rude to her when they met, and she doesn't want Sydney picking up any of his...Habits (*cough* "vase" *cough*).
(πŸ’) if they get married, who do they marry? why?
I can't decide if I want Mel to marry anyone yet. She is a BBB (Buff Bisexual Babe), but I don't know who she would date/marry. Not Shane; they're just friends for sure. Maybe Elliott or Maru? I'm not sure. Maybe she doesn't even want to date anyone yet--probably.
(🫣) is there a person they’re too shy to talk to, but really want to?
Mel's not really shy, per se; just introverted and reserved. But if I had to pick, I'd pick Elliott. At first she doesn't really know how to deal with his extravagant and flowery poetic language and mannerisms, so she sort of just avoids him. It's Adeline who is talking to him who mentions that Mel also used to be a big fan of poetry, and Elliott approaches her after that. It's a little awkward, but they soon become friends.
(🌢️) how do they feel about becoming a farmer?
Mel wasn't really looking forward to it. She only did it out of necessity. She's buff, sure, but she also enjoys fine clothes and a bit of wine every now and then, so having to get into some overalls wasn't something she was looking forward to. She's also got a bit of a bad back from her posture sitting at a desk all day during work, so that kind of sucks too with all the heavy lifting.
Still, she gets used to it. She likes the fact that she finally gets to own her own home, let alone a property. Doesn't it just feel great to finally be able to nail things into the walls? And she likes the fresh air every morning and lack of a schedule she hates. She still likes schedules, but this time she gets to pick her own!
(🌈) how do they react when they find their first prismatic shard? what do they do with it?
Sydney goes even more wild than Fawn. She probably does get injured because she was too focused on the gem. Once she gets to Harvey's for a check-up she shows it off to him. He's proud of her, but also gives her a stern talking to about paying more attention to her surroundings.
She asks him for advice on what to do with it, and he suggests not selling it until she gets another one. Still, she doesn't know what to do with it so she gives it to Gunther and has him add a note that says "found by Syd" on the description.
(🦜) does your farmer befriend Leo? what do they think of him?
Sydney's approach to befriending kids is to be "hip" and "cool" as much as she can. She does get a bit of cringing from the tweens and teens--after all, she can't keep up with every new trend like she used to, but she does well. She gets along with Leo pretty well, talking to him and taking a genuine interest in him and his life. They play around on the island sometimes and have a good time, whether it be collecting golden walnuts or just making pictures in the sand with sticks.
(🍻) does your farmer hangout at the saloon? who do they usually go with?
Sydney isn't "allowed" to drink (i.e., Mel doesn't want her getting wasted), but she does still go to the saloon on Friday nights and rainy nights. Those are the days she gets to see her friends, after all! Expect Syd to come in during a heavily rainy day completely soaked but still grinning like an idiot. She probably ran there from the mines so she could show off her latest achievement. I half imagine her shaking the water off like a dog LMAO.
She usually hangs out with Sam, Abigail, Sebastian, and Harvey, though she'll probably talk to anyone. If her sisters are there she'll talk to them too.
(🌟) what is their reaction when they get their first stardrop?
The first Stardrop the group gets is a group effort; it's at the Stardew Valley Fair. Mel buys the Stardrop using their combined points, but they split it evenly between them (or, as evenly as they can for a five-pointed fruit among three people; in the end Sydney and Mel get more than Adeline).
As for Syd's reaction, she--like most people--can't describe it. She's never been good with words, but it's literally indescribable for her. It tastes like a vibe, if that makes sense. And the vibe is excitement. Like the thrill of the adventure, or going on a roller coaster! Just something super fun that gets the adrenaline going!
(🌎) how does your farmer's first year in the valley go?
I have a rough plan for up until the Dance of the Moonlight Jellies, but so far it starts in 1996. The first person Adeline "befriends" is Haley, who actually gives a decent compliment on her looks. Then she befriends Evelyn, and Alex through her. She befriends Emily during the Egg Festival followed by introducing Elliott to Mel and helping with Elliott's spider problem.
While visiting Joja for sunflower seeds, she's encouraged to get a Joja membership by Morris. There's a Junimo sighting and then that's all I've got, haha. There's some more here and there but I don't want to spoil in case I ever show off my writing publicly!
(πŸ™) what is their favorite food?
She's a big fan of Idli. She likes savory foods and also enjoys mixing them with other dishes and spices for extra flavour! It's also a great tie to her heritage; something she doesn't know much about. She was passed around from foster parent to foster parent since she was a baby until she was adopted by the Matthews. So, she likes knowing the food she eats is a tie to where she's from.
(🀒) how do they react when they're given one of their hated gifts? what do they do with it?
She may be young, but she's already perfected her customer service smile. Her first reaction might show a bit of hesitance and displeasure, but she quickly covers it up and takes the gift. That is, if it's an actual gift, of course. If someone were to just give her broken glasses from the river she would not be happy about it. She's visibly be annoyed and will ask why you gave her this. You could cover it up by saying it's for the recycling machine, to which she'd lighten up a little, but still be awkward.
(πŸŽ‰) what is your farmer's favorite festival?
Her favourite festival is the Flower Dance. Adeline loves pretty, preppy, modern dresses, and that festival is just the perfect excuse to go all out! Usually, she'd settle for pink, but white is often something she'll combine with that when she's not doing farm work. Her and Haley or Alex dance and have a merry time.
(🌢️) how do they feel about becoming a farmer?
Fawn was so tried of her old life, so she was excited to start a new one! However, she sorely underestimated how much work it would take. She's pretty weak for a farmer, so once she can pay people back she enlists the help of Alex and Elliott to help with the heavy lifting and help her train. She likes watching her work flourish though; it's very rewarding!
(β˜€οΈ) do they adjust to living in the valley easily?
I'd say she does, yeah. It's not perfect by any means, but they are able to easily manage the move and whatnot. The farm work is the hardest, but once they start making friends it all becomes easier. And the money helps, too.
(πŸ—‘οΈ) does your farmer like adventuring in the mines?
She prefers the mining over the combat. Once she reached level ten she found it to be really pretty with all it's leaves and whatnot, but soon was screaming once the bugs started flying. She definitely needed to get patched up after that one. Marlon probably heard her from up the top from how loud she was LOL.
(πŸ’™) do they have any blue chickens?
Yes! They have a blue chicken called Berry! She was hatched blue from a not blue, very aggressive hen called Nenny. Berry is blue because once when Shane was helping out on the farm he fed Nenny some Joja Cola. I mean, he did it with his own chickens and they were fine, so he assumed it couldn't hurt. Imagine his surprise when Fawn announced the news! He felt bad, but Fawn checked the chick with Marnie and found no health problems, so they forgave him.
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fawn-wickenshire Β· 9 months
What would your farmer's animal guardian be?
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fawn-wickenshire Β· 9 months
Does your OC pick the community centre route or the Joja route?
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fawn-wickenshire Β· 9 months
πŸ“πŸ“†πŸ°πŸ™πŸŒˆ FOR FAWN <333
(πŸ“) do they have a favorite farm animal?
Fawn says she doesn't choose favourites with her farm animals (this excludes her cats, of course, who are definitely her favourites), but that's not entirely true. If we count her horse, it would be Russell. But if we're talking just barn/coop animals, then it's between Lucky (her golden hen) and Sneed (her dinosaur). She still loves every animal, though.
(πŸ“†) how long does it take them to finish the cc/joja developments?
Let me just say, Fawn is not a speedrunner. It takes her many years to complete it. But until I get her story completely mapped out, I'd say is approximately five years for her to get it done. I mean the community centre, of course. She's not a Joja person.
(🍰) do they go to every festival every year?
She definitely tries to! She's the town's favourite (and only) farmer, so she does her best to see her friends when she can! Of course, if she was sick she wouldn't go, but almost every other time she's there.
(πŸ™) what fish do they struggle to catch?
The rarer fish, definitely, like the legendary fish. Fawn is semi-based on my playthroughs, and I've always gotten the fishing skill up as soon as I can, so I like to say that she's good at fishing. She's nowhere near perfect, but she's good.
(🌈) how do they react when they find their first prismatic shard? what do they do with it?
Fawn loses it (in a good way). She's so excited to finally have one. So excited, in fact, she almost gets maimed in the mines from distraction. She decides to keep the gem instead of selling it or giving it to Gunther; it serves as a medal and object of motivation.
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fawn-wickenshire Β· 10 months
I'm imagining Fawn somehow locking herself out of the coop and having to squeeze through the tiny animal door to get inside.
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fawn-wickenshire Β· 9 months
Party cup, mushroom and tomato for FawnπŸ‘€
Hi! Thank you for the ask. :] Link here.
πŸ₯€ [PARTY CUP] How does your OC feel about drama? Do they start any themselves?
Fawn's not a fan of drama at all. She's one of the biggest pacifists in the valley and hates things that can cause conflict. She's a people-pleaser, and does her best to avoid getting roped into things that could force her to pick a side. Whenever someone starts gossiping in front of them, she quickly changes the subject.
That said, it's not impossible for them to accidentally start drama. They're a bit of a worry-wart, and will try to ask people how they are. She might let slip some information she knows about someone from someone else who wasn't supposed to tell, and that can cause a fight.
πŸ„ [MUSHROOM] How likely is your OC to eat random berries/mushrooms they find?
Not as much as my OC Sydney, who will eat anything she knows isn't poisonous, but Fawn's the second most likely. They do more research than Sydney does (i.e., she doesn't just ask a random person "is this poisonous?"), but if she knows its a safe species she'll eat it. Fawn follows the five second rule, so as long as she can wipe the mud off, it's good to go.
πŸ… [TOMATO] How misunderstood is your OC? In-universe or IRL.
I am yet to see anyone misunderstand them IRL thankfully. However, in-universe, she kind of just...Didn't tell anyone she's aro-ace? Which, like, she's not required to, but people did try to set her up with others. But she just wanted to remain friends, and all her friends were okay with that.
Pierre didn't understand what aro-ace meant though.
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fawn-wickenshire Β· 9 months
For Fawn‼️‼️
(πŸ’) if they get married, who do they marry? why?
(🀒) how do they react when they're given one of their hated gifts? what do they do with it?
(🌽) what are their favorite crops of each season?
(πŸ™) what is their favorite food?
(πŸ™„) do they have anyone they openly dislike? why?
Ahh thank you for the asks, dear mutual! Here are her answers!
(πŸ’) if they get married, who do they marry? why?
Fawn is aro-ace, and so she doesn't want to marry anyone. She's not repulsed by it, but it's still definitely something she doesn't experience or want. Instead, she becomes roommates with Krobus!
(🀒) how do they react when they're given one of their hated gifts? what do they do with it?
If it's something like magic rock candy--something she only hates due to the past but doesn't actually despise--she'll try to make use of it and will still be thankful. Considering the gifting person didn't know, of course. If they did know, she'll still pretend to be thankful and take it from them, but complain about them to Haley or someone.
If it's something like broken glasses or straight up trash, she'll politely refuse the gift. She's scared of starting a fight.
(🌽) what are their favorite crops of each season?
Spring: rhubarb Summer: starfruit Fall/Autumn: bok choy
(πŸ™) what is their favorite food?
I'll list here favourites from her intro post.
Loved: All universal loved (except magic rock candy), truffle, rhubarb pie, blackberry cobbler, poppy
If you forced them to pick an absolute favourite they'd switch between rhubarb pie and blackberry cobbler. Also, bok choy is supposed to be in there but I forgot.
(πŸ™„) do they have anyone they openly dislike? why?
Fawn gets along with everyone in town by the end of her story. She's a people-pleaser, and doesn't like the idea of not liking someone for "superficial" reasons. Her least favourite is Morris, but she doesn't actively hate him. She just tries to see him as...A bit different.
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fawn-wickenshire Β· 9 months
My Other Stardew Valley OCs!
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I've had these OCs for a while, but I've finally decided to share them! They exist in a separate universe to Fawn and aren't related to her story at all.
Mel Josephine Matthews
Mel is the oldest of the three. She's the most stoic, responsible, and strong both physically and emotionally. Mel can get into fights with her younger sister Sydney, who is a stark difference to her. She expects Syd to be more responsible than she is and will push her too far sometimes, but she has her heart in the right place. Mel enjoys art of all kinds, but is partial to poetry and painting, something she used to practice in her younger years.
Mel is twenty-eight years old as of the start of her story. She is 180 cm (5'10"). She is friends with Elliott, Maru, Leah, and Shane (though her relationship with Shane started out as enemies). Her main skills are farming and fishing.
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(Made using this portrait creator.)
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Sydney Locke Matthews
The rambunctious middle sister, Sydney--or Syd, as she prefers to be called--is a firecracker of energy. She's always looking for something to do, and will often throw herself down into the mines in search of adventure. Still, she's not very responsible, having been fired from her only job; a job she struggled to get. And she's a terrible farmer, but she is the most loyal and ready-to-go sister of the bunch.
Syd is twenty-five years old as of the start of her story. She is 157 cm (5'1") tall. She is friends with Sam, Sebastian, Abigail, and Harvey. Her main skills are mining and combat.
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(Made using this portrait creator.)
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Adeline Iniya Matthews
Adeline is the youngest of the three sisters and is not biologically related to them, having been adopted. Her past is shrouded in a sense of mystery, but she doesn't pay it much mind. Adeline is the sweetest of the girls, having also perfected her customer service smile over the years from her work. She's a lover of flowers and bees, spending most of her work on the farm producing bouquets and honey.
Adeline is twenty-two years old as of the start if her story. She is 167 cm (5'5") tall. She is friends with Alex, Haley, Emily, and Penny. Her main skills are farming and foraging.
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(Made using this portrait creator.)
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Main Plot
The girls' story starts with them moving tot he valley. Mel was the one who inherited the farm from her grandfather, but that was because at the time there was only her and Sydney, and her grandfather trusted her more with the property.
At the time of moving, Mel has just quit her job as a customer billing attendant at Joja Corp. Her sister Sydney has been living with her for a few months after being fired from her job at a fast food place and having no way of paying her rent. Mel, who can barely afford to take care of herself, reluctantly decides to take up on her grandfather's offer.
Adeline, however, did not originally plan on joining them. Only after one of her workplaces was caught in a massive fire, leaving her with not enough money to pay off her rent and university/college debt, does she decide to move. She's easily the most annoyed about the move, having been working towards getting a Bachelor of Science in Marketing. Even after moving, she still has to pay off her debt, leaving her even more annoyed.
That's the main gist of the beginning of the story, but I have more planned. At some point Sydney and Adeline get their own small houses on the property to give some distance and privacy between them all. They have the basic farm, but sort of haphazardly split it between them all.
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fawn-wickenshire Β· 8 months
glance, informal, hair, and makeup for mel πŸ’ͺ🏼πŸ’₯
Let's gooo (thank you dear moot :] )
glance: At first glance, what stands out most about your OC's appearance? What's their distinguishing feature?
Probably her fashion sense contrasting with her overall build. Mel's pretty strong, but she prefers dainty clothing and long modest dresses and blouses. It's not that it's bad for her to be like that (not at all!), it just contrasts with what people usually see. But her hair is also something people will notice, with it being dyed a sort of ocean green-blue (I forgot the name LOL).
informal: What's your OC's lazy-day look? How do they like to dress when they're winding down?
She still likes to keep her sense of fashion, but she'll ditch the good skirts in favour of the more worn ones. If she's really not feeling it that day and nobody's coming to visit, she'll just wear her blouse and pants (she wears those old-fashioned pants underneath her skirt (I forgot the word again)). Sometimes she just takes off the skirt at home because she's got pants on underneath.
hair: How does your OC wear their hair? Does it have some kind of meaning?
You'd think with her sense of fashion Mel would be some hair wizard, but she's not. That title goes to Adeline (and Fawn). She can braid, though it's not the neatest. So, she usually just takes good care of her hair's health and leaves it down or in a high bun for when she's wearing hats and needs a hat pin.
makeup: Does your OC wear makeup? How often? What kind? Why do they wear makeup, and do they like it?
Mel likes makeup a lot. It covers up her scars she gets from fighting in the mines (*cough* saving Sydney *cough*) and any blemishes she has. She also just thinks it's pretty. She tends to go for a minimal elegant look, though. She's scared of overdoing it. She wears it whenever she's going out for the day. So, not when she's doing sweaty farm work.
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fawn-wickenshire Β· 8 months
face, night and canvas for Fawn πŸ‘€
Hii! Thank you for the ask!!!!!
face: Describe your OC's face. What's their smile like? Are their orbs cerulean? What would someone notice first when looking at them?
She has a very sweet smile. Good teeth and gums, too, though she does have a front tooth gap in her upper teeth (it just adds a quirk!). However, the first thing people would probably notice about her face would be her eyes. She wears pink contacts!
night: What does your OC wear to sleep? Do they have a favorite pair of PJs, or are they more the birthday suit type?
Fawn switches between a silky lacey nightgown and regular soft pyjama shirts and pants. Her PJs have lots of fun patterns like clouds or stars or balloons (saved for her birthday).
canvas: Does your OC have any scars, piercings, tattoos, or other markings? Do they display or cover them up at all?
Fawn hasn't gotten any piercings yet, but she wants to get some simple earlobe ones. Just the regulars for now, but maybe she'll move up to more someday! They also have a good few scars from the mines, but she covers any ones on her face up with makeup. She doesn't have any tattoos yet either, but they're thinking of getting something like a heart or feather on their neck. Just a small one for now. She'd also like some arm tattoos. Just cute stuff; she doesn't want evil skulls or anything.
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fawn-wickenshire Β· 9 months
Fawn's Farm Animals*
*Note: this is by the "end" of Fawn's story when every building is upgraded to maximum capacity.
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Void - A male black Bombay cat. Void was adopted by Fawn from a shelter when he was two years old and Fawn nineteen. Now, he's six years old. Void is a bit of a rascal, having gotten into a few fights during his time in the city with other cats. Now, with less wild cats around, he has time to relax. He's not very affectionate; preferring to spend his time exploring the farm and surrounding areas.
Marshmallow - A female Seal Point Birman cat. She was adopted from a pet shop as a kitten (and when Fawn was twenty-one). Now, she is two years old. Marshmallow is very curious, often poking her head into different holes to look inside--and almost always getting stuck. She's very affectionate, but can also be the annoying kind of cat to push a glass off the table.
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In Order:
Void (fall Year -3 (accounting for Year 0))
Marshmallow (fall Year -1 (accounting for Year 0))
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Russell - A male brown Tennessee Walking Horse. Russell's name is a play on the word "russet," which is the colour of his coat. Russell is a quiet horse (if you could call a horse that) but is very loyal to Fawn. He is relaxed and will let Fawn and other people ride on his back. Russell was bought during fall of Year 1.
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Penny - Penny is a White Leghorn chicken. She's the oldest chicken of the bunch and the first one Fawn bought during the start of their second year. Penny is a very reliable chicken for eggs, often producing more than any of the others. She and Lucky are the only chickens to trust the cats, though Penny doesn't interact with them. She was somewhat named after Penny the person.
Jenny - Jenny is a White Leghorn chicken. She's the second oldest chicken of the bunch and the second one Fawn bought during the end of Spring in their second year. Jenny doesn't produce many eggs despite being a happy and healthy chicken, and Fawn just can't find out why. She spends most of her time sleeping.
Venny - Venny is a brown Golden Comet chicken. She was the third chicken Fawn bought from Marnie but younger than Nenny. They bought her during fall of their second year. Venny is very curious of Fawn and the other animals, but not the cats. She's the chicken Fawn has to chase back inside for the night.
Nenny - Nenny is a brown Golden Comet chicken. She is the fourth chicken Fawn bought, but the third youngest. She was bought form Marnie during spring of Year Five. Nenny is very aggressive towards anyone and anything. It's difficult to collect eggs from her due to her protectiveness. Even leaving out food to attract her is no use as she won't go towards it when Fawn is in the coop.
Berry - Berry is a blue chicken named after blueberries. She was hatched from Nenny during fall of Year Five. Berry, unlike her mother, is very gentle and social. She's also a big eater, and will pester Fawn whenever she enters the coop for more feed. The reason Berry is blue is because Nenny once got fed Joja Cola by Shane when he was helping out on the farm.
Shadow - Shadow is a void chicken owned by Fawn. She was placed in the coop by a witch one night during fall of Year 6, but Fawn has no idea where she came from. Shadow is very reserved, but a good layer. Like Jenny, she spends most of her time sleeping.
Lucky - Lucky is a golden chicken Fawn achieved during Year 7 in summer. She was purchased as an egg from Mr Qi for 100 Qi Gems. Lucky is very social with the other animals in the coop, and is the only chicken to go up to the cats. She is a bit of a slow layer of eggs, only producing once every three days.
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Holly - Holly is the first duck Fawn bought. She was bought from Marnie during spring of Year Three. Holly is a loud duck, constantly quacking and barking around the farm. Still, she's a good layer. Just don't pick her up--unless you want to be bitten.
Molly - Molly is a duck hatched at Fawn's farm from Holly. She hatched during summer of Year Three. Molly loves to play in the pond and follows her mother around everywhere, even after growing up. She doesn't lay many eggs, but produces a lot of feathers Fawn can sell or gift.
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Hopper - Hopper is Fawn's rabbit, bought during spring of Year Six. He is a brown and white broken-patterned Jersey Woolly rabbit. Hopper is very skittish; he can often be found hiding away from bigger animals and Fawn. However, he can be coaxed out with some food. Hopper is a brother to Jumper.
Jumper - Jumper is Fawn's rabbit, bought during spring of Year Six. He is a brown Jersey Woolly rabbit. Jumper is very playful, often flopping onto his back when animals or people approach him. He's very trusting and soft--both physically and in personality.
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Sneed - Sneed is Fawn's one and only dinosaur, hatched during fall of Year 6. She...Or he...Well, nobody's really sure what the dinosaur is, but it sure does lay eggs, so they assume it's female. Anyways, she is one of Fawn's favourites (though Fawn claims not to have favourites) simply due to being a dinosaur. Sneed's very, very slow and tired all the time, and thus needs lots of rest. but she does produce eggs and is healthy, so Fawn is happy.
(Note: there is a reason I named Sneed Sneed. Tell me if you think you know what I took the name from.)
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In Order:
Penny (early spring Year 2)
Jenny (late spring Year 2)
Venny (fall Year 2)
Holly (spring Year 3)
Molly (summer year 3)
Nenny (spring Year 5)
Berry (fall Year 5)
Hopper (spring Year 6)
Jumper (spring Year 6)
Sneed (fall Year 6)
Shadow (fall Year 6)
Lucky (summer Year 7)
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Bessie - Bessie was Fawn's first cow. She's the ol' reliable of the bunch. Bessie is very chill, walking up to Fawn for pats or feed whenever she's around. She gets along with the other animals and will even let the cats or the chickens ride on her back. She produces the most cow milk. Fawn got her during fall of Year 2 and she is a black and white Holstein cow.
Louise - Fawn's second barn animal, gained during winter of year 2. She's a Brown Swiss cow. Louise is a very even-tempered cow. She's not aggressive, but she's also not overly calm, either. She's very...Normal, and has a normal milk production, too. Louise spends a lot of time alone and away from the other cows.
Daisy Bell - Louise's daughter, Daisy Bell was born in summer of Year 3. she's Fawn's third cow and third barn animal overall. Daisy Bell is a Brown Swiss cow. She tends to almost bother her mother by constantly being by her side, but Louise never becomes aggressive with her. Daisy Bell is very curious and will poke her head into little nooks and crannies. She's also very loud.
Blossom - Blossom is Fawn's fourth and final cow, and sixth barn animal overall. She's a black and white Holstein cow attained during fall of year 4. Blossom is usually calm, but is the easiest to make aggressive. She's not one for loud people or animals and has trouble with check-ups. Still, when she's comfortable with someone, she doesn't mind falling asleep near them.
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Bleater - Bleater is, as one could guess, very loud. She is Fawn's first goat and was bought from Marnie during winter of Year 3. Bleater is a heavy eater and will actively steal from the other animals. She often gets into fights with the other goat, Gogo.
Gogo - Gogo, named for her speediness, is Fawn's second and final goat. She's very aggressive and playful, constantly getting into fights over food or behaviour or simply because she's bored. She's also a big eater and will fight Bleater for food. Gogo was bought from Marnie during spring of Year 4.
(Note: There's also a reason Gogo is named that way. It's after a fictional creature. Tell me if you think you've figured it out!)
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Cloud - Cloud is a polled Dorest sheep. She's all-white, and very fluffy, hence her name. She's a rambunctious sheep with a bright personality. Cloud always wants to play with Bleater and Gogo, despite them being a different animal. Cloud also likes to play with people! She's fond of Fawn and any visitors/farmhands that come around. She was adopted by Fawn from Marnie during spring of Year 5.
Snowball - Snowball is Cloud's daughter, born during fall of Year 5, making her a polled Dorset sheep. Snowball never quite grew to a normal size, and is often picked on by Gogo because she's an easier target. Sometimes, Fawn has to separate the two with a fence when she's going to be out for a while. Snowball doesn't spend much time with her mother after growing up, preferring to be with the cows to protect her from Gogo.
Dolly - Dolly is a polled Dorset sheep, just like the rest of Fawn's sheep in the barn. Dolly has the best wool out of all the sheep, and is considered the prettiest by most. Dolly doesn't walk up to people per se, but she will happily enjoy human interaction. Dolly was attained from Marnie during spring of Year 7.
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Porky - Pork is Fawn's first pig, bought during the summer of Year 5. Porky, despite the name, is a pig Fawn plans to never sell off to a butcher. They want to keep Porky at the property for truffle searching. Porky is an excitable pig and is very loud, squealing whenever Fawn comes into the barn. Porky is a British Flop.
Picky - Picky is Porky's younger brother, bought from Marnie during summer of Year 6. Picky is the more timid version of Porky, freaking out when given the slightest poke. Still, Picky is very good at his job of finding truffles. Picky is the pig to get scared and run off through town when he was a piglet.
(Note: Yeah I named these guys after something too. Please tell me if you think you know what it is.)
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Miss Long Neck - Miss Long Neck--or Missy for short--is Fawn's one and only ostrich. She was attained during winter of Year 6 using the journal note. She is an ostrich with a very "prudent" expression. She walks around like she rules the world. Still, she likes pets a lot an is fairly friendly.
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In Order:
Bessie (fall Year 2)
Louise (winter Year 2)
Daisy Bell (summer Year 3)
Bleater (winter Year 3)
Gogo (spring Year 4)
Blossom (fall Year 4)
Cloud (spring Year 5)
Porky (summer Year 5)
Snowball (fall Year 5)
Picky (summer Year 6)
Miss Long Neck (winter Year 6)
Dolly (spring Year 7)
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fawn-wickenshire Β· 10 months
Fawn's Favourite and Least Favourite Gifts and Why
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Golden pumpkin - Golden pumpkins look cool, for one, and they're also really expensive. There's a reason there's only one at the end of the maze during Spirits' Eve. I'm taking the route that they're not made of literal gold, they're just pumpkins that are gold. And Fawn likes to eat pumpkin soup, so of course she's going to accept!
Pearl - Fawn likes pearl jewelry, what else is there to say? As a kid she played with her mother's pearl necklace. It was only cheap, so it broke easily and the pearls went everywhere. Still, it was expensive enough to get them a stern warning. When Fawn started out on the farm she was very poor, but since then she's gained a lot of money and has managed to buy herself some pearl earrings and a bracelet for special occasions.
Prismatic shard - Not only are prismatic shards beautiful, they're also rare and have magic properties! Giving Fawn a prismatic shard means you've either gone down to the mines and risked your life to get one, or you've spent a lot of money on buying one. Either way, she's flattered!
Rabbit's foot - Although they love rabbits and have a few of their own, Fawn still doesn't mind receiving a rabbit's foot. She more likes the sentimental part of it at first; knowing someone wants to wish you luck that much means a lot to her. But over time and as she becomes more inviting to the whole luck and fortune concept--courtesy of Welwick--the gift goes from sentimental to useful.
Truffle - Fawn is the kind of girl to like truffle in her cooking and to pay for it. But, of course, when she moved to the valley she was poor and couldn't afford it. But now that she's got the money and her own pigs to find some, she rejoices in all the truffle she can get!
Rhubarb pie - Rhubarb pie is something Fawn's father made a lot. He was a good cook and always used fresh produce, often sourced directly from her grandfather's farm. Rhubarb is one of her favourite crops, and she loves pie, so... Rhubarb pie!
Blackberry cobbler - Same as rhubarb pie; it's a meal her father made a lot and one she's quite fond of. She always uses fresh ingredients when she cooks it after moving to the valley. Makes it taste the best!
Poppy - Poppies are Fawn's favourite flower. There's no real reason behind this other than she likes the look of them, but they're also one of the few seeds Pierre has in stock. They just think they're neat, y'know?
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Least Favourites:
Clay - Fawn is not artsy. She's one of the people to go "oh, I can barely draw a stick figure." So clay is pretty useless to her. She also just doesn't like how messy it is and how it gets on your hands. She'll like just give it to Leah.
Sea cucumber - They freak her out.
Escargot - Fawn just never liked the idea of escargot. Eating snails? Really? That's gross! They're all slimy and yuck. No, it's just a no for them.
Sea urchin - These also freak her out, but not as much. She also doesn't like how spiky they are. How is she supposed to hold one without touching the mouth?
Coral - I should really just say Fawn doesn't like things from the ocean. It's more of a confusion thing for them; the idea of this "rock" being a living thing just isn't something she likes.
Morel - It's like a trypophobia thing. It looks living--and not in a fungi way. Just touching it freaks her out.
Ginger - Fawn, honestly, just hates the taste. And what else is she going to use ginger for?
Cactus fruit - It's prickly and she doesn't want to eat it. The only use she can see for it is for growing and selling, but they still don't want to do it. You just hate some things, you know?
Magic rock candy - I explained this here, but basically when Fawn was a child her parents told her that if she ate magic rock candy her teeth would crack from how hard it was and fall out. If they didn't, the sugar would rot them down. Ever since then, she gets a horrible feeling in her stomach when she goes to eat it. Sucks, huh?
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fawn-wickenshire Β· 10 months
Welcome (Revamped)!
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In this post:
General blog information
How to interact
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(Disclaimer: You do not have permission to repost, edit, upload, trace, or in any way tamper with my images on this blog. You do not have permission to use any of my images on this blog for AI generation or any AI-related tools. All rights reserved by @ieatsmallorphansnamedtom on Tumblr.)
(Disclaimer: You do not have permission to respot, edit, upload, copy, plagiarize, or in any way tamper with my writings on this blog. You do not have permission to use any of my writings on this blog for AI generation or any AI-related tools. All rights reserved by @ieatsmallorphansnamedtom on Tumblr.)
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@ieatsmallorphansnamedtom - main SDV blog with headcanons and also some non-SDV related things
@ask-sdv - a pretty dead ask-SDV blog I plan on revamping (again) someday
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General Blog Information:
This is an OC blog primarily designed for my SDV OC Fawn Wickenshire. You can ask me questions about her and I will post things about her and her interactions with the vanilla Stardew Valley characters. However, I will also use this blog to interact with other SDV OC blogs I know!
Also, Fawn is just for fun. She is not meant to be my super duper amazing OC. Still, don't be a jerk.
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How to Interact:
Be respectful
No spamming
No discrimination
Nothing creepy
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Fawn intro
Matthews Intro
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Bigots (including TERFs/other linked groups) and creeps.
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fawn-wickenshire Β· 10 months
Fawn Wickenshire's Introduction (Revamped)!
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Who is Fawn?
Fawn is my Stardew Valley OC. She's just my silly girl made for fun; not meant to be taken too seriously. She's the least developed of my SDV OCs, but my first one and the only one I'll be presenting.
This post has been remade as Fawn has been updated.
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(Disclaimer: You do not have permission to repost, edit, upload, trace, or in any way tamper with my images on this blog. You do not have permission to use any of my images on this blog for AI generation or any AI-related tools. All rights reserved by @ieatsmallorphansnamedtom on Tumblr.)
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Art by me!
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General Information:
Fawn was twenty-three years old when she arrived in the valley. Her pronouns are mostly she, but she is fine with they. Fawn is aromantic-asexual. She was born on the 14th Fall in-game and is 175 cm (5'7") tall. Fawn is a trans woman.
Fawn has no spouse, but does eventually become roommates with Krobus and is best friends with Robin. Fawn doesn't hate anyone in the town, but her least favourite person is Morris.
Fawn has two cats; a black Bombay cat called Void, and a white and brown Birman cat called Marshmallow.
Fawn's favourite festival is Dance of the Moonlight Jellies.
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Loved: All universal loved (except magic rock candy), truffle, rhubarb pie, blackberry cobbler, poppy
Liked: Cranberry sauce, blueberry tart, salmonberry, wild horseradish, farmer's lunch
Disliked: Coffee, pickles, sea cucumber, beer, bean hotpot
Hated: Clay, sea cucumber, escargot, sea urchin, coral, morel, ginger, cactus fruit, winter root, magic rock candy
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