bloodxmurdersex · 7 years
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#Repost @reinabrillantina (@get_repost) ・・・ "Cuando las mujeres dicen que odian a los hombres lo dicen en sentido "deja de lastimar a mis hermanas y a mi", no en "quiero violarte, matarte y oprimirte". Ya sabes, la forma en la que los hombres odian a las mujeres" #Repost @thesydneyfeminists (@get_repost) ・・・ More words to use in our defence the next time some meatbag dares critique the movement #femnazi #angrywomen #whydoweneedfeminism? #wedontneedfeminismanymore #manimist #misandry #intersectionalism #intersectional #feminist #feminism #femininedivine #femininedivinity #feminismo #thesydneyfeminists #onelove 🤘🏼🤘🏿🤘🏽 K8 ❤️💛🖤
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sideways-circle · 10 years
why do we need feminism?
there are a MILLION reasons. but I'll make a small list. but first, feminism isn't misandry. misandry is hatred of men. feminism is just we want equality basically.  OKAY LIST TIME
1. Men don't need to use the buddy system- women don't dare go anywhere alone because they'll get attacked by someone who believes a woman is an object that a man is entitled to. males? they can go alone and not fear being attacked
2. We teach women to be ashamed- even in young ages, women are taught to be "proper" and ashamed of their bodies. if a woman gets raped, most of the time they don't go to the police because they just have to relive the nightmare, because they are ashamed. 
3. Men aren't taught to stay away- Women are taught to say "no". and to wait until they're married, and it's frowned upon to sleep with more than one person. MEN aren't taught to NOT rape. they aren't taught to take no for an answer. they aren't taught to respect a woman's wishes. 
4.Men only respect another man's "property"- why is the answer always.. "what if it was YOUR wife/daughter/girlfriend"? because the idea of a woman being her own person is repulsive to these people. The idea of rape/sexual assault other bothers these people when they realize it could be one of theirs. 
5.slut-shaming- ladies, we are just as bad about this as men. if a woman wants to sleep with as many people as she wants, let her. it's HER body, it doesn't affect you does it? no. "she slept with 10 people" what's the reaction? "ew. why?" "slut" "she's gross". watch this... "HE slept with 10 people". what's the reaction now? "get it boy!" "yeah, get some" "congrats" *high five" why? they have a penis. we have a much more complex reproductive system. so we aren't allowed to use it. why? I still don't really know. 
6.Female names are derogatory- tell a small boy he's acting like a girl, he's not going to be happy. tell a man he's being a "pussy" he gets angry. because being a girl is seen as weakness. "grow some balls" is a manly term. but, as Betty White said(I'm paraphrasing here) "balls are weak and sensitive, but a vagina(or a "pussy" as you'll be called") can take a pounding. Scientifically proven, men have one track minds, and females can focus and several things at once. 
ladies, we need to band together. we can't call each other bitches, hoes, and sluts. we can't do it anymore. it's a point of entry for misogynists. Men, help us. you can be a feminist too. don't let your "bros" talk you out of it and call you degrading names, the more males we have helping us all out, the better. ladies and gentlemen, we cannot fight for women, if we are fighting among-st ourselves. 
it's a small list I know. but feel free to add anything to it, or send me stuff in my ask for me to elaborate on if you wish. male or not, I'll answer everything. 
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