#whyd you run away to do it then huh dirk
kozzax · 6 months
Thinking about how similar Rose and Dirk are in this specifically-- the idea that they know what's right, they know how to fix it all, and thus they're justified in doing whatever it takes to fix it no matter what. Of COURSE putting them in a room together and isolating them for a notable length of time would make both of them Worse About This.
And of course neither of them is happy about it. They find comfort in each other because they egg each other on about this stupid fucking plan but. There's no way either of them can make the other feel ok again.
Because BOTH OF THEM know that this isn't right. Both of them know that if the rest of the gang gets there its game over, because there's no way Rose doesn't listen to the rest of the gang. Dirk is harder to convince, yes, but he'll listen to Rose and he'll listen to Roxy and he might even listen to Callie.
Neither of them wants to deal with their own issues. Neither of them knows how to deal with their own issues. Rose grew up and every time she had a major personal issue in her adolescence it was overshadowed by SAVE THE UNIVERSE. Dirk grew up alone with his only future being SAVE THE UNIVERSE. This is how each of them learned to cope. If you're having problems, then SAVE THE UNIVERSE.
It is a terrible way for them to cope.
They're trying to pretend it's not, but it is, and both of them know it is, and I can't fucking wait to see them have to grapple with that.
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