#why they don't implement it????
lightmonx · 1 year
I'm highly disappointed that pjsekai don't have returner bonus (or something similar)
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mityenka · 2 months
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it's kind of insane to me how people write things like that. marxism was not invented on tumblr during the last 2 years. like oh you know there's this book actually.... and this other book....
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anistarrose · 10 days
Trying to bully my brother out of using AI for math homework when there's at least, like, perfectly good online calculators that he could use instead if he wanted a cheap but reliable way out, but then I remembered he went to a career fair last year where he got told by A Person With A Job In The Industry that he should be using ChatGPT to write more code, so like. I think I might not be able to convince him on this one, and also might just stop trusting any technology designed since 2023 to do anything correctly or safely ever
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buckera · 24 days
on a quest to find more than 2 good scogan fics... so far unsuccessfully
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Tbh I don't see the point of Luka learning mirakungfu while Adrien and Marinette don't, even more so if the reason why Suhan teach that to him is because he knew LB and CN identity. Then shouldn't those two learn it also since they basically holding the miraculous that the villain want most? But then again it feels like "adult is useless except for some" seems to be one of the rule in this show.
I kind of despise the concept of mirakungfu because it makes no sense and because it feels disrespectful. I am by no means an expert on Chinese culture, so I don't know if it's actually offensive, but when all the writers are white, the name for the made up martial art is a parody of a real martial art, the box of magic items has nothing to do with the culture it's supposedly from, and the main character is completely removed from her heritage, it's just not a good look, especially since the monks are Tibetan and everything about the miraculous themselves is pretty explicitly Chinese. It just gives me uncomfortable vibes of Asian cultures being treated as both window dressing and an interchangeable monolith, but I don't have the expertise to really discuss that issue beyond "this feels like a bad idea and you probably want to talk to an expert on these topics to make sure you're not doing something offensive."
On the other hand, I love the concept of Guardian Luka! I have actually always wished that he had been given the miracle box instead of Marinette simply because I don't think that Marinette's personality is well suited to the role of Guardian and because I wanted her to have an actual team. Meanwhile, Luka freaking shines when they have him in a mentor role (Wishmaker & Migration) and I am of the firm belief that the Guardian should be a mentor to the other holders. It's why I said Marinette isn't suited to the role. As written, she just kind of hands out miraculous and orders people about. That's perfectly fine for a team leader! It's not so great for what I expect when I hear "guardian who chooses the holders of the ancient and powerful artifacts."
But that's not what they did with Luka. He isn't the holder of the miracle box. He just knows how to fight off miraculous wielders because reasons, so I have no idea what they're trying to do with him. Especially since his existence is straight up breaking their lore. In this case, it's the lore established back in Furious Fu, Su-Han's intro:
Su-Han: Let me remind you about some of the Perfect Precepts that you have broken. (flips pages) Precept 14: Kwamis must not live outside the box. (flips pages) Precept 52: Guardians must never lose a Miraculous. (flips pages) Precept 133: A guardian cannot, under any circumstances, wear a Miraculous. (closes the book)
Su-Han accepting Marinette as Guardian because what's done is done makes sense because of the memory BS (why is there no other way to hand off the box?), but that whole "Guardians don't wear Miraculous" rule is there for a reason! I think it may go a step too far, but the general principle does make a lot of sense. The Guardians should be in more of a support role simply from a security standpoint.
It's another reason I'm iffy on Marinette being the Guardian. The Guardian knows everyone's identities and - in the context of canon - has a direct line to the miracle box that any rando can access by capturing them. This makes it a really bad idea to have them fighting on the front lines as they know too much and are something of a security risk. Meanwhile the snake feels like a perfect miraculous for the Guardian to wield since the snake is meant to watch the battle from the sidelines.
It's all very confusing to me because I'm getting a thing I wanted, but in the most confusing and least interesting way. Instead of this feeling like a big plot point, it just feels like something they did because it's cool. I fear this is going to be like Luka learning the secret identities: a thing that should lead to something big plot-wise, but that ends up mostly ignored because it would complicate things too much. If anything, I expect this to mean that he's left out of big moments because the writers very clearly don't know how to write him now. Like he should have been involved in the Risk/Strikeback fight! His powers made more sense than anyone else's! But he couldn't be because then the Felix thing couldn't happen.
I do very much agree that Luka leaning mirakungfu is a big WTF because, if holders are randomly allowed to learn it now, then Marinette should be learning it too! She's actively fighting against a rouge holder, she knows all of the other holders' identities, and she is the guardian! Why is Su-Han mentoring Luka and not the actual guardian? It's all very annoying and I do not like it. It would honestly make more sense if Jagged and Penny were trained, but Luka was not, because Jagged and Penny are not holders, but they are acting as Luka's bodyguards of a sort. Instead, the writers have once again shat all over their lore in the name of doing something cool for a season finale and I would bet you that they're now going to have no idea how to handle the consequences of that in the coming season because they keep doing that. See: season three ending with a mass reveal and the writers subsequently ignoring the identity rules.
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arendaes · 20 days
20 and 21 for Ari? Always fun to see item design at work!
Thank you Emi! These are for this ask game.
20. Is there an item in-game that you felt became iconic to the Knight-Commander?
Yes, though amusingly it's not an item you can get organically in WOTR. The rapier Ariadne uses in Act 5 after going Legend and taking levels in Sword Saint is Revelry, a high-level rapier that originally appeared in Kingmaker and that I manage to get through Toybox shenanigans. Headcanon is that Cayden gives it to her after their bout at the party Wilcer threw in Ariadne's honor; it feels like the best answer to their prayers that Cayden can give them without getting too involved in everything.
21 answered here!
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vintageseawitch · 22 days
i urge people to realize that if you don't vote, it literally isn't hurting any candidate. it's hurting other vulnerable citizens. you get on your soap box, making claims like, "it's their fault for giving us a bad candidate" is literally only giving you an ego boost. in your efforts to fight the system you're inadvertently allowing the greater evil to win.
it completely sucks. i hate this timeline. it sucks that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. the elite have made it this way.
i need you to realize that this isn't a normal election. Project 2025 makes it basically existential. if you believe we live in a fascist state now just wait if they're allowed to implement this on a national level. think they'll take us back to the 1950s? nah. think of it as us being stuck in the 1800s but with modern surveillance technology. they'll implement the Comstock Law so anything they deem sexual - abortion drugs, contraception, condoms, sex toys, etc - can't be mailed. they will not allow pregnant women to go through chemo. they want to keep data trackers of periods. they want to keep track of stillbirths, miscarriages, etc. it's beyond what it used to be; it will be worse.
they will consider transgender people, merely existing, as pornography. they want to ban pornography. they want to re-define what pedophilia means & it will conveniently consist of LGBTQIA+ people & they want punishments to be SEVERE. they will also punish anyone - teachers, librarians, authors, etc - for handing out porn (this means any books they don't like).
they want to do mass deportations, the likes of which haven't been seen in this country. they want to remove natural born citizen rights. anyone not white is at risk.
they don't think climate change is "real" & so any good that has happened as a result of this government- NOAA, the EPA - will be gutted. they want to sell National Parks & other natural areas to anyone who wants to destroy them to harvest their resources. the days of Nixon (who started the EPA) are dead. this is very serious especially since climate change is the biggest threat to humanity's survival.
i urge you to re-think that both parties are exactly the same. one will be chosen & will be worse. i'm sorry it comes down to this but you not using your voice at this point us tragic. you will be badly affected as well if trump is re-elected & if you believe that the USA deserves this then welcome to this sinking ship; you're going down with the rest of us.
please never stop talking about Project 2025/Agenda 47. YOUR VOICE DOES MATTER. PLEASE VOTE. check your registration status often. vote early if you can 💙
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heart-forge · 10 months
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oh no, past me, what the hell does this mean????
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finnglas · 1 year
idk unpopular opinion but y'all know that @staff are just staff, right? they don't own the website? they don't make the big decisions? they have input and can do some stuff but they don't like, idk, run the place?
so y'all like. idk. being proud of harassing staff to the point they have to close replies or block something just reeks of harassing the cashier at a store or server at a restaurant.
Maybe, idk, act like adults? And submit your feedback helpfully and appropriately using the available feedback form? You can whine and kick your feet and do whatever else about changes you don't like in your own little space without dragging employees into it.
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alvariearmy · 2 years
I want to calm down my monster boyfriend, but I am not Hot, so instead, I will just let him eat his mom and not get involved-
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arbitrarygreay · 4 months
Watching the early cast interviews was a little heartbreaking. Taylor and Ashley wanted to make Bellcollar an iconic shounen anime duo so badly, and the writers were just. Not interested in doing that. The show was kind of weird about unit unity the whole way through, to be honest. Probably their Prestige inclinations showing though (remember, many of the producers went on to Succession, while Eliot himself preceded Motherland with Claws), so they don't subscribe to the standard genre model of the genre elements reflecting the relationship strengths and weaknesses, nor of the core relationships driving plot competence. (Again, see "iconic shounen anime duos".) So while they make gestures about the unit being better together, that doesn't actually show through in the action. Abigail's strength as a warrior develops through her relationships with Adil and her mother. Raelle's Mycelium powers are developed through her connections to Scylla and her mother. Tally is off getting mired in her harem of war criminal cougars. I really can't get over how making the S1 finale Witchbomb a red herring sours more over time. The entirety of S1's emotional journey culminates in that Bellcollar love confession on the ground, and then it turned out that the whole time Abigail linking with Raelle wasn't even necessary because the Mycelium would have reversed her death anyways. sad trombone noises It's sad! The actresses' chemistry was real, and they relished every little opportunity the writing would give them to play those dynamics, only for those moments to dwindle to just desperate reunion hugs every few episodes. Taylor at the end of After the Storm 1x1: "This is something. She's it. This is it. We're going to go all the way together." The show: Lol. Lmao, even.
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ddddd-pixels · 2 months
Just finished my tenth arcade in Zan Evolution Butouden, here are my scores:
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Honestly didn't expect to do so good with Taka, as I'm not very good as him; but placing high with Ciara and Sinkage were not surprising to me at all. I've also now played as more than half of the entire roster (there are eighteen characters in total), and have found some new potential mains!
I might do a tier list of how good I am as these characters sometime...
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doodle17 · 2 months
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Just been listening to the radio in Dark Revival to see if I can hear the one iconic song.
You know the one.
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blujayonthewing · 11 months
more dnd and adjacent media should be run and written by people who think dwarves and elves are boring but care very sincerely about halflings and gnomes
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red-moon-at-night · 1 year
I feel like I'm relearning how to ride a bike or tie my shoelaces.
To all the autistic tumblr users out there opening the new layout for the first time: I'm so sorry babes we're really Going Through It right now huh
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