#why the fuck would you KNOWINGLY support that horrific industry?
molluskzone · 3 days
*googles "serval" in order to find art references*
the very first fucking photo result: "hey guys just bought a cub!" *photo of baby serval inside somebody's house*
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crushedbyhyperbole · 4 years
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Pairing:   Sebastian Stan / Plus Size Reader
Words:  1.5k
A/N:  Written for @the-ss-horniest-book-club​ endless quarantine as long as there are prompts we’ll write them thingy, and a prompt from @prunes-said-bucky​.  I’ve never written Sebastian before, never really considered it TBH, since he’s not just a character to play with but hey, I gave it a shot.  Hope it’s not horrific.
Warnings:  Angst, body shaming, emotional hurt/comfort, fluff, strong and confident plus size reader, emotional support, kissing and teasing, no smut.
There is a section that contains a list of body shaming comments.  This is a block quote with ######### at the start and end, so feel free to skip over those if you are so inclined.
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Sebastian slumped back in his chair.  The computer screen glared at him accusingly as bile rose in his throat.  He did this.  He failed to protect you.  His career, and the whole shebang that went with it; toxic.
There were good parts, hell, there were great parts, but this… this wasn’t one of them.  His fans were usually great.  Kind, accepting, fun, keen, and dedicated.  He loved Winter’s Children and gave as much of himself as he could while maintaining a balance that kept him sane.
You were part of that. Far removed from the lime light, you were a nobody.  A regular person.  Not tied to the entertainment industry in anyway other than being his girlfriend. The world barely knew you existed and he worked hard to keep it that way.
Until now.
“Hey, sweetie!”  You knocked on the study door after letting yourself into his apartment, peeking in to see him at his desk.  “You need anything?  I’m just about to make some fresh coffee.”  You smiled knowingly; he loved his coffee
“Oh, hey, yeah sure.” Sebastian scrambled to shut the screen off so you wouldn’t see what he was reading.  “Thanks, babe.”  He smiled back.
“Oooohh, was that porn?” You smirked, coming to stand behind him, resting your hands on his shoulders and feeling tension there.  “Discovering something new you want to try, huh?”  You teased a little to lighten the mood. Something had him stressed out.
He sighed, leaning his head back to rest against your stomach.  From there he looked up at you, past your boobs, with worry in his big blue eyes.
“I wish it was porn.”
“Skype audition not go so well?”  You massaged his taut trapezius until he moaned lightly, relaxing under your touch.  You slid your hands into the neck of his shirt, smoothing them over his chest, feeling the light prickle of stubble where his chest hair was starting to grow back in.  “Want to talk about it?”
He wrapped his hands around your wrists, stilling you gently.  The nervous lick of his lips concerned you.
“Oh, the audition went great.”  He sat up, swivelling his chair to face you where he tugged on your hips to sit you across his lap.  “It’s what came after that I need to talk to you about.”
You could see something was really eating him up but you let him get to it in his own time.
“I spoke to Elaine.”
“Social media manager, Elaine?”  You knew every member of team of people who Sebastian relied on in his career. Elaine had been with Seb for years, helping him managing his social media presence, and she was very good at what she did.
“Right.”  He stroked your lower back absently.  “Well, I called her because some pictures got out.  Of us.”
You knew he tried to keep you separate from all the media stuff.  He needed a safe haven, and he also didn’t want to ruin your life with paparazzi hounding you and gossip sites dissecting your whole existence.
“Of the other week when we went out comet watching and ended up getting jiggy in the back of your car?” You teased.
He laughed, scrunching his face up in that cute way you loved.  “No.”  He grinned. “Surprisingly, not that.”
“Phew,” you play acted utter relief, “thank heavens my tatas didn’t make it onto TMZ.”
“You’re amazing, you know that right?”  He squeezed his arms around your waist.
“Yeah, I know,” you beamed, “caught you, hook, line and sinker, didn’t I?”  You murmured into his hair, pressing a kiss there.  “What’s up?”
“I don’t really know how to deal with this, y/n.  It’s everything I’ve always tried to shield you from.”
You tightened your arms around his shoulders, reassuringly.  This really wasn’t like him at all.  “Just show me.”
 The pictures were fine. Seb and you, sat on a wall by the banks of the Danube, eating charcoal black ice cream in the sun.  Holding hands by the stalls of a street market. Him stealing a kiss while you laughed at something he said.  They were older photos from a trip you took to Romania the year before.  You smiled, remembering the fun you had there.  Seb’s boy-like exuberance as he rediscovered his country of birth with you.  They were great memories.
It was the bitchy comments that he was concerned about.
Why would someone as hot as him be with someone like her?
Ikr, she fat
Who is she?  Nvr seen her b4
Not surprised we’ve never seen her.  I’d be embarrassed to bee seen with her too.
Pity fuck
Maybe it’s for a role.
Guurrrllll… Swap that ice cream for a salad.
She’s disgusting! Sebby what are you doing?!!!
Look at that fat body! What a waste of a pretty face…
Pretty? Lol pretty ugly.
What does he see in her?
He looks younger in this. Must’ve already dumped her fat ass.
She’s curvy?  Maybe he likes that. Not my cup of tea though.
Curvy like the Michelin man lol
Definitely not the right clothes for your body type sweetie… dress appropriately.
Lost all respect for Seb now UGH!
Look at that cellulite!
Seabass meets a whale lol
You glanced through the comments.  Most were positive but some were brutal.  You could see why he was upset by these.  He cared a great deal about his fans but this was making him consider if it was worth the effort.
Sebastian swallowed nervously, looking up into your eyes.
“You’re worried about how I feel about this?”
“Of course I am.”  His tone was pleading.  “I love you.  I never wanted you to get dragged into any of this crap, but look at them!”  He was getting agitated.  “I’m going to tell Elaine to take it all down, I’m done.”
“What’s that going to prove, huh?”  You soothed.
“Nothing.  But it’ll be gone, right?  No more fan stuff if they can’t respect both of us.”
“I dunno, it seems a shame to deprive your good and loyal fans of their sexy seabass,” you winked at him, “besides if the things people did online got to me I’d have drawn a line in the sand at some of that filthy dirty fan fiction they like to write.”
“C’mon, y/n, I’m being serious,” he begged with his eyes.  “They can’t talk about you like this.  It’s shitty and they’re completely wrong.”
“Babe.”  You levelled a steady gaze at him.  “I don’t care what these people think.”  Stroking your fingers soothingly through his hair, you scratched and massaged gently.  “The only people whose opinions matter about any of that stuff are right here in this room, okay?”
Seb sighed and hid his face in your plush bosom, and for a while neither of you spoke.  He relaxed, breathing slowing until you thought he’d fallen asleep.  You trailed your fingers across the back of his neck and to the sensitive place below his ear.
“If you keep at that there’s going to be trouble.”  Muffled against your chest you could feel him smirking.
“I like trouble.”  You whispered with a cheeky grin as he lifted his head.
“Thanks for distracting me.” He stretched up to place a chaste kiss on your lips.  “I think I know what to do.”
“Oh?”  You chuckled as he scooted the wheels of the chair closer to the desk with you still in his lap.  You tried to give him some space but he held you firm.
“Stay put,” he shifted so you were stable again, “this’ll take 2 seconds.”
Sebastian fired off an email to Elaine, letting her know everything was fine.  You weren’t concerned by the comments but he suggested letting a few of his top most trusted fans to help moderate the official site.  Let them get invested in the two of you as a facet of his brand.  You were definitely here to stay.
He counted himself the luckiest man alive to have found someone so caring, kind and gentle as you, but also someone so confident and steadfast.  Your spirit was unbreakable.  You were his rock, the foundations on which he grew and thrived.
 “So, now that you’re done righting wrongs, what’s the plan for today?”  You asked sweetly.  “You asked me to sleep over on a work day, so…”
“Well, first of all,” he eyed you mischievously, “I’m going to reiterate how much I love every single inch of you.”
“I like the sound of that,” you simpered.
“Do you?”  He teased.
“I do.”
“Good,” Seb nuzzled your neck seductively.  “Then we’re going to go out to eat,” he nipped your ear with his teeth.  “I made reservations.”
“Sounds… public.”  You sighed, distracted.
“Don’t care.”
“And then,” he pulled back to look you in the eyes.  “Then, I want to talk to you about getting a place together.”
“You had this planned? You kissed him between sentences.
“I did.”
“Seems rushed.”
“Four years is plenty long enough,” he murmured.
“Ok,” you smiled against his lips, “but I’m keeping my apartment.”
“Of course.”  He slid his hands into your hair ready to deepen the kiss but paused.  “Where else is all your craft stuff going to live?”
Laughter rang out as you swatted at him and he tickled your waist.  The world could do whatever the hell it wanted.  As long as you both had each other, there was nothing else you needed, and nothing you needed to prove.
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