#why most of forex traders fail?
sharemarketinsider · 1 month
why do price action traders fail? and Solutions
Are you frustrated with the results of your price action trading despite investing a significant amount of time and effort into analyzing the charts and following the latest market trends?
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shrabon1357 · 11 months
Safeguarding Success: The Crucial Role of Risk Management with Live Forex Signals
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The world of forex trading offers a realm of possibilities, from significant profits to rapid market shifts. Amidst this dynamic landscape, traders often turn to live forex signals to gain an edge in their trading decisions. These signals, sourced from experienced traders or advanced algorithms, can provide valuable insights into potential trade setups. However, the path to successful trading goes beyond just accurate signals – it requires effective risk management. In this blog post, we'll delve into why risk management is paramount when using live forex signals and how it can spell the difference between success and failure.
Understanding Risk Management
Risk management is the process of identifying, assessing, and mitigating potential risks to preserve capital and enhance the probability of successful trades. It's a set of strategies that traders employ to protect their investments and navigate the volatility of the forex market. While live forex signals can provide a clear roadmap for trading decisions, risk management ensures that traders don't fall into common pitfalls and face undue losses.
The Significance of Risk Management with Live Forex Signals
Preserving Capital: The primary goal of risk management is capital preservation. Even the most accurate signals can sometimes fail due to unpredictable market movements. By limiting the amount of capital risked on each trade, traders ensure that a single loss doesn't wipe out their entire account.
Mitigating Emotional Decisions: Emotional decisions often lead to impulsive actions, which can be detrimental to trading success. Implementing risk management strategies helps traders stick to their plan, even when market emotions run high.
Long-Term Sustainability: Forex trading is a marathon, not a sprint. Effective risk management ensures that traders can withstand losses and continue trading over the long term. Without risk management, a series of losses could lead to an account depletion, preventing traders from capitalizing on future opportunities.
Stress Reduction: Trading without proper risk management can be stressful, causing sleepless nights and anxiety. Knowing that you have a strategy in place to manage losses can significantly reduce stress levels and improve overall mental well-being.
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Key Risk Management Strategies
Position Sizing:
Determine the appropriate size of your trades based on the size of your trading account and the level of risk you're comfortable with. A common rule of thumb is to risk only a small percentage of your account on each trade, such as 1-2%.
Setting Stop-Loss Orders:
Place stop-loss orders at strategic levels to limit potential losses. This ensures that if a trade goes against you, the damage is contained within a predetermined threshold.
Avoid putting all your eggs in one basket. Diversify your trades across different currency pairs and potentially other asset classes to spread risk.
Risk-Reward Ratio:
Assess the potential reward of a trade relative to the risk. A favorable risk-reward ratio, such as 1:2 or higher, ensures that winning trades can offset a series of losses.
Real-Life Example:
The Tale of Two Traders, Imagine two traders using the same live forex signals. Trader A ignores risk management, investing a significant portion of their capital in a single trade. When the trade goes sour, their account takes a massive hit, leaving them unable to recover. On the other hand, Trader B meticulously employs risk management strategies, risking only a small percentage of their capital on each trade. While they also face losses, their account remains intact, allowing them to capitalize on subsequent winning trades and eventually turn a profit.
Live forex signals offer a valuable shortcut to potentially profitable trading opportunities. However, they should be viewed as tools to assist rather than dictate trading decisions. Risk management serves as the guiding light that ensures traders stay on a sustainable path. It prevents impulsive actions, preserves capital, and maintains a trader's psychological well-being. Remember that while live forex signals can provide insights; it's your risk management strategies that ultimately determine your success in the volatile forex market. In a realm where uncertainty is constant, risk management becomes the beacon that leads to lasting profitability.
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mount66news · 1 year
The Blockchain Era Review: 8 Reasons why tbe.io is a Practicing MLM Scam
The Blockchain Era is another high-yield investment platform purporting to offer financial freedom. Our tbe.io review exposes why this platform is one of the biggest investment risks.
Those who have already signed up with The Blockchain Era, already know the downside. Withdrawing funds from the platform is a problem. Please think twice before investing in a platform that claims to ‘guarantee daily profit margins.’
The Blockchain Era claims to offer several services that will heighten your financial goals and realize investment success. These include getting successful marketing tools and a powerful partner to help foster growth.
How does The Blockchain Era help with investing? There are several investments the platform claims to invest in that guarantee profit margins. These include crypto staking and other high-yield investment platforms.
You will notice the platform fails to give credible information on the type of investment staking opportunities. Investors are led to believe professionals are behind this platform and they should stick with them no matter what.
There are several features to look out for when it comes to staking services. That’s accountability and transparency. The staking platform has to offer valid withdrawal proof and credible staking services.
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Let’s take a closer look at The Blockchain Era in depth.
About The Blockchain Era
A cutting-edge winning system is what the platform claims to offer. Please note there have been no verifiable results of the platform anywhere on the web. And this is one of the many red flags we found.
Before you invest in any stalking opportunity, there are a few things to consider. These include the possibility of having a tested platform. You also need to check the experience of other investors.
That gives you an idea of what to expect with the platform. And this is where we will dive into the tbe.io review and check on the facts. What does this platform stand to gain and what will investors get from it?
Despite claiming to be part of the Blockchain Era, the platform gives us little details on the matter. Investors don’t know the nodes purchased or which coins they are performing under, and that’s a problem.
As an investor, you would want to invest in a platform that generates reasonable profit margins. Watch out for platforms claiming to offer high yields within a short lifespan. For example, The Blockchain Era claims to guarantee daily profit margins.
In a normal crypto staking opportunity, the minimum vesting time is three to four months. And at this rate, you get average profit margins, not the insane high profit claims tbe.io claims. That’s a pointer we are dealing with a rogue platform.
How tbe.io manages to solicit funds from investors
Claims of high profit margins is what makes the platform a high investment risk. You need to watch out for platforms that deal with investment percentages. Investors also need to work out the possibilities of such.
That’s not the case as we have a platform failing to offer much in terms of real returns. The percentages don’t even match the most successful Masternoding investment. For newbies, this seems like the best investment platform.
The Blockchain Era seems to fully understand the concept of enticing naïve investors with high profit claims. Investors deposit funds and withdraw part of the deposits believing it’s the daily ROI win margins.
Once an investor deposits $10,000, the platform will allow you to withdraw may be two times. And these include a minimum of $2,000 each time. One you try and withdraw for the third time, the platform blocks your account.
When you withdraw the second time, it gives you a notion the platform does really offer daily profit margins. With this, the platform will insist you deposit more to get higher income margins. And that’s when investors decide to put all their investment in one basket.
Investors are not the only victims of this platform, affiliates and marketers have also fallen victim.
Accounts and investment plans The Blockchain Era
There are several investment plans available for the picking. Each plan promises investors a grand plan with promise of making guaranteed daily profit margins. Let’s take a closer look at each of these plans.
Plan 1
Seen as the beginner’s plan, investors must deposit a minimum of €1,000 to get started. With this plan, the platform makes a bold statement of making 10 percent daily ROI. The vesting days are set at 20 working days.
Plan 2
With the second plan, the platform ups their sales pitch by claiming investors earn a guaranteed 20 percent daily profit margin. The minimum vesting days are set at 30 working days with an acceptable minimum deposit of €5,000.
Plan 3
€10,000 is the minimum acceptable deposit with the platform guaranteeing 40 percent daily profit margins in ROI. The minimum vesting period is 50 days with affiliates getting a chance to earn high commissions for luring 10 investors on this account.
Plan 4
With an acceptable minimum deposit of €15,000, investors get a promise of making 60 percent in daily ROI margins. Vesting period is a minimum of 10 weeks with an affiliate bonus and commission available for luring 15 members.
Plan 5
There’s a minimum investing amount of €20,000 acceptable on this plan. You get a promise of making over 80 percent in daily ROI margins. The minimum vesting period is 12 weeks with withdrawals incurring 8 percent fee.
Plan 6
It’s the premier account with investors having to deposit €30,000 and above. With this plan, the platform guarantees daily profit margins of 90 percent. You have to vest for 16 weeks before making your first withdrawal which is limited to 40 percent of initial deposit.
Affiliate and commissions tbe.io
As indicated earlier, affiliates earn bonuses and commissions for inviting investors to The Blockchain Era. However, these affiliates find out in a painful manner that the platform is only using them for their reach and marketing allure.
No one gets to withdraw funds with the platform failing to release commissions earned for promoting the platform. A few affiliates get to withdraw part of the platform during the initial stages.
Customer reviews and Testimonies The Blockchain Era
Once the first batch of members found out they couldn’t gain access to the investment pool, things turned sour. These members turned to social media alerting other investors of the blockade happening.
And that’s why we have to list this platform as one of the biggest problem we have in the crypto industry. Such platforms shine a dark light on what staking is all about. That needs to stop by exposing such platforms and directing users to legit staking platforms.
Is The Blockchain Era Legit or Scam?
After investors found it hard to withdraw funds, we have to other option but to list the platform as a high risk investment platform. The platform is still active and will likely go under once these reviews go viral and more people know of their antics.
There’s also no document to suggest any business registry of oversight from the financial regulators. And this puts your investment in jeopardy. Lack of transparency is another red flag found on the platform.
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Janis Urste  Easy To Follow Advice About Forex Trading
Janis Urste Professional tips provider. Forex Trading is simply the trading of currencies from different countries Forex is acronym that is short for Foreign Exchange. This market allows business to deal in different countries and exchanging their currency for the currency needed in that country. This article can help you to understand why this is a vital and booming business.
Patience and persistence are tools of the trader. You know your position, you know what you can afford to lose, and you know that a determined attitude, matched with due diligence, will allow you to grow your ability as a trader and be successful. If you give up after one fail, then ultimately you have failed.
Current events have a huge impact on the currency exchange. By monitoring the news, you may find that an unattractive pairing of currencies are suddenly viable and should be looked at. The same is true about your pet pairings as they can turn to dogs very quickly with upheavals in the economy or events of that country.
Master an understanding of the technical factors that make currencies move in the forex market. There are more immediate cares that have a greater impact on a trader's initial forex experience, but the trader that weathers the initial doldrums needs a thorough understanding of the underlying mechanics that send currencies up and down in relation to each other.
Study the current market activities and you will be able to see a trend. Go with the good trends that you see and you will be able to get the most earning potential. Be careful not to sell a currency if it is on the rise, and don't purchase when it is on a downward slope.
If you are going to begin trading Forex in the hopes of making money, you need to know yourself. You must understand your risk tolerance and your personal needs. You must analyze what your personal financial goals are in relation to trading Forex. To know the market you muse know yourself.
When buying currencies to trade in the foreign exchange market, limit the percentage of your account that you use for a single trade. Most Forex trader recommend that no more than two percent of your account ever be used on a single trade. More than this and you risk serious loss.
Janis Urste Expert tips provider. A great Forex trading tip is to not worry too much about what other traders are doing. You might be comfortable with a three percent risk, taking in five percent profits every month, while another trader might be comfortable with four times the amount of risk and profit. It's best not to compete with other traders.
You may feel very frustrated by a forex loss and make revenge investments. This is one of the worst strategies ever. Never trade when you feel swept with emotion. Remain calm; one setback is never the end. Collect yourself, relax, and when you are in your zen moment, resume trading.
Pick an account package that takes your knowledge and expertise into consideration. It is important to be patient and realistic with your expectations in the market. You are unlikely to become an overnight hit at trading. Keeping your leverage low will help to protect you from the impact of wild swings in the market. A practice account is a great tool to use in the beginning to mitigate your risk factors. Take your time, keep it simple and learn all you can from your experiences.
One key to being a successful foreign exchange trader is consistency. Every single trader has lost money in their career but the key to being successful is by maintaining a positive edge. Always remember that although it might be a slow process, consistency will make you lots of money in the long run.
Many experienced forex traders do not bother trading on Fridays. At the end of the week lots of the long-term traders in the market will be closing out their positions. This leads to extreme volatility. Trends on Fridays are hard to read and can rapidly reverse themselves. The Friday market is dangerous ground for the short-term trader.
When you have a profit target set, allow your trade to run to that target. Hope is a killer when dealing with a losing position, however, fear can cost you in a winning position. If you have a target in mind, aim for that target and do not let the worry of a turn make you pull out before you have realized your gain. Stick with the plan.
Janis Urste Qualified tips provider. A good idea every Forex trader should implement is to keep track of your successes. If you implement a strategy that works, take special note of where, when and how you achieved your latest goals. Keeping a journal of notes and ideas you have realized will help you in the long run.
When you look up charts, you should try and find a chart with as little information as possible. A good chart should be limited to one currency pair and to a certain period of time. You do not need any additional information that could distract you from what you need to focus on.
Make your trading decisions when all of your trades are closed out and you are away from the market. Objectivity is one of the most valuable traits of a good forex trader. When you have active trades, especially if they are not going your way, any decision will be affected by your state of mind, and you may not even realize it until too late.
You don't have to trade or hold open positions all the time. If there is no reasonable trading option in the forex pair you are trading watch the market, but don't gamble with your money. No action is the best action when you are not sure which way the market will go.
Janis Urste Most excellent service provider. As stated in the beginning of this article, Forex is simply an acronym for Foreign Exchange. Forex provides a vital service to companies that are located in different countries and must use different foreign currencies regularly. By studying the information in this article, you can get a better idea of how Forex operates.
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sectorspdr · 11 months
Foreign Exchange Market Success Stories And Pitfalls To Avoid
Forex trading can be intriguing but also confusing for a beginner. Where do you begin? What path do you take to see the most significant level of success? Why is it worth trying at all? Read on, and we will provide you with some tips to understand the Forex system better and find the success you're looking for. To learn more information please click here https://www.sectorspdrs.com/
Patience and persistence are tools of the trader. You know your position, you know what you can afford to lose, and you know that a determined attitude, matched with due diligence, will allow you to grow your ability as a trader and be successful. If you give up after one fail, then ultimately, you have failed.
When trading in foreign currencies, it's essential to watch the news factors that affect changes in that currency. News that indicates a positive trend in that country, such as a favorable trade agreement, will increase the trading power of that currency. In contrast, information that shows negative trends, such as a natural disaster, will reduce its trading power.
Using a betting firm to trade on the Forex market is becoming increasingly popular with traders. However, before you jump on the bandwagon, you should be aware that this method has its shortcomings. Primarily, if you consistently win money from your chosen bookmaker, the company will begin to decrease the amount you can bet and may even close your account. A safer "bet" is to stick with a Forex broker or a spread betting firm, mainly if you depend on your market earnings for a living.
So that's it. Here are a few tricks and tips to help you find success when trading with Forex. Follow these tips to alleviate some of the confusion and get you started on the road to success. Remember also to keep researching and keep learning. Before too long, you will be writing and sharing a few tips of your own.
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metamoonshots · 11 months
[ad_1] Sound cash is cash that isn't vulnerable to sudden debasement. The dialog surrounding sound cash has reached a essential level, given the current uncertainties within the international monetary panorama. The spiraling debt of sovereign nations have heightened issues about forex debasement. In distinction to fiat, which may be created out of skinny air, sound cash is linked to tangibility: it's one thing you'll be able to contact, weigh, and stow away. There is a growing chorus of people satisfied that gold is the only real antidote to the hyperinflationary menace to fiat cash. The query of whether or not Bitcoin is sound cash has long provoked debates among economists, traders, and monetary pundits. Bitcoin, being an intangible digital asset, is commonly dismissed by sound cash advocates as a result of it does not supply the identical bodily assurances that gold does. You possibly can’t maintain bitcoin in your hand, so how might or not it's sound cash? Advocates for Bitcoin as sound cash usually reply that, though bitcoin is just not bodily, it's “backed by arithmetic.” However this misses the mark. Though it's true, this argument usually fails to influence the skeptics as a result of arithmetic lack a bodily foundation.Actually, Bitcoin is actually bodily, identical to gold is. Having the ability to clarify this to sound cash advocates who're Bitcoin skeptics is a key problem for Bitcoin educators as we speak. Let’s discover a number of the methods Bitcoin is bodily in order that we would make a stronger case to gold lovers as to why Bitcoin is sound cash.The blockchain is bodilyTo clarify the methods during which Bitcoin is bodily, we have to delve into technical territory, beginning with how flash reminiscence works. Flash reminiscence, a sort of non-volatile storage medium for knowledge, is the most typical approach that the Bitcoin ledger is recorded in every Bitcoin node. Flash reminiscence is “non-volatile,” which signifies that the info saved inside it's going to stay intact, even with out a provide of electrical energy. On the microscopic stage, flash reminiscence is made up of an array of reminiscence cells, every constructed from a MOSFETs (Metallic-Oxide-Semiconductor Area-Impact Transistor). These transistors are tiny switches which have a floating gate that traps or releases electrons. The presence or absence of electrons on this floating gate interprets into binary code, which in flip represents knowledge. If you maintain Bitcoin, your possession file is actually a configuration of bodily gates in a MOSFET inside a flash reminiscence chip. Each Bitcoin transaction that ever occurred is recorded within the bodily states of transistors inside Bitcoin nodes scattered across the globe.Now, flash reminiscence may not weigh as a lot as a gold bar, however it's undeniably bodily. With a robust microscope, you could even take a look and see the states of those gates inside flash memory chips with your own eyes.Personal keys are bodilyLet’s flip to personal keys, that are alphanumeric codes that grant management over some quantity of Bitcoin. Whether or not etched onto a metallic plate or saved in a safe chip, your personal secret is as bodily actual as a bit of gold.When you retailer your personal key within the type of a seed phrase that's both written on paper or etched into metallic plates, as many do, then its physicality is clear. Nevertheless, whereas it could be tempting to imagine that a seed phrase saved on this approach is only a bodily illustration of one thing that's non-physical, that’s not fairly proper. Hardware wallets are widely considered one of the best ways for people to make sure safety of their personal keys. A hardware pockets sometimes accommodates a safe component, a chip that securely shops a personal key. The safe component heightens safety as a result of it's designed to resist makes an attempt at bodily tampering and unauthorized entry. The safe component inside a hardware pockets
does certainly retailer a personal key bodily in flash reminiscence within the type of electrical states of transistors. Keep in mind, every transistor is a change with states that may both be on or off. The personal key, due to this fact, is a particular sequence of those states. Even the personal key saved in a sizzling pockets on a cellphone should exist bodily within the cellphone’s non-volatile reminiscence.Bitcoin’s physicality signifies that it might probably survive catastrophesOne of many arguments that individuals who imagine gold to be a superior type of sound cash to Bitcoin is that Bitcoin depends on electrical energy and computer systems. They argue that, if a civilizational collapse have been to happen that will disrupt electrical energy for an prolonged time period, and even completely, then Bitcoin can be ineffective. Nevertheless, this view is mistaken. Bitcoin’s physicality permits it to outlive virtually any disaster. A well-known second from Hollywood will assist illustrate the purpose.The 1999 film Combat Membership famously ends with the destruction of all client debt. Within the closing scene, we watch the anti-heroes look out the home windows of a skyscraper, gazing upon collapsing buildings. We're advised that these buildings contained all data of client debt. With the buildings destroyed, the debt is worn out, and “monetary equilibrium” is restored.Though it makes for a thought upsetting ending, audiences watching the film had hassle suspending disbelief on this scene. Are we actually alleged to imagine that every one data of client debt are held in a couple of buildings? Even dozens of buildings? Intuitively, we'd assume that there should be copies of those data unfold everywhere in the world, in numerous cities, computer systems, and recordsdata. Even when most of those data have been destroyed, though restoration could also be sluggish, copies would ultimately be situated and the pre-existing state of credit score and debt can be restored.The Bitcoin blockchain is way more sturdy even than data of client debt. The Bitcoin ledger does not exist in a single location or perhaps a handful of places; it is replicated throughout hundreds of nodes worldwide, at virtually each conceivable longitude and latitude. Every node holds a bodily copy of the ledger in its flash reminiscence, and collectively, all the Bitcoin nodes function an absurdly redundant international backup system. All of them speak to one another and ensure that their bodily states are an identical to one another.Actually, planet Earth is constantly bathed within the Bitcoin blockchain by satellites that broadcast it 24 hours a day. Even when web connectivity have been disrupted for an prolonged interval in some places, these places might keep in sync with the Bitcoin community utilizing a reasonable radio dish.Within the wake of any catastrophic occasion which may disrupt infrastructure, one of many main goals for restoration can be the restoration of energy and communication networks. As historical past has proven, recovering societies prioritize reestablishing these utilities as a basis for rebuilding. As soon as energy and web connectivity are restored, so too is the Bitcoin community. All of the bodily copies of the ledger, saved in flash reminiscence throughout decentralized nodes worldwide, and even in area, can be there to make sure the continuity and integrity of the system. This decentralization makes it extraordinarily unlikely that any disaster — be it an electromagnetic pulse (EMP), nuclear detonation, or perhaps a meteor strike — might wipe out all the bodily copies of the ledger. After all, there may be all the time the opportunity of a disaster so intense as to set off a planet-wide extinction-level occasion. In that case, the human species can have greater issues to take care of than which type of cash to make use of, and might be no higher off with gold than with Bitcoin.If extra folks knew bitcoin is bodily, extra folks
would undertake itWhy is it important to unfold understanding about Bitcoin being bodily? In an age the place monetary techniques have gotten more and more summary and indifferent from the tangible, folks crave the safety of one thing concrete. That is why many resort to gold, actual property, and different bodily belongings. The argument that Bitcoin cannot function sound cash as a result of it lacks the tangibility of gold is a misunderstanding of how Bitcoin expertise works. Bitcoin is just not an summary, ephemeral digital assemble. It's a type of sound cash that has bodily existence. Understanding Bitcoin’s physicality can take away a big psychological block for a lot of potential customers. This may permit them to profit from together with Bitcoin in their very own monetary arsenal, in addition to enhancing the resilience of the Bitcoin community itself by means of the introduction of a large cohort of dedicated sound cash proponents.It is a visitor put up by Dave Birnbaum. Opinions expressed are totally their very own and don't essentially replicate these of BTC Inc or Bitcoin Journal. [ad_2]
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fraudvictims · 3 years
FiatVisions Review: An Offshore Regulated Platform
An investor liaison is what FiatVisions brings to the table with transparency out of the question. We have been receiving numerous complaints from members of Fiat Visions. To set the record straight, we decided to open an account and experience it for ourselves. And boy, weren’t we in for a ride. Fiatvisions.com is an unscrupulous forex investment platform targeting naive investors. We will have to share our experience, hoping no one else faces the same situation. Here’s the complete FIATVISIONS REVIEW.
An Analysis of FiatVisions
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There’s no denying that their website has an appealing design. You immediately feel like you’re in the right place. And that’s their intent, to make you feel comfortable and ensure they appear transparent.
Underneath the website’s appearance lies the bitter truth. Thanks to our undercover work, we can explicitly expose all the traps set by Fiat Visions. With several complaints, it’s now clear that FiatVisions is a complete fraud.
As we move back to Fiat Visions, we can only feel sorry for the investor who deposited large sums. You should first deposit small sums and check whether the platform allows withdrawals. In the case of fiatvisions.com, it’s hard to withdraw more than $200.
If their top priority is to keep funds safe at all times, the platform is failing miserably. With a license from the Financial Service Commission, they ought to do better. We understand why they enforce harsh conditions on members. There’s no oversight to check on the platform’s activities.
Accounts and Investment Types FiatVisions
FiatVisions offers five account types that are divided into two categories. The categories listed include the Starter level and the Next level. For basic traders and newbies, they have the option of choosing between three accounts.
Beginner account
The beginner account has a high depository requirement of $5,000. With this amount, members get an account manager, floating bid/Ask difference and mobile trading. However, memes get no prior information on the leverage and spread.
Basic account
It’s the second account with deposits set at $25,000. Again, you get all the perks of a beginner account with the addition of daily technical signals. Unfortunately, the accuracy of these signals is in question with no access to trading rooms or trading academy.
Silver account
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Silver account holders must deposit $100,000 to start trading. With all the features in the above accounts, added advantages include commissions and trading academy. The set commissions are at a 20 percent discount on deposits.
We move on to the Next Level, which is for the more experienced investor and trader.
Gold account
To start using this account, members must deposit $250,000. After that, you get all the above features plus access to event rooms and VIP trails. The set commissions for this account are set at 30 percent. You also get access to the event room.
VIP account
You must deposit a whopping $1 million to start using this account. It’s likely the platform is targeting institutional clients with this account. Members get all features activated, including webinars, video courses, and VIP services. Commissions with this account are set to 50 percent.
Business holder
Green Point Technology LTD is the platform authorized by the FSC to operate. However, it remains unclear whether the platform owns this investment wing. Furthermore, there has been no official response from the company regarding its affiliation with fiatvisions.com.
On further investigation, we doubt even whether the Company exists. The reason we say this is their name doesn’t appear on FSC’s homepage. When we search, we get 0 results for the platform.
Commissions and discounts
The naive investor will happily sign up and deposit funds due to the high commissions and discounts. However, you should note that most regulators in Europe and the States are against it. These regulators blacklist platforms that offer bonuses, commissions., and discounts.
There’s a good reason for this, some of these platforms are not upfront with their commissions. As a result, they will likely blackmail members into depositing more funds even with a balance. Unfortunately, we have seen this scenario play out in more cases than one.
The platform will block or hold your account for ransom until you pay back the commission amount. What’s worse is they demand a new deposit even if your account has the balance to offset it. Imagine if this happens to an institutional client who deposited $1m and received $500,000 in commissions?
Compliance, License, and Registration of FiatVisions
Although the platform claims to have its license from the FSC, we doubt it. Once we took a closer look at the registry, we noticed a few issues. One, Green Point Technology Ltd does not exist.
Two, the platform is using random digits as their registration number. There are no documents on display to prove otherwise. Third, despite claiming to have a license, the regulator is based in Mauritius, which is a problem.
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The regulator does not enforce stringent measures to protect investors. All they are after is the license and maintenance fee. And that’s the reason most investment platforms go for licenses in these jurisdictions.
You should invest in platforms that enjoy oversight from reputable regulators. Some of the reputable regulators include ASIC, BaFin, CONSOB, CySEC, FCA, and SEC.
Domain credentials (fiatvisions.com review)
There are hundreds of complaints, and the platform is barely 100 days in. As we publish this post, the website is 126 days old. The website went live on March 2nd, 2021. Even their contact details on the registry page are false. It looks like a random number.
The server hosting this website is also associated with other crypto and forex scams. It seems fair to state that the website belongs to the same culprits. The website has a low trust score and is not indexed by leading search engines.
Features of FiatVisions
Payment Methods
FiatVisions does not list the payment methods, which is a bit odd. During our initial trial, the platform was demanding wire transfer. However, the bottom of their homepage has what looks like depository options logos.
These include Amex, Discover, and Visa. Sadly, withdrawing funds from the platform is the biggest hurdle you will face. We haven’t heard or seen of any member getting to withdraw funds. Those who do are either withdrawing partial amounts.
Fiat Visions doesn’t allow users to withdraw the entire balance. So if your account has $3,000, you will likely not withdraw over $500. And this is a problem as members should have control of their funds.
Trading platform
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There’s a proprietary platform on the use that we found unstable and slow at executing trades. We believe the best platforms for trading include MT4, MT5, and SIRIX.
Safety of funds with FiatVisions
Your funds are far from safe with a platform that uses false registry details. In addition, there’s no mention of any security net for deposits made. The platform should offer insurance cover for deposits seeing how high their depository requirements are.
There’s no need to deposit high amounts and have issues when withdrawing. But, unfortunately, the platform does not provide any transparency. And this is the reason we are adding Fiat Visions to our blacklist.
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Global Financial Solutions Asia  Easy Tips To Make More Money Trading Forex
Global Financial Solutions Asia Professional tips provider. Currency trading has so many possibilities as to what you can use, do, and how you can apply it to your own personal strategy. It is rare to find somebody that will trade just like you, so why not take advantage of that and create a powerful trading strategy that works for only you? This article can help.
Make a checklist that must be followed before entering a new forex trade. A checklist forces you to slow down and double check that the trade is truly a good deal. Come up with a list of requirements that are necessary for all deals, and then analyze this list whenever you are thinking about making a trade. This keeps you from getting caught up in the excitement of a new trend.
Before signing up with a Forex broker, read all of the reviews about that broker that you can find. Take the average of all of the reviews, and treat any strongly negative or positive reviews as suspect. Some brokers may plant fraudulent positive reviews, and some users just like to complain. The better the average of the reviews, the more likely the broker is to be good.
Doing what you already understand is a way to get ahead in the Forex market. If you start trading, and have no idea what you are doing, you will end up losing more money then you wish to. Trading just because someone told you it was a good move will not help you gain more knowledge, and if you are unfamiliar with what you are trading, you will not really know if it is a good idea or not.
Avoid making lots of small trades on the forex market. It is not just your investment account that has a finite limit; you also have a limited supply of patience and endurance. Beginning traders wear themselves out placing tons of small trades that ultimately have little benefit. Conserve your attention and focus on making fewer, better-researched, more profitable trades.
A great tip for Forex trading is to make sure that the broker you choose is okay with day trading. It's no secret that most brokers don't like day trading. If your broker notices that you've made money day trading, they may take steps to close your account.
Global Financial Solutions Asia Proficient tips provider. When forex trading, you need to trust your instincts and ultimately, make your own decision. It's wise to get advice from critics and knowledgeable people, but ultimately the decision should be up to you. You don't want other people making major trading decisions with your money.
Never be misled by any profit gains in Forex. This is the number-one way traders end up losing their money and ultimately failing. Remember that the same things that make you laugh can make you cry in this market, and you can lose that $700 in the exact same way you gained it, only quicker!
The Foreign Exchange Market is bound by rules and you can use this principle to set rules for yourself. You have the ability to set your own rules for trading so that your account is protected. For example, make it a rule never to leverage yourself too high or make a rule to back out if you've lost 10% of your account.
If you want to know more about exchange rates, you can take a college course about it. You do not have to get a whole degree: you can enroll in most universities or colleges as a non-degree seeking student and select the business courses that would improve your forex trading skills.
When you open a position on the Forex market you should take careful stock of the time frame - the current trend on the market and where it is likely to go. Certain portions of a trend involve greater or lesser risk and greater or lesser profit. Tailor your position to the needs of the moment.
People say that the devils you know are better than the ones that you don't, and this definitely rings true when speaking about the Foreign Exchange market. If you are aware of factors that may result in a changing trend, stick with what you know and try to avoid what's uncertain. You want to limit your losses with forex.
Global Financial Solutions Asia Qualified tips provider. Overtrading can occur with even the most experienced of forex traders. This is likely to happen when you are on a winning streak and you become overconfident in your trades. Give yourself a timeout if you find that your winning streak has ended and you find yourself losing three times consecutively.
Because Forex trading can be done with countries around the world, keep in mind that it is possible for you to trade at any time, even in the middle of the night. This is important for people who are too busy to do Forex trading during the day because of other commitments.
Keep your eye on the country's interest rates. When the country has a rising interest rate, its currency will become stronger because more people will move their assets there to get a higher return. Conversely, a decrease in interest rates means a weaker currency. These movements will influence this currency's activity in the forex market.
Make sure you have access to the internet at all times of the day and night so that you do not miss any opportunities. You can receive alerts on a laptop or a cell phone for instance: this way you will know when you have to buy or sell and react quickly.
When getting your feet wet in forex trading, keep it simple at first in terms of the currencies you choose. At first, it makes sense to focus on a single pair of currencies. Hopefully, one of those will be a currency you understand, such as your own. Once you have a good grounding in how those two currencies behave in relation to each other, you can begin to expand your currency choices.
Global Financial Solutions Asia Top service provider. Isn't creating your own personal currency trading strategy interesting? As you have seen in this article, there are a lot of ways this can be done and no two strategies or trades will yield the same results. There are also lots of options that can work with your personal strategy.
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Foxane.com review – is Foxane a scam or a good Forex broker?
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Foxane is yet another reason why we always advise caution when it comes to Forex brokers – the company is not actually licensed, or fit, to be offering the services it does. It cannot bring about anything but losses for you – so investing with it is quite the terrible idea. If you need more information on Foxane, read on – we have exposed all of the broker’s failings in the review below – but before we get into it, we would like to make a small disclaimer:
Opening an account with Foxane at the time of writing is not possible – any attempt to do so leads to the following error page:
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This is quite the display of incompetence on Foxane’s part – but considering what we have to say about the broker, it might also be a blessing in disguise – after all, if Foxane does not open accounts, it cannot take anyone’s money!
Is Foxane a legitimate broker?
Absolutely not – the broker does not have a license. It also hails from one of the shadiest offshore jurisdictions out there – that of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Here is what the broker’s address seems to be:
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If it seems we are harsh towards St. Vincent, that is because the county has a well-earned reputation as a scam haven – you see, it does not regulate its Forex markets in any capacity. Therefore, scammers of all kinds set up shop there, so they can run their schemes unopposed. And even if a company from the country is not running a scam, there are no guarantees that it is licensed to deal on the Forex markets – these firms usually go under in a couple weeks and take their clients’ deposits with them.
Contrast that to a stricter jurisdiction – the UK, for example – companies from it are required to report on a daily basis on open and closed trades, to make sure they cannot engage in any kind of market manipulation. And to protect their clients from the volatility of the markets, the UK demands that all brokers participate in guarantee funds, which pay out up to 85 000 pounds per affected client if the company goes under.
There are many more polices the UK has in place and many more requirements brokers need to comply with – but, as you can see, trading with licensed brokers simply makes more sense than using the services of offshore ones like Foxane!
Can I make money with Foxane?
No – since Foxane is unlicensed, you cannot turn a profit with it. Once again, a regulated broker would be a safer bet. There is also the issue of the company’s Terms and Conditions that are incredibly vague – check out what Foxane has to say about the fees it charges:
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These fees are not available anywhere on the broker’s website – and yet, it threatens its clients with legal action over them! An open clause like that can have Foxane charge you as much as it wants to – even tax you through the nose if it wants to. Let’s also take a look at the broker’s policy on bonuses:
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It states that ones of over 10% of the deposited amount might bring about additional terms and conditions – we cannot know what these are for certain, but brokers that offer bonuses mainly do so to restrict client withdrawals – Foxane might insist that accounts credited with a bonus need to achieve a certain turnover to withdraw, for example.
What leverage does Foxane have available?
Foxane provides access to a leverage of up to 1:400 – much higher than what most regulators allow traders to make use of nowadays. Most brokers that have such high-leverage trading available are simply looking to gain more clients – so be careful when you see it in the wild!
What is the minimum deposit with Foxane?
Foxane sets its minimum deposit to the audacious $1000 – meanwhile, legitimate brokers out there readily open micro accounts for no more than $10 nowadays!
What trading software is available with Foxane?
Foxane supposedly has a web-based platform available – but, since we were unable to make an account with the broker, we have no idea what that software looks like or how it stacks up to industry standard Metatrader 5!
What deposit methods does Foxane accept?
Foxane accepts deposits via Bitcoin and credit cards – be extremely careful when paying with crypto, as these deposits are never eligible for chargebacks!
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Greendax Review - 5 Things You Should Know About greendax.com
Greendax is just another anonymous offshore broker who promises a “first-rate trading environment with innovative services” and claims that it is focused “on helping traders meet their unique goals” – but they fail to support such claims in any way. In fact, this broker will most probably run off with your money the moment you decide to invest. From lack of regulation to questionable fees and extremely high-cost trading – this broker has it all. Avoid trading with them if you don’t want to suffer losses.
Greendax REGULATION AND SAFETY OF FUNDS Greendax states clearly that it is registered in St. Vincent and the Grenadines and is conducting business from that country.
This country has become a true scammer haven in recent years and there is a good reason for that – the local financial authority, SVGFSA, monitors the banking sector and only the banking sector. It does not license forex brokers, does not supervise their activities, and does not impose any laws in the sphere. This means that pretty much anyone could set up a company in St. Vincent and the Grenadines and start offering complex financial services without having met even the most basic of requirements, and without having to answer for their actions. Moreover, money transferred to such offshore locations rarely leaves a paper trail since there are no reporting requirements – this enables all sorts of activities such as tax evasion, money laundering, and fraud.
If you want to be sure that your money would not end up in the wrong hands, turn to a licensed UK, EU, or Australian broker. Such brokers are under the supervision of some of the strictest authorities in the world and are obligated to follow many rules and procedures. All licensed brokerages have to maintain a minimum operational capital to prove their financial stability and good standing – €730 000 in the UK and the EU, and A$1 million in Australia. Negative balance protection is a must if you are a retail client – this means you could never lose more money than you have in your account. All regulated brokers must keep client money in segregated bank accounts – this not only means you could be sure the broker would not be able to use your money for their own business but also speeds up chargebacks and withdrawals.
Greendax TRADING SOFTWARE When you open an account with Greendax, you are supposed to get access to a “dependable, robust trading platform, well-designed for every type of investor” that comes in a web version and as an Android or iOS app. However, the broker does not offer demo accounts where you could test out this advanced platform. When we tried registering a real account, we were asked for a referral code and were not allowed to proceed unless we provided one.
Asking for referrals is not common among legitimate brokers but is a favorite tactic for scammers – such brokers prefer to handpick their victims and keep the scam under wraps. They usually provide referral codes via phone or email and try to keep the scheme as far away from the eyes of the public as possible. That is why we could not try out this broker’s platform.
If you want to trade on a platform that is everything such scammers usually promise and more, try the most popular software in the industry – MetaTrader 5. This is a truly robust platform designed for a great trading experience that not only offers a full charting and analysis package but also some exquisite additional features such as preprogrammed Expert Advisors that track markets and trade automatically, multi-threaded Strategy Testers, and the possibility to export charts, the chance to set signals for prices going up or down or subscribe to those set by successful traders, a community chat, a market for add-ons, and much more. The newer versions of MT5 also come with hedging and netting options. This is a platform even complete beginners will consider accessible while seasoned professionals will be able to find each and every trading tool they might need.
Greendax TRADING CONDITIONS Without access to a Client area or a trading platform, we cannot say if everything Greendax has mentioned about its trading conditions on the website is actually true. The broker has described a few account types – to open the most basic one, you would have to part with as much as $2500. This is unacceptable – after all, few brokers would ask for more than $250 for a starter account these days, and there are more than enough brokerage who offer both amazing conditions and account for as little as $5. The Beginner account Greendax offers, on the other hand, promises quite limited possibilities.
The broker promises maximum leverage of 1:400 – and while it is legal for offshore brokers to offer any leverage they want, you should always remember to be careful with your leverage settings. Don’t get tempted by the bigger profits that might come with trading with high leverage – for beginners especially, setting the number too high could also lead to huge losses. Always take factors like market volatility, and your experience into account – and remember that you have to be willing to risk a lot more if you want to turn bigger profits. If you are not willing to risk losing some of your capital, better stick to more reasonable leverage ratios.
Greendax DEPOSIT/WITHDRAWAL METHODS AND FEES Since we were unable to open an account with Greendax, we did not get to learn which deposit methods are available. However, we saw the logos of both Visa and MasterCard on the website. If these scammers do accept card payments and you have managed to deposit via card, contact your card provider as soon as possible – both Visa and MasterCard allow chargebacks within 540 days.
Another logo we encountered on the website was that of Bitcoin – matters get far more complicated here. Refrain from transferring money in crypto unless you are sure you can trust the broker 100% – such transactions are completely irreversible which means you will never see your money again if you have used this deposit method.
Greendax offers different bonuses and mentions having turnover requirements – unless you don’t meet those, you would not be able to withdraw the bonus or any profits. The size of the turnover was, curiously, not specified.
Additionally, if the bonus exceeds 10% of the number of funds in your account, it is subject to additional conditions – once again, nothing more was specified about those conditions.
If there is a certain period with no trading activity, your account becomes inactive and there are additional fees. The broker has not mentioned the size of those fees, or after what period of time they will be charged.
All of Greendax’s fees seem to be ambiguous – no specific sizes and time periods are mentioned. This means that the broker definitely has something to hide and will probably find a way to steal money from you through fees. It might also deny withdrawals at a later point because of certain clauses in the Terms and Conditions. The questionable fee system is just another reason to avoid Greendax altogether.
HOW DOES THE SCAM WORK? This type of scam is really not that complicated – but it has proven to be quite effective and has managed to trick quite a few people. Given such schemes’ growing popularity, it is important to know how to avoid them – so reading the following paragraphs carefully is vital.
The scam starts with you seeing an ad on the Internet for a certain broker’s website. Such websites usually promise amazing conditions and extremely fast profits – but offer very little in terms of license and company information. However, sometimes scammers can be very elaborate in their promise – so you fall for it and provide them with a phone number or an email. There is another option – they might have stumbled upon your contact details somewhere and are the first to make contact. After that, a game of cat and mouse begins – you will be asked to open an account and make a deposit. Keep in mind that these are professional scammers who convince people to transfer money for a living – they will sweet-talk you into depositing by talking about profits and opportunities.
After that, you might indeed see profits and deposit even more money – but all of this is smoke and mirrors, scammers often manipulate results to make you transfer bigger amounts.
At some point, of course, you would want to withdraw your money – and the problems will start. Additional fees or unfulfilled clauses in the Terms and Conditions will appear, and you will be denied access to your money. At this point, you will probably discover something is wrong – and this is when the scammers will drop out of sight.
WHAT TO DO WHEN SCAMMED? There are a few things you could do if you discover you have been scammed. Chargebacks are possible in some cases depending on the payment method you have used to deposit. Both Visa and MasterCard allow such chargebacks within 540 days while bank transfers and cryptocurrency transactions are completely irreversible.
Make sure to change all banking passwords. If you have installed any remote access software, remove it immediately – scammers ask their victims to install such software under different pretexts but their endgame is to just get access to your banking accounts and steal even more money.
Notify authorities and share your story with as many people as possible – the more people know about such scams, the less they will fall victims to fraudulent schemes.
Last but not least – don’t trust any so-called “recovery agents” that offer to retrieve your money for a fee – this is just another type of scam, sometimes even conducted by the same people that stole your money in the first place.
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pipcupid · 2 years
Pip cupid Great And Simple Advice On Foreign Exchange Trading
Pip cupid Skilled tips provider. Trading in the foreign exchange market can be an interesting experience for many people. Through the trading of foreign currency on the market, many people gain business savvy and knowledge that allows them to be profitable and professional in other areas. To reach this level, however, requires proper knowledge. The advice in this article should give you that proper knowledge.
Learn to accept failure and move on quickly. People make mistakes all the time, and it is human nature to want to try to cover up the problem. When it comes to trading forex, do not get caught up in trying to fix past mistakes by sticking with a failing trade. Stay focused on seeking out new winning trades that will actually return a profit.
After you've decided which currency pair you want to start with, learn all you can about that pair. When you focus entirely on learning everything about all pairing and interactions, you will find yourself mired down in learning rather than trading for a very long time. Instead, you should choose the pair you plan on using, and learn as much as you can about it. Make sure that you understand their volatility, news and forecasting.
It is recommended that you keep at least $500 in your forex trading account, even if your broker requires a lower minimum amount. Most forex trading is heavily leveraged, meaning that you are investing more money that you actually have. If you use leverage to make a trade and it does not pan out, you will be responsible for the full value of the trade, including the leveraged amount.
Automated trading can be a beneficial part of your strategy, especially early on in your trading career. This does not necessarily mean you need computer-automation. You can commit to making the same decision every time you are presented with a given situation. This can help you eliminate emotional reactions and stick to a long-term plan.
When you notice a trend on forex, it is best to follow it. Other people are making money on this stock, so why not join the crowd and earn some money at the same time? There would not be a lot of people buying or selling a stock if it was not making them money.
When investing in forex, define what your goals are. Do you know how much risk you're comfortable with? Do you know how much money you will invest and how regularly? Before getting involved in forex you've got to know yourself and what you want and expect from the markets.
You should have a chart, showing current gold prices visible, when you are trading the USD. Gold is one of the commodities that is most affected by the value of the USD. Historically, the price of gold and the USD, trend in opposite directions, so observing trends in the gold market, can help you to predict the future value of the USD.
To find the perfect moment to invest, pay attention to both the spot rate and the forward rate. The forward rate indicates the given value of a currency at a certain point of time, regardless of its spot rate. The spot rate indicates the current fluctuation and allows you to guess the upcoming trend.
A trader's overall strategy on the forex market should fit his or her lifestyle - that is, how much time he or she trades. Traders who watch the market just a few hours a day gravitate naturally towards conservative strategies. Traders who spend more time following activity closely can employ more aggressive, small-margin tactics.
Pip cupid Top service provider. Keep your cool as you are trading. Do not get over excited when you win a lot or lose a lot. It will keep you from thinking clearly and there is a good chance that you will lose everything that you won or that you have. Do not over trade and shake your money management.
Before you do your Forex trading for the day, make sure you check in currency rate forecasts, which are created by expert analysts. This is important because checking Forex trading changes every day and you want to know what the day is predicted to be like before putting your money on the line.
While there are many products for sale on the market that promise trading success and riches, do not be fooled by them. These foreign exchange robots and magical products are only a waste of time, as they offer little gains for those who invest in them. If the product hasn't made the seller successful in the foreign exchange market, then it's best to stay away.
One tip that cannot be stressed enough when it comes to Forex trading is the importance of patience. Forex trading is not a short term get quick rich marketplace. In order to sustain prolonged success, a great deal of patience is required of all traders. Stick to your strategies and eventually you will reap the benefits.
Watch carefully for fake-outs on the market. This occurs when you are watching a currency that makes a movement in a direction and makes it look as if it is beginning a new trend. Then suddenly it takes a dive in the opposite direction in which you thought it was going to go.
Figure out which currency pairs best match your personal trading style to optimize your chances of success. Some pairs fluctuate often throughout the course of a day while others change slowly over a period of time. Which ones fit best into your risk boundaries? While you don't have to focus exclusively on either type, make it a habit to choose the pairs that work well with your strategies.
Pip cupid Qualified tips provider. As stated before, trading in the foreign exchange market provides and interesting experience for many people, newcomers and experts alike. You can gain profit and knowledge by trading in the forex market. Using the advice from this article, you should have enough knowledge to get you started on the path to market success.
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bsappsfxtrading · 4 years
                           WHY NO TRADING IS TRADING
Welcome to the "BSAPPSFX" YouTube channel. Throughout this video, you will know why forex traders lose money. It is a proven statistic that confirms that 90% of trader losses in the forex market. It's also proven that 75% of traders don’t have PROPER STRATEGIES, they just put the trade and wait to win/hit the target, but it doesn’t happen.
It is a common fact known that many people lose money while trading in the Forex market and there is an estimate that 96% of Forex traders lose money and end up quitting Forex trading.
The most common reasons why these people lose money in Forex are because:  they try to beat the market and trade against the trends. Many traders fail to manage risks, with the intention of making more profits they forget to protect their capital and fail to place a stop loss greediness is another factor.
WHY NO TRADING IS TRADING: Traders generally buy and sell securities more frequently and hold positions for much shorter periods than investors, which can result in costly mistakes.
More Details Lets Contact :-
Website:-  https://bsappsfx.com/
Facebook:- https://web.facebook.com/Bsappsfx?_rdc=1&_rdr
Instgram:- https://www.instagram.com/bsappsfx/
Linkedin:- https://www.linkedin.com/bsappsfx
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conasfoodkitchen · 4 years
Throughout this video, you will know why forex traders lose money. It is a proven statistic that confirms that 90% of trader losses in the forex market. It's also proven that 75% of traders don’t have PROPER STRATEGIES, they just put the trade and wait to win/hit the target, but it doesn’t happen.
It is a common fact known that many people lose money while trading in the Forex market and there is an estimate that 96% of Forex traders lose money and end up quitting Forex trading.
The most common reasons why these people lose money in Forex are because:  they try to beat the market and trade against the trends. Many traders fail to manage risks, with the intention of making more profits they forget to protect their capital and fail to place a stop loss greediness is another factor.
WHY NO TRADING IS TRADING: Traders generally buy and sell securities more frequently and hold positions for much shorter periods than investors, which can result in costly mistakes.
My Instagram is: BSAPPSFX
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Why do 90% of Forex traders lose money in trading? - WHY NO TRADING IS TRADING
Welcome to the "BSAPPSFX" YouTube channel. Throughout this video, you will know why forex traders lose money. It is a proven statistic that confirms that 90% of trader losses in the forex market. It's also proven that 75% of traders don’t have PROPER STRATEGIES, they just put the trade and wait to win/hit the target, but it doesn’t happen.
It is a common fact known that many people lose money while trading in the Forex market and there is an estimate that 96% of Forex traders lose money and end up quitting Forex trading.
The most common reasons why these people lose money in Forex are because:  they try to beat the market and trade against the trends. Many traders fail to manage risks, with the intention of making more profits they forget to protect their capital and fail to place a stop loss greediness is another factor.
WHY NO TRADING IS TRADING: Traders generally buy and sell securities more frequently and hold positions for much shorter periods than investors, which can result in costly mistakes.
More Details Lets Contact :-      
Website:-  https://bsappsfx.com/
Facebook:- https://web.facebook.com/Bsappsfx?_rdc=1&_rdr
Instgram:- https://www.instagram.com/bsappsfx/
Linkedin:- https://www.linkedin.com/bsappsfx
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forexstat · 5 years
6 Reasons Why Most Stock Traders Fail You may or may not have heard the general statistic that 90% of traders fail when first starting out. This is primarily due to the fact that many individuals tend to make 6 common mistakes which lead to their failure. In this video, we will differentiate the successful and unsuccessful traders, as well as the common mistakes which are made by those unsuccessful traders. Learn how you can avoid these mistakes and prosper in the stock market! https://video.forexreview.top/6-reasons-why-most-stock-traders-fail_baf7456a8.html by
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heliolendingau · 3 years
How Investing in Cryptocurrencies Holds Up Against Traditional Investments
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The cryptocurrency market is growing rapidly, with the largest cryptos in particular having spent much of the summer and fall rallying. According to an article on CoinDesk, the crypto market cap has surged to a record $2.7 trillion, tripling the $770 billion cap from the beginning of the year. Bitcoin (BTC) recently reached a fresh all-time high of $66,000, while Ethereum (ETH) climbed to a five-month high of more than $4,200.
All of this is leading corporations of all kinds to invest in cryptocurrencies on the simple grounds that the cryptos have outperformed traditional assets and varying indices. In our article ‘The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Investing and Trading Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies’, we discussed how investing in cryptocurrency can lead to significant gains.
Both cryptocurrencies and stocks have good and bad days. For instance, as of the writing the European stock market is facing weak trading over Asia-Pacific jitters. The pan-European Stoxx 700 recently closed just below the flatline due to concerns over the Chinese property sector. These are specific examples that have affected markets of late. But more generally, market volatility, government regulations, and other sources of uncertainty can regularly lead to losses for even the most experienced and careful investors. That said, stocks also come with a long history that makes it easier for investors to recognize trends and predict future movements. Stock markets are also well regulated and widely traded, which further sets them apart from decentralized cryptocurrency assets. However, the crypto market is catching up as its capitalization increases and also regulation will be put in place. The proposed MiCA (Markets in Crypto Assets) framework of the EU is a recent example.
A bond is a loan from an individual to a company or a government. When an investor buys a bond, the entity that sold the bond is in debt to that person. For a certain period of time, the investor will get interest (like say 3% p.a.) on the amount lent out, and eventually he or she will receive the entire amount in return. The only major risk with bonds is that an investor won’t receive any interest payments (or even the principal amount) if the borrower goes bankrupt or defaults for any other reason. Additionally, bonds can fail to generate returns that keep pace with inflation. The value of issued bonds often erodes when inflation rises. By contrast, cryptocurrencies are untethered to wider economic disruptions, and cannot be affected by any entity’s failure to maintain a deal – except that hackers might steal crypto left on an exchange. But in fact, crypto tends to profit from rising inflation as it is regarded a hedge against inflation. And moving your crypto to your own wallet will keep you safe.
Foreign exchange of global currencies (or forex) offers unmatched liquidity compared to crypto, or any other market for that matter. But value in this particular market stems from the economic conditions and fluctuations of the countries behind the currencies. This is why investors pay close attention to the changes in major currency pairs during times of high volatility. The trade volatility charts on FXCM depict what this sort of tracking looks like. They essentially depict bid and ask prices for major pairs such as the EUR/USD and USD/GBP, but do so in such a way as to highlight the pairs exhibiting the most movement. While this is a helpful way to visualize and trade forex though, the need for volatility tracking highlights a key difference between forex and cryptocurrency in and of itself. Forex traders need to seek out volatility if they’re to find much short-term potential for gains; crypto markets are extraordinarily volatile nearly all the time. That makes them less stable, but also means it’s easier for investors to spot potential opportunities for swift earnings.
Based on a recent gold market report from Reuters, gold prices have extended gains of late due to a softer dollar. With U.S. treasury yields pushing higher over inflation concerns, gold trading has remained in a range between $1,720 and $1,820 — making it a stable, liquid investment choice. These kinds of conditions are behind the “safe-haven asset” label that is often applied to gold. Some have begun to assign this label to cryptocurrencies as well, largely on the grounds that it they provide a “haven” during times of spurring inflation like we have been observing in fall 2021. Generally speaking though, crypto is far more volatile. The other key difference, meanwhile, is that gold is subject to import taxes and is far less portable. Investors need to spend more money protecting stashes of physical gold (even if only indirectly) than securing crypto wallets.
Overall, investing in crypto depends on your risk tolerance and portfolio objectives. If you want to diversify away from traditional investments, digital money is a good choice because it isn’t tied to a specific fiat currency, country, or financial market. That said, like any investable asset, cryptos still come with risks that need to be managed carefully. Timing the crypto market’s major ups and downs is key. This is where Crypto Captain can help you.
For More Information: https://heliolending.com/
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