#why is valjean wearing papa smurf's hat
for-the-love-of-javert ยท 3 months
Watching Les Mis 1978
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Yes, i finally got around to it. So far I've noticed, Javert has brown eyes (what happened to my blue eyed boy), his sideburns aren't bushy enough (I know I'm being petty but....), Javert is too slim, isn't he suppost to be tall and kinda robust (not as robust as Valjean enough to be intimidating). Anthony Perkins was a brilliant actor but I'm just not feeling him as Javert. There's something missing apart from what I've already mentioned.
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And why, at Toulon, is Valjean wearing what looks like Papa Smurf's hat (in the 1925 their prison hats looked a bit more like like tea cosies) on his head? Also why did Richard Jordan have trouble with at least doing a British accent like Perkins was abole to do (Perkins accent is good btw). I can't make my mind up about Jordan as Valjean yet, I'm on the fence with that one.
But up to now I'm enjoying it.
Please, please pleeaaassseee, pretty please with a cherry on top, tell me that the "would you like my hat?" scene is in it. I just have to see Ant Perky doing that one.
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