#why is this being reblogged onto my dash uncritically
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Ummmm this post is fucking nasty ??
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alcorian-cycle · 2 months
people really, really dont want to hear that there are instances of genuine antisemitism in the anti-zionist movement that need to be addressed.
being anti-zionist is not antisemitic, but there ARE antisemitic ways to be anti-zionist. get it?
ive seen posts uncritically reblogged onto my dash that imply that jews israel has a secret vice-grip on usamerican politics, that israel is forcing the US to support them, or that there is a worldwide cabal of zionists working behind the scenes to direct international politics. thats conspiracy thinking, and it does need to be addressed.
but because zionists love to call every criticism of israel, no matter how reasonable and grounded in reality, antisemitic, people have a knee-jerk reaction to hearing criticism on that front. (this may also be rooted in a leftist tendency to not see antisemitism as being "as serious" as other forms of bigotry, but i am not personally very well versed in this phenomenon.)
this framework also ignores the centuries of history showing how the USA does this exact kind of thing constantly. its extremely obvious why the USA is backing israel, and it has nothing to do with israel forcing anything, and everything to do with israel being a strategic investment for the US. the US has been blatantly wanting middle eastern oil for so long, its basically a meme/joke at this point. like, youre letting the US off pretty lightly here.
anyways this is your reminder to be open to good-faith criticisms of the way you talk about israel. you can, and should, criticize israel without being antisemitic. if someone points out an antisemitic trope or conspiracy thinking in something you say, please take it seriously.
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animal71154 · 7 years
k.. i thought this discourse was over but i just had 2 separate ppl reblog the weirdest fucking post onto my dash and i just wanna open some questions 2 the bench
“Queer is a slur” is used by terfs and cis gays/lesbians to silence the voices of trans/nonbinary/intersex/bi/pan/ace people in society and even within our own communities, to isolate us and shame us for existing.
first of all i saw plenty of trans/bi ppl who were uncomfortable with ‘queer’ becoming the new catchall, its not like its our only word. it just happens to be one that comes with a lot of pain and baggage for a really large percentage of us.....
“Queer is a slur” is defending heteronormativity.
i.....dont get it i really dont get it we have words. we have other words to describe our experiences. we use them all the time and theyre more specific than ‘queer’. theres lots of words to say ‘im not straight’ im much more descriptive ways than ‘queer’.
“Queer is a slur” is frankly embarrassing. It’s an admission of ignorance and prejudice. It’s an insidious discriminatory discourse parroted uncritically in support of a divisive us-vs-them mentality targeting the most vulnerable members of the LGBTQIA+ community for lack of courage to confront the white cis straight men who pose an actual danger to us as individuals and as a community.
i thought this whole segment was weird because the WHOLE POST seems to be an us-vs-them sentiment? like op is out here trying to act like the evil cisgays are silencing us and stealing our special word that they totally never get called ever......what?? we can acknowledge history and still not force labels onto people who dont want them.......like thats possible
IDK LOL i just thought wed all arrived at ‘ok lots of people find it really really painful to see this word so well stop calling them it’, i dont see this huge advantage to using it that somehow justifies that? i mean you can call yourself whatever you want, but im finding it pretty fucking hellish suddenly seeing straight media jump onto the bandwagon of calling us queers again. k i didnt end up posing many questions here, i figured if i thought about it enough id come up with some but heres some:
‘why are we fighting to keep using a word that hurts so many of us?’ ‘why are we LYING to achieve this?’ ‘why arent we just calling ourselves, as an individual, queer, if we love it this much? why do we have to tell everyone else theyre being HETERONORMATIVE for not using a word if it hurts them, what the fuck is that guilttrip move about????’
im still.....deciding whether these are rhetorical or not honestly because its gonna take a REALLY fucking good offer to make me think twice about it
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