#why is the puzzle missing in half of these? ummmmm be quiet
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nyatem · 1 month ago
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I want to treat this account less like a fancy portfolio and more like a fun blog. So here’s a dump of tem-centric whiteboard doodles
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wardfmaily1962 · 6 years ago
Saving Grace Part 1
**** Please take it easy on me -- this is my very fist story that I ever wrote and I hope you enjoy it****
Word Count 2,791
You woke up screaming in the middle of the night soaking in sweat and crying. Its been 5 years --- 5 years since the accident and to this day – it felt like it is just happened. You glanced at the clock by the night stand
“3:15am, great, I guess I’m up now” with a long and exasperated sigh, you remove the cover from your body and sat at the edge of the bed. You cover your face with your hand, and out of the nowhere, tears start streaming down your face.
“Why did you have to leave? Why? “your voice was breaking as flashback of the happiest day of your life, turn into a nightmare
 ***** December 3rd, 2015 *****
“Dad, where are we going?” you sounded like a school girl with a giddy sound of your voice as you look at your loving husband. He was wearing a dark washed up jeans, white long sleeve shirt, boots and sunglasses. His muscles were rippling through his shirt that you could just eat him up.
“Its wouldn’t be a surprise if I tell you now would It” – he said with laughter in his voice. Trenton knows exactly what you like. You have now been together for 11 years and married for 5. You have a beautiful son and far as you are concern, you are living the fairy tale dream.
“Fine!” as you cross your arm and tried to pout but miserably failed.
He tilts his head back a bit as he laughed because of your expression. His laughter filled the car and you couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate your birthday than with the man of your dreams.
20 minutes has passed, and you pulled up on a gated community. You recognize this gate – it was awarded as one of the most exclusive, and secluded area in your city. Heck only millionaires lives here.
“Ummmmm – what are we doing here babe?” with a puzzled look on your face as you tried to figure out what your husband is up to
“You’ll see” as he gives you a side way smirk and winked
You rolled your eyes and said “Whatever” under your breath
He rang the metal box outside the gates and a man appeared on the screen
“Good afternoon sir – its good to see you again, and I see you brought the missus this time?”
“See you again? You’ve been here before”  you looked at your husband with arms across your chest and this time, you are not laughing
The seriousness of your voice made Trenton smile even bigger. He grabbed your hand and pulled it close to his lips and kissed it, while whispering --- “Happy Birthday Beautiful”
In an instance – the metal gate open and you drove in
On the left side – you see a long drive way, and at the end of it a beautiful white brick house, the grass had just turned brown due to the season, but that only enhanced the beauty of it. Incredible custom home with every possible amenity and convenience. Charm, elegance and splendor are just some of the many adjectives to describe this beautifully built home
You look at your husband in disbelief “Trenton --- whhaa???” you couldn’t even finish your words, when the car stopped. You are now in front of the most striking house you have ever seen in your life.
“Dad, what’s going on?” you looked at him with curiosity in your eyes
“This is my birthday gift to you” he said with love and tenderness in his voice “I told you I will give you the world, I would like to start with this”
You were shock and dumbfounded, that you didn’t even realize that you already stepped out of the car, and heading straight to the door
“You mean it, you really mean it??”
“I mean it my love, Happy Birthday Y/N, I love you”
  ****Present Day***
**Phone ringing***
You snapped back to reality and looked down at your phone, you saw the face of your lovely son Alex, and answered it. “Good Morning my boy, how are you?”
“Good morning mama, you are coming home? today right?” as a big loud yawn filled the conversation
You chuckled a little bit and finally answered “Yes son, mama’s coming home today, but it will probably be this evening. Mama’s plane does not leave here until 3 in the afternoon”
“Ok, I miss you and I love you”
“I love and miss you too sweetheart”
“Talk to you later” and the line went dead
You looked at the clock one more time, and it’s now 5am. You got up and went to your closet, pulled out a bag and grabbed your running shoes, yoga pants, and sports bra.
You scrambled to put it on, so you can get your morning run in for the day
Running helps you relax, helps you forget
As sweat beads down your face, Trenton’s favorite song came on your headset
Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen
As the melody from the piano start to play – you slowed down and started walking. You listen to each word and savored the moment.
 ****6 years ago, ***/
Bohemian Rhapsody played in your apartment
You and Trenton are still living in your 2-bed room apartment
You rolled out of bed and slowly make your way to the kitchen, and you saw your sexy man bopping his head up and down and singing along to the lyrics of the song
He quickly turned and had a startled look on his face when he saw you “You caught me in my most vulnerable state” he tried to pout but without missing a beat you lunged at him laughing
“I like you like this – carefree”
 ***Present Time***
As the music died down, you jumped off the tread mill and start heading back to your room
In the Elevator, a man was eyeing you, as he extends his hand
“Hi, I’m Edward”
But before he could say anything else, the elevator stopped at your floor and you  hurriedly stepped off it.
Ever since Trenton passed, you have lost interest in romance
You chose to focus all your time and energy on your company and your son.
While thoughts filled your head, you didn’t realize how fast you we’re walking till you bumped into what feels like a wall. You start falling backwards, you closed your eyes and braced yourself for impact, but it never came.
Instead, you felt a strong arm, wrapped around your waist as a deep voice spoke
“Are you alright miss?”,
You thought to yourself, “That’s a Dorset Accent, you don’t hear those everyday”
You opened your eyes, and as the fluorescent light is blinding you – you were able to see those light green eyes.
You had to do a double take because you did not know if you were dreaming or not, so this time, you cupped the persons face and leaned it closer to you
“Yup, those are gorgeous”
You didn’t realize that you uttered those words till the person that was holding you, quirk up a smile.
You finally realized that, “that person” is still holding you.
You quickly got up on your feet and scrambled to get your things.
You finally looked up and for the first time in a while, your heart skipped a beat.
Right in front of you is a blonde hair man, with striking green eyes
He’s probably stands around 5’10 or 5”11
Broad shoulders, clean cut hair and shaved face
He is wearing a white fitted t-shirt, dark jeans, which accentuate all his assets … I mean all of his ASSets .
There seem like a class ring on his left index finger and a swiss watch on his right wrist.
He smells of Armani Code and after shave
All you can think of was “A real life Adonis”
Once again, he spoke, “Miss are you alright?”
You quickly answered, “Yes, I’m fine, So sorry about that, I’m not usually this clumsy”
He responds, “It’s no problem, really” – He offered you a warm and sweet smile.
You both stood there for a good second, you were so immersed in his eyes that you had to break eye contact, or your chest would burst.
“Thank you and so sorry again” you quickly turned your heel and head off on a different direction
“What’s your name?” He uttered
“Ummmmm… Y/N, name is Y/N” you didn’t wait for his to answer as you hurriedly drew your key card and enter your room.
Your leaned against the door, trying to calm yourself, as you can feel your heart in your throat
“Calm down L/N, it’s just man! Get a grip for Christ sake”
You continue your pepped talk until you were able to quiet yourself down. You looked at your watch and its almost noon.
“Time to leave this joint”
****30 minutes later****
You are now in your black denim, white sweater, a grey coat and grey sneakers.
You did a quick blow dry of your black hair and it turned out better than you hoped it did.
You put on a light foundation and some mascara and looked at yourself in the mirror.
You have always been self-conscious, but all that changed since you met Trenton
***16 years ago, at a bar in Wichita, KS***
“Hey beautiful”
You heard a voice, but did not respond, thinking that, that person is talking to someone else. You continue to sip your margarita while you wait for your best fiend to come back from the bathroom
Someone taps you on your shoulder and you whipped your head around to find, this man hovering over you and said “I said, Hey beautiful”
“Oh, I am so sorry” you replied, “I didn’t know you were talking to me”
“Who else would I be talking to?”
As your eyes scan the placed you notice multiple stunning ladies parading around in their short skirts and min dresses
“Well, somebody else but me” you gave him a half way smile
“You’re the only beautiful girl I see around here” and he took you hand and place it on his lips as he gently kissed it
“Y/N” you quickly uttered
“Trenton, it’s very nice to meet you”
 ****Present day***
You smiled as the memory of your past flash
“Oh baby – how you changed me” you looked at your self again at the mirror and give it a big smile and a nodding approval
“Let’s do this”
You grabbed your Louis Vuitton pursed and your Montblac luggage.
You ended up having to buy a bigger luggage since you have multiple present for your son and family.
You ordered an UBER X to take you to the airport
You did not want the Hotel shuttle to take you since its always crowded and noisy
All you want is peace and quiet on your way home.
The elevator ding ***DING*** (“First Floor” – the voice intercom announced)
You made your way to the lobby, handed the card to the receptionist and bid them goodbye
On your way out the door, you notice a lady with her stuff all over the floor. You looked at your watch and you still have 2 hours before your flight
You stopped next to her, quickly gone on your knees and helped her
“Here” as you handed her a book and a journal
“Thank you so much” in an English accent “I don’t know what has gotten into me this morning, I just can’t seem to catch a break” she said nervously
“Don’t worry about it, I feel the same way too today, maybe it’s a full moon or something “trying to lighten the mood
“It probably is” she looked up smiling
You know you recognized her, but cannot pint point how
After all her bags are picked up, you stood up and reached out your hand
“Here, let me help you up”
She grabbed it and you helped steady her
“Thank you again” she said as she tries to remove the dust from her jeans
“Its not big deal at all” you said with a big smile
“I’m Lucy by the way, Lucy Boynton”
“Y/N, L/N, it’s a pleasure to meet you”
“Pleasures all mine” she replied
“I know this might sound weird, but you look so familiar, however, I cannot figure out how”
You quickly blushed and shake your head “Oh gosh – I am so sorry for being so direct, I don’t mean to offend you”
She offered a smile and said “Oh don’t worry about it, this means that my “disguise” as she airs quotes, “is working”
“Disguise? Are you in trouble” as you teased her.
“Not really” as she laughed
“Have you seen the movie Bohemian Rhapsody?” she asked
“Yes, I have, I love Queen” you said excitedly
And before she could even reply, you quickly recognized her
“Mary?” as you gasp “As in Freddie Mercury’s Mary?” you tried to find your words without sounding like a blabbering idiot
“I mean you are the actress that portrayed Mary”
She was looking at you with glint of happiness and amusement in her eyes
“Yes ma’am”
You squealed a little, loud enough for her to hear but not the entire hotel
This time, Lucy cannot help but laugh out loud
“You know, the boys usually get that reaction instead of me”
“You did such a phenomenal job, don’t get me wrong, Rami and the rest of the cast was amazing, but the way you portrayed Mary, was just extraordinary”
“Why thank you” she said “It’s refreshing to see someone with great appreciation of the movie”
“You bet, Trenton and I love Queen” – as you said your late husbands name - -you stopped and had to held back a tear as your throat swells with emotion
Lucy noticed it and ask
“Are you alright?” with worry in her eyes
“Yes, I’m sorry, my late husband and I are big Queens fan. We always say that when money is no longer tight, we will visit Freddie’s tributary statue in Montreux” with a glint of sadness in your eyes but it quickly disappears.
“I am sure Trenton would have been ecstatic to have met you” you said with a big smile.  
Lucy did not say a word but offered a comforting squeeze on your shoulder.
As you both are heading outside, your UBER finally arrived.
You turned around to Lucy and asked “where are you headed, you can use my uber when I’m done”
“I am actually heading to the airport”
“So am I” you replied, “You can ride with me if you would like, unless you already have other arrangements”
“That would be wonderful, thank you again, you sure are a life saver today” she said as she hoists her luggage in the trunk of the car.
“Any time”
45 minutes has passed, and you and Lucy are now chatting as if you have been friends for ages.
You talked about music, your likes, dislikes, where you live, current relationships, past relationships and so many more.
 Lucy told you that she has 3 siblings, she’s from Europe, loves pizza and Chinese food, and currently dating his co-star Rami Malik.
You then told her about your family, and how you were from the Philippines, but moved to Wichita, KS, you also told her about Trenton and the accident, as well as your son, Alex.
“I would love to meet your son one day, he is the cutest kid I have ever seen” Lucy said with excitement
“I am sure am one lucky mom, couldn’t ask for a better one” you replied with adoration in your eyes as you looked at the picture on your phone.
The car came to a complete stop and you are now at JFK international airport
“Thank you so much sir” as you slid out of the car
You and Lucy head inside and got your luggage checked in
As you both start putting your shoes back on after getting scanned and search, Lucy asked
“So, what’s your flight number?”
“Ummmmm, Flight 12256, How about you?
“Let me check, oh my gosh, it’s the same” she said with enthusiasm.
“What’s your seat number?”
And you replied “26A, you?”
“26B” we are practically neighbors now, and you both started laughing
“I can’t wait to introduce you to the rest of the gang”
You halted “The rest of the gang?” you ask her with your left eye brow up and your hand on your waist
She smiled warmly and teasingly at the same time “You will love them, I promise”
Lucy grabbed your hand and practically dragged you to meet the rest of the crew
You were thinking to yourself, “Oh boy, what have I gotten myself into”
***Thank you so much again for reading -- how do you like it so far? Suggestions and comments are greatly appreciated :) ****
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