#why is it so hard balancing being logical and the knowledge that the brain ISN'T logical when interacting with people
drmikhailov · 1 day
I hate it when I talk/argue with someone and their arguments make no fuckin logical sense. And I don't mean it in a "I don't agree so it's stupid and ur wrong." way. It's like someone hears about a thing and their like "eww no, thats just weird and dangerous and shouldn't be a thing" and they don't understand that that literally crossing the street is about as dangerous and them not liking/being uncomfortable with something doesn't mean that everyone else should feel the same way about it
Why people can't just try to understand someone else's perspective and see why they like something? Like- there is a TON of stuff I hate, but I see what basic needs, wants and emotions make other people like said stuff and I don't just walk around saying that my stuff is better and their has no point to exist cz no one should like that.
Is looking at something from an outside perspective really that hard?
Or like, why do people argument x against my point and when the same argument can be said against their statment, suddenly the argument is invalid and "It doesent count because something something"
At this point it's not even who is right or wrong, but about arguments having NO FUCKING LOGICAL SENSE AND SHIT CONTRADICTS EACHOTHER. I don't care if I'm right, I care that the other person is fucking stupid an I WILL make sure they now their statment fuckin sucks cz its based on a subjective opinion and I could say the same thing about their thing and we would be stuck at "I dont like what u like so fuck u"
YES this is about god damn minecraft mods (about a lot of other things to, but mc mod conversation prompted me to write this)
Me: Hey! Look at this cool mod, maybe we could play with it! X: Hmm, let me see. (...) Nah its mid and it sucks, I have better ones. I know a very cool mod with xyz. Me: You know, I could say the same thing about your mod, but I won't cz its a well made mod and I am aware that it's just not for me. X: *very defensively cz someone doesn't like what they like* Then go make your own server
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natti-ice · 7 months
No Rest For The Wicked- Dean Winchester.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x fem!reader
Summary: Dean’s one year life contract is coming to an end, Y/N fears this will be her last chance with Dean. Set in the episode of the same title.
Warnings: major character death, written in third person (she/her pronouns) (1.1k words)
Author’s note: this is a reupload, I wrote this a while ago!
Reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated<3
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The past year had definitely been wild. More demons, ex-girlfriends, selling souls, all of this in a short period of time.
What Dean did was stupid, everyone knew that. His anger and sadness took over his already not-so-logical brain. He couldn't let that hold him back anymore.
He can't take by what he did. Now, he's waiting for his final hour. Sam's efforts for trying to get his brother out of this deal, seem to all fall short. He didn't want to lose his brother for something so foolish.
These events haven't been so great for Y/N either. She had only been in the business for a few years, she started after she met the Winchesters. They became close after the boys had removed a poltergeist from her apartment.
She saw this as an opportunity for a new life, full of adventure and being able to help people from evil. She's been running around the country with them ever since.
Her personality was the opposite of Dean's which would make you think they didn't like each other. But they were closer than she was with Sam. She balanced out the boys. They're bickering and constant fighting had decreased since they became a little group.
This soul-selling situation built a wall in their relationship. He didn't tell her what he was going to do nor did he tell her after the fact. She thought they shared everything, apparently, she was mistaken.
For a few days she didn't speak to him, which was awkward since they still would share a bed. Dean would refuse to sleep with Sam and he wouldn't let Y/N sleep on the floor so he made her sleep next to him.
Thankfully, he took her aside and apologized for not telling her what he'd done. He hated that he did that to her, it pained him to see her upset.
He'd always been so fond of Y/N, he couldn't explain why. She was the coolest chick he'd ever met and she took care of him when he didn't know he needed it. There may have been a feeling or two somewhere in this friendship, but neither of them knew how to express it properly.
They have been looking for Lilith for what seemed like ages. Sam had been trying to get the two of them to listen to Ruby. It's kind of hard to trust a demon when they're trying to kill you all the time.
Ruby had insider knowledge of Lilith, why shouldn't they trust her? At this point, desperation had taken over Sam. His options were sparse, he'd blindly follow a demon if that meant saving his brother.
Y/N had a feeling that trusting her wasn't a good idea. It seemed too good to be true. A demon who doesn't like being a demon? sketchy. She told them about how she felt, but this seemed like a family matter.
It was the day before everything had gone down, before they went to New Harmony. The group had been researching, Y/N wasn't sure what they were looking for. It felt like they were just killing time as the end approached.
She was staring at some sixteenth-century book, her eyes heavy. Trying to understand old English isn't an easy task. She sets down the book deciding it was useless at this point. She went into the small motel bathroom to get ready for bed.
Sam was already in bed, Dean was wide awake sitting at the small table in the room. Y/N knew he must've been exhausted, the past few months wore everyone down.
"Dean you should get some rest" she said
"Yeah" he sighed getting up from the table, climbing into bed next to her. She turned off the side table light, turning so her back is facing him. 
Dean stared at the ceiling, not thinking about sleep. His mind raced with images of what he feared was his future. He felt Y/N tossing and turning trying to get comfortable until she gave up.
Now she was facing him, it was too dark to see if he was awake or not,
"Dean?" she whispers
"Are you afraid?" she had been thinking about this since the day she found out about his deal with the devil. It must be eating at him, terrified of what's to come.
"Very" he admits turning to face her "I don't have any faith in these plans to save me"
"Don't say that, maybe there's a chance" she didn't sound too convinced herself
"Y/N, you and I both know better. I'm going to die"
"I don't like to think about that, makes it too real" the small amount of light shining in the room highlighted her face, Dean could see the pain on her face
"Everything will be okay Y/N, I promise" He took his hand and light cusped her cheek "You and Sammy will be fine without me, you'll go on kicking demon ass while I'm in the firey swimming pools of hell"
"It's not funny, Dean" she stifled a laugh, lightly hitting his chest 
"I know" his voice extremely low
She could see the outline of his face, tracing every sharp feature in her head so it's stuck in her memory. 
In the back of her mind, she thought something would happen between them. They shared many stolen glances over the past year or so, both seemed to be scared to allow themselves to be happy. If they furthered their relationship, it would make their job more dangerous. Too many emotions to cloud their judgment.
This was the end, that stuff didn't matter anymore, it was time to stop holding back. She slightly sits up, leaning down toward Dean catching his lips with hers. He was a little off guard but immediately kissed her back.
She pulled away, not wanting to get carried away, especially since Sam was like two feet away from them.
"What was that for?" Dean asked taken aback
"Might be my last opportunity to go for it" she answered, he could hear the smile in her voice
"I think this is a good way to go out" he says going in for another kiss
As their make-out session got more heated, his hands started to travel down to her waist. Making her push him away
"nope, not now" she told him
"C'mon, these could be my last hours on Earth" he pleaded
"How about, if you make it out alive, I'll think about it" 
"Fine" he sighed "you're such a tease" he whispered in her ear
She kissed his cheek, cuddling into his chest. He wraps his arms around her, holding her tight against him. He didn't want this moment to end, he knew it would be his last great memory.
"Ahem" Sam clears his throat "You guys are gross"
"Sorry bro" Dean fake apologized
What followed this event was heartbreak. They found Lilith, they just weren't powerful enough to defeat her.
Dean had to make good on his end of the deal. All of their efforts were for nothing.
Sam lost his brother and Y/N lost her love.
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Tags: @arthurcerverogf
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kimium · 3 years
(Hi again!)I really enjoyed reading your fics with Anankos x Trio + many of my favorite fics from your BTHB is the ones with possessive behavior. It's hard to find the balance with possessive behavior and just going too far (which is why I was scared to read those marked with it before reading your stuff) so what's the thought process when writing darker fics involving those traits? Also really like how you write rituals (at the Kitsune!Komaeda and God!Xander fic) so what's the inspiration there
Hello again!!! It's so nice to see you in my inbox once more with yet another awesome set of questions!!!
I'm really happy you gave my Anankos/Trio fics a try especially the Bad Things Happen fills with possessive behaviour and actions. The balance is always a tricky thing to find but when it's hit I think it's really awesome. However, to answer your questions:
What is my thought process when writing darker fics involving those traits?
One of my least favourite character tropes (surprisingly) are yandere characters. Or, at least the "traditional" yandere most people think of. Those are the stalking ones, obsession on the sidelines, and every other trope that screams "this obsession/attraction is one-sided". (Think Yuno from Mirai Nikki.) I also don't like when a character is Completely in Denial to the situation and Full Heartedly believes the other "loves" them / their actions are "done in love".
You see, for me it's all about a balance. When I write possessive characters/traits that are dark(er) in fics I always make sure:
-Both parties are SOMEWHAT attracted to the other in the conventional "I'm attracted to someone way" (physical appearance, personality, etc.).
-The one who is being possessive can justify WHY they like the other. This logic does NOT have to be Sound to other people, as long as it's Sound to That Character. (Think how I write Byakuran in my 10051 fics. He always is able to justify what he does with "Sho-chan is mine because -insert his justification here-") They always need to TRULY BELIEVE they're in LOVE with the other.
-The one who is the focus of the obsession KNOWS that their attraction to the other is WRONG and understands all the signs to why it is wrong. BUT they are none the less attracted to the other in the same manner a moth is attracted to a flame except they know if they get too close they'll burn up.
-The one who is the focus of the obsession is trying to either: Get Away even if it's a futile endeavour (and they know it; think my recent Bad Things Fill with the Trio). OR they're trying to stop the other/ attempt to live with the situation and pretend all is fine even though they know it isn't. (Think my 10051 fics.)
-I make sure there is an element of fantasy behind the reason WHY the one character is obsessed. For my 10051 fics I write Byakuran obsessed with Shouichi BECAUSE of the Time Travel and Multi-dimension knowledge swirling in Byakuran's brain. It's the basis for his justification to WHY he believes Shouichi belongs to him. For Anankos he's obsessed with the Trio because of their connection to his human side taking them to the Fates world/ they drank his Dragon Blood.
-Finally, I make sure that if I took all those obsessive elements OUT of the fic that the pairing could work and be healthy. I haven't written a lot of it, but I have written one fic of 10051 being Actually a Functioning Couple. I also have many head canons and AUs discussed with @someobscurereference regarding a Not Crazy Anankos falling for the Trio.
I hope this helps answer your first question! Now, onto question two!
The rituals in my fics (like Kitsune!Komaeda and God!Xander) Where do I get the inspiration?
(I'm going to run on the assumption you're referring to my Fake Engagement Kitsune!Komaeda fic and my Bad Things Fill ft. Xanlow.)
For rituals and other things in my fics I just take inspiration from real life rituals/ceremonies and take elements from those. What makes Actual Rituals/Ceremonies from around the world special? What do we do to signify this is event is important/sacred?
But specifically for those fics? For the Kitsune!Komaeda fic I picked a lot of imagery and ideas for (obviously) weddings. Clothing (and colour of that clothing!), banquets, meeting people that are important to one or both of the parites are all key factors for weddings. The part about whose clothing you're wearing and the meaning behind it (-cough the yukata scene-) was added in because I like bold but also subtle actions that scream "I'm courting this person".
For that Xanlow fic I tried to pick things that felt like a spiritual ceremony. Offerings, candles, incense, and flowers can be a part of spiritual ceremonies (not all of them, of course). I am also very into washing as a metaphor/symbolic gesture.
Anyways I hope this answered your questions! Thank you again for your ask! I always am excited to answer your awesome questions!
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