#why is drinking coffee having the same effect as an edible
userblaney · 2 years
ah shit i feel an all nighter coming along
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Some writing idea because playing Stardew ain't chill and give me angst idea on Icing.
Let just say, Icing is having an identity crisis. Not many know about this because I talk about this with my friend and besties so a few know about it. But Icing cookie been calling himself a cookie, just so he feel like he's part of them.
He's been cutting and explore their body part, just to learn about them and even did it to himself. And he soon learn that he are all icing, no cookie dough body or what so ever. Just Icing or cream or what ever it is and he do not understand it at all.. And when his friend found out about it, he began to kill them and in order to hide the body, he cook them up and share the treats to others. He learn this from the witches from stalking them for month on months. And soon, he grow to enjoy eating cookies like the witches did!
Ever since he met coffee anon. A taste of him, forcing him into a drug effects, making him more happy, giggly and jolly. Basically high and a dose effect much better then any kind of edibles. He began to eating them and become addicted. Even the effects manage to stop him from thinking that he isn't a part cookie. Soon he began to grow insane and crazy, making him depended on the drug effect to keep him cool and normal as he can. Now, he is panicking around in his empty cave, trying to figure what he is. Asking Lindsey for advice and what he is, isn't helping since Lindsey only know monsters and cookies.. And he learn that the hard way on why Lindsey do not eat him when they first met.
Now, his curiosity grow more and more as many day passes, a sound of a snow fall even enough to make him turn to look. All he got to depend on it that Coffee anon blood... Weeks goes by and his mind still pacing fast, he began to drink more blood then normal. His mind are asking hundred of question and no answers. He want to know what he is. He's not a cake hound, he's no creature he know, he's no Mergems, no cookie, not Anons, nothing. And it driving him nuts. Until finally... He got an idea. What if he's one of them? The witches. He learn from them, they eat cookies and cakes like normal. He learn that it normal and he do a lot like them.
He need to know, he need answers. At late night, he sneak out and travel far without Lindsey knowledge.. He need answer desperately. He needed it or else he won't be able to sleep peacefully at night. Maybe this might answer everything and kept the voices and question into silence.
He need to cut them open, a little flesh torn apart and see their inside. He need to know if he's one of them.
He's standing on the window, using a hook and rope to climb and get inside. He's walking through the kitchen, everything that he owns in the cave is the same as they own here. The flour, sugar, egg, butter and life essence and much more ingredients that unknown. He have them as well. The more step he took, the more he's convinced that he's one of them. And there they are. The witch. All alone in the room. It perfect. They are gigantic, Almost as big as Lindsey. It perfect. It fantastic.
He step, holding out a knife and stepping closer and closer, when the witch saw him, he fights back, dodging their attempts to grab him. Dodging their throwing and slamming the pan and kitchen tools on him. He roll and dodge. Even if a pan hit him, he can form their body back and jumping from items to items. It no different then jumping from mountain to mountains. He take a leap and stabbed the knife on the bridge of their nose. SPLASH! blood crashed upon him, he smile and laugh. It taste metallic! The taste is something that he never taste from a cookie ever!
He stab again before getting grabbed by the witch. He squirm and kicking then his eyes widened when he look down and see a cauldron. This must be the same cauldron that made Dark enchantress. When the witch drop him, it felt like the time are frozen or slowed down for him. But he won't get down so easily without a proper fight, he rip both his arms off and grow wings out of it by using his icing body. He flew up, aimed and then charged right at the witch.
Time feel so slow... The moment feel like eternal. And the fight take hours on and on between a small being against a large witch who create part of cookie kinds. All of this for a simple answers.
Even when the pain of being eaten and digest inside the witch, the feel of agony feel like eons for icing... The next thing that they both know, is that the pain on the two are too much to handle. Only one can make it out alive in this type of situation.
.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Icing, now, walking through the forest. Face looking down on the ground as his whole body are drench in blood. He found his answer. He taste them. He learn their anatomy and body. He learn it. And he's not one of them.. He's nothing but just Icing or what ever he is. He still don't know... His mane dragging on the dirt floor, face so blank, so emotionless as he still holding his large kitchen knife that he use to cut open the witch from inside out. He's walking back to the north pole, or what ever the place is that's too cold. So cold just like his heart and soul. To meet his only best friend and companion, Lindsey.. Who have been searching for him, worried sick.
He feel sick and all he could do, is smile and giggles while tears falling down his face..
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lunarsilkscreen · 11 months
Mind-Altering Chemical
Alcohol, Marijuana, and Opium are ALL mind-altering chemicals. We call them recreational because of the way it alters your mind. Beer gives you a buzz or gets you drunk (depending on how much she goes fast you drink it. Marijuana gets you high or wasted, also depending on how many edibles you consume. Opium works similarly to Marijuana. We just don't like it because we're racist, and I'll be damned if China is gonna get rich off my dumb ass. (Support small business--Smoke local)
I don't smoke. Because it makes me want a pack of Reds or Djarum Cloves. BTW: Nicotine is also a mind-altering chemical as is coffee.
Nicotine and Caffeine don't count when we're talking about mind-altering chemicals, because they don't have the hard-hitting effects like beer and MJ do in those larger doses.
I know people that can sip a single beer over a day and call that a buzz. But we all know that doesn't count.
"How have you used Opium if you're both racist and don't smoke?" Well, I was prescribed Vicodin when my wisdom teeth were removed. AND IF YOU DIDN'T KNOW. Vicodin is an opioid.
I hated that BTW, I had that and motrin to take for the pain, and all I did was play Paper Mario off the Wii store, poorly, for an entire week. It was all I could do, I was too high for anything else.
But I did get to finish "Thousand Year door" so there's that.
If you're wondering: fentanyl is a locally (as in US) produced synthetic opioid prescribed to people who Vicodin, Percocet, or other don't work. (all opioids) and by don't work: I mean don't work for what they're prescribed for. Usually to old people, but profit margins started creating opportunities to put fentanyl into everything. (Something that could be corrected by making weaker drugs Legal, instead of using fentanyl for everything.)
I'm talking about this because there's a difference between *those things* and other drugs prescribed for mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety.
(F* Wellbutrin.)
Which can also be prescribed for other conditions such as nerve-ending damage, arthritis, and pain. (Which suggests that anxiety and depression can be caused by pain receptors, when you don't actually feel pain.)
You don't typically get high or drunk on prescription anxiety meds, but they allow for you to function, and to deal with your day to day when you're otherwise checked-out.
Hey, hey. This is important, because people do something called self-medication. This isn't like addiction, where you're chasing that high, or drunk state, or "just trying to forget".
Because people self-medicate with Tylenol, Motrin, Tums, and all sorts of things in your "over-the-counter" aisle. Which by the way, costs $100 If you stock up on all of them for the month. (So much for Medicare).
Before smoking indoors was banned, nearly everybody smoked. Not just because it was the cool thing to do, but because nicotine actually has several benefits: including, focus, anti-anxiety, and energy (as well as weight loss).
Same with coffee. It's why [coffee and cigarettes] were considered necessary items up until the 21st century.
I wouldn't be surprised if this wave of autism and ADHD has to do with the efforts of just detoxing from both cigarettes and coffee. Because until now, until it was admitted that it was an actual thing; that's just what you did in order to function.
That's what you did to appear and act normal. Because it worked.
This is gonna get into a chicken-egg thing where "well how do we know they didn't *cause* ADHD and autism". Because if that was true then motrin and water caused your broken leg.
I'm just gonna conclude here:
Look, old people are gonna die soon anyway, we should at least listen to them, when they take drugs either recreationally or because they're in pain from the ravages of old age.
They should be taken care of, so that we can get their input and feedback on what actually works for conditions, what doesn't, and that can pave the way for medicinal breakthroughs that can actually improve health going forward.
That's an investment for the future, and respect for the past.
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microdosingwithjoe · 1 year
For the Lazy:
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This post is for the “IDGAF” of how or why microdosing works. I’m hoping someone will try it because the basic process is so easy.
First, you have to reset your endocannabinoid system (ECS). This sensitizes your body to THC again. For those of you who are overdosing A LOT, your habitual use makes this the hardest part, because you have to go cold turkey for 36 whole hours. Honestly, the cessation of weed is as physically arduous as not drinking morning coffee. Studies show that after 36 hours, your body has expelled the THC you’ve consumed, regardless of how much.
The first time you get high after those 36 hours off THC is the most important because you are going to explore what your body wants to get the effects that you desire, whether it’s the perfect high or the perfect pain relief. You’re learning a new way to get high; what you’ve been doing with weed is the equivalent of chugging beers.
To do this, you should set aside some serious “me time” for several days in a row. That’s because observing the effects of weed is very important.
Most of us were conditioned to “smoking a joint” or “smoking a bowl,” but we’re overdosing ourselves by doing that because we aren’t appreciating the way the first hit is affecting us because we’re already taking another 4 or 5 hits off that joint before the first hit has fully taken effect.
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Here’s how your first microdosing session for smokers should go (edibles listed below.) Turn off the TV and put away your phone. Find a comfortable spot. Get your selected weed and look at it and smell it. Whether you like the strain or not, keeping track of as many of its properties as you can; it will enhance your future experiences.
Preferably use a pipe or a bong. Break off a piece from the bottom of a bud, about the size of a pea. Crush it up into the pipe bowl and light it from the edge (this allows the weed to burn across the bowl, releasing flavors as it burns,) and try not to just roast the whole surface. Make sure you get a good, solid hit, but not so much you cough and ruin the experience. Beginners? Coughing is hard to avoid. There’s no substitute for experience in this case.
Don’t hold the hit in more than 2 seconds, but instead slowly exhale about half the smoke through your mouth and nose, then inhale a quick but small breath to stir the remaining smoke, then slowly exhale the remainder of the smoke immediately, again through both mouth and nose.
Take a mental note, or better yet, keep a journal of what you taste and smell, and eventually what you feel. Use terms that mean something to you, so you know what you mean, not what you think an expert would say: this is all about you.
Now for the hard part: wait. Over the next 15 (minimum) to 30 minutes.
During these essential moments, you’re observing the high, which should peak between 15 to 30 minutes, and its vital that you don’t take a second hit until the first one has peaked.
Most people are amazed at how high they get, but if you’re not high enough, you can clean out your pipe and repeat the same process for your second hit, and so on.
Here’s another tough part: “realistically, am I high enough, or not?” This is when honesty battles with our tendencies for gluttony and hedonism. It’s not easy; you’re changing the way you’ve always smoked pot, hopefully forever.
Seriously, if you feel a need to get blasted out of your gourd every time you get high, you probably have an untreated underlying issues or conditions that may require professional attention.
Weed is great for normal stress and needed pain relief, but it’s not (for example) treating severe PTST by itself. I know personally that cannabis can really help many PTSD cases. My dog was run over by a car in front of me, and I had flashbacks of that that would repeat over and over, like a 3-second TikTok horror video. Weed fixed that for me, but I knew exactly what to do and what strains would be effective. If you’re constantly trying to escape, please consider counseling.
Microdosing does wonders for normal stress, but it doesn’t fix real issues you need to talk about with your therapist or doctor.
On a clean ECS, most people will stop at 1-3 hits. I highly recommend using this process every time. I’ve been microdosing for about seven years now, and I still start with just one hit, like I did just a couple of hours ago. I’m still noticeably high, and I’m really glad that’s all it takes. It has allowed me to create an incredible stash for pennies a day, a fraction of what a single can of beer costs. I have around 30 strains and 5-6 concentrates, and most of them are more than 3 months old. Pot lasts around a year without significant degradation.
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Each strain I buy enhances my experience possibilities because the more I acquire, the more tailored the high I get. This process of observing your high is what microdosing is all about: getting the right weed for the right moment, in JUST the right amount. I hope you come to enjoy the process as much as I do.
Are you ready for the best highs of your life? Isn’t 36 measly hours worth it? Go for it!
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Microdosing with edibles is a pain in the ass to start, but well worth it.
Eating to get high means every time is different because what you’ve eaten and how much you’ve eaten can affect when the THC will take effect.
Microdosing edibles is a less Zen-like experience because taste and smell are wholly eliminated from the process because all you’ll taste and smell are flavorings.
It’s harder and takes longer to find your dose on edibles, because you can only increase doses in 6-hour increments, so the process can take days to finish.
I recommend getting 5mg gummy bears for this process. Start with just 1. If you didn’t reach your goal after 6 hours, take 2, and so on. Eventually you’ll find your spot, usually between 5 and 30mg.
Since each try takes 6 hours, establishing your dose can take from 1 to 3 days, more, if you’re THC resistant. Hopefully, you can do it on 5-10mg, and you’ll enjoy substantial economic benefits, being a ‘cheap drunk,’ only with weed.
I wish you luck and hope you commit yourself to follow through no matter what path you use. Microdosing is the way we are all supposed to get high.
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clandonnachaidh · 3 years
Light Across The Seas That Severed (Ch3)
Even after years of friendship, of seeing each other through some of the best and some of the hardest times of their lives, Jamie Fraser would still need to catch his breath at the sight of Claire Beauchamp when she really laughed. With her head thrown back, her whisky eyes would screw shut and she would run her long fingers into her beautiful hair in comedic exasperation.
If watching her laugh was a sight to behold, making her laugh was the best thing in the world.
They were sat across from each other surrounded by a pungent cloud of smoke, both of them situated on plush sofas of green leather that was cracked and worn from use. With each passing minute, Jamie felt like the sofa was beginning to swallow him. He made the mistake of voicing his concern to Claire.
She thought the whole thing was hilarious, obviously, and told him so before taking a bite out of the space cake that she had cut down the middle to share.
“Edibles are stronger, you’ll only need half anyway,” she had said in her matter of fact way that she had, taking charge of the situation from the minute they’d stepped foot in the coffee shop.
Jamie Fraser, being the good catholic boy that he was, had never been inside such a place and he certainly hadn’t experienced anything like the Red Light District that they had just walked through. Of course he had heard of Amsterdam’s relaxed laws when it came to sex work and drugs but seeing it first hand was something entirely different. When he caught sight of the first woman in the window, her long blonde hair tumbling around her bare shoulders, he felt the blush rise to the very tips of his ears as Claire just laughed and dragged him by the hand, deeper into the belly of the beast.
The plan had been for them to spend two days in the city before they said goodbye. Claire was following her heart (which took the shape of one Frank Randall, the same bastard who’d stood her up the night that Jamie and Claire had kissed for the first and only time) to Boston where she’d managed to get a placement in a surgical programme while Frank would teach at Harvard. It had taken everything in Jamie not to break when she told him, the smile that she had plastered on her face not quite reaching her eyes as she surveyed his reaction over her coffee cup. He had swallowed the rising panic in his throat and felt as it soured in his stomach but he managed to calm himself long enough to take a deep breath and tell her the truth — that he was proud of her and he would miss her. He would miss her so much.
Jamie knew that she was lying about not being able to book a more straightforward trip from London to Boston and he strongly suspected that she had orchestrated the two day layover in Amsterdam for the sole purpose of asking if he’d like to join her, a mini break that they both sorely needed after an arduous final year at university. He hadn’t even needed to think about it before he agreed and in the week leading up to it, he had struggled to think of anything but watching her as she wandered around the Rijksmuseum, oblivious to the art hanging on the walls when he had his own masterpiece right in front of him.
“I canna believe I’m in such a place wi’ ye, Sassenach, and for breakfast no less,” he said, hearing a laugh that didn’t sound quite like his own. Frowning at himself, he looked across at her as she chuckled kindly at him, her index finger dabbing a crumb from the corner of her mouth before popping it between her lips. The lips that he had tasted just once years ago in what had been agreed as a funny drunken lapse of judgment in a grubby old pub on the edge of their college campus.
“You just need to relax and you’ll enjoy it, I promise,” she said. It had been her idea to get high first thing in the morning and then spend the remainder of their final day together strolling around the museums and parks of the city, allowing themselves to get into the spirit of the place and cut loose for once.
He watched her waggling her eyebrows suggestively, looking to him like furry brown worms, “You seemed to enjoy the ladies outside well enough.”
He went bright red and tried to sit up straighter amongst the sofa cushions that were trying their best to swallow him, “Dinna be daft, ye ken I wouldnae pay a woman to do that sort of thing.”
“A lot of people pay for sex, Jamie, it’s nothing to be ashamed of. Two consenting adults and all that.”
He had always known that Claire was a very liberal thinker and she spent a lot of time and energy educating herself on things to broaden her perspective of the world. Jamie admired her for it even if he did enjoy poking fun at her sometimes, just to watch the spark catch fire in her eyes as she told him precisely why he was wrong.
“Aye well, that’s all fine an’ weel but I winna be dealing wi’ it myself, thank ye.”
“Oh, live a little, Fraser. How long has it been since Annalise? Seven months?” She asked him directly as he made a very Scottish noise in the back of his throat in an attempt to dismiss the conversation about his ex-girlfriend.
“I’ll thank ye to leave her out of our weekend,” he warned her jokingly, delighting in the corner of her mouth quirking upwards in amusement. Before he knew it, the words were tumbling out of his mouth, “Besides, Lise and I, we never…”
He watched as Claire’s eyes almost burst from her skull as she leaned forward, her beautiful mouth gaping at his revelation. Why the hell had he told her that? They never spoke about the personal details of their respective relationships, it was the unspoken rule between them. Don’t ask, don’t tell. Jamie could think of nothing worse than sitting and listening to Claire regale him of her sexual exploits with the uptight historian. It also meant that Claire didn’t know exactly how much sex Jamie wasn’t having.
“Never?! You were together for a year!” The amazement in her voice was evident and Jamie flopped backwards in the sofa, raising his hands to his face. He cursed the effects of the marijuana that had relaxed him to the point where he was divulging information that he would usually keep behind his teeth.
“Never, okay?”
“Wow… okay… not sure what to do with that but okay,” she mirrored his body language, collapsing back onto her sofa and tucking her legs up underneath her. “So you’ve not had sex in what, just shy of two years? Good God, you must have the patience of a saint.”
“Something like that,” he mumbled into his palms, refusing to remove them for the fear of her gaze seeing the truth that he was trying desperately to keep hidden but that was on the tip of his very stoned tongue.
“Longer than two years?” He heard her whisper in disbelief.
“Try 24.”
They sat in silence for a few seconds before it became too much, he had to look at her to gauge her reaction to his honesty. He had expected her to laugh or to yell in surprise but he realised that she mostly just looked curious, like she was trying to figure out the answer to the puzzle that was sat opposite her.
“You’re a virgin?” He nodded in response and watched as her shoulders dropped slightly, smiling kindly at him. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because we dinna talk about things like this,” he sighed. He could see all the questions that were threatening to slip past her lips.
“Have you not wanted to? Because that’s okay, maybe you’re just not into the thought of-“
“Christ, no! No, I’m definitely into the thought of it,” he laughed. “From the age of thirteen to seventeen, I barely thought of anything else. Besides, I said I was a virgin, no’ a monk. I’ve done stuff.”
She laughed at that, “So why not? I’m sorry, you absolutely do not have to tell me but I- just… how? Why?”
“Was just waitin’ on the right woman,” he shrugged in an attempt to appear nonchalant about the whole thing. Whether she was buying it or not, he couldn’t tell but he was certain that if she listened hard enough, she could hear his heart beating out a rhythm in time with the syllables of her name.
Because that was the real truth, wasn’t it? That he had been waiting for her.
She didn’t say anything in response, just leaned to cut the remaining space cake in half again, offering the larger half to Jamie that he almost snatched from her, anything to distance himself from the conversation that they were having.
He was grateful when she left it at that, being able to intuit that he wasn’t comfortable with the line of questioning. That night, when the effects of their morning had worn off, they rented bikes and attempted to navigate the city like the locals did, getting horribly lost and ending up drinking a beer by the canal as the sun went down. Jamie watched as the rays painted her pale skin gold and the wind caught the folds of her sundress, settling the material delicately against her bonnie wee shins. It had been the perfect day and Jamie didn’t want it to end. But he knew that it had to.
In the morning, she was getting on a plane.
“Shall we head back, d’ye think? It’s been a long day,” he said quietly, pulling her out of the daydream that she was sat in. She turned to face him with a dreamy smile on her face as she nudged his shoulder with her head.
“The best day,” she said simply. “Let’s go.”
They walked the short distance back to their hotel in silence, neither of them needing to fill it with words as they just existed in each other’s company. When they got to their hotel room, he made light work of pulling off his hoodie and collapsed onto his twin bed with the remote in his hand as she shut herself in the bathroom, the lock gently clicking behind her. Jamie ran a hand over his tired face and tried to concentrate on the tv. He had an ear for languages, being the proud new owner of a First in Modern Languages and Linguistics from Oxford, but the rules of Dutch seemed to be far removed from that of the French and German, and a little Italian, that naturally clicked together in his brain.
He strained to listen in an attempt to isolate some of the sounds, let his mind create patterns and try to fill in the gaps but he was tired and gave up quickly, punching the pillow that was under his head to prop up his neck a little further so that he could look out of the window. He heard the bathroom door unlock.
That was when he saw her. Really saw her for the first time. And it wasn’t because he could see more of her skin than he had ever seen before but because of the look that was painted on her face. Her beautiful face radiating a vulnerability and softness that he had never seen the depths of before, never as unguarded as she was in that moment. She smiled shyly at him and her hand came to cover her bare stomach slightly. Panic clutched at Jamie’s chest as he watched her wall build itself back up.
He was on his feet before he even knew it, pulling her hand back down to her side and lacing their fingers together.
It was always easier if they touched.
“What are ye doin’, Claire?” He tried to keep his voice soft, to not let the need he was feeling flow out in every word. She blushed and ducked her head, as though looking him in the eye would break the spell.
“I just thought…” she trailed off before defiantly bringing her head up and fixing him with a stare. “I can’t stand the idea of you having your first time with someone who doesn’t appreciate you.”
She had sounded strong and sure but Jamie’s head was birling. He took a step closer to her, so close that he could feel her breath on his chest and looked down at her body, barely an inch of space between them. The swell of her breasts were contained by a lace bra, a lilac so soft that it made her pale skin look like ivory against it. She was wearing matching underwear, just a scrap of material really, and his cock twitched at the thought of what she must look like from behind. The amazing arse of his best friend that he had shamefully lusted after for so long.
He raised the hand that wasn’t tangled with hers to hover over her heart, not quite touching the skin but watching as the goosebumps appeared anyway. She let out a shaky breath through perfectly pursed lips and he knew then what she was doing, the gift that she was giving him. Because she knew or at the very least suspected how he felt about her. She’d have to be blind not to see it.
She was saying goodbye.
“Claire… lass, we dinna have to do this. You dinna have to do this for me,” he whispered but he barely managed to get the words out before she popped up on her toes and closed the gap between them.
For a moment, they stood still. Neither of them moved a muscle for fear of breaking whatever magic had been cast over them. But then his mouth moved instinctively, applying pressure to her lips in an attempt to open them so his tongue could reacquaint itself with hers, so many years since they first kissed. He heard her, felt her, sigh softly and that was all the proof that he needed to wrap his arms around her and pin her to his chest, his mouth greedily seeking hers. Her hands found his face and thinking that she meant to push him away, he immediately let her go and took a step back from her, breath bursting from his lungs.
“I’m so sorry, lass, I didnae mean to get carried away-“
“Jamie, stop. You’re overthinking this,” she interrupted him by pressing her body back to his and put a steady hand on his cheek, his face leaning in to press a kiss to her open palm. The reality of the situation filled him. When the sun came up the next day, she would pack her things and they would travel to the airport to say goodbye. His chest tightened and he exhaled heavily, trying to take a steadying breath but it shattered in his throat and he tried to suck another in. Noticing that he was beginning to panic, Claire urged him to look at her. “It’s just me, Jamie, it’s us. Do you want this? Do you want me?”
“Oh God, yes.”
Their mouths snapped back together and all was right with the world. He couldn’t stop touching her, desperate to elicit sounds from her that she had kept hidden from him for so many years, ones that he thought he’d never have the privilege of hearing. An errant thought passed through his head, that maybe he should feel nervous about his first time, about not satisfying her, but the way that she was reacting to his kiss put his mind at ease. He would take everything in, commit everything to memory and be attentive to what she seemed to like and not like. She was terrible at lying, his Sassenach, and he was secure in the knowledge that he already knew her better than anyone else on this earth.
He was pulled from his thoughts at the feeling of her hands on his zipper and he groaned into their kiss as her hand brushed against his painfully hard cock through the thick material of his jeans. Everything was happening too fast and at the same time, not fast enough. He wished to be utterly consumed by her, to share something that neither of them would ever be able to take back. Something that he knew he would carry with him until the day he died.
Claire’s skilled fingers divested him of his jeans and he refused to break their kiss as he wriggled out of them, swallowing her giggles when she realised what he was up to. He ran his hands from her hips up the soft planes of her body, feeling her delicate ribs under her skin and brushing around the lace of her bra to where it joined in the back. Whether it was intuition or he fact that he practically ripped the clasp apart in blind need, he had no idea, but his fingers fumbled less than he had anticipated.
“I want to see you too,” she whispered against his lips, pulling his t-shirt over his head in one quick movement before she fixed him with a stare, licked her tongue down the palm of her hand as Jamie’s eyes widened in disbelief before her hand disappeared into the waistband of his boxers.
“Christ,” he shuddered, screwing his eyes shut in an attempt to contain the feel of her warm, wet hand on his cock. Her grip was firm on him as his jaw hung open and she greedily claimed his mouth once more as she quickened the pace.
When her mouth disappeared from his, Jamie opened his eyes in confusion to see that she’d dropped to her knees in front of him, her index fingers taking the fabric of his boxers on the same descent. The sight alone nearly undid him but it was nothing compared to the heat that enveloped him as she took him inside her mouth. Fingers immediately threaded through her hair, he squeezed his eyes shut with a gasp as she took him as far back as she could, which was no small task given the size of him. His mind betrayed him with a memory of Annalise trying her hardest but he was never truly convinced that she had wanted to do it, suspecting that she felt like it was an obligation which meant that Jamie could never really enjoy the act. As though she knew that his mind had wandered, Claire’s fingers gripped him tightly as her mouth kept a steady rhythm and his hips jerked forwards instinctively. An attempt at a stuttered apology was on the tip of his tongue but she beat him to it, moaning around him and sending delicious vibrations down his length. Knees buckling slightly at the sensation, Claire’s whisky eyes peered up at him, her lips plump and wet and with a hollowing of her cheeks and a hard suck, she sent him crashing over the edge, moaning her name as he did.
As the stars that had burst into his vision began to fade, he fought to get his breath back, feeling the brush of her body as she got up from her knees.
“Did that feel good?” She whispered as he nodded furiously, bumping their noses together in his enthusiasm. She laughed quietly and went back to kissing him, the feeling of her smile on his lips.
“It was amazing,” he told her. “Thank you.”
She laughed at his earnest gratitude, “I know how you can make it up to me.”
Taking his hand and leading the both of them towards her bed, Claire didn’t allow for too much space to come between their bodies as she lay back and pulled him down with her. Jamie’s mind raced as the sight. How many times had he imagined this? And how pitiful his imagination had been when conjuring it, missing the exquisite details like the way her her skin trembled at his touch and the softness of the sole her foot trailing up the back of his calf as he lay on top of her.
He knew that he was the luckiest man alive as he kissed down her body and a found a freckle on the inside of her thigh. To know the secret parts of her, to have her share them with him when she kept everyone else at arm’s length. How could he not be in love with her?
“Touch me, Jamie.”
He knew that those were the words that would wake him in a sweat for the years to come as he revisited this moment in his dreams. Hearing them fall from her throat was a blessing and he wasn’t one to squander such an invitation. He was trying to be gentle with her so as to not scare her off but in that moment, his trembling fingers became sure and shredded through the thin lace of her underwear, ripping them from her body with a deep growl that he didn’t know he was capable of producing. He felt her body melt into the mattress as his middle finger found her wet centre, her legs quivering in response.
“Oh, my Claire… how beautiful you feel,” he whispered as she moaned loudly, pushing her hips towards him in an attempt to receive more attention. His warm hand left her and closed around her hipbone as he kept her at a distance, blue eyes blazing into whisky ones with so much love that it made her mouth water. Not breaking eye contact, his fingers flexed around her hip, holding her in place as he brought his mouth to her core.
Claire threw her head back against the pillow, mouth agape.
“What the fuck,” she gasped. He had told her that he wasn’t entirely green behind the ears but it was nice to hear the shock in her voice as he set his tongue to work. Within minutes Claire’s body was writhing, one hand fisted in the bedsheets like she was holding on for dear life. It still wasn’t enough and so he shifted his arms underneath her, running them up the length of her back and pulling her closer into his mouth. She squeaked with surprise as she settled her weight onto her shoulders, trusting that Jamie’s strength would hold her steady as he relentlessly licked and nipped at her.
“Jamie, I’m-“
Claire was unable to finish as her words were replaced by a loud moan, Jamie’s growl indicating that he was not willing to let her go without knowing what it felt like for her lose herself on his tongue.
Fingers gripping his curls, Claire pulled slightly and he felt her entire body go rigid as she tried to control the feelings that were coursing through her body. Jamie slid two fingers into her and lightly flicked his tongue against her, holding her steady as she began to convulse in his arms. He was fascinated to learn that she didn’t make a sound, only screwed her eyes shut and let her mouth hang open as she rolled her hips against him, riding out her orgasm.
When he felt her shy away from his tongue, he gave her a final kiss and moved up towards her, delighting in the way that she curled her hand around the back of his neck and brought his mouth down to hers, tasting herself on his lips.
“Not a monk indeed,” she laughed breathily as she ran her fingers through her hair, her eyes shutting slightly as the aftershocks ran through her.
“I’m a man of many talents, if I do say so myself.”
“I wonder what else you’re good at,” she raised a single eyebrow above a pair of seductive eyes and Jamie took the opportunity to press his renewed erection against her thigh.
“Only one way to find out, I suppose.”
Her hands sought out his body again, as though they were always meant to be touching and she moaned a little when she felt that he was hard so soon after his orgasm.
“We can stop here, Jamie. This is your choice. Whatever you want.”
“I want ye so much, I can scarcely breathe. Will ye have me?”
“Yes,” she sighed deliriously, “Yes, I’ll have you.”
“Come here to me, Jamie,” she whispered as she took him in hand and lead him to her opening. He steeled himself, taking a deep breath and basking in the look of wonder on her face, soon replaced by a quiet, exquisite joy as he pushed himself home for the first time.
She was like velvet. Impossibly soft and hot, wet with her need and it was all he could manage not to immediately race to his finish, to take her with a force and a desperation that he knew was painted on his features. With the strength of an army, he stilled himself and raised his face to hers, nearly coming undone when their eyes met.
Claire had never looked at him like that. Her cheeks were flushed from her pleasure, her pupils blown wide and stunned. His soul was laid open to her and hers to him. And he knew that his face showed the unfathomable depth of his love for her, incapable of hiding it when they were joined like this.
Jamie could have stayed that way forever but his physiology had other ideas, his hips responsively snapping into hers. She moaned and tilted her hips to meet him, raising a knee upwards to cradle his side and deepen the angle of him inside of her. Jamie was completely unaware that something could feel this good and he lowered his head to capture her lips as he began to rock his hips against hers.
All worries that he may have had left him when he watched the way she responded to his body, her fingertips digging into the muscles of his biceps until he was sure that they would bruise. She was panting and moaning beneath him, making tiny movements with her body that produced huge waves of sensation in his. He was so distracted by his own pleasure that the first time she clenched lightly around him, he wasn’t even sure that it had happened. Looking down at her, he mimicked the movement with his hips and earned himself another wonderful contraction coupled with an urgent moan that ripped from her chest.
He slowed his pace, not wanting to be undone before she reached her peak and moved his fingers to her mouth which she accepted greedily. Screwing his eyes shut at the sensation, he trailed his hand down her body to the place where they joined and lightly found the bundle of nerves at the top of her sex. She convulsed, eyes snapping open in pleasure and he wished for the hundredth time that he could drown in them.
As his fingers began to stroke her, he watched as her body changed from pliant and soft to frantic and needy. Her hands moved to his arse and pulled him into her, keening at the feeling of his cock coupled by the pleasure that he was seeking in her from his fingers.
“You’re going to make me come, Jamie,” she sobbed in surprise and he doubled down his efforts to find it for her, to let her chase her pleasure before he gave in to his own. What a gift to be able to feel the way her body reacted to his, to know how it felt when she came close to her orgasm. Her tight muscles fluttered around him as he watched the flat plane of her stomach clench in an attempt to control the pleasure that was crashing through her body. It was all too much.
“Give me your mouth, Sassenach,” he gasped as he sealed his mouth to hers, their tongues hungrily seeking the other. It was the moment of combustion when they finally met and her body convulsed once more before she began to shake uncontrollably, noises coming from her that he never thought he’d hear. It was everything he needed in that moment as he began to pour himself into her, unable to stop the frantic jerk his hips as he experienced a blinding white pleasure that he’d never felt before.
Only just managing to shift his body so that he didn’t collapse his entire weight onto her, Jamie rolled onto his back and stared at the ceiling as he waited for his heart rate to slow. He was hyper aware of Claire’s body beside him, of the rise and fall of her chest as she descended from waves of pleasure that he had elicited in her. He’d expected for his mind to be running a hundred miles a minute but all he felt was serenity. In that moment, the world was exactly as it should be.
“Christ,” Jamie huffed, unable to stop the air bursting from his lungs. The question fell out of him before he had a chance to stop it. “Is it always like that?”
He didn’t look at her, couldn’t force his eyes to look at her face in case he didn’t like what he saw. But his eyes began to drift closed at the feeling of Claire curling her naked body around his, bringing a bent leg to rest over his abdomen and her hair splaying on his chest.
“No, it isn’t.”
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cienie-isengardu · 3 years
Lin Kuei: food
The continuation of the morgianesffs-blog’s awesome list of questions about Lin Kuei. I initially divided them into smaller categories and the food will be the subject of the essay.
For the formalities, the original questions:
Food.  What foods do they normally eat? What foods do they like?  What foods don't they like? What foods do they absolutely love so much they'll stop what they're doing to get it?
I guess the Lin Kuei take on food may be stricte pragmatic one - they eat what is available. Preferable something that will keep them in top shape but everything will do, if necessary. Self-sufficiency and the art of survival are part of training so Lin Kuei would not have any second thoughts about eating stuff that people normally would not even think about. At the same time, there is a big chance that every adepts to some degree suffered from hunger and thirst, either as a part of punishment or test for endurance or a simply lack of skill to catch (steal) the food. I doubt the clan cares to feed warriors any fancy food, even more since the Lin Kuei headquarters (Temple / Fortress) is usually located in a harsh environment in which food is hard to grow to begin with. Because of this natural disadvantage, hunting seems like a good additional food source. It fed the clan but also gave opportunity for adepts / warriors to show their skills and gain experience (or in case of coming back with empty hands, bring them shame?). MK: Armageddon had the ice beasts marauding through the Arcika region - killing them could provide: food, furs, maybe some magic ingredients and safety.
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Also, Lin Kuei knew about and used portals leading to Outworld - one of old comics, Battlewave #5, outright says the clan had a hidden passageway.
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So the Lin Kuei could also get food from different realms, either by stealing the necessary stuff or as payment.. I kinda think that Lin Kuei has a system of related villages that serve the clan and satisfy the material needs like food and clothes. Maybe they pay tribute to the clan out of fear or maybe it is a more symbiotic deal? 
Anyway, I don’t think the clan would spoil their people with any fancy food to keep the rigorous discipline in check - albeit the clan could put on a suitable feast in honor of a respected guest/client like Shang Tsung if the occasion required it. At the same time, I don’t think it is forbidden to taste new dishes once the warriors were on mission. Especially not on a long-term kind of job when clan members must pretend to be normal human beings.
Because of that I suspect that those warriors who work undercover in various parts of Earthrealm and/or Outworld may indulge in eating all sorts of food, from expensive to the cheapest trash food. Whatever the budget / occasion would allow them, at least. And who knows, maybe the warriors like to challenge each other to eat the weirdest possible food, as some sort of courage test? Or just for personal fun? You know, like many young people do taste the freedom once they are on their own, far away from a strict “family”? 
At the same time, in times when there is not enough food, I can see the best parts or full portions being given to the most useful / essential members so the position in hierarchy may influence what and how much warrior is allowed to eat. Because let's be real here, (the old) Lin Kuei does not have a good track with empathy for weaklings. 
Now, I’m gonna head into headcanon-ish territory, so keep that in mind, please.
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I know it is a pretty popular joke (included even in the game itself as part of “friendship” finish moves) that Sub-Zero likes ice cream but honestly, I do think that cryomancers in fact prefer cold food over anything else.
(Human hybrid) Cryomancers are said to develop their powers as an young adults(*) and growing the freezing skills with passing time (which Bi-Han being the exception to the rule because he developed ice ability earlier than usual), so the older they get, their bodies are more and more adapted to hold the toll of cryomancer nature (like temperature dropping to negative degrees?). So getting inside them anything remotely warm sounds more like torture than feeding. 
(Of course, it could be the other way, as needing the hot food to keep cryomancers from freezing from inside but the drastic temperature differences are not human-friendly. First aid in case of frostbite even cautions against heating the body too fast with too high a temperature to avoid negative effects. Which is why I’m sticking to cryomancers preferring cold food over anything warm)
The cryomancer kids may be less sensitive to the difference between temperature of their bodies and eaten food / drink - though I suspect cryomancer genes should not be dismissed even at such young age - but in all fairness, I can’t imagine Bi-Han or Kuai Liang eating anything else than raw food, preferably not touched by fire or at least deep-frozen / cold and ice-creams are both cold and can provide necessary minerals / calories to keep them going. 
So yeah, I can totally see Bi-Han and Kuai Liang buying dozens of ice-cream boxes for breakfast, dinner and supper like it was the normal thing in the world. And probably keeping various deep-frozen foods in the fridge and eating it raw. To Tomas, Sektor or Cyrax’s horror, whoever was unlucky to be stuck with cryomancers on an undercover mission. Okay, I lied. Bi-Han would probably just send others to do the shopping so he would not need to deal with annoying people.  
Bi-Han and Kuai Liang are capable of eating and drinking hot food because they were forced to learn that. That is why Kuai Liang was capable of brewing tea and why he used such a ceremony as a sign of good will toward Hanzo Hasashi even though drinking hot tea is, by nature, painful. 
As for taste, I think both Bi-Han and Kua Liang like plain flavors. Especially Bi-Han with his minimalistic nature. Kuai Liang seems more willing to taste different food and drink under Smoke’s challenge or suggestion. Ice creams may be the exception but less because cryomancers care for taste in itself and more because they are okay to eat any flavor as long as it is cold and available. Otherwise, they may just freeze various liquids (water, milk, juice) and eat them as ice creams. Something that actually could be pretty frustrating for other warriors if they left a carton of milk out of sight for a moment only to find Bi-Han or Kuai Liang freezing it and eating its content with a spoon. Because of that, the idea of coffee or tea with milk could be problematic (controversial) matter. Bi-Han accepts only Hydro’s need for milk added to coffee or tea - once Hydro gets it, the rest of milk is a fair game. And Cyrax seems to be bold enough to guard any open carton of milk or juice and keep it out of reach of Bi-Han, especially if he was the one responsible for shopping.
(Also, if Bi-Han even decided to smuggle the outside food for young Kuai Liang, I think it wouldn’t be anything sweet. More like frozen french fries just to tell his little brother how earthrealm people eat it heated up. Just imagine the shock and outrage of little Kuai Liang at the human stupidity!)
Comics!Hydro, as a close companion of Bi-Han is the most used to weird cryomancers eating habits. Because of water-related powers, Hydro likes everything liquid or with liquid consistency - soups, broths, jogurths, smoothies, everything will do. Somehow not really into meat. Also, the one advantage of such power is that Hydro can feed on water if necessary. 
In contrast to cryomancers, I imagine Tomas actually likes deeply fried or smoked stuff. Because without a fire there is no smoke and I like to think Enenra draws energy from fire / heat. Except the moments when Tomas is triggered by something from his past - then the smell or taste of burnt / burning meat (skin, hair) disgust him completely. May actually not like ice creams. Otherwise, he likes Czech food or in general, Central European / Central Eastern European cuisine because its taste is one of few things he remembers from his previous life. This is Tomas’ comfort food.
For me, Sektor with his obsessive behaviour is the one that tries to balance his food and reject the idea of eating anything for fun or out of curiosity. He wants to be in perfect shape and does not care for taste at all. To some degree, he also worries about how the foreign food will affect his strength, weight or body shape when on a long-term mission. The same as Bi-Han, Sektor is the last person that should be sent on shopping. However in case of the older Sub-Zero the problem lies in his abrasive nature and how he doesn’t conform to social norms (thus standing out too much) while Sektor won’t buy anything unless he reads the whole ingredients list and all additional information put on the package. Which means a shopping trip that takes like 10 minutes at best for other warriors usually takes Sektor around two hours, at least. You send him alone to shop for food and you are going to be hungry for the next few hours.
Considering how Cyrax is the most normal (balanced) Lin Kuei, he probably has the most healthy approach to food. Will eat anything that looks good, including fast foods ‘cause why not, it is cheap, edible and takeaway. And trust Cyrax to convince Sektor to eat that damn food too (the trick is to not let Sektor read what is - or is not - inside his meal). I don’t think Cyrax has a favorite kind of food because he doesn't like to limit himself. The same as Smoke, he may miss cuisine from his homeland but the general idea is to enjoy small pleasures like eating good food with companions.
Also, Cyrax is the only one that should be trusted with a shopping list if the Lin Kuei group for some reason ends in a shopping centre. A shopping list and the control over the trolley.
(Frost, like Bi-Han and Kuai Liang is all about cold / frozen food)
(*) From Mythologies Sub-Zero: “Sub-Zero learned of his ability as a young adult [...]. The ability to harness the element of cold is one that takes years of practice. It's full potential realized only by those who've mastered it at the latest stages of life. Sub-Zero's skills have the ability to develop much faster than those of the other Lin Kuei.” The fact that Bi-Han A) learned of his ability as a young adult and those B) develop much faster than usual at least suggest most modern cryomancers get their ice powers rather as grown up.
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cheri-translates · 4 years
Headcanon - when he becomes tiny
This work, 当他变小了, was originally written by 君兮耶君兮 on Weibo, and she has given me permission to translate it 🌸
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“It’s time to get up.”
In response to the voice, you open your eyes blearily to the familiar morning sunlight, the familiar temperature of the room, the familiar decor of the bedroom, and the familiar...
“Who the hell are you? Victor’s illegitimate son?”
You’re alarmed at the sight of a child at Victor’s designated spot next to you.
The innocent-looking, tiny version of Victor wears a blank expression on his face.
Your brain gradually starts functioning again. “You’re... Victor?”
It’s him, it’s definitely him! Apart from him, who else would call you an idiot? Evol fluctuations probably caused his body to shrink.
Curious, you give him a pat on the head, then pinch his chubby cheeks, finding this experience incredibly novel. “Victor, you actually look... strangely cute like this.”
He swats your hand away, shifting his tiny body off the bed.
“Where are you going?” No longer feeling the soft touch, you feel slightly disappointed. You stare at his fuzzy hair, and your fingers itch to ruffle it.
“Making breakfast for a certain dummy.” 
Without turning his head, Victor leaves the bedroom, his short legs striding forward clumsily, like a kitten learning how to walk. 
Your maternal instincts are set aflame.
Something occurs to you, and you quickly hop out of bed and run into the kitchen. How’s he going to cook with his current height?
As expected, Little Victor, with his short limbs, is standing in front of the counter wondering how he can reach the knife and chopping board.
“Little Vic, since it’s inconvenient for you, why not go outside and play. Let this big sister take care of the meals today~ I promise to bring you up well!” You hoist him up by the armpits and bring him out of the kitchen, using this opportunity to squish his tiny face.
Considering how long you’ve known him, you can instantly tell from his expression what he’s about to say next. Before he has time to conjure a venomous remark, you hide in the kitchen and shut the door.
The door slams in front of him, and he shakes his head laughably. “Pretty bold.”
After some twists and turns, you finally churn out an edible “breakfast”. When you lay it on the table, Victor is looking through company documents while wearing glasses that are evidently too large for him.
He shifts the laptop to the side. Furrowing his brows, he uses a knife to slice open a slightly blackened poached egg. “Your skills could see an improvement.”
You roll your eyes at him. “Yes yes yes, I can’t possibly compare myself to the skills of the great chef Victor. So I’ll have to trouble Little Vic to bear with it.”
“I’ve taken leave today. After breakfast, there’s an e-meeting I have to attend. When the time comes, attend to it for me.” Finding the food a little salty, Victor holds up the coffee in his hand. Before he even takes a sip, you exchange it with a cup of milk.
“Little children can’t drink adult coffee. You can only grow tall if you drink milk~” You grin while explaining.
His sharp eyebrows furrow slightly. “I’m 28 this year.”
Sizing him up, you click your tongue and sigh. “No matter how fast you grow, this body looks like a six-year-old's.”
“...” Not knowing how to rebut, Victor’s face blackens. When his immature-looking face accompanies this serious expression, he resembles a child who’s throwing a fuss - it’s cute.
After breakfast, you enter the e-meeting. The other high-ranking members of the company notice that CEO Victor isn’t around, and is instead substituted by you. Someone curiously asks, “Did CEO Victor go somewhere?”
Donning an official business-like expression on your face, you respond. “CEO Victor is feeling unwell today. I will be representing him in the meeting, and will convey the contents of the meeting with him in its entirety.”
Following a few concerned pleasantries, the meeting delves into the main topic. You take down notes seriously, posing questions according to the slips of paper Victor hands you. The meeting goes by smoothly.
“Your performance during the meeting wasn’t bad.” Victor flips through your meeting notes, satisfied.
Even though you didn’t understand the purpose of you recording notes when he was right there listening alongside you, you’re thoroughly welcoming of his compliment. Puffing up your chest with pride, you lift your head and say, “Of course. I’m the boss of a production company. Meetings are naturally not a cinch.”
“You’re off in the clouds just after a compliment?” The disjunct between his adorable features and the expression that doesn’t suit his age causes you to burst into laughter. “Victor, stop speaking like that, it’s too unsuitable.”
Victor immediately reverts back to his blank expression, which tickles you even more.
Both of you have taken leave and are staying at home doing nothing, apart from the moments you can’t control your fingers and they knead his cheeks or tousle his hair. Each and every time, he would either swat away or evade your claws. Apart from that, everything has been very peaceful, until...
“Since you’re so small that you’d probably drown if you fall into the bathtub, should I help you bathe?” You suggest earnestly.
Knowing that he can’t convince you otherwise, Victor reluctantly agrees to your request to wash him up.
Standing stark naked in the bathtub, the clear water covers nothing.
You glance at it casually. “When Little Vic becomes smaller, everything else becomes smaller too...”
“...dummy, don’t look.” 
The child’s cheeks are pinkish and tender, and it seems to redden even more after hearing your words.
“Stand here and don’t move. I’ll get the shampoo.” You pat his wet hair and turn around, heading to the shelf to retrieve the bottle of shampoo he uses frequently. 
However, the bathroom floor is too slippery. Accidentally stepping on a puddle of water, your body lunges forwards.
“Be careful!” 
The pain you anticipated doesn’t arrive. Instead, you’re greeted by a warm touch. You flick open an eye.
Victor frowns in pain, his hair dripping with water, sticking to his forehead. There is obvious worry in his eyes. “Are you hurt?”
Your brain is stunned by the depth in his eyes, and you can only nod in a daze. 
Sensing this, Victor’s large hand, which was originally on your waist, travels up your spine slowly. His searing eyes causes your breathing to hitch and your mouth to feel dry.
Satisfied by the effect he has on you, the corners of Victor’s lips twitch slightly.
“A dummy said something she shouldn’t have. Now, are you ready to accept your punishment?”
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“Yes, so sorry to trouble you, Captain Eli. And no, it’s not that serious, you don’t have to specially visit. Thank you for the hard work.” You sit on the sofa while making a call to Eli, asking him to help Gavin apply for leave.
Gavin sits beside you quietly, looking at his tiny hands in a trace-like state. He clenches them, but doesn’t feel the strength he’s familiar with.
“All right, let’s just treat today as a rest day. How long will this last?” Your maternal instincts are set alight when facing this tiny Gavin. Carrying him onto your lap, you can’t help but knead his cheeks.
Gavin doesn’t struggle, letting you do whatever you want. “It won’t be long, but it does feel a little strange...”
“I think it’s very cute. Like this, I really can’t bear to let you go~” You place your right hand on the top of his head, patting his soft hair. He probably said it wouldn’t last long so you wouldn’t worry.
“Ahem... it’s fine as long as you like it.” That’s right - Gavin has always been pampering you, and this remains the same even if he turns tiny.
“Gavin, shall we have KFC for lunch? It’s been such a long time since we’ve eaten it.” You rub your hands together, yearning for the KFC New Orleans chicken wings, chicken popcorn and...
Gavin smiles when he sees how eager you are. “I heard the kid’s meal comes with a Conan toy.”
You’re brought out of your thoughts, and there are almost stars in your eyes. “You really know me too well! Thank you, Little Gavin~” 
Gavin subconsciously reaches out to tousle your hair, but since his short arm can’t reach the top of your head, he lowers his arm and holds your hand instead.
Leading him out of the house, you suddenly feel as though you’re holding onto your son. Your eyes crinkle as you tug on his hand. “Today, Little Gav has to follow his mother closely.”
“Cough cough cough cough...” As though you gave him a shock, Gavin chokes violently. With a slight redness in his cheeks, he says your name softly. You laugh, carrying him to the backseat of the car and fastening his seat belt before settling yourself into the driver’s seat.
“Drive more-”
“Drive more slowly - I’ve heard these three words so many times already.” You cut him off before he can finish. Somehow, causing Little Gavin to blush is even more interesting than usual. 
Gavin furrows his brows and changes his words.
“Then, be careful.”
Considering how there’s a ‘child’ in the car, you drive as smoothly as possible, reaching the nearest KFC in the shopping mall only after half an hour. 
“A kid’s meal, a Beijing chicken roll, and a 10-piece chicken bucket. Little Gav, do you want popcorn chicken?” You turn your head to Little Gavin, who is behind you.
He retrieves a mobile phone from the Mickey Mouse backpack you forced him to carry, and hands it to you. “If you want it, just order it.”
"I’ll have the big portion then.” You unlock the phone with your fingerprint, showing the payment code to the clerk. After scanning the code, the clerk takes out a Conan toy and gives it to Gavin.
“Little boy, this is a toy which comes with the kid’s meal.”
Gavin takes the toy from her hand and stores it into the bag. 
There aren’t many people, and most of the patrons are parents with their children. Originally, the two of you planned to pretend to be a mother-son duo and leave quietly after eating. However, a girl around the same height as Little Gavin walks over.
“Little brother, would you like to play in the children’s playground?” The girl’s face is red, her cheeks plump, and the pigtails on her head sway with her movements adorably.
“No he can’t.” You refuse the little girl’s request even before Gavin speaks. 
The girl turns her pleading gaze towards Gavin, who’s helping you get ketchup. He frowns. “I’m not going.”
Perhaps never experiencing such treatment before, the little girl’s eyes immediately turn misty, and it looks as though tears are about to spill from them. Feeling as though you’ve bullied her, you soften your voice and comfort her.
“Little girl, this brother isn’t feeling well today, so he can’t play with you, sorry about that.” 
The child’s mother quickly comes over to apologise, takes the girl away, and compliments your “son” for being both cute and handsome.
After seeing that they’ve walked a distance away, you rub your chin thoughtfully and lower your voice, teasingly saying, “Even as a kid, Senior attracts the eyes of the opposite sex.”
Gavin takes out the Conan toy and hands it to you. “I didn’t expect my girl to feel jealous over a child.”
You dip a fry into ketchup and feed it to him. “I’m not the sour one - it’s the ketchup!”
[Note] In Chinese, jealousy is 吃醋 (”chi cu” - loosely translated to “eating vinegar”. So when MC says she’s “not the sour one”, it’s a pun!
After lunch, the both of you decide to head home to rest since the weather is too hot to remain outside. 
Travelling at noon on a hot summer day causes a sheen of sweat to appear on both of your bodies. 
After returning home, you head to separate bathrooms to have a shower. When Little Gavin steps out, wrapped in a bath towel that is usually only enough to cover his lower body, you can’t help but laugh.
“Gavin, are you wearing a tube top?”
He frowns, lifting the bath towel which is threatening to fall. “The only thing I have is that set of clothes which turned small along with me. I can’t wear anything else.”
You poke his tummy and hug him close to your chest. “Good boy, it’s time to go to sleep~”
The air-conditioning makes the room temperature just right, and you fall asleep to the sound of each other’s breathing. 
When you awake, the little person in your arms is gone. Instead, you’re resting on a firm arm. A naked man props his head on his palm next to you, smiling and gazing at you tenderly as if he wants to engrave your appearance, the intoxicating sunset, and the beautiful scene of summer on his heart forever. 
You can’t help but stare at his tender and clear face. In the cramped space, the sound of your breathing is amplified.
“Slept too much?” he breaks the silence.
Something occurs to you and you ask in surprise, “Did you know when you’d change back?”
“Mm.” Gavin lowers the arm supporting his upper body and lays down again, reaching out to hug you into his arms. His chin rests on top of your head, and the familiar touch sends tingles down your spine. 
The arms around your waist tighten, and his voice is low and hoarse. 
“Don’t move. I've been holding back for a long time.”
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You’re pretty sure you’re either still asleep, or having a hallucination. After shaking your head a few more times, the scene in front of you remains unchanged. 
You hold one side of the table to prevent yourself from falling to the ground from dizziness. In front of you is Lucien, his eyes crinkled with a smile... to be more precise, he’s a smaller version of Lucien.
"Lucien, what happened to you?!” You have no idea how to react to the sight before you. “Were you attacked by Voldemort's black magic?" 
Lucien waves your hands away in resignation, and says comfortingly. “It’s likely Evol fluctuations. It shouldn’t last long.”
Curious, you tug at his hair. “Is this for real? Mm, much cuter than usual.”
He takes your hand from the top of his head and holds it tightly. “Didn’t we agree to visit the bookstore to pick out books together today? Aren’t you going to prepare?”
"Are you sure you can still go to the bookstore like this?" You ask in uncertainty, looking at his small frame.
“If it’s something I agreed with you, I’ll definitely fulfil it.” He looks at you with a smile, his eyes gentle and firm, channelling ripples in your heart. Seeing you staring at him in a daze, he chuckles. "Go change your clothes, little fool.
You nod blankly, turning around to head into the room.
There are twice as many patrons in the bookstore over the weekend as compared to normal. Book lovers are either shuttling through the bookshelves or reading quietly with a cup of coffee in front of them. 
In contrast to the quietness in this area, the children's book section is much livelier. The walls are decorated with childlike decorative paintings, and the bookshelves are also constructed into various shapes - small houses, elephants, tall trees...
You hold Lucien’s hand as you walk past the children's book section. Feeling mischievous, you look at Lucien, whose height reaches your waist. "Little Lucien, do you want to pick a picture book?"
Lucien lowers his head and doesn’t speak, simply quickening his pace as he holds you. After walking to the western literature section, Lucien stops. “These are the books people my age read.”
The shop helper was just about to ask if he needed directions to the children's book section pauses. 
You laugh softly, taking a collection of poems from the shelf, and read it softly. 
“I love you, for putting your hand into my heaped-up heart, and passing over all the foolish, weak things that you can’t help dimly seeing there, and for drawing out, into the light...”
“All the beautiful belongings that no one else had looked quite far enough to find.”
Someone continues the second half of the sentence. The moment you lift your head, Lucien’s eyes turn icy. 
"It’s ‘Love’ from Roy Croft, right?” The uninvited man leans against the bookshelf in front of you and makes an inviting gesture. "Beautiful lady, may I invite you to have a cup of coffee with me?"”
Before you have time to speak, you hear a childish babble from Lucien. "Mom, dad would be anxious if we don’t get home soon.” 
Lucien smiles, his eyes crinkling as he tugs at the hem of your clothes. Nothing seems out of the ordinary - that is, if you ignore how he almost broke the hardcover copy of the “Theory of Psychoanalysis” in his hand.
Knowing that it’s no good to stay any longer, you take the few books Lucien picked, and prepare to leave. “Sorry, I should be going off with my... son.”
With a look of regret, the man shifts so you can access the aisle. “Next time, then.”
Carrying Lucien, you want to sprint away from this strange man. At the same time, you find the special smile on Lucien’s face very familiar. Every time he catches you doing something ‘bad’, he wears such an expression when he’s about to punish you.
After making your purchase at the checkout counter, you decide to use this rare opportunity to take Lucien to the trampoline. You’ve always wanted to experience it, but have always been too embarrassed to go. This way, you can play on the trampoline under the guise of bringing a child along with you.
Just as you’re able to compliment yourself for your wit, Lucien suddenly grips his chest and gasps, as though he can’t bear the pain.
"Lucien? What's wrong?" You grip his small body anxiously. 
Lucien raises his head with difficulty, his forehead covered with beads of sweat. “Let’s return quickly. I think I’m changing back.”
When you hear that, you dare not delay further. You step on the accelerator, and drive home before Lucien changes back.
As soon as he sits on the sofa, the little Lucien in front of you morphs back to his usual self, his eyes crinkling as he smiles. 
You thought this incident would pass, but you had forgotten that Lucien, a sly fox, doesn’t forget debts owed to him...
“My wife didn’t refuse that man in the bookstore today.”
"You didn’t even give me the chance to refuse,” you gripe, wrapping your legs around his waist.
Your whole body is sore, and you don't want to get up at all. Fortunately, it’s the weekend and you can spend the whole day in bed.
There is still lingering warmth in the vacant space beside you. In your line of sight, you see a thick book on the bedside table, and you can barely support yourself as you pick it up. 
Andersen's Fairy Tales.
"I got it from the children's section yesterday. Since I was a child for a while, I bought a book meant for a child." Lucien tousles your hair affectionately, and reaches out to place the storybook to the side. 
"After all, there’s a child at home who needs to listen to stories before bed."
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[ KIRO ]
“Where’s Kiro? Where’s my fat... I mean, big Kiro?” You look around exaggeratedly, gesturing with your hands around the height of 176cm, as if you were really looking for him.
“...Miss Chips, stop pretending that you don’t see me.” Kiro looks at your antics in resignation. 
That’s right - the waist-high blond kid in front of you is your Mr Chips.
“I’m sorry, it's just really hard to believe that you’ve suddenly turned small.” Though you’re apologising, your hands cling to his cheeks. Sure enough, they feel like how you imagined. Soft and smooth, which make people reluctant to let go.
"Miss Chips, let go!" Kiro, who initially let you do whatever you want to him,, begins struggling when he realises you have no intention of sparing him.
You let go reluctantly, peeling your hands off his face. 
"Miss Chips, I asked for time off from Savin after telling him I wasn’t feeling well. Shall we go out to play?” 
As expected of Kiro. Even if his body size has turned abnormally small, he can still be optimistic about it, and still be in the mood to play.
“’Not feeling well’? It’s no good to lie to Savin, right?” You look at him, slightly troubled. 
“Savin doesn’t know that I have Evol. Ah, just tell me if you’re going or not.” Kiro opens his eyes wide, as though afraid he would receive words of rejection from you.
You prop your chin and think. "The amusement park then?"  
"Of course! We’ve planned to go for a long time!” Kiro jumps in place with excitement in his tiny body, looking adorable. "I haven't played the running escape game in the amusement park for a long while~”
You size him up, shaking your head regretfully. "Kiro, with your height... are you still able to run fast?" 
"...” Little Kiro feels slightly offended.
Although there may be many restrictions, you still drive to the amusement park with enthusiasm.
“All the best Kiro! Just a little bit more.” You watch him stand on his tiptoes laboriously, trying to reach the height permitting him to ride the rollercoaster.
"I made it!" Pleasantly surprised, he sees that his... hair reaches the red line. The staff ruthlessly presses his hair down. "Sorry kid, your height doesn’t pass, so you can't ride this.”
“..." Little Kiro wants to shut himself down. 
"It's okay Kiro, let's go play something else.” You pat him on the head comfortingly, ready to take him to other attractions. Kiro hangs his hand low, utterly aggrieved. "Miss Chips, I suddenly like amusement park rides won’t make me happy.”
You can’t bear to see your Little Sun being unhappy, so you lift him up off the ground. "If you aren’t happy, let's find a restaurant for dessert first, then play later?" 
When he hears that his favourite Miss Chips is bringing him to eat his favourite desserts, the Little Sun’s eyes light up. “Okay, okay~”
Smiling, it occurs to you that this personality and body are actually not that incompatible.
You order a teddy-bear shaped European bun and two dragon fruit juices stored in magic wands, taking a brief rest.
"This seems to be the first time I’m eating with Miss Chips in public.” Kiro dangles his feet off the bench triumphantly, taking out his mobile phone. "I want to take pictures of all our ‘firsts’”.
"Kiro, if Savin sees that, he’d chop your body into pieces.” You remind him softly. 
Sure enough, the fearless and brave Little Kiro stiffens, then quickly puts the phone back into the Donald Duck bag behind him, pretending he never made such a suggestion. "Forget it..." 
“Excuse me, do you have plans to let your brother become a child star?” Your conversation is interrupted by a man in sunglasses. He stands stands beside your table and looks at you expectantly. 
Before you can speak, Kiro answers. "I don’t want to. I hate all that stuff about having to maintain my figure.”
In response to his vehement refusal, the man in sunglasses continues. "No, no, being a child star is very relaxing, and you can even become very famous. Kid, do you want to give it a try?”
"No.” He says this clearly, giving you the impression that he’s been traumatised by Savin’s ‘torture’ over the years.
Not wanting to further entangle yourself with this man, you step in. “Sorry, we don’t have such a plan. We’re heading to another attraction, so please let us pass.” 
While you say this, you pick up the magic wand drinks on the table and lead Kiro out of the dessert shop.
“I didn’t think you’d still attract people’s attention even as a child.” You look at him with mirth.
Kiro scratches his head in irritation. "Absolute Charm is so annoying during these situations!"
You burst out laughing, helping him tidy his messy hair. Holding his hand, you complete all the other rides in the park. 
"Kiro, this is the last thing you can play.” You gulp, gazing at the dark, silent building in front of you. Unlike haunted houses in other places where there are monsters with scary teeth and claws decorating the walls outside this haunted house takes place in a small forest, keeping it out of the noise. The door opens quietly, as though making a silent invitation. 
Kiro squeezes your hand. "Let's go, Miss Chips. A superhero cannot back down!”
Upon entering the house, you discover that there is a line of people, and there are many, like you, have brought children with them to experience the attraction. The staff checks and accepts the express tickets in your hand, and allows around ten of you walk in together.  
The lifelike props and the crying of children fill your ears, and the shrill screams of women make the atmosphere even more terrifying. Trembling slightly, you grab Kiro’s hand, and he grips you. "Don't be afraid, I’ll protect you!”
Although he’s obviously afraid himself, he comforts and protects you from start to finish. 
He’s definitely your superhero.  
After finally getting out of the haunted house, all the children who went in with you, apart from Kiro, are bawling. Little Kiro, with his face pale, is still holding onto your hand.
"Congratulations to the bravest child. As a reward, here are coupons to the night floating parade!" The staff smiles and hands him two paper coupons. 
He receives them in a daze, and doesn’t respond until he walks out of the building and asks, “Miss Chips, does this count as cheating?”
You wink slyly. “If it’s such an adorable kid, cheating is forgivable~”
Kiro agrees with a nod. “Yes, cuteness is a ticket to doing whatever one wants~" He looks at the cartoon electronic watch on his wrist, and suddenly pulls you into a run. "Hurry up Miss Chips, we won't make it to the floating parade in time!”
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[ SHAW ] 
You’ve always been calling Shaw “little brat”, but you didn’t expect your words to turn into reality. 
“I’m Shaw, the only graduate student from the Department of Archaeology at Loveland University. When I was playing games instead of sleeping last night, I didn't know that my hair had started falling out. At the time, I picked up the fallen hair but ignored the other harms of staying up late. After that, I was forced to go to bed. When I woke up, my body had shrunk! Although my body has become smaller, I’m as mischievous as always...”
You stand on the bed, raising your right hand exaggeratedly and forming the classic pose of the famous detective Conan.
"...” Shaw, who’s smaller than usual, stands at the side of the bed, looking as though he’s watching a fool.
"You should visit a brain doctor.” He picks up the pillow that fell to the floor accidentally because of your big movements. 
You laugh and get off the bed. "This is the first time I’m seeing a Little Shaw - when you look this small, you’re much cuter than usual.” You grab his cheeks with both hands and knead them to your heart’s delight.
"Don't do that!" He waves your hand away, stepping backwards and walking out the door. Seeming to remember something, he turns around. "I took leave today. You better be at home today too so you can take care of me. It’d save me from inconveniences.”
You purse your lips, mumbling softly, "What do you mean ‘took leave’? All you did was tell the teacher you wouldn’t be in class. You definitely didn't go through the formal leave procedures.” 
Although you’re complaining, you still call Anna to ask for a day off. 
By the time you’ve changed your clothes and freshened up, you find Shaw having breakfast in the living room and watching television. 
You walk over, picking up a dumpling and stuffing it into your mouth. "You’re unexpectedly thoughtful, knowing how to order takeaway for us.”
Shaw scoots over, making space for you. He lifts his head and says disdainfully, "If I didn't order takeaway, I’d become the first kid in Loveland City to starve to death because he didn't eat breakfast." He quickly grabs the last fried dough stick on the table. "Hey, don't touch my fried dough stick!" 
Knowing there’s no chance of grabbing it, you retract your hand and pick up a tea egg instead. “Stingy.”
"I'm a growing boy. Don’t you feel ashamed snatching precious nutrition from me?" He takes a bite of the fritter in his hand and looks at you in disdain.  
"You’re twenty, Uncle Shaw." You retort.
"I look six, okay!”
You click your tongue, pick up the remote control, and switch to a channel playing "Peppa Pig" before placing it back on the table.
"Children should look like children, and watch cartoons that are good for the brain." You turn his head so he faces the television screen.
On it, a pink piglet hops around in the mud pit, splashing muddy water on her brother George.
Shaw looks at you, his face dark. “Do you think I’m you? Isn't this something which suits your intellect?" 
You don the standard smile of a flight attendant, answering him in the sweetest voice you can muster. "Didn't you say you’re six years old? Little brat?"
Shaw looks at you sympathetically. "Unexpectedly, Auntie MC is old enough to have a bad memory, and forgot that my body possesses a twenty-year-old soul." 
Is it illegal to whack a child? If it weren’t against the law, I’d whack him to death!
Stuffed with food and drink, you’re half-lying on the sofa, leaving only a small space for Shaw. You poke his back. “Little Shaw, clean the table.”
He turns around blankly. "I’m a kid. You do the cleaning." 
Fine, even though he’s a child now, he knows how to switch between being an adult and a child when it suits his interests. You decide to teach him a lesson.
You smile and suggest, "I'll take you out to play later.”
Listening to his, Shaw lifts his eyes lazily. “Oh? Is your conscience pricking at you?”
“Children have to write reflections after going out to play. No less than 800 words.” You hold your palm out to him. "Also, you have to give me your money, and let the adult decide your share of the pocket money.
“I knew you weren’t so kind.” Shaw turns away from you. "I want fried chicken cola for lunch. Remember to order properly.”
You roll your eyes, whipping out your phone to order takeaway. You swear that you’re buying it for yourself, not following what he says just because he looks cute.
There’s plenty of fried chicken to go around in the afternoon, so there’s no repeat of the food-snatching that happened in the morning. 
After you’re full from cola and fried chicken, you clear the table and urge him to take a nap. "Children need their afternoon naps, or they won’t grow tall." 
Shaw refuses. "I'm 1.82 meters tall!”
You stare at Shaw, who isn’t even as tall as the television. Even if you don’t speak, what you want to express is self-evident.
He comprehends the meaning in your stare and scratches his head in irritation. You seize this opportunity, whisking him up into your arms and walking towards the bedroom. 
"I don't want to sleep!" He struggles violently, causing you to lose balance and fall forwards.
You find yourself straddling the enlarged version of Shaw, staring at him with wide eyes.
With a mischievous smile, he strokes your waist. “Since you can’t wait, I have no choice but to comply with your wishes.” 
More translated and original works: here
[ Permission to translate ]
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君兮耶君兮: You can - just note the source of the author
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fernthewhimsical · 4 years
Birthday Magic!
Today, the 28th of October is my birthday! So I thought this was the perfect time to share with you all some magical things to do for your birtday. Here are some ideas to add a little bit of witchcraft to your already magical day.
Candle Magic: Light a (birthday) candle, make a wish, blow it out. Simple, yet effective. Traditional birtday magic!
Glamour Magic: Choose your clothes and make up in such a way that they make you feel empowered, happy and confident. Choose happy colours and patterns, draw sigils with your foundation, or wear jewellery enchanted to make this a happy day.
Food Blessing: Get a cookie/cupcake/cake/donut and bless it with happiness and love for the coming year. Think about your flavours: which do I associate with happiness, or love? Will it be a confetti cake, or is a white chocolate and rosewater cupcake better? You could also draw sigils, runes or bindrunes in the icing or frosting for added oomph.
Hot Drink Blessing: get your favourite flavor of coffee/tea/hot chocolate and charge it with warmth and self love. Stir the drink clockwise while concentrating on what you wish to imbue your potion with. Add edible glitter or shimmer (like luster dust) to make it even more magical!
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Dance it Out: Have a little party (even just by yourself) and get rid of those things that no longer serve you. Put on some fitting music and think of the things you wish to let go of. Match your music to your intent: releasing anger? Headbang it out to some heavy metal. Releasing lethargy? Jump and bounce to some high-energy pop music. Releasing loneliness? Put on some Bohemean Rhapsody and sing along at the top of your lungs. Do it with friends or do it alone, but know that someone, somewhere, is belting right along with you.
Make a Toast: Make a toast to the year that has gone by. List the highlights for yourself. What are you proud of? What happened that made you laugh the loudest, that made you dance with joy or cry with happiness. Make a toast to the wonderful things that happened the last year.
Kitchen Magic: Cook your favourite food. Think about why it is your favourite? What memories or feelings does it draw up within you? Then think of ways you can enhance that with magic, for example by drawing symbols into piecrust or adding spices with intent.
Practice Divination: Do a tarot or oracle spread to reflect on the past year and see how it rings true. Do a spread for the coming year as well, then next year you can reflect on how accurate it was!
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Give Yourself a Gift: Buy or make yourself something pretty. It is your birthday after all and gifts are part of that. Is there something that you’ve wanted but kept finding excuses not to buy it? Now is the time!
Make yourself a gift for next year! Make a little box filled with happy thoughts, herbs, poetry, crystals and all else you want to surprise yourself with next year. Tell future you how proud you are of them. Then next year, either burn or bury them and begin anew!
A Gift for Someone Else: Perhaps you’re not really one for gifts. That’s okay! Perhaps you’d like to give to someone else on your day. Make a donation to a charity that is important to you. Volunteer. Pick up trash in the local park. Share your sparkly tea and confetti cake with your neighbour. Share the love.
Make Plans: Make some plans for the coming year. Is there something you want to study? Break it into steps and write it down. Some practice you want to dive deeper into? Do the same.
Express Gratitude: Thank your ancestors for being here. Their loves and lives made it possible for you to be born. What better day to thank them than on your birthday? Remember that they are proud of you.
Thank your deities for the same thing and for the love and guidance they have shown on the way. (If you honour deities of course)
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Practice Self Care: This is your day after all. Take good care of yourself. Protect your boundaries. Surround yourself with people and things that will make you happy. Don’t feel like having certain people over? Don’t! Or at least reschedule to a different day. Birthday celebrations can be stressful and hectic, make sure you use this day to take care of you.
Pamper yourself!: Take a luxuriously long, hot shower. Dress in soft and comfortable clothes. Make only your favourite foods and drinks all day (or order in!). Have a mini spa day. Meditate. Snuggle with your cat and watch something wholesome. Be gentle with yourself. Be kind to yourself. You deserve it.
I hope these ideas have inspired you to make your birthday a bit more magical! What do you do to incorporate some witchcraft into your celebrations?
(Originally posted to my website)
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appleandelder · 4 years
Cooking with Cannabis
*Disclaimer: this is for adults in areas where it is legal to use cannabis. proceed at own risk, I am not responsible for what you do. thanks. links are to offsite articles*
Why make edibles?
Consuming cannabis through edibles allows one to enjoy her gifts without smoking, which is great for people with sensitivities ... when you want to keep your lungs strong in times of respiratory plague... to just simply enjoy in a different way, or to add a unique flavor to a special dish!
[Green Flower: Complete guide to edibles]
[Why do edibles give you a different high than smoking?]
[Read More: Fats and Cannabis]
Plant material
Choosing what kind of plant material to use to make an edible creation can depend on a few factors including availability, taste, potency, and utility. Obviously use whatever is accessible and affordable, but thankfully we are in the midst of the cannabis renaissance and a multitude of products are at the disposal of the cannabis chef. Flowers with an endless amounts of variable flavors, oils and resins, water soluble isolates, terpenes extracts, keif and hash, and more can grace the cannabis cooking cabinet.
Since a grower will have a superabundance of trimmings, looking to get the most their harvest, infusions, and extractions are usually made with the resinous leaves surrounding the flower that are cut before curing. For a more potent batch, full flowers might be employed.
If a quick infusion is needed it’s better to use oils or resin. Isolates and extracts of thc or cbd are used to help cut the cannabis flavor while distilled terpenes can be added to enhance it.
What recipie being prepared may also influence what material to use and might call for an infusion or not. Leaves, flowers, steams and even roots can be used for cooking!
*pro-tip: before decarb of green material soak for ten minutes or so in room temperature water to help extract chlorophyll, this will help cut the green taste...but let dry completely before adding to oil, the decarb process will help dry*
To decarb or not to decarb ?
Decarboxylation is highly recommended. This process exposes the cannabis material to heat activating the latent cannabinoid thc-a to the psychodelic delta9-thc. For the same reasons cannabis is smoked and not consumed raw, the heat is responsible for cannabis’ more potent qualities. Even hemp should be decarboxylated, converting cbd-a to the more active cbd.
One of the easiest ways to decarb: preheat oven to 240f with a mason jar inside. Once heated (wait like 15-20 mins after preheat is done, this allows for the oven to stabilize), load the warm mason jar with ground material or resin. Close it and leave it on its side in the oven for 60 mins shaking it around every 20. Once complete allow to cool in a closed jar and then add oil or butter (etc) right to jar for a one container extraction.
One may choose not to decarb: Old fashioned butter makers don’t do so and can still make a decent product, a recipe could decarb in the cooking process instead, the properties of thc-a may be desired, or one may want to focus on the flavor of cannabis and creating an integrated meal without it being overly intoxicating.
[Read More here]
Dosing can be a confusing endeavour when it comes to making cannabis edibles. For more consistent results using resin extracts are more reliable, but there are ways to guesstimate what the dosage is when using cannabis flower or trimmings. Without proper testing, this is all just an estimation. Without a chemical analysis the amount of thc might not be known; however, it’s safe to assume that flower these days fall in the range of 15-20%, while trimmings having 8-15% depending on if fan leaves were taken out, keif would maybe be 50-75%. Figuring the exact amount of thc extracted from the cannabis plant material into the oil or butter is tricky, but always considering it 100% with allow a guess of the maximum dosage. A dispensary will reccomend 10 mg as a starter dose but someone with more tolerance can raise that threshold considerably.
Formula for approximately dosing edibles: Mg of plant material x %cannabinoid / amount of menstruum ... and then amount of infusion/serving of edible
So if I were to infuse 10 grams of cannabis that was 20% thc into 1 stick of butter (8 Tbs) and making 12 cookies: 1000mg x 20%thc = 200mg thc infused into 8 tbs butter would make each tablespoon about 25mg thc. My recipie for cookies takes 1/2 stick of butter and makes 8 servings so 100 mg (4 Tbs butter) / 8 cookies = approx 12.5 mg thc per each cookie.
It’s good to note that cannabis, when ingested, can take 45 minuets to 2 hours to take effect. Always start slow and be patient if using a new recipie. When making larger infused meals, pair with cbd to help mellow effects of thc.
[the Green Flower article above also talks about dosing]
To infuse cannabis, soak plant material or resin in a solvent (fat or alcohol) exposed to heat for a considerable amount of time (2 hours - overnight or even 2 months for some tinctures). This is best done in a crockpot, but there are as numerous of infusion methods as there are cannabis chefs.
Butter, Clarified or Ghee, and Coconut oil are the most popular mediums for infusing cannabis into food. It is definitely the best for baking and making sweet confections. But butter has its savory applications as well and makes an easy addition to almost any recipe.
*Pro-tip: when infusing flower or leaf into hard butters/oils, add equal parts water, this helps trap chlorophyll and other less than palatable constituents. After straining plant material, slowly cool allowing water to separate and oil to harden. Discard dirty water and what’s left is a better tasting butter.*
Infusing cannabis into liquid oils, like olive or sesame, is great for dressings, marinades, and sauces. It’s important to remember thc is a volatile chemical and will start to degrade and vaporize at high temperatures. Unless the temperature is low keeping the oil below 350f*, it’s best to use oils not for cooking with but for adding flavor and potency to finished dishes.
*(it’s ok to bake at temperatures higher than 350f as long as food or oil does not exceed that temperature, just don't use oil for frying or sautéing)
Cream or milk is a classical method for extracting cannabinoids. The key here is using a milk high in fats (so avoid 1 or 2%, but maybe try coconut milk) and using a low heat, slow infusion, making sure not to scorch the milk. Bhang is a traditional Indian drink made from a cannabis milk infusion. Milk infusions can be added to coffees, teas, and other beverages, creamy soups, numerous desserts, or enjoyed on their own.
*Pro-tip: adding sunflower lectin in fat/oil infusions leads to a more potent edible. Read more [X]*
Alcohol is a convenient solvent for recipes that don’t include a fat source. Add cannabis tincture to beverages to enhance teas, sodas, cocktails, or even hot drinks. Use in recipes for: jelly, gummy candy, and lollipops. It can be added to a finished soup and even used in pie crust. A tincture made with activated (decarboxylated) cannabis will provide the most potency, but one made with fresh flowers can offer an array of intriguing flavors.
Using cannabis as an ingredient
Fan leaves that have no resin on them, and therefor are not psychoactive, make a great ingredient to add many dishes. Younger leaves are best as older ones can be bitter, but not terrible. They can be a substitute for spinach and are great sautéed with butter and garlic. Stuff cannabis leaves instead of grape. Leaves can also be enjoyed as a juice.
The stems and branches could be used to add flavor and fuel when smoking meats. A hemp smoked cheese would probably be amazing.
Flowers can be grated to accompany breadcrumbs or spiced streusel toppings, added to parmesan, but are best utilized in seasoning blends.
The roots are also edible and can be used to cook with, however I have no experience doing so.
In recipies and how to pair
When cooking with cannabis, the goals are either to mask or to compliment flavor. Thc and Cbd are inherently flavorless so the factor can be avoided all together using terpene free isolates or extracts and can be added to any dish without worry. However, for most cannabis cooking with involve some pairing of flavors.
The reason cannabis brownies are so popular is that the complex bittersweet flavor of chocolate is good to mask the flavors of cannabis, especially paired with fatty nuts. So chocolate based desserts are great for hiding cannabis infusions.
Pungent spices also help to cover cannabis flavor. Pair cannabis with ginger, cinnamon, clove, even spicy peppers, to overpower the cannabis taste.
Complimenting cannabis can be dependent on the strain but citrus along with floral and earthy herbs are all good to accompany cannabis cooking. Pair with lemon/lime, oranges, lemongrass, lavender, sage and rosemary, thyme, basils, oregano, and marjoram.
Considering terpenes in cannabis cooking is a great way to find what to pair and how to enhance effects. Each individual strain with offer an array of flavors that of effectively paired can creat a perfect cannabis recipe. Use ingredients that have similar terpenes as the cannabis strain or enhance the cannabis experience (like mango).
[Terpenes in herbs and spices]
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Floral and citrus strains make good dressings, desserts, and beverages; they pair well with fish, chicken, and rabbit. Musky and earthy strains are good for savory dishes, stews and soups, and chocolates; they pair well with red meats, mushrooms, and cheeses.
The possibilities of infusing cannabis into food is endless. Add to favorite recipes, create new ones inspired by the flower, or find a recipe in a cookbook below.
High Times’ Cannabis Cookbook [read here]
Bong Appétit: Mastering the Art of Cooking with Weed, a Cookbook, complied by the editors of Munchies
In spiritual practice
The aspirants to initiation, and those who came to request prophetic dreams of the Gods, were prepared by a fast, more or less prolonged, after which they partook of meals expressly prepared; and also of mysterious drinks … in the mysteries of the Eleusinia. Different drugs were easily mixed up with the meats, or, introduced into the drinks, according to the state of mind or body into which it was necessary to throw the recipient, and the nature of the visions he was desirous of procuring.… Magicians have, in all ages, made use of similar secrets (Salverte, 1829/1849). - Excerpt from: Liber 420: Cannabis, Magickal Herbs and the Occult by Chris Bennett.
Set and setting are extremely important when approaching cannabis spirituality. Consuming a cannabis edible, especially after fasting, can result in a spirtual experience, but only if done with respect and in ritual manor. Cooking can become a ritual, or done in veneration to ancestors or deities. Dishes made with cannabis can be given as offerings and can be accepted as sacrafice. With correct set and setting, consumption of cannabis infused food and drink can assist in trance, bring visions, aid in communication with spirits. Just be sure to take the time for proper personal preparation and to create a space suitable for the venture.
For healing
Consuming cannabis and letting the body process the cannabinoids through the digestive system offers an array of benefits. I use to make vegan edibles for a friend who had asthma and could not smoke. I personally honor edibles for their effects on the body rather than the mind and are great after a long day on the farm.
Cannabis edibles can be extremely helpful for some people who suffer from a plethora of issues. Please consult a professional physician or herbalist who specializes in cannabis if looking to edibles for their medicinal value.
It’s fun to hold a cannabis dinner party and make elaborate infused meals (even just for one). Experiment with different infusion methods. Create different cannabis concoctions and explore new ways to utilize the plant. Cooking with cannabis is a fun interactive way to work with the plant and enjoy its effects for anyone interested.
*Enjoy Responsibly*
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affirmcbd · 4 years
An Ultimate Guide to CBD Tinctures
CBD tinctures have become incredibly popular in the last two years or so because they are very potent. CBD tincture is a highly potent herbal extract that is produced by steeping high-CBD hemp flowers in a solvent mixture of water and alcohol. CBD tinctures typically include additives such as essential oils, flavoring agents, and herbal extracts for better taste and added health benefits. The most popular essential oils are vanilla, peppermint, rosemary, strawberry, and lavender. CBD tinctures are usually more potent than CBD oil. That is why they are great for making CBD cocktails, beverages, and edibles. Moreover, it is not uncommon for some users to add a few drops of the tincture in their tea, coffee, or a favorite drink. If you desire to bake or concoct your favorite beverage with CBD tinctures be sure to choose a water-soluble product. Is CBD Tincture Legal? Since it’s made from cannabis, the same plant associated with marijuana, the legality of CBD products may be confusing to many. Thankfully, most CBD tinctures are extracted from the hemp plant which has plenty of cannabidiol and a very low concentration of THC. CBD tinctures derived from cannabis plants with high THC content are legal in states where marijuana has been legalized for medicinal or recreational use. How to Use CBD Tinctures CBD tincture is very potent, which means they contain a high concentration of cannabidiol, so small doses are recommended. Most bottles of CBD tinctures come complete with a separate or built-in dropper for dosing. Remember, you can’t overdose on CBD, but taking too much of it doesn’t necessarily translate to more benefits. You’ll only be wasting your hard-earned money. If you need to adjust the dose, it’s a matter of increasing or reducing the number of drops. It’s crucial; however, to talk with your doctor to figure out what dosage is right for your condition. The right dose depends on your body weight, the severity of your condition, intent, and potency of the tincture. For instance, you will need between 5 mg and 50 mg for relief against anxiety and depression. Don’t forget that CBD products are not meant for everyone. CBD can interfere with certain drugs and medications such as Warfarin, beta-blockers, antiretroviral, antihistamines, and some antidepressants. Like most CBD products, there are numerous ways to use your tincture. Here are the top three: (a) Sublingual method: Taking CBD tincture sublingually means placing a few drops underneath the tongue. CBD will be readily absorbed into many blood vessels under the tongue, bypassing the digestive system. This is an ideal method if you want an instant therapeutic effect, especially if you need relief from pain or to induce sleep. Simply hold the tincture under the tongue for 10-60 seconds, and then you swallow. (b) Add to Food and Edibles: Considering that tinctures are potent, they are perfect for use in many recipes. You can add a few drops of the tincture to your beverage, whether that is a carbonated drink, tea, coffee, cocoa, chocolate, water, or other beverages. You can also use the tincture during the preparation, serving, or after serving food. For instance, you can bake a few drops of tincture into your cupcakes, cakes, cookies, and other baked goodies. Alternatively, you can add some to your salad, smoothie, or dessert. (c) Rub it on your Skin: Topical use is not popular. However, you can rub some tinctures on your skin to relieve joint pain, tendonitis, arthritis, and muscle spasms, as well as keep your skin looking healthy and youthful. Some people prefer to infuse a few drops of CBD tincture into their baths, particularly if it contains some essential oils. CBD Tinctures Side Effects Some potential side effects of taking CBD tinctures include: Dry Mouth: Nearly all products derived from the cannabis plant have this side effect, and it’s not hard to see why. It turns out all cannabinoids have been found to reduce or inhibit the production of saliva. You can remedy dry mouth by taking plenty of fluids before, during, and after consuming CBD tinctures. Diarrhea: This results from additives like MCT oil, flavoring agents, etc. that might irritate the gut, causing diarrhea. On the contrary, CBD has strong gastroprotective properties. Nonetheless, some people have reported mild diarrhea a few hours after taking CBD tinctures. Dizziness: When taken in lower doses, CBD can be a stimulant that uplifts your mood and enhances your concentration and focus. However, in high doses, it can cause drowsiness and dizziness. Lowers Blood Pressure: This can be something of a concern for patients with hypotension. This is often connected to drowsiness. Other side effects include fatigue, irritability, and changes in appetite, nausea, and tiredness. Thanks for reading this post, Buy CBD online at Affirmcbd.com which offers a wide range of high-quality CBD products including CBD tincture, CBD roll-on pain gel, skin renew salve, lip balm, patches, and more. Visit the site for more information about our products.
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indecisivebreadpeas · 4 years
Hollow Knight & My Hero Academia crossover idea
Note: I’m mostly gonna wind up plain rambling & get off-topic, plus all I’ve read of BNHA is from fanfics & the fandom wiki, I’ve never watched/read official sources, so disclaimer on that. 
Hear me out, the Radiance’s fluff is a similar color to Himiko’s hair & I mistoke Toga’s eye color for orange when they’re actually yellow according to the wiki, but the hair part still holds true. If we do some cannon divergence, maybe change up Himiko’s quirk into being able to turn into a moth, a moth goddess, or maybe the Radiance just winds up infecting Himiko, unless you wanna use the Infected Radience theory, in that case, whoever’s using the Radiance as a puppet infects her & she gets it willingly or something like that.
Wait, Hollow Knight, but w/ quirks, that makes things so much more interesting. Getting back on topic, however, may be the Radiance is actually a sibling of Toga & they had the Moth Goddess quirk, wind-ups, perhaps even loses their memory, in what is now Hallownest, the other higher beings: Pale King, White Lady, Nightmare King Grimm &/or Nightmare Heart, Unn, God of Thunder & God of Rain (what if we threw Godseeker in there?), Wyrms, Lord of Shades & The Abyss Creature were all just humans w/ shapeshifting/mutant quirks that maybe even forgot they were humans & forgot how to turn back. Imagine the mental whiplash when even one Higher Being finds out how to become human again & word gets out. A Higher Being has a form that is some pale pink to dark brown squishy being. Imagine if they remembered their memories w/ the human world & some of them were friends! PK & Radiance were the closest besties & now their enemies.
Now, are we doing the Big Bugs, Bug Tank, or the Human Sized AU? I’ll provide an idea or more for all 3!
Bug Tank AU: That GIANT squishy thing a Higher Being turned into! The Abyss creature is the first one to regain their memories & the forgetting mist doesn’t affect humans for some reason, it’s too low. They’re benevolent & worried for Hallownest & it’s neighbors they do the most logical thing. Put them in a giant tank & care for them. They’ll protect them with their life, & the insanity of the other Higher Beings having to adjust to this.
In a nutshell (if we make the Godseeker’s previous gods alive), like at least 9 people are living in this house maybe they have to have a schedule of ‘who gets to be human when,’ as they decided to live in a single house, & only some people can be in public. The villain & hero chaos doesn’t help, it’s hard enough hiding Hallownest in the usual day.
The shock of everyone else, their lives were a lie! What if the entirety, of Hallownest’s ancestry, was humans that could turn into bugs & they could become humans, or half-human, half-whatever species they are people, maybe their size is a balance between their the small bug & large human height? Quirked Hollow Knight AU!
Human Sized AU: Mosscreeps & other adorable bugs get domesticated, heck though, what would they think of their smaller unintelligent counterparts? Anyways, let’s focus on the “Radiance was sealed & it worked for some time” era. The cultural whiplash (that should have already been brought up), & the technology gap here. There’s also a possibility there’s a gap between how long the humans & bugs have been sapient for. Not to mention the shock of all the laws & the whole quirk stuff, & there are so many meetings between official leaders & ambassadors. I’m not sure if the maggots were slaves, but if slavery was a thing & the fact especially the upper class will have to think “I’ll have to pay everyone I want to work for me”. The possible tension between the two! They hear the story of the first quirk & they may be torn between “Did the Pale King/the Radiance/some other light Higher being create quirks?” The language gap, how could I forget that? Assuming the more people that believe in you the more power you get as a higher being, humans w/ permission explore this alien world & find out about almost every Higher Being we know about, & the population is like in the billions, everyone’s power level, skyrockets, whomst has awakened the ancient one skyrocketing. Hallownest’s reaction to nukes . . .
(I just made a whole branch AU) I wanna focus on the Mantis Lords tho, assuming the brother was yet to betray his tribe, what if they pushed the disabled to be as equally strong as the abled? What if they looked down on most of humanity for regressing practically just because they by chance got powers that could be greater than what could be done w/ soul by chance? What if word got out of their opinions and the quirkless flock to becoming mantis tribe citizens because they have a chance at being equal not because of their birth state, but because they worked for such a state? The Mantis Tribe population becomes large as heck since 20% of the human population is almost 1,600,000,000 likely, maybe not the whole percent but a large majority. The economy on a positive note maybe becomes Mt. Everest on the charts for both groups & it doesn’t crash hard.
The introduction of Void & Soul to humans may be a bad thing tho, what the difference between human souls & bugs? Does the murder rate especially towards bugs goes up, does a war break out? Multiple? Does the relationship between bugs & humans stick on the edge of breaking? Does Hallownest split into several groups & countries with different opinions thinking humans should be wiped out, they should be lower than them, they should join them? Do even the maggots join the “I don’t feel like praising the Pale King anymore” squad since humans without much direct contact with gods have gone so far they think “We don’t need gods, we need masks.” The Mask Maker now has a business & several apprentices making masks. This branch AU has the most opportunities for drama, that’s for a fact. The whole opinions split large populations happen w/ the humans too. Criminals may see Hallownest as an easy target for a mass steal meaning security & law enforcement will have to be increased and improved, they’re given aid but this also to an extent makes them dependent on humans.
What if the Kingsoul’s discovered & it’s mass-produced, killing’s not necessary guys! You can stop now! What if the same happens to the Dreamnail? 
The Howling Cliffs is certainly an obstacle here tho too, whether you go the easy or complicated route, that’s up for debate, does being outside of Hallownest effect Higher Beings, do Higher Beings also naturally have sapience & language as well?
Human Ancestry AU part tho, bugs went from having their exoskeleton outside, to having them inside, every bug needs clothes now (Editing this for a second time I thought that on the spot, why would they all have to wear them now?), not to mention, the different foods they’ll sometimes be able to consume & sometimes not- CORDYCEPS! It messes up non-sapient bugs but has medical properties & is edible to humans if it can affect the big bugs, perhaps a quirk made, scientific &/or magical vaccine will have to be made, maybe a quirk w/ time reversing effects are used to cure a victim. Some bugs try to even make their human form permanent if we’re in the “Pure Human form” side of the AU. If not, more debate between the two groups~! Heck, a cure’s technically impossible meaning bugs would have to wait for a vaccine to be made & it may likely take a really long time since vaccines for bugs are likely rarely be focussed on, & pray they go their life never contracting it. We can also just go the “the sapient bugs are unaffected enough/immune“ route to make things easier or ignore Cordyceps altogether. Would bugs have a coffee equivalent or could take just some coffee before it’s too much, pure human sub-branch tho, heck yeah. Does the whole food & drink stuff means bugs have to wait till they fully digest food then they’re safe to shift to the other form? Is soul needed to shift? Does the body know when it’s safe to shift after eating/drinking food deadly to the other form? 
Anyways, this AU also means bugs have to learn their bug language & human language in human tongue. Some bugs like the Mantis Tribe will stick as a bug as much as possible as an exoskeleton is more appropriate with a culture like their’s but even the Mantis Lords seem to have just a single claw, the equivalent to a single finger, they definitely shift when in need of hands. People like Quirrel & Monomon have 4 fingers per hand/many limbs to get the job done, so shifting is much less likely for people like them.
If the Higher Beings has quirks humans, chances are there were missing searches for them, they remember everything & they go “oh.” Even w/ any AU if this is the case, even more, legal stuff happens. The family reunions could be every awkward.
Big Bugs AU: Mt. Lady would quickly be considered a candidate for ambassador thanks to her quirk, however, that’d be shot down. Likely she’d speak the actual ambassador’s mind if they decided to have meetings. Humans may also help with technological progression though the main issue comes with materials available on Earth, time to mine the other planets & go to other universes.
That’s enough of those three AUs & branch AUs I feel like thinking about, however, the Human Ancestory AU+Human Shapeshifting Higher Beings can both individually be their own separate AUs w/o the whole BNHA Crossover stuff. 
It’s amazing how much came from me mistaking Himiko’s eye color. This is why you twist even the tiniest detail for no reason or remember what you made a mistake about in a show/game etc. & think, “what if that was actually the case?” Edit: Frick, mistoke Mosscreep for Mosskin
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realvapeshopnearme · 5 years
Innovative CBD Products You Might See in the Future
The number of CBD products available has grown exponentially in the past couple of years. We’re already seeing everything from CBD bath bombs to CBD pet products hitting the market. Just like any item that’s enjoying its moment in the sun, CBD oil is finding its way into some really unique items. Most of these products are already on the market, but you may not have heard about them yet. Others may only be available sometime in the future. Here are some innovative CBD products you can expect to see more of in the coming months.
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CBD Breath Mints
Whether it’s having it or smelling it, nobody is a fan of stinky breath. That’s why the top five leading brands in the breath freshener industry rake in over $817 million in sales annually. It’s only a matter of time before these top brands start releasing CBD products.
CBD breath mints would work similarly to CBD tinctures, plus have the added advantage of freshening your breath! This is one innovative CBD product that already exists, so you can try CBD breath mints for yourself.
Essential Oils in CBD Breath Mints
If a company decides to make breath mint CBD products, they might want to consider using natural essential oils like spearmint or peppermint in their formula.
These essential oils contain a litany of terpenes. Much like cannabinoids found in broad spectrum hemp extract, terpenes together have an entourage effect. Including essential oils and CBD into your breath care can help keep your mouth fresh all day long!
CBD for Birds
Squawk! Polly want a tincture! Over 20 million American households have adopted a bird as a member of their family. With the steady rise of CBD pet treats for dogs, CBD oil for cats and CBD pellets for horses, formulating CBD products for birds is a no-brainer!
Anyone who has a pet in their life naturally wants to give them the best care possible. After all, they are the companions who love you through thick and thin, even when they squawk back. Soon your birds will be able to receive the same support you do from CBD products.
CBD Makeup
The beauty industry is a $532 billion market. It’s only a matter of time before more cosmetic companies market CBD products in their makeup lines. We think this would be a great idea!
There are already CBD skincare products out there. Our largest organ, the skin, has its own endocannabinoid system. Cannabinoids in CBD topicals penetrate the pores to reach our cannabinoid receptors.
Now, you may be thinking, “Why bother with putting CBD in makeup?”
Foundations that hide blemishes may also dry out our natural glow. Artificial colors in eyeshadow and blush may cause an adverse skin reaction. CBD, on the other hand, is a simple product that can support your skin’s health whenever you need it.
CBD Restaurants
CBD restaurants could definitely be a thing of the future. CBD edibles are already a popular item among hemp users. This idea is just taking it to the next level. After all, who wouldn’t want a five-star meal that also helps support a healthy lifestyle?
There are stringent laws surrounding cannabis-themed events, making them hard to pull off, but the groundswell is already bubbling. People are interested in cannabis cuisine. Perhaps a non-psychoactive option like CBD can help bridge the gap.
While hemp and marijuana are completely different, they do come from the same genus. Anyone who has eaten cannabis edibles knows that both THC and CBD products sometimes have a plant-like taste. Experienced cannabis chefs, though, can find the perfect blend of herbs, food and flavor to concoct some delicious CBD dishes.
CBD Tampons
This CBD product may seem far-fetched, but it’s already happening. CBD tampons are slowly growing in popularity, and they may be the next big thing in feminine hygiene.
Most of these brands are also ditching plastic. This move further strengthens the bond between sustainability and hemp.
CBD Probiotics
There are two growing industries in health and wellness circles. Analysts project the CBD industry will hit $23 billion by 2025. In the same year, other analysts believe that probiotics will top $77 billion.
What makes this combination of products so exciting is that they both have a unique interaction with the body. Probiotics are healthy bacteria that regulate your gut health. Due to their presence in your microbiome, probiotic bacteria can help maintain balance within the system.
Many people use CBD products to promote homeostasis, or balance, throughout the body. These two working in conjunction could provide even more benefits.
The Microbiome and Endocannabinoid System
Live probiotic bacteria in our gut keep harmful bacteria at bay. If pathogenic microbes take over the system, they cause an adverse reaction in receptors along the vagus nerve. Depending on the bacteria, these reactions can cause an array of unpleasant results.
Meanwhile, broad spectrum hemp extract indirectly interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system, which is why millions are adding CBD products to enhance their day-to-day routine.
Gut Colonization
For probiotic CBD products to work efficiently, producers must implement nanoemulsion technology. This breakthrough is what makes Joy Organics CBD softgels so potent. We use state-of-the-art equipment to make some of the smallest CBD particles on the market.
Nanoemulsion is ideal for maximum absorption. The smaller the particles are, the more easily the body can absorb them. The same can be said for probiotics. Probiotic supplements can have trouble colonizing the colon. These blends require smaller particles for a better chance of survival in the stomach.
CBD Kombucha
Kombucha is a product of fermented leaves. This gut-healthy drink is made with live yeasts (known as a SCOBY) and tea leaves.
When tea leaves are fermented in water, the lack of oxygen creates pressure on the plant. This pressure causes the leaves to break open and sweat. In some ways, this process is similar to the extraction of CBD oil.
The “sweat” is actually natural sugar from the leaves. As the leaves secrete these carbohydrates, the live SCOBY in the brew will feast on the sugars. The yeast will release probiotic bacteria into the tea water. Now, you have kombucha!
We can already envision companies infusing CBD into their brew like they currently do with water and coffee. One way to accomplish this is by using flavored CBD tinctures.
Many kombucha companies use essential oils, peels, barks and leaves to flavor their beverages. Using a naturally flavored CBD tincture can add a burst of flavor to this sparkling drink.
In the future, you may see food-grade hemp become a reality. From there, hemp flowers might be used for kombucha in lieu of tea leaves. The future of CBD products is bright and ever-growing. We can’t wait to see what innovative CBD products come out next!
Related Link https://vapeshopsnearme.co/does-cbd-help-manage-chronic-pain/
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royalpain16 · 5 years
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Tea is better [for you] than coffee. Let’s just get that out of the way before we start.Many Most ALL British people think this. Even those who say the exact opposite agree really, they’re just trying to be provocative and confrontational due to consuming too much caffeine. Yes, it may look like pretty much every other building you come across these days is a Starbucks, but tea is still more popular. Tea doesn’t need a global empire shoving it in people’s faces. Not after the last one, anyway.
The above paragraph is obviously exaggerated for comic effect (but only slightly), but it can’t be underestimated how important tea is to many people in Britain (and beyond of course). And because it’s so important, how it’s made becomes a serious issue. How long you leave the tea to brew, whether to put sugar in, what type of tea to use, and perhaps the biggest cause of disputes: if you put milk in your tea (which you should) do you put it in the cup before or after the boiling water?
Many arguments have been had about this. If anything is going to kick off another civil war in the UK, it is probably going to be this.
What most people don’t know is that, over 11 years ago, scientists settled this debate. Supposedly.
To test the recipe for the perfect cup of tea put forward in 1946 by George Orwell himself, Dr Stapley of Loughborough University established that putting the milk in after the boiling water is incorrect, as it causes the milk to heat unevenly (as opposed to pouring the water on top of it). This uneven heating of the milk causes the proteins in it to denature, meaning they lose their structure and “clump”, affecting the taste and contributing to that skin you get on the top. So when someone says they can tell if you put the milk in first or second in the tea you’ve made for them just by tasting it, turns out they probably can.
So that settles it then. Milk before water in tea. End of discussion. Science has spoken!
Except it hasn’t. As is always the case when you get science involved, it’s not that simple. For instance, if the tea bag is in the milk before the water, this will cool the water too quickly, affecting the brewing. So if you make the tea in a pot, fine. If you don’t, then that’s a whole other issue
As an aside, having been to America and sampling the weak tea made there, it must be stressed that the teabag should either be in a pot or the mug itself; it is not sufficient just for it to be in the same room.
Also, Stapley in his study said the denatured milk resulted in a less pleasant taste. But that’s a subjective opinion, not a measurable fact. Taste is incredibly subjective, to the point where even professionals like wine tasters can’t demonstrate any consistency under scientific scrutiny. So who’s to say this is any different? Why are denatured proteins automatically less delicious than intact ones? A fried mushroom is typically more enjoyable than a raw one, why should tea be any different?
DISCLAIMER: The previous sentence refers to processes that cause edible proteins to denature. Please don’t try frying your tea; that makes no sense at all and will probably be awful.]
Other scientific pieces have weighed in on the correct way to make a cup of tea. Some are likely just PR guff, others are wonderfully rigorous. But, quite tellingly, they often differ significantly in their findings, because making tea has a lot more variables than many would think, given that it’s such a common behaviour.
And that’s another point: it’s not just the physical and chemical properties of the tea itself that influence our perception of it, but the procedure of making the tea can have an important role.
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Wine tasting was previously mentioned, and how studies show the supposed experts are actually very inconsistent. But this isn’t to say they’re consciously making things up when they describe the wines they taste; they likely genuinely believe they can taste such subtle differences. But it’s the external factors (the appearance, the pouring, the consistency, the environment) that are very influential in determining the perception of it.
From the more pretentious end of the scale to the exact opposite, heroin addicts often develop needle fixation, whereby the very act of injecting causes a high-like response, as the act is directly linked to the effects of the drug. It can be so potent that those on methadone treatment (methadone being an oral substitute for heroin) sometimes spit out their dose in order to inject it and achieve a desirable high.
This isn’t to suggest that tea is as potent as wine or heroin (definitely not in the case of the latter), but it does emphasise how our preference for something is strongly influenced by the delivery, not just the biochemical effects it has.
People often drink tea at specific times or in specific contexts (eg the office tea break) and we quickly grow to expect these, especially if we’re the ones making it and develop our own pattern of doing so, based on our preferences. When someone deviates from this, it can explain the seemingly excessive reaction it provokes.
So, what’s the scientifically “correct” way to make tea? Well, if by correct you mean “method that makes it taste best”, then that’s actually something that incorporates a fantastic number of variables in order to produce a highly subjective result. So, scientifically speaking, the correct way to make tea is “however you like it best”.
Not that this will stop anyone from arguing about it, of course. Just read the inevitable comments.
Dean Burnett sat down with a cup of tea to write a different article but completely forgot what it was going to be about, so wrote about the first thing he saw. His lack of imagination is apparent on Twitter, @garwboy
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mcgirrs-blog · 5 years
What is CBD
With the increasing legalization of marijuana and the intense popularity of vaping today, CBD is a popular topic all over the internet. What is CBD? Is CBD legal? Can CBD oil get you high? The questions are endless. However, these are important questions to be asking!
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One of the most common questions we hear revolve around what exactly CBD is and its various uses. Here at McGirr’s, we pride ourselves in providing our customers with not only the best products, but helpful and credible information on our products. Below, we’ll discuss what CBD is and the various forms CBD products can take.
So, what is CBD?
CBD is one of the focus areas in cannabis research. CBD, or cannabidiol, is a compound naturally found in hemp plants. Therefore, many CBD products are also labeled as hemp products.
Both CBD and marijuana come from Cannabis Sativa L plant species — but they are not the same thing. The Cannabis plant has flowering tops and leaves that contain psychoactive elements and THC (tetrahydropcannabinol). THC is the content in what we know as marijuana. Whereas, hemp comes from the seeds and fibers of the plant and is not the active ingredient in marijuana — and therefore, does not get you high.
CBD is not intoxicating, so it is great for everyday routine use.
Why do people use CBD?
CBD oil is said to be primarily used for topical treatment for pain relief and other ailments. However, CBD can also be infused into foods and drinks or made into a vaporizer of suppository. For example, CBD gummies are an extremely popular form of a CBD product commonly used for sleep aid and pain relief.
While more research is being conducted about CBD and the Endocannabinoid system, studies currently show that CBD may have therapeutic effects. It is often promoted as a holistic treatment for pain, anxiety, and neurological functions.
Here are a few specific ailments that people treat with CBD:
·         Anxiety: CBD may reduce the effects of common anxiety including symptoms from PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), social anxiety, generalized anxiety disorders, panic disorders, and moderate depression
·         Epilepsy: although more research is still on-going, continuous CBD use may, in conjunction with other forms of treatment, show a significant decrease in seizure activity from various forms of epilepsy
·         Pain relief: CBD may help reduces pain and inflammation, speeds up healing in muscles and joints that are sore from exercise, and may also reduce pain levels caused from chronic pain disorders like arthritis and fibromyalgia
·         Acne: since CBD has anti-inflammatory properties, some studies have shown it helps to reduce and treat acne
Additionally, CBD can have the same positive effects on animals that it does on humans. Typically, CBD is used as a calming treatment for pets.
At McGirr’s, we have various products that treat all of the aforementioned ailments for both humans and their pets! Here is a quick list of products that you can find in our store and online:
Protein bars
Tinctures (drops)
Bath and body
Bath bombs
Pain Creams & Lotions
Moisturizers, cleaners, and serums
Beverages and Shots
Coffees &  K-cups
Pet accessories
If you’re interested in reading and learning more about CBD, check out our books like CBD for Total Wellness, CBD: 101 Things You Need to Know About CBD Oil, and more available online, too!
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psyched2b · 6 years
Late Night Secrets (Steve Rogers x Reader)
Here’s my last minute submissions for @shitty-imagines-95‘s “Being that Thing that Goes Bump in the Night Writing Challenge”
As always, feedback is always appreciated and welcomed!
Also, huge shoutout to @mermaidxatxheart and @shreddedparchment for all of your help in making this what it is. Definitely check them both out as they are amazing writers!
Warnings: Mentions of blood, mild panic attacks
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Steve was pacing, back and forth, back and forth, in front of your house at 1:37 am. He didn’t care that he may look suspicious to your neighbors, too lost in his own thoughts.
The cool fall air was flirting with winter, just above freezing, frost coating every surface outside, sidewalks slick.
But Steve didn’t notice.
He had just gotten back from a mission that had taken its mental toll on him. Steve has seen countless indescribable horrors in his life and he didn’t think there was much that could shock him.
This last mission proved otherwise.
He was thankful that the kid, Peter, wasn’t able to go. This would have changed the ever happy kid's outlook on life, leaving deep scars.
“I want to bleach my mind,” Peter would say.
The thought brought a ghost of a smile over Steve’s lips.
He had been fighting with himself. He really wanted to see you. It had already been three weeks and he knew that just being around you would calm his inner demons. At the same time, it was an ungodly hour and would you really be up for company?
A light switches on in the house before him and his breathing hitches. Could you actually be awake?
His phone vibrates in his jacket pocket and his heart skips a beat in hope that it was you.
Pulling out the Stark-tech, he flicks his wrist to turn on the screen and his smile widens when he sees your name on the screen.
Y/N: Hey, just thinking about you. Heard from Nat that you got back and if you need someone to talk to, I’m here. Glad you’re safe x y/n
Steve felt warm.
If he had to pick one thing about you that he loved and valued over anything else, it would be your compassion. You were always looking for ways to help and take care of others. On weekends, you would volunteer at the VA. Wednesdays, you visited Deaf/Hard of Hearing classrooms and signed stories with the students. Fridays, you had dinner with the Avengers to listen to the more boisterous ones recount their escapades. But besides all of that, you made it clear to anyone and everyone that you were always available for whatever they may want or need. You understood that it wasn't all sunshine and roses; that there was a darker side to everything they did. You could recognize the distant look in their eyes as they were trapped in memories of the past and were quick to respond and bring them back to the present.
It was one of the many reasons why he had a huge crush on you.
Only, you were adamant that you were not looking for a relationship.
You had said on more than one occasion that anyone would be lucky to have him as their significant other.
Steve at first, like a fool, thought that you would have included yourself in that. And when he approached the topic of making you his girl, panic overtook your expression, crushing Steve’s world.
Despite his embarrassment at your rejection, he knew that having you as a friend was substantially better than not having you in his life at all.
He didn’t realize that he had moved to your front door until he heard himself knocking softly on the cool wood.
He snaps his arm back to his side and he holds his breath in anxious anticipation. The chill of the night air seemed to have settled in his bones and he feels frozen to the spot.
He hears quite steps padding towards the doorway and he can hear your breath hitch when you lean against the door to look through the peephole and see him standing there. He hears you let out a quiet curse before hearing the metal of the deadbolt sliding and the twist of your doorknob followed by the squeak of a door hinge.
You throw open your front door and see Steve Rogers standing on the other side, posed in a wide stance with his hands stuffed into his pockets. You see with every exhale a puff of air swirl in the chilled night. His hair was mused, likely from his nervous habit of running his hands through it. He has the beginnings of a beard and you realize that he likely didn’t stop to clean up after his mission, coming straight to your home. One last sweep over him shows that he has no obvious injuries, but you see the tips of his ears and nose are a bright pink.
“Jesus, Steve! Come inside so we can get you warm,” you urge, reaching out to grab his wrist, and drag him into your warm house. You have to ignore the strong pulse that you feel in your grip and swallow back the thirst. You clench your jaw in an attempt to keep your fangs from falling and glance at Steve, telling yourself that he needs to be your priority. The thirst can wait.
Steve didn’t resist, easily following you into the warm home. You gently push him towards the couch where he collapses, feeling the weight of the week crushing him.
He doesn’t realize that he feels safe with you, making it okay for him to be vulnerable.
You rush out of the room towards your linen closet and grab an arm full of blankets for the half-frozen soldier.
Walking back into the room, you throw a blanket over his lap and tuck another one around his shoulders, cocooning him in warmth.
“How long were you outside?” you question, crouching down to take off his combat boots, treating him with care. “It’s freezing out there. You could have gotten sick!” You stand back up and bring his boots to your entryway. “You do realize that you aren’t invincible and that it’s dang near freezing, right?”
You turn back to the Captain and are pleased when you see the harsh pink fading to a healthy warmth over his face. Nodding, you move to the kitchen, shouting back to him, “Coffee or Cocoa?”
You hear him shuffling around in the blankets and you lean around the corner, shooting him a steely glare. “You, Mister, need to stay in those blankets until I say so. Do not make me tie you up.” You have to force yourself to keep a straight face when Steve flushes a deep red. “Now, Coffee or Cocoa?”
“Cocoa, please.”
You huff and roll your eyes, returning back to the kitchen.
You go through your cupboards and look for the kettle that you seldom use and let out a little triumphant cheer when you find it in the back of your pantry. You shuffle back to your sink and rinse out the inside quick before filling it up and setting it on the stove.
While you wait for the water to boil, your eyes flick to the dark colored glass bottle on your counter and you can feel your gums ache and your throat dry. It had been too long since you last fed and having Steve here wasn’t helping with the hunger.
Never in your entire existence has someone made your mouth water as much as the Super Soldier did…and it was concerning. You were alone in this world and had no one to go to for advice. But since meeting the soldier, you knew you would never be able to stay away, his scent like crack to an addict. It didn’t help that once you got to know the Brooklyn man that you realized you wanted to be his girl.
Steve Rogers was one in a million and it killed you that you could never be with him.
Because who would want to be with a blood-sucking vampire?
Your throat pulsates as you breathe in, his scent filling you to the brink with thirst…and lust.
Why did he have to pick tonight to come over unannounced?
You grab the hot cocoa powder from your cabinet and set it on the counter. You grip the ledge and close your eyes, debating whether or not you should just open up your bottle and drink. You could easily pass it off as wine and it would make this encounter significantly easier. At the same time, you risked Steve….asking questions about your drink.
But what were the chances of that?
Deciding that the need to drink outweighed the need to be careful, you pull out two coffee mugs and fill one with the essence of life.
The sweet aroma hits and you’re quick to take a deep drink from the cup, your eyes rolling into the back of your head as the thick liquid trickles down your throat. Once it enters your system, the air feels lighter and you feel yourself relax, the effect of it instantaneous.
Just as you are caught up in relief, the kettle lets out a shrill whistle, startling you out of your stupor.
As you pour the hot water into the mug and add the cocoa powder, you call out to Steve, “Marshmallows or whipped cream?”
“Marshmallows of course! What kind of monster prefers whipped cream?”
You snort in reply and put the preferred topping on before gathering both mugs in your hands and head back to the living room where Steve was still wrapped up in your blankets.
The image makes you pause for a moment, realizing that you liked seeing him wrapped up and looking so.....edible comfortable in your space.
You shake your head to clear those thoughts, reminding yourself that he will never be yours.
Instead, you hand him his mug and take a seat in your recliner next to the couch and sip at your own drink.
An easy silence settles between the two of you as you both enjoy your treats.
Steve is the one to break the silence.
“What are you doing awake at 1:30 in the morning?”
You shrug and reply, “Wasn’t particularly tired.”  You sip at your drink and let out a low appreciative hum. “Plus, you never know when a super soldier might come knocking on your door.” You wink at him.
You’re slightly disappointed when he doesn’t blush.
You watch him. You watch as his shoulders move with every breath. You watch as his eyes move over you, switching between your hands and your deep red stained lips. You watch as his pink tongue peaks out between his lips, dampening them and then he swallows.
Your eyes meet blue and you faintly register the confusion in his.
“What?” You ask, a nervous giggle escaping you. Your gaze flicks down to the liquid in your cup and then back to him. You tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear and you give Steve a small smile, silently pleading that he doesn’t ask the question.
“What are you drinking?”
You look down at your mug again, swirling it in your hands, releasing the sweet fragrance in the air. You look back up at Steve and blink slowly. You breathe slowly, intentionally, and gulp, hoping to soothe your suddenly dry, tight throat. You glance back down at your drink and narrow your eyes and bring the mug to your lips for a deep drink.
When you pull back, you feel a drop escape your lips, trailing down, but before it got too far, you capture it on your finger.
Your eyes flick to Steve’s and you see his blue eyes darken with lust, fixated on your finger. You smirk, bringing the finger to your mouth and wrap your lips around it and suck off the blood. You peek at Steve through your eyes lashes and are pleased to see you have his undivided attention. You release your finger with an audible “pop” and give him a seductive smile.
“Thurston Wolfe - 2013 Zinfandel”, you purr, keeping your hold of seduction over him.  
You didn’t like that you had to do it, but self-preservation always won out in the end.
You keep calm, thankful that your tricks would save you from a painful explanation.
Your heart drops to the floor when you see him flare his nostrils, breathing the hearty scent of your drink in. You watch in panic as the fog leaves his eyes and he refocuses his attention.
“Is-is that blood?” he asks in a careful tone, aware of how crazy he sounds.
Stunned that he was able to break off your spell, you surprise yourself when you answer with a simple, “Yes.”
The silence is deafening as you wait for his response.
He remains seated, his expression not giving anything away. He runs a hand through his hair, tangling it even worse than previously. “Alright, follow up question.”
You give him a skeptical look, confused as to why he wasn’t freaking out, running away from you and calling you a monster.
“I’ll allow it.”
Steve’s lips break into a small smile, amusement taking over his expression. “Why are you drinking it?”
You stare at Steve in utter disbelief, shocked at how this was happening. Was he for real?
“Well, naturally my first thought is that you are a vampire which would explain a lot,” he continues, moving to untangle himself from all of the blankets and setting his now empty mug on the table.
You gape at him, words finally finding their way back to you. “What do you mean, that it ‘would explain a lot?’” you demand, slamming your cup on the coffee table in front of you, the table groaning in protest at your forceful action. You couldn’t think of one instance where you could have given anything away.
Steve holds up his hands in surrender, “Hey, it’s okay. The only reason why I noticed is because I look.”
You grip at your roots and shake your head, “Steve, if you noticed something, I need you to tell me so I can make sure no one else will ever know.”
You meet his blue eyes, your own watering. Your heart is hammering heavily in your chest, anxiety filling you.
“You don’t understand,” you whisper, squeezing your eyes shut, tucking your chin in. “If word gets out about what I am, people will come for me.”
You release your grip on your hair and wrap your arms around your waist and squeeze.
“Even you knowing could be the end of me,” you breathe, the words like a whisper in the wind.
You feel warm hands cup your cheeks and your eyes pop open in surprise, quick to meet untroubled blue. “Hey, Y/N, just breathe,” Steve instructs. His gaze feels heavy on you. He slows his breathing, exaggerating, coaching you to follow along.
It takes a moment before you are able to focus, your eyes watching his lips as he inhales…and exhales. Inhales. Exhales.
A few passes of this and you feel the panic leave. In the midst of this, you realize that he hasn’t left. He hasn’t called you a monster. He hasn’t shown any fear.
You pry your gaze from his lips to meet his sapphire eyes. “Why aren’t you afraid?”
“Do I have reason to be?”,
His response stuns you into silence once again and you wonder if the surprises will ever cease.
Your eyes search his for any signs of deception.
There was nothing but awe, adoration and...love.
You press forward so your lips are only a hair-breaths away and pause, giving him the chance to pull away.
He doesn’t hesitate to meet the rest of the way, pressing just the briefest of kisses to your lips.
Your eyes meet for a brief second before you grip the back of his neck and pull him back to you in a passionate kiss.
As your lips move in sync, you can feel it build up in your bellow, bubbling over.
You had kissed people before but never had it felt so, for a lack of a better word, magical.
Steve is the one to pull away, both of you panting. He leans forward and presses his forehead against your, his thumb brushing affectionately over your cheek.
“I wish we had done that a long time ago,” he murmured, a smirk dancing across his lips.
You smack the back of your hand against his chest and scoff, “Way to ruin the moment!”
Steve lets out a loud laugh and picks you up easily and sits down in your spot before settling you back into his lap. He rests his chin on your shoulder, his breath tickling your neck. “Here I thought I was being cute and romantic.”
You both settle into your spots, feeling more relaxed than ever.
“You know, I still have questions.”
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japvnesedenim-blog · 6 years
Little Known Facts About strawberry face mask.
Ideas: Use this mixture three to 4 moments each week (even a everyday software is okay), but be sure to get ready it contemporary each time, as it is rather uncomplicated to arrange and best at that point. Go away the mask on for 10 to quarter-hour. This mask is runny and could drip down your face. To prevent you from acquiring too messy, think about laying down or sitting down back again inside a chair along with your head tilted back again. You can also use this mask within the bathtub when you are getting a soothing bath. An incredible moisturizer and lubricating agent. Coconut oil is blessed with healthful nutrients that nourish dry skin. Say goodbye to flaky peeling skin! Your face is the ‘showroom’ of your daily life that lens initial effect on any person you meet. If exactly the same will not be favouring you, you severely have to figure out for a far better face. Masks really should keep on for ten-quarter-hour. I love washing masks off that has a steaming very hot washcloth. I run a washcloth beneath hot h2o, squeeze out the excess drinking water and afterwards push to my face for an entire minute. I then Carefully wash off the mask within a round movement. Washcloths are good for exfoliating. Generating from the face pack is without doubt one of the least complicated Do it yourself homemade ways to handle the oily and acne susceptible skin. Let us take a trip to have an notion of ways of planning on the orange face mask for oily skin and acne. Ideas: It offers Great outcomes, however it does choose time and energy to see them. When you don’t promptly see a improve, don’t throw in the towel. You are able to’t expect success inside of a working day or two. Also, the mixture is best utilized when freshly created. We would be happy to Call you once this merchandise is accessible. Basically enter your email handle while in the Place down below. Preferably, implement these egg white face masks around a sink or clean basin to prevent developing a mess. Right after software, maintain your face above the sink to get a several seconds to collect any Preliminary drippings. Clean the mask off and pat your face dry. Use lukewarm h2o and splash it onto your face. Carefully clean the mask off and stay clear of scrubbing your face much too really hard. Utilize a soft, clean up towel to pat your face dry. Why shell out a lot more than $20 over a retailer-bought facial scrub whenever they keep with your face for just minutes and all Those people fancy elements get washed down the drain? This is an additional Superb treatment for acne. This variation is likewise absolutely constructed from purely natural and edible elements. Incorporate a mashed up banana towards the egg yolk. Peel a banana open up, and Minimize it to scaled-down items having a knife. Use a fork to mash it to some pulp. The banana might help nourish your face. Consider using oil blotting sheets during the day rather than loading on a lot more powder or foundation.
The best Side of face mask
Approach: Crush the substances perfectly collectively and enable it to be a paste Using the lemon juice. The pack performs fabulously When you are all set to go that excess mile. For skin that may be healthful looking and usually content, this pack is a terrific way to be certain that smile. Process: Combine them all inside a bowl and use a thick coat on your own face. Enable it operate its magic for quarter-hour until finally it dries out. Then rinse with h2o and dry your face with a towel. Utilize https://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Banana-Facial-Mask to prevent dry skin. I just started out applying Bee Friendly (eye and face product all in a single) and I've extremely dry, delicate skin. The honey is deeply moisturizing. There’s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1stclSx8mg of honey masks to choose from likewise. Add a mashed up banana on the egg yolk. Peel a banana open, and Slice it to smaller parts that has a knife. Use a fork to mash it to your pulp. The banana might help nourish your face. Think about using oil blotting sheets throughout the day as an alternative to loading on far more powder or Basis. The applying of the egg white mask can clog the pores and boost the potential for breakouts for anyone who has acne susceptible skin. Other Uncomfortable side effects contain the spread of microbes on the skin, as raw egg whites comprise salmonella, a bacterium that could cause foodstuff poisoning. You might not see the outcomes you would like straight away. Check out a mask for around 1 month before analyzing whether you will keep on utilizing it. Finally, whisk the combination together with a fork and use it for your face utilizing your fingers or maybe a cotton ball. To find out how to generate a nourishing egg facial mask, scroll down! https://steptoremedies.com/baking-soda-scrub-face-wash/ should use any that actually works very well to suit your needs, but if you use olive or coconut oil inside the mask and afterwards use an oil infused moisturizer, it could induce breakouts When you have oily or combination skin. Use lukewarm water and a facial cleanser ideal for your skin variety. You may wash your face with cleanse palms, a washcloth, or possibly a gentle sponge. Stick to up with a few toner and moisturizer. Wow, I can’t hold out to try this! Planning to try it tonight since I can’t wait around. Below’s the nuts thing I placed on my face. …I buy the huge aloe leaves from the produce portion at Wegmans. I peel them and Slice the insides into very little chunks which i set in a very jar and preserve from the fridge. Indeed, you could peel it off. It can be not easy to do if you utilize a skinny layer even though. I don’t Consider it will support clear away facial hair; no less than it hasn’t for me so far. 4 tbsp. finely ground espresso or coffee beans (presently floor coffee and in many cases fast coffee function if you do not have your personal grinder) This support enables you to enroll in or affiliate a Google AdSense account with HubPages, so that you can gain money from adverts in your articles. No data is shared Except you interact using this type of feature. (Privateness Coverage)
The best Side of strawberry face mask
Clean your face 1st and also your fingers much too as you don’t to use a face mask on filthy face. So immediately after this use a thick layer of this mask with your face. three. Your face may be a little bit red once the scrub. It's because on the sugar scrub which stimulates good blood circulation in your face. The redness will vanish after some time along with your face will probably be glowing and absolutely free from peeling skin and useless cells. Howdy, I'm just questioning when there is anything at all I could to eliminate or decrease my sagging face specially my chin and jaw location. Combine these three ingredients alongside one another. When they are fully mixed wash your face first with any face clean or mild soap. You should utilize banana, honey and lemon facial mask daily. As you've dry skin, utilize a moisturizer after employing this combine – if you really feel your skin is dry. If you favor to use all-natural moisturizer, read through this article: Certainly, Banana face mask with leamon and honey does help take out tan, but will also softens your skin and can make it glow. For those who have dry skin, you'll be able to mix an egg yolk also. Can utilised coffee grounds operate With this recipe? I’d choose to use the grounds from my espresso equipment right after my morning coffee! four. Banana Face Mask to struggle wrinkles: A number of people connect with bananas as painless, reasonably priced purely natural Botox, and they rightly do this! Bananas are full of strong nutrients to remarkably diminish the looks of wrinkles, and make your skin look young and radiant. Pamper your self with a straightforward, exfoliating, DIY face scrub which you could make in the home. All you require is brown sugar and olive oil, and you may whip up an awesome procedure to properly cleanse off All those lifeless cells! Brown sugar also includes glycolic acid, a strong alpha hydroxy acid, that helps expel toxins and bacteria, and moisturize skin. It's also a hydrating agent and it locks moisture into your skin cells and guards from skin dryness. Use brown sugar as opposed to white sugar since it is a lot more gentle on skin and is effective well for incredibly sensitive skin. My skin is mixture of equally, extreme oil usually on my forehead. I tired applying medicated soaps ( I applied med cleaning soap acne, salic lac foam and so on) now I finished utilizing every one of these. Remember to propose some very good face packs in order to avoid oil on my forehead and smaller acne on my forehead. If you live in close proximity to a ShopRite, they could have aloe leaves. The just one I check out does. Entire Foods is another That may carry them, but they can be genuinely expensive. This information is accurate and accurate to the most beneficial with the author’s understanding and is not meant to substitute for official and individualized information from an experienced professional. Hi, pls let me know how often we should use the mask specifically for lightening the skin. could it be a daily mask or once in a week mask ?
The Ultimate Guide To honey face mask
My skin kind is normal,Oily only Once i get up in early morning.I dont would like to possibility my face skin,i desire to moisturize my face but don’t know how..I don’t believe that on these nowadays creams.I would like all-natural items.Can u pls guideline me for glowing crystal clear skin. On this page, I share my hottest recipes for six various skin kinds. You can discover the components for these recipes inside your kitchen area. https://twitter.com/steptoremedies/status/1087123555727405058 is to work with face masks formulated for your personal skin sort. The #1 explanation for wrinkles is Solar injury, so it is vital to use a sunscreen of at the very least 30 SPF from a early many years on even in Wintertime and on cloudy times. A terrific trick is to invest in two moisturizers: A single with the night time and a single for your day that features UV safety. There are some strong vitamins and minerals in bananas which make them Mother Mother nature's remarkable beauty resolve! Dr. Oz even goes so far as to the tropical fruits are nature’s painless, inexpensive Botox. In addition they function wonders on acne and oily skin. Mamm i was burnt about 12years in the past bt the scars remain on my face what banana combination will I exploit?pls aid me Hi, I have oily skin, incredibly liable to acne, a lot of to ensure that I'm able to’t don't forget a time when i experienced crystal clear skin….. will the banana mask nevertheless work on my skin??? I keep acquiring Energetic acne which leaves dim and deep spots, earning my skintone uneven. You absolutely sure can! Coconut oil is an excellent elegance oil and yow will discover far more face masks with coconut oil right here: I have discovered a fresh beuty schedule for me. I take a 50 % a banana and mash it up with a fork. Then I divide it into two equal components. The initial aspect I mix with cinnamon. I implement it on my face and leave it for couple of minutes. Hope you all are in the pink of the wellbeing and experiencing this beautiful spring season. Now morning, I'd orange marmalade and orange sandwich…oops veg sandwich in my breakfast. "It absolutely was really easy and straightforward to try and do. I'll keep on doing this facial for a smooth and young searching skin. Thanks." RD Rylie Doosendorf Breaks down grime and dirt, removes surplus oil which if not can clog up skin pores and bring about acne breakout. Operates as a versatile deep cleanser to unclog skin pores. Just how long will it choose to clean yout face from acne working with banana face mask? Is it ok to utilize leftover banana combination? three. Banana Face Mask to deal with Acne and Pimples: Do you think you're worried about pimples and acne? This chemical cost-free mask with pure ingredients, specifically, turmeric and baking soda acts to struggle acne / pimples, decreases blemishes and help in finding glowing face. Rinse your face with cold drinking water to wash absent mask’s ingredients and to tighten your skin pores. Apply a fantastic moisturizer within your option to hydrate your skin. Volla! Are you currently shock together with your glowing and supple new look.
About egg white face mask
Add the honey for the egg white and lemon juice, and blend almost everything yet again. You will require ½ tablespoon of honey. Make certain that it's the translucent, runny kind. Honey is antibacterial and functions to be a all-natural antiseptic. It's also moisturizing and allows replenish the skin.[three] Mix the egg white and lemon juice. Using a fork, promptly whisk the two elements until the egg white becomes foamy and frothy. A single pro suggests adding ginger for the warming, spicy scent, or a combination of ginger and citrus oils including grapefruit or orange for a refreshing scent to provide you with kickstart.[four] Should you’re carrying out the facial during the night, you may try using a calming scent like lavender. Utilize the mixture for your face together with your fingers. Get the job done the sugar-honey combination on towards your face with all your finger suggestions in gentle circular motions. Prevent your eyes and mouth even though implementing. Carefully pat your face dry that has a clean, dry towel. Be Light as you pat your face dry. For those who scrub your face Along with the towel, it's possible you'll bring about skin discomfort, which include breakouts. Turmeric not only allows take care of acne, nonetheless it can also soak up extra oil from the skin and lighten discoloration. This really is utilized to collect details on traffic to posts along with other webpages on our web-site. Except you will be signed in to your HubPages account, all personally identifiable details is anonymized. This is accustomed to discover distinct browsers or devices if the accessibility the assistance, and is also employed for safety explanations. "My face is rather oily and I have blackheads on my nose and chin. This labored rather well, I will be applying it twice a week Any longer."..." much more AO Afi Owusu Aid me you should I've a foul skin brought on by pimple scars and black heads. Is this egg yolk and lemon is sweet for my skin These masks are perfect for an at-dwelling facial. Start with clear skin and prior to making use of the mask, lay a heat, wet wash cloth in your face to open up your pores. After rinsing from the mask, wash your face with cold h2o or use a toner to shut the pores. Then utilize a superb face oil. Shower after. For those who shower ahead of, the eggs will don't have anything to "seize on to". Following, you want the mask to be nicely and really off your face, and a shower can assist with that. Just Ensure that the mixture is thick enough that it sticks to your face and isn’t runny. You may start out by pouring a quarter cup on the sugar inside of a bowl after which you can adding oil by the tsp until finally the combination reaches a regularity that you want. I must Do that. You have stated what each in the included ingredient does and I am certain. Perhaps, I can use lime rather than lemon as there are so many limes the place we are now.
5 Tips about orange face mask You Can Use Today
Allow it dry. Chances are you'll utilize a 3rd layer of whisked egg whites immediately after 5 minutes for higher skin tightening. Listed here are finest 6 Do it yourself egg white face masks which are easy to arrange and will help solve a variety of skin issues to provide you with toned and gorgeous skin. If needed, you can learn a variety of hacks to different the egg’s yolk and whites. The substances to search youthful could be as near as your kitchen area. Homemade egg white masks are cheap, enjoyable and function brilliantly well. About the milk, powder milk will work most effective because the mixture will only will need slightly amount of h2o. If you utilize liquid milk, you won't get the good thing about milk by this minor quantity. If you do not choose to use milk,just liquefy the coffee with some drops of drinking water and after that add yogurt. Warning: Lots of individuals are allergic to cinnamon and it could possibly often produce irritation in those with an unusually delicate skin. Therefore, this mask ought to be employed immediately after screening someplace apart from about the face. We may well use conversion monitoring pixels from promoting networks for instance Google AdWords, Bing Ads, and Facebook so that you can establish when an advertisement has efficiently resulted in the specified motion, for example signing up for that HubPages Services or publishing an short article over the HubPages Provider. I wonder what my Duchess will imagine all that mouth watering egg on my face. Duchess is my lovely cat. Preparing: Once again, the planning is quite simple. Just combine the two ingredients and come up with a uniformly mixed paste. In case you observed this information handy please take a second to tweet, like, or share this text by using the buttons at The underside from the website page. I’d truly take pleasure in it. All of us commit income on skincare products so skip the flowery serum and splurge on fantastic honey. You can utilize it to scrub your face, come up with a scrub, or take care of your skin to your weekly do-it-yourself honey mask. Considering that these egg white masks tend to be runny and may drip, have on an aged T-shirt to stay away from spoiling your good apparel. The substances present in these widespread solutions to acne could be harsh on your skin, as well as strong combination of substances can have an impact on Your whole body in other ways that you may have hardly ever expected. With regards to the honey mask method, You should utilize it combined with the medication chances are you'll already be getting and it gained’t interfere in any way. Clean your face with warm water to open up up your pores. Making use of clean up arms or maybe a cotton ball, use the combination on to your face, keeping away from the sensitive regions about your mouth and eyes. Mix all the above ingredients in a small mixing bowl. Applying clean finger strategies, implement a thick coat of the combination on to your face.
Facts About coffee face mask Revealed
As you have got oily skin particularly liable to acne, you need to implement acne particular remedies. I suggest you visit this site which includes ideal acne residence treatments ans see for purely natural answers specific for your acne complications: How often you exfoliate will rely on your skin form, age, and local climate. Normally two times each week is plenty of. When you have oily skin you are able to do it extra frequently; in the event you’re more mature and/or have dryer skin, two times weekly can be a lot of.[29] Only use facial masks made up of lemon juice during the night time. Lemon juice is phototoxic and can raise your risk of sunburn or perhaps chemical burns if you go out in daylight with any residual lemon juice in your skin. Do you may have any recipes for poor acne making use of cinnamon and coconut oil? I actually need assist for my seriously genuinely terrible acne.. I'd many of the components to the pimple combating mask, produced it, and utilized it! I must say it DOES NOT have a pleasing smell in the least, but my skin feels so cleanse and contemporary! I applied jojoba oil afterward to moisturize. Great recipe! I'd leftover so I am going to freeze it and utilize it following time. Wash your face. Use a mild cleanser to wash your face with lukewarm drinking water, then pat your face dry using a clean up, dry washcloth. In this article you may master What exactly are the best beauty treatment plans with yogurt and how to produce a honey and yogurt face mask for acne. I had read and experimented with banana masks in advance of. But these are typically different and it seems good. I'd not thought of the orange juice in advance of. I'll give it a consider . As you'll be able to see, using an orange peel face mask has various positive aspects that operate for various skin varieties. Whatever you need it for, orange peel powder is unquestionably a blessing. When your mask has dried up in certain spots and caught in your skin, you should make sure you usually do not tug on your skin even though washing it out. Carefully therapeutic massage the realm with drinking water right up until the mask loosens up and offers way. To help keep pimples absent, use orange peel mask. What's more, it cleans your pores from the dirt and oil and prevent blackhead as well. @haso: Lemon juice is a powerful way to deal with melasma. Its acidic nature and vitamin C element Enhance the discolorations and peel off the outer layer with the skin. Use the juice to the influenced places, lightly massage for just a handful of seconds, leaving it on for ten minutes. Just one expert recommends incorporating ginger for a warming, spicy scent, or a mix of ginger and citrus oils which include grapefruit or orange for just a refreshing scent to give you kickstart.[four] In the event you’re accomplishing the facial at night, you may attempt utilizing a stress-free scent like lavender. Thanks for the membership. Your e mail format is Improper! Unhappy, but we could not include you to definitely our mailing record ATM. Subscribe When it’s place on your skin as opposed to with your belly, sugar can be quite a great natural beauty help. It’s moisturizing; it is made up of glycolic acid, which encourages cell turnover for youthful-looking skin; and its little particles make an awesome exfoliant.[1] You'll be able to mix sugar with any amount of components to make your individual face mask.
coffee face mask Options
You will get rid of acne with no enduring the suffering of digesting bitter tablets or applying Those people creams and lotions which, usually, are practically nothing but lumps of petroleum jelly mixed with a man-made scent, coloration, mild bleach, and random antibiotics. The chemicals current in these popular options to acne can be severe on your skin, along with the strong mix of chemicals can affect your body in other ways that maybe you have never ever expected. In terms of the honey mask technique, You need to use it coupled with the medication chances are you'll already be using and it gained’t interfere in almost any way. Hey all, I am Suzanne, I like gathering new information on pure remedy for overall health ailments. I generally think that nature has remedies for all our health conditions, we just have to use it in the best way. Today, throughout carnival inside the Netherlands masks are frequently replaced with face paint For additional ease and comfort. See also: Venetian mask Exfoliate your skin after a week. This may help buff away People dead skin cells and leave your skin emotion silky-smooth. You employ scrubs, loofahs, and exfoliating sponges. Be sure to make use of a gentler exfoliator in your face than on the remainder of One's body. Beaked masks containing herbs inside the beak were being worn in the Middle Ages by plague doctors[53] to try to push back the Black Death. This provider enables you to enroll in or associate a Google AdSense account with HubPages, to be able to make dollars from advertisements on your content articles. No info is shared unless you interact with this characteristic. (Privateness Coverage) This informative article was co-authored by our experienced workforce of editors and researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness. These usually are crafted from leather-based with appendages of fur, feathers or leaves. Some deal with the face, some The entire head and in many cases are hugely abstracted sorts. Navajo masks seem like inspired because of the Pueblo prototypes.[33][34] Generally known as The recent Face Mask, it is actually composed of honey, cinnamon, nutmeg, and lemon. It’s the lemon that causes the burning sensation, but that’s if you put in excess of one/2 a teaspoon! Individuals inside a black bloc at protests usually wear masks, normally bandannas, in order to avoid recognition, also to attempt to safeguard against any riot Regulate brokers utilised. Subsequently, the openings of such glands can not be cleaned, Whilst they were being Beforehand cleaned due to frequent stream of sebum. This helps make these pores vulnerable to infections by microbes and the situation becomes a vicious cycle that gets extreme. The pores carry on to become crimson, itchy, and painfully swollen spots around the skin which seem unattractive and depart dim places about the skin whenever they heal. This regrettable problem is referred to as acne. Ensure you get a number of hours of exercise every week. Exercising improves blood move towards your skin and materials it with oxygen and nutrients. If you training tricky enough, the sweat may help flush out the toxins in the skin. Training can also enable decrease worry.[ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-SiXXn3EKKI2t7btdwEplw/ ] Ahead of I demonstrate this mask, Watch out for the amount of lemon juice you increase to your face mask, just don’t go overboard with much more than eight drops or 1/two tsp. Anyhow, this scrumptious smelling mask is certain to tease your taste buds, tempting you to possess a lick, but you must resist!
Fascination About yeast face mask
What better than getting the many benefits of exfoliation and soothing in a single face mask? Well, the Oatmeal and banana face mask would be the one that offers you scrubbing and smoothening effect simultaneously. Process: Inside a bowl or a container, insert some sugar and grate some orange peel straight to the jar. Pour in certain honey for your exfoliation of skin. Up coming add coconut oil and blend perfectly. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/722616702689546927 ! Indeed You can utilize honey and little drops of water. But milk or milk derivatives work most effective in mask Clean the mask off and pat your face dry. Use lukewarm drinking water to rinse your face off. Consider not to wash as well difficult. Carefully pat your face dry having a delicate, clear towel. When your feels restricted soon after using a facial cleanser, then It is really much too solid and you ought to utilize a gentler one. At the time per week, make use of a sugar scrub or exfoliating cloth to remove useless skin cells. When you have on make-up, clear your make-up brushes on a regular basis to stop the Make-up and spread of microorganisms. To find out how your diet plan can affect your skin’s overall health, Continue reading! To begin receiving timely alerts, as shown under click on the Inexperienced “lock” icon close to the tackle bar The application of the egg white mask can clog the pores and enhance the possibility of breakouts for all those who have acne vulnerable skin. Other Negative effects involve the distribute of bacteria within the skin, as raw egg whites include salmonella, a bacterium that can result in food items poisoning. In a very bowl, just take some orange peel powder, sugar and almond oil. Be certain the amount of sugar is equivalent into the peel powder and listed here you may have an uncomplicated recipe to a stunning smelling lip balm that’s efficient and straightforward to produce. Article SummaryX To take care of your skin, clean your face two times daily with heat water and a gentle facial cleanser, then gently blot your skin dry which has a smooth towel. Utilize a toner and moisturizer after you wash your face, and when you’ll be outdoors for greater than twenty minutes, apply sunscreen. Sorry, we just have to you should definitely're not a robot. For most effective effects, be sure to be sure your browser is accepting cookies. what an excellent suggestion, thanks Susan! And thanks Kelly for your recipe, can’t wait to test it! Just bought into oil cleaning so anything at all oil on my face super admirer of. Limit tub time. Hot water and very long showers or baths remove oils from your skin. Restrict your bath or shower time, and use warm — in lieu of hot — drinking water. Skin exfoliation mask, the yogurt can help take out lifeless skin, lighten and brighten skin, gets rid of dim places and Practically stops ageing. The properties of yogurt are numerous and when used in this mix, it’s certain to provide you with Rewards much better than a readymade mask.
What Does honey face mask Mean?
This information is exact and genuine to the most effective from the author’s understanding and is not intended to substitute for official and individualized tips from a qualified Qualified. Supply Currently, all through carnival while in the Netherlands masks are frequently changed with face paint for more ease and comfort. See also: Venetian mask Clean from the mask with lukewarm drinking water if the time is up, and pat your face dry by using a towel. Benefit from the search of one's moisturized skin! Inside the cult of Shiva, found in Anatolia from circa six,000 BC, the young, bare ithyphallic god seems wearing a horned mask.[fifteen] During the Greek bacchanalia as well as Dionysus cult, which associated the use of masks, the common controls on behaviour had been briefly suspended, and people cavorted in merry revelry outdoors their standard rank or position. René Guénon claims that in the Roman saturnalia festivals, the regular roles ended up normally inverted. Protective masks are items of kit or products worn on The pinnacle and face to afford security towards the wearer, and right now usually have these capabilities: Whether it is the humble hard-boiled eggs which might be elevated into mouthwatering deviled eggs or boiled egg sandwiches, or maybe creamy poached eggs with a gorgeous runny yolk, eggs are an exceptionally affordable and multipurpose family staple. Through ceremonies, these visages are offered Energetic variety in The good mask dramas with the South and South-japanese Asian region.[37] Indonesia Exfoliation is the stage most of the people skip of their weekly skincare schedule. However, if you start correctly exfoliating your skin, you will notice an Just about immediate big difference. Masks may show a lifestyle's great of feminine elegance. The masks of Punu of Gabon have very arched eyebrows, Practically almond-formed eyes and a narrow chin. The elevated strip operating from both sides of your nose towards the ears represent jewellery. Dark black hairstyle, tops the mask off. The whiteness of your face depict the whiteness and wonder of the spirit earth. Large pores will also be potential breeding grounds for bacteria that cause bulbous zits and cysts, which implies pore-tightening egg white can assist lower acne. What a amazing plan! I love receiving the most out from the things I get, and I always come to feel lousy composting nice, fragrant orange peels. Now I know what to do with them! Now, several of the recipes beneath are more powerful and may only be made use of one-2 situations weekly. Many others You can utilize everyday. I’ve manufactured notes for how often Just about every mask needs to be used. Becoming full of Vitamin C and also other antioxidants, orange peels are great for your skin. The truth is, the peels have bigger levels of nutrients in comparison to the flesh within.
Everything about orange face mask
one. Use additional virgin olive oil for most effective effects. Processed merchandise may irritate your skin or result in acne breakouts. You can do the egg white facial as aspect of the weekly skin servicing regime. For face masks focused to blocking excessively oily skin, check out this hub in its place: ... https://en.search.wordpress.com/?src=organic&q=skin+care – The uplifting scent on the orange is mesmerizing and calls for a inspiration up coming time. Preserve a jar all around and dab the honey on acne, burns or small cuts. And if you’re feeling sick, have a spoonful or two. Other benefits of coffee face masks contain their electrical power to reduce face inflammation. This selfmade mask will probably be your very best ally for the people days when you have not obtained much snooze or have slept terribly and you also awaken with slightly puffy face. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/722616702689546949 can use this to streamline signing up for, or signing in for your Hubpages account. No data is shared with Facebook Except if you engage using this type of characteristic. (Privateness Policy) You might just continue to keep it in an air-restricted container and put it inside the freezer. Then upcoming week, just get rid of it about an hour or so before you apply it in order for it to thaw.  Despite the fact that there are several skin care products readily available available on the market but very little can provide you with with the type of ideal results that a humble fruit as banana can. The banana face mask will do miracles for your personal skin. Pamper by yourself with a straightforward, exfoliating, DIY face scrub you could make at your house. All you'll need is brown sugar and olive oil, and you'll whip up a tremendous procedure to properly cleanse off Individuals useless cells! You’ll get the most Added benefits using raw honey. And when you’re willing to splurge, you can’t beat Manuka honey. This honey from the Manuka tree in New Zealand and Australia is an antibacterial superfood with tons of immunity and initial-support Added benefits. Not simply banana the fruit, but will also the peel may be used to remove the high-quality lines and wrinkles. The peel much like the fruit banana can also be rich in vitamin A and potassium. This aids in supplying the skin a radiant glow and also makes the skin supple. Yes, this will sound unbelievable nonetheless it’s a indisputable fact that banana coupled with handful of other substances will help in dealing with and protecting against the skin from acne. Hey all, I am Suzanne, I like gathering new info on all-natural cure for wellbeing ailments. I constantly think that nature has cures for all our health problems, we just need to use it in the ideal way. Home made for face masks give quick Alternative, all-natural and helpful way your skin difficulties. The facial skin is without doubt Probably the most sensitive and who make a difference most appear very good. So program these homemade recipes for face, you can be The easiest way to acquire care of your facial splendor.
face mask Fundamentals Explained
If the orange peel powder and oatmeal employed alongside one another feels a little bit rough in your skin, add more olive oil but don’t help it become way too runny as it is going to produce a drippy mess. If it leaves a yellowish tinge in your skin, soak a cotton ball in milk and rub it about the stained parts. Use this mask two to a few times a week. The cinnamon and nutmeg honey face mask smells incredible and functions wonders in fading acne scars and night out skin discolorations! Let’s see the skin benefits of the components On this a person: I started off employing black tea bags as my heat compresses, after which you can I'd dab honey about the soar. Inside one-2 times, all of the infection experienced drawn to the surface and my chills/fever went absent. Sorry for the main points, but I am a true believer in organic medicines and those two personalized ordeals are what designed me the believer that I am nowadays! Any use of this details is for the person’s discretion. For well being worries or emergencies and drugs changes, you should seek advice from a healthcare Expert. Bit by bit peel off the dried layer. You might come to feel a sensation that is like slight pinpricks given that the facial hair is waxed from your skin. Be it the humble difficult-boiled eggs which might be elevated into mouthwatering deviled eggs or boiled egg sandwiches, or perhaps creamy poached eggs with a stunning runny yolk, eggs are an exceptionally low-cost and versatile household staple. Many of us throw out orange peels the moment they’re completed consuming or juicing an orange. But Were you aware that orange peels are a powerhouse of nutrients and antioxidants? The orange peels also have a higher vitamin C content material compared to fleshy inside of! Solution: Any honey will do, but I really endorse working with raw, unfiltered honey in your face mask because it retains much more on the powerful healing Qualities. Lemon juice is really a much better component, so dependant upon your skin time, you might want to Restrict the volume of occasions you employ this mask to one-2 occasions every week. That is utilised to gather data on traffic to content as well as other pages on our web page. Unless of course you're signed in to the HubPages account, all Individually identifiable information and facts is anonymized. Stay clear of skin-harmful foods. This contains processed or refined carbohydrates along with unhealthy fats. Consuming a lot of of those make your skin age faster. Prevent consuming too many sugars too.[14] Whether you try to eat them or set them on the skin, you’re certain to see a major transform in the complexion when you make bananas your new ally. When used in a handy DIY mask, bananas can nourish the skin, combined with the support of honey to soak up and retain moisture, to deeply hydrate and boost your organic glow. Combining egg whites with honey and lemon juice can make a remarkably successful Do it yourself egg white face mask for acne. Honey has robust antibacterial and anti-inflammatory Homes that make it pretty effective in opposition to acne.
Top honey face mask Secrets
We may perhaps use conversion tracking pixels from promotion networks like Google AdWords, Bing Ads, and Facebook so that you can recognize when an advertisement has productively resulted in the desired motion, which include signing up for that HubPages Assistance or publishing an posting over the HubPages Support. Hello many thanks to your reply. What if I increase citric acid powder and geranium essential oil? Will these function good preservatives? If Indeed for just how long will they delay Otherwise refrigerated? Thanks lots. If you'd like to skip the moisturizer right after this mask just include tiny bit olive oil. Now just lay down and pay attention to your favorite tunes as audio helps make your mood pump and you'll far more energetic. Pimples or acne is called One of the more irritating and stubborn skin considerations of equally Adult males and women all across the globe. You need to use this to streamline signing up for, or signing in on your Hubpages account. No knowledge is shared with Facebook Unless of course you interact with this characteristic. (Privacy Coverage) Don't just you could try to eat a banana for the Total heath, but utilize Furthermore, it with your skin for a normal face mask. Here's a rundown on four face masks which can be manufactured by utilizing banana as the principle component, In particular chosen by our team, that can present you with glowing, young and wrinkle free of charge skin. For your personal acne and pimple difficulties research This great site. This website has best treatment options for acne and pimple issues: Want to make the signs of getting older disappear? Then try https://www.wikihow.com/Apply-Face-Masks-Correctly and egg yolks remedy and become stunned at the outcomes. I have examine and accept the privateness policy Red Url to Media collects particular facts for inside use only. Underneath no situation will your knowledge be transferred to 3rd get-togethers without having your permission. As a result of they each truly good to lessen large pores, also tighten them. As oranges are filled with vitamin C which In a natural way exfoliates your skin. It gives you an acne no cost skin In addition, it would make your skin brighter that final at any time. Incorporating whey to face masks is an excellent thought, Anne! You may use it rather than water, or maybe test incorporating it in face masks, when you stated. When you combine it with other incredible natural substances it can alongside one another make a great mask. This face mask not only helps to treat acne and also fight wrinkles, sunburn, and many a great number of skin issues. पत्रलेखा ने कैंसर मरीजों के लिए धन जुटाने में मदद की Listed below are ideal six Do-it-yourself egg white face masks which can be effortless to arrange and may also help resolve an array of skin challenges to give you toned and lovely skin. If necessary, you'll be able to understand numerous hacks to individual the egg’s yolk and whites.
The Greatest Guide To egg white face mask
So now you understand the miracle ingredient, the subsequent question is tips on how to use them inside a mask that can profit you. Please consider https://www.facebook.com/steptoremedies/posts/2099744330118836 to finish your profile so we are able to personalize your knowledge and make sure you acquire information and delivers which are relevant for you. A very well arranged and neatly penned hub :). I am tempted to test, but I have lousy allergic reactions, perhaps I can do a location exam. Thanks for sharing. Leave the mask on for ten to 15 minutes. This mask is runny and will drip down your face. To stop you from acquiring too messy, look at laying down or sitting back in a chair with the head tilted again. You may also use this mask in the bathtub while you are using a stress-free bathtub. As we all know that a banana includes Vitamin B6 so fundamentally it can help to hold off the ageing course of action. Additionally, it moisturizes the dry skin, as vitamin B6 also tighten the sagging skin and it shields your skin from no cost radicals. Get seven to 9 hrs of sleep Every night time. Not acquiring plenty of slumber will make your skin surface boring and sallow. It may result in baggage or shadows less than your eyes. Having enough rest will cut down wrinkles and under-eye puffiness. It will also give you a nutritious, glowing complexion.[15] Right before I demonstrate this mask, Watch out for the amount of lemon juice you increase for your face mask, just don’t go overboard with more than 8 drops or 1/two tsp. Anyhow, via steptoremedies.com smelling mask is sure to tease your flavor buds, tempting you to have a lick, but you should resist! I haven't tried out utilizing it Using the yolk. Happy to hear it's got aided your skin! I will certainly give it a attempt now! Never be afraid of fats, but Make certain that They are really the good form. Olive oil incorporates monounsaturated fatty acids, which may enable maintain your skin hunting youthful. Even the merchandise we get to boost our skin could cause issues. So even the most pampered skin can start off showing indications of aging and exhaustion. But I make mine right into a peel off mask by making use of Kleenex Tissue, I set some egg white on then the tissue and set the remainder of the egg white on prime and depart it on for around 25-30 mins and when it feels dry I just peel it off. It also will get rid of blackheads. Many thanks a lot for your personal posts Lori!! Source No HTML is permitted in responses, but URLs are going to be hyperlinked. Opinions will not be for promoting your articles or other websites. Get ready your face for your mask by washing it with heat drinking water. This may open up your pores, that may Enhance the success with the mask. Considering the fact that this mask tends to acquire very messy, You may also pull your hair back into a ponytail, braid it, or pin it again.
Top Guidelines Of sugar face mask
Utilize a moisturizer towards your skin. Seal while in the moisturizing consequences on the scrub with your preferred moisturizer. step to remedies know and recognize the induce, it is time to find a treatment. Since acne is brought on because of the blockage and subsequent an infection in the sebum glands, clearing the blockage and battling the infection really should logically assistance heal your acne signs or symptoms. This is where the honey mask for acne will come into Perform. Utilizing a honey mask for acne not just clears the blockage but in addition removes the infectious microbes, Hence cutting down the signs of acne. Apart from making use of orange juice and peels on skin, you can consume this fruit and its juice consistently to boost immunity, aid in digestion, reduce kidney stones, reduce Fats deposits, teat undesirable breath, reduced blood pressure and cholesterol amounts, and reduce the likelihood of building heart disease. Share Pat your face dry which has a clear, dry washcloth. Be sure you Carefully pat your face dry. Scrubbing it that has a washcloth will only induce discomfort, and could lead to breakouts. This mask really should not be employed on previously dry skins, and it really is a good idea to seek the advice of a physician right before employing this mask. I have in no way heard of an egg white face mask prior to. All round, I am happy which i discovered this hub. many thanks for that recipe and several Perception regarding how to Have a very cleaner and healthier searching face. Voted up and shared. Together, they apparent up the skin pores. Honey is often a purely natural antioxidant and it's got antimicrobial properties. This eliminates the microbial infections that induce acne. Information: Kelp is really a pure detoxifier and is a wonderful moisturizer for skin. The minerals present in this seaweed help to tone skin and also the coarse grains of dried kelp powder, as it is normally sold, are Great at exfoliating dead skin. Individual the egg and help you save the yolk. Crack open up an egg over a bowl and transfer the yolk back and forth concerning the two shells. Each time the yolk falls into a shell, a little bit of the egg white ought to slide to the bowl. Hold carrying out this until all the egg white is in the bowl. I am in no way without avocados and yoghurt ; I depart it on my face although I shower , it genuinely tends to make a distinction . I will try out the egg white following time . Wash your face that has a gentle cleaning soap and make use of a smooth towel to pat it dry. Use the mask onto your face, using your cleanse fingers and therapeutic massage it completely onto your face for your minute. Implement a 2nd thick coat on to your face and let it sit on the face for quarter-hour to allow the mask to operate its magic! eyerid serum is best cures for make skin glowing and comfortable I'm also employing that same products have faith in me inside of a single 7 days i got remarkable result. @Llzziforan: It's not encouraged to carry on any face mask on overnight. Preferably you should keep on a face for quarter-hour. Someone essentially requested me about retaining their yogurt face mask on for The entire evening and I gave a similar response. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0LNW3f_lEg will discover the comment listed here: ... Rub the mask into your face, using your cleanse fingers. If wanted use a second coat to generate the substances penetrate deep into skin pores. Watch for 10-15 minutes and wash your face with lukewarm drinking water without the need of making use of any soap this time. You'll cheer up seeing your glowing face. Voila!
The Definitive Guide to honey face mask
Tdas Face mask for dust pollution for guys Ladies Children bicycle bikers air anti pollution dustproof mask washable reusable (Navy Blue) Brown sugar also contains glycolic acid, a robust alpha hydroxy acid, that can help expel toxins and germs, and moisturize skin. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMaHxDIaWaQ 's also a hydrating agent and it locks dampness into your skin cells and guards against skin dryness. Use brown sugar in lieu of white sugar since it is a lot more gentle on skin and performs perfectly for incredibly sensitive skin. The system assists to restore skin construction & make your skin soften and radiant. The system can help to restore skin framework & make your skin soften and radiant. Morever, gold facial mask can decrease the skin destruction attributable to ultraviolet ray, inhibit melanin development. This post was co-authored by our properly trained crew of editors and scientists who validated it for precision and comprehensiveness. Utilize a heavier, richer just one during the Wintertime, in addition to a lighter just one throughout the summertime. Take into consideration a moisturizer which contains SPF to guard your skin in opposition to the Sunlight's harmful rays. Use a face scrub once or twice a week to keep your skin in tip-prime condition. It is important to exfoliate both of those your face and Your system yr-spherical, however you might uncover you'll want to exfoliate a lot more in Wintertime. Resource Searching for face masks? We are in this article to help. Our facial masks address a range of skin care problems. Acne considerations? There's a mask for that. Shop our wide array of face masks for acne. Just give these masks a try out. They are really virtually free of charge and you don’t want to look the earth to get the necessary substances. In short, you don't have anything to get rid of other than your acne. Why not give it a try out? Be sure to just how long until I start out observing final results when I commence using the face mask( orange peel powder, oatmeal and baking soda) and how frequently should I utilize it in each week? to.The peppermint sugar cookies alone are awesome and super fluffy. They've an ideal volume of peppermint taste and make for a extremely yummy cookie.However the white chocolate coating and peppermint Different the egg. Crack an egg about a bowl, and transfer the yolk from shell to shell. Each time you transfer the yolk, a small amount of the egg white must movement into the bowl. Preserve executing this until eventually each of the egg white is inside the bowl. Author Information Meditate. This can be an ancient exercise which has been all over for hundreds of years—and once and for all motive! Many people learn that it can help them crystal clear their minds and chill out.
egg white face mask - An Overview
Now, a number of the recipes below are more impressive and should only be applied 1-two times every week. Other people You should utilize day by day. I’ve made notes for how often Each and every mask must be applied. bdw I've an issue … Can a lady take in tangy oranges for the duration of her periods …. I indicate vitt c contented eatables Bananas are rich in iron, potassium. Honey is often a pure healer. It absolutely was even utilized by Egyptians for treating there wounds and cuts. A high quality community Uncooked honey manufactured my skin glow in a method the Some others didn’t! So for the actual great things about a honey mask, use the highest quality honey you find. No HTML is permitted in comments, but URLs is going to be hyperlinked. Opinions are certainly not for selling your content or other internet sites. Our masks are for cosmetic usage and is not going to help with healthcare problems. For those who have a professional medical ailment you want to treat you should check with an expert overall health practioner. I also offer variants of the mask so that it's suited to regular, dry, oily and sensitive skin. Utilize the mixture for your face. Make use of your fingers to gently massage the mixture into your face. It’s imperative that you be Light otherwise you could possibly trigger the skin of your face to be irritated, which could lead on to breakouts. How it works: Banana indisputably nourishes the skin. Though Yogurt has existed as solid exfoliant. It improves the blood movement and honey moisturize the skin properly. Just make sure to mix your egg white very well every time you use it (by mixing it you'll get a foamy egg white appear). No, because it has far too much oil in it. The simple mask will work since the lemon juice acts as an astringent, though the honey will help filter the acne-triggering microbes. Thanks! Certainly No Not Useful fourteen Useful 46 Pat your face dry by using a cleanse, dry washcloth. You should definitely Carefully pat your face dry. Scrubbing it which has a washcloth will only trigger discomfort, and may lead to breakouts. Cinnamon can occasionally be irritating In the event your skin is de facto delicate, so you might like to do a patch examination over the back again of your respective hand first. Increase a mashed up banana into the egg yolk. Peel a banana open, and Slash it to smaller pieces by using a knife. Use a fork to mash it to some pulp. The banana can help nourish your face.
The Single Best Strategy To Use For banana face mask
Use a moisturizer for your face and neck. Seal from the moisturizing effects of the scrub along with your favourite moisturizer. Beaked masks that contains herbs while in the beak have been worn in the Middle Ages by plague Health professionals[53] to test to chase away the Black Loss of life. Avoid using any exfoliators on damaged skin which include zits or cuts. The ingredients in the scrub may perhaps irritate any damaged skin, along with the friction of exfoliation could make breakouts even worse and perhaps result in new kinds to form. https://www.wikihow.com/Category:Skin-Care inside a black bloc at protests typically have on masks, generally bandannas, to avoid recognition, also to try out to safeguard versus any riot Management agents made use of. There are lots of creams and cosmetics that use caffeine like a critical aspect within their method, but you would not have to use them to benefit from the several great things about coffee with the skin . You should use a do-it-yourself face mask instead! An interesting example of a athletics mask that confounds the protective operate is the wrestling mask, a mask most generally used in the Mexican/Latin lucha libre type of wrestling. Yoghurt can be a wealthy natural source of lactic acid Qualities and this aids in balancing the normal oils on the skin along with brightens the complexion from deep inside of. Many of the masks and people used in European festivals belong to the contrasting categories on the 'great', or 'idealised splendor', established towards the 'unappealing' or 'beastly' and grotesque. Inside the Andes, masks were utilized to dress the faces on the lifeless. These have been initially manufactured from fabric, but later burial masks had been at times crafted from beaten copper or gold, and sometimes of clay. The oldest representations of masks are animal masks, such as the cave paintings of Lascaux within the Dordogne in southern France. Brown sugar also consists of glycolic acid, a powerful alpha hydroxy acid, that can help expel toxins and microbes, together with moisturize skin. It is usually a hydrating agent and it locks humidity into your skin cells and guards towards skin dryness. Use brown sugar rather than white sugar since it is a lot more Mild on skin and works perfectly for pretty sensitive skin. I'm DIY pursuer and therefore preserve hoping normal items to remove awful diseases. You're going to be surprised to find out about the treasure mother earth has And exactly how it may also help us make improvements to our health. Join me in the journey which acquire you closer to nature and keep you wholesome. Make sure to gather your hair absent from your face just before applying this mask. Put on a headband or plastic shower cap to stop the mixture from going on your hair. Skin exfoliation mask, the yogurt can help take out lifeless skin, lighten and brighten skin, will get rid of darkish spots and Practically helps prevent ageing. The Qualities of yogurt are numerous and when Utilized in this mixture, it’s sure to give you Gains better than a readymade mask.
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