#why have i just completely lost it all during this damn audition dance
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isopodonanescalator · 3 months ago
so. i had a dance workshop today. and uhh. wow. one hour was NOT enough time to go through that dance.. it’s a partner thing and by myself? i was EATINGGG i felt confident that i had it in the bag. when we added partners? SHIT CRASHED AND BUUURNEDDDD. the ONLY good thing was our lift which. even that was iffy. so pray for me yall i have today and tomorrow to practice alone and then i have an hour before the audition to practice WITH my partner
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mcheang · 5 years ago
Shiny broken jewels
This is the sequel to pretty lucky charms, based off the novel Shiny Broken Things
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Chloe: once the darling of the Paris Opera school, now an outcast. Framed for a crime she never committed, Chloe seeks to clear her name.
Marinette: no longer willing to give the bullies an inch, Marinette is putting her walls up. But she becomes good friends with Bridgette who soon replaces Alya as her BFF.
Lila: a taste of the spotlight has her hungry for more. But the path to the lead role is more challenging now than ever. Chloe had been a talented pupil but now Lila has to face off against a prodigy.
Bridgette is comforted by her cold-hearted but loyal Boyfriend, Felix. He gives her his ring as they swear to be true to each other. The Agrestes are supportive of Bridgette when she is bullied. Adrien encourages her to seek Chloe whenever the girls bully her. Lately someone completely thrashed her room. She had spent all night cleaning up. Chloe had brought Bridgette some stimulants but Bridgette politely declines that she has her own. During rehearsal later, Bridgette suddenly feels sleepy. Which is weird when she took her pills already. At least Chloe is there to help her when she falls.
Spring: Swan Lake
Chloe is determined to prove her innocence. She seeks out videos of the accident to find a clear angle of whoever tried to kill Marinette.
There are 3 main suspects: Felix is the first one since he had been threatening her and was the one who accused her. Lila is the next best bet. She had the most to gain with her biggest competitors out of the picture and she had been spending more time with Sabrina lately. The last suspect was surprising. Kim. While the jock used to obey her every command, ever since she cruelly rejected him, he had been nothing but spiteful towards her.
Marinette returns and is given her own room with a lock. She pretty much locks everything she owns: her diary, her closet, and even her backpack.
Marinette meets Bridgette and there is instant camaraderie. Marinette warns Bridgette about Lila and Sabrina. Bridgette comforts Marinette because no one else but Adrien believes her suspicions about Lila. “Trust your gut instinct.”
Adrien visits Chloe and expressed his disappointment in her. However he does believe Chloe is innocent because he knows her style and this isn’t it. Chloe likes attention not covert bullying.
While Marinette and Bridgette have both taken precautions, Bridgette is clearly out for vengeance. She has lost more than half a year of her life in the hospital ward because her accident left her with a broken hip. It doesn’t help that Felix encourages her vendetta.
Bridgette’s first target is Sabrina as a warm up. She steals Sabrina’s ballet shoes and soaks them in vinegar so that they will shrink.
Second target: Kim. Felix had revealed to Bridgette that Kim had dropped her per Chloe’s instructions. Bridgette’s revenge is simple. She stages a stage malfunction while Kim is rehearsing there so that he falls through the trapdoor and breaks his ankle.
Meanwhile Chloe keeps practising as she searches for truth. Finally she discovers a potential lead but the video was cut short. She contacts the owner of the video and waits for his reply.
The students are getting ready to audition for Swan Lake.
Lila is desperate more than ever to get the lead role. Only 4 placements at the Paris Opera will be offered to the students, 2 per gender. That is why Odette and Odile will be given to 2 girls and Rothbart and Siegfried will be given to 2 boys. The rest should start looking at other colleges and ballet companies.
Lila tries to begin sabotaging the Asian girlfriends (yeah, apparently Adrien and Felix not only look similar but share the same type.) only she is thwarted by locks and security cameras the girls had installed. Not to mention the staff has finally decided to up their security, declaring that bullies will be forbidden to dance in Swan Lake.
Also, Lila’s Mother has started to interfere in her daughter’s life. Since Lila never mentioned bullying before, her Mother has started talking to the Teachers more. Lila is fearful her mother will expose her lies and has to try to sabotage the teacher-parent email discussion.
Auditions begin.
Chloe finally gets a response. She sees the video and recognises the real villain.
Before the cast list is put up, Gabriel welcomes Chloe back. Marinette is faint. Bridgette is pale with rage. Felix looks annoyed. Lila is exasperated. Only Adrien looks neutrally surprised. He welcomes her back to the class as the rest automatically follow Gabriel’s clapping.
Odette: Marinette
Siegfried: Adrien
Odile: Chloe (she had a last minute audition)
Rothbart: Felix
Odette understudy: Alya
Siedfried understudy: Nino
Odile understudy: Bridgette
Rothbart understudy: Max
Cygnets: pretty much the rest of the girls
Lila sees the cast list and accepts defeat. She wasn’t even an understudy this time. She begins to look at other schools.
Sabrina is apprehended and, oh the scandal for Roger.
At the director’s office, Sabrina sobs that she was sad that Chloe and her had hit a rough patch. She was willing to do anything to fix their relationship. Felix comforted her that night as he bought her drinks. He kept telling Sabrina that Chloe wasn’t worth it. And what was she going to do to make it up to Chloe? Kill Marinette? Don’t be silly.
Sabrina didn’t remember much because she was clearly drunk but she saw Marinette in front of the road and it was too tempting. Sabrina had then gone up to Chloe to tell her to look at what she had done and that was when Felix accused Chloe.
Sabrina is expelled but is not charged because she had clearly been drunk.
An angry Bridgette confronts Chloe for daring to return. Chloe is confident because she actually got a lead role and Bridgette didn’t. Chloe tells Bridgette to get over her incident because she’s done with bullying the lot of them. They aren’t worth her time any more. This only makes Bridgette angrier because she won’t ever forget what Chloe did to her. She suffered a broken bone and was at risk of never being able to dance again. Even with her hip healed, it still feels off.
Then dancing Mistress Caline arrives and congratulates Bridgette. A smug Bridgette looks at a pale Chloe as Caline announces Fu gave her a placement in advance, hence why she is an understudy.
Chloe and Marinette realize the implication. Only one of them will get the role.
Bridgette really likes Marinette. She’s like the Sister she never had.
Bridgette is upset that Alya dismisses Marinette for Lila. She decides to expose Lila by pretty much countering her lies with proof. Lila is in trouble and a social pariah now.
Alya now knows she has to make it up to Marinette but Bridgette is frigid toward her. (Yeah...Felix really rubbed off on his Girlfriend.)
Bridgette also tries to sabotage Chloe. She replaces her pills with a different drug, worse than the one Chloe had used on her all those months ago. Sadly, Chloe recovers.
As Chloe struggles with her fouettés, Bridgette shows off. Her dancing is hypnotic and she looks like a fairy. This irritates Chloe and she warns Bridgette to back off...or else she’ll target Felix next.
Bridgette scoffs, “My Boyfriend will eat you alive. He’s always looked down on you while you were too busy sucking up to Adrien.”
Chloe flushed. “I’m not talking about pranks. I’m talking about the night of the accident.”
Bridgette studies a lock of her hair, as if bored already. “Be more specific, honey.”
“Felix set Sabrina up, didn’t he? He tried to frame me for you!”
“You realize you sound insane right? I would never ask Felix to commit murder. I only asked him to help me expose you for the bully you were. Turns out Sabrina did all that on her own.”
Chloe’s throat tightened. Sabrina had betrayed her by not owning up but she had tried to inform Chloe of school events, trying to convince Fu to give Chloe another chance.
“Like I’d believe your utterly ridiculous excuse. Felix kept stalking me to threaten me with his vengeance. Come on, Felix isn’t all talk.”
Bridgette looked done with the conversation. “I honestly don’t know what Felix has done at school while I was...absent. And I don’t care. Felix is the one person I can count on in this whole school.” (Bridgette does care for Marinette and Adrien but Marinette isn’t willing to stoop to bullying and Adrien is willing to forgive Chloe.)
Bridgette stalks off and Chloe bites her lip. Damn, she had been recording their conversation and had nothing to show for it.
Lila now has truancy as part of her records and knows it will be a miracle if she ever gets to a good school. Her interviews so far had been disappointing.
Bridgette tried to give Chloe food poisoning but the girl had the constitution of an ox and recovers in time.
The night of the show, it is a success again. However Marinette is given the final placement. While Chloe’s technique had been flawless and edgy, she did not bring life to the stage like Marinette did.
Bridgette ecstatically congratulates her newfound BFF.
Chloe is heartbroken and sobs as her mother cruelly chastises her for being unexceptional. What makes it worse is that Audrey actually has respect for Marinette.
After graduation, Chloe receives a call from Fu. Apparently Bridgette had left and now there was an opening for Chloe. The latter had made no plans for other schools and was left at a loss for what to do about her future. This is a miraculous surprise and she accepts.
Marinette and Adrien are confused about why Bridgette left and Felix just glares at Chloe, clearly blaming her.
Bridgette calls Chloe to meet up at the park.
Bridgette arrives and says she wants to bury the hatchet and move on. Chloe, already on this path since her name was cleared, asked why she left.
Surprise: Sabrina returns (in flashback)
Sabrina really wanted to make up to Chloe for not confessing earlier on. Knowing that Chloe does not have a sure chance of winning the placement, Sabrina tries to see if Felix was indeed the true mastermind of the plot.
While Chloe had cut off contact with Sabrina, the latter had been made aware of Felix’s threats beforehand.
Hacking into pub security cameras, Sabrina saw Felix had drugged her and had instilled the idea of pushing Marinette into her head.
Once placements had been announced, Sabrina called Bridgette and showed her the footage. She offered a bargain, if Bridgette backed out and let Chloe take her place, she would delete the footage and let Felix’s reputation remain untarnished.
Bridgette confessed her shock. Seeing Felix willing to hurt Marinette, someone she had grown to love, for her sake finally knocked the sense back into her.
Bridgette had accepted the deal. She loved Felix too much. Felix had been informed of it and was very upset by it. Bridgette threatened Felix to make it up to Marinette without revealing the truth or she will break up with him.
Chloe takes this all in. She asks what Bridgette will do now. Bridgette informs Chloe that she accepted a placement at a rival ballet company. She can stay close to Felix and Marinette in Paris then, but she also wants a fresh start, without all the hatred and vengeance.
Chloe: you don’t think Gabriel and your grandfather will hate you for turning your back on the company?
Bridgette: my Grandfather doesn’t really care so long as it is my decision. And Gabriel doesn’t matter.
She twists a ring on her finger and Chloe realizes it’s a family heirloom that Felix and Gabriel share. Gabriel has the other ring, not willing to pass it down to Adrien yet.
Bridgette: Felix agreed to turn over a new leaf and proposed to me. We’re getting married next spring. Preparations and all.
Chloe: ah. I see.
Bridgette and Chloe shake hands, wish each other well and hope never to see each other again.
Adrien proposed to Marinette soon after Bridgette shows off her engagement ring. The girls plan a double wedding gleefully. Felix is more thoughtful towards Marinette now.
Alya has gone to a ballet company in America. She and Marinette part as friends.
Lila got accepted into a mediocre school and the faculty had been warned of her compulsive lying.
Chloe and Sabrina mend their friendship. Sabrina admits she wants to take a leap year.
When Marinette meets Chloe at the locker room, Marinette offers her an olive branch. Chloe accepts.
Life is beautiful.
Life is ugly.
The constant is change
And it is unstoppable.
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thegayestasexual · 5 years ago
Inspired by: @virgil-is-a-cutie and @ineedspellcheck
Beggin On Your Knees
Tory knew Ryder Daniels, the hottest guy in his Acapella class. It was also pretty obvious that he had the biggest crush on him, even though he’s tried to hide it in the most subtle way ever.
He was always obvious with his crushes, it’s a wonder that Jade and Beck never seemed to notice his crush on them. The couple just made him fumble and stumble over his words, but can you blame him? Jade was gorgeous, and Beck was HOT. Anyone would be dumb for not crushing on them.
But that wasn’t the case, the whole Ryder mess started one morning. The class had their annually harmonizing moment. Well, everyone until the very last key when poor Robbie Shapiro started to go off the key.
The teacher, who will be called Mr. Jones, winced visibly hearing the very distinct off key note. “Hold up hold up!” He silenced the class. “Someone was off key.” He scanned the class, before landing on Robbie
Tory straightened up, glancing over his shoulder. “Alright, who was it?” He questioned crossing his arms over his chest.
“Two hints.” The puppet that often was held up by Robbie, other wise known as Rex, finally piped up. “It starts with Robbie, and ends with Shapiro.” He turned his puppet head towards his owner, almost mocking him.
“My Singing was not off.” The nerdy male retorted
“Man your whole life is off.” Came the quipped response of the puppet.
“Well, I think maybe...” Robbie began to look around nervously, until his eyes landed on his best friend in the form of Tory Vega. “Tory was off key!”
Tory places his hands onto his knees giving Robbie an incredulous look, he pouted while rolling his eyes. Giving him a very pouty “well!” In return.
But then Ryder Daniels, hot senior boy, spoke up, and really it made Tory flush. “Tory wasn’t off key!” He went immediately to the other boy’s defense. “You were perfect.” He turned to look at the male, a charming smile making its way up to his face. “Really nice tone.”
Tory couldn’t help but smile giddily at the comment, suddenly becoming very bashful. Usually it was a very confident persona that was at the forefront. At least when it wasn’t around his crushes, and Ryder IS one of them.
All of a sudden the bell rang before Tory could reply. When people started getting up, Mr. Jones held up his hands to signal them to wait.
“Hold up, let’s talk about your homework.” He said leveling the group with a stern look.
“The full moon jam?” Rex spoke up.
A Mmhm was uttered by the teacher with a follow up of “you all will have to do a song with it counting as a third of your semester grade.”
“We have to sing a solo?” Ryder immediately said, stepping forward to the teacher.
“That, or a duet.” The teacher answered, raising an eyebrow at Ryder
Tory couldn’t help but smile, he slid over to Robbie with a soft “do you think Ryder would work with me?”
Robbie gave his friend a exasperated look, wrapping one of his arms around Tory while the other sat Rex down. “Are we really kidding here? Any guy or girl would LOVE to work with you.” He answers him, the two of them were pretty nerdy and got along great because of Star Wars. Before Tory even came to Hollywood Arts, the two of them met through a forum on debate whether Luke deserved to be a Hermit.
“Actually.” Ryder stepped backwards from the door, he turned around and made a stride over to Tory. “Do you, maybe, want to go out?” He asked pretty sheepish, and if it wasn’t for Robbie holding him up. Tory was damn sure he would have fainted then and there.
Another grateful thing Robbie was there for, was to be Tory’s translator. “He would love to!” The Shapiro male spoke up for his friend immediately. “Sushi? He makes a KILLER spicy tuna balls.”
“Spicy...tuna balls?” If it wasn’t for the act Ryder kept up, he would have found the term spicy tuna balls endearing. But he never even liked guys. So he had to keep up appearances. “Sure, I’ll see you tonight, Tory?” He smiles with that charming smile of his.
“Yes!” Tory nods his head eagerly, grinning widely at the hottest senior in his class. He had no idea that Ryder was doing this just to get a good grade.
As the two friends made their way out of the classroom, and towards their friend group. Rex in Robboes arms.
“Handsome boy just asked me out!!” Tory finally screamed as soon as Robbie and he made it up to Cat, Jade, Beck, and Andre. That caught Beck and Jade’s attention
Which sparked an intense jealousy within the couple. If anything, the PEOPLE who should be asking Tory out were Jade and Beck. They’ve had their eyes on the boy ever since Beck kissed him in their improv class. Jade really wanted to include him into the relationship, it just wasn’t the time.
“Who?” Andre grinned, very happy that his best friend scored. He did his usual handshake with the glasses wearing male. “Is he that hot?”
“Hell yes.” Tory answered, nearly swooning. “It’s Ryder Daniels.”
“Hot Ryder Daniels?” Jade stood straight up, her hand clenched around the coffee cup she was holding. Her voice had the strain of a threat, which Tory couldn’t tell why she was like that. “I don’t trust him.” She grits out.
“You don’t? Really he is everything a girl wants, I wish I could be like him.” Robbie answered in response, a laugh coming from Rex
“Like him?! You can never be like hot man!” Rex says with a laugh.
Robbie huffed narrowing his eyes. “I can too!”
Tory tolled his eyes with a smile, while walking off to his next class. Completely missing the way the couple looked at him longingly.
(Skip times to when Trina finds out)
“Ryder Daniels?” Trina stood up straight staring at her younger brother, she frowns making her way towards Tory. “He’s bad news. Don’t date him.” She says placing her hands on his shoulders. “I’m pretty sure he’s only dated girls before, and he is toying with your heart.” As much as the two of them were dicks to one another, Trina really cared for Tory. There was no way in HELL she would let the likes of Ryder Daniels destroy and shatter her little brother’s heart.
She would rather die and be sent to hell before she would want that.
But like Tory does, he still goes on the date. And it’s wonderful! They hit it off great, the spicy tuna balls were really good from what Ryder said. Tory couldn’t be even more joyed than right now. “So, do you want hang out tomorrow? There’s this really cool laser tag in town.” Tory asks his new boyfriend, smiling widely at him.
Ryder shirts his position on the couch, keeping his arm wrapped around Tory. “I would but...I have to pick a song for the Full moon jam, I have to start rehearsing it.” He took his arm off the male leaning forward and placing his hands on his face. “I don’t even know what to pick! I’m very scared to do it by myself.”
Tory jumped up, looking at Ryder with concerned her determined eyes. “We could do a song together! Duets right?”
‘Hook, line, and sinker.’ Ryder thought yo himself, giving Tory a smile then a kiss to the forehead. “I would love that.”
If Tory was made out of goo then he was sure that he would have melted. All the while neither of them noticed one Robbie Shapiro taking notes outside.
(Next day)
“Hey Ryder!” Tory grinned widely, walking towards who seemed like jos boyfriend. No, it was his best friend Robbie Shapiro. Who was talking to Cat. “Robbie?” He questions, very confused seeing his friend in his get up.
Robbie wore skinny jeans that hugged his legs a bit tightly, a leather jacket over his black shirt. He grinned widely running his fingers through his smoothed out curls. It took him all morning to get those curls tamed! “Hey there, Tor.” He says
Cat looked from Tory to Robbie then back again. “Am I missing something?” Poor sweet innocent Catherine Valentine. She didn’t know a thing. Well that was to be expected, she has been dealing with Northstar. Speaking of which...
Cat happily giggled as she heard her phone ring, answering it and bringing it up to her ear. She excused herself from the two of them walking off to help the poor person in an accident.
Robbie watched the girl leave, confusion written all over his face before shaking his head and turning to Tory. “So, what do you think?” He questions with a grin?
“I mean if you weren’t straight I would hit it.” Tory offered helpfully, placing a hand on Robbie’s shoulder. “But why? And why is your ear bleeding?” Concern started to fill inside him, ready to bandage his friend in case it needed it. Robbie really didn’t need an infection.
“Oh I tried to get it pierced like Ryder!”
“Robbie...Ryder doesn’t have his ear pierced.”
Robbie then whipped his head over to his puppet, “you said he did!”
All Rex could do was laugh. “Ha, had to make you a fool.”
Tory could only pinch the bridge of his nose making his way to the studio with Ryder to practice.
He managed to pass Jade and Beck on the way, nor noticing that Jade’s grip on Beck started to tighten.
“He should be ours.” Jade mumbled to her boyfriend, casting a look of loving longing towards the boy they passed.
“I know.” Beck whispered to his girlfriend, letting out a sigh. “But I guess we lost our chance? He’s ryders.” He said a little bitterly
Jade didn’t want to admit it, but they had. If the two of them hadn’t decided it wasn’t the best time, then Tory probably would be kissing them instead of Ryder MotherFucking Daniels. She didn’t trust him, and she didn’t want to see Tory in someone else’s arms.
And she had a right to not trust him, after the two of them made their way to the auditorium where auditions were held. Right when Kristen and Robbie were having their talk.
“Ryder Daniels.” Kristen started pulling her bag onto her shoulder. “He started going out with me during Dance class when we had a big project, and I was the best in my class. But after that huge project? Never called me back.” She scoffed
“You myst have felt...dirty.” Robbie sympathetically spoke taking his foot off his chair.
“Nah, he does it to a lot of girls. He also does it to guys, but he’s straight and just wants to get a good grade.” She rolled her eyes before frowning. “Hey, Tory is dating him right? You should warn him about Ryder.” Kristen spoke one last time, vefore she turned around and left the auditorium.
If it weren’t for Beck holding her down, Jade would have grabbed her favorite pair of scissors and go to down on this asshole. She clenched and unclenches her fists, fury evident in her eyes.
Beck was not that far behind, he was BEYOND furious. Tory is one of the sweetest guys around, he treats everyone with care and helps whenever he could. He probably was the most of a gentleman in the entire school.
Warn him they would, afterwards? The couple were going to demolish Daniels.
(Skip time(
“He was using me?” Tory spoke softly, stating up at his friends. He sat on his couch, hands brought together intertwined. He fidgeted with his fingers. “No wonder, he wouldn’t even kiss me.” Hus voice broke, tears started to make its way out of his eyes.
Surprisingly, it was Jade who acted first. “Ryder Daniels is an asshole for missing out on a guy like you.” She got into a crouching position in front of the tearful Vega. “You are sweet, dorky, hell you are the cutest boy in this entire school! Beck and I have been in love with you ever since you came here!” She blurted out bluntly
Tory’s eyes widened staring at Jade. “Really?? I...I thought my feelings weren’t reciprocated.” He says softly, which made Beck act by kissing him.
Which was stopped by Jade pulling Beck away and kissing Tory. “We like you.” She mumbled against his lips. “You’re ours got it?” She questions getting up to her feet, giving Beck a kiss.
Tory immediately started nodding his head, all the while flustered.
“So, as much as I love this. And cat you owe Robbie and I ten dollars, how are we getting back at Ryder?” Andre spoke up placing his hands on the couch where his best friend was sat. A groan escaped Cat as she pulled her wallet out
“A song, a really cool song.” Tory got yo his feet, smiling at his new boyfriend and girlfriend. “Andre can you help me write it? Please?”
Andre, having nothing to do that night, sighed then nods his head. Determined to help his best friend. “Alright let’s do this!”
With that, they spent the night writing one of the coolest songs.
And when Full Moon Jam hit, Ryder got humiliated by being forced to watch Tory sing and dance about him. About being on his knees.
It didn’t help that Beck kept him there, every time he tried walking off. Beck and Robbie would just pull him back to watch.
“See ya, Ryder.” Trina yelled running up on stage. “Don’t mess with my brother.”
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nobodyeverasked · 5 years ago
twenty-four carat magic; qian kun
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(1741 words) - small
Summary: Any place with you feels like paradise~
Was it over?
It was… It was over…
WayV’s concert in Shanghai has finally concluded, the blinding spotlights that bit at his skin, and the rumble of the crowd stirring the ground under his feet feeling like a soft candlelight and a faint whisper. A wide smile was etched onto his lips, his eyes scanning the crowd for the face of his boyfriend - one too hard to miss - and an oh so recognizable grin, one that he could barely fall asleep without seeing. 
Y/N, his boyfriend, texted Kun the night before the concert - the haze of dusk settling over Shanghai - letting Kun know that he was coming, and to make sure to watch the crowd for him. Kun has never seen a better message to come through that brilliant screen, and somehow it gave him more energy to keep going, igniting a fire beneath his veins. His seamless dance moves weaved through the air even faster, and the velvet of the box that sat on his bedside table the night before the concert feeling softer with every second - letting him know that his choice that could shift the tides of his entire future was the right one.
If he knew one thing, his baby, Y/N would always be the one thing that could keep him going, and stoke the tender flames of his motivation. He was everything to him, the waves in his ocean, and his stars in the sky, the one thing that could make him smile even in the hurricanes of his self-destruction. The skin that could light him ablaze with the reckless cinders of admiration, and the eyes that beheld galaxies that he cannot help but explore, drowning in the moonlight that laced his lovestruck gaze. 
He found those eyes almost instantly, resting upon him with such an innocent shimmer. Y/N was in the front row, completely enamoured with the man of his dreams, the tides of the audiences’ cries fading from his head. Nothing on his mind except Kun’s enrapturing eyes, and how the beryl spotlights framed his slender fingers - that fit his perfectly, too perfectly to be true. He was beautiful, his heavy breaths pulsing through his chest reminding them over the sweltering air that always hung over them during the nights they spend by each other’s side, the ardent touches and the endless embraces that were shared under the watchful eyes of the indigo clouds reminding them why they still decide to persist in this world.
Kun barely missed a beat between his heartbeats and started walking straight to the front of the stage, the star-crossed gazes halfway across the stadium never breaking, the object jostling in his back pocket searing with the heat of endearment, and already squeezing around Kun in a loving embrace, as if the stars under his skin have already aligned. He was pulled further by Y/N’s famous, beaming grin, the older’s steps growing faster and faster towards the edge of the stage.
He will never forget that smile since Y/N shone it after their first kiss, the scarlet dusting along his cheeks warming them from the winter’s icy breath that seeped into their skin.
Kun leaned down and pulled Y/N on stage, the screams that already pounded through the air writhing around them grew louder, and the eyes that were lulled into the void of oblivion were raked over to the firestorm of adoration that was festered through one touch, the interlocking of their fingers and the long-awaited entwining of their breaths. Y/N barely knew what was going on, his body frozen over by confusion and shock, the gelid stares and the echoes of awe numbing his body, however, he could not help but stumble into Kun’s arms, arms that he has yearned to feel around him for too long.
The applause grew louder and parted lips were wrenched agape in shock as the two young men before them shared a loving embrace that burned brighter than the stars hovering over the stadium. Kun squeezed his eyes shut and coiled his arms around Y/N’s waist, the distance put between them over the last few days making his longing for his baby’s tepid touch and tender words carve a pit in his heart that started to fill as soon as their gazes were caught in one another. Their silent stares persisted, however, the warmth writhing throughout their chests and surging within their grazing fingers creating a hymn of adoration that barely needed to roll off their tongues anymore.
Kun knew exactly what he was going to do - what he had to do. He realized that he would never be able to hold a softer, warmer hand, feel a sweeter pair of lips meld with his, or hear such a symphonic voice that he could envelop himself in for hours. 
He needed Y/N, more than anyone could ever know.
“Hey, can I get everybody’s attention please?” Kun’s silken voice cut the noise that rampaged throughout the stadium in half, a stilling air hanging over everyone as silence infected the one lively currents of adoration. “This is Y/N, my boyfriend…” Cheers threatened to break through the quiet aura clawing between the ripples of the air, Y/N’s head - once cocked in confusion - now shooting up in response to Kun’s words, that rung with such a boisterous, proud confidence. The older kept staring into his baby’s eyes, counting the sparks of joy that still somehow persisted in his eyes, and sheltered Kun from the chilling whispers of doubt always murmuring in the back of his mind. “He’s been with me since the very start, cheering me up after every audition, and helping me every step of the way, even when I wanted to stop... He is everything to me, and makes me want to become a better man, just for him.” Kun reached up to cradle Y/N’s flushed cheek with his fingertips, his chest pulled closer by the magnetism of Y/N’s enthralling heartbeat, and his lips drawn by the smile that graced his vision whenever he left his auditions. He relished in the soft skin leaning into his cherishing touch, and the hand languidly rising up to meet his, the fingers caressing his knuckles helping him reminisce about their springtime walks, or the summer nights spent under the sunset, bodies entwined. “You’re the light of my life, Y/N, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you…”
The sweetness of Kun’s words finally sunk into Y/N’s head, and his eyes widened with both surprise and insurmountable happiness, all of those careless whispers that once left their lips and were eased so amply through their phones coalescing into one flourishing storm of sparks. One that spiralled through their hearts and belted symphonies of untainted love through their chests.
The silence hung heavily over the stage, and everything seemed to pause, the pulsing festival of lights in the audience fading to mere cinders, as everyone awaited for those precious words to break through Kun’s radiant smile.
“Y/N, will you marry me?”
Nobody dared to make a sound, only faint echoes of the breathless carried away by the currents of compassion. The ring held between his fingers shone so brightly, but that barely mattered to Y/N. Not the diamonds encrusted in the metal that glistened in the spotlights, but the eyes staring at him that would always shine a thousand times brighter.
The silence breaks, and cheers erupted throughout the venue, raw elation surging through the black stage and dancing with the spotlights draping over their backs. Kun barely slipped the silver ring onto Y/N’s finger before engulfing him in the embers of his embrace, the images of soaring doves and dancing flowers searing themselves into their heads, chimes of bells already resonating in their ears. The symphonies of their compassion billowed through their pressed chests, and before they knew it, all of WayV were running over to congratulate them, their star-crossed lovers.
Kun could not believe it, he was going to spend the rest of his life with the one who filled the voids in his heart, the beholder of his secrets that loomed under the moonlight. Their shared smiles burned brighter than the neon lights writhing in the audience, their fingertips that lingered on each other’s cheeks and laid heavy on their singed skin cradling the boiling heat of their utter adoration.
Y/N, Kun and the rest of WayV turned into a conglomerate of embraces, all other members with gleeful grins on their faces, as if they have awaited this very moment as well.
“It’s about damn time!” Ten draped his arms around Kun and Y/N, who still had their gazes annexed within one another. The next big step in their lives, taken - so many more to go… “This means I get to be the best man right-” His statement was halted to a swift stop by a thwack upside the head - brought to you by Lucas - leaving a sheepish glow in his cheeks, a playful smile across his lips. “Not the time… Gotcha~”
They stare out into the crowd, wondering how one shy look and a nervous greeting could unravel into all of this, the band of molten admiration cooled with the careless whispers that lingered at the corners of their mouth, and bound around their fingers. The shared a longing stare, but not one that they used to share months ago, this time - suspended within their lustrous gazes - they could see more, more than the sparks of adoration littered in their eyes dancing to the pulses of their symphonic heartbeats and the tender fires of devotion that festered under the heat of their heavy breaths and gentle embraces.
The flurries of soaring lights that rippled in front of them were nothing compared to the radiance of each other’s smile, which they have gotten lost in so many times - too many times.
“So this is it, what’s next?” The heat of Y/N’s laughter surged through his chest, arms circling around his waist, pulling him closer to the chest that he has leaned on during many sleepless nights.
“I don’t care, as long as it’s with you, I know it’ll be the best choice I’ll ever make.” Kun interweaved his lips with the ones he yearned for the entire night, sealing their sacred words between a set of curved smiles.
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vexedtonightmares · 6 years ago
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last dance (elu ballet au) chapter deux
Lucas is in his final year at the Paris Opera Ballet School and he’ll be damned if he lets his former friend-turned-rival Eliott steal the lead role in their production of Swan Lake.
aka- lucas and eliott are rivals who are forced to room together for their final year of ballet school before they try to enter the company. we can all see where this is going.  
i. ii. 
Lundi 4:45
When Lucas awoke groggily at four forty-five the next morning, he almost forgot that he was no longer in the sweet comfort of the flat share he’d grown to love. He almost forgot that on the other side of the wall slept one of the people he hated most in the world. Well, maybe hate was a bit strong, but other than his father, who he really hated, he hadn’t had many reasons to dislike other people throughout the years, especially in his ballet program. For the most part, they were all like one big family, which was one of Lucas’ favorite parts about attending school there.
His alarm went off again and he swore under his breath, jolting out of bed and pulling on his layers of dance attire and warm up clothes as quickly as possible. He wanted to have time for a five mile run if possible before meeting Manon to stretch and warm up before class.
Throwing on his light windbreaker and grabbing his headphones off his desk, he moved to the bathroom, washing his face, using the toilet, brushing his teeth, and fixing his hair enough that it wouldn’t get in his way when he had to dance later. In retrospect, he probably should have gotten a haircut before the year started, he hadn’t had it so long in quite a while, but over the holidays he’d really grown to love his hair a bit longer. Besides, if Eliott could dance with his wild, untameable hair, Lucas could too.
A bit after he’d moved into the kitchen, the sound of Eliott’s door opening caused Lucas to look up with wide eyes from where he was filling up his water bottle at the sink . Fuck, he should have been quieter. What the hell was Eliott doing up at five thirty anyway? He always arrived just in time for classes, but none of the instructors ever said a damn thing. It was infuriating, especially since Lucas was always one of the first people there.
“Morning,” Eliott said, sitting down at the counter. Lucas raised his eyebrows and continued to fill up his water. “What are you doing up so early?”
“I could ask you the same question,” Lucas murmured, already breaking the silent rule he’d made for himself to just ignore Eliott at all costs.
Eliott shrugged and rested his elbows on the table. “It’s performance year. I figure we all need to work a little bit harder, especially if we want a lead role in the show.”
Lucas shut off the sink abruptly, hands clenching around his bottle. If Eliott had awoken early just to try to psych Lucas out, he was shit out of luck. Lucas wasn’t going to let a few taunts psych him out this year. Eliott continued, “Are you going for a run? I could join you.”
“No,” Lucas lied swiftly, “I’m meeting with Manon to warm up.”
“A bit too early for that though, right?” Eliott ticked his head to the side, smirking out of the corner of his mouth.
Lucas rolled his eyes and braced his hands on the counter. “What do you want, Eliott?”
“Nothing, nothing.” Eliott raised his hands in mock surrender. “You’re going to eat before you go though, right?”
“Are you my mother?”
“Are you avoiding my question?”
Lucas sighed in exasperation and took an apple from a bowl labelled Eliott. He took a bite and looked Eliott directly in the eye. “There. Happy?”
Much to his displeasure, Eliott’s smirk grew into a full blown grin. “Very much so, yes.”
Resisting the urge to spit the apple in Eliott’s face, Lucas retreated back to his room to grab his dance bag and put on his tennis shoes in silence, ignoring how Eliott’s eyes followed him the entire way. He continued ignoring the stare as he made his way back across the living room and out the door. The moment before it slammed shut behind him, Lucas heard Eliott’s voice call out, “Enjoy your run!”
Grunting at the fact that his day had already been ruined, Lucas secured his headphones over his ears and blasted his music as loud as it would go, the sounds of Queen filling his head as he tried to clear his mind and ran, ran, ran.
Sometimes he found his footsteps matching the beat of the music and had to resist the urge to stop and dance right in the middle of the street. It was his curse, he supposed, to want to find a way to dance to every song he heard. Not that he was much of a choreographer. He could do fairly well during improv classes or when he’d had to alter a variation for an assignment once, but creating something for a whole cast of moving bodies was dream he’d long abandoned.
Lucas had always known that there would come a time when his ballet career expired and he would be thrown out like expired milk, but there had been a small part of him that had hoped he’d be able to stay in that world, creating movement for others. Unfortunately, that was just a pipe dream. He didn’t have what it took to be a choreographer.
A wet drop on his cheek sprung him out of his thoughts, bringing him back to the streets of Paris as he ran, steady drips of rain now falling from the sky. First the conversation with Eliott, now the rain… was it too much to ask for that his first day back went well?
Ignoring the rain about as well as he’d ignored Eliott, Lucas pushed on, running faster than usual to complete the five miles he’d wanted to complete before heading back inside. Maybe it all would have been ok, maybe Lucas could have gotten over the fact that it was raining, if not for the puddle he didn’t notice on the side of the street. The puddle that he ran right past as a car drove right through it. The puddle that soaked the entire right half of his body, mere feet away from returning to the school.
It was going to be a long day.
Lundi 7:26
By the time Lucas had dried himself off well enough to not look like he’d arrived from the lost city of Atlantis, he and Manon had only had about a half hour to warm up together before class started. They’d spent most of the time talking about nothing anyway, partially him complaining about Eliott, partially her complaining about having to share a bathroom with Daphné, not doing much to actually warm up. It didn’t matter that much on the first day though, especially for the final year. That morning they were going to receive all the information about the winter show each group of students in their last year performed at the end of the fall semester.
Nearly everyone had arrived to class about fifteen minutes before eight, when the class was supposed to start. They were all fidgeting with excitement and nerves, chatting amongst themselves about what the show might be. The year before had done the Nutcracker, and Lucille, the stand out of that year-- and Eliott’s ex-girlfriend-- had played the Snow Queen, dancing the solo so beautifully that Lucas was sure the school would never do the Nutcracker again, not wanting to mar her legacy. Manon had actually played Clara, as one student in their second to last year was allowed to audition for a role in the show each year. Lucas had been so glad it was her and not Eliott.
Unsurprisingly, Eliott had yet to show up. Why the hell would he be waking up so early if he hadn’t planned to show up to class on time? It made no sense to Lucas, though he supposed the reason could have simply been because he knew Lucas would be getting up earlier and wanted to be awake to rile him up.
At a minute before eight, Eliott sauntered into the room casually, meeting Sofiane’s eyes immediately and moving to sit next to him, picking up a conversation as if he’d been there the entire time. Lucas rolled his eyes as he watched them, he had no idea how Sofiane put up with Eliott.
There was a loud clap and everyone sat up straight immediately, jolting to attention as Madame Rigaux entered the classroom. Conversations stopped in an instant and all eyes were trained on her with a sharp, almost hungry focus. Madame Rigaux was a nightmare if she didn’t like you, but her favorites always claimed she was one of the best instructors they’d ever had. Lucas wasn’t quite a favorite yet, but he hoped by the end of this year that he’d get to experience more than the former, which he had grown accustomed to for quite some time.
“Good morning, and welcome back.” She spoke softly, but she knew everyone was hanging on to her every word.
“Good morning Madame Rigaux,” they all repeated in a chorus back to her. The corner of her mouth lifted in what one might have mistaken for a smile had they not known her. Those who did know her knew that look was born of satisfaction, of knowing the hold she had over all of them, knowing each and every one of their strengths and weaknesses and how to exploit them. It was a terrifying look.
“Final year. The time does fly, doesn’t it?” Her question received no response, exactly as she’d anticipated. “This year will be one of the most difficult perhaps in your entire career as a dancer. All the training you’ve been doing up to this point is a walk in the park compared to what’s in store for you this year.”
Lucas unintentionally held his breath as she spoke, not wanting to cause any disturbance in the silence that had engulfed the room. It was so heavy, so deep, that each word she spoke rang out like a bell, echoing through the high ceilings.
“Not only will you be continuing with your general education courses, studying in various styles and techniques of dance, some old and some new, and assisting with some of the younger classes, you will also be auditioning, rehearsing, and performing in this year’s winter student production,” she continued. As if they didn’t all already know that, each of them barely resisting jumping up and begging her to tell them what they would be performing.
“The production, as you all know, was The Nutcracker last year.” She was really going to milk it as long as she could, though Lucas couldn’t say he was surprised. “This year, however, we wanted something a bit darker, more intense, with more depth from the characters to pull from. It will be both physically and emotionally demanding, and something that won’t always make the audience believe in happy endings, something that will make the audience weep as they stand on their feet and applaud in awe.”
Maybe Romeo and Juliet? The last class that had performed Romeo and Juliet was in their final year during Lucas’ first year. It was definitely feasible, it had been quite a long time since then.
“Auditions will begin next Friday, giving you almost two full weeks to prepare, a generous decision made by Monsieur Moreau, not me. If it were up to me you’d begin auditions today, and we’d see who has been keeping up their training during the holidays and who,” she glanced pointedly at a few students, including Emma and Arthur, “has some catching up to do. That all being said, I am pleased to announce that this year’s winter production will be Swan Lake.”
Lucas’ eyes found Eliott’s instinctively. He looked away as quickly as he’d looked in the first place, but not before he saw the same exact emotions he was feeling reflected in Eliott’s eyes. Prince Siegfried had always been Lucas’ dream role, since he’d first seen the ballet as a child. It was one of the reasons his mother had enrolled him in ballet in the first place. Of course, Prince Siegfried was also Eliott’s dream role, it was one of the things they had bonded over as children, arguing playfully about who got to be the Prince, and who played Odette when they practiced with one another.
Lucas had always been on the shorter side, and was thus relegated to the role of Odette. It hadn’t bothered him at the time, laughing giddily as Eliott attempted to pick him up and spin him around, but now those memories felt like a punch in the gut.
Another clap brought his mind back to the present. He realized Madame Rigaux had finished speaking, as everyone was now scrambling for their preferred barre spots. Eliott and Manon were at the front of each of their respective barre’s, of course, the spots left open for them despite the fact that Eliott moved there leisurely, allowing time for anyone to take the front spot if they wanted it.
Lucas realized that his usual spot beside Yann had been taken by Arthur, and there was now only one available spot in front of Imane. Fuck. It wasn’t that he didn’t like Imane, she was great, but she was also intimidating as hell. He wasn’t even sure if she’d allow him to stand by her, even if it was the only spot left.
As anticipated, she frowned as he approached. “It’s the only spot left,” he said by way of explanation.
“Is it so bad to have to stand by me at the barre?” she asked in a falsely casual tone, flexing and pointing her feet aimlessly as she secured her hijab into place.
“No, no, of course not, I just thought you wouldn’t want to stand by me,” he confessed, cheeks reddening as he spoke. Imane smirked and looked him up and down. “Better you than Arthur,” she conceded, turning away from him. Lucas felt himself begin to smile in return, ducking his head so no one would notice as he rolled out his shoulders and placed his left hand on the barre, ready to begin class.
Madame Rigaux only watched Eliott as she began going over their warm up combination, even though everyone was marking the movements along with her. In her defense, it was hard not to watch him, as much as Lucas hated to admit it. The focus in his eyes was so intense that Lucas found himself taken aback. He never usually watched Eliott in class, but he always assumed that Eliott carried an air of nonchalance with him, strolling into class late, being the last to go across the floor, skipping extra practice sessions, but the intensity in his stare at that moment reminded Lucas of just how much Eliott had always loved dance when they were kids. How much he apparently still did.
Too late, Lucas realized he’d been too busy watching Eliott to take in the combination himself. As Madame Rigaux moved to tell the piano accompanist what to play, Lucas turned to Imane with wide eyes. “Imane, what’s the combination?” he asked fervently.
She raised her eyebrows at him. “You weren’t paying attention?”
“I-- I was trying to, but-- Imane, please,” he stammered, looking at Madame Rigaux out of the corner of his eyes. Imane sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose.
“Switch places with me,” she said.
He blinked. “What?”
“Switch places with me,” she repeated in a quiet hiss, pulling him behind her and stepping into his place. “This way you can follow me on the right side, and by the time we get to the left you should know it.”
He could have kissed her. “Imane you’re the greatest. I owe you one.”
“Yeah, yeah, just try to pay attention next time.” She turned around so her back was facing him, but he caught the hint of a smile on her face before she was facing the opposite direction completely. He nodded in acknowledgement, even though she couldn’t see him anymore.                                    
For the rest of class he made sure to pay extra attention to Madame Rigaux, memorizing the combinations so well that there was no way he’d be lost like he was at the beginning of class. It was easy to do once he’d retrained his brain to ignore Eliott completely. By the end, he even received a compliment on his grand jeté, something he’d been working diligently at for years with no notice. It felt great, if he was being honest. Maybe he had a shot at Prince Siegfried after all.
Mardi 2:17
“Lu, you have to be Odette!”
“But I don’t want to. I want to be the Prince,” Lucas whined, crossing his arms in front of him in a huff. “Why don’t you ever have to?”
Eliott nearly bounced as he shrugged, grin taking over his face. “Because I’m taller than you. You can’t lift me, and that’s an essential part of partnering. If we’re ever going to make it as dancers we’re going to have to know how to partner.”
“I’m not going to be the girl when we actually partner, though,” Lucas argued.
“Please, Lu. For me?” Not the puppy dog eyes. Lucas’ will crumbled around the puppy dog eyes. He could actually feel himself giving in to Eliott’s request. Lucas sighed and held out his hands. “Fine.”
Eliott bounced up and down with excitement, grabbing Lucas’ hands and pulling them both to the middle of Eliott’s backyard. It would have been preferable to practice at their studio, but it was closed on Sundays, which annoyed them both endlessly. “Just wait until we’re at school,” Eliott always said, “We’ll be able to dance together day and night, whenever we want!”
Lucas had to admit that it sounded great. Not only extra time in a real dance studio, but also extra time goofing around and having fake turning and leaping competitions with his best friend in the world. They would spend ten whole years at the school together, and Lucas couldn’t wait to start. He wondered who else they would meet there, if anyone would be better than Eliott. As far as Lucas was concerned, no one was better than Eliott.
“Wait a minute,” Lucas said after he and Eliott had run through and failed a variety of different lifts. “If I’m Odette does that mean I get to do the thirty-two fouettes?”
“Lu, you can barely do one fouette,” Eliott laughed. Lucas smacked him on the shoulder.
“Oh, Mr. I-can-do-five-so-I’m-so-fancy. I’m just saying, technically I get the big turn section if I have to be Odette!” Lucas smirked, raising one eyebrow as Eliott laughed softly, eyes resting on the grass beneath their feet.
He looked back up at Lucas. “Well technically, that’s Odile.”
“But they’re usually played by the same person!” Lucas wasn’t going to let up so easily. “That means I get to do it.”
“Hmmm,” Eliott pretended to consider, squinting his eyes for effect. “Ok. You win. Go, Odile, impress me with your fouettes and I’ll see if you deserve a standing ovation.” Eliott wiggled his eyebrows.
Lucas licked his bottom lip and laughed. “Well I’m not going to do them right now. First of all, we’re not even in a dance studio, second of all, like you said, I can barely do one fouette, much less thirty-two.”
“But you just said you wanted to do it!”
“Yeah, but not now. When I’m older and able to do more than one fouette.”
“How old?”
Lucas thought about it for a minute. “Seventeen?”
Eliott laughed and ruffled Lucas’ hair. It was a thing he always did, never able to keep his hands out of Lucas’ hair for more than ten minutes. “Why seventeen? That’s so far away!”
“It’ll be our last year of school.” Lucas shrugged. “Seems fitting. If we haven’t performed Swan Lake by then, I’ll need my chance to show off my impressive set of fouettes. We’ll do our own performance of Swan Lake, just the two of us, but this time you’ll be Odette because I’ll definitely be taller than you by then.”
“Wouldn’t that mean I get to do the fouettes?” Eliott interjected, and Lucas cut him off with a glare.
“No. I get to be the Prince and do the fouettes. It’s only fair.”
“What if I let you be the Prince now? Then, when we’re seventeen, I’ll be the Prince and you’ll be Odette, and you can do all the fouettes your heart desires,” Eliott offered.
Lucas narrowed his eyes at Eliott. “If we ever do an actual Swan Lake production, I’m going to be the Prince.”
“I never said you wouldn’t, this is just for our two-man Swan Lake show,” Eliott amended, eyes crinkling at the sides as he smiled. “Eli and Lu! Two-man world ballet tour!”
Lucas laughed, nudging Eliott’s shoulder with his. “You’re the only one allowed to call me that, I don’t want it on the name of our ballet show. Lucas is more professional.”
“You’re the only one allowed to call me Eli,” Eliott countered, “Other than my mom, but we have to make some sacrifices if we want to be successful.”
“What about Elu? The Elu Two-Man World Ballet Tour!” Lucas suggested, only half-joking. There was no way he was letting anyone call him Lu, or even know that there was someone he did allow to call him Lu.
“It’s a mix of our names. Eli and Lu, Elu.” It was a bad idea. Eliott was going to hate it.
But Eliott just smiled. “Elu. I love it! Do we have a deal, then?”  
“Ok, we have a deal,” Lucas agreed, holding out his hand. Eliott shook it once before pressing a soft kiss to Lucas’ knuckles, pulling him in and spinning him around. Lucas laughed as they ended up chest to chest. He wrapped his arms around Eliott’s middle and furrowed his brows in concentration, trying to lift him up like the Prince would.
“Ha! See, I told you I could do it, Eli!” Lucas shrieked in excitement, holding Eliott a few inches off the ground. It wasn’t much, but he’d told Eliott he could do it. And he could.
Eliott’s voice rang out just as excited. “I knew you could, Lu! I knew it!”
Eliott’s laughter faded as Lucas bolted up in bed, blinking away the memory that had occupied his dreams. The clock beside him said that it was a little while past two in the morning. Fucking fantastic. Not only was he being haunted by Eliott in real life, now he was being haunted by Eliott in his dreams.
He rubbed his eyes fervently as if that would erase his dream from his mind. Dreams like that happened every now and then, crawling out from the tightest corners of his brain and disrupting the Eliott-less peace he’d grown accustomed to over the past eight or so years. The worst part about them wasn’t that they attacked when he least expected it, no, the worst part about them was that, for one fleeting moment, he missed those times. He missed their easy friendship and the way they knew each other better than they knew themselves. It only lasted an instant, but it was enough for Lucas to hate that he still felt that way, even now.
He had Yann, he had Arthur, he had Manon, he didn’t need to dwell on the past. That relationship had ended for a reason, no matter how much his mind tried to make him forget sometimes. Eliott’s words from the dream repeated themselves in his head, we have to make some sacrifices if we want to be successful. Lucas snorted aloud, falling back onto his pillow. Eliott had been sure to take those words to heart.
Lucas focused on this as he fell back asleep, the fact that no matter the vows they’d made and the lives they’d promised to live together, in the end Lucas was just an obstacle to Eliott’s success. Lucas liked to think that he would have done the same if his and Eliott’s roles were reversed, but he knew he wouldn’t have, even if there was the promise of a principal role in the company waiting on the other side. He didn’t know if that made him loyal, weak, or stupid.
Maybe he was just a combination of the three.
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themagicianshea · 5 years ago
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From now until November, we’ll be spotlighting one of our MHHE registered authors every week. Want to be featured? Just fill out this form!
MHHE Author Spotlight: textsfromumbridge
What piece of work best represents your writing style, and how would you briefly describe it?
I've never finished a thing for the Magicians before, so I'd have to say "All the men and women merely players". It's a Crazy Ex-Girlfriend high school theater AU, which allows me to get that side of nerdiness out. 
But also, internal monologues are kinda my strong suit, so you'll find a lot of that. Free indirect speech, I guess? I love me some banter and UST, so there will probably be a lot of that! 
Excerpt below:
"His father would not approve. Any after school activities had to involve money or networking - that’s why he’d been in Future Business Leaders of America since the fifth grade. It is why he’d started attending networking events in kindergarten. Diversifying his interests to appeal to colleges was completely unnecessary. His father would get him in anywhere close enough to keep an eye on him - Stanford was at the top of Plimpton Senior’s list.
So telling his father he’d been forcibly enlisted into Rodgers Academy’s theater program, yeah he’d prefer for this to remain a secret for the rest of his natural born life. Because if (please, not when) his father found out, that natural born life would end very shortly.
But not joining the theater program stopped being an option when he was caught deflowering the pastor’s daughter under the stands in the auditorium. Mr. Whitefeather was not above blackmail.
Auditioning for the school musical became mandatory. Casting a mere formality - he would be on that stage, humiliated in front of the entire school, no matter how badly he tanked his audition. He might as well do himself proud and be the best actor and singer their school had ever seen.
Yes, he had heard of Rebecca Nora Bunch before the cast list went up. She was a notorious theater freak with a serious lady boner for Josh Chan, the football captain who for some reason called everyone his bro. She’d also gotten the lead in every show ever since she walked into Rodgers Academy freshman year looking like she masturbated to the Glee soundtrack." 
What piece of work are you most proud of and why? 
I wrote a sort of Pygmalion/statue come to life AU for Les Mis. It is the crazy kind of magical realism that I adore, and I think it came off well. When I finally get that last chapter done, it'll be the most epic thing I've done and I'm incredibly proud of it. Link here. 
“Please be real,” another whisper before she turns away from him.
The lights in the other galleries are still on, so she makes her rounds in the rest of the museum, making sure there are no stray people or animals around – nothing that could trip the alarms she is supposed to turn on as she leaves. She finds each hall and each gallery completely empty, so she starts turning off the lights, one by one until she finds herself back in her favorite gallery.
She does not even notice that something is off, at first. There is a light flickering in the back, so she gives the old bulb a few twists until it works properly again – the damn thing always acts up at night. She picks up a few guides that fell to the floor during her struggle with the Bulb of Doom – and that is when she feels it. Something feels wrong, and she trusts her gut feelings, even though they have occasionally led to some dubious decisions. Still, she would always trust her feelings.
Her eyes scan the gallery until she sees a tiny bit of movement from the corner of her eye – and nothing is supposed to move in an empty gallery at night. So she turns around slowly, hands forming fists as she ponders where the nearest weapon would be.
But when she turns around and faces the place where her statue is supposed to be, she instead finds a half-naked man crumpled on the ground. His face is scrunched up in severe pain, and he barely seems to know that she is there – giving her enough time to run away. But the moment she thinks of running, he looks up, blue eyes boring into hers and golden curls tangled up on his head – and she is lost for breath, a silent scream trapped in her throat.
What tropes can we look forward to in your MHHE fic? 
Only one bed (whatever will they do?), matchmaking, suit!porn, slow dancing, and working up a load of sexual tension.
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elliottcreates · 6 years ago
The Geek and The Tech Au
Ship: Logince
Fluff/Angst: Fluff
Word Count: 2092 
As a theatre tech, Logan gets to see a lot of action, from running lines to practising moves, to kissing, but what he doesn't get to see a lot of is outside. He'll spend most of his time working the lights, helping the theatre kids running lines or talking to his best friend, pining over that one theatre kid who never seems to ask for help.
He was pretty sure he was getting to be annoying at this point, but his best friend didn't seem to care. As someone who went through his fair share of pining over a guy, Virgil knew how to help Logan. Well, not so much help, but more point him in the right direction, which was actually talking to the damn guy.
Logan was sat backstage with his best friend, trying to come up with a way to deal with the never-ending emotions he felt for the main actor of the plays. He didn't want to talk to him, not when there was a huge possibility of him being straight, because what straight guy with a huge ego would audition for the role of a gay prince? Practically every straight guy in the school, just to get the attention from the girls for "how brave they are for going for the role" or "what if they had to kiss a guy, wouldn't that change everything?" Either way, Logan was almost completely convinced that he was straight.
Virgil was trying to convince him that he was wrong, that Roman was gay. Because to everyone who wasn't Logan, he was the gayest kid there was in the school. He was flamboyant, extravagant, and he often talked about how he would kiss Brendon Urie if he got the chance. However, these points did nothing to sway Logan's opinion, because who wouldn't kiss Brendon Urie? He was an attractive guy. Of course, that was just Logan's gayness shining through.
"Oh, and not to mention, he is the biggest flirt in the entire school. He has girls practically dropping at his feet, begging him to make out with them and show them off to the entire school, because 'oh my god it's Roman, he's so damn amazing.'" Logan's words got more and harsher as he spoke. Not because he hated who he was talking about, clearly, he was just frustrated at the fact that he couldn't get a damn guy's number. He was so cute, yet Logan was just too much of a disaster!
"Lo, buddy, don't you think you're taking this a bit too far, this could all be resolved if you just talk to him. You remember what you told me in regards to Patton?"
"He's a person, with feelings, and if they like you back, then it's great, if not, then you might just have made a new friend?" Logan sighed. He was pretty decent when it came to dishing out advice, but when it came to taking it, he was not so good. It wasn't that he couldn't follow it, it was more that he was having trouble accepting other people's 'words of wisdom'. He had a hard time accepting himself and his own emotions, so why would he just jump at the chance that what someone else said was true?
"Exactly, and look where that got me!" Virgil smiled, his smile only widening the more he thought of his datemate. Logan had to admit, they were adorable together, and he was so glad he was able to help his friend become that happy, but the more he thought about it, the easier it was for them. Patton was this fun-loving, happy-go-lucky guy, with loads of love to go around, was openly panromantic, and happened to express an interest in Virgil from the start. When had Roman ever shown an interest in Logan? NEVER!
"Okay, but, the difference between you and your significant other is that Patton had been into you from the start. They'd gone out of their way to talk to you, to make sure you were okay and to keep you company whilst I was running sound or something ridiculous for these overprivileged pretentious kids." Logan huffed. "When has Roman ever shown an ounce of interest in me? He's always out there running lines or mouthing off to some other actor who messed up their lines because they don't have all the time in the world to learn their lines whereas Roman seems to know his from the start!"
"Okay, maybe Patton and I had it easier, but you don't know what's going on in his head. You don't know what he's thinking when he looks at you." Virgil held his hand up, seeing Logan open his mouth. "For all you know, he could look t you and go 'Damn he's so amazing. He does so much for us and we wouldn't be able to do our productions without him'." Virgil raises an eyebrow, daring Logan to argue with him.
"First of all, he never looks at me, so what would go through his head would be irrelevant. His eyes never stray from the empty seats or the person he's performing with. The person who always makes my stomach flip in a less than pleasant way because I want him to be close to me like that. I want the way he acts to be how he is with me! Second of all, they would be able to do their productions, they'd have a different theatre tech, and they'd do just a good of a job as me, if not better, because they would interact with the cast members."
Virgil opened his mouth to reply when Patton came and sat down next to him, resulting in an involuntary flinch from their boyfriend. Once he'd gotten over the initial shock of having his love there, Virgil greeted them and turned back to Logan, ready to fight him, only for him to have walked off to mess with the lighting controls.
The director had wanted a change for the upcoming production, which meant Logan was working overtime trying to appease him. He didn't want to change. The lightning sequences he'd been using had worked perfectly for any genre of play. Horror, romance, and everything in between, yet this time, it wasn't enough. He wanted more soft lighting, more to dance into, and more to go with the gay prince. Whatever the heck that meant. All Logan knew, was that it was hard work, that he'd signed up for, and he wasn't about to give up now. Maybe it'd grab Roman's attention and he'd finally be able to get him to talk to him. And they might be able to go on a date.
All these romantic thoughts were driving him insane and he didn't know what to do. He wanted to get them gone, but the more he thought about it, the better they sounded. The chances that he'd be able to have Roman in his life and to have him agree to a date, should he be gay or something of the sorts.
Logan was fully gay, Virgil was bi, and Patton was pan. Logan was male, Virgil was a demiboy, and Patton was a non-binary angel that everyone seemed to know and love. The more it was speculated upon, the more Logan realised it was harder to actually date someone. He had his sight narrowed down to a third of what Patton's was, figuratively. He had his mind set on one gender. Sure that gender made for the majority of the population, but when it came down to it, Patton had literally the entire population as the fish in his sea. Virgil was almost the same, which made it harder for Logan to comprehend anything when it came to him finding someone to love.
Virgil sighed, looking to his partner, frowning about Logan. Patton noticed and wrapped their arm around his waist, holding him close, trying to reassure him it was okay, and that he didn't have to worry, they were sure it would work out in the end.
Logan didn't want to look back to his friend, he loved him, but he could be a bit too much when Patton was around. It's like someone flipped a switch and made him this completely different person. It wasn't that he was complaining, but sometimes it was a bit too much, and it was hard for him to cope with. He wanted to support Virgil, but at the same time, he needed time away.
He was so lost in thought he hadn't heard someone walk up to him, causing him to jump a mile when he heard them clear their throat. He turned to face them, his face turning a bright red when he saw none other than Roman stood with a slight blush adorning his cheeks. He felt his own embarrassment creep up his spine as he realised how hard his body had jolted when he'd been startled.
"You're Logan, right?" Roman's voice wasn't as loud as it would normally be, and Logan wondered if it was the same guy, or if someone had made a cloning machine and cloned Roman and this was that clone. Or what if Roman had a really cute identical twin and the twin was the one talking to him. As stupid as it sounded, Logan couldn't figure out why Roman had approached him, why he was sounding so nervous, or why he was even remotely interested in talking to him in the first place.
"I am." He nodded, his glasses slipping down his nose in the process. He used his pointer and middle finger to push them back up, tilting his head up so he could see Roman properly.
Roman had the typical build of a jock. Broad shoulders, relatively tall, and defined muscles. But on top of that, Roman had a head full of vibrant chestnut brown hair, sparkling chocolate brown eyes that glinted somewhat gold when the light hit them just right (Logan had found that out during a play, when he'd shifted the light and it'd reflected off his eyes.) and he had such a wondrous face, how could one not fall for him the moment they laid eyes on him?
"I was... Dared, I suppose is the right word... Dared to tell the most attractive person in the theatre crew that I think they are... Attractive, I mean."
Logan couldn't stop a small smile from tugging at the corners of his lips. One stage, Roman was this confident, cocky, come-at-me-and-fight-me person, but when he was talking to someone he was unsure around or clearly attracted to, he was such a dork! Logan found it utterly adorable and he found himself falling harder for him.
"Well, I assume you need assistance with this?"
"No. I uh... It's you. I think... I think you're attractive, and very... Uh, cute." Roman smiled weakly and Logan felt his heart skip a beat. Roman found him cute? The same Roman he'd been pining over for months, found him cute?
"Well, that is very nice to hear, thank you." He smiled softly, not wishing to push him away.
"I was wondering if you would like to grab coffee with me sometime? If you don't, that's okay, but I uh... Yeah, it'd be nice and I'd like it?"
"That would be satisfactory. Shall I give you my number so we may converse about it at a later time?"
"Sure." Roman smiled, the kind of smile he showed when he was on stage when the play had ended, and he was proud of his performance. The kind that lit up the entire room, and somehow made everyone else smile too.
"Just for the record, you are attractive too." Logan smiled, handing his unlocked phone over to Roman, who typed in his number and texted his own phone from it.
"Are you always such a nerd?"
"Yes, that would be who I am. The nerdiest nerd." Logan rolled his eyes.
"Well, you're the most adorable nerd I've ever met, and I wish I'd gained the courage to talk to you sooner. I shall wait in an anxious excitement for our coffee date."
And with that he was gone, leaving Logan a flustered mess, but he was smiling, and as he sat next to Virgil, he got an elbow to the ribs and huge grin from his friend and Patton.
And much like Roman, he waited in an anxious excitement for their date, only hoping it went as well as it did in his mind.
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belizedeservesbetter · 6 years ago
Tootsie is Actually Really Good!
It needs some work but I had an absolute BLAST at this show
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Let’s get one thing first out of the way. This is a hideous playbill. That is the blandest and most generic playbill art design they could’ve chosen and for some reason they thought that was good choice. I said this right from the start but Tootsie’s art and marketing has been atrocious. What is that font?! It’s so ugly! Why is the digital marquee outside a mixture of this and occasionally that photo of Santino as Dorothy? They need a new marketing team.
The show itself though is pretty damn good. 
The book is absolutely fantastic. Like I was so shocked by how good the book was. Huge kudos to Robert Horn for writing a really hilarious book that stayed true to the movie while reinventing it for a modern day stage adaptation. The best part about this musical is its book and it’s a gem. I can’t wait till more people see it so all of Max’s lines become quotable jokes that everyone uses because his character was hilarious. 
Performances were solid all around, with special kudos to Andy Grotelueschen as Jeff and John Behlmann as Max. They both completely stole the show. Jeff (played by Bill Murray in the movie) has a small role, but Grotelueschen made him the best role. He has some of the best lines and the best jokes and one of the better songs. Max is a character created for the stage version and I loved him so much. I expected him to be annoying but he was actually one of the better parts of the show.
Sarah Stiles was absolutely amazing as Sandy, but I’ll talk about her a bit later because I have some problems with her character. But I wanted to mention how good she was because wow she was really fantastic.
The music itself is good. Like the instrumental bits. The lyrics weren’t memorable or that great but the instrumental backing was really lovely. The overture was spectacular, and it made me miss overtures a whole lot. This was really good music for classic musical theatre choreography and there was a whole lot of that. The dancing was really good and also very self-aware in how ridiculous musical theatre choreo can be sometimes.
That’s also what I really liked about Tootsie. It knew what it was and it knew what it was doing. This musical didn’t hold back on its themes and Michael Dorsey’s faults. It never tried to pull a “well what he’s doing isn’t that bad.” They were very frank in how Michael becoming Dorothy would harm individuals, yes, but also women in theatre. I also liked what they did with Julie (played by Lilli Cooper) in that she had a whole song talking about her career and her relationships with the end point being that she’s fine being single cause she loves her career. They were also very honest and out there about how creepy directors and be and how women just have to deal with it because otherwise they’ll never work again. Yes, it was all very baseline feminism and there were moments where you could definitely tell it was written by an all-male creative team but overall I liked what they were trying to say. 
And this show was fun! It was so fun! It was funny and fun and I had an absolute blast watching it! Everyone was so good! The costumes were so pretty! The set was fun! The dancing was fun! There’s so much joy in this show and you can tell everyone on that stage is having a blast, especially Santino Fontana. 
Of course Santino Fontana is very good. I’ll say that right off the bat. He’s hilarious and in good voice and really shines when he gets to be Dorothy. And how they did Dorothy was mostly successful. Fontana was at his best when he was Dorothy. As Michael, I will say a lot of the time he was Acting with a capital A. That might just be a choice, but it wasn’t a good one. I’ll also say that I wasn’t completely blown away by him either. Like I went into Tootsie with the mindset of “Oh okay Santino is probably gonna win the Tony this year” but after seeing this I think Damon Daunno in Oklahoma! gave the better leading actor in a musical performance. I wanted to see this show and think that Santino Fontana is an amazing actor and no one can play this role but him, but honestly I can list five actors off the top of my head who could do this role in their sleep and maybe even better. Gavin Creel. Lesli Odom Jr. Andy Karl (though one more Pretty Woman performance from him and he’s off the list). Jake Gyllenhaal. Ethan Slater. I could keep going. Easily. 
And I was a bit disappointed by David Yazbeck’s score. Yes it was pretty, but that was it. There was nothing very wow about it. It was a very generic and safe score, and after The Band’s Visit I expect that same level of quality from him now. This was very much if he took the score from The Fully Monty and Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown and squished them together. Sarah Stiles’ song is very very very reminiscent of Model Behavior from the latter show. The ballads in the show weren’t very good either, and there were too many of them in Act Two. None of Michael’s emotional ballads really landed. They were kind of boring and inconsequential actually. 
Speaking of Sarah Stiles, what happened to Sandy during Act Two? She’s missing for all but one scene basically and that scene is very much a “Well we gotta end her character’s storyline some way!” and it felt very rushed and out of nowhere. Same with Michael’s decision to become Dorothy in the first place. One scene we seeing him running around New York and the next he’s in the audition as Dorothy. I wish there was something more there to indicate what he’s about to do.
Really, this musical depends on you knowing the plot of the movie. I happen to love the movie so I knew what to expect, but I feel like if I haven’t seen the movie I might have been a bit confused. That’s also where my biggest problem comes in, which is also the biggest departure from the film.
Instead of becoming a soap opera star, Dorothy gets the role in this new Broadway musical (Juliet’s Curse) and it’s a bad musical so she changes the whole thing, so much so that they rename the show and do everything she wants. All while in tech. I get that this is theatre and I should suspend my disbelief, but my writer brain lost it at the thought of an actor being so high and mighty that they literally change the entire show while in tech - including costumes and set design. I don’t care how bad your show is or how good of an actor you are - you’re not the creative team! You’re the cast! You don’t get to do these things! All of it really reminded me of the “not a lab rat” thing that happened a while ago and it actually made me really mad.
Likewise, the whole point of Tootsie is that Dorothy Michaels becomes super famous really fast. That very obviously can’t happen if you’re in previews for a Broadway show. You’re not going to propel to superstardom within an instant, but I felt that the show assumes we know that Dorothy becomes famous because we know that’s what happens in the movie. This show is really dependent on you the audience filling in the blanks with your film knowledge, so really that makes it hard for this show to stand on its own two feet sometimes. Like I said, I loved this musical. But I also love the movie so I was able to get everything that wasn’t there and had a good time.
Also, Santino Fontana and Lilli Cooper have no romantic chemistry. Like none. I loved the friendship between Dorothy and Julie. But there was nothing else there. That can’t be fixed, so I don’t know what they can do about that.
Overall, even though it seems like I shit on an important aspect of this musical, I really really enjoyed it. Like I said, the book and the supporting performances and the very self-aware of how ridiculous it all was aspect of Tootsie made it a really really solid musical. I’d see it again in a heartbeat. 
**side edit: I need to add that while the marketing team has been promoting the show the wrong way and that merch bag is really inexcusable, the show itself isn’t transphobic. They actually address the situation in a “Michael, what you’re doing is going to harm others” way. The line on the merch bag I believe is directly from the movie and was the only line in the show that really made me wince. In context it makes sense, but still. 
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eunjjjis · 6 years ago
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          𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐃𝐔𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐆 : #KANG SEULGI | CISFEMALE | SHE/HER | BISEXUAL - EUNJI MIN is a TWENTY-TWO year old AUDIO ENGINEER STUDENT & DANCER AT DD’S that moved into apartment B2 a good TWO YEARS ago. the CAPRICORN has been in town for THREE YEARS overall and is well known around seattle ridge for being +CONFIDENT and +PERSISTENT, but has a reputation of being -STOIC and -MOODY. guess that’s why they call them the PARIAH around these parts! 
          i know i know, i’ve done this many times already but a new face means a new personality, so here’s an updated eunji !! ( everyone who liked my plotting post i left on her, i will soon hit up your dms to plot !! ) 
eunji min was born on january 3rd, 1997 in palm springs, california 
a boring, hot, and pretentious city she’ll never go back to, mark her words
she comes from a family of two, her and her mom and that’s it
her mom can’t tell her who her dad is because well, she can’t remember which of her bfs knocked her tf up with eunji !!
her upbringing was something else, her mom not being the best in regards to raising her properly but eunji will be damned before she lets anyone talk badly about her 
her mom owns a hair/nail salon which is good business but deffo not always how the bills were paid, her mom having uh other means of getting by through her bfs/men she talks to 
so there were definitely times when eunji would come crawling out of her room for breakfast to see some guy sitting on her couch to which she would have a stare off with before crawling back to bed, deciding she wasn’t hungry anymore 
school was a whole other thing, eunji didn’t really have many friends for a variety of reasons that people were quick to judge her ( which, she doesn’t blame them, eunji judges everyone else ) making her out to be a bitch due to her resting bitch face or that she thought she was better than everyone else 
when really, eunji just stayed in her lane and if thats what they thought of her then it just be like that, she has no reason to stress about opinions from people she doesn’t talk to 
at one point during her highschool career she moved out from her moms, it was her sophomore year and her and her mom got into the biggest fight regarding one of her many bfs and well, her mom took the boyfriend’s side instead of her daughter’s.....so eunji packed up and moved in with her cousin up in l.a halfway through her sophomore year and she finished hs there whilst working retail jobs here and there to help her cousin with rent/bills
in hs she took dance classes, both in and out of school and the only reason she could afford out of school was because her cousin was given free classes due to her job that she passed on to eunji instead because she had no time what with bar tending and then working shifts at denny’s trying to make ends meet, she thought her little cousin should live a little, like a TEENAGER and enjoy things 
those dance classes became everything to eunji, and within them she met someone who also took pole dancing and told eunji all about it ( this is necessary for later on ) all she needed was a parent or guardian signature to let her in, and those were classes she paid for herself with the money she saved up that didnt go to necessities or bills  
anyways, l.a was a whole new world to her. it was dirty, it was packed, the traffic was shit and the streets smelled gross and yet she loves it, she loves it more than she could ever love palm springs because no one cares there, and theres more culture and she can easily get lost and find her way back again 
so shes been grinding from a young age, trying to make it on her own and become independent 
when eunji graduated she had applied to berkley, ucla and one out of state university ( ahem, here in seattle ridge ) and whereas she was accepted to all three, the moment she saw the acceptance for seattle she was quick to pack up and LEAVE 
her first year was spent in a dorm before she finally moved out -- but during that year she was working 2 jobs, one at the dinner and then one at a gas station and it was TERRIBLE for her health
so, the second semester after having saved enough for an apartment, she auditioned for DD’s dancers and got a callback and finally got a job there which, due to her talent she manages to make MORE than she did working both jobs which is great because she has school and bills to pay for and all her things and her SAVINGS 
up at 6am for a 7am class which she gets out at 2pm and then homework and then a shift at work and then its just rinse and repeat from there 
she has aspirations of becoming a producer, maybe throw in some vocals but the vocals part is just a fantasy so she’d rather stick to making beats that reflect her personal style 
it had started out as a hobby, something a guy once taught her in hs and HE SUCKED but she ( being the fast learner she is ) got the hang of it QUICK and fell in love with it
think donna from the 70s show lowkey, lowkey 
she’s reserved, sometimes even shy when she meets new people despite her confidence when shes on stage or in private room dancing for someone 
but, shes definitely not afraid to be upfront and if she doesn’t like you she lets you know
her sarcasm could be taken literally sometimes which isn’t good because it’s just how she is, her humor is a little dark and sometimes mean and some ppl dont take well to that 
and her tolerance for people runs slim anyway
but that’s only if she finds you irritating and unbearable, shes known to clash with people
once you get past that though, shes actually very caring to the point where she takes care of others more than she takes care of herself 
shes the friend that when everyone is drunk shes drunk too but taking care of you and making sure you have a bag to throw up in, or holding your hair back, or rubbing your back while intoxicated herself 
you kinda just, have to keep peeling at her layers 
2000s vibes !!!!! but a little edgy and modernized !!!
think suki from fast and furious ( hehe thanks rox ) !!!!
baby phat fan !!!
sunglasses, redbull with a straw, lip gloss and hoops are all she needs !!!! 
her music taste is early/modern r&b and grunge, some pop here n there
her current hairstyle is bad boy era seulgi !!! bangs are a look !!!
the jackie to her donna ( 0/1 ) : basically complete opposites that somehow stuck together and are what people would consider best friends because they’re always there for each other despite eunji sometimes finding the other slightly annoying but with FONDNESS, 10/10 eunji will stab someone for them that hurt them 
hook-ups ( 0/2 ) : nothing more nothing less, they dont even need to get a long but someone or some people to blow off steam with before they’re each back to minding their own business until that one late night call, definitely no feelings because eunji wont allow it !!
enemies/frenemies ( as many lol ) : eunji isn’t bound to get along with everybody, be it whether they find her to be too sarcastic, or she comes off bitchy or eunji doesn’t like them be it for the most dumbest reason or because she doesn’t like their personality, etc i just want shade, and shit-talking, some drama here and there 
regulars at her job ( uhh idk ) : people who request her daces at work, it doesn’t have to mean anything they could just be friends who support her or hey maybe they’re trying to get something out of it, the possibilities are endless i fink
i could write more but it’s literally 6 minutes before 4am so i gotta publish this ahksjdhfk but feel free to hmu or like this ig and i’ll slide into those dms !!!
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rkmeiqi-archived · 6 years ago
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AUGUST EVALUATION — CENTER PERFORMANCE !      now playing: runaway by pentagon || line distribution        ╰ ft. @rkhoon, @rkjimin, @rkkangjoon, @rkxjongsuk, @hyojongrk, @rkkmh, @bambamrk, npc #1, npc #2
when she had first heard about the month’s evaluations, the concept should have excited her. taking on the role as a center in a performance of her choice—for someone who thrives off of attention, this should have been meiqi’s priority for the next 31 days. but life, she hates to say it, worked in callous, unjust ways no matter how hard she tried to rewire her brain to think otherwise. she can’t change facts.
the thought of even going to the nova building didn’t dare cross her mind for the first three days of august. meiqi found temporary purchase in a hospital chair by her cousin’s side, and only when he woke from the coma did she bother to remember that she’s a trainee with responsibilities, and she had disregarded them all without as much as a notice. so, after promising yukhei that she would visit with every chance she had, meiqi took off towards the nova building before any of the staff members noticed (she figured they already had, but were being lenient due to her recent model behaviour).
the lecture she got upon arrival had grated on her nerves. rather than punish her for her sudden disappearance, they wanted to reprimand meiqi for posting a god damn song. there was no “hello, meiqi, how have you been?” or “gee, you look like shit. did something happen?” at that point, she would have preferred to get yelled at for acting rashly so that she could unleash all of the emotions about her cousin that weighed on her shoulders. she hadn’t talked to anyone about it except her aunt, so a few sobs might have gotten her off the hook.
but no. nova didn’t care about anything except the possible profits they could lose off of a mere upload onto soundcloud. despite the staff member being semi-kind, meiqi couldn’t control how… insignificant she felt, and so of course, she had to make it worse.
“i’m not sorry for it.”
she had ranted about it to yukhei that evening, without knowing what else was to come. in a desperate attempt to get her to stop complaining, her cousin offered to help her choose her song for the evaluation (she ended up picking another, but she didn’t tell him that).
in the morning, meiqi had dashed around the seocho complex to find groups to join. initially, she had wanted only one other performance so that she could work on it quickly and then return to the hospital before visiting hours were over. somewhere along the way, after images of yukhei wrapped in bandages kept appearing behind her eyelids every time she blinked, meiqi had joined three other groups so that her mind could constantly be occupied; if she gave it no free time, then maybe she wouldn’t have to think about the fact that she almost lost her cousin the same way she lost her father.
and then those assholes had to make everything worsen, tenfold.
was hyun bin really stooping so low? meiqi couldn’t help but wonder if katie lee would treat her trainees in a similar way, or if she’d be much warmer. she liked to believe the latter, and for once since joining nova, she wished it had been another company.
for the next week, she had to deal with being monitored at a two-to-one ratio from lunch to dinner. the instructors were not kind, but maybe that was because meiqi refused to abide by their rules for the first two days. by day three, she decided to just grit her teeth and smile contemptuously. they had learned that running laps was no hindrance to meiqi, but push ups were; there was no way she was going to get down on that filthy floor, nor was she going to deal with the ache in her arms that followed.
though her afternoons were ruined, meiqi still tried to put her all into practicing each and every performance. rather than going to the hospital as soon as training ended, like she had promised, meiqi stayed until the early hours of the morning. whether it was to practice with other trainees, or to go through the motions of choreography herself, or memorize lines, almost every night consisted of only 3 hours of sleep at most, with the floor as her bed and her jacket as a pillow.
when august 11th came around, it got easier. she didn’t have to worry about the snobbish ladies whose sole job was to torture meiqi. from the texts her aunt sent her, yukhei was also doing much better and would be discharged soon. two of her biggest stressors were gone, and that was the first night meiqi returned back to her apartment and slept in her own bed, for a good 6 hours (she slept like a baby in chungha’s arms). the experience had her feeling refreshed, bringing back her positive attitude so that she could collaborate with her teams to the best of her abilities.
by the time evaluations rolled around, the colour had returned to meiqi’s face and the dark circles under her eyes had almost completely faded away. though her frame looked thinner from the intense weeks prior, most of her energy had returned, and her body was tingling in excitement to finally perform as a center.
she introduces her team and the song she will be performing: runaway by pentagon, and eagerly urges everyone to get in their places.
when the music starts, meiqi steps out into the front. she had practiced her facial expressions in front of a mirror whenever she visited the restroom, and had cycled through many before settling on the perfect one for the opening beats. she found that the best faces were the most natural-seeming ones, especially when it came to being sultry. being in a group of all boys, she had shown them each of her flirtatious expressions to find the best one to showcase; she does so, effortlessly, and hopes that when everyone rewatches these performances in september, they’ll collectively cheer in acknowledgement.
she delivers her first lines easily, what with the lack of movement so far, and they come out loud and smooth as if they were pre-recorded. meiqi comes to the front of the stage, her hand trailing across her neck as she sings: “just leave me alone. you can’t stop me” and then, along with jihoon and another trainee, she drops to her knees.
meiqi’s glad her performance is only the second out of all the groups she’s a part of. she’s not harbouring much prior fatigue from having already taken the stage one too many times, and she doesn’t have to worry as much about carefully pacing herself, since at this point, she has lots to give. the only performance she has done so far is kangjoon’s and it served as more of a warmup-slash-rehearsal for hers.
when meiqi takes center again, this time for the killing part in the chorus, her movements are fluid and concise. she doesn’t hesitate to bite her lower lip at the slow part, before replacing her alluring gaze with an intensely focused one as the choreography gets harder.
while watching the choreography of the song at the beginning of the month, meiqi was most eager to do the part where she could have the spotlight solely on her, to showcase her skills without anyone else moving. it just so happened that, following that split second, meiqi had to get close with one of the trainees.
“i’m being colored gray more and more with a frustrated heart, i close my eyes again oh yeah”
she doesn’t mind physical contact at all. jihoon was another case, but they had practiced enough for her to not dwell on the what-if’s regarding his failure, and just do it. meiqi trusts the boy, and she knows that he’s worked hard to improve and not let his timidity get in the way. when his hand passes down her arm confidently, meiqi has to suppress the proud smile that threatens to ruin her performance. instead, once he grabs her hand, she gives it a quick squeeze, as if to say “good job, you did great” before spinning around and crouching to the floor.
her cousin viian had asked, during one of their routine skype calls, why meiqi had chosen a boy group song instead of a girl group because it would have been easier to balance dancing, expressions, and singing live. meiqi had snorted at the idea. she wanted to display how much she’s improved in the 8 months between her audition and now, but also, why would she ever take the easy way out? meiqi loves the difficult choreography and the sort of elegant vibe that “runaway” has. no girl group song out there right now could take runaway’s place, or even had a chance at doing so.
“take me out, please hold me”
following meiqi’s last line, she can finally throw caution to the wind regarding breath control. she can give her all, knowing that she’s done incredible. in some twisted way, she wants to thank those trainers that pushed her for that first week, because the amount of extra exercise she had done, had done wonders for her stamina. meiqi, despite dancing like she’s never danced before, feels like she could do it a million times more (perhaps that’s good, considering she has two more non-center performances coming up).
the final chorus has meiqi placed in the center, and it feels like she belongs there. ever since she was a kid, she had a feeling that she was born to be in the spotlight, but this performance just solidified the thought. it feels like she’s actually an idol, performing on a music show stage, with cameras capturing her every smirk. she loves it. she wants to feel it again soon.
the song ends with every trainee holding one arm in the air, their heads tilted backwards to stare at their fist. seconds pass before meiqi drops the pose and cracks a smile. she bows a full 90 degrees in the direction of the panel of coaches, hoping they know that she’s being sincere right now rather than how she had been acting two weeks ago, before thanking all of the trainees that had helped let meiqi shine. she hugs each and every one of them, and even if all of their skin is sticky with sweat and they’re still panting to catch their breath, meiqi’s smile doesn’t fade.
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fanta-ceo · 7 years ago
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Pairings: Yoongi x Reader
Genre: college!AU, established relationship, fluff
Word count: 1472
Description: Jimin and Taehyung wouldn't take no for an answer. They insisted you move in, no rent, just until you were back on your feet again.
You're dreaming.
It's dark and warm, and Netflix is a quiet babble on the background. You sigh, and the hand on your hip tightens. It feels good, even when you're half asleep, and you can hear a rough, affectionate chuckle as he reaches over you—for the remote. Blearily, you open your eyes and blink, staring sightlessly at the far wall. He pauses the show, probably to turn it off. "What time is it?" You ask groggily.
"Just after midnight," he says. You try to work up the energy to turn around so you can look at him. When his hand slides your shirt up so he can thumb the skin of your hip, however, you stay very still. It feels too good to risk it stopping. You sigh as he nuzzles your neck from behind, inhaling softly. You feel like you should have showered, that you should be worried about his face buried in your hair, but Yoongi only sighs in content.
And his damn touch is too distracting to fall back asleep. "Don't turn it off," you mumble.
"You're not watching," he says. And then—he presses his lips lingeringly to your neck. Your fingers curl into your blanket, and judging by his muffled chuckle—he noticed. He picks your skin again and then falls back onto the pillow. Lazily, he drags his hand up and down your side. It's just not fair. You were sleeping.
"I was watching it," you mumble sulkily.
"You were sleeping," he said.
"Now I'm not."
"Mmmm..." he hummed, and he stops torturing you to wrap his arm around your waist as he molds his body to the shape of yours. You can feel his flannel against your bare legs. "You smell good," he says. He always says that. You laugh. You're really not feeling very tired anymore.
"How was it?" You ask.
You can hear someone slamming a drawer shut, and then a muffled, delighted laugh. Jimin and Taehyung are still awake, then. Maybe they'd come back with Yoongi.
"Okay," he says. That's all he usually says. He doesn't like to talk about his music—he likes to show it, and only when he's done.
"Jimin wants us to have breakfast together," you say. "He got a new recipe he wants to try."
Yoongi doesn't answer. You take that to mean he's planning on sleeping in. Jimin won't like that—which means you won't like that, because he'll come in at 8 tomorrow morning to whine at you guys to get out of bed. You wish you really minded.
The truth is, you love everything about your little band of misfits and the family you've all created. Even if it's chaotic, and you find yourself worrying over everyone constantly—Taehyung doesn't eat when he's stressed, and he's chronically stressed from endless auditions. Jimin is constantly getting his heart broken and pretending he's fine and forcing smiles and cheerful laughter when he's struggling not to fall to pieces. Namjoon spends too much time shut up in his room studying, but you can't really blame him when you have the same problem.
At least Seokjin and Hoseok seem to have normal, happy lives—Seokjin is studying to be a dentist, and dating a good girl he plans on marrying down the line. Hoseok spends his days in the dance studio, and when he's not grinding practice techniques, he's teaching adorable dance classes of children.
You don't know how you got so lucky. After eight months, you still feel like you're going to just wake up. You never thought there would be anything more than friendship between you and Yoongi—and if you were being honest with yourself, unrequited love. When your housing fell through, and you lost your job, and your life had been falling apart—Jimin and Taehyung wouldn't take no for an answer. They insisted you move in, no rent, just until you were back on your feet again. You took Taehyung's room, and Taehyung started sleeping in random rooms, most often with Jimin.
Yoongi had seemed mysterious and unattainable in the beginning. He was barely home, and when he was there, he was grumpy and quiet. You'd been terrified that he saw you only as an intrusion—so you started bringing him dinner when he didn't come down, or leaving some in the oven with a note. And then, one night, you came home to an extremely excited Jimin chattering and fluttering around the kitchen while Yoongi chopped vegetables with a blue apron on. Seokjin and Taehyung came home later, and everyone gathered in the kitchen to watch Yoongi cook. When Seokjin thanked Yoongi for the meal, Yoongi said, "Don't thank me. Thank y/n. She's why I'm making this."
You remember flushing as every eye in the kitchen turned to stare at you in shock—everyone except Yoongi, whose eyes were carefully lowered to the sauce he was stirring.
You were shocked and touched and completely flustered. Dinner was cute and peaceful—Seokjin and Yoongi doling out advice, Jimin so excited to have everyone around the table, and everyone joked around. There was a softness, a kindness to the way they treated each other, even when they were complaining and teasing each other. You couldn't remember the last time you'd felt something like family.
Jimin and Seokjin did the dishes, and Hoseok and Namjoon and Taehyung went to the living room to play a video game, and somehow it was just you and Yoongi left at the table. That night, you guys talked for the first time, and you were so shy. But Yoongi didn't seem to mind. He seemed softer when he was relaxed, more adorable than hot and intimidating. Gentle. And gradually, you eased up, and you guys became friends.
Yoongi made time for you after that. You'd meet up on campus for a quick coffee, or you'd study together in the library for a few hours once a week. During movie nights, you'd wonder how you ended up beside him, and you would struggle to concentrate when he was so close, Seokjin almost purposely pushing you into him—knowing Seokjin, it probably was on purpose. You had acknowledged to yourself somewhere in those three months that you were falling in love with him, with each and every new side of himself that he revealed to you.
And one night, when Taehyung had tried to tag along to dinner, Yoongi had simply said, no. And he opened doors for you, and he wouldn't let you pay, and he lent you his jacket when you got cold, and he took you to the pier. He bought cotton candy that you shared, and you guys sat there for hours and just talked. And somewhere in there, you'd been talking and laughing, and he'd just taken your hand in his, and looked at you. And you remember how your words froze in your throat, and you couldn't look away. Your heart had been pounding so hard, so fast. You struggled to swallow. I'm going crazy. Then he leaned in, staring you straight in the eye, until his eyes dropped to your lips, he hesitated for a second—and he pressed his lips to yours, eyes falling shut.
It had taken some getting used to, Yoongi liking you. It was obvious, and yet it felt too good to be true. More proof that you were in over your head, that you wanted him more than he wanted you—and yet, he didn't change his mind. And dating Yoongi was a lot better than just being friends with Yoongi, it turned out. He was an incredible kisser.
After about a month, it made the most sense to move into Yoongi's room. You didn't do anything at first, of course. He held you as you fell asleep, and you began to really treasure nights for the short time you would spend talking to each other. But as the months passed, his schedule became increasingly irregular, and after a few months, he came in at odd hours. Like tonight.
"Was your day good?"
Yoongi's voice jerks you from your memories. You nod, and your fingers find his by your side. You knit them together. He sighs, content.
"You can sleep in tomorrow, right?" Yoongi checked, beginning to sound sleepy. Of course. He did this too much—riling you up then passing out. You couldn't bring it in yourself to be irritated, however. He worked such long days. He was so busy, balancing college and his job and his passion. He didn't know he was being a tease... probably.
"Yeah," you say. "So let's sleep."
He runs his thumb over the skin of your stomach, and you close your eyes and try not to squirm. He hums, content. "I love you," he says, sleepy.
"I love you too."
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domestic-harry · 8 years ago
Hi! Can you share which fics you've recently read that you liked? Or currently reading.. I'm so desperate to find something new to read.. Lol thanks :)
Recently Read Fics
This Wicked Game : An AU in which The Bachelor is gay, Louis is a contestant, Harry is the bachelor, everyone drinks a lot of champagne, the entire world gets to watch them fall in love, and no one plays by the rules.
Hush. : An au where small towns suck, Louis is losing it, and Harry’s just too perfect.
Shake Me Down : Harry’s new to college, fresh out of Catholic school and conversion therapy camp, and Louis runs the campus LGBTQIA organization.
My heart is breathing for this moment in time : When Louis first saw Harry at the 2010 X Factor Auditions, he thought he was watching a peculiarly special stranger. But Harry has known Louis ever since he was five years old.Because Louis has a rare genetic disorder that causes him to Time Travel to important moments in his past and in his future - and to Harry, always to Harry. When they’re put into a band together, it seems like everything Harry has been waiting and wishing for has finally come true. Except for the small fact that Louis doesn’t know that Harry is in love with him- that Harry’s always been in love with him. Fate, it would seem, is just getting started.A story about growing up and growing together, and the impossible love that makes it all worthwhile.
Down : Sometimes all Harry really wants is to play with Louis’ arse.
Outwit, Outplay, Outlast : A Survivor All-Stars AU in which Harry and Louis are just in this game to win the million dollars, but they end up with something better.Featuring Harry’s yellow swim shorts, Louis in snapbacks, and OT5 
Give Me Truths : Louis is a psychology student with a tattoo count as high as his genius IQ. Harry is in a (sort-of) relationship with a homophobic man and hates himself a little more every day. Things fall apart and Louis puts him back together.Or, the one in which Louis falls in love with a fragile boy and tells him every beautiful truth in the world, as long as it makes him happy.shenanigans.
Through Eerie Chaos :  For as long as anyone can remember, Old Hillsbridge Manor has always been believed to be haunted. Everyone in the village agrees and keeps a respectful, fearful, distance. New in town after a bad breakup and an internship that led to disappointment rather than a permanent job, Harry Styles figures taking pictures of the decrepit building could be a great new creative project. Or at least a much-needed distraction while he searches for a job and crashes at his parents’ new house. No one warned him about the apparitions though; about the music, the laughter, the people who flicker and vanish when you call after them, the echoes of a past that should be long gone… Harry has never believed in spirits but even he can admit that there’s something weird going on. What starts as mere curiosity evolves into a full-blown investigation and soon enough, Harry finds himself making friends with an aristocrat from the 1920s and struggling with finding the best way to tell him that he’s dead.
To Read Fics
Like an Endless Summer : Louis is a riding instructor at a summer camp, and Harry is a fellow counselor who he’s been successfully managing his crush on for the last two summers. That is, until Harry shows up this year leveled up and lethal, and all Louis’s formerly perfected veneer of nonchalance melts like a popsicle in the sun.
Carry This Feeling :  Harry knows, objectively, that he shouldn’t try to get his ghostwriter into bed. He knows. But…he finds it hard to resist temptation when Louis waltzes into his home and his life and turns everything upside down. And, as it turns out, Louis might just need a little turning upside down too.
Ace : The sexuality crisis you probably haven’t read.
I want a little sweetness down in my soul : Harry wants Louis to ride his face and it takes a bit of convincing but eventually he comes around. It’s glorious, control is lost, steaminess ensues. Quite hot.
Allies in Heaven, Comrades in Hell : A Catholic school!AU where Louis is finishing sixth form and will definitely be famous someday if Harry has something to say about it, Liam is the racist homophobe that Zayn is dreadfully in love with, and Niall teaches guitar.
Say Your Prayers : The one where Harry, head counsellor at a Catholic summer camp, dedicates his time to what he loves most, year after year. It’s mostly the same every summer; the place, the topics, the games. This year, however, there’s a new assistant counsellor stumbling into his camp, and possibly his heart.
Cold : Harry Styles hated the minister’s son.Louis Tomlinson was brash, obnoxious and possessed all the attributes that Harry deemed unlikable in another person. Unfortunately, they attended the same Bible studies class at church and their mothers were best friends, so avoiding the other boy was impossible
Let Me Put On A Show For You Daddy : Harry is an art (per)form(ance).
Why Can’t It Be Like That : A fashion AU with a royal twist, where Louis doesn’t need a stylist, Harry’s thrilled to have a real life Barbie doll, and they’re both very wrong about each other.
When We Were Younger : Sixteen year old Harry Styles’ world turns upside down when he logs on to gay teen chat to discover somebody has stolen his photos and used them as their own.
Touch : Harry’s shy and virginal with a past, new on the football team; Louis’ the (experienced) popular star of the team and Harry’s new mentor.
Flightless Bird : AU where Louis Tomlinson is a principal dancer with The Royal Ballet. When his rival from ballet school, moody dance prodigy Harry Styles joins the company, old wounds are reopened and old passions reignited. During the company’s production of Swan Lake the secret that doomed their love is finally revealed, but will it be too late?
Now you know me (for your eyes only) : au where harry and louis are solo artists and they’re not exactly friends per se but they’re friendly, know each other from industry parties and things like that and there’s always been this weird unspoken sexual tension between them and louis’ always kinda confused bc isn’t harry the biggest ladies’ man in the industry?? and one day harry asks louis to collab with him and of course louis says yes even tho he’s kinda surprised and harry plays the song for him and louis is completely blown away by how beautiful it is and it’s a love song and he’s like damn whoever this is about is lucky as fuck bc it’s clearly written from personal experience so they spend all this time together recording and it’s super bittersweet bc they click right away and it takes louis about three seconds to realize he has a huge fucking crush on harry but on the other hand harry clearly had someone in mind when he wrote the song so the last day of recording comes and louis’ like “thanks for having me on the song” and harry just shrugs and is like “well it just seemed fitting bc the song is about you”
All You Can Eat : The one where human Harry seduces his hot teacher professor Tomlinson, who happens to be a vampire
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piecesofscully · 8 years ago
Welcome Home
The first fic from my 2005 archive, The Audit
**This is the second fic I’ve found in my fic LJ/archive from 2005, and it’s even more entertaining (to me) than the one before LOL I think it may be one of my first smut endeavors. Don’t come at me with how OOC it is, I know.  I knoooow.**
Author: PiecesofScully (2005) Rating: NC17 / Explicit Timeline:  Season 7ish, evidently
A small child cried softly into it's mothers chest somewhere to the right, while a large man snored softly off to her left. Some movie starring Rachel McAdams played on the screen ahead of her, but she was completely oblivious to it all. Instead, she reclined a bit in her airplane seat, her eyes closed. It'd been a long week. She'd been sent to the state of Washington to investigate a set of murders. They'd needed her expertise, she'd been told. Bullshit. All three murders had nothing to do with each other, it was obvious to her before she'd even left. But she went...she'd been assigned...ordered...so she went. Alone. With out her partner. They'd been separated again, but this time indefinitely. That is, ever since 'they' found had out that she and her partner had become 'intimate'. She still had no idea how 'they' found out... she thought they'd done so well keeping it secret. 'Obviously not well enough,' she thought to herself. All of the sneaking around...they'd even made sure not to be intimate while on the job, only during their own personal time. 
She sighed. Whatever. 
She shifted in her seat in attempt to make herself more comfortable. That attempt, lost. She knew very well what was wrong with her. She missed him. Her body ached for his touch...she longed to hear his voice, his 2am-fuck-me-voice...the feeling of his fingertips trailing down her hips leaving a trail of fire...his moist lips marking their territory on her collarbone- 'Stop it dana', she told herself. 'Thinking about this isn't going to do you a damn bit of good. Especially now, and here on this plane.' She glanced at her watch. 53 minutes till she could be at his apartment and in his arms. 
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ He rolled onto his back, suddenly remembering just how uncomfortable his couch was. The apartment was dark except for the street light pooling in through the window. He could be in his nice, soft bed, but he refused it's persistent invitation...refusing to sleep there without her. It wouldn't be right. She'd been gone for 5 days now. 5 days, 13 hours, 36 minutes and around 20 seconds. He knew she'd be home soon, 53 minutes as long as there wasn’t any traffic, but he couldn't help missing her. He just wanted to be in the same room as her, or laying in bed with her watching her sleep after hours of making love...memorizing every curve to her body...carefully moving the one wisp of auburn hair that had fallen across her delicate shaped eye...the scent of her glowing skin all over him...engulfing him.... Involuntarily, he groaned. The sudden noise that had escaped his lungs caught him by surprise, bringing him back to the present. The painful reality that she wasn't really here, and he was already 'standing at attention' for her. After raking his fingers through his hair, considering a cold shower then deciding against it, and silently willing, begging his friend down south to relax, he looked at the clock. 42 painstaking minutes till she'd be there. He sighed and lay back down. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ White knuckled with anxiety, she drove through the dark and deserted streets of the city. She thought she was going insane. At the airport, she thought she'd seen him 4 different times, each time making a complete fool of herself. It was quite plain to her that 3 of the 4 men hadn't appreciated being practically tackled to the ground then kissed by a petite red headed stranger. Especially when their wives were standing a mere 3 feet from them. She shook her head in disbelief just thinking about it. The action of shaking her head...something caught her attention. A smell, so familiar, but... She sniffed around the air trying to find it again. She shook her head again, leaned down to her right, then her left, finally stopping at her left shoulder. His cologne. She could smell his cologne on her jacket. Her eyes fluttered. That scent threatened to overwhelm her senses and make her swoon- The flash of bright red lights caused her to slam her foot to the break pedal, just missing the stopped car ahead of her. 'Where'd you come from,' she thought questioningly. The next words she spoke out loud, "Get a grip, Dana!" After taking a much needed long breath, she glanced at the street sign to her right. 3 blocks? Was she really that close? Her heartbeat quickened at the thought. Gently, she applied pressure to the accelerator pedal, attempting to pace herself. Out of the blue, a thought occurred to her. What if he wasn't as excited to see her? What if he didn't want to see her tonight? They hadn't actually planned on meeting tonight. She just assumed...but on the phone this morning, he'd sounded like he missed her just as much. Like he couldn't wait for her to get home... Her thoughts trailed off, filling with doubt. A mild wave of panic started to settle in her chest like a heavy brick squishing her lungs. Why hadn't she thought of that before? Tears sprung to her eyes, lining her lids and blurring her vision. After brushing the few salty drops away that had run down her cheeks, she pulled over in front of his apartment building, and shut off the car. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ He set his glass of water down on the coffee table and walked at a leisurely pace to his window. The stars were so bright, at least three times their normal size tonight. The moon was large with it's spotless complexion, seemingly daring the sun to come up and attempt to out-shine it. He dropped his gaze to the car parked in the street below. He held his breath as he watched the drivers side door open slowly, and as if in slow motion, a redhead stepped out. The sheen of her auburn hair seemed so cold, it chilled his soul leaving him frozen him in time. But then she turned her head towards the window. The sight of her face bathed in moonlight warmed his heart, and before he could register what was happening, his legs carried him out his front door. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Just seconds before) 
She gathered all the courage she had and opened the car door. 
'Just go Dana', she whispered to herself. 'The worst he could say is 'not tonight' right?' With that said, she climbed out of her car and gazed up at the moon. She swore she could feel a pull from it, an invitation filled with it's energy, drawing a slight smile from her. Her eyes trailed over the horizon and up to his apartment window. She nearly gasped when she saw his silhouette framed by the window pane. Her body reacted before her mind, and she was sprinting into his building. As she made it inside and passed the stairs, she half thought about taking them so not to have to wait for an elevator. But the 'ding' that announced the elevator's arrival on her floor caught her attention. She halted in her tracks and turned to see the doors separating. There he was. She hesitated. The look on his face was unreadable. She smiled. She didn't care if he was unhappy about her surprise visit...all she cared about was touching him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The doors opened and there she was. So confused. So unsure. So beautiful. He opened his mouth to call to her, but he found his voice betrayed him and nothing would come out. So, using his index finger, he motioned for her to him. Slowly, she made her way over to him, never breaking eye contact. When they were both in the elevator and the doors closed, his left hand smacked the emergency button. Though a buzzer sounded loud in the small space for a moment, there was no longer anymore confusion...no more doubt.  Her hands went up to his face and pulled his lips to meet her own. The kiss was sweet and tender at first, like a virgin kissing their first lover for the first time. So pure and innocent. His teeth gently nibbled on her bottom lip...the sliding of his warm, slick tongue across it caused a deep moan to curl from her throat. Then suddenly his tongue was in her mouth, dancing with her own. His hands were sliding down her waist to her thighs. Using his fingers, he inched up her skirt. Her hands were at his belt working quickly, like a child tearing through the wrapping paper of a present to get to the goodies inside. The second she got his pants open, they fell to the floor, mirroring her panties. She stepped out of them quickly, and kicked them aside. She felt his hands slide a few inches down from her hips, and in one swift motion, he'd lifted her and pushed her against the elevator wall with her legs wrapped around his waist, ankles locked. He looked into her eyes, seeking unspoken permission. She smirked and cocked her eyebrow. He almost orgasmed standing there when her tongue darted out to moisten her lips. Instead, he grabbed a hold of her ass and shoved himself into her. There was no hesitation as they worked into a smooth motion right away with him pulling her hips closer to surround himself within her, while pressing her back into the wall. His hand slipped up her neck and grabbed a handful of hair, pulling her head to the side. She gasped as she felt his teeth nip at her neck, the sensation building up the anticipation to her impending release. Her hands clawed at his shoulders, her thighs tightening...begging for more of him. His pace quickened, signaling to her that he was about to come, and the thought pushed her over the edge...pushing her across the fine line from sanity into pure ecstasy. He followed her moments later, her name dripping off of his beautiful lips as he pooled into her. After a few seconds, he pressed his sweat glistened forehead against hers and sighed, "Missed you...welcome home." The End :)
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Meet The Anderson’s: Chapter 11
Hey guys! It's been a while (very nearly 2 years!) and for that I'm extremely sorry. I've said it several times before in the notes of this story, including in Chapter 9 but I really need to learn to back up my stuff :/. Unfortunately after the last chapter my laptop completely died and I lost absolutely everything to do with this story an any other ideas that I had at the time. I did find the motivation to write some one shots and a story for the Blaine Big Bang but this story became a real sticking point for me. I couldn't seem to get the boys right and it was really annoying me which led to me losing any motivation I had to get this finished. Over the last few months though I've received a few messages about the fic and @forabeatofadrum wrote an awesome oneshot about the boys during the 2016 Klaine advent (go read it I've left the link at the bottom the boys are dead on!). Between that fic and the messages I've received I found my love for these boys again and have managed to create a timeline and remap out the whole story.
Hopefully there are some people who are still interested in this story even though it's two years later and Glee is long over now. Anyway I'm going to try and finish this off this time and I definitely have everything backed up several times over! Hope you enjoy and as ever let me know what you think.
Part 1   Part 2    Part 3    Part 4    Part 5    Part 6    Part 7    Part 8    Part 9    Part 10
Chapter 11: Sing It For The World
"That's it! I give up, it is impossible to choreograph these guys!" Bentley glared around the group of glee club boys in particular, Blaine's shoulders shaking with the effort to keep in his laughter. "Nationals is in one week and you still look like a bunch of uncoordinated bumbling idiots."
Finn winced, "Benny we have to get this right. We can't lose our nationals trophy, not now."
Bentley mumbled under his breath, gaze sweeping around the sheepish looking choir group as the bell rang shrilly for first period. "Fine. Sam, Ryder, Joe, Sugar, Unique and Marley meet me in the auditorium as soon as lunch starts. Then all of you will meet me there after school and we will run through the entire choreography…again." Grabbing his bag from the floor he ran his hands through his fly away curls. "Look I can't sing for shit, but choreography? That's my game. I can dance up a storm and damn it I will pull all of you kicking and screaming along with me if I have to. We'll go all night if we have to."
"All night?" Artie whimpered watching Bentley and Kitty sweep out of the choir room door.
Blaine shrugged, well aware of how serious Bentley could be when it came to choreographing. He had watched numerous 'dance troupes' that Bentley had thrown together fall apart due to Bentley's growing frustration with their inability to pick up the moves fast enough. His brother never did quite understand why other seven year olds weren't also natural dancers. Sighing he grabbed his own bag, heading for his AP History class with Tina and Artie in tow. One more week and they would be in LA. One more week and Glee club as they knew it would be over forever, only the seniors last Nationals competition currently stood in their way.
Blaine trembled slightly as Jean Baptiste and the members of 'Throat Explosion' marched past the New Directions, each of them smirking and hollering as they went. The rest of the glee club stood in shock, mouths dropped open, watching their competition stride confidently for the elevator bank that would take them to the hotel rooms they were staying in.
Mercedes was the first to recover, coughing loudly and levelling each of the younger New Directions with an intense stare. "We have got to beat them."
"And we will…looks like we have our own cheerleader," Artie sniggered, watching the tall boy saunter across the lobby towards them, pulling off a pair of black Ray Bans with a grin.
"Kurt!" Blaine yelled, launching himself at his boyfriend and instantly locking lips with him, shooting Bentley the finger when the boy started fake gagging behind them.
Mr Schuester cleared his throat quietly, eyebrows rising when the two boys ignored him. Shooting Finn a look, he motioned towards the two teenagers. Finn raised his own eyebrow looking from his brother to Mr Schue and back again. Finally understanding what the older man was asking he shook his head vehemently, marching to the desk to check the group in. Mercedes shook her head fondly at the two lovers before following Finn to ensure he checked everyone in to the right rooms.
"Blaine, you're erm, you're going to have to erm, share a room with the rest of the glee boys," Mr Schuester said firmly, finally gaining the attention of the duo when Blaine pulled away from Kurt with a pout.
Kurt glared at the older man, glad to no longer call him a teacher, before pulling away and sighing, wrapping an arm around Blaine's waist. "No good staying with me anyway," He smiled squeezing Blaine's waist lightly before releasing him.
"Why not?"
"Blainey! Benny!"
"Oh dear god no," Blaine groaned, whipping around to see a hoard of his brothers enter the lobby. Quickly doing a head count, he frowned when he noticed three missing.
Kurt laughed gently, "Yep the second I said I was coming I suddenly had an entourage gate crashing my room."
Tilting his head he turned to Kurt curiously, "Why aren't they staying with Cooper and Austin?"
"Cooper kicked me out," Austin's voice boomed across the lobby as he and Pippin rounded the corner wearing matching Hawaiian shirts and board shorts, completing their outfits with large wicker hats. Blaine shook his head when his head count now showed only Cooper missing.
"I wonder why," Bentley muttered under his breath, eyeing the older twins outfits up and down with a horrified look. He yelped when Blaine elbowed him in the side and glared at him.
"Why?" Sam asked, grinning at the twins and high fiving them each separately.
Austin rolled his eyes and crossed his arms across his chest, dropping onto the arm of the armchair Marley was sitting in and winking at the girl to make her laugh, Blaine smacking him round the head and glaring at him steadfastly. "Apparently he has a super important audition and I'd just be distracting him," Austin grinned at his twin and rolled his tongue over his lip ring. "That and Pippin landed last night and we may have pissed him off a fair bit."
"There we go," Kurt muttered rolling his eyes and kissing Blaine's temple quickly before going to greet Finn and Mercedes at the counter.
Bentley frowned, eyeing each of his brothers as they filled out the relatively large lobby. "That still doesn't explain why you're all staying in Kurt's room though."
Noah beamed and slung an arm around Bentley's shoulders. "In the defence of your older brothers Sunshine," Bentley stomped on his foot and threw him a dirty look shrugging out of his hold when Noah laughed. "Lijah, Luc and I have our own room."
"Why don't the rest of you have your own rooms anyway?" Elijah asked, glancing around at each of his younger brothers and Ollie with a raised eyebrow.
"To be honest we weren't going to come. We managed to catch the flight with Kurt last minute," Jude grinned.
Reed, Pippin and Austin glanced quickly to each other with twinkling eyes, "Ditto."
"Because you losers couldn't afford to get your own rooms at any hotel in this city last minute," Blaine grumbled rolling his eyes.
Pippin chuckled softly pulling Blaine onto the couch with him. "But little brother this is just so much more fun!" Blaine laughed softly, allowing his head to fall to his big brother's shoulder.
"At least we let Kurt have the bed!" Reed grinned bouncing down on Blaine's other side and snuggling into his younger brother.
"Thank the lord for small mercies," Kurt muttered returning to the group with Finn and a bunch of room keys.
"Okay so boys you're in 1012 and girls you're in 1007," Finn smirked, "And Mr Schue, Mercedes and I all have rooms between you so don't try anything." The glee club grumbled lowly collecting all of their belongings and starting to head for the elevators.
Kurt glanced to the pile of brothers curled up on the couch and on the floor surrounding the couch catching up. He grinned at Blaine still snuggled up between Pippin and Reed looking half asleep but happier than he had during the last six weeks of their Skype sessions. Kurt could easily say from experience that Skype sessions made no comparison to an in person catch up, especially for someone like Blaine who responded to physical contact. Tossing his room keys to Austin he shot him a grin and followed Mercedes to the elevator bank, planning to help her pick out her outfit for the competition.
Kurt yawned and stretched in the early morning LA sun. He had fully been intending to sleep in after his first night in the City of Angels. This should have been his first day with no early morning dance classes or early morning shifts at the diner, or early morning flights to New York from Ohio, in almost two months. Sharing a room with Blaine's brothers though it had quickly become evident that Pippin and Austin's synchronised snoring, coupled with Jude murmuring in his sleep, was going to leave no chance of sleeping late before the competition. Kurt attached his iPhone to his armband and placed the ear buds in his ears carefully. He took a deep breath of warm salty air before starting to jog along the beach, the shimmering Pacific Ocean crashing on his left hand side and the 'Wicked' soundtrack blasting in his ears.
Spotting a familiar head of spiked up black hair a mile into his run Kurt glanced to his watch, raising an eyebrow when he noticed it was still only seven thirty. Veering to his left, he jogged towards the young man and dropped onto the warm sand beside him chuckling as Reed jumped a mile into the air.
"Jesus dude. You gave me a freaking heart attack," Reed sighed, running a hand through his hair as Kurt pulled out his ear bud.
"I'm sorry what?"
Reed just glared at his brother's boyfriend, muttering to himself and returning to running his hands through the sand. Kurt eyed him closely, taking in the deep purple circles under the newly turned twenty year olds eyes and the paler than normal complexion.
"So do you want to tell me what's going on Reedy?" Kurt smiled softly, nudging the slightly older boy gently with his shoulder and lifting his sunglasses to the top of his head. "You look like you haven't slept in a week at least."
Reed chewed his bottom lip nervously eyes, staring out at the endless water stretching out before him, the waves muting the noises of the wakening city that lay beyond the beach. Sighing loudly, he turned to face Kurt, smiling softly when Kurt followed his lead, their crossed knees touching as they looked at each other.
"Is it seriously clichéd if I say that I'm confused?" He asked, eyes boring into Kurt's, hands twisting together on his lap.
Kurt reached out and took one of the young mans shaking hands in his, "I would say confused about what but I'm pretty sure you've been battling this for the whole six months I've known you."
"Has it really only been six months?" Reed asked wryly, tearing his eyes from Kurt's when the blue eyed boy raised an eyebrow at the attempt to change the subject.
"Yeah," Reed murmured, releasing a breath he didn't realise he had been holding. He placed one hand over his heart, feeling it racing at the simple mention of the Dalton boys name while his chest felt like it was starting to untangle from the knots that had built up over the last few months of his worrying and fretting. "Sebastian."
Kurt smiled gently, squeezing Reed's hand. "And what about him?"
"I think I'm in love with him Kurt." Reed's lost coffee coloured eyes, so much like Blaine's that Kurt felt the tug on his heartstrings, searched Kurt's understanding ones pleading silently for help. "I don't understand." Reed pounded the sand in frustration, "And we had a hell of an argument two weeks ago and I haven't spoken to him since. I miss him Kurt." Reed's voice cracked with the last statement and he blinked rapidly trying to clear the tears flooding his vision.
Kurt reached out and carefully took hold of Reed's other hand. "What did you guys fight about?"
Reed shook his head laughing harshly, "It was stupid really, well probably not I guess." He drew in a shaky breath, "Bash asked what he was to me and I couldn't give him an answer. He hung up and hasn't picked up the phone or answered any messages since, but I know he was over at your house the other day because Benny messaged to ask why he looked like shit."
"Much like you," Kurt smirked, grinning when he earned himself a sharp chuckle from Reed. "If you think you're in love with him what's the problem?"
"I've never felt this way about a guy before," Reed ran a quivering hand down his face. "I've only ever been with girls up 'til now, not that any of those relationships ever lasted long at all, or that there have been many of them."
Kurt tilted his head to the side, "Have you ever found guys attractive before now?"
Reed snorted lightly, "I was fifteen when Blaine came out to us and I had Jude and Ollie around not long after that. If you don't think I've heard every argument you could possibly hear about why Zac Efron or Leonardo Dicaprio are ridiculously hot you must be dreaming." Eyes flickering over to the ocean Reed smiled softly at the memories of arguments that had floated around the dining room table once Blaine and Jude had both come out, each of their brothers more than eager to give their own opinions on the celebrity of choice that month. He was definitely thankful that at least some of his family was as progressive as the brothers were.
"And your opinions on that?"
Reed shrugged, "Not my type." He smiled softly, "But I did always have a slight thing for John Mulaney from SNL... and maybe Andrew Garfield if he had green eyes."
Kurt chuckled softly, well aware of who both of those celebrities looked like. "You know your brother taught me something once Reed. It pissed me off completely at the time and caused a massive argument between us but that was only because I was jealous and he was going on a date with Rachel Berry." Reed's eyebrows shot into his hairline and Kurt chuckled softly, shrugging good naturedly, and ignoring Reed's unasked question, "All I wanted at that point was for him to be mine."
"That's all you still want now."
"Oh absolutely," Kurt nodded, fingers finding the necklace around his neck and fiddling discretely with the ring attached to it, "forever if I get my way, and I make sure I get my way these days." Reed laughed softly and Kurt beamed at him. "But he told me 'you fall in love with a person, not with a gender' and he was right. I mean sure there has to be attraction and I guess that's what truly ends up separating everyone at the end of the day. I mean some people are attracted to men, some to women and some to both. It's as simple as that. It's people butting in with opinions that really shouldn't matter that complicate everything." Kurt frowned slightly, his own fingers running through the cool sand. "I don't try to understand it but you know I can't say that if Blaine were a girl I'd love him any less than I do. I may not be attracted to him, but I'd still love him and he'd still be my best friend."
"I kissed him at the twins birthday," Reed whispered with a small smile.
"Uh-huh and how was that?"
Kurt laughed softly, "Boy you've got it bad."
Groaning Reed fell backwards onto the sand. "I know. That's part of the problem."
"Honestly Reed, I'm not sure I'm the person you should be talking to all of this about but I'm honoured you did choose me and I think you guys should give this a shot," Kurt grinned standing up and dusting the sand from his shorts. "I honestly don't think I've ever seen the two of you happier than when you're together."
"I need to talk to Bash." Reed sighed taking Kurt's hand when it was offered letting Kurt pull him to his feet.
"Yep you do, but right now we have to go and wake everyone up and watch your brothers kick some ass at Nationals."
"Damn straight," Reed chuckled, "And Kurt?"
"Thank you."
"Don't mention it," Kurt grinned, tying his sneaker and throwing Reed a look, "Race you back to the hotel!" He shouted before taking off, Reed hot on his heels feeling lighter than he had in months.
"We won, we won, we won, we won!" Bentley and Sam chanted bouncing around the tiny hotel room and nearly hitting the entire Glee club and Anderson clan on the head with the large Nationals trophy they were tossing back and forth.
Elijah grabbed the trophy as it sailed through the air again, placing it on the ground and glaring at the two teenagers until they sulked off to the corner pouting and pulling faces at Elijah. Rolling his eyes, Elijah barricaded the Nationals trophy against the desk and threw a dirty look at the pair. "You guys may have won but we're going to end up in the ER with somebody's eye poked out if you keep throwing that around." The duo stuck their tongues out at Elijah and went back to pulling faces at him when he laughed.
"I can't believe how good you guys were," Noah grinned, reaching over Tina and attempting to ruffle Blaine's gelled hair. Blaine squeaked and dove behind Kurt and Brittany, glaring at his smirking older brother.
Lucas yelped as Blaine accidentally pushed him into Jake and Marley. "Okay this room is way too freaking small to handle all of these people."
"No kidding," Finn muttered glancing around the overcrowded single room filled with extra blankets and pillows for all of the boys currently sharing the small room.
Pippin and Austin glanced at each other eyebrows raised, "Party time!" They whooped, jumping in the air and nearly knocking out Kitty and Unique in the process.
"And where exactly do you idiots suggest we do that with a ton of minors in tow?" Lucas drawled with a shake of his head.
"Party at Cooper's!" Austin yelled, eyes sparkling.
Lucas sat up on the twin bed with a grin, "Let's get out of here."
"Sleepover at Cooper's!" Noah yelled, leading the charge back to other hotel rooms to pack a small bag.
"Cooper's going to kill us," Elijah chuckled, scrubbing his hands down his face, "He specifically said he needed quiet."
"Lighten up Lij," Bentley grinned, slinging his backpack over one shoulder and his other arm around his older brother, leading him from the room. "He said the important thing was today which is why he couldn't come to Nationals. SO anyway I need to go bitch him out for missing my awesome choreography." Elijah rolled his eyes and pushed Bentley out of the door laughing and chasing him up the corridor to his own room.
"Mr Schue's going to be mad," Finn sighed. "I was supposed to keep them all in line."
Mercedes snorted, folding her arms across her chest, "Like he's even going to notice Finn. Let's face it Mr Schue's a bit preoccupied in any case. I haven't even seen him since they announced the winners."
"I feel like that happens at every Nationals competition," Kurt muttered, pecking Blaine quickly and following the mass exodus from the boys' room.
"Bentley I need you to tell me everything you know about art!" Cooper yelled charging into the living room and screeching to a stop in front of his younger brother. Conversation in the room ceased as the gaggle of teenagers and young men turned to stare at Cooper staring at Bentley with wide eyes.
Bentley pulled his flannel trousers over his feet and looked at his eldest brother with inquisitive eyes. "Coop, I'm about to study art and photography at Colombia. What I know took a shit ton of time to learn and would probably take even longer for me to teach you."
"Can you give me a crash course? I'm begging you Benny," Cooper dropped down to his knees in front of his brother, throwing in the puppy dog eyes for good measure.
Rolling his eyes, Bentley leaned back against the overstuffed armchair and looked at Cooped through half lidded eyes, knees still drawn up to his chest, "Seriously Coop why the sudden interest?"
"I just really need to know, in particularly what you know about art forgery?"
Eyebrows raising into his curls Bentley smirked at Cooper, Austin and Pippin suddenly joining him on the arms of his chair. "Thinking of a career change Coop?"
Cooper sighed, growling in aggravation. "Please Benny. I'm desperate."
"Hey Pip, hear that," Austin grinned at Pippin over the top of Reed's head.
"Why yes Aus I believe I did just hear Cooper utter those fatal words," Pippin beamed back at his brother, Cooper groaning and placing his hands over his face.
"He's desperate," The twins crowed together.
"Benny boo our advice would be not to give in until you see how far you can get with this first…"
"Get him to drive you anywhere you want while you're here," Pippin interjected.
"Ooh or take you to all the theme parks in the area…"
"Do your laundry for at least a year…"
"Buy all your take outs for a year…"
"Aim for a holiday somewhere really far away…"
"I got a role as a world renowned art forger!" Cooper yelled, cutting the twins off before their suggestions could get more out of hand.
The room dropped into silence once more before all of the brothers let out whoops of joy and leapt on top of Cooper. Others present in the living room had the good sense to dive out of the way of the growing pile of laughing Anderson brothers.
"Seriously Coop?" Noah grinned.
"That's awesome!" Elijah frowned suddenly whacking Cooper's arm and glaring at him, "Why the hell didn't you tell anyone?"
Cooper chuckled softly, "I really, really wanted this one guys and I just didn't want to jinx it. Let's face it, I'm not the best actor in the world."
"So this is why you've been so much of a pain in the ass lately!" Austin snickered, ignoring Cooper's glare.
Blaine rolled his eyes, elbowing Austin sharply in his side. "Coop, you're better than you think you are," He paused, tilting his head to the side slightly, "Just don't try to teach it again, that you're not so good at."
"So…what does the role entail?" Bentley smirked eyes twinkling, "And yes I will try to teach you as much as I can before you start filming."
"Okay so the show's called 'White Collar' and I play a guy called Neal Caffrey," Cooper's whole face lit up as he lamented what the role would involve to his fully entranced audience, his brothers thrilled Cooper had finally found a show that would last beyond one episode.
Cooper slowly trailed off, after he had described everything he knew so far about the show, eyes blinking at the other faces watching him from around his living room. His brow furrowed in confusion and he tilted his head mentally trying to count all of the teenagers and young adults camped out in his living room. "Wait why are there so many teenagers in my house?" He questioned eyes searching the glee club members and his brothers curiously.
The brothers each just looked at each other laughing lightly and sending a barrage of pillows at Cooper as he yelped and dove out of the way yelling at them to stop.
Cooper's eyes darted around the airport, desperately trying to keep an eye on each of his brothers to make sure that they weren't getting themselves into yet more trouble. "Damn twenty odd year olds I should've stopped having to do this when they were teenagers." Watching Austin and Pippin commandeer a luggage trolley he raised an eyebrow at them, shaking his head when they sheepishly stepped back from it again. "I hate airports," He sulked, watching Kurt and Blaine whisper to each other in the nearby chairs.
"Hey Coop?" Jude smiled shyly appearing at his oldest brothers side.
Cooper smiled, patting the spot beside him on the floor with a smile. "What's up Twinkle Toes?" Jude rolled his eyes with a small smile, sliding down the wall and resting his head on Cooper's shoulder. "I haven't seen you around much while you've been here."
"I'm not the one who was avoiding his family for three days."
"Point taken," Cooper laughed softly, leaning his head on top of Jude's curls.
"Seriously though Coop, congratulations you really, really deserve this."
"Thanks Jude. Now what did you come over here for?"
Slowly unzipping his carry on bag, Jude pulled out an envelope and turned it over in his hands three times, chewing his lip nervously before handing it to a curious Cooper. Motioning for his brother to open the envelope, Jude watched Cooper's icy blue eyes widen as he read the ticket in the envelope.
"You want me to come to your graduation?" Cooper grinned, knowing how hard Jude had fought to get more tickets than the two he had been allocated. The twenty two year old had been fretting down the phone to his oldest brother for the last six months over what he would do if he couldn't get enough for his family to be there. "Jude are you sure?"
Jude nodded vehemently. "Ollie got first choice in all honestly, and I genuinely think he wouldn't have hesitated to murder anyone else to get a ticket if I hadn't given him the first one," Jude frowned, shaking his head fondly as Cooper laughed. "But Coop…you raised me. Let's face it, from a ridiculously young age you gave up so much to help raise me, to help raise all of us. I'm not even sure I'd have ever even gotten into Julliard without your pushing. You were the one who first signed me up for dance classes back in Ohio…"
"Well I needed some way for you to release all the damn energy you always seemed to have."
Jude glared but laughed gently, "I want you there Coop."
"I'd be honoured," Cooper grinned, pulling Jude closer and holding him tightly. "So June seventh huh?"
"Yeah," Jude beamed, "At that point I become a fully fledged member of the New York City Ballet Company."
"I'm proud of you Jude."
"Thank you," Jude whispered, leaning his head on Cooper's shoulder again.
"Kurt!" Reed yelled, screeching to a stop in front of Kurt and Blaine, cheeks flushed and eyes shining.
"Damn Reed where's the fire?" Blaine snickered sleepily, his head tucked into Kurt's neck. Smiling at his brother, he leaned closer into his boyfriend and closed his eyes again determined to catch twenty minutes sleep while he was wrapped up in Kurt's arms.
"Kurt I called Bash!" Reed beamed manically.
"And?" Kurt grinned, sitting bolt upright to look at the ecstatic young man. Rolling his eyes at Blaine's whine of discontent he wrapped his arms tightly back around the teenager, smiling when he felt him nuzzle the ring hidden under his shirt before looking back to Reed.
"He's going to fly to Atlanta for the weekend," Reed jumped when his phone vibrated chuckling softly at it and swiftly typing out a reply. "We're going to discuss everything. I mean it's not a solution but…"
"It's a start," Kurt said happily, chuckling when Reed jumped at the overhead announcing the boarding of a handful of the flights that the brother's would be taking out of LAX.
Pulling Blaine to his feet, Kurt chuckled as he watched Blaine instantly be swept up into bone crushing hugs by his older brothers. Glancing to the side and seeing Ollie standing watching the Anderson's affectionately Kurt headed over to join him.
"They may be complete idiots but they sure do love each other," Ollie smiled, laughing as Bentley tried to escape the group hug only for Lucas to grab his collar and haul him back into the middle.
"Wait! We're missing something," Austin sighed pulling back slightly.
Pippin smirked when his eyes caught on his twins, "Group shuffle!"
"Oh no," Ollie cried trying to dodge out of the way and failing as the brothers grabbed the two closest extensions of their family and pulled them into the cuddle.
Cooper chuckled stepping back, "Right let everyone go before they miss their damn flights and I'm stuck with them for longer."
"Well that's just positively mean Coop," Pippin pouted, "Maybe I should try the comedy circuit in LA."
"Yes!" Austin grinned.
Cooper's face went slack and he shoved Pippin's carry on bag into his arms, "Hell no. You are getting on that flight to Chicago if I have to march you onto the plane and strap you down myself. As for the rest of you I will see you in Ohio on June fifth for the twins graduation."
"Our babies are graduating," Pippin and Austin each faux sobbed grabbing the younger twins who valiantly tried to fight them off.
"We're going straight from there to New York for Jude's on the seventh right?" Reed said still beaming at his phone.
"Erm guys, I couldn't get you all tickets," Jude murmured sheepishly, leaning on Ollie.
The brothers all turned to look at him, identical mystified expressions on their faces making the Glee club and Kurt laugh. "Julian Alexander Anderson if you think that's going to stop us from cheering loudly for you in the middle of NYC or taking you out for a celebration you are seriously deluded," Elijah chuckled.
"Yeah bro, any excuse to embarrass each other right?" Noah grinned.
"You guys are idiots," Jude said, hiding his face in Ollie's shoulder when his voice cracked.
"Right let's go home time for you morons," Cooper smirked, trying to push them all towards security, "You've all wreaked enough havoc on my city and it needs time to recover."
Part 12
So my aim is to update at least once a week from now on until the end hopefully. As it's mapped out Meet The Anderson's is going to have 22 chapters so this is roughly the halfway point and I have definitely learned my lesson and have three back ups of everything so far. Anyway here's hoping that there are some of you still interested in this story and please let me know what you think. Also totally go and check out Forabeatofadrum's story about the boys it's awesome and some of what gave me the enthusiasm to start writing the boys again. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it and there'll be another up next week!
18 notes · View notes
onlyjihoons · 8 years ago
Request:  @his-ghoulfriend: can i req a boyfriend renjun pls?? thanks i loved your other versions!
helLo thank you so much for requesting and i’m super sorry this took so so so long as well!?!?!?? i hope this is good and i hope you enjoy it ❤
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i got a feeling that renjun w climb up my bias list after this
ok lets start
so how ya’ll met:
renjun was your mom’s friend-friend-friend-friend's son
and during chinese new year he came to visit your house
and wOaH hold on honey
this boy
is super cute
yet gives off a super model like vibe???
and ok you took the initiative to talk to him like
“hi i’m y/n! nice to meet you :)))))))”
and he SMILES with HIS TEETH
so cute
“i’m renjun, nice to meet you, y/n!”
and like 
you were like
swallowed by his visuals like HOW cAN SOMEONE BE CUHOT
in case you don’t know what cuhot means,,
it means cute+hot
i invented it
you’re welcome
ok back to the meeting
you and renjun hit on instantly bc 
1. you guys were about the same age
2.bc there were zero to no teenagers in your house except you guys
3. you guys had a crush on each other(!!!!)
and ya’ll kept talking and talking for god knows how long
and it was dinner time
so your mom invited his mom to eat huoguo(hotpot)
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ngl renjun was super excited bc he LOVES hotpot
you loved it too but there was one drawback:
you don’t take spicy food
bc spicy food triggers the gastric juices in your stomach pretty badly
and every damn time you eat something spicy by accident
your tongue is on fire
so yeah:(
when you guys tuck in to the food, renjun notices that you were way quieter than b4
when you were trying to flirt w him cough
and he grew worried so he asked why you aren’t eating much
and you said you couldn’t take spicy food
and his face FELL
and was super sad on your behalf
explaining how much good food you’ve missed
and like he even offered his non-spicy portion of food to you
to ensure that you’re well fed despite the spicy yet appetising food on the table
and your mom saw that and was like
huang renjun is my son-in-law ya’ll *sniffs*
ok and at the end of the meal when they left your mom pulls you aside like
“what do you think about that renjun boy?”
and honestly every time your mom tries to match-make you w other boys theyre gross af
but renjun is an exception so
“uhm he’s pretty nice,why?”
and your mom sHrIeKs
i might have went a bit too far there but oh well
so earlier on ya’ll exchange numbers and when you’re about to go to bed renjun texts you
“are you sleeping?”
“i was about to though”
“omg im so sorry go sleep!”
“nah its alright omg”
“did your mom say anything about me when we left?”
and you were like oUH 
and panicky
bc renjun could see if you had read his message on kakaotalk
and you kept thinking
“she said she wanted us to get married”
you rn:
but that was all in your head and praying renjun won’t judge u
ok irl renjun was bLUSHIING
bc he lowkey or highkey likes you 
and his mom complimented how pretty you were 
so he’s actually pleasantly surprised
“ahaha oh my your mom has wild aspirations”
and you heave a sigh of relief
“yeah she does”
fastforward 102947383 texts later
you guys are bestest friends
and surprise surprise ya’ll attend the same school as well??
its basically some bombass performing arts school
and you’re a dance major while renjun is a theatre major
idk which major singing was under so i put theatre
and there was one day your school had this project where dance majors and theatre majors would collaborate
like in pairs
you know where this is going right
you and renjun pair up ofc
and since renjun was decently good at dancing
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yes this move ya’ll dancing genius im chenle 10/10
ya’ll decided to do a dance x theatre combi
of romeo and juliet
oH ahem
and like at first its all those uhm
therefore arteu romeo thingy
i don’t take literature forgive me
then it changes in to uhm
idk what song is this but something upbeat alrite:
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smth like this
yoojung lee is my fave choreographer ok
yo and ya’ll blasted the showcase?!?!?!?!?
everyone was cheering
including teachers
and renjun hugged you(!!!!!)
and everyone went from
and like 
there were some sm scouting people there
and they saw renjun performing and singing
so they scouted him
and ngl you were so sad renjun was leaving china for his career and stuff
you contemplated wheter to audition for sm or smth
and he’s like
“i will visit you every month if there’s a break!!”
and at this point you were heavily infatuated w renjun
so you took the dive 
“i have been keeping this to myself for so long, and i like you”
renjun just stared at you like the world has fallen
and you panicked
“ah ah its alright uhm its just me, hahah, stupid feelings-”
that’s when renjun dragged you to a quieter area, like the store room of the school’s dance studio
and clumsy y/n lost her balance,,
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“in case you didn’t know already, i like you too y/n”
and then
uk what happens
the kiss of fate happens
not going into detail bc its just an innocent kiss ok
that was when ya’ll confessed to each other
renjun at first may come off as dense
but he’s actually super clingy and cute
but not too clingy most of the time 
most of the time
you’re studying in korea
while renjun focuses on practicing and his korean
ok can we just talk about his korean?!!? its so good and its almost on par w the korean members like it seemed like he has lived in korea for his whole life ok i shall stop
and you attend SOPA but its all good bc you are fluent in English too so language isn’t that much of a problem in school
but outside it’s a challenge cause not everyone speaks english or chinese
so you had to turn to the person closest to you
he would patiently explain to you what the sentences/phrases mean
and also encourage you when you make mistakes
and you improved your korean yay
and ya’ll go out on dates
i can prolly imagine those
ulzzang couple-ish vibe coming out
like renjun will sneak taeyong’s polariod camera in your bag
so ya’ll can take pictures of each other!!
bc like the memories are somewhat physical you know
like the actual picture
and when ya’ll go on dates renjun has a mask on
and you have a mask on too so he won’t feel lonely
but the challenge is 
if he wants to kiss you its virtually impossible
bc you have masks on
and he can’t let dispatch catch ya’ll
so one day ya’ll were at hangang park eating ramyeon
and you took of your mask
then renjun took off his as well
and when you ewre about to tuck in he kissed you
and you were shookt bc he wasnt the type to show affection so openly
“what are you doing?!?!?!?!”
“i’ve been wanting to do that for so long, baobei”
i m  w e a k
renjun doesn’t attend school in korea unfortunately(as far as i know)
but that doesn’t stop him from waiting outside school for you
ngl when he sees mark or jeno or jaemin or donghyuck
he gotta dashi run run run
bc they would suspect him
unless they arranged for an outing or smth after school
anyhow on one day they weren’t needed in school
but renjun said he had to go out to run some errands
but like mark left his textbook in school so he had to take it back for revision
so he was on his way to school like normal
and he sees renjun?!?
so he kind snoops at what renjun was doing
finds out that renjun is waiting outside SOPA
and agent mark 0208 whips out his phone, preparing to expose renjun when he goes back
but when he was about to press the capture button he sees you running towards renjun
and ya’ll:
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renjun was like 
“baobeiiiiiiiiii i missed you so much i can’t omg”
and you’re like
“huang renjun,, pls,, let,, go,, we’re,, in,, public,,,,”
agent mark 0208 was shookt
he clears his throat uncomfortably, making ya’ll push each other away
a little too forcefully
“renjun? you’re running an errand at my school?”
“no hyung, i just came to see my cousin.”
lies, renjun, lies
“oh really? i don’t know how close ya’ll are to call her baobei, and as far as i know, baobei means babe in chinese,, right??!?!1!11!!!”
in the end mark just sighs and said
“just don’t get caught, okay?”
he just smiles and walk away, probably shipping ya’ll so hard 
“who’s that?”
“its mark hyung, he’s the leader of our group.”
“are we gonna get caught?”
honestly you were super worried bc it could endanger renjun’s career and sour his ties with the company
and he cups your face like:
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“baobei, no matter what happens i will always be with you, and i know i’m being selfish but i love you so much, nothing can break us apart.”
that was enough to assure you for the rest of your life for the rest of the day
thank you for reading omg
i really hope ya’ll enjoy this:-)
sidenote i have 2 drabble requests sitting in my inbox for god knows how long
but after i complete those my inbox will be empty again:(
i apologise if i do your request late as i have homework and it takes time to plan and write out the request
but still
request bc i love writing hehe
ok i love ya’ll good day/night💘
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