#why doesnt anyone give a shit about alaska and our youth
twopercentboy · 3 months
probably the most radicalizing life experience I've had so far is going to highschool in rural Alaska.
watching the systems fail us over and over again really makes you want to raze the whole thing and start over. my friends and I should not have to watch our peers die every single year while everyone else pretends they care and are trying to help. the systems in place do nothing but harm us and the programs they're trying to establish to help us are never actually helpful. im just so tired and so angry that no one cares about the rural villages and their youth. my friends have all had siblings, cousins, childhood friends, die by suicide and no one ever cares. we shouldn't have to watch this happen over and over again. we have only ever been the number one state in one thing and it's our youth suicide rates. this has been a problem for longer than I've been alive, and still, nothing is Actually being done.
every single year of my highschool career at least 3 people attempted to kill themselves and that's just my school. another one of my classmates died a couple days ago because the systems failed her too, and still, nothing ever fucking changes.
I'm just so fucking tired of it, we shouldn't have to watch this happen, the government should be trying harder to lower the suicide rates, they should be pushing resources to the villages every chance they get, but they don't, because when have they ever cared about our native youth?
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