#why doesn't tumblr let me do m dashes
Explore tagged Tumblr posts
a small collection of shit the tumblr treebark community has tagged about cc!renchanting. Everyone feel free to contribute, many of these are pretty recent (from the infinite pining era), not from old posts!
#omg just call him hes not your ex #i think about this so much. bro really was just like man that guy was weird. i think i’m in lo— #also this was very heterosexual of martyn. #relationship goals (they are not dating) #I hate them so much I fucking hate them #MARTYN WHEN I CATCH YOU MARTYN #can martyn like get a job #is this real?? #never a boring day following martyn on Tumblr #once again im reblogging the gayest ass mcyt fanart from none other than martyn in the little wood #martyn this is a really gay post to reblog /silly #its the single pathetic bisexual dogboy swag # everyone say thank youse to false #theyre having gay sex in that box. ok! #this is why joel betrayed dogwarts right at the start #fellas is it gay to do Whatever this is #treebark in the eyes of those around them is apparently horrifying #the server has chemicals in the water that turns the fucking ccs gay for Ren diggity Dog #Jesus christ #martyn intheliitlewood what are you doing in my falafal #I almost went full crazy insane treebark fangirl in the tags until I saw martyn inthelittlewood official reblogged it #SOMETIMES YOU GOTTA ENTER YOUR SLUT ERA AND THAT IS FINE TOO #fuckin slay martyn go kiss men Now we just pray he doesn't find the smut artists and find out people assume he's a bottom #he broke into our house and won’t leave :( turns out he’s the one who built the house? i think that’s why we let him stay #‘classic treebark bait’ MY ASS #martyn that shit is straight out of a fanfic #i think martyn can lurk in treebark tag if he wants #martyn once again outing himself as a renboy #shoutout to cherri for the renchanting propaganda god bless #WTF REN YOU CANT DO THIS TO US #they make me homophobic #mans woke up in a cold sweat checked his tumblr askbox wrote That and then fucked off for the rest of the day like nothing happened #the m in martyn stands for manic pixie dream girl #people be normal in the tags challenge: failed #why is martyn writing fanfiction and putting it on my dash at 3 am? #Top 10 Signs You Should Dm Him:#Number 1: you're writing fanfiction in tumblr ask box answers
this is an incredible collection and i am flabbergasted by how you keep track of this. treebarkblr is hilarious
<3 <3 <3
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Lee idk why you are doing this but I can't believe you are friends with Layla. She is acting like a bully , harrasing random people on tumblr and then threatening them that she will make sure no one from her writer friends will read that person's fic. And you are silent on this ? Be fr. Idk about others but at least you shouldn't be friends with her. Because she has friends like you who are big writers on tumblr she thinks she can hate on anyone. Please stop being Layla 's bootlicker. That person ( explosivelywuisa is her username ) already got a lot of hate annon's because of Layla. I am sure you have seen m-ilkiee's post but you turned a blind eye. At least do not do favoritism here. Or are you a coward afraid to criticise her actions or call her out ?
Here is the post if you still choose to ignore this
I've gotten a few asks like this, and while I was going to let it be, this is the third or fourth one I've received so I'm just going to address this once by answering this ask because it was the most civil.
First of all, I've been busy lately and haven't been very active so I actually haven't seen Layla's post. The first time I heard about it was when I logged in this afternoon and saw this ask amongst others. Remember: just because it appeared on your dash, it doesn't mean that it appeared on my dash.
I don't condone bullying and harassment in any way, shape, or form. The comment Layla made about making sure none of her writer friends would interact was uncalled for, and had she reached out to me and told me not to interact I would have ignored her because as more experienced writers on this website it inappropriate and unkind for us to deliberately target and discourage new writers.
I mentioned this earlier briefly, but like I said, I didn't see the post. It's not fair to me, or anyone else who hasn't said anything to assume that we've seen it and are choosing to ignore it because we are "cowards."
I'm sorry to hear that explosivelywuisa has been getting hate. Truly. No one deserves it. However, I didn't see the post, and frankly if I had, I don't know if I would have "criticized" Layla for her actions simply because I am a human being that has a life outside of this blog and a lot on my plate. Meaning, I don't necesarily have the time or energy to start a confrontation like that.
I understand where you are coming from, and I hope that explosivelywuisa stops getting hate and that her fics are successful. But what about me? I didn't do anything. My only crime was not seeing a post, and subsequently not doing anything about the post I was unaware of. Due to this I got multiple asks calling me names like "bootlicker" and "a coward" because people are "convinced i turned a blind eye."
Finally, I'm truly flattered that you consider me a big writing blog, but I'm really not. My following isn't that big, and I highly doubt I have the influence you think I do.
I hope you have a nice day, and can think a little more about the person who will receive your ask before you send one next time.
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as the time approaches us, i just wanted to say that i am IMMEDIATEY sus of anyone who does not have an F mc (mainly @ those who have an mc for each ro EXCEPT F Hauville) and/or (doubly sus) doesn’t have any F content on their blog.
as someone who's also black myself I definitely agree with the F hauville not being as popular, specially since friends to lovers seems to be quite a popular trope in if, specially when the character in question is white or ambiguously light brown/tan skinned, but the author never mentions where the character is actually from (I wish more authors put where the character is from in terms of ethnicity and nationality because the amount of white washed art/erased ethnic features in art I've seen generally in the IF community is not cute but anyways). I do have some problems with the way F and M are portrayed and treated by the author at times, specially when it comes to some of the racial stereotypes used and the portrayal of Sin, an assyrian character in Book 3 as a trapped man, but that's a point for another day. I absolutely adore Wayhaven but I do wish that F was treated better by the fandom. I think sometimes some fans kind of infantilise F and just brush them off as the sassy best friend with no other role in the story, which is kind of sad because if you actually play they're route you get to see that theres more to them than meets the eye in the same way that the other ros do.
why do i need to say more when you already said it all so well anon?
bloop! what more can i say to this? this is true facts. like i get that sometimes a lot of people ARE tired of that trope -- especially on tumblr; and people do love the angsty. But it is STILL a very popular trope for a reason. And I've seen with my own eyes how the sweet RO/best friend RO goes well over when they aren't black (and in certain circumstances, when they aren't a person of color period -- but especially when they aren't black*) that I can't fully buy that the preference argument isn't back with some racial bias. But whatever, people can make peace with themselves about it. I will remain sus.
have you been reading my brain anon? because that was going to be my NEXT bitchy/vent post. But I was like let me pace the dashes. But respect for put it all out there.
I need writers to bring back putting descriptions on their intro posts (they did it for a time but stopped) or doing a description post immediately. 1) Because of what you stated and 2) because I want to make sure I'm not wasting my time on a game that is fully white. /shrugs. I mean I guess it is good that, if they feel they can't write minoroities not to include them at all -- because as you said, I wouldn't want to invest in a story where the black and brown characters are then treated stereotypically. But that still doesn't mean that I want to read a story where the majority is white and the lone amibigously brown/East Asian RO is barely developed.
No, do go on anon. (When you feel like it that is!) I'd love to read your thoughts. I do think Sera has improved in respects of her writing of F and M as characters in the story, both in and out of their own routes. However, I do agree that the whole Sin thing did make me side-eye hard. I heard she's gotten sensitivity readers, so we shall see how that goes.
Well stated. This is, in the crux, is my frustration of the matter. That and the fact that this is STILL an issue. As I stated in my tags, I HAVE seen improvement -- but just going through the F Hauville tag shows how much F is still a general afterthought to the general tumblr fandom.
#f hauville#twc#interactive fiction#my anons are so big brained#how about yours?#grapecase answers#the wayhaven chronicles#twc meta#*now there are exceptions: leo from lure of the gallows is a very popular black best friend ro#(but from what i can recall leo isn't dark skiinned. and leo is also the ONLY one i can think of)#speaking of that infantalization is why i was hesitant to reblog that one f fanart#with the arrow#it is interesting how experience shapes one's outlook -- bc as a black person that was immediately in the forefront of my mind#like if reblogging an art where f looks younger was enabling the treatment#i ended up reblogging it bc i didnt feel anything malicious wa meant but it's a reminder of how different our fandom experience is from a#white person's.#especially re: characters that look like us#and it sucks. and its tiring#(i mean sometimes it can be joy. and i love being black and lauding black characters. but man fandom is such such an intense microcosm of#the real world. and taht can be so annoying.#especially with how some of yall engage -- smh.)
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There is Thunder in Our Hearts
Summary: Due to an ill-fated decision of Ragnar's during a troubled time, Athelstan is almost killed. Which Ragnar blames himself for, of course. But accepting blame isn't something he's ever been skilled at. (Part 1)
Notes: Angst, mildly shippy, Athelstan POV for now, but I've got some really good ideas for a Ragnar perspective later so...we'll see. Set sometime after season 2 (or potentially within an alternate timeline of season 3??? I have no idea). Will be cross posted to AO3 (with Even More Notes!).
@levithestripper do you want this edit: forgot to also tag @procrastinatingsoicanreadfanfics I even AFTER I'd asked them if it was ok and proceeded to just. forget immediately. Now finally, the story.
The first thing Athelstan registers when he wakes up is that he is in pain, and a good deal of it.
After a long, fogged moment, he remembers why. And then panic hits him in a wave of cold sweat, his eyes snapping open so fast his head swims. Light stings his eyes, but not that of torches. Where are the earl of Guthbrand's men? Where are his own assigned fighters? He's too weak to sit up from where he's lying, let alone fight anymore...
He stifles a groan as his eyes fall shut again. His back rests against something soft, his skin seemingly bare...it's hard to think at all, let alone know where he is, or when, or how he got there. The worlds of past and present alike spin around in his head. Torchlight and taunts. Steel and the stench of burning flesh.
"Athelstan?" A voice cuts through the swirl of his thoughts. With a great deal of effort he opens his eyes again and sees the pale blur of a face hovering above him. It splits into two blurs, then melds back together into one again.
I am seeing things, he thinks. A vision. It's happened before.
"Ragnar?" he mutters, and his heart sinks. He's come back. He's heard about Athelstan's failure.
But he blinks hard, and it's a woman's face he sees. A frowning one, bathed in candlelight. "It's me," says Lagertha. "Don't talk - and don't move, are you mad?" she adds, as he tries to sit up and yelps in pain.
"I've been hurt," he says. She has to know, someone has to know soon or he'll surely die... "I - there's an arrow - "
"There was far more than that," says Lagertha, her frown deepening. "Lie still, will you? You'll start to bleed again."
Athelstan swallows hard, trying to calm himself. Now he can at least tell he isn't in the dark woods, slumped against tree roots and clinging to consciousness, and he isn't surrounded by the rival earl's men - that alone would be cause for celebration, if he had the strength for it. Instead he's inside, the wooden beams of the ceiling above him familiar now that he's awake enough to notice. The hall, of course. The bed he normally occupies when he spends nights there. A wax candle flickers and dances from somewhere near his bed. It must be night.
A straw mattress is beneath him, a heavy bundle of sheepskins and blankets drawn up over his bare chest and his right arm strapped firmly across it in a sling. If he tries to move it so much as an inch he quickly grows lightheaded with gnawing pain.
"Where is Ragnar?" he croaks out.
Something shifts in Lagertha's face, that he can't read. "Near. It was he who brought you back, after those fools of men left you abandoned."
Her words bring a sick swoop into his stomach. He closes his eyes, struggling not to let the memories overwhelm him.
I tried to make them listen, he thinks. I tried. I knew I couldn't, but I tried...
But he brought him back. Ragnar brought him back. He didn't deserve it.
Forgive me, he thinks, Oh God, forgive me.
He shifts again and a stab of pain slices through his shoulder. An arrow had taken Haakon too...he battles nausea as the image of it piercing his eye swims through his head. The old man had believed in him, if no one else had.
"Haakon is dead," he says quietly. "I - I saw him die. I was with him - "
Lagertha lays a hand gently on his uninjured shoulder. "Save your words. You need rest now; there is little more that can be done for you if you don't let yourself heal. Haakon was a wise man and a skilled warrior - the gods will care for him well."
The strangeness that it's her here with him and no one else finally sinks in. "Why are you here? I thought you were defending Hedeby."
Her lips tighten to a thin line. "We are little safer there than anywhere else. I have brought my people here, for a time, so together with Ragnar we can decide what to do next."
Athelstan frowns, trying to keep his head wrapped around what she's saying. "How bad has it been there?"
"We won't talk of that now. When you are better."
"I need to find Ragnar," Athelstan repeats, but when he tries to sit for the second time his vision goes black around the edges. Lagertha shoves him back down again, harder than before. "I told you to stay put, priest. Ragnar can wait."
Breathing hard, Athelstan closes his eyes again, too feeble to fight the sting rising behind them. How could he have been such a fool?
It's Ragnar who is the fool, not you, he thinks, somewhere in the darker corners of his mind. But he cannot say that aloud. He'll take the blame, it's far easier and neater than placing it on his best friend's head.
But he had asked Ragnar not to send him - came very close to begging him not to. That was a fact.
"Keep me here, where I can advise you," he'd told him. "You have sent away all your best fighters elsewhere - and I have never been one of them. Wait until the raiding party returns from the west, at least."
But his friend had given him a look that - long though he'd lived with the Norsemen and seen many that were fiercer - had unnerved him. Ragnar had been in a vicious and unpredictable mood of late - Thor-like, Athelstan had thought privately. And who could blame him with unrest on all sides of his kingdom?
"I will send who I like", he'd said gruffly. "Do you think I should not trust you? Have you given me reason not to trust you, priest?"
The way he approached Athelstan then, the glint in his eyes when he looked down at him, brought back all too strong memories of their first meeting. There was a breathless moment where he had to forcibly remind himself that he and Ragnar were no longer enemies. That this was only a mood, one of which his friend had often.
"You can trust me," he said quietly. "You can trust me as your advisor, but I doubt other men will trust me as their leader whatever you might think. In their eyes I am still a Christian - "
"They will listen to me," said Ragnar, infuriatingly confident. "I am their king. If I tell them you are to lead them into battle, they will follow you."
Athelstan may have been less of a fighter than his fellows, but in that moment he had to work very hard at not letting himself break something. "And if they don't? It would be far more beneficial to give this job to another." He paused. "You sent Torstein away - "
"After you had advised me not to. So how can you know I plan to take your advice at all, even if you do remain?"
Athelstan closed his eyes and breathed deeply. Once. Twice. "You will have sent everyone away who is close to you, save for your wife and sons, if you do this," he said. "Why, Ragnar?"
Ragnar didn't look at him, giving a twitchy half shrug. "We are besieged," he said. "The Gotlanders think us weak, and mean to humiliate me. And the earl of Guthbrand thinks he can get away with raiding our lands. My lands." There was a map on his table - carefully made with Athelstan's help - that he stared down at, so intently it was as if he wished to burn it to ash with his gaze alone.
Then he looked up at Athelstan, still as menacing as ever. "Do you know how hard it is? To be tied to this hall and that chair?" he nodded carelessly to the fur-covered bench he had taken as a throne. "I would like with all my heart to make corpses of Guthbrand and all his dogs, to take on the Gotlanders myself - but I am king of these people now. It is my duty to remain here, to protect Kattegat. That duty belongs not to you, not to my brother, not to any of my fiercest warriors. To me."
He came closer, eyes piercing into Athelstan's head. "Your duty is to remain loyal to your king. Would you disobey me?"
Athelstan held his gaze. "I would not."
"Then you are going to Guthbrand. And you are bringing me the leader of the rebels, alive."
That was days ago now. Athelstan does not know how many. "Lagertha," he says, turning his head as much as he can to look up at her, "how long has it been? How long since..."
She adjusts a wool blanket where it's fallen from his shoulder. "Ragnar brought you back two days ago. You were barely alive."
Two days, he thinks grimly. It took Christ three to rise from the dead.
He can't recall being brought back. All he remembers after the night in the woods is pain and darkness and voices he wasn't sure if he knew.
"What - how bad - "
"You took an arrow through your shoulder, and one in the leg, and many wounds besides that," she says. Athelstan can't help but notice her voice is far gentler than what he is used to, and his heart sinks. Has his state worried her so badly?
"And Ragnar - "
"Yes, he went looking for you - after the rest of his men came back laden with stolen goods, but without any sign of Guthbrand. He was not pleased."
It gives him the barest satisfaction to know that, at the very least, Ragnar was as frustrated as he had been with the company he'd taken north.
"Here - " Lagertha takes a cup in one hand, and helps him lift his head with the other. He's so weak even that is exhausting, but he gratefully accepts the water she holds to his lips.
One of her hands rests on his blankets. "You have lost much blood. You will need plenty of rest." She pauses, regarding him shrewdly. "Ragnar has worried. I have worried. I am relieved to see you recovering, as will he be when I tell him."
"Ragnar will hate me," he blurts out. It isn't until he says it that he feels how true the thought is and has been. The sting behind his eyes grows, paired with a lump in his throat. "I failed him."
Lagertha lets out a sharp breath through her nose. "Ragnar has been in an unreasonable temper, I have heard. He can be the most stubborn, impatient man in this world at the best of times - I know, I was married to him. You are not to be blamed for his foolish choices. If anything it should be you hating him, at least for a short time."
But Athelstan cannot summon the strength to blame Ragnar now. His shoulder throbs and his leg throbs and every bone aches, and all he can manage to think is that his pain can only be some sort of punishment.
"Priest," says Lagertha, not unkindly but with a hint of her old sternness, "I can read your face as easily as you read that holy book of yours. Do not blame yourself for what happened. You did all that was required of you - and it seems you are the only one who did."
"I tried to hold them off on my own," he says, unsure if he's trying to convince her or himself. He tries to swallow the lump in his throat. "When the others deserted...I didn't. I tried to fight."
When he'd taken his first arrow wound, when Haakon had fallen dead beside him, he had been certain he'd be next. And when the earl of Guthbrand's men had surrounded him where he staggered, he'd barely managed to whisper a final prayer to whichever god may be listening before he'd given a strangled yell and swung at them.
The fight hadn't been a long one. One of him and many of them...he'd managed to kill a few and injure more, but there was little to be done. At some point they must have believed him dead because they left him where he was to seek out the remainder of the men he'd brought with him. Even though most of them had scattered by then, having taken the loot they'd come for, not caring that Athelstan's - and Ragnar himself's - orders had been otherwise.
I tried to warn him, Athelstan thinks. One of those pointless tears leaks out of his eye. I warned him the others would not obey the plan. I warned him I was a weak leader. He ought to have known. I did try.
"Oh, Athelstan." The mattress creaks as Lagertha shifts closer to him. Her thumb brushes the place where the tear landed. "I am sure you fought well. You are no coward. Is that what you want to hear?"
I am a coward. But that is not what matters. "I thought I could - could keep them in line. I've never been a leader. I only wanted to do as he wanted and do it well, even if I knew it was foolish. But I failed. I failed."
He hears Lagertha sigh. "You have failed no one. But you are still weary and in pain, and I think once you have healed some more these thoughts will not trouble you so much."
What if he wants the thoughts to trouble him? He feels he more than deserves them.
Lagertha is trying to lift his head again. "The healer left this with you. It will ease your pain."
She spoons a bitter mixture of herbs into his mouth, and he tries not to wince. The relentless throb in his shoulder begins to dull almost immediately, but with it the fog in his head increases. He mutters a word of thanks and Lagertha shushes him.
It isn't hard to close his eyes again. His limbs feel weighted, iron-bound. Something has drained out of him, the last few days and hours leaving him more exhausted than he's ever been in his life. Everything feels like a horrible blur, one he wishes were a dream. A long, bitter rope twisted of things he'd rather forget.
Lagertha's hand rests against his forehead. "I can only stay a little longer, I must go soon. You just rest, someone will check on you."
Athelstan manages only a small sound in response. She might give his shoulder a final squeeze and then he thinks she's gone, but doesn't have the strength to open his eyes and check.
A strange combination of peacefulness and dread washes over him. He longs to speak to Ragnar, to apologize, to tell his friend everything and try to explain himself and apologize some more - but at the same time he never wants to have to face him again. The thoughts battle each other, in slowed and broken fragments.
Light plays outside his eyelids. The tear stings against his temple and more come, silently. In his mind he knows it's just the exhaustion and pain, and the medicine, but he can't help thinking bitterly that his tears are only another weakness.
Christ wept, he thinks.
It's a relief when sleep finally claims him again, spiraling him down into the dark.
#vikings#vikings fanfiction#athelnar#athelstan#ragnar lothbrok#another one?? ANOTHER ONE????#listen even I didn't expect this#yes i'm still working on The Yule Fic it just won't be...in time for Yule anymore#why doesn't tumblr let me do m dashes#okay WHAT THE HELL IS GOTLAND#I THOUGHT IT WAS JUST WHAT THE VIKINGS CALLED SWEDEN???#IT'S NOT THAT ??#god please don't Harm me for historical innacuracies please
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Writing Elytically: This Time, It's Details
(Last time, it was big-picture stuff!)
So you want to format your fic like the game
I'll start with two words: collect screenshots. The more in-game references you have for those "but how does the game do X?" moments, the easier it will be to find answers.
In addition to screenshots, try FAYDE, which is a searchable database of in-game text (including variables!) and a load-bearing part of my DE ficwriting process. I cannot say enough nice things about it and about @morgue-xiiv, who made and hosts it.
Next up: keep a style sheet, and update it like Kim will be *disappointed* if you don't.
What goes in a style sheet? All the zillion formatting guidelines and decisions you make when you put word to keyboard.
For example, while there are exceptions, the game's skillset dialogues usually follow this case-sensitive template:
SKILLNAME [Difficulty: Outcome] – What the skill says goes here, and it doesn't take quotation marks.
When you plug in the specifics, the result looks like this:
RHETORIC [Trivial: Success] – Words can be exchanged for goods and services.
Note the square brackets and the space-en dash-space that follows them. An en dash is this guy – not a hyphen (that's shorter -) or an em dash (that's longer —).
Also, the body text/content of dialogue uses different dashes again: two hyphens in a row. Here's what that looks like:
I took a screenshot because on Tumblr, some browsers will automatically convert two consecutive hyphens to an em dash, which is a great way to make copy editors very sad.
We actually just saw one! That's because Perception follows:
PERCEPTION (SENSE) [Difficulty: Outcome] – What the skill says goes here, and it doesn't take quotation marks.
. . . except sometimes, when the game does it like:
PERCEPTION (Sense) [Difficulty: Outcome] – What the skill says goes here, and it doesn't take quotation marks.
I'll never know why they're different, but I would guess the team didn't have a "final reads are FINAL, stop re-writing after them you hooligans" policy, which intellectually I recognise is unlikely to end in apocalypse and emotionally I experience with the editorial equivalent of the meat sweats.
Another exception: Coach Physical Instrument just yells at you without following the template, which seems on brand:
COACH PHYSICAL INSTRUMENT – Bracing yet homophobic encouraging-slash-berating goes here!
Weirdly(?), Limbic System and Ancient Reptilian Brain do the same.
Other skills follow the template first, *then* just chime in the second-plus time they appear in a single dialogue event, like this trio from The Whole Sorry Way Down:
VOLITION [Challenging: Success] – Hey. Loser! This isn’t your bed. Get up. PAIN THRESHOLD [Medium: Success] – Oh, *god*. PERCEPTION (HEARING) [Easy: Success] – Was that springs? And footsteps? They were moving away from you. VOLITION – What? Who cares? Get up, and cut the dramatics. PAIN THRESHOLD – They’re not dramatics. You’re in pain. PERCEPTION (HEARING) – That’s… definitely footsteps. Getting closer, this time.
Oh my god, what else?!
SO MUCH ELSE. Let's see . . .
Active skill checks
Can I find a screenshot of one at the moment? No, because that would be easy. *facepalm* But here's how I formatted them in M+P when I was still obsessively checking the game to see how these things worked:
1. [Skill Level#: Difficulty] [Thing you're going to do.] "Thing you're going to say, if anything!"
And a concrete example:
YOU – 1. [Strike a Sam Bo pose.] “If you can best me in HAND-TO-HAND COMBAT.” 2. [Move aside.] “Sure, c’mon in.” 3. [Composure 15: Heroic] [Move aside.] “Of course. I’ve missed you.” Composure: Failure YOU – You move aside and get as far as “Of” before some involuntary emotion-muscle spasms. Your throat feels small, your face hot. Fat, guileless tears vanish into your beard.
Note that the dialogue option you "select" is bold, as is the outcome line. Also note that [Action you'll take] ends up in square brackets, but if you're going to lie, then you do it like so: (Lie.)
Place names: Spelling and hyphenation can be a pain. If not using your own notes, I suggest FAYDE and screenshots; or, for variety, screenshots and FAYDE. Google is okay, but sometimes, it lies.
If you can't find evidence of how the game does it, make a decision and slap it in your style sheet. You're the captain now!
Tricky fish:
The place is Sur-la-Clef; the language is Suresne.
The place is Vesper; the language is Vespertine.
The place is Revachol; the demonym is Vacholière (Suresne) or Revacholian (Vespertine).
LA REVACHOLIÈRE – IF SHE IS SPEAKING, SHE SPEAKS LIKE THIS. Shivers doesn't, though, unless La Rev speaks "through" it.
Hjelmdallermann (bless you)
Satellite Officer X or Satellite-Officer X: The game does both, so pick the one you prefer -- or go full homage and switch it up.
Sam Bo
Wirrâl (I fucked up the accent in M+P and it still bothers me tbh)
There are always more, so keep adding to that style sheet. Kim's depending on you. <3
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Hello friends! It's that time again, time for your old pal Soft to send in some anonymous degeneracy. I am glad you liked my review, spitdrunken! I do tend to ramble, so to see someone happy to get my text walls is nice. But it did make me realize that it caused everyone else to have to do a lot of scrolling, so I apologize for that. Sorry guys! This submission will be done in sets. I'll number them so it's easy to keep track, let me know if Tumblr eats one. I'll keep it all in a text document so I don't lose anything. That's kinda why I was sending everything in one big ask, but I'm willing to put in the extra effort to keep everyone's dash smaller. 1
notes: incest
So! First things first: RIP Ingo, did not realize that he wouldn't have any lube. See this is why you're the one getting paid to write things around here. But the idea of Ingo trying to line up their orgasms is just *chefs kiss* beautiful. Lovely! And the idea of having multiple takes of Emmet getting the strap, wanting to get the perfect one, because his big brother deserves only the best! Ah, very nice. 2
And then you come in with the absolute genius idea of a video focusing on Reader-chan! I completely adore it! I hadn't MEANT to have so little focus on the reader, tbh I think I got lost in the incest sauce. But I got another idea to add onto it:Ingo gets another video, only this time it's from Emmet. Again, it opens up to a scene of smut.
Only this time, his brother is taking Reader-chan from behind. Emphasis on BEHIND. Reader-chan's pussy is wet but empty. And then Emmet speaks up.
"Hi big brother! Our darling wanted to make another video for you. And they're being verrrrry picky tonight. Do you want to tell him why?"
Reader-chan, short of breath, squeaks out "Because I need you! I want you! M-me too Ingo!" because of course they need Ingo, this is a three car train! 3
Ingo watches, enraptured, as his little brother takes their shared lover from behind. Occasionally a touch to their clit is given, but Emmet's hands are more focused on their chest."So what are you going to do for him?" Emmet asks, though he obviously already knows. "I-I'm...! Ah, my, my pussy!" Reader-chan is trying to speak, but a horny Emmet is a beast, Ingo knows.
"Your cute little pussy? What about it?" he teases, leaving marks on their darling's neck.
"I'm saving it! Until y-you get back...please come back! I need you too! Need to be full!"
It's about companionship! Both of them need their holes to be filled by Ingo's cock! (Which gets rubbed raw all over again lol. Maybe the sentiment behind it will help him? Love always finds a way!) 4
So then we come to the main event and spitdrunken how did you KNOW I was going to write about Emmet wearing a plug for Ingo but forgot about it?! We really are on the same page omg.
For your consideration: Ingo comes home to Emmet, face down, ass up and plugged up, cock already leaking precum because FINALLY his brother is HOME and he's going to be FULL!
And Reader-chan just looks up at him and says "He's ready for you." 5
Ingo is ready for him too. Emmet doesn't get a warning, the plug is out and his cock is inside in one thrust. And his little brother goes wild! This is what he needed!
"You kept that inside of you all day? Were you that desperate for me? Wasn't our darling enough?" Ingo asks, his voice even and his pace rough.
"No! Not enough! Need you Ingo! I-AH, CUMMING!
"But Ingo doesn't stop. He fucks him through his orgasm because, like you said, he's going to push him even further past his limit! (And god bless you for saying that the image is delectable.) 6
Reader-chan, of course, is watching all this with glee, because who wouldn't? It's hot as fuck, it's plenty of material for them to get themselves off too!But that's not enough for Ingo.
"I think you should show them how much you appreciate their patience."
"Yes! Yes yes thank you thank you darling thank you-AH!"
Ingo grabs Emmet by the hair and lifts his head up.
"Put that mouth of yours to work on their pussy until I'm finished with you." 7
And Emmet, well, tries. His tongue is wet and sloppy on Reader-chan's clit, and that's all well and good. But it's hard for him to focus when he's being fucked within an inch of his life. This doesn't mean that Reader-chan doesn't get off, oh no! The whole situation, the fact that Emmet simply CAN'T focus on using his mouth, his cute little whimpers and moans, watching Ingo and how sexy he looks as he fucks his brother silly, it's more than enough to make them cum!
And if all else fails, Reader-chan can just grind against Emmet's nose. A perfect little human clit bump!So then, when Reader-chan is nice and sated but Ingo is STILL pumping load after load of cum into his brother, that's when the camera comes back into play. 8
"Emmet looks good like this, don't you think? I want to save this expression of his."
Emmet doesn't protest, making desperate, happy little noises. "See? He's close. Will you take the picture, dear?"
Obviously, they will. Reader-chan holds Emmet's head up for the shot. His expression is deliciously whorish: flushed cheeks, tears in his half lidded eyes, tongue lolling out, and a big smile.Reader-chan, being cheeky, decides to add one more thing to the photo.
"Give us a double peace sign! Say cheese!"And he does! The money shot is taken right when Emmet cums, shaky peace signs and all. It's a picture perfect ahegao! 9
So then at last "When Emmet is a crumpled, twitching mess on the bed, ass leaking cum" (unchanged because oh my GOD how could I?!) Reader-chan finally their pussy stuffed with Ingo's cock. Both of them sigh at the relief, because nothing else they've done can compare to this.
"Thank you so much for your patience." Imgo groans out. "We took tomorrow off. I plan to take care of you properly then."
"Ingo! Oh god, it's so good!" Reader-chan shouts because it is! It's good! The wait is over and their pussy is filled! Stuffed with cock and cum, leaving them a mess too. But of course, they're going to get the same treatment as Emmet tomorrow.
Aaaaaand that's it! Hope everything goes through and that you enjoyed the work. I've got a bunch more scenarios to give once this is posted. Specifically, the next one is about obliterating those twinks! Well, one twink to start with. Have a great day! 10/10
HI Soft!!! I personally really enjoy your rambling, so never worry about it <333!!! I'm pretty sure I got all of your asks!! (A first for Tumblr LMAO) But I think it's great you're so considerate of everyone <33!!
I'm glad you liked all of my additions so much :')!!! You don't have to incorporate EVERYTHING I say but I'm always happy to hear what you do enjoy <3
BUT OH MY GOD. YOUR BRAIN IS SO HUGE. READER WAITING FOR INGO TO BREAK IN THEIR PUSSY AAA... IN LOVE WITH THIS. If they're going to get it off, they're going to do it through their tits and ass- They can't cum from touches to their pussy, or it wouldn't be saving it </3!! I like to think that maybe Reader doesn't do anal a lot and Emmet really enjoyed working them open on his fingers and cock <33!!
SAME BRAIN <33 When Ingo gets home, he's a bit disappointed to only find Reader happily welcoming him back!! He loves them tons, definitely, but he loves his brother too!!! Reader winks at him and tells him Emmet has his own way of celebrating his return <33 He's waiting for him in the bedroom! It's such a thick plug that Ingo can fuck him immediately!!
INGO GRABBING EMMET BY THE HAIR TO MAKE THEM LAP AT THEIR PUSSY IS SOOOOOO <3333 absolutely top tier. legendary. ESPECIALLY how clumsy he is! Maybe eventually that Reader tells him to just stick out his tongue and let them do all the work, since he's so busy getting fucked <333 they just grind down against him because it's all he's good for right now!!
THE IMAGE. it gets put in the poly groupchat later HAHAHAH BUT HELP I LOVED YOUR DESCRIPTION OF IT... emmet is the perfect ahegao character he just would do it perfectly I can feel it.... Maybe by the time Ingo is fucking Reader he's already quite spent, so he doesn't cum as much inside their pussy as he did in Emmet, but that doesn't take away from his pace!!! No matter how sensitive he is!!
I hope you liked my additions and responses too and i look forward to whatever you wanna send next :')!!! have a good one!
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tagged by @malewifemanhunter ty!!
name: trill q gutterbug, the q stands for queer
star sign: who knows or cares
height: 5'10, which means i can definitively say coffee doesn't stunt your growth, even if you start drinking it age 4
time: 9:38am 😓 i do NOT want to be awake rn but the rest of my family is gone atm so the grisly burden of letting the chickens out at ass o'clock fell to me. (eta it is now 12:13 bc i fell asleep for two hours before posting this)
birthday: the day laura ingalls wilder was wed
favorite bands/artists: of montreal, why?, clipping., and nine inch nails are the eternal faves i can't get sick of, but im also tremendously partial to kendrick and lil nas and hozier and mcr and twenty one pilots and the like. also i listen to a lot of chillhop and electroswing, because im a good person with good taste
last movie: i think mad god, which was fantastic and completely incomprehensible. i don't usually have the attention span to sit through a movie if im watching it alone, so.... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (eg, the way i still have to finish everything everywhere all at once, which i got an hour into last week, enjoyed tremendously, then got up to walk around and listen to a podcast and play a video game and jerk off or whatever the fuck, and just haven't gone back!)
last show: i believe the latest ep of what we do in the shadows.... or maybe sunny? or euphoria? whatever it was, i was watching it with jackie im sure!
when did i create this blog: idk where to find that info, but im p sure 2014, after LJ shat the bed and i dipped from active fandom for a couple months and when i came back it was like.... owo where'd everyone go?! here, apparently.
what i post: constant thirsty nonsense about a rotating string of fandom obsessions, shitposts, sometimes a bit of tumblr-brand anarchism and socialism bc even the junkfood buffet churns out a smidge of healthy caloric content every once in a while
last thing i googled: i don't use google but the last thing i duckduckgo'd was........ where's wade wilson from, bc i saw something that said vancouver and one of the movies implied regina but i swear to GOD i know it's winnipeg from some other source. results annoyingly inconclusive.
other blogs: @truelevelb1tch, my rick and morty side, which is going to pop off again in a MONTH (!!!!!!!!!) when s6 starts dropping 😱😱😱. i do not apologise for the person i become when r&m occurs, fair warning
do i get asks?: not enough to worry about, thank goodness
following: idk where to find that info either, but it's probably a few hundred, the vast majority of which are inactive at this point. i probably see <50 blogs on my dash??
average hours of sleep: like eight, which is NOT enough for me, but it varies wildly between 5 and 10 depending on what im doing for work on a given day/whether i have to get up early for animal-related reasons/if im up reading fic until 3am/time of year/blah blah
instruments: flesh flute....,,,
what i’m wearing: nuthin
dream job: I Do Not Dream of Labour
dream trip: i hate travelling! but i am partial to visiting my cousins' farm on the reg, so let's say that
nationality: canadian
favorite songs: the trapeze swinger by iron and wine has been my fave song for about ten years. it's almost ten minutes long and if stats across various laptops and ipods and phones could be collated, it would show a playcount in the thousands lol. i first heard it as the closing music on the amazing podfic for the inception fic presque vu and it gutted me on the spot. ode to the mets by the strokes is also on the same trajectory. otherwise, my fave songs come and go in the usual way, by liking something and listening to it repeatedly until i can't stand it. (eta: just went into my music app to see if i'd forgotten anything, and literally the only thing on my "most played" list is the trapeze swinger, so...)
last book i’ve read: currently reading (aside from the massive eternal stack of ww2 ref books) the half life of valery k by natasha pulley and grimscribe by thomas ligotti. most recently before that i read borne by jeff vandermeer, the kingdoms by natasha pulley, blood meridian, the d&d 5e player's handbook, and some postapoc scifi thing that was so forgettable i genuinely cannot conjure up the name of it or its author!!
top 3 fictional universes i’d like to live in: idk, they all seem uniquely bad in ways that do not necessarily improve upon the unique ways in which our current universe is bad. but to be sporting i'll say star trek of course, anything jared harris is in bc i want to fuck him more than im afraid of space terrorists or freezing to death or nuclear radiation, and the fictional universe i've been manifesting in my imagination for years where we never invented agriculture and i died at birth for simplistic umbilical cord-related reasons
lowkey tagging @kaasknot, @collapsinghorizons, @mollynoble, @twobrokenwyngs, @pohjanneito, @lingua-mortua, @sloppyplanetary, @alakeeffectgirl, and @quiescentire
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Of all the hills you choose to die on its the r*mr*m shippers are fine hill smh. Disappointing honestly
I let this ask sit until the morning for your benefit, anon, but yeah, that’s the hill I’m willing to die on.
I have and always will be a Moxiety shipper, and the reactions I’ve gotten for shipping it have been very different than those who ship the “forbidden” ship.
I went “I ship Moxiety” and they went “I only like them platonically because of the father/son dynamic but I’ll respect your boundaries”
Remrom shippers went “I ship Remrom” and got “Wow incest can you have morals?”
Obviously, that’s a gross oversimplification, and some remrom shippers have crossed respectful boundaries as well, but I woke up seeing ship hate for Roman and Remus together before I saw actual support of it. Literally. I logged into Tumblr the day after DWIT and saw posts like “we will not be a fandom shipping incest” the minute I crawled out of bed.
I have more to say, but this post is going to be long and I don’t want to litter people’s dashes, so if you’re still willing to sit through my coffee ridden argument, feel free. If not, have a good day, anon.
You know what? I know this post said something entirely different, but it doesn't fucking matter.
Why are we fighting over fandom??
No one will care that the reason I don't care what people ship despite how vile I find it stems back from my early days in fandom where I was harassed for shipping Deceit with people. My favorite pairing was always Moceit, but I felt so uncomfortable shipping it on the internet that I claimed Moxiety since it was a "purer" ship.
No one cares that a ship I absolutely loved in another fandom was deemed toxic and abusive and I have trauma over that, because I was a fucking teenager and that shit sticks with you forever.
No one cares about my trauma when considering my choice, because their own trauma is all that matters.
But it's not like that now, they cry. It's different now, they cry.
It doesn't matter that every space I've ever felt like I could be an adult in has been dumbed down so kids can enjoy it, because we have to think of the children that don't fucking exist unless it's convenient for our argument. And this has been happening over and over and over from LiveJournal to Fanficiton.Net to Quizilla to YouTube to Tumblr. It keeps happening. It's continuing to happen. Look at the current discourse with OnlyFans and tell me that it's different now.
Look. Do you hate remrom? Me fucking too. It's not my cup of tea either. Block the tag. Block those you don't like. Stop delving into things that you hate, because the remrom shipping area of the fandom is so small... like you have no idea how small unless you spy into their territory. It's not even a threat to you. You have no idea how ridiculously small it is, and that's including the ones who dislike the idea of Roman and Remus being in an incestuous relationship, so they make up their own canon where they're not brothers.
I'm fine with people who ship it following me because I don't give a shit. I have too many real-world struggles to get over to worry about the moral purity of who is following me, who is engaging with me, and who is doing nasty things while tagging it so people who don't want to see it aren't being triggered.
And if you have a problem with that, just fucking block me and leave me alone already. I'm tired of fighting over this. I'm too old.
Good day.
#spilled skittles#tw drama#tw remrom mention#tw child abuse mention#tw fandom discourse#tw skittles jumped the rail and is tired of being a doormat agenda#Anonymous#edited because damn that got way too personal and i shouldn't have been sharing some of that info with complete strangers#just fucking block people guys it ain't that hard#block me i don't give a shit#curate your own experience this isn't real life#you don't have to interact with anyone who makes you uncomfortable#September 2020
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❅A Love Letter I Have to My Lovely and Beloved Friends❅

(I just know that 30 july was a national friendship day and today is like 31 july already at where I am but,,, just pretend that this is also for National Friendship Day 🤡🔫)
As you all know, it's been confirmed that I'll be going on a hiatus two days from now that I really don't know how long it will go on. So, with that in mind, I wished to leave this message to all the wonderful friends I've made while I was active here on Tumblr during quarantine.
I've started this writing blog a few months ago, to be precise, on May where life in quarantine was starting to become a norm. In the few months until now, I did my best to start writing and drawing more using all the free times that I have.
I wouldn't have expected this blog to grow so much in such a short time. To me, it was really mind blowing, seeing that there's a lot of other great content creators here on Tumblr. Yet, the 300+ people who stumbled upon my blog still decided to follow me.
I was really happy to have made many contents that I'm actually proud of posting. And I still can't believe there are people out there who love them. Seeing every one of your comments and reblogs and likes really, really, squeezed my heart and I couldn't be more thankful for your support.
And during these fun times, I was able to make friends with many amazing, talented, fantastic and all the good words I could find in the dictionary people on here. You all are a real gift to me and I hold you guys close to my heart.
I still can't believe I was able to befriend you guys though, like, y'all are so amazing and I was just here like squeaking my name to you like a shy mice lmao. =///= Anyways, thank you for all the good and fun times. Thank you for being with me and helping me with lots of things. Just, thank you for everything. (I'm writing this at 1am like it's sad hours yall I'm crying :')))
If you are ever feeling down, do not ever forget that, even if it's only me, I'll support you to the end of the world because you're just so amazing and fantastic. I love you and never let any hate that's thrown at you let you down because they aren't worth your time.
The people I'll be mentioning below are my dear friends or just people that I have been interacting with during the times I was online, little or not, I still consider you guys to be my friends (very self-proclaimed here sorry)and I'm still honoured by that fact.

@your-local-bnha-writer -Bean, you and your posts are always so wholesome and cute and I love them. Keep being amazing, and we may not interact much, but I still appreciate every little convos we had. Also, wish you luck on tpn, that shit hurted :')
@identifybby -Liaaaa, omg im so v v grateful we became friends. You've helped me with a tons of things and I can't thank you enough for everything you've done to me. You're just so amazing and thank you for always putting up with me, i love you sm.
@minteasketches -Mintea! You're such an amazing artist and I rlly enjoyed our conversations! You might not see this since you're off socmed but just wanna let u know that thank u for being my friends.
@yandere-of-your-dreams -Heyyy sis,, you're always such a sweet bean to me and showering me w love and i appreciate them, stay amazing and I'm sure you'll become an amazing writer.
@shotobabe -Ren, wifey, ilysm thank u for always being with me. You're such an awesome person and keep on being yourself. You're perfect and talented, don't let others tell you otherwise. AND while I'm gone, don't forget to drink lots of water okay? I won't be able to remind you while I'm on a hiatus, but please always remember to drink water. That'd be the first thing I'll ask you once I'm able to be online. And please try to eat more okay bb? I love u.
@takumipineapplexd -Taku! Amazing writer and amazing editor, yes I'm talking about you. You're amazing and keep on making cursed content and being crackhead, i love them.
@bnhabadass -We might not talk much, but I just want to let you know that you're so amazing and I look up to u v much. Literally had a heart attack when u commented on angel wings lmao.
@tomomoni -Mon, love, soft bean, I LOVE U. You've always been so wholesome and cute to every one of your followers and seeing ur interactions literally heals my heart. Your art is amazing so continue being amazing ilysm thank u for being an amazing advisor and listener, I'm v grateful for that. You have no idea how blessed I am to have you as a friend. Meeting you through turn on your airdrop's fanart was F A T E.
@kamabukokompachiro -First time u asked my permission to read my fanfic, I legit teared up. Thank u sm for asking, I couldn't be happier to know that my fic is worthy to be read over for a yt channel. Keep on being amazing and ily.
@kaminii -Kamiiiii, sweet child, you're always so matured and calm and I really adore and respect that part of you (unlike me im v childish and rash) You're an amazing writer and editor and ur aesthetic? 100/10. Love it. You're so talented despite being so young and I'm just, WOW. Ily and thank u for being friends w me. And please fix your sleeping schedule bb. It's rlly not good for your health, like please? Ily.
@katsucutie -I love you and your writing so v much, and I rlly enjoyed talking to you, discussing about Burn Book was rlly fun. I might not be able to know the ending since im gonna go on a hiatus but I'll be sure to catch up to it once im back. Keep being amazing and awesome.
@isolshi -CHERIE, I LOVE YOU AND YOU'RE AMAZING. Don't be so insecure about your writing. They're amazing. And you're also one of the sweetest and cute person I've met here. I always love teasing you cause your reaction is always so funny and cute. Keep being awesome. And please, please, please get enough sleep and drink LOTS of water. I legit would cry if you don't drink more water cher.
@mirakeul -BIANCAAAAA LOVE YOU'RE SO AMAZING AND SWEET LiKE--- please, I love talking to you and thank you so much for always reminding me to eat. Your calligraphy and handwriting are awesome, shshh i don't take criticism. Never stop writing, I love them. And please never forget I love you and you're my best friend okay?
@roxybefab -You've always been the first to ask me to be on my taglist and I'm so v happy because of that. Thank you for everything, and keep on being awesome. You can do this, ily.
@princessofdawn718 -Talking to you about Hamefura has been so fun! I haven't talked w many ppl about isekai so im rlly glad I could talk about them w you. Katarina x nicol ftw! Thanks for talking to me, it was such a pleasure rlly.
@softkodzuken -Maam your writing is A M A Z I N G. I love anon sm and you're rlly so sweet for always replying to every single comment on them. Don't be so insecure about them, they're amazing and i will always stand by that point. Wishing you the best of luck for Undercover!
@lolitsleia -Your art is *chef's kiss* i love them so much, I still can't believe you hadn't had more recognition like why?? Ur oc alex is the cutest thing ever and i love her. Thank you again for drawing Yuki. She looked really beautiful and cute in your drawing.
@samanthaa-leanne -We may not talk much, but when you first followed me back, my heart goes B O O M. You're so amazing and keep being like that. And uh,, good luck with Violet Evergarden if you ever plan to watch it. Prepare a couple of tissue boxes....or dozens.
@miyumtwins -Fellow android users! I first saw you through Bean's post about a tag game and i was like *gasp* another androiders..! I swear that one time i was interacting w you, I didn't actually meant to go off anon,, yes im dumb lmao. Anyways, you're rlly amazing and I'm rlly honoured to be followed by you.
@kawasuno -Your smau? 100/10. Your sense of humour 100/10. They're just so perfect *chef's kiss* I love every one of your updates and they always managed to put a smile on my face, i was like, how did you do that? My sense of humour is nonexistant, teach me your ways sensei. But anyways, you're rlly amazing and awesome. Keep up w that.
@kukusbabe -Tsu, I've never said this, but it's you. It's always been you all along. What i mean is, I've followed you first (i knew u through zara's flopping server yeah!) And when i looked at my dash and saw all your interactions w your moots, despite me haven't legally started haikyuu yet, i decided to follow all of them, soooo if it's not for you, we may not have met each other. Everyone in the kita family, Tsu is the MVP here muah. Also your aesthethic and writing and everything is so kajsjhendnd amazing i LOvE---
@iwaixiumi -King Nami, you're so awesome and amazing,, and I'm really glad to be able to interact w you. All those songs you recommend? Yeah, I'm going to listen and love all of them, thank u so much for the recs. Keep being amazing and to everyone reading this, PLEASE INTERACT WITH KING NAMI MORE SHE DOESN'T BITE---
@shoutodoki -Hello, you're so amazing and talented and im just,,, kekkdjfjdj when you followed me--- and when u figured out i was the anon talking about oboro i was OAKSJEJDDJ please, i was so honoured u know, like ???? Anyways, keep on writing what you love and your art maam? THEY'RE AMAZING LIKE BOTH YOUR ART AND WRITING IS SO KAJSJDJDN pliS im so v honoured to be able to talk to you.
@lisarillia -Please excuse me while I go shout in the corner of how much i LOVE your arts. They're amazing and being able to talk to you was a real pleasure. Keep on doing what you love. They'll be amazing no matter what i swear.
@cutiedrawsbnha -Cutie, honey, you're amazing and your art is so cute! Don't let what haters said get to you. You're going to grow into an amazing artist. If you give in and listen to what they said, you're going to end up like what they said so ignore them honey! I believe in you so keep shipping izuocha, todomomo, and kamijirou and making arts. Lotsa love!
@lilikags -Heeyyyy you sweet cute innocent bean! Don't ever stop writing what you love, you'll grow into a big blog soon enough, before you know it. Just keep making what you love, and as time pass by, I'm sure there will be many people who will find appreciate everything you do. I'm always supporting you.
@baeshijima -SOPHHHHH YOU SWEET CUTE CINNAMON ROLL WAKATOSHI'S WIFE EYE--- You have NO idea how much i love you,, you're so sweet and I honestly don't know what did i do to deserve you. Srsly you're a blessing to me. Thank you for the sweet daily reminder in my inbox, i love each and every one of them. Keep being so cute and wholesome, love you.
@shinsuque -ANAAAAA Thanks again for the Bakugou's memes! I may not be able to do it before i go on a hiatus though *sobbing* Keep being so awesome! I love seeing all your interactions and you're so amazing i honestly don't know why you followed me----
@semiluvr -LYDIA *SOBBING* THANK YOU SO SO MUCH FOR INVITING ME TO THE KITA FAMILY. Even though we've known each other in less than a week, it already felt like I had known you guys for so long like whotttt. Keep being an amazing and sweet person ily muah
@dumbass-lev -MOMMY, MUI, ILY THANK U FOR ALWAYS BEING SO SWEET YOU'RE AMAZING,,, u have no idea how happy (and also flustered) I am when i saw you asking you want to adopt me like,,, whot I've never been asked to be adopted online b4 so you asking that was a big surprise to me and just,,, remember that i love you and you're an amazing mommy. Hope i wasn't too much too handle as your child lol and thank u, for asking to invite me to the server. It has been a real pleasure to me to be there.
@pudding-head-kenma -DANIE!! We haven't talked much and I've only known you for a short time but I really love your detailed analysis. They're amazing and you're amazing. Thank you for being so sweet and cute. Ily.
@/🦋 nonoi -🦋 NONOIIII!!! IF YOU'RE SEEING THIS, I JUST WANNA TELL YOU THANK YOU FOR BEING MY EMOJI ANON! I love you you're so sweet and bb please please please don't forget me id cry,,,
@astereim -Rein!!! I know we just talked and all but you seem to be a reaally cool and amazing person,, we might not be able to interact much since I need to go prepare things b4 i go on my hiatus though, but just wanna let u know that ily!
@tokoyamis-luv -please don't come for my neck i haven't been active on the server Lol but anyways, zara, you're amazing and your simping for Kurapika is always fun to watxh. Also all the lin manuel edits are *chef's kiss* we may not talk much but i was rlly honoured to be able to interact w you, even a little bit.
@engel-hageshii - YOU, MAAM are a literal angel, and your comments on my fics always managed to make me smile so much. I love you, please never stop being such a sweetheart.
@laylahoran -I've always loved and appreciate every comments you make. I'm v happy I was able to create a content that you can love. You and engel has been some of my firsts followers and I'm really blessed to have you two.
@oyasenpai -Diemmy! You're so sweet and cute and seeing your interaction w my moots (kami) was what made me follow you. Don't let what others said bring you down, okay? Just do what you want because there're always many people supporting you for it.







Special message to the kita family server;
Meanwhile while you guys were talking about me there, I was just innocently scrolling through Tumblr, not knowing what kind of fate I'll be receiving 👁👄👁 No wonder I was sneezing so much 🤧🤧🤧
So, I was just scrolling through the pinned messages and I saw tsu said "mui: can we invite hikari? Everyone here: kakskejdjdjdn" and i was just like,,, ??????? I wasn't expecting u guys to have that kind of reaction i--- yall have no idea how much i was grinning while I scroll through those messages. Thank you so much for inviting and accepting me, it's really fun to be with you guys and your crackhead energy 🥰🥰 Thank you to mui for suggesting you had no idea I was really really happy. 😭 Y'all are so amazing and sweet and cute and beautiful kakjdjdd

To all of my dear friends that I've mentioned above, I LOVE YOU LOTS YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW GRATEFUL I AM TO MET YOU GUYS. Quarantine time has been stressful for a lot of people, and Tumblr can sometimes (a lot of times) be kinda whack but I was really happy to met you guys during my time here. Our time together may have been short, but i feel like we've known each other for more than a year, no caps. I love you all very very much. Thank you for talking to me and befriending me. Remember to get enough sleep, drink lots of water, stay safe and healthy, eat enough meals and, take care of yourself. I love you guys.
And lastly, to everyone reading this, whether i know you or not, or interacted with you or not, or follow you or not, or you follow me or not, just REMEMBER that you are worth it and I love you. Keep on being awesome, and always remember to smile, laugh and live. Don't forget to always DRINK LOTS OF WATER, GET ENOUGH SLEEP, and EAT ENOUGH MEALS.
Signing off,
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This is my first time making some x reader here in tumblr so please bare with my grammar and some mistakes😣😣
Yamaguchi x !fem!reader
You, Yamaguchi and Tsukishima are friends since kids and have been together till now
You and Tsukishima are cousins but you both have different personality (at this point I don't even know where he got his salty personality from)
You live in the same roof as Tsukishima since your family's house is far
You and Yams have a thing for each other but too afraid to confess to one another
Tsukishima always drops hints (like all the time) that you both like each other but just plain stupid to realiz,e he's the bridge of your relationship
"Tsukki!! Why'd you order me crispy fries?! I like them soggy you know!" Yamaguchi yells while pouting at Tsukishima who is grinning widely while staring at me
"Yams you can have mine! It's a bit crispy but there are some soggy ones!" I slid my fries onto his front and took the fries that Tsukishima bought
"Ha! It must be nice to have y/n's soggy fries huh?" Tsukishima then had a smug smile plastered on his face "Maybe she made them soggy on purpose—" I threw a wet wipe on Kei's face that smudged his glasses "WHAT THE— WHY'D YOU THROW THAT AT ME?!" Now it's my turn to have a smug smile on my face
"There was oil on your mouth and I was just helping you out cousin, you don't like oil on your mouth don'tcha?"
"Hey hey! Quit it you two, people are staring!" Yamaguchi whispered and looked at the both of us
"Ugh, I'm just gonna leave, have fun on your date" What the fuck is his problem
"D-date?! Tsukki what do you mean—" Yamaguchi hurriedly tried to catch up with Kei
"And y'all just gonna leave me here with your leftovers?"
"Hey Kei?? Ya hear me? Hello???" I poked his side and to my surprise, he's ticklish there
"Oh my oh my! Kei's very ticklish on his sides huh??" I smirked while trying to tickle him
"Stop it will you?! Or I'll tell Tadashi that you like him!" W-what??! NO HE CAN'T KNOW
"NO NO NO I'M SORRY FOR DISTURBING I JUST WANT TO KNOW HOW TO SOLVE THIS!" I bowed to him and waited for his response
But to my dismay as I look up he has this smile that I can tell that he is planning on something
"Then you'll do anything I say? Is that a deal or not?" He took off his headphones and waited for my response
"W-well it depends on... what you are planning" I looked away at him and started fidgeting my hands
"You'll have to confess, well maybe not really confess but make him answer if he is interested into dating you"
"How would I know? You two are like beans in a pod that you can't even separate" He was satisfied with my reaction so he went back to what he was doing
I swear for the love of Asajesus I want to kick this tall stick's ass and send him to the fucking sun
"Ugh I'd rather get buried than say to Yams that I like him" I played with the pen that was just lying on the desk the whole time
"Suit yourself, don't blame me if you get that problem wrong, I offered you a good deal yet you refused" THIS GUY—
The next day my homework got returned to me and of course... I need to redo it
"Kei..." I tapped his shoulder
"Hm? You failed? Sucks to be you" He smirked and went back to dozing off to his “wonderland”
"Ughh just hear me out!! I accept your deal!" His eyes opened
"Then go ahead, there's an hour for you to go and confess"
"Take it or leave it, I'll be waiting" Ughh after that I ran to the cafeteria to find a grayish-green haired boy with freckles plastered on his face
"HAHAHAHAHA! Don't tell me that.. you spitted your orange juice on her blouse? Poor her she gotta wash that hard to take the stain off!" He laughed while talking to Hinata and Kageyama at the corner
"We'll I was surprised so I accidentally spat the juice at her!"
"Yams!" I called out and they immediately turned their heads at my direction
"Oh hey y/n! What's up? Is there a problem?" I huffed "I just need to excuse you for something urgent, umm you don't have to wait for Yams here bye!"
I held his wrist and dashed out of the cafeteria and of course we went to our usual spot where me Kei and Yams always go to
"Umm... so Yams uhh.. you see uhh I've been meaning to... ask you something" What the heck why can't I just talk like a normal person
"Yeah? What is it? I hope it's not hard to answer though hahaha!"
"Uhmm...." I fidgeted "A-are you... by any chance uhmm.... interested in you know.... in getting into a relationship" He looked at me in confusion and thought about what I asked
He blushed "N-no.. not really.." He's saying no but his face does..
"O-oh really? Hahaha! Uhmm is there someone you like? Like, like romantically?" He nodded in response and looked away
"Yeah... She has been for a long time had make my heart skip a beat"
"H-ha! Now I've got a chance to pass that freaking homework! Let's go? Kei might be waiting at the classroom" I stood up with a gloomy face, not even sparing a glance at Yamaguchi
"Ooh.. okay.... why did you ask though?" He got curious and of course I'm dumb and told him
"N-nothing... It was just a dare Kei made me do.. Just forget about it!"
Dead silence. Yes we're not talking to each other until I asked him
"Have y.. you asked the girl out?"
"Why not? I mean I know she'll like you too! I mean who wouldn't want a fluffball like you?"
Who wouldn't like an amazing guy like you?
I looked at him and he was as red as a tomato, and it's so freaking adorable
"U-uuuh~ Can w-we drop the topic?"
I guess he doesn't like talking about someone he likes to me
(Istfg they're so dumb, but Yams is cute)
We have reached our classroom with silence, I've got no chance huh?
The day just went like how it used to, me listening to the teachers, taking notes and everything except when it's time to go back home
"Kei I'm going home early, don't ask why" He looked at me with a not so concerned look
"Uhh okay? Want me to tell Yamaguchi?"
"Nah, he's not interested about that anyway, oh and don't forget about the deal, Imma head out"
I heard the door closed and so I took my notebook and pen and set it to his table
The door opens and he squinted at the sight
"What are you doing in here? Get out"
He rolled his eyes and settled in beside me
"The fuck? Where'd you get these answers from? Are you nuts?" HOW RUDE
"Not my fault his teaching was hard to understand" I scoffed
"Well if you're not dumb you'd get the answers right, anyone can solve this y/n"
"Ugh fine fine just teach me already!"
"Later, I need to wait for him" Him?? Is he expecting someone?
"Gomen Tsukki! I was adoring the cat outside so I got in late!" He opened the door panting, he still hasn't noticed me
"Uhm.. I-I'll just watch how to solve it, I'm going back to my room" I packed up my things and was about to stand
"I thought you wanted me to teach you? Since I'm teaching you two the same thing I called him here" He smirked
But I want to avoid him.. for the mean time
"Nevermind that, I'll just ask you something else, later Yamaguchi" I left Kei's room and went straight to bed
Ughh I can't face him like this, I'm just gonna take a nap and do my assignment later
"Uhmm.. Y/n I'm sorry, but I don't feel the same way, I hope we can still be friends though..." I teared up
"Y-yeah it's alright, I'm not really expecting you to reciprocate my feelings so it's okay!"
No it's not okay, not okay..
I love you but you don't love me..
"LWHWIAKKAGSI" I woke up to see Yamaguchi's face close to mine
"OH MY FUCKI— OWW!" I bumped my forehead in his
"AH! I'M SORRY Y/N! I DIDN'T MEAN TO SCARE YOU! I WAS JUST GOING TO WAKE YOU UP!! GOMEN!!" I massaged my forehead "N-no it's okay! I was just s-surprised that you're here..."
"Tsukki said I should wake you up.. I'm really sorry! Ahh look at your head" He quickly touched my forehead and my heart starts to beat faster
"It has a bump! I'M REALLY SORRY!!!! I'M GETTING YOU SOME ICE!" He's leaving... this is your chance to confess or else you won't be able to get things off of your chest
"W-wait.." I held his shirt and started to get red
"What is it? Does it hurt? Fuck I'm sorry!" He took his hand off of my head
"N-no.. it's.. uhh.. ilikeyou..... so.." I mumbled "What? I can't hear you" Oh god this is embarrassing
"I like you Yams— I mean.. *sigh* You don't have to say anything, I'll just get the ice.. You can go back to Kei.." I said it... though this will be a one sided— "I l-like you too... y/n.. I like you a lot... I m-mean like lot, a lot more than anyth—" I hugged him
I don't want him to see my face, I'm so flustered that I just hugged him without hesitating
"Finally! These dumb dorks" Kei looked at us with satisfaction
"Y-you! You planned this huh?" I stood up and started to hit Kei's arm
"Ow! Well at least you won't have to sulk in this dark room of yours!"
"What do you mean dark?? This is called style you uncultured salt!"
"Hey hey don't start bickering, I'm going to teach her Tsukki so do you mind if you know.. you could-"
"Go back to your room and start listening to your weird music!" I pushed him to his room and went back to my “dark room” he said
"C'mere, I'll teach you the easy way" He sat down on the floor and started to scribble on my notebook
I wiggled my way to his lap and leaned on Yams
"H-hey! It's hard to teach if y-you're leaning on me!" I chuckled "You'll get used to it! Now teach me!"
so yeah the ending is crap (○゚ε゚○)
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if it was a rejection why would he come back the next day? MANDY DONT BE STOOPID
I have some experience with men IRL and let me tell you, they often come up with excuses for why they won't be or aren't around ("I'm gonna be suuuper busy at work the next few weeks so idk when I'll have time to see you but I'll text you") and what it usually means is what you would label as a "soft" rejection.
It's their way of saying "look, it was fun, but I'm not interested" without outright saying it and hurting your feelings. And in the dating world it's quite common to just take the hint and be like "cool cool" and you know what it is and that you won't see them again lol
So mayhaps it's also bc of my past that I thought that, I guess, but I also think it's good to be kind of rational about these encounters, y'all. It's on tumblr, I have no idea who these people are. You guys need to remember that too!
All I know about him is what you saw on dash, we've never talked in DM's. It ain't that deep and it kinda feels like you guys forget that by the asks you send me (like how I can't flirt with someone bc I have a different daddy. Honestly it's just for fun, none of it is that serious)
I like Daddy M though, I do hope he comes back and if he does and would feel comfortable, I would love to talk to him in DM's. But I'm also realistic lmao, we knew each other for like two days 😅 There's no guarantee he comes back and I won't be mad if he doesn't, despite me absolutely preferring that he does!
Just relax you guys! ❤️
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Point out exactly where I bulled you. Pointing out your abhorrent behavior isn't bullying. It is abhorrent. I have 124 pages save of posts from you and your Tinhatter friends that are slanderous or bullying of Mia et al. I stay anon because every time I don't you guys just bully me by publicly posting where I live with maps stuff. It doesn't work. There is no intelligent discourse no matter how many times you claim there would be. You come across my feed whether I want you to or not
(Part 2) As for your being forced to post my ask publicly- that has nothing to do with you publicly bullying Mia on the regular and wondering why people protest back at you. They are two different things. You post hate online you will get pushback. End of story. You all want Darren to NOT BE STRAIGHT- you guys talk about it ad nauseam. That is all you talk about. The poor guy can’t be talked about without you guys debating abut where his penis fits. IT DOESN’T MATTER. He SAYS he is with Mia so let him be
OK Anon. I wasn’t going to respond to you again, but once I’d read your ask it was hard not to. So fellow CC’rs I’m sorry for putting this on your dash if you follow me because it’s the usual nonsense we get in our inbox.
In my last post I actually said ‘your bullying’ and while I was referring to anons like you in general, but now I think about it you were kinda SHOUTY with your use of CAPS in your last post weren’t you? …and now you’re back with your CAPS again trying to shout down a voice and opinion you don’t like and trying to intimidate with your use ‘et al ad nauseam’ latin and incorrectly used legal terms like ‘slander’ and calling me names like an abhorrent tinhatter. So can I respectfully suggest you shine a light on your own behaviour here.
You say you have 124 pages of posts that are slanderous and bullying. Well firstly, I kinda thought there would be more tbh;) and secondly if it’s written it’s LIBEL not slander. I’m not sure why you want to save them all, are you going to get legal advice?….show them to Mia like some of her so called friends do?….show them to other blogs and complain how awful we are, show them to D to say show a good fan you are? ….and I ask again why are you her appointed protector when even Darren doesn’t seem to do it.
In addition if you have collected all these posts you’ve kinda outed yourself as a troll of our blogs haven’t you? Which brings me onto my next point, I know of only 2 blogs that have printed locations on people after repeated abusive anons so you must have been a pain in the ass if they called you out on it. I also track people on my blog so I also know where you are, but I’m not going to publish that.
I don’t really like tumblr words like discourse, it’s just another ruse to try to sound tumblr clever, but I’ll respond in kind and ask you for some ‘receipts. Go away and do some research on D, M and their friends and answer some easy questions such as why D never says her name on interviews unless forced to by M fans ,why hasn’t D (to my knowledge) ever taken a pic in that oval mirror with her when Ben’s taken his own pic there wearing M’s coat. Come back with a good theory on their living arrangements, I mean does Ben have his own shelf in the fridge, how many bedrooms does that house have and where does Ben sleep and why do they need a whole group of friends or theatre goers for their very public dates? Maybe then we can have a discussion, but no it’s easier for you to accept what you are fed.
Tumblrs full of opinions you may not like which is why people are advised to stay in their own lane, don’t go looking for stuff that offends you. M comes across my dash too, but I’m an adult and I accept that is what some bloggers want to post (I may comment to other CC’rs) but I don’t send the original posters ranty anons because of it. Blacklist, unfollow or block and as you are reading this and in the interests of saying something positive I will say I like her new bangs because they balance out her features better than the old style.
He say’s he’s with M? C’mon plenty of other celebs have claimed to be straight for years and then come out. Elton John, Matt Bomer and did you even see the publicity around the bearding for Twilight.
Finally I’ve never mentioned D’s penis in an original post EVER, but thanks for giving me the opportunity to now especially as he seems to be breaking the internet with it right now in his speedos….and I gotta ask you why you are so concerned that he only should put his penis in vaginas (responding in kind to you)?. I said in my last response to you that being with a women does not guarantee he’s straight. So I think anon your messages say more about how you feel about his straightness and me challenging it. Would you still be a fan if he wasn’t? Would it make you uncomfortable if he was pan or bi? Have a think about that and what the answers to those question might make you
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