#why does inspiration always hit when I should sleep T.T
osamusriceballs · 3 years
The Accident
Atsumu x fem Reader
Words: ~700
Warnings: None
About: You wake up next to a stranger - but what happened and most importantly: WHO IS THAT GUY?
Updates every Monday!
-> Part II
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A groan escapes your lips when sunlight hits your face.
A terrible headache, as if someone were repeatedly punching your head, demands almost all of your attention while you desperately try to open your eyes. Your body feels stiff, as if you'd been laying in the same position for way too long - not surprising, since you definitely had a few drinks too many last night.
You barely remember anything. Some short flashbacks of you dancing with a guy and a golden ring run in your head, but you don’t have enough energy to think about it. “Fuck.”
You groan deeply, licking your dry lips and forcing your eyes, with sheer willpower, to open up.
An unfamiliar room.
An unfamiliar bed.
And an unfamiliar naked arm around your waist.
“Fuck, fuck-” your eyes are now fully open while you scan the arm around your body. Tanned, muscular, and surprisingly big - with a golden ring around his finger. The same ring you had flashbacks about when you got up. You don’t fail to notice that you’re absolutely naked under the sheets - does that mean… you slept with this man?
Who is probably married?!
“No, no-” you close your eyes tightly, with the desperate hope that this was just a bad dream, just a hallucination - but it’s futile. The arm is still there when you open them, and it won’t disappear so fast. Your breath quickens when you turn your head, slowly scanning more and more of his body, which is, of course, as naked as yours and barely covered by the blanket - it seems that he gave most of it to you, or maybe you just hogged it. You really don’t remember and you couldn’t care less when you see his trained, god-like body. If your mouth wasn’t so dry, you would definitely have drooled over his toned abs - and that man probably never skipped leg day, judging by his juicy thighs that are barely covered by the blanket. His face seems utterly relaxed though, soft snores escaping his half-opened mouth, his blonde hair softly falling down, covering half of his face.
He is handsome.
You can’t deny that he is quite the catch - attractive, a body to make you kneel in seconds, and a soft, yet sharp face you could watch all day.
But the ring.
He is married.
“God, no-” you push his arm in an attempt to free yourself, but a particularly loud snore leaves his lips, and he grabs for your arm in his half-asleep state.
“Baby, don’t leave,” his words are barely audible, and you tense visibly when he tries to pull you back and puts his leg over your body. Baby?
“Let me go,” you groan and push his arm hard to roll off the bed - and you land on the floor with a loud 'bam'. Instant regret.
He lifts his head at the sound but instantly frowns and covers his face with his hands. He must be hungover too. While you’re busy trying to get out of this embarrassing situation, you spot a bottle of water and some pills on the nightstand, instantly recognizing the pills as painkillers that you frequently buy.
You grab for them and take a pill without thinking twice. A few gulps of water, and you feel a bit better already. Not enough to function properly, but enough to slowly get back on the bed. The stranger watches you through half-closed eyes, without moving at all; he must feel as shitty as you. You hesitate for a second when you're back on the bed, but slowly offer him the pills and the water bottle. He stares at you for a second before silently takes the bottle and a pill from you and swallows it without hesitation.
You let your head fall back to the pillow and close your eyes again. You will feel better if you sleep a bit longer - that’s what you tell yourself hopefully. You don’t care the slightest bit about being naked next to him; he probably won’t remember this, and you also hope to forget the embarrassing moment.
The blonde male next to you leans back and covers both of you thoroughly with the blanket, much to your surprise. You feel warm instantly, almost forgetting about your lack of clothes. “G'night,” his words are barely audible, but the warmth from his naked body sends comfort to you while you drift into dreamland once again.
Without noticing the golden ring on your own finger.
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