#why does he look like something you'd find painted on the wall of a cave from 10000 years ago??
eliduremaybe · 11 months
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this is the ugliest fucking thing ive seen in my whole life i want it so bad
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sixtypackofcrayola · 2 years
Howdy! Could this please be for Macaque, Sun Wukong and MK?
Their S/o likes sketching and is really good at it, and one day they happen to stumble upon S/O's sketchbook (which has been left open) and it's just filled with doodles of them? And like, Lil notes of how much they love em and components etc?
Thank you!
wow ajax finished a draft?? unbelieveable 
✰ Macaque, Sun Wukong and MK (Separately) with a S/O Who Draws ✰
Fandom; LEGO Monkie Kid Character List; MK, Sun Wukong, Macaque Genre; Fluff Pronouns; None used for Reader TW/CW; None
-*Throws my hc about Wukong's drawing hobby at you* -He draws too! Just, not really in a sketchbook. Usually you'd find his drawings on the stone walls with chalk or on random pieces of paper or napkins- He doesn't really have a specific thing to draw in but he does it often -Sooo if his S/O likes to draw too,,, That's amazing! -Wukong likes to watch you sketch and sometimes draws with you while just talking about anything -Like his you're sitting down with your sketchbook and he's sitting on his cloud tryna draw somethin' real big on the wall with his chalk, and you two will just go on about anything while probably drawing two completely different things -Wanted to do a contest with you and had MK be judge. You both drew him and he posed and everything -In the end the kid couldn't choose because both were really good</3 -Illiteracy be damned dude can fucking draw -He'll ask you to draw him and he'd draw you a few times, and he actually puts a lot of effort into drawing you,, buuut you probably wouldn't end up seeing em, he's a tad embarrassed
-Wukong decides to peek into your sketchbook one day -He’s not trying to be invasive! He’s just,, curious,, what else do you draw that you don’t show him? -He doesn’t plan to flip through it all, just peek at a couple pages and smile at your beautiful work. No harm done, right? -Wukong just flips to random pages, some of them he’s seen before, but he still loves. Some he hasn’t and he wonders why you haven’t shown him -And then there’s a few pages that are just full of him -Like, back to back. Little doodles of him with little hearts, some more detailed drawings and a few referenced from the paintings in the cave. Some of the doodles have notes about how you love him next to them -Dude is over the moon -His tail sways rapidly as he looks through the pages of him, cooing at how cute you were. Why didn’t you show him any of these?? He’s so flattered! -Probably the same reason he didn’t show you some of his drawings of you... huh.. -And when you come into the room to see him looking through your sketchbook, he immediately bounds over to you and playfully teases you about the drawings -When you ask him why he was going through your stuff or snatch the book from him, he just tells you how flattered he is and says he loves how you draw him -He’ll ask you if you can draw him again shortly after, if ya like of course. He’ll even pose for you if you need it, and he’ll likely ask to keep the drawing afterwards -And perhaps later he’ll show you the drawings he did of you that he hasn’t shown you.. Y’know, since he already saw yours...  -You’ll love them, trust 
-On the other hand, Macaque doesn’t draw. He’s not very good at it,,, He’s a much better writer, which is why he’s so good at the shadow play stuff! -However, he enjoys your artwork. He doesn’t say it outright often, but he will watch you draw sometimes while you two are talking and might ask questions about it -Sometimes you draw scenes from his shadow plays, and that makes him real happy. He’s glad you enjoyed the show enough to want to create art based on it -Or maybe he’ll tell you a vague idea he has for a show, and you’ll sketch something out for fun to kinda flesh things out -He’ll def use your ideas whenever he decides to host the show  -Lovers who tell stories together bro y’all are perfect  -Macaque doesn’t open it himself, instead he just finds it open while you’re away from it -He just picks it up and flips through for a bit after looking at the sketch that was currently open to him for a bit -You won’t get too upset, right? ‘S not like he’s gonna negatively make fun of you for what you like to draw. Besides, most of it probably isn’t new to him anyway, and he just wants a second look. Another chance to marvel at your work because honestly really nice -And he’s.. honestly surprised to find so many drawing of himself -Ones he hasn’t seen before, actually. He’s only seen you draw him like, what, once? And here you were doodling pictures of him on page after page -There were little notes about him on the sides, like when you drew him with his hair down and wrote how pretty it was. Long hair Macaque is SO REAL -Or when you drew him just,, genuinely smiling, with little hearts around him  -No, he’s not blushing, not at all -And you just did portraits of him in general, all of which he loved, honest -You love him so much, don’t you? It’s sweet, really, and he’s very flattered. Especially since you seem to draw him a lot more than he thought -He flips back to the original page and sets the book down again before you come back, already hearing when you’ve made your first step in his direction  -Macaque puts his hands behind his head and crosses his legs like nothing happened, but he does give you a knowing smirk when you return to him and pick up your sketchbook  -He asks if you wanna draw him once you finish what you were working on before, still acting like he saw nothing -You probably will pick up on the fact that he knows, but he won’t lie about it if you do -Show him more of your art of him when ya do! He’ll wanna see it, trust -It’s another thing that assures him you love him. The fact that you incorperate him into one of your favorite hobbies so lovingly,, No he is not falling all over again -Especially after the LBD incident,, when (headcanon) half his fur goes white and he can’t use his glamour on it, and you still continue to draw him like usual,,,<33
-MK!! He draws too and that’s CANON, BABY -You two must draw together and talk about it all -If you two have similar interests then WOO you can draw the same characters and tell eachother how much you love the other’s style -MK will pose for you, you pose for them!  -Draw Monkey King/JTTW shit he will flip  -Sometimes he just likes to watch you draw! And of course he’s gonna ask you to draw him, probably a little more than the other two -But he’s real happy if you want to! Especially if you draw him doing something real cool, like using his monkey powers or fighting demons! -You’ll probably help him with his little drawn out plans- Imagine one of those kinda like from the finale but it’s a mix of both your styles  -MK does have drawings of you, and he shows you most of em! The ones he doesn’t are just ones he doesn’t like or the occasional lovey-dovey one,, so he’s in a similar boat  -Buy stickers for eachothers sketchbooks and decorate em together cause I KNOW he’s got stickers on his (headcanon) -You have a smaller sketchbook, and that’s the one you often carry with you places, like over to Pigsy’s  -You go there one day to hang with MK, Mei, and Red, and you four end up going out to the arcade and movies and stuff- Just having a bunch of fun out in the city! -It was a bit late when you all went back to your respective places, and MK decides to take you home  -You kiss him on the cheek and tell him how much fun you had again before leaving, and he waves at you as you leave with the biggest smile on his face -After returning, he notices your sketchbook left on the floor in his room, where you four were hanging out before you left -MK picks it up and opens it, quickly flipping through the pages realizing it’s yours and not his  -He was gonna close it and bring it back to you tomorrow,,, -But a page caught his eye before he did -Oou, is that him? -There’s a page full of doodles of him, and he looks super cool and pretty in all of them, he’d add!  -Awh, and the little hearts next to him,,,?? He hasn’t seen these ones before? -Flipping the page reveals another one of the same nature. Drawings of him with his staff, and another with his bandana off and hair flopping over his face. You noted how silly but cute he looked with even messier messy hair  -MK is blushing and smiling at the pages, how could you not let him see these?? Tail is going SO FAST, very flattered -He guessed you must’ve been embarrassed,,, but this was so sweet of you! He’d wanna keep them all  -The next day you come over for your sketchbook and he happily hands it to you -He tells you quickly that he went through it and that he’s really sorry he did but he thinks the drawings you did of him were really nice,,, -AND! He drew you! He kinda passed out after because it was late and he’d forgotten that BUT, HE DID IT -He invites you in and hands you a doodle of him and you posing together with a “tada!”  -Hope ya like it! Oh, and draw cute pictures of him like that more often! He will pose for you, but ya gotta let him draw you more too!
( Fin ~ ✰ )
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