#why do wlw ships have to do so much more fricking work
dxringred · 2 years
no, this is not intended to be anti-ste/ddie or mlm ships in general, i’m just an extremely tired lesbian who needs to vent.
i know i’ve already complained once today, but my god am i bitter about the amount of attention ste/ddie gets over ronance. don’t get me wrong, good for them, whatever, but they had significantly less canonical interactions, and yet somehow they’re doing double -- triple -- the numbers, and it infuriates me. i’ve seen numerous ste/ddie posts in my explore page on instagram but only one or two ronance ones despite actively searching for and saving them.
the ste/ddie ao3 tag has triple the amount of fics in it than the ronance tag, and a good 50% of the latter’s are also ste/ddie fics because for some reason people can’t type “background robin buckley/nancy wheeler” instead of the primary ship tag. meanwhile, the ste/ddie tag isn’t being even remotely clogged by ronance fics. and yes, i checked. on the first page, as of writing, ste/ddie only had two non-ste/ddie fics. ronance? thirteen. thir-fucking-teen. out of twenty!
the ronance tag on here? 9k followers, with 111 new posts today. pretty fucking cool! that’s easily the most popular thing i’ve shipped since swan/queen, like, four years ago. okay, well let’s look at ste/ddie.
29k followers. 489 new posts today.
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irinanonyme · 5 years
The whole stupid "Carole and Tuesday VS Yuri On Ice" thing (I'm kind of angry and it's long but if you have like 10 minutes you're welcome to read)
Hey, so I've seen a bunch of people throwing shade lately because "Carole and Tuesday doesn't have as much popularity as Yuri On Ice did and it just shows what kinda people those fans are."
People saying that just because it's not on Netflix yet it's not an excuse and then they compare it to Violet Evergarden.
Frickin' Violet Evergarden people.
Which is like, the worst example you can give. You're talking about an anime who was hyped up since back in May 2016 and released 2 years later in January 2018 not to mention that it's made by goddamn KYOTO ANIMATION. It ain't Bones my friends, yes Bones is great but Kyoani is just up there somewhere. Did you see A Silent Voice? Did you see Hibike Euphonium?? The trailer for Violet Evergarden has almost 4 million views while the trailer for Carole and Tuesday was released 3 months ago and it has like 400k views. Until now some people didn't even know that the anime is direced by Shinichiro Watanabe, the guy who worked on COWBOY BEBOP and SAMURAI CHAMPLOO.
Also it's not about "not knowing how to use kissanime", some people just want to support the official release financially and legally. Also some other people who already have Netflix accounts got excited when they heard it was coming to the site but now they learn that they have to wait 6 more months until it's fully released. You might love the anime to death and pirating it doesn't mean that you want to disrespect the creators but you sure aren't helping them now are you? I'm not trying to shame people for pirating, hell, I think that everybody on the internet has already pirated something at least once in their life. But please don't look down on people who have the money and are willing to help studios/creators financially. If they want to wait 6 months and binge watch it let them wait 6 months and leave them alone.
Also please don't get started on that whole "fetishizing" thing. I know this is gonna piss of a lot of people but here's the "hot tea" like tumblr users would say: LGBTQ people want to get accepted into a society where about 90% of it are straight people (which is completely fair and they *should* in fact get accepted) but whenever those straight people approve of a same sex ship it's fetishizing? So wait, when a straight girl ships a wlw ship "it's fine and hey girl you might be bi 😉" but if she's shipping a mlm ship it's suddenly "eew you disgusting bitch, fricking fujoshi I bet you jack off to that stuff, huh?" That's just effed up guys.
YOI got popular only after episode 7 because of the kiss, it was so incredible to the point where most people couldn't believe it, some still thought that it was maybe only a hug because it's rare having mlm and wlw relationships in an anime without the "yuri" or "yaoi" tag. It was also because for once a mlm ship wasn't shown in a bad light like having the taller guy rape the shorter guy then ending it up with "haha, omg I actually liked it haha. Now that you forced yourself on me I like you."
Or it being borderline incest like "Wow, even though he's my not-blood-related brother I have feelings for him."
Or having a huge age gap making it a borderline p*do thing like "He's a divorced adult and I'm only a high school student!! Oh gee what shall I do!!"
YOI became popular not because it was fetishized but BECAUSE it was in fact shown to be a healthy relationship by the creators themselves in a different setting than just "school/slice of life" it was a sports anime and there was no indicator of them becoming a thing. Many thought it was like Free where the guys are gonna have "gay undertones" the whole story but never actually get together. From my experience most "YOI haters" are salty people who still remember the stupid 2016 Crunchyroll awards who didn't mean a thing.
Also keep in mind that tumblr is not the whole internet and it doesn't represent everyone and everything. Even if there are surely some who really do fetishize same sex ships I don't think that most of them are YOI and/or Carole and Tuesday fans. People who really ship wlw and mlm ships are most and for all people who accept the LGBTQ community whether they're part of it or not which is already a big step onward for many. There are still some countries out there where you can get killed or sent to prison for being homosexual so when I see people supporting this type of content I get really thrilled. Not to mention that you can't really "accurately" tell who is "fetishizing" those relationships. You might look at a few reblogs and tell yourself that "Yup, this guy/girl is definitely a creep" but the truth is that you don't know. You have no idea who the person behind this reblog is, who's that person behind the screen. Maybe they're like 15/16 and they're not sure of their sexual orientation yet? Do you need to add a lesbian/gay/bi/trans,etc flag on your profile pic for you to be part of the community? No.
I'm honestly kinda tired of this "tumblr culture" where whenever you have an opinion it has to match others' opinions so you don't get hate/death threats by either kids or adults who don't have a grasp on reality and don't tell themselves that maybe "Hey, that person might actually be depressed and she/he might really kill themselves if I send them this so even if I don't agree with them I probably shouldn't."
People starting their posts with "here's the hot take/TED talk, I've been thinking about it for a while but was scared of talking about it" then it turns out that this "hot take" is 80% of the fandom's opinion and the sheeple in the comments somehow seriously think that it's controversial and are like "OMGG SPILL THE TEA SIS YASSS💖"
Or "Thank. You.👏👏 I was actually scared of saying it so I'm glad you did."
We're talking about a site where when you *actually* have a *real* "hot take" people will try to personally murder you and browse through your entire blog during 3 days just to find a stupid thing you said like 4 years ago to write a "call out post" on you with the meme "I'm about to end this man's whole career lol" then they be like "lol you fuckin' (insert bad thing here) supporter! I bet you're (insert mental illness/something that means "sick in the head" with a clever twist on words.)"
Then when you like a certain character or ship you have to make a 5k word explanation post where you start off by saying that you do understand that your "fav" is "problematic" and then you proceed to explain why and then you have to be a victim who was either bullied or taken advantage of in order to make people feel bad for sending you death threats and guilt tripping you so that they can forgive your different tastes and just call it a "coping mechanism" or saying that it's fine if you support that character/ship because you're mentally ill. Oh, and don't forget the apology post where you explain to people that just because you said something stupid when you were 14 on your blog it doesn't mean that you still think that way and that your views changed and yada yada yada.
Like?? What the actual fuck people?
Can't we just have a good time on this site for fuck's sake? Carole and Tuesday has only 5 episode right now which is not even 25% of the story since the anime is supposed to have 24 episodes. It's not available on Netflix yet and some people like binge watching series. Give it time, surely it's gonna get recognition soon and we're here to spread it too. I decided that no matter what I'm gonna have a good time watching this amazing anime and I support both CarDay and Victuri and any other healthy wlw and mlm ship, all LGBTQ people and anyone in this world who isn't a serial killer/terrorist/anything bad (obviously)
Thank you for reading the whole thing (hopefully) and if you don't agree and are about to write something really mean about me don't even bother please, you'll be talking to a brick wall and I only accept civilized conversations👌
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And so I continue on my epic re-read of that nonsense royalty AU mixed with a teen movie except gayer-- uh, I mean, Misadventures
Chapter 6 here we go
I already remember that when I wrote this chapter I wanted to throw my laptop out of the window because it was impossible, so now I’m scared
Kim actually doing exercise in this fic was me directly calling myself out for lazing around all day
He tries to get out of detention by pulling the “but I’m a prince!” card ashfskdjhkf that won’t work on Lady Mendeleiev!!
Speaking of, I’ve had Ms Bustier called “Lady Caline” in this thing but Mendeleiev’s still referred to by her surname? Can’t remember what I was thinking tbh
Kim you dumb idiot, the nobles aren’t moving out of the way because you’re royalty, they’re moving out of the way because MENDELEIEV IS WITH YOU
Ohhhh my god stop accusing your own classmate of murder, I think Alix would have much more than a detention if she’d fricking killed someone
Sidenote: Alix did not deserve detention. The rules didn’t say anything about rollerskates so she did nothing wrong and this was very unfair
And there’s me showing off how much research on cobras I did lmao
...I’ll be honest, 90% of the reason I wrote this fic was because I wanted Kim to have to walk with a book on his head
goddammit you know when you notice symbolism in your writing that wasn’t there before? this fic is hecking doing it already. striking a BALANCE between being a stupid idiot and being a thoughtful goodbean is legit a running theme in this thing, and,, that’s,, their detention,,,sdskgkjf
I’m the noble who fell off the balancing beam. it’s me
Kim... I’m going to hit you on the head with that book I s2g STOP BEING A JERK
the symbolism gahhh I’m dying, he needs to be more patient and less reckless just like his life skjdhksjd sjdghbsjfhsk laksjflad
How did Mireille end up in detention, you ask? Simple. Aurore framed her. Those two have a real hecked up relationship in this thing and oh boy it’ll take a front seat in the sequel if I ever write it
well dammit now I ship Kim with Mireille I mean they held hands
“If someone doesn’t get over here to help me finish this stupid thing right now, I will throw this book at someone’s face hard enough to send their teeth into the back of their brain.” pls... alix... hit ME with the book I’m begging you
I’m. having an allergic reaction to Kim’s crush on Alix. I know what happens later in the fic and I’m already breaking out in hives
Chapter 7 is called “90% chance of death” which is an accurate statistic to describe the mortality rate of reading it
This reads like a game of Civilization and yet I hadn’t even played it yet at the point when I wrote this part
And Kim stop trying to be tsundere, you’re so bad at it. everyone knows the real tsundere in this fic is Alix,
There’s me showing off about knowledge I learned on wikipedia again
“That would be the coolest way to die. Agonizing death by snake bite. I would love that.” Juleka you can’t just SAY that to Alix oh my god do you even know what happens in chapter 25???
Kim being good at archery is 100% a shoutout to Dark Cupid btw also he’s a sagittarius like me and I’ll fight you on this
Max just got bored and straight-up left the sports day lmaooo that’s the biggest mood
I can’t wait for chapter 60 where the Other sports day happens and it’s like the total inverse of this one
she’s highkey lying. she cannot order someone’s execution, she may be a pharaoh but she really doesn’t have much power lol, she just pretends she does so people will let her do what she wants
only chapter 7 and Kim’s already crying over something dumb (aka the threat of being eaten alive by a venomous cobra)? nice
“I guess me suddenly storming in here and lowkey threatening to kill you may have been overboard” uh yeah, you don’t say?? he kinda deserved it tho lmao
I love how Kim’s all like “ayy there’s plenty of other cute girls at this school for me to fall for!” when the two people at school he falls for next are both BOYS
alright chapter 8 now baby, and yes the title “Chick???” makes perfect sense in context I swear
Oh here’s one of those boys already! Kim’s crush on Adrikins is so damn obvious I love it
The umbrella scene happened except with a parasol
the whole “you four seem to make a good group” thing was me thinking how Marinette/Adrien/Alya/Nino is a god-tier ot4
oh god I want to hug Nath
OKAY OKAY SO. Nath and Alix don’t make friends until like chapter 44 or something, but the reason she knew already that he liked Marinette was because Juleka told her in the snek scene earlier, and then Alix used this knowledge to force people into giving her chocolate
Alya your gaydar is so broken... almost none of the girls in your class are straight
I’m also going to hug Alix, I know what it’s like to be a confused baby aro -- in fact I was at the time I was writing this skdjfhksdjhgkjf
Kim’s homework was just me typing out a bunch of intelligent-sounding words I remember seeing in Crusader Kings II tbh
ohohoho chapter 9 here we go
noooo Alya noooo don’t trust Theo!!! you’ll find out why in like chapter 47 but just!! don’t trust him!!!!!!
Alya I s2g... of course Marinette likes girls, she’s bi af
Chloe and Sabrina are wlw too... please fix your gaydar I’m begging you
same with Rose, good grief, she really does love Juleka omg
I love how I called the kingdom of Couffaine “mysterious” and “distant” because I hadn’t decided where it was yet, because I’ll have you know that for the sequel I’ve decided it’s the non-distant and non-mysterious Orkney Isles
Alya just knocks on Juleka’s door like “YO ARE YOU A LESBIAN?” skdjhkjsdhg I’m sobbing
No Alya, Couffaine isn’t a morbid kingdom, Juleka’s just really goth. Couffaine is just like how Scotland really is lol
Kim wtf you can’t just ditch Max like that good grief...
and there I go teaching the readers about geography, because that’s definitely what normal people talk about in their conversations
Alix’s ringtone is definitely a rickroll by the way
I love that these characters are in fact completely aware that they’re idiots who should not be in charge of a country, what they’re unaware of is all that precious, precious character development heading their way nyehehhehehe >:D
Look... I know I said I was having an allergic reaction but hugs with height differences are Very Important to me so just this once I’ll let it slide
Phew, chapter 10, and then I’ll stop because holy shoot I need time to process the ridiculousness of this mess
oh my god Kim literally burning the letters his parents send him in order to avoid his responsibilities is?? such a mood?? I’m basically doing that myself right now
This is the only time Emperor Gabriel even has any lines until like almost the last chapter lol
btw Chloe’s oracle question was “will I marry Adrien?” and of course the answer was no, so that’s why she was upset lol (idk what Marinette’s question was, I didn’t think of one oops)
more geography lessons!!!
Max being irrationally mad at Alix’s country having a higher GDP than his was inspired by him being mad about losing the gaming tournament to Marinette in the Gamer episode, by the way
Alix... is a reptile scalie I’m gonna regret saying that aren’t I
I love how her oracle question is literally just a stealth “I’m aroace, right?” and that makes the irony of the next bit so much funnier omg, poor Kim lmao I was so so cruel
(also I finally fixed that inconsistency... Fu said he was 186, but technically everyone in this fic is about a year or two older than they are in the show at the beginning, so he should be 187 instead)
Kim has just accepted that he’s going to die young by doing something reckless and stupid, that’s such a gen z mood wow
I’m genuinely losing brain cells because of Kim right now, I’m contracting the bubonic plague as I type, I’ve already lost 3 years off my life and so has Master Fu,,,, ask a sensible question you idiot
No Kim, it won’t be CPR, she really will kiss you, you’ll just know okay... now if you’ll excuse me I need to go bang my head against a brick wall for several hours
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somedaywellfindit · 7 years
do the entire overwatch questionnaire
There;s a lot so I’ve put it under the cut.
1. Who is your defence main?
Bastion and (recently) if I can, Junkrat!
2. Who is your support main?
Symmetrya or Lucio
3. Who is your offence main?
Tracer and Sombra
4. Who is your tank main?
5. Who is you MAIN main?
D.Va but I’m starting to play more Symmetra
6. Which character have you played the least?
7. Which character do you want to learn how to play?
Ana. I’m not good at aiming so it’s hard for me to play as a sniper but Ana seems really heckin neat!
8. Which character do you dislike the most?
Roadhog. He’s so annoying to play against
9. Which character’s background story do you like the most?
10. Which character’s background story do you like the least?
Soldier’s. It’s a bit generic… It’s also basically Captian America js
11. Which map is your favorite?
12. Which map is your least favorite?
Probably Volskaya or Antartica
13. What Arcade game type is your favorite?
Mystery Heroes
14. What Arcade game type is your least favorite?
15. Do you prefer quick play, competitive, arcade mode, or custom games?
Arcade mode but I do like QP
16. Which map type is your favorite? Assault, escort, assault & escort, control, or arena?
Assult and escort (seperatley and together)
17. Which map type is your least favorite? Assault, escort, assault & escort, control, or arena?
18. Which event map was your favorite?
The Lucio Ball maps
19. Which event map reskin was your favorite?
20. Which event was your favorite?
So far, the Halloween event
21. Which event legendary skin was your favorite?
Cruiser :’)
22. Which event was your least favorite?
Probably, compared to all of the other ones I’ve been a part of, the anniversary event
23. Which event legendary skin was your least favorite?
Cyborg:76. It’s ugly as frick omg
24. Which event non-legendary skin was your favorite?
25. Which event non-legendary skin was your least favorite?
Symmetra’s vampire skin. Don’t want to go into why but I think it’s pretty obvious…
26. Which event item do you most regret not getting?
Oasis omg. It’s such a nice skin and I want it so bad
27. Did you beat the Uprising event on Normal, Hard, Expert, and Legendary?
I wasn’t there for that, sorry (but if I had been there, I probably would’ve only done normal)
28. Do you have Sombra’s “Power Outage” achievement?
Nope. I’m going to try and get it though
29. Do you have Widowmaker’s “Smooth as Silk” achievement?
I don’t have the aim to get that one, sadly
30. Do you have Lucio’s “The Floor is Lava” achievement?
Nope. I want to though
31. Do you have Zenyatta’s “Rapid Discord” achievement?
I don’t play enough Zen to get that but I’m going to Try
32. What was the first achievement you got?
Level 10
33. Did you get the “Not A Scratch,” achievement on Junkenstein’s Revenge?
Nope. I haven’t played hard mode yet, so I’ll have to try and get that one
34. What has been the hardest achievement to get for you?
I don’t really try and get certain achievements but probably Group Health Plan? It’s hard for me to not die as Mercy because usually (unless it’s my friends), my team doesn’t do much to help me
35. What’s your current SR score in Competitive Mode?
I’ve only played one comp match this season and I don’t really plan on playing anymore. My sr from last season was 1454 though
36. What the highest you’ve been in Competitive?
37. What’s the most amount of placement matches you’ve won?
5 :P
38. How many gold guns do you have?
None :(
39. Which was the first gold gun you got?
No one’s yet
40. Whose gold gun do you currently want?
Symmetra’s or D.Va’s
41. What role do you usually play in Competitive?
42. If you don’t play Competitive, why not?
It’s scary ok. The pressure is not fun
43. What kind of theme event would you like to see in the future?
Probably something like Uprising? Or like a winter games one???? I’m not sure tbh
44. What type of character would you like to see in the future?
Another fuckin healer or defence character!!! Like there’s other classes Jeff Overwatch. hop fuckin to it
45. Who needs more (or better) skins in the future?
Doomfist h ol y shi t. Zarya and Bastion need better skins too lmao. Their recolours are their best ones
46. What country would you like a new character to come from?
The Philippines!!
47. Favorite voice line?
“I’m your huckleberry.” hsfjaofkl
48. Favorite player icon?
Doom Dab! Doom Dab! (the Doomfist shotput one)
49. Favorite emote?
All of the dances
50. Favorite spray?
Tuxedo. I hope we can get that as a Doomfist skin. He looks dapper as fuck and I love it
51.Favorite victory pose?
Zenyatta’s Peace one omg
52. Favorite highlight intro?
The Sombra hacked one
53. Characters you ship the most?
Genji and Zenyatta for mlmSombra and Symmetra for wlwD.Va and Lucio for a het couple
54. Characters you ship the least?
Genji and Mercy, Soldier and Reaper, anything with Tracer unless it’s Emily, Genji and Hanzo (wtf is wrong with you people), anything with the father figures and their kids (D.Va and Soldier, Reaper and McCree or Genji, Soldier and Mercy, etc)
55. Characters you wish had more in-game interactions?
Lucio and D.Va or anyone with Winston probably
56. Character you wish had a comic about?
57. Favorite comic released?
I don’t read the comics so I don’t have a favourite
58. Favorite short released?
Infiltration. It was the first short I ever saw and I love it
59. Favorite new character released?
Orisa. She’s so pure….
60. Overwatch, Blackwatch, or Talon?
Overwatch or Talon tbh
61. Pro-Omnic or anti-Omnic?
Pro-Omnic omg
62. Favorite character that isn’t a playable one? (Ex: Emily, Brigitte, Gerard, Efi, etc.)
Efi or Emily
63. Character change (nerf, boost, work around) that you liked the most?
The Doomfist nerf.. He could kill you in one charge, which would work for a tank hero but for an offence hero, it was too op
64. Character change (nerf, boost, work around) you liked the least?
The Zarya ult change where you couldn’t shoot
65. Best ultimate?
Soldier’s or Mercy’s
66. Worst ultimate?
Winston’s and Reinhardt’s
67. Most kills in game?
Altogether, 2817
68. Most heals in game?
290, 983
69. What character do you think needs a nerf?
Probably Junkrat? If he has an extra mine, there should be a way to escape his trap imo (like how you can not get frozen if you’re D.va when you use her boosters)
70. What character do you think needs a buff?
I’m not sure, honestly.
71. Have you ever rage quit in the middle of a game?
Kinda. Usually, when I leave in the middle of a game, it’s because I have to do something or I go afk
72. What’s the fastest you’ve won a game?
Probably 3 minutes? I remember I was in an arcade game or something and we were on defence and we just decimated the other team. They couldn’t even get out of spawn for half the game
73. What’s the fastest you’ve lost a game?
Does joining a game and immediately losing count? Because that happens a lot
74. Your best Overwatch-related story?
I don’t really have one yet
75. Weirdest thing that happened to you on Overwatch?
Finding the weird names. I saw someone called RespectWemen and I wish I added them as a friend omg
76. Platform you play on?
PC master race bitches
77. Do you stream?
Nope. My friends do though. It would be neat to be a part of the stream but that means I would have to talk :P
78. Do you normally play solo or with friends?
Solo but if my friends are online, I’ll play with them
79. Have you made any friends because of Overwatch?
Kinda? There’s someone from a group chat but I don’t want to call them a friend since they’ve said some shit that I don’t agree with (it was racist and gross)
80. Have you cosplayed a character from Overwatch?
Nope. I wanted to dress up as Tracer for Halloween but I don’t have the money to do that right now, sadly
81. Have you ever wrote fan fiction about Overwatch?
82. What’s the lowest you’ve been in Competitive?
In terms of SR? 1456
83. In “All Brawls,” if you get “Charge!” do you play Reinhardt or do you pick the Lucio role?
I haven’t played it but I would pick Lucio
84. In “All Brawls,” if you get “One Shot, One Kill,” do you play Ana, Hanzo, or Widowmaker?
Widow or Ana
85. In “All Brawls,” if you get “This is Ilios,” do you pick Lucio or Roadhog?
86. Team Genji or Team Hanzo?
Genji!! He’s a cyborg ninja. He’s cool as fuck. Hanzo is edgy and kind of annoying
87. Be honest! Do you usually get on the payload?
Yeah, I try to
88. Does your team?
Most of the time, yeah
89. What’s the longest session of Overwatch you’ve played?
Idk if this means a match or time playing it in general so I’m gonna go for the latter. I’ve probably spent at least a couple hours playing Overwatch, if not more
90. No Limits, Mystery Heroes, or Total Mayhem?
Mystery Heroes
91.Most cosmetics you have for one character?
16 (D.Va)
92. Least cosmetics you have for one character?
9 (Winston)
93. Have you ever made your own custom game?
Yeah, but it was just to look at the maps
94. Best D.Va skin?
95. Best Mercy skin?
Literally all of her event legendaries. They’re beautiful
96. Best Tracer skin?
Graffiti but I also love Posh and Sporty (also that Spice Girls reference? love it)
97. Zarya’s Industrial and Cybergoth skins: yes, no, or HELL NO?
Hell no. THey’re Not Nice
98. Do you want more animal character, robot characters, or human characters?
Robot, I think. An animal character would be cool though! Like how everyone was theorising about the ape from the moon being a new hero
99. Is there a character you’d get rid of completely?
Nah. There’s some who suck (*cough* Hanzo * cough cough*) but not to the point where I would want them removed
100. What do you think Sombra’s real name is?
This was before her real name was revealed so I already know her name but probably Sofia. It’s a pretty name for a pretty girl
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