#why didnt I buy a house 5 years ago!? ๐Ÿ˜ญ
minimezteck ยท 5 months
I just need like $20000 more to feel comfortable with a down payment for a house but damn working overtime sucks and I can't shake the feeling that something bad is going to happen.
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bunnyb34r ยท 10 months
Okay finally rested enough to post!
So this show went so much better than the last one, and a lot better than the same show last year. I actually had a lot of fun!
So my high-school friend's mom goes every year and she bought like $50 worth of stuff from our table agsgdgdggs which felt really nice especially since we haven't been friends for like 10 years almost, but her mom still updates us on them when we see her
She bought like a whole bunch of ornaments, FOUR toadstools!!! (They havent been selling for years)
Mom didn't sell any wreaths unfortunately, but I sold a LOT. Like someone came and bought 7 gingerbread houses, and all of the wooden ornaments I made, within the first ten minutes.
She was like "hmm how many of these gingerbread house ornaments do you have? I need like 15 for my book club." And I had exactly 15 and was like I'll sell them all to you rn ma'am. Agsgsgs but she decided to do only 7 and get ALL of the ornaments I painted from the bin store
People really wanted the gingerbread houses which was a surprise bc I think I sold like two the past two years. I was very VERY happy with that bc I really like making them but I haven't made them bc well no one wanted them :( but now I have only two left in inventory so I can make more! :D
I have a year though sggdgdgd
They also really liked the boo-boo bunnies! Didnt sell any teeth this time which I spent so much time on trying to bulk up inventory (I have like 25)
Was very shocked by how many people liked the toadstools! I sold most of them actually! People liked the flower top ones the best (dont blame them) which is nice but I got them on a whim at target like years ago sgdggdgd so idk if I'll be able to make more of that kind ๐Ÿ˜…
I think we're gonna do two tables from now on bc it really helped not having to cram everything together on one
Gonna have to buy more displays and figure out a better layout for the ornaments I think bc I have 40 of those fuckers ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ I sold 1 in the past few years.
Oh and some lady came and she was like "are you the creative person who does the painted clothespins?" And I was like yep! Right here! And pointed to the basket
She like seriously started tearing up sgdgdgdg idk why??? But she was so excited for them (but only bought 5 lmaooo) and she kept coming back to talk to me and it was like okay :) okay (: OKAY (((:
She was really nice but it was awkward as hell man sgdggdgd
Some of my favorite vendors were there though and I got the CUTEST penguin figure and a bumblebee, a chicken, and a baby octopus :D
And a table near me had made an anglerfish plush and it was so funny bc all day I just had "the nefarious anglerfish...." stuck in my head
I thought ab getting it or the big octopus but they were $60 and while that's a VERY fair price for the size, skill, and time put into it, It wasnt in my budget unfortunately
I'll post pics later in a sep post I'm just still really tired
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