#why did this take me so long its not even a thousand words UGHHHFFISODGNI;A
crybabyjabby · 4 years
Denki x gn!reader
Synopsis: in which you over slept before going on your date with a young electric boy
a/n: my first drabble, YAY! I hope you guys enjoy, and feel free to share criticism. as long as your not rude about it :)
warnings: fluff? angst towards the end if you squint, but not really ;)
word count: 846
“Owww.” Awaken by a harsh throbbing on your temple, you slowly open you’re eyes and take in the view in front of you. You’ve fallen off the side of your bed once again, for the 4th time this week?? Groaning, you picked yourself up off the chilling floor and plopped yourself back on the comfy mattress that made you melt inside and out. 
These slumped moments made you feel so pleasured. Wrapped in some of the finest cotton (no seriously, it was a gift from Momo) it was like a daydream, jumping from cloud to cloud. Air like bliss, with a nice lavender scent. It was these moments you wished you weren’t interrupted so abruptly by a spam of dinging messages. Annoyed, but curios, you picked up your phone and wearily looked at the screen.
“10 new messages?” you thought. You typed in your password and scanned through your 5 person group chat messages. Momo, Mina, Ochako, Jirou, and yourself, made up your lovely, “bad bitches” group chat.
Continuing to scan through, a certain message caught you off guard. 
OCHAKO: I’m so excited for you y/n :D I hope you and Denki have a great time!
Your thoughts fumbled upon each other, making you question what went wrong in your schedule. “Was today the day?! What time does it start, NO what is the time now?!!” All sorts of things swarmed in your head. Bolting up immediately, you stared deep into the soul of your alarm clock. 
It read- 11:53am. “Why didn’t you go off, why, WHy, WHY!” Knowing that throwing insults at the clock wouldn’t do you any good of what has already been done, it relieved quite a bit of self anger. 
You racked your brain for the time of the date the both of you had planned. It was the first date, how could you be late? When your brain rejected your request, you remember writing it on you’re calendar. Practically sprinting across the room, you caught sight of the huge red circle marked ‘Special Day’. Reading under the bright, bold letters, read ‘be there by 12:15′!  “12;15?!” You whisper-screamed. You remembered everything so clearly now! You were going to meet at the BonBon café by the mall.
After registering what has just happened the clock had the audacity to click to 11:57. That's it, your not wasting anymore time. Speed walking straight to you’re closet, you stared down the mountain of clothes that was on the floor instead of being hung on the jumble of hangers. Rummaging through the pile to find a plausible looking, decent smelling shirt. To your luck, the best thing you could find was a slightly wrinkled, Best Jeanist, hoodie and in the back corner, a pair of navy blue jeans. Slipping your clothes on as fast as you could, you rushed to the bathroom to quickly brush your teeth and take care of anything else just to get to the mall in the next 15 minutes.
The clock blared- 12:06pm
You put on the nearest shoes you had, grabbed your phone and bag, and went outside. Checking your phone for the nearest bus stop. Finally something was on your side today. 
“YES” you yelled a little too loud. Making a few heads turn at you, but you gave them a quick reassuring thumbs up that you’re not crazy.
Nice for you, you were able to hop on the bus at 12:11. Sure the mall was 20 minutes away, but your sure Denki would be fine with just a 15 minute mishap. You used this time to thank Mina and Ochako for there wishes, and to text your new, bubbly boy, of a boyfriend a quick heads-up that you’ll be just a couple minutes late.
Y/N: Hey Denki :)) I’m so sorry but I’ll be a few minutes late to our date. don’t have to much fun without me!
You arrived at 12:33! So very happy to not be passed fashionably late. But with your outfit scratch the fashion. When you arrived to the sweet smelling café you greeted the workers, as you looked for a bright, blonde haired someone. You scanned the room back and forth but didn’t see him anywhere, making your heart sink a little. You took a seat by the window and ordered a cup of boba. Lightly sipping, while thinking what could have gone wrong.
‘Maybe he didn’t have time to wait for me? Or maybe he didn’t want to hang around someone like you?’ In the middle of searching for answers you heard a loud voice call out your name. Which you could only guess was a certain electric guy.
“Y/N I’M SO SORRY FOR COMING LATE!  I should have sent you a message.” You saw a frown nearing his face but quickly reassured him about your morning and showed him your message.
He was a lot happier in the end that he wasn’t the only one whos morning was compete chaos.
 Another a/n: HII! if you made it this far, thank you ;D I really do hope you all enjoyed! but again I do this for fun, and to hopefully make people smile
also if you don't get the title, its supposed to be ‘slip up’ but instead ‘sleep up’, if that makes any sense😭
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