#why cant tsukasa and tsukushi just be happy
weabalert · 4 years
Mad. I don't want to finish rewatching the Hana Yori Dango anime because I just remembered all the bs right at the end 😤😤😤
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hzlmrgoalsk · 5 years
My thoughts on Hana Nochi Hare: Hanadan Next Season
Jesus mother fucking Christ. I have a lot to say about this show. A lot. First I loved 95% of this show. I really did. It brought back all the memories of Hana Yori Dango, and yes, I haven’t been in this universe for very long, but it does feel like home to me. If you are a fan of Hana Yori Dango, take the time to watch this because it really is amazing, just be advised, the ending will piss you the FUCK off.
I love that this was the author's idea to come back to this story so many years later. As you are watching it, or reading it, you see all the issues that HYD had and that she actually does fix a lot of the problems that the original had. I loved how this show incorporated all the most beloved parts of HYD and changed the parts that needed to either be updated or just completely scrapped. 
Haruto. THIS POOR BOY. HE DESERVED SO MUCH MORE THAN WHAT HE GOT. Kaguragi Haruto is loosely based off the Tsukasa character, however there is a hell of a lot of Rui in that boy too. He is also 100% obsessed with the F4 and its adorable. I mean, he has an actual hologram of Tsukasa in his house. He is the sweetest and purest boy that has ever existed. He falls in love with Oto faster than even Tsukasa falls in love with Tsukushi, which... I had no idea was even possible. He is just the sweetest thing and he needs to be protected. 
Oto. I THOUGHT SHANCAI FRUSTRATED ME. You don’t know the meaning of frustration until you have watched Oto deny her feelings for Haruto until the last possible second. Like, she is aware of how she feels, but SHE DOESN’T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT. It is extremely frustrating and heartbreaking to watch. 
Tenma. HE GAVE ME SECOND LEAD SYNDROME FOR A WHILE. He is kinda based off of Rui, but he is also completely new and different. He truly does love Oto and wants her to be happy. And he is the most genuine and sweetest boy. Which is why I got second lead syndrome so bad for a while. 
The ending. ARE YOU FUCKING SHITTING ME?! Yes I am aware that the manga is not finished. So there is hope for a second season. WHICH I AM DESPERATELY WAITING FOR. Oto chose Haruto in literally the last 5 minutes of this show. THERE WAS NO RESOLUTION. We never got to see them hug, be happy, LET ALONE KISS. Like..... COME ON. The positive thing about the ending is that it was open ended, so the possibility of them doing a second season is there, just like with HYD. So... I guess I will be reading the manga to find out what happens. I CANT JUST NOT KNOW. 
THE CAMEOS. These are what made the show for me. Each cameo was relatively short, but each one was so significant it was amazing. Tsukasa, Rui, Sojiro, Tama, the Butler and all the locations that they went too. It was so amazing to see those characters again and see how they have grown and changed. It was also so cool to see the Domyouji house again and to see Eiban Garden Place and the statue that meant so much to Tsukasa and Tsukushi. 
For the fans that have waited years for this, you will love all the callbacks to the original and the little things that they put int here for the fans. Parts of this show were almost directly taken from Hanadan, and they still worked. Like they had the double date, the competition, meddling parents, the necklace and asshole “friends”, but each one of those got an update that fit the show perfectly. over all, I really did love this show, it was the ending that kinda killed it. However, my heart has a new boy with Haruto. Again, if you are a fan of any HanaDan versions, this is almost a must watch. Now, I am off to find the manga so I can not be in pain anymore. 
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