#why cant shoes be shaped differently. why cant the toe space be in the side instead of where the second one would be
salsa-di-pomodoro · 1 year
I can't wait to wear open toed shoes
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harrysgoldenline · 5 years
okay so i saw one of these for niall but, one where y/n can’t afford harry’s life style but doesn’t like him paying for her and it’s just angst with fluff at the end?
Hii!! I got SO SO SO carried away doing this and it ended up not being too angsts so I really hope you still like it! And I’m sorry it took so long but I just got the inspiration for it and all just came to me at once! Thank you so much for requesting 💖
The Best Gift
The store was bright and flashy, yet somehow simplistic, the different display cases making the girl glance around quickly as she took in the new space filled with diamonds, pearls and jewels, although this being her second time here, only because of him, she didn’t think she would ever get used to it.
She felt completely out of place, walking through the luxury store with Harry wearing an ensemble costing close to three thousand dollars and she was wearing a dress from one of her favorite online shops costing her around $60, with that being a splurge.
“Anything catching those pretty eyes?” He smirked, nudging her slightly but still keeping his grip tight on her hand, guiding her throughout the store he has been through more times than he can count, “we got all day baby, try on anything you want!”
“I’d rather you give the fashion show.” She laughed, going up on her tip toes and kissing his cheek, “We’ve been in her thirty seconds and I’ve seen you staring at four different pairs of trousers.”
He gave her a small nudge, before leading her to a seat outside the changing room, due to the fact they got in trouble last time for having her come into the same one was him. He gave her a quick peck before he started grabbing his items, flashing her a wink before he disappeared into the short hallway and into the dressing room, giving her a cute wave before shutting the door.
She giggled softly to herself, biting her bottom lip and shaking her head, wondering how on earth she was lucky enough to have him as her boyfriend, be so lucky to have him be in love with her? It would never fully click.
Her eyes wandered around the shop, admiring the different materials and luxury items she could never even dream of purchasing. She wishes she could, especially dreaming of being able to buy something Harry would buy for himself and just be able to try and repay somehow for everything he has done for her.
Harry has taken her on so many different trips, gotten her custom gowns, designer shoes and jewelry and it made her feel terrible. For his birthday, she picked up extra shifts, stayed late, and did some babysitting in order to get him some new rings and a recording microphone he could hook up to his phone or laptop he could use instead of using just voice memos.
He loved it of course, wearing the rings all the time and enjoyed being able to get a better sound when an idea would spring up on him, but she still felt guilty. Harry would get her a thousand dollar bag and a matching diamond earring and necklace set.
Letting out an impatient sigh she stood and began wondering around the store a handbag catching her eye, well her dream bag really. She has had it plastered all of her Pinterest board and was just in love with it. She carefully ran her fingers over it, heart sinking as she checked the price tag and instantly retracted her hand, feeling wrong for touching it, so she just stood and admired.
“Okay darling, what do you think?”
The girl jumps at the sudden voice, pulling her back to reality and she turns to look at him as he is standing directly behind her, a large smirk covering her face as she takes in his appearance.
He struck a few poses, blushing a few moments later after some staff members noticed before shyly standing straight, giving her a quick twirl as he was dressed in grey wool trousers and a pattered sweater.
“You look so handsome.” She softly smiled, reaching her hand up and rubbing her hands over the material, “its really soft... I love it, absolutely perfect for you.”
“Thank you angel... now you go pick something to try on.”
After Harry trying on a few different outfits, and him forcing her to try on a dress (which she didn’t end up getting for obvious reasons), they were headed for check out, Y/N helping him carry his items to the counter where they both stood, her eyes widening at the price growing and growing.
“Hey Y/N, you wanna grab some smoothies from next door and I’ll meet you there and we can head back to my place?” He suggested, handing over the place pair of trousers, “I’ll be right there, gonna get the car pulled up.”
“Okay!” She happily smiled, “The usual?”
He nodded and gave her a quick kiss and she was off, entering the overly priced smoothie place nearly a minute later, quickly ordering their drinks and waiting over to the side.
A few minutes later they called her name, giving her the drinks and she left with a quick thank you, a smile covering her face when she sees Harry in the car pulled up outside, running over to the car with a smile and happily hoping into the passenger seat, handing him his drink with a kiss on the cheek.
He gave her a happy smile, stuck in a daze as he stared at the girl, a large dopey grin glued on his face.
“What?” She laughed, cheeks turning pink as she started buckling her seatbelt, “Why are you staring at me?”
“Just so in love with ya, sunshine.” He grinned, leaning over and giving her a long kiss before pulling back, switching the gear of the car and driving off.
She blushed, giggling to herself as he kept stealing glances at her throughout the drive back, “Look at the road!” She laughed, covering her face, “I love you but right now is not the time to stare, you’re gonna kill us.”
He grabbed her hand closest to him, bringing it to his lips with a quick kiss before seating it down on the armrest between them, holding it there for the rest of the drive.
Soon enough they were back at Harry’s, him grabbing the bags before she could so she just carries in both smoothies, scurrying in close behind him, following him into his bedroom where he starts putting away his new clothes.
“Darling, could you grab what’s left in that last bag please?” Harry called out from his closet, putting away his new sweaters and trousers.
“Of course!” She called back, walking over to it as Harry sneaks out of the closet, watching her reach into the bag.
She kneeled onto the bed, reaching into the deep white bag and her eyes widen at the feeling of leather, rather than the soft feeling of fabric, eyes looking up and meeting Harrys as he leaned against the inside of the doorway with a smirk, raising his eyebrows at her as if to urge her to keep going.
She shakily wrapped her fingers around the handle and pulled it out of the bag, an audible gasp escaping her as she quickly looked up at Harry, a proud grin covering his pink lips.
“H-Harry.” She shakily began, shaking her head as the images of the price tag overwhelm her memory.
“I’ve been seeing ya look at it online and when we went in the store last, then again today so I just had to get it for you my love.” He explained, walking over and sitting next to her on his bed, “Do you like it?”
She shook her head rapidly, dropping the purse onto the bed and covering her face as tears filled her eyes, knees pulling to her chest. Confused, Harry instantly took her into his arms as he got the complete opposite reaction than what he was expecting.
“I-Is it the wrong color? Shape?” He began, “We can take it back-“
“It’s too much!” She interrupted, “It’s so expensive! You cant keep… keep spending this money on me its not fair! I’ll never be able to repay you, we have to return it.”
“Repay me? That is not what this is about, I got this for you because I am in love with you and I wanted to get you something that you’ve been wanting for a long time. You’re always working so hard, Y/N. I wanna spoil you.”
She brought the back of her hand back up to her eye, wiping away her tears before looking up at Harry, heart breaking at the dejected face he was making. The girl leaned into him, arms going around his shoulders as his meet her waist, pulling her onto his lap, moving her hair out of the way and kissing her shoulder.
“Your love, Y/N…” He began, “is the most valuable thing you could ever give to me. All I ever want in this world is you and you alone, okay?”
She nodded, burying her face in the crook of his neck pressing a kiss to the warm skin before pulling back and looking into his eyes, “Okay.” She sniffled, “I-I’m sorry, I am- Thank you, Harry. I really am grateful, for everything, it’s just a little overwhelming.”
“I know you are, you don’t need to thank me angel. You got the sweetest little heart.” He chuckled, pressing quick kisses up her neck before leaning their foreheads together, “You’re the best thing to ever happen to me, no gift can top that… Although I do really love those rings you gave me.”
“They’re no Gucci....”
“Hey! They’re my favorites.” He grumbled, fingers digging into her hips as he pulled her closer, kissing her softly, “I love you so much, more than you will ever know.”
“I love you so so so much, Harry. Even without the gifts or anything… you know that right?”
“I know.” He shyly smiles, heart growing in size as he knows the girl in his lap is the one he’s been dreaming about, “and I know you’re the best gift because you’re my soulmate, Lovie. You’re my forever.”
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curiosity-killed · 3 years
evidence of a lost past part 5
chronologically after 1 & 2 and a bit before 4
fun fact of the day: Hua Cheng’s dancing to Lover’s Tears as performed by the Shanghai Conservatory Symphony bc it’s one of my favorite lazy improv songs
story tag
By the time seven comes around, Xie Lian’s legs are trembling with fatigue and his hair’s plastered to his forehead and nape. Winding lazily out of a renversé, he drops his arms and exhales. He feels...worn, gently pummeled like a sock in a washer or a stone along the riverbank. It’s been a while since he used his body like this—even these last few weeks of borrowing Hua Cheng’s studio have been more about relearning how to move at all, retracing the lines of the technique he’s let fall by the wayside.
Now, for the first time in a long time, he feels like he’s properly danced. The feeling buoys up in his chest, bright and a little heady. It still feels funny to break the rules he grew up with, to blend classical lines and break up languid adagio flows to hit the ground, but the way it leaves his body feeling exhausted and satisfied makes it hard to resist.
He takes a few minutes to stretch properly, working down from his neck to his feet and closing off with a short round of abs before he shrugs his sweatshirt back on, picks up his shoes by their heels, and goes to find Hua Cheng.
He’s lured up the stairs by the arching strains of strings and the low rumble of piano underneath. Wandering to the upper studio, he finds himself swaying absently to the three-four time as if the music itself is drawing him into a waltz. He hums softly along and turns the corner off the stairs to find the studio door propped open. Here, the music swells so loudly he can nearly feel it buffeting his body like ocean waves. He comes to a halt at the door.
Hua Cheng is alone inside, a single lean figure in the half-light of the studios. Only two of the four rows of fluorescent lights are on, and they form dim lines like walls of silk strings through which Hua Cheng weaves as precisely and deftly as if he were the shuttle, the hand shaping the cloth.
The choreography is some Xie Lian has seen before—today, even. On Hua Cheng, though, it is a wholly different creature than when He Xuan performed the same steps. He Xuan is a capable dancer, with strong technique, but it’s abruptly clear that he’s a younger dancer with less experience than Hua Cheng. Where He Xuan maintained the extended balances with a tight jaw and stiff shoulders and dropped from them gratefully, Hua Cheng suspends on the ball of his foot, drawing it out and slowing his extension till it seems he’s pushing the music, curving the song’s fermatas and languid sweeps.
In time with the trills and high ornamentation, he flicks through hand gestures in rapid succession while his legs sweep rond de jambs into a light leap off his left hand. The motion rolls him back up to the start, into the sequence that begins the entire pas de deux: a heavy step to the side, the sway of loose arms carrying him into a spin.
At this point in the piece, the dancer never looks to the downstage left corner, like it’s bad luck or a persistent blind spot. When He Xuan danced it this afternoon, the choreography had seemed awkward, the missing corner too self-conscious. Watching Hua Cheng now, though, Xie Lian’s heart aches. Hua Cheng pours himself into the movement, every reach a desperate plea, every sharp twist furious rejection. Standing in this absent corner, where Shi Qingxuan is to enter, Xie Lian suddenly understands why Hua Cheng has been so insistent about the facing. He bites the inside of his lip at the familiar welling of grief that laps at the insides of his ribcage.
Hua Cheng presses into a suspension with his leg nearly to his ear before dropping into a double turn as rushed and frantic as a hurricane. He stops sharply, finally facing the corner as his leg stretches back in an exquisite arabesque, his arms reaching forward as if begging an indifferent god. His gaze sweeps up and then catches on Xie Lian. Freezing, his eye goes wide, and he stumbles forward half a step, falling out of the final pose.
“Ah, I’m sorry, San Lang,” Xie Lian says, suddenly embarrassed. “I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
Hua Cheng shakes his head even as he rubs the back of his neck. Wiping his hand on his thigh, he gives a small shrug.
“Gege is always welcome,” he says, a little breathless. “I was just surprised.”
His hair’s coming loose from the ponytail, hanging in hanks around his face. With his t-shirt and bright eye, he looks softer than usual, and Xie Lian is briefly possessed by the inexplicable urge to hug him.
“Ah, it looks very beautiful, San Lang,” he says instead before pausing. He drags his bottom lip between his teeth before adding, “I think I see why you were dissatisfied in rehearsal.”
Raising an eyebrow, Hua Cheng tilts his head to the side in open curiosity, and Xie Lian flusters. He’s still not used to such sincere consideration, to having his words listened to with such care. He scratches his cheek.
“Mn,” he says. “It’s just—you choreographed it with a more experienced dancer in mind, didn’t you?”
Hua Cheng blinks at him once, and Xie Lian mentally goes over his words before flushing. His hands fly up, trying to wave off the offense, and he nearly clocks himself in the face with his shoe.
“No, no, I don’t mean it like that! He Xuan is definitely experienced, too, and plenty capable,” he says in a rush. “Of course he’s a very skilled dancer—all of them—”
A laugh escapes Hua Cheng, and he crosses the space between them with two easy strides. Catching Xie Lian’s hand, he smiles at him. Although there’s amusement in his look, it doesn’t feel like he’s laughing at Xie Lian. It just feels—fond. Warm.
“Gege, it’s alright,” he says. “If you say it’s so, then He Xuan must really just be a useless upstart.”
The teasing edge to his tone is enough to cut through Xie Lian’s fluster, but he groans and buries his face in his free hand at the shameless teasing.
“San Lang,” he mumbles.
Hua Cheng laughs, bright and irresistible, and gives Xie Lian’s hand a gentle squeeze before letting go.
“Anyway, gege’s right,” he says, stepping back slightly and tugging the elastic out of his hair. “I didn’t choreograph it with He Xuan in mind.”
His hair falls to his shoulders, a little rumpled and wavy from being up, and briefly hides his face. As he drags his fingers back through the crown to retie it, Xie Lian cants his head and considers him. He Xuan is the most experienced of Hua Cheng’s dancers, along with Shi Qingxuan. Lan Chang is older, of course, but from what she’s said, she only dances for fun and to teach now. It would take months for her to build back the strength and stamina needed to perform.
“Why don’t you do it?” he asks.
Hua Cheng startles, looking up in surprise. Tightening the elastic, he dips his head a moment before shoving his ponytail over his shoulder to hang in a long line down his back.
“Ah, it’s silly. You’ll laugh,” he says.
“Noo,” Xie Lian insists, grinning. “I promise I won’t laugh at you.”
Looking at him a moment, Hua Cheng narrows his eye, but his lips press together like he’s suppressing a smile. He looks briefly skyward and takes a breath, losing his fight with the smile. Parting his lips, he draws breath to speak before pausing and letting it out in a quiet exhale as he settles his hands on his hips.
“Well. It’s a pas de deux,” he says, like that’s the end of it.
Xie Lian pauses, pressing his lips together and tilting his head. When no more is forthcoming, he can’t help the snigger that escapes him, and Hua Cheng shoots him a betrayed look.
“You said you wouldn’t laugh,” he chides, but there’s no heat behind it.
“I’m not, I’m not!” Xie Lian says, holding up his hands. “It’s just—you really dislike dancing with someone else so much?”
It’s not that Xie Lian would blame him, exactly: as skilled as his company dancers are, Hua Cheng is exceptional. Even with Lan Chang in the peak of her career or He Xuan at his finest moments, the pairing would still be unequal.
“Not exactly,” Hua Cheng hedges. He presses the toes of his left foot into the floor, arching the foot into an absentminded stretch. “It’s just—the one I thought of when I was choreographing isn’t an option. So to dance it with anyone else—they really can’t compare at all.”
Oh. Xie Lian swallows, startled by the sincerity of the explanation. That really isn’t anything to laugh about. He hesitates, chewing at his bottom lip and sneaking a glance up at Hua Cheng. This person Hua Cheng thought of—if Xie Lian ever knew them, they’ve been lost to time. The knowledge weighs like a stone anchor deep in the pit of his chest, but he tries to swallow it down. He’s being presumptuous, really. He shouldn’t make so many assumptions.
“Ah, then maybe we could figure out how to make it work for He Xuan and Qingxuan together,” he offers, tentative.
Hua Cheng’s expression softens, the hesitance fading into a gentle and welcoming warmth. Nodding his head decisively, he smiles.
“Gege has the best ideas,” he praises. “Where should we start?”
Setting his shoes and bag down by the wall, Xie Lian draws in a breath and steps more fully into the room. It’s not for him, to be lit up on the stage with hundreds of eyes glued to every articulation of his hands and feet—but maybe he can still help Hua Cheng, if only by being a second set of eyes.
“Ah, the a la seconde turn that turns into a tilt?” he suggests. “The floor sequence after that seemed to give He Xuan some trouble.”
Hua Cheng nods and rolls his shoulders once before moving back into the center of the space. Starting a few steps ahead, he glides through the movements as naturally and confidently as if they were the only way his body knows to move, as if fit to his long limbs by the finest of tailors. Xie Lian offers advice and suggestions where he thinks they might better shape the choreography to He Xuan’s own movement, but it seems a quiet kind of betrayal.
Watching Hua Cheng dance, Xie Lian doesn’t want to see the piece altered or made for another. He wants to see it like this, like it was meant to be, with Hua Cheng alone in the thin light and the corner empty, open, waiting.
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Aye bby gurl! It me! I was just wondering how you draw feet/shoes?? I can never seem to get it right so i just cut them off xD
oh geez okay, im even worse at feet than i am at hands but i’ll give it my best shot!! usual disclaimer: this was again an impulse study at like 3 am and i’m basically just compiling things ive picked up from studyingfeet are another one of those super expressive body parts! you can convey a lot of emotions with them which is why they’re so hard to draw. they’re super flexible and generally weird but they’re important in drawing a full body! you never want to cut someone off at the ankles for compositions sake: it looks awkward and its an unnatural place to end the body. I could go into a whole spiel about how to frame things and properly cut off things for a good composition but let’s just jump straight into feet:
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wooh feet studies! i didnt refine them this time around for times sake but these are all rough observations! i mentioned this in my hand study post but when drawing you should always try to break more complex things into simpler shapes. I find triangles work particularly well for quick gesture drawings, but circles and flat ovals work really well for feet! Feet also tend to have less of that soft fleshy stuff that’s in a human palm and instead they’re made up of a ton of flat planes and subtle slopes. I think capturing those two key details will help in making a foot look like a foot.
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So shapes! From the side it’s easier to build the foot off of circles! I did forget to draw a circle next to the toes which would represent the ball of the foot 1but I think you get the gist! The heel is kind of squished under the ankle bone and you want to consider that the heel is flat on the bottom. Always accommodate the ankle joint and pay attention to how the skin moves around it! It’s the whole reason a foot is able to rotate in such expressive ways and often times exaggerating it can help make a foot more bony or interesting. Toes can kind of be grouped into the big toe and the rest of the little ones but we’ll get back to that later.Also, depending on how the foot is bent, skin will bunch up! So here its folded most at the back of the heel and in the middle of the arch (remember that feet arch, they aren’t fully flat on the ground) while its more tightly stretched over the front of the foot which allows the bone structure to show through.
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Here you can see the planes of the bottom of the foot better, like the flat plane of the heel! The severity of these planes and how well defined they are can vary depending on age of character and other factors, but generally for an adult or someone who is well traveled, areas like the heel and the ball of the foot (area of flesh between the toes and arch of the foot) will be harder and flatter! You can also see how, similarly to the fleshy portions of a palm, the ball of the foot is separated into two larger portions! If it helps, try tensing your foot and look at how a crease appears between these two areas. (In the diagram I didn’t divide them too well, the actual areas are pretty much between the big toe and the rest of the toes.) Note that the ankle is still defined even though we’re seeing the foot from the bottom.Drawing feet from head on can be a bit challenging. It might help to show a hint of the heel to still give it that general “foot” silhouette. Also, going back to toes, unlike with fingers I’ve noticed the pinkie toe tends to curve in towards the foot. I think something a lot of people have trouble with is fitting all 5 toes into the foot naturally because they try to draw them all straight and perfect like fingers. They’re not nearly as spaced out and are often pressed up right next to each other. The exception to this is the big toe! It might be helpful to exaggerate the space between it and the other toes on occasion since its more flexible than the other toes. (Most people can move their big toe much more easily than their other individual toes… probably, im speaking from experience only LOL)
okay im gonna go ahead and put shoes under the cut so this post doesnt get miles long:
so, now that we’ve covered feet, shoes should be easier to think about! I actually really enjoy drawing shoes and I think they’re excellent subject for blind contours! They’re super detailed which means there’s alot to observe, but even just drawing them stylized can be fun. something to remember is that shoes are made to accommodate feet but they’re not going to follow the exact shape of a foot. This is because there’s a sole inside that already helps the foot fit comfortably inside and the rest of the shoe is a structure is built around that (im mostly referring to bulky sneakers which are my favorite type of shoe to draw. different shoes will vary, ie ballet flats are going to take on the shape of a foot much more while say traditional japanese sandals are very blocky and flat)
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these are just some quick examples showing how shoes accommodate the arch without following it completely and how the slopes of the foot arent as defined in a sneaker.
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okay, i was getting tired at this point so i stopped observING slkjfdk but basically here shoes can be broken down into basic parts too! and this is applicable to sneakers, platform shoes, dress shoes and heels to an extent! Basically anything that’s not like a flip flop or something.(Also side note but I personally really love when artists exaggerate the heel of a sneaker to stick out, it just really gives it that aesthetic chunky look)
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A shoe is made up of the tongue which is, you know, the piece of fabric under the laces that you always have to pull out after tying your shoes! Its typically overlapped slightly by the sides of the shoes which.. take on a particular shape that I cant quite describe but I hope you can see how I outlined it in the drawing! If you’ve ever seen a shoe pattern laid out flat you’ll know what I’m talking about. Next we’ve got the tip/front of the shoe which is literally just like a flat oval. It’s there to cover the toes but it doesnt take on the shape of them, like i mentioned earlier. To represent this it helps to draw a line separating where the toes and rest of the foot meet. Shoes like Converse have a really obvious tip like this but shoes like Nike are more subtle and not as rounded at the top. Finally we have the sole of the shoe and the heel. The sole is relatively flat typically, though it tends to curve up at the toes and it goes slightly inward at the arch. The heel is pretty self explanatory!
aaa that got really long but I hope that helped at least a little bit! I’m pretty amateur at stuff like this but i think i covered anything that i know about currently, though it may have been a little incoherent rip
here’s the link to my hand post if you’re interested
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