#why are you even speaking italian and not venetian btw
We were talking about the Italians in this show, and this is funny because it doesn't have anything to do with anything, but I simply MUST inform you that the actor playing adult Mustafa (I know, you didn't get there yet) is married to an Italian, speaks the language and lives in Italy. He was even in some Italian things, most recently La Compagnia Del Cigno (some drama about an orchestra idk).
Well that's cool. Does that mean I'm gonna hear unbutchered Italian later on at one point?
Unlikely unless the character himself has reasons to learn it.
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inktae · 8 years
Guess Tumblr ate my messages so I'm sending em again *massive eye-roll* First of all, YES Jin needs a dreamy fic, idk why but I often picture him as a fairy or a watchmaker? Or a white wizard ahahah. I'm looking forward to what you can do for him :') Then, WOW YOUR STUDENT IMPROVED SO MUCH?? Mari, you must be a very good teacher, I'm impressed o_o I remember you saying that you were considering becoming an English teacher, and I can really picture you being one tbh, I feel like you are very -1
Patient with students? and seeing em improving it's so damn satisfying. The girl I was tutoring just a few months ago sent me a text with the results of her exams (much more than she expected) and she was so happy, and I felt so proud :') Also, you kinda pumped me a lot so I brainstormed a bit for the Venice au but I remember only the creepy legends (imma tell you some btw), so today I'm searching for the ones (I'm sure there are!!) that I can't remember very well n are more... ethereal? -2
I think those will fit min better :') so, there are a few nice stories: one's about the devil building a bridge (that really exists, it's next to my high school building) in just a night, and to do that he forgot to put the railing on the sides (it's indeed a very weird looking bridge ahaha). Another one is about an ancient palace (Ca' Dario) where during the centuries all its inhabitants died in very bloody, very suspicious ways (for real,it's documented) and so now nobody lives there anymore 3
But my fave is about an incident that happened around 80 years ago: So, our cemetery is set in a whole island (for health motives ofc), and one very foggy night a boat accidentally get lost near there, and it was so dark that it didn't see two gondolas (peculiar venetian boats) and so it crashed em, making 4 women fall in the water. 3 died: their corpses have been found in the next weeks, drown. Yet, after all these years, they still need to find the last one (a baby girl). However, -4
It's said that during foggy nights, if you go near the cemetery, you can see a small coffin floating on the water :-) as you can see these things are too creepy for Jimin ahaha, man, I remember sth about sea fairies helping the sailors tho, gotta search this for good eheh *flies a kiss* (5/5)
DID TUMBLR SERIOUSLY EAT SO MANY MESSAGES JFC ;;; christ I love fairy jin!! idk why, but I’m also thinking of giving him some sort of... deadly beauty, maybe his charms can have a bit of creepiness under them, sort of like mermaids :’) and I do feel like I can enjoy teaching!! thankfully my kid is very motivated to raise his grades but it must be a struggle if you have a student who doesn’t even want to try. I try to teach things in an easy way though, I’ve had too many teachers who speak to their students as if they already knew everything and that just makes their heads hurt. I usually start explaining things in a very simple, dumbed down manner haha, and the more I see him understanding things I slowly start raising the level of my explanations. whenever he goes ‘yeah I got that’ I speed up a little and I think that works very well for the both of us :D but yes seeing them happy with the results feels very relieving!! you must have felt so proud as well hehe
UHM I LOVE THE CEMETERY STORY. That’s sooooo intriguing and it could definitely work so well in a story! you want to make it very suspenseful, then? sort of like the underlying mysteries under the charming city of venice. god, you could start this as a fanfic but it could very well work for a book too, I’d definitely buy it even if it’s in italian 😂 good luck with your research!! I’m studying but I’ll try to brainstorm for seokjin in my free time ^^
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