#why are they both wearing shorts you ask? because i didn't want to draw pants LOL
hahanamegobrrrr · 5 months
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wordsvomit101 · 6 months
This will be a short one, with credits to Hikifans (@shyanimeboi), and here is the link: https://twitter.com/shyanimeboi/status/1778300826995335505
I will use metaphors this, a lot of metaphors for the H-scenes if you're curious. Hopefully it Bible friendly.
Ok here we go
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I could never be an MC, like I cannot be a player, I do not have the rizz to think of another man while rubbing another dude's abs like this
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Well MC isn't wrong, I barely see his abs in his S card. The guy looks broad but I thought he wore baggy clothes the longer I look at him.
So Ppyong slipped into MC's clothes and touched her soft stomach and apparently, it might be MC's weak spot causing her huha be quaking and ya'll:
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It might seem normal but think it is the regular Ppyong saying it. MC is stronger than me cause I would already be laughing at the images in my head
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I'm so gonna draw this, but it gonna be Minhyeok wearing what he wears in my other fics-
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Are we fighting???
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"Was always careful with you"... in what??? In WHAT????
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... I guess the reason why I like this ship so much is how it could work. It's weird, but it's not as weird as MC's romances. They literally felt like that side couple or ship in drama media that I often like more than the main couple. I'm also a sucker for the friends-to-lovers trope
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WOAH OK- Sir you spend too much time with Sitri-
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Wait- Hold up- MC has rizz- OMG they have rizz
YO she taco-ed her legs around his thighs and holding his waist and saying all this? Absurd- I could never- The girl got game
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You don't have to call me out like that you know?
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Idk why but it's kind of wholesome, his smile is so cute that it is hard to focus on the tension. Like that smile is a puppy smile but his hands do be parting MC's rear like Moses parting the Red Sea like- Bro is giving her booty a rubdown treatment
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It can be somewhat flattering and comedic in fiction but it would be scary irl, but that's just me
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I-🧍- Ihsbhjdabdsjbd- What? What do you mean by that?? *Shaking him on the shoulders* Ayo what do you mean by that??????
I need to calm tf down cause either I'm misreading and misunderstanding his words or the translation sucks but it could mean A FEW THINGS HERE SIR *(¬¬)🙄 bombastic,side eye(¬¬")(◔_◔)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)¬‿¬(ಡ᎔ಡ)( ͡º ꒳ ͡º)* and one of them is how you definitely want to be sandwiched between them-
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Ok now this is the cringy smack metaphors territory, don't say I didn't warn you:
Ok so when I said his hands are kneading her double cheeks like dough I mean it, like he could rip both her pants and bum open right there-
Then he went on to ask if Minhyeok had ever seen her making her applesaucy face before and they were sweating because of their sitting marathon session with their hands and Ppyong dead ass told MC to lick his sweat to see if it was the same as Minhyeok.
And MC does what MC does, it doesn't matter if she doesn't know what Minhyeok tastes like, she sucks on Ppyong's face like he is the last ice cream cone in flaming summer. As if his face is a soft serve with zero net carbs, as if he is cannoli gelato, and her tongue is all over it, or in her words "like a dog that stuck his nose in a bowl as soon as the rein is released"
It tastes salty mixing with the sweet scent of flesh if you're wondering and she salivating all over his face. Going full Beelzebub on his face like she is slurping on the finest meal of her life. Hey at least, Ppyong enjoys it👍
Then when Ppyong asked if Minhyeok ever saw her this parched and MC recalled how Minhyeok always came into his room on time after she was done petting the cat, finding Nemo, sexy DIY, etc... you get the gist. MC speculated that Minhyeok was definitely outside waiting for her to be done like a peeping tom, you know, creeper behavior <3/jk
The thought makes MC dripping like a faucet, overflowing like a dam. Then they are back in their hands on investigating shenanigans and we get to the part where it would get the original poster banned on YouTube if they posted there. I also just gonna leave these here, MC is a player istg:
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OK that's enough smut for this week bye-
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sanshoney · 11 months
older brother & male!child!reader
reader is 10, older brother is 18
no plot, just fluff
shout out to boys who never wanted siblings, only an older brother
(intentional lowercase, no use of y/n)
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– to be honest, having dead parents is a burden alone. but also having a little brother you have to take care of now? yeah, noah knows it all too well.
– seriously, he can barely take care of himself. he barely graduated! and he can't even live alone because of his stupid brother. things aren't the best right now for him.
– of course, you're not the one at fault here. you didn't want your parents dead, right? besides, you had never been particularly too close with your older brother. maybe it's the big age gap or maybe it's his unbearable personality. or the combination of both.
– if he were a bit kinder to you, everything would be just fine. he never touches you and rarely talks to you. there are times you don't see him for days. you find yourself missing your father's warm embrace and loving words.
– still, you try so hard to get his attention. you ask him about his day everytime he arrives home. for your efforts, you get a short 'boring' from noah and moments later he's off to his room.
– you know it's hard for him. being an adult must be hard... especially in his case. you appreciate everything he does for you, from working to cooking dinner. you always say "thank you, big brother!" with a wide smile on your face, hugging his waist. you're a well-mannered boy, after all. he usually groans and pats your head awkwardly, muttering a quiet "whatever."
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you decide he's not good with words or touch or... well, you decide to draw your affection for him! you work on the drawing for an hour, wanting it to be absolutely perfect. your final product on the paper is quite good! the sun is shining on the left upper corner, the grass is a pretty green and the clouds are blue. in the middle, there are two people: a short and a tall one. the short one is you, wearing a blue t-shirt and green shorts. you're holding the hand of the taller figure, who is noah! he's wearing a red tee (you found out red is his favorite colour!) with grey pants. a happy smile is plastered on both of the boys' faces.
you grab the paper satisfied, ready to give it to your brother. you sprint to his room, knocking loudly. a muffled "come in" can be heard, so you hurriedly open the door. you stand in front of him, hiding the paper behind your back. "big brother, i have a surprise for you!" you announce, almost bouncing from exhilaration. he looks up from his phone and waits for you to continue. you reveal the paper and place it on his bed. he looks down confused and lifts up the paper. hes looking at it, scrutinizing it and... his lips curve into a faint smile. "why did you make this?" you can tell by his tone that he's a bit flattered. "i thought you'd like it... thank you for everything you do for me!" you smile at him innocently, really hoping this will change something in him.
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– ever since that day, something truly had changed. whenever you ask him about his day, he says more than one word and he even asks you the same question! when you hug him, he runs his hand through your hair. you always lean happily into his touch and smile, which makes him smile.
– recently, you started hanging out in his room. usually, he's showing you photos he took. you learnt hes working as a photographer, which is pretty cool in your opinion.
– sometimes, he gestures for you to go closer to him. he wraps his arms around you and rubs your back slowly. "little brother, y'know it's just us, right? im sorry for being distant. it's... hard. but thank you for being understanding and patient. i appreciate it." you nod and hug him back.
– in the end, all that matters is that you are always there for each other. maybe the harsh reality of the everydays can lose their sharpness a little in each other's arms.
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hope you enjoyed!! ♡
what do you think about him? :3
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I have a challenge.
I am going to, using my magical powers of description and poetic word choice, describe myself.
You should try to draw/make me based on what I describe and mention me in the post/reblog this post with the picture!
No pressure but if you see this and aren't an artist but know someone who may be, perhaps reblog and mention them? Just if you don't mind :)
However, do not (and I can't stress this enough) use AI art for this. I do not support the use of AI art at all and I do not want to interact with jt whatsoever
(it's gonna be in the third person bc I can write like that better)
(also sorry for my weird similies)
He stood there in front of the mirror, somehwat awkwardly, observing himself. He was 5'6 - no idea why he had that memorized, but oh well - and built like a tree. That is, if that tree was in fact not a tree but a stick with limbs. He had Fluffy red hair that fell to his shoulders when it was wet but rested normally a few inches above. How he hated that hair; Utterly untameable and never sat quite right. He had disproportionately long legs, not so much that it stood out normally, but if it was mentioned you could see it and when wearing skirts or shorts his long expanse of leg seemed to stretch on forever. He had very little muscle, and as he flexed experimentally in the mirror, he snorted - He looked like he was built with pencils. His shoulders and hips were the same width, that is to say quite narrow and somewhat awkwardly thin; it matched the rest of him, but he couldn't help but wish that he was bulkier. His neck was functional if not a little short. Attached to it, as with most humanoids, was his head. He wore thick rimmed round glasses both because they had to be with how thick his lenses were and they hid more of his face, which he was quite insecure about anyway. His ears were ever so slightly uneven, leading to his glasses never quite sitting right on his face and usually resting on his nose. Oh, his nose; the only thing he didn't despise about his face. Not that it was a specifically good nose - One of the nostrils were a bit bigger than the other and it was sort of small - but it looked the least weird out of all his facial features. Resting below his nose was a septum ring, the same black one he'd had on since he got the piercing only because he couldn't be bothered to change it. Continuing down past his lightly freckled face was his mouth, as was to be expected. He had pale lips to match his equally pale skin, the two only differentiated by a slight pink tinge on the former and the assumption that he was not in fact a snake and did have lips. He had eyebrows slightly darker than his hair, although to tell the truth he sometimes would use mascara to make them darker because of his fragile masculinity and his need to fit traditional male standards of appearance so as not to be misgendered. His face overall was the shape of one of those Japanese watermelons that had started to become squared but only very barely before escaping its clear plastic prison. He wasn't insecure about his height, but that didn't stop him from always wearing platforms; he just liked how they looked. He was currently wearing his favorite outfit, consisting of a black tank top that went a few inches up his neck, an olive and dark green striped button up not fulfilling its namesake over top, and some pale dark green cargo pants. He hated wearing jewelry, as it was just one more thing to lose, but he always had on a chain with a gold ring holding a small clock face; His partner had asked him out with it, and he kept it with him because he knew if he set it down in his dump of a room it would be lost to the ether the second he looked away. He also had his ears pierced, but rarely wore earrings and instead always had on a pair of headphones to help with the constant anxiety from noise. He had tried to wear headphones with earrings in the past but found it extremely uncomfortable. As he stepped back from the mirror, he realized his internal monolog was extremely monotonous, and decided to stop observing himself.
Thank you to @annotated-catastrophe for the original idea!!!!
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spectacular-supernova · 8 months
I, uh, m-made something f-for you.
Know that I'm totally embarrassing my ass over here, so... Don't laugh loud enough that I can hear you from over here!
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Aaaaaand now, per Lyndis tradition, I'm gonna overexplain shits and turn a simple Ask into a whole ass Ramble!
-----------------------------(why is there no "Read More" partition in an Ask? I'm so embarrassed right now goddamn it)-------------------------
If you're short-sighted, try removing your glasses or contact lenses and look at this picture. I just did and it's suddenly even prettier!
I actually planned to draw your Sonicsona at first. And then I realized I deadass couldn't even draw Base Sonic. Then I thought I should draw a mole. I realized I also couldn't draw a mole. I thought I should just go for the easiest shit and draw ToFu. I realized I could not draw either one of them, too.
Because I cannot draw, I cheat! I mean I turn things into shapes (chiefly triangles, though not all of them) and then color them and hope that something shows up. This is me using this scientific /+ philosophical concept called Emergence.
No, I didn't just say THAT to sound like I have a technique of any kind, trust. It's so totally a technique—my very productive ass told me.
I remember you saying your favorite color is something like pink, blue, and stuff? It was from that tag game from last year. Hence, I decided I should create a context so I could draw an obscene amount of pink and blue.
If I'm being honest, it took me less than a millisecond to come up with the exact context—Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom is abundantly blue.
And since I always wanted to sneak ToFu in, I thought I would make a purplish-pink dusk. And then I will sneak those stargazing two in.
Come on. Everyone knows those ToFu panels. Even someone like me, who had not seen that part of the manga yet, knows.
Bless Tonari for being so relaxing to color.
HOWEVER! Fushi's limited-ass color presented a big problem for my cheat-drawing. How many combinations of "white" can you even make before you zoom out and see... nothing?! So I basically sabotaged them. That's what you get for being difficult, you mopey, neck-crick-possessing, fragile-enough-to-be-blown-by-the-wind cutie doofus.
I made up the color of their pants. I didn't even refer to their Nameless Boy drip when I decided on the color. I assed that part.
Yes. I admit I put a shit ton of effort into coloring Zelda. This version of Zelda is my kin, you know. Anyway, I like the way her, uh, shirt turned out.
I also like how the Master Sword turned out, but there was so much blue I ended up requiring outlines to distinguish it from Link's shirt and the sky. Told ya I have no technique or skill. I cheat through and through
I was too lazy to draw those sky islands. Besides, the ToTK side is already saturated with details.
What the fuck issa "proportion?" Everyone's head is an orange. The difference, Nova, is whether it's a Mandarin Orange or an Orange.
I don't know if I overdid Dinraal's draconic mane. It looks like she's wearing a wig. At least she is different from how she initially looked—a red tapeworm outfitted with chicken legs.
I admit I put more effort than any Past Me would have into Dinraal because a certain mutual is very, ah, particular about dragons.
Drawing two of your favorite ships for their show of devotion was a completely deliberative choice on my end. Did you also realize that both Link and Fushi had a short, small, low ponytail and that both Zelda and Tonari had similar hair? I believe it's due to me hitting my drawing skill limitation.
There is actually an Easter Egg of some sort in this picture. It's not the ugly doodle thing, no. That thing is me. I'm not an Easter Egg; I'm a ghost.
I'm not telling you what that Easter Egg is. I'm fine with it never being discovered; it'd be like those secret levels in old video games.
But if you DID discover it, come tell me what you think it is!
I hope you like it enough! Instead of it giving you a migraine, that is. Surely my """art"""... doesn't require a trigger warning... right?
Have a good one, mai bruzha!
I’ll spare us all a little extra scrolling on my part by adding that read more you were fretting about, I have my own ramble upcoming!
I KNOW YOURE ON YOURSELF ABOUT NOT BEING ARTISTIC OR WHATEVER BUT THIS IS ART!!! AND DAMN GOOD ART TOO!!!!!!! This is!!!!!!!!!!! I want this made into stained glass I want to make this the permanent window to me bed roOM LYN THIS IS AMAZING THIS IS ALMOST CERTAINLY GOING DOWN AS ONE OF MY FAVORITE ART STYLES!!!! There’s no such thing as cheating in art, it’s all art!!! “Cheating” is a style, no technique is a style!!! I should know I have none either, hehe -w-‘ your art may be some type of cubism? Hehe idk I’m not an art student :3 Either way this is absolutely gorgeous I’m in LOVE!!!
It’s so creative and well done and I LOVE your eye for detail, the lighting is inspired!!!! Like the way the sun hits the space behind Zelda is so pretty, AND ZELDA IS SO PRETTY!!!!!! EVERYRHING IS SO PRETTY, I CANT FOCUS ON ONE THING BECAUSE I KEEP JUMPING BACK AND FORTH BETWEEN ALL THE THINGS I LOVE ABOUT IT (every thing, every last detail!!! Is that a little you in the middle? Is that the Easter egg???? I could just pick you up and pat your little head!!! 😭 I know you don’t love hugs but that’s how I’ll be standing if you’re ever ready for one!!!)
I should slow down maybe and pick a few things to focus on BUT I JUST CANT I LOVE IT ALL!!!! The two scenes just blend so well into one another that my eyes are just naturally being drawn back and forth between both of the scenery! Dinraal, who turned out AMAZIING BY THE WAY, ABSOLUTELY NOT OVERDONE, if anything I’m so glad you had fun working on her!!! She’s so gorgeous!!!! I bet your friend is so so proud of how well she looks!!! Oh but anyway, Dinraal naturally leads my eyes over to the sun/moon (and the 24, hehe, thank you!!! /)//(\ Your memory is astounding!!), which have their own beautiful rays of light leading down onto the adorable couples 😭 I love love LOVE the moonlight leading down onto Tonari and Fushi, and the fact that she’s pointing at it too like she can almost reach it? Beautiful! Gorgeous!!! And it just leads my eyes down to them too, there’s just such a natural circular flow here, no wonder I keep getting caught in a loop of admiration! 😁
The blues and the pinks, and the stars on the ToFu side!!! I just noticed them and they’re everything to me!!!! Hahaha I’m so glad Tonari was relaxing to color hehe, same for me, something about her is just so lovely and calming when she’s relaxed 🥰 As for Fushi’s colors, I didn’t notice! Even after you pointed it out it looks good to me! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ this is from someone who never references colors though, I’m so loosey goosey about everything -w- BUT YOUR SOLUTION TO YOUR PROBLEM WAS GREAT, THEIR SHAPE IS VERY VISIBLE AND EASY TO MAKE OUT hehe :3 I love their crossed little legs 🥰
Zelda being your kin is so good to know hehe, I’ve always been drawn to all versions of Link myself! I think we’ve been perfectly set up to “play dolls” with these characters in the future, so to speak! Aaaahh they can’t have been easy to draw, there’s a reason I almost never dabble in drawing those two and their intricate outfits, but you make it look effortless!!! Zelda’s shirt turned out amazing, and I’m stuck looking at her little triangle braids!!!! I don’t know why I’m so fixated on that it’s just adorable!!! 😭💕 What a lovely technique, man, I’m so enchanted! AND THE MASTER SWORD, I know you called it cheating BUT I LOVE THE LINE WORK, it makes the sword stand out, almost like you lined that specific part with some sort of melted gold??? Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!
This is gorgeous and beautiful in every which way and thank you!!!! For everything!!! For this beautiful drawing and for giving me a chance to ramble and giving me something gorgeous to look at for the rest of my day, and for indulging in both of my silly little ships /)//(\ I’m so glad I don’t need glasses because I love every inch of your art, thank you thank you THANK YOU!!!!! Gosh it’s so so so lovely 😭💕 you’re so lovely!!!!
I don’t know how to say goodbye so I guess I’ll just say good night for now! Thank you for thinking of me… I’ll have a wonderful day, so long as you promise me you’ll have a wonderful night along side me 🥰
Goodnight, Mai Bruzha!
- Nova
#Lyn the Zelda Kin (I’ll come up with a better tag some day I PROMISE ��� haha!!!)#Friend Rambles 💕💕💕#long post#IM SO STOKED YOU HAVE NO IDEA AAAHHHHHHHHHH KICKING MY FEET#I’m typing the tags before I actually type the main body heehee I’m gonna jump over the moon!!!!!#and thank you for the letter too I’ve been rereading it! I’ve been getting back into writing letters of my own and wow!!!#the quality of yours are amazing!! I may have to take a note or two on how to craft a good one that one was amazing!! and thank you :’)#ok editing: this nova back after her ramble in the body text#I’m sorry for how disjointed this all looks! I kind of tackled my response based on where I was looking at at any given time#and I wanted to get my reply back before you hit the sheets for the night!!! still it took me some time but I hope I made it!!!#ahhh Lyn I hope you rest well! I’m going to have an amazing birthday and you’re a contributing factor in that my friend.. Mai Bruzha!!!#I know for a fact I’m forgetting details too like just the fact that I love the idea of Tonari and Fushi chilling at night#chatting and looking at the stars and enjoying each other’s company. my favorite scenes of them are always them shrouded in darkness and#covered in some sort of fireside lighting I just!!!!!! they’re so good in the dark thank you for drawing them at night#they are a moon couple to me… and ZeLink is a sun couple to me like idk how you got all these details DOWN about me! maybe we see the world#similarly :3 good to know I have someone in the world who sees them the way I do 😁#aahhhh I’ll let you get off to sleep now dear friend!!! and thank you again! thank you thank you thank you!!!!#this is truly shaping up to be the best birthday ever!
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fuckthisfuckingapl · 2 years
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You and Haikyuu men first time having sex .
-Nsfw 💋
You and Kei have been officially together for 2 months and the sexual tension been growing since y'all were high school kids buh neither of you want to admit till your graduation day he ask you to be his s/o and of course you say yes and now we're back to present day .You and Kei have had sloppy make out sessions both gasping for breath as your both rut into each other to feel release.But both snap back to reality and pull away .Why ? You don't know was it y'all both like the ongoing tension and passion and don't want to loose it or scared of what happens after words .Well ether way it didn't matter because today you have to have him.As always y'all went about y'all day it was date day we're y'all both take time and go out with each other today Kei wanted to take you to this pretty park .You put on nice cut booty shorts and a nice t shirt .It was a pretty hot day .You finally walk out and grab your bag .
"Ready babe "-Y/n
He look your up and down slightly licking his lip then Turing his head but you ketch the pink hue of checks .You chuckle and kiss him on the cheek take his hand and walk out the door .After y'all got back y'all were both had a lot of fun him constantly teasing you making you feel hot in your clothes .Yiu take off your shoes and tell Kei your head for the shower .You take off your sweaty clothes and step into shower feeling the water run down your body you can't get that look that Kei gave you , he had that silly smirk and eye lid heavy with lust and love as he leaned into you for a sweet savory kiss.It made your knee shake and your nipple seemed to pop at the hot air and your aroma .You wash the thoughts away and put on a nice silk set , you were so needy for Kei at this point you want him and want to impress him , you want your first time with him to be special.You come out the bathroom steam and fresh breath let out .You can see from the crack of the door tsuki laying out on the bed with nothing buh his Jean on his soft tone abs that you love .[ that slutty man waist ]You open the door he look up for a sec then back at his phone till he realized he quickly put his phone down and look back at you .You walk up and set your self right on top of him purposefully putting your ass on his dick, you take your hand to the side of his waist slowly rubbing up and down and drawing circles on his chest .
"Kei I want you "-Y/n
You lol at him with your lip puffed out and those innocent eyes.
"Are you sure ?"-K
"Definitely - Y/n"
You soften his gaze and pulls at your hips and lean your head down and give you a soft peck .
"If you get uncomfortable tell me "-K
You nod your head then take his hand to the bad of your head to have a deep kiss sneaking his tongue exploring every inch .He then pull down you strap to your top and lead kisses down your neck slightly sucking .He lift your shirt over your head and look up at you as he attack your breast .His mouth wraps around your nipple and his hand play and slightly pull on the other .He then buck his hip upward and left out a soft gasp all it making you feel in a euphoric feeling.His eye widen look that sound as he growls he swap place and throws you in the bottom and pull down your pants and under wear .Leavjng kiss on your thigh as you feel his tongue lick up your slit , he slightly peek his tongue inside.The sound that come from your mouth are ungodly noises and you buck your hips up you try to close your thighs buh tsuki prey them open and keep devouring you felt that tingly and  tighten feeling of your organisms arriving ,
"Mhm keii~ stop c-close " -Y/n
He chuckled you could feel him smirk it smeems it got even better after you crash and your thigh smothering tsuki even suffocating him as you can't hold back the moans and the constant repeat of his name .
He clean you up and pull back up to your face and kiss your check he look you in the eye
"I love you so much Y/n " K
"Love you too Kei "-Y/n
You pull him into A sweet kiss and wrap your arms around his neck as y'all make out he pulls down his pant and you palm him aching dick he groans and pull his face to the side you smirk you loving playing with him even in the sweet moments .You circle around his tip
"And I can't wait to give you love "-Y/n
You slowly stroke him and Tch at you talking to his dick , he then slowly take his hand down and palm your pussy and then stick his fingers let a soft moan .
"Keii no more teasing want this "-y/n
As you stroke on his cock .
"Alright impatient brat "-K
He take his tip and lines it up with you hole as he goes to push in he lets it slide in between your fold your begging at this point for him to fuck you .He then slowly insert into after hearing you whine and you gasp at his shoulder blades  and wrap your legs around him as you let a soft moan as you feel him stretch and explore your gummy walls you practically suck him in with how wet you are .He let out a soft whimper
"So tight y/n mhm ~ fuck love you so much "-K
He stared to tear at the eye as he let out a genuine smile you tear up and say you love him to as he set the soft pace your both let in the moment the love you felt for each other.
You and Hajime were childhood sweet heart so when people ask you have you done yet it quite a surprise when you say no.The truth is y'all were waiting for the perfect moment you both dearly loved each other , and the sexual attraction was definitely there . You came back from work feet hurting it was very stressful . You see Haji god he look so sexy he can tell you had a ruff day and come up and kiss your check and give you a sweet smile .
"Ruff day huh ? I'll make you a bath "-H
"Your the best " -y/n
He walk to the bathroom and run you a nice bubble bath ge you stop your clothes and sink into the warm water let out a good breath.
He then take his clothes off
"Can I join you love " -H
"Of course " -Y/n
You scoot over leaving room for him he then pull you into his chest you both sit there enjoying each other presence and listen to each other day as he leave kiss down you neck .He take a wet cloth and rub up your thighs he inch up closer now rubbing down your stomach and glazes over your clit .
A sweet noise leave your lip you cover your mouth and look to the side embarrassed.
"Mhm love when you sound like that don't hide it... is ok if I continue just wanna help you relax " -H
You nod your head admittedly he take the warm wet cloth and rub against your clit again then take his other hand the grab at your breast .He noo at the side of your neck making you gasp .You thoguht about doing it with Hajime so many time now that he touching you it feel unreal you roll your hip to get some friction your ass rubbing against his slightly hard on .He let a low growl making you even more wet you pull away and turn around .putting your hand around his neck and pulling him into a deep kiss his hand move down your hip pulling you closer .Tongue down each other throat .His grip on your ass become tight his erection begging to be touched and his tip was soaked of pre cum.
"I want our first time to be special buh I don't think I can wait much long Y/n love you to much ."-H
"Mhm me ether love you so much ."-Y/n
You grab his dick feigning him a few good storms and grab his balls slighty pulling on them he let a loud groan .
"Fuck Y/n please let me fill you up "-H
You then sink down onto him let at a sigh and put your face in his neck .
He take his hand and make you look at him.
"Come on doll look at me while I fuck you "-H
He then thrust up now fast slow painfully slow as he pull out making you whine he thrust right back in the sweet sound coming from your mouth could make Hajime cum right there .He set the pace and he kiss pull you into a kiss you can barley talk it feel to good you can feel your orgasim approach .
"Fuck Y/n squeezing so tight your finna cum mh ~ cum all over my cock love you so much your mine gunna feel youup .All mine "-H
“All yours “ - Y/n
You and Tooru have always flirted but nothing  more .Y'all we're great friends , and neither of you wanted to ruin that with each other .Till one night there was a party going on and Tooru invited you of course you'd say yes .
Little space music blasting in the ear muggy/hot air , not drunk buh not sober by the end of night your dancing having fun .You then feel two slim hands wrap around your waist and trust you toward his waist when you look behind in Toru he a big smirk you o with the rhythm basically dry humping each other on the dance flour .He then turns you around grab you by neck and pull into a passionate kiss you close your eye and slip a hand on his face .He pulls you away and tug your hand and guid you out if the crowd of people and struggle to get his key out of his pocket he finally unlock the car take you to the back seat .Shut and lock the door admittedly and go right back to kiss you his tongue slip down your throat and you start tug up his shirt signaling to take it off .
"Always knew you love my abs "-T
You have no patience for his snarky comments you slightly roll your eyes , and pull it up and then unzip his pants as he start to undress you as well .You pull his pant slightly down just enough till you see he dick pop out.You lick your lip that make Toru go feral .He slides your under wear to the side and lay you down and he pushes your thighs together and rut his dick through the small hole as his tip glazed onto your clit soft sighs let out your mouth .As he continuously rut back in forth and his ball smack against against your hole the sound so pornograpic .His eye shut close as he grunts leave his mouth .
"Waited so long Y/n~ want you to be all mine "-T
You pull him into a kiss as both your orgasim arrive you both scream each other name as you both calm down from y'all high he drop down putting his face in the crook of your neck as your hand play with his fluffy hair .You push him slightly up as you look him in the eyes
"Love you Tooru have ever since we were kids so if this one time thing for you I'll kick your ass"-Y/n
As you slightly pout and and tear slightly tear .
"No y/n Chan ~ love you too your mine forever now !"-T
He pulls you into a big hug and you both sit there and cuddle each other feeling the moment .
[ I will never not see this man as a thighs man ]
I posted more characters on my Twitter @dino_strawberri 💋
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galaxyedging · 2 years
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Better part 1
Part 2 | Masterlist
Marcus Pike x f!reader.
Smut from the get go. Fluff. Angst. Pregnancy.
Marcus gave you his cock as a maddening pace. Slow, steady, sure. A quick thrust in, aided by your wetness and his precome. Then a long drag out. The warm, bare skin of his length grazing the velvet softeness of your walls had you both panting into each other's mouths. When he was fully sheathed inside, his body flush to yours, his breath combining with yours, his moans and the sound of his skin slapping against yours, you felt comletely connected. Whole. The sex was as close to perfection as you had even dreamed. Except it was all so wrong. The thoughts pushed through the haze of alcohol and sex. Too soon. Risking too much. He should be wearing a condom.
Chasing the thoughts away, you kissed him deeply. It sparked something in Marcus, his hips picked up speed. His thrusts were harder, deeper. Long fingers met your clit, drawing you closer to orgasm. A well placed thrust had you tumbling into a climax. The tension in your body all snapped back to where you were joined, gripping Marcus's cock, milking every drop of his seed from him. It was so much you could feel it washing over his softening length, trying to escape you. It was still warm at the top of your thighs when Marcus pulled on his jeans and grabbed the rest of his clothes. With a rueful smile, he left your bedroom and your apartment.
Neither of you spoke about that night again until the digital readout on your test said '2-3 weeks pregnant'.
Birthday parties at the office were a standard affair. Everyone knew they would get one but had to go through the charade of being 'surprised'. Walking into the break room after Marcus you did your best mock shocked face at the set up. Balloons and banners decorated the walls. Trays of food were dotted around the tables. Soft drinks were on the counter along with a cake, a rich looking chocolate one inscribed with Happy Birthday in purple icing. Thankfully, it didn't say your age. That was something that was weighing on you at the moment. Truth be told, a birthday party was the last thing you wanted right now. For the next couple of hours you managed to keep your face schooled. Laughing and joking with your co-workers. It was only ever perceptive Marcus that noticed you were off. He was good enough not to call you on it until you were leaving. His long legs made short work of the distance as he jogged up behind you. He caught you just as you reached your car. "Hey."
"Hey, everything OK?" You wondered why he followed you out here. His car was on the other side of the building.
"I was just about to ask you the same thing."
"Everything's fine. Why do you ask?"
"Because I've known you for twenty years. I know when something's up."
"Great detective skills. You should be a cop of some kind."
Your name accompanied his puppy dog head tilt as he touched your hand, now resting on your car door. His eyes full of sympathy and patience. He knew you well enough to know how to break you.
"I'm just feeling my age. There's a few things I wanted to do by now that I haven't."
"Like what?" His thumb stroked the back of your hand. Soothing you, urging you to continue. He knew you so well. There was a temptation to open up to him completely there and then. Tell him everything you wanted. It was too great a risk for you to take so you withdrew your hand. "Another time Marcus."
He respected that, let you get in your car with nothing more than a final wish of happy birthday.
The drive home felt lonely after being surrounded with people. You should have just got an early night. You should have just switched off your brain with some comfort TV. Instead, you tortured yourself by pulling all your paper work out. The report for the doctor. The price lists. The list of donors you had spent another couple of hours pouring over. Speaking of pouring a glass of wine couldn't hurt right now. A beep from your phone caught you attention. Your aunt, the time difference meant it was dinner time for her, late for you. After answering her, another message popped up. It was Marcus. "You're still up. Do you need to talk?"
Your fingers moved of their own accord as they typed out "Yes."
"Be over in ten?"
"Thank you."
In the ten minutes, you gathered all your paperwork and shoved it in the coffee table draw. After he buzzed up you moved to open the door for him. Fourth glass of wine in hand. Marcus stood in the hallway, hair slightly damp, dripping onto his leather jacket, you had no idea when the rain had started. In his hand he held a brown paper bag. Stepping back you let him in. The scent of his shampoo, stirred up by the rain and his familiar leather jacket, wrapped around you as he passed.
"I figured you could use this." He pulled out a bottle of wine. He pulled out a second, almost empty bottle. "I needed this."
"Wanna talk about it?"
"Hey, that's my line."
Something about the ease of the banter between you, that familiar back and forth, broke you. Tears burst from you.
"Hey, hey, hey." Marcus's arms were around you in seconds. Drawing you close to his strong, board chest. His lips pressed kisses to the top of your head. "It's okay Sweetheart. Let it out." For a moment you followed his words. Your tears chased the rain drops down the front of his jacket. Once the worst was over, you pulled away to look at him. "I'm sorry."
"Hey, none of that. That's what best friends are for. I've cried on your shoulder enough." That was true. You had been there for him a lot over the years. "You want to tell me what all this is about?"
Not trusting your voice, you grabbed a pamphlet from the coffee table draw, handing it to him. His eyebrows shot up as he read the title. "Artificial Insemination." He dropped down onto the sofa. Like a magnet, you followed. "You want a baby? You want a baby like this?"
The way he said this got your back up. "No, Marcus. I don't want a baby like this but I don't have another option." He winced, realising how he sounded, his mouth opened to fix it but you cut him off. "I know it's selfish but I want to carry a child so adoption is plan B. More like plan C actually. This is plan B. Plan A, to get married and do things the old fashion way is right out the window."
"I'm 38. I have no romantic prospects. Time is ticking away."
A look crossed his face that you couldn't place. A tension rose between you. It was a solid as a cliff face with you teetering on the edge of it. His tongue darted out between his lips as if he was about to speak. His eyes shifted back to the paper in his hand, cracked the cliff and had you falling, flailing out for a conversation foothold. He spoke instead. "So how does this work?"
Good, Practical Marcus. That's who you needed right now. Edging closed you opened the pamphlet to show him. The warmth of him pressed to your side soothed your nerves. "...I've had all the test. I just need to pick a donor and set a budget for myself." You concluded.
"A budget?" He blinked.
"Yeah. It isn't cheap. The sperm alone is $700-$1000 a vial. Insurance won't cover it all. I have decide how much am willing to spend before I give up if it doesn't work." Feeling more in control now you were talking about something practical, you relaxed back and took a sip of your fifth glass of wine. A sip you prompted choked on as Marcus said "How much would you save if I gave you the sperm?"
When you could breath again, he continued. "Sorry. I just thought...well...I have some spare. You need it."
"Yeah. I suppose."
He took another healthy glug from his glass. "It'd be kinda cool to see what a kid with my DNA would be like too."
Your heart clenched. You knew Marcus had always wanted kids. He would make a fantastic father. You weren't a fool, you knew raising a child alone was going to be hard. Marcus had helped you in every other aspect of you life. College assignments, moving home, break ups, work. It stood to reason he would help you with your baby. You were practically inseparable anyway. If he was the father he could be as involved as he liked. You would have peace of mind of knowing the donor's full history. Your child could know their father.
"Yes." You finally uttered startling Marcus.
"Yes, like you want my sperm?"
"Do you have to put it like that?"
A boyish grin set on his lips.
"Yes, I would like you to help me make a baby. We can call the clinic tomorrow. They'll talk you through it all. I don't want you rushing into anything."
"Talk me through it? It's not as simple as a date with a cup?" He teased.
"More the emotional side of it. Creating a life is kind of a big deal."
"I know but people do it all the time with people they know a lot less than I know you and it works for them. This way, if you want, I could be there for you. Help you out. Be a dad when you need me to. We make a good team." His words felt bittersweet. He thought of you as a team, a good one but still. He lifted his glass in a toast. Clinking yours to his you settled in to your regular, cosy routine. Drinking the rest of the wine, you decide to watch TV. Demolition Man had just started. A favourite of both yours and Marcus's. It was just like old times until the sex scene. As Sandra Bullock ranted about the exchange of bodily fluids, Marcus turned his head to look at you. His cheeks were slightly red from the alcohol, his hair had dropped over his forehead from the rain early, his top shirt buttons were undone, he looked pleasantly dishevelled. "What?" You smiled at him.
"I was just thinking. What if we made a baby the old fashion way?"
Your cheeks burned from more than alcohol. It wasn't like you hadn't slept together before. There was a mind blowing night in college, he was the first man to ever make you come with tongue. The first to care about your pleasure and give you multiple orgasms. If you were honest, no-one lived up to him since.
A drunken night after both of your marriages had fallen apart within months of each other, had been just as good. No one had ever taken you with such passion. It was as if he took all the stress and frustration he felt out on your body. Transferring the tension in you until it coiled, morphed, until it became something new, pleasurable.
Since he didn't get a answer straight away he clarified. "I was just thinking it would save money. It would be a lot nicer beginning to a pregnancy too."
He wasn't wrong there. The thought of you and Marcus making a baby together was a lot, you weren't sure you could take it. A one nighter every decade, you could push down into the recesses of your mind. Chose to forget how his skin felt on yours. How your name sounded rolling off his tongue at the height of his climax. How it felt like the last piece of your relationship has fallen into place. What you didn't want to think about was how much you loved Marcus. In every sense. You love him. You were in love with him. He was everything to you. Absence had just made the heart grow fonder. Now that he was back, with another failed relationship under his belt to boot, all the little moments that you could usually push away were magnified. The times when he would laugh causing his eyes to crinkle. You longed to hold him, to feel the laughter rumble out of his chest. When the sun filtered through his hair, you longed to run your fingers through it. When his shoulders were tight with tension, you longed to rub the stress away. The only thing stopping you was the thought of losing him. Relationships were complicated, messy. If things went wrong, you'd lose him forever. No, better to have him like this. You can compartmentalise. Keep those longings locked up. If you were having sex on a regular basis though, it would be so much harder.
With this is mind you chose your words carefully. "We could give it a try, leave it up to the fates and if it doesn't work, we go the clinic next month."
Marcus held out his hand for you to shake. "Deal."
Using the hand he held gently, he pulled you in for a kiss. It was slow and gentle. Seductive even.
"Wait, one more thing. When it's done, once we've, well once you've...er..."
"Yeah, I guess. I want you to leave. I think it'd be a little weird if you stayed."
Marcus accepted your terms with a soft smile. "Sure."
True to his word, as always, he left right after. When the door to your apartment clicked shut, you curled into a ball were you lay before crying yourself to sleep.
Marcus was at your door less than an hour after you called in sick to work. "Is everything OK? You didn't tell me you were sick. Do you need anything?"
"I'm not sick Marcus. I just needed a day."
"Oh? Are you alright?"
"I did three pregnancy tests. They were all positive."
The smile on Marcus's face was beautiful, one of pure joy.
"You're pregnant?! Just from that one time?!"
"It only takes one little swimmer to get through."
"I know but it's still crazy to think just from that one time."
"I suppose it is."
"What do we do now?" The 'we' twisted a knife in your heart.
"I've made an appointment with my doctor to get checked out."
"Do you want me to go with you?"
"No, it's fine. It's just a general check up."
As much as you wanted to put some distance between you and Marcus, the way his face fell for a moment was too much for you to bare. "You can come to the scans and stuff, of course."
His smile returned full force.
All was well for the next couple of weeks, until the morning sickness hit. Well, morning, noon and night sickness. Everything made you feel like throwing up. The only things you could stomach were buttered toast, plain noodles and cinnamon buns from your favourite bakery. Despite your best efforts to hide all this from Marcus, he was there when a particularly nasty bout hit you. Running to the bathroom you barely closed the door behind you before dropping to your knees to hug the toilet bowl.
A soft knock on the door followed. "Honey? Do you need anything?"
"No. I'm fine." The tears evident in your voice.
"You don't sound fine. I'm coming in."
He pushed the door slowly giving you time to stop him. "Oh, sweetheart."
He took you in, eyes wet from crying or exertion, skin flushed, your mouth downturned in a small frown. He dropped to his knees beside you, pulling you into a tight hug. The comfort he brought only lasted for a moment until the urge to throw up rose again. Marcus softly rubbed your back as you did.
"Is there anything I can get you?" He brushed the hair back for your face as he asked.
The action was so tender it took a moment for your brain to process. "I need you to leave." You hadn't meant to put it like that but to be fair that was probably the best thing for you. Morning sickness plus keeping your feelings in check was exhausting. "Your aftershave. That's what's making me sick."
"Sorry." He jumped up. Stripping off his shirt he threw it into the tub before washing himself in the sink. Drops of water ran down his broad chest, carved a path to his belt. Heat bloomed between your legs, another new side effect of your current condition apparently. Your sex drive was going crazy.
"Am just gonna grab a hoodie." As he left to got to your room you wracked your brains to remember if you had put your vibrator away properly after you cleaned in this morning. If you hadn't he didn't mention it when he returned.
"Better?" He asked stretching out his long neck for you to sniff.
"Better." You gave a small nod. Cuddling into him you realised that nothing was better at all.
Tags @kirsteng42 @babydarkstar @prolix-yuy @thegreenkid @hquinzelle @fangirl-316 @gracie7209 @jedifarmerr @doommommy @scorpio-marionette @sturkillerbase
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agirlwhoisaphantom · 3 years
Into you- Steve Rogers x Reader
Professor!Steve Rogers
Summary: Steve Rogers has been your Professor for a while now and now that you were in person he had been sending you mixed signals.
Word Count: 1800
Warning: Blow Job, deepthroat, professor kink, um a hint of praising
Author's Note: My friends and I decided to do Marvel Professor AU and well I decided to do Steve.
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Professor Steven Rogers, it was hard to focus in class due to him being so handsome.
Having Zoom classes for the first half of your semester made it so much easier to focus on what he was teaching instead of how good-looking he was. But hearing his voice didn’t help either.
Transitioning to in-person classes, you were so nervous.
Professor Rogers was more handsome in person. His broad shoulders were amazing, his ocean blue eyes, his perfect hair and him being 6’0, wait- are you daydreaming again. No, no, focus on what is being taught.
Besides Prof Rogers being the handsome guy, he was such a fun professor to have. Everyone loved having him as a history professor. He focused more on making sure his students would have a fun time learning than having their heads stuck on a book. His classes would usually fill up within the first day of registration.
Oddly enough, whenever he would grade an assignment, there would always be a wink face written on your paper. You would look around at other students, and they would have a smiley face. You didn’t think much of it since you did amazing on your assignments most of the time.
You were a little shy to ask him why he was giving you random winks on your papers; meanwhile, he wouldn’t do it for other students. “Professor Rogers- can I ask you a quick question about something?” you tuck your hair behind your ear and look onto the ground focusing on the nice shoes he had on.
“Call me Steve. And yeah, what’s up?” he continues to wipe down the board.
Grabbing the sleeves on your shirt and start pulling them downwards, hiding your hands from him. “ I was wondering about the small notes on my paper” your voice got small, but it was loud enough for him to hear you.
Steve turns around to face you, and he notices your face was facing downwards, and your cheeks were bright red “if it makes you uncomfortable. I can stop writing them down” a worried look formed on his face as he knits his own eyebrows together. He never thought that he would make you feel uncomfortable, and if Steve did, he needed to know to stop doing it.
Your eyes slowly roamed from his shoes to his face as you lifted your head to have a clearer view of how he looked like. “no- it’s not that. I truly don’t mind. I was just wondering why you were doing it” you started swaying back in fourth. You were nervous to talk to him.
A soft chuckle escaped his mouth “are you a bit nervous, darling?” he places his hand on his waist and observes the reaction you had.
“no- not at all” you could feel your face burning. You could already imagine how red your face must be. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked. I’m heading home now. Thank you for your time, Steve.”
Before walking away, Steve grabs your arm and tries to stop you “hey, we should go to my office. I can make you a cup of tea or coffee to help you relax” You nodded in agreement.
As you two were walking to his office, he asked you a couple of questions about yourself. Such as what you did for fun outside of school? Do you have any pets? Etc. He wanted to get to know you. He knew it was completely wrong to do. But something about you caught his attention since the first day of classes.
Walking into his office, you didn't think that it'll be cosey, but it was instead of having a normal table for students to sit on. He had small bean bag chairs and a complimentary chair. His lights were dimmed and, on the walls, there were frames with pictures of the Avengers.
Steve notices you are staring at a particular one with Natasha, Banner, Tony, Thor, and Clint. He chuckles as he pours hot water into a mug "2012, to be honest, I don't quite remember what happened, but it was crazy" he starts walking towards the shelf full of boxes of different types of tea's and pull out a packet that flavored lavender with honey.
You gave him a brief smile as he hands you the mug with hot water "thank you."
He sits down on the bean bag chair and copies his motion on sitting on the one next to him. "so, as I was saying-"
"why was I drawing Winkey faces on your papers" he interrupts you. He already knew what you were going to say. He takes a big gulp since he knew that what he would say next would make him potentially lose his job. "I've liked you for a while. And I know telling you this will jeopardize my job, and I may lose my job because of it. But I needed to tell you this." He gets up and looks outside of his window, facing his back towards you. There isn't turning back. He said it already.
You were completely shocked. You weren't sure what to say or what to do. One thing you knew is that you wouldn't want to jeopardize his career nor want Steve to lose his job. You stand and start walking to where he was standing. Placing your hand on his bicep and slowly moving it, "Steve, I feel the same way about you. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone about this interaction."
Steve takes a big breath that not only you felt the same way towards him but that no matter what happened in the four walls, it won't go into the outside world.
He turns around to face you and places his hand on your cheek, and gently started to move his thumb against your skin. Even though you told him how you felt, there was something else that was addicting to him. He didn't know if it could have been the way you dressed or the way you were so kind-hearted, but something about you was like an addiction to him.
Steve stares at you with these soft eyes and a smile. Without a second thought, he wanted to know what your lips tasted like. He presses his lips against yours, roughly kissing you. Steve pulls away, unsure what he had done. "I'm sorry I-"
Getting on your toes and placing your hands on both sides of his face, you rapidly pull him into you slamming your lips onto yours. You both put every ounce of frustration into the lip lock, and greedily you took it. You have been craving this moment since the day you had met him.
"Darling, with that short skirt and high thigh socks. You were very distracting today," he whispered onto your lips as his hands were moving from your face towards your waist. He wraps his arms around you, pulling you in closer towards him feeling your body against his.
Humming against his lips, "I didn't mean to be Professor."
Steve's hand roams your body again, placing his hand underneath your skirt and cupping your cheek. "I don't believe you one bit. But there is a way you can make it up to me for being such a big distraction" pulls away from your embrace.
You noticed Steve’s eyes were darkened, full of lust. He leans in forwards near your ear and gives a growl, “on your knees, little one.”
Without breaking eye contact, you slowly kneel on the floor in front of him. You start to unzip his pants and slightly wiggle them, pulling his cock out. As it was right in front of you, you slightly widened your eyes in surprise. He had a thick, veiny, large penis. You place your hand around his cock, giving it a few pumps. Your thumb brushing on his swollen head caused you to lick your lips.
You proceed to pull his pants down to his thighs. His cock leaking precum. With a moan, you opened your mouth wide, holding your tongue out. Steve quietly growled underneath his breath. You flutter your eyes as you press your tongue against his tip, catching the drip of precum. “fuck, just like that,” he whispered. Your lips were pressed against the head of his cock as your hand was jerking his length. Flicking your tongue on his tip and gently kissing it.
A sharp breath left Steve’s lips as you were wrapping your lips around him. You were heavy sucking on the head of his cock, gently moving your tongue around his flesh as your hands were occupied with pumping the base.
Steve tried to be quiet be he couldn’t. He places his hand on your head, wrapping your hair around his fingers. He started to guide you and gently control your movements. Cupping one of his balls in your right hand, you were rolling them and squeezing them. You wanted to try something, so you remove your hand and decide to slowly take more length inside of your mouth. Gagging as the head brushed over your sensitive part of your mouth.
Moaning around him, you couldn’t take your eyes off of him. Seeing the reaction, he was having was priceless. With the effort to swallow down what was left, you tried to ignore your gag reflex. When he felt the reflex against his cock “fuck, fuck- little one, you feel so good.”
Chocking and gagging, spittle and drool leaking down your chin. As the head of his cock hit the back of your throat. You have dreamt of this day for a long time. Wondering how he would taste like.
“fuck, fuck, I’m going to cum” Steve chanted as he growled. Having a stronger grip on your hair. Tenderly yet demanding shoved his cock in further down your throat. After a couple of more pumps and head movements from up and down his cock his cum hits the back of your throat, making him want to push him off, but you wanted all of him.
Steve was above you, slowly letting go of his tight grip and massaging and running his fingers through your hair. “Next time you know, you can’t be wearing things that can be distracting, little one.”
Pulling his cock out of your mouth, he pulls up his pants and sits right next to you on the floor. He grabs the box of kleenex and helps you wipe your mouth.
Steve pulls you in to hold you into his arms “are you okay?”
Placing your head onto his chest, it felt like you were finally at peace. You briefly nodded in agreement that you were okay.
“Don’t worry, darling. One day, I’ll take you home, and I’ll pleasure you instead,” he whispers into your ear seductively.
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wanderinginksplot · 3 years
Rex + Engineer!Reader
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This is the prequel to the Rex + Blanket Fort + Kisses one-shot found here on my masterlist. As this is a prequel to that story, you don't need to have read it for this to make sense. And as you could probably tell from the picture, this takes place during the Onderon arc.
Rex x gn!reader: intended to be early romance, but could be read as platonic.
Word Count: a bit more than 3,400
Warnings: canon-typical violence, including spoilers for the Onderon arc (S 5, E 2-5) of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
"And Captain Rex will train everyone in the encampment on basic combat skills and maneuvers," General Skywalker announced.
You didn't pay overly much attention to that. The general was younger than you had anticipated, but he was clearly used to combat and had the kind of authority usually honed through commanding large groups of soldiers. Still, you knew his order didn't apply to you and moved to slip away from the area. Your schematics needed a lot more work before the rebels could attack without bringing buildings down.
"And where are you running off to?" a muscular man with light hair asked, stepping into your path.
You gave a tight smile. "Classified, sorry."
The man nodded toward the general. "General Skywalker says everyone needs combat training."
"Oh, not me," you reassured him. "I'm a contracted engineer, not one of the Rebels. I'm just here to make sure they destroy as little of the infrastructure as possible while they take back control."
"And do you live in the encampment?" he asked.
You narrowed your eyes at him, feeling sure this was a trap. Eventually, you gave a short nod.
"Then you'll be training with me," he said firmly. "Captain Rex, 501st Legion."
You reluctantly shook the hand he offered and introduced yourself, finishing with, "-but I'm strictly an engineer."
"We're worried that this isn't likely to end without one or several attacks on this encampment," the captain told you. "A few hours of training could save your life."
"And a few hours of work on the city's schematics could save the lives of countless civilians," you argued. Sending that he would continue trying to convince you, you shook your head. "The Gerrera siblings are the ones who hired me. I'll let them make the final choice."
"And I'll leave it to the Generals," Captain Rex agreed.
Clearly not taking chances, he marched off toward where Steela Gerrera and Lux Bonteri were talking with Generals Skywalker and Kenobi, as well as a Togrutan female you vaguely remembered as being a commander.
"Generals, Commander," Captain Rex greeted with a crisp salute. You rolled your eyes. Soldiers. "We were hoping you could settle a difference of opinion."
"A difference of opinion?" General Kenobi repeated with a frown.
"What opinion would that be, Rex?" General Skywalker asked.
The captain explained the situation while you stood in silence. Steela met your gaze at several points during the conversation, looking concerned each time.
"We're only here to train the rebels," General Skywalker said after Captain Rex had finished talking. "Not anyone else."
"All of us are rebels," Steela argued, ignoring your signals that you didn't want training at all. "Just by being here in opposition to the Separatist forces, we are all considered a threat to their power."
"A contracted employee is different than someone who joined your cause because they believe in it," the commander countered, wrinkling her nose. "We aren't offering training to mercenaries."
"We're talking about an engineer, not someone hired to perform assassinations," Lux contributed. "What could it hurt?"
"Generals, Commander," Rex said, his quiet voice somehow drawing their attention. "I think every member of the rebel group needs to be trained. I think it's important."
"Rex…" General Kenobi sighed, but Skywalker interrupted before he could expand on his thoughts.
"I trust Rex's instincts," he told the older general. "If he thinks everyone needs to be trained, we'll make it happen."
You made a frustrated noise before you could stop yourself. "I don't need training. I'm an engineer. I don't work in combat situations."
"That's the thing about combat," Skywalker said with a shrug. "You don't always have to look for it. Sometimes, it comes to you. Especially in wartime."
The group split up immediately afterward, seemingly having come to an agreement. You followed Steela, determined to make your case and get back to your schematics.
"Steela, you know I'm not here for fighting," you said, jogging to catch up to the young woman who had hired you. "It isn't part of my contract."
"It isn't, you're right," she agreed. "But I would think carefully before I turned down a chance to learn such a valuable skill considering how dangerous the galaxy is right now. Surely this could be helpful as a freelancer traveling the universe alone?"
You didn't have an immediate answer to that. Steela clearly noticed, nodding solemnly at you before turning away. "The choice is yours to make."
You gritted your teeth, but your feet refused to move from the spot. To your left was the strategic tent and your unfinished set of schematics. To the right, the Jedi were helping the rebels set up some kind of training ring.
"Well?" a voice prompted. You already recognized it as belonging to Rex.
You stood still for a beat longer before giving a loud and heartfelt groan as you turned toward the freshly constructed training ring.
You were bad at fighting.
It wasn't really a shock to you. You had never been particularly graceful or good on your feet. That was why engineering had been such a draw - all mental work, almost no physical.
Rex, to his credit, turned out to be a surprisingly good teacher. He had kept everyone basically together as they learned new skills and practiced as a group. Still, he was determined that you would learn to defend yourself and here you were, fighting to shoot targets in the dying light, long after everyone else had scattered.
"I'm sorry," you apologized yet again as you missed. You were half an hour into intensive shooting lessons with Rex and you had yet to hit a single target.
"You don't need to apologize," he assured. "We'll just keep working until you get it down."
"I don't know if I can," you admitted, lowering the heavily modified blaster pistol until it was resting on the table in front of you. "We're losing the light and it's a bad idea to illuminate any more of the jungle than we have to."
"That's true," Rex agreed, rubbing at his neck while he studied the unharmed target. After a moment, he took the blaster pistol from your hands and holstered it at his side, then removed the holster belt as well.
You nodded sympathetically, hoping you could call it a night and put in a few hours of work on your schematics so the day wouldn't be a total waste.
Rex sighed, removing the subtly armored jacket he had been wearing during that day's training. "I guess we'll… we'll just have to switch to something less impacted by visibility."
"Wait, what?" you had time to ask before the stoic captain flat-out tackled you.
You were aware enough to know that Captain Rex had twisted to take part of the impact himself, but you still hit the ground hard enough to knock the breath from your lungs. In that moment of hollow gasping, Rex had pushed you onto your stomach and pinned your hands behind your back.
"The first rule of unarmed conflict is that you can't let anyone surprise you." Rex paused for a moment. "Actually, that's the first rule of any kind of conflict."
"Is the second rule that you shouldn't suffocate your sparring partner?" you croaked out, turning your head slightly so your face wasn't actively being pressed into the dirt anymore.
Rex laughed. It was the first time you had heard anything other than firm orders from him and you paused. It was a nice laugh. You were forced to gather your thoughts a moment later as he released you and helped you to your feet.
"You probably won't see a lot of hand-to-hand fighting with droids, but the armies aren't capable of anything beyond following orders. The armies are commanded by sentients, and those sentients are often closer to the armies than you would think."
"I have no intention of going after Grievous without a weapon," you joked. "Preferably more than one."
"You should stay away from Grievous no matter how many weapons you have," Rex advised. "But this is good to know, anyway."
"Actually, I agree with that," you said, surprising you both. "I'm a freelancer. Anything that helps me defend myself in a potentially hostile situation is a good thing."
"Okay, let's work on your hits, then," Rex suggested.
What followed was two full hours of unarmed combat practice. Rex was always the target, letting you throw punches and kicks against his open palms. When he realized that you were pulling your strikes because you were afraid to hurt him, he found a padded guard among the assortment of equipment the Republic had sent along.
Eventually, though, you were panting and bone-tired. Rex seemed to realize that without you saying anything.
"One last set of strikes and you're done for the night," Rex told you. It was the most beautiful thing anyone had ever said to you.
But as you punched, Rex moved the guard you had been aiming for. You shot him a look, but he only held the guard up, wiggling it slightly. You set up again, but Rex pulled away at the last second, dodging your fist to bop you on the shoulder with the guard.
"What are you doing?" you asked, exasperated. "You said this was the last set."
"It is. Or, it will be as soon as you actually manage to make contact."
You grimaced at him. This time, when he twisted the guard away, you turned with it. You were focused on keeping your footwork correct and your hit strong. You never even saw him move his foot between your ankles, but with a light tug, you were on the ground again.
"Seriously?" you asked from your spot in the dirt.
Rex laughed again, and this time, you didn't enjoy the sound at all. "Do you think your opponents are going to stand there and let you hit them? They're going to fight dirty - they always do. You just need to-"
As it happens, you never did learn what you needed to do. Rex had stepped too close, and your engineering experience told you that his ankles were at an angle that made him vulnerable to a hit. You kicked his ankle lightly, barely making contact, but it was enough to send one of his feet careening against the other. Rex stumbled, failed to regain his balance, and fell.
All of this was done on instinct and you felt as surprised as Rex looked when he landed on his butt in the dirt next to you.
"Good job," he said, breathless but sincere.
"Thanks," you accepted with a grin. "Does that mean I surprised you?"
"Not a bit," he denied, deflating your ego a bit. "I knew you were capable of it. You're an engineer. Engineers like angles and math. That's all combat is, adjusted for whatever you think the other side is going to do."
"Wait, that's… that's a really good point," you mused slowly. "Can I see your pistol again?"
Rex didn't move. "If you shoot me, you'll surprise me in the wrong way."
You snorted. "I'm not planning on shooting you, Captain. I just want to test how the application of math might help me."
After eyeing you for a moment, Rex stood in an enviably graceful motion and hauled you to your feet as well. Wordlessly, he handed you one of his blaster pistols. He had warned you before you began shooting that he had made numerous alterations to them, but you were still surprised by the weight of the weapon in your hand.
This time, instead of relying on instinct - point, aim, shoot - you worked to apply some logic. When you were sure about your angle, you squeezed the hyper-sensitive trigger and watched the resulting beam of weaponized light hit the target.
It wasn't a perfect shot, of course. Math couldn't fix everything. Still, you had hit the target and you cheered aloud, echoed by Rex's congratulations behind you. You had the presence of mind to set the pistol down before you turned, then Rex was grasping your forearm in the odd way warriors shook hands.
"Great job!" he told you warmly. "You're getting better."
"Thanks," you accepted, trying to vocalize your gratitude. You probably could have been offended by the tone of surprise in his voice, but you chose to overlook it.
"Now we just have to dial in your aim and get you comfortable with firing at moving targets, especially during chaotic situations."
Despite your best efforts, you felt your expression fall at that. Rex laughed again. When had he gotten so cheerful? "I'm kidding. That can be done tomorrow."
"Tomorrow?" you repeated doubtfully.
Rex folded his arms across his chest and stared at you steadily. "In one session, you've gone from unable to shoot a gun or throw a punch to knocking me down and hitting a target. If you can keep that pace of improvement, you'll be a force to be reckoned with."
"Or at least be able to stop clients who try to cop a feel," you added.
Despite his darkening expression, Rex's tone was unconcerned. "I'm sure you could break the hand of any di'kut dumb enough to try it now. With some training, you'd be able to tear that hand off completely."
And so you continued to train with Rex after everyone else had finished learning to disable tanks and other intense activities. During the day, you finalized schematics, studying holoimages of Onderon’s capital city of Iziz. Your goal was to record your best guesses for the most and least structurally-sound sections of the city.
The dedication the rebels showed for the safety of the Onderonian people was a big reason you had agreed to take this job. Despite what the Jedi seemed to think, you weren't actually a mercenary. You chose your jobs very carefully, and if something didn't match your morals, you would respectfully decline.
Between schematic work in the day and training at night, your time with the rebels flew past. Captain Rex continued to be patient and helpful as you worked to master the combat moves he taught you - ones decidedly more focused on self-defense than the moves he taught the rebels. The first day you had beaten him in a grappling situation, he had beamed up at you with dirt on his face and told you how far you had progressed. The squeezing of your heart at the praise warned that it was probably good that the captain and both Jedi generals were withdrawing from Onderon shortly, leaving Commander Tano to assist with the remaining rebel efforts.
Despite your determination to stay out of the conflict, you had eventually been forced into it when the Separatist armies had attacked the rebel base. One of the rebels you had known by appearance if not by name had been hit by blaster fire before he could use the rocket launcher held in his hands. He had held it up to you, begging with his eyes that you take out the ship that had fired on him before it could do more damage.
You had accepted, and the ship was a roiling ball of flame before you could make yourself nervous about shooting anything other than Rex’s now-familiar blasters. You tossed aside the rocket launcher and found a discarded blaster. From that point until the combat had ended, thoughts of schematics or building solidity were gone from your head. You were as much a part of the rebel group as anyone else, and you watched with the same horror as Steela Gerrera fell to her death, despite the best efforts of Commander Tano.
The funeral was lovely. Onderonians didn’t believe in mourning for their dead. Instead, they truly celebrated all that the departed had done to create a better society… and Steela had done a great deal.
When things had ended, you were sitting on a raised set of stairs overlooking the ceremonial area. The dais holding Steela’s cloth-draped casket was filled with people far too important for you to bother. You were glad to see Saw speaking with King Dendup. After he had handed you the agreed-upon payment for your services - despite your many attempts to refuse the credits - Saw had left, ignoring the sympathy you tried to offer. He needed to speak with someone, and if that someone was the man he and Steela had worked so hard to save, so much the better.
“Nice ceremony, huh?” someone asked from behind you, and you twisted a bit to find General Skywalker standing there with Captain Rex beside him.
You nodded, but you could feel that it was a half-hearted motion. “Steela was so young. She had a lot of promise.”
“She died fulfilling the mission she set out to finish,” Captain Rex countered. “She knew the risks and thought Dendup was worth it. Her choices were her own. All we can do is respect them.”
With a joyless smile, you said, “Doesn’t make it any easier.”
“It never does,” General Skywalker admitted, sitting next to you. Rex’s comlink chimed and he stepped a respectful distance away before answering it.
Skywalker sat beside you in silence for a while. Normally, you would speak first just for sake of politeness, but you weren’t feeling that generous. You let the silence linger while you watched the activity on the dais.
“Have you ever thought about using your talents for the Republic?” the general asked eventually.
“I thought I was a soulless mercenary?” you asked before you could think better of it.
“And I thought you didn’t work in combat situations,” Skywalker countered. “But I’ve seen the battlefield recordings. You handled yourself well.”
You glanced over at him in surprise. “Are you trying to contract me on as a soldier?”
“Force, no,” he denied quickly. “As an engineer. I sent samples of your work to a friend of mine who works as an engineer in the private sector and they were impressed. The GAR is struggling to find good engineers comfortable working in combat. The pay is a bit lower than you’re used to, but it’s steady work.”
Ah, he had cut straight to the heart of your problem with freelancing. The fight to survive between jobs meant that anything extra you were making was eaten up by the time you were hired on again. And your morals meant that jobs weren’t nearly as frequent as you would like them to be. But being in constant combat… Yes, you had survived this time, but that didn’t mean you were rushing to repeat the experience.
You grimaced. “I appreciate the offer, really, but I don’t know if it’s for me. Combat engineering isn’t really my specialty.”
“I think you’re selling yourself short,” General Skywalker told you seriously. “I’ve seen samples of your past work, and a lot of it is on worlds that have a lot of fighting. I’m sure you know that none of your structures have sustained extreme damage, no matter how much combat was happening around them. That’s an impressive record.”
“You researched me?” you asked, feeling a little stunned.
“Well, the Republic likes to know who they’re hiring. But honestly, I’m not the one who did the research,” Skywalker said, looking past you. You followed his gaze to Rex, who was suddenly very intently looking at his comlink. With a mischievous grin, the general added, “I think my captain has taken a liking to you.”
You fought back a grin, turning away from the captain, and your eyes fell on Steela’s casket once more. Suddenly, keeping a straight face wasn’t as much of a struggle. “If I said yes, what would my official job duties be?”
“You would oversee a group of construction experts - both civilian and enlisted - using maps and satellite footage to find the best possible choices for locations to build bases, bridges, or other structures to help us complete campaigns,” he answered easily. “Preferably, to win campaigns, but that’s more on us than you.”
“And would I work with your group?”
“The 501st?” Skywalker asked, sounding surprised. “I’m not sure, but probably. We’re a planetary landing battalion, so we always need someone who has the knowledge of places to build. You might have to stay behind on some planets to supervise base construction, but you could always catch back up with us. Is that something you would want?”
“Yes,” you said firmly. “If I did agree to that-”
“I’m no good at negotiations,” he interrupted with a self-deprecating smile. “You speak clearly about what you want and I’ll do what I can.”
“I’ll work for the Republic,” you said, feeling the nerves twist in your belly. “If you can make sure I’m permanently attached to the 501st.”
“Deal,” General Skywalker accepted immediately, holding his hand out for you to shake. “Welcome to the 501st.”
A/N - I assure you that there is no timeline of any sort happening in my writing, so don't think too hard about where this should fit into the narrative. It won't end well.
Thanks for reading!
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tsumuniri · 3 years
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━━━ Atsumu Miya is a free-loader. Living inside his twin brother's home as if it was his, he would bring home girls and annoy Osamu most of the time. Y/N L/N is quite the opposite apparently because she's a virgin loser. Being the popular anonymous BL mangaka known as Yamazaki, she stays in the homey abode of her parents and watches boys from afar for references (not for admiration sadly).
Now what will happen if fate decided to tie these two idiots together and made them live across each other in one apartment?
。m.list ❯❯ ┃next
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DO YOU GET NERVOUS to the point you wouldn't be surprised that you already took a shit, not pee, but discharge the residue on your pants? That's how a certain H/C-haired female felt as she sat across the table with her editor on the other side. It was only a figurative speech, though; if she took it literally, Y/N would gladly dig her own grave and plan her funeral up to what kind of horrid gown she'd be wearing in her casket.
It wasn't your fault to be this anxious. You've been doing this type of gig for almost five years, yet you couldn't help but tremble slightly on your seat as you noiselessly wait for the male editor to enlighten you with comments in regards to this unreleased chapter. You hate having to go through this type of initiation, but hey, you love your job nevertheless.
"Great work today, L/N-san. You accurately followed my advice when it comes to the panels. As expected from your skills and experiences in the field." Akihito remarked, pushing up his glasses with his thumb and closing the original copy of the printed manuscript.
You now had the ability to breathe as you draw out a deep sigh of relief. "Well, thank the gods for that! When you criticized the paneling of this chap two days ago, I panicked a bit and had to rearrange them all." You rambled on and began to ravish the food on your tray to satisfy your empty stomach. It was a bit difficult to comprehend your words due to the continuous eating of the delicious french fries. However, your editor somewhat understood you in the end.
Akihito watched you chowed down on the poor potato snack and shook his head from the ridiculous spectacle of your hungry state. "You're the infamous Yamazaki, but you asked me to meet up with you in a place like this?" He panned out.
"What do you mean? And didn't I tell you not to say my pen name out loud? What if people might hear you!"
"Y/N, we're in McDonald's." Your editor frowned, gesturing around the place full of children with a nudge of his thumb. With the sudden dilemma of your hidden identity, he cocked a brow and turned his head to glance at the screaming little monsters chasing each other on the matted floor. It was clear to him that these youngsters didn't pay any mind to their talk.
"We took the table by the playground. I don't think kids of their age would know someone who makes picture books of men sucking-".
"ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT! STOP!" You cut him off right before he could finish his ambiguous statement. You took a bite on the fry you were holding and dipped it in the blob of ketchup on the tissue paper. "I chose this fast-food resto because the atmosphere in this place is loud. I don't want someone to hear you nor see the material you're reading." You licked the salt off your fingers once you finished eating your fries.
His slanted eyes squinted in suspicion as his onyx irises surveyed your get-up from head to toe. Your patterned sock-covered feet nestled on black Adidas slippers as you had plaid trousers that seemed to look like matching pajama pants of a clothing set. The white shirt with the oppai logo you wore made up for your lacking asset. However, the best feature of this apparel you came up with was the unusual pair of large rimmed shades covering your eyes. "It seemed like you do know how to act natural, Y/N..." Akihito trailed, deciding not to ridicule the outfit you chose to wore for their meeting since he knew you were in a hurry to meet the deadline.
Your eyes glanced at the watch wrapped around your wrist and realized the current time. "I better get going. My mom would kill me if I didn't do the groceries. Thank you for today, Akihito!" You pushed yourself off the table, sitting up from the cushioned seat then bowing towards the male.
The brunette also stood up for courtesy's sake, softly smiling at you in gratification. "Thank you for your hard work as well, L/N-san. I'll make sure to send out a copy of the weekly magazine as soon it releases to the public. Your international fans will definitely enjoy this chapter once the global publishing company releases the translated magazine." He assured.
"Well, I'm happy to hear that everyone gets to enjoy my works! I'll see you soon, Akihito." You gave him a lazy grin as you turned your back and left for your pending chore.
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"That man sure bought a lot of cleaning products." You thought out loud as you recalled the fascinating scene of a fellow shopper with a basket full of cleaning merchandise. You couldn't pinpoint his looks since the guy was wearing a face mask. But from his athletic build and large hooded eyes that made the other shoppers distance themselves away, you had a feeling he's good-looking. It wouldn't be surprising if he already has a girlfriend.
Or a boyfriend if he likes bananas over tacos.
Your little bubble of thoughts soon popped as you stood outside the gate of your household, staring at the moving boxes stacked on the grassy floor of your mother's garden. 'Now, what are they up to?' You mused, having a bad feeling in the pit of your stomach from the cardboard packages.
You hoisted up the two paper bags full of groceries against your chest and pulled the gate open. "Mom! Dad! I'm Home!" You greeted out, walking past the boxes and almost tripping on one of them. Your left arm had lifted the groceries with difficulty as you used your other hand to twist the doorknob of the front door.
The spruce door was pushed open by your right arm. As you took a step inside, your ears caught a pitched bark from the end of the hallway. A smile fixed on your lips once the familiar energetic sound registered in your mind.
"Kazu!" A short-coated corgi ran out from one of the doorways as it continued to bark and jump from the excitement of its owner arriving back at home. Its fluffy butt waddled with every step it took with its soft paws— bouncing a couple of times once you called out its name.
You smiled from ear to ear, "You miss me, boy?" You cooed, slipping out of your slippers and setting the bags of groceries on the hall table by the door. The dog barked softly and looked up at you with his beady eyes, wagging his tail and letting out another bark in reply. You would've played with this cute bunch that the gods have blessed you with, but the questions about the boxes haven't stopped galling you for answers.
"Where's mom and dad, Kazu?"
Kazu tilted his head and barked as if the corgi understood what you were trying to tell him. The dog turned around and darted over to the staircase leading upstairs. 'Maybe that's why they didn't hear me.' You thought to yourself and followed your dog over to the flight of stairs. The fluffy puppy used his time in climbing up the steps, but you decided to scoop the dog up in your arms and carry him midway due to how hard of a time the corgi's having.
You gently placed Kazu back on the floor after you both reached upstairs. Your brows furrowed together as you caught the sight of the two pieces of luggage outside your bedroom door. If your gut was telling you before that something grave might happen, it was screaming at you now that something will. "Mom?" You called out for your mother, needing an explanation for what the hell her parents are doing to her room.
Finally, the said person peeked her head out from the doorway of your room. "Y/N, dear! Welcome back!" She smiled and waved her hand to beckon you over to her side.
"Since you're finally here, your father and I have some great news for you!"
You eyed your mother, suspicious by the way she's acting, but you still heeded her command and took hesitant steps in the direction of your bedroom. "What's happening, mom? Why are you guys in my r-" You weren't able to finish your sentence as you find yourself in an almost empty bedroom with your father sealing a box with packaging tape.
The middle-aged man looked up from what he was doing and beamed once he saw his daughter walked inside the room, "My lovely girl! Great timing! Help your old pal in bringing your stuff outside the house." He hummed.
You didn't know what to say— you already had an idea of what the old couple was about to do, but you don't want to believe it. Your wide eyes shifted between your mother and father, "Don't... Don't tell me that..." You stammered as you were in disbelief from the current event playing right in front of you.
"We're kicking you out, Y/N!"
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## and this is the first fic that i posted here on tumblr! though, i already published it in wp as well LMAO. i hope you enjoyed reading the prologue :'>
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eryiss · 3 years
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Summary: Freed and Laxus have always flirted, it's just something they had done. But after Laxus returned from exile, the flirting died away as Laxus reestablished his position in the guild. But Laxus finds himself missing the flirting, and knows a way to bring it back. Unfortunately for Freed, it requires more teasing than any one man can take. [Fraxus One-Shot]
Notes: Hello again, here’s my second fanficiton written over vacation because it’s raining and there’s nothing to do. This time, it's just Freed being horny for Laxus, and Laxus making things so much worse for his own fun. So enjoy seduction, strip poker and smut. Thanks for reading.
Links: FFN, Ao3
How To Seduce Your Rune Mage:
A Guide By Laxus Dreyar
Step 1: Lay The Groundwork
Laxus had taken to a new style of clothing again. It was… distracting.
The outfit wasn't too dissimilar to what he had always worn, but Freed could see the differences. The white shirt was now form fitting enough to mould around his impressive biceps and cling to his pecs, whereas his old shirts had been loose enough to billow around him. Furthermore, he apparently had decided to only button the shirt up half way, leaving his tanned, tattooed chest exposed to whoever might want to look. Or, to whoever might be desperately trying to look anywhere else.
Compared to the new pants, though, the shirt was nothing. Laxus still wore the leather pants he insisted on, but these were tighter. Freed had walked up the stairs behind Laxus and had been eye level with the mans ass; the leather clung to his toned cheeks like skin.
Freed had been relieved when the walk upstairs had been over. The relief died when Laxus sat down.
Even the way he sat made Freed pause to both appreciate the sight of the man and curse him for seemingly being unaware of the effect he was having. He was leaning back in the chair, talking to Bickslow with his hands behind his head and his legs spread far too wide. His arms were flexing under the shirt, muscles all but ripping through the fabric. The leather of his pants pressed across his hard thighs, emphasising the beautiful strength in his legs. Freed had, more than once, let his focus slip and found his eyes roaming the man's thighs.
And then there was his dick. It was borderline obscene in how obvious it was in the pants. Dicks bulged in pants, of course, but for the split second Freed had glanced towards Laxus' crotch - not on purpose, of course - it looked like the pants were made to draw focus to his cock. The large, obvious mound was the focal point of a damn sexy sight that Freed couldn't allow himself to enjoy.
They had all mocked Laxus for calling himself a god, but in moments in this, the comparison held some weight.
Freed had to look away, Laxus hadn't dressed like that for his friend to lust after him. Just because their relationship had always had a flirtatious edge - well, it used to anyway, but Freed felt that might not be appropriate anymore given the things Laxus was going through - it didn't mean that he wanted him for anything more. They amused each other with their sly winks, double entendres and the coy touches that they'd shared from time to time. Nothing more.
But dammit, the way Laxus was sitting was like a beacon. He had picked the perfect position to drive Freed mad, and he didn't seem to even know it. His whole damn body seemed to be pointing to the large bulge in his pants - the bulge Freed would not allow himself to ogle - and yet Laxus was still chatting with Bickslow as if he didn't know.
Freed was almost tempted to leave. He could deal with his… urges when he got home, and then could hope that Laxus went back to his looser, less enticing outfit. Because if this was going to become a mainstay in their lives, Freed didn't know how to deal with that.
Dammit; he was a grown man, not a horny teenager. This was ridiculous!
As he always did, Freed had brought one of his many novels into the guildhall so he had something to do to pass the time. He would simply put all his focus on that, and Laxus would be the last thing on his mind. By the time he would have read a chapter or two, all the shock and desire born from Laxus' change in outfit would have died, and the man sitting across the table from him would return to what he had always been; the slightly too cocky asshole with handsome features and a great body, but someone he couldn't allow himself to think about because acting on his desires would be detrimental to the team dynamic.
He was a captain, and Laxus was essentially his teammate. Lusting after him was asking for trouble, and Freed had gotten over his attraction to the man before. He would again, and with the help of his novel he would push these thoughts to the back of his mind.
'Arthur hauled himself up over the railing of his ship, grunting with effort. The pirate captain ran a hand through his short blonde hair, absently removing his sodden shirt as he walked across the deck. As he passed Clark, he sent the man a grin and a wink, a flirtatious act of seduction. Not that Clark needed it, seeing the tattoo on Arthur's chest was enough-'
"God dammit," Freed muttered resentfully.
Freed owned exactly five romance novels. They were self indulgent and rarely read, and yet somehow he had picked up the only book he owned out of his collection of hundreds to have a romantic lead with physical traits similar to Laxus'.
"Somethin' wrong?" Laxus asked, looking over to Freed with his eyes alight with amusement. He looked towards the book Freed was reading and grinned. "Getting to the good stuff, huh?"
"What?" Freed asked, then looked at the cover of the book. The barrel chested model made it clear it was a rather trashy romance, and Laxus' implication was clear. "No, I most certainly am not."
"Because you leave that stuff for when yer alone, huh?" Laxus teased.
Freed didn't know what it was about himself that delighted in confident men, but that part of him was almost preening with delight at Laxus. Thankfully, just as much as he liked a man with a cocky side, he also liked bringing men like that down a peg, and as such he could still cling to some of his dignity.
"I was frustrated because one of the main characters has a terrible sense of direction, and got the other character lost," Freed rebutted. "It was something I can sympathise with."
"Damn, yer brutal," Laxus chuckled. "But you always go hard on me, huh Freed?"
That must had been unintentional; there was no way Laxus had meant to say such a teasing thing. It was just as unintentional as the way Laxus shifted his position to look towards Freed, somehow spreading his legs wider and drawing the leather tighter across his legs. Damn him; was he just naturally sensual and it had taken the tightness of his clothing for Freed to realise it.
He couldn't help it, his eyes flickered to the impressive bulge in his pants. For a moment, Freed considered acting. Would he rather get to his knees and suck the man off, or flip him over and fuck him where he stood?
The thoughts went as soon as they came, and Freed found himself standing.
"I'll get us around," He said to explain why he suddenly lurched upwards. "Anything in particular you all want?"
Bickslow and Evergreen asked for their usual, whereas Laxus requested Freed "surprise me, but make sure it's hot." The inflection he put on the last word sent a chill down his spine, and Freed quickly retreated to the lower floor of the guildhall, trying to distract himself however he could.
As he did, he missed the smug, satisfied expression on his friends face. Laxus had Freed right where he wanted him, and part one of the plan was complete.
Step 2 - Set The Bait
So, Laxus was modelling now. Of course he was,
The newest edition of Sorcerer Weekly was sitting on the coffee table of Freed and Laxus' shared apartment, exactly where Laxus had placed it when he'd left the apartment. He had done so as if it weren't a big deal, claiming that he had spoken about the Raijinshuu during an interview and that Freed should check it out if he was interested. That would have been fine, if it weren't for the picture on the cover, and the promise of many other pictures inside.
On the cover, Laxus was wearing a dress shirt and blazer, with the buttons undone so his chest and flexing abs were teased. His pants were unbuckled, teasing the top of his boxers in a way that was like a punch to Freed's gut. Not to mention the damn smoulder Laxus had perfected.
Dammit, Laxus had been against modelling for his entire life, and now he was doing a four page spread! Where had the change come from? Freed might almost think Laxus was doing it on purpose - intentionally driving him mad as a ridiculous prank of some kind - but that was a stupid idea.
And Freed knew how this worked. He knew the pictures inside would show off more of him. They always did, and Freed knew they'd look so good. So damn good.
"No," He mumbled to himself. "Get ahold of yourself."
Laxus was his friend, he certainly didn't want nor need Freed ogling pictures of him in various states of undress; fantasying about pinning him down and taking him, or pushing him to a wall and making out hard and passionately. They were friends and partners, this ridiculous attraction was something Freed would just have to get over.
But… well, Laxus had said he wanted Freed to read the article. The article would be on the same page as the pictures, so he clearly didn't mind Freed seeing the pictures. And Freed was fairly sure Laxus had some kind of attraction towards him in return; on a mission a year ago, Laxus had been speaking in his sleep and moaned out Freed's name pretty damn loudly. That was a memory that plagued Freed when he was touching himself, whether he wanted it or not.
So, maybe it wasn't too bad. It wasn't too invasive.
He picked the damn magazine up with a rush of oddly exhilarating dread. Page five was the first of Laxus' article, and Freed flipped towards it. He would just save his curiosity and be done with it.
Oh. Oh goodness.
A large picture of Laxus was printed. Laxus was shirtless, covered in some kind of oil that made his tanned skin glow beautifully in the light. He was flexing, abs so shredded and his arms pulsing with veiny muscles. His lightning was flickering over his torso, making him look everything like the all-powerful wizard that he was. Freed swallowed, and his cock lurched in his boxers.
His eyes fell onto page six, where another picture was printed. Laxus was wearing workout shorts and nothing else, the spandex clinging to his thighs in a too tempting way. He was mid sit-up, stomach crunching and hair sweat drenched.
Freed was palming himself over his pants without realising.
He had already gotten this far. He turned the page to see the next picture, and audibly swallowed.
The picture on the left was of Laxus wearing nothing but light grey boxer-briefs. He had his right hand resting behind his head, biceps flexing and bulging hard. His pecs and abs were rigid and pronounced, nipples hard looking. Water had clearly been poured over him, and droplets seemed to be sliding down the endless expanses of muscles that made up the man. His boxer briefs were overly tight, hugging his bulge to perfection and making Freed palm himself harder. His cock was hard now, and precum leaked out of his slit when he saw that Laxus was pulling down his waistband to show the base of his cock and trimmed pubes.
When he looked to the final picture of the, Freed actually moaned. Laxus was naked, his dick only covered by the white bedsheets that rested over his crotch. He lounged on the bed, looking sleep worn and sexy.
Fuck, Freed had wanted to see that in person.
He suddenly remembered where he was and what he was doing. He was in his sitting room, on the sofa he shared with Laxus, looking at the smutty pictures that Laxus had taken, while palming his dick. Freed was not a sex hungry idiot and he had gotten over his attraction to Laxus before, and he would again. He just needed to get it out of his system, that was all.
Within a minute, he was in the shower, stroking himself off as he imagined Laxus on his knees before him.
Again, he missed when Laxus returned home. He missed when Laxus saw the magazine, open on the page with his nude picture. He missed when Laxus sniffed the air and smelt the scent of cum, and grinned to himself. Before Freed left the shower, Laxus retreated to his bedroom, cock hardening in his pants as he did. He wanted to join Freed in the shower and cut the bullshit, but his plan hadn't gotten there yet. And, he had to admit, Freed eye-fucking him all the day was hot as fuck, and he wanted more of that before he made his move.
Step 3: Reel Him In
"And with this, Laxus," Freed placed his cards on the ground. "I get your pants."
Freed and Laxus were alone, sitting next to a campfire beside a lake. It was just the two of them on the mission, which had been completed earlier in the day. Rather than returning home, Laxus had suggested that they camp out for the night and return to Magnolia in the morning. Freed had agreed, and somehow had been talked into a game of poker. Strip poker, to be more specific.
They were in various states of undress. Freed was wearing nothing but his boxer-briefs, and probably should have given in by now. One more loss and he'd be spending the night naked, not an overly attractive idea with Laxus sharing a tent with him.
For the start of the round, Laxus has been brutally successful, and Freed had lost his shirt, shoes, coat and socks before he had gotten a single piece of Laxus' clothing off. Freed had wanted to claim Laxus was cheating somehow, but the alcohol he'd drunk had made the argument too much bother. Every time they lost a round, they had to take a drink, and Freed had lost a lot of rounds so was practically drunk at this point.
That wasn't too bad, it certainly made looking at Laxus half naked more pleasant and less stressful.
The drinking wasn't the only forfeit they'd implemented either. If either of them lost twice in a row, they had to do a forfeit chosen by the winner. That had happened to Freed twice, and he'd had to give the story of his most embarrassing moment - a puppeteer wizard had taken control of him and made him act like a clown for a full day, in full costume including the wig and squeaking nose - much to Laxus' amusement. The second forfeit was to do as many chin-ups as he could on a nearby tree. He managed thirty before the bark started cutting into his hands, and Laxus hadn't taken his eyes off him.
Laxus had only been forced to perform one forfeit: speaking in rhyming couplets for a round and slapping himself every time he failed. His cheek was red, but Freed still wanted revenge.
"You don't have to enjoy it this much," Laxus laughed, taking a drink as he stood. He shucked off the too-tight leather pants and threw them to the pile of clothes. He spread his arms to show his state of undress off, and Freed swallowed at the sight of Laxus in his white boxer-briefs.
Fuck, why was everything he wore so tight these days?
"So," Laxus grunted. "What you gonna make me do?"
"Your cheeks are very red," Freed commented with a drunken grin. "Perhaps the fire is getting you too hot. So, you're going to submerge yourself fully in the nice cold lake."
"Fuck, you're cruel," Laxus sighed, patting Freed's bare shoulder as he walked past him. "Glad I'm on your team most of the time."
Freed only realised his mistake when it was too late. When he had chosen the forfeit, he had simply wanted to make Laxus feel the horrors of a cold lake in the middle of the night. It was only when Laxus was wasit high in the water that Freed realised he had instructed Laxus to get soaking wet in front of him while he was wearing his boxers and nothing more. His white boxers - made of the fabric that turns slightly transparent when wet.
Fuck, what the hell had he been thinking? Were his critical thinking skills so redundant around Laxus?
"I'm gonna get you back for this, asshole," Laxus yelled, and Freed turned to watch as Laxus dove into the cold water head first, only to resurface a moments later with an exclamation of: "Fuck that's cold."
Freed couldn't look away. Laxus, the man who had been plaguing Freed's most carnal and deprived dreams and thoughts, was wading through the lake, soaking wet and wearing nothing but his boxer briefs. He looked like a fucking supermodel, and Freed felt the horrible feeling of a boner growing in his revealing boxer-briefs. Worse still, he couldn't stop it, because thoughts of kissing the man dry or dragging him to the tent and having his way with him wouldn't stop assaulting him.
And Laxus, the bastard, decided to make things worse. He stood right before Freed, his bulging dick eye level with Freed (not that Freed allowed himself to look), with his arms crossed. He was so close that a drop of water from his chest fell onto Freed's nose and made him wince.
"Well, you might be okay losing your boxers tonight, but I ain't," Laxus shrugged, "and it's getting late, so I'm gonna call it a night. See you in the tent, you evil bastard."
He emphasised the point by flicking the cold water into Freed's face, and then walked to the shared tent. Freed was left alone by the fire, genuinely considering jumping into the water to shock the boner out of his system.
And Laxus just grinned, knowing exactly the effect he was having on Freed and loving it.
Step 4 - Adapt
"Oh thank fuck," Laxus gasped the second Freed walked into their apartment. "You're a fucking idiot, you know that."
Freed frowned, dropping his bag at the door. Laxus seemed to have been waiting for him, which was a shock. Almost as much of a shock as when Laxus stormed over towards him and wrapped his arms around Freed in a tight hug. Freed was frozen for a moment, but lifted his arms and returned the hug. Someone had apparently told Laxus what happened then.
"Are you fucking stupid?" Laxus growled. "Don't you ever pull bullshit like that again, you understand me?"
"I won't," Freed promised.
"You better not," Laxus pulled away, but cupped Freed's cheeks to check his face for injuries. When he saw none, he deflated. "Idiot."
Freed had been on a mission with Bicks and Ever, and it hadn't gone well. The creature they were fighting was stronger than they had expected, and to divert attention from some bystanders, Freed had put himself in the path of the beast. He'd been bitten, and the creature's teeth had injected poison deep inside of him. For around a week he'd been in bed, unresponsive as the medical mages removed the poison from his bloodstream. According to Bickslow and Evergreen, it had been one of the worst weeks of their lives, and apparently Laxus had been kept in contact about it.
"I'm fine," Freed assured him. "I've got a scar, that's all."
"They wouldn't let me come see you," Laxus stated. "I would've gone if I could have, but they wouldn't let me. I wanted to be there."
"I know," Freed nodded, smiling a little as he pulled away. He frowned when he saw what Laxus was wearing. "Why are you wearing a robe?"
"Oh, shit, yeah, that," Laxus blushed a little. "So, fuck Freed you could have died. And I know you're okay because you don't lie about shit like this, but it kinda puts things into perspective. Just because you made it out this time, doesn't mean it'll happen again, you know?" Freed nodded, wondering what this had to do with a robe. "And it got me thinking that, if something happens to ya, I ain't gonna want any regrets, I don't wanna look back and wish I did something that I was too scared to. That make sense?"
"Yes," Freed nodded.
"Well, I don't wanna regret you, so I'm done with the bullshit," Laxus stated. "The flirting without following through on it, and trying to turn you on to see if you'll start something? It's just all bullshit when either of us could fucking die at any point-"
"Laxus," Freed said firmly. Laxus was spiraling, and Freed needed to get him back to something more safe. "The robe?"
"Right, yeah," He calmed himself. "The robe is me saying that, if you want me," He undid the tie on the robe. "Then you've got me."
The robe fell from Laxus' body, revealing him in his nudity.
Fuck. Fuck!
Freed had put in a lot of effort keeping boundaries with Laxus. Yes they flirted, but they both seemed to consciously avoid seeing each other naked. Nudity was the last bastion of them being platonic with one another, because when it happened it would be the crescendo of their flirting. It was an unspoken rule; if they saw each other fully naked, then they'd finally do something about it.
But there Laxus was, naked and proud. His dick had the same veiny girth the rest of his body had; long, thick, and half hard.
And, if Laxus was being truthful, his body was Freed's for the taking.
Without hesitation, Freed closed the space between them and wrapped a hand into Laxis' hair. He wrapped the short blonde locks into his hand and tugged Laxus down towards him, pulling him into a heated and needy kiss. Laxus' hands were on his ass without thinking, groping Freed hungrily as he rolled his naked hips against Freed's. Freed let out a shuddering moan, allowing Laxus' tongue into his mouth.
Years worth of flirting and causal grins and caught moments of attraction had been leading up to this. No more dancing around it; they wanted each other and they were going to take it.
Freed's hands roamed over the body he had wanted to explore for so long. The muscle was as hard as it had always looked, and the quiet gasp from Laxus when he grazed his nipple made Freed grin.
"So responsive," Freed taunted.
"Shut up," Laxus growled huskily, taking hold of Freed's belt buckle to undo it. "I wanna look after you, baby. Not listen to ya smart-mouthing me."
"I don't need coddling," Freed argued.
"I said I'm gonna look after ya, not coddle ya," Laxus grinned, bringing his lips to Freed's neck in teasing bites. "I know you Freed, I know exactly what you want out of a man."
"Oh do you?" Freed challenged. "And what is that?"
"Me," Laxus grinned.
Before he could say anything, Laxus' hands wrapped around Freed's thighs and scooped them up. Freed was lifted up, straddling Laxus' naked body and leaning against him to keep them both upright. A laugh spluttered out of Freed, because the man who had been the subject of his fantasies for so long was lifting him up and walking him to his bedroom.
This was happening. They were going to bed together, and Freed knew that it would be indescribable.
He was thrown into his own mattress, and Laxus crawled over him. Every fantasy, every photo shoot, every thought of Laxus paled in comparison to Laxus crawling over him, shamelessly naked. His chest was heaving and he had the thinnest layer of sweat over his chest, and Freed found himself a little breathless as Laxus placed his hands either side of his head. He looked down at Freed with an expression of mingled cockiness and fondness; a look only he could manage.
"It's awful unfair you're still dressed, baby," Laxus murmured.
"I'm rather fond of the situation," Freed smirked, and Laxus grinned down at him.
"Then you might not like this," Laxus taunted, reaching down and groping Freed's already hard cock through his pants. Freed gasped, but the hand was gone as soon as it came. Laxus smirked down at Freed when he grunted his annoyance, fiddling with the belt buckle again to unfasten it. "Hips up, Baby."
Freed did as told, and Laxus was pulling Freed's pants down his legs. Once they were off, he tossed them aside and grinned down at the hard cock tenting his boxers. Freed was breathless at the hungry, horny attention Laxus showed his hard dick.
"Touch me," Freed panted an order.
"You still ain't naked," Laxus grinned. "But I'm gonna fix that."
Laxus crawled up Freed's body again, his naked legs grazing against Freed's as he ran their strong bodies against each other. He let out a slight shuddering breath as his knee grazed Freed's hard cock, before refocusing his attention at the task at hand. He placed a hand on the side of Freed's shirt, before yanking at it hard. The buttons on the shirt flew off, scattering across Freed's bedroom floor with a clatter. With his abs and chest exposed now, Freed watched as Laxus lowered his head down and pressed kisses against his stomach.
"Oh god," Freed moaned.
"That's right," Laxus grinned. "Say my name,"
Freed let out a breathless laugh as Laxus reached his chest with the kisses. He pushed himself up further, naked chest against naked chest, and brough Freed into another spellbinding kiss. They melted into one another, moans enfusing with the kiss as Laxus' hands kneeled and grabbed at Freed's body. A wayward spark of Laxus' lighting hit one of Freed's nipples, and Freed moaned so loudly and blissfully that Laxus went half lidded.
He'd have to remember that. But not now.
As they kissed each other, Laxus removed the shirt from Freed's arms and tossed it to the side. Freed's paler body contracted beautifully with Laxus', and Freed moaned at the press of the other mans bulk against him. This was like every fantasy he'd had about the man, but better in such an explosive way.
Laxus' knee was gently teasing Freed's straining cock, the seam of his boxers the only friction against his aching member. He raised his hips on instinct, trying and failing to rub against Laxus.
"Please Laxus," Freed whispered. "Just touch me."
"Not until yer naked," Laxus whispered back, hands running over Freed's flexing abs. "So soon, baby."
One of his roaming hands slid down to his cock, giving it a single, torturous pump. Freed whined and Laxus chuckled into his ear, the feeling of the man's breath against him incredible in its intimacy. The hand hooked itself in the waistband of his boxer-briefs, quickly pulling them down and exposing Freed's cock to the room. He moaned at the change of temperature as Laxus tossed his boxers away.
For a moment, Laxus sat up, straddling Freed and looking down at him with horny adoration. He looked at Freed with the same expression of need, desire and lust that Freed looked at him. Freed's cock leaked with pre cum, and Laxus looked almost blissed out.
And then, he lowered himself, taking Freed's cock into his mouth in a single fluid movement.
"Fuck!" Freed exclaimed, hands clutching at the sheets as the warmth of Laxus' mouth covered his cock.
He was thunderstruck as he watched Laxus work. The man who Freed adored was sucking his cock, smoothly and passionately, taking him to the balls and then drawing back to the tip. He neither gagged nor slowed, as if his sole purpose in that moment was to suck Freed off.
"Shit," Freed moaned. "Laxus, stop. I'm gonna-"
Laxus only increased the speed of his movements, tongue licking and teasing at the tip of Freed's cock. Freed's grip on the bedsheets turned white-knuckled, and he thrashed his head back as white covered his eyes. The pleasure was unreal, multiplied whenever he thought of the man who was doing this to him. He groaned, bucking his hips as the rush of orgasm overtook his senses.
The feeling was damn-near life ending. Every nerve, sense and thought was set alflame as he bucked his hips, his spasming dick fucking Laxus' throat without repentance nor care. A spew of cusses, moans and exclamations filled the room as spurt after spurt of hot cum shot down Laxus' throat.
He was swallowing it all, and the constrictions of his throat against Freed's dick only further drained his balls.
"Fuck," Laxus gasped once every drop of his lover's cum had been swallowed. He was red faced and grinning, chest heaving and dick rock hard. Freed, despite the orgasm, was just as hard. "You tasted so good, baby."
"Fuck," Freed parroted weakly, shifting and pulling Laxus towards him. He pulled him into a sloppy and needy kiss, not purebred by the taste of his own spunk on the other man's tongue. He openly groped at Laxus' ramrod dick, pumping at it and delighting in the shuddering moans Laxus tried to hold back.
"Wait," Laxus panted, pulling away. "First time I cum for you, I wanna cum in you."
Freed could have reached orgasm again from just that.
"If you wish," Freed teased, and Laxus' face brightened and he pulled him into another kiss.
Without argument, Freed allowed himself to be pulled so he was straddling Laxus, his cock resting against Laxus'. They kissed slowly, Laxus scraping at his back while slowly gyrating his hips in a way that was clearly driving both men mad. Freed was absently pulling at Laxus' hair, mind swirling with the memory of Laxus' lips around his dick, swallowing him without complaint. Fuck, this was happening. He and Laxus were going to fuck.
All the fantasies of this moment fell away. Freed knew they would be pathetic when faced with the reality.
As they kissed, Laxus had reached into Freed's dresser and brought out a bottle of lube he kept there. He had covered his fingers with the lube, before slowly trailing them down Freed's stomach, leaving a cold trail in their wake. He cupped Freed's ass with large, cold hands. Freed gasped as they ran gently across the crease of his ass.
"You ready?" Laxus asked in a voice one might describe as lovestruck.
"Yes," Freed nodded, pushing his body tight against Laxus'. "Please."
One finger slowly slid inside Freed, and the moan of unfiltered, unadulterated pleasure filled the room. Laxus was grinning as he slowly probed Freed's asshole, teasing and slow in his movements but stretching him out to perfection. Another finger pushed its way in, and Freed groaned a guttural groan as he rested his face in the crook of Laxus' neck. He stretched and toyed with Freed, and all he could do was delight in the face it was Laxus doing this to him.
"That's enough," Freed stated just before Laxus slid in a third finger. Laxus looked at him with a hint of hesitance, and Freed smiled a naughty looking smile. "I want to feel you splitting me."
"Fuck," Laxus breathed, and his cock lurched at the words. "You demon."
"Absolutely," Freed agreed, shifting his weight up.
With slightly shaking hands, Laxus held the base of his cock and pointed it upwards. With too slow movements, Freed carefully moved himself down again. The tip of Laxus' fat, quivering cock rested against his hole for a moment, and they both groaned at the feeling. Freed paused, but with a shared look of trust and desire, he slowly began to lower himself down.
Inch by inch, he took Laxus' cock inside of him. They both groaned, moaning their pleasure to the otherwise silent room. Laxus scratched at Freed's bare back, while Freed clutched to his lover's shoulders. His thighs quivered with the effort of holding himself up, and a gasp split his lips when he felt his ass rest against Laxus' legs.
He had never felt so thoroughly filled before, and his eyes fell to the back of his skull.
After a few moments to accommodate the new sensation, Freed gave a tentative grind of the hips. Both men moaned loudly at the feeling, and Freed's grip on Laxus' shoulders tightened. He rested his head in the crook of Laxus' neck again, before whispered a quiet, "Fuck me, Laxus."
It happened instantly,
Thrusting, slow at first but incredible, started to split Freed open. The beautiful burn of his body being torn apart increased with each slow and taunting push and pull of Laxus' dick. He could feel all the ridges of Laxus' dick inside of him, pushing apart muscles that was all too happy to accommodate him.
And then, with a stronger thrust than before, Laxus hit the spot. Freed let out an incoherent sound of erotic delight.
"There," Freed demanded, voice wavering. "Oh fuck, there."
Laxus needed no more instruction, thrusting his hips up again and again, faster and more powerful with each strike. Consistently he beat against Freed's prostate, again and again making him moan, whine, grunt and roar with the pleasure that only years of growing desire could have caused. Freed pushed down against him, wanting to feel more. To get more!
"Oh fuck," Laxus moaned, voice a horny, needy, desperate shadow of its former reticence that drove Freed mad. "Shit, fuck."
He was cumming, and the feeling of the man he loved filling him with cum while he spasmed and grunted was all-consuming to Freed. Orgasm overtook him with the same sudden ferocity, and the overwhelming euphoria made him shut his eyes and drown in the pleasure.
As he rutted into Freed, cum still spilling, Laxus pushed them both down. Lying atop Freed now, Laxus rode the high of orgasm to its end, not caring that Freed's own cum had spattered across both of their faces and chests. Panting and slowing his thrusts, he collapsed onto Freed with a giddy, horny smile.
"Holy shit," He cussed. "Why the fuck did it take us so long to do that?"
"It's a mistake we won't repeat," Freed said, equally breathless.
He pulled Laxus into another kiss, slower this time but arguably more passionate. Their movements were tired, lethargic, and perfect. Freed shifted them both, removing Laxus' cock from his ass and lying beside him, not once breaking the kiss. He nuzzled into his lover, smiling gently.
"I'm glad you're okay," Laxus murmured when they did pull away, stroking Freed's cheek. "And I'm sorry I fucked around and didn't make a move before. All that teasing bullshit was just my way of trying to get you to do something first, because I was scared of getting rejected."
"I can understand that, and I certainly won't be angry at you," Freed chuckled. "But know, I will do exactly the same to you from now on."
"Wouldn't expect anything less," Laxus grinned. "But we're not waiting that long until we fuck again, right?"
Freed simply smirked, and kissed his lover again. "Absolutely not."
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mull3ts · 4 years
Quarintine Boyz, Part One
Pairing | NCT's 00 line x Reader
⚠ Warnings! | Smut, Orgy (5some, but that comes in part 2), Swearing, is this qualified crack?, Just a bunch of flirting too, Fingering, Dirty Talk, *not proofread, Requested!
↳ Word Count: 3.1k
· Part 2
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Week 1:Day 1/14, 8:43 am
"You need to stop eating my coffee, Donghyuck"
He gasped
"Um? Eating? Really? You're a bit stupid, Jaemin." Donghyuck fought back
"Think again," Jaemin hissed "I'm not the one stupid enough to drink coffee that's not theirs!"
Jeno glared at them
"Will you guys just-"
"Butt out of it, sexy guy" They both yelled
"That one's new" Jeno mumbled
"Will you bitch asses shut up, there's a pandemic for crying out loud!" Renjun yelled from the couch
"I have litterally never heard that word once in my life" You said streching as you just woke up
"Y/N" Donghyuck and Jaemin said both storming towards you
"Tell him he shouldn't drink my coffee" Jaemin said
"Nu-uh tell this hoe to back off because if it's on the counter, it's free real estate" Donghyuck said
"That's really not my problem, what's a pandemic?" You asked
"Apparently it's when we can't go outside anymore and quarantine for 2 weeks." Renjun sighed
"How am I supposed to work out!" Jeno shrieked
"How am I supposed to get laid!" Jaemin said dropping his bag of coffee grounds
"How am I supposed to leave and see Mark!"
"How am I supposed to care about that, Hyuck" You mumbled
"How am I supposed to live with all of you!" Renjun screamed grabbing his hair
"First of all," You began, "Jeno, you can do home workouts"
"But my weights..." Jeno whispered
"Jaemin, just jackoff for god's sake!"
"It's not the same...Can I use you?" Jaemin said, being absolutely serious
"That sounds horrible, no. Donghyuck, just call Mark or something!"
"But I wanna kiss him!" Donghyuck cried
"Kiss your phone! Renjun...let's go jump off of a bridge" You sighed
"Let's go!" Renjun said grabbing his car keys "We'll miss you all...not really but still!"
Jeno blocked the door
"Nope. You two aren't going anywhere" He said crossing his arms
"Yeah, we wouldn't want you two catching Corona" Jaemin pouted
You both sighed "Fine"
"So, what's for breakfast?"
"So, what's your social security number?"
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Day 2/14, 6:23 am
"Oh, hi Jaemin"
You were taken aback, Jaemin was cooking, at 6:00 am
"What's cooking good looking?" He smirked
"Um, nothing, I'm not cooking?" You questioned
"Shit, um....y-you'reeeeeeee hot, mmhm, hot like hot, really hot." Jaemin said thinking about it as he spoke
Jaemin got a plate for the both of you and turned around making you actually look at him
You screamed while turning red
"It's hot?" He stated plainly "So I'm not wearing a shirt."
"I'm fucking cold Na Jaemin, what makes you think it's hot?"
He smirked again, you'd really like to wipe that smirk off of his pretty face
"You're in the room, makes it hotter"
"Y-you what?"
"Shit. I've been exposed"
"And what are you gonna do about it" Jaemin said slamming his fist on the table
"Nothing, except go back to bed. Oh and by the way...the AC is broken and that's why it's so cold" Renjun said yawning and walking back up the stairs
"Yeah, aren't you cold, Jaemin?" You questioned looking at the goosebumps on his biceps
"I'm fine" He said placing your food on the plate "So, you gonna put on a shirt-" He stopped you. "Nope. I'm staying shirtless with this apron".
"You know that's a Peppa Pig apron right?"
"It was cheap! Your point is...". You shook your head "It's nothing".
Day 2/14, 2:55 pm
"You don't mind if I workout while your here, right?" Jeno asked holding a workout mat
"No, this is your room anyways"
"Cool" That's when Jeno started to remove his shirt
"A-aren't you gonna keep that on"
"Keep it, babe. Wear it sometime" He smirked while beginning to stretch
Then an idea popped into his head
"Why don't we stretch something else, hmm?" Jeno said playfully
"Like what"
He motioned you to come to him with is finger
He started to remove your clothes until you were bare
"Shh, keep it down babe, the others will hear you"
Jeno released his cock from his shorts and rubbed your entrance making you whimper
"Already wet, babe?" He chuckled
"J-jeno, please" You begged
"What is it you want babe, tell me"
"I want-"
It was just his imagination, and he was already doing his push-ups. He looked at you to see what you were doing
"Sniffing my shirt? Do I smell that nice?"
"Hey Jeno you-" You paused examining his body
"-you have a really big...dick"
Jeno stopped doing his push-ups looking at you like you told him something dumb
"Well geeze, babe, you don't have to remind me" He said going back to his push-ups
You heard a laughter erupt from the door
"Pft, Y/N, you haven't even seen his dick out of his pants" Donghyuck laughed leaning on Jeno's door frame
"Well is it big?" You asked innocently making Jeno's dick harden
"Are these two really having a conversation about my dick?"
"Oh my sweet Y/N, it's big, until the day Jeno decides to bed you...I'll tell you it's big"
You seemed so fascinated
"Woah, cool"
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Day 3/14, 1:22 am
"Renjun?" You questioned
"Huh?" He looked at you
"Why are you painting at...1:22 am?"
"I don't know, why are you up at 1:22 am?" He questioned back
"I'm looking for Jaemin's Peppa Pig apron"
Renjun laughed
"Jaemin's sleeping in it" He responded
"Isn't that a choking hazard?" You asked, concerned
"Jaemin likes to choke people-"
Renjun's phone went off
"Hang on"
[Na Jaehoe, 1:23 am] Shut up you shorty Bob Ross don't fucking tell her that 😤😤😤
"Nevermind" Renjun chuckled "So I heard the Jeno's dick conversation"
"Gosh don't remind me, Renjun"
You looked at what he was painting
"Is that-" He cut you off "Peppa Pig, yeah. I'm gonna use it to haunt Jaemin if he gets married."
"So like as his wedding gift?"
"Exactly" Renjun looked at the clock "You should go to bed ya know"
"So should you, ya know"
"I'll go at 2:00, night Y/N"
"Night, Renjun"
Day 3/14, 12:44 pm
"Looks like sleeping beauty woke up" Donghyuck snickered from the dining table
"Oh, shut up" You said looking at all of your roommates who were eating lunch
"Here, it's uh...What's this again, Jaemin?" Jeno asked. "It's uh...Chipotlé? Wait- Yeah, Chipotlé" Jaemin said blandly
"Are you still wearing that Peppa-"
"AnD?" Jaemin clapped back, Jaemin sighed "I HAVENT BEEN LAIED IN MONTHS!"
Everyone groaned "JAEMIN! What did Y/N say?"
"She said to just jackoff...BUT ITS NOT THE SAME!"
"That's really not my problem..."
"Maybe we should sign you up for therapy-"
"No, no, I'll live like the Virgin Mary" Jaemin protested
Day 3, 12:55 am
You were all in tears (except for Jeno) and Donghyuck was already sobbing his eyes out by the time The Titanic started sinking
"Donghyuck, your eyes are so puffy!" Renjun pointed out laughing though the tears
"S-shut up you oompa loompa" Donghyuck sniffed. "You guys are babies, right babe?" Jeno said looking at you who was gripping on to him tightly. "SHUT UP LEE JENO YOU ARENT DATING" Jaemin hissed from his side of the couch bursting out in tears
"J-jaemin, is that my shirt?" You asked drying your eyes on Jeno's shirt
"It's the goddamn laundry Y/N..." He sniffed. "Hey, Y/N" Donghyuck called, still sounding stuffy "Can I draw you like one of my French Girls?"
"You can't even draw that well" You defended not wanting to be drawn nude. "Then Renjun, you do it, I'll pay you like 20 bucks" Donghyuck said nudging Renjun, "$150" Renjun responded
"Nevermind..." Donghyuck huffed
Day 4/14, 10:49 am
You didn't wanna knock, and it didn't really sound like anything was in there
But you forgot about anyone
"AH SHIT" You screamed, clearly not prepared to have seen a naked Jaemin
He scoffed, "Don't act like you don't fucking like seeing me like this, Y/N" He inched closer to you. "Don't act like I haven't noticed you checking me out when I wore that apron or when I was wearing that small ass t-shirt of yours-"
"Oh, so now you know how I feel when you're overthere at the other end of the room clearly biting your lip-" Jaemin cut you off by slamming his lips against yours
"Shut up, princess. How about I give us both what we want, how does that sound?". You noddes your head while Jaemin removed your shorts along with your underwear
"You drive me so fucking crazy walking around the house with these on. What makes you think you can just dress like a slut everyday around 4 boys hmm? Tell me" Jaemin taunted
"I like wearing them" You pouted. "Yeah? Well all of us like seeing you wear them, so why don't we put on a little show for the boys?" He reached down and entered a finger in your pussy.
He chuckled, "So wet huh?". You whimpered "Please Don't stop Jaemin"
"Na Jaemin, you're staring" You said snapping him out of his trance. You couldn't bare his gaze on you, looking at you like he was gonna eat you. "It's not my fault you're so cute." Jaemin smirked
"Well then it's my mother's?!?" You said. Jaemin was inching closer and closer to you as your back hit the wall
"Kiss me right now, Y/N"
"Oh, there you are Y/N!" Renjun chirped "What are you doing to the poor girl, you man whore" Renjun said sassily
"Why didn't I close the door"
"N-nothing...man virgin" Jaemin snickered
"I AM NOT" Renjun said tilting his head a bit, "C'mon Y/N, lets do the laundry for our resident man whore" Renjun said making you giggle "Man whore". Jaemin rolled his eyes at you
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Day 5/14, 6:57 pm
"Where the HELL is Donghyuck!" You yelled
"I dunno" they all said in unison, so you decided to call Mark
"What's up?" He answered, "Do you know where Hyuck is?". Mark sighed, "He's not my responsibly Y/N"
"Sure does seem like it" You said before hangging up. His room light was closed so you didn't think to check, but you'd rather be safe than sorry. "Donghyuck?" You knocked as you swung the door open.
You shrieked
"Hey, baby" He cooed before he went back to jerking off "Care to watch?" he asked making it sound more like a demand
"I think I'll..."
"Stay? Yep, that's what I thought"
So you watched Donghyuck, jerking off to you, for 15 minutes
"Y-y/n ah!" He said as cum leaked out of his dick. Donghyuck got cleaned up leaving you at a loss of words
"You're welcome, sweetheart" He said grabbing your chin making you look up at him
"yA! Y/N, Jaemin needs you in the kitchen cause he burnt one of the frying pans" Jeno said opening the door
"Tell him I'll be right there"
"Bye bye, sweetheart" Donghyuck cooed causing Jeno glare at him
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Day 6/14, 9:32 am
Jeno knocked on your door
"The only considerate one"
"Hey, I'm gonna go to take a shower" He held up one finger to stop you from saying anything. "I'm telling you this so you don't think you're home alone because..." Jeno was hesitant, making you realize what he knew
"Mmm, Jeno, Fuck! Jaemin! A-ah Renjun! S-shit, Donghyuck, M'gonna-" He moaned trying to recreate what you sounded like that one time you thought you were home alone
"JENO FORGET ABOUT THAT!" You screamed in embarrassment making him chuckle. "It's ok babe, nothing to be ashamed of all of us have done it with you in our head" He said walking off while giggling
"Shit, my face is red, hold up, where's my phone?"
You looked everywhere so you accidentally thought Jeno's phone was causing you to read the notifications displayed
[Nana Jaems]: So we're gonna ignore the fact we all jerk off to y/n?
[Injoon]: Well do you expect us to go up to her and say "You're fucking hot in thoes shorts and you're hot and nice so wanna fuck?"
[Nana Jaems]: Isn't that what we have to do tho?
[DngHyk]: Or ya know you could just hide in your room and wait for her to catch you jerking off? Thats what I did yesterday. Be jealous hoes
[Nana Jaems]: No way!
[Injoon]: Well shouldn't we wait for what Jeno has to tell us?
[DngHyk]: Calm your titties, I'm going
"Whatcha' doin'?" Jeno asked, clearly fresh from the shower. "Oh, I was looking for my phone and thought this was m-mine. whydontyouhaveashirton?"
"Why don't I have a shirt on? I just came out of the shower, babe. Gimme my phone" He said as you handed it to him
He read the messages and smirked. "How long did you have my phone for?". You shrugged "I picked it up when you came out of the bathroom" You said still flustered, Jeno nodded
"M'kay" He said looking at you with a dark glint in his eye before walking to his room
"damn, he looks good with glasses"
"Y/N, stop checking me out" He smirked
"I-i am not, you stop" You defended making hin shrug "Meh, I kinda like doing it though. It's a...good view" He said with a cocky smirk you wanted to wipe right off of his face
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Day 7/14, 2:42 am
You attempted walking down the stairs as quietly as possible
"Y/N?" Renjun said sitting at the dining table
"Renjun? Why are you up this early in the morning?" You questioned
He shrugged "I like going to bed at like 4"
"4 hours of sleep?" You said in disbelief
"Gives me my personality" He said winking making you laugh "I guess that makes sense"
"Renjun?" you asked, "Can you tell me a day you'll never forget?"
He thought for a second
"Maybe, when I first bought this place with the rest of the guys, or when you moved in. The day me and the guys bought this house we weren't told that there was 5 bedrooms instead of 4, but we didn't know. We just thought this place was expensive for no apparent reason." He laughed, "First Jaemin and Hyuck thought it could just be a guest bedroom or something, but Jeno was like, "
"Nooo, I want it as my workout room!" Jeno cried making the others scoff. Renjun quickly stepped in before this became a fight and only Jeno and Jaemin were left fighting eachother. "Here, why don't we get a roommate? They can pay 1/5 just like the rest of us?" Renjun suggested. They all nodded, "I know who can be our roommate! Lemme call Y/N!" Jaemin said happily as the whispers about how was a girl supposed to live with 4 boys went on between them as Jaemin was on the phone with you. "Looks like we got a roommate" Jaemin said happily. "Isn't Y/N a girl though?" Jeno questioned. "Yeah, but she's willing to also cook for us, and you." Jaemin said making Jeno shrug.
"What does happen when Jeno amd Jaemin are left fighting eachother?" You questioned. Renjun laughed, "It's not very pretty, and it goes on for a while".
"So is it like a physical fight?" You asked still confued, Renjun nodded. "Geeze"
"What about you Y/N, a day you'll never forget"
"Y/N HIIIIII! COME HERE!" Jaemin shouted from the door step, "I'll get your bag, go meet the rest of them!" Jaemin said already picking up a luggage. You looked in the direction of the house. There was a boy leaning against the doorframe, another one standing on the other side, and one who was in the back. Jaemin yelled at them making them walk over to you. First it was the one with his arms crossed leaning against the doorframe
"Hi, I'm Jeno"
"That one looks intimidating"
"Hi, I'm Renjun"
"He's kinda short compared to the rest of them"
"Did you really think that I was short?" Renjun questioned, interrupting your story. "Yes, and I still think you are"
"Hello, I'm a 10, I'm Donghyuck"
"Thank you for shoving that fact in my face, he seems full of himself"
"Go show Y/N her room" Jaemin said exitedly. While you were getting sitiuated in your room you overheard their conversation in the kitchen downstairs. "So..." Jeno started, "Can we fuck her?". Jaemin choked on his water only to find his roommates all staring at him seriously. "W-what, I mean- S-sure, ask her?"
"Did you really hear that?" Renjun asked, shoked. You nodded your head, "Every word" you smiled.
Jaemin was trying to tip-toe to the fridge while the both of you were staring at him
"Oh, hi"
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Day 8/14, 9:15 am
"Y/N, would you let any of us fuck you?" Jeno asked while the both of you were eating breakfast. You thought for a second.
"Sure" You shrugged, "Maybe you though". Jeno's eyes lit up, "Me?".
You nodded, "Why not? You seem like the only responsibe one along with Renjun"
"What about me?" Renjun questioned. "She'd let you fuck her"
"But I wanna fuck her!" Donghyuck and Jaemin said in unison. "There's only 1 of me and 4 you, and I'm trying to eat or god's sake" You said glaring at the two boys infront of you.
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Day 8/14, 9:22 pm
It was Monday movie night with Jeno and Jaemin as per usual, despite the fact of Jeno's hand in your shorts. "You make a sound, and I'll take this blanket off of you letting everyone see what a dirty girl you are. Understand me?" Jeno whispered. You nodded, "But I guess it wouldn't really matter since they already know you're such a dirty girl". Jeno chuckled, "Only for us though, right?". You nodded your head again, your breathing quickening as Jeno's fingers curled inside of you. "Good". His fingers worked their way in and out of you eventually leading you to start to clench on them. "You gonna cum? You're clearly clenching around them, am I that good, babe?" Jeno taunted. "Y-yeah, J-jeno, please let me cum" you plead. He nodded his head causing you to make a mess on his fingers. "Such a good girl for me" Jeno said licking his fingers clean.
Jaemin cleared his throat, "You two are quite the shamelss people" he said causing you and Jeno to look at him.
"Don't act like I didn't know what you two were doing. How dare you not let me have some fun too?" Jaemin said in utter disbelief.
"Here," Jeno said picking you up and placing you on his bed, "Let's have some fun with her then"
Jaemin let out a dark chuckle, "C'mon princess, let us play with you". They both started removing the very little clothing you had on along with theirs. "Open up, babe" Jeno said with his fingers held out infront of you. "Spread your legs, princess" Jaemin instruced behind you.
"Wider" He demanded
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doctapuella · 3 years
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thoughts! on this goofy as picture! blame @electric--love because she brought it to my attention, and i love mocking music men!
(going left to right because they've made it so easy)
eric!!! he absolutely looks totally fine!!!! his hair is nice!!!! he's smiling and laughing like a dork!!!!! he's wearing short shorts!!!!!!! honestly, if anything, he's a disappointment because i have nothing bad to say about this. he's easily the most normally-dressed person in this image.
bon jovi man tico! i'm assuming this is the drummer bc of the glove, and because the other guy next to him that i don't know is holding a guitar/bass. so. the thing with drummers is, they can go wildly in one of two directions. (1) they can have the world's best smile [fred; steven adler; jimmy d'anda] OR (2) they can look like they want to make a lampshade out of your skin [bobby blotzer; mark scott]. three guesses which one tico is, and the first two guesses don't count.
bon jovi man 2 alec! i truly cannot decide whether i love his jacket, or if it's a monstrosity. possibly both? anyway, in this collection of people, he looks the most confused and out of place. why is he the only one with his instrument? it makes it look like he is the only musician, and the others are a group of drunk fans who grabbed him as he went by for a picture. "alec! hey oh my god it's alec! dude come on, let's get a picture! yeah no of course you have to go play soon, just real quick i promise!" also i have extreme concerns about the soul patch situation.
fred looks like he knew, back in whatever year, that this moment would come and that i, a mere infant or toddler at the time, would find nothing in life more joyful than making fun of him on the internet. and so, there he is, hiding behind everyone else. all we can see is his sunshine smile (see above on drummers) and really that's a huge win.
jon. here we go. even if i didn't know a single thing about jon bon jovi or his personality, i would look at the framing of this picture, at everyone's poses, at everyone's positioning, and i would assume this man is the one in charge of the situation and believes he is god's gift to the earth. look at his fucking outfit. the tight-ass pants, with a non-functional belt that draws attention to his crotch. the other exposed chests in this picture are what i will hesitantly refer to as "classy", in that the outfits make sense (open shirt or no shirt). this, though? what is this? is this a wrestling onesie? his arms are in the way but it's pretty clear this is like, open all the way almost to his navel. i ask you, mister bongiovi, why are you even bothering? I WILL TELL YOU WHY he bothers. same reason he bothered with the belt. the confusing nature of his outfit draws attention. oh, shirtless men? typical. BUT! a man in a flimsy excuse for a shirt? hmm? must figure it out. must stare. he may be off-putting to many but he isn't dumb.
tom. oh, tom, honey. if i had to sum up tom in one image, i might choose this one. himbo vibes off the charts. mouth hanging open, staring off in fully the wrong direction. he's got the more respectable chest-baring situation of an unbuttoned shirt, which is prob smart because it also has long sleeves and he must be sweltering. bless him he just looks confused.
richie is here, on the other side of tom, and it feels like he and jon are flanking tom in some sort of shakedown. "don't forget, tom, you're here because of us. fucking listen up." am i applying too many jersey stereotypes? maybe, but i've also spent enough time in NJ to feel okay with that. there's not much else to say here, because his outfit is relatively inoffensive; i'm more distressed by his shark grin.
david is trying. i love that he and jeff have the same look, and both are stuck together on one end. idk why, it's just a fun visual quirk. he's hidden behind richie and jeff, so it's hard to say, but i think it's fine. he's got that big tattoo going on, so the shirtless decision seems like a reasonable one.
saving our boy jeff for last! he looks so tiny and the absolutely giant glasses do not help that because they dwarf his face. (that said, i love it, A+ choice jephph.) also made the choice to go shirtless, and looking at him and his muscles i'd say he gets shirtless rights. but also, having said that, if you look at where his hands are, it kinda looks like he's doing the thing of positioning his hands to push out his biceps to look bigger. i mean, i've seen enough pictures of him at this point to know he does have the muscles, but in the context of this picture, where everyone (except maybe tico) looks around the same height, then boom there's travel-size jeff? it just screams "yeah okay i may be short but i can still fuck you up," esp because he's doing that like cocky weight-shift stance. dw you're doing great sweetie.
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galaxyedging · 2 years
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Better part 2
Marcus's side of things.
Part 1 | Part 3 | Masterlist
Marcus Pike x f!reader
Smut from the get go. Fluff. Angst. Pregnancy.
Marcus gave you his cock as a maddening pace. Slow, steady, sure. A quick thrust in, aided by your wetness and his precome. Then a long drag out. The warm, bare skin of his length grazing the velvet softeness of your walls had you both panting into each other's mouths. When he was fully sheathed inside, his body flush to yours, his breath combining with yours, his moans and the sound of his skin slapping against yours, you felt comletely connected. Whole. The sex was as close to perfection as he had even dreamed. Except it was all so wrong. The thoughts pushed through the haze of alcohol and sex. Too soon. Risking too much. He should be wearing a condom.
You kissed him deeply, chasing the thoughts away. It sparked something in him, his hips picked up speed. His thrusts were harder, deeper. Long fingers met your clit, drawing you closer to orgasm. A well placed thrust had you tumbling into a climax. The tension in your body all snapped back to where you were joined, gripping Marcus's cock, milking every drop of his seed from him. It was so much he could feel it washing over his softening length, trying to escape you. It glistened in the low light at the top of your thighs when he pulled on his jeans and grabbed the rest of his clothes. With a rueful smile, he left your bedroom and your apartment.
Neither of you spoke about that night again until you told him you were pregnant.
Birthday parties at the office were a standard affair. Everyone knew they would get one but had to go through the charade of being 'surprised'. Walking you into the break room he turned to see your best mock shocked face at the set up. Balloons and banners decorated the walls. Trays of food were dotted around the tables. Soft drinks were on the counter along with a cake, a rich looking chocolate one inscribed with Happy Birthday in purple icing. Your favourite, he made sure of that. You seemed happy to see it but something was off. The smile didn't quite reach your eyes. For the next couple of hours he watched you. Laughing and joking with your co-workers. It only seemed to be him that noticed you were off. He decided not to call you on it until you were leaving. His long legs made short work of the distance as he jogged up behind you. He caught you just as you reached your car. "Hey."
"Hey, everything OK?" She asked as he caught up.
"I was just about to ask you the same thing."
"Everything's fine. Why do you ask?"
"Because I've known you for twenty years. I know when something's up."
"Great detective skills. You should be a cop of some kind."
The humour in your answer confirmed there was something up. He touched your hand reassuringly.
"I'm just feeling my age. There's a few things I wanted to do by now that I haven't."
"Like what?" His thumb stroked the back of your hand. Soothing you, urging you to continue. His chest tightened when you withdrew your hand. "Another time Marcus."
He respected that, let you get in your car with nothing more than a final wish of happy birthday.
The drive home felt lonely after being surrounded with people. Marcus intend to get an early nigh after a long week. The latest case was weighting on him. He identified with the victim too much. A divorcee that had been ripped off by his new fiance. She had helped a gang steal his art collect. A collection he had poured his heart and hard work in to collecting.
Speaking of pouring a glass of wine couldn't hurt right now. He knew what it felt like to have your heartbroken. His thoughts drifted to you. Picking up his phone he noticed you had just been active. He quickly tapped out a text.
"You're still up. Do you need to talk?"
He held his breath, willing you to let him in. "Yes."
"Be over in ten?"
"Thank you."
Before leaving he grabbed his bottle of wine and one for you. They clicked together in the paper bag. He held it closer to him as the rain started. He feel very much as if he was in a music video. The pathetic fallacy of the rain falling as he felt like crying. Since his cousin got married last month, he couldn't stop thinking about his own love life or lack there of. Soon, Marcus stood in the hallway of your building, hair slightly damp, dripping onto his leather jacket, In his hand he held the brown paper bag, thankfully it had survived the rain. Stepping back you let him in. He brushed passed you. The scent of you filled his nostrils, instantly providing comfort.
"I figured you could use this." He pulled out a bottle of wine. He pulled out a second, almost empty bottle. "I needed this."
"Wanna talk about it?"
"Hey, that's my line."
After a moment of easy banter tears burst from you.
"Hey, hey, hey." His arms were around you in seconds. Drawing you close, pressing kisses to the top of your head. "It's okay Sweetheart. Let it out." For a moment you followed his words. Your tears chased the rain drops down the front of his jacket. Once the worst was over, you pulled away to look at him. "I'm sorry."
"Hey, none of that. That's what best friends are for. I've cried on your shoulder enough." You both knew that was true. You had been there for him a lot over the years. "You want to tell me what all this is about?"
Silently, you grabbed a pamphlet from the coffee table draw, handing it to him. His eyebrows shot up as he read the title. "Artificial Insemination." He dropped down onto the sofa, you soon followed."You want a baby? You want a baby like this?"
He mentally cursed himself. He hadn't meant to sound so judgemental. He knew he had upset you before you spoke.
"No, Marcus. I don't want a baby like this but I don't have another option." He opened his mouth to fix it but you cut him off. "I know it's selfish but I want to carry a child so adoption is plan B. More like plan C actually. This is plan B. Plan A, to get married and do things the old fashion way is right out the window."
"I'm 38. I have no romantic prospects. Time is ticking away."
No romantic prospects. If only you knew. He could confess, tell you how in love with you he was but if you didn't feel the same way, he couldn't risk that. "So how does this work?"
Good, Practical Marcus. That's who you needed right now. Edging closer you opened the pamphlet to show him. The warmth of you pressed to his side soothed his nerves. "...I've had all the test. I just need to pick a donor and set a budget for myself." You concluded.
"A budget?" He blinked.
"Yeah. It isn't cheap. The sperm alone is $700-$1000 a vial. Insurance won't cover it all. I have decide how much am willing to spend before I give up if it doesn't work." Seemingly feeling more in control now you were talking about something practical, you relaxed back and took a sip of your glass of wine. A sip you prompted choked on as Marcus said "How much would you save if I gave you the sperm?"
When you could breath again, he continued. "Sorry. I just thought...well...I have some spare. You need it."
"Yeah. I suppose."
He took another healthy glug from his glass. "It'd be kinda cool to see what a kid with my DNA would be like too."
He had always wanted kids. He'd be lying if he said he did feel his biological clock ticking. If this is what you wanted why not with him. Your lives were intertwined anyway. He would be there to support you and the child. Why not help you from the off?
"Yes." You finally uttered startling him.
"Yes, like you want my sperm?"
"Do you have to put it like that?"
A boyish grin set on his lips.
"Yes, I would like you to help me make a baby. We can call the clinic tomorrow. They'll talk you through it all. I don't want you rushing into anything."
"Talk me through it? It's not as simple as a date with a cup?" He teased. His humour attempting to undercut the gravity of the situation.
"More the emotional side of it. Creating a life is kind of a big deal."
"I know but people do it all the time with people they know a lot less than I know you and it works for them. This way, if you want, I could be there for you. Help you out. Be a dad when you need me to. We make a good team." His words felt bittersweet on his tongue. You were so much more than a team mate to him. He lifted his glass in a toast. Clinking yours to his you settled in to your regular, cosy routine. Drinking the rest of the wine, you decide to watch TV. Demolition Man had just started. A favourite of both his and yours. It was just like old times until the sex scene. As Sandra Bullock ranted about the exchange of bodily fluids, Marcus turned his head to look at you. You were beautiful. If he wasn't already hopelessly in love with all of you already, he could fall just for your beauty. "What?" You smiled at him.
"I was just thinking. What if we made a baby the old fashion way?"
The reddening of your cheeks made him think of other times he'd made you blush. That night in college when you'd confessed that a man had never gone down on you before. He'd offered and before he knew it he was addicted to your taste, the sounds that he pulled from you. He made you come several time with his tongue alone.
A drunken night after both of your marriages had fallen apart, within months of each other, had been just as good. He poured all his emotions into you and you took it all. Rolling your hips up to meet his frantic thrusts as worked to bring you both some much needed pleasure.
Since he didn't get a answer straight away he clarified. "I was just thinking it would save money. It would be a lot nicer beginning to a pregnancy too." If you were going to do this, he would much rather do it this way than with test tubes and pierce dishes and whatever. That's what he was telling himself. He had pushed away the thoughts of the times that you had slept together in the past and he had felt comlete. Like he was finally where he should be. The you were his and he was yours. He wasn't sure if he could handle making love to you on a regular basis but it seemed like too good an opportunity. He got to have what he wanted, you, all of you. Without the potential consequences of a break up.
"We could give it a try, leave it up to the fates and if it doesn't work, we go the clinic next month." You words made sense. A little part of him hoped that you would want to keep trying with him.
He held out his hand for you to shake. "Deal."
Using the hand he held gently, he pulled you in for a kiss. It was slow and gentle. Seductive even. He let his walls drop a little, showing you how much he wanted you. He wanted to make this feel special, real.
"Wait, one more thing. When it's done, once we've, well once you've...er..."
"Yeah, I guess. I want you to leave. I think it'd be a little weird if you stayed."
Marcus accepted your terms with a soft smile, trying to reassure you, as well as himself. "Sure."
True to his word, as always, he left right after. When the door to your apartment clicked shut, he leant back against hold back the rush of emotion he felt.
Marcus was at your door less than an hour after you called in sick to work. "Is everything OK? You didn't tell me you were sick. Do you need anything?"
"I'm not sick Marcus. I just needed a day."
"Oh? Are you alright?"
"I did three pregnancy tests. They were all positive."
Marcus's heart exploded with pure joy. He felt the stupid grin on his face.
"You're pregnant?! Just from that one time?!"
"It only takes one little swimmer to get through."
"I know but it's still crazy to think just from that one time."
"I suppose it is."
"What do we do now?" The 'we' made him wince. There was no 'we'.
"I've made an appointment with my doctor to get checked out."
"Do you want me to go with you?"
"No, it's fine. It's just a general check up."
As much as you knew he should keep a healthy distance, he couldn't help but be disappointed. "You can come to the scans and stuff, of course." You told him.
His smile returned full force.
All was well for the next couple of weeks, until the morning sickness hit. Well, morning, noon and night sickness. He noticed you tried to hide ot from him so he didn't push it. The only things you seemed to be able to stomach were buttered toast, he saw you make it every morning in the break room. Plain noodles, you amended your usual take out order. Cinnamon buns from your favourite bakery, you car smelled of the sugary treat. Despite your best efforts to hide all this from Marcus, he was there when a particularly nasty bout hit you. Running to the bathroom you barely closed the door behind you before he heard you dropping to your knees. Following you he knocked softly o the door. "Honey? Do you need anything?"
"No. I'm fine." He could hear you were holding back the tears.
"You don't sound fine. I'm coming in."
He pushed the door slowly giving you time to stop him. "Oh, sweetheart."
He took you in, eyes wet from crying or exertion, skin flushed, your mouth downturned in a small frown. He dropped to his knees beside you, pulling you into a tight hug. You were only in his arms for a moment before you threw up again. Marcus softly rubbed your back as you did.
"Is there anything I can get you?" He brushed the hair back for your face as he asked.
"I need you to leave." Your words were slap in the face. Maybe a much needed one. He was in so deep right now. Maybe so time apart would help him set himself some boundaries. "Your aftershave. That's what's making me sick."
"Sorry." Realived, he jumped up. Stripping off his shirt he threw it into the tub before washing himself in the sink. Drops of water ran down his broad chest, carved a path to his belt, cooling his fevered skin. Being close to you, with the memory of that night so fresh in his mind, sparked his arousal.
"Am just gonna grab a hoodie." Entering your room to grab one of your oversized hoodies he noticed your vibrator tossed on the bed, along with lube and clearing solution. He thought back to this morning, when he had knocked on your door earlier than expected. He'd put the flush of your skin and the breathlessness down to morning sickness. The thought of you getting yourself off made his cock twitch.
"Better?" He asked stretching out his long neck for you to sniff.
"Better." You gave a small nod.
With you cuddling into him, he realised that nothing was better at all.
Tags @kirsteng42 @babydarkstar @prolix-yuy @thegreenkid @hquinzelle @fangirl-316 @gracie7209 @jedifarmerr @doommommy @scorpio-marionette @sturkillerbase
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artistsfuneral · 4 years
Lambert likes wearing skirts
The first time Lambert wears a skirt he chokes at his own sight in the mirror. It's a long skirt with suspenders in a creamy, earthy color. Jaskier had insisted that he'd wear a white shirt on their shopping trip and now he knows why. “How does it look?“ Said one asks from behind the dressing room curtain. Lambert's mouth is dry. It looks good. Like really, really good. But it feels weird. He's in a public place without wearing pants. It reminds him of those dreams where you go to school without wearing pants and no one tells you. Except for... this is real. He draws the curtain to the side and looks at Jaskier. The other man is wearing a knee-lenght skirt with flowers printed on it. Jaskier gasps. “Lambert! You look amazing!“ Lambert shrugs helplessly. Jaskier ends up buying the skirt for him and he hides it away in the far back of his closet.
The second time Lambert wears a skirt is because his boyfriend Aiden found said skirt in the back of his closet. “Is that yours?“ Aiden asks and holds it up. Lambert's face loses all color. “Sort of? Jaskier bought it for me?“ Aiden pulls out a black top with thin straps. “Can you wear it for me tonight?“ And he looks at Lambert with so much adoration in his eyes that Lambert can't say no. The night ends spicy.
The third time Lambert, Aiden and Jaskier are looking for Halloween costumes. Jaskier jokingly had said he would go as a sexy bunny to annoy Geralt and they ended up in the women's section of the store. Aiden lets out a long whine and points at a goth costume. It's a black dress that goes just below the knees and has long lace arms and a high collar with fake pearls on it. Jaskier copies the sound, when he sees the dress and they both look at Lambert with an evil grin. Needless to say, Lambert wears the dress that Halloween, going as a goth bride with Aiden beeing his goth groom. They fit together perfectly and the dress ends up in the closet next to the skirt and not with the other costumes.
The fourth time they're spending a lazy snow day at Vesemir's farm and Lambert is wearing black tights under a short blck skirt and one of Aiden's woolen sweaters. He's comfortable, slouching on the couch in the living room when Eskel sits down next to him and lays his head on Lambert's shoulder. “It looks good on you,“ Eskel says and Lambert hums. “Do you want to try? I have another one with me.“ His brother takes his time to think about the offer, before he answers, “Later, I would like to try. But you're too comfortable to get up now.“ Lambert grins and lets his head fall on top of Eskel's. It's quiet for a while and he knows that Eskel wants to ask something else, so he waits. “Do you... want us to use other pronouns? For you, I mean, because it's okay if you want to and we love you no matter what. I know Pops looks like he doesn't like it but I think he really tries to understand and-“ “Eskel,“ he interrupts him, “it's okay. I'm still a man. I just like skirts and dresses.“ Eskel deflates a bit and Lambert grins. “You prepared a whole speech for this, didn't you?“ His brother does not answer, but he can see the blush in his face. He leans his head back against Eskel. “Thank you.“
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borealis-strange · 4 years
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Oceans away
I analyzed the map. According to it, the heart of the sea was in the deepest part of the Pacific Ocean.
Why Mercury wanted an ancient relic, was another story but why she wanted it if she was in the middle of nowhere. The closest place was the Lizard Islands and according to the map it was 2,600 kilometers from where the relic was.
Another pilot chapter! A little idea I had the other day while trying to sleep. Also, help how do I make summaries
Tagging some people that might be interested :3 @whitequeen-ofwillowgreen @freesiafields @bambirexwrites @vaeya​
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I was lying on the floor completely soaked. I could listen to the small waves of the sea and the light singing of the birds.
— Is she alright? — I heard someone speak next to me.
— Of course she is alright. She is breathing — Someone answered them.
— Yes, but… she isn’t waking up — Said the first worried voice.
— Give her a little time, she almost drowned -
That explained a lot of things.
I slowly opened my eyes. Until that moment I hadn't noticed the severe headache that was building.
— Look! She is already waking up — Said the first voice.
There were two girls in front of me. One was blonde, with short hair and the other with long brown hair. In the background were even more women, five others. All dressed in jackets, boots and hats, all in their twenties and thirties. I had been captured by pirates.
The blonde came over and helped me sit up. As I sat down I noticed how small the boat was, it was hardly for the women who were there.
— Are you okay? — The blonde asked. She looked at me with her huge blue eyes, she looked worried, something she wouldn't expect from a pirate.
I did not answer. I was alive but my whole body ached, especially my chest.
The women started whispering something, probably about me. I couldn't make out what they were saying. My mind was still a mess, I tried to remember how I had ended up in that situation.
The only thing I remembered was that I was chased through the streets of Selencia, until I accidentally fell into the sea. Or had I been pushed? I did not remember it.
— Is she already awake? — A powerful voice was heard behind the crowd
All the women immediately fell silent.
Imposing footsteps were heard throughout the ship.
— Give the girl some space! — That powerful voice was heard again — The poor thing almost died and you don't give her time to breathe a little —
The women made way for whom I assumed was the captain of the ship. She was a black-haired, brown-skinned woman in her mid-50s. He wore a worn red jacket with gold embroidery and buttons. A white shirt. Black pants and boots. And what stood out the most was her red hat with feathers and an engraved gold eagle.
I was in front of The Queen of the Sea Mercury.
It was strange to see her with such a small crew. All the stories I had heard from her told how she had hundreds of women and men obeying her orders; how just by seeing her fearsome ships, people trembled at her power.
— What do we have here? — Mercury sang as she approached me. She knelt down to be at the level of my eyes — Tell me dear, how did you end up in my sea -
— I was chased. And I ended up here accidentally — I replied stuttering slightly.
— What did you do? — Mercury asked.
— She stole this — the blonde said as she threw my leather bag at Mercury, I didn't realize I didn’t have it.
Mercury took the bag and took out a blue gem, the size of an apple. She inspected it carefully, seeing every detail, every reflection.
Seeing that gem all the memories came back to me. I had stolen that from some rich man. And when the police saw me I tried to escape; perhaps during the flight I fell into the sea.
— Not bad, girl — Mercury congratulated as she returned my bag to me — She could be very helpful — She told the rest of her crew — Wouldn't you like to stay with us? — She asked with a smile.
Stay with pirates? That… I hadn't thought about it. Nor is it that I have a place to stay and it is not that I want to return to Selencia. But sticking with the most fearsome pirates, that was off my limits. I didn't want to commit murder and those weird things pirates did.
Mercury must have noticed my doubt.
— It's okay if you don't want to stay — Mercury said nonchalantly — We won't hurt you. We return you to Selencia where you will surely be arrested as soon as you arrive —
Mercury turned and started walking back to her cabin.
— Wait — I called her. I can't believe I'm doing this.
Mercury turned to see me.
— Yes I want. I want to be part of your crew —
— Excellent. Welcome to the Black Cat — Mercury said with a macabre smile — Regina. Joanna — The blonde and the brunette got up respectively — Give a change of clothes to ...—
— Brianna —
— To Brianna and explain what our next plan is —
Mercury returned to the cabin.
The women dispersed, probably to do the ship chores, leaving me alone with Regina and Joanna.
— Follow us — Regina said.
I got up with some difficulty from the ground and followed them to the hatch that led to the bottom.
Downstairs was the room everyone shared except Mercury. Further back, I imagine it was the dining room and kitchen but because of how dark it was, I couldn't decipher it.
There were beds on boths sides, about ten, and chests at the base of each.
Regina reached into one of the chests, pulled out a change of clothes, and handed them to me with a smile. As soon as she handed it to me she went and sat next to Joanna on one of her beds.
I can't change here, at least not with them watching.
— Ahmm ... And where do I change? — I asked.
Regina looked at me in confusion before realizing her mistake.
— Oh! I'm sorry. — She said as she got up from her seat — It is that between us there is no problem. But I understand ... You are new —
Regina got Joanna’s attention and they both left the room.
How strange that they changed in front of everyone. There were only women on the ship, after so many years of being together I imagine that one gets used to it.
I took off my soaked clothes and put on my new clothes. The same as the other girls: dark pants and a shirt of some color. It looked like it was her uniform or something.
The clothes were… good. It was comfortable, more than I expected. I guess when your life is full of adventures and you have to constantly move around, you should wear comfortable clothes. The only thing it had was that it was small. The trousers showed half of my calves and the shirt half of my forearms.
Just when I finished changing, Regina came down with a map in her hand and Joanna behind her.
Regina tossed all the bottles off a back table and put the worn map on it.
—This is what we're looking for— Regina said as she pointed to the center of the map.
I got closer to see better. It was a small drawing of a sphere, with the inscription "The heart of the sea."
— The heart of the sea? - I asked.
— Yes! — Exclaimed Regina.
— It's an ancient gem — Joanna explained — The legend says it was the power source of an ancient underwater civilization.
— It was the reason why they could breathe in water and adapt to low temperatures — Regina completed
— It is said that the same power of the heart of the sea was the one who buried that civilization. — Joanna spoke again — Mercury has been looking for this relic a lifetime and believes that she finally found the way to get there —
I analyzed the map. According to it, the heart of the sea was in the deepest part of the Pacific Ocean.
Why Mercury wanted an ancient relic, was another story but why she wanted it if she was in the middle of nowhere. The closest place was the Lizard Islands and according to the map it was 2,600 kilometers from where the relic was.
An adventure to search for an ancient relic. This would be interesting.
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