#why are people not weird for zaf?? what fucking gives ???
hadaad · 1 year
i just have so many zaf feelings like fuck lucas north who even needs him. honestly.
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storyteller15 · 6 years
Chapter Five: The Prince and The Mage
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My heart wouldn’t stop beating so fast, and I can’t blame it.
After all, I’m the one that’s going to be in deep trouble if I don’t find a way to get back up to the tree branch to retrieve my irreplaceable picture. What’s worse? My crush is down there, aware of my presence. Damn, all this trouble for my picture? I asked myself.
“I-I’m fine, Your Majesty,” I managed to answer him, even though I just stuttered. “Just ‘hanging’ around, loving the view up here.”
I hear Asriel laugh at my dumb pun. “Ah, so I guess I wasn’t wrong when I heard something up there.”
“Nope, you guessed correctly.” I try my best to pull myself up slowly, but it only made it worse by making my fingers loosen their grip.
“Do you need any help, miss?” He asks, filled with concern. “I can come up there and help if you want.”
I felt my cheeks flushed red, I'm surprised my magic didn't even spin out of control.
"I think I'm good, I'm only three feet away from getting it."
I can't believe this is happening, but this is definitely wrong. I wasn't suppose to see him until tomorrow. Great, another rule I've broken so far. What could be worse?
"Well then, I guess I have no choice but to stay here then." He says, with a hint of humor in his voice.
Oh crap! I changed my mind, that’s MORE worse.
"Wait what?! Oh, no, no, no! You don't need to do that, Your Majesty!" I felt my stomach flipped in different angles.
He chuckled at my response, hearing the grass rustle under me. “I have a name you know, you can at least call me Asriel.”
“But I can’t do that,” I moved my arms upwards, still holding on as I moved my legs up too. “It’s not my place to even call you by your normal name. Especially for a commoner like myself.”
“Well, if you can’t do that, then I’ll have no choice but to climb up there and help.”
“Okay, okay! I’ll call you Asriel! Just don’t come up here!” I said, giving up already.
“As you wish, Miss.”
I sighed softly in relief, thank goodness. To be honest, I’m actually surprised that Asriel didn’t bother asking for my name or who I am. Perhaps it’s best if he doesn’t. Once this is over, I'm going to call Bryn sometime tomorrow about my encounter with Asriel. She'd be thrilled about it, telling me that it's 'fate'. I shook my head giggling about the idea on how fate can be so unexpecting.
"Not to sound too nosy, but what are you doing out here in this windy night?" Asriel asks, filled with curiosity.
I was hesitant to respond at first, but he will find out eventually. “The wind blew away my picture, and I wanted to get it back.”
“A picture?”
“It’s made by a polaroid camera. You know, the ones that can print your pictures out faster, turning it into an instant picture. I’m actually fond of those kinds of pictures.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever heard of this kind of camera that can print out an instant picture before, why not save it in your--”
“Phone? Yeah, I know I can, But . . .” My words trailed off, feeling my eyes well up with tears.
“But this instant picture is something you can hold and cherish forever, while a phone can easily break and lose your data forever?”
I chuckled softly, wiping my tears away with my free hand. “Yes. And let me guess, you’re going to explain on how much of a weird person I am to feel this way over a picture.”
“No!” My body flinches from his loud sudden outburst.
“You’re not weird at all for feeling this way. And besides, I would do the same if my picture really meant so much to me. And judging the way you sounded about your picture, I’m a hundred percent sure that this picture is irreplaceable.” He says, suddenly sounding a little sad as I heard his body shift against the tree.
I felt so moved from his words, it’s no wonder I adore Asriel. The sounds of the night started to make me feel uneasy. I continued to concentrate as I inch my way towards my picture, but with Asriel no longer talking is now making me feel distracted. I think for a moment to find something else for us discuss, until I found the right question to ask him.
“What about you, Your Maj-- I mean Asriel,” I quickly corrected myself. “What brought you out here?”
There was a long terrifying pause, before he finally answered me.
“I came out here for a walk. To clear away the things that were clouding my mind. You see, this is the first time that I’m experiencing my own Selection. And with thirty-five young ladies staying in my home, it suddenly made me overthink with terrifying thoughts.”
“Like what?” I asked, suddenly afraid of what he will say.
“Wondering if I’m ready to go through my Selection,” He confesses, hearing him let out a harsh breath. “Don’t get me wrong, I do want to go through it, it’s just . . . It’s just . . .”
“Overwhelming?” I asked, finishing his sentence for him.
“Y-yeah, exactly.”
I gasped softly, surprised that he too was overwhelmed about the Selection; his Selection. And to think I was the only one that doubted myself of being worthy of competing. I guess Asriel is a little afraid of going through something that carries a lot of responsibilities. And I can’t blame him, picking one potential girl out of thirty-four is a big decision to make.
“I guess that makes two of us.” I breathed, closing my eyes.
“Huh? Did you say something, Miss?”
My eyes shot open, realizing what I just uttered. “N-nothing, it’s nothing.”
Suddenly, I felt nauseous. Perhaps I’ve been hanging upside down for too long. If I don’t get my picture quickly, the only outcome I’ll ever get is falling.
“What I meant to say was, that it’s okay to feel nervous,” I began to speak again, hoping it’ll ease Asriel’s worries. “Everyone gets nervous over something that carries a lot of responsibilities. So, it’s okay to feel this way. Try to think of The Selection as if you’re making new friends.”
“Making friends?” Asriel asks, his voice sounding puzzled.
“Yup, that’s right. Your Selection is about choosing your bride right? And because your worries are clouding your judgment, you’re a little afraid of finding the right girl among them. The one thing you can actually do to make things easier for yourself, is to get to know your Selection candidates. That way, you can at least find out if you’re into girls that likes eating snails, reading books, or maybe the ones that love to venture out in nature.”
“Huh, I never thought of it that way,” He responds as if he’s thinking about it. “That actually makes a lot of sense. I guess I forgot about something like this. Thank you, Miss. Your advice helped me eased my anxiety away.”
I paused myself, feeling my cheeks flushed red. I’m so lucky I’m at least sixteen feet up high, with the beautiful leaves concealing me away from Asriel. My heart was skipping a few beats again, feeling my stomach flutter.
“Anytime, Your Majesty.” I said, earnestly.
“Ahem,” I hear him clearing his throat. “I thought I told you to call me Asriel, remember?”
“Sorry! It’s a force of habit!” I giggled happily, feeling my sadness disappear as if it never existed.
“That’s a lovely sound.”
“Huh? What sound?”
Asriel chuckled as if I was a naive child. “Your laugh, it’s one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever heard in my entire life. It’s full of life and happiness; it’s very contagious.”
My entire face heated up from his comment, feeling my heart race faster than before. “Hey now, is this what you say to all the ladies that you meet?”
“W-what?! No! I don’t at all, I actually mean--”
“Asriel, I was just ‘kidding’ you around.” I cut him off, teasingly.
“Hey! ‘Wood’ you mind if you stop using your puns? I’m feeling a little ‘stumped’ about it!”
We both ended up howling in laughter, at our dumb puns. I quickly took note that Asriel loves jokes and puns. Nanny used to tell me that his mother really loves to tell jokes and puns. I guess that’s where he gets his puns from. To be honest, I don’t use puns at all because not many people find mine funny.
Just then, I realized that I was one foot away from reaching my photo. Yes! I’m almost there! I thought to myself. Just a few more inches, and I should get it at arms reach.
“You really are a funny girl, Miss,” He comments me, hearing him sigh in relief after laughing too much. “But there’s something that’s been bugging me this whole time.”
“Oh, what is it?” I asked as I crept closer enough for me to try and reach for my picture.
Come on, just a little further! I thought to myself. I scooted my body upwards a little, with my arm stretched out. The corner of my picture brushed against my fingertips, trying so hard to grip on it.
"About earlier," Asriel says, his voice sounding puzzled.
"Yes?" I placed my other hand over a sturdy twig, keeping my legs crossed around the branch.
Fuck, come on! I growled under my breath, stretching my arms more. The wind blowing my hair onto my face isn't helping at all. I just need to reach just a little more.
"Since you know my name, I've been very rude for not asking yours in return. So, may I ask your name?"
"Oh, it's Zaf--”
Suddenly, a strong gust of wind blows against my face. The twig I was hanging on to snaps apart from the wind’s force, feeling my body fall as I screamed loudly. All I saw were blurry visions of the tree and leaves. I tumbled against a branch and leaves, feeling the vines coiled part of my body and feet tightly. Feeling lightheaded, I groaned in pain as the adrenaline pumps throughout my body again.
As I opened my eyes, I gasped, finding myself hanging six feet upside down, a few inches close to Asriel. He was just as I remembered him, looking handsome like the first sunlight of spring. He was wearing a light green sweater with yellow stripes and black pants. Around his neck is his treasured gold heart shaped locket; his eyes glimmering emerald green under the moonlight, looking surprised.
“H-howdy.” Asriel says, his voice shaking a bit.
“H-hi there,” I replied, even if I’m upside down.
He chuckled, looking at me in the eyes. “Are you alright? You’re not hurt or anything?”
I shook my head giggling. “I’m fine, Your Majesty.”
Asriel frowns at my response, sending cold chills deep into my bones. “I’m sorry, I mean Asriel.”
“That’s not what I’m upset about,” He gestures with his head, showing that I’m wrapped in the tree’s vines. “The vines; they look pretty painful coiling around your body like that.”
I chuckled nervously, trying my best to break free from the vines, but they refused to shatter. “I-I can’t move, they won’t budge. Will it be any trouble if I asked for your assistance?”
“I would, but I can’t.” He smirks at me.
“Wha?! Why?!”
“Isn’t it obvious, Miss?”
I stared at him feeling puzzled, making him chuckle once more. “You never gave me your name.”
“Why does it matter?” I narrowed my eyes.
“It matters, because I want to know the name of the human girl with exquisite lavender eyes that I’m about to save.” His green eyes sparkled like the stars above, staring at me intently.
I blushed from his response and gave him a gentle smile. Just as I was about to answer, the sudden wave of dizziness begins to take its toll on me. I moaned, feeling lightheaded as my vision becomes blurry. I opened my mouth to respond, but nothing came out. How embarrassing, I thought to myself. I’m about to pass out in front of Asriel.
I hear Asriel gasp, quickly summoning his fire magic above his hands. Just like his parents, they glowed in an orangey gold color; beautiful and dangerous. I gasped and squeezed my eyes shut, hearing the flames crackle against the vines that held me captive. I felt so weak, forcing my body to prepare for the impact of my fall. Instead, I fall into a pair of strong arms as my head leaned against their chest.
I opened my eyes slowly, looking at Asriel through half lidded eyes.
“Zafrina, Zafrina Alban,” I answered, my voice sounding tired. “But everyone calls me Zefie.”
“Zefie, Zefie.” He repeats my name as if he liked the way it rolled over his tongue.
I sighed heavily, placing my hand weakly over his chest. “You can set me down, Your Majesty.”
He shook his head again. “I won’t do it.”
“The vines left an abrasion over your left ankle, you’re bleeding, Zefie,” His voice was stern, making me close my mouth. “I have to take you back to your room, your maids must be worried sick. And I can’t let you walk in an injury like this when you meet me and my family tomorrow.”
My eyes shot open, finding his head towering over mine. What the? How the hell did I end up being carried by Asriel?! Panic ran throughout my body, feeling embarrassed about the fact that I’m wearing a tank top and shorts, exposing my bare arms and legs. What’s worse? I can feel his soft white fur tickling against my skin. I just want to cry and crawl under a rock to hide and live there forever.
“H-how did you know--?”
“Did you really think that I didn’t hear you say ‘that makes two of us?'” He chuckles, holding me close as he began to walk away from the tree. “What gave your appearance away immediately was the strange fact that you knew who I was from the sound of my voice; you didn’t bother a quick glance at me to know if I was the real deal.”
I gaped at him, covering my face with my hands. Was I really that obvious? I didn’t think he could hear me. Now I know that I’ll be in so much trouble. My lips quivered, swallowing hard to keep myself from crying.
“I’m so sorry. I disobeyed the rules just to get my picture back . . . And I’m sure you’ll send me home right away once I’m escorted back to my room.” I croaked.
“Now why would I do such a thing? There’s no reason for me to send you home.” Asriel responds as he continued to walk slowly.
“B-but I--”
He tuts me, looking deep into my eyes. “Don’t worry about it, I’m the Prince. And I am pardoning you for leaving the second floor. After All, you did what you had to do, going after something that no other valuable things in the world can replace.”
I opened my mouth to say something, but I was at a loss for words. My head still felt nauseous as it bobbed side to side. I need to rest my head.
“Your Maj--”
“Use my name, Zefie.” He teases, cutting me off.
“Err . . . Asriel, do you mind if I lay my head over your chest? I still feel lightheaded after being upside down for who knows how long.”
He raises his eyebrow at me as if I just asked him for the moon. “N-no? I don’t mind at all. Go ahead and rest, I’ll let you know when we reach the back doors of the palace.”
I leaned my head on the crook of his neck, trying to not mind the soft prickly ends of his fur brushing over my ear. Shit, shit, shit! I cursed to myself as I felt my cheeks flushing red again. I took a few deep breaths, closing my eyes.
In the background, I can hear the wind blowing against us while the crickets continued to chirp. The grass rustling under Asriel’s feet was starting to make me question myself on why it was taking so long to get to the palace. Could he be walking slow on purpose . . ? No, I doubt it, why would he?
“I don’t mean to bother you at all, but may I ask where you came from?” I opened my eyes, finding Asriel looking at me, waiting for my response.
“I’m afraid I can’t tell you until tomorrow.”
“That’s a fair answer.”
The pain on my ankle was starting to throb, making me feel uneasy as it burned painfully. “You feel it, don’t you?” He asks, noticing the way my body winced against him.
“Y-yes.” I confessed.
“Don’t worry, I happen to know a guard around here who can perform healing magic. He’s actually on duty right now.”
My entire body went still, a guard? “W-what? Who?”
Just then, Asriel stopped walking as we hear footsteps approaching us. I turned my head slowly and gasped, finding the same skeleton who was working at the sentry post. Like earlier, he was wearing his blue zip-up hoodie over his white shirt, though he seemed a wee bit shorter compared to Asriel. He’s got a wide grin spread across his skull-- err, face.
“That would be me, kid.” His voice was low and raspy, making my body flinch against Asriel’s hold on me.
“It’s okay, he’s laid-back.” Asriel reassures me.
The skeleton examines my ankle, letting out a whistle. “Geez, kid, you injured yourself pretty badly. How’d ya get that?”
“I-I fell off the tree, and I guess the vines held on to me too hard.”
“Heh, can’t blame them for being too clingy,” He joked, watching the lights from his eye sockets focusing on me. “Don’t worry, I’ll heal ya. Just need your permission before I touch you. I know humans like you are sensitive.”
“N-no, go ahead.”
Suddenly his left eye began to glow in a rather cool, but terrifying electric blue color before his bony hand laid over my wound. I can only gasp, feeling how warm his magic was against my skin. It didn’t take him long, before he moved his hand away.
“That should do it, try wiggling your ankle around, kid. I wanna make sure that you didn’t hurt yourself on the inside.”
I do as he says, moving my feet up and down, then sideways and around. “No, nothing seems broken. Thank you.”
“No problem, kid,” He shrugs his shoulders, grinning at me.
“Thank you, Sans.” Asriel says, feeling relieved.
Just then, I realized that Asriel was still holding on to me. Oh.
“Okay, I’m healed up now. You can put me down now.” I turned to face Asriel.
“O-oh, y-yeah sure of course.” He stuttered, watching his cheeks flushed red over his fur before he sets me down on my feet.
For some reason, my heart throbbed painfully when he did. Deep down, I wished that I didn’t ask him to. No, I won’t be the clingy type. I won’t take advantage of him, just because he was kind to me.
I turned to find Sans standing in front of me. “Hey now, don’t you know how to greet a new pal?” He extends his arm out, waiting for me to shake his hand.
“O-oh, I’m sorry! Hello there, my name’s--” I stopped talking, hearing a rather loud farting sound escape when I placed my hand over his.
I couldn’t help but make a blank expression, flabbergasted from the prank the skeleton just pulled on me. From behind, I can hear Asriel snickering, trying his best to not laugh. He failed miserably as I can hear him fall over to the ground, howling with laughter.
“Uhh . . .”
The skeleton was laughing too, before he spoke again. “Ah, the old whoopie cushion in the hand trick. It’s Always funny.”
“Pffft, that was pretty good,” I said, laughing my ass off. “You really got me.”
“Heh, I like your attitude, kid. Anyway I’m Sans, Sans the skeleton.”
“Zafrina Alban, but you can call me Zefie.”
Out of breath, Asriel got up and chuckled nervously. “Sorry Zefie, I forgot to tell you that Sans is very good at pranking everyone.”
“Now you tell me,” we laughed again, straightening my hair. “It’s getting late. And I think it’s time that I head upstairs.”
“Oh, yes. That’s right.” Asriel scratched the back of his head nervously.
“So, hey, what I said about your Selection; I mean it. Start off slow, get to know your candidates. And since I’m the first candidate to have met you, even though we weren’t supposed to, well . . . Maybe we can start off as friends?”
“Y-yeah, I’d love that very much,” He smiles at me, getting all flustered all of a sudden. “Hopefully our friendship grows into something better, like the golden flowers my father planted.”
we smiled at each other before Asriel spoke again.
“Oh! Uhm, Zefie?”
“If it’s not too much trouble, will you promise me that you won’t mention this to any of the girls about our encounter? I know it’s a lot to ask, but I don’t want them being upset about it, thinking it’s unfair. I don’t want them to be angry at you for it.”
I looked at him, pretending to think about it. “Of course. I promise, Your Majesty.”
“Call me ‘Your Majesty’ again, and I will make you the first person to go on a date with me. First thing tomorrow.”
My face went pale, feeling speechless about his teasing threat. I didn’t think he was that serious on having me call him by his name instead of being formal to him. In fact, I didn’t think his threat was going to be a date with him!
“You can be formal with me around everyone. But if we’re alone, I expect you to call me Asriel. Are we clear, Zefie?” He spoke again, smirking at me teasingly.
I groaned, putting my hands over my face. “Okay.”
“Good. Now then, Sans?”
“Way ahead of you,” Sans turned to face me. “Come on ,kiddo, I’ll escort you back to your room. I know a shortcut.”
I felt puzzled from his response. Shortcut? How is he going to get me there without being noticed?
“Zefie?” Asriel calls out again.
He gave me a warm smile, his fangs visibly showing. “Goodnight, I hope to see you soon again.”
If it weren’t for the strong breeze pushing the clouds to cover the moon, he would have seen how red my cheeks really are.
“G-goodnight to you too, Asriel. I will see you again; pretty soon.” I promised, smiling genuinely at him.
Finally, I turned away from Asriel painfully, following after Sans. The shortcut he was leading me to was confusing. We walked towards the far end of the palace, hearing the crickets chirping again and the sound of the grass rustling under our feet.
“You might want to hang on to me, kid,” Sans extended his arm out for me.
“W-what for?”
“Just trust me, the shortcut we’re about to head to will only make you dizzier than before.”
I quickly held his arm as we continued to walk until we suddenly appeared into my room again.
I gasped, putting my hands over my mouth. He can teleport? For a monster that has the ability to do that are considered pretty strong. Possibly stronger than King Asgore himself.
“My lady?!” Lesley cries out.
“Ah, Lesley, h-hi.”
“Where have you been?! We were so worried that you got lost!” Barbara runs towards me, wrapping her arms around me.
“I’m so sorry,”
“Ah, don’t worry about her, guys. I took care of her.” Sans spoke, reassuring my maids.
“Oh! Sans! I didn’t know you were on night duty.” Lesley was surprised, noticing Sans’ appearance.
“Eh, I had to. Paps insisted that I have to.”
“'Paps?' You mean Papyrus?” I asked him.
“Wait, you know my brother?” Sans turned his gaze towards me.
“Y-yes, I do. We met this morning when I came to the palace. He was the one that helped me get to the room where the other girls needed to go. He was very helpful and I was glad to meet a nice guard like him.”
“Yeah, he really is. He goes far and beyond to help anyone out. I’m sure you made his day kid.”
“Well, thank you for escorting Zefie back, Sans. We appreciate it.”  Barbara says to him gratefully.
“No problem, jus’ doing my job,” He shrugs before begins to walk away. “Welp, see ya later, kid.” He winks at me before he vanishes in a blink of an eye.
“Goodness! He sure has a funny way of exiting the room.” Lesley spoke, getting my attention
“I agree.” Barbara nodded her head, preparing my bed for me.
Suddenly, my whole body went still. My picture! I forgot to pick it up when I fell off the tree! All this trouble for nothing. No, not troubling, it was more of a good and bad kind of trouble. I ended up meeting Prince Asriel too early even though I was supposed to meet him tomorrow.
“Are you alright, my lady? You look like you just saw a ghost.” Lesley analyzes my face, using her white handkerchief to wipe off the smudge off my face.
“I’m fine, Lesley, don’t worry.” I reassured her.
“Not to be so nosy, my lady, but what were you doing out in the palace grounds?”
I uttered a small sound, deciding to either tell my maids the truth or to not say anything. I promised to not tell any of the Selected girls about my "accidental" meet-up with Asriel. But, my maids don’t count, right?
Finally, we all sat over my bed, discussing about it. I told them that my picture flew away and I somewhat fell off the balcony and landed on the bed of golden flowers, then I explained about me climbing the tree that stood near the corner of the palace grounds, nearly falling off when I heard Asriel hearing the noises that I was making.
Barbara and Lesley leaned a bit closer, intrigued about my story as I continued to discuss the part about Asriel using his fire to burn the vines away to get me down. They both giggled as their cheeks flushed rosy-red, fanning themselves when I told them the part when he pardoned me for leaving the second floor, until we had to part just for tonight.
“Wow . . .” Barbara places her hands over her cheeks, giggling like a schoolgirl. “That’s so romantic of him~!”
“I agree,” Lesley sighs, tutting to herself.
I nodded, stretching my arms out yawning. All of what just happened to me earlier has made me all tuckered out.
“Oh! Goodness me, you should get to bed, my lady. You wouldn’t want to meet the prince again in your tired state.”
“Lesley’s right,” Barbara gets up, tucking me into bed. “A goodnight’s sleep is all you need to freshen you up first thing tomorrow.”
“You’re both right, thank you for your concern.”
Lesley walks over to my bed table, switching my lamp off before she joins Barbara at the door. “Sleep well, my lady. If you need anything, just press the yellow button on the left side of your bed and we’ll come to you right away.”
“I will, but please promise me you won’t tell anybody about this?”
They smiled at me before Barbara answered me.
“Not a single soul or monster.” She winks at me as she closed the door.
I sighed in relief, placing my arm over my eyes. This was the bookend to my day. I watched the curtains of my balcony doors flowed up and down from the wind’s gentle breeze. I smiled and giggled to myself as I fluttered my eyes slowly, letting my sleep take me into a peaceful rest.
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