#why am i even saying this?  wasn't this an anti-post? aah i don't know
avenger-hawk · 7 years
Hey! May be this out of context but I love your insights, observations and way of thinking. May you answer this question, this something is always puzzle me: Why do you think there's *so big*, yet, so *delusional* fandoms?? I've seen many posts that don't even make sense or based on *valid* reasons for this fandom fave character/ship but take a lot of notes (1K, 2K or even 5K)??
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Ah, thank you very much, I’m really glad that you appreciate my way of thinking!
(properly tagged anti-ending under the cut)
Especially because there aren’t many who agree with me I guess…not that I care, but your ask reminded me that when I recently fixed my theme and tags I saw one of my old rants that got more than 150 notes, way beyond the notes I get for those, not to mention that particular one was my unprompted take on the Itachi and Sasuke parting scene, specifically on Sasuke’s startled look when Itachi’s hand is reaching him. It wasn’t a popular opinion, no matter what fandom you associate it with, from Itasasu to others. Maybe it was because of the screencaps I added. Maybe because I posted it shortly after the ending and everyone was very much into supporting or hating it, me included, now I don’t want to think about it instead.
About your argument, I agree with you 100%. I (try to) keep it to myself but to me most things I stumble upon sound biased and delusional, which I wouldn’t care about, if the authors didn’t try to sell them as logical, valid and unbiased. As “the ultimate truth”, so to speak, not just on pro-ending and canon blogs (my only contact with them is what seeps through my blacklist) but also from those who are on “my side”, liking the same characters and/or pairings. It’s inevitable tho, as everyone think they’re right. Besides, to them, I am the delusional weirdo~
Yeah because I’m on the unpopular side: I hate the ending, yet I try and focus on what I like instead of talking about it 24/7, I don’t care about the kids, I like weird, rare and dark ships, like the Japanese fandom I see fixed roles (top/bottom) in pairings no matter what is realistic and what’s not because the “reverse order” or “they switch” to me sounds weird or almost as a different pairing, I have a clear idea on characterization and dynamics for my favourite characters and pairings that is not common, I write darkfics with abuse, dubcon, manipulation and all that unhealthy stuff. Oh and Itasasu. To me my ideas are sound, logic and better than most, it’s others’ that are boring, uncreative (and OOC) tho~ 
So as much as some of the things I see make me cringe, as long as no one comes to tell me how wrong I am, I tell myself that mine is just one of the man perspectives out there. (*coughs* no matter how right it is *coughs*)
Introduction over, now the real reply starts. Keep in mind that I am aware that some might genuinely like the things, characters and pairings I’m criticizing here, and keep in mind that I have nothing against those people or against those whose reasons I analyze. It’s just a dispassioned opinion I formed observing the fandom, so don’t take it personally.
The reasons behind certain opinion’s popularity might be that they’re simple and they appeal to what’s already been said and done countless times, so it’s nothing but a repetition of something popular as well, and people like it because it’s safe and doesn’t challenge their views.(also on fanfics and fanon. This explains the super popular Uchiha inc AU with CEO Itachi in his designer clothes, the exaggerated fanon dynamics for Itachi and Sasuke, both with sort of narcissistic arrogant Itachi+whiny Sasuke, and with psycho possessive Sasuke+weakling martyr Itachi, and many more popular fanon elements like selfish victim Naruto to name just one~)
Speaking of which, fiction is never entirely original. It is related to tropes and plot devices and aimed at a certain target. Naruto’s is mostly Shounen Jump readers, so Japanese preteen boys, but also preteen girls…uhm…whose ideas about changing the system are as deep as their knowledge of love. kishi/SJ took their taste into consideration, through reader polls, actually butchering shaping the story to fit their agenda. It’s not just an age thing though. Average and casual readers are the same. They take things at face value and don’t have any interest on motives and consistency of plot and characters. They go with the flow of the story, simple as that. (Like when they see Orochimaru free, Kabuto running an orphanage but Sasuke in jail/having to redeem himself while Naruto is basking in popularity they find it ok and justify it with the reasons given in the anime/manga, and don’t even get me started on pairings. I had arguments in real life, with people I held in relatively high esteem, who since canon pairings happened they said they’re ok even though Sasuke rejected S*kura a few chapters before. Or, in a more fandom-related realm, when they stick to the most popular pairings and opinions around, like sticking to the big 3 because they’re more plausible more than for a real liking~)
It might also be the completely opposite reason: after something has been repeated over and over, after a stalling situation for lack of new material or a boring plotline, after a series ended, there is finally new content, or some new character is introduced, and it’s a breath of fresh air, especially in a dying/decreasing fandom. (Like being enthusiastic about the new generation anime and everything new even though it’s a dull rehash. Or going head over heels for a new opinion/fanon trend because it feels new and fresh, no matter if it’s worse than the previous one. Liiike everyone shitting on the top/bottom distinction or aggressively turning to the reverse version of the pairing because the previous one was apparently “wrong” all along. And I think I’m pretty obvious about what dynamics I’m referring to~)
Sometimes it’s a matter of exposure. The more people are exposed to a certain thing the more they’ll like it. Even if they used to hate it. (if you think about it, there was more anti-ending before, and while many left the fandom, others changed their minds because the new content is everywhere by now)
Sometimes it’s a matter of trends. Random official initiatives or memes or other fan based things become suddenly popular and the average person just follows. This also happens with opinions and fanon that pops out of nowhere, and magically everyone is enlightened by the new truth, not realizing that 99% of the cases it’s the opinion of a random person who runs a random blog and it’s just as biased or plain wonky as anyone else’s so it’s better to take it with a grain of salt.
Despite I’m constantly thinking and theorizing stuff and I pride myself to be an independent thinker, even I fell into this at first. When I started this blog I was still into a compulsive fanfic reading phase and I didn’t write at all. Only when I became unsatisfied with fanfics and meta around I started writing mine, and I realized that some opinions and headcanons I used to hold as valid were influenced by certain fic writers, especially a popular one whose ideas felt fresher compared to others’. Still I should have realized that when I read their stories in my head I changed what felt OOC in characters/dynamics, a clear sign of having a different idea. As I wrote my stuff though my vision became clearer and completely different from that author’s. 
I hope this helps! Either to understand what’s on some people’s minds, or to realize that you’re not the only one who facepalms while scrolling through the tags~
Hawk out
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