#why am I getting ads on a streaming service I'm paying for
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subjectsix · 4 months ago
I don't know I'm not done talking about it. It's insane that I can't just uninstall Edge or Copilot. That websites require my phone number to sign up. That people share their contacts to find their friends on social media.
I wouldn't use an adblocker if ads were just banners on the side funding a website I enjoy using and want to support. Ads pop up invasively and fill my whole screen, I misclick and get warped away to another page just for trying to read an article or get a recipe.
Every app shouldn't be like every other app. Instagram didn't need reels and a shop. TikTok doesn't need a store. Instagram doesn't need to be connected to Facebook. I don't want my apps to do everything, I want a hub for a specific thing, and I'll go to that place accordingly.
I love discord, but so much information gets lost to it. I don't want to join to view things. I want to lurk on forums. I want to be a user who can log in and join a conversation by replying to a thread, even if that conversation was two days ago. I know discord has threads, it's not the same. I don't want to have to verify my account with a phone number. I understand safety and digital concerns, but I'm concerned about information like that with leaks everywhere, even with password managers.
I shouldn't have to pay subscriptions to use services and get locked out of old versions. My old disk copy of photoshop should work. I should want to upgrade eventually because I like photoshop and supporting the business. Adobe is a whole other can of worms here.
Streaming is so splintered across everything. Shows release so fast. Things don't get physical releases. I can't stream a movie I own digitally to friends because the share-screen blocks it, even though I own two digital copies, even though I own a physical copy.
I have an iPod, and I had to install a third party OS to easily put my music on it without having to tangle with iTunes. Spotify bricked hardware I purchased because they were unwillingly to upkeep it. They don't pay their artists. iTunes isn't even iTunes anymore and Apple struggles to upkeep it.
My TV shows me ads on the home screen. My dad lost access to eBook he purchased because they were digital and got revoked by the company distributing them. Hitman 1-3 only runs online most of the time. Flash died and is staying alive because people love it and made efforts to keep it up.
I have to click "not now" and can't click "no". I don't just get emails, they want to text me to purchase things online too. My windows start search bar searches online, not just my computer. Everything is blindly called an app now. Everything wants me to upload to the cloud. These are good tools! But why am I forced to use them! Why am I not allowed to own or control them?
No more!!!!! I love my iPod with so much storage and FLAC files. I love having all my fics on my harddrive. I love having USBs and backups. I love running scripts to gut suck stuff out of my Windows computer I don't want that spies on me. I love having forums. I love sending letters. I love neocities and webpages and webrings. I will not be scanning QR codes. Please hand me a physical menu. If I didn't need a smartphone for work I'd get a "dumb" phone so fast. I want things to have buttons. I want to use a mouse. I want replaceable batteries. I want the right to repair. I grew up online and I won't forget how it was!
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drunkkenobi · 11 months ago
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Hi bb, ty for the prompt to write my thoughts!
So I can't get on tumblr at work anymore unless I go outside to get good signal on my phone so I have only been privy to what's going on here today from friends on discord. So maybe I'm missing some nuance or the what my mutuals think and I apologize in advance for that but I'm going to speak plainly.
This is the only way Watcher is going to survive.
The view counts have been steady through Mystery Files season 2 but they aren't, like, astronomical. A video with a million views nets a channel between $10,000 - $30,000. Guys. That's nothing for Watcher. They have to pay each of their 25+ employees a salary with insurance and benefits and for everything else their channel requires. Steven said in the video today that a season of Ghost Files costs hundreds of thousands of dollars. I don't think everyone is hearing that part and understanding how much money that is, especially compared to many other YouTubers they watch. I'm not an expert on other YouTubers but I look at the Sims people I watch. They are successful with views in the hundred k range because they are a company of one. Themselves and maybe paying a freelancer to help edit their videos. For one person, the stakes are lower and the potential for profit is higher! Especially for gamers that are filming in their homes. YouTubers like this, making niche content on the cheap, are who is going to make it in YouTube now.
Watcher is none of those things. They have, from day one, wanted to make high quality unscripted content. All of their shows are shows. They aren't just "Ryan and Shane do [thing]" or "Steven eats [whatever]". They are shows, like ones you see on cable TV or any streamer. And shows are not cheap. Unscripted is cheaper, sure, than scripted. But that doesn't mean cheap. Especially not with the sheer production value we've seen on all their shows, in particular Ghost Files (hundreds of thousands of dollars). That is how much something like Ghost Adventures costs, which is on Travel Channel, an actual TV network that puts up all those costs.
So. That's why Watcher has to pivot to survive.
I think it's a great idea, personally. And yes, I am in a position where I can financially afford it no problem, which I know is a privilege! I am very lucky in that regard. And I understand that many people are upset they won't see the boys as easily on YouTube anymore. That is valid! But they have openly said they are totally fine with password sharing and I think that's a great way to cut down on costs for some folks. Also right now there's a great deal on the yearly sub for early subscribers. $40 for a year is cheaper than any streaming service and it doesn't go to anyone other than Watcher.
I understand that people feel hurt and blindsided, but I think Watcher is also feeling this too. They have been so excited about this and being able to make whatever they want without having to worry about sponsors and now they're mostly seeing anger directed their way. Especially at Steven. Steven is not rich. You know who's rich? David Zaslav, a man who is single-handedly ruining Warner Brothers and making himself a billionaire while he's at it. THAT is the kind of person we should be directing our anger at streaming prices and quality of the media landscape at. Not one small business that is just trying to survive so they can continue paying their employees.
And one more thing. I've seen folks saying they'd rather watch more ads than pay and while I get that, that's not going to help Watcher make what they want. YouTube famously demonetizes videos with swears which is why I can't watch a video with DRAG QUEENS without every other line being bleeped and Watcher has been so good about not bleeping their content because they know we would hate it. And YouTube does this because of advertisers. Advertisers only want to appeal to the most broad of audiences so that means not supporting anything slightly left of center. Having to deal with ads sucks from the creator perspective and does not help them in the long run.
Anyway, this is all a bit rambling, but these are my thoughts on WatcherTV. I'm extremely excited to subscribe and make them make more Weird Wonderful World. I hope to see you all there.
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ashleyisartsy · 11 months ago
Problems (objective and personal) I'm not seeing discussed a lot w this new WatcherTV thing, in no particular order:
-Alienates people internationally who literally CANNOT GET the streaming service!
-Alienates casual fans who don't watch or want to watch all of their shows. Putting down 60 bucks a year to watch just one or two shows is kind of insane, at least for me.
-The volume of content Watcher has produced historically hasn't been enough to justify a separate streamer. I understand there's no way a small team could compete with something like Netflix, obviously, but that's what you're trying to do by putting yourself in the streamer market.
-Will this streamer be secure? What steps are in place to protect your viewers info? ESPECIALLY payment info.
-Will it be easily watchable on multiple devices? I watch YouTube videos on my phone at work 90% of the time, or at home on my TV thru my switch. Is this a browser only deal?
-What are the internet requirements for this? Believe it or not most streaming services won't run on my internet personally. I don't have any for that reason. I can watch YouTube on 360p, or on my 2-bar-reception phone data. Not everywhere has stable reliable internet.
-The suddenness and totality of the move was going to be jarring no matter what, if the idea had been introduced gradually or started as a hybrid model to test audience interest there wouldn't be nearly this amount of pushback.
-I understand the people saying "pay artists!!" Bc I am one, and I get that their quality is expensive and they have a whole company's worth of people to support. I do actually think their work is worth paying for! Everyone's is! But convincing anyone to pay for something they previously got for free is going to be a hard sell. They were still getting paid before, they're now just asking us to pay instead of the advertisers. Idk about you, but that's a way bigger hit to my pocketbook than a multimillion dollar company's bank account.
-I get that YouTube can be a really shitty place to be a creator sometimes, and that being beholden to advertisers is something they don't want to be. It's why they left Buzzfeed! They already have a patreon and merch and it's clearly not been enough for their ambitions. But shooting yourself in the foot because your running shoes are wearing out isn't going to make you a better marathon runner. They had to know that there was going to be a not small portion of their audience unwilling to make this move with them (and again, lots literally aren't able to!)
-If they had a free w/ ads option, or even did a hybrid model with whole shows behind the pay wall, or even just ran a fucking crowd funding campaign to help cover costs of new seasons of shows, any of those things could have worked. They don't even have YouTube memberships turned on, which I've personally seen many many channels do even when they already have a patreon. It really doesn't seem like they've exhausted other options, at least from an outside perspective, which is all we have as viewers!
-I get that this has been in the works for a long time, and that there probably isn't a way for them to back out now. But I hope they can find a way to make this more accessible if they want it to work at all. I truly am not wishing for their downfall, but the whole situation is an awful mess.
Idk, rant over. As a lot of you are I'm feeling very disappointed and upset with this one, and I'm not paying for it either. Hope the boys can salvage this one for their and their crew's sake. Would really hate for this to be the end.
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dust-and-grave · 11 months ago
hng, i am so frustrated by this whole watcher tv situation. i've been chewing on it ever since i watched their announcement video yesterday + i've been looking around online at other fan reactions. i'm having a lot of thoughts so i guess i want to throw my two cents in + hope it'll make me feel better to talk about it a little.
i think we all agree that creators should be paid fairly for their work; however, not all work is created equal, right? if i commission an experienced (and thus high-demand) artist to do an oil painting of my cat, they might quote me $500+ to do that + it would be fair. if an artist with substantially less experience (and thus in lower demand) spends 30 seconds on a crayon rendition of my cat, should they also received $500+ for their work? i think most people would agree that would be ridiculous.
in some ways, this is what it feels like the watcher team is doing to us right now, imo. we know that shows like ghost files or puppet history are expensive to make because travel costs (in the case of ghost files) + production costs, but we can see the effort put into the work. we feel that what we give for the show, whether that's turning off ad blocker while watching or buying show merch or supporting via patreon, is going toward making the product that we are asking for. these shows are the oil painting in the metaphor.
i don't agree with how mean + rude some people are being about steven lim rn, but frankly, his shows are the 30 second crayon drawing of the watcher channel. anyone can look at the view count on their channel + see that his shows consistently have performed worse than shane + ryan's shows. additionally, we can see that he blows huge amounts of money on his shows ("$913 seafood tower", "$1027 fried chicken") that may leave a lot of viewers feeling as if they're aren't getting as much bang for their buck.
frankly, i think people are valid for being upset that they're expected to directly foot the bill for steven's "i fly all over the world + eat expensive food while you watch" project. while youtube has a shit ton of problems (like, say, not paying their creators enough), one of the cool things about it is that you can gauge directly the amount of the interest in a project (and how many resources you should dedicate to said project) by how many eyes are on it. unfortunately for him (i guess), steven's shows just don't garner enough attention to justify the expense of making them.
which is why i see this shift to watcher tv as such a problem. this feels very much like using shane + ryan's success on the channel to force fans to fuel steven's pursuit of his glory days on worth it. it feels even more strange when they say that they're making the switch because the company isn't currently sustainable, but steven has just hired his friends from buzzfeed + continues to push his series that just don't seem to be making back the cost of production.
to be totally fair, shane + ryan don't get out of this clean either. some of their shows don't deserve to be behind a paywall either. too many spirits is filmed in ryan's parent's backyard with content submitted by their viewers. are you scared is just ryan reading creepypastas/fan submitted content on a minimal set. survival mode is just them playing games like any other streamer or gaming youtuber does. i love all of these shows, but are they on par with puppet history or ghost files? absolutely not.
this is where i think the disconnect is coming from. they're taking everything including the lower production shows to a streaming service where you have to fund them directly (rather than indirectly through ad revenue). they're forcing funding into steven's projects despite them just not doing well enough to justify the cost. they're coming across as disingenuous with their reasoning because their stated reasons for doing this don't align with their actions rn.
i feel like it would've made so much more sense to crowdfund new seasons of shows (which gives them feedback from the fans about what they want too) or put higher cost shows like ghost files or puppet history on patreon or channel membership. i would gladly fund mystery files, weird wonderful world, ghost files, puppet history, etc. with my own money, but i'm one of the ones who isn't really interested in funding steven's quest to eat all of the gold-plated kobe beef when i'll never be able to afford to eat at a restaurant that even serves it.
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arthurandhisswordbros · 1 year ago
I don't know I'm trying not to get my hopes up about the whole Merlin Twitter thing. Like others have said, it could just be an ad for the show being released on different streaming services, but still the show hopped from streaming service to streaming service (I’ve personally seen it on Hulu and Prime in the US for years now) and the official Twitter NEVER TWEETED until now?? Like to invest enough to the point of paying someone to market it on social media? Why would you do that if you didn't have something in the works, even early days? Like I feel like you have to be sure to justify something like that…am I crazy? More importantly, am I right?
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sweetbleu7 · 4 months ago
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The Great Impersonator
Only Girl in LA
I Believe in Magic
Lonely is the Muse
Hurt Feelings
Our girl has done it again!
Being a lifelong Tumblr Girl™️, Halsey has always held a specific spot in my subconscious. Whenever she pops up with a new project, I pay attention. I was mostly consuming the album rollout through her makeup looks impersonating other celebrities. I wasn't too sure if I would take the time to listen to the album. I'm at a point in life where I don't listen to the radio. I have a paid music streaming service now and I listen to what I want. I don't stray from what I like and I don't often get served new music. I am trying to change this. Still, this album was on the road to passing me by like many others.
If I'm being honest it was the Pitchfork review that enticed me to give it a listen. If I’m being extremely honest, it was D’Angelo Wallace’s video on the Pitchfork review that made me listen. Although I probably won't listen to TGI front to cover often, it serves as a statement. I don't care to know why Pitchfork gave it such a low review. So I haven't read it. I want to take the parts that resonate with me and focus on how that makes me feel instead.
The album starts with Only Girl in LA. Listening to this song feels like laying on the floor and staring at the ceiling when you’re too high. It begins with the charm of any acoustic, introspective, ballad. Slowly more ad-libs, sound effects, drums, and electronic instrumentation fill the spaces. It's still fairly stripped down in terms of what you do hear and still at some parts feels cluttered. I think this is on purpose though. It feels like I've stepped into her mind. The lyrics plainly say she is lonely, yet anxious and overworked. The song kind of feels like a low-grade headache in that way. It ends with vocalizations and pounding drums almost like she's soothing herself through the noise. It's not my favorite for easy listening but I wouldn't look at some of Van Gogh’s art and think “Man this painful art just makes me so happy”.
I knew that I liked Ego after hearing her perform the song at this year's VMAs. Ego is a high-energy pop-punk single that details Halsey’s struggle with remaining true to herself and the discomforts surrounding her life’s trajectory. The lyrics are catchy and more relatable compared to the rest of the album. That sounds negative but in no way is that a bad thing. As personal as it can get on TGI, Ego’s relatability lends itself to replay value.
Darwinism is reminiscent of the rock operas that were popular in past generations. Halsey’s voice is hauntingly beautiful in this song. Her vocals are light and airy as she laments about becoming a part of the universe again. Space dust.
One of the most received songs on The Great Impersonator is Lonely is the Muse. Not every part of this song is as relatable as Ego. (no platinum airline status here…yet?) At its core, this song is about feeling small and used by others. It captures how angry and isolated that can make you feel. Despite your accomplishments, you will never be impressive enough to not be taken advantage of for just existing because you provide value that is being disregarded and undercut. Or at least it feels that way. Not to be dramatic or anything 😅
Hurt Feelings, in my opinion, is the most personal song in the collection. There are many that detail or allude to deeper subject matters (like Life of a Spider), but this song means so much to me. It may be due to our similarity in age, location, and possibly upbringing. Was everybody’s mom obsessed with maintaining a clean stove? Was everybody’s dad an asshole? It's so specific in its lyrics. The production sounds like the type of music I would have listened to on my CD player in 2001 while I was drowning out an argument going on downstairs.
Britney Spears was my life when I was a little girl. I had her first three CDs. I still haven't forgiven my father for sitting on my copy of Britney. This songs borrowing the chorus from its namesake doesn't hinder its power. This song feels like an homage to the late 90s, it does not feel like it’s trying to be a remake. The added sample of Angel of Mine by Monica only multiplies that.
The Great Impersonator is also a “concept album”. Different Genres and eras are represented on the album. The song Letter to God has 3 variations differentiated by different years: 1974, 1983, and 1998. Each respectively marks the mood’s inspiration. The beginning is folky and acoustic-heavy. The middle builds itself through electronic, rock, and punk influences. Lastly, it serves its listeners with the glittery sounds of the late 90s and Y2K.
Disregard how you feel about Halsey, Fame, or celebrity. She had reason to believe she would succumb to her lupus and a blood disorder diagnosis. She is a person and this album feels like a collection of diary entries that outline what she's been going through since If I Can’t Have Love, I Want Power. It serves as a vehicle for vulnerability and sharing struggles specifically that of sickness, death, family, and love. Halsey said in an interview that this may be her most personal album since Badlands and as a fan of both I would have to agree.
Similar Energy
1. Everybody’s Fool- Evanescence
2. Black Star- David Bowie
3. Lucky- Britney Spears
4. Operator- Jim Croce
5. Batman- The Front Bottoms
6. Paper Bag- Fiona Apple
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thetiredstuff · 2 years ago
Oh shit are shows usually picked up quickly?
hi anon!! idk hahaha i have no clue how this business works. idk like last time i remember cancellations happening that made noooo sense were of lucifer, which got picked up by netflix & brooklyn 99, which got picked up by nbc. 911 got cancelled but it got picked up by abc before the news was even made public. and while i don't remember it well i believe b99 got picked up like a couple of days after fox canceled it (yeah just looked it up. b99 news got out may 10 and got picke dup by nbc may 11). lucifer took a bit longer i believe (just looked it up. it got canceled may 10 and apparently only got picked up by netflix june 15 so took more than a month?) those are the only two shows i remember getting canceled by one network and then getting picked up by another (or a streaming service) but b99 was incrediblyyyyyyy popular and already had 5 seasons. and lucifer was also really popular and had multiple seasons under its belt as well.
edit: okay so @sunglassesmish just reminded me manifest got canceled by nbc in june and then got picked up by netflix in august (lol why did i forget this? i literally watch this show??) it took about a month and a half for it to get picked up so seems like between now and about 2 months is the time frame we should be getting an answer butttt manifest also had multiple seasons already.
the winchesters only has 1 season. i mean it seemed to be doing really well on hbo max internationally and domestically so i would hope that hbo max would pick it up but i would have liked to already gotten that news by now.
on the other hand. both windy and kung fu were canceled and both the news articles about these shows state that WB had looked at other homes for these shows but didn't find any. the winchesters on the other hand by the looks of it is being heavily shopped around behind the scenes given that they started the hashtag campaign and also a lot of news outlets are writing about this hashtag campaign and cancelation. news outlets love writing about whatever but it makes me wonder how much of them are writing about it because they got a press release from WB and or CM which would be another indicator of shopping it around.
but they tried shopping windy and kung fu around as well before the news of the cancellation broke yet no biters. so i'm guessing this hashtag campaign is more so because there is a potential interested partner to pick up the winchesters, which i would guess is hbo (i wouldn't know where else they'd possibly go) and this campaign is like the final push to them to show that there is ample interest. or the deal is basically as good as done and this is just like added campaigning for their newly-required product which will then boost the products' numbers once a new season airs.
idk but i don't like this limbo and even looking at b99 and lucifer or other shows that got canceled and then saved by another network or streaming service, this is occuring during a writer strike. that throws a massive wrench in any plans for scripted television. (i am on the side of the writers tho!! fuck the studios whoarding money and not willing to pay that 3% extra and fuck them wanting to use AI scripts and fuck their day-rate writer idea). but when the writer strike in 2008 happened, it saw an uptick in reality tv because you don't need writers for that or for those who say reality tv is scripted, you don't need as many writers for that. it's why the cw is going for their fuck boy and fuck girl island show. it's cheap. so i don't know. this stuck in limbo shit while a writer's strike is happening and with studios being assholes makes me nervous because i love spnwin but moreover, spnwin is part 1 of what i'm sure is jensen's plan to expand the spn universe. but if spnwin gets canceled after 1 season and doesn't get picked up, it's gonna be a lot harder to make an spn universe.
but again i am saying this when i know nothing about anything
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ohkate · 8 months ago
The truly sad part is that I am happy to pay if I could just get what I wanted or at least what I'm paying for. I get that in order to have wonderful show and movies, a lot of people need to get paid and that comes from advertising. That comes from sales. I don't think we should expect it all for free and then turn around and complain about how horrible it is that people can't make a living wage. They have to make money somehow.
So here I am, happy to pay for full service with no ads. But then you log into this huge movie archive and you get maybe...10 movies that aren't HORRIBLE? One or two shows ...maybe three that aren't steaming trash? A bunch of stuff we've all seen a million times.
Have any of you gone through Amazon Prime? It's has an archive of some of the worst movies of all time. I'm pretty sure anyone can get a movie on amazon prime-you just need a crappy phone and the worst actors you can possibly find. Scroll through their movie section for a few minutes and look at the shitfest you've got to choose from. All the decent movies- you still have to pay separately for!
So you have to have 4-6 different streaming services to Frankenstein together a decent library to choose from. And in the end you pay a hundred dollars. It's like they're begging people to just go ahead and steal. It's easier and you'll get what you want.
We need a service where you pay a yearly fee and you type in the show you want to watch and you get it. Type in the movie, and you can watch it. There shouldn't be network providers anymore. It should just be 1 service where you can watch anything you want. Sure, if you want to watch brand new, in-theater films, you can pay a premium. But for everything else, you should be able to watch whatever you want and this service pays a residual to that network/studio who created it. The more movies you offer to the service, the more residuals you make so it will encourage allowing for more. Maybe certain movies or shows pay out higher residuals. This is, in effect, what streaming services do but now each service is chained to a specific network/studio so you can't get everything in one place.
So that's why I got rid of almost everything and now it's a pirate's life for me.
I cannot believe there's absolutely no way to watch free shows and movies anymore, there are too many paid streaming platforms and pirating websites have viruses and ads preventing you from watching it uninterrupted((.)) id rather follow the rules and purchase media moving forward because it is too inconvenient. Seriously, free and no ads or viruses with 1080p streaming is DEAD.
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floreciendojuntos · 4 months ago
Music has always been medicine. Music is my life. Music has saved me. Just like art.. And well music is art.
CD making with limewire and music player, playing them on my radio/cd player while writing lyric entries on my physical journals, making mixes for my closest friends and writing about songs, what I loved about them, why I resonated with them.. That shit kept me alive. I don't know why I ever stopped.
I still remember carrying my CD player around and playing it while I rode in the car ignoring as much as I could around me, drowning in musical feelings.
I remember carrying CDs in my backpack and when I got my first ipod. Thank you Pisces hermano for getting it for me. I'll always regret losing it.. Years years later after I hadn't used it for years cause at that point I wasn't really using it, wasn't playing CDs anymore mixed or bought new or from thrift stores. I was streaming on iTunes on my smartphone.. But luckily I never did forget about last. Fm
There was a gap after 2016 after I graduated from college where for some reason I stopped scrolling and I had lost access to that accnt I didn't recall my email / password honestly it might have been made up? But I'll always remember my username so I always refer back to it and then it occurred to me on 2018 that I could make a new last. Fm accnt and keep scrobbling my plays through my streaming service like old times.. Felt nostalgic.. Last. Fm connects to Tumblr and vice versa.. And well Tumblr has always been part of my healing journey of getting through life and Tumblr was also a blog service I kept going back and forth to since 2011? Or 2010? I had my share of fuck yeah circa Survive blogs.. Emo blog.. Aesthetic.. Life quotes.. Social. Justice/ feminism / book Tumblr - All of it.. What brought me back was the queer lgbtq sex positive body positive community.. Where I ended up meeting the love of my life 💘🥺
I'm debating getting pro last fm for a month just cause I want to be able to see my over all listening history with grid photos on the old accnt and since I only had 4 artists selected and to see more since it ain't my acct I have to have pro.. Bruh..
I was with iTunes for a long time... And 8 tracks at some point where I made playlists it was so fun.. Felt like I was making a mixed CDs.. I made some of my best 8 track mixes on there it was here limiting it to 8 lol And throughout it I kept last fm except for those years between 2016-2018 damn I know life was really hard during that time..
Pandora was meh.. I remember giving raphsody a try at some point.. What else.. Well Spotify.. I'm sure I had it by 2018 maybe started sooner but hadn't thought to scrobble sooner.. Then I gave google music a try and most recently prime music.. But just nothing hots the spot like Spotify.. An imperfect streaming services as they all are.. I am still open and trying to find the most ethical in terms of paying artists better.. Oh yeah that reminds me band camp was one I did enjoy especially for independent artists where I coudnt stream elsewhere and it was nice owning the music and I could add to my computer.. But yeah Spotify.. My playlist making haven.. Literally saved me again..
Lately playlist making has been slow.. I haven't endulged in music listenting as much as I had before.. My mind is too loud lately that adding more into the mix isn't all too appealing.. But I have my moments where it is just right..
I miss making playlists for my baby and finding all the songs about healing.. And a good bop to clean the house to and Spanglish goodies..
Any who this year's Spotify wrapped sucked.. Apparently a lot of employees were let go the past year or so and their work was replacrd with AI and it shows... There weren't nearly enough categories of tops.. Like genres or albums.. Or tops if each month.. It just lacked a lot of customization and stats that it's had in previous years.. It was truly underwhelming..
But luckily I gots last fm and I did forget that they do a similar thing as wrapped in January so I look forward to that.. Here's some shots of what it looks like currently.. The past year and the rest are overall since 2018 and the 4 are for my old old acct since 2009 (my senior year of HS) that I cannot recover acces to.. Boo
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I love to see it... The artists.. The art.. Medicine to my brain
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greenbergsays · 11 months ago
When I was a teenager, I pirated everything. Do you hear me? EVERYTHING.
Because there was no such thing as streaming and if you wanted to binge/rewatch a show and couldn't afford the $50 you had to pay for a season of a show, that's how you did it
Then Netflix introduced the ability to stream and back then, Netflix has EVERYTHING. And you could share your account!!!
I stopped pirating. I paid for the service. I was happy to do it as long as everything I wanted to watch, I had access to for a reasonable price, PLUS the added bonus of no commercials.
It was just like pirating something, except I didn't have to wait for the download to finish. (Because that took a while back in then. I remember pirating episodes of Doctor Who and having to way 3+ hours to be able to watch it.)
Then Hulu came along. That was fine! What you couldn't find on Netflix, you found on Hulu.
But then it kept getting more expensive. You had to pay extra if you didn't want ads.
So then, as family, we shared. One of us paid for Netflix, one paid for Hulu, we all benefited.
Still, I didn't pirate.
Then Discovery Plus came along. And Disney Plus. And Paramount Plus. HBO Max. And, and, and.
Still, we could share accounts. So if we wanted to watch something on a certain platform, it was, "Hey, who has an account for ____? What's your login info?"
Still, no pirating.
But now they're cracking down on password-sharing.
If I want to stream Marvel, I need a Disney Plus account. If I want to watch old episodes of Supernatural, I need a Netflix account. If I want to watch MASH, I need Hulu.
If I want to watch _____, then I need _______.
The more time passes, the more streaming services there are and the more money I need to fork out in order to be able to watch what I want to watch. It's no long easily accessible on one platform at a low price, EVERYONE has ads now and you have to pay extra to avoid them, and you are not allowed to share accounts for most of them.
I'm not going to pay $20/mo for a streaming service where I can only watch ONE show that I'm interested in before I have to fork out another $10-20 for another and another, until it amounts to the same amount of money my parents used to pay for cable.
I didn't pirate because I didn't have a reason to, but you're driving people to it because of your greed.
You want more but people don't have more to give. You're certainly not paying people enough money to be able to afford these services, so why should they twist themselves into knots about it???
And, of course, as much as this is, it doesn't even touch on one of the comments above--about how they cancel so many good shows for no reason.
At this point in time, I'm starting to re-build my DVD collection and the idea of dusting off my pirating skills is always in the back of my mind because I refuse to struggle to pay for all of these services.
I also almost exclusively watch old/completed shows that I've watched before. VERY rarely will I pick up a new show and it's because I am not going to invest my time into something that will be snatched away from me before its time.
If you, corporations of the world, weren't so goddamn greedy--if your mentality wasn't always "How do I get more, more, more???"--then you wouldn't have to worry about competing against piracy
This is your own fault and I really don't feel sorry for you
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yarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr you greedy fucks
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studyingspaceandstuff · 3 years ago
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Doing/trying to do a technical drawing, freaking out about the software, not sure how to do the things I want/need to do but that don't work. The deadline's thursday and I have to print it friday and still need to have a look at where I can print it and stuff. This was equally as stressful when I did it last year but apparently I haven't learned a thing since then like for example starting early — now wait, I did, at least kind of, and at least this time I didn't turn in a blank sheet at the pre-deadline (no idea what it's called in English). But I like the little parallel lines I get to make my computer draw so everything's fine xD
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remzarci · 2 years ago
You know...after several years of doing Toonami Liveblogging
I...can't help but feel that toonami might come to an end soon...I hope I'm wrong but for the most part it feels like...we're going see TOM say good bye...Again...very soon
It might not happen but with crunchyroll under Sony's banner and Time Warner under...Discovery of all networks...it just...it just doesn't look too good?
And we don't know how "well" it's going for crunchyroll. because streaming services keep their subscriber numbers pretty vauge but I can't imagine it's been great since Ad Support was kicked to the curb...
But I do know that the Warner Bros. Discovery situation is a dumpster fire...Losing over $3.4 billion...gee seems like if you can some shows people like those same people may just turn to the open seas and fly the Jolly Rodger. cause at least the pirates get to watch the stuff...That or just give up on mainstream media altogether and go independent...
But...I dunno...maybe it'll turn around...Maybe...just gotta hold out I guess and see where it goes... But a question to you tag...if...toonami says good bye...are you gonna stick around on this hell site? cause so far toonamis the only thing I use this blog for...My Art Blog is just...there...I post to it but...ehhhh...it doesn't seem like it's getting any recognition...and that's what I'm planning when toonami eventually goes away!
And my main blog? Unless I Pa-
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...For...FOR ESTIMATIONS? does this even fucking work? paying over 150 bucks for an ESTIMATION of 50K Impressions? oh why get better at crafts for recognition when you can shell out the big bucks for it to maybe get seen!!
...Part of me wants to delete this blog and fuck off to...I dunno...maybe back to dA?...
Maybe get a Pillowfort?...
ah who am I kidding...it'll just be more of the damn same...
...sorry...went off on a tangent...
What will you do when toonami is gone Tag?.
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hisui-cotton · 3 years ago
I'm about to vent about something that people probably wouldn't care about but the longer I think about the more I'm upset by, and tbh I think other people should atleast keep in the back of thier mind.
Crunchyroll moving to a subscription only model, removing free viewing containing ads. That sounds crazy right? How can I be upset about that? Not to mention I am subscribed already so it's not like it affects me! And it's probably to assist in all the pay distribution that people have been pointing out regarding translators and such right? I don't know. But I am super sure it's not a great idea and that the pay problems could be better solved without affecting the viewers especially with the influx they'll recieve from Funi closing down.
My main problem with it is that they'll have one of the biggest and most accessible libraries of anime. Except they'll quite literally be closing it and making it less accessible. I'm not worried about people turning to pirating anime from there, if you're someone who is willing to pirate anime already there's no reason you'd be watching anime on crunchyroll. But to people who cannot safely browse pirate sites or those who are looking for something secured under crunchyroll's belt, then they have to pay for the subscription. Then if you're younger and have no money to get a subscription, it's dependent on you convincing your parents to get you one.
It's really had to explain but let me put it this way...Netflix was once the only streaming channel. They has a market as being able to provide high quality steaming for movies with no ads because they were the only ones. Over the last few years they've finally gotten competition, raised prices several times, and are confused why people are willing to drop them for other services.
While Crunchyroll is not offering an extreme variety of entertainment, the focus is anime and anime adjacent content. However, with the merge of Funimation and Crunchyroll there is literally no doubt that they have some of the greatest selections of anime now. It's a service that also brings anime internationally, providing anime to regions that would otherwise be even more at risk when pirating or just have no access to be able to pirate in the first place. But even more so there's some extremely devoted fans internationally that want to be able to support anime as directly as possible and Crunchyroll is the only place they can do that and get decent quality subtitles or video.
The fact that the free viewing, though it includes ads, is just going away entierly is pretty disgusting. In a time where people are less and less willing to deal with ads but you want to be able to be as accessible as possible, to have that option is crazy. By eliminating it you're effectively removing a group of people that was so happy to just be able to see anime, that they're willing to watch ads. That they're willing to sit through whatever garbage is being pushed to them to watch thier favorite show or something totally new. And you may think that you're just cashing in on new subscribers coming from funimation or who picked up watching anime over the pandemic, but you are targeting a very specific class and age range by saying that your platform will no longer provide a free option.
It's just very "grabby hands" in my eyes to be like "Well we now have no more competition. Let's cash in and make the niche even harder to get a grasp on!" I'm sure there's plenty of people at both Funi and Crunchy who are aware of it and disappointed it "has to happen" if that's what they're told. But to also be fair the company is vastly underpayment them and if gating the content entierly is the only solution that can be offered they will likely take it. Maybe the number of free viewers is pretty low to begin with and they don't feel it'll be a loss to cut it entierly. On the other hand if most if the free viewers are watching the most content overall, even as a minority of the viewership, then it could end up being a blow to them later down the line.
But I'm not a part of crunchyroll or funimation. I'm someone who has been subscribed to both and enjoyed the content they've brought. I really enjoyed the collaboration they had a few years ago and thought how interesting would it be to see the two merge. But at the same time recognized it'd be really really devastating to consumers if that happened. Which ever came out on top (in this case it was Sony choosing Crunchy) they'd effectively be able to lay the field and call the shots for anime price or availability even for the most minor of shows, limiting literally any possibility of a consumer or fan finding the show anywhere else or being able to see it in the first place.
Overall it's just upsetting to think that those who can't afford to put it in thier budget or kids that can't pay to watch thier favorite content won't be able to do so as easily as I could growing up. Crunchyroll was a great place to see good anime and not have to pay because it came with ads. There was decent quality and subtitles that always worked. The subtitles thing is honestly one of my favorite minor features in crunchyroll, where when your video quality goes down, the subtitles get a bit larger to ensure they're always readable. They literally made the foundation of accessible viewing by originally being a pirate site! Yet now that they are the only competition when it comes to supporting anime directly (bc let's be honest Disney and Netflix are not pulling anime fans at the rate Crunchyroll probably does) they decide its not worth it to keep that general sense of accessibility.
Just disappointing to think about.
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theorionconstellation · 11 months ago
This is a really wild takeaway and a really blatant misrepresentation and/or a fundamental misunderstanding of why people are upset.
When I signed up for Watcher, do you know what email I got in response? A thanks for signing up email, and in that email, it says, "Otherwise, stay tuned as we continue to update the streamer with subtitles, episode descriptions, and all-new content!" Which is already a slap in the face. You're telling me that when you made this announcement, the website wasn't already 100% ready to go, and on top of that, it's inaccessible to boot?
The fanbase is not as lucky as I am to have this disposable income to even sign up (tho make no mistake, I immediately unsubscribed upon reading that this content isn't accessible to me as a Deaf fan) most people are still college students, actual children, or young adults struggling to find work and housing and struggling to afford groceries. 6 dollars USD (because it is NOT 6 dollars in local currency, it is 6 USD. Brazilian fans are paying 32 reals a month for this service) is a LOT to ask when you produce one season at a time and upload weekly, and it's an even steeper ask when we are told directly that the next show in progress is Worth It- wherein Steven Lim, famous Tesla owner who has publicly debated buying ANOTHER Tesla, goes around with his friends and eat food that costs more than what I make in a single day. To put it so bluntly: eating artisan ice cream covered in gold flakes, waygu beef with caviar on top, and saffron-truffle oil french fries is funny on Buzzfeed's dollar, but it is not funny or enjoyable content when behind a paywall that people already struggling financially have to pay for. It's tone deaf and out of touch. If you're telling me the only way for this company is to survive is by having me pay you 6 dollars a month, then the CEO better not be driving a car that is worth, at the CHEAPEST, more than the median yearly salary for my state.
No one is saying the employees don't deserve a livable wage (but again the CEO saying publicly that he wants to buy another tesla cheapens this argument- if Steven can afford a 2nd tesla, how come your employees aren't being paid a livable wage? Let's start there). That never once has been the argument. The argument instead has been, "why didn't you promote the patreon more, why didn't you do a poll to ask how we felt about the mid-reel ads because none of us would have minded more ads, why are you removing the exclusive content on patreon, why didn't you do youtube memberships" because to act as if this is the ONLY way left to make more money is... absurd and disingenuous. Insult to injury is added when you learn that Shane told people to share passwords and it turns out that you CAN'T password share because each account limited to 3 devices only.
And I'm sure that this business model was based on Dropout, especially since they use the same website to host it, so let me be clear: Dropout produces new episodes for a different show every single weekday, they launched the site with a whole bunch of brand new content that they had in the vault, and their stuff was accessible from the get go, they have a tiered pricing system, and more shows that they work on actively at the same time. I am not JUST getting Game Changer. I am getting Game Changer, and Dimension 20, and Very Important People, and Dirty Laundry, and so on. For 5 dollars? That is a steal. That's an insane amount of content. Paying 6 dollars to only get Ghost Files or Mystery Files or Worth It is not (no pun intended) worth it.
Also, Dropout's streaming service WAS their Hail Mary, in the same way Watcher was BFU's Hail Mary. CollegeHumor was going out of business because their parent company shut them down, and this was their last ditch effort to avoid closing down since they couldn't find anyone else to sign them or host them.
We’re Leaving YouTube
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tinyboxxtink · 4 years ago
"Weird Secret Friends" *Chapter 14*
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Chapter 13
Chapter 15
This chapter literally took me all day, and it's kinda super long, but since I'm only going to 15 it had to be done. Also, I wanted to get a certain part and all the bullshit detail action needs to be written before we get there so I just kept writing to get there. Lulz.
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Okay and can I just say about the Goodbye Love thing it was in my head since I had her say "I need to go away".
This was supposed to be the preview:
Mimi Please don't touch me Understand I'm scared I need to go away
Mark I know a place - a clinic
Benny A rehab?
Mimi Maybe - could you?
Benny I'll pay
And this is for chapter 15: Mimi Goodbye love Goodbye love Came to say goodbye, love, goodbye Just came to say Goodbye love Goodbye love Goodbye love Hello disease....
The next thing you knew you were waking up in another room. This one was more lavish and beautiful; the sunset was peeking through green silk curtains with a matching chaise lounge. You were now in pink silk pajamas as opposed to a hospital gown, and you weren’t hooked up to near as many wires. Just a pack attached to your arm linked to your sides.
“What the…?” You cautiously crept out of bed, examining the room.
So many questions flew through your mind at that moment. How did you get here? Where exactly were you? Who the hell changed you while you were passed out? It was too much to imagine. You walked over to the full length mirror and examined yourself. You were still semi pale, but you looked pretty damn good for just having surgery this morning.
You walked back towards your bed where your phone was laying on the nightstand. You went to check your messages when you saw the date-- it had been three days. THREE DAYS?
“What the actual fuck--?” You muttered.
Were you in a Black Mirror episode? How did you lose three whole days of your life?! You began to panic, making you pace the room. Wasn’t there a button you could do? You quickly looked around the room for anything, but all you found was a TV remote.
“Oh are you fucking--” You started to curse the world when you saw a little drawing of a nurse on one of the buttons. You frantically pushed it until a girl who looked like she was a nurse out of a porno as opposed to a hospital came running in.
“Oh my god, I thought you were like, dying or something,” She rolled her eyes and twirled her hair like she was a teenage stereotype.
“Where the hell am I? Why am I---”
“Okay you need to like, chill babe,” Nurse Betty put her hands up. “
“I’m not your babe, mmkay pumpkin? We are not friends,” You pushed her hands down. “Now why don’t you get your little chart and explain to me what’s going on in the Twilight Zone?”
“Alright, well--” She whipped out a mini tablet from her scrubs and flipped through it. “You got here three days ago with an order to keep you in a medically induced coma-- Ooooh, wow that sounds like some soap opera shit. Where your organs harvested on the black market?”
“WHAT?” You grabbed the tablet. That DID sound like some soap opera shit. “You read the tablet, all it said was the details about the coma and then FILES SEALED.
“Can you-- unlock this, please?” You shoved the tablet back in her hands.
“Um no, you need a supervisor for that babe,”
“Can you please get someone to unlock this then, BABE?” Your eye began to twitch from stress.
“Yeah, sure I’ll try,” She shrugged and walked back out of the room. You continued to pace faster now, googling “HARVESTED ORGANS ON THE BLACK MARKET”, when a doctor came in wearing navy blue scrubs, looking like Derek Shepherd.
“Well hey there, beautiful,” He grinned at you.
“...What is happening?” You muttered, staring at him. He was gorgeous, you’d probably be more flustered if you weren’t so freaked out and pissed off.
“What kind of soap opera hospital is this?!” You scowled.
“Hey, just because we take care of ourselves around here doesn’t mean it’s Grey’s Anatomy up here,” He made a face.
“...Could’ve fooled me, McDreamy,”
“....Just because my name is Derek doesn’t mean I’m that tool,” He frowned.
“Oh my god you’re kidding me right?” You had to laugh at the irony.
“You’re probably just grumpy because you haven’t eaten for three days,” He patted your head. “How about a nice filet mignon?”
“Wha…?” You looked around the room in disbelief. “How about you tell me where I am and how I got here?”
“You’re at Whistling Pines Hospital and Rehabilitation Center in Hartford Connecticut, Miss Y/N,”
“Connecticut?!” You gasped. “Sonny said it was just upstate New York. Jesus Christ he sent me out of state?!”
“Calm yourself,” Derek put a hand on your shoulder. “We’re basically on the state line, Mr. Carisi didn’t send you to Siberia,”
“...And why exactly was I brought here against my will?” You crossed your arms.
“Against your will?” He snorted. “Your paperwork says you requested to be out while you recovered so you wouldn’t be tempted to ask for pain meds or anything. Part of the detox, you understand,”
“Detox?” Your face scrunched. “Seriously? So...so now what, you escort me down to the padded room now that I’m healed?”
“No, no of course not,” He shook his head. “Our rehab rooms are much nicer than this. And yours is all ready for you,”
“....Yeah, alright,” You shrugged, looking around the room.
“Wonderful,” He gave you another 100 watt smile before opening the door and motioning you to follow him. You walked for a while through what seemed like a normal hospital wing, then you came to two large doors that said “REHABILITATION WING”.
Derek opened it and let you go through first, into a beautiful lobby. The walls were made of marble, there was a koi pond with a waterfall in the middle of it, sparkling water stations next to big leather chairs. It was like a spa.
“Wow...” You whispered as you admired it while you walked.
“Yes, I know,” He chuckled. “It’s quite impressive, isn’t it?”
“Yeah…” You began to feel guilty; how much was this costing Sonny? This place looked like it cost the down payment on a house to stay in. You followed Derek down a hallway that looked like a hotel room hallway more than a rehab center, until he stopped at a door labelled 312.
“Ah here we are,” He opened the door and let you go inside first once again. It was an even more lavish room than you woke up in. A nice king bed with fluffy pillows and silk comforters were covered with extra blankets if you needed them. There was a huge sofa in front of a large screen TV, and a little kitchenette with a small fridge, cabinets, a dishwasher, and a microwave.
“....Wow,” You continued to stare in awe at the luxurious amenities this place had.
“Indeed,” Derek smiled. “Now, the TV comes loaded with digital cable and all the streaming services. Our WIFI password is LIVELAUGHLOVE, the fridge is stocked with organic, healthy foods only, but if you’d like to request something you can give our front desk a ring,”
You just nodded as you checked out the room.
“Now,” He cleared his throat. “For the icky part,”
“...The icky part?” You sputtered with a sarcastic smile. “Where did you go to medical school, Sesame Street?”
“Ha ha,” He rolled his eyes. “You will need to stay in your room at all times unless it’s social time, or group time. We do have several common areas such as a pool and a gym, but you’ll need to schedule times to use them, you can’t just walk around on your own,”
“Ah,” You nodded. “So it is a prison, just a very nice prison,”
“It’s not a prison, Miss Y/N,” He shook his head. “Not for you, anyway,”
“Really? Because it sounds like--”
“Your cousin did pay for your residency here, but you’re not under a court order or anything so you’re not confined here. Most of our residents have to be here several months before they’re even allowed out of their rooms at all, you should consider yourself lucky,”
“...Right,” You rolled your eyes. “Where is my cousin, anyway?” You asked. “Is he back at the hospital in New York?”
“Excuse me?” He looked at you in confusion. “I’m not sure I understand,”
“Oh I guess it’s been a few days,” You thought out loud. “He must have gone home by now,”
“...Well I’d sure hope so,” He chuckled.
“So..” You took a seat on the couch. “What am I doing now, warden?”
“Well like I said, I can have food sent up to you if you’re hungry,” He explained as he handed you your own tablet. “We have these for you so you can browse our menu for food and amenities,”
“Tomorrow’s social time is at 10 am, and your group therapy is at noon,”
“..Uh huh,” You nodded as you absent mindedly flipped through the menu.
“It’s mandatory,” He added.
“Wonderful,” He beamed. “Now your bathroom is there, obviously,” He nodded to a door on the other side of the room. “It has a shower with three different pressures, and a spa bathtub. I recommend you take a long hot bath and relax, the first night is usually the hardest to get used to.
“Alright well I’ll leave you to it,” He nodded at you with another dreamy smile.
He walked out and left you to your own devices. You walked over to the drawers and pulled them out. They were full of your clothes, how did they get these so fast? It was so bizarre all of this happened while you were out, it really did seem like some kind of episode out of Dynasty or something.
You decided to call Sonny and get some things sorted out. You picked up your phone and dialed his number and let it ring.
“Oh hey...you, how you feelin’?”
“I’m good,” You went and sat on the bed. “How are you feeling?”
“Me? I’m good,”
“Really? Not sore or anything?”
“What? OH-- Yeah, y’know, of course, obviously,”
“...Thanks so much for this, Sonny. It’s gorgeous here,”
“Is um, is Rafael doing better? Do you know?”
“Uh he’s...he’s fine, I’m sure,”
“...Well that’s good,”
“I’ll be up there next week to see you, you hang in there okay?”
“...Yeah, alright,”
“Night darlin’, you sleep well. I love you,”
“Love you too,”
Sonny hung up the phone and glanced over at Rafael who was busy writing his closing arguments for their case tomorrow.
“....Who was that?” He raised an eyebrow.
“Niece,” He lied.
“...How are you feelin’, by the way Barba?”
“Carisi, we’re not discussing anything personal, ever again. I told you that,” He grumbled, not looking up from his desk. He winced in pain every so often when he pulled on his stitches while writing.
“...Right,” He nodded sadly. He did feel guilty about all of this, but he knew in a few weeks it wouldn’t matter. You’d both forget about each other and move on, it was for the best.
The next day you woke up and felt this overwhelming sense of dread. It was like everything had finally caught up to you, all the memory of how you got here came back to you. You missed Rafael almost immediately, Sonny’s words about how you had traumatized him rang in your head.
You wanted so desperately to call him and apologize, tell him how you would have never hurt him on purpose, and that all you wanted to do was make it up to him-- but you knew you had no way of doing that, and there was nothing you could do about it.
Your tablet began to go off, alarms for SOCIAL TIME were set on it. You tried to turn it off, but apparently a counselor had to do it when you arrived. Sneaky bastards. You sighed and pulled on some PJ pants, trying to ignore the blaring sound. You stomped out of your room and down the hall, down some stairs to a huge room labelled “REC ROOM.”
“Welcome Y/N!” A bright and cheery nurse came over and greeted you. “We have lots of activities for you here,” She began to show you around. “We have arts and crafts, several board games, and the Cards Against Humanity rounds get quite rowdy!”
“...Right,” You nodded softly, feeling more and more hopeless as you saw all the other “residents” mingling-- and by mingling, meaning most of them were walking around like soulless zombies. Was this your life now?
One Week Later
“Hey…” You saw Rafael laying down in front of you, reaching out for your hand. You took it, not believing this was real.
“I love you, Y/N…” He smiled at you, his green eyes sparkling.
“I love you too Rafael..”
You shot up in bed, it happened again. You had been having the same dream ever since you had gotten to Whistling Pines. It felt so real, especially when you touched his hand. And you always woke up alone, stuck in your prison. Never to see Rafael ever again; It was torture. No matter how fancy the prison was, it was still a prison. You looked at the clock on your bedside table- 3:30 am. You wondered what Rafael was doing at that moment-- well, probably sleeping, duh. Or maybe he was up late, working on law stuff.
You wondered if he was thinking about you, if he ever thought about you. He didn’t seem angry the last time you saw him, in fact you were pretty sure you remembered him holding you and crying. Well, like Sonny said he was probably just upset having to see someone like that again. But-- something inside told you that you didn’t leave on bad terms. Maybe you had been too quick to just delete and block his number. But it was too late to do anything about that now. You laid back down and cried yourself back to sleep for the fifth time that night.
Two weeks later
Sonny drove up to Hartford early Friday morning, hoping to get back to the city that night. He signed in at the front desk, muttering obscenities under his breath. He paced the lobby waiting for you, trying to keep his calm. Finally you emerged from the big double doors: You were dressed in a t-shirt that used to be tight, but now it draped on your shoulders. Your hip hugger jeans were more like men’s jeans, hanging off your pelvis. Your hair was pulled into a messy ponytail and you had no makeup on. You walked over to Sonny who crossed his arms at the sight of you.
“Hey, Sunshine…” He pulled you into a tight hug, your face barely moved into a small smile.
“Can we talk?” He asked as he led you to one of the leather couches.
“Sure,” You nodded like a robot as you sat next to him.
“So Sunshine,” He sighed. “They tell me you haven’t uh, been doin’ so hot,”
“Oh, have they?” You mumbled, playing with a hole in your jeans.
“Yeah they said you’re not eating, you skip the group, you won’t talk to anybody,” He put a hand on your knee. “Is everything okay? Is it your new liver? The diabetes kicking yer ass?”
“...No, I’m fine,” You shrugged feebly.
“....Seriously?” He removed his hand, his soft tone gone. “So, nothing’s wrong with you physically? You’re just being a brat?”
“Excuse me?” You suddenly blinked in surprise.
“Here I came up here because I was worried somethin’ was really wrong with you, like you were rejecting the donation or-- or the trauma was too much, but you’re tellin’ me you just won’t cooperate?” He snapped at you.
“...What do you want me to say, Sonny? Sorry?” You snarked back.
“I want you to tell me why!” He tried not to yell but this was ridiculous. “Do you know how expensive this place is?!”
“Oh wow,” You scoffed. “Well I’m sorry my recovery is so expensive for you, Son,”
“It’s not even recovery, Y/N! You’re-- You’re just laying around here like a fuckin’ angsty teen!” He barked. “Why aren’t you trying? Don’t you wanna get outta here and get back to your life?”
“Maybe I don’t!” You yelled and stood up. “Maybe I don’t care about getting out of here, or not. There’s no point anymore,”
“What?” Sonny furrowed his brows. “Why not?”
“...Because,” You looked down at the floor.
“Oh for fuck’s sake…” Sonny threw up his hands, finally standing up himself. “Is this about Barba, really Y/N? You knew him for a few fuckin’ days, gimme a fuckin BREAK,”
“He was wonderful to me, Sonny! He was wonderful and loving and caring and YOU made me go off on him, and then I--” You paused, tears caught in your throat. “I fucking traumatized him. I hurt him so badly he didn’t even want to see me when i was dying,”
“I mean-- how bad of a person am I?!” You tried not to break down in the lobby. “I shouldn’t be allowed to be around anyone anymore, I just destroy things. Hurt people. I shouldn’t be around anyone,”
“Oh Jesus Christ,” Sonny sighed. “You need to stop, alright? If you actually tried to get better, you wouldn’t--”
“I don’t want to get better!!!!” You flat out stomped your foot, not caring about making a scene now.
“Y/N, tough love time. You need to get your shit together and forget about Barba, alright? I can’t keep paying for you to stay here--” He put both hands on your shoulders.
“So let me out,” You glared at him.
“....And if I let you out, are you going to stay sober?” He gave you a suspicious look.
“Nope,” You said with a smirk.
“Y/N come the fuck on,” He threw up his hands.
“What?” You crossed your arms. “I’m being honest. So either you keep wasting your money here, or let me go,”
“And what, let you kill yourself?” He asked angrily.
“...Maybe,” You muttered.
“Sunshine, come here--” Sonny went to wrap you in a hug, his t-shirt caught up on yours causing it to pull up on his torso. Your eyes went wide when you caught sight of it, letting go of him.
“....Where’s your scar?” You blinked in disbelief, trying to wrap your head around what you were seeing.
“What?” He began to panic.
“Your scar,” You pulled your t-shirt to reveal your own scar from the transplant. “You should have one,”
“Oh, Um--” Sonny began to rack his brain for an explanation, but your brain was moving faster.
“.....You didn’t give me part of your liver, did you?” You pulled away from him.
“Uh well--” He sighed “Not exactly, no,”
“Then who did?” You eyed him accusingly.
“They got you an anonymous--”
“Oh don’t even give me that shit, Sonny,” You stopped him. “This-- this whole thing, when I got here. It felt so much like, like a set up. A soap opera plot,”
“A soap opera?” Sonny laughed. “Come on Sunshine, don’t--”
“Why did you ship me here so fast, Sonny?” You asked, your brain now on a roll.
“What?” He half laughed. “So that you could get started early--”
“No,” You stopped him. “You could have just let me come here on my own, CONSCIOUS,”
“Well I just wanted you to skip the DT’s--” He tried to think of a defense.
“DT’s don’t happen to you if you get drunk ONCE, Sonny!” You raised your voice.
“Well how was I supposed to--” He looked around nervously.
“Who really gave me their liver, Sonny?” You narrowed your eyes.
“I told you, I don’t--” He began to lie again.
“I’ll look it up,” You threatened, making his eyes go wide.
“Y-You can’t do that,” He protested.
“Why wouldn’t you want me to?” You challenged him.
“Rafael did, didn’t he?” You weren’t letting him think of any more lies.
“Look Y/N, he just wanted to help you out so that you wouldn’t die, like his dad. He couldn’t save him so he saved you. Doesn’t that sound like him?”
You had to admit, it really did. But why lie about it?
“So why didn’t you tell me that, Sonny? Why tell me you did it? Why didn’t you just tell me he did it to be nice, and not that he hated me?”
“I never said he hated you--”
“If you lied to me about that, what else have you been lying to me about?” You put your hands on your hips.
“Oh my god…” You started to remember your recurring dream. “It was real, it was real. I know it was real!”
“...What was real?” His eyebrows furrowed.
“I keep having this dream where Rafael is across from me lying on a table, and he tells me that he loves me. And I know that happened I know it did,” You explained.
You were absolutely sure of it now. So many thoughts were running through your mind, you hated that you didn’t remember any of this before.
“What?” Sonny laughed again. “Sunshine it’s just a dream, don’t you think you would remember something like that?”
“They...they gave me something before I went into the OR,” You looked off into nowhere as you tried desperately to recall that morning. “The nurse called it…’giggle juice’,”
“Giggle juice?” Sonny rolled his eyes.
“Did you make them give me that too?!” You went for his collar, but a nurse came out of nowhere to hold you back.
“Wha who whoa, Sunshine calm down,” Sonny waved the nurse off of you. “I got her, thanks ma’am,”
“I didn’t tell them to give you anything,” He said softly.
“Yeah, just to keep me out for three days so I wouldn’t ever see Rafael before you sent me here,” You accused him.
“...Not true…” He shook his head.
“Why wouldn’t you want me to talk to him, Sonny?” Tears choked your throat.
“He didn’t want to talk to you--”
“Bullshit!” You stomped your foot, eyeing the nurse who had her eye on you in case you lost it on Sonny again.
“Bullshit, were you scared he was going to tell me what you were really doing? That you were trying to keep us apart?” Tears began dripping from your cheeks. You couldn’t believe this was happening, you couldn’t believe you could have been with Rafael this entire time.
“No!” He protested, his eyes darting back and forth. “No, I--”
“I don’t believe you!” You pushed him, the nurse stepped forward but you put your hands up in defeat. “You’re keeping him from me right now, aren’t you?”
“That’s why you sent me so far, he has no idea where I am, and he wants to know doesn’t he? He wasn’t traumatized by my ‘incident’, he’s traumatized he lost me!” You hated that you cried when you got angry, it made you so much less intimidating.
“Traumatized is a strong word, Y/N…” Sonny rolled his eyes.
“Y’know what Sonny,” You shook your head while you wiped your eyes. “I’ll make you a deal. You bring Rafael here, and I’ll try to get better,”
“...I can’t,” He looked at the floor.
“Wha--Are you serious?” You half laughed sarcastically. “You’d rather me rot in here than--”
“I don’t know where he is, Y/N,” He looked up at you seriously.
“...What?” You asked, not wanting to know the answer.
“He…” He rubbed the back of his neck. “He left,”
“What do you mean ‘he left’?” You air quoted left.
“He went on some campaign trail, Hilary I think. He took off across the country, I literally have no idea where he is right now,” He explained.
“Why would he do that?” You asked.
“I don’t know, he said he had to get out of the city--” He shrugged.
“And you couldn’t imagine why?” You gave him a knowing look.
“Oh puh-lease Y/N, he’s not a drama queen like you--” He stopped, thinking about it. “Okay well he might be a drama queen but--”
“You can call him,” You pointed to his pocket.
“I can’t,” He looked down at the ground once again.
“WHY NOT?!” You were getting fed up with him.
“He was….he was super pissed at me for keeping you apart, alright? You’re right. He...he changed his number when he took off, he wants nothing to do with me,”
“So he’s just...gone?” Your voice cracked.
“Sunshine, I promise you. In a few weeks you won’t care about him, and you’re gonna wanna get out of here,”
“Why, you're gonna start adding memory pills to my regiment too?” You scoffed with angry tears in your voice.
“Jesus,” He rolled his eyes. “No, because you’re 22 and you can fall in and out of love like that,” He snapped his fingers.
“No I won’t,” You shook your head. “You’re gonna have to let me out of here or I’ll die in here,”
“God you’re such a--” Sonny sighed in frustration. “I can get them to get you to eat, y’know that right?”
“Do it!” You dared him. “Start treating me like some kind of mental patient, control my life like you think you need to,”
“...I can’t deal with this,” He waved his hands and started to walk away. “I’ll be back in a few weeks, I’m sure you’ll be over this by then,”
“Don’t count on it,” You stomped back into the ward.
A week later
You let the night nurse into your room, she brought your meds and a nightly snack.
“Well, are you excited for tomorrow?” She asked, making conversation.
“...What’s tomorrow?” You asked as your downed your pills.
“Your last day!” She smiled.
“...What?” You quirked an eyebrow.
“Well, honey you’re not here on a court order or probation, and your cousin only paid for 30 days. So, you’re leaving tomorrow!”
“You’re just...you’re just letting me go??” You asked in disbelief.
“You’re not happy about that? I’m sure we could talk to your--” She started.
“No!” You stopped her. “No, No I’m totally excited, ready to get back to real life,”
“Good!” She smiled and patted your head. “Make sure you’re all packed, we’ve already filled this room once you leave,”
“...Of course you have,” You rolled your eyes.
She left and you began to frantically pack, ready to get out of here as fast as possible. You would find Rafael on your own, you knew you could.
Sonny’s phone went off while he was out on a call, he saw it was Whistling Pines so he excused himself from the scene and answered it.
“Yes, Mir. Carisi? This is Sylvia at Whistling Pines, we were just checking on Miss Y/N,”
“....Why would you be checking on her? Don’t you have her?”
“...No sir, she checked out a few days ago,”
“Well it had been 30 days and you had only paid for a month--”
“So you just let her leave?! Why would you do that?!”
“Well sir, for one she’s a grown woman who’s a law abiding citizen, she wasn’t committed here by any kind of law enforcement. And like I said you only paid--”
“For a month,” He growled. “That’s all that matters to you people, isn’t it?”
“Well sir, this is a very expensive--”
“Where did she go?”
“What do you mean where did she go? She left with you,”
“Uh she sure as hell did NOT,”
“...Well she got in a car with a man…”
“Oh my god,” Sonny almost dropped the phone. “I swear to God if something happens to her because of you people I will sue you SO fast--”
“Okay no need to get hysterical,” She began to panic. “Why don’t you just come here and we’ll figure it out…”
“No I think you’ve done enough,” He growled before hanging up on her.
Where the hell had you gone? And with who?!
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kingspadille · 4 years ago
it's official! I'm looking for voice actors!
Why are you looking for voice actors?:
I'm going to be turning my book, Dark Rapture (DARAP) into an audio book! I want each individual character to have a voice.
Are you going to animate this?:
That's the plan! I'm starting off making it an audio book to get my foot in the door. More folks can listen to audio but reading is always hard! Especially if you have mental disorders, work, etc etc so I wanted it to be fun and engaging for everyone!
That being said, I am working up to getting a pitch pilot episode made. I want to take this to a few studios and get it animated. I will need voice actors for that and figured why not kill two birds with one stone.
Will this be paid?:
Yes and no, for the audiobook parts I won't be able to pay unless we can strike up a deal. But if you're chosen for a part you WILL be that character for the pilot and you will be paid for that! Anything to do with the animation will be paid. So promotions, pilot, etc!
Now if my audiobook takes off you will start being paid for your lines there too! But right now the audiobook is not paid but I'm working on that.
How do I audition?:
Go to the link provided and all instructions will be there! You do not need to read the book to get a part. But I recommend it because the book is very good!
Are there any trigger warnings for the book?:
Yes, it's pg-16 so anyone under 16 I recommend listening with someone you trust.
As for the warnings, drugs, sexual content (no sex scenes just implied), alcohol, violence, horror, misgendering/deadnaming, death, gore and blood
This book also talk about religion but it's more a different take on it than anything else.
What is the book about?:
The book is about a transgender man named Abel Lancaster, pictured below, who has to stop the world from being destroyed by a darkness that's been planted in the Earth's core. He has to pair up with archangel Chamuel to understand the powers of mysterious Diadems, uncover a long lost prophecy, save the innocent creatures of the world and stop the darkness from spreading.
A little about my project:
My name is Jonah Winchester, I am a transgender man who has an intense love for the paranormal and scary stories.
I started this project as a Supernatural fanfic that has taken off as it's own thing. I've drawn, written and made everything that has to do with it and my dream is for this to be a TV show on a big streaming service like Netflix! I will make it there I just need to climb the ladder.
This book is full of LGBTQ+ characters, creatures of all kinds, interesting scenes, crazy monsters and all the love I have in the world!
Please consider auditioning, I have a handful of characters I need and I'm adding more every day. If you'd just like to read it book one is completely free! I'm posting chapters slowly while I do this so feel free to read.
Here are the rules, lines and some information:
Here is the official website where you can find information on the lore, see the characters and read the book:
Thank you for reading! Anyone is welcome to try out for this 💖
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