#whumper tricking whumpee
lumpsbumpsandwhumps · 2 years
Even with their growing collection of wounds that throb in various degrees of pain, Whumpee does their best to feign sleep. It's hard to keep a lax expression and limp muscles when every fiber in their being was experiencing some sort of discomfort. Still, they tried. They didn't clench their fists until their whole arms trembled, they didn't squeeze their eyes shut, they didn't quicken their breathing...
So why won't Whumper hurry up and go away!?
Whumpee didn't need to open their eyes to know Whumper was still standing over where they had curled up on the floor, their menacing presence making itself known. Giving up the ruse now would only invite some type of punishment for outright ignoring Whumper, or perhaps they would 'awaken' to a teasing smirk that showed Whumper knew they were faking the entire time. Poor Whumpee couldn't even shudder at the thought lest their captor assumed they were coming out of slumber, ready to start the torment anew.
No, instead they heard the shuffle of fabric as Whumper dropped down to crouch on their haunches, a little closer in height to Whumpee's fetal position. Were they examining for a closer look, trying to determine if this was genuine sleep or unconsciousness, plotting their devious idea of how to bring Whumpee's nightmare into reality? The gnawing anxiety in Whumpee's throat that begged to be released in a whimper was almost too much to bear. Perhaps they should drop the act, get whatever Whumper wanted over w-
A warm hand carded through Whumpee's hair. Not roughly, not ripped through the knots or gripping the base of their scalp to yank their neck to the side. The fingers merely glided through, tucking a few strands out of Whumpee's face and smoothing the frizzier sections down with a couple pets. The same hand moved further down to cup their cheek, Whumper's thumb rubbing against the skin to wipe away the remaining grime that hadn't been washed off by tears.
God, Whumpee was just about ready to combust. There was no way Whumper couldn't feel the tension in their jaw from how tightly they were biting down. As much as they were trying to school their facial muscles into neutrality, the unpleasantness of this entire interaction had to be plain as day on their face. It was tempting to snap their eyes open and give Whumper a good shove backwards just to get them the hell away.
What kind of sick game was this anyhow? Who did Whumper think they were fooling with these sweet gestures? Whumpee knew what those hands currently caressing them were capable of. They had experienced far more pain than gentleness, the latter being nonexistent during their captivity. It was unlikely Whumper had a sudden change of heart, yet whatever taunting they were trying to bait Whumpee with was going on for quite a while without a punchline. There was no sudden pinch or verbal admission they knew Whumpee was awake, no thumb digging into their eye socket, no fistful of their hair being yanked up and slammed back down on the floor.
In fact, just a moment of soft touching later, Whumper withdrew their hand and...left. Footsteps faded back and out of the room, punctuated by the sound of the door quietly being shut behind them and a couple locks clicking in place to ensure Whumpee remained inside. It took another full minute of stillness before Whumpee had the courage to open their eyes and confirm they were indeed alone, no more marred than they had been earlier prior to their attempted nap.
How the fuck were they doing to get any rest after that?
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reds-whump-prompts · 2 years
Whumptober Day 3 - “Say Goodbye”/Gun to Temple
When faced with a hostage Whumpee, Caretaker refuses to give themselves up and leaves them with Whumper. Unbeknownst to Whumpee, Caretaker received a script to follow earlier that evening. Any deviations would have led to Whumpee’s death.
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The whumpee had spent their entire life with the whumper, so punishment and torture was something they expected out of everyone- but their enemies, the people the whumper had raised them to hate- were so kind. The whumpee would be given blankets and food without anything being expected in return. At first it all felt like a trick, but eventually the whumpee didn’t care- lie or not, they preferred their new life.
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mj-iza-writer · 3 months
Whumpee obediently sat off to the side of Whumper's feet while Whumper flipped through the TV channels.
"Nothing on TV today", Whumper sighed and glanced at Whumpee, "pet?"
Whumpee hurried to their knees and crawled to Whumper. They then laid their head on Whumper's lap to wait for head pats or a command.
Whumper squeezed Whumpee's cheeks lovingly, "I am so bored, you got anything to entertain me, I don't care what."
Whumpee thought for a minute and had a thought. Would it be too much they questioned. 'I can test it', Whumpee thought to themself.
They crawled toward the coffee table and eyed a cup of water Whumper was sipping on. They eyed Whumper, who was watching them curiously. They raised a shaky hand towards it.
"No bad pet", Whumper stated, but still with a smile, "no making messes."
Whumpee laid their head on the coffee table and tried their best to make puppy dog eyes. They mustered a whine.
"Thanks for trying", Whumper smiled, "do you need to go outside?"
Whumpee jumped back and crawled towards the door excitedly; ready to go relieve themself. Whumper didn't pick up on their signs earlier.... they had to go bad now.
Whumper scrolled on their phone while Whumpee wandered around the yard.
"Hmm, things every pet should know how to do", Whumper spoke to themself as they started to read a post, "maybe we can work on a new trick."
"Muzzle training", Whumper snickered to themself. They had tried to do muzzle training a few months ago, but Whumpee had no interest at all. It ended in a horrible mess, and Whumper swore never again.
Whumper looked up at Whumpee for a few moments.
"I would like to have them muzzle trained, just to say they were. I would never cover their cute face", Whumper smiled.
"Use peanut butter or whip cream...", Whumper began to read.
Whumper dug through their closet until they found Whumpee's muzzle.
They tried it on themself first.
"Yep, that should still fit comfortably", Whumper smiled.
Whumpee was playing with a toy in the living room when Whumper came in carrying the muzzle, a training clicker, and a whipped cream can.
Whumpee nervously backed away until they bumped into the wall.
"Whumpee come", Whumper sat on the ground, "come on", they sounded cheerful.
Whumpee continued to stare at Whumper nervously. They tried to back even farther into the wall. There was no other exit, Whumper had trapped them. The only way out was trying to run past them or if the wall would move.
"Whumpee, come here", Whumper said a little sterner.
Whumpee shuddered at the stern voice and slowly started to crawl toward Whumper.
"You know better than to disobey", Whumper scolded, "are you a good Whumpee or not?"
"Good Whumpee", Whumpee whispered.
"Then prove it", Whumper held up the muzzle, "I would like you to be trained with this. It's not something permanent, I just want you to be able to do it."
Whumpee looked at the muzzle questioningly.
"I just washed it as well", Whumper patted Whumpee's head, "you'll be alright. I promise I won't let anything hurt you."
Whumpee whined lowly.
"Okay go ahead and give it a sniff", Whumper held it to Whumpee's face.
Whumpee sniffed over the torture device.
*Click... click*
Whumper clicked the clicker to tell Whumpee they did good.
Whumper smiled as they offered Whumpee a treat.
"And sniff again", Whumper held up the muzzle.
Whumpee did as they were told a little quicker this time.
*Click... click*
"Good job Whumpee", Whumper grinned, "I think you'll like this next part, though it's going to be a bit messy."
Whumper sprayed a dab of whipped cream into the muzzle and held it up to Whumpee.
"Clean it up", Whumper smiled.
Whumpee cautiously leaned into the muzzle and gave a small lick before they realized what it was. They lapped the rest up in seconds.
"Muzzle yourself", Whumper made a command.
Whumpee looked up with concern. 'What?', they questioned to themself.
Whumper sprayed more whipped cream into the muzzle and held it up for Whumpee, "clean."
Whumpee quickly leaned into the muzzle and lapped up the sweet cream.
"Muzzle yourself", Whumper commanded again.
Whumpee looked up with a questioning look and cocked their head to the side.
*Click... click*
Whumpee happily received another treat.
"You're doing so good", Whumper stood, "I'll be right back... stay."
Whumper reached for the whipped cream can and sprayed a tiny bit under Whumpee's nose.
They chuckled as they watched Whumpee work to lick the cream off.
Whumper came back with a cleaned muzzle.
"I thought this would be a little messier, but you are doing so good", Whumper sat down again.
"Muzzle yourself", Whumper held up the muzzle.
Without thought, Whumpee leaned into the muzzle. They were disappointed when their was no more cream.
The muzzle suddenly tightened and was locked into place.
Whumpee quickly backed away from Whumper and started to frantically shake their head and paw at the muzzle. They rolled around the floor wildly.
Whumper watched them get their angst out, completely unbothered by Whumpee.
After a few minutes Whumpee made a tired huff and gasped for air.
"You done?", Whumper sighed, "if you come here I'll spray some whipped cream into your mouth."
Whumpee pawed at the muzzle again, before finally crawling to Whumper.
"Alright open your mouth" Whumper held up the can and stuck it into a slot and sprayed the cream into Whumpee's waiting mouth.
After a few minutes Whumper removed the muzzle and let Whumpee rub their face.
"Let's try again", Whumper held up the muzzle, "muzzle yourself."
Whumpee pawed at the clicker and whined.
"No, no clicks until you perform satisfactorily", Whumper shook their head, "muzzle yourself."
Whumpee leaned into the muzzle and shuddered as they felt it tighten and lock.
It took them everything not to try and shake it off again.
Whumper grinned as they sprayed more whipped cream into the muzzle.
Whumpee happily lapped it up again.
*Click... click*
Whumpee coveted that sound.
"Very good job Whumpee", Whumper happily removed the muzzle, "you did so good. I think you will have this down after a few more training sessions."
Whumpee happily rolled on the floor.
"Such a good Whumpee... are you my good Whumpee?", Whumper cooed.
Whumpee happily trotted to Whumper.
"Come here, such a good pet", Whumper praised as they hugged Whumpee tightly, "though you are absolutely sticky from the whipped cream."
"Let's give you one more spray before we get you cleaned up", Whumper held up the can and sprayed into Whumpee's mouth.
After giving Whumpee a bath, Whumper finally settled back on the couch.
Whumpee rested on the floor right under them.
"Let's see if there is anything good on TV now", Whumper reached for the remote, "if not, we might have to find another trick to learn.
Whumpee quietly pleaded that Whumper found something interesting to watch.
"Oh good... you're in luck Whumpee. The new season is out", Whumper chuckled, "I guess you get a break for the rest of today."
Whumpee happily rested their head on a pillow Whumper had given them earlier in the day.
'Thank goodness', Whumpee sighed in relief.
Taglist. As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem at all.
@villainsandheroes @the-beasts-have-arrived @sacredwrath @porschethemermaid @monarchthefirst
@generic-whumperz @bloodyandfrightened @freefallingup13 @notpeppermint @cyborg0109
@idontreallyexistyet @painfulplots @whumpbump @everythingsscary @skittles-the-whumpee
@expressionless-fr @theforeverdyingperson @legendarydelusiongoatee @candleshopmenace @whumpanthems
@lavndvrr @ivymyers @starfields08000 @a-living-canvas @lumpofsand
@watermeezer @indigoviolet311 @whumpy-mountains @3-2-whump @risk606
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defire · 1 month
Cool things you can do if you have a martial artist whumper
Every time they inflict pain it's intentional, and they both know it.
They would know how to do joint locks, nerve pokes etc
The best thing about a joint lock is that it forces whumpee to choose between crumpling (or falling etc as the case may be), or getting something pulled out of joint
And it hurts leading up to it. So imagine whumper has the arm twisted behind whumpee and is questioning them. If they don't answer correctly, the twist gets a little tighter.
They also know how to cause pain without very much damage. Use this as a threat or a method of beating someone into shape.
They don't need to have goons or have whumpee tied for them to feel helpless. they know they couldn't take whumper in a fight.
They can slap hard enough to knock you out. Cue the gaslighting "all I did was slap you"
These whumpers would be great for a domestic whumper or an evil boss
They would have blind spots to exploit if whumpee can calm down. Like just have a gun and keep your distance.
They often are trained in psychological tricks to diffuse a situation or intimidate someone. these could both be useful...
Also if your whumpee is just barely familiar with whumper's techniques, they would be that much more intimidated by their skill level.
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serickswrites · 1 month
Lie Still
@lurkingwhump gave me such a delightful idea for this little piece
Warnings: captivity, torture, restraints, blood, wounds, rescue, unconsciousness, bed side vigil, hospital, hurt/aftermath, hurt/recovery, hurt/comfort, caretaker and whumpee
The world Whumpee lived in was hazy. Hazy and narrow. Logically they knew this meant they weren't going to live much longer, that Whumper had gone too far and cut too deep. Logically they knew that they were bleeding out and would be gone soon. But they were too tired and too cold to care.
They were so tired. They could barely keep their eyes open. Each time their eyes drifted closed, they knew they had to open them again. They couldn't let the last few moments of their life slip away with closed eyes. Even if the world was hazy.
Sounds were muffled and distorted. They thought they had heard Whumper talking to them. Then the sound of a fight. But that didn't make sense. Whumper had them all alone. There was no one else here. Perhaps their mind was playing tricks on them.
But their mind played the cruelest trick of all: Caretaker. They could hear Caretaker calling to them. They began to cry as they realized it was their dying brain trying to soothe them. To give them one last measure of comfort as they faded into oblivion.
"Whumpee, darling, it's ok, you're ok. I've got you," Caretaker murmured in Whumpee's ear.
Whumpee sobbed harder as they lay there, the hallucination of Caretaker stroking their hair as shadows moved in and out of their field of vision. Even though Caretaker was supposed to be a measure of comfort, it hurt Whumpee. Hurt worse than the pain of being cut open repeatedly by Whumper. Hurt more than any torture Whumper had done. Because Caretaker wasn't here, but Whumpee wanted them. Wanted them more than anything.
"Keep your eyes open, darling. You're doing so great. Please, come on. Look at me, Whumpee. I've got you."
Whumpee wanted to look at the hallucination. Wanted to listen to Caretaker's voice. Because even if Caretaker wasn't really here, they were soothed. As Whumpee let themself fade into oblivion, they could have sworn they heard their hallucination crying softly.
Caretaker froze the moment they entered into Whumper's torture chamber. Whumpee was restrained to a metal table in the center of the room, their abdomen and chest cut to ribbons, their blood flowing over the edges of the table and onto the floor. The floor was slick with Whumpee's blood.
"What did they do to you, Whumpee?" Caretaker muttered as they hurried over. The medic had called for them to hurry, that they weren't too late, but it was close.
They could see Whumpee was blinking slowly, their breathing shallow. Between the deep slash marks in their body and blood loss, Caretaker knew Whumpee was going into shock. And if they lost consciousness, Caretaker wasn't sure they would wake up. "I'm here, Whumpee."
Whumpee was unresponsive to their words. "Whumpee, darling, it's ok, you're ok. I've got you," Caretaker murmured in Whumpee's ear.
They were unsure where they could touch Whumpee. Between the team of medics working to stabilize Whumpee and all the injuries on their body, Caretaker wasn't sure where wouldn't hurt. They stroked Whumpee's hair and murmured in Whumpee's ear.
"Keep your eyes open, darling. You're doing so great. Please, come on. Look at me, Whumpee. I've got you."
It didn't matter how much they begged Whumpee to keep awake. They knew Whumpee wouldn't be conscious for much longer. Their only hope was that the medic had done enough to stop the bleeding to get Whumpee to the hospital.
But as they watched Whumpee's eyes close, no longer fluttering open, panic gripped Caretaker's heart. As Whumpee took a stuttering breath and went still beneath the medic's hands, Caretaker looked around, desperate to find any help.
"It's ok, Caretaker, I gave them something to make transport easier," the medic reassured Caretaker. "I'm going to try and dress some of these, it's going to hurt. I want them to be comfortable."
As Whumpee was whisked away from them, Caretaker tried to swallow past the lump in their throat. Whumpee would live. Whumpee had to live. Caretaker wouldn't be able to living in a world without Whumpee.
"What did they do to you, darling?" Caretaker whispered to the near silent room. They had taken up residence in the chair next to Whumpee's bed the moment the doctor said that they could. Whumpee hadn't woken yet, no one was sure when, or even if, Whumpee would wake up.
The only thing that told Caretaker that Whumpee was still alive was the whirring and hissing of the ventilator and the steady, regular beeps of the heart monitor. Whumpee was alive. Whumpee was alive. They weren't too late. They squeezed Whumpee's hand. "Please come back to me, darling. I'm here. I've got you. Please come back to me."
Death would not be good enough for Whumper. Caretaker was going to rip Whumper apart limb from limb the moment Whumpee was stable enough for them to leave. Caretaker couldn't risk leaving and having Whumpee fade away to nothing.
Caretaker's rage was nearly all consuming. To be angry, to be ready to destroy Whumper felt so much better than to give into the terror that had been gripping Caretaker's heart since they found Whumpee. Since they nearly lost Whumpee.
Whumpee was strong. They were a fighter. Caretaker kept reassuring themself that Whumpee would wake soon. That Whumpee would be ok. That they would heal. They wouldn't lose Whumpee. Whumpee would be ok.
Caretaker didn't want to imagine what would happen otherwise.
"Darling, you have to stay in bed," Caretaker urged Whumpee four days later.
Whumpee lay against the pillows, their face glistening with sweat. But they had the look of determination on their face that Caretaker knew was dangerous. "Darling, you are still so weak. Please, please lay back."
"I....I am tired of....being in bed." Whumpee's speech was still stilted, every word and effort for them to get enough breath to speak. Whumper had injured their lungs. Whumpee was determined to stand today. They pushed off again and tried to rise.
"Darling, you will tear your stitches. Please, lay back. For me?" Caretaker put a gentle hand on Whumpee's shoulder and guided them back down to the pillows.
Whumpee didn't want to admit it, but Caretaker was right. They were so exhausted. What little energy they had evaporated with their attempt to sit up in bed. "Maybe....maybe I....could nap....for a while."
Caretaker smiled softly at Whumpee. "I think that's a great idea, darling." Caretaker took Whumpee's hand in their and squeezed. "I'll watch over you. Rest, please, darling."
Whumpee's eyelids slipped closed as they could no longer fight the weight. "Love you," Whumpee muttered as sleep claimed them again.
"I love you, too," Caretaker said as they leaned down and kissed Whumpee's forehead.
Which is why they were going to end Whumper at the first opportunity they could. Caretaker knew that their colleagues wouldn't let them get close to Whumper. Wouldn't let them be alone in a room. Still, there was always the opportunity for something. Because death was not good enough for Whumper. Not after everything they put Whumpee through.
"Sleep, darling, I'll keep you safe. I'll always keep you safe. I love you so much, darling," Caretaker murmured again as they watched Whumpee relax into a deeper sleep.
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An idea: whumpee bound with their hands behind their back and a collar around their neck.
The key is dangling from the collar, right against their throat
Make sure their hands/wrists are also attached to a wall or smth though, otherwise they’ll just use the trick™️ to bring their hands to the front.
BUT YES YES YES. Oh imagine that helplessness, the humiliation— having the literal key to your freedom so close yet so far. A perfect taunt. Bonus if whumper pulls them forward by and/or generally manhandles them by the key.
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a-living-canvas · 24 days
Little Italy
"Dad, please…"
Whumpee yelped in pain as Whumper's hand gripped tightly around his throat. The cold glare coming from the older man made Whumpee started whimpering uncontrollably.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry, dad!"
"That's better." Whumper huffed out a sigh, releasing his hold before picking up the newspaper again. Whumpee was kneeling in front of him on the floor, wrists tied together with his ankles on the back.
He bit his bottom lip, trying to stifle any sounds to give Whumper a peaceful Sunday afternoon. He flinched slightly as Whumper's hand gently ran through his hair. Believe it or not, it melted his heart a little.
He never had a good father before. His father used to beat him up all day and night, stealing his money and emotionally abusing him.
But with Whumper…
Sure, Whumper did the same thing to him, even worse than his father but the comfort that came after that? Oh, it felt so good. Whumper would embrace him in a hug aftermath of the torture, praises him, gives him a nice bath and says he's a good boy for being so obedient.
At some point, he thought he might loves—
"Dad, I really need to pee right now…"
Whumper hummed, twirling Whumpee's soft lock around his fingers. Silence enveloped them for a moment before Whumpee tried again. "Dad—"
"I heard you the first time, kiddo."
Whumpee put the newspaper down on the table before motioning Whumpee to turn around. The boy obeyed, getting into position before Whumper working on the rope around his wrists and ankles. 
"Make a cup of tea on your way back, hm?"
Whumpee nodded. "Okay…"
"Okay what?"
"Okay Dad."
"Good boy."
Whumpee rubbed his wrist, wriggling it a little before standing up on his feet. He nearly stumbled forward as he steadied himself. Whumpee's face flushed in embarrassment as he heard a soft chuckle coming from Whumper.
After finishing using the toilet, Whumpee made his way to the kitchen counter when he saw the backdoor slightly…open. It's a slide door that will lock automatically once closed. The only way to unlock it was with a key, and Whumpee until now had no courage to steal it from Whumper.
Did he forget to close it back?
Whumpee glanced at Whumper in the living room, seeing the man resting his chin on his knuckles while reading the newspaper. Is this a trick?
Maybe, it could be.
Whumpee walked closer to the door, occasionally looking out for Whumper. He didn't want to be caught in action. He stared at the door, peeking through the small gap that separated him from the outside world.
He should escape, right? Away from Whumper and back to…to his abusive father?
Without a second thought, Whumpee slid the door closed. He watched as the lock got into place and made a small sound.
There. He just ruined his chance to escape from the house. Whumpee sighed, more in relief than regret because it felt as if he did the right thing. Whumper would be proud of him if he knew. 
Whumpee made his way to the kitchen counter again, preparing one cup of tea for Whumper. As he finished, he poured the brown liquid into Whumper's favourite teacup and brought it to the living room, placing it on the coffee table.
Whumper ruffled his hair before sipping on the tea. He kneeled down again on the floor, resting his chin on Whumper's lap as he looked up at him. "This tastes good." Whumper squeezed Whumpee's cheek gently. "Thank you, son."
Whumpee smiled, "You're welcome, Dad."
Prompt idea by @whump-bunny
@nothing-but-glitter-and-lashes @watermelons-dont-grow-on-trees @failgiao891 @jennyyy007 @possumhoe @theforeverdyingperson @valravnthefrenchie
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justbreakonme · 1 year
Whumpee liked many things about Caretaker.
They had a soft, kind voice, with soft kind hands, and even softer, kinder eyes.
They laughed a lot, and made him laugh too, and didn’t seem to notice when he laughed too long or too loudly or too gracelessly.
They gave him food, nice things, and clothes that fit, and a bed (a real bed, just for them!), but… There was one thing in particular that Whumpee liked the most.
See, Whumpee had never needed to be broken. They’d never dare intentionally step out of line, not even in their wildest dreams or most terrifying nightmares. But, they were flawed. Deeply. And made many mistakes.
But, where Whumper had attributed those mistakes to malice, Caretaker merely corrected him, forgave him, helped him.
He remembered fondly (oh how strange to remember anything fondly) the day Caretaker first brought him home. He had tripped over the edge of the welcome mat, and fell hard, knocking the coat rack down with him.
He had been braced for blows, or at best the yelling and screaming that always reduced him to tears, but, instead, Caretaker had crouched down and asked if he was okay. He had stared, blankly (stupidly), at them, covered in coats and scarves, until Caretaker had moved to help him. He’d flinched, and Caretaker still hadn’t struck him. Instead, they offered a hand, and helped him up.
Caretaker smiled, awkward and toothy and more beautiful than anything he’d ever seen, and apologized, (apologized, to him, of all things!) making a little joke about how welcome mat wasn’t very welcoming.
Whumpee had stared for a moment more, still braced for this all to be a trick. Then, it was like something inside him broke, like a rubber band snapping, and he laughed. He’d laughed, hysterical and ugly, till tears came to his eyes, and then couldn’t stop them.
He’d begged through tears that he was sorry, that he was trying to be good (an old habit that had still never died, despite having every reason to), but Caretaker still didn’t raise a hand against him.
He didn’t remember all the details, after that, only that Caretaker had brought him into the kitchen, and given him a mug of something warm and sweet, and sat down across from him. And had let him cry, only interrupting to assure him that he was not in trouble and to hand him a tissue.
Yes, Whumpee liked many things about Caretaker. Their heart most of all.
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fleur-a-whump · 1 month
Overloaded (#4)
Rocky Reunions Pt. 1
Surprise! This shit went FAST.
Guys I’m so excited. Caretaker has joined the chat! Fair warning, our caretaker cusses like a sailor (aka I’m indulging my fondness for the word fuck)
CW: physical violence, electrocution, shock collar, hero whumper, ex-villain whumpee, veiled threats
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Kai was idling in the hall, absolutely dreading the impending meeting. He knew it was important; knew the reasoning behind regular Hero League briefings. But they were just so boring.
He had sent his team ahead of him into the massive semi-circle auditorium that was currently filling to the brim with just about every hero in the League. If he already wasn’t looking forward to spending the whole meeting sitting still, he definitely didn’t feel like going in early and suffering small talk with teams he didn’t know.
He was planning to pace the hall just outside one of the main entrances until the meeting started, but the weird looks he’s getting combined with the cacophony of chattering heroes spilling out quickly becomes too much. He wanders deeper into the maze of hallways as he tries not to think about what the meeting will be about. He’s sure it will either stress him out or piss him off. Or both. That’s happened before.
There was a bathroom down this hallway. Figures he’d make his way to water. He lets his core pull him even closer, feeling the water flow all around him through the pipes. Kai turns the sink’s faucet just long enough to manipulate some water flow through the air. He sends it flying back and forth between and around his hands, playing with it like a fidget toy. The water flattens down to a thin disk between his hands before he pops it up to spin on the tip of his finger. It was his newest trick he’d been working on.
Kai is suddenly startled by a rough groan and a shaky, quiet voice exhaling a curse. The precarious disk splashes down over his hand as he loses his concentration. He shakes it off as he peeks down the bathroom corridor. The stalls are all open, but he can make out someone kneeling in the last one.
He sighs as he moves towards it, knowing he’ll probably regret it. He knocks lightly as he edges his way in.
“You good, man?” he calls.
The man kneeling in front of the toilet nods and takes a breath, only to lurch forward, dry heaving. He shudders violently in his crouched position, swaying.
Kai is behind him in a moment, steadying him by one shoulder. He stands there sort of awkwardly while he makes sure the dude isn’t about to crack his skull on the tile.
“Is, uh, is there anyone I could get to help you maybe?” he asks, equal parts concerned and uncomfortable.
It seems like the man hesitates before shaking his head. He spits into the toilet one last time before slowly, shakily rising to his feet. Kai backs off to give him space. He wipes his mouth and flushes the toilet before turning towards Kai.
Time seems to slow as the man turns towards him. Kai’s eyes narrow as he meets unmistakeable bright blue eyes and curly brown hair, mussed and sweaty but recognizable. Despite not wearing his typical gas mask-like villain disguise, Kai’s all but sure he’s looking at a notorious villain.
Tinker stiffens just slightly, enough to confirm Kai’s suspicions.
He lunges.
Two pipes on either side of the villain suddenly burst at the pull of the superhero’s powers. Water rushes fast and unforgiving, slamming into the villain’s chest with sufficient force to throw him into the tiled wall. Kai directs the water to pin and encase his charged hands for good measure. He lets out a strangled groan at the pain of being thrown into the wall and gasps to catch his breath.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Kai growls.
He lets out a breathy chuckle as he adapts to the situation, scrutinizing Kai for a moment. “Nalu! I missed you, man. Didn’t you miss me?” the villain jokes with a playful grin, only a slight strain to his words hinting at the immense pressure of water on his chest.
“I'm not fucking playing around, Tinker,” he snaps. “Look around. We're in a bathroom. I could drown you without even trying.” His powers pull at the water just beyond his fingertips, ratting the pipes and fixtures for good measure.
Tinker's grin melts off his face, just fast enough that Kai knows it was a front. “Look man, I'm supposed to be here. I promise, just ask Miguel Toro, ask Shadow.”
“How the fuck do you know that name?”
“I—because, dude!” Tinker bursts, then immediately flinches slightly at his own outburst. Kai raises an eyebrow at him, and Tinker sighs with another little groan.
“I-I know him because, I told you, I’m supposed to be here. I’m on his team,” Tinker says in measured words, clearly trying to control his frustration.
Kai glares down at him, trying to read the kid. He was a few inches shorter than Kai and looked skinnier than he’d last seen him. Dark circles like bruises stained his under his eyes, making his already intense blue eyes stand out even more. He’s slightly green still—a subtle sheen of sweat across his forehead—from being sick. From this close, he could just make out the faint edge of a bruised jaw and cheek covered with makeup. The kid doesn’t look too hot. Weird.
Most importantly, though, Kai can’t see any sign the villain is lying. He is a villain and being a good liar is practically Villain 101, but Kai can’t imagine how he could possibly know Shadow’s real name besides him now, bizarrely, being with the Hero League.
He sighs, easing back on the water pressure. Tinker drags in a deep breath.
“What do you mean you’re supposed to be here?” Kai prods.
“I’m—the new villain reform initiative, I’m the guinea pig. I came to the Hero League; they—they’re giving me a chance,” the villain says quietly.
Kai scrutinizes him one more moment before sighing and pulling the water away from. The kid slumps against the wall when he’s released, breathing heavily. If he didn’t know any better, he’d think Tinker was more hyperventilating with fear than anything else. But this is Psychosis’ protege; he’s one of the most notorious new villains in the city. He's bested Kai several times. There’s no way he’s that afraid.
Kai forces the water back into the pipes he burst, wincing slightly at the damage. Two very burst pipes and maybe a dozen destroyed tiles. Plus the holes in the wall. He might’ve gotten a little carried away again. He grabs the villain’s arm tightly, freezing the holes in the pipes shut and making a mental note to let his supervisor know. Mari was gonna kill him. Six pipes this month. He sighs and shakes his head.
“Come on, let’s go find Miguel,” Kai grinds out, frustrated that this was now his problem. He pulls the pliant villain out of the bathroom with a tight grip on his arm.
They make their way through the halls in tense silence, only occasionally interrupted by Kai’s huffing and annoyed grumbling as it takes longer and longer to find Miguel in the maze of hallways around the auditorium.
Kai is just about ready to start yelling again when he suddenly feels a sharp, painful jolt of electricity shoot up his arm. He swears loudly, dropping the villain’s arm as fast as he can. He’s about to burst some more pipes in preparation for a fight when he realizes Tinker has yelped in clear pain and completely collapsed to the ground. The kid’s muscles are so tense it looks painful as he twitches and groans on the floor.
What the fuck, Kai thinks.
He crouches next to the villain, who’s clearly in severe pain, not sure what to do. Since when did Tinker’s electricity hurt him? Kai’s seen him use his powers plenty of times before, and he’s never seen anything like this. Is this some kind of weird trap? He doesn’t touch the kid, not wanting to get shocked himself, but his hands hover over him, not sure what to do.
Eventually, it seems like the electricity that’s rendering the villain totally immobile subsides and he gasps, tears suddenly spilling over. He shakes and quivers through the aftershocks, gulping oxygen. His pain seems too genuine for this to be a trap.
He puts his hand on the kid’s arm and he flinches like he’s been burned. The kid whimpers in pain, eyes glazed over and not quite there. Kai realizes he’s mumbling something under his breath and leans closer. He can just barely make out what the kid is saying.
“I-I’ll be g-good, I’m sorry. I’m trying, p-please, I’m s-sorry,” he stutters.
Kai grabs his arms a little more firmly this time and doesn’t let go even when the villain flinches again. He shakes the trembling kid lightly, trying to get him to snap out of it.
“Tinker? Come on, man. What the hell is going on?”
Tinker’s eyes eventually clear. He blinks up at Kai—so openly vulnerable and confused and scared that it startles him. He’s not sure what to do with that, so he decides to focus on anchoring Tinker in the moment, clearing his throat.
“There you are. You good?”
Tinker gives him a hesitant and shaky nod that’s not really convincing. Kai watches as the kid blinks a few times and a clearly well-practiced mask slips into place, hiding the raw emotions he just witnessed. He struggles to push himself into a sitting position, and Kai helps him sit up.
“What the fuck was that?” Kai asks when he seems more lucid.
“Uh, it’s—well, it’s a warning. Miguel must be l-looking for me. I-I have to get back to him, like now,” he says, a little panicked.
He struggles to his feet before Kai can do anything to help. He has to stand quickly himself to steady the villain before he crashes to the floor again. His steps are clumsy and unsteady, but urgent as he looks around, trying to find his way back to Miguel.
Kai hurries after him, even more confused and alarmed now.
“Wait, what the fuck do you mean ‘a warning’? Was that not your powers?”
Tinker shakes his head, pulling the collar of his shirt to the side wordlessly to expose a thin metal ring around his neck. Like a collar.
“Again, and I cannot stress this enough, what the fuck?” Kai exclaims.
The villain shakes his head, dismissing Kai’s question, and suddenly lets out a very relieved sigh when he peaks around the corner.
“Miguel! I’m right here!”
Kai follows after the villain, now jogging towards Toro.
Miguel does not look happy. “Get the fuck over here, Jasper. Where the hell did you go?”
Jasper? Kai thinks. It’s strange to think of the villain as anything other than his villain moniker.
Jasper slows slightly, nerves returning to his shaking frame. “I-I’m sorry, I’m really sorry, I was sick and, and then, uh,” he breaks off, looking back pleadingly at Kai for support.
Kai’s really not sure why he opens his mouth. But he does.
“Yeah, I, uh, held him up. That’s my bad.” It wasn’t technically a lie. He fixes his gaze on the team leader, “Um, he’s on your team, Miguel?” he asks.
“We’re keeping an eye on him.”
Kai could swear he sees Jasper deflate a little out of the corner of his eye.
“You’re getting ready to hear about it. Why don’t you head in to sit with your team, Kai? We’ve gotta go get Tinker here set up,” Miguel says, stiffly, grabbing Jasper’s arm tightly and starting to tug him away.
Jasper looks back at him once more, gratefulness and something else hard to read, something maybe like resigned fear, swirling in his eyes.
Kai watches the pair go, Miguel pulling Jasper close by the collar of his shirt as he drags him down the hall, whispering something sharp and terse in his ear. The villain tenses, stiff but yet still pliant in Miguel’s grip.
Kai sighs to himself.
What the fuck.
Grumpy caretaker is grumpy! Not sure when or how that happened because I really didn’t plan on him being grumpy he just kinda manifested that way lmao. He a little confused but he’ll get the spirit I promise. Elijah might have to bully him into it a little bit tho.
tags!! hello again!! I love you!! I hope this actually works this time!! lmk if you wanna be added or removed anytime :)
@whumpsday @sergeant-jasper @watermelons-dont-grow-on-trees @crystalrose141 @aloafofbreadwithanxiety
@paingoes @elizaisnotokay @quaggasus @defire @tonystark604
@writereleaserepeat @whump-queen @clickerflight @gliittergelpens @kawaii-cakes
@whump-in-a-million @scoundrelwithboba
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Put to Sleep
Based on this prompt!
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The cell door opened with a harsh screeching sound of metal against metal. Whumpee squinted against the light. Whumper strode in, roughly hoisting them to their feet and dragging them over to a table.
“I’m done with you, Whumpee,” Whumper said, “you’re much too broken for me to do anything with. So I’m putting you to sleep like the old dog you are.”
Whumpee��s dull eyes widened. For the first time in months, they fought against Whumper’s iron-grip.
“No! I’m only acting how you want me to! You can’t-!”
Whumper ingored them, instead wrangling them onto the table and strapping them down excessively. They took an alcohol pad and wiped down the crook of Whumpee’s elbow. No, no no no no no. This was just a trick- it had to be a trick. Why would Whumper kill them now? Whumpee didn’t want to die, why was this happening- was it something they said? Something they did in the past? Some kind of divine punishment for whatever reason!? Whumpee didn’t want to die! They didn’t want to!
The needle came into view and Whumpee burst into tears.
“Whumper! Whumper, please! Please, I don’t wanna die, I don’t want to be put to sleep, please Whumper!”
“Now now, there’s no use fighting about it. I’m putting you to sleep.”
Whumper jammed it into Whumpee’s skin and pressed down on the depressor, flooding their system with the drug.
“NOOOOOOOOOOO!” Whumpee shrieked.
“There now, it’s done.”
This was it then? This was really it. There was no undoing this. Even as Whumpee panicked they began to feel sleepy. They didn’t want to go to sleep, they didn’t want to! They… they didn’t want to… they didn’t…
The afterlife looked a lot different than Whumpee expected. For one thing, they still felt all their bruises and cuts from the previous months in captivity- they thought Heaven would take care of all that. That would’ve led them to conclude that they were in the Other Place, but when they opened their eyes, such conclusions went away. They were in a large, lavish bedroom, in a big, plush bed. The covers were pulled up to their chin, and the window let in a stream of sunlight. Okay, so not Heaven, not… the opposite… then where?
“Hello, little one,” someone said.
Whumpee turned sluggishly. Their body was still half-asleep. They stared at this mystery person who had apparently been sitting next to them the whole time. Whumpee spoke over the lump forming in their throat.
“Is this… Purgatory?” they sniffled.
The stranger laughed.
“No,” they said gently, “you’re not dead, Whumpee.”
Whumpee’s brows slowly furrowed in confusion. What did they mean?
“But Whumper said…”
“What? What did they say?” the stranger asked, mirroring Whumpee’s expression.
“They said they were going to put me to sleep. They… they did put me to sleep!”
The stranger stared with wide eyes, then suddenly drew Whumpee in and hugged them close.
“Oh my poor little Whumpee,” they cooed, “they were playing with your fear. No. I requested that you be rendered unconscious for the journey here, nothing more.”
“You… you requested…?”
“My name is Carewhumper,” they said, “and when I saw what that monster was doing to you, I took the liberty of purchasing you from them. Not to worry. They won’t have time to spend a cent of the money before my men get through with them.”
“So… I’m not going to die?” Whumpee asked timidly.
“No. I’m going to make sure that you’re taken care of. You’re going to live.”
Whumpee stared in amazement, then burst into tears. Carewhumper rubbed their back soothingly, rocking them back and forth ever so slightly.
It was only when Whumpee’s tears had dried that Carewhumper pulled away.
“There now,” they said, “why don’t we get you fed? You look like you haven’t had a proper meal in months.”
Carewhumper helped Whumpee out of bed and escorted them down to the kitchen where a hearty breakfast was waiting for them.
Whumper cowered at the business-end of Henchman’s gun.
“Say the word, and they’re gone,” Henchman said into their earpiece.
“Do it.” Carewhumper’s voice crackled.
A loud bang, and Henchman put Whumper to sleep.
@mythixmagic @infinityshadows @fishtale88 @thelazywitchphotographer @the-beasts-have-arrived @princessofonwardsworld @surplus-of-sarcasm @memepsychowhowantsuperpower-blog
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loonybun · 7 months
hi thinking of circus whump rn and gonna make it your problem
- one of those classic sword box tricks, but it’s very much real. I think with an immortal whumpee that would be pretty neat.
- sad clown whumpee breaking down mid-performance, sobbing to the audience and letting go of years of anguish… Only to be quickly interrupted with a quick punchline from another clown! The audience, none the wiser, roars with laughter.
- a caged inhuman/supernatural whumpee being awed at as they’re paraded through the tent. get a whole freak show while you’re at it!
- a very poorly trained acrobat whumpee being forced to walk a high tightrope. without a net, obviously.
- a whumper as a ringmaster, showing clear favoritism towards the better performing acts of the night and giving them special privileges like decent food.
- saw this one comment under a song that suggested a faerie circus (as in faeries putting humans in a circus) and it has not and will never leave my brain. the POTENTIAL.
- bleeding out backstage. there’s no medical care in sight. you’d expect a circus to have better health insurance.
- a whumpee or caretaker looking after or finding comfort in the animals in the circus. just trying to provide them with more care than they were given.
- evil clowns! if you like evil clowns, why not use em? clown whumpers clown whumpers clown whumpers…..
if you write anything using these please tag me i will go nuts.
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I love the pet whump
Any ideas for someone who was publicly a pet of rich/famous whumper
There's a couple different possible setups... love imagining the logistics of a world with casual, accepted human/android/anthro/etc pets. Are celebrities bringing them leashed on the runway like purse dogs? Are they included in "no pet" signs outside establishments?
My first thought for this ask was Whumpee as the pet of a popular Youtuber/livestreamer. Like. Take every horrible thing that's ever proliferated from prank channels and "funny animal" channels.
Pranking my pet GONE WRONG!! (Pet becomes genuinely terrified and has a panic attack on camera)
Pet's been acting out.... Twitch chat gets to vote on how I punish them! On camera! 💕
Twitch chat votes to be nice to pet. Whumper makes them say thank you to the camera.
Whumper takes brand sponsorships from companies that make "training" (torture) tools for pets.
But they also make rewards like treats and nice pillows! So it's fine!
Humiliating videos of pet learning a new skill or trick. It's very cute and endearing how gently they're being condescended to.
A couple other Youtubers raise concerns that Whumper is mistreating pet; Whumper responds with videos of pet curled up asleep in their lap like, "Would a bad owner do THIS??"
Pet is eventually rescued by or sold to a rights advocacy group, but lives in constant fear of being recognized.
Pet has a really, really hard time believing in kindness for the sake of kindness. Whenever Caretaker is gentle with them, they start automatically looking around for a camera or a hidden trap.
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abhainnwhump · 8 months
Defiant Whumpee with the ability to see the future is stuck in captivity. They see their future self broken and conditioned without any fight left in them. No matter what they choose, they will always end up as Whumper's pet. The question is just when and what will do the trick.
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martyr-inthedark · 3 days
Favorite Food
Tw: food whump, aftermath of torture, unreliable narrator, unreality
"Whumpee, what is your favorite food?"
Whumpee's eyes snapped to look up towards Whumper (not at him, never to look at him).
"S-sorry, sir?" It's best to ask for clarification than to do anything too soon. It was a lesson that caused Whumpee to chip a few too many teeth. Their heart pounded in their ears. It's been so long since they've heard their own name.
"I said," Whumper's fingers tapped the table he was sitting at, and his nose crinkled, "Whumpee, what is your favorite food?"
Dread swelled in Whumpee's chest. There was a right answer, surely. They took a breath, a whimper escaping their throat. Did they really have a say? Was this just another trick? A test Whumpee was doomed to fail? There were two options. They could be honest, and risk Whumper ruining another part of their identity. Or, they could lie, and Whumper could punish them for lying (he knew every time, the bastard-).
"Everything okay?" An intense blush filled Whumpee's pale face. Shit. Shit, they took too long. There was a right answer to this riddle. There had to be.
"Sorry, my lord. I am only deserving of what you give me," Whumpee finally choked out. They did not see but rather felt Whumper's eyes fall on their face for the first time all day. They could do nothing under his gaze except tremble on their knees and silently pray for mercy. They sat listening to the gentle 'hmph' from their master.
Whumpee flinched when Whumper stroked their hair, their first sign of affection in a long time. Whumpee wilted into their hand as cold finger tips traced down the side of their head, pushing hair behind their ear, falling down their cheek and finally landing under their chin. Whumpee's lip trembled as their gaze was directed to Whumper's fierce expression.
"Oh, my poor doll," Whumper tsked. Whumpee's new tears followed the same route Whumper's fingers did just moments before. "Whumpee, what is your favorite food?"
"I'm sorry," Whumpee started, mostly to soothe the risk that Whumper was getting frustrated with them, but also to buy themselves a moment to think. They had not thought of their favorite food in so long, after realizing that going home was not an option (anything to ease the pain of loss). Thinking back to a time that felt far away, it came to them, what they missed most. "I'm s-my apologies, sir. Um. I really love... it's hard to pick. Potato soup, or really any soup. Mostly potatoes. Sir."
"That's really interesting." Whumper let go of their chin and their eyes finally fell to their rightful place on the floor.
"Sorry," Whumpee whispered, falling quiet once more. They braced themselves for a bitter insult, a smack on the back of the head, anything, and nothing ever came. They continued to silently cry. What was Whumper going to do? They answered the question. Was it right? The not-knowing was killing them. How could they be good for Master if they didn't know what he wanted?
Evening rolled around and Whumper beckoned Whumpee to sit at the table. Dinner had been set, and Whumpee sank into their seat, not wishing to further annoy their master. It wasn't unusual for Whumper to want Whumpee to sit with them. However, it was rare that they had a plate or bowl, and the conversation from earlier still haunted their day. Whumper gestured, and Whumpee lifted the cover off their meal, and—
Potato soup.
Slack-jawed and wide-eyed they dared to look up at Whumper. This wasn't for them, it couldn't be. Whumper had already started eating, and though he had his mouth full, he commanded Whumpee to eat. Tears swelled in their eyes and they shook their head. They weren't supposed to eat until Master was done.
"Whumpee," Whumper warned.
Whumpee flinched. Whumper's chair scraped against the floor as he stood up. Whumpee shuttered at every slow step toward them. Finally, Whumper crouched down below Whumpee, taking their quivering hands.
"Look at me, sweetheart," Whumper said, gently stroking Whumpee's forearm. Whumpee sniffled and did as asked. Whumpee, for the first time all day, saw Caretaker's loving and concerned eyes. "The soup is for you, Whumpee. Just for you. You can eat it, or not eat it. Whenever you want. If you want to wait for me to leave, that is okay. If you want to eat it now, that is okay, too. Your decision is safe here, okay?"
Whumpee nodded, and wept. And they wept hard. No sniffles. No simple tears. They properly wept as Whumper-no-Caretaker pulled their starving frame into a hug.
"I'm not going to hurt you."
"I'm so sorry, Caretaker." All Whumpee could do was breathe out the words between sobs. They never felt more broken, more irreparable, than right there in the reality of Caretaker's arms.
"I know, doll, I know. You don't have to be."
"I thought—I must be an awful person—I thought you were him."
"You're okay. You're not in trouble. I'm glad you see me, now. I'm glad you're here."
Whumpee felt sick of themselves. They wished for a day they could wake up in the morning and feel whole. They wished for a day they weren't afraid of blinking wrong. They wished for a day where they could just eat their favorite food and it not be cold from waiting on them to get over their meltdown.
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Hi, I just found your blog! I’m currently writing my first whump story, and the way Whumpers make sure Whumpee doesn’t escape is by cutting his Achilles’ tendons. Do you have any references for how painful that would be, or how I can write someone being in agony?
***trigger warning: mentions of open wounds and torture***
you are off to a great and strong start here, anon. Achilles’ tendons? damn, that is… sadistic (and I mean this in a good way!). I’m surprised the method is so underrated in the Whump Writing community, especially when it’s one of the most painful ways to torture a character.
before we go into deeper details, I’m adding a picture here for anybody else, who comes across this post, who wasn’t sure where a person’s Achilles’ tendons were
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as to your question about how painful it’d be, that would depend on how the “procedure” was done; did whumper severe the tendons when whumpee was unconscious (and therefore they woke up with the inability to walk) or did whumper cut the tendons when whumpee was awake and could feel that pain causing through their body as it happened.
in general, torn Achilles’ tendons would immediately result in sharp pain in the back of one’s ankles and lower legs. depends on how severe the injury is, the ability to walk will be affected by this, if they could still somewhat walk. though I assume you intend to take away your character’s ability to walk altogether, so the complete rupture of Achilles’ tendons would do the trick, especially if it was an open wound — that isn’t done ‘surgically’ — so the wound isn’t properly stitched. (so your whumper outright slashes whumpee with a knife when they’re awake and screaming.)
“how painful would it be?” — I’d say if your whumper slashes their whumpee with a blade when whumpee was awake, that would result in a ’screaming in agony and excruciating pain at the top of their lungs, screaming until the inside of their throat bled’ kind of pain (if they could scream). though if they were unconscious when it happened and woke up to wounds that weren’t open (so whumper had already stitched the cuts), that would still result in severe sharp pain. your whumpee probably wouldn’t be actively screaming, but the pain would still be there, and it would intensify if whumpee attempted to walk.
tap here for guidance on “how to write a character who is in agony”
bonus: if you want to get an even more detailed idea of how a character reacts to having the back of their ankles slashed open, check out Hostel movie (2005), there’s a scene where one of the antagonists used this very technique to prevent their victim from escaping. but the film overall is graphic, so do your research about all the trigger warnings it contains before giving it a watch.
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