#whumpee begging Whumper to just start hurting them already
acer-whumpstuff · 3 months
I had eye surgery a few years back. It was so whumpy. Just a brief thing inspired by this experience. Could be whumper, could be Caretaker doing necessary medical care. Whatever
Whumpee: *whimpering*
Other character: *pauses, slows down*
Whumpee: just do it already!
Other character: *continues*
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whumpitisthen · 3 months
Whumper who is part of the team 💞
I left a bit of a tag dump on a largely unrelated post about how much I adore Whumper who is part of the good guy team, and I have decided to make a post about it as the more I think about this concept the less normal I become so here it is
Whumper is part of the team, but everyone knows to be wary of them
Although they are dangerous, scary and even sadistic at times, everyone agrees that having their power and intelligence on our side is much better than to have them be on the enemy team instead
Because of what they bring to the team — and also because everyone is a little scared of them — Whumper's faults are a little easier tolerated than other teammates', and a young Whumpee who always gets in trouble and hasn't really had the time to get to know Whumper might find this blatant favouritism a little frustrating
Whumper also doesn't have to train all the time, or be present for strategy briefings, or to even really go out on missions with the team. They are always on their own, left to do their own thing, go on special, dangerous missions and the rest of the plan the team must follow tends to center around Whumper
A rookie Whumpee may be annoyed that Whumper gets to do all that, they may become curious of what Whumper really does, or even start idolising Whumper, because they are clearly so strong and smart and trusted, they must be so cool. They probably should not do any of that.
Nobody bothers Whumper when they're in a bad mood. Nobody enters Whumper's room under any circumstances, especially not alone. Nobody shall mention "the previous Whumpee" around Whumper. If Whumper is in a strange, unsettling mood, and seems a bit too friendly and interested in you specifically, you excuse yourself and make a swift escape from the situation. Call Leader if Whumper won't leave you alone. These, and many more rules are set in stone at HQ, and Whumpee is more than a little terrified of Whumper every time they learn of another weird unspoken rule that everyone knows to follow
Whumper loves rookies, and tends to play up their mysterious, dangerous persona in front of them for fun. A disgruntled Medic bumbles something about not letting Whumper get to them, but Whumpee has been sufficiently got to already, staring at Whumper with wide eyes
For whatever reason, Whumper and Whumpee are on a solo mission together. Whumpee is intimidated by Whumper, a little scared that they will follow up on a threat or insinuation they had made before about hurting them, but what actually happens is that Whumpee gets to witness first-hand the brutal efficiency and cruelty with which Whumper works, watching as they tear through the problem effortlessly, mowing through an operation that would have taken the rest of the team a whole week and careful planning to succeed at. Whumper tells them this was just a small favour, nothing major. They finally start understanding Whumper, and why they are such an important part of the team
Whumper leaves for a while, and Whumpee's first time hearing about them is through a desperate team begging them to come back when they face an unkillable, unspeakably powerful threat that they tried and failed to stop. Whumper shows up last minute, and fixes the issue in the snap of a finger with a smile on their face, mentioning how Leader could've just told them how much they missed them and they would've come back
The absolute, horrid carnage Whumper leaves after 'fixing' the team's issue leaves the whole team speechless, suddenly reminded in a massive, unbelievable show of strength and cruelty of just how powerful Whumper truly is. Whumpee has a lot of questions about Whumper for the team after that, namely: who the hell was that?; what the hell did they just do?; and oh my god, what the fuck?
After days of missing, Whumpee is found in Whumper's room tied to a chair, evidently kept there and tortured. Whumpee is so glad to have been found, yelling about how Whumper has always been so weird and unsettling, and how they bullied them and abused them all the time, and how they can't wait for them to be gone, but Medic has to tell them with an aching heart as they fix up their countless injuries that they always knew Whumper hurt them, and that they can't do much about it. Not even Leader can get them to behave without fucking up the system they have in place, and they simply can't afford to do that to the entire rest of the team. The best Whumpee can do is avoid them, or leave the team altogether — but Whumper might go catch them again if they try.
Whenever the team fails to interrogate someone, Whumper is sent in. They are always successful. Whumpee is sent down to ask if Whumper found out what they need to know, and is horrified by the state of the prisoner. Even worse, once they hear everything they need to know, Whumper ushers them out, ready to continue the torture. Whumpee innocently asks them what for if they already know everything they need to, and Whumper pauses to grin at them and ask if they want to join and see.
For a more found family type team: Whumper joins the dinner table for the first time. Everyone falls quiet. Or alternatively: Whumper stops having dinner with them. Whumpee grows concerned and brings a plateful up to Whumper's room. They do not appreciate it as much a Whumpee thought they would. This can go in so many different directions from soft fluff to just horrible awful times
Whumper reminds Leader of how voluntary their subordinacy is by roughing them or a teammate up a bit and showing them how helpless they would be if they decided to get on Whumper's bad side
Whumper is Leader.
Whumper is Medic
Whumper is indesposable
A hostage taken from the enemy confesses to how badly Whumper hurt their own teammates all the time, and shows some very nasty scars Whumper left on them too. The team is horrified
Whumper has something to hide, so they don't let their ex teammate spill anything, killing them before they can, or shutting them up any time they try
Whumper has nothing to hide, and listens with a grin as all their past cruelty is brought forth again. As if the team that they work for wouldn't already be more than aware of all that and more. Well if they weren't, now they can add all that to the list filled with their more recent cruelties
Whumper "accidentally" hurting Whumpee all the time. Whumpee is intimidated into not saying anything about what's really going on
Whumper slowly softening up to their new wholesome team. They can eventually grow fond enough to not be a colossal asshole to them all the time. Or they could go more in the "if anyone but me dares to hurt these idiots, there will be hell to pay" direction
Whumper is a cat. They claw at kind hands for no reason, they get the zoomies and cause chaos, they need to be fed on time or they become pissy, if they fall asleep on top of someone that someone will simply have to stay deathly still and wait for them to wake up because Whumper hates being woken up and once or twice a month they bring home half alive prey they caught to show off and play with. They also purr. If i have anything to say about it
They aren't close at all with the rest of the team yet. Whumper being here is a new thing. Everyone is on edge. It is unpleasant to share a room with this fucking maniac. Their eyes find teammates who they have history with, lingering on scars, or even fresh wounds hidden under clothes that they know fully well will never fade. Their smile is knowing and spiteful
"Does it hurt still? The cut I gave you? I remember how you screamed; it must ache still. How lucky that we are on the same team now, wouldn't you agree?"
No one knows Whumper at all. They are like a ghost. They show up, they do their job, they disappear. One day, Whumper stumbles into Medic's, and wordlessly climbs onto the table. Medic fixes them up with as few words as possible, and after a long, uncomfortable stare from Whumper, agrees to never say a single word about this to anyone
Whumper is a fighter. They live for the battlefield, having a little too much fun mowing down hordes of people. This is Whumpee's first time seeing them in action, and they can't help looking away right before Whumper crushes a defenseless, already incapacitated enemy's skull under their boot
Whumper knows the team way way way too well. They did stalk them for years before they joined. They know just how to get under their skin, and it's both infuriating and terrifying
Anyone who tries to break in at the dead of night answers to Whumper. The rest of the team may not even find out about the spy who tried to infiltrate them for a couple weeks, before Whumper decides to offhandedly mention that they have a hostage in their room and they are ready to talk
Here's the unhinged tags that inspired this if anyone wants to see
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Masterlist | Ko-fi
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3-2-whump · 7 months
Tear-Filled Noncon (Mutual!)
it's a working title, I'm bad with titles
Continuation of this idea
Art here
TW/CW: because this is a continuation of the previous noncon idea, a lot of the same warnings will apply. Rape/Noncon, intimate whumper, obsessed whumper, domestic violence (including brief head trauma), some degradation, inner thoughts that go a bit dark. If I missed anything, pls let me know!
He turned the key slowly in the lock, opened the door as quietly as he could, and closed it equally as carefully behind him. Whumpee’s eyes swept over the living room. The apartment was quiet and dark, dimly illuminated only by the city lights in the window. More importantly, the door to the master bedroom was closed, with no light peeking out from underneath. Whumpee sighed in relief; he’d gotten away with it.
The next breath caught in his throat as he was body-slammed into the door. A large hand pinned both wrists above his head when he tried to defend himself from the unseen force. The other hand yanked his head back by his hair, eliciting a surprised yelp of pain. “Where were you?” a warm breath hissed in his ear.
Whumpee squirmed under his master’s punishing grasp. “I-I can explain-”
“Like hell you can!” The hand in Whumpee’s hair drove his head forward and smashed it against the door. Sharp pain unfurled in the back of his skull as stars danced across his blurry vision. “Your curfew is midnight at latest, and it’s nearly two in the morning,” Whumper's angry voice thundered past the incessant throbbing in his head. The hand on his wrists tightened into a bruising grip. “So tell me-” Whumpee cried out in pain as the hand in his hair pulled harder. “Where were you?”
“You’re hurting me!” Whumpee gasped.
“Well you’re hurting me!” Whumper let go of him at once, only to throw him to the floor of the entrance. Whumpee landed hard on his side. He reflexively tried to curl into a ball to protect himself, but within moments the man had flipped him onto his back to better climb on top of him. A loud ripping sound punctuated Whumpee’s whimpers in the darkness as his shirt was torn clean in two. “Coming home late at night, with no regard to my rules, and smelling like a cheap motel –wait…” Whumper’s eyes zeroed in on a necklace of hickeys that rested on the young man’s collarbone. He slapped him, once, then twice, then again. “Who gave you those hickeys?” Slap! “Who were you sleeping with?!” Slap! “Well, answer me, whore!”
Whumpee shook his head, the tears streaming down his face as he continued to beg for mercy. “Clearly you’ve forgotten who you belong to,” Whumper huffed. “No problem, this just means I’ve got to remind you!” He brusquely unbuttoned Whumpee’s pants and pulled them and his boxers down the young man’s trembling thighs. Whumpee’s pleas of “no, no, stop, please, stop” went entirely ignored as he was flipped onto his stomach. His begging took on a frantic pitch as his body started visibly shaking. He’d never been taken from behind before, and this new position made him panic.
“You don’t deserve to be fucked like a person, so you’ll take it like the wanton little bitch you are!”
“No, no, stop, please! I’m sorry, I’m sorry, please, no, I’m sorry!”
“Shut up!” Whumpee wailed as his hips were wrenched up from the floor and Whumper entered him without any prep or lube. The man was not gentle, far from it. Quick, desperate thrusts punctured him deeper than he was used to. It was the roughest he had ever been with him, unquestionably, feeling less like having sex and more like being torn in half. Stubbornly enough, Whumpee’s body reacted to these more intense sensations all the same, especially when the man on top of him continuously slammed into that sweet spot inside of him.
“Look at you,” Whumper commented derisively, a hint of bitterness in his gravelly voice. “Hard as a rock already, you slutty thing! You’d be happy with just anyone’s cock inside your ass, wouldn’t you?” Whumpee’s cheeks colored in shame as a shaky moan interrupted his pleas. “But you shouldn’t be; you’re mine!”
He felt a thin, warm fluid trickle past the cock pummeling his hole. The man above him crushed him further into the carpeted floor. “I own this ass, and it is mine to fuck,” he screamed, “you got it?! No one else’s, just mine!”
He didn’t have to see behind him to know he was bleeding. At least it makes Master’s thrusts a little less painful, he thought. That feeling of morbid relief alone made him cry even harder. What the fuck is wrong with me?
“Why am I not enough for you?!” Whumper’s voice wavered with emotion. His angry thrusts turned sloppier as he continued. “Damn it, and damn you! I gave you everything you could ask for; I gave you everything you could have needed! I fed you, clothed you, made you into the man you are today, so why?! What are they giving you that I’m not?!” The man’s voice caught on the last question. Whumpee felt small wet drops of liquid fall onto the nape of his neck. Tears? He realized with horror that Whumper was crying as he was raping him.
“M-Master, I-I’m sorry, please-”
“I said, shut up!” He pulled Whumpee back by the hips until he was flush with the older man’s pubic bone, burying himself to the hilt and spilling deep inside him. They stayed in that position for an uncomfortably long time. Suppressed sniffling sounds filled the entryway, and Whumpee knew they weren’t all coming from him. Whumper eventually pulled out, leaving his hole gaping and obscenely oozing cum. He settled on the floor next to Whumpee and repositioned them both onto their sides. “I love you, boy,” he murmured as he pulled him closer to spoon him. “I don’t enjoy hurting you, boy.” The tension gradually left Whumpee’s body as he accepted the forced cuddles. The man planted a kiss on the back of his ear, right above the barcode tattoo that marked him indelibly as property. The kiss was wet and tinged with sadness. “So why do you make me hurt you?”
Because what we do –no, what you do to me- is not supposed to feel good. How could it feel good? I didn’t want it, I don’t want it, and I will never want it, so why does my body betray me every time? What if it’s because you’re right? What if this really was my true purpose? To be nothing more than a pair of holes to fill and a body to break under yours? What if I am all those names you call me because I think this feels good?
And, what if I act out, do all the things I know will test your patience and make you rough and uncaring so that it finally hurts? So that it finally doesn’t feel good, and I don’t have to ask if my body and my mind are on the same page about me being violated? What if that’s why I make you hurt me? Would you stop? Would you hurt me more? Would it even matter?
That is everything Whumpee wanted to say. Instead, through a throat ripped raw from screaming, he rasped, “I don’t know.”
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defire · 1 month
Mind-breaking whump:
(I'm generating ideas for my sadistic whumper/defiant whumpee story, happy to share)
Content: mention of noncon, dismemberment, humiliation
Whumper likes to announce what he's doing so whumpee is already terrified when he starts--"I'm going to give you one lash for every word you just spoke."
Every time she thinks the torture will stop, he picks up a new implement, until she starts to panic and beg, and he keeps saying "almost done" for hours
She relies on her witty remarks to keep her sanity, so he cuts her tongue. Every word hurts and she's drooling blood.
Telling her friends things about her she would not want them to know (their relationship will never be the same)
Telling her that after her, her hrother is next
"The hard way is, I cut your lips open so you'll never speak properly again. The easy way is, you go down on your knees and grovel till I tell you to stop."
RELENTLESS slapping till their face goes numb and it tingles with each one
Especially being forced to say something over and over between each slap--"I am worthless." *Slap* "I am worthless."
Whumpee starting to cry as the torture goes on, then starting to sob, and feeling stupid for it, because whumper keeps laughing and saying "it's not that bad"
Giving them a choice so they'll permanently regret it. Especially a choice that forces them to go against something fundamental to their personality
Defiant, sarcastic whumpee has to choose between acting perfectly submissive or having her tongue cut out
Tying them up in compromising positions and touching them (doesn't have to be sexual, it's invasive either way)
Telling them TRUE things that break their spirit--"your friend knows what I did to you" "your family betrayed you"
Especially if by the time they're done, whumpee is so broken that they just go "I know."
Whumper forcing whumpee to look them in the eyes as whumpee confirms whatever brainwashing whumper forced on them.
Whumpee going from "I'll never tell you" to "whatever you say." (Which can happen WITHOUT spilling the secret--you can feel broken and continue to stay silent.)
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a-living-canvas · 6 months
The First Crack of Snow
Whumper sat on the bar stool nervously. They were not sure whether they should continue doing whatever they have been planning all this time. The fact that their friends have done this many times relaxed them a little.
Just talk to anyone, drug them and bring them back to home
Those words echoed through Whumper's mind over and over. It sounds simple. It is simple. They just needed to carefully deliver the plan. Their fingers trembled slightly. They were about to kidnap a real person, just to satisfy their aching feeling to hurt someone. To put their blade on a real person's skin. To listen to their screams and begging. 
They could have all those things in just a few hours. Now, they need to find the right person, that's up to their liking. Maybe someone like–
Whumper watched them as they were sipping on their drink. Those doe eyes, face flushed red from alcohol, delicate skin, beautiful figure. Whumper wanted them, so so badly. They just looked right in the frame. Whumper need to have them, to possess them, to own them.
Whumper approached them slowly. Heart pounding fast inside their chest. When they placed themselves beside Whumpee, Whumpee flashed them a friendly smile. Probably their intoxicated state was already kicking in.
Whumper smiled back. "What a pretty thing like you doing here?" They asked, hand gripping the sleeping pill inside their pocket tightly. Whumpee looked at them through their half lidded gaze.
"Well, I just…need some fresh air…"
Whumper chuckled while raising an eyebrow, "In a bar? With the loud music and all these dazzling lights?" 
Whumpee laughed sheepishly. They just realised how ironic that would sounds like to Whumper. Whumpee rested their chin on the palm of their hand, blinking their eyes a few times. 
"You look tired. Do you want some medicine to help you feel better?" 
Whumpee nodded lazily in an instant. They seemed to be too drunk to properly function. Whumper placed the sleeping pill inside the palm of their hand, brushing their thumb slightly. Whumpee smiled before they swallowed the pill without a slight hesitation. 
Whumper squealed silently on the inside. Their first- soon to be victim finally fell to their trap. They felt a little guilty, but the euphoria that they were feeling made it hard for them to stop. They watched how Whumpee's body slowly went limp as their head collapsed on the table. Other people might have thought that Whumpee was just passing out from the alcohol.
Whumper leaned down to their ear before whispering, "Let's get you home, sweetheart."
Whumper put Whumpee's arm over their shoulders before they walked out of the bar. Their steps gradually got faster  as Whumper got a rush of excitement running  through their veins. They opened the backseat and pushed Whumpee gently inside before they drove off to their house.
As soon as they arrived, Whumper carried Whumpee gently to their basement. It was still new and clean, perfect for their first winning prize. Whumper strapped them down on the chair, locking their wrists and ankles in place. 
"Oh my God…" Whumper muttered as they stepped back and carefully observing Whumpee. They couldn't believe that they really had done this. Their eyes watched every inch of Whumpee's body. They soon bite their thumb, as they imagined what kind of delicious reactions they would get from Whumpee when they wake up. Maybe they would start screaming, maybe they would freeze in shock…the possibilities are endless. 
Whumper brought their hand to stroke Whumpee's hair but they stopped mid-air.
Is it okay to touch them?
To feel their skin…to do whatever they wanted to do with them.
It feels weird to have so much power over someone.
But still, they are theirs now. Whumper would take care of Whumpee. They should feel grateful for it. Whumper continued to reach out their hand to Whumpee and the moment their fingers collided with Whumpee's skin, Whumper was left breathless. They couldn't wait to use their tools on them. Whumper would make sure it's enjoyable for Whumpee too. 
They kissed Whumpee's forehead, feeling all giddy on the inside before they walked out of the basement and locked the door.
They need to get ready to greet their new friend soon.
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whump-world · 1 year
tag me. it's @whump-world. if you don't tag me, i won't be able to find your pieces. (then all my followers who are largely okay with nsfwhump won't be able to find your blog either!)
2. it can be as nsfw as you like. i will reblog all of it.
3. use this hash tags #nsfwhumptober2023
4. the prompts are just guidelines. take as much creative liberty as you need. the dialogue can be edited. the word prompts are for additional inspiration.
5. write out all the warnings at the start of your piece.
6. any kind of media is okay as long as it's on Tumblr. so art, writing, gifs, etc is a-okay.
7. reblog this if you're participating
day 1: anything you like!!
day 3: "get on the table"
exhibitionism | punishment | humiliation
day 5: "were the pillows soft?"
noncon drugging | denial | creepy whumper
day 7: "love me. that's all i'm asking"
pet names | possessive whumper | defiant whumpee
day 9: "you don't understand how ravishing you look"
clothes | higher social status whumpee | restrained
day 11: "Shh.. unless you want it to hurt"
wax play | in public | pain
day 13: "smile at the camera, love"
anonymous whumper | voyeurism | stalker
day 15: "i'll do anything." "anything?"
sensory deprivation | mind break | isolation
day 17: "who- who is that?"
multiple whumpers | blinded whumpee | trafficking
day 19: "you only have one purpose"
toys | cockwarming | dehumanization
day 21: "the begging, the tears, gosh, the show you put on."
captivity | gaslighting | terror
day 23: "can i touch you here?"
weapons | noncon touch | bargaining
day 25: "you're tired, huh. sure, sitting there must be oh so tiring."
exhaustion | dubcon | somnophilia
day 27: "who do you want first?"
multiple whumpees | mind games | pet whump
day 29: "you can't go out like that. people already think you're a whore. no need to prove them right."
control | relationship whump | embarrassment
day 31: "why are you crying? you deserve worse."
villain whumpee | bondage | loss of power
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painsandconfusion · 2 years
Whumpy Moments #36
Whumper coming home after a bad day. They slam the door as they get inside, throwing their stuff next to the door and calling for Whumpee.
Whumpee skitters in, already apologizing for who knows what, expecting to be punished or at least hurt for whatever's angering Whumper.
Whumper sets their jaw, ignoring it. They snatch Whumpee, and drag them to the couch. Whumpee's already starting to cry, begging - again, who knows what for.
But Whumper just pulls Whumpee onto their lap, both arms wrapping tight around their middle. Face pressed into Whumpee's neck.
They go still, just....staying like that, not caring about Whumpee's tension or how slowly it unwinds.
Because they're tired.
And after a day like today, they just needed a fucking hug.
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whumpcloud · 1 year
Things End | People Change - Four/Six
taglist: @whumpsday @whumpycries @whumpwillow @why-not-ask-me-a-better-question @whumpshaped @suspicious-whumping-egg @chibichibivale @melancholy-in-the-morning @zillastar13 @bloodinkandashes @whump-me-all-night-long @sickophantic @thecyrulik @itsmyworld98
content: vampire whumpee, whumper turned whumpee, (lady) whumpee turned whumper, captivity, beating, panic attacks, dissociation, broken bones, dehumanisation, begging (for death at one point), questionable caretaking
It's Clary alone, this time, and Vincent's surprised, but he accepts it. She's getting braver. Good. Good for her.
He means it. He's happy that she's better, that she's working to live with everything he did to her. That she can be in his presence and not be so afraid anymore. Cai's told him a little, in their brief conversations, of what Clary's recovery was like, and it only made him feel more guilty and more grateful that she's given him a room and a bed and a meal every day, and given no indication that it could be taken.
Not that he doesn't think it could be. Of course. But it seems like it won't simply be on a whim. As long as he behaves, he gets to have it, and he's good at behaving.
"May I ask a question?" Vincent whispers.
Clary sighs, and shrugs. "Fine. Go ahead."
"Were you planning to take me here?" Vincent asks. "W-When you came to see me. I mean, you had… had the bed set up, and…"
She stares at the floor. "I don't know. The bed was here already, I just threw in an old nightstand and put the bedsheets on in case I ended up taking you for whatever reason. But the bed's here 'cause I used to sleep in it."
"You slept in the basement?" Vincent's confused.
"Because of the deadbolt," she mumbles.
Oh. Because of him. Vincent shifts uncomfortably and goes back to his meal.
Clary hates watching him feed, so she stares at the wall. Tense silence. She twists her stiff neck, and scratches where her scars are under her scarf.
"Were you going to kill me?" Vincent murmurs.
"No," Clary shrugs. "I mean, I wasn't planning to. I just… wanted to see what they'd done to you."
Vincent doesn't say anything. Clary isn't sure she's really seen any of it. The cuts and bruises and burns on his exposed skin are bad, the starving is horrific, but the begging.
The begging. How did they get him to beg for the pain like that? The Vincent she knew wouldn't debase himself in that way.
He didn't change, she reminds herself. They just killed a part of him. He didn't change.
Vincent drops the bag a good distance from himself, so that Clary doesn't have to get too close. She doesn't move from where she's standing against the wall.
"C-Clary?" he whispers. "I'm finished."
Cai's started giving Vincent his clothes, the ones he doesn't wear anymore. Vincent's hiding himself in a blue jumper that looks too big for him, and it's the same fucking one that Cai wore when Clary saw him again for the first time in years. It's not his fault. He doesn't know that it's important to her.
Why should Vincent get to have it? Why should he get to have anything from them, from her? Her heart is pounding in her ears. Chest hurts. He left her to die, and this is kind, this is the kind option, because even if she just let him go, he'd only be alone again.
"Clary?" Vincent says again, worry in his tone, and puts a tentative foot on the floor to stand up.
"Get away from me!" she snaps, and presses up against the wall.
Vincent immediately recoils, curling into himself. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I sh-shouldn't… I shouldn't have moved, I'm sorry."
He's right there, this fucking thing that has haunted her for the last four years, and he won't move if she tells him not to. Just like she wouldn't, just like he fucking trained her with the pain and the fights and the uncertainty.
"You!" she screams. "You did this to me!"
Of course he's scared. He's scared out of his stupid animal mind. But it's equally relieving when her fist finally connects with his muzzled face, and he can sink into pain. Pain is a lesson. Pain is a reminder. She hates him and that's all he needs to know or care about. Even if he wishes she didn't.
She grabs him by the hair and pins him to the floor, the force of it reverberating through his skull. He cries out, though it really could hurt worse. Clary still isn't that strong, but he'll be in however much pain she wants him to be, for however long she wants.
Clary holds him down with her left hand, even though he knows she's left handed and would hit him better with it. Because he broke her left wrist, snapped it in his grip unthinkingly, and his whimpers and cries only get louder as she repeatedly hits him in the face. Blood drips from his nose.
He goes entirely limp to make it easier to pull him up. She slams him into the bedpost by the shirt, and stands up, breathing heavily. She kicks him, again and again and again and again.
One of his ribs snaps. It's isn't a sensation he hasn't felt before. Still, a sob sticks in his throat and he raises his arms to defend himself, or to at least block any more blows to the face.
And she stops. She stares at this broken, pathetic creature on the floor in front of her, and she breathes out, and she wonders why in hell she feels like crying.
"Thank you," Vincent whimpers.
"Fuck you," she growls, but there's no real malice behind it.
And she leaves.
Cai finds her eventually, in the middle of the hallway, hugging her knees tightly, breathing as though she's drowned a moment before.
"What did he do?" Cai signs sharply.
"N-Nothing," Clary whispers. "I… I…"
Cai shushes her and kneels down, giving her his arm to squeeze. "Breathe. Four, six."
In for four, out for six. Clary breathes. In for four, out for six. Four, six, four, six, four six four six four six-
"I c-can't!" Clary pulls at her hair and Cai gently takes her hand and places it back on his arm.
"Yes, you can." Cai's whispery voice is gentle, steady. "Come on. Both hands."
"I want him gone!" she sobs. "I wanna send him back, I can't do this, I wanna send him back!"
"Think about it later," Cai replies. "You're upset."
"I know!"
Cai doesn't acknowledge the outburst. "Four, six."
Clary breathes. Cai counts for her. One, two, three, four, one, two, three, four, five, six. Two, four, three, six. Two, four, three, six. Four, six. Four. Six.
It's been four years, she's twenty-six. She's safe.
"Okay, can you do six and eight?" Cai says, using his other hand to gently rub her shoulder. "You got this."
Three, six, four, eight. Three, six, four, eight. She lets go of him. Six, eight. Six, eight. Six. Eight.
"I'm okay," she exhales. "I'm okay."
Cai smiles. "Okay, dickhead time."
He flips her hair into her face and she laughs. Weakly, but she laughs. She brushes it away. Cai helps her up, and gives her his awkward little pat on the shoulder.
"Peppermint tea?" he suggests. "And I'll go deal with… him."
"Yeah," Clary nods. "I, um… I hurt him."
"Okay," Cai shrugs. "I'm dealing with it."
The peppermint tea isn't really about the tea. It's about the process, having something to do with shaky hands, because you can't spill it. Their mother came up with it when they were kids after Cai was diagnosed with autism, as a self-soothing technique and to remedy his clumsiness. Cai adapted it for Clary's anxiety when she came back. Clary pulls the box from the kitchen cupboard. It's about the process. Focus.
Cai feels like he's going to need an entire pot of coffee after this.
He heads down to the basement. The moment he opens the door, Vincent scrambles back, cowering under the bed.
"Don't!" he pleads, eyes wide. "Please don't, please, I can't, please!"
"Come on," Cai sighs, and leans down to pull him out by the arm.
"NO!" Vincent struggles, but Cai's stronger than him, and he starts to sob as he's forced out from under the bed. "Please, PLEASE, anything else, please, I can't go back, d-don't make me go back!"
Cai lets Vincent's arm fall, and stares at him as he cries and curls up on the floor. There's a trail of blood from his nose leading down his cheek, and his chest is almost definitely swelling under his shirt. It actually isn't as bad as Cai thought it would be.
"Please, please," Vincent whispers, "don't send me back to them, I'll do anything, I'll do anything you want, please…"
"You heard that?" Cai asks. Same tone as always, but lacking the edge that Vincent's come to expect.
"Mhm," Vincent nods. "I- I'm sorry, I can't help it--"
"Shh," Cai says. Not shut up. "She didn't mean it. She was upset."
"She hates me," Vincent whimpers. "Please, please don't send me back. Please just kill me instead. Please kill me, please--"
"Neither of those things are happening," Cai interrupts, crouching down. "You're not going back, and you're not dying. You're staying here."
"But I- I wouldn't… if it were me I'd… I'd want me dead…"
"Well, unlike you, Clary's actually a good person."
Vincent doesn't understand. Vincent can't focus. Vincent is somewhere else again, more so than usual, and all he can see is the silver knife and the smile and then Cai takes off the muzzle.
Vincent slaps his hands to his mouth anyway. He can't bite, no matter how hungry he is. Cai sighs deeply.
"Come on, I'll lift you up," he mutters.
The whine of pain is piercing, but Cai doesn't hesitate. Vincent barely weighs a thing.
"Thank you, sir," Vincent mumbles.
"Cai, not sir," Cai gently corrects. "Come on, you know that. I'm gonna lay you down on the bed."
Not sir. Bed. Does he know that? He has a bed. He doesn't have one of those. Didn't have one of those.
"A bed," Cai repeats. "Laying you down now."
Vincent sinks into the mattress, and lets Cai sit him up. He slowly moves his hands from his mouth, wipes his eyes, and stares at his lap. The marks on his hands are fading, now. Fading. They aren't being replaced every day.
"M'sorry," Vincent says softly. "I… I didn't…"
Cai can't believe he ever thought Clary needed to be protected from this thing.
"You didn't know where you were," Cai finishes. "Yeah. How bad are you hurt?"
"I'll be fine," Vincent whispers.
Cai sighs. Fine, he'll rephrase to suit. "Is there anything I can do to make it hurt less? Painkillers or ice or something?"
Vincent shakes his head. "N-None of them work. As far as I know. We heal too fast for it to be useful, I think."
"You're not healing though," Cai says. "Not fast."
"It's…" Vincent tries to block Cai out of his view. "It's the blood. A-Animal blood is fine, it's good, it's--"
"Don't give me your whole grateful spiel again," Cai sighs. "I know. Just be honest."
"...animal blood will stop me from starving," Vincent mumbles. "But that's all. I need human blood to heal as normal. B-But more blood would- would help. Even animal blood."
Cai's fingers slip under his sleeve, and he scratches at his wrist for a moment. Then he backs out.
"Two bags a day, then," he says. "Clary does actually want you to heal, believe it or not. And… I'll leave the muzzle off for now. But only when it's just me."
"Oh. You don't have to do that."
"And? I'm gonna."
Vincent doesn't have a response for that.
Cai turns to leave, then stops for a moment. "If we did kill you, we'd do it quick. If that makes you feel any better."
"Thank you." Vincent almost smiles. "It does."
Cai isn't sure it should.
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CW: Restrained, forced begging
Whumpee parked their car and looked at the small building, then checked the clock. Still 10 minutes early for their interview. Their dream job really, a small bookstore with a relatively small clientele and even less staff. The din of everyday life was overwhelming as is, and their mind reading abilities made crowds impossible. They could block out thoughts when it was a small group, but anything larger was akin to closing their ears against an ambulance horn.
 They almost dropped their computer when they saw the email asking for them specifically. They had skimmed the intro, it was always the same, something something, liked your resume, bla bla good fit for the team, more stuff one spot open. They skipped to the requirements for the job, replied very professionally(thanked the autocorrect gods because their hands were shaking with excitement) and went to pick something out for the interview. They had settled on a cozy, light brown sweater vest with dark brown, slightly bell bottomed jeans, as a compliment. Professional but welcoming.
They had been watching the door, when it started to open, pulling them out of their recollections. The owner had stepped out and was waving them in with a comforting smile. There were probably cameras outside Whumpee thought, since there were no windows to see into our out of the bookstore. Still 5 minutes early, they got out of their car to greet the owner, but she had already headed back into the store, Whumpee followed suit.
The doorbell rang as they walked in, but that was where the similarities of expectation and reality ended. Shelves lined the walls and some were even in aisle placement, parallel to the door, but they were all empty. The checkout desk didn’t even have a register. Was this some elaborate prank? But why?
Before they could really try to reason with the situation they heard the door slam shut behind them and instinctively turned to look at the cause of the loud noise, which had reverberated through the small room. Something was clearly off here and they went to leave when their outstretched arm was wrenched behind them. Their captors other hand gripping their shoulder, keeping them in place. They struggled, tried to pull away, but it was no use, the grip on their shoulder was like iron. They changed tactics, trying to stomp on their captor’s feet, and regretted it immediately as they felt a foot hook around their ankle and pull. It wasn’t enough to knock them to ground, but their position was now awkward and off-balance. And they heard a chastizing voice.
“Ah, ah, ah. None of that Whumpee.” 
Fuck that. They couldn’t move their feet, but they tried again to wrench their shoulder out of the vice-like grip. It only served as a message for their captor to pull their arm further up their back, causing Whumpee to cry out in pain.
“Now, I don’t plan on hurting you, but if you make this more difficult than it has to be, I have no qualms on slowly pulling your arm out of its socket. If you understand, say ‘Yes, Whumper. I understand’.” It was demeaning, but the threat had stopped Whumpee’s struggles. 
“Y-Yes... Whumper. I-" Whumpee paused trying to tamp down their pride. "I understand. Please. Stop!” The words came out strained and stunted through labored breathes.
Their shoulder was already in so much pain, and their legs were shaking from the strain, they couldn’t take much more. 
“I don’t know, you just sound so desperate. How do I know you’re going to behave once I let you go?”
Their arm was stretched even further up their back.
“I wo- Agh! Please! Whatever you want, just stop.”
“Whatever I want huh?” She leaned in close, too close. Right next to Whumpee’s ear, the change in position caused their arm to shift ever so slightly farther up their back, but every inch was exaggerated in their shoulder, their body was racked with pain and spasmed to get away from the stress position they were being forced to hold. “Say you’ll behave, that you’ll be a good pet for me.”
They would do anything to make the agony stop. What was one sentence? “I’ll behave. I’ll- I’ll be a good pet for you. I won’t run. Just let me go!”
To Whumpee’s horror, she didn’t let go.
“No, honey. Still too desperate. Now take a deep breath and say it again.”
And they did, they took a deep, shaky breath. “I’ll-” but their voice caught in their throat, pride urging them to stop. “I’ll behave.”
Silence. No change.
“And, I’ll be-” their throat was closing trying to stop the tears from falling. “I’ll be a good pet for you. I won’t run.” Their voice broke, tears falling, still nothing.
“Come on, just one more sentence. Just one more to prove how good of a pet you are.”
“Let me go.”
“And this is why you need to be trained, you’ve already forgotten your manners. Now say please.” “Please.” 
And Whumpee was released. They crumpled to the ground, immediately turning to look at the person who, not 5 minutes ago, they thought was the owner of a bookstore. They tried to scrambled back, but a hard boot on their ankle stopped that.
“I thought you said you’d behave.”
“I’m sorry, I-” Their breathing was shallow and fast. “Please don’t hurt me, I’m sorry. I’ll be good. I’ll do better.” They felt pathetic, but the pain of their ankle being crushed was worse.
The boot lifted up and Whumper leaned down, Whumpee didn’t move away this time.
“Oh, that is much better.” She extended a hand and Whumpee flinched before recognizing it as an invitation to a handshake. They reached a shaking hand out to meet hers. If they could just read her mind, maybe they could get a jump on the situation, but their own mind was running too fast, fear and panic making it impossible to hear anything else. They realized, with dread, that they had really only used their ability for small things, mostly they just tried to block everything out. Whumper stood after the shake, looking down on Whumpee. She smiled, it wasn’t comforting anymore, it was wicked, clear sinister intent drawn across her face. “My, my, now I know why Caretaker was so protective of you. I mean, if I had known sooner…” Her voice trailed off, Whumpee didn’t like the implication.
“No matter, I said I didn’t plan to hurt you and as long as Caretaker does what I ask. That will remain true. Now get up.”
Get up? What else was she planning. It was killing them not to know, they didn’t make a habit of reading others minds,but  they had spoiled quite a few presents for themself growing up. They could still feel the previous punishments, their pained shoulder and throbbing ankle were enough warning for them. They went to get up, and mistakenly leaned on their bad arm, muscle memory. They cried out in pain again, but didn’t get a second chance as Whumper pulled them up by the scruff of their shirt. 
“God you're pathetic.” 
Whumpee didn’t like the way they said it, condescension mixed with some sort of glee. Whumper didn’t let go as they led Whumpee to the back of the store and into a small closet with a single overhead lightbulb, a lone chair, and a few rolls of duct tape tossed into one of the corners. 
“N-Wait!” It was too late, Whumpee was shoved into the chair, and the closet was small enough that Whumper just leaned over to grab a roll of tape, putting her weight on Whumpee so they couldn’t get up.
“No Please. I said I’ll behave, I’ll be good, I promise, please-” tears had started to gather at the thought of being unable to move and alone in a room with Whumper. “d-don’t.” Their breaths were back to short and shallow and fast. Their head was swimming and they held their arms to their chest, hoping to buy some reprieve, some semblance of control.
The look in Whumper’s eyes was like nothing Whumpee had ever seen, sadistic and terrifying, and she chuckled, grabbed one of Whumpee’s arms and slammed it down onto the armrest of the chair. 
“I really hope Caretaker takes his sweet time.” She started wrapping the tape around Whumpee’s arm.
“You have no idea how much I want to hear you scream.” 
They whimpered in fear as the words left Whumper’s lips, and they hated how that only seemed to spur them on more. She had finished taping down Whumpee’s other arm, then stopped and just looked at Whumpee. 
“How about we make a deal?”
Whumpee could only stare, they didn’t like the sound of that.
“You tell me just how good of a pet you’ll be. Say you’ll scream nice and loud for me when I hurt you. And I won’t bother restraining your legs.”
Fuck, fuck, fuck. Tears fell freely now. They hated this, but they had to, right? it was something right? They could keep some sliver of control, some hope to run, to escape.
“I-” Their throat was tight, they tried to wipe away the tears but their arms didn’t move, a new panic washing over them. They could practically feel the bruising from how tightly they had been taped down. “I’ll be good.” “How good?” “I’ll be such a good pet, I’ll be the perfect pet.”
They couldn’t see anything clearly, the tears warping everything in their vision.
“I swear I’ll even scream nice and l-loud when you hurt me.” 
When not if. It was on purpose, of course it was, Whumper clearly knew what they were doing. Unfortunately, it didn’t stop Whumpee from openly sobbing now.
But Whumper kept their side of the deal. Whumpee felt the pressure on their lap lift. There was a click as the overhead light turned off. Then the door closed and Whumpee was left alone in darkness.
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silencedvoices · 4 months
June of Doom Day 2
"It didn't have to be this way." | scream | double cross | made to watch |
Content: Creepy whumper, beating, some blood, implied kidnapping, forced to watch
"It didn't have to be this way." Whumper stalked towards Whumpee. All they could do was glare up at Whumper from their spot tied to a chair. Blood trickled down their face and their head spun from Whumper banging it into the wall.
Whumpee chuckled bitterly, "It really didn't. You could've just let me go in the first place."
Whumper grinned, "Yes, but where's the fun in that? I enjoy breaking you far more. Remember, it was your choice anyways. I keep you in exchange for your precious Caretaker's life."
"Well, hate to break it to you, but I'm gonna get out of here."
Whumper raised a brow, "You're so sure, huh?"
The door to the room opened and a bloody and bruised Caretaker was unceremoniously dumped onto the floor. Whumpee's eyes widened as Caretaker didn't move.
"Caretaker! Oh gosh! What did you do to them?"
"Don't worry. They're still alive. For now at least." Whumper smiled sadistically as Whumpee's face dropped even more.
"You- we had a deal! You promised you'd let them go!" Whumpee's voice wobbled as they held back tears.
Whumper chuckled, "Who ever said I was honest?"
"Please! I'm begging you. Let them go. You- can do whatever you want with me! I'll do anything, just please don't hurt them anymore."
Whumpee screamed as one of the people who brought in Caretaker kicked them in the side, fueling Whumpee's anger.
"STOP IT! They're already down! Can't you just let them be?" Whumpee looked away as tears started streaming down their face.
"Oh, don't be like that. We need you to watch the show." Whumper roughly grabbed Whumpee's chin, forcing them to look as Caretaker was beaten into the ground. Whumpee sobbed as Whumper whispered into their ear.
"Remember this all could've been prevented if you'd just listened. We did have a deal, but you weren't as obedient as you promised to be. Everytime you fought back you did this to Caretaker. It's all your fault and I'll continue to remind you of that until you don't even think about resisting. Do you understand?"
Whumper was filled with delight as Whumpee looked up at them with tear filled eyes and murmured, "I understand."
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mysticwhump · 4 months
Warning: lady whump, sadistic Whumper. Hogtie, chains, starvation and dehydration mentioned. Electrocution and whipping mentioned. Lady whumper
Whumpee winces as the chains bite into their wrists, trailing up their arms. Her legs are tied together, and she tries to wriggle out of them. She stops, panting, as it does nothing, and tears start falling.
Footsteps echo around her, and Whumpee struggles again. A laugh sounds, and Whumpee stops.
"Oh, darling! You shouldn't have stopped, watching you wriggle like a worm is hilarious!" Whumper bends down, grabbing Whumpees' chin to look them in the eyes. "You're almost broken, then we can start on the fun. And I can't wait."
"Please, please, let me go, I w..won't tell anyone, please." Whumpee begs. Whumper smirks.
"As much as I love you begging, I don't want that yet. Let's get this done properly." Whumper says.
She drops the bag she's holding, and starts rooting around in it. The first thing she grabs is more chains and Whumpee whimpers, sighing as they're set to the side. A large foam sponge and a big ball gag is pulled out next.
"Here we go. Now, this might hurt a little."
Whumper shoves the sponge into Whumpees mouth. It expands quickly as Whumpee tries to shove it out, earning a slap from Whumper. The ball gag pushes the foam deeper, and Whumpee gags as Whumper latches the gag on so tightly the skin around the band turns red.
"Oh dear. Darling, does it hurt?" Whumper asks, watching as Whumpee starts crying more. Whumpee tries to speak, and muffled noises come out. "Well, I don't hear you complaining. And don't worry, it's going to get much much worse, darling! This is just the start! Oh, I can just see you blubbering as I electrocute you, as the whip digs into your skin. But we're not there yet, darling." Whumper pats Whumpees face.
"Now, those restraints seem too loose, don't you think?" Whimper asks, looking at the restraints on the legs. "Look at this, it's not even digging in properly, your skin is barely red. This is a reminder that I should've just done it myself, but I was busy. We can fix this."
Whumper hums as she undoes the chains. Whumpee tries to kick out, earning another slap and Whumper grabs her legs, the chains winding around her ankles, twice, biting into the skin. Whumper moves up and does the same thing halfway between ankles and knees, again at the knees, and on the thighs, each time winding the chains tight. At the end, Whumper smiles and moves back.
"Oh yes, that looks so much better, doesn't it darling? Does it hurt more? I hope so." Whumper asks. "Now, for the arms! If you try to attack me again, you will regret it, understand?"
Whumpee nods. She can't escape with her legs bound anyway, and maybe being compliant will bring mercy.
Whumper unties the arm chains, tying them again tightly. The chains wind around Whumpees' wrists, between the wrists and elbows, the elbows, and the forearms. Whumpee whines at the last one, as it pulls her shoulders back in an agonizing motion. Whumper grins and tugs on it again, making her whine again.
"Oh, you are making the most amazing sounds! It's too bad that I have to wait a few days before playing with you again."
Whumper starts pulling Whumpees' legs backwards to her wrists, tying them together once Whumpee is in a hogtie position. She walks around to stare Whumpee in the eye.
"Oh yes, you look like you're in agonizing pain." Whumper says softly. Whumpee whines. "One last touch."
The chain wraps loosely around Whumpees' neck, tightening as her head is forced back, the chain being tied to her wrists.
Whumpee cries softly. Her shoulders ache from being pulled back, her body is already throbbing from the chains, her jaw aches from the ball gag, and her breathing is becoming laboured from the chain and the gag.
"I wonder how it'll feel after a day of this. Will it be worse? Will you go numb?" Whumper muses. "Of course, you'll find out, and you'll tell me when I come back in a few days. Oh, yes. I probably should have asked you, but it doesn't matter much! I hope you can go awhile without food and water."
Whumpee whines and moans.
"Well, see. I have plans. I'm off to go have dinner. But you? You're going to stay here, in this position, until I decide to return. And even if I decide to untie you, you're going to have to earn the right to beg to eat and drink. I'm thinking...well, the longest time a human can go without eating is 7 days, and 3 days with no water." Whumper smirks as she makes her way to the door. "But I think you could beat that record, don't you? Have fun!" Whumper leaves, the footsteps getting quieter.
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sunshiline-writes · 1 year
DRABBLE: The Truth Will Set You Free
Cw: compulsive liar whumpee, drills, GORE, torture, slight conditioning?, sadistic whumper __
“Tell me Whumpee, do you actually realize that you’re lying when you speak?” 
Whumpee was on the floor, boot on their chest, heavy and almost crushing. The house was still in construction and the place smelled like sawdust and blood. Their blood. They shook their head. The boot pressed harder on their chest, making them gaps and wheeze. 
“Use your words Whumpee, use your words,” Whumper cooed at them, releasing the pressure for a moment. 
“N-No.. I—“ 
“Shut up.” 
Whumpee’s mouth snapped shut and they could feel the tears forming in their eyes. They wanted to beg, but Whumper only hurt them more if they spoke out of turn. So instead they laid there, trying to breathe past the boot on their chest. 
“We’re going to try something new. I’m going ask you questions, you’re going to answer honestly, or,” whumper leaned down, grabbing the power drill from the work bag, grinning, “I get to drill a shit ton of holes in you? What do ya say Whumpee? Feel like playing?” 
“N-Not really.” 
“Too bad,” Whumper took their boot off their chest and straddled their waist, grabbing Whumpee’s hand and pinning it to the ground. Whumper moved slightly so their right foot stepped on Whumpee’s right hand, pinning that to their side. The pressure almost crushing. Whumpee whimpered, tears streaming down their face already. “Aw you’re crying and we haven’t even started,” Whumper said, pressing the drill into their hand harshly. “Lets start easy, what’s your name?” 
“Wh-Whumpee..” they answered, voice shaking, cracking as they looked up at Whumper. “Good. What’s your address?” They whimpered and nodded slowly, reciting the address of the childhood home. The home that they were so readily taken from. Whumper nodded again. “Wow, no lies so far, how wonderful for you.” Whumper grinned, then leaned in closer to them. “Are you afraid of me Whumpee?” The lie slipped out before they could even stop it. “No.” They heard the drill before they felt it. Like it took a second to go through the skin. Whumpee looked at it trembling before the pain registered as blood flowed from the space around where the drill went through. Then.. Then they screamed, raw, scraping at the edges of everything. Thrashing under Whumper and fighting against them as the drill was unceremoniously pulled up and away from their skin. Their hand twitched and Whumpee sobbed as the drill, still slick with blood was pressed into their wrist next. “Try again, are you afraid of me?” 
“Yes!” They choked out, sobbing and their legs trapped underneath Whumpers weight. They tried to arch their back, try to throw them off. “The truth does wonders for the soul doesn’t it?” Whumpee banged their head against the floor board, sobbing again. Choking on air. “Next question. Whens your birthday?” Again, the lie came out before their brain caught up with what happened. “April 12.” 
The drill again, sounded and they watched as it pushed through the skin, pausing when it hit bone, then breaking through that as well. Whumpee’s screams filled the house again as the drill tore through them. Whumper pulled it out. “You’re just fucking compulsive aren’t you? When is your birthday?” Whumpee was sobbing, looking at the hole that was slowly pouring blood over their wrist, the drill pressed into the forearm next. “Whumpee, stay with me now, when is your birthday.” “O-October.. October 12..” “Good, good. The truth will set you free Whumpee, lets continue.” 
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a-crumb-of-whump · 2 years
Content: [implied] Whumpee-turned-caretaker, drugging, withdrawals, filmed whumpee, vomitting, PTSD/trauma, talk of self-degration.
"Caretaker? Could you come in here for a moment?"
Caretaker was at Whumpee's bedroom door in mere seconds; a warm smile on their face as they stepped inside to greet the whumpee sitting at their study desk. "Yes? Is everything okay?"
Much to their surprise, Whumpee had tears welling in their eyes when they turned to look at them. They shook their head and motioned for them to sit down; closing the laptop just a bit. From what Caretaker could make out, there was an email open with nothing but a blue link.
They tentatively did as they were asked. "You're scaring me, Whumpee. What's going on?"
"I saw all the things they did to you," Whumpee whispered hoarsely; trembling hands reaching out to hold Caretaker's. "The- the horrible withdrawals from the drugs they put you on and you begging them to touch you. They made you degrade and hurt yourself. I saw it all and I'm so sorry."
Caretaker nearly couldn't believe what they were hearing. Whumpee hadn't been there during the time they spent with Whumper. How did they know about all that?
As if they'd read their mind, Whumpee sniffled and lifted the head of their computer up again; revealing the screen. On there was indeed an email from someone they didn't recognise. There was a link to a video, along with a piece of text that immediately sent a shiver down their spine.
Thought they might like to have a keepsake. Something to remember the good times we had. Pass this along to them, will you?
"I won't show you the video if you don't want me to," Whumpee assured them. They reached up to rub at their wet eyes, keeping Caretaker's hand in their own with their free one. "It's graphic and- and horrible. I know you said you went through some bad times while you were gone but I had no idea it was this bad."
Caretaker stared somberly at them. "I didn't want anyone to know. I was vulnerable. Why..." They paused and took a deep breath, already beginning to feel bile starting to creep back up their throat as they pushed Whumpee's hand away from them. "Why didn't you stop watching? Did you enjoy it?"
"No!" Whumpee seemed horrified by the assumtion, and it surprised Caretaker to see them get down onto their knees and take hold of their hand as if they'd never swatted it away to begin with. "Caretaker, I swear, I- I would never. I wanted to stop watching b-but I couldn't look away."
Caretaker didn't dare respond. As they got up from their seat, they remained silent; jaw clenched so hard that it was aching. It felt like they were experiencing the same trauma all over again. Every flashback was so vivid and frightening, they almost couldn't bare to look at the whumpee behind them.
Whumpee's heart dropped to the pit of their stomach the moment they heard Caretaker begin to throw up.
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mj-iza-writer · 1 year
"Whumpee can you hear me, psst, Whumpee"
The whispering pulled Whumpee from unconsciousness, they quickly realized there was a problem. They were gagged, blindfolded, and strapped to a chair. They yelled against the gag as they fought the restraints.
"Whumpee calm down", a gentle but firm voice stopped them.
"Merehrer", Whumpee tried with the gag.
"Yes Caretaker, I am tied to a chair across from you, I have no idea what is going on", Caretaker struggled against their own ties.
Whumpee relaxed a little knowing Caretaker was their.
The door slammed open making them both jump.
"Oh good, you are both awake", Whumper walked to Whumpee, "Whumpee you are going to help me a little. You see, Caretaker did something they shouldn't have. Torturing them isn't fun though, they just don't give that satisfaction you do."
Whumper crouched and whispered into Whumpee's ear, "you scream so much better."
Whumpee shivered with Whumper's hot breath entered their ear.
Whumper walked over to Caretaker.
"Torturing you never gets anywhere. I don't get any crying, screaming, begging. You're pretty boring", Whumper circled Caretaker, "I'm going to break you though. Your beloved Whumpee will take your beating, you'll be forced to watch though, but with a twist."
"A twist?", Caretaker frowned.
Whumper strolled over and started to remove the gag from Whumpee's mouth.
"Yes, to insure you continually watch, you have to explain everything that is happening to Whumpee before it happens. They will be blindfolded so you will be their eyes", Whumper ran a finger down Whumpee's face, "fail to tell them something, they won't know where to brace themselves."
"Wha-what di..d they do to br-bring this punish...ment?", Whumpee shook in fear.
Whumper lovingly cupped Whumpee's face, "they didn't obey orders last night, don't worry you're not in trouble, you've been a good Whumpee. I hope you are a good helper today. I may even feed you."
"I will show Caretaker what I am going to do before I do it so they have time, but you only get a couple of seconds for the explanation and to prepare yourself", Whumper smiled at Caretaker.
"Please don't do this to them", Caretaker yelled, "this is between you and me, please torture me, I will try my best to give you what you want. Please don't hurt them, you just said they were being good", Caretaker pulled at the bindings forcefully.
"Are you ready?", Whumper smiled, and made a slapping motion at Whumpee.
Caretaker started to gets tears, their eyes burnt.
Whumper landed the slap across Whumpee's face.
Whumpee winced at the sudden pain.
Whumper made another motion to slap the other side.
The sound was sickening to Caretaker, was this really happening.
"Caretaker", Whumpee cried, "tell me", another slap landed. "Caretaker", Whumpee yelled finally and fought the bindings.
"They're going to slap you again on the other side", Caretaker finally spoke through sobs.
Whumpee prepared for the slap.
"There we go", Whumper mocked.
Caretaker sat up, Whumpee's yell straightened them out. They had a job to do, this was their fault as well for testing Whumper, Whumpee needed them.
"Get ready to be choked", Caretaker yelled.
Whumper laughed as their hands tightened around Whumpee's throat.
Whumpee squirmed after a few seconds of Whumper's thumb pushing into their throat. They coughed violently for breath once it was removed.
Caretaker wanted to look away when Whumper pulled out a knife, he knew it would be a disservice to Whumpee.
"They have a knife Whumpee, I can't see where their cutting. They've blocked my view", Caretaker tried to see around Whumper to no avail. All they could hear was Whumpee scream as the knife dug into their skin.
"Please no more, master", Whumpee cried, "I'll be a good slave, I'll do everything you ask", Whumpee shook.
"You already do that Whumpee remember, this isn't your punishment, it's Caretaker's", Whumper cooed.
Whumper glanced back at Caretaker, "see what you've done. Have a look."
Caretaker forced themself to look. Whumpee had cuts now covering their arms and legs. Their was a single twinkle of blood dripping down their throat. Whumpee shakedly winced again.
Caretaker felt sick to their stomach, "please no more. Torture me for a little, let them rest."
Whumper looked over their tools, "I'll tell you what Whumpee, you can pick what happens next."
Whumpee whimpered at that thought.
"You can choose from being beaten by a rod, having needles dug into you, or hmmm", Whumper's eyes danced along the table, "shock collar", Whumper turned to Whumpee, and shot a smirk at Caretaker, "this will be the last beating for now, I think Caretaker is learning their lesson well enough."
"May, may I ask how many of each", Whumpee took a deep shaky breath.
"Yes you may", Whumper smiled. "Fifteen rod whacks, fifteen needles, or five shocks with the collar, that one is a little more dangerous so I won't do that more than five."
"Um can I take the rod beating", Whumpee winced.
"Good choice", Whumper picked up the rod.
Whumper walked over to Caretaker, "no need to watch this, they know it's coming", the chair screeched as Whumper turned it.
"Okay Whumpee count for me", Whumper drew back and started the attack.
"Three", Whumpee groaned as the rod hit their chest.
"Two", they screeched as it hit their feet.
"One", they whispered through clenched teeth.
Whumper tossed the rod aside, and hugged Whumpee.
"You did so good", Whumper gently patted their back.
Whumpee's body shook between sobs and winces.
Whumper smiled when they saw Caretaker fighting to see Whumpee. Whumper went to turn Caretaker's chair
"You want to see, then take a look", Whumper rushed to pull Whumpee's blindfold off, "this is your fault, remember that."
Whumpee looked at them sadly, their eyes were swollen from crying. Their body shook pathetically. They were covered in blood and sweat. Their head fell as they slumped in the chair.
Whumper pulled Whumpee back up and played lovingly with Whumpee's hair, "I'm going to release Caretaker now, I've made sure their medicine was stocked to take care of my beloved Whumpee. That is if you want them to touch you."
Whumpee eyed Caretaker sadly.
Whumper strolled over to Caretaker, "if you so much as step toward me threateningly I will restart this process, do you understand. You can unstrap them after I've left and tend to their wounds."
Caretaker nodded angrily, they didn't want this to restart.
Caretaker waited two seconds after Whumper had left to make sure they were gone before rushing to Whumpee.
Caretaker quickly, but carefully unstrapped Whumpee, and lifted them out of the chair. The entire walk over to the medicine stash Caretaker apologized to Whumpee for what had happened.
"I-im not mad at you", Whumpee groaned as Caretaker laid them down, "I'm use to how Whumper is. I gave up a long time ago fighting them to try to save myself, I guess you haven't learned that yet."
"I'm sorry", Caretaker looked down.
"I think they broke my ribs when that rod hit, I'm sorry there is so much", Whumpee breathed raggedly, "I think I'm about to go uncons..."
"Whumpee..?", Caretaker gently tapped on their face, they sighed, "don't worry, I'll take care of you. It's the least I can do, I caused this."
Taglist: as always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem. @villainsandheroes @the-beasts-have-arrived @sacredwrath @porschethemermaid
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serickswrites · 1 year
Heyy I'm ordering a maybe two or three parts fic about whumpee almost cheated on caretaker (but they didn't). After that, whumpee was blackmailed by whumper that they almost slept with with a video. However, caretaker decided to help whumpee no matter they broke up in theory ( of course they still love each other) the day whumpee bring the money to the whumpers and got kidnapped, tortured by them, caretaker with a police team tried to rescue whumpee but in the end whumpee got shot to protect their caretaker, whumpee thought they were dying so at their very last minutes in Caretaker's arm, they tried to apologize, tried to comfort a crying, panicking caretaker. When whumpee was taken to the hospital and suffered under life support for a long time, caretaker realized that whumpee didn't cheat on them, find out that before their agruments and everything that had happened whumpee bought them a ring and was going to propose, which breaks Caretaker's heart into millions pieces, all they could do are blaming themself for being reckless and cold to whumpee on their last days living together (in their old house while waiting for whumper's conditions), and caretaker never leave whumpee's side until they wake up from their coma and slowly recover.
Note: a part of this from a fan fiction of my favorite couple, I read it on Ao3 and got so obsessed. But I didn't like the ending so I beg you for this version. You just need to write start when whumpee was kidnapped, what I typed above is just the information for you to understand the plot. I don't know If you gonna write this or not because I think It's kinda long but I hope you will pay a little attention to it. My English is bad and I hope you can get it correctly😭😭
Hello! Ok, I can write this for you! I hope that it's what you are looking for. I'll update it under the title 'In Your Arms'
Part 2 Part 3
Warnings: kidnapping, torture, restraints, bruises, beating
Whumpee couldn't believe they had fallen for Whumper's lie. Couldn't believe they had been so stupid. Of course Whumper didn't want the money. Of course Whumper had been planning on taking them from the start. Because Whumper had it out for Caretaker. And Whumpee. And they were going to hurt them by any means necessary.
Whumpee had thought they had been cautious when they went to give Whumper the money. Had thought they had been careful. Had thought they had been over the top, texting Caretaker their location and that the money was about to be exchanged.
They were wrong.
As they stood, arms held tightly over their head by the cuffs, they realized how reckless and dumb they had been. And now they were paying the price for their stupidity.
"So nice of you to join me, Whumpee," Whumper purred as they circled Whumpee. "I had wondered when you would finally give in to your urges."
"You lied to me," Whumpee hissed, trying to keep an eye on Whumper.
Whumper grabbed Whumpee's head by the hair and yanked. Hard. "I wouldn't talk to me that way if I were you."
Whumpee spat in Whumper's face. "It's what you deserve."
Whumper continued to fist Whumpee's hair as they punched Whumpee in the ribs. Hard. Whumpee could feel the bruising around their ribs, but Whumper didn't stop. "I wouldn't talk to me that way if I were you," they repeated as they punched Whumpee in the mouth. "I could make this so much better for you if you would treat me properly."
"Fuck you," Whumpee hissed as Whumper released their head. Their head ached. Their ribs ached. But they wouldn't give Whumper the satisfaction.
"You already said no to that," Whumper said as they began to punch and kick Whumpee once more. "Though I bet you're regretting that right about now."
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roblingoblin285 · 2 years
You asked for Team Leader Whump prompts, I complied. Can't write a full-length piece due to finals.
Team Leader Whump Prompts
1. It is a battle between the team leader's pride and their teammates' safety. Say they choose their safety, how long does it take until they go insane?
2. Whumper exclusively wants revenge on Team Leader. They threaten them with harming their teammates. So, compliance. But actually their teammates are incarcerated, but otherwise unharmed. Whumper just wants an easy way to make Team Leader submit to them.
3. Betrayed by their team w/3 alternate endings:
i. Classically, they suffer both the pain of being betrayed by their team and whatever Whumper wants to do to them.
ii. Whumper gives them an offer to join them and get revenge on their teammates. Bonus if they become Team Leader's caretaker. Team Leader refuses at first, but after realising it won't lead anywhere, they agree. Cue whumper-turned-caretaker and an apliance of convenience.
iii. Same as ii but instead, Team Leader utterly refuses because they still want to keep fighting the opposing side, even if they are still hurt by what their team did.
4. TL takes the place of a much more fragile whumpee. How long do they last?
5. Team Leader escapes. They either:
a. Have to be their own caretaker
b. Show up on Caretaker's doorstep and literally faint on it. Bonus if they're touch-starved and Caretaker slowly helps fix that. I just loveee this trope.
c. Make it to a hospital because that's rare.
d. I hate this one soooo much. They die.
4. Team Leader is rescued by their team, and they slowly learn to live again.
5. Team Leader takes all this torture so that one of their teammates can live. Whumper ends up killing them. So TL snaps and w/the power of hysterical strength, they murder Whumper violently.
6. TL used to be very idealistic. After they escape/are rescued, they are hell-bent on getting revenge on Whumper. How does their team react?
7. TL escapes, only to find out they've been replaced, and everyone thought they were dead. They're still welcome to be part of the team, but all of this just hurts.
8. Post-rescue, stoic Team Leader refuses any help beyond with what is fatal. How long can they keep this up?
9. Team Leader is the caretaker to a rookie whumpee. Bonus if they're normally so stoic, but they have a soft spot for the rookie. Double bonus if the rookie is significantly younger than TL.
10. Team Leader does NOT care how dangerous Whumper is. They search relentlessly for their team, and they finally find them.
i. They rescue them and either kill or capture Whumper.
ii. The only way out is to give themselves up.
11. Team Leader is a wonderful liar and manipulator. They start out by being stoic, refusing to break. Then, they pretend they've finally "caved in", and start divulging complete lies to Whumper, laced only with the tiniest bit of the truth.
i. Let's say Whumper is a sadist, but a person of their word, so they let TL go, thinking they've broken them already, if how horribly they're sobbing on the floor is any indication. Wait till they find out.
ii. Whumper does not let them go. Maybe, they're just a bit more lenient. Obviously, they hurt them worse once they find out. But, TL takes it all, knowing they've managed to score a small victory on Whumper.
12. They manage to manipulate gullible Whumper enough to drive them insane, by prying at their deepest insecurities, earning worse and worse punishments, until Whumper can't take it anymore and literally begs them to leave. Cue the smug, "I thought you'd never ask."
13. Team Leader is veryyy outwardly stoic. To the point that Whumper just gives up. But deep inside, they're broken, and they just want this misery to end. (Yayy Whumper gives up and lets them gooo!!)
14. Team Leaders of opposing sides are both captured by a greater enemy. At first, both stubborn knuckleheads refuse to even look at each other. But then, they come up an escape plan, aka alliance of convenience, then two whumpees being each other's caretakers after they escape. You can have them fail several times, but they develop such a strong bond (mutual need to survive), that they don't give up ,and they both finally make it out. Bonus if they both kill Whumper with their (Whumper's) own knife/gun/whatever.
15. Team Leader and another much less long-suffering whumpee escape together. TL is very protective of this whumpee. Are they each other's caretakers? They get help from their team? A hospital? A mix of any of these?
16. Team Leader wasn't actually Team Leader before. They were a solo agent. Got captured alone. Made it out alone. Nursed their wounds and tried to go back to their normal routine alone. Trained harder than ever to make up for time spent in captivity alone. This is so impressive to the others that this new honour hugeeee responsibility is thrust upon their shoulders. What happens next?
Sixteen prompts only because I'm literally sixteen. And why not? Also, not spell-checked or proofread.
i am giggling and kicking my feet these are incredible
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