#whumpcember day 2
supercriminalbean · 10 months
Some days just end.
Derek Morgan x GN!reader.
Whumpcember day 2: promp alt 2 stabbing.
Summary: When the team spits up and communication becomes impossible, only bad things can happen.
Warnings: I'm sorry. Blood, stabbing, death and spirits.
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This isn’t good, hell this is far from good. Groaning softly as you drag yourself into a sitting position, resting against the cold wall.
You had gotten separate from your team and one of the unsubs managed to trap you down in the basement. You fought against her but she was stronger than you were prepared for, she knocked your coms out and broke your cell phone so now you have no way to contact any one as you bleed out. You glance down at the knife lodged deep in your side, you can’t remove it because then you will bleed out too fast, and you have nothing to put pressure on it. The only thing you can do is hope your team finds you in time. 
You don’t know how long it has been now, but you’re getting colder and the room around you grows darker as you struggle to hold on. Soon you hear movement, the door flings open as the other unsub runs through the room jumping over your body as he goes for the other door, he can’t help but laugh darkly as he leaves you alone. 
“(Y/N)!” Someone screams at you before falling to their knees beside you, looking at them you smile weakly hope refilling you.
“D Derek” You couch roughly blood sputtering upwards as you lean towards him. “You’re here, you found me” 
“Yeah, I'm here, I am right here” Derek takes your hand that you are searching out. “It's going to be okay” He smiles weakly, glancing at the pile of blood forming underneath you, pressing his coms he turns away from you. “I need medics asap to the basement on the north wing, I have an agent with a stab wound who won’t stop bleeding and internal bleeding, I need help down here asap” Derek ordered urgently before turning back to you noticing your eyes closing. “No no no (Y/n) open your eyes, keep them open” Derek demands, shaking you, his free hand cupping your face. Your eyes open slowly, showing just how weak and lifeless you are becoming. 
“Sorry, Derek” Coughing up some more blood as you fall against him. “I'm sorry” 
“No!!” Derek screams out as he lays you down watching as you leave him. He can feel his heart breaking as he starts CPR, his arms shaking as he tries to keep you alive. 
“No you can’t leave me like this” He screams, tears streaming down his face. 
A few moments pass before a softer hand is grabbing Derek's arm stopping him.The rest of the team has finally made their way down, they all stand frozen by the door as they watch Derek perform CPR, everyone heart dropping at the blood draining out of you. It's JJ that approaches him, kneeling down beside him, taking his arms in hers whispering that it's over. Derek can’t help but collapse in JJ arms, sobbing uncontrollably into her. Your heart shatters as you stare down at him, your body lays lifeless beside them, JJ has tears sliding down her cheeks as she holds Derek closely. You look down at yourself, you're a ghost, a see through figure. This is the end, you are leaving your family all behind, glancing over at the rest of the team. Reid is standing frozen staring at your body, his arms shaking as he takes it in. Rossi has tears fall down his cheek making his way over to you slowly, his heart falling apart. Hotch has one single tear rolling down his cheek as he walks to the other side of the room, leaning against the wall as his mind spins. Your eyes finally fall on Emily who is starting right at you, his eyes full of guilt and sadness. You swear she can see you with the intense look in her eyes. You walk over to her slowly, hoping for the best that she can at least hear you and know how sorry you are.
“I’m sorry, look after him” You look her straight in the eyes as you speak.
“I will” She replies so quietly you can barely hear her, with a soft nod, you disappear and everything goes black.
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serickswrites · 2 years
Cast Me Down
Warnings: self sacrifice, captivity, torture implied, noncon implied
Villain strode into the room, not even glancing to Sidekick cowering in the corner. They couldn’t. If they looked at Sidekick, their resolve would break. And they couldn’t let their resolve break. 
“Ah, the prodigal son returns,” Superhero crowed from their chair. They fingered the blade in their hand that was, mercifully, unbloodied. For now. 
“Let Sidekick go, Superhero.” Villain didn’t let their voice betray how terrified they were. Their plan had to work. It had to. Because, for once, they didn’t have a back up plan.
“And do what then?” Superhero glared at Villain. 
Villain gave a sidelong glance at Sidekick. Sidekick was visibly unhurt, shaken up, but unhurt. Villain was grateful for that at least. “What you have always wanted to do.”
Superhero cocked their head. “And what’s that?”
Villain swallowed. They had fought against this their entire career. They had escaped Superhero and their touches once and had been fighting to stay free since. “Whatever you want to to me.”
Superhero laughed dryly. “You’re offering yourself in their place? Hear that Sidekick? I was just going to rough you up a bit, but now I get that and more.” They eyed Villain and licked their lips. 
“No, Villain! You can’t!” Sidekick shouted from their corner. 
Superhero shot them a dark look. “Hush, little one.” They stood up and held out their hand to Villain. “I’ve been known to make a deal with a devil or two in my time.”
Villain thrust their hand into Superhero’s. As Superhero’s grip turned bruising, they reflected that it was they who were making a deal with the devil, not Superhero. 
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fanfictasia · 10 months
Whumpcember Day 2
Alt. Concussion
Spoiler: This is an excerpt from When Stars Align
Consciousness fades back in slowly.
Anakin’s head is throbbing. He pushes himself upright, though the world tilts around him dangerously and everything is blurry. Concussion, probably. Ugh. He doesn’t have time to worry about that right now.
He got knocked out by an explosion. That’s – okay, it happens, but it’s still pathetic.
His comm beeps, and Anakin answers it shakily. “Anakin here,” he rasps.
“Anakin!” It’s Kolara, and he can’t remember the last time he heard her so relieved. “The Inquisitor’s MIA, but we found Fives, and we’re on the way to the ship. Could use some back up, though. There’s Imperials forces everywhere here.”
Oh, Force. Not right now. He’s really, really not up to a fight. “Hang on,” he says, anyway, stumbling to his feet and nearly falling, “I’ll be right there.”
He lets the Force carry him, and that’s really the best he can do. Anakin fights with the Force instead of his lightsaber, shoving anyone nearby away until Cody and Artoo fly the ship overhead, and they jump aboard.
Anakin nearly goes on his face. Rex grabs his arm to haul him upright. The lights in the ship is making his head throb even worse, and they stumble into the ship. Rex drops him in one of the seats before they angle upwards. Anakin tilts his head back, closing his eyes and trying to breathe.
“Are you okay?” Anakin asks after a few minutes of just breathing. He hears the ship engine running, heading upwards.
“You’re the one with a nearly cracked skull,” Kolara replies, “Are you?”
He rubs his head, wincing. “I’ll be fine, but did you…”
“They were using him to lure us into a trap,” Rex replies, squeezing Anakin’s shoulder. “He’s a little… out of it, but he’s here.”
Anakin lets out a soft sigh of relief. “Thank you. It looks like we pulled it off.”
Artoo beeps his agreement.
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bertie-whump · 9 months
Whumpcember Day 2: Sickness
It was only a couple of hours since I’d drifted off into a fitful sleep that I was awake again, this time not because someone had woken me, but because my stomach was churning. I got out of bed, having to grab hold of the wall as all my blood rushed down towards my feet and set a wave of dizziness rushing over me. 
Somehow, though, I still managed to make it out of the bedroom and wobbled my way down the hall and into the bathroom. I fell to my knees in front of the toilet and spat out the watery saliva that had filled my mouth. Then spat again. 
I wasn’t sick, though, not for a long while. I thought for a moment that the pine scented toilet cleaner might set me off, but it didn’t. And I waited…and waited. 
“There you are,” I heard from behind me. Rowan. “We heard movement from downstairs, so Jay sent me up to investigate.” 
“I’m fine,” I said, hoping he’d leave me alone before I ended up losing the meagre contents of my stomach. 
Rowan chucked. “Yeah, you look it.” He knelt down next to me and pressed his hand to my lower back, rubbing in firm circles. I spat into the toilet again and heaved, but nothing came up. “Just let it out, Rosie,” Rowan said softly.
I almost bit back that I didn’t need his permission, if it weren’t for the fact that I retched again, bringing up a mouthful of stomach acid that left fire in its wake. 
It felt like it lasted an eternity. Just when I would think there was nothing left, I’d heave again and more would come up. It carried on until tears streamed down my face and my stomach muscles ached. 
Finally, though, it came to an end, and I twisted around, slumping back against the bathroom wall, closing my eyes. I heard Rowan tear off some toilet paper from the roll and I held out my hand to take it from him, but he just used it to wipe the remaining sick from my mouth for me. 
“C’mon,” he said, after flushing the toilet. “Let’s get you back to bed and then I’ll bring you a drink.”
I nodded and let Rowan help me to my feet so we could hobble our way back to my room. 
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written-by-jayy · 10 months
Whumpcember, day 2: Sickness-
From this prompt list
Chapter 1 pt. 1
CW: Fever, Illness,
Word count:
Characters: Rowan = Caretaker | He/They, Adam = Whumpee | He/Him
Rowan sleepily lifted his head and rubbed his eyes with his right hand, his left arm still stuck between his roommate's body and his own.
By the looks of it, the romcom Adam had put on had ended quite some time ago. The sun was already rising through the window across the room. He grabbed his phone and looked at the time.
6:32 AM
What time had he fallen asleep? Adam had only been home no more than an hour... then it couldn't have been any later than 9:00 PM.
He glanced at Adam, still asleep on his shoulder, and frowned.
The calm, peaceful, trusting look that he had the night before, when had first fallen asleep was gone. Replaced by furrowed brows, a clenched jaw, and a single tear in the corner of his eye, waiting for its time to drip down his cheek.
Slowly and carefully, Rowan moved his left arm up and around to rest on Adam's far shoulder, and like this, Rowan held his friend close.
He wondered what was wrong...
Was it just a fever dream?
Was he in pain?
Rowan began gently rubbing Adam's arm, trying to wake but not startle him.
"addy?" his voice was barely audible. Definitely not loud enough to wake even the shallowest of sleepers, "hey, Adam," he tried again, only slightly louder.
This time, Adam jolted awake and pulled away from Rowan. He wiped the tear from his eye and sweat from his forehead.
"Sorry, Adam... you okay?"
Adam jumped slightly and blinked at Rowan, as if just realizing he was there, "oh," he cleared his throat, "yeah. 'm fine."
"Uh, n-no. Why?" Adam sniffed.
"Oh. Did I wake you for no reason, then? I'm so sorry."
"Don' be, i's alrigh'," he sniffed again, "...do you know if we have any kleenex?" he glanced around the room.
"Yeah, in the linen closet. I'll grab some," Rowan stood and walked across the room, to the open closet. He must have forgotten to close it last night. He dug around on the top shelf, realizing how badly it needed to be cleaned out and organized- a job that could wait until another day- and grabbed the last box of tissues. He turned around and saw Adam stretching his arms out.
Rowan giggled at this, "I'm not gonna toss it to you. The last thing we need right now is you getting a corner in your eye."
Adam frowned and dropped his hands, sniffing again.
Rowan opened the box, handed him a tissue, and set the rest on the center table.
Adam blew his nose and got up, heading into the kitchen.
"Anything else I can do for you?" Rowan asked kindly.
"No, fanks. 'm alrigh'."
He sounded like if death had been warmed up in a microwave and then stuffed into a dryer just for the fun of it.
"Okay. Just let me know if that changes, alright? I don't have work until noon."
Adam disappeared into the kitchen. Rowan heard the clumsy opening and closing of cupboards. What in the world was that delusional, half-awake sickie doing?
He shook his head and went into the kitchen after him to see what was happening.
"I can' find the trash..." Adam admitted when Rowan rounded the corner, almost as if reading his mind.
Rowan pointed to the bin next the fridge. Right next to Adam. Right where it had always been.
"Oh. Oops. Sor-"
He was cut off by an awful coughing fit, dropping the tissue, which Rowan could now see had blood in it.
Rowan ran to his friend's side as he coughed and gagged and gasped for air. He sat Adam down, grabbed a glass from the clean dishwasher and filled it with water from the tap. He knelt down next to Adam, holding the water in one hand and brushing hair out of Adam's face with the other.
Adam reached for the glass with trembling hands and Rowan helped him lift it to his mouth. He took a sip and immediately choked on it. He couldn't breathe. He had stopped coughing, but only because he couldn't breathe. There was sweat dripping down his temples, tears in his eyes, and a look of desperation on his face.
"Shit! Adam, hey, hey... oh god," Rowan was panicking. He quickly set the cup off to the side and wrapped his arms gently around his friend, pulling him close and holding him.
Adam leaned into him and finally coughed up the water onto the floor, thankfully not getting any on Rowan or himself.
Now, he was left gasping for air and wheezing in Rowan's arms.
Rowan breathed a sigh of relief, "Christ, Adam... are you okay? You scared me there."
Adam nodded, "..s'rry," he muttered weakly into Rowan's shoulder.
"Adam, you have nothing to be sorry for, okay?"
He nodded again, now pulling away from Rowan's grasp.
And Rowan let him. He knew Adam didn't like physical touch, and he always did his best to respect Adam and his boundaries, despite Rowan's struggle with it. No matter how hard he tried, he'd occasionally forget, as physical touch was always something he had found comfort in. Though he never understood, and he didn't always remember, Rowan always did his best.
And Adam knew that. He couldn't deny the fact that he was slowly growing used to it and even warming up to the occasional, gentle touches. Only Rowan's touches though.
He still flinched away when anyone else even tried holding his hand or patting him on the back. But whether or not Rowan knew it, every day he was actively helping Adam get better and feel more normal and more human. And for that, Adam was endlessly thankful for. Even if he might never be able to express it.
Adam glanced at the cup of water, at the tissue, and then at Rowan. Rowan looked concerned. Adam hated that. Great. He was being a burden. He quickly looked away, grabbed the bloodied tissue, shakily stood up and stumbled toward the trash can.
Rowan stood up quickly and reached a hand out to try and help Adam, but he dodged the hand, flinched away. Rowan retracted it.
"Do you need help?"
"No," he dropped the tissue in the bin and as he turned back around, he gagged. In an instant, Adam was back over the trash, now heaving and coughing. He was shaking again and now leaning on the fridge.
Rowan was immediately by his side. He kept his hands to himself this time but was prepared to help if he needed to.
After a few moments, a mix of bile, blood, and even the soup from the previous night all came up, burning Adam's throat and pouring into the garbage.
Adam coughed a few times after it finally ended and dropped to his knees, shaking and now crying.
He couldn't be a burden, he couldn't be pathetic, he couldn't be weak and he couldn't be sick.
If he was any of those things, then he'd be abandoned again. Rowan would leave without a second thought. Adam would be alone and forgotten all over again. He couldn't let that happen. He couldn't be a sick, pathetic burden.
And yet he was. He was all of those things. And for some reason, Rowan was still right by his side. Still pretending to care. But why?
Rowan picked up the water again and sat next to Adam, offering it to him.
Adam took it and drank it as slowly as he could, not wanting to choke again.
When he finished, he had gathered himself and looked at Rowan. They held eye contact for a moment, Rowan reached a hand out and Adam watched as Rowan slowly placed it on his shoulder. Adam looked back up and into Rowan's oak wood eyes. After another moment, Adam not only leaned into the touch but went farther by slumping into Rowan.
Rowan wrapped his arms around Adam and held him. They stayed like this for several minutes, until Adam finally caught his breath and his whole body relaxed into Rowan's.
"Are you okay?"
"...I don't know," it was barely audible. But it was honest. More honest and more vulnerable than he had ever been with Rowan.
That was the last thing Adam was able to get out as his consciousness faded
Authors note: I apologize if the pacing is off. I’ve had a busy weekend. Hence why I’m behind. Will probably edit this later. ALSO I NEED A NAME FOR THIS SERIES IF YOU HAVE IDEAS PLEASE LMK
Chapter 2
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lydiagrimborn1117 · 2 years
Whumpcember Day 2
Tags: @whumpcember
Prompts: "I Won't Help You!"
Characters: Ryker Grimborn/ Hiccup Horrendous Haddock The III
Pairing's: None
Word Count: 429 Words
Summary: Viggo's been missing for nearly month now, so Ryker turns to his only hope.
Ryker stood in Viggo's tent patiently waiting for his men to bring Hiccup to him. They'd captured him and the riders while they were out on a hunting expedition. As soon as Ryker was informed he demanded they bring Hiccup to him. Ryker had no one else to turn too. Viggo was still missing and Ryker didn't know what else to do. The men were beginning to ask questions and Ryker wasn't able to give them any answers. His younger brother was a far better chief than he could ever hope to be. As much as he hated to admit it, Hiccup was his last chance if it meant finding his brother. Ryker looked up at the tent entrance to see two hunters push Hiccup inside.
"Give us a moment," ordered Ryker calmly. Hiccup glared at Ryker as the two hunters nodded and left the tent. "No Viggo today?" asked Hiccup suspiciously. Ryker sighed and walked up to Hiccup. Hiccup gasped as Ryker reached over and grabbed the binding around his wrist to to untie them. Hiccup looked at Ryker in shock. What in the name of Thor was he doing?!
"That's why you're here," stated Ryker nervously "You wouldn't happen to have seen him or heard from him recently have you?" Hiccup shook his head. Ryker crossed his arm and growled in annoyance. The riders haven't heard anything either. Ryker walked around the desk before looking at Hiccup.
"I need your help." Hiccup stood on the other side of the desk dumbfounded. Did he hear Ryker correctly? Was Ryker really asking for…help? "Are you insane?!" yelled Hiccup "I won't help you with anything." "Hiccup please, I'm desperate. Viggo's been missing for nearly a month and half and no one's heard a single word from him. We've already checked with nearby tribes and I've sent ships to uninhabited islands but it's like he vanished off the face of the earth!" Hiccup stared at Ryker in disbelief. He looked like he was on the verge of tears, and he looked more miserable than the last time Hiccup saw him. Which wasn't as bad compared to how Viggo typically appeared to be. If Hiccup was being honest, which he was, Ryker looked worse than Viggo. Hiccup knew if he didn't due something to ease Ryker's worries, he'd drive himself to insanity. Hiccup took a deep breath. "And what makes you think he's still alive?"
Ryker stroked his beard his hand and glanced at Hiccup before responding,"He's my brother, Hiccup. You and I both know he's smarter than he lets on."
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baubeautyandthegeek · 2 years
Trapped With You
A/N: @whumpcember​ day 2. Hollis rescues May from an avalanche.
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The avalanche comes on quickly enough that Hollis barely has enough time to drag May away from danger, pinning her to the ground fast enough that they survive, buried under a pretty heavy sheet of snow, the avalanche barely missing them, caught by the tree layer above them. May sobs as they wait, Hollis’ eyes focused on finding a way out even as she attempts to calm the slightly trembling Police Officer, smiling when the horse whinnies loudly from below them. They move only when Hollis can dig them out, her sigh deep and soft even as she moves to help May back onto her horse, moving to mount her own horse and follow May back into town. The near miss shakes them both, but Hollis knows May will be okay in time, as long as they keep avoiding avalanches, even when they have to keep checking in with the rest of Hollis’ trainees.
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zanazirafanfic · 21 days
Summary: "'Mierda…' Javier whispered behind his hand, sounding like he might be sick. Even Charles, who unquestionably possessed the strongest constitution of the four of them, couldn't quite manage to keep the look of horrified disgust off of his face, though he carefully schooled his expression back into a mask of calm by the time Sean removed his other boot and looked up at him.
'I, eh… warned ya it weren't a pretty sight, boys,' Sean said with a shaky laugh, as if that weren't the understatement of the goddamn century.
'Not a pretty sight? Sean, they… what the hell did they do to you?'"
Arthur, Charles, and Javier come to Sean's rescue outside Blackwater after his capture by bounty hunters. Unfortunately, he's a little worse for wear than they expected.
Whumpcember 2023 Day 13: "Restraints" + "Collapse"
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Rating: Teen & Up Audiences Category: Gen Fandom: Red Dead Redemption Relationships: Sean MacGuire & Arthur Morgan & Javier Escuella & Charles Smith Characters: Arthur Morgan, Sean MacGuire, Charles Smith, Javier Escuella Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 3,110
@photo1030 @cassietrn @meeks-just-wants-to-scroll
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em-writes-stuff · 10 months
day nine of @whumpcember
492 words
warnings: n/a
While there’s the more well known type of brainwashing, there’s one I’d like to cover today. I was looking for anything to backup what I’d read from Queen Therama on her husband, but instead found a letter to the leader of the rebellion in Petyod from one of the king’s advisors. It’s extremely likely that I’ll have to hide this report, as the information inside is sensitive, but I’d like to record anyhow. 
The writing is scattered and written almost in code, so I’ll try to skip over the more useless stuff and get right to the message. If there are some phrases that don’t make sense, just know that it’s because I don’t have the energy to properly dig into the meanings of them. 
Let’s get started.
This finds you well, I prey. News of the rebellion is saddening, I hope not much was won in the last battle. The king says that he will squash you under the thumb, making sure to keep in power. 
But I found out a way to keep this from happening. I find a witch saying that he can keep the king’s mind clear of anything. He will wipe it clear of everything telling him to kill the spirit of the rebellion. 
All he needs for me to do is to get the blood of an elemental magician, the right small finger of a telepathic magician, seven strands of hair from an empathetic magician, and shavings of a twelve-toothed hippo horse’s hoof. Then he will combine them specially and give to me. 
I need to sprinkle a few drops on king’s scalp every night to make sure it works. Once the drops are on, I will tell king what I want him to forget, and once the bottle is gone it will be erased from his mind. 
Any idea of stopping us will be forgotten and he will have to turn to his trusted healer, who will tell him that maybe the rebellion isn’t so bad. Maybe he’s been doing wrong his entire reign and should step down. Maybe I will plant another idea in his head that he never wanted to be king. 
Until I see you next
Ohhh, yeah. This one is going to be hidden. Though the mixture is interesting…I’ve never heard of seven being prevalent in any memory tinctures. Though I’m not as brushed up as I’d like to be on spells or tinctures. 
Not much follow up for this one. We all know that Petyod’s last king lost his mind, I’m guessing because someone who had no fucking clue what they were doing was messing with his mind. Maybe not though. 
The rebellion took over, captured the king and is now ruled by seven people, each having earned their place. 
The report will be locked in Ezran’s room, and the recording in “Petyod history-Pre rebellion-the final king-locked” where only the Librarian will be able to get to it.
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inthecornerstone · 10 months
whumpcember day 2: sickness
tainted love
darklina, 2,700 words, hurt/comfort, pre-relationship
Alina isn't feeling well. As soon as Aleksander finds out, he refuses to let anyone else take care of her.
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serickswrites · 10 months
Winter Winds
Warnings: captivity, fever, hypothermia, hidden injury, blood, infection, sickness
Caretaker huddled close to Whumpee. It was so cold in the dungeon that they could barely feel their fingers. They huddled around what warmth they had and tried to share it with Whumpee.
Whumpee had been pretty quiet since Whumper threw them into Caretaker's cell. Caretaker was relieved that Whumpee appeared unharmed, though Whumpee's eyes were exceptionally bright and hollow. Whumpee barely spoke, no doubt overwhelmed from everything that Whumper had done to them.
"We'll be out of here, soon, Whumpee," Caretaker whispered as they both shivered, "and then we can go somewhere warm on vacation."
"A long vacation," Whumpee replied through their chattering teeth.
Caretaker smiled. "Yes, a very long vacation. Scoot closer, Whumpee, your shivering is getting worse." Caretaker wrapped their arm around Whumpee. Despite the frigid room, Whumpee radiated heat. Sweat beaded on their forehead.
"Thanks," Whumpee whispered as they leaned into Caretaker. "So cold."
Caretaker put a hand to the back of Whumpee's clammy forehead. "Whumpee, are you feeling ok? You're burning up!"
Whumpee stared at Caretaker with fever bright eyes. "I'm f-f-fine. D-D-Doesn't hurttt anymore," Whumpee slurred.
Caretaker's mouth went dry. "Where are you hurt, Whumpee?"
Whumpee's eyelids drooped. "Tired."
Caretaker tapped Whumpee's cheek. "Stay awake, Whumpee. Where did Whumper hurt you?" They began to feel along Whumpee's shirt, searching for any tearing to indicate there was a wound beneath.
Caretaker froze as they touched torn cloth on Whumpee's side. They carefully shifted Whumpee so they could see the wound. Blood crusted over a jagged cut on Whumpee's side. "Whumpee? Whumpee, how old is this?"
"N-N-Notttt cccccold n-n-now-ow-ow-ow," Whumpee whispered as they closed their eyes.
Caretaker leaned Whumpee against their shoulder while they tore at Whumpee's shirt. "Stay awake, Whumpee. Stay with me. Come on." Caretaker gasped as they exposed the clearly infected wound. "Whumpee, wake up. Whumpee!"
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alexversenaberrie · 2 years
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angelic-writer · 10 months
Whumpcember Day 2 - Sickness
Cesar was curled up in a ball in his bed. His joints and muscles were aching like hell and his greasy hair, neglected from his lack of energy, stuck to his face. Balled up tissues scattered the bed and floor. Really? Him too? First Sean gets sick, now Cesar? Flu season must've came early.
"Cesar, honey, do you need anything?" His mother asked him.
Cesar buried his face in the pillow, staining the pillow case with snot.
She stroked his hair. "Alright, I'm gonna make you some tomato soup and grilled cheese. Sound good?"
Once his mom was out of the room, he reached over to the phone on his bedside and dialed a familiar number. After three rings, he answered.
"Hey Mark. Umm, sorry, I uh..." He cleared his throat to try and suppress the tickling.
"Are you okay? You don't sound too good."
"I've just been feeling a little under the weather lately. I'm sure it'll clear up soon." He was cut off by a sudden coughing fit.
"Shit, dude, don't talk. You should be resting. That sounds bad."
Cesar leaned back. "I know. I just wanted to check up on you. With everyone getting sick lately..."
"Dude, I know. I've been staying home. You should stay in your room until you feel better. You know about your mom's condition."
"Yeah... Don't want to get her sick... Don't worry. She's making me some tomato soup."
"Heh, your usual sick threat."
Cesar nodded.
"That's good. Hey, when you're feeling a bit better, do you want to play some of the games I bought? Or maybe swing by the local arcade?"
"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea."
"Awesome. Well, you just focus on getting better. Try and get some extra sleep, okay?"
"Okay, see ya."
Cesar hung up and flopped his face down on the bed. In truth, he had been having trouble sleeping lately. Him getting sick didn't make things any easier. One night, he swore he saw something staring at him through the window. He pulled the covers over his face. Must've been something in my head.
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whumpcember · 10 months
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Welcome back to Whumpcember!
Or if you're new, welcome!
This is the second ever Whumpcember event and I am happy to be running it again! I am so thankful for all the support for last year's Whumpcember and for everyone who filled out the prompt list form! I hope everyone has a wonderful writing Whumpcember, and now, onto the rules!
Prompts should be answered with whump as the main focus
Fanfic! Gif! Text post! Fanart! Fan video! Any piece of media that you can possibly make that has whump counts!
You can use the prompts any time! Don't feel the need to rush
Though, prompts answered during December will most likely be reblogged
Post anywhere! AO3, Wattapad, Tumblr, or even Fanfic.Net! So as long as you make a Tumblr post with a link to the answered prompt it may be reblogged.
When posting onto Tumblr you can either @ the blog or tag with #whumpcember2023 and the day's tag, such as #whumpcember2023 day1
Don't forget to add any warnings necessary, such as NSFW or sexual content
An AO3 Collection will go out on December 1 and close January 1, it's not mandatory, but if you want your works saved in a collection, make sure you get it in on time!
At the end of the month a masterpost will go out to all participants and a badge you can save stating that you are either a participant or completionist. In order to be on the masterpost though, you will have to fill out a google form at the end of month; don't worry it'll take two minutes!
If you have any more questions, send me an ask, but please read the FAQ first!
Written Prompt list below:
-Main Prompts-
Day 1: Fever
Day 2: Sickness
Day 3: Hypothermia
Day 4: Hidden Injury
Day 5: Impaled
Day 6: Nightmares
Day 7: Fainting
Day 8: Isolation
Day 9: Brainwashing
Day 10: Freezing
Day 11: Infection
Day 12: Touch Starved
Day 13: Restraints
Day 14: Cornered
Day 15: Hallucinating
Day 16: Head Injury
Day 17: Fire
Day 18: Chronic Pain
Day 19: Exhaustion
Day 20: Drugged
Day 21: Choking
Day 22: Seizures
Day 23: Nosebleed
Day 24: Bullet
Day 25: Coma
Day 26: Collapse
Day 27: Bleeding Out
Day 28: Abandoned
Day 29: Paralyzed
Day 30: Delirium
Day 31: Homeless
Alt 1. Stabbed
Alt 2. Forced to Watch
Alt 3. Drowning
Alt 4. Ice
Alt 5. Sacrifice
Alt 6. Concussion
Alt 7. Hunger
Alt 8. Tears
Alt 9. Begging
Alt 10. Abused
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how-much-for-a-whump · 9 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Prompt: "Bullet"
Altın Kafes 2. Bölüm
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zanazirafanfic · 8 months
Summary: "Cold. He was so cold.
John pushed himself back as close to the cliff wall as he could, a futile attempt to stay out of the howling wind, but it did nothing to help him. The ice-covered stone behind and below him stole his warmth just as effectively as the air, if not more so. He couldn't exactly start looking around for better shelter now though, not as torn up as he was. He'd tried that earlier, and nearly ended up toppling straight off the side of the mountain when his unsteady legs gave out beneath him. So, here he stayed.
'Don't go to sleep, you son of a bitch...' he thought to himself, his lips too numb and his shivers too violent to even attempt saying it out loud. 'You'll never wake up again.'"
In which the plan to rescue John from the mountains of Ambarino takes a different turn, and not for the better.
Whumpcember 2023 Day 10: "Freezing"
Warnings: Major Character Death Rating: Teen & Up Audiences Category: Gen Fandom: Red Dead Redemption Relationships: None Characters: John Marston, Arthur Morgan, Javier Escuella Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 925
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