#whose story lizzie gonna end up looking into with magnolia when the two team up
thetimelordbatgirl · 3 months
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So tfw you and @dani-luminae in conversations may have ended up throwing characters from a EAH next gen into an AU idea linked here on her EAH OC, Reign Queen, where Apple is basically the worst and her actions are only being found out and exposed finally when the next generation goes through their Legacy Year.
And in these two characters cases, they ended up getting redesigns due to uh, changes to them in this AU- from left to right:
The daughter of Gustave and C.A 'Cupid' Le Chasser, Angelica Le Chasser is one of the few who know the truth about how Reign fought for freedom from destiny, how Apple defeated and imprisoned her, but like the other few who know, she cannot risk saying anything, not only because it'd be hard to get people to believe her but also because it'd risk Apple coming after her and her family in the process. She looks forward to being a matchmaker like her mother, Cupid, but is not to be underestimated - her father's taught her everything he knows, as he wasn't meant to be the next Gaston for nothing.
The eldest child of Rosabella and Daring Beauty, Elizabeth Beauty, or as she likes to be known as, Lizzie, was expected by everyone to grow up to become a princess like her mother...not...well...a Beast...but it appears destiny has other plans, instead having her take after her father...or her uncle, no one knows yet...in terms of destiny, with her curse already having begun by the time she starts Ever After High. But despite initially being ready to sign her destiny, not only does falling in love with a certain future huntswoman throw a wrench into those plans, but so does slowly getting dreams of another kingdom that she cannot find in the world of Ever After, a kingdom named Auradon...
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