#whore! (in theory)
animatedtext · 11 months
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offline-nobody · 9 months
he did it
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the world is his
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Arata Tono. to me.
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being a side character does not make you safe from my ace beam, boy.
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hammerhead-jpg · 8 months
More new video spoilr
To expand on the implications of my last post, here's my predictions
From what we've seen, it really seems like it's setting up that Blake will turn into Hush
When I first started seeing people being like "_____ is actually Hush!" I just went "Hush is Hush he could've just been created out of nothing" but now...
People theorized that Avior might be Hush's brother, or that Avior is going to turn into hush, and while the first one was my idea at first based off of nothing but "it might be cool" I don't believe that that's it now
Yeah, a lot of people pointed out how the sounds that Avior is hearing sound like Hush's magic, but Avior said that it sounds like someone is trying to reach out to him and tell him something so it's less likely that the sounds he's hearing are a foreshadow to his foreseeable future, and more likely that at this point in time Hush has already been created and is trying to reach out to him for some reason
Also: Hush says that the first memory he has is his Brother trying to kill him, if Avior somehow for some reason witnesses the creation of Hush (which is already questionable since Hush was most likely created in the river of death), why would his first reaction upon seeing this unknown thing being created be to kill it?
What I think is more likely is: Brachium is Hush's brother.
Blake dies, goes down the river of death, but because Brachium made a deal with the Sovereigns, he must take him to them.
When Blake arrived, he makes a deal with the Sovereigns.
They promise him that they will bring him back to earth and let his lover live as long as he helps them fulfil their goal. Blake agrees right away, but the Sovereigns (because as Brachium literally said they don't have your best interest in mind, BLAKE) hide the fact that when he goes back he'll be different. He'll loose all his memories and his humanity and become nothing more than a tool for the sovereigns, and when his purpose is fulfilled he'll stop existing. The sovereigns use the water of the river of death and the silence in the spell song to create "Hush". Seeing this, Brachium, knowing that he will bring destruction to earth, tries to kill him, but because Hush is way more powerful, Brachium looses and Hush is brought to earth, wether as a new being or directly back into Blake's dead body I don't know.
This might be the crazy part: Doc is actually Bestie.
We know that Bestie is empowered, but we never actually learn what kind of magic user they are so they very well could be a freelancer healer.
I don't know what happens between the creation of Hush and the meeting between Hush and Bestie/Doc
It could be that close knit find Blake's body, somehow separate it from the shade (the shade is fully fed so I'm pretty sure it couldn't have escaped from the room) and descide that they can't tell the police/department that they're keeping a shade in their basement and dump his body into the nearest forest, potentially for him to be found and pronounced dead.
It could also be that Hush is brought to earth back into Blake's body and Hush escapes the close-knit building before the close knit members even realize that Blake is dead.
Whatever it is, Bestie/Doc is probably under the impression that Blake is either missing or dead.
So when Hush meets them, the strange fascination/almost care he has for them could be because of his subconscious memories of loving them and sacrificing everything for them in his past life.
You could say "well how doesn't Bestie/Doc recognize him as Blake?", well, it could be that Blake's appearance has changed enough that he's unrecognizable (and in this universe about 50% of the male population has very similar sounding voices), or you could even say that maybe they do want to believe that Blake somehow came back to them in a different form, but are not sure enough to outwardly go "Blake, what happened?!"
It makes sense that the Sovereigns would need a human vessel to create Hush. Before I thought that they used all the energy from the inversion to create him, which is most likely true, but if all they needed was a lot of energy and the silence of the spell song they could've created him a long time ago using the energy that the shades took over however many years they existed. They couldn't have created Hush before since human souls don't go to the sovereigns, the sovereigns had to make a deal with Brachium so that he could bring a human over to them.
There are a few things that don't match up though
I'm not sure how the timelines go, but Elliott is out of the basement on January first so it is to be assumed that Blake's death and the creation of Hush is at least two days after that. But Avior and Starlight's coffee shop date where he first starts hearing the ringing sound is most likely also probably January first, since Avior goes to Starlight's apartment for the first time after the date I'm assuming that they went to the coffee shop right after the inversion because really where else would they go if not their apartment, unless Avior just fucked off to Aria for a day which I heavily doubt he did.
So it seems like Avior was hearing messages from Hush before Hush was created? I don't know I'm probably wrong about this timeline since, despite the website being only the timeline, the timeline is very unclear
Also, my memory could be wrong but I remember that Hush talks about his brother trying to hunt him down, which is kinda hard to imagine Brachium hunting Hush down when they're in two separate planes of existences
Also also, didn't the Sovereigns say that Bestie needs to die so that it could "break" Blake? They haven't died yet so how can it break Blake when Blake is now Hush who has no memories or emotions? Will it be a dramatic scene where Hush gains the ability to feel grief once Bestie/Doc dies? Or was the Sovereigns original plan that Blake would khs to after Bestie died to try and commune with them and his request would be to bring Bestie back to life?
What has Avior have to do with it? Who knows really
Whatever it is, we might be seeing Scorpius in the next/second to next the Balance series video
Please Erik I need him Good Boy Audios is well and alive it's not like the William situation where the VA disappeared without a trace I need him Erik please don't do this to me
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backhurtyy · 1 year
the thing about crowley and aziraphale is that they are both the world’s biggest sluts. but also so incredibly asexual. all at once.
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k-nkypills · 11 months
Me: *extremely vulgar, open about fantasies, extremely detailed about everything etc online*
Also me: *has a fucking heart attack even thinking about bringing up the fact I want them to use me and establish a communicated free use rule*
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lucien's mating bond: faked or fact?
there is a lot of controversy and theories over lucien's mating bond with elain. like a lot. who elain ends up with is probably one of the most debated things in the acotar fan universe.
soooooo, since i love to stir up conflict and hear opinions, i decided to bring up the lucien mating bond (it's elain adjacent so back off). let's get into it:
"on the ground beside tamlin, his single eye wide, lucien had the good sense to look horrified as he glanced between elain and the high lord." acomaf 604
why was he glancing between the two? was it because some part of the magic in his fake eye allowed him to see the mating bond before he could sense it? or was that entirely irrelevant?? (good luck convincing me something sjm wrote as a "side" detail wasn't important)
"his voice broke as he whispered to elain, 'you're my mate.'" acomaf p 608
listen, i knew people were gonna bring up his "reaction" to finding out about the mating bond, if i didn't talk about it. upon my re-read it becomes very apparent that lucien didn't notice/say anything about the bond between him and elain until several moments after nesta was dumped out of the cauldron.
if elain being made fae was what snapped the bond in place (like rhys and feyre) it should have happened much more immediately, it wouldn't have been weirdly delayed like it was.
also, we have watched the way lucien behaves in all of acotar and the first part of acomaf. he is fiercely loyal to tamlin and his whims, no matter what. and also that he is very charismatic and good at lying if the situation requires it. sooooo, if for some reason (*cough* *cough* the magic eye) he were to find out about a bond between tamlin and elain, it would make sense for him to do anything to protect that. and at this moment tamlin was looking hella bad (i.e. the betrayal to hybern), so lucien "claiming the bond" in his place would make sense.
now, i have seen a lot of theories about this specific scenario, but this headcannon only works if tamlin doesn't sense the mating bond yet. (and the only reason lucien knows it exists is cuz of his weird, funky, magic eye). if tamlin immediately knew he was mated to elain, then his reaction/interactions with feyre at the end of acomaf and beginning of acowar would make zero sense at all.
so my summarized running headcannon is elain and tamlin are mated and lucien knows about it cuz of his special eye, but is hiding it because tamlin's not ready for a mate yet.
thanks for coming to my ted talks
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janglejester · 2 years
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When your husband exists
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mintys-musings · 1 year
i lvoe niki shiina but that whore is a switch that gets passed around a lot. good free use candidate imo.
i also think that he has recreated the taste of most of the adult cast's cum in culinary form. just to see if he could bc he has that weird abiliy of his. it's his shameful secret. and i like the idea that he sleeps around just for this purpose. it's very silly and tbh he has the rizz to be able to seduce most people. like. he's very charming and friendly.
the one person that knows this is mayoi. but thats bc during their fucking, niki tied him up, overstimulated him, and after tasting his cum, made mayoi try it. then left mayoi on the bed and went to the kitchen to recreate it and came back to feed him his creation. mayoi probably thought this mf was preparing to cook him or something
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"there you are, i've been looking for you" (acotar p. 188)
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